Zrr in a child of 3 years what to do. Identification of the cause and correction for delays in speech development. How to determine the rate of development of speech in a child

Speech developmental delay (SRR) is a diagnosis that is made to a child under 3 years old on the basis of examinations by pediatricians:

  • neuropathologist;
  • neuropsychiatrist;
  • speech therapist;
  • otolaryngologist (ENT);
  • defectologist;
  • psychologist.

Often, delayed speech development (SRR) in early childhood is accompanied by mental retardation (MPD). In this case, a ZPRR mark may appear in the baby's medical record - a delay in psycho-speech development.

The delay in speech, mental or their joint development is a medical and pedagogical problem, and only specialists of the appropriate qualification can diagnose it. Therefore, you can safely ignore the attempts of neighbors, casual acquaintances and even caring relatives to write down your not very talkative baby as an outsider. But it is possible and even necessary to know when individual characteristics in a child's speech behavior should really alert attentive parents.

Signs of delayed speech development in a child under three years old

Sign 1: Anomalies at the pre-verbal stage

Deviations at the preparatory stage of speech development from birth to a year can manifest themselves in different ways:

  • Absent or present in small doses cooing and babbling by age;
  • The child does not intotone;
  • The sounds produced are of the same type, there are few of them.

As a rule, during routine examinations, your local pediatrician asks how the baby masters the world of sounds and, in particular, human speech. But if for some reason these issues are not discussed with you, and you begin to worry about the silence of the crumbs, who, apart from crying in one key, does not say anything for a month or six months, do not hesitate to discuss the problem with the doctor.

Sign 2: A child after a year does not respond to speech addressed to him

If the baby, having left the period of infancy, does not respond to his name, does not reach out to adults who call him on their hands (including mom and dad), does not show familiar objects with his finger when they are called by adults, there is every reason to consult a pediatrician, and then with narrow specialists. Do not confuse with childish shyness and elementary ignorance of some concepts. But if the baby ignores any appeals to himself, while not having hearing problems, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

At the age of 1.5-2 years, the child should already confidently perform some sequences of actions by ear: bring a toy from another room, put a book on a shelf, etc.

Sign 3: A child aged 1.5-2 years does not want to repeat words and phrases after an adult

Echolalia is a natural stage of mastering speech at an early stage. The kid, like an echo, reproduces the combination of sounds he heard, as if trying what it is like to speak, pronounce new words. This is a kind of test of phonemic hearing and the readiness of the articulatory apparatus. Such a check at preschool age (up to 3 years) is the norm.

If the baby does not even try to imitate your speech (until we are talking about the purity of sounds), you should be alert and watch the baby more carefully.

Sign 4: A child at 2 years old does not have independent words

Of course, many parents listen with some envy to how funny, but already quite meaningful, other people's children who are barely a year old are chatting. Yes, this happens, but it's still more advanced. It is normal if the baby says his words later. But if a couple of candles have already been blown out on the birthday cake, and the words have not appeared in the active lexicon, it's time to react. Until the age of three, do not expect grammatically correct use of words and, moreover, detailed full-fledged sentences. This is the stage of formation of phrasal speech, and the baby should already be able to call relatives with words, ask for help or comment on what he saw. That is, babbling words like “lyalya” and “kaka” are considered and give reason to wait for how the accumulated passive vocabulary will manifest itself in the coming months.

If a child is 2 years old or more, and he expresses his emotions and desires only with gestures and facial expressions, professional advice is needed.

Sign 5: Phrasal speech is not formed by the age of three

Simple phrases can appear as early as a year and a half, but most often their time comes in the period from 30 to 36 months of a child's life. That is, just in time for the end of the pre-preschool age and the entry into the pre-school phase, during which the vocabulary will grow rapidly, speech will acquire grammatical correctness, become richer and phonetically cleaner. Important: at the age of three, a child can use simple phrases consisting of 2-5 words, but these should be phrases of his own composition, and not exclusively a reproduction of memorized replicas of parents or favorite cartoon characters. The child must understand speech and use words correctly in accordance with their lexical meaning.

If the child is already three years old, and he does not use phrases in his speech, it's time to sign up for a consultation with a specialist. You can start with a speech pathologist who will refer you to a neurologist or other doctor if necessary.

Sign 6: The child is not interested in being understood

Attentive parents should be wary and make an appointment with a specialist if:

  • The child speaks incomprehensibly and does not try to repeat better;
  • He avoids verbal contact with peers and adults;
  • He prefers to solve his problems on his own, without asking for help.

Perhaps the problem lies in your excessive desire to please the baby, anticipating his desires even before they take shape in the child's brain in a distinct image. Then the problem can be solved by pedagogical methods independently. But if changes do not come, do not put off the solution of the problem for a vague “later”. The older the baby, the more difficult it is to correct some forms of RRR.

If a baby older than two years old stubbornly and actively speaks in his "gibberish language", not at all taking into account that they do not understand him, there is cause for alarm.

Sign 7: After 3 years, the child's speech remains slurred, incomprehensible

Although we have singled out the age of infancy and pre-preschool childhood for consideration, we will draw the attention of parents to the importance of teaching a child to speak correctly at three years old. Often, having become accustomed to guessing the true words in the "sound porridge" that the child meant, but due to the imperfection of the speech apparatus, were not pronounced, parents continue to perceive the obscure "children's" language as a given. But what was acceptable up to three years, after it already becomes an alarming bell.

Sign 8: The child has organic (biological) grounds for RDD

Health complications in the perinatal period or infancy are more likely to be causes rather than signs of RDD or RDD. But we deliberately mention this factor in this aspect in order to draw the attention of parents to conditions (in the anamnesis or in the active phase) that require a more attentive attitude to the formation of speech in early childhood:

  • Intrauterine hypoxia and / or intrauterine infections;
  • Injuries during childbirth (including asphyxia);
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Hypotrophy;
  • hearing loss;
  • Pathology of the central nervous system;
  • Pathologies of the oral region (short frenulum, cleft palate, adenoid growths);
  • Post-vaccination complications.

Moms and dads, be attentive to your children, give them time, show sincere interest in their development and success, and then the child's life will be brighter, his education will be more fruitful, and your parenthood will be happier! Well, we, Research Institute "Evrika", are always ready to support you with competent advice, an interesting developmental technique or a kind word.

Every 14th child has a pronounced speech development delay (SRR). Problems with the development of speech already become noticeable from 2 years.

The article contains material on the causes and signs of IRR in children of two years of age, the norms of speech development in children and the opinions of doctors on this issue.

Signs of delayed speech development in children in the table - when is it worth sounding the alarm?

Indicators of successful and unsuccessful speech development in babies

Signs of successful speech development Signs of dysfunctional speech development
The physical development of the child corresponds to the age. Physical development does not correspond to age, developmental delay.
There are no neurological diseases. There are neurological diseases.
In a conversation, the child listens to himself and independently corrects his mistakes. She has a history of severe general illnesses.
He talks freely with loved ones, behaves shyly with strangers. Ignores requests to repeat what has just been said.
He repeats your speeches with interest. Does not seek to repeat the speech of parents.
The child solves his problems with the help of speech. He solves all his problems on his own without parental intervention.
Shows the objects that are called to him. Does not feel discomfort and embarrassment when talking to strangers.
Knows and understands the difference between "big" and "small". He does not seek to speak intelligibly for others, it is indifferent to him whether they understand him or not.
Lagging behind peers in speech development.
Does not respond to comments to repeat what was said, only better.

When a child should start talking - the norms for the development of speech in babies in the table

There is no special body that is specifically responsible for human speech. Speech and words are formed by such anatomical devices as chewing, respiratory, swallowing. But before a word or word form is formed, the cerebral cortex is involved in the process.

In children, the process of speech formation has several stages:

  1. The first stage begins at birth and continues until the age of 6-10 months. It includes screaming, babbling and cooing. With these so-called "signals", the baby notifies the parents that he is hungry, he is cold or hot, uncomfortable or he feels pain. Further, listening to the conversations of others, simple syllables “ma”, “pa”, “ba”, etc. begin to form in him.
  2. The second stage begins at 8-10 months and lasts up to 2 years. During this period, the baby begins to understand the elementary phrases that the parents say and can answer the question with a gesture (for example, “where is mom?”). With intonation, he expresses joy, discontent, fear. Upon reaching 1 year, the child begins to call words with onomatopoeic expressions (for example, a car - beep, a cat - kitty-kitty, a toy - lala).
  3. Period 3 begins at age 2 when the baby clearly understands the speech of an adult, performs instructions, easily points to the named objects. The child can already name phrases of two to four words, pronounces all the sounds of his native language, his vocabulary on average consists of 300 words.

Table number 1. Normal development of speech in children by age

Form of speech Age
1. A cry with an intonation of discontent or joy. 1-2 months
2. The child is cooing and trying to pronounce simple syllables. 2-3 months
3. The child tries to repeat the words after you and pronounces them using the same syllables. 4-5 months
4. Begins to pronounce the first words consisting of syllables (ma-ma, ba-ba, pa-pa, la-la) or calls things with onomatopoeic names (cat-kisa, cow - mu-mu). 8 months – 1 year 2 months
5. The child begins to combine 2-4 words and forms logical phrases. 1 year 6 months – 2 years 2 months
6. He often starts asking questions “what is this?”. 1 year 9 months – 2 years 6 months
7. The baby's speech begins to acquire the correct grammatical meaning (uses numbers, the gender of the word). 2 years 4 months – 3 years 6 months
8. The child begins to speak actively, tells what he is doing, where and how, talks with his toys. 2 years 6 months – 3 years 5 months

Why a child does not speak at 2 years old - all social, psychological and physiological reasons for delayed speech development in children in the table

Normally, upon reaching the age of two, the baby should actively communicate with parents and loved ones, call a spade a spade, tell various stories. But it happens that a child at 2 years old does not yet utter any words, or does it very badly, but at the same time he does not. There can be many reasons for this, they are reunited into three main groups - social, psychological and physiological.

Causes of delay or lack of speech in a child at 2 years old

Physiological Psychological Social
Weakness of the muscles of the face and mouth. Fright. Lack of attention to the child from the parents.
Hearing problems, deafness, hearing loss. Constant parental scandals, quarrels. Constant access of the child to a computer, TV, tablet.
Congenital malformations of the lips, palate, tongue, facial muscles. Unfavorable situation in the family (incomplete family, absence of parents, asocial parents). Increased custody of the child, when he does not need to understand anything and think about something.
Pathology of the brain and nervous system. High demands of parents to the baby, violent attempts to teach him to speak.
hereditary diseases.
Mental illness. .

Pathologies of the nervous system leading to speech underdevelopment

General underdevelopment of speech - forms of speech pathology:

  1. Dysarthria.
  2. Aphasia.
  3. Motor alalia.
  4. Sensory alalia.


Dysarthria manifests itself in moderate, severe and erased forms.

Characteristic features of this pathology:

  • The whole pronunciation system of speech suffers in a child.
  • The rhythm of breathing is disturbed.
  • The voice becomes nasal.
  • All sounds are pronounced blurry and indistinct, as if "on the nose".

In severe forms of dysarthria, violations of the tone of the facial muscles are noticeable - they are either too relaxed or too tense.

The child cannot lift the tongue up, stick it out or reach the corner of the mouth. The tongue constantly trembles, when trying to keep it in one position, it turns blue, excessive salivation appears.

The baby suffers from both large and fine motor skills, he is awkward, cannot jump, stand on one leg, does not like to draw or cut, and has difficulty maintaining balance.

Reasons for the development of dysarthria:

  1. Asphyxia or trauma during childbirth.
  2. The impact of incompatibility with the mother on the Rh factor.
  3. Trauma and tumors of the brain.
  4. Hereditary pathologies of the central nervous system.

With normal hearing and developed organs of articulation in children, the disintegration of speech that has already begun to form occurs.

A characteristic feature of aphasia - the child spoke and suddenly fell silent, there were violations in the pronunciation of sounds, the loss of the meaning of statements. This violation of speech development leads to a delay in the development of the intellect.

Causes of aphasia – injuries, tumors and inflammatory diseases of the brain.

motor alalia

Speech pathology, which has a wide range of disorders: from the complete absence of speech to minor problems such as misuse of word endings or declension by gender and number.

A characteristic feature of a severe form of motor alalia - the child understands what is said to him, but his own oral speech practically does not develop. Children with such manifestations are not able to independently put their lips, tongue in the right position, they are clumsy in performing the simplest movements.

Fine motor skills of the fingers in such children are almost not developed, both memory and thinking suffer.

Reasons for the development of motor alalia - damage to the cells of the speech areas of the brain or their delayed development due to birth trauma, infections, exposure to toxins on the fetus during fetal development.

sensory alalia

With this pathology, children do not understand the meaning of the speech addressed to them, or understand the words separately, but cannot understand the meaning of the whole phrase or statement.

Sometimes a child with sensory alalia has logorrhoea(meaningless and incoherent pronunciation of individual words).

May be observed delayed intelligence, negative manifestations of the nervous system: irritability, negativism, violations of large and small motor skills.

It is necessary to distinguish these persistent and severe pathologies of speech development (OHD) from the tempo delay in the development of speech (SRR), when a certain lag in this respect from peers is caused by the developmental characteristics of the baby, hereditary characteristics, and lack of communication with parents.

This can only be done by a specialist: a psychoneurologist, a speech therapist, a psychologist for children with developmental disabilities.

Expert opinion

Doctor Komarovsky:

Most children begin to make sounds that have some meaning around the age of one. But there are perfectly normal children who are in no hurry to speak. It seems that this depends mainly on the temperament and characteristics of the nature of the child. A friendly, cheerful child tends to speak earlier. A calm child, prone to contemplation, observes what is happening around for a long time before he has a desire to express his opinion.
The environment in which the child grows up and the attitude of those around him also play an important role. If, due to nervous tension caused by something, the mother is always silent in the company of the child, then he, not feeling the desire for communication on her part, also closes in on himself. Adults sometimes go to the other extreme: they constantly talk to the child and command him, depriving him of any initiative. Such a child will feel awkward with people and withdraw into himself. He has not yet grown to the age when he can argue with an adult or just leave. It is believed that those children who are served by the whole family begin to speak late, not allowing them to move their hands on their own, warning their every desire. If a child does not begin to speak for a long time, the first thing that comes to the mind of parents is whether their child is lagging behind in mental development. Indeed, some mentally retarded children start talking late. But very many of them pronounce their first words at the same age as normal children. The facts show that the vast majority of children who hardly speak before the age of 3 are of normal mental development, or even turn out to be extraordinarily intelligent.
I think it is not difficult to guess what to do if the child does not begin to speak for a long time. Do not be angry with him for this and do not rush to conclude that he is stupid. Be gentle with him and try not to hold him back too much. Give him the opportunity to be among other children, where he will feel more natural. Talk to him in a friendly tone, using simple words. Encourage him to name things when he needs them. But do not demand from him that he speak, and do not express your displeasure.

From the book "To Parents about the Child's Speech" by N.V. Nishchev:

The reasons for the delay in speech development are varied: problems in the development of auditory, visual and tactile perception; intellectual deficiency, hereditary type of late development of speech. Among the possible reasons, it should also be noted somatic weakness, soreness of the child, due to which the formation of all mental functions is delayed; and social factors, namely the lack of adequate conditions for the development of the baby's speech. In conditions of overprotection, the speech function often remains unclaimed, as others understand the child without words and warn all his desires. A primary delay in speech development is possible in cases where parents constantly accompany their appeals to the child with gestures and actions, and the baby gets used to responding not to words, but to gestures. It is extremely harmful for a child to stay in an overinformed speech environment, when he hears the speech of adults communicating with each other, as well as radio, television, and gets used not to listen to speech and not attach importance to the word. In this case, the child may pronounce long meaningless pseudo-phrases, imitating full-fledged speech, and the development of true speech will be delayed. As a rule, in dysfunctional families, where adults have neither the time nor the desire to communicate with children, the speech development of the latter is also delayed.

N. S. Ilyina, speech pathologist:

In modern speech therapy, there are two groups of factors that cause a delay in the rate of speech formation:

a) imperfection of social conditions of education and pedagogical errors;
b) insufficiency of the sensorimotor or neurological base of the child.

The first group includes incorrect methods of education in a family or a children's institution, which consist in insufficient attention to the child by adults, or, conversely, in overprotection. In both cases, the child does not form the motivation for verbal communication. In the first case, there is no one to turn to, in the second - there is no need, everything will be done on time anyway. Within the framework of the clinical classification, such a violation is considered as a delay in the rate of speech development of a functional nature. Often, manifestations of underdevelopment are aggravated by the personality characteristics of the child, who is prone to stubbornness, self-will, and hysterical reactions.

The delay in the rate of speech development, due to a decrease in the motivation of communication, with timely work begun and with changes in the conditions of education, reveals a tendency to a quick and complete correction.

If a child has a lack of formation or insufficiency of the sensorimotor sphere (phonemic perception, motor skills of the articulatory apparatus, visual gnosis) or neurological diseases, then such underdevelopment requires not only changes in the conditions of education, but also the help of a specialist in the form of consultations or regular classes. Correction of this form of speech pathology takes a longer time and requires more effort and attention.

With a delay in speech development, early correction is the most effective, i.e. under the age of three. However, this does not mean that when detecting speech underdevelopment at 6 or 7 years old, you need to give up. In any case, special classes will have a positive impact on the speech and personality of the child, if they are systematic. The success of a child's development largely depends on the active position of parents, who, under the guidance of specialists, can organize proper communication with the child.

Delayed speech development- mastery of oral speech by children later than the normative terms. The deviation is characterized by a poor vocabulary, the absence of individual words and phrases at 2 years, and the ability to put words into sentences at 3 years.

Speech impairment may not be detected until the age of three. At 3 years of age, the diagnosis is made if the following symptoms are present:

  • Complete lack of speech
  • The child speaks worse than peers
  • Diction is fuzzy, it is difficult to understand what is said
  • There is no or rarely a repetition of the parents

Specialists have developed norms according to which speech skills are formed. Accordingly, deviations from the schedule are an alarming bell.

Up to a year

Starting from birth, we can talk about the appearance of speech. Newborns are already able to express their first impressions of the world around them, the further they go, the more ways the baby has to express their feelings.

  • From the first days - screams. The first, the loudest, the kids solemnly mark farewell to their mother's tummy.
  • From two months to six months - walking sound combinations (gurgling, googling).
  • From 4 to 8 - babbling (syllables: “ma-ma-ma”, “nya-nya-nya”, “yes-yes-yes”, “ba-ba-ba”).
  • 11-12 months - the first conscious words, consisting of a combination of simple syllabic repetitions ("give", "na", "mother", "daddy", "uncle", "ama-nyama").
  • Starting from a year and a half, the lexicon expands, terms appear in everyday life (“anana” - a banana, “bibika” - a car, “kup-kup” - taking a bath).
  • From 1 year 8 months, they add up to the simplest sentences (“mother give”).

If you pay attention to the lag behind these standards, diagnostics are required, we can talk about a delay in speech development.

From a year and older

After the first birthday, the little one remembers more new words. Age norms for vocabulary expansion are as follows:

  • For a one-year-old baby - 4-6 words.
  • In a year and a half it increases to 25-40.
  • Two-year-old fidgets use 50-200 terms.
  • Three-year-olds increase this figure to 750-1000.
  • In four it is limited to one and a half or two thousand concepts.
  • By the fifth anniversary, about 2200 are already in use.

Of course, it is pointless to follow your son or daughter with your tail, writing down and carefully counting what was said. A similar task falls on the shoulders of speech therapists - they use special tests to determine the active and passive vocabulary.

Varieties of speech development delay

Defectologists distinguish the following types of RRR:

  • Tempo delay of speech development: the child begins to speak later, but understands speech by ear. Instead of speech, the baby gesticulates, can show what he wants with the help of facial expressions. Preschoolers with tempo STD may suddenly start talking. Experts call this phenomenon “language explosion”.
  • - a violation associated with an organic lesion of the brain, which manifests itself in the form of a complete, very meager vocabulary of a complete absence of speech.
  • speech delay due to hearing loss.


The etiology of the disorder is associated with two groups of causes:

Organic, associated with the incorrect functioning of certain parts of the brain. Connected with:

  • Stagnation of the fetus in the birth canal leading to hypoxia
  • Head injury
  • Intoxication in the womb (bad habits of the mother affect) or the postnatal period
  • Post-infectious complications

Social causes are expressed in the lack of communication.

  • Long-term illnesses that prevent contact with peers.
  • Hyper-custody that interferes with the formation of social ties.
  • Ignoring the child by the parents, unwillingness to interact with him.
  • Hearing impairment making it difficult to understand.


Diagnostics includes the following examinations:

  1. The neuropathologist will give a referral for brain examinations, analyze their results and make decisions on the appointment of drug therapy.
  2. EEG and computed tomography can detect brain disorders.
  3. The otolaryngologist will check the hearing - perhaps the problem is related to its violation.
  4. A speech pathologist and a psychologist will assess the overall development and provide a corrective technique for overcoming the disease.

Treatment and correction

Delayed speech development requires complex treatment. The neurologist prescribes drug therapy, which, in combination with corrective exercises, is allowed to start speech


Doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Cogitum with srr is a common remedy prescribed for children from primary school age. The contents of the ampoule are poured into a cup, after which it is drunk. It is not necessary to dilute or mask the taste - the solution is specially adapted for taking by babies, it has a pleasant sweetish taste.
    The number of ampoules taken daily depends on age:
    1 piece - from 7 to 10 years.
    2 pieces - from 10 to 18.
    3 - for adults, starting from the age of majority.
    However, the norms can be adjusted individually by the attending physician, therefore self-administration of the drug is not the best idea.

Also, with srr, they can prescribe:

  • Gliatilin
  • Pantogam
  • Glycine
  • Cinnarizine
  • Magne B6
  • Neuromultivit.

Many mothers are afraid of drugs, believing that everything will be fixed as they grow older. This is an erroneous opinion. Delays in speech development are largely related to the work of the brain, which means that if this part of the body is not supported, the treatment will not be effective.


Massage with delayed speech development shows extremely good results. It is useful to massage: facial muscles, cervical and shoulder area, abdomen, arms.

Competent work of a massage therapist in newborns is considered one of the best preventive measures for this problem.

Correctional work

Exercises and games will be no less useful.

Finger games and drawing.

Lotto, Bingo - provided that the numbers are replaced by words.

Pushing buttons, zippering, playing with keys and holes.

Finger Theatre. It is easy to sew dolls from felt on your own or buy them in a children's store.

Applications made of colored paper or natural materials.

Mosaic games - develop finger work and are useful when learning new colors.

Feeding birds - and vivid emotions, and.

  • Read together more often. To get started, choose books with attractive pictures and little text. Simple rhymes, nursery rhymes and rhyming tales will do.
  • After reading the page, ask questions, ask to see objects: “Where is our pussy? And what does she do? Wait for a reaction from the baby, even if it is an incoherent set of sounds.

If there is no reaction, slowly say the correct answer yourself, pointing to the desired object with your finger.

  • Take your kids to new places more often. Impressions will help him open up and speak.
  • During the walk, do not be silent: explain and show everything that you see around. It is obvious to you that a house is a house and a cat is a cat. For the crumbs, this information is a discovery. Embarrassment in front of strangers will pass in a couple of days - teaching a child is more important than embarrassment.
  • Don't second-guess any request for a small miracle. Why talk when mommy will do everything that needs to be done anyway?

Do not fall for the stories of acquaintances and friends about "the son of a friend who was silent until school, and then became a gold medalist." Of course, you don’t even want to assume that something is wrong with your precious sun. Still, it makes more sense to overcome and correct the backlog than to let it run and face more serious consequences in the future.

Girls, found the article! for me it is relevant. maybe you will be interested.

Delayed speech and psychoverbal development - what is it and how to deal with it?

Rudova A.S., teacher-defectologist, psychologist,

Director of the Center for Developing Innovative

methods in the field of education and culture

and children's studio of innovative development "Harlekin".

By occupation, I have to meet with 2 opposites in the parental attitude towards the child. The first are super-concerned parents who, when a child at 2 years old does not speak in extended phrases, sound the alarm. But how! According to Aunt Masha's neighbor, her baby already reads all Barto's poems by heart!

And the second group of parents are those who stubbornly do not notice problems in the development of the child, and only when doctors unequivocally put a developmental delay do they turn to specialists. Sometimes I come across cases so neglected that it is bitter to tell parents that help is too late, and now you can only slightly adapt the child to life in society.

So what exactly is Speech Development Delay and Psycho-Speech Development Delay?

When should a child start talking?

At 1 year old, a child should pronounce about 10 facilitated words and know the names of 200 objects (cup, bed, bear, mother, walk, swim, etc. everyday objects and actions). The child must understand the speech addressed to him and respond to it. To the words "where is the bear?" - turn your head towards the bear, and at the request "give me a hand" - stretch out your hand.

At 2 years old, the child must build phrases and short sentences, use adjectives and pronouns, the vocabulary at this age increases to 50 words (this is at the bottom of the norm), as a rule, experts want to hear at least 100 words from the child.

At 2 and a half years old, a child should build complex sentences using about 200-300 words, pronounce almost all letters correctly, except for “l”, “r” and hissing, ask questions “where?”, “Where?”. The child must know his name, distinguish between relatives, imitate the voices of the main animals and birds. Adjectives appear in speech - big, tall, beautiful, hot, etc.

At 3 years old, the child should speak in sentences that are united in meaning, use all pronouns correctly, actively use adjectives and adverbs in speech (far, early, hot, etc.). From the point of view of a non-specialist, it is easy to identify that a three-year-old has speech problems as follows - let a stranger listen to your baby. If he understands 75% of what your baby says, and a simple conversational speech develops between an adult and a child, then everything is in order. The speech of a child at 3 years old should change by birth, number. That is, if the question “do you want candy?” the child answers “want” instead of “want” - this is already a developmental deviation.

Where is the boundary between individual characteristics of development and lagging behind?

Let's calm down the super-shy parents and grandmothers first. The framework that is taken into account by development standards is quite flexible. If your baby speaks not 10 words a year, but 7, then you should not sound the alarm. Fluctuations to the side a little earlier or a little later are acceptable within 2-3 months. And for boys, it is possible to lag behind girls by 4-5 months.

The inhabitants believe that there is a certain zone, an area of ​​the brain responsible for the development of speech. In reality, speech is formed only with the coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain. For full and timely speech development, it is necessary that both the right hemisphere, which is responsible for the emotional-figurative sphere, spatial thinking and intuition, and the left hemisphere, which is responsible for rational-logical thinking, develop harmoniously. In boys, the bundle of nerve fibers connecting both hemispheres is thinner than in girls and develops more slowly. Therefore, it happens that the exchange of information between the hemispheres is difficult, because of which it is more difficult for boys to dress their thoughts in the form of a grammatically correct statement. If there are no brain and mental deviations in development, with an early slight lag in speech development, the boy will overcome it with the help of specialists. Moreover, it is men who have a more developed figurative speech, which is why there are an order of magnitude more male writers and poets than women.

At the same time, it is worth warning the boys' parents that the situation should not be started, and if the deviation from the norm is significant, be sure to sound the alarm. In connection with the gender characteristics of development, it is among boys that the percentage of deviations in speech and psycho-speech development is high. Let's take a few examples. Among children who stutter, there are twice as many boys as girls. Among those suffering from alalia (almost complete lack of speech with intact hearing) there are three times more boys, and the same number of children with dysarthria (when a child has difficulty pronouncing so many sounds and his speech is almost incomprehensible to others).

What counts as speech? Until the age of 2.5 years, it is acceptable if the child speaks "baby language". Words are considered not only full-fledged "mom" and "dad", but also "bee-bee" instead of "car", "car-car" instead of "crow", and "kup-kup" instead of "let's go swimming." The child can come up with their own designations for objects. If a child stubbornly calls pasta "kamani" - this is also a word. It is acceptable that the same combination of sounds be used to denote different objects (“ki” - pussy, socks, throw).

But if a child at 2.5 years old does not try to speak in phrases of 3-4 words like “mom de cup-cup” (mom is going to swim), then you need to definitely sound the alarm. In principle, attentive specialists can note a delay in speech development at a fairly early period.

We list the signs of a significant delay in speech development:

  • If a child at 4 months does not emotionally react to the gestures of adults and does not smile, does not perk up when mommy addresses him.
  • If the child is already 8-9 months old, and still there is no babbling (repeated ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-ta, etc. combinations), and in a year it is an extremely quiet child, making little sounds.
  • If the child is already one and a half, but he does not speak simple words, for example, “mom” or “give,” and does not understand simple words - his name or the names of surrounding objects: he is not able to fulfill simple requests like “come here”, “sit down”.
  • If the child has difficulty sucking or chewing. For example, if a one and a half year old child does not know how to chew and chokes on even a piece of an apple.
  • If at two years the child uses only a few separate words and does not try to repeat new words.
  • If at 2.5 years the active vocabulary is less than 20 words and word imitations. Does not know the names of surrounding objects and body parts: cannot, upon request, point to a familiar object or bring something that is out of sight. If at this age he does not know how to make two-word phrases (for example, “give me water”)
  • If a three-year-old baby speaks so incomprehensibly that even relatives can hardly understand him. He does not speak simple sentences (subject, predicate, object), does not understand simple explanations or stories about events in the past or future.
  • If a three-year-old child "rumbles", that is, he speaks too quickly, swallowing the endings of words, or, conversely, extremely slowly, stretching them out, although there is no example of such speech at home.
  • If at the age of three a child speaks mainly in phrases from cartoons and books, but does not build his own sentences, this is a sign of a serious developmental deviation ... If at three years the child mirrors what adults say in front of him, even if out of place, this is the reason an urgent appeal to a specialist, and a psychiatrist!
  • If a baby of any age has a constantly open mouth or increased salivation for no apparent reason (not associated with tooth growth)

Severe childhood illnesses, especially in the first three years of life, traumatic brain injuries or simply neglected frequent falls, hearing loss of varying degrees - all this can cause a lag in speech development. Under the influence of unfavorable biological (or social) factors, it is precisely those areas of the brain that are most intensively developing at the moment that are most significantly damaged. Studies have shown that children whose mother or father have any mental disorders, often quarrel or abuse alcohol often suffer from delayed speech development.
Of course, the hereditary factor also plays a significant role. I would like to stop separately at this point. Often mothers come with a five-year-old child who practically does not speak. I ask you, what did you expect a year ago, a year and a half ago? After all, the sooner you start correction and treatment, the higher the result! Moms shrug their shoulders and say that, they say, the mother-in-law says that the father of the child spoke only at the age of 4 and immediately with phrases, and the uncle spoke late. And nothing, both people got out.
Therefore, waiting for everything to resolve itself is an extremely irresponsible position!

The help of what specialists and when may a child with a speech delay need help?
Hearing assessment for children with speech delay (examination by an audiologist)

  • To assess development, age-appropriate tests are used: the Denver psychomotor development test, the Early Language Milestone Scale, the Bailey Scales of Infant Development.
  • From conversations with parents and observations, find out how the child communicates his needs. In contrast to general developmental delay and autism, children with hearing loss, motor apraxia of the facial muscles, and primary neurogenic speech disorders are able to express their needs.
  • It turns out that there is no motor apraxia of the muscles of the face, which is revealed in the form of difficulties in feeding and the inability to repeat movements of the tongue.
  • Compare understanding and speech reproduction.
  • Information about the child's home environment and his communication helps to identify insufficient stimulation of speech development.
In the cerebral cortex, the departments responsible for the development of articulatory and fine manual motor skills are located close to each other and are closely interconnected. However, the hand develops earlier in the process of ontogenesis, and its development, as it were, “pulls” the development of speech with it. Therefore, by developing fine manual motor skills in a child, we stimulate the development of his speech. Therefore, if a child has a leading hand - the right one, his left hemisphere is more developed - among the left-handers there are much more children with RDD, tk. they have the most developed right, and not the left hemisphere, in which the speech and motor centers are located.
In cases where a child has deviations in psychophysical development, the use of massage (in the system of correctional and developmental education) should be continued at preschool and primary school age.
The musical development of the child is also important. Such games as “Guess what sounded?”, “Recognize by voice”, “What instrument is playing?”, “Catch a whisper”, etc. are effective. After all, almost all children with STD have insufficiently developed attention (less memorization and reproduction of material ), they do not know how to concentrate, are often distracted, do not hear the rhythm and poorly capture the intonation of the voices of others.
It is also necessary to develop visual attention through work with multi-colored stripes, sticks, cubes, geometric planar and volumetric figures, and special cards.
from the age of 5, if the development of passive speech is sufficient and there is no delay in mental development, it is necessary to start classes with a speech therapist.
Children with a significant delay in speech development should not attend a general preschool institution, but a specialized psycho-neurological or neurological nursery, then a speech therapy kindergarten. If the RRR or RRR is not overcome by the age of 7, you should not insist that the child attend a regular school. Agree to a special correctional institution, where the child will be provided with increased attention from specialists and an adapted school curriculum.

What is the difference between Speech Delay (SPD) and Psycho-Speech Development Delay (PSP)?

A delay in speech development is when only speech suffers, and the mental and emotional development of the child is normal. This is the case when the child understands everything and fulfills requests, but speaks little or very poorly.

A delay in psycho-speech development implies that the child has a developmental lag of a general intellectual nature.

If before the age of 4, the diagnosis of ZPRD is quite rare and happens only in the presence of serious diseases, then over 5 years, only 20% of children with speech problems remain diagnosed with ZPRD. If before the age of 4 the child mastered the world, entering into little communication, then from this age he receives the bulk of the information precisely in communication with adults and peers. If speech is inaccessible to a child, mental development begins to slow down, and by the age of 5, due to a delay in speech development (SRR), unfortunately, a delay in PSYCHO-speech development (SPR) is formed. Therefore, if doctors have given your baby a ZRR, you should not, like an ostrich, hide your head in the sand and wait that “everything will pass by itself”. ZRR is reflected in the formation of the entire psyche of the child. If communication with others is difficult, this prevents the correct formation of cognitive processes and affects the emotional-volitional sphere. Waiting without treatment and classes with a 5-year-old defectologist often leads to a pronounced lag behind peers, in which case training will be possible only in a specialized school.

Sometimes a delay in speech development is associated with a delay in psychomotor development. The baby begins later than other children to hold his head, sit, walk. They are awkward, often fall, get injured, fly into objects. A characteristic sign is a long potty training, when at the age of 4.5-5 years the child continues to have “opportunities”.

What is the reason for the occurrence of ZRR and ZPRR in a child?

It should be understood that ZRR and ZPRR are not independent diseases, but the consequences of certain deviations in the health of the child, namely, disorders of the brain, central nervous system, genetic or mental disorders. Studying the anamnesis of children with delayed speech development, experts found that various adverse effects during fetal development, premature, prolonged or rapid labor, a long anhydrous period, birth injuries, fetal asphyxia during childbirth, hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure, genetic predisposition, mental illness, and even early transfer of the child to artificial feeding.

Delayed speech development is characteristic of children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, children with early childhood autism, hyperactivity syndrome.

Regardless of the cause that led to brain damage, the outcome is the same - different areas of the brain begin to work incorrectly or not actively enough. In children with delays in psycho-speech development, the zones that are responsible for speech and intellectual abilities are more “affected”, and as a result, speech and mental development is delayed.

Negative social factors do not have a direct pathological effect on the child, but they affect mental development. Therefore, RDD and RDD are often diagnosed in twins and twins, in children growing up in bilingual families or a poor language environment.

Dear mothers! If, according to the stories of relatives, you, your husband or uncle-aunt and another close relative spoke late, then this signals that your child already has a genetic predisposition to RDD. From generation to generation, ZRR wears more and more severe forms. . It must be understood that the active mastery of lexical and grammatical patterns begins in a child at 2-3 years old and ends by the age of 7. If a child has NO speech AT ALL, not even word imitation at 6 years old, the probability that he will speak is 0.2%. If the child is 8 years old, then he will have to master alternative methods of communication - gestural, card, written, but he will no longer have active speech in the general sense.

Unfortunately, many parents believe that speech therapists "treat" developmental delay, but speech therapists are educators, not doctors. They only teach the child to speak various sounds correctly, and this can only be done effectively from the age of 4-5. But you and I already know that waiting up to 5 years in the case of a child with ADHD is extremely dangerous.

So, first you need a fairly detailed diagnosis to identify the causes of the pathology of speech development.

To find out the reasons for the delay in speech development, it is necessary to contact a neurologist, a speech therapist, and in some cases a psychiatrist and a child psychologist. Specialized brain tests may be required - ECG, ECHO-EG, MRI and similar examinations.

Almost 100% of children with STDs and STDs require medical treatment.

At what age does work to overcome developmental delays begin?

The earlier the better.

Neurologists can prescribe treatment from the age of 1 year if a neurological pathology is detected early, which leads or may lead to a delay in speech development.

Defectologists start working with children from the age of 2, they help develop a child's attention, memory, thinking, and motor skills. Speech development specialists, corrective teachers also start working with children from 2-2.5 years old.

Speech therapists help to “put” sounds, teach how to build sentences correctly and compose a competent story. Most speech therapists work with children from 4-5 years old.

What are the methods of treatment of RRR and RRR?

Drug therapy - among the drugs that are used to treat STDs, there are those that are "active nutrition" and "building material" for brain neurons (cortexin, actovegin, neuromultivit, lecithin, etc.), and drugs that "spur" activity speech zones (cogitum). All appointments are made ONLY by a neurologist or psychiatrist. It is dangerous to self-medicate, because the drug that helped your friend's child may be contraindicated for your child.

Electroreflexotherapy and magnetotherapy allow you to selectively restore the work of various centers of the brain responsible for diction, vocabulary, speech activity and intellectual abilities. The high efficiency of electroreflexotherapy is associated with an additional therapeutic effect on hydrocephalus. However, this effective method is prohibited for use in children with convulsive syndrome, epilepsy and mental disorders. There are no contraindications for magnetotherapy.

Alternative methods of treatment - hippotherapy (treatment with horses), dolphin therapy, etc. methods must also be selected individually.

However, only drug assistance to such children brings little result if it is not backed up by pedagogical influence. The main task of the work of a defectologist teacher is to increase the level of mental development of children: intellectual, emotional and social.

The teacher provides correction (correction and weakening) of negative development trends; prevents the appearance of secondary deviations in development and difficulties in learning at the initial stage. In the work, the teacher-defectologist uses visual, practical, technical means of rehabilitation and conducts remedial classes in a playful way according to an individual plan. There is no general technique that helps absolutely everyone, an individual approach is needed.

It is very important that parents, noticing signs of a delay in speech development in a child, not only rely on the help of specialists, but also actively engage with the child themselves. The defectologist helps to choose the direction of the work that the relatives of the child will have to do daily and hourly.

A little about the methods of corrective work.

In working with such children, art therapy, music therapy, object-sensory therapy methods, special methods for developing large and small (fine) motor skills, methods for expanding the child's conceptual apparatus are used.

For example, finger games are actively used.

It is necessary that at home parents provide the child with the opportunity to develop fine motor skills - a designer, puzzles, insert games, mosaics, lacing toys, cubes and balls of different sizes, pyramids and ring throws, simulators for fastening buttons and tying shoelaces. It is necessary with the child to sculpt a lot from plasticine, draw with finger paints, string beads on a cord, perform engravings and primitive embroideries.

Of great importance is the use of various massage techniques and motor stimulation for the development of perception and sensations from an early age.

It is recommended to use outdoor games (logo-rhythmic technique) that develop the ability to navigate in space, move rhythmically and deftly, change the pace of movements, as well as games in which movements are accompanied by speech.

Any classes should be carried out according to the system, so you need to practice daily and under the supervision of a specialist. As a rule, it is enough for a 3-year-old child to visit a defectologist once a week, if the parents are ready to do the work assigned by the specialist at home in full. A child 4.5-5 years old and older needs to meet with a specialist at least 2 times a day, and in the case of ZPRR, a combination of several specialists is better. For example, 2 times a week a child works with a defectologist for general development, and 2 times a week with a music therapist or art therapist.

In conclusion, I emphasize once again that if you notice that the speech development of your baby does not correspond to the age norm, do not hesitate - contact a specialist immediately! If the correction of speech disorders is started at an early age, then it is likely that at the age of 6 your child will not be any different from his peers.

In this article:

Starting a conversation about delayed speech development in children at 3 years old, it should be noted that each child is individual. Therefore, it is not worth raising a panic and ringing all the bells if you find some inhibitions in the development of speech in your child. You are not the only family on earth whose children begin to speak their first conscious words by age 4. It's as individual as crawling. Some are happy to conquer kilometers of rooms on all fours and stand on their feet by the year. Others, in principle, do not like to crawl - they can sit up to 12 months, and they can walk along the wall as early as eight. Try to treat speech delay as calmly, but take appropriate measures. The first thing you should do is visit your local doctor for an examination and consultation.

According to psychologists, his cognitive process depends on the speech of the child. Speech therapists are also not happy with such a diagnosis, so they immediately respond to the slightest complaint and often quickly cope with the problem that has arisen. So you can entrust your child to specialists and take a small and simple course with him that will help him catch up with his peers. Along with speech, the horizons, worldview expand, logical thinking improves and character is formed. Since all this is closely interconnected, a child without serious deviations will quickly master speech, and after a few weeks you will forget that there was such a problem in your family.

What could be the reasons for delayed speech development?

First of all, pay attention to your communication with the baby. Perhaps his speech lag is due to the fact that you communicate little with the child.

Lack of demand for speech occurs in some cases:

Also, the silent state is sometimes delayed for genetic reasons - due to the sluggish maturation of speech nerve cells. The child may be hard of hearing and that is why not talk to you. Or, in the worst case scenario - which is rare, but, alas, happens - the cause may be brain damage.

Norms of speech development in children under the age of 3 years

Deviation from the proposed norms for 1-2 months (lead or lag) will also be the norm. If the child is lagging behind in several indicators at once, or he does not have any skills at all, then you should contact a specialist, pick up educational games and exercises and engage with the baby regularly.

How to determine the rate of speech development in a child?

Consider the developmental norms from birth by months, so that it is easier to determine if there are deviations and at what stage they appeared.

Up to a year and a half, a child develops and strengthens what he has learned in a year. He tends to call with one syllable a number of unrelated objects that begin with this syllable: “ka” - porridge, pencil, Katya (doll), cat (maybe “ko”). "Bam" - fell, knocked, ringing, bath for bathing (because he decided so). The child does not realize what is common between objects. If he knows what a journal, a notebook is, distinguishes a pen from a pencil, then at the moment it is impossible to explain to him that all this is an office.

If after a year and a half the child's speech does not become more coherent, then this is the first signal to go for a test. If there are no changes by the age of three, then it is better to sign up for a visit to a psychologist, speech therapist and district pediatrician for a general examination and analysis.

By the second year, children recognize animals and objects, voice them as best they can, modernize sounds into more complex phrases: "misha", "kitty", "mu-ka" (cow), "no-no" (horse). It becomes easier to understand the needs of the child. He knows how to find the essence and express it in one word: “yum”, “kup”, “tul” (chair), “give” (pointing to an object), “pi”, “aaa”. At this time, children of the same age can talk differently. Each child has his own upbringing and family too
- Accordingly, the environment and familiar objects are different for everyone. Children at 2 years old learn the world that is close to them. But an interesting fact is that, communicating with each other in syllables, they accept and understand each other, exchanging toys and laughing from their own word forms.

At the turn of 2-3 years, the child already understands how to put the word in the past or future tense, but often confuses the gender. He can call himself from a third name: “Lena, yes, she will” “Misha asked his mother” - and at the same time correctly show his demands.

By the third year of life, the child begins to speak coherently and measuredly. Some children may begin to read in syllables. There is an awareness of the importance of intonation, a comprehension of combining several words into one category. For example: oak, birch, spruce are trees. Dress, shirt, stockings are clothes. In addition to the acquired and studied meaningful words, fictional words slip through, with which the baby is still comfortable.

At three years old, a child must know 1,500 words or more. If the child's speech lags behind the norm, the prerequisites for reading remain passive. It is impossible to teach a child to write or think logically, because he cannot form his thoughts into words even “to himself”.

With such manifestations, by contacting a speech therapist and psychologist, you prevent developmental delay, revealing the true problem of the baby's silence.
By sorting out the obstacle on the way to speech as quickly as possible, doctors eliminate the problem completely, without a trace. But the longer the problem remains in your family, the deeper it is rooted in the psyche, and in just six months it will be much more difficult to deal with it.

What should be paid attention to in the development of the speech of a three-year-old child?

Pay attention to the development of the child's speech during the first year of life. If for eight months your baby only “mumbles” and occasionally “gurgles” - this is not an indicator that he is very calm, but a signal that you need to go to the doctors. After the ninth month, everything that the child has learned begins to consolidate and become more complicated. If all this time your baby was silent, then he will have nothing to fix.

If your baby turns around at the call and emotionally expresses his desires, then this is normal.
development. If at the same time he is more and more silent, it is worth contacting a speech therapist. After a year of life, children are able to show in the picture the object and animal that their parents name, recognize familiar faces in photographs, show individual parts of the body and try to repeat at least the first syllable of the whole word.

At two years old, the baby not only enters into a conversation with adults, simulating a conversation with the help of short phrases and nods, pointing a finger in the right direction. He can also fulfill the request of an adult to give him something, bring a ball, show a new doll, give him a drink from a mug.

By the age of three, simple sentences are formed from simple words like “let's go for a walk”, “I need to eat”, “I want to go there”. Children are the first to say hello, enter into a dialogue, tell their news: “They bought me a dress”, “The boy gave me a toy”. The interest of adults encourages the development of thought, forming more and more complex sentences.

Diagnosis, assistance and treatment of speech development delay in a child of 3 years

Usually, the lag in speech development is not noticed immediately, but when there is a serious inhibition, noticeable not only to others, but also to the parents themselves - who can reassure themselves for a long time, they say, this happens to children, all children are different, etc. We repeat: do not faint, but also there is no need to relax. Waiting for the problem to go away by itself and your child suddenly speaking at one point in a clear and intelligible speech will be wrong and harmful. You should treat the problem without panic, but carefully. Show the child to the doctor and tell that you have noticed some deviations in the development of speech. After the district pediatrician, you will be referred to the necessary consultations of specialists who help children with similar problems quickly catch up with their peers.

Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to identify the essence of the problem. And, as already known, speech delay can occur for various reasons. And the treatment of each of the causes should be purely individual.

If the matter is a lack of attention or, conversely, excessive care of a single child, then a psychologist takes over the matter, necessarily working with both the child and his relatives. Particular attention will be paid to the child's emotions and the stages of their occurrence - so the psychologist will find the root of the problem and improve the child's internal state. After awakening the desire to learn, a speech therapist is connected to work with the child.

If the child does not speak due to a neuralgic diagnosis, then special drugs will help, the use of which promotes the regeneration of brain cells. In the process of taking the pills, the baby begins to change before our eyes: he is drawn to communication, tries to find something new on his own, with his parents and friends. It is also possible to immerse the child in a hypnotic therapeutic sleep or treatment using micropolarization. This may sound intimidating to loving parents, but the procedure is actually completely painless. The device that affects the child's brain activity emits a minimum number of electrical impulses, which are ten times weaker than the current during the electrophoresis procedure.

If the problem of speech is due to the fact that the baby does not hear sounds, according to the testimony of the child, they can be assigned to a school where they teach how to live in a world without sounds.

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