Didactic games about winter in the preparatory group. Thematic selection of games and exercises in the senior group “Winter. Theme New Year

Svetlana Kazmina
Card file of didactic games for the development of speech on the topic "Winter" for the senior group

1. Didactic game"What, what, what?".Target: to learn to select definitions for an object, phenomenon. game rule: teacher (possibly children) names an object, and the children take turns naming as many features as possible that may be inherent in this object. for example: Squirrel - fluffy, red, nimble, small, beautiful .... Coat - warm, winter, new, long, short, blue ... Snow - cold, white, fluffy, light, crumbly, sticky, etc.

2. Didactic game"What happens?".Target: learn to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material; to compare objects, to compare; select as many items as possible that fit the given definition. game rule: the teacher invites the children to tell Dunno what happens ... for example: new - a fur coat, felt boots, a hat, a coat ...; winter - day, morning, evening, forest, weather, clothes, shoes ...; fluffy - snow, squirrel, fox, cat, fluff, tree, hair, jacket, scarf ...; cold - tea, snow, milk, ice, weather, wind, winter, room, gloves, ice cream, icicle, compote…; white - snow, milk, etc.

3. Didactic game"Pick a sign to the subject".Targetgame rule: the teacher invites the children to answer the questions which, which, which? for example: winter(which)- snow-white, white, frosty, harsh, snowy, fierce, icy, cold, windy, elegant, fabulous, wonderful, brilliant; ice (which)– transparent, strong, thin, smooth, slippery, cold, fragile…; skis (what kind)- wooden, beautiful, smooth, slippery, etc.

4. Didactic game"Pick the item to the sign".Target: learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns. game rule: the teacher invites the children to name an object suitable for the word ... for example: snowy - lump, house, gingerbread man, whirlwind ...; snowy - a woman, a building, a lane, a road ...; snowy - drifts, buildings, houses, heaps ...; snowy - field, etc.

5. Didactic game"What's extra?".Target: to consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons, to teach to clearly express one's thoughts; develop auditory attention.game parvilo:the teacher names the time of the year: « Winter» . Then he names the signs of different seasons (the day has become short, and the night is long, the birds fly south; snowdrops have blossomed; the leaves on the trees turn yellow; fluffy white snow is falling). Children name unnecessary signs and explain their choice.

6. Didactic game"It happens - it doesn't happen" (with a ball).Target: develop speech, memory, thinking, speed of reaction. game rule: the teacher says the phrase and throws the ball, and the child nok should answer quickly: frost in summer - (can not be); snow in winter (it happens); frost in summer (can not be); drops in summer (can not be); ice freezes in winter (it happens); in summer, children make bird feeders - (can not be); brooks flow in winter (can not be) in winter we wear sundresses - (can not be); etc.

7. Didactic game"Get it by youself".Target: teach children to make sentences with a given number of words. game rule:the teacher offers the children key words: snow, snowflakes, snowfall, frost. The teacher asks the children to make a sentence e of 4, 5, 6 words. The first child to make a proposal receives a token. for example: The first fluffy snow fell in November. White fluffs swirl in the air. It has been snowing outside for several days now. Biting frost does not allow children to walk.

8. Didactic game"When does it happen?".Target: clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons. game rule: the teacher calls the season (winter) and gives the chip to the child. The child names what happens at this time of the year and passes the chip to the next player. That one adds a new definition and passes the token to the next one, and so on.

9. Didactic game"Who knows more words".Target: find and name words with sound [c] at the beginning of a word by topic« Winter» .game rule: the teacher invites the children to look around and name objects with the sound [c], because the word begins with this sound "snow".for example: snow, snowman, snowflake, sled, snowfall, snowmobile, sled, Snow Maiden, etc.

10. Didactic game"Seasons".Target: develop attention, thinking and speech. game rule: the teacher calls the signs of any season (winter, Spring Summer Autumn).Children by signs determine and name the time of the year.

11. Didactic game"When does it happen?".Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features; develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance. game rule: the teacher gives a descriptive story of one of the seasons, the children call it.

12. Didactic game"Words are relatives".Target: exercise in the selection of single-root words. game rule: the teacher calls the word (snowman, children pick up words with the same root.

13. Didactic game"Come up with an offer".Target: develop coherent speech, the ability to correctly construct a common sentence. game rule: the teacher calls the word (winter) . Children come up with a sentence with a given word.

14. Didactic game"Call it sweetly".Target: learn to form nouns using diminutive suffixes. game rule: the teacher invites the children to pick up words with diminutive suffixes for the given words on the topic "Winter clothes", « Winter» .for example: fur coat - (coat); snow - (snowball); a cap - (hat); freezing - (frost); slide - (hill) etc.

15. Didactic game"Say one word".Target: fix generalizing words on the topic "Winter clothes", "Winter shoes".game rule: teacher shows pictures on the topic"Winter clothes", "Winter shoes", children name generalizing words to the proposed pictures.

16. Didactic game"Finish the sentence".Target: learn how to make common sentences. game rule: the teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it. for example: Here's what a wonderful thing we blinded ... (snowman). In our area is… (cheerful snowman).

17. Didactic snowball game"Choose a Word".Target: learn to select words to the given ones. game rule: the teacher sets the word, and the children select the words characterizing the given word. for example: snow (which) white, fluffy, light, sparkling, cold, shiny, etc.; fur coat (which) warm, furry, fluffy, etc.; skis (what kind) wooden, plastic, light, long, etc.; mood (which) cheerful, sad, joyful, etc.

18. Didactic game“Make a sentence out of the words of each line”.Target: learn to make sentences. game rule: the teacher voices the words, the children must make a sentence. for example: fluffy, covered, trees, snow; crown, snowy, on, pine, hat, etc.

19. Didactic ball game"One is many".Target: learn to form words in the plural. game rule: the teacher asks a question by throwing the ball to the child. The child responds by returning the ball back. for example: Some mittens, but a lot? (Lots of mittens). One coat or many? (Lots of coats). One jumpsuit, but many? (Lots of overalls). One boots, but a lot? (A lot of boots). One coat, but a lot? (Lots of fur coats). One pantyhose, but a lot? (Lots of pantyhose). One hat, but many? (Lots of hats). One down jacket, but a lot? (Lots of down jackets). One scarf, but many? (Lots of scarves).

20. Didactic game"Say the opposite".Target: learn to form antonyms. game rule: the teacher calls the phrase, and the child calls the opposite. for example: warm morning - (cold morning); cold wind - (warm wind); It's a nasty day - (clear day); big ditch - (small drift); thick ice - (thin ice).

21. Didactic game"Give me an answer - what is not?".Target: learn to use in speech genitive.game rule: the teacher asks - the child answers. for example: To eat snow. And what is not? (No snow). There is a hat. And what is not? (No cap). There is a blizzard. And what is not? (No blizzard). There are mittens. And what is not? (no mittens). There is a blizzard. And what is not? (no blizzard). There are boots. And what is not? (No boots). There is a snowdrift. And what is not? (No snowdrift). There is a fur coat. And what is not? (No fur coat). There is ice. And what is not? (no ice). There are boots. And what is not? (no boots).

22. Didactic game"Make a story about winter using the helper table".Target: learn to compose a story using a plan (helper tables).game rule: the teacher offers the children a plan for a story-description about winter.

The sun. (Meaning how the sun warms and illuminates the earth at this time of year).

Sky. (I mean, what is the sky like this time of year: cloudy, clear, gloomy, cloudy, etc.).

Earth. (What does the ground look like at this time of year).

Trees. (Describe the appearance of trees at this time of year).

Changes in the life of animals.

Changes in the life of birds.

People's clothes and shoes.

Occupation of people at this time of the year.

Children's games at this time of the year.

23. Didactic game"Choose a lot of action words".Target: learn to select words-signs. game rule: the teacher invites the children to pick up as many word-signs as possible for the drawn objects. for example: sun - (warms, shines, bakes, rises, falls, etc.); snowflake - (circling, flying, melting, falling, etc.); hare - (runs, jumps, hides, is afraid, hurries, gnaws, escapes, etc.); bullfinch - (flies, pecks, sits, watches, hatches chicks, etc.).

24. Didactic ball game"Call it sweetly".Target: learn to form words in an affectionate form. game rule: the teacher calls the word and throws the ball to the child, he, accordingly, calls the word in an affectionate form and throws the ball back. for example: zama- (winter); snow - (snowball); snowflake - (snowflake); ice- (ice); wind - (breeze); a cap - (hat); fur coat - (coat); boots - (boots); felt boots - (felt boots); sweater- (sweater); trousers - (trousers); mittens - (mittens); scarf - (scarf) etc.

25. Didactic game"Choose, name, remember".Target: learn to match definitions and verbs to nouns. game rule: the teacher says the word, and the child (what, what? what).for example: winter(which)- cold, severe, frosty, snowy, blizzard, long (boring) etc. ; snow (which)- ...; snowflakes (what kind)- ...; ice (which)- ...; hearth (which)- …4 day (which)- ...; freezing (which)- ...; snowflakes in winter (what they do)- fall, curl, spin, sparkle, shine, melt, etc.; ice in the sun (what is he doing)- ...; freezing (what is he doing)- ...; children in winter (what they do)- … etc.

26. Didactic game"How many?".Target: learn to coordinate numerals with nouns in gender, number and case. game rule: the teacher calls the numeral with the noun, and the children continue. for example: one snowflake - (two snowflakes, three snowflakes, four snowflakes, five snowflakes, six snowflakes, etc.); one snowman - ...; one icicle - ...; one snowdrift - ...; one snowball - ...; one slide - ... one piece of ice - ... etc.

27. Didactic game"Finish the sentence".Target: learn to compose complex sentences with the meaning of opposition. game rule: the teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it and repeat the sentence in full. for example: In winter there is snowfall, and in autumn (leaf fall); it snows in winter, and in summer ...; snow falls in winter, and in summer ...; in winter they go sledding, and in summer ... etc.

28. Didactic game"Ko what does he do?".Target: learn to select nouns for the named actions. game rule: the teacher makes a sentence and asks the child to correct the mistake. for example: The girl sleeps in a lair. (Bear). Mom runs through the forest in winter. (Hare). Grandmother spread a large snow carpet on the ground and hid the animals under it from the frost. (Winter) . Children flew to our yard in winter. (Birds). Grandfather sledding downhill in winter. (Child).

29. Didactic game"Superfluous word".Target: promote development of auditory attention, vocabulary enrichment and clarification of the meaning of words. game rule: the teacher pronounces the words, and the child must name the extra word and explain his choice. for example: fur coat, boots, skirt, sweater, trousers. (boots - shoes); winter, spring, summer, autumn, november. (November - month); squirrel, hare, bear, tit, hedgehog. (tit is a bird); fur coat, scarf, panama, mittens, hat with earflaps. (Panama - worn in summer).

30. Didactic game"How?".Target: to teach children to give a qualitative assessment of actions, answer the question how? game rule: the teacher invites the children to continue the phrase. for example: The plane flies fast, and the sparrow - (slowly). Sledges go slowly across the field, and from the mountain - (fast). Birds sing a lot in summer, and in winter - (few). Animals in the summer in the forest are good, and in winter - (bad). The hedgehog is warm in the mink, and the hares under the bush - (cold). In summer there is a lot of food in the forest, and in winter - (few).

Thank you all for your attention.

Card file of didactic games about winter.

1. D / and "Say the phrase" - the child is asked to complete the sentence by answering the questions

"which?" , "which?" , "which?" , "what kind?" .

Target : teach to agree on nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case.

2. D / i "What's First, What's Later"The children show the seasons in order.

The goal is to consolidate knowledgechildren about the seasons.

3. D / i "Who knows more words?"- the teacher invites the children to look around and name objects for the sound [s].

The goal is to find words with the sound [s] at the beginning of the word.

4. D / and "What wind?" Answer the question using relative adjectives.

The goal is to expand vocabulary.

5. D / and "Seasons" . The teacher names the objects of the season, the children determine.

The goal is to develop attention, develop thinking and speech.

6. D / i "how does the wind sing?"- children depict the buzz of the wind, the sound [v] is pronounced.

The goal is to fix the pronunciation of the sound [v].

7. D / and "What ice?" - children give a description of the ice.

The goal is to teach children choose a relative adjective, expand their vocabulary.

8. D / i "When does it happen?"- a descriptive story of ice is given a story of one of the seasons, the children call it.

The goal is to consolidate knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features.

Develop connected speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance.

9. D / i "Roll the Word Down the Hill"- the teacher invites the children to pronounce monosyllabic words for a long time, for example"house", "com".

10. D / i "Words relatives"- children pick up the same root to the word"snowman" .

The goal is to exercise in the selection of single-root words.

11. D / and "Whose traces?" - the teacher draws in the snow or shows cards with images of bird tracks. Children guess whose footprints

The goal is to form possessive adjectives.

12. D / i "Call it sweetly". Children select words with diminutive suffixes to the proposed words on the topic"Winter clothes" .

The goal is the formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes.

13. D / i “Whose fur coat, whose scarf, whose coat?”. Children answer questions

The goal is to reinforce word formation in the masculine and neuter gender.

14. D / and "Bullfinch"

The goal is to teach how to use in speech new words (feathers, head, beak, tail, wings, walks, sits, jumps, flies.)

15. D / i "What to take for a walk?".

The goal is to use nouns in the nominative singular; the game promotes the development of memory.

Teplyakova Olga

Mobile game "Snowflakes and wind"


Attributes: paper snowflakes.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, they have snowflakes in their hands. To the music, children scatter in different directions, sway, spin. The music stops, the children again stand in a circle.

Sedentary game "Find a Pair"

Tasks: improving the ability to make pairs of snowflakes on assignment, developing attention, observation.

Attributes: paper snowflakes of different sizes.

Game progress: children stand in a circle, in the center - snowflakes (their number is according to the number of children and they are selected so that pairs can be made). Children go in a circle with the words: “One, two, three - take a snowflake!” Everyone takes a snowflake. The adult says: “Find yourself a mate - a snowflake of the same size. Or make a pair - a snowflake small and large.

Sedentary game "Count"

Tasks: development of the ability to make groups of 2, 3, 4, 5 subjects, development of attention, observation, improvement of knowledge about counting within 5.

Attributes: paper snowflakes or homemade snowballs.

Game progress: children stand in a circle, in the center - snowflakes or snowballs (their number is according to the number of children and they are selected so that you can make pairs (or triples, fours, fives). Children go in a circle with the words: “One, two, three - take a snowflake soon!" Everyone takes a snowflake (snowball). The adult says: "Create a group of two snowflakes (snowballs!" Children form pairs of snowflakes (snowballs). Then the snowflakes (snowballs) are placed in the center of the circle, the game starts again. The adult says: “Create a group of 4 snowflakes (snowballs).” Children stand in groups of 4, pulling snowflakes (snowballs) forward so that they can be counted.

Didactic game "Perform a drawing"

Tasks: the formation of the ability to lay out an object from home-made snowballs, the development of imagination, memory.

Attributes: homemade snowballs.

Game progress: a group of children of 3-6 people is invited to lay out a simple object from home-made snowballs: the sun, geometric shapes, a house, etc.

Mobile game "Snowfall"

Tasks: improving the ability to act on a signal.

Attributes: homemade snowballs.

Game progress: in the center of the circle are snowballs. Children go in a circle with the words: “One, two, three - fly a snowball to us!” Children take one or two snowballs and throw them up.

Relay "Hit the target"

Tasks: development of dexterity, purposefulness of movements.

Game attributes: homemade snowballs.

Game progress: 2 teams are involved. You need to get a snowball into a bucket. The team with the most snowballs wins.

Didactic games on the theme "Winter, winter fun."

Goal - Organization of work with children on the topic "Winter", to expand children's ideas about winter as a season


1. Formation of elementary ecological ideas in children, expansion and systematization of knowledge about winter.

2. Fixing ideas about winter and its signs. Refinement, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter"

3. Systematize children's ideas about the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature associated with the winter period

4. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

5. Education in children the ability to admire winter nature and respect for it.

Estimated result

Acquiring by children the experience of productive interaction with each other, the ability to listen to a friend;

Increasing cognitive activity;

Assimilation of the necessary knowledge on the topic "Winter";

Formation of a steady interest in observing phenomena in nature;

Interest and cooperation of parents as participants in the pedagogical process.

Integration of educational areas on the topic: WINTER

Appendix 1.

"Get the snowman."

Goals: Development of visual attention, spatial representations. Improvement of phrasal speech.

Each child has 3 circles different size(large, medium and small). Children, according to a model or according to an idea, assemble a snowman from them. They tell what details are missing, describe them.

"Vice versa".

Goals: Development of auditory attention, logical attention. Activation of the dictionary - fixing words-antonyms in speech.

The teacher pronounces a logically incorrect phrase, the children refute it. For example, the snow is black (no, white), the snowman is hot (no, cold), the trees with leaves (no, bare), the sun is warming (no, shining), the birds are singing (no, they are freezing), the bear is walking in the forest (no, sleeping in a den).

"What happens in winter."

Objectives: Development of an idea of ​​the signs of winter. Improving connected speech.

The game is played using the board game "Seasons". Children pick up small cards with signs of this season to a large map that depicts winter.


Objectives: Development of a strong directed exhalation. Fixing the preposition Na in speech.

Each child has a paper or plastic snowflake. Children are invited to blow on a snowflake so that it hits a given object in the plot picture, blow and tell where the snowflake sat down to rest.

"What is hiding behind the snowdrift"

Objectives: Development of visual attention. Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

A snowdrift is cut out of cardboard. The teacher hides behind him a silhouette image of an object (sled, snowflake, sun, tree, hat, mitten, scarf, skis, skates), shows the children part of the object because of the snowdrift, they guess what kind of object it is.

"When it happens."

Objectives: To teach children to name the seasons according to their signs.

Material: pictures with the seasons, riddles about the seasons.

The teacher makes riddles for the children about the seasons, the children guess them, find the corresponding seasons in the pictures and put them on the easel.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen? (in winter)

The snow is gone, the water is roaring,

The earth is already full of flowers.

Young grass grows

All the dead come alive

When does it happen? (Spring).

The sun bakes, the linden blossoms,

The cherry ripens

When does it happen? (Summer)

Bare fields, the earth gets wet,

It's raining, when does it happen? (in autumn)

"Guess the description."

Objectives: To teach children to name the seasons according to their signs.

Develop thinking, memory, attention.

Material: pictures with the seasons.

The teacher describes the seasons, and the children guess it.

Educator: At this time of the year, children love to sled, build a snowman, play snowballs.

Children answer or raise a card with a picture of winter.

"Choose a word."

Hit…. (frost)

Crunchy…. (snow)

Raging ... (blizzard)

Frozen ... (rivers)

Creaks ... (snow)

Sweeping ... (blizzards)

Snow falls)

Appendix 2

Plastic studies

Winter fun.

Depict: you skate, play snowballs, sculpt a snowman, carry kids on a sled, go skiing.

Depict wintering birds: a woodpecker, a crow hatching chicks, and a frozen sparrow.

Depict animals in winter: a bunny lurking under a bush; a fox listening to the rustle of a mouse under the snow; hungry wolf; sleeping bear; a squirrel that found its pantry, etc.


Lexico-grammar games and exercises on the topic "Winter"

* Name 10 "winter" words (snow, ...).

* Name the winter months. What month ends the year? What month does the year start with?

* Pick up signs: What kind of snow? What is the wind in winter? What sun? What is the sky? What clouds? What ice? What's the weather like?

* Correct mistakes: Summer has come, and the river is covered with ice. Winter has come and the starlings have arrived. Autumn is over and spring has come.

* Continue the sentences: If it is colder in winter than in spring, then in spring ... . If the snow fort is taller than the bench, then the bench is... . If there are more boys in the park than girls... .

* Solve the problem: "There were 4 bullfinches and the same number of tits on the feeder. How many tits were on the feeder?"

* Put the words in order so that you get a sentence (draw a sentence diagram): the boys poured the seeds on the feeder

Lexico-grammar games and exercises

"Which!" Selection of homogeneous definitions for the word winter: cold, early, late, snowy, evil, harsh, frosty, warm, windy, cheerful, elegant, etc.

“Think up a word.” Formation of related words: snow - snowball - snowball - snowflake - snowfall - snowman - snowman - snowballs - snowmobile - snowmobile - snowy - snowed - snowshoe - snow maiden - bullfinch - snow-white - Snow White - snowdrop.

“What is it doing?” Selection of homogeneous predicates for the word snow: it goes, melts, spins, flies, falls, lays down, sparkles, creaks, curls.

The teacher specifies what else can go (clock, train), melt (ice cream, ice), fly (airplane, butterfly), fall (apple, stone), etc.

"What doesn't happen?" Assimilation of the category of the genitive case.

Children make up sentences in which they talk about what does not happen in winter: “There is no heat in winter (leaves, leaf fall, flowers, grass, ice drift, migratory birds, insects)”.

"Finish the sentence." Compilation of complex sentences with the meaning of opposition.

Children must complete the sentence and then repeat it completely.



"Collect the Snowman"


Development of visual attention, spatial representations.

Improvement of phrasal speech.

Each child has 3 circles of different sizes (large, medium and small). Children, according to a model or according to an idea, assemble a snowman from them. They tell what details are missing, describe them.

"Vice versa"


Development of auditory attention, logical attention.

· Activation of the dictionary - consolidation in the speech of words - antonyms.

The teacher pronounces a logically incorrect phrase, the children refute it. For example, the snow is black (no, white), the snowman is hot (no, cold), the trees with leaves (no, bare), the sun is warming (no, shining), the birds are singing (no, they are freezing), the bear is walking in the forest (no, sleeping in a den).

"What Happens in Winter"


· Development of an idea of ​​the signs of winter.

Improving coherent speech.

The game is played using the board game "Seasons". Children pick up to a large map, which depicts winter, small cards with signs of this season.



Development of a strong directed exhalation.

Fixing prepositions in speech On the.

Each child has a paper or plastic snowflake. Children are invited to blow on a snowflake so that it hits a given object in the plot picture, blow and tell where the snowflake sat down to rest.

"What is hiding behind the snowdrift"


Development of visual attention.

· Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

A snowdrift is cut out of cardboard. The teacher hides behind him a silhouette image of an object (sled, snowflake, sun, tree, hat, mitten, scarf, skis, skates), shows the children part of the object because of the snowdrift, they guess what kind of object it is.

"When It Happens"


· Teach children to name the seasons according to their characteristics.

Material: pictures with the seasons, riddles about the seasons.

The teacher makes riddles for the children about the seasons, the children guess them, find the corresponding seasons in the pictures and put them on the easel.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen? (in winter)

The snow is gone, the water is roaring,

The earth is already full of flowers.

Young grass grows

All the dead come alive

When does it happen? (Spring).

The sun bakes, the linden blossoms,

The cherry ripens

When does it happen? (Summer)

Bare fields, the earth gets wet,

It's raining, when does it happen? (in autumn)

"Guess the description"


· Teach children to name the seasons according to signs.

Develop thinking, memory, attention.

Material: pictures with the seasons.

The teacher describes the seasons, and the children guess it.

Educator: At this time of the year, children love to sled, build a snowman, play snowballs.

Children answer or raise a card with a picture of winter.

"Choose a Word"

Hit…. (frost)

Crunchy…. (snow)

Raging ... (blizzard)

Frozen ... (rivers)

Creaks ... (snow)

Sweeping ... (blizzards)

Snow falls)

"Say a word"

1. Quietly, quietly, as in the snow 2. All the fluffs slide from the sky

Falls to the ground.... (snow) silvery ... .. (snowflakes)

3. To the village, to the woods 4. Here's some fun for the guys

Everything goes down…. (snowball) Stronger…. (snowfall)

5. Everyone runs into races 6. Like a white down jacket

Everyone wants to play….. (snowballs) Dressed up…. (snowman)

7. There is a snow figurine nearby 8. Look at the snow

This is a girl…. (snow maiden) With a red breast ... .. (bullfinches)

9. Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the whole earth .... (snow)

« Name 10 "winter" words" (snow, snowflake, frost, ...).

"Name the winter months" What month ends the year? What month does the year start with?

« Pick up signs » What snow? What is the wind in winter? What sun? What is the sky? What clouds? What ice? What's the weather like?

« Correct mistakes" Summer came and the river was covered with ice. Winter has come and the starlings have arrived. Autumn is over and spring has come.

« Continue offers » If it is colder in winter than in spring, then in spring ... . If the snow fort is taller than the bench, then the bench is... . If there are more boys in the park than girls... .

« Put the words in order to make a sentence (draw a diagram of the proposal):on the,seeds, poured, feeder, boys.

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