How to maintain the acid-base balance in the body. How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body? Consequences of acidosis in the body

From this article you will learn all the most important things about the acid-base balance of the human body: what is the normal pH level of blood, urine, saliva, how to measure the pH of the body, what threatens pH imbalance, how to restore acid-base balance.

What is acid-base balance?

The ratio of acid and alkali in any solution is called acid-base balance or acid-base balance. The acid-base balance is characterized by a special pH indicator (powerHydrogen - the strength of hydrogen), which shows the number of hydrogen atoms in a given solution. At pH 7.0, one speaks of a neutral environment. The lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment (from 6.9 to 0). An alkaline environment has a high pH level (from 7.1 to 14.0).

The human body has a certain acid-base ratio, characterized by pH (hydrogen) index. The pH value depends on the ratio between positively charged ions (forming an acidic environment) and negatively charged ions (forming an alkaline environment). The body constantly strives to balance this ratio, maintaining a strictly defined pH level. Violation of the acid-base balance can lead to serious diseases.

How to check acid-base balance

You can check your acid-base balance with pH test strips. This is done quickly and easily in the following sequence:

  1. Unpack the test strip.
  2. Wet it with urine or saliva.
  3. Compare the reading on the test strip with the pH color chart included in the package.
  4. Evaluate your results by correlating them with the time of day.

If the pH level of urine fluctuates between 6.0-6.4 in the morning and 6.4-7.0 in the evening, then your body is functioning normally.

If the pH level of saliva remains between 6.4-6.8 throughout the day, this is also an indication of the health of your body.

The most optimal pH level of saliva and urine is slightly acidic, in the range of 6.4-6.5. The best time to measure the pH level is 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Check the pH level 2 times a week 2-3 times a day.

Urine pH

The results of urine acid-base balance tests show how well the body absorbs minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals regulate the level of acidity in the body. If the acidity is too high, the body must neutralize the acid. To neutralize excess acid that begins to accumulate in the tissues, the body is forced to borrow minerals from various organs and bones. Thus, the level of acidity is regulated.

Saliva pH

The results of testing the acid-base balance of saliva show the activity of digestive tract enzymes, especially the liver and stomach. This indicator gives an idea of ​​the work of both the whole organism as a whole and its individual systems.

Sometimes there is an increased acidity of both urine and saliva. In such cases, we are talking about "double acidity".

Acid-base balance of blood

The acid-base balance of the blood is one of the most rigid physiological constants of the body. Normally, this indicator can vary between 7.35-7.45. A shift of this indicator by at least 0.1 leads to dysfunction of the cardiorespiratory system. With a shift in blood pH by 0.3, serious changes occur in the functioning of the central nervous system (in the direction of inhibition of its functions or overexcitation), and a shift by 0.4, as a rule, is not compatible with life.

Increased acidity in the body

An imbalance in the pH of the body in most people manifests itself in the form of increased acidity (a condition of acidosis). In this state, the body does not absorb minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium poorly. Vital organs suffer from a lack of minerals. Acidosis not detected in time can harm the body gradually and imperceptibly, over several months and even years.

Causes of acidosis

Acidification of the body can happen for many reasons. Here are some of them:

  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • hypoglycemia (low blood glucose);
  • hepatic and / or renal failure;
  • malnutrition;
  • hypoxia (reduced oxygen content in the body);
  • dehydration;
  • complications of diabetes;
  • severe inflammatory processes;
  • taking certain medications;
  • increased physical activity for a long time.

What causes acidosis

Acidosis can cause the following problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including persistent vasospasm, an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood;
  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder, the formation of stones;
  • respiratory failure;
  • weight gain and diabetes;
  • bone fragility, as well as other disorders of the musculoskeletal system, for example, the formation of osteophytes (spurs);
  • joint pain and pain in the muscles associated with the accumulation of lactic acid;
  • decreased immunity;
  • an increase in the harmful effects of free radicals, which can contribute to the development of the oncological process;
  • general weakness, severe disorders of autonomic functions.

Video by nutritionist Marina Stepanova about acid-base balance

Increased alkalinity in the body

With an increased content of alkali in the body (a state of alkalosis), as well as with acidosis, the absorption of minerals is disturbed. Food is digested much more slowly, which allows toxins to pass from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream. Violation of the acid-base balance towards alkali is dangerous and requires treatment in a hospital. It is usually the result of hyperventilation, severe vomiting, dehydration, or the use of alkaline medications.

How to restore acid-base balance

In the process of vital activity of the organism, both acidic and alkaline decay products are formed, and the former are formed several times more than the latter. The body's defenses, which ensure the invariability of the acid-base balance, are aimed at neutralizing and removing primarily acidic decay products. It is in your power to help your body maintain a healthy pH balance, first of all, by properly composing your diet.

Acid-base balance of products

Different products have a different ratio of mineral substances of an acidic and alkaline nature. Conventionally, all foods can be divided into acidic and alkaline.

Acidity of products: 1-6 acidic, 7 neutral, 8-10 alkaline

Acidic foods include:

  • coffee, black tea, cocoa, all alcoholic drinks, canned juices;
  • sugar and all products containing it (sweets, chocolate, sweet carbonated drinks, sweetened juices and fruit drinks, jams and preserves, pickled fruits), artificial sweeteners;
  • baked goods (especially white flour), pasta, legumes (excluding fresh beans and peas in the pod), rice, buckwheat, corn, spotted and purple beans, peanuts, nuts (excluding almonds), oats, pumpkin and sunflower seeds ;
  • meat, poultry, fish;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products (with the exception of fresh milk and very fresh homemade whey and cottage cheese);
  • oysters, mussels, shrimps, crayfish.

Alkaline foods include:

  • all fresh and dried fruits, freshly squeezed unsweetened fruit juices, berries;
  • all vegetables, vegetable juices, leafy greens, algae;
  • olive, linseed and canola (rapeseed) oils;
  • green and flower tea;
  • fresh honey (in honeycombs);
  • mushrooms;
  • millet, wild rice;
  • breast milk;

Of course, we must use both those and other products (each product is useful in its own way), but at the same time observe the proportion. Alkaline foods in our menu should be 2-3 times more than acid-containing foods.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, it is not always possible to maintain such a balance. A very good addition to proper nutrition are biologically active food supplements.

Products for alkalization

NSP offers a wide range of products that can regulate pH levels. Here are some of them:

  1. As you know, the most important mineral for regulating pH balance is calcium. - a source of bioavailable calcium and magnesium with a strong alkalizing effect.
  2. - contains calcium and magnesium in an easily digestible chelate form, also contributes to the neutralization of acids.
  3. - another dietary supplement with a strong alkalizing effect. Can be taken for a long time.

Rich in alkaline foods. These include: fruits and dried fruits, potatoes, salads and vegetables, pre-soaked and sprouted grains, legumes, nuts. Acidic foods should be four times less in the diet. These include meat, eggs, cheese, fish, sweets, flour products and bread. Remember that for every 100 g of meat you should eat 300-400 g of vegetables.

Since the processes of cleansing the body of toxins are most intensive in the morning, try to consume more alkaline foods in the morning. And the most rational diet to maintain the acid-base balance is considered to be 4-6 meals a day.

Try to drink good quality water. Drink non-carbonated alkaline or alkaline-salt mineral water from time to time. Whey and tea are also considered alkaline drinks. Daily liquid - 2.5-3 liters.

Herbs can help restore the acid-base balance. To neutralize the acidic environment, use the leaves of calamus, hawthorn, cranberries, gooseberries, black currants, raspberries, and rose hips. Brew them like tea.

To restore the acid-base balance of the skin of the face, wipe it with a tonic or spray with thermal water. After that, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream that will restore the protective layer of the skin and reduce moisture loss. It is better to use not soap, but cosmetic milk, cream and washing gels.

Physical inactivity contributes to a shift in the acid-base balance towards oxidation. Conclusion: the body needs your physical activity. Go in for sports, walk, run, breathe fresh air.

The degree of acidity in the human body depends on its psychological mood. Increase her nervous tension, resentment, fear, sadness, in general, any depressive state. So work on your emotional state. Try not to get nervous over trifles.

Take contrast showers regularly. It is also useful to visit the sauna, where the elimination of toxins from the body is facilitated by the alternation of dry steam and cold douches. If possible, use alkaline baths.

Currently, the problem of violation of acid-base balance is quite common. There are many reasons for such an imbalance: these are stress, nervous tension, and, of course, malnutrition. In modern conditions, a person eats spontaneously, the diet is most often not balanced. As a result, there is heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, often there is a metallic taste in the mouth, and appetite decreases.


If you know people like you, and they bother you quite often, then most likely the acidity of the gastric juice is not normal. However, keep in mind that the balance can be upset both in the direction of increasing acid and alkali. The gastroenterologist will determine the exact cause by making gastric juice.

You can try to determine the acidity of the stomach yourself. To do this, squeeze the juice from sour apples and drink it on an empty stomach. If after that you do not experience discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, then acidity is most likely. If you experience heartburn, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, then. At the same time, it can be reduced if you take a solution of baking soda (1/2 teaspoon of soda per 1 cup of boiled water).

To reduce acidity, take freshly squeezed potato juice. To do this, take a few young tubers, grate on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and drink one quarter cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Take potato juice for 4-5 weeks, gradually increasing the dose to half a glass.

To normalize the acidity of the stomach, you can take raw egg white. Drink it chilled half an hour before meals. Peppermint, lemon balm and blackberry contribute to the restoration of the acid-base balance. Just add them to your tea. In the autumn period, acidity can be normalized with the help of plums. To do this, 30 minutes before a meal, eat 100 grams of plums or drink 1/3 cup of juice. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

If the acidity of the stomach is low, take decoctions of sea buckthorn and wild rose. Grapes, apricots, fresh cucumbers, as well as white cabbage and any dishes from it increase the acidity. Quickly helps to normalize the acid-base balance boiled beans, as well as meat food.


  • how to normalize acid-base balance in 2018

Tip 3: How to restore the acid-base balance in the body?

Acid-base balance is the most important indicator of biochemical balance in the body. And it depends, first of all, on what we eat.

Even ancient oriental scientists claimed that all products are divided into two groups: acidic (yin) and alkaline (yang). In this regard, they have a completely different effect on the body.

According to research, in the diet of a modern person, as a rule, products that contribute to the acidification of the body predominate. Hence, weak immunity, susceptibility to colds, a state of chronic fatigue, various allergic reactions, and so on. In addition, acidification leads to the deposition of extra pounds, that is, obesity. Why not try to restore the balance between oxidizing and alkalizing foods, thus maintaining health, and at the same time losing weight?

How to check?

Pharmacies sell litmus papers that can measure the pH of saliva and urine - they show the acid-base balance in our body. Several conditions must be met. It is necessary to measure the pH of urine not in the morning after waking up, but during the second trip to the toilet. You need to take several measurements and summarize the arithmetic mean. Keep in mind: Urine pH below 7 is a sign of acidity.

How to restore pH

Incorporate alkalizing foods into your diet on your way to rebalancing. To a greater extent, cereals - rice - and to a lesser extent - vegetables. It is enough to include fish in the menu 1-2 times a week, and legumes 1 time. When you feel an improvement, you can try to include acid and approximately in equal proportions, giving the advantage to the second. Your task is to gradually achieve a 1:2 ratio between acidic and alkaline foods.

Strong oxidation give: eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, green peas, beets, celery, garlic, citrus fruits, bananas, dates, corn, oats, olive and peanut butter, fish, beef, pork, sugar, coffee, honey, cocoa, fruit juices, wine.

Weak oxidation: grapes, plums, prunes, pears, peaches, white and cauliflower, watermelon, melon, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower oil, dried beans, lamb, cream, butter, hard cheese, kefir, milk, chocolate, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, tea, beer.

Strong alkalization give: carrots, parsley, watercress, pumpkin, buckwheat, millet, rice, saffron, red and black caviar, pheasant, eggs, chamomile tea, Japanese bancha tea.

Weak oxidation: strawberries, apples, onions, leeks, radishes, turnips, horseradish, dill, peas, linseed oil, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme, fish (catfish, herring, sardines), turkey, duck, green tea.

Attention! A diet composed exclusively of alkalizing foods is possible, but its duration should not exceed two weeks.

How to maintain acid-base balance. How to restore the normal pH of the body

The normal course of life processes of the body depends on the stability of the acid-base balance, our task is to help it maintain a constant pH level.

What is pH?

The letters pH (powerHydrogen) denote the acid-base state (balance) of the solution, which depends on the ratio of positively charged ions that form an acidic environment and negatively charged ions that create an alkaline environment. The neutral pH value is considered to be a pH value of 7, in the case when the pH is less than 7, the solution is acidic, but if the pH value exceeds 7, such an environment is alkaline.

The human body also has its own pH, since more than 2/3 consists of a liquid in which both alkalis and acids are dissolved. The normal value of the pH value of the blood in the human body is in the range from 7.35 to 7.47. Violation of the acid-base balance of the body is fraught with the occurrence of many serious diseases.
Measuring the pH of your body

You can quickly and accurately measure the pH level of your body using special pH test strips that change color when exposed to acidic or alkaline environments. The optimal time for measuring the pH level of saliva is 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. The normal pH value of saliva is considered to be 6.4 - 6.8.

You can check the pH of the body by measuring the pH of not only saliva, but also urine. The normal pH value of urine is considered to be 6.0 - 6.4 in the morning and 6.4 - 7.0 in the evening.
Violations of the acid-base balance of the body

The most common case of violation of the pH level is the increased acidity of the body. When the pH of the blood falls below 7.35, acidification of the body occurs and a state of acidosis occurs.

With acidosis, the supply of organs and tissues with oxygen worsens, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, immunity decreases, kidney stones form, and lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. Acidosis is fraught with obesity, cellulite, diabetes mellitus and problems with the musculoskeletal system. Often the cause of acidosis is alcohol abuse.

Much less often, alkalosis is observed - an increased content of alkali in the body, when the blood pH rises above 7.47. Usually the cause of alkalosis is the intake of medicines containing alkali.

A normal healthy body is able to independently maintain an optimal acid-base balance. This happens through the excretion of acids through the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, skin, neutralization of acids with the participation of minerals and the accumulation of acids in muscles and other tissues.

In this case, the pH level of the food consumed in food is of no small importance. Vegetables and fruits have an alkaline-forming effect on fluid in the body, while animal foods, cereals and highly processed foods, on the contrary, acidify it.

A slightly alkaline blood pH level is considered optimal, so that in the process of processing and assimilation of the food eaten by the body it does not acidify, alkaline-forming food must be consumed more than acid-forming. At the same time, it is very important to maintain the water balance of the body by drinking enough water.

alkaline food:

Apricot, Avocado, Pineapple, Orange, Watermelon, Banana, Broccoli, Grape, Pea, Grapefruit, Pear, Melon, Raisins, Ginger, Kiwi, Lime, Lemon, Mango, Nectarine, Vegetable Juices, Papaya, Peach, Parsley, Lettuce, Asparagus , horseradish, cauliflower, garlic, spinach, apple.

Acid-forming food:

Alcohol, white flour products, white sugar, white vinegar, legumes, carbonated soft drinks, sugar substitutes, cereals, coffee, pasta, seafood, meat, salt, cheese, tobacco, bread.

Acid-base balance very important for keeping the body healthy. The problem is that most of us do not pay attention to the level of acidity in the body and thinks about it only when faced with problems.

In our body, especially in the stomach and intestines, there is a huge number of beneficial microorganisms that grow and multiply normally, provided that acid-base balance in order.

However, if we create an unfavorable environment for beneficial bacteria in the body, then harmful microorganisms begin to multiply actively. This can happen due to the intake of certain medicines, food, or poor environmental conditions.

That's why very it is important to know effective methods for removing toxins from the body and restoration of the alkaline environment.

On TV, you may have seen advertisements for many products for this, which are not cheap. Luckily for you no need to spend huge amounts of money in order to quickly restore the acid-base balance.

For example, on the basis of such a cheap and popular remedy as baking soda, a huge number of medicinal potions can be prepared.


1. Baking soda and water will restore the acid-base balance

A mixture of baking soda and water is one of the most popular blood alkalinizers and removing toxins from it.

This remedy normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, helps to fight other symptoms that are associated with an increased level of acidity.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

What should be done?

  • Dilute the baking soda in a glass of water and drink the medicine on an empty stomach or after a large meal.
  • Take this remedy no more than three times a day, otherwise you may get the opposite effect.

2. Baking soda and lemon

When you mix baking soda, lemon and water, you get a fizzy drink with alkaline properties that allows you to quickly and effectively cleanse the body. After all, lemon is considered one of the best means to restore the acid-base balance.

You will need:

  • juice of half a lemon
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda (1.2 g)
  • ½ cup water (100 ml)

What should be done?

  • Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and dilute it in half a glass of water.
  • Add soda there and wait until the mixture sizzles.
  • Drink this remedy as fast as possible.
  • Don't take it more than once a day.

3. Baking soda and apple cider vinegar

This natural formula has an acid-base balance of approximately 7 and is recommended for energizing the body.

The main thing is to make sure you use organic, as refined vinegar does not have the same benefits.

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda (1.2 g)
  • 1 cup warm water (200 ml)

What should be done?

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar and baking soda in a glass of warm water.
  • Stir and drink.
  • It is best to take this remedy on empty stomach.

4. Baking soda, potassium carbonate and citric acid

Many people suffer from sodium excretion problems, so they cannot take the remedies mentioned above.

Especially for them, we have selected another remedy that removes sodium salts from the body. and also fights fluid retention.

Do not forget that it must be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise the remedy may cause.

You will need:

  • ⅛ teaspoon baking soda (0.6 g)
  • 1 pinch potassium carbonate
  • ¼ teaspoon citrus acid (1.2 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

What should be done?

  • Stir all ingredients in a glass of water.
  • Drink in one sip maximum 2 times a day.

5. Baking soda and lime

Lime is one of the healthiest citrus fruits. He helps cleanse the blood and restores the natural acid-base balance of the body.

In many people, the level of acidity in the body is elevated. This is a typical consequence of eating factory food, refined sugars and. However, not everyone realizes that an acidic environment is ideal for the development of cancer, excess weight, pain and many diseases. Fortunately, creating an alkaline environment in the body is very simple ...

Alkaline is the exact opposite of acidic.

All diseases are from acids! Here are 10 ways to restore balance!

Alkali kills all diseases.

Here are 10 natural ways to ensure your body leaches:

1. The most important thing is to start the day with a smile and a large glass of water with the addition of freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Although lemons seem sour, they have the opposite effect on the body. Drink this drink on an empty stomach to cleanse your stomach.

2. Eat large portions of salad greens dressed with lemon juice and high quality olive oil. Green vegetables and fruits are one of the best sources of alkaline trace elements such as calcium. Eat them throughout the day to maintain a healthy pH balance in your body.

3. Would you like to have a snack? Eat raw, unsalted almonds. It contains many alkaline trace elements such as magnesium and calcium, which restore the acid-base balance, and also normalize blood sugar.

4. Drink almond milk and make yourself berry smoothies with green powder like spirulina.

5. Go for a walk or exercise. Activity is extremely important. Exercise helps to remove acidic foods from the body.

6. Breathe deeply. Ideally, you should find a place with clean, oxygenated air and visit it whenever possible. There (and not only there) you should drink plenty of water to remove toxins from the body.

7. Don't eat meat. Daily consumption of meat leaves behind acidic deposits.

8. Skip high-sugar desserts and sugary sodas. Sugar is one of the most dangerous acidic foods. It takes over 30 glasses of water to neutralize the acidity from one can of soda!

9. Include more vegetables in your diet. Note: potatoes do not count! Peppers, asparagus, zucchini and eggplant will be very useful.

10. And finally: eat plenty of Brussels sprouts. It is excellent leaching and contains a lot of nutrients and beneficial enzymes.

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