Interesting tricks in the classroom of computer science. Using the techniques of trkm in informatics lessons. Development of cognitive activity of students in informatics lessons


When working, pay attention to the hierarchy of questions that accompany each stage of the Brainstorm:

    Level I - what do you know? II level - how do you understand it? (application of other knowledge, analysis) III level - application, analysis, synthesis

In addition to the well-known examples of the use of "Brainstorming" techniques, when students are asked to sequentially answer questions of different levels

For example:

    Level I - Give examples of performers; Level II - What algorithms do your performers perform? How are they similar and how do they differ? Level III - Do we need performers?
    Level I - What cyclical algorithms do you encounter every day? Level II - Do you always know the number of repetitions in your cycles in advance? Level III - What would happen if the cycles disappeared from our lives?

In computer science lessons, it is convenient to use this method to solve the following type of problems:

Reception "Basket" of ideas, concepts, names ...

This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when their experience and knowledge are being updated. It allows you to find out everything that students know or think about the topic under discussion. On the board, you can draw a basket icon, in which everything that all students together know about the topic being studied will be collected.

Many lessons for learning new material begin with the “Basket” technique, the main ideas of the upcoming lesson are demonstrated on the board or displayed through the projector. For example, in the lesson of studying the “Linear Algorithm”, you can invite students to express how they think which algorithm can be called linear, give examples. In the lesson of studying the “Cycle”, suggest suggesting what a cycle is, what examples of cyclic actions they can give.

Inverted logic circuits (link a sequence of information elements in the desired sequence)

Here are some examples of using this technique in the classroom.

Breakdown into clusters (building a logograph - highlighting blocks of ideas)

cluster- this is a graphic organization of the material, showing the semantic fields of a particular concept. The word cluster in translation means a beam, a constellation. Clustering allows students to think freely and openly about a topic. The student writes down a key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draws arrow-rays in different directions, which connect this word with others, from which, in turn, the rays diverge further and further.

It is convenient to use the cluster technique as an intermediate assessment of students' work, their understanding of the concepts considered. So, for example, before moving on to getting to know the Robot performer, you can ask the guys to depict the connection with all the concepts studied, starting from the keyword Algorithm (at the same time, this cluster can be accessed throughout the course, supplementing it with new components). I will give several examples of clusters created by the guys during the study of this course.

ZUH mechanism (I know, I learned, I want to know)

In each of the columns it is necessary to post the information received during the lesson. The "Marking table" technique allows the computer science teacher to control the work of each student in the lesson, his understanding and interest in the topic being studied. You can refer to this table several times per lesson. At the Challenge stage, the first column is filled in, at the Implementation stage, the second column, and at the Reflection stage, the third. Here, for example, what marking tables were compiled by the guys in some lessons.

Learned new

I want to know more

Variables and actions on them. Cycles

How to find the sum of several numbers

Learned new

I want to know more

Cycle for. Row and column commands

How to paint over a row of a field, a rectangular area of ​​​​a field, the entire working field

How to paint the entire working field of the Robot in different colors

Reception "Marginal notes" (insert) ("v" - I thought so, "+" - new information, "+!" - very valuable information, "-" - I have it differently, "?" - not very clear, I'm surprised)

This technique requires the student not the usual passive reading, but active and attentive. It obliges not just to read, but to read the text, to track one's own understanding in the process of reading the text or perceiving any other information. In practice, students simply skip what they don't understand. And in this case, the marking “question” obliges them to be attentive and note the incomprehensible. The use of markers makes it possible to relate new information to existing representations.

A very convenient technique when a lesson needs to cover a large amount of material, especially when it is of a theoretical nature. Since students work with workbooks, this is quite easy to do, this technique will work especially well in lessons on studying topics such as Auxiliary Algorithm, Conditions in the Robot Language, Variables, Input, Data Output.

Reception "Cube"

In computer science, many problems have several solutions, and the choice of the optimal possible solution depends on the criteria that we impose on the solution of the problem.

So, let's imagine that the cube is a certain condition of the problem, and its faces are the possible ways to solve it. This technique can be implemented both individually and in groups.

You can see examples of such tasks below:

Sinkwain - a way of creative reflection - a "poem" written according to certain rules

Acquaintance with syncwine is carried out according to the following procedure:

1. The rules for writing syncwine are explained.

2. Several syncwines are given as an example.

3. The theme of the syncwine is set.

4. The time for this type of work is fixed.

5. Variants of syncwines are heard at the request of the students.


soulful, open

Loving, seeking, thinking

Lots of ideas, little time



Fussy, noisy

Explains, explains, waits

When will this torture end?

poor fellow

Syncwines are useful to the student as a tool for synthesizing complex information. To the teacher - as a cut of the assessment of the conceptual and vocabulary of students. Sinkwain - sums up information, lays out complex ideas, feelings and ideas in a few words.

You can use syncwines when studying any subject.

The use of syncwines is possible in virtually every lesson, both at its beginning, as an initial reflection, and as a completion of the lesson.

I will give a few examples of syncwines written by students while studying a computer science course in the 6th grade.


complex, different

Repeats, works, loops

You can't peel potatoes without a cycle



full, abbreviated

proposes, chooses, decides

Gotta choose the right path


Essay Writing Reception

The meaning of this technique can be expressed in the following words: "I write in order to understand what I think." This is a free letter on a given topic, in which independence, manifestation of individuality, debatability, originality in solving a problem, and argumentation are valued. Usually an essay is written right in the class after discussing the problem and takes no more than 5 minutes. In the lessons within the framework of this program, this technique is convenient to use in terms of final reflection, when an important educational topic has been considered or a serious problem has been solved, as an option when there is not enough for oral reflection at the end of the lesson.

Informatics as a science of various ways of obtaining, storing, transmitting and processing information provides the teacher with many opportunities for the development of students' thinking. In particular, in my lessons I use some techniques critical thinking development technologies (TRCM). I got acquainted with the possibilities of this technology at the advanced training courses "Interactive Information Tools in the Educational Process" in April 2012.

The purpose of this technology- development of students' mental skills, which are necessary not only in studies, but also in everyday life (the ability to make informed decisions, work with information, analyze various aspects of phenomena, etc.).

Through TRCM at the lessons of informatics are formed:

  • educational motivation - active perception of educational material;
  • key competence - the formation of communication skills;
  • information literacy is the development of the ability for independent analytical and evaluation work with information.

The basic model of TKM includes the following stages (stages):

  • challenge - actualization of existing knowledge; awakening interest in obtaining new information; setting the student's own learning goals.
  • comprehension - obtaining new information; students relate old knowledge to new knowledge.
  • reflection - the birth of new knowledge; setting new learning goals by the student.

There are a large number of techniques for developing critical thinking, but not all of them are suitable for computer science lessons. Currently, I use the following techniques at various stages of the lesson:

I. Classification. Some objects are shown in front of the class, students are invited to divide them into groups, taking into account significant similarities and differences between these objects. After hearing different opinions and having come to a more or less unanimous decision, the teacher invites the students to get acquainted with the sample and determine whether their assumptions were correct. This technique contributes to the development of attention and logical thinking, has cognitive value.

II. Confusing logical chains. Events (objects) are shown in front of the class in a deliberately broken sequence. Students are encouraged to restore the correct order of the chronological or causal chain. After hearing different opinions and having come to a more or less unanimous decision, the teacher invites the students to get acquainted with the sample and determine whether their assumptions were correct. This technique contributes to the development of attention and logical thinking.

III. Cluster. The selection of semantic units of the text and their graphic design in a certain order in the form of a "bunch". Clusters can become both a leading technique at the stage of challenge, reflection, and a lesson strategy as a whole. The most important thing is the allocation of the center - most often this is the name of the topic, rays depart from it - large semantic units, and the corresponding terms and concepts may depart from them. Thanks to the cluster, you can cover a large amount of information. This technique allows you to visualize those thought processes that occur when immersed in a particular topic.

In this article, I want to consider (on specific examples) some methodological features of using the above-mentioned RTCM techniques at various stages of an informatics lesson. In addition, in my article I will focus on the possibilities of such a tool that supports dynamic interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom, which is currently an electronic interactive whiteboard.

I. Classification. This technique can be used at all stages (challenge, comprehension and reflection). For example, in the 2nd grade, when studying the topic “Identical and different chains” (TCM Semenova A.L., Rudchenko T.A.), at the challenge stage, students are offered the following task (see screenshot of the board screen in Fig. 1). Students put forward their hypotheses about the features that are essential for the objects depicted on the board. After all opinions are heard, the teacher invites students to complete the task on the board (two students have time to work at the board, the rest prompt those working at the board, correct their mistakes). After completing the task (see the screenshot of the board screen in Fig. 2), students independently formulate the topic (see above) and the objectives of the lesson (compare chains, find identical and different chains in the set).

II. Messed up logic chain. This technique can be used at the stage of calling and comprehending new material. For example, in the 6th grade, when studying the topic “Algorithm” ( UMK Bosovoy L.L.), at the stage of comprehension, students are asked to restore the correct sequence of tea brewing (see the screen shot of the blackboard screen in Fig. 3). When completing a task, several people can work at the board, building various correct (in their opinion) algorithms for brewing tea (see the screen shot of the board screen in Fig. 4). After discussing each of the algorithms, the teacher displays the flipchart page with the correct solution (see the screen shot of the board screen in Fig. 5), and students can compare their algorithms with the sample (standard). The use of an interactive whiteboard in this case provides a more effective development of new concepts due to visibility, by involving children in active cognitive activity, which leads to a better understanding and memorization of new material.

III. Cluster. This technique can be used at all stages (challenge, comprehension and reflection). For example, in the 8th grade, when studying the topic “The main components of a computer” ( TMC Bosovoy L.L.) at the stage of reflection, students are asked to make a cluster that helps to understand the hierarchical structure of groups of computer devices (see screenshot of the board screen in Fig. 6). This task allows at least five students to work at the blackboard, the rest prompt those working at the blackboard, and if necessary, they can go to the blackboard and correct the shortcomings of their classmates. After building the correct (in the opinion of the students) scheme and discussing it (see the screen shot of the board screen in Fig. 7), the teacher opens the flipchart page with the correct scheme, and students can compare their cluster with the standard (see the screen shot of the board screen on Fig. 7). Fig. 8). Tasks of this kind help students to carry out further tasks for systematizing information not only in computer science lessons, but also in other school subjects.

It can be concluded that the use of the above methods in computer science lessons helps to systematize the information being studied, i.e. information is brought to a certain form, displayed in a certain completed form, which fills it with a certain meaning and meaning. This helps students to perceive educational material more clearly, interpret educational information, reduce it to simplified synthesized images and categories.

In conclusion, I want to note the following advantages of using an interactive whiteboard as part of the use of RTCM:

1) the acquisition by students of new skills in working with interactive equipment;
2) active involvement of students in cognitive activities;
3) improving the pace and flow of the lesson (it takes less time to complete tasks);
4) increasing the motivation, interest of students due to the novelty of the way the material is presented.

Of course, using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process, you need to keep in mind the disadvantages of this technical tool:

1) the teacher spends a lot of time preparing for the lesson (search on the Internet for suitable presentations, Flash videos, programs, tests, developing their own presentations and flipcharts);
2) sometimes a lesson turns into a game (for grades 5-6 this is still acceptable, but for grades 7-9, and even more so for grades 10-11, it is undesirable and even unacceptable);
3) visual deterioration of students (it is necessary to comply with the norms of SANPIN when working with the board - no more than 20 minutes);
4) technical failures in the equipment are possible (the calibration of the board may be violated, the batteries in the pointer may “sit down”, etc.).

Resources used:

1. Semenov A.L., Rudchenko T.A. Informatics. Grade 2 Textbook for educational institutions. - M .: Education: Institute of New Technologies, 2012.
2. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT. Textbook for grade 6. – M.: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.
3. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT. Textbook for grade 8. – M.: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory, 2011.
4. The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process: a teaching aid / Authors-compilers: D.P. Tevs, V.N. Podkovyrova, E.I.. Apolskikh, M.V. Afonina. - Barnaul: BSPU, 2006.
5. Volkova I.A. Shparuta N.V. A modern lesson with an interactive board ActiveBoard. - Yekaterinburg: IRO, 2012.
6. TRCM - technology for the development of critical thinking. //
7. TRCM - pedagogical technologies. //
8. Techniques and strategies for TRCM //
9. Hitachi interactive whiteboards // Infologika.

The need for acquiring new knowledge is inherent in young children by nature. According to psychologists, by the middle level of the school, this need is sharply reduced, since the child is already overwhelmed with information. Here it is possible to use other natural needs of the child for a given age: the need for communication, self-expression and self-realization, the need for new activities

Children may learn poorly as a result of deliberate avoidance of learning. Some smart enough children refuse education, believing that it is not worth the work that they have to do to get it.

It is known that motivation is generally understood as the processes that determine the movement towards the goal, as well as factors (external and internal) that affect the activity and passivity of behavior.

To increase motivation, you need to:

    to provide students with a sense of progress, an experience of success in activities, for which it is necessary to correctly select the level of complexity of tasks and deservedly evaluate the result of the activity;

    use all the possibilities of educational material in order to interest students, raise problems, activate independent thinking;

    to organize the cooperation of students in the lesson, mutual assistance, a positive attitude towards the subject as a whole;

    to build relationships with students correctly, to be interested in their success;

    see the individuality of each student, motivate each, based on his personal motives.

We all know about the conditions listed above for the development of sustainable motivation for learning. But the question remains how to put it into practice.

At the beginning of studying a new course, section or topic, we often say something like the following: “In modern society, a person cannot be successful without knowledge of computer science (physics, chemistry, biology, history, ... - you can substitute any subject from the school schedule here)” But in reality, children see that many poorly educated people live much better than school teachers and university professors . So this method of creating motivation, alas, is ineffective in our time. Contrary to popular belief about the high level of students' interest in computer science, every year it becomes more and more difficult to maintain this interest. You can often hear the phrase "Why do I need computer science? I'm not going to be a programmer" from students. This usually happens when it is necessary to study the mathematical aspects of computer science (algorithm theory, logic, calculation methods, i.e. what causes difficulties in understanding).

For many years, the motivation for studying computer science was primarily interest in computers. However, every day, for most children, the computer becomes actually a household appliance and loses its mysterious halo, and with it the motivational force.

You have probably often noticed that the words "I won't teach it because it will never be needed" sound much more often than "I won't teach it because it's not interesting". Thus, one can take advantage of the fact that INTEREST always takes precedence over pragmatics in creating motivation, especially among junior and intermediate students. In high school, in accordance with age characteristics, motivation should be predominantly pragmatic.

After analyzing articles related to motivation in the classroom, I noticed that there are a number of techniques that allow you to motivate children to study. Each of these techniques, consciously or on an intuitive level, is used by each teacher during their lessons. to me I would like to talk about the techniques and methods of creating motivation that I use in my lessons and which, in my opinion, allow me to study the material most effectively.

Reception first: appeal to the life experience of children.

The reception consists in the fact that the teacher discusses with the students well-known situations, the understanding of the essence of which is possible only when studying the proposed material. It is only necessary that the situation be really vital and interesting, and not far-fetched.

So, when studying topics on Databases, the following situation can be cited as a vivid example - the purchase of a product. First, together with the children, you need to decide on the type of product to be purchased. For example, it will be a monitor. Then the question of its technical characteristics is decided (we note another advantage of such a conversation - the children imperceptibly repeat at the same time the previously studied material from the topic “PC hardware”). Next, you need to consider all the possibilities of acquiring a monitor with the characteristics named by the children. The options offered by children are very diverse, but this method will certainly sound as a search for a company specializing in sales of office equipment via the Internet. Thus, it is possible to search for specific information in databases, which, by the way, is the main topic of the lesson.

In addition, appealing to the experience of children is not only a technique for creating motivation. More importantly, students see the applicability of the knowledge they receive in practical activities. It is no secret that for many school disciplines, students do not have the slightest idea how they can apply the knowledge they receive. What, by the way, I try to talk about in almost every lesson is like a summary of many topics. Why is this topic important and how it will be useful to us in life.

Reception two: creating a problem situation

It is undeniable that for many of us this technique is regarded as universal. It consists in the fact that students are faced with a problem, overcoming which, the student masters the knowledge, skills and abilities that he needs to learn according to the program.

Example s

    The intentional creation of a problem situation in the title of the topic of the lesson “works” very effectively.

An interesting wording of topics is found in the textbook “Informatics and ICT. Beginner level, ed. Makarova N.V. “What is hiding in the menu bar?”, “One assistant is good, but two is better”, “Algorithms in our life”. But already in the middle and senior level, such topics do not occur. Therefore, I myself transform the topic, formulating it in a problematic way. “How to measure the amount of information?” instead of “Information units”. “Algorithm is ...” instead of the usual “Algorithm concept.” “Editor functions” instead of “Document editing” 2) Questions asked during the lesson. Computer science textbooks offer many tasks and questions. For example:

  • What is a chip?

All these questions are aimed at ensuring that, after reading the textbook or listening to the teacher's explanation, the children can reproduce the information that they understood and remembered. Such cognitive processes as attention, perception, memory, representation are included in the action. But is it possible to assert that, answering these questions, children think? imagine? Most probably not. Why? Because the questions are of a reproductive nature and do not include schoolchildren in a state of mental difficulty, contradiction. In other words, questions do not create a problem situation. It is obvious that one cannot do without reproductive issues in teaching, since they allow one to control the degree of understanding and assimilation of information and factual material by schoolchildren. It is known that "an empty head does not reason" (

What is an information model? Can this model be called informational?
What actions can be performed on folders? What actions can be performed on folders, but not on files (or vice versa)?
What is a chip? Chip is a microprocessor?
Name the main devices of a computer. Is the mouse the main device of the computer?
What is meant by computer performance? The number of elementary operations performed in one minute is the performance of the computer?

P.P. Blonsky). However, one cannot manage only with reproductive issues; one can reformulate them, turning them into problematic ones. These questions are already problematic. Their main feature is that they cause in the subject, the student, the state of a perceived contradiction between knowledge and ignorance, the way out of which can only be the search for an answer to the question. This state is the problematic situation. 3) Your attention is invited to a problematic task with a contradictory way of solving. Studying the topic “Types of addressing in an MS Excel spreadsheet” (Grade 9), I propose the task of summing numbers from two columns. An indispensable requirement of the problem is that the sum formula must be copied. The solution of the problem goes without visible problems using the autocomplete function. Next, I propose to solve the same problem by making small changes - adding one more column - "amount in rubles" and a cell with the current dollar exchange rate. The condition for copying the formula is preserved. To solve the problem, students write the formula =E6*G1. When copying the formula in column F, the most unexpected results will be obtained. With the help of questions (what do you get in column F? What should you get? Why don't you get what you need?), the conversation is brought to the concept of "absolute addressing". Thus, this task creates a problem situation that I purposefully built.

The thirdtechnique: solving non-standard problems.

Tasks of this nature are offered to students either as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, or for relaxation, changing the type of work during the lesson, and sometimes for additional solutions at home. As a rule, I use such tasks to motivate learning activities when studying the topics “Number systems”, “Information coding”, “Logic”, taking into account such an age-related quality of children as curiosity.

It is almost impossible to explain to students where in real life they can use the ability to translate numbers from one number system to another, and is of no interest to students. But the topic "Number System" is in the existing educational standard, which means that it is mandatory to study. To increase interest in the study of this topic, I use the following tasks:

Example 1:

In the Cartesian coordinate system, build figures from the points whose coordinates you get by converting the corresponding pairs of numbers to the given number systems.

When studying the topic “Information Coding” (Grade 5), I show the guys how to encrypt text and images. This is very popular with children.

Note ep 2 :

Example 3 . "O learn the proverb

You have a programmerRussian versions of famous Russian proverbs and sayings. Try nname how they sound in the original

1. Tell me what computer you have and I will tell you who you are ( Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are)

2. You can't ruin a computer with memory ( You can't spoil porridge with butter)

3. The computer world is not alive only with Intel ( Man does not live by bread alone)

4. Bit byte saves ( A penny saves a ruble)

5. Be afraid of viruses - do not go to the Internet ( To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest)

Example 4 Rebuses.

When studying the topic "Solving logical problems" (Grade 10) I tell the children about the Einstein Problem. Firstly, the very name of this scientist already attracts the attention of the guys. And when they solve this problem on their own, they have a situation of success and it seems that all other tasks are up to them.


Einstein's riddle - a well-known logical problem, the authorship of which, according to a widespread, probably incorrect opinion on the Internet, is attributed to Albert Einstein (sometimes Lewis Carroll). According to legend, this puzzle was created by Albert Einstein during his childhood. There is also an opinion that it was used by Einstein to test assistant candidates for the ability to think logically.

Some attribute to Einstein a reasoning in which he claims that only two percent of the world's population are able to operate in their minds with patterns associated with five signs at once. As a particular consequence of this, the above puzzle can be solved without the use of paper only by those who belong to these two percent.

On the same street there are five houses in a row, each of a different color. A person lives in each, all five are of different nationalities. Each person prefers a unique brand of cigarette, drink and pet. Besides:

The Norwegian lives in the first house.

The Englishman lives in the red house.

The green house is to the left of the white house, next to it.

The Dane drinks tea.

Someone who smokes Marlboro lives next to someone who raises cats.

Whoever lives in the yellow house smokes Dunhill.

The German smokes Rothmans.

The one who lives in the center drinks milk.

The neighbor of the Marlboro smoker is drinking water.

Whoever smokes Pall Mall raises birds.

The Swede breeds dogs.

The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.

The one who raises the horses lives in the blue house.

Whoever smokes Winfield drinks beer.

They drink coffee in the green house.


Who breeds fish?

Fourthreception: research and practice-oriented projects.

Creating a project is a complex process, but it encourages research and exploration activities. All students participate with interest in such work. This type of educational activity allows students to develop logical thinking, forms general educational skills and abilities. Previously colorless, sometimes not even supported by illustrations, performances turn into bright and memorable ones. In the process of demonstrating their achievements, students acquire public speaking experience, which will certainly come in handy in the future. Involving a student in creative work develops his ability to independently collect information and illustrative material, creative ingenuity, design abilities, and most importantly, he gains satisfaction from the results of his work and a sense of self-sufficiency, which is a primary motive for a high school student.

An important motive for intermediate students in studying topics such as "Computer Graphics and Animation", "Creating Presentations" is the implementation of projects to create demonstration materials for lessons in elementary school.


Sometimes in the classroom it is necessary to make a small presentation-project. And, if possible, I try to change the guys in groups so that they can see what their classmates did with the same set of initial data. Thus, at the beginning of the next lesson, you can summarize the diversity of the use of various means (for example, presentations) and be sure to show such an action. Which none of the guys used (as a rule, this is movement along a given trajectory)

So, for example, in the 8th grade, the guys and I did the project "Tetris ". When studying the section "Means of multimedia". When working with presentations, it seems to students that they already know everything and sometimes they are not interested in creating presentations.

See presentation grade 5

"This op process nitologists call migration”

"This old I eat chest of drawers I inherited from my grandmother”

"He always hadpas cal coolers”

Sixth technique: crosswords, scanwords, rebuses, etc.

To control educational achievements, methods of knowledge control familiar to children (and teachers!) are widely used, such as control, independent work, dictations, etc. their own development. For example, after studying a section, as a final work, students need to create a crossword puzzle on one of the topics of this section using a Word or Excel spreadsheet. As a reward, you can add points for the originality of the created crossword puzzle.

Also very effective, especially in the junior and middle level, is such a type of work as writing a fairy tale, a fantastic story or a story, the main characters of which can be computer devices, programs, etc. studied in the lessons.

A very important factor in the formation of positive motivation, which cannot be ignored, is the benevolent mood of the lesson. To do this, you need to pay attention to each student, you need to praise the children for each new, even insignificant, but the result they themselves receive. The teacher must leadI to always come to the aid of the child in a correct and correct manner. This is how I try to conduct my lessons. And this is another step towards the formation of a positive motivation for learning.

"Pedagogical techniques for the formation of UUD at the lessons of informatics"


computer science teachers

MBOU "Podoynitsynskoy secondary school"

Cherentsova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Hello, dear colleagues!

I am glad to welcome you to my master class.

Show your mood with an appropriate card.

(I also show).

The theme of my master class "Learning is learning."

The purpose of the master class: to acquaint colleagues with the model of blended learning "flipped class" and the possibility of its application in teaching computer science.

Master tasks:

Summarizing the work experience of a computer science teacher,

The teacher's transfer of his experience by direct and commented showing the sequence of actions, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical activity.

Joint development of the teacher's methodological approaches and methods for solving the problem posed in the master class program.

Why did I call my master class "Teach to Learn" since the development of the foundations of the ability to learn (the formation of universal learning activities) is defined by the second generation Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) as one of the most important tasks of education. New requests define the following goals of education: general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, the solution of the key pedagogical task “to teach to learn”.

How to do it? Modern teachers are in search of various methods and means to stimulate students to study subjects. Well, once again, wandering around the Internet in search of something interesting and original. I paid attention to such a form of learning as "flipped lesson" or "flipped classroom" as a form of blended learning. What is "mixed" here? By "blended learning" is meant the traditional classroom-lesson system and distance learning. Those. students at home are given access to electronic resources (video lessons, presentations and not only video reports "from the scene", excerpts from TV shows, interviews, slide shows, interactive material, etc.) on the topic that will be discussed in the next lesson.

That is, children should make acquaintance with a new topic at home, and in the classroom, together with the teacher and classmates, study and research it, find out questions that they could not answer on their own. Thus, when building learning according to the “flipped classroom” model, the teacher becomes not a source of knowledge, but a consultant and organizer of learning activities.

I will acquaint you with a fragment of the lesson conducted on this model.

: frontal, steam room, individual.

Before the beginning of the lesson, the children are given assessment sheets.

Preparing students for the lesson

In the previous lesson, the students were given a task.

2. Continue the phrase:

1. Information is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (this is knowledge and information about the world around us, obtained from various sources).


Therefore, we begin the lesson with a discussion of the completed assignment, which the students sent for verification, and it was checked by the teacher. The task of the current stage of the lesson is to check the degree of students' understanding of the material.

Name the types of information according to the form of perception? Give examples.

(human sense organs)

Name the types of information according to the form of presentation? Give examples.

(numeric, text, graphic, sound, video information)

Complete tasks in RT: #2, #3

I propose to complete creative tasks number 4

Students can complete assignments on their own or in pairs (optional).

(formation of communicative UUD, and we offer the right to choose)

We check the tasks, and invite the children to evaluate each other's creativity (on a 5-point scale).

So, with the help of our senses, we receive signals from the outside world and cognize it.

Then I propose to answer the following questions within 3 minutes:


How do you rate your work in class?

What tasks did you find easy and interesting to complete? Why?

What tasks are not clear to you, did you find it difficult to complete them at the beginning of the lesson?

What kind UUD formed in the lesson and preparation for it?


Conditions for obtaining knowledge and skills, conditions for creativity and self-realization, mastering new types of independent activities.


Ability to set personal goals and define learning goals

Ability to make a decision

Implementation of individual educational activities


Information search, fixing (recording), structuring, presentation of information

Creating a holistic picture of the world based on their own experience.


Ability to express your thoughts

Communication in the digital environment

Ability to work in pairs.

Is it possible and necessary to turn everything over at once? Of course not. Students should also be ready to learn according to this model. Therefore, the transition should be gradual. And, in my opinion, starting from grades 5-6, no more than 10% of the lessons on those topics that will be available for students to study on their own, where they have some knowledge or have life experience. The homework assignment should not be limited only to viewing resources, it is imperative to give a task to comprehend the viewed material: draw up a summary, prepare questions for class discussion, find answers to the teacher's questions, complete the assignment, etc. That is, educational work at home should imply analysis and synthesis of educational material.

What resources can a teacher use when preparing a lesson?

1. Your own recordings of video tutorials, presentations.

2. Use ready-made (for example, on the sites,,, videos, documentaries, etc. All this, if desired, can be found in Internet.

Problems and difficulties that arise or may arise.

1. At the first stages, about 10% of students will conscientiously treat the thoughtful completion of the assignment (and this is good). Therefore, the teacher needs to come up with some kind of powerful incentive so that the child, when he gets to the computer, does not get carried away by playing or communicating on the network, but by viewing the educational material.

2. Technical difficulties may arise (lack of Internet access at home), especially in rural areas. In this case, the teacher must organize a viewing at the school or dump the information on drives.

3. The teacher will need 2 times more time to prepare the lesson.

Sources used:

1. Bosova LL, Bosova A. Yu. Control and measuring materials on informatics for grades V-VII.//Computer science at school: Supplement to the journal "Computer Science and Education", No. - M.: Education and Informatics, 2007. -104 p.

2. Bosova LL The modern lesson of informatics in the primary school, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Bogdanova Diana. Flipped lesson. [Electronic resource] URL:

6. Kharitonova Maria Vladimirovna. [Electronic resource] URL:



Master class for teachers of computer science "Teach to learn"

"Pedagogical techniques for the formation of UUD at the lessons of informatics"


computer science teachers

MBOU "Podoynitsynskoy secondary school"

Cherentsova Nadezhda Alexandrovna


Hello, dear colleagues!

I am glad to welcome you to my master class.

Show your mood with an appropriate card.

(I also show).

The theme of my master class"Learning is learning."

The purpose of the master class: to acquaint colleagues with the model of blended learning "flipped class" and the possibility of its application in teaching computer science.

Master tasks:

Summarizing the work experience of a computer science teacher,

The teacher's transfer of his experience by direct and commented showing the sequence of actions, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical activity.

Joint development of the teacher's methodological approaches and methods for solving the problem posed in the master class program.

Why did I call my master class "Teach to Learn" since the development of the foundations of the ability to learn (the formation of universal learning activities) is defined by the second generation Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) as one of the most important tasks of education. New requests define the following goals of education: general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, the solution of the key pedagogical task “to teach to learn”.

How to do it? Modern teachers are in search of various methods and means to stimulate students to study subjects. Well, once again, wandering around the Internet in search of something interesting and original. I paid attention to such a form of learning as "flipped lesson" or "flipped classroom" as a form of blended learning. What is "mixed" here? By "blended learning" is meant the traditional classroom-lesson system and distance learning. Those. students at home are given access to electronic resources (video lessons, presentations and not only video reports "from the scene", excerpts from TV shows, interviews, slide shows, interactive material, etc.) on the topic that will be discussed in the next lesson.

That is, children should make acquaintance with a new topic at home, and in the classroom, together with the teacher and classmates, study and research it, find out questions that they could not answer on their own. Thus, when building learning according to the “flipped classroom” model, the teacher becomes not a source of knowledge, but a consultant and organizer of learning activities.

I will acquaint you with a fragment of the lesson conducted on this model.

Fragment of a lesson in the 5th grade on the topic "Information around us" (TCM L. L. Bosova)

Forms of organization of educational activities: frontal, steam room, individual.

Before the beginning of the lesson, the children are given assessment sheets.

  1. Continue the sentence:
  1. Information is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (this is knowledge and information about the world around us, obtained from various sources).
  1. Actions with information are actions related to…………………………………………………..

Therefore, we begin the lesson with a discussion of the completed assignment, which the students sent for verification, and it was checked by the teacher. The task of the current stage of the lesson is to check the degree of students' understanding of the material.

Name the types of information according to the form of perception? Give examples.

(human sense organs)

Name the types of information according to the form of presentation? Give examples.

(numeric, text, graphic, sound, video information)

Complete tasks in RT: #2, #3

I propose to complete creative tasks number 4

Students can complete assignments on their own or in pairs (optional).

(formation of communicative UUD, and we offer the right to choose)

We check the tasks, and invite the children to evaluate each other's creativity (on a 5-point scale).

So, with the help of our senses, we receive signals from the outside world and cognize it.

Then I propose to answer the following questions within 3 minutes:

http:// methodist


How do you rate your work in class?

What tasks did you find easy and interesting to complete? Why?

What tasks are not clear to you, did you find it difficult to complete them at the beginning of the lesson?

What UUDs were formed in the classroom and preparing for it?

Personal :

Conditions for obtaining knowledge and skills, conditions for creativity and self-realization, mastering new types of independent activities.

Regulatory :

Ability to set personal goals and define learning goals

Ability to make a decision

Implementation of individual educational activities


Information search, fixing (recording), structuring, presentation of information

Creating a holistic picture of the world based on their own experience.


Ability to express your thoughts

Communication in the digital environment

Ability to work in pairs.

Is it possible and necessary to turn everything over at once? Of course not. Students should also be ready to learn according to this model. Therefore, the transition should be gradual. And, in my opinion, starting from grades 5-6, no more than 10% of the lessons on those topics that will be available for students to study on their own, where they have some knowledge or have life experience. The homework assignment should not be limited only to viewing resources, it is imperative to give a task to comprehend the viewed material: draw up a summary, prepare questions for class discussion, find answers to the teacher's questions, complete the assignment, etc. That is, educational work at home should imply analysis and synthesis of educational material.

The current stage of development of secondary education is characterized by an intensive search for something new in theory and practice. This process is due to a number of contradictions, the main of which is the inconsistency of traditional methods and forms of education and upbringing with new trends in the development of the education system, the current socio-economic conditions for the development of society, which have given rise to a number of objective innovation processes. The social order of society in relation to the secondary school has changed: the school should contribute to the formation of a personality capable of creativity, conscious, independent determination of their activities, self-regulation, which ensures the achievement of the set goal.
The main organizational form of education in secondary schools is the lesson. But in the process of teaching computer science, you may encounter the following problems, which are very difficult to solve with traditional teaching methods:

    difference in the level of knowledge and skills of schoolchildren in computer science and information technology; search for opportunities to fulfill the needs of students' interests through the use of a variety of information technologies.

Therefore, a lesson in informatics should not be just a lesson, but an “non-traditional lesson”. (A non-traditional lesson is an impromptu training session that has a non-traditional, non-established structure. I.P. Podlasy)
For example, Lesson - game in the 5th grade "Journey to the planet Compik" (section "Computer device"). At the lesson, the guys collect puzzles (a picture with a drawn computer is cut), collect dominoes, solve puzzles.

Lesson - game in the 6th grade "Executor". Students in a playful way work with the performer, give him commands that he must fulfill and achieve the goal.

Lesson - study in the 7th (mathematical) and in the 8th grade "Graphic editors". Students are invited to create drawings in vector and raster editors and carry out a series of actions, after which they fill out a table of their observations.

Lesson - study in the 7th grade "Saving images in various graphic formats using a raster editor." Students are invited to create a drawing in a raster editor and save it with a different extension, see what has changed, write down the conclusions on a piece of paper.

Lesson - conversation in the 5th grade "Coding of information", "Visual forms of information". In these lessons, there is a dialogue between the teacher and the student, which allows students to be full participants in the lesson.
Lesson - lecture used in senior grades 9 - 11. For example, "Computer Networks". Theoretical material is read, and then it is applied and consolidated in practice.
Lesson - test in the 5th “Information. Forms of presentation of information”, 6th grade - “Information coding”, 7th grade - “Hardware and software”. These lessons are lessons - tests of previously studied material.
The most effective tools for any informatics lesson are visual aids: presentations for lessons, cards, posters, videos.

Studying in the same class, one program and one textbook, students can learn the material in different ways. It depends on the knowledge and skills with which the student comes to the lesson, on the enthusiasm, interest in the material, and on the psychological capabilities (perseverance, attentiveness, ability to fantasize, etc.) of children. Therefore, in the classroom, it is necessary to apply a differentiated approach to teaching and assessing students.
For example, students in grades 9-11 are given a list of tasks (Visual Basic, Pascal, Excel) and each of the students perform tasks at a pace that is close to them, while it does not delay other students in the class, or, for example, students in grades 5-6 given a multi-level task

The following methods help to track the level of knowledge of students: observation of work in the lesson, oral control, written verification of theoretical material, practical work, didactic tests.
I would like to dwell on some methods that make it possible to stimulate students to master new knowledge, to self-education.
Workshop - This is a common task for all students in the class, performed on a computer. Preparation for the workshop and implementation takes place in one lesson. An assessment is given at the end of the lesson. The purpose of such work is to test the practical skills, skills of students, the ability to apply knowledge in solving specific problems. Students receive assignments for practical work as they study the material. Systematic work on the computer at computer science lessons is an important factor in the development of self-control skills in children, because when debugging programs and other tasks, the computer automatically fixes all the student's mistakes.
For example, it is necessary to build a graph of the function y=ax2+bx+c using ET Excel. From the mathematics course, students know that the graph of a function is a parabola, therefore, in the course of writing a program in Excel, we must also get a parabola, otherwise there is an error in the program.
Individual practical work - mini-projects.
The content and volume of the course "Informatics and ICT" is based on the formation of information knowledge and is aimed at developing initiative, creativity, the ability to apply a research approach in solving various kinds of problems by all students. And here project-based learning with research teaching methods comes to the fore.
The basis of the project (research) activity of students is laid already in secondary school. At the middle level, involvement in project activities is carried out through the implementation of creative work using computer technology (Word, Excel, Power Point), as well as the preparation of reports and abstracts on the topics studied.
The practical significance of project activities also lies in the formation of the ability to present one's work at conferences at the school, city, etc. levels. Therefore, a necessary stage in the implementation of the project is its defense, collective discussion. Children develop their communication skills. They are interested in seeing the work of other guys.
For example, the projects of 5th grade students "Creating cartoons" using the capabilities of Power Point programs and the Paint graphics editor.
A project by 8B students who, using the Power Point program, created a game resembling the TV game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

Currently, problem-based learning technologies are of great importance in informatics lessons.
The problem situation is one of the types of motivation of the educational process. It activates the cognitive activity of students and consists in finding and solving issues that require updating knowledge, analysis, and logical thinking. A problem situation can be created at all stages of learning: during explanation, consolidation, control.
One of the methodological methods of creating a problem situation is the teacher's setting specific questions that encourage students to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, and compare facts.
For example, the implementation of this technique in a practical lesson for solving problems using databases in the Access program (grade 9).
At the beginning of the lesson, the following situation is presented: “You have arrived in a foreign city. You can't get into a hotel. But your friend lives in this city. You know his last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth. To find out the address, you go to the information desk, which has a directory containing information about all the inhabitants of the city.
Question: What data do you think is included in this handbook?
Answer: Surname, initials of the person, year of birth, address.
The attention of students is drawn to the fact that if in a city several residents have the same initials and were born in the same year, then the computer will report the addresses of all.
Question: What will be the condition of the task?
Students, with the help of a teacher, compose a task and write down its condition: “The directory of data on the inhabitants of the city has the form: surname, initials, year of birth, address. Create a database, build a query that finds the address of the right person, if his last name, initials and year of birth are known.
Problem-based learning is most often used in programming lessons (grades 8-11). Students are invited to write a program to solve a mathematical, economic, etc. problem, but for this they need to remember formulas, language operators, arrange them in sequence, write a program on a computer, test it on the example of particular solutions. And the teacher accompanies this whole process, asking leading questions and directing students in the right direction.
Not only lessons can improve the quality of teaching computer science, but also extracurricular activities, elective courses. For example, elective courses "Computer design" (creating websites in HTML) - grade 11, "Working in a text editor Word" - grade 6, "Creating presentations. Power Point" - grades 5-7.
Each student attending an extracurricular activity prepares a project (research work) on a topic of their choice. For example, here are some of the topics: (see illustrations).

The subject of creative tasks covers not only the subject area "Informatics and ICT". Students present the most successful work at gymnasium, city, etc. competitions and conferences. For example, some of them:

    multimedia project "Seabed" (grade 5, laureate of the city festival of drawings and presentations); combined work of mathematics and computer science "Drawings on the coordinate plane" (grade 6, III place - NPK gymnasium, II place - NPK city); combined work of mathematics and computer science "Using Visual Basic in solving indefinite equations" (grade 9, 1st place - NPK gymnasium, 1st place - Dubna University NPK); project-program “If there is no VB at hand” (grade 9, 1st place - NPK gymnasium, 1st place - NPK city, 3rd place - International Conference, Serpukhov, 3rd place - “Step into the Future”, Moscow); creation of the website "Human Anatomy" (grade 11, 2nd place - NPK gymnasium, 2nd place - NPK city),

It is also possible to improve the quality of informatics lessons through interdisciplinary connections. For example, with lessons

    mathematics: solving problems using the coordinate method - grades 5, 6, plotting graphs and charts in ET Excel - grade 9; solving mathematical problems in the programming environment Pascal, Visual Basic - grades 9, 10; economics (solving simple economic problems using Excel and Visual Basic programming environment) - grades 9-10; works for boys: building a floor plan in the Paint graphic editor - grade 5, building drawings in the Compass vector editor - grade 7; Geography: Making Presentations Grade 7

This relationship enables students to visually see the significance of computer science lessons, and the scope in life, of the programs being studied.

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