Dimexide poisoning: manifestations, first aid methods. Dimexide - detailed description and use at home Dimexide - what can you drink from inside?

The purpose of the article is to acquaint readers of the MirSovetov website with the drug Dimexide. Tell about the features of this medicine, for what diseases it is used, in what proportions it needs to be diluted.

Description of the drug Dimexide

Dimexide is a product for external use and is a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic garlic odor. The drug mixes well with water and alcohol. It crystallizes at temperatures below 16°C, but this does not in any way affect the quality of the medicine. The MirSovetov website informs its readers that if a bottle of Dimexide crystals is placed in hot water, they easily melt and turn back into liquid.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The active ingredient in this drug is dimethyl sulfoxide. It has special chemical properties. Therefore, Dimexide has the following different pharmacological actions:
  • relieves inflammation;
  • restores cell nutrition processes in damaged tissues;
  • destroys various pathogens;
  • relieves pain;
  • improves blood flow in capillaries;
  • dissolves blood clots.
Due to such a variety of pharmacological effects, the drug is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases.

Indications for use of Dimexide

Dimexide can be used not only as an independent drug, but also in combination with other drugs in the treatment of various diseases:
  • autoimmune diseases: discoid lupus erythematosus;
  • gynecological diseases: adnexitis, leucorrhoea, inflammatory diseases, fungi, cervical dystrophy, colpitis, metritis, parametritis, postoperative complications, postpartum complications, staphylococci and streptococci, fissures, endometritis, ;
  • dermatological diseases: acne, alopecia, keloid scars, mycoses of the feet, limited scleroderma, erysipelas, erythema nodosum, furunculosis, eczema;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), deforming osteoarthritis (in the presence of damage to the tissues surrounding the joint), heel spur, radiculitis, reactive synovitis, rheumatoid;
  • vascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers;
  • proctology: and its manifestations, paraproctitis;
  • urological diseases: benign prostatic hypertrophy, (acute and chronic), chronic;
  • surgical diseases and traumatology: purulent wounds, sprains, traumatic infiltrates, bruises.

Contraindications for Dimexide

The drug should not be used for:
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • comatose states;
  • dysfunction of the liver and/or kidneys;
  • hypersensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • angina pectoris.
The MirSovetov website warns that the drug should not be used by children under 12 years of age, and it should be prescribed to older people with great caution.

Side effects of the drug

Dimexide is well tolerated, but in some cases the following may occur:
  • bronchospasm (very rare);
  • dizziness;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • dry skin;
  • or vomiting (very rare);
  • erythema (rashes on the skin and mucous membranes).

Release forms of Dimexide

  1. Dimexide, concentrate for preparing a solution for external use; dark glass bottles (50 and 100 ml).
  2. Dimexide, gel for external use 25% and 50% in tubes.
  3. Propolis-D suppositories No. 10 (propolis and dimexide).
  4. Included in many ointments and gels for external use.

Special instructions before using Dimexide for the first time

The MirSovetov website recommends that its readers, before using the drug for the first time, conduct a tolerance test with it. To do this, Dimexide solution is applied to the skin using a cotton swab. Skin redness or itching indicates increased sensitivity. In this case, the use of Dimexide as a medicine is not recommended.
Some patients smell garlic when exhaling.
Dimexide should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Interaction of Dimexide with other drugs

Dimexide enhances the effect:
  • mycin groups;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • butadione;
  • insulin (if the drug is used for a long time, the dose of insulin must be reduced);
  • nitroglycerin;
  • quinidine;
  • ethanol (alcohol-containing drinks inhibit the removal of the drug from the body).
Dimexide can be used in complex therapy and combined:
  • with heparin;
  • with syntomycin liniment;
  • with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Dimexide increases the body's sensitivity to anesthetics.

Directions for use and doses

Once again, please note that Dimexide is used externally only. The concentrated solution causes chemical burns to the skin and mucous membranes, so it should always be diluted with water before use.
Dimexide solution is used in the form of compresses (for 20-30 minutes) or applications (for 10-15 minutes) for 10-15 days:
  • local anesthesia for pain syndromes (dislocations, hematomas, sprains, bruises): compresses of 100-150 ml of a 25-50% solution 2-3 times a day;
  • erysipelas and trophic ulcers: applications of 50-100 ml of 30-50% solution 2-3 times a day;
  • facial skin or other highly sensitive areas: applications of 30-50 ml of 10-20-30% solution as prescribed by a doctor;
  • heel spur: compresses 100-150 ml of 30-40% solution 2-3 times a day;
  • keloid scars: applications of 50-100 ml of 30-40% solution once a day for 14 days;
  • chronic laryngopharyngitis: external compress 200 ml diluted 1:3 or 1:4;
  • eczema and diffuse streptoderma: compresses of 50-100 ml of 40-90% solution 2 times a day.
We remind you that a more complete and detailed treatment regimen for each specific disease can only be obtained after consultation with a doctor.

Dimexide is a drug that is extremely interesting in its properties. In medicine, it is most often used in tandem with antibiotics, hormonal drugs, and painkillers. The main method of its use is compresses and applications, for which the drug must be diluted. How to determine the required proportions, and in what cases will such treatment measures be effective?

Basic information about the drug

The active substance is dimethyl sulfoxide, depending on the form of release its concentration in the drug varies: in an ointment there are usually 25 g of the active substance per 100 g of product, in a solution the concentration varies from 10% to 99%, which determines its spectrum of action. The liquid is colorless, the ointment may have a slight yellowish tint, the smell is subtle, pungent, and disappears quickly.

  • Regardless of the form of release, dimexide is a dermatotropic agent for external use, which has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also a disinfectant effect.
  • The specificity of dimexide’s work is such that it not only affects blood clots and blood stagnation, but also accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, as a result of which their regeneration improves.
  • The equally important ability of dimexide is noteworthy: in tandem with any chemical, it enhances its effect, working as a conductor. This is due to the fact that dimethyl sulfoxide can penetrate into the deepest layers of tissue.
  • However, it is important to remember that dimexide will not work if the affected area is at a depth of more than 5 cm.

The coin also has a downside associated with the toxicity of the drug, as a result of which it must be used with extreme caution.

  • Dimexide should not be taken orally, as this entails a negative reaction from the digestive tract.
  • In its pure form, dimexide can only be applied to the skin as an ointment; The solution must be diluted with distilled water or other liquid specified in the recipe.

To avoid serious consequences for the skin, when using dimexide without medical supervision, it is recommended to conduct an initial test for an allergic reaction. This is especially true for solutions with high concentrations.

  • Contraindications to the use of dimexide are diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver disorders, as well as renal failure and glaucoma. It is strictly forbidden to use dimethyl sulfoxide during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or to stop lactation while taking it. And also with increased sensitivity to this substance and age under 12 years.

Dimexide: instructions for using compresses

As for the compresses with dimexide themselves, their focus is as follows:

  • Bruises of joints and soft tissues;
  • Sprain and rupture of ligaments;
  • Burns of any degree;
  • Trophic ulcers, furunculosis;
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system with pain syndrome (sciatica);
  • Fungal infections of the skin, including foot fungus, nails, etc.;
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchopulmonary region.

It is important to understand that, since dimexide is not only an independently acting drug, but also a conductor for other medications, the effect of its use as a compress will depend on those who are part of this “tandem”. Most often, in order to reduce pain and relieve inflammation, novocaine, lidocaine and other anesthetics are added to dimexide. There is also a simpler option - diluting dimexide with alcohol, but this is not suitable for burns and other open lesions, as it can worsen the situation.

It is important to choose the right concentration of solution for the compress:

  • 20% is the maximum allowable for burns of any degree; it requires subsequent dilution.
  • 30-40% is allowed to be used for eczema, trophic ulcers, skin lesions with pus discharge.
  • 50% is recommended for erysipelas, streptoderma.
  • 20-50% - the concentration of the solution for compresses on inflamed joints and ligaments, bruises, hematomas, as well as for diseases of the musculoskeletal system should be within this range.

It is also worth noting that for people with sensitive skin and if it is necessary to apply a compress to the face, only a 20% solution of dimexide is used. The main option for compresses is 30-50%.

How to make a compress with dimexide?

The technology for creating, applying and wearing compresses with dimexide depends on its focus and accompanying components.

  • Classical option breeding dimexide water, mainly used to treat bronchitis, sore throat, etc. It can also be used for long-term treatment of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Compound dimexide With anti-inflammatory ointment- Suitable for arthritis, bruises and injuries. Here it is recommended to take not a solution, but dimexide ointment, or work in 2 stages: first apply the ointment, then a compress from a dimexide solution diluted with water.
  • Compresses from dimexide With novocaine, lidocaine And T. d. : used to relieve pain from injuries, a common method of pain relief in sports medicine.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to purchase the required concentration of solution at the pharmacy. In such a situation, it is important to be able to independently reduce the proportion of the active substance. In addition, it is relevant and necessary to avoid side effects on sensitive skin.

  • The easiest way to change the concentration is to use a 100% solution: the number of parts of the drug that you take will be equal to the final percentage. Thus, for a 10% solution, 1 ml of dimexide will require 9 ml of water, and for a 40% solution, 3 ml of water and 2 ml of dimexide.

How to dilute dimexide for a compress? Orientation to the problem that will have to be solved with its help:

  • At bronchitis And other diseases respiratory systems Dimexide, aloe juice and water (distilled or boiled) are combined in equal proportions, after which the same amount of liquid honey, heated in a water bath, is added to them. The warm mixture should be distributed over a bandage folded several times, placed on the back, chest or throat area, covered with cellophane or parchment, and wrapped in warm material (wool is best). The application time of the compress is 3-4 hours.
  • Anesthetic compress For bruises And other injuries: Dimexide solution is combined with novocaine (2%) in a ratio of 3:5, and a gauze pad is soaked in the liquid. Be sure to cover the compress with paper or cellophane and secure with a bandage. A warming layer can be added if necessary. Exposure time - 60-90 minutes.
  • Compress With medicinal drug: the ratio is usually suggested by a specialist, since everything here depends on which product becomes a “pair” for dimexide. The exposure time should not exceed 30 minutes, and the course usually lasts 7-10 days.
  • Compresses For treatment supportingmotor apparatus: here, in addition to dimexide and novocaine, hydrocortisone is used, as well as water. Dimexide is diluted to obtain a 40-50% solution and combined with an ampoule of hydrocortisone. To this mixture is added 1/3 (of the total volume of liquid) novocaine (2%). The course of treatment is 21 days, the exposure time is no more than 1 hour.

Experts insist on following safety rules when working with compresses: be sure to use gloves when carrying out this procedure, and the resulting mixture should not be rubbed into the skin. In addition, only gauze or bandage is allowed for applying a compress: the fabric should not have any dyes, since dimexide will transfer them into the blood.

Dimexide is a medicinal product that is available in the form of a solution and is used to prepare compresses for diseases of the musculoskeletal system or infectious lesions of the skin.

This drug has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, as well as antiseptic and analgesic effects.

Dimexide is available in the form of a solution

A compress with dimexide perfectly restores impaired metabolism in the affected area, improves local blood circulation, kills infectious agents, prevents the formation of blood clots and relieves pain. The drug is widely used in modern medical practice and is trusted by doctors and their patients.

According to the instructions for use, dimexide solution for compresses can be used for various diseases of the joint system, as well as skin lesions of infectious origin, including:

  • pain syndrome that accompanies bruises of the elbow and knee joints;
  • ankylosing spondylosis or;
  • deforming degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints;
  • , radiculopathy, arthropathy;
  • sprain;
  • joint damage with the formation of hematomas;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • lesions of epidermal tissues of infectious origin;
  • skin burns.

Dimexide is successfully used in the treatment of skin lesions

It is advisable to use a solution of dimexide for a compress only in relation to superficial tissue damage.

In other cases, it will simply be ineffective. In any case, before deciding to use dimexide compresses or dimexide analogues for compresses, you should contact a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications to their use.

Basic rules for using compresses

It is no secret that the drug will be truly effective only if the patient knows exactly how to dilute dimexide for compresses, how long to keep the compress with dimexide, how many times a day to do the compress with dimexide, and the like.

There are certain rules for using medicines based on dimexide solution:

  • it is very important to maintain the exact concentration of the solution;
  • answering the question of how often you can make compresses with dimexide, it is important to note that the bandage with medicinal solutions must be used daily, but not more than 10-20 days;
  • Keep the compress on the affected areas of the body for at least 60 minutes.

The drug is extremely rarely used as monotherapy. In most clinical cases, doctors recommend using it in combination with other medications.

In most cases, dimexide is mixed with other drugs

Most often in medical practice, compresses with dimexide and hydrocortisone with the addition of a 2% novocaine solution are prescribed.

The proportions in a compress of dimexide with novocaine and glucocorticosteroid are as follows:

  • Dimexide – 100 ml;
  • Novocaine – 50 ml;
  • Hydrocortisone – 2 ampoules;
  • Water – 50 ml.

The second common dressing option is a compress with dimexide, novocaine and dexamethasone, which in its action is an analogue of a hydrocortisone-containing compress and has a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antihistamine effect. A compress with dimexide, novocaine, analgin is also famous for similar effects, the proportions of which will be advised to the patient by his attending physician.

It is important to remember that the drug is never used in its pure form, but requires preliminary dilution depending on the therapeutic objectives assigned to it.

For example, to treat burns with dimexide, it is necessary to dilute the drug to a 20% solution, and to prepare a compress with dimexide on joints - to 50%.

Use for osteochondrosis

A compress with dimexide on the neck and a compress with dimexide on the lower back are used primarily for the treatment of dystrophic lesions of the cartilaginous structures of the vertebral joints, improving blood circulation in these areas and relieving pain. This bandage will also help to cope with swelling, stiffness of movement and relieves local manifestations of inflammation.

Compresses with dimexide help well with osteochondrosis

Application in gynecology

Compresses with lidase and dimexide are used primarily in gynecology as tampons for the treatment of colpitis, erosions, and candidiasis.

It is strictly forbidden to insert such a ready-made tampon very deeply into the vagina, since due to the increased content of various chemicals it can provoke the appearance of local irritations, allergic reactions, itching, and rashes.

Before use, it is very important to consult a doctor and find out how to properly dilute dimexide for a compress with lidase in order to avoid the development of possible side effects or complications.

Compresses for joints

The most commonly practiced treatment is Dimexide for joints. Naturally, today the more popular method of therapy is the use of special pharmaceuticals.
At the same time, few people know that a compress with dimexide on the knee is no worse than expensive drugs from a tube.
Compresses with dimexide for arthrosis or arthritic joint damage can relieve the patient from local manifestations of inflammation caused by the pathological process, relieve swelling, reduce pain, etc. A compress with dimexide is very effective for... Often, to enhance the effect of the main solution, dressings are used in which it is combined with other medications. A striking example of such treatment is a compress of dimexide with.

To relieve pain, apply dimexide compresses with novocaine, more details in the video:

Dimexide for heel spurs

Treatment with dimexide deserves special attention. This therapy is very effective and allows you to quickly eliminate pain, reduce swelling, and resume normal gait. According to numerous reviews, treatment of heel spurs with dimexide allows you to achieve the first positive effects after the second or third procedure.

Dimexide for lymphadenitis

Sometimes the drug is used to treat lymphadenitis, which accompanies infectious diseases of the oral cavity and oropharynx. In such cases, doctors recommend a compress of dimexide and dioxidine to their patients. This bandage must be applied to the affected areas for 30-40 minutes, the procedure should be repeated daily.

Do I need to wash off dimexide after the compress? The remains of the active substance on the skin should not be washed off, as it continues to have a therapeutic effect even after the compress is removed.

Possible side effects and contraindications for use

Like treatment with other drugs, therapy with dimexide has its contraindications, including:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the compress;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • immunodeficiency conditions;
  • children and old age;
  • pregnancy.

Dimexide is a drug that can cause side effects:

Naturally, no one is immune from the side effects of compresses, so before using the drug you should consult with specialists, exclude the presence of contraindications to the use of the drug and assess the risks of complications.

Skin aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped, but it is quite possible to significantly slow down and stop it. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to undergo expensive cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery; a good effect can be achieved by using simple and affordable means. Recently, Dimexide for wrinkles has become one of the popular pharmaceutical drugs used for rejuvenation.

Cheap medications have long been used as an alternative to expensive cosmetic creams from well-known world brands. If you dig deeper, many of these products can be found in most miraculous masks and elixirs from professional cosmetics lines.

For example, the active substance Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) is often found in a variety of anti-aging creams and other cosmetics intended for facial skin care. This is due to its antiseptic, healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Let's find out whether we should believe the rave reviews about Dimexide and how it can be used as an anti-aging agent.

Dimexide is a drug that is used in medicine as an analgesic and antibacterial agent that effectively relieves inflammation and accelerates regeneration processes. The medication is used in areas such as dermatology, traumatology, and gynecology. It is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, thrombophlebitis, burns, purulent and fungal infections. Dimexide is actively used in plastic surgery, as it promotes accelerated engraftment of grafts.

Recently, Dimexide solution is increasingly used in cosmetology. And if previously the drug was added to various masks and other cosmetic products for hair care, now it is considered an alternative anti-aging product for aging skin. It is believed that the product can effectively renew the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and relieve inflammation due to acne.

This effect is achieved due to the active component - dimethyl sulfoxide, which is an excellent solvent and conductor of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin. Under the influence of this component, the process of absorption of medicinal ingredients is activated, and metabolic processes in cells occur much faster. When applied to the skin, Dimexide has the following therapeutic effect:

  • Improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Smoothes out fine wrinkles and promotes healing of microcracks.
  • Dries out acne well and eliminates inflammation.
  • Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes and enhanced cell renewal, it has a rejuvenating effect.

The therapeutic effect of Dimexide increases many times over when used in combination with other cosmetics and medications. Reviews of Dimexide for wrinkles indicate that the most pronounced result is achieved when this product is used together with the drug Solcoseryl.

With applications or compresses, the active substance can easily penetrate through the skin into the circulatory system and reach a certain concentration in the blood within 5 minutes after using the drug. Dimethyl sulfoxide dissolves the medicinal components of other drugs (antibiotics, hormones, vitamins, cytostatics, alkaloids) and accelerates penetration into body tissues without changing their properties.

Therefore, it cannot be said that Dimexide is a remedy for wrinkles, it only accelerates the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin, due to which a unique rejuvenating effect is achieved. In terms of the strength of its effect, Dimeskid's solution is compared to Botox, since its use allows you to tighten the blurred contour of the face, refresh and heal the skin.


The pharmaceutical industry produces Dimexide in different forms: as a concentrated solution, gel, ointment and suppositories. In cosmetology, Dimeskid is used only in the form of a solution. It should be borne in mind that the drug is highly toxic and, if used incorrectly, acts as a poison. Even a minimal amount of medication, if accidentally taken orally, causes severe poisoning, dizziness and vomiting. In this case, the victim will need emergency medical care.

Procedures with Dimexide require special care. Since the solution is highly concentrated, it must be properly diluted before applying to the skin, otherwise you can get a severe burn.

In addition, Dimexide can provoke allergic reactions, so a skin test should be performed before using the medication. To do this, apply a small amount of the solution, diluted according to the instructions, to the bend of the elbow and wait for a while. If no undesirable reaction occurs in the form of redness and irritation, the drug can be used without fear.

Dimexide gel for wrinkles is not used, since a high concentration of the active substance can cause contact dermatitis, burning and other complications.

Before using Dimexide as an elixir of youth, be sure to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. A specialist will help you determine what concentration of the drug will be acceptable in your case. So, for dry and sensitive skin, the drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, and for increased oiliness of the skin, the concentrate can be diluted in a ratio of 1:3.

As a remedy for wrinkles, the drug is used as a solution for external treatment or included in anti-aging masks.

Dimexide for the face against wrinkles is used to eliminate age-related changes. The optimal time for the procedures would be the evening, before going to bed. The skin must first be prepared and cleaned. To do this, it is better to take a steam bath, which will allow the skin pores to open and quickly absorb the remedy.

Dimexide is diluted with distilled or cooled boiled water according to the instructions for the drug. For the first procedure, it is better to make a solution of minimum concentration (1:10), that is, take 10 parts of water for 1 part of the drug. After the preparatory measures, the product is applied to the face. A cotton swab is soaked in the solution and wiped over the skin in the problem area, being careful not to put undue pressure on it. The product is left for 15-20 minutes, then washed off and a nourishing cream suitable for your skin type is applied. This is the easiest way to use the drug. The procedure can be done twice a week for a month.

Dimexide solution + tea tree oil

To wipe aging skin, you can use a recipe in which the therapeutic effect of Demexide is enhanced by a plant component. For the procedure, prepare the following composition: 3 tsp. 10 drops of Dimexide are diluted with water and 5 drops of tea tree oil extract are added. The medicinal composition is applied to the face with a cotton pad for 15-20 minutes, then washed off.

Masks with Dimexide for wrinkles

Dimexide can be added to cosmetic creams or used as part of masks. The Dimexide and Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle mask is especially popular. The complex effect of these drugs rejuvenates the skin, promotes its renewal and revival. A therapeutic mask based on two drugs has an amazing effect, the result is elastic, renewed skin and a radiant complexion. It should be borne in mind that Solcoseryl gel is also a drug, so before the procedure this drug must be checked using a skin test. This will avoid hypersensitivity reactions. Then you can proceed directly to the procedure:

  • After a warm shower or steam bath, the skin of the face is cleansed so that the pores open as much as possible.
  • Dimexide is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • A cotton pad is moistened in the solution and wiped over the face. Massaging or rubbing the solution into the skin is not recommended. Try not to touch the delicate skin around the eyes and avoid getting the solution on the mucous membranes.
  • After Dimexide is absorbed, apply a thick layer of Solcoseryl gel to your face.
  • The mask is kept for 40-60 minutes. All this time you need to make sure that the top layer of the gel does not dry out. To do this, you can periodically apply a fresh layer of the drug.
  • After the specified period, the mask is carefully removed with a cotton pad soaked in water, after which it is additionally washed with warm water.
  • Apply a moisturizing or nourishing anti-aging cream appropriate to your skin type to your face.

The effect of using such a mask is noticeable immediately: the skin is smoothed, tightened, becomes radiant and looks much younger. It is recommended to do the procedure no more than 1-2 times a month. With pronounced age-related changes, the mask can be applied more often, every 7 days. To achieve a lasting result, you will need 10 procedures.

  1. Vitamin mask

This anti-wrinkle mask with Dimexide will help speed up recovery processes, refresh and tones the skin. A very effective procedure based on the use of simple and accessible components. At the pharmacy you need to purchase vitamins A and E in capsules or the drug Aevit. In a separate container, mix equal amounts of sour cream and white clay powder (1 tbsp each). Open the capsules with liquid vitamins and pour them into a teaspoon.

No more than 1/2 tsp should be added to the mixture. vitamin cocktail. Dimexide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7. Add 1 tsp to the sour cream and vitamin mixture. diluted solution and stir until smooth. The resulting composition is applied in a thick layer to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off. It is recommended to do the procedure once every 10 days; for deep wrinkles, it is recommended to apply a rejuvenating mask once a week.

A few drops of Dimexide can be added to homemade cosmetic masks or to anti-aging creams that you use for facial care. This will enhance their effectiveness, since Dimeskid will promote faster and deeper penetration of active substances into the skin.

Like any drug, Dimexide has a number of restrictions on its use. Its use should be avoided if the following pathologies are present:

  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • With impaired liver or kidney function
  • For ophthalmological pathologies (glaucoma, cataracts)
  • In old age
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • For symptoms of atherosclerosis
  • In case of individual intolerance

Do not forget that the drug is toxic and can cause adverse reactions such as redness and irritation of the skin, itching, and rashes. The product should not be used continuously; this may lead to the development of contact dermatitis. It is better to use the drug in courses; after 10 procedures, you need to take a break for a month, after which the treatment can be repeated. With prolonged use of the medication, systemic reactions may develop: nausea, lethargy, lethargy.

Before starting use, be sure to consult a dermatologist and use the drug strictly according to the instructions. Avoid getting the concentrated solution on the skin or mucous membranes, otherwise you may get burns, which will take a long and difficult time to heal. Do not exceed the permissible concentration of the drug, otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, you may encounter serious complications.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a chemical substance with the formula - (CH3)2SO. Colorless liquid, an important bipolar aprotic solvent. It has found wide application in various fields of chemistry, as well as as a medicine.

History of the study

It was first synthesized in 1866 by Russian chemist Alexander Zaitsev by oxidizing dimethyl sulfide with nitric acid. Over the next few decades, studies of the properties of this compound were not systematic. Interest in dimethyl sulfoxide increased greatly after its unique solvent properties were discovered in 1958. In 1960, industrial production of dimethyl sulfoxide began. After this, the number of publications devoted to the study of the properties of DMSO increased sharply.


The main method for producing DMSO is the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide. In industry, this process is carried out using nitric acid. DMSO is a by-product of the pulp and paper industry. Annual production of DMSO is measured in tens of thousands of tons.

In laboratory conditions, potassium periodate can be used in an organic solvent-water system for the mild and selective oxidation of dimethyl sulfide. However, laboratory methods for obtaining DMSO have no practical significance. This is due to the inconvenience of working with dimethyl sulfide, as well as the low commercial cost of the finished solvent.

Physical and chemical properties

DMSO is a viscous, colorless liquid, almost odorless. When mixed with water it becomes very hot. Reacts with methyl iodide to form sulfoxonium ion, which is capable of reacting with sodium hydride.


Use as a solvent

DMSO is an important bipolar aprotic solvent. It is less toxic than other members of this group, such as dimethylformamide, dimethylacetamide, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, HMPTA. Due to its strong dissolving ability, DMSO is often used as a solvent in chemical reactions involving inorganic salts, in particular in nucleophilic substitution reactions. The acidic properties of DMSO are weak, so it has become an important solvent in the chemistry of carbon anions. Nonaqueous pKa values ​​for hundreds of organic compounds have been measured in DMSO.

Due to its high boiling point, DMSO evaporates extremely slowly at normal atmospheric pressure. This makes it a very convenient solvent for reactions when heated. At the same time, the rather high melting point limits its use at low temperatures. After carrying out the reaction in DMSO solution, reaction mixtures are most often diluted with water to precipitate organic substances.

The deuterated form of DMSO, also known as DMSO-d6, is a convenient solvent for NMR spectroscopy due to its high solubility for a wide range of substances, the simplicity of its own spectrum, and its stability at high temperatures. The disadvantages of DMSO-d6 as a solvent for NMR spectroscopy are its high viscosity, which broadens the signals in the spectrum, and its high boiling point, which makes it difficult to reverse isolate the substance after analysis. Often DMSO-d6 is mixed with CDCl3 or CD2Cl2 to reduce viscosity and melting point.

DMSO is finding more and more uses in microelectronics production.

DMSO is a more effective and safer paint stain remover than gasoline or dichloromethane.

DMSO is also the only product that removes Super Glue and Spray Foam.

Application in biology

DMSO is used in PCR to inhibit the pairing of parent DNA molecules. It is added to the PCR mixture before the start of the reaction, where it interacts with complementary sections of DNA, preventing them from pairing and reducing the number of side processes.

DMSO is also used as a cryoprotectant. It is added to the cell medium to prevent damage to cells when they are frozen. Approximately 10% DMSO can be used to safely cool cells and also to store them at liquid nitrogen temperatures.

Application in medicine

As a medicine, purified dimethyl sulfoxide is used in the form of aqueous solutions (10-50%), as a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and also as part of ointments to increase the transdermal transfer of active substances, since it penetrates the skin in a few seconds and transports other substances. The trade name of the drug is “Dimexide”.


In addition to water impurities, dimethyl sulfoxide may also contain dimethyl sulfide and sulfones. These impurities are removed by incubating DMSO over barium oxide, sodium hydroxide, dryerite, or fresh activated alumina for 12 hours. After this, the substance is distilled under reduced pressure (~2-4 mm Hg, boiling point 50 ° C - that is, 328 K) over granules of caustic soda or barium oxide. Use a 4A molecular sieve to store purified DMSO.

General effect on the body

DMSO and microcirculation

Improves microcirculation in brain tissue and other areas of the body. Improves microcirculation processes in joint tissues. Prevents the development of DIC syndrome, primarily its local manifestations. The leading role in the development of this phenomenon belongs to the fibrinogen-fibrin system. With rheumatism, hypercoagulation always occurs. DMSO reduces blood clotting time and improves microcirculation in the affected area. Reduces the tendency of red blood cells to aggregate. Normalizes the process of fibrin formation, which improves tissue trophism. Improves the nutritional conditions of the transplanted skin flap by expanding the capillary network and increases the total number of functioning vessels. Creates the most favorable conditions for the healing of skin flaps and preventing the development of necrosis in them.

It has a vasodilating effect and has a moderately expressed hypotensive effect. Reduces peripheral vascular resistance.

Improves the rheological properties of blood, reduces adhesiveness and aggregation of blood cells.

Like histamine, it increases the permeability of the walls of venules. Easily penetrates skin and cell membranes without damaging them. Penetrating through intact skin, it carries various medicinal substances into the cells and intercellular tissue.

Significantly, several times, increases the permeability of the histohematological barriers of the lungs and liver, without however affecting the permeability of the histohematological barriers of the kidneys. Increases the permeability of the blood-brain and blood-ophthalmic barriers. Deposits medicinal substances in tissues for 1-2 weeks. It has a unique ability to conduct (transport) substances dissolved in it through the skin and mucous membranes without damaging them. It disrupts hydrophobic bonds and lipoprotein complexes of cell membranes, which underlies the increase in their permeability under the influence of DMSO. Promotes long-term deposition of drugs in tissues.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Dimexide's anti-inflammatory activity is comparable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has not only local, but also systemic anti-inflammatory effects.

DMSO has an antiexudative effect, inhibits the activity of proteases and the synthesis of prostaglandins. At the same time, it increases the secretion of cortisol and strengthens the membranes of lysosomes. Reduces cellular infiltration at the site of inflammation.

DMSO has a direct antiproteolytic effect, prevents the development of edema and necrosis, and inhibits platelet aggregation. It has an antipyretic effect and suppresses exudation processes at the site of inflammation. A 33% DMSO solution quickly reduces soft tissue swelling. Stimulates reparative processes in tissues, proliferative processes in the focus of inflammation.

Quickly eliminates inflammation of soft tissues. Accelerates the development of granulation tissue, slowing down the processes of scar formation. Tender scars form. Promotes the resorption of inflammatory infiltrates, including in the stroma of the lungs and pleura. Resolves rough scars, playing the role of a “chemical orderly” in the area of ​​inflammation, a biochemical cleaner.

DMSO interacts with protein breakdown products, forming intermolecular (hydrogen and hydrophobic) bonds with the functional groups of polypeptides - OH, NH, SH, NH2. Promotes their removal from the source of inflammation. Inhibits fibroblast proliferation, and in combination with corticosteroids completely suppresses it.

Inhibits collagen synthesis. Reliably and long-term reduces the level of prostaglandins PgE b, PgF 2a by suppressing the intensity of synthesis of the latter. Reduces and slows down the development of radiation and drug pneumonitis by 1/3.

The drug does not have an allergenic effect. Does not cause contact sensitization when applied to the skin. On the contrary, it has desensitizing and antiallergic activity. According to various sources, it inhibits anaphylactic reactions by 41-72%.

The antiallergic activity of dimexide (as well as other biological effects) is proportional to the concentration of the drug used. The antiallergic activity is based on the ability to suppress B-lymphocytes and plasma cells, blockade of histaminergic serotonergic receptors, antihistamine action, the ability to inactivate histamine released from mast cells, and deplete the pool of histamine-producing cells.

DMSO is a long-acting anesthetic with a pronounced local analgesic effect. Has a long-lasting analgesic effect. Selectively blocks nerve fibers conducting pain impulses. Can be considered as a symptomatic analgesic for pain syndromes of various origins.

Long-term blockade of nerve endings and trunks is achieved by introducing a mixture of DMSO with an anesthetic, and the final concentration of the solvent should be 30-50%. DMSO-induced nerve conduction block is completely reversible.

Potentiates the effect of antibiotics. The antibiotic molecule is solvated with several DMSO molecules, which increases the penetration of antibiotics into tissues. Using the NMR method, it was found that one molecule of antibiotic (penicillin) is solvated with 7 molecules of DMSO. Antibiotic preparations are also dissolved in a 40-50% DMSO solution. Mixtures of dimescid with penicillin, erythromycin, and tetracycline are used.

Importantly, DMSO inhibits bacterial lactamases. The phenomenon of a selective increase in the concentration of antibiotics in the affected tissue with the combined administration of antibiotics with dimexide and their selective accumulation was discovered. The concentration of the antibiotic in the lesion increases 2.5-3 times; Thus, dimexide enhances the antibacterial effect of antibiotics. We can also say that dimexide deposits antibiotics in the affected tissue.

The introduction of antibiotics together with DMSO intravenously and by application opens up new paths in antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory therapy.

DMSO has an anticoagulant effect. After intravenous administration of the drug in the form of a 10-20% solution, the volume of plasma decreases, its viscosity, like the viscosity of whole blood, increases the clotting time. Blood clotting first accelerates, then slows down, changes generally occur in the direction of hypocoagulation. Bleeding time increases slightly. DMSO inhibits platelet aggregation. Normalizes the process of fibrin formation, which improves tissue trophism. The likelihood of thrombosis interferes. Possessing fibrinolytic activity, it normalizes fibrinolysis.

DMSO has antimutagenic activity both in vitro and in vivo. It has strong antioxidant activity. Dimexide prevents lipid peroxidation, stabilizes cell membranes, including lysosome membranes. It scavenges free radicals, primarily OH, which is believed to be largely responsible for the drug's anti-inflammatory effects. To achieve this effect, its concentration in the blood is sufficient from 0.5 to 10 millimoles per liter. At the same time, dimexide enhances the synthesis of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in cells.

Dimexide has also proven itself as an anti-stressor. Has anti-stress and sedative effects. Eliminates reactions of anxiety and fear.

Being a strong oxidizing agent, dimexide is itself an antiseptic. 0.25-10% DMSO solutions have a bacteriostatic effect, and 25-50% solutions are already bactericidal.

When applied to the skin, it reduces residual skin flora by 95%. Eliminates acquired resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. It has a bactericidal effect against common pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria.

The drug at a concentration of 26% inhibits the growth of all microorganisms that saproliferate in the blood of cancer patients. When acting on the body, DMSO blocks glycolytic metabolic pathways. Reduces the accumulation of lactate in the blood, thereby reducing lactic acidosis.

Under the influence of dimexide, the concentration of 17-OX in the blood plasma increases by 2-2.5 times. Total oxygen consumption by tissues is reduced by 25%. The concentration of bilirubin in the blood does not change. Inhibits cholinesterase, dissolves collagen.

Dimexide quickly relieves swelling of brain tissue and improves cerebral blood flow, normalizes cerebral hemodynamics and improves the clinical condition of patients.

DMSO reduces heart rate and increases the voltage of ECG waves. The described effects are clearly dose-dependent. If small doses of the drug increase the activity of the heart, then extremely large doses can have a toxic effect on the heart, even stopping it. Has a hypotensive effect. Reduces blood pressure. Normalizes the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system.

By inhibiting the secretion of antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary gland, the administration of DMSO is accompanied by a diuretic effect. By increasing diuresis by 50%, it acts as an osmotic diuretic. According to some authors, under the influence of the drug, diuresis can increase by an order of magnitude.

DMSO is a mild immunosuppressant. It has an immunosuppressive effect on B-lymphocytes, reduces the level of immune complexes circulating in the blood, at the same time stimulates nonspecific reactivity, and increases the body's resistance to adverse effects. Induces interferon synthesis. Does not affect the phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL). In general, it increases the functional state of the macrophage system. Increases the cytolytic activity of blood serum. It has a resolving effect on the site of inflammation. Inhibits the activity of macrophages at the site of inflammation.

DMSO is completely distributed throughout the cells at a concentration of 10-15 millimoles per liter. It is a cell protector of the intracellular type. Penetrates (penetrates cell membranes). Has a protective effect on cells (celluloprotective effect). Leukocytes preserved in DMSO are suitable for serological studies. Reduces PMN alteration.

Well-known cryoprotector. Stabilizes lysosome membranes and other cell membranes. Passes through intact cell membranes.

In liver microsomes it is oxidized to dimethyl sulfone, which is excreted in urine and feces. Another metabolite, dimethyl sulfide, is excreted through the lungs. It has a characteristic “garlic” smell. Strengthens cell membranes and prevents cytolysis. Reduces the threshold of resistance of tumor cells to normal killer cells. It has the ability to preserve living tissue. For tissue and cell preservation, 30-40% solutions are used. A 10% solution is optimal for this purpose. According to the authors, DMSO protects tissues from post-infarction changes and prevents recurrent heart attacks.

Clinical Applications of DMSO


DMSO solutions have a sedative effect and tranquilizing activity. Treatment of psychosis (intramuscular injection of a 50% DMSO solution) has a sedative effect on this category of patients.


Treatment of strokes and injuries of the brain and spinal cord, due to the ability to normalize central and systemic hemodynamics. It has a pronounced anti-edematous effect on brain tissue. Intravenous administration of 10-40% solutions is used for these purposes. For the treatment of radiculitis and sciatica, compresses of 50% DMSO are used, which are applied for 20-30 minutes from 6 to 12 times.

Treatment of trigeminal neuritis (trigeminitis) is long-term, from 1 to 6 months.

DMSO has an antiviral effect. It is used for the treatment of herpes zoster, both as a stand-alone drug and in conjunction with antiviral compounds. To treat herpes zoster, mefenamic acid, indomethacin, nimesulide or other NSAIDs are dissolved in a 50% DMSO solution. A 50% solution of the medicinal mixture is applied to pain points.


Does not damage the organ of vision. Recommended for the treatment of chronic blepharitis and conjunctivitis in the form of eye drops of 75-66% concentration. Other authors recommend not using a DMSO solution of a higher concentration than 50% for intraconjunctival use, because the latter, without damaging the conjunctiva, often cause a subjective burning sensation.


Treatment of acute rhinitis: instilling 2 drops of a 30% DMSO solution into both nostrils for several (two) days reduces the duration of acute rhinitis. At this concentration it does not cause side effects. Highly effective in the treatment of purulent otitis, purulent sinusitis in children by washing the cavities with a 30-50% DMSO solution. Used as an independent medicine in the treatment of purulent sinusitis.


The drug has proven effective in treating patients with chronic inflammatory lung diseases, such as chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia.

When treating patients with chronic inflammatory lung diseases, a good effect was obtained from intravenous administration of 50-100 ml of a 10-20% DMSO solution. 20-30% solutions of the drug with the addition of proteolytic enzymes and antibiotics are used to carry out so-called “fillings” in the same category of patients. Solutions of the same concentration were also used for sanitation of the pleural cavity. When introducing DMSO with antibiotics into limited cavities, the treatment mixture is left in the cavity for 1.5-2 hours, squeezing the drainage tube.

Repeated injection of DMSO into the pleural cavity leads to obliteration of the latter. Used to treat endobronchitis. Reduces and slows down the development of radiation and drug pneumonitis by 1/3.


Dimexide has antiulcer activity, because inhibits the secretory function of the stomach, reduces the secretion of gastric juice. Increases the exocrine function of the liver by 50%, enhances bile secretion.


DMSO is widely used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment of gout. Treatment of bursitis, arthritis, tendovaginitis. The drug modifies the metabolism of connective tissue, in particular collagen. Reduces destructive changes in joints. Has a basic effect on the course of chronic arthritis. Let's use it in cosmetology. Treatment of scars leads to their resorption.


Treatment of amyloidosis. Dissolves amyloid fibrils. Patients over 3-5 years of age are prescribed oral administration of a 3-5% solution of DMSO in water, 30 ml 3 times a day, while taking mint preparations.

The oral route of administration in the form of a 3-5% solution is used to prevent the formation of urinary tract stones. The drug is quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.


Dimexide has found application in the treatment of interstitial cystitis. The drug is instilled through a catheter into the bladder, 50 ml of a 50% solution for 15 minutes. The frequency of instillations is once every two or four weeks. The effect of a single injection was observed for 2-12 months. During this time, patients were free from symptoms of the disease. It is believed that for the treatment of cystitis, dimexide preparations of high concentration, close to 100%, should be used. According to the observations of other researchers, in the treatment of patients with chronic cystitis, instillation of 10% solutions of the drug into the bladder is effective. A sufficient number of instillations is no more than 20.


DMSO does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic properties. It is used for the treatment of pseudo-erosions, cervicitis (tampons, baths with a 10% solution), acute and chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages.


Used as an independent medicine in the treatment of bruises, sprains, hemorrhages, swelling, purulent wounds, chronic osteomyelitis, erysipelas, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis by lubricating DMSO + antibiotics over the entire affected area for 20-30 minutes.

Effective in the form of compresses with a 30% solution for the treatment and prevention of joint contracture, diseases of striated muscles and connective tissue. The drug is effective in the treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. Apply to the ulcerative surface in the form of a bandage consisting of 4-6 layers of gauze, abundantly moistened with a 70% solution of the drug. For the first 3 days, the bandage is changed daily, as the wound is cleansed - every other day. With a complete change, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, the drug was not effective in treating skin burns.

To treat purulent cavities, it is recommended to use a 30% DMSO solution, rinsing the cavity with it until a clean washing liquid is obtained. After this procedure, a 30% solution of the drug with an antibiotic is injected into the cavity and left for several hours.

Dimexide is an effective means of preventing and correcting septic complications. Treatment of sepsis is especially effective by intravenous administration of antibiotics dissolved in DMSO.

The drug is highly effective in the treatment of purulent wounds. To wash purulent stains and cavities, use a 4-5% solution of the drug, after which the cavity is drained. Reduces the amount of purulent discharge from wounds. Stimulates the formation and growth of granulations. To treat the wound surface, use a 30 or 50% solution containing antibiotics to which the wound microflora is sensitive. Epithelization occurs after 8 days. Pain and swelling of the wound are reduced. The use of DMSO in the form of dressings on wounds reduces pain and prevents the development of purulent complications. To wash purulent cavities, use a 40% DMSO solution, after which the cavity is drained. DMSO improves tissue trophism by eliminating vascular spasm.

Used in the treatment of open fractures, osteomyelitis, contractures, tendon sprains, pain due to sprains.

DMSO potentiates the effect of drugs used to treat endarteritis, vascular spasms, for example in Raynaud's disease, and is a conductor of vasoactive substances such as nicotinic acid and angiotrophin.

Clinical Oncology and Medical Radiology

Oncological aspects of the action of DMSO

DMSO potentiates the effect of cytostatic drugs.

Does not affect the growth of transplanted tumors in outbred mice. Inhibits the growth of transplants of some human tumors in nude mice.

The drug itself does not have antitumor activity in either humans or animals, however, its preventive effect was revealed against the development of tumors of the mammary gland and large intestine in rats. Perhaps this effect of the drug is associated with its ability to cause the appearance of many single breaks in the DNA of the cell nucleus, putting these cells into a state of rest, with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to enhance the antiproliferative effect of interferons against at least cells of several lines of adenocarcinoma, in particular human lung adenocarcinoma . In the future, the widespread use of DMSO in oncology clinics will be facilitated by its ability to conduct to the tumor and accumulate antitumor drugs in it.

DMSO with antitumor drugs dissolved in it is also used topically in the form of applications and lubricants in the treatment of patients with melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and Bowen's disease, achieving a good clinical effect. Dimexide is used as a solvent of 5-fluorouracil in the form of a 30-50% solution for the treatment of vulvar cancer. Application of DMSO with radiosensitizers dissolved in it (5-FU, metronidazole) to external tumors can increase the radiosensitivity of the tumor.

The drug is effective in the treatment of mastopathy by applying a 20-30% solution to the mammary glands. A 10% aqueous solution of DMSO with vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is also used.

The anti-inflammatory effect of DMSO may be associated with inhibition of protease activity. A dose of 50 mg/kg inhibits the development of brain cancer in rats. Inhibits the growth of leukoblasts in tissue culture.

At a concentration of 3-5%, dimexide has a differentiating effect on erythroblasts, leading to the appearance of signs of a more mature phenotype. The essence of the differentiating effect is the appearance in the cell phenotype of features inherent in the phenotype of normal cells and the loss of those characteristic of neoplastically transformed ones.

The differentiating effect of a 1-2% DMSO solution on osteosarcoma cells in tissue culture has been described. The differentiating concentration of the drug in culture is 0.75-7%. The optimal concentration of 3% dimexide also causes differentiation of human cervical cancer cells in culture. Reduces the rate of cell proliferation of this malignant tumor when treated with trans-retinoic acid dissolved in DMSO.

The drug has a differentiating effect on human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Manifestations of the differentiating effect are a decrease in the rate of tumor cell division and, as a result, an increase in the doubling time of the tumor. Thus, the potential of the tumor to grow is reduced.

DMSO suppresses the entry of tumor cells into the S period of the mitotic cycle, delays their development in the G-1 phase, thus creating a G-1/S block. This increases the doubling time of tumor cells, reducing the rate of their proliferation.

Differentiation of leukemia cells is accompanied by changes in the parameters of their membranes, as well as the appearance in the DNA of differentiating tumor cells of a small number of single-strand breaks, which entails a change in the DNA conformation, leads to the folding of its molecule and, ultimately, to a change in the number of genes functioning in the tumor cell.

Causes selective death of embryonic hematopoietic cells.

Application of DMSO inhibits the development of skin cancer induced by chemical carcinogens in hairless mice.

Dimexide reduces the threshold of resistance of tumor cells to normal killer cells. Continuous and long-term administration of dimexide per os in the form of a 5% aqueous solution significantly increases the tumor doubling time. It is believed that while not having an antitumor effect, the drug has a chemopreventive effect. It prevents the development of breast and colon cancer induced by 1-2-dimethylhydrazide in rats.

Therefore, there is an opinion about the possibility of using the drug as a means of preventing and inhibiting the development of malignant neoplasms.

It is believed that the pronounced slowdown in tumor development under the influence of DMSO is due to an extension of the latent period of tumor growth due to an increase in the doubling time of tumor cells. This problem is urgent and requires careful study.

DMSO increases the tolerance of the skin and mucous membranes to radiation. Increases the resistance of living organisms to radiation by 1.4-3 times. The radioprotective effect of DMSO increases with increasing dose of the drug. The radioprotective properties of the drug are associated with the implementation of several mechanisms of its action. As a free radical scavenger, it has a pronounced radioprotective effect by reacting with sulfhydryl groups of proteins. The radioprotective effects of DMSO after irradiation of animals are also associated with the fact that the latter induces in critical radiosensitive organs an increase in the pool of biological amines - histamine, serotonin, dopamine by 20-60% compared to the initial level while simultaneously neutralizing the toxic effects of peroxide products in these same organs. oxidation of lipids, which are considered as natural radiosensitizers. At the same time, the formation of sulfhydryl groups is induced in target tissues: general, acid-soluble and protein. Thus, a triple radioprotective effect occurs.

An increase in the resistance of lysosome membranes under the influence of DMSO delays the development of secondary (mediated) effects of radiation that occur several hours after the effect of the latter on the body.

Another mechanism of the radioprotective effect of demixide is considered as a consequence of its influence on metabolic processes in tissues, namely the ability to reduce oxygen consumption by tissues by approximately 25%, with tissue hypoxia developing in connection with this and a decrease in the production and content of ATP in cells.

The drug preserves stromal cells of the hematopoietic organs, which is a prerequisite for the rapid proliferation of stem cells remaining after irradiation. With total irradiation at a dose of 9 Gy, 38% of irradiated rats receiving DMSO survived, while all animals in the control group died.

DMSO reduces the mutagenic effects of both radiation and chemical mutagens.

In connection with the above, the drug has found a place for the prevention of radiation damage to the skin during radiation therapy to reduce the severity of radiation alopecia. A 90% solution of the drug is applied to the skin, which prevents the appearance and softens the development of radiation-induced epidermites and epitheliitis. The use of dimexide is indicated for the treatment of post-radiation indurates and radiation ulcers, and ulcers of this origin are cured in a period of 2 to 8 weeks. Dimexide is the most important treatment for post-radiation fibrosis. For this purpose, applications of a 30-90% solution of the drug to the affected area are used, if necessary, even for 3 months. Compresses covering areas of healthy tissue are applied for 12-24 hours. Repeat from 6 to 20 times. It is advisable to apply a 50% solution in a volume of 30 ml, distributed over an area of ​​250-500 sq.cm. After applying the bandage, a burning and warm feeling appears.


DMSO is used to treat eczema, streptoderma, fungal diseases of the skin, nails, and pyoderma. The use of a solution of iodine in DMSO for this purpose is especially indicated. Used to treat pustular skin diseases.

Methods of using the drug

Dimexide is not, as follows from the above, a drug for external use only.

A 10% solution is administered intravenously at a rate of 0.5-0.8 and even 1 g/kg. Intravenous administration should be carried out slowly in the form of a 10% solution in isotonic sodium chloride solution. DMSO can be administered intravenously and in the form of a 20-30% solution prepared in an isotonic sodium chloride solution.

The drug is administered intravenously either alone or in combination with other drugs.

An analysis of the experience of more than 5,000 intravenous administrations of DMSO (0.5-0.8 g/kg body weight) showed that with this method of administration of the drug, the treatment time for patients with pleural and lung empyema treated conservatively is reduced.

The volume of intravenously administered (single) 10-20% dimexide solution can be 50-100 ml when treating patients with chronic inflammatory lung diseases.

Can be used for inhalation in the form of a 50% solution.

Intramuscular administration of DMSO solutions does not cause interstitial damage, as evidenced by the absence of enzymeemia, which naturally occurs when cells and tissues are damaged.

A therapeutic mixture of 3-5% DMSO solution with an antibiotic is infused intrabronchially.

The drug is administered, if necessary, intraperitoneally, in the form of a 40-50% solution containing an antibiotic. The volume of injected solution can reach 1 liter. Calculations are based on a dose of 5 g of DMSO per 1 kg of patient body weight.

The drug prepared in this way can also be used for packing cavities. After administration of the drug, a feeling of warmth appears in the cavity. Treatment with this method is well tolerated.

DMSO is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys with urine. The half-life is 6-8 hours. Only 3% of the drug is excreted through the lungs with exhaled air.

Possible complications

DMSO has virtually no side effects. LD/50 - from 3 to 25 g/kg weight. In therapeutic doses it is practically harmless.

Has very low toxicity. Should be considered as a non-toxic compound. Does not have a cumulative effect. The sublethal dose for intravenous administration is 500 mg/kg body weight. However, it may potentiate the toxic effects of other drugs. Strengthens their pharmacological activity by about 7 times. Increases the physiological effects of alcohol by 2-3 times. Has no side effects. Complications with the use of DMSO are rare.

Possible colic in the abdomen, nausea, chills, and sometimes chest pain. However, all these phenomena quickly and independently pass.

Most often, side effects are noted when using the drug on the skin in the form of long-lasting compresses. Diffuse erythema of the skin on the applied area may develop, and a rash may appear. Skin hyperemia, dermatitis, dry skin, itching, short-term sensation of warmth and tingling at the application site. Applying a 40-90% DMSO solution to scarified skin causes inflammatory blisters to appear. Skin irritation at the application site goes away on its own within 1-2 days after cessation of cutaneous use.

Sleep disturbance and bad breath may occur. The unpleasant smell interrupts the sucking of mints.

It enhances the effect of drugs administered simultaneously with DMSO, leading to an increase in their toxicity, which should be kept in mind when carrying out combined drug treatment.

It is described that the administration of DMSO leads to an increase in body temperature during the first 1.5-2 hours, but other authors have not confirmed this observation.

When a 50-70% dimexide solution is injected into the cavities for 1.5-2 hours, the patient may feel a burning sensation.

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