Project for the senior group “Underwater world. Project "underwater world" Developmental environment on the theme of the underwater world

Short term project Undersea world»

Teacher of a general education group for older children preschool age Solomina O.V.

teacher additional education on Lego - designAndrianova D.V.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32 of Vyborg"

Project participants: older preschool children

Project timeline: 11.04.16 – 15.04.16

Target: familiarization of children with the flora and fauna of the cold (Baltic) and warm (Black) seas.


Educational tasks:

    to acquaint with the diversity of the underwater world and its significance for the whole world around;

    to acquaint with the structure of the inhabitants of the seas.

Development tasks:

    develop the ability to compare and analyze;

    develop imagination and perception in the process of observation;

    develop lexicon when getting acquainted with the underwater world;

    develop the ability to find and reproduce the features of the flora and fauna of the seas in constructive activities, using various materials(paper, plasticine, cream tubes, different kinds constructor, etc.)

Educational tasks:

    cultivate respect for nature;

    cultivate independence, diligence, curiosity;

The project is based on the support of a children's initiative (question: "Who are sea animals?")

Stages of work on the project:


    statement of the problem on the basis of children's initiative;

    development of an action plan;

    creation of a developing environment in the group;

    collection and accumulation of material on the topic "Underwater World";

    informing and familiarizing parents with the topic of the project;

    invitation of a guest of the group to conduct a master class on the topic "Stained glass fish".


    involvement of children in the implementation of the project;

    joint activities of children and teachers.


    creation of the collective work "Corner of the Sea".

Table 1

Plan of activities carried out within the framework of the project "Underwater World"


2. Paper construction.

Creation of fish in a stained glass way.


3. Artistic creativity: modeling "Seabed" - making the flora of the seas from plasticine different ways(twisting, pulling, pinching, stacking, using a frame - pencils, tubes).


4. Lego construction lesson “Seabed” (creating an imitation of the seabed and its inhabitants)


5. Collective work "Corner of the Sea" (creating a composition from Lego buildings and stained glass fish)



In the process of implementing the project, the children mastered a new way of making fish from tubes and using stained glass technique. Also, children received new knowledge about the underwater world, which they use in independent play activities.


    S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?"

    S. Sakharnov "Sea Tales"

    S. Sakharnov "At the bottom of the sea"

    A. Tambiev "Who lives in the sea?"

    I. Akimushkin "Who flies without wings"

    G.H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"

    Sounds of the sea, inhabitants of the seas

(Internet resource)

Project "Journey to the underwater world" for children preparatory group kindergarten

Description: The project for children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten, contributes to the systematization of the knowledge of preschoolers about the underwater world and its inhabitants.

Relevance: The multifaceted underwater world remains poorly understood today. Known to live underwater a large number of rare and amazing creatures. In the depths of the seas and oceans, there is its own, incomparable, amazing, and unlike the one that surrounds us with you, the underwater world. The underwater world has its own rules and conditions for survival. But in addition to all the dangers, this world harbored amazing beauty and its uniqueness, which cannot be found on land, and nowhere else.

Problem: As a result of a survey on the topic, it was revealed that children are interested in studying the underwater world, but they do not have a clear idea of ​​the flora and fauna of water bodies: rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Target: Systematization of children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

- expand children's knowledge about the class of fish (names, structure, feeding methods, reproduction);
- learn to identify the characteristic features of various fish, classify them (freshwater, marine, aquarium);
- develop the ability to find cause-and-effect relationships, establish the relationship between habitat and nutrition; to reason, to develop observation, the ability to use evidence and defend one's point of view;
- cultivate a caring friendly attitude towards living beings.

Project participants: educators, children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old, parents.

Implementation timeline: February 2016

Place of implementation: MBDOU "D / s No. 47", group "Fortress".

Project type: cognitive research.

Project support resources:
- Personnel: educators.
- Informational: methodological developments, presentations, scientific and fiction on the topic of the project, Internet resource.
- Material and technical: visual and didactic aids, stationery, music center, laptop, multimedia projector, screen, digital camera.

Types of children's activities:
- directly - educational;
- research;
- game;
- artistic creativity.

Forms and methods of work:
- directly - educational activities;
- conversations;
- art workshop;
- experiments, research;
- didactic board games;
- story-role-playing game;
- watching videos, presentations;
- thematic exhibition.

Expected result: Children
- allocate characteristic features of living objects living in water bodies;
- classify fish: freshwater, marine, aquarium;
- establish the relationship between the habitat of fish, their structure and nutrition.

Stages of project implementation:
- Research - a survey of children, identifying the problem.
- Preparatory - processing the information received, selecting visual and game material, studying methodological literature, developing a plan for joint activities.
- Practical - implementation of the joint action plan through integration different types children's activities.
- Final - assessment of the effectiveness of the project.

Implementation plan

Directly - educational activities:
- "Underwater World" - cognitive development;
- "Visiting the Sea King" - speech development;
- "Man and the Sea" - social and communicative development;
- "Who lives in the endless ocean" - reading fiction.

Research activities:
- "How the seas and oceans appeared";
- "Who lives in the water";
- "Why did the armored fish disappear";
- “Water is it good or bad”;
- "Who eats algae";
- "Who cleans the aquarium";
- Water filtration.

Game activity:

Didactic games:
- "Where, whose house";
- "Recognize the fish by description";
- "How does a fish appear";
- "Name the fish and its home."
Board game:
- "Fun fishing".
Plot - role-playing games - travel:
- "Journey to the depths of the ocean";
- Journey to the river.

Artistic Creativity:
- "Seahorses play hide and seek" - application;
- "Mermaids in the underwater kingdom" - drawing;
- "Scuba divers and divers" - modeling;
- Creation of the composition "Underwater World".

Working with parents:
- informing parents about the content and objectives of the Journey to the Underwater World project;
- learning poems with children, riddles about the inhabitants of reservoirs;
- creation of booklets together with children "Fish I know".

This project is focused on the study by children of the underwater world, the inhabitants of the sea depths; development in children of interest in the knowledge of the world around them; the ability of children to compose a descriptive story about marine life using a reference diagram.

The name of the project "Sea inhabitants"

Project type Educational

Type of project Short-term

Participants Children of the senior group, educator: Pshendina I.Yu., parents of pupils in the amount of 3 people

Age group Senior group

Relevance of the topic There is still a lot of unknown and beautiful around us. I would like to introduce children to this mysterious and mysterious world. During the implementation of the project, children will gain knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling of love for nature. The desire to protect and protect it. In order to realize the uniqueness of this natural object and to foster environmentally competent behavior, the educational project "Sea Inhabitants" was developed.

The purpose of the work on the project Creation of conditions for the education of ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children.

Tasks To expand children's ideas about the inhabitants of the deep sea, to form the ability to think. Provide knowledge about the underwater world. Learn to establish a connection between the climatic zone and the habitats of marine life. To promote the development of interest in the knowledge of the world around. Continue to form grammatically correct speech, be able to build complex sentences. Expand children's vocabulary. Maintain a desire to study nature. Use various non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques; Learn to protect the environment; To cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife, the ability to be surprised at its miracles and admire them.

Expected result To master the concepts of "sea animals", "fish", "molluscs"; have the simplest ideas about some features of the structure of the body in connection with their life in water, how they move (floats, crawls), how to disguise, about the uniqueness of each species; be aware of the relationship with other inhabitants; understand the relationship between human activity and environment; to form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature; write a descriptive story about marine life using the baseline.

Stage 1 Preparatory

Selection of illustrations, information, fiction, methodical literature; video materials, photographs Reveal the knowledge and ideas of children about marine life - What do they know? What would you like to know? How can they know? Inclusion of parents in project activities.

Purpose: to involve parents in participation in the project.

Forms of work with children

1. Examination of reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky “Night. Blue Wave”, “Ninth Wave”, “Black Sea”, A. Rylov “Sea. Stones", "In blue space”, A. Bogolyubov “Sailboat in the sea”;

2. Reviewing the album: "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

3. Acquaintance with literary works: R. Kipling “Where did whales get such a throat”, G. Kosov “ABC of the underwater world”, I.V. Gurina Tale about a harmful shark”, S. Sakharnov “Who lives in the sea?”, A S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", G. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid";

4. Guessing riddles about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans;

5. Show presentation: "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans";

6. Learning the poems of V. Orlov “Why do I need clothes for the sea?”, “I draw the sea”, Y. Dulepins “Octopus”, S. Baranov “Dolphins”, proverbs and sayings, guessing riddles, word creation;

7. Retelling of the stories “Whale”, “Crab”, “Dolphin” by S. Sakharnov from the book “Who Lives in the Sea?”;

8. Conversations: "Amazing animals",

9. Finger gymnastics"Gull";

10. Didactic games: “The fourth extra”, “Whose silhouette”, “Guess the sound of the animal”, “Whose shadow?”, “Collect the Dolphin”, “Who lives here?”, “Who will I tell you about”, “Whose children”.

11. Board games: “Paired pictures”, “Find out what has changed”, “Find the same”, “Lotto”, “Connect the dots”

12. Kuizener's sticks - "Fish big and small"

13. Productive activities:

14. Exhibition of drawings and handicrafts from natural and waste material "Sea and sea secrets".

15. Application "At the bottom of the sea", "Fish in the underwater kingdom"

16. Drawing: "Sea inhabitants" - Gzhel,

17. Modeling "In the depths of the sea"

18. Collective application "In the depths of the sea"

19. Plasticineography: "Unusual fish", "At the bottom of the sea";

20. Drawing with finger technique "Magic underwater world"

21. Paper construction - "Palace for Neptune"

22. Thematic exercise "Journey to the depths of the sea";

23. Design of the game corner "Sea World"

24. Listening to the music of Debussy K. “The Sea”, sketch for a symphony orchestra, “The Conversation of the Wind with the Sea”;

27. Raveilma "In the port";

29. Quiz "Wonders of the underwater world"

30. Thematic exercise "Journey to the depths of the sea";

31. Outdoor game: “Fisherman and fish”, “The sea is worried”, “Fish and pebbles”;

32. Plot - role-playing games: "Journey on a ship", "Journey on a ship to a fairy-tale land" Forms of work with parents

2. “Photo exhibition: “Summer at the sea ..!”,

3. Drawing up a story by a child. Parents write down, invented by the child, a story about a marine life, help to decorate with drawings;

4. Participation in the exhibition of drawings and crafts "Sea and Sea Secrets" joint work of parents and children, educators

Stage 3. final

1. Quiz "Wonders of the underwater world"

2. Creation of the album "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

3. Exhibition of drawings and applications on the theme of the project.

Results of the project: during the implementation of the project, children master the concepts of "sea animals", "fish", "mollusks"; "seaweed"; children have the simplest ideas about some features of the structure of the body in connection with their life in the water, their methods of movement (floats, crawls), methods of disguise, about the uniqueness of each species; aware of the relationship with other inhabitants; children have an idea of ​​the relationship between human activity and the environment; children have formed the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature; children are able to compose a descriptive story about a marine life using a reference diagram.


"Secrets of the underwater world"

Done: educator

Project type: children's pedagogical, group research project with elements of creativity, short-term

Project duration: 2 weeks.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, parents, educators.

Relevance of the problem: There is still a lot of unknown and beautiful around us. I would like to introduce children to this mysterious and mysterious world. During the implementation of the project, children will gain knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling of love for nature. The desire to protect and protect it. In order to realize the uniqueness of this natural object and to foster environmentally competent behavior, the educational project "Secrets of the Underwater World" was developed. The participation of children in this project will maximize the enrichment of knowledge and ideas about the sea as an ecosystem, marine life, develop Creative skills children.

Objective of the project: creation of conditions for the education of ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of implementing the creative project "Secrets of the Underwater World".

Project objectives:

1. To form in children ideas about the sea as an ecosystem.

2. To acquaint with various non-traditional artistic and visual techniques.

3. Expand children's ideas about the inhabitants of the deep sea.

4. Develop logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

5. Develop cognitive interest, creativity, communication skills.

6. Cultivate respect for nature, teach to protect the environment.

Expected Result:

Have the simplest ideas about some features of the structure of the body in connection with their life in water, the methods of their movement (floats, crawls, camouflage methods, the uniqueness of each species;

Know about the relationship with other inhabitants;

Have an idea of ​​the relationship between human activities and the environment;

To form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;

Compose a descriptive story about a marine life using a reference diagram.

Interaction with parents:

Photo albums "How we rested at sea";

Preparation together with parents of small speeches about the life of marine life.

Participation in the exhibition of drawings "Secrets of the underwater world" joint work of parents and children, educators.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory:

Project plan development

Creation of an appropriate developmental environment in the group

Collection and accumulation of material on the topic

Informing and familiarizing parents with the topic of the project.

2. Main:

Involving children in the implementation of the planned long-term plan

Creating interaction between adults and children.

3. Final:

Final event

Description of activities during the project

Joint activities of children and teachers.


Conversations: About fishes, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Examination of illustrations (encyclopedias "The Sea and its World", etc.);

Album with the species diversity of the animal, plant world, their habitat;

Examination of paintings by artists depicting the underwater world.

H. - K. Andersen "The Little Mermaid", G. Kosova "The ABC of the Underwater World", S. Sakharnov "Who Lives in the Sea?", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Little Mermaid";

Learning verses: V. Orlova “What are the outfits for for the sea? ”,“ I draw the sea ”, Y. Dulepins, V. Stepanov“ Black Sea ”.


Creative stories:"How I went to the dolphinarium" (selection).

Evening of riddles, poems about the sea world.

Word games:“Describe the animal”, “Guess the riddle”, “Who hears what? "," Whose kids? ”, “Find the item according to the description”, “Name it in one word”.


Didactic games:"The Little Mermaid", "The Fourth Extra", "Whose Silhouette", "Guess the Sound of the Animal", "Whose Shadow?".

Board-printed games:“Paired pictures”, “Find out what has changed”, “Find the same”, “Lotto”, “Connect the dots”.

Plot - role-playing games:"Journey by ship", "Underwater expedition".


"Fish in the aquarium", "Underwater world", "River fish", "Secrets of the underwater world" (collective work).

Application with drawing elements "The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling."

Modeling:"At the bottom of the sea".

Outdoor games:“Fisherman and fish”, “The sea is worried”, “Fish and pebbles”, “Water”, “Diver”.


Listening to music:"Sounds of the Sea", "Dolphin Sounds"; Debussy K. "Sea".

The final stage:

Exhibition of drawings "Secrets of the underwater world";

Victoria Volgina

Name project« Undersea world»

Composition and age design groups Average group of kindergarten (4 - 5 years)

Implementation period (short term, 2 weeks)

Typology project Intra-institutional, cognitive-research, game, creative

Educational areas

socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development;

physical development.

Relevance The underwater world is very colorful, bright, but not directly accessible for children to study. Modern tools and teaching methods allow you to do this, which contributes to "immersion" children in a topic that is interesting to them and makes them active participants in the educational process. Suggested topic project gives children the opportunity to get to know the inhabitants underwater world through cognitive research, creative and play activities.

Target project Expand children's knowledge about underwater the world and its inhabitants and create conditions for the realization of the creative potential of children, through the development of new ways of activity and solving problem situations.

Tasks project 1. Get to know diversity underwater world, with its significance for all life on the planet.

2. Develop imagination, thinking, the ability to compare and analyze in the process of observing and studying natural objects

3. Enrich children's vocabulary and knowledge about underwater world.

4. Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in creative activities.

5. Cultivate respect for nature

6. To cultivate communication skills, independence, diligence, observation and curiosity towards all living things.

Characteristics of the activities of participants within the project(briefly) Children: acquire new knowledge and skills, apply them in practice, develop creative abilities.

Kindergarten teachers: continue to master the method design- a method of organizing a rich activity of children, to develop creative and cognitive thinking in children.

Parents: assistance in implementation project and active participation in the life of the kindergarten.

Technologies Technology of multi-level education, gaming technology, non-traditional drawing techniques, integrated classes, ICT

Methods and techniques

Method design, game situations, observation, communication, cognitive and research activities, physical activity

Why is there so much water around?

Do flowers grow underwater?

And who lives at the bottom of the sea?

We will all know about it!

According to the program for middle group kindergarten designed theme "Fish", but we felt that this topic is too narrow and with the help of modern learning technologies it is possible to expand this topic and deepen the knowledge of children. We propose to tell children not only about fish, but also underwater life in general. Underwater the world is very beautiful and diverse, and this topic will be very relevant and useful for children, since many children go to the sea in the summer, where they can see and meet different representatives of the deep sea.

Also in the nearest city of St. Petersburg there is an oceanarium and a dolphinarium, where children can see with their own eyes aquatic inhabitants and should know their differences and habitat features.

Work with children:

Preliminary work with children was carried out on the topic "Rivers, Seas and Oceans" to give an idea of ​​the water space of the Earth, looking at illustrations, watching a cartoon "Autumn Ships", talk about underwater inhabitants to determine the level of knowledge of children. Distressed questions: what marine inhabitants do you know? Where can you see them? how can you see them). Analysis of the level of knowledge of children.

Working with parents:

Familiarization of parents with goals and objectives project

Homework for parents with children

Collaboration with the second teacher on the selection of attributes, games and musical accompaniment, solving organizational issues.

main stage project

Video presentations: "Amazing underwater world", "Jellyfish", "Mammals", "Journey Under Water", "Sounds of Nature"

Reading "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A. S. Pushkin

Didactic games and others games: "Find out by description", "Who is this", "The fourth extra", "Lay out the picture", "Paint according to the model", riddles, "The sea worries once", puzzles, fishing magazines

cartoons: Octopuses, Finding Nemo

Construction: Paper origami - colorful fish

Experimentation: Use colored sea salt to create your own sea, compare fresh and salt water, study the properties of water.

Observation] snails, fish in the aquarium, turtle in the aquarium

modeling: Fish

Application: Teamwork

Drawing: Collective work "Octopussy from the palm"

"Jellyfish" - open class. Non-traditional drawing technique - on a wet sheet.

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