Plan of work in a private kindergarten. How to open a private kindergarten: a detailed business plan. Legal registration of a private kindergarten and a list of required documents

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a private kindergarten at home to meet the demand of the population of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg for the services of preschool institutions. The kindergarten will be a mini-format facility located in a 120 sq. meters. The mini-garden will work in short and full day modes. The pupils of the garden will be children from 3 to 7 years old, living in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.

The project to open a kindergarten is socially significant. According to the district administration, there is an urgent need for these services due to the lack of places in the existing municipal gardens. As of April 2016, the district needs at least 19 new kindergartens. The opening of a private garden will allow parents to find a way out of this situation and use services within their area for an affordable fee.

Investments in the opening of a kindergarten, taking into account the creation of all the conditions necessary according to the new SanPiN, will amount to 648.1 thousand rubles. For the start will be used own funds. The payback period of the project is 14 months. The stage of preparation for the opening of the garden will take 3 months.

2. Description of the industry and company

The tense situation with queues in kindergartens has affected many Russian families. As a result of the demographic gap of the 1990s, the need for kindergarten services has significantly decreased, as a result of which many of them, having lost pupils, have closed. If in 2010 there were about 45 thousand kindergartens in Russia, then twenty years ago their number was 76 thousand. In the 2013-2014 academic year, there were 43.1 thousand preschool educational institutions in the country. In September 2015, more than 183,000 children aged 3 to 7 and 270,000 children under 3 could not go to kindergartens due to lack of places.

Increased attention to this problem began to be paid after the so-called May presidential decrees of 2012, when the government was given the task of completely eliminating queues in kindergartens for children from 3 to 7 years old by 2016. In addition to the construction of municipal preschool institutions started in the regions, the authorities created simplified conditions for opening private kindergartens for business. In particular, individual entrepreneurs received the right to conduct educational activities, and from January 1, 2014, private kindergartens could count on material support from regional sources. A new SanPiN also came into force, simplifying the organization of a private kindergarten at home within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Now for this it is not necessary to rent a room that meets certain requirements - it is enough to re-equip a private house or apartment. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in Russia today there are 2,174 private kindergartens attended by 140,000 children. At the same time, the number of commercial institutions is growing. The highest rates are recorded in Moscow - 6.7% per year, in the regions this figure is lower and amounts to 3%. However, the level of demand for kindergarten services still exceeds supply. In large cities, there are up to 108 children per 100 places in preschool educational institutions. Since the need for public services is not fully satisfied, the creation of private kindergartens remains a promising and socially significant business area.

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The goal of our project will be to open a private kindergarten at home to meet the demand of the population of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg for the services of preschool institutions. The kindergarten will be a mini-format facility housed in a 120 sq. m. The mini-garden will work in modes of reduced and full days (up to 11.5 hours). The pupils of the garden will be children from 3 to 7 years old, living in the Krasnoselsky district of the city. The capacity of the kindergarten will be up to 20 people.

The project to open a kindergarten is socially significant. According to the administration of the Krasnoselsky district, there is an urgent need for the services of preschool institutions in the district due to the lack of places in the existing municipal kindergartens. Opening a private garden will allow parents to find a way out of this situation and use services within their area for an affordable fee. The kindergarten will provide services within the legal framework, and its activities will be aimed at stable operation and further obtaining a license to conduct educational activities. The kindergarten will be equipped with a playroom, a sleeping room, a kitchen, and a place for eating. Children will be provided with a daily routine, including time for games and creative activities, walks, rest, and meals.

The staff of the private kindergarten will include 3 employees. The main organizational responsibilities will be assigned to the project owner, who will act as educator. As an organizational and legal form of activity in our case, a more acceptable option is individual entrepreneurship (IP). USN 15% was chosen as a form of taxation.

3.Description of services

The kindergarten will provide pre-school educational services for children from 3 to 7 years old. Due to the small format, the work of the institution will be based on the principle of mini-groups. The service fee will be charged per month. Prices for kindergarten services at home are presented in Table. 1. In the process of developing a kindergarten, it is possible to expand the range of services with paid developmental classes on weekends (psychologist, speech therapist, English language courses for preschoolers, etc.). Due to the abundance of large families, military families and beneficiaries in the area, the prices for services are planned to be made as affordable as possible compared to competitors.

Table 1. List of services

To provide the above services, you will need an educational license and permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To work within the legal framework, all the requirements prescribed in the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2013 N 68 “On approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock” will be met ". In particular, the following measures will be taken:

1) temperature regime (21-24°C) and humidity (40-60%) with regular ventilation in accordance with the norms;

2) daily wet cleaning;

3) change of bed linen at least once a week;

4) organization of walks for at least 3-4 hours a day;

5) catering in accordance with age norms;

6) compliance of furniture with the age of children;

7) lack of aquariums, cages with animals, birds and other animals in the kindergarten;

8) regular medical examination by the staff;

9) compliance of the area of ​​the playroom with the standards (at least 2 square meters for each child);

10) the obligatory organization of daytime sleep for long-stay groups.

11) the presence of personal bed linen.

12) the use of toys made of materials that are harmless to health and allow wet processing and disinfection.

4.Sales and marketing

Today, the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg is experiencing an acute shortage of places in preschool institutions. According to the local administration, about 300 people get up every month to provide places in kindergartens. About 2,000 more are waiting in line to be transferred from one kindergarten to another. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the opening of temporary stay groups and new kindergartens, the situation cannot be normalized. According to the estimates of the district administration, 19 new kindergartens need to be opened to fully meet the demand of the district residents. For residents of the district, whose population has increased by 20% over the past 7 years due to abundant housing, this problem is extremely acute, but it cannot be expected to be resolved as soon as possible. It comes to direct appeals to the most senior officials, collecting signatures for various petitions. Unfortunately, the President's May Decrees are not implemented in this particular case. According to approximate calculations, queues for kindergartens in St. Petersburg will be completely eliminated no earlier than 2019.

Due to such high queues and a large number of young families with children, there is actually no need for large investments in advertising. To attract customers at the initial stage, given the increased demand and a small number of openings, minimal costs will be required. In particular, it is planned to confine itself to POS-materials - handout booklets, which will be distributed in the multi-storey residential sector of the district. Before the opening, an open day will be held for children and their parents and group registration will be organized. Moms and dads will be able to verify the competence of the staff and the availability of all the necessary conditions for a comfortable, safe and useful stay in the kindergarten for their children.

5.Production plan

The kindergarten will be located in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg. The population of the district is about 366,000 inhabitants. The kindergarten is located in a converted apartment of 120 sq. meters on the 1st floor of a multi-storey residential building.

The process of providing services will begin with the admission of children to preschool groups. Before the first visit, the child will need to obtain a medical report. The daily reception of children will be carried out by the educator. Before the reception, he will make sure that the children feel normal. Only healthy children will be allowed to attend kindergarten. In case of detection of diseases in children during the day, they will be isolated from other children until the arrival of parents or hospitalization. After admission, the stay of children in kindergarten will be built in accordance with the daily routine, which will depend on the age characteristics of the children. The maximum duration of wakefulness of children according to SanPin will be up to 5.5-6 hours. The daily routine will include a two-time walk (in the first and second half of the day) with a total duration of up to 4 hours, a 2-hour daytime sleep, 5 meals a day (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). Cooking will be carried out from food raw materials directly in the kitchen of the dwelling. In the first half of the day, creative and cognitive classes will be held for children, taking into account the established standards for the load. In the middle of classes, physical education sessions will be held. Walks will take place on an equipped playground at the household. The Kindergarten will operate on a reduced and full day basis from 8:00 to 19:30.

To create a private kindergarten, it will be necessary to repair and equip the existing residential premises. 120 sq. m. will be adapted to the needs of the kindergarten. meters. The total investment in real estate and equipment will amount to 628.1 thousand rubles. The cost of repairs, including the replacement of plumbing and cosmetic repairs, will be 350,000 rubles. The walls and ceilings of the premises will be finished with materials that allow wet cleaning and disinfection. The estimate will not include the summing up of communications - the premises are equipped with water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and power supply systems. The kindergarten will be equipped with several rooms (zones) designed for various purposes. Among them:

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1. Game room for classes and the main pastime, games - 40 sq. meters.

2. Separate bedroom - 25 sq. meters.

3.Kitchen - 13 sq. meters.

4.Zone for eating (dining room) - 20 sq. meters.

5. Washroom and toilet - 8 sq. meters.

6. Utility room for storage of cleaning equipment - 4 sq. meters.

7. Entrance hall with lockers for outerwear and shoes - 10 sq. meters.

Equipping the kindergarten with equipment will require 278.1 thousand rubles. Expenses do not include: gas stove with oven, refrigeration equipment and some other items available. To win the trust of parents, the kindergarten will be equipped with a video surveillance system. Equipment cost items are given in Table. 2.

Table 2 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Games room and dining room

Children's table*

Children's dining table*

Children's chair*

book corner

Rack for toys semi-open

Hinged shelf

Toys and play complexes


Single bunk bed, solid pine and laminated chipboard

Bunk bed, solid pine and chipboard

Bedding (3 sets per child)

Washroom and toilet

Towel cabinet for 10 sections

Plumbing (additional sinks, toilets, etc.)


Tableware and cutting equipment


Cupboard for storage of utensils


Five-section outerwear locker, laminated chipboard


Cleaning equipment, disinfectants

Video surveillance system (4-channel video recorder, video cameras, microphones, etc.)


278 100

*tables, chairs and beds will be selected in accordance with the requirements of SanPin, taking into account the anthropometric indicators specified in Appendix 1.

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In addition to the owner of the premises, who will carry out the duties of an educator, you will need to hire a nanny and a cook, who also performs the duties of cleaning the premises. According to the legislation, the staff will need medical books, regularly undergo medical examinations. The staffing and wage fund for employees are given in Table. 3.

Table 3. Staffing and payroll

Taking into account the capacity of the kindergarten for 20 people, the maximum possible gross revenue per month (full day stay) will be 340,000 rubles. Taking into account the increased demand for the services of children's educational institutions, it is possible to predict at least 75% filling of the kindergarten in the first year. In this scenario (in our case, pessimistic) and an average bill of 17,000 rubles. per month, a kindergarten at home will pay for itself by 14 months of work. In this case, the monthly profit will be 52.3 thousand rubles. The current expenses of the kindergarten will include: wages for kindergarten employees, the purchase and delivery of food, utilities and other expenses (laundry, disinfection, etc.). Calculations of the main period of work are given in more detail in Appendix 2.

6. Organizational plan

The start of activities is scheduled for the beginning of the new academic year with the completion of all preliminary procedures and an open day in the month of August. Responsibility for the preparatory period is assumed by the owner of the premises. His duties will also include hiring staff, receiving and maintaining children, working with parents.

7. Financial plan

The opening of a kindergarten will require the attraction of 648.1 thousand rubles, for which own funds will be used. In Table. 4 shows the starting cost items. Financial indicators for three years of kindergarten operation, taking into account 75% load (a group of 15 people) in the first academic year and 100% load in the second and subsequent years (a group of 20 people) are given in Appendix 2.

Table 4. Investment costs

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

The project to open a private kindergarten at home is distinguished not only by its social significance and ease of organization compared to large kindergartens, but is also a stable source of income. By recruiting groups at the beginning of the school year, the owner can predict profits over a long period of time with a high degree of confidence. In our case, with partial load, the initial investment will pay off by the 14th month of operation, and the net profit of the kindergarten will be more than 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, indicated in Table. 1 prices for services may be increased depending on the actual number of applications for services. Project performance indicators for a three-year period of work are presented in Table. 5.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and warranties

The main difficulties in the implementation of the project are associated with the preparation process, including construction, registration, resolution of bureaucratic issues, settlement of issues with neighbors. However, when establishing work and accepting children into groups, the risks are minimized. Taking into account the increased demand for kindergarten services in the district, the project manager has the right to count on the great interest of parents in his project and the full filling of places already in the first enrollment. In Table. 6 reflects the main risks for the implementation of the project, force majeure, as well as measures that will help to avoid them or their consequences.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Difficulties in obtaining permits, time costs



Using the services of a lawyer, preliminary collection of documents, in-depth study of the issue, temporary and financial "airbag"

Rising food costs



Changing providers, optimizing costs without compromising the quality of service and the risk to children's health, increasing prices for services within the limits of the parents' ability to pay

Mass disease of kindergarten students, epidemic



Adherence to SanPin norms for the organization of routine, nutrition, compliance with the requirements for the premises, materials, etc., timely identification of a sick child at admission, admission of new children to groups after passing a medical examination, timely cleaning and disinfection of premises

Emergency, cataclysm, attack by intruders, etc.



Availability of burglar alarms, surveillance cameras, insurance, fire extinguishing equipment

Complaints from neighbors to various authorities



Preliminary coordination of the opening of a kindergarten with neighbors (approval of the placement of a kindergarten by at least 51% of residents), compliance with legislative norms, loading standards, discipline in a kindergarten,

Decrease in demand due to the opening of new kindergartens by the authorities



Maximum proximity to the place of residence of children, establishing strong ties with parents, customer-oriented service, revision of pricing policy

Losses due to non-attendance by the child (for example, due to illness)



Reimbursement of part of the parents' funds paid from the total amount for meals +% depending on the duration of the illness, admission of children to vacant places for a reduced / full day

Decrease in demand for services in the off-season



Recruitment of children in a short stay group, additional services



The main sizes of tables and chairs for infants and young children and preschool children


Production plan and main financial indicators of the project in a three-year perspective

Get up-to-date calculations for a business plan

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 156,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 30,600 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 315,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a small private kindergarten with calculations.

Service description

The private kindergarten provides services for parents to look after their young children (from 3 to 7 years old). The organization is small and is designed to serve 10-12 children at the same time. The list of services provided includes finding children in the kindergarten, meals, walks, classes. Overtime stay of the child in kindergarten is not provided. The organization itself will be located on the first floor of a residential building, the apartment will be transferred to non-commercial real estate in advance. In this business plan, we will consider the option of real estate for rent. But if you have your own apartment on the 1st floor, then your expenses will be significantly reduced, and your profit will increase.

Market analysis

Today, the problem of placing a child in a kindergarten is very acute. There are not enough government institutions like this. Parents wait a very long time for their turn, sometimes it takes several years. In such a situation, many are trying to find an alternative solution to the problem. Private kindergartens are gaining more and more popularity.

As a rule, the urgent need for childcare is felt by parents of children who already know how to talk and walk. Age category - from 3 to 7 years. The older age is not relevant at all, since the children are already going to school. Very young children require careful care and supervision. Mothers usually sit with them, for this they are granted maternity leave and parental leave. The greatest demand is observed in the middle age category. It is these children that the entrepreneur will recruit for kindergarten.

This type of business is especially relevant for women with a pedagogical education. They will be able to be the owner of the business, and the educator, and the cook, and the cleaning lady, if necessary. Therefore, such an enterprise has a certain female “accent”.

The limited number of municipal kindergartens causes a large difference between the large (constant!) demand for kindergarten services and offers in this market sector. There will always be customers in this type of business. And they are likely to become regular customers. This will reduce advertising costs.

In general, it is better to open such a private kindergarten in the city area where wealthy families live. They, as a rule, resort to the services of such organizations, having greater confidence in them. Thus, portrait of a potential buyer will look as follows: these are families with a child aged 3-7 years, their income is set at an average level and above average (it is worth focusing on the latter category).

The main competitors will be other private kindergartens located nearby and municipal institutions of this type. The main weapons of the struggle will be the professionalism of the staff, the provision of quality services, as well as unusual offers (for example, teaching martial arts or dancing classes by a professional trainer). It does not make sense to make the cost below the average market - in this case, the costs simply will not pay off and the organization will not bring any income.

SWOT analysis

Before opening a private kindergarten, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing threats and opportunities. The former can hinder the successful development of the enterprise, while the latter, on the contrary, accelerate it and cause additional income.

The factors influencing the enterprise are usually divided into external and internal. The first private entrepreneur can not change. However, he can minimize the impact of negative factors and use opportunities for his own good. External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • The level of competition is not great, since it is quite difficult to open a kindergarten today, this type of business requires considerable initial costs.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Opportunity to attract investment in this sector of the economy.
  • Low advertising costs.
  • Changes in legislative acts.
  • Low fines for individual entrepreneurs (about 1-3 thousand rubles).
  1. Threats:
  • High level of bureaucracy in this area.
  • Decrease in the income level of the population due to the crisis.
  • Presence of financial barriers to market entry.
  • The need to process documents for the transition from the category of private kindergartens to NOU.
  • Strict requirements from the SES and the Fire Inspectorate.

The owner can try to eliminate internal factors if they are negative. And those that positively affect the business can not only be used for good, but also strengthen their influence. Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Possibility of further expansion.
  • Choosing a territory where the level of competition is minimal.
  • Convenient location for service users (in this case, the kindergarten will be located in an area where wealthy families live).
  • A large number of specialists in this field (many will agree to work in your organization, since municipal kindergartens offer very small salaries).
  • There may be an increase in the cost of services provided.
  • Entrepreneur with experience in this field.
  • Availability of various training courses.
  1. Weak sides:
  • High level of fixed costs.
  • Lack of any customer base, the need to search for customers.
  • High responsibility, serious consequences are possible (in case of injury to a child, for example).
  • Inability to meet the increased demand (the availability of a small number of places for children will not allow).
  • The need for serious renovation.
  • The high level of costs for the necessary equipment and furniture.
  • Decline in the quality of services due to lack of motivation among staff.

It is important to understand that certain factors may be absent in a particular enterprise. Here it is already important to conduct a study of the local market and working conditions.

Opportunity Assessment

The private kindergarten will operate 5 days a week. Working day from 7:30 to 18:00. In order to avoid problems, we arrange a teacher for one and a half rates.

A teacher in drawing and music will come to the kindergarten separately. Only 2 times a week. They can be issued as part-time employees or carried out as outsourcing. In our case, we chose the second option to exclude the cost of paying insurance premiums.

One teacher will work with children. His duties include looking after children, doing exercises, taking a daily walk (1-2 times a day), conducting developmental activities (counting, alphabet, etc.).

You can hire one of the housewives who lives in the same entrance as a cook and cleaner. She will come 3 times a day.

The kindergarten will be located in a 3-room apartment.

Please note that rooms for sleeping, playing and eating must be equipped. In our case, the kitchen will be a place for ready

ki, 1 room - dining room, 2 room - games room, 3 room for sleeping. The game room will also have a practice area.

It is worth choosing an apartment with a separate entrance on the ground floor.

At the time of admission to the kindergarten, parents must pay an entrance fee. From one child - 7 thousand rubles. This amount may vary by region. On average from 5000 r. up to 15,000 rubles We will count this money separately and direct it to pay off the initial costs. The total amount will be 84,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal aspects

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that there is no home kindergarten as a legal form of business. Remember that if the name contains the words “school” or “kindergarten”, then it will no longer be possible to register as an individual entrepreneur, the owner will have to register as a legal entity. In this case, you will also have to obtain an appropriate license to organize activities in the Department of Education.

  1. . We pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. If it is needed, . The OKVED code can be: 85.32 "Provision of social services without providing accommodation", 80.10.1 "Services of preschool and primary general education", 0.10.3 "Additional education for children".
  2. You can apply UTII or. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. Please note that it is the individual entrepreneur with the corresponding name of the organization that does not need to obtain a license.
  4. It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  5. Childcare activities are not subject to licensing. It is only important to choose the right name.
  6. According to article 48 " Education Law”, individual pedagogical activity is not subject to licensing.
  7. It is important to prepare a contract for the provision of services. It is best to consult a lawyer for help in drafting.
  8. Do not forget about compliance with sanitary standards and fire safety rules!

Marketing Plan

Price policy:

The cost will be the same for all clients. It will be set at a level slightly above the market average. This is due to the fact that wealthy people will be the main customers, for whom the cost often becomes an indicator of the class of the service provided.

Marketing strategy:

Since the kindergarten will focus on families living in nearby houses, it will be possible to save quite a lot on advertising. Ways to progress in this case include:

  • Signboard. It should be big, bright, interesting and memorable. It is important to choose a catchy name.
  • Posting ads. It is better to do them on high-quality paper, having previously compiled a selling text.
  • Consulting potential clients, conducting "parents' day". On such an evening, parents can be introduced to the available programs and conditions.
  • Installation of pointers. This will add seriousness to the organization.

But it is better to exclude rounds of apartments. Wealthy clients may be put off by this. In this case, advertisements in newspapers and on television will be ineffective. The number of customers is small, and the cost of such advertising is very serious. In addition, the above methods will help you find potential customers faster.

Calculation of projected income

The average monthly revenue will be 156,000 rubles.

I would also like to say that 13,000 rubles is not the limit. In some kindergartens, this figure reaches 17,000 rubles and even more (If you do not take Moscow into account, because prices there are 2-3 times higher). Also, we do not take into account additional fees for trips with children to theaters, children's pools, museums and other places of leisure.

Production plan

Most likely, the owner of the business, and not the landlord, will have to repair and equip the premises. This will be a small repair, the main thing is that the premises comply with all sanitary standards and fire safety measures.

You will have to buy furniture, namely beds (we chose bunk beds to increase space), armchairs, tables, chairs, a kitchen set, cabinets and more. Do not buy very expensive furniture. It is better to choose medium-priced, but reliable things.

From the equipment you will need a refrigerator, stove, oven, TV, music center. You can also purchase a microwave oven. You can't buy a laptop.

It is worth taking care of leisure. Let the kindergarten have soft toys, board games, drawing supplies, copybooks, notebooks. You also need sports corners with mats, ladders, horizontal bars, etc.

At first, you will have to spend a lot of money on finding customers. But then you don't have to do it.

Payments to the teacher and the cook will be fixed. The teacher receives 30,000 rubles, the cook - 25,000 rubles. This includes taxes and insurance premiums.

You can organize an additional stay of the child in the garden. For example, for a fee. After all, not all parents work until 6 o'clock. The main part of the income can be given to the teacher to stimulate him and provide additional income.

organizational plan

Initial costs will amount to 315,800 rubles.

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax will be: 156,000 - 120,000 = 36,000 rubles.
  • Tax: (we consider 15% of the difference between income and expenses) = 5,400 rubles.
  • Net profit: 36,000 - 5,4000 \u003d 30,600 rubles.
  • Profitability: 30,600/156,000 = 19.61%.
  • Payback: (315,800 - 84,000) / 30,600 \u003d 7.6. Therefore, the project will pay off in 8 months.

If the individual entrepreneur himself works as a teacher or the apartment is not rented, but owned, then the income will be slightly higher (almost 2 times). Therefore, at the initial stage, it is advisable to consider this method. Also, do not forget that in 2-3 years there will be a new set of children and contributions will also replenish the business budget.


When opening a private kindergarten, one must not forget about the possible risks. In this area, the main difficulties that an entrepreneur may face are the following:

  1. High bureaucracy in the industry

It is impossible to fight this factor. All requirements are subject to regulations and laws.

The consequences of this risk can be small (fines for non-compliance with certain requirements) and catastrophic (up to the closure of the enterprise).

You can avoid risk. It is only necessary to study in detail the existing laws and comply with the existing requirements.

  1. Frequent audits of the organization

To a greater extent, they will relate to fire safety and the sanitary condition of existing premises. This risk can be considered part of the first.

The possible consequences for IP are not so significant. set low and usually do not exceed several thousand.

And yet, it is important that the room meets all the requirements. It will also increase the level of customer confidence.

  1. Low level of professionalism of employees

This risk is typical for almost any enterprise. Possible losses: decrease in profits, loss of customers. As a result, the company may become unprofitable. The saddest outcome is the ruin of the entrepreneur, the closure of the organization.

There are two ways to avoid this risk:

  • carefully select staff, set high requirements (but remember that this also leads to high wages);
  • recruit workers with low or medium skill levels and provide training.

At the same time, it is important to constantly develop your employees by sending them to training courses, for example. The teacher (educator) should be aware of the latest effective methods used when working in kindergartens.

  1. The need for constant use of free cash

Indeed, it is necessary to spend money on wages, food, and various activities. All of these costs are quite large. If the entrepreneur does not have these funds, he will not be able to continue working in this area.

You can protect yourself in several ways:

  • create a reserve fund;
  • expand business, increasing income due to the effect of scale of production;
  • have own funds that can be invested in the business.

In extreme cases, you will have to apply to the bank for loans, which will negatively affect income. Part of the funds will need to be spent on repaying the loan and paying interest. Therefore, this method is the least attractive of all mentioned.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

A business plan is a document that plans the creation of a new company, reflecting the state of its affairs, the direction of activity and ways to achieve its goals.

To draw up a business plan for a private preschool educational institution, you need to analyze the service market in your city, study the documents for doing business, do financial planning, taking into account local prices, the necessary costs for staffing, purchasing furniture and advertising the institution.

Required documents

In recent years, the demographic situation in Russia has been positive. Thanks to the maternity capital program and improved health care, the birth rate increased, which caused problems with the number of places in kindergartens. Public educational institutions for preschoolers are built too slowly compared to the rate of population growth. Some children do not even have time to wait for their turn to school. Therefore, private gardens are becoming more and more popular both in large metropolitan areas and in small towns.

Requirements for an entrepreneur differ depending on the type of institution being opened. In total, there are two options for the legal implementation of such activities:

  • IP (individual entrepreneur). as it, you will be able to provide early childhood education. The advantages of such a person are ease of registration, no need to license a kindergarten, simplified taxation and accounting. You can register as an individual entrepreneur if you do not plan to hire other teachers. It is possible for individual entrepreneurs to hire cleaners, cooks and other persons who do not carry out educational activities.
  • Other types of legal entities(for example, NOU - a non-state educational institution) also provide the opportunity to create a kindergarten. But they need a special license. At the same time, LLC, PJSC and NAO can only engage in leisure and developmental activities that do not qualify as preschool. It does not require a license.

Documents required to obtain a license from the Department of Education:

  • A copy of the charter of the educational institution (with the specified type of educational institution, founders, types of educational programs being implemented, management structure);
  • A copy of the decision on its creation;
  • Business plan;
  • A document confirming tax registration;
  • Educational program, including information on the number of children studying, the staff of teachers;
  • Copy of the lease agreement;
  • Copies of the conclusions of the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Information about the material-technical base of establishment.

Financial plan

When developing a financial plan, you should focus on current prices and average wages in the area. You should also include unforeseen expenses, for example, fines from SES or unexpected repairs.

Approximate budget planning (list of income and expenses) for a year for a large kindergarten with about 50 children.

Starting costs:

  • Costs for paperwork and licensing - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • Capital or cosmetic repairs - from 200 to 400 thousand rubles;
  • Fire alarm - installed for 40-60 thousand rubles, its further maintenance - 100 thousand rubles. in year;
  • Conclusion of a contract for protection with the appropriate company - from 110 thousand rubles. monthly;
  • Furniture, household appliances, plumbing, utensils and office equipment, etc. - from 500 thousand for an apartment-type kindergarten for 20 children to 4 million rubles for a large private institution.

Current (average) costs:

  • Rent - around 400 thousand rubles. per month (excluded when the building or apartment is owned);
  • Utilities - 90 thousand rubles. per month;
  • Meals - from 5 thousand rubles. monthly per child or employee;
  • Consumables (paper, paints, other necessary for children's creativity) - about 50 thousand rubles. per month;
  • Salaries of personnel with tax collections - 1 million rubles;
  • Advertising - from 100 thousand rubles per month.


  • Payment for the child's stay per month (from 5 to 25 thousand rubles, depending on the city), which is multiplied by the number of months of work per year;
  • Income from additional paid educational activities.

Be sure to take into account the form of registration of business relations with parents. To do this, the easiest way is to draw up a contract form for customers. It should take into account both the educational and leisure services provided, the cost of the stay of children, the conditions for terminating the contract, and all the small details (for example, the possibility of using photographs of children for advertising purposes).

Learn more about the process of opening and running such a business in the following video:

Requirements for the premises

In an urban environment, it is easiest to equip a kindergarten in an apartment. Also a good option would be to buy several apartments on the ground floor, combine them and equip a separate entrance. At the same time, according to SanPiN up to 80 people can study in the kindergarten. You can attach a room to an apartment building or a simple residential building. In such an institution it is permissible to place up to 150 preschoolers.

A separate building has the most advantages. Even with a maximum height of 2 floors, preschool education can be received here up to 350 children. Organized own playground and park area will attract many parents. If possible, it is better to equip the pool. Very few kindergartens can afford it, and the demand for such institutions is much higher. There are several ways to get a building suitable for SNiP in the city:

  • The easiest is to rent a room from a public preschool. It will fully comply with the requirements of the SES and the fire service, and have a suitable layout.
  • An alternative is to buy a finished building and partially rebuild it to fit the needs of the garden.
  • The most costly way is self-construction of the premises. At the same time, you can decide for yourself about the need for a gym and a swimming pool, the size of the green area around. But in the last two options, the investment may not be justified, which will lead to bankruptcy.

Territorially private garden best located in areas with new buildings. Many young families buy housing there, and one kindergarten per quarter provided for by the project is always not enough. In addition, in new houses, the first floors are designed for rent by legal entities, which solves the problem of finding premises.

Repairs must be made in accordance with fire safety and sanitary standards. The paint on the walls is required to be moisture resistant and non-flammable (for example, oil is prohibited). The minimum ceiling height is 3 meters. Emergency evacuation exits and a fire alarm system are required. When calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the requirements for which each child must be provided with at least 6 square meters should be taken into account.

The situation of a preschool institution depends on the number of children studying in it:

  • For each child you need: a locker for things, a bed (it is convenient to use bunk or folding models), a table with a chair, 2 sets of bed linen, a sufficient amount of dishes.
  • The kitchen should be equipped with household appliances (stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers), plumbing fixtures and other furniture.
  • Each room needs curtains, carpets, cabinets for toys, stationery and manuals, a free play area where children can play active games to relieve stress.
  • Separately, equipment and medicines for the medical office, equipment for the gym are purchased, the pool is fully equipped.

Facility staff

Employees must have a work and medical book (the last one to ensure the safety of children). Profile (pedagogical, psychological or medical) education, as well as work experience is not required. Often mothers who are on maternity leave are arranged as nannies. This is beneficial to both the management of the institution and the mothers themselves. The latter usually receive a place for their child and discounts in paying for his stay, while the administration receives employees with experience in caring for children and love for them.

On average, the staff of a preschool educational institution may include:

  • educators (in groups of private institutions usually there are up to 10 children, for which 2 educators and 1 assistant are required);
  • nannies or caregiver assistants;
  • sports teacher;
  • music teacher;
  • invited caregivers to provide additional services;
  • medical workers;
  • manager;
  • cleaning woman;
  • Methodist;
  • psychologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • several cooks (depending on the number of children);
  • security guard;
  • street cleaner;
  • handyman.

Marketing plan

Advertising a private kindergarten should be in places where potential customers gather: in children's clinics, on playgrounds, in shopping centers. To do this, you can order banners or distribute leaflets. Announcements in the local newspaper or on parent forums also help spread the word about the institution quickly. You can send brochures to the residents of this microdistrict at home, indicating the advantage of the proximity.

Unique developmental and wellness programs, the presence of a swimming pool and a gym, the possibility of observing a child's diet or a special bias will surely distinguish your kindergarten from others. Relevant for busy people who cannot afford a nanny will be the opportunity to leave the child for the night or on weekends in unplanned situations.

Profitability and payback periods of business

With rental space and low start-up costs, a private garden starts to pay off in a year and a half. When buying and / or overhauling a building, a business can pay off only after a few years, but the revenue will be higher, because the rent will be eliminated.

Profitability depends on the number of clients:

  • a small kindergarten with 10 children brings about 50 thousand rubles every month;
  • 25 children in an institution with the provision of additional educational services already bring in 150 thousand rubles of income;
  • a large kindergarten with more than 100 children can generate more than 500,000 rubles of net income per month.

How to open a private kindergarten, where to start, how much money will it take? Is it legal? How to organize hot meals, naps and walks for little clients? What documents to issue, is it necessary to obtain a license, transfer the premises to a non-residential fund? These and other questions are answered in this article. Here you will find comprehensive information on how to organize a private kindergarten in your apartment or rented cottage, get a lot of practical advice, and see the real numbers of your expenses.

Calling the opening of a private kindergarten a simple business is hardly correct. This is a rather troublesome business that requires vigilant control and great returns. On the other hand, it is a useful activity that brings satisfaction to its creator and numerous clients. Yes, and the neighbors treat the kids quite tolerantly - suddenly the situation develops in such a way that such a kindergarten will come in handy for them.

With the right organization, a private kindergarten as a business will develop and make a profit, and there will always be customers. This:

Children who are often sick

The so-called "non-sadik" kids who need an individual approach

Crumbs who, due to their age, are not yet taken to municipal institutions

Children of your friends and acquaintances.

In a crisis, home gardens will be especially in demand, as they can offer loyal prices to mothers who are forced to go to work ahead of schedule.

Legal Issues

How to open a private kindergarten? An experienced merchant will begin to solve such issues with a business plan. But home kindergartens are more often opened not by "business sharks", but by school teachers, educators and mothers on maternity leave. Their biggest concern is the legitimacy aspect of such an event.

They can be reassured, this is a legal business and encouraged by the state. The main law you need to know: The Law on Education in the Russian Federation. Article 91 of this document says that only educational institutions are subject to licensing. It will also be useful to study the Housing Code, which states that residential premises can be used for individual entrepreneurial activity if the entrepreneur lives there legally and his activities do not interfere with neighbors (Chapter 2, Article 17).

In 2013, the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation was issued, which describes all the requirements for preschool institutions. Practice shows that the inspection bodies (SES, Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor) are also quite loyal to the "children's" business - unless, of course, an emergency occurs in the garden and numerous complaints from parents are received.

Thus, our kindergarten is not an educational institution, but a developmental school for children. The concept of our development school, for which business payback calculations were made, is a mini kindergarten, with the duration of the stay of children for about 4 hours, the child's food is not included in the cost of providing services. Hours of operation are from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. If desired, parents with children give them fruits, cereals for food, but all this must be packaged and of good quality.

How to open a private kindergarten without a license: frequently asked questions

  1. Is it true that a license to open a private kindergarten is not needed? - Is it true. A license is required only for educational programs. Child care, care and development is not education.
  2. Do I need to transfer an apartment from residential to non-residential fund? - Not necessary. The law allows you to open a private garden in a residential apartment (house).
  3. How to open a private kindergarten on the second (fifth, ninth) floor? - Just like the first one. Of course, the first floor is more convenient, but other floors are not prohibited.
  4. Is a teacher education required? - Not required, but will be a big plus for the reputation of your institution.

What you need to open a private kindergarten: the most important documents

In addition to goodwill and good mood, to open a private kindergarten you will need:

  1. Certificate of IP (individual entrepreneur). All benefits from the state, which were mentioned above, apply only to individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Lease agreement if the garden opens in someone else's apartment (house). The contract must contain a clause that the landlord agrees to open a private kindergarten in the rented premises.
  3. Contracts with staff (nannies, cleaning lady, cooks).

But a license to open a kindergarten is not needed! This follows from the documents listed above. Please note: failure to obtain a license minimizes communication with the SES and Pozhnadzor. Their numerous requirements are worth considering, but official permission from these organizations is not required.

The beginning of all beginnings - pencil, calculator, common sense

Before you open a private kindergarten at home, a business plan and its analysis will clearly show your expected profit. Make a plan in detail, based on real numbers. How much does a set of children's furniture cost, what will be the cost of food? Perhaps you will have to re-equip the toilet, make repairs? Do not forget about taxes - a novice individual entrepreneur can work according to a simplified system and has a number of benefits.

As for the initial amount, it will depend on whether the institution opens in its own or rented premises. In the first case, the costs will be minimal, in the second - more significant. It is difficult to give exact numbers. There is always an opportunity to reduce the expenditure side: buy furniture on sale, take on the functions of an accountant, cook, nanny, postpone the purchase of non-essential items until a later time. According to estimates from various sources, the cost of a full-fledged kindergarten in a separate room with several groups and qualified personnel will range from 300 thousand to several million rubles (in the capital).

How to create a private kindergarten from scratch - the easiest idea

If you have absolutely nowhere to take money, but you have your own living space, you can create a private mini-garden on it. Put the apartment in order, separate some of the toys from your child and take 1-2 children to look after. If things go well, we can expand in the future.

What you need to open a kindergarten in your apartment

First of all, children must be provided with:

Sleeping places (after all, a private kindergarten is for children from 0 to 3-4 years old, they must sleep during the daytime)

Special furniture (table and several chairs)

Toys, books, educational aids

Conditions for outdoor games, walks in the fresh air

Hot lunches.

Do not forget about individual towels and detergents, as the children's institution is cleaned several times a day using special disinfectants.

Plan for opening a private garden: counting income

Calculating income is a very pleasant process, but it is advisable to approach it soberly. You need to realistically assess the solvency of the population of your area (city). In Moscow, the fee for 1 child can reach up to 20 thousand rubles and exceed this amount, but in a small town (village) with small salaries, 5 thousand rubles may seem excessive.

Perhaps it makes sense to open a private garden for half a day without sleep and food. Or take children 2-3 days a week instead of five. This will reduce your costs and prices for parents. In any case, you need to carefully study the demand for your service. Find out if there are enough places in the municipal garden, if there are competitors nearby. Keep in mind that in a big city the demand for a garden is greater than in a small village. Plan income taking into account risks.

For our calculations, we assume that our group works from 9-30 to 13-30, the cost of the service is 10,000 rubles. The average number of children in a group per month will be 8 people. To work with children, we hire one employee, the second will be the initiator of the project. For activities, we will register an individual entrepreneur, taxation - a simplified reporting system.

Our garden will be located in a rented apartment, on the ground floor.

Let's summarize our calculations in tables. Let's start with a list of necessary investments.

We will determine the size of the wage fund for the year, we will calculate the tax deductions for employees.

Let's calculate the total revenue for several years ahead.

Let's summarize the fixed and variable costs in one table.

fixed costs


Payroll taxes



Variable costs

Communal expenses

Insurance IP

Other variable expenses

Total cost

Based on the available figures, we determine the gross and net profit of the enterprise.

Thanks to the figures obtained, we can determine the profitability and payback of the planned business for opening a private kindergarten.

It is worth noting that many of these kindergartens work in three shifts. With such a scheme of work, it is better to hire one or two more educators. At the same time, the profit of the project initiator increases and there are more opportunities for purchasing educational games, toys and further business development.

How to open a private kindergarten without a loan

Recommending a loan to a beginner would be unwise. Kindergarten as a business is a profitable business, but it can hardly be called super-profitable. Firstly, in the first year of work, the profit will be unstable, and secondly, an individual entrepreneur is responsible to creditors with his property. Of course, a person with experience can take a risk and take a loan, but first he will calculate all the pros and cons.

This raises an interesting question, how to open a private kindergarten with the support of the state. The important thing here is that the creation of gardens at home is encouraged at the legislative level - this solves the problems of many families. Is it possible to receive real money from the state and return part of the costs? Can. There are 3 ways.

First. Renting commercial premises is the main part of the cost. Therefore, it needs to be reduced. Local authorities can help here by providing municipal premises at a minimal (non-commercial) price.

Second. Get a subsidy from the employment center. If you are registered as unemployed, you may qualify for a one-time financial assistance. The entire amount of the due unemployment benefit is paid at a time, subject to registration as an individual entrepreneur and the provision of a business plan.

Third. In some regions, the local budget partially compensates for the expenses of parents for private gardens. If there are not enough places in municipal institutions, and the mother is forced to go to work, the local budget can compensate her for part of the costs.

CONCLUSION. Remember: the goal of any business is to minimize risks/costs and maximize profits. Your talent and perseverance will undoubtedly be rewarded if you do not be afraid of failure, do not stop moving forward and use our advice. Good luck in useful business!

As already noted, private kindergartens are becoming more common, especially in large cities. Places in the usual municipal kindergartens are sorely lacking, and not every family can afford to hire a nanny or governess. In addition, do not forget that the child needs communication in the children's team. For many, there is only one way out - to send the child to private kindergarten.

Business plan for a private kindergarten

Opening a private kindergarten, as well as the process of raising a child, is a very difficult and rather troublesome business due to the difficulties in obtaining permits and other restrictions (in particular, the requirements for the premises of a kindergarten).

The first step on the way to a private kindergarten is the registration of a legal entity and the selection of a room that meets all standards, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will directly depend on the number of children in the kindergarten. According to sanitary standards, one child should have at least 6 square meters. meters of area.

If we are talking about a large project, then the best option would be to rent the premises of the former state kindergarten from the local authorities. In this case, you will not have to pay for the refurbishment of the premises, since such a building already has a kitchen, halls for sports and music, bedrooms, etc.

When it comes to creating home kindergarten, then you should have a fairly spacious, bright room with a separate room (at least one) for children. Usually, a room is rented for a small private kindergarten. This may be an apartment, a cottage or renting a suitable area in any existing educational institution. For example, renting a four-room apartment will cost an average of 40-60 thousand rubles per month.

To obtain license for educational activities, you will need to develop educational programs, provide information about the teaching staff, obtain conclusions on the suitability of the selected premises from the SES and firefighters.

A private kindergarten should be equipped with special children's furniture, equipment for sports and recreational procedures, fire alarms.

The set of necessary equipment for organizing a private kindergarten includes special children's furniture, toys, sports equipment, dishes, kitchen equipment, bedding, medicines, stationery, teaching aids, etc. The total cost of equipment for a group of 15 children can be from 300 thousand rubles.

Of course, in a private kindergarten (unless we are talking about a home group), qualified teachers are required.

In addition, you must take care of the medical care of your little visitors and a balanced diet. Be prepared for the fact that these positions will be controlled quite tightly.

In addition to the above organizational issues, your private kindergarten business plan must include all the necessary financial calculations, which will be different in each case.

Necessary costs include:

  1. the cost of buying or renting a property,
  2. the cost of repairing the premises (if necessary),
  3. the cost of the necessary equipment and inventory,
  4. Communal expenses,
  5. staff salary,
  6. food expenses,
  7. laundry and general expenses.

The income will differ depending on the services and conditions of a particular private kindergarten. It is one thing if you draw up a business plan for an elite private kindergarten, and quite another is a small kindergarten for a group of 5-7 children of your friends and neighbors.

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