Mouth in the world. The minimum wage in different countries of the world (13 photos). Countries with minimum living wages

The minimum wage is an interesting thing. In some countries, it allows you to live well, while the citizens of others do not have enough of it even for the most necessary things. Portal "ZagraNitsa" peeped into other people's wallets and found out what is the minimum income of residents of different countries of the world

United Kingdom

The minimum wage is 1,545 euros (1,247 pounds) per month.

The minimum hourly rate is 8.6 euros (7.2 pounds).

Photo: shutterstock 2


The minimum salary is 1458 euros per month.

The minimum hourly rate is 9.47 euros.

Photo: shutterstock 3


The minimum salary is 1524 euros per month.

The minimum hourly rate is 9.26 euros.

Photo: shutterstock


The minimum salary is 1929 euros per month.

Hourly rate - 11.1 euros.

Photo: shutterstock 5


The minimum salary is 1473 euros per month.

The minimum hourly rate is 8.51 euros.

Photo: shutterstock 6


The minimum salary is 1502 euros per month.

The minimum hourly rate is 8.94 euros.

Photo: shutterstock 7


The minimum salary is 655 euros per month.

Minimum hourly rate - 5.08 euros

Photo: shutterstock 8


The minimum salary is 405 euros per month.

The minimum hourly rate is 2.33 euros.

Photo: shutterstock


The minimum salary is 84 euros (6120 rubles) per month.

There is no minimum hourly rate.

Photo: shutterstock 10

This week's faction Fair Russia» submitted to the State Duma a bill on the introduction of hourly wages in the country. According to the proposal of the SR, the minimum cost of an hour of work should be 100 rubles. Let's compare this figure with the minimum hourly wage in countries where it already exists.

There is no single national minimum wage in China. Minimum hourly wages are set by province and economic zone. The most modest figure is in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang on the border with Russia (8 yuan). And, for example, in Shanghai it is more than twice as high and reaches 18 yuan.

In the United States, the minimum hourly wage was first legislated in the 1910s in 13 states. At the national level, such a law was passed in 1938. The hourly rate is now $7.25, although the figure is higher in 29 states.

The average hourly minimum wage in Japan is 780 yen (475 rubles) per hour. At the same time, in some prefectures, it falls below 700 yen, and in Tokyo it reaches 900 yen. This year, the average is expected to rise by another 3 percent.

In Brazil, the hourly minimum wage was set in the 1930s by President Getúlio Vargas. Each state of the country can introduce its own minimum wage, but it cannot be less than the federal one.

It is curious that in Germany, where the traditions of social democracy have 150-year-old roots, the hourly minimum wage appeared only in 2014. But it immediately became one of the largest in the world.

Colombia is very different low level the minimum wage, which generally corresponds to its position as a rather poor country, largely tied to the agricultural sector, where workers, in principle, earn little.

The figure indicated in the photo will become obsolete in two weeks. From April 1, Britons will receive a minimum of £7.2 an hour. This increase will be one of the most significant in history.

Australia leads the world in minimum hourly wages. This is not surprising, considering only high level life on the continent. However, manufacturers in recent times complain that the collapse in world commodity prices has caused significant damage to the Australian economy.

Over the past 20 years, the minimum hourly wage in Israel has doubled. However, in real terms, the growth is not so significant due to the relatively high inflation during this period.

France also has a very high level of social security for workers. In terms of the minimum wage, the country is only slightly inferior to Australia. But citizens under the age of 18 can only count on 80 percent of the declared 9.6 euros.

Minimum wage rates in Poland are among the lowest in the European Union. However, prices in this country are significantly lower than the European average.

South Korea, despite the tremendous success in the economy over the past 40-50 years, nevertheless remains a country with modest social security (when compared with the leading developed countries). The minimum wage in Korea is almost half that of European countries.

Taiwan is in many ways similar to South Korea - with the only difference being that the country's economic breakthrough began a couple of decades later. Therefore, in social standards, the Taiwanese still lag behind the advanced "Asian tigers." But the minimum wage there is 2.5 times higher than in mainland China.

It continues to be an extremely heterogeneous association in terms of working conditions. Eastern and Southern Europe are significantly behind their northern and western neighbors in terms of minimum wages. This follows from the recently published data of Eurostat.

The statistical office of the European Union distinguishes three groups of countries according to the level of "minimum wage". The first includes 10 Eastern European countries. They have the lowest minimum wage in the EU.

The absolute outsider is Bulgaria with €261 as of January 2018. Next come Lithuania (400 euros), Romania (408 euros), Latvia (430 euros), Hungary (445 euros), Croatia (462 euros), Czech Republic (478 euros), Slovakia (480 euros), Estonia (500 euros) and Poland (503 euros).

In five other member states located in southern Europe, the minimum wage ranged from 600 to 900 euros per month, notes Eurostat: Portugal (677 euros), Greece (684 euros), Malta (748 euros), Slovenia (843 euros) and Spain (€859).

Workers in the Northern and Western countries of the continent feel best of all. The minimum wage in the UK was 1401 euros, Germany and France - 1498 euros, Belgium - 1563 euros, the Netherlands - 1578 euros, Ireland - 1614 euros. The absolute leader is Luxembourg from 1999 euros per month.

Eurostat also cites for comparison the minimum wage in the United States - 1048 euros per month in January 2018.

As of January 1, 2018, of the 28 EU member states, Denmark, Italy, Cyprus, Austria, Finland and Sweden have not set a minimum wage.

It should be noted that over the past ten years in Eastern Europe, the size of the minimum wage has increased by 1.5-3 times. But this only narrowed the gap with rich countries. If the minimum in Poland in 2008 was 313 euros, which was 4.2 times lower than, for example, in Belgium, now the difference is 3.1 times.

The only EU country where the minimum wage has not increased in a decade is Greece. In 2008, an employee in this country received at least 794 euros, and at the beginning of 2018 - 684 euros.

This is due to the severe economic crisis in which Greece has been for many years. Since 2008, the country's GDP has been falling continuously - with the exception of 2014. Moreover, the decline in 2011 was 9.1%, in 2012 - 7.3%. Data for last year is not yet available, but according to forecasts, growth should have been 1.5-1.8%.

No EU state has experienced such a deep crisis in the new century. In Greece, many are convinced that a significant part of the problems are caused by austerity measures imposed on the country by creditors (, the EU, etc.).

To prevent the wage situation from being so pessimistic, Eurostat emphasizes that the gap between East-South and North-West will be lower when converted to purchasing power parity.

“By eliminating price differentials, the minimum wage ranged from 546 points a month in Bulgaria to 1,597 points in Luxembourg, meaning that the highest minimum wage was almost three times the lowest,” the ministry said in a statement.

But the inhabitants of Eastern Europe such reservations are not very impressive - many countries continue to experience a large-scale outflow of the population, primarily of able-bodied citizens, who, as a result, give birth to children not in their homeland, but in Belgium or Germany.

For example, the population of Bulgaria decreased from 7.5 million people in 2008 to 7.1 million in 2017, the population of Latvia decreased from 2.2 million people to 1.95 million, Lithuania - from 3.2 to 2.85 Romania lost a million people over the same period (20.6 million in 2008, 19.6 million remained in 2017), Croatia - 154 thousand, Poland - 118 thousand.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that a significant part of intra-European migrants in their countries continues to be considered permanent population, although in reality they will never return to Polish Slupsk, Lithuanian Zarasai or Bulgarian Petrich.

In Russia, the minimum wage does not yet reach even the lower bar of the EU. Even after it is set at the level of the subsistence minimum from May 1 this year, its value will be 11.163 thousand rubles. or 160 euros.

Only the average monthly salary in Russia reaches the level of the highest in Eastern Europe, the Polish “minimum salary” of 503 euros. According to Rosstat, in January it amounted to 38.4 thousand rubles. or about 550 euros.

Russian salaries corresponded to the level of Eastern Europe before the devaluation of 2014-2015. But the minimum wage was even less than now. Given the current trends in the economy, it is unlikely that Russia will be able to catch up even with Bulgaria in the medium term.

The Just Russia party has submitted to the State Duma a bill on the introduction of hourly wages in the country. According to the proposal of the SR, the minimum cost of an hour of work should be 100 rubles. It is interesting to compare this figure with the minimum hourly wage in countries where it already exists.

There is no single national minimum wage in China. Minimum hourly wages are set by province and economic zone. The most modest figure is in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang on the border with Russia (8 yuan). And, for example, in Shanghai it is more than twice as high and reaches 18 yuan.

In the United States, the minimum hourly wage was first legislated in the 1910s in 13 states. At the national level, such a law was passed in 1938. The hourly rate is now $7.25, although the figure is higher in 29 states.

The average hourly minimum wage in Japan is 780 yen (475 rubles) per hour. At the same time, in some prefectures, it falls below 700 yen, and in Tokyo it reaches 900 yen. This year, the average is expected to rise by another 3 percent.

In Brazil, the hourly minimum wage was set in the 1930s by President Getúlio Vargas. Each state of the country can introduce its own minimum wage, but it cannot be less than the federal one.

It is curious that in Germany, where the traditions of social democracy have 150-year-old roots, the hourly minimum wage appeared only in 2014. But it immediately became one of the largest in the world.

Colombia has an extremely low minimum wage, which generally corresponds to its position as a fairly poor country, largely tied to the agricultural sector, where workers, in principle, earn little.

The figure indicated in the photo will become obsolete in two weeks. From April 1, Britons will receive a minimum of £7.2 an hour. This increase will be one of the most significant in history.

Australia leads the world in minimum hourly wages. Which is not surprising, given the exceptionally high standard of living on the continent. However, manufacturers have recently complained that the collapse in world commodity prices has caused significant damage to the Australian economy.

Over the past 20 years, the minimum hourly wage in Israel has doubled. However, in real terms, the growth is not so significant due to the relatively high inflation during this period.

France also has a very high level of social security for workers. In terms of the minimum wage, the country is only slightly inferior to Australia. But citizens under the age of 18 can only count on 80 percent of the declared 9.6 euros.

Minimum wage rates in Poland are among the lowest in the European Union. However, prices in this country are significantly lower than the European average.

South Korea, despite the tremendous success in the economy over the past 40-50 years, nevertheless remains a country with modest social security (when compared with the leading developed countries). The minimum wage in Korea is almost half that of European countries.

Taiwan is in many ways similar to South Korea - with the only difference being that the country's economic breakthrough began a couple of decades later. Therefore, in social standards, the Taiwanese still lag behind the advanced "Asian tigers." But the minimum wage there is 2.5 times higher than in mainland China.

This is the minimum amount of banknotes that an employer pays to a worker in a particular country for a working period of time (hour, day, week, month) established by the relevant legislation of that country. Consider the question of the minimum wage in the world for various countries.

general information

The minimum wage in the world should ideally be sufficient to satisfy basic needs human in material, social and cultural terms. When it is established, it is also taken into account that the worker has a family and children to whom he must educate. Currently, in many countries of the world there are disputes over the size of the minimum wage.

As a rule, the minimum wage in the countries of the world is set either hourly or per month in the currency of a given country, for example, an employer has no right to pay less than $ 7.06 per hour in the UK. The amount of this salary varies greatly from country to country.

Usually every year the government of the countries issues a decree to increase the minimum wage. This is due to the existing inflation around the world, which "eats" the purchasing power of money.


The first minimum wage in the world was established in the Australian state of Victoria in 1890 as a result of strikes by workers who put forward a demand for an official minimum wage for work performed.

Since that time, various collectives and groups of workers began, following the example of the Australians, to seek the introduction of a minimum wage in their countries. As a result, today, almost all over the world, the legislation of countries regulates this issue.

The idea of ​​establishing an official minimum wage in different countries peace lies in the fact that if a person works, then he should receive enough money so that he has enough for food, clothing, travel and accommodation for his family, as well as for education for his children. The establishment of such a salary, together with the regulation of the length of the working day and the working week, was included in the number of laws of the labor code of the respective country. These measures are designed to improve the lives of working families and strengthen middle class as an important layer between the poor and the rich.

Benefits of introducing a minimum wage

There are various economic theories that have considered the issue of the impact of the officially established minimum wage in the world by country on economic development corresponding country. Among the positive effects are the following:

  • Reducing the number of jobs that pay poorly and unfairly and that can be seen as exploitative.
  • Reducing the dependence of many people on various kinds of benefits and social benefits, which, in turn, creates an opportunity for tax cuts for the population of the country.
  • Reducing the number of workers involved in the field of low-skilled manual labor and increasing the efficiency of returns from highly skilled labor.

Negative economic effect

However, there are also some negative points associated with the introduction of the minimum These include the following:

  • an increase in the number of unemployed among those who receive the minimum wage;
  • average wages are getting lower;
  • an increase in the number of people who work informally;
  • for many products and services.

In addition, the number of lawsuits related to various issues of the minimum wage is increasing.

australian continent

Australia has the highest minimum wage in the world. So, on 1 July 2016, it is set at 17.70 Australian dollars per hour, which, with a 38-hour week of work, is 2200 american dollars or 2057 euros per month.

In this country, the method of paying is also different, since each employer in a private company pays wages on Thursdays, while in a state-owned enterprise they pay every two weeks. In addition, each worker is entitled to full pay for 6 sick days per year, as well as 4 weeks of paid leave.

In Australia, which ranks first in the ranking of the minimum wage in the world, it is customary to work 40 hours a week, instead of the minimum of 38 hours. In addition to the usual system: 5 working days and 2 days off, a system is also popular in this country: 4 days of 12 day work hours and 4 days off.

According to the Australian, who has two children, can only work 6 hours a week to live above the poverty line, as he will receive many other benefits from the government of his country.

European countries

Considering the issue of the minimum wage in the world, we should first talk about Europe. In this part of the world, the minimum wage varies considerably. Of the 28 countries in the European Union, only 22 have a minimum wage in law. The following countries are excluded:

  • Austria;
  • Cyprus;
  • Denmark;
  • Finland;
  • Italy;
  • Sweden.

The largest minimum wage among the EU countries in Luxembourg, it is 1998.59 euros per month as of 2017. The smallest minimum wage in Bulgaria is only 235.20 euros.

In the economic leader of the European Union - Germany - in 2013 the minimum wage was set at the rate of 8.5 euros per hour of work, in 2017 this figure was 8.84 euros per hour, which corresponds to 1498 euros per month for a working week of 39.1 hours .

In France, in 2017, it was established that the minimum wage for work cannot be less than 9.76 euros per hour, which, with a 35-hour working week, corresponds to 1480.27 euros per month. In the UK as of April 1, 2017, this figure is set at £7.50 per hour for workers over 25 years old, which corresponds to £1238.25 per month of work at 38.1 hour work weeks.

As for such European countries as Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, the concept of the minimum wage in the world by country does not apply to them, since the state does not regulate this issue in them, and the workers and employers themselves decide what salary is fair to pay for work in each sector of the economy.


It is impossible to consider the issue of the minimum wage in the world by country and not say anything about the country with one of the most powerful economies in the world - the United States. The legislation of this North American state establishes the following remuneration for work:

  • minimum wage;
  • salary for additional hours of work;
  • wages for young people who have a full or part-time job.

Moreover, the legislation applies to both public and private firms.

In 2013, the minimum wage was set at $7.25 per hour, but each state has the right to set its own figure.

Compensation for additional hours of work should not be less than 1.5 times the regular salary, and is paid only if the person worked more than 40 hours per week.

African continent and Asia

It is in Africa and a number of Asian countries that there are countries with the lowest wages in the world. These countries include Togo, Chad, Gabon, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Uganda, Ghana in Africa and Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Mongolia and some others in Asia.

Morocco is the country on the African continent that has the highest minimum wage among African countries, after South Africa. In Morocco, its value for 2012 was 219.92 euros.

In Asia, Japan is the leader in terms of the minimum wage. In the country rising sun as of October 2016, this amount is set at 932 yen per hour of work. In addition, the legislation regulates the issues of additional payment for processing, as well as bonuses for working in holidays. For 2016, the annual minimum wage for a Japanese was $41,500. However, some cities in Japan pay more than others. So, you can get more rewards for working in Tokyo, where they pay 9 US dollars per hour.

Considering the issue of the minimum wage in the world, it should be said that in Russia since 2018 it has been equal to 9489 rubles per month. Moreover, this figure increased by more than 20% compared to 2017.

However, in addition to the minimum wage indicator, there is also the concept of a living wage, that is, the amount of money that a person needs to meet his basic life needs. In Russia, the living wage for 2017 was 11,163 rubles per month, that is, the minimum wage is much less than the living wage. According to President Vladimir Putin, by 2019 it is planned to equalize these two indicators.

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