Rules for taking Polysorb to cleanse the body. Polysorb for cleansing the body reviews, instructions for use, dosage, indications, price Polysorb its effect on the body

Polysorb is an enterosorbent created on the basis of silicon dioxide. Available in the form of a bluish, odorless powder. Intended for the production of emulsion; use of the drug in its pure form is not allowed. The product is distributed through pharmacies, the average price is 215 rubles.

The action of the drug is the precipitation of exogenous and endogenous toxins, such as:

  • allergens;
  • waste products of bacteria;
  • metal salts;
  • bacteria;
  • substances formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins during positional injury;
  • food toxins, etc.

Instructions for use of enterosorbent prescribe it in the following cases:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • food poisoning;
  • infectious diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • poisoning;
  • drug overdose.

The action of Polysorb is mild, however, due to its chemical structure, it is not highly effective.

You should drink Polysorb for mild to moderate poisoning, as well as for preventive purposes. In case of severe poisoning, it is necessary to cleanse with sorbents that have a porous structure (activated carbon, enterosgel).

As mentioned above, with the help of Polysorb, preventive cleansing can be carried out, aimed at removing toxins from the body that are present in it, but do not have a noticeable negative effect. Proper use of the product allows you to achieve many positive effects. Signs such as:

  • acne;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance;
  • frequent dyspeptic symptoms;
  • flatulence;
  • mental instability;
  • frequent allergic reactions.

Cleansing the body using enterosorbents has certain contraindications. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to consult a specialist for a comprehensive examination and assessment of the possibility of using the sorbent for prophylactic purposes.

Cleaning methods and dosage of the drug

The answer to the question of how to take Polysorb to cleanse the body varies depending on the patient’s initial condition. For prevention, for mild poisoning and as part of complex therapy, different treatment regimens are used.

Preventative cleansing

The cleansing effect of Polysorb can be used by people forced to work in hazardous industries or living in environmentally unfavorable areas. In addition, the drug’s ability to quickly deposit toxins on itself is often used by people who notice the symptoms of chronic intoxication described above. It is not recommended to use Polysorb for prophylaxis in childhood.

For preventive purposes, Polysorb is used for 3-5 days, 3 grams per dose, 1 time per day. Before use, the drug must be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water and stirred until a suspension is obtained. It is best to take the product on an empty stomach, an hour before meals and other medications.

Treatment of mild to moderate food and chemical poisoning

Polysorb dosage depending on weight

For mild and moderate poisoning, Polysorb can be prescribed to both adults and children. The method for preparing the suspension is similar to that for the prophylactic use of the drug. The dosage varies depending on the patient’s body weight and is shown in the table.

If necessary, the recommended doses of Polysorb can be increased. However, even with this, you should not consume more than 20 grams of the drug per day. The duration of treatment can reach 15-20 days. If there is no visible effect after 5-6 days of therapy, the drug should be discontinued due to its obvious ineffectiveness. There are no analogues of Polysorb created on the basis of silicon. Therefore, a replacement should be sought among drugs that have a porous structure.

Polysorb composition of complex detoxification

Cleansing the human body with Polysorb is also used as part of complex detoxification measures for severe poisoning. How long it takes to cleanse the body depends on the type and severity of the disease. Thus, viral hepatitis is the basis for prescribing a sorbent for 7-10 days. The use of the drug in the treatment of renal failure reaches 30-31 days. The number of doses per day reaches 3-4.

When the patient is unconscious, the body is affected by placing a nasogastric tube - a thin long tube inserted into the stomach through the lower nasal passage. To administer the drug correctly, it is necessary to dilute it in a larger than usual amount of water. After insertion, the probe is washed with clean water or saline.

How effective Polysorb is as a means for weight loss is a controversial issue. Theoretically, taking the drug in combination with food allows you to remove some nutrients from the body. The body will not receive these substances. Accordingly, it will be forced to compensate for the missing calories by breaking down subcutaneous reserves of adipose tissue. However, reviews of attempts to use sorbents for the purpose of losing weight indicate the extremely low effectiveness of this method. Among other things, taking Polysorb should not exceed 30 days. After a month, treatment must be discontinued. This is not enough to reduce body weight.

External use of Polysorb

Polysorb can be used in the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcerative defects, and burns. Applied to a wound in dry form, the drug adsorbs bacteria and tissue destruction products on its surface. The general condition of the wound improves. The effect of Polysorb when applied topically ends 4-5 minutes after application. After the required period, the drug should be removed from the wound by washing it with antiseptic solutions.

Polisorb MP is a new generation enterosorbent or drug that binds and retains toxins, pathogenic microflora, various allergens and poisons. It is used for diseases such as poisoning, allergies, diarrhea and in general to cleanse the body. Below, we will provide complete instructions, where we will consider: how to take Polysorb, for what diseases it is prescribed, whether it can be taken by children and during pregnancy, as well as the main analogues of the drug for the active substance.

Composition and release form

Polysorb is an inorganic silicon dioxide powder that has a powerful detoxifying effect. It easily penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and removes all dangerous and harmful substances. Today, the drug Polysorb is produced under the official name “Polysorb MP”, but the letters “MP” are often omitted for ease of pronunciation.

pharmachologic effect

Silicon dioxide is not metabolized and not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted from the body naturally with feces unchanged. It starts working almost immediately after administration (within 3-4 minutes). It is not contraindicated for children of all ages, pregnant women and can be used during breastfeeding.

Polysorb is able to effectively bind and remove the following toxins:

  • pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi);
  • toxins released by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • foreign antigens;
  • food allergens;
  • medicines;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • radionuclides;
  • alcohol and its breakdown products.

After opening, the bottle should be stored in a dry place, out of direct sunlight, tightly closing the medicine each time.


The use of this sorbent can be either oral or external. Polysorb is used for the following pathological conditions:

  • acute intestinal infections of any origin, including food poisoning, as well as diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin (as part of complex therapy);
  • food and drug allergies;
  • chronic intoxication of the body;
  • intestinal infections;
  • diarrhea (both infectious and non-infectious origin);
  • disorders of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract as part of complex treatment;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • renal failure in chronic form.

In developed countries, it is also common to use Polysorb for influenza, colds or ARVI, both in adults and children. The sorbent is also successfully used in the complex therapy of various dermatoses, such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, etc.

Instructions for use

Polysorb powder is intended for the preparation of a suspension for further oral use; the drug should never be taken orally in its pure form!

The instructions indicate that the daily dose is:

  • adults, children over 7 years old - 12 g (maximum - 20 g for severe poisoning);
  • children under 7 years of age - 0.2 g per 1 kg of weight in 3-4 doses, but not more than half the daily dose at a time.

Table for calculating the daily dose of Polysorb depending on the patient’s body weight:

1 teaspoon of Polysorb MP “with top” contains 1 g of the drug, 1 tbsp. topped spoon - 3 g.

Duration of use:

  • For food allergies, take immediately before meals 3 times a day for 3-5 days;
  • For acute infections, poisoning - 3-5 days;
  • For allergies, chronic intoxications - 2 weeks;
  • The course can be repeated only after 2-3 weeks on the recommendation of a doctor.

It is possible to use the drug Polysorb MP during pregnancy and lactation according to indications and in recommended doses.

How to use?

  • use only freshly prepared product internally, do not use it in dry form - only in the form of an aqueous suspension
  • consumed one hour before meals or one hour after meals
  • used no more than 4 times a day
  • the average daily dose is calculated individually, at the rate of 0.1-0.2 grams per 1 kg of body weight (6-12 grams per day), respectively, the average single dose of the drug is 3 grams.

There are some peculiarities of taking the drug for various diseases, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking it.

In case of poisoning

Treatment should begin as early as possible on the 1st day of poisoning. Rinse the stomach with a 0.5–1% suspension of the drug Polysorb. In case of severe poisoning, on the first day, gastric lavage is carried out through a tube every 4–6 hours, and the drug is also given orally. A single dose in adults can be 0.1–0.15 g/kg 2–3 times a day.

Intestinal infections

In case of severe diarrhea, which is of an infectious nature, when pathogenic bacteria enter the stomach and intestines, they cause severe gastric upset, which prevents you from leaving the house. In a matter of minutes the medicine helps:

  1. Get rid of diarrhea.
  2. Eliminate abdominal cramps.
  3. Prevent the development of severe intestinal infections.

Directions for use: the same as for poisoning. Stir the powder depending on body weight in ¼-1/2 glass of water: 1 day - take every hour. Day 2 – dose four times a day. Drink for 5 days.

Polysorb for weight loss

Weight loss with Polysorb occurs due to cleansing of stagnant intestinal masses. They interfere with digestion and slow down metabolism, which contributes to the accumulation of excess weight. The product helps stabilize and regulate the digestion process.

How to use? For weight loss, Polysorb MP is used somewhat differently. Use it in the following single dosage:

  • for weights up to 60 kg – 1 tbsp. l. powder in 0.5 cups of water;
  • with a weight of more than 60 kg - 2 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of water.

The resulting suspension should be taken 3 times a day 1 hour before each meal.

It should be borne in mind that the enterosorbent itself (like its analogues) does not have a fat-burning effect. Using the drug without medical indications can destroy beneficial intestinal microflora, vitamins and microelements, including protein, which the body needs during weight loss. There is also an increased risk of earning money, a decrease in brain activity, and, most importantly, an increase in appetite.

Before drinking Polysorb for weight loss, you need to carefully read the instructions to prevent an overdose of the drug

To cleanse the body

To cleanse the body, the suspension is taken, calculating the dosage based on weight, 3 times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after meals, for 6-12 days.

Polysorb for acne on the face and body

Quite often, dermatologists with profuse acne recommend taking a course of cleansing with adsorbents. All people enter their bodies with many harmful substances from poor-quality food and polluted air. Skin diseases begin as a result of intestinal contamination with toxins and waste. From there, toxic substances penetrate the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, poisoning it.

For allergies

In case of food allergies, the drug should be taken immediately before meals. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses during the day.

According to the instructions, before use, Polysorb MP must be diluted with clean non-carbonated water at room temperature to form a suspension (suspension), for which 1 g of the drug will require from 30 to 50 ml of water. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each dose of the drug.


  • Intestinal atony (absence or decreased peristalsis)
  • Acute phase and duodenum
  • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract (see causes of blood in stool)
  • Individual intolerance.

Side effects for the body

In exceptional cases, while taking Polysorb, constipation and other disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system may occur. In some patients, treatment with the drug was accompanied by minor bouts of nausea.

special instructions

Long-term use of the drug Polysorb MP (more than 14 days) may impair the absorption of vitamins and calcium, and therefore prophylactic use of multivitamin preparations and preparations containing calcium is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

When using the drug simultaneously with other drugs, the therapeutic effect of the latter may be reduced.

Best before date

The instructions indicate that the shelf life of Polysorb is 5 years. Store up to 25 degrees, store the suspension for no more than 2 days, after opening the jar with a tightly closed lid. Keep away from children. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.


Analogs of Polysorb by pharmacological group (adsorbents):

  • Diosmectite;
  • Microcel;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Enterosorb;
  • Enterodesis;
  • Enterumin;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Filtrum-STI;

Prices in pharmacies

You can buy enterosorbent in almost any pharmacy; it is sold in disposable bags or in plastic jars. The average price of the drug is:

  • Powder in sachets 3 g 30-40 rubles; 10 pcs 250-320 rub.
  • in a jar of 50 g 260-290 rub.
  • Powder in a jar 12 g 100-120 rub.

When purchasing the drug Polysorb, you must carefully study its instructions. She will explain in detail the dosage and duration of treatment for various diseases.

Polysorb is an active sorbent that can quickly bind toxins and harmful microorganisms that enter the digestive organs. The drug is also capable of removing various toxic substances, food allergens, and medications.

Composition and release form

Before taking Polysorb in powder form, it must be diluted to form a suspension. The powder can be purchased in plastic jars of 12, 25, 50 g, you can also purchase small bags of 3 g each.

This particular sachet (3 g) is considered the daily dose for an adult. The active sorbent substance of the drug is silicon dioxide; other than this, the medicine does not contain anything. In appearance, the drug is a white powder with a characteristic slight odor. When the powder is combined with water, a thick, light consistency is formed.

Operating principle

The drug Polysorb has a fairly wide scope of application. In addition to the fact that the medicine effectively relieves signs of poisoning and any other intoxication, Polysorb is prescribed in the complex treatment of many diseases, for example, flu, dermatoses, allergies.

The drug is an active sorbent, quickly relieves symptoms of poisoning, and removes all types of toxins from the body. The main principle of Polysorb's action is the removal of toxins from the body. After harmful toxins or chemical compounds enter the body from the external environment, the active substance of the drug helps to quickly get rid of them.

Polysorb helps remove:

  • fungus, bacteria and viruses of various origins;
  • pathogenic microorganism toxins;
  • antibodies;
  • medicines and toxic substances;
  • alcohol breakdown products.

In addition, the drug is able to actively bind products released during metabolism in the human body. As a result of an excess of such products, intoxication and certain diseases can develop. In such cases, Polysorb removes decay products formed during metabolism. These include bilirubin, urea, cholesterol, lipids. Polysorb is a universal remedy for all intoxications. The sorbent is actively used in combination with other drugs to treat many diseases.

Polysorb helps reduce the intake of certain medications to treat a particular disease. It is prescribed for the common flu or cold, as it quickly binds toxins and removes them, in addition, it eliminates the symptoms of general intoxication, namely muscle pain, weakness, and dizziness. Experts have found that taking Polysorb can eliminate fever without taking antipyretics, improve the general condition of a cold, and also reduce the time required for complete recovery.


Before taking Polysorb, you need to know in what cases it is used:

  • for any acute or chronic intoxication in adults and children;
  • for acute intestinal infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • for all types of food poisoning;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • with purulent and inflammatory processes;
  • in case of poisoning with poison or potent substances, alcohol, heavy metal compounds;
  • with severe allergies to certain foods or medications;
  • with high levels of bilirubin in the body caused by various diseases;
  • with high levels of urea and creatinine;
  • in acute renal failure;
  • for the prevention of poisoning in people who work in enterprises with harmful compounds or poisons.

Contraindications and side effects

Polysorb is not used in all cases; like any other drug, it has contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Weak intestinal tone.
  • Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

If the correct dosage is not followed, adverse reactions may occur from the use of Polysorb:

  • Constipation or diarrhea.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Improper digestion.
  • Stomach dysfunction.
  • Removal of calcium from the body.
  • Edema.
  • Anemia.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Weak brain activity.

If you take Polysorb for weight loss and at the same time violate the permissible dosage, you can destroy the beneficial microflora in the intestines and also cause a deficiency of essential minerals and vitamins. Therefore, if you have any doubts about how to take Polysorb, you should consult a doctor for advice.

How to drink Polysorb to cleanse the body

Polysorb is quite often used to cleanse the body. As soon as the drug gets inside, it begins to bind all harmful substances and remove them along with feces, while itself being excreted in the same way.

To get a good effect, you need to know how to drink Polysorb for cleaning:

First the intestines are cleansed, after which the blood begins to cleanse. After harmful substances leave the blood, it itself removes excess toxins from the body. The drug, thus, gradually cleanses the internal organs and blood, while all processes in the body are normalized. It is necessary to cleanse yourself in case of weakened immunity, viral diseases, allergies, disorders of the digestive system, as well as for preventive purposes.

For allergies

Allergies resulting from taking medications or food are treated as follows:

  • First, the stomach is washed. To do this, you need to take 10 g of powder and dilute it in 1 liter of water, the resulting composition is administered through the anus using an enema.
  • After washing, Polysorb must be taken orally for 5 days, 3 g, up to 4 times a day.

In case of poisoning

The first thing to do in case of food poisoning is to remove toxins from the body. First, the stomach is washed with diluted Polysorb powder. After the stomach is rinsed, after 4 hours the drug is taken orally in a dosage of another 6 g. The remaining part of the powder (6 g) should be divided several times, so that the patient takes the drug every 2 hours with water.

Sorbent Polysorb and its analogues

The drug is prescribed to children from birth. In particular, it is used for various poisonings, food or intestinal, as well as for diathesis, dysbacteriosis, and for those diseases that newborn children can suffer from. The drug is prescribed to infants mainly for diathesis, as well as for its prevention. The powder can be diluted in the mother's breast milk, expressed previously before use. For older children, you can dilute Polysorb in juice or tea.

Polysorb sorbent is given before meals, no earlier than 60 minutes or 2 hours after it.

For ease of dosage calculation:

  • in 1 tsp. includes 1 g of powder;
  • in 1 tbsp. includes 3 g of powder.

The dosage for a child is calculated based on weight. The child’s weight should be divided by 10, this is the dose that should be given to treat worms up to 4 times a day.

How to take during pregnancy

Pregnant women can take Polysorb without fear for the life of the child; the drug is completely harmless.

If you have to take the medicine for more than 10 days, in this case it is necessary to additionally consume calcium and other vitamins, after examination and doctor’s prescription, since Polysorb can remove microelements necessary for the child’s health from the mother’s body. The dose of the drug for a pregnant woman is the same as for an adult.

Pregnant women should take the drug 3 g 3 times a day, an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is determined as the symptoms of poisoning disappear. Usually the course of treatment does not exceed 7 days.


If the dose is exceeded, allergies, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, and possible diarrhea may occur.


  • Smecta.
  • Microcel.
  • Enterodesis.
  • Enterumin.

Polysorb or Enterosgel

Both drugs are good sorbents. The advantage of Enterosgel is that it does not need to be diluted with water. Both medications are also taken with water. Enterosgel has a high selective ability, that is, it binds all harmful toxins and does not affect beneficial minerals. Polysorb sorbent is capable of removing minerals, for example, calcium. If you use the second drug for a long time, anemia, muscle weakness, and weakened immunity may develop.

People who have seriously decided to lose excess weight sometimes resort to taking medications that have no direct relationship to weight loss. According to those losing weight, enteric sorbents can become a reliable assistant in the fight for slimness. "Polysorb" is included in the group of such drugs, which is why it is often used as an addition to the main program for the treatment of obesity.

The active substance of Polysorb is silicon dioxide - a sorbent of inorganic origin. It begins to act when it enters the intestinal lumen. There it binds to endogenous toxins that are produced in the human body, and exogenous toxins that enter it from the external environment. After the reaction, all harmful substances are eliminated naturally.

Succinic acid is used as an additional component in the preparation; it accelerates the process of energy production in cells, promotes their saturation with oxygen, increases immunity and ability to work.

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • poisoning;
  • allergy;
  • obesity;
  • hepatitis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • excess cholesterol and bilirubin in the body;
  • alcoholism.

How does the drug help you lose weight?

Before taking Polysorb, the patient must consult a doctor; only a specialist can prescribe an effective treatment regimen that will contain enterosorbent. The direct relationship between the use of the drug and weight loss has not been scientifically proven, but it is actively used for weight loss. Reviews from those who have lost weight say that the suspension increases the effectiveness of eliminating extra pounds by 1.5 times.

However, under no circumstances should the drug be used as an independent means for body shaping; it can only cleanse the body of toxic substances, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes. “Polysorb” binds and removes from the body toxins and some food breakdown products, but not fats, therefore it does not help fight already accumulated kilograms, but only normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increases the ability of the intestines to absorb food faster.

The opinion of doctors regarding this sorbent is ambiguous; some use it as an additional means for the treatment of obesity, and some are completely against the use of this drug for weight loss. For people who are slightly overweight, taking enterosorbents for figure correction is extremely contraindicated.

Rules for taking Polysorb for weight loss

The drug is available in powder form, which must be diluted with water before use. It can be packaged in jars of different capacities or portioned bags. There is no information in the official instructions about how to drink the drug for weight loss, and the recommendations of “traditional healers” differ greatly from each other. Some suggest preparing a suspension of 2 teaspoons of powder and half a glass of water and taking it 2 times a day an hour before meals, while others increase the number of doses to 4 times a day.

It is noteworthy that it is recommended to take the drug before the start of a meal, as there is an opinion that it can give a feeling of fullness and pacify your appetite. In fact, the sorbent does not act on the body like fiber; it does not swell enough to completely tame hunger.

Advantages and disadvantages

The sorbent has a beneficial effect on the body, removing toxic substances from it, but only if taken correctly. Long-term use of Polysorb can negatively affect well-being, since it removes proteins that a person needs during dieting and active physical activity. The drug can also cause negative reactions, such as:

  • constipation;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • increased appetite;
  • dispersion;
  • disturbance of calcium absorption.

Before you lose weight with the help of a sorbent, you should thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons of its use. You should also consult your doctor to make sure you have no contraindications.

"Polysorb" is a medicinal drug, but it is available without a prescription, so you need to be as conscious as possible when taking it.

"Polysorb" has the following contraindications:

  • personal intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • intestinal atony;
  • exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • internal bleeding.

If you nevertheless decide that you need Polysorb for weight loss, remember that it cannot be used as an independent remedy. The sorbent can affect the quantity and quality of substances absorbed by the body from food, but it cannot fight existing fat deposits.

The price of the drug depends on the form of its release and the volume of packaging; in pharmacies you can find powder packaged in portions. Start eating right and exercising and you will definitely see positive results!

Read with this

"Enterosgel" for weight loss - so far unproven effectiveness

Due to various circumstances, substances accumulate in the body, which are collected in the gastrointestinal tract and then absorbed into the blood. The blood, moving, carries them to all organs and to the brain, which leads to intoxication of the body. Depending on the degree of blockage, various dysfunctions of organs and systems manifest themselves, and various ailments appear.

To protect your body, you need to cleanse your intestines and remove toxins and other waste products produced during metabolism from your body. There are many ways to cleanse and restore the normal functioning of the body, one of which is the use of Polysorb MP.

Properties of the substance in the composition of the drug

The substance Polysorb MP is an enterosorbent and is an odorless white powder that is taken orally with water.

The drug can be packaged in sachets. 1 sachet contains 3 g of colloidal silicon dioxide. 1 package of the drug contains 10 sachets. The price of 1 sachet weighing 3 g costs from 35 rubles.

You can also buy this product in plastic jars weighing 12 g - price from 109 rubles, 25 g - price from 220 rubles. and 50 g – price from 300 rub.

Sold in pharmacies, a prescription is not required to purchase it.

The storage temperature of the drug should not exceed 25°C. If unpacked, the powder can be stored for 5 years. Store in a place where children cannot reach.

The opened drug should be stored in a tightly sealed, moisture-proof container or package. The prepared suspension should be consumed within 2 days.

Effect of the drug

It is based on the basis of its absorption and cleansing capabilities.

Once in the intestines, the powder absorbs toxic and other harmful substances accumulated in it, binds them, and then removes them from the body and is completely eliminated itself.

What substances will Polysorb MP help remove? It can be:

  • harmful substances of endogenous or exogenous origin;
  • pathogenic bacteria;
  • toxic substances resulting from bacterial infection;
  • food allergens;
  • medications, antibiotics;
  • antigens;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • toxic substances and salts of heavy metals;
  • radionucleides.

Polysorb MP is capable of sorbing substances formed during the course of any infectious disease, for example, bilirubin. It is able to absorb excess cholesterol, urea, and fats.

Indications for use

The drug is used in the following situations:

  • in case of acute or regular intoxication, regardless of its origin;
  • for acute intestinal infection, regardless of its origin;
  • with purulent processes resulting in intoxication;
  • with an allergic reaction to food and medications;
  • in case of poisoning with toxic substances, poisons, salts of heavy metals;
  • with hepatitis;
  • for chronic renal failure.

Polysorb for the treatment of acute or regular intoxication of various origin factors.

In dry form, the powder is used to treat inflammatory purulent processes, burns, and trophic ulcers.

Polysorb MP powder is used in cosmetology to prepare a face mask. These procedures allow you to get rid of acne on your facial skin.

It can be used by both adults and children, calculating the dose based on body weight. 0.1-0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight.


  • and duodenum;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic constipation and intestinal atony;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Overdose: No cases of drug overdose have been recorded.

Drug interactions

  • Since Polysorb has good absorption capacity, it is recommended to take it 1 hour before taking other medications and medications. By absorbing some of the drugs, it can reduce their healing properties.
  • Side effects
  • The use of the drug almost always occurs without side effects. There are rare manifestations such as allergies or constipation.
  • During long-term use of Polysorb (2 weeks or more), symptoms may appear, since the drug, when entering the body, can also absorb useful substances. To protect your body from vitamin deficiency, you must simultaneously take vitamin complexes that contain calcium.

Dosage of the drug for allergies and poisoning

The instructions for use included in the Polysorb package will help you use the drug correctly. It is not recommended to take the drug in dry form. It should be drunk with water 1 hour before meals, the approximate volume is a quarter or 0.5 cup.

The dose of powder is taken at the rate of 0.1-0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight, on average 6-12 g for an adult per day, maximum up to 20 g, which should be divided into 3-4 doses. Before each dose, a fresh solution of the drug is prepared. During complex therapy, the drug should also be taken 1 hour before taking other medications.

For food allergies

It is necessary to take Polysorb MP three times a day 1 hour before meals, calculating the daily dosage based on body weight. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.

For chronic allergies, for atopy

If you are predisposed to allergies at the genetic level, urticaria, hay fever, the drug is taken three times a day, calculating the dose based on body weight. Take it 1 hour before meals for two weeks.

In case of poisoning

Instructions for treating poisoning with Polysorb:

  1. Rinse the stomach (you will need to dissolve 2-4 tablespoons of Polysorb in 1 liter of water);
  2. After rinsing, drink Polysorb with water according to your weight;
  3. For 3-5 days, use the drug 3 times a day.

For intestinal infection

Instructions for treatment with Polysorb:

  1. Dilute a portion of powder based on body weight in half or a quarter glass of water.
  2. On the first day of treatment, you should take the drug every hour.
  3. On the second day of treatment, the drug is taken 3-4 times a day.
  4. The course of treatment is three times a day for 5-7 days.

For viral hepatitis

To remove excess bilirubin from the body, Polysorb is consumed for 7-10 days. The dose is calculated based on the person’s weight, the drug is taken 3-4 times a day. Polysorb is taken as part of complex therapy.

Cleansing the body

The first and main stage of cleansing the body is cleansing the intestines, which is carried out both in preparation for serious treatment and after it, as well as for the purpose of losing weight, after being in an area of ​​environmental pollution or working at a dangerous chemical plant.

The process of cleansing the body is facilitated by the use of the drug Polysorb

Cleansing the body with Polysorb allows you not only to cleanse the intestines of fecal deposits, mucus and other products. With further use of the powder, the blood is cleansed of toxic substances and metabolic waste in the body.

Take Polysorb MP powder, diluted in plain water in a proportion appropriate to your weight, three times a day, 1 hour before meals, for 1-2 weeks. If you cannot drink the solution before meals, this can be done 1 hour after eating.

For weight loss

Polysorb MP is used for weight loss. The effectiveness of taking the drug is evidenced by numerous consumer reviews. How to take Polysorb for weight loss? To lose weight without denying yourself anything, you can take the drug for 2 weeks.

The first week involves taking Polysorb three times a day in a dose corresponding to your weight. In the second week you can take it 1-2 times a day. It is very convenient to use it for weight loss before holidays and important events.

Dilute the drug with water to obtain a suspension or solution in the form of a paste. Drink it 1 hour before meals, or 1 hour after meals. By reading patient reviews, you can find a lot of information about its action. Reviews also say that it is not very pleasant to drink this consistency of the drug.

For chronic renal failure

The powder is taken as part of complex therapy for a month 3-4 times a day. The dose is calculated based on the patient's body weight. Then you can take a break for 2-3 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course.

For a hangover

A hangover usually occurs after drinking alcoholic beverages. The wrong way out of a hangover often becomes the cause of alcohol addiction and, accordingly, binge drinking.

Polysorb MP is an excellent sorbent that will help quickly and effectively remove alcohol and its breakdown products from the blood. The course of treatment involves taking the drug for 2 days: 5 times on the first day and 4 times on the second. Drink the powder with water (the dose is calculated based on body weight) every hour. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

Sometimes people try to anticipate a possible hangover and protect themselves from it. For this purpose, the most unexpected and contradictory methods are being developed. With the help of Polysorb, you can prepare your body for the upcoming feast. It is recommended to take 1 dose of the drug with water 1 hour before the feast. At the end of the feast, take a second portion of the powder before going to bed. The next morning you should drink another portion of the powder with water. The dose of the drug depends on the person’s weight.

Polysorb during pregnancy and breastfeeding

You can take Polysorb during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not harmful to the child and is prescribed even during toxicosis of pregnant women. To reduce the severity of toxicosis, it is recommended to consume the powder with plain water three times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks according to indications.

Acne mask with Polysorb

The reasons for the formation of acne on the skin of the face can be different. The origin of acne may be related to:

  • clogging of the intestines, deposition in it of substances harmful to the body, which are absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the body;
  • clogging of skin pores;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • heredity.

To help your skin clear up acne, you should cleanse your colon. To do this, take Polysorb with water for 1-2 weeks (the dose is calculated based on body weight) three times a day. The solution is taken 1 hour before meals or 1 hour after meals.

Watch the video recipe for an acne mask with Polysorb at the end of the article.

At the same time, you can make a face mask for acne using Polysorb powder.

Preparing an acne mask

Add water little by little to a small amount of powder and stir. You should get a creamy mixture. The resulting face mask is applied to problem areas (not only facial skin), leave for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the mask should dry.

After this, you need to wash off the mask with warm water. You can make this acne mask every other day. If the skin of the face begins to itch or redden after the mask, then carry out these cleansing procedures 1-2 times a week. In this case, to cleanse your facial skin, it is better to do not an acne mask, but a peeling. The procedure ends with the application of moisturizer. It is best to apply the mask in the evening.

To prepare sorbent masks for acne, Polysorb - highly dispersed silica - is often used. In general, silica, only larger, is widely used in industry and the production of building materials. The surface of Polysorb particles is smooth, toxins and harmful substances stick to it quite well, but are just as easily washed off later. Therefore, Polysorb does not absorb and retain toxins very well, inferior in this regard even to the far from ideal activated carbon. In general, sorbents that absorb toxins into the pores of their molecules work much more efficiently.

Drugs with similar effects

Despite the practical ideality of the drug, a situation may always arise when you need to look for a replacement. This may be the price, the desire to buy a larger quantity of another equally effective drug for the same money, its absence in pharmacies, etc.

Therefore, you can study the list of drugs that can be considered as analogues of Polysorb.


An analogue of Polysorb is Polyphepan, the instructions for use of which indicate that this drug is an excellent sorbent, due to which it is able to remove from the body toxins produced in it as a result of the ingress of viruses and bacteria (metabolites, bilirubin, urea, cholesterol, etc.).

It is able to cleanse from poisons and remove heavy metal salts. It is also used to remove alcohol, allergens, medications, and cleanse the intestines after long-term treatment with antibiotics.

  • to normalize intestinal microflora after long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • after surgical operations on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after receiving a dose of radiation;
  • for symptoms of non-ulcer and other chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • in case of intestinal upset during travel caused by climate change;
  • for allergic reactions, etc.


The drug is dissolved in water and drunk instead of daily liquid (water, tea, coffee, compote). Used for cleansing in cases of alcohol and food poisoning, and allergies. improves water-alkaline balance. It is even used for cholera.


The drug is effective for acute intestinal infections. It is used as part of a complex treatment for hepatitis, mushroom poisoning, and alcohol poisoning.

Atoxil is used to treat allergies.

The drug is used topically for burns, to treat skin inflammation accompanied by suppuration.


For dysbacteriosis, intestinal disorders, flatulence, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment of dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis. Prescribed for abdominal pain caused by flatulence and constipation.


  • liver problems and diseases such as cirrhosis;
  • kidney and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergies (food, drug);
  • atopic;
  • eczema;
  • infectious diseases such as dysentery; food poisoning and intoxication from drinking alcohol and other products;
  • intoxication of the body due to extensive burns, purulent processes;
  • after chemotherapy and radiation during cancer treatment.

Enterosgel is taken with water.


Improves the digestion process, eliminates intestinal upset and flatulence.

In addition, the list can be continued by such analogues as Propylase, Loperamide and many others.

A visit to the doctor will help you make a wise decision and make the right choice, which is better than Polysorb or Enterosgel. Plus, you should pay attention to people’s reviews, ask what the price of the drug is and compare it with the price of analogues.

Video instructions for using the drug Polysorb MP

Video recipe on how to prepare an anti-acne mask with Polysorb

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