"Adult secrets about money" outline of a lesson in mathematics (preparatory group) on the topic. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Economics of a young family" Introduction to money in the preparatory group

Subject:"Orientation by sign designations"


1. Teach children to navigate by signs.

2. Expand knowledge about elementary economics.

3. Improve the classification of geometric shapes.

4. Develop logical thinking in logic games.

Demo material: 6 hoops in two colors; geometric figures; logical squares (3 pieces); illustration or photograph of the family; 8 wallets with money; 2 baskets; circle divided into 4 parts; banknotes.

Handout: set of geometric shapes.

Lesson progress

Children sit down at the tables, on which there are sets with geometric shapes of different sizes and colors.

- Let's play with you the game "Find the right shapes." I am showing you diagrams of the figures that you should put in front of you. You will work in pairs.

1st task

2nd task

“And now I offer you magic squares. You will carefully look at them and determine which pieces to put in the empty squares.

Children work with logical squares.

Then the teacher thanks the children for the completed tasks and invites them to go to 2 tables, having previously divided into 2 subgroups. The teacher shows an illustration or photograph of the family.

- How can these people be called in one word? (Family.)

“Each of you also has a family. How many people does your family consist of? Who is included in it? (Children's answers.)

“Today I invite you to play as a family yourself. You are divided into 2 teams - we will have 2 families. Who will be in your family, you decide for yourself.

There are empty baskets and 4 wallets on the tables (on the wallets of the face, so you can guess where is whose). Mom and dad have one wallet for two.

Let's see what's on your table.

- What is in the basket? (So ​​far empty.)

- What is in the wallet? (Money.)

- How did the money get into the wallet of mom and dad? (They got paid for their work.)

How did grandma and grandpa get their money? (They received a pension.)

Where does the student get the money from? (Got a scholarship.)

- And why did the baby's wallet turn out to be empty? (Because the baby is still small and cannot earn money on his own.)

- Guys, what do you think, can the baby be useful to his family in something else? (Help around the house.)

On the board on the magnet - a circle divided into 4 parts.

- Let's repeat with you again: dad and mom work and get paid for it. (Places a bill on the sector of the circle, where the faces of dad and mom are depicted.)

- Grandparents can no longer work and receive a pension, they also have a common wallet. (A bill is placed on their sector.)

- A student studies at the institute and receives a scholarship for good study, because study is also work. (A bill is placed on its sector.)

An empty card is placed on the baby's sector, since he has no earnings.

- And how can one name all the money that comes to the family in one word? (Children's answers.)

- All the money that family members receive is called family income.

Look at the circle and tell me how many parts of your family's income are? (Out of three.)

- And how many parts do not bring income? (One part.)

“Now take the money out of your wallets and calculate the total income of your family.

- And what did you think - money from all wallets or each from his own? Why?

Children explain how they thought and why.

Which family do you think did the right thing? You're right. If people live together and are called one family, they should use one wallet.

The teacher invites the children to put all the money in one basket if they themselves do not offer it.

How can we name the money that is in the basket? (Family income.)

- And this money is usually called the family budget.

So what does your family's budget consist of? (From mom and dad's salary, grandparents' pensions, and student scholarships.)

- Imagine this situation: your aunt came to live with you. Will your family budget increase or decrease?

- So, we have found out what a family budget is and what it consists of.

The teacher thanks the children for their work and ends the lesson.

Synopsis of the GCD in the preparatory group for financial literacy “Money. Coin. Banknote. A plastic card"

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils No. 1 "Teremok""

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group

on financial literacy

Topic: “Money. Coin. Banknote. A plastic card"

Compiled by: educator of the highest qualification category

Rein Svetlana Ivanovna

Target: reveal the essence of the concept of "money", "coin", "banknote", "plastic card"; cash and non-cash money; consolidate children's knowledge about the appearance of modern money.


Educational: introduce money.

Developing: to expand the understanding of the elements of the economy (money is their history); to form skills in research activities (draw conclusions)

pay attention to the effectiveness of information sources; (independently find the source of information); form an idea of ​​the weight of objects by weighing on the palms.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relations in teamwork, the ability to distribute responsibilities in accordance with the general plan, without interfering with each other; to cultivate respect for work and respect for money.

Form of carrying out: directly educational activity.

Pedagogical means: conversation, didactic game, visual activity, watching a cartoon, presentation.


Purse with a set of different coins and banknotes;

Image of a plastic card;

Paper and colored pencils;

Laptop, projector.

Preliminary work: children should be invited to consider banknotes and coins before class, so that in the future children can freely name the distinctive and similar features between a coin and a banknote.

Organization of children's activities.

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys, our cat Belobok found an interesting item and brought it to us.

The teacher shows the wallet.

Educator: What is it?

Educator: What is this wallet for?

Educator: That's right, to add money. But I am very interested to know, why do people need money?

2. The game "Why do we need money?"

Educator: Let's play the game "Why do we need money?". I toss the ball to the child and say what we need money for, and you continue. The children answer.

Educator: So, we need money:

to buy food;

to pay for household services;

to pay for entertainment (the teacher asks the children for what entertainment we need money);

to pay for services (specify which ones);

to pay for public transport;

to buy gifts;

to help the poor (the teacher specifies that such an activity is called charity), etc.

The teacher asks each child in turn. If children do not indicate all the values ​​of money, you can offer a solution to this issue in the form of problem situations.

Educator: If we take the bus, do we pay?

Educator: If we wanted to eat and went to the store, what do we pay for? Etc.

3. Talk about money (view presentation)

Educator: And what is in the wallet?

Children: money, money.

Teacher: We need to check. I open. And really money.

Educator: What kind of money do we have here? And the shell is still there.

Children: Five rubles, 10 rubles. 5 kopecks.

Educator: Guys, why was there a shell among the money?

Teacher: Think. Maybe because it's almost round? You are interested?

Teacher: I'm also interested. Why is the shell here?

Let's go back in time to money and find out where money came from. Where can you go to the past.

Children: plane, rocket, time machine.

Educator: That's right, in a time machine. I'll tell you a secret, the time machine is in front of you. Children go into the time machine (music sounds). Here's a "shifter" stick for you, pass it to each other. Here we are in the past.

Educator: The past of money began in the ancient world. (presentation 2 slide).

The primitive man did not have money, he did not need them, and everything that he needed was given by nature. Some of the ancient people fished well, and someone grew wheat best of all (presentation 3 slide).

So people began to exchange. They traded fish for grain, skins for vegetables, or other goods. Animal fur served as money for the ancient man. Grains, salt, nuts, shells (presentation 4 and 5 slides).

Then metal money appeared - it was not the kind of money that we have now. And rings, bars, beads (presentation 6 slide).

Then money similar to modern ones appeared (presentation 7.8 slide).

After metal, paper money appeared (presentation 9 slide).

Educator: So did ancient people have money?

Teacher: What were they?

Children: Bones, blocks, shells.

Educator: Can we answer the question now. Why was there a shell in the wallet?

Children: This is an ancient coin.

Teacher: Absolutely right. The shell was used as a medium of exchange.

4. Watching a cartoon

Teacher: Absolutely right. And now we are going to visit Aunt Owl in our time machine. (Watching the cartoon "Lessons from Aunt Owl" "What is money 1 series")

5. Looking at money

Educator: We go into the time machine and go to the present. Here we are in the present. We sit down at the tables. There are wallets on the tables for you, let's see what's in them. What is it?

Children: coins, banknotes.

Educator: Right. Let's look at coins. What are they?

If the children do not name all the signs of coins, then the teacher helps them.

Educator: Round, metal, rings (you can pick up a few coins and ring them, after which the children will be able to name this sign).

Educator: What coins do you know? (children name coins of different denominations).

Educator: Let's look at paper money - banknotes. What are they?

Children: Paper, rectangular, rustling.

(you can demonstrate the rustling of a banknote).

Educator: What banknotes do you know?

Children call banknotes, the teacher shows them to the children, then they speak in unison.

5. Game "Complete"

Educator: So, guys, now we will play a game called "Complete". I call the sign of the coin, and you call the opposite sign of the banknote and vice versa.

The coin is round, but the banknote ...

The banknote is paper, and the coin ...

The coin rings, and the banknote ...

The coin is metal, but the banknote ...

Educator: Where do we carry money, coins and banknotes? (in wallet). We have them in stock and they are called "cash". There are also non-cash money. We do not have them in our wallet, but they are stored on a plastic card (show plastic cards). Have you seen such cards from parents? Tell about them. (you need to insert a plastic card into an ATM and know the password)

6. Phys. minute

7. Making money.

Educator: Guys, let's make money for the fairy forest in which Belobok and his friends live. You will need to color the banknotes and come up with a denomination (value) of coins and banknotes that can be used to pay for purchases in the fairy forest.

After completing the task, the children present (present) the results of the work, talking about it.

Educator: What did you come up with: a coin or a banknote?

What form is it?

What is it called?

What is depicted and why?

8. Final part.

What did we talk about today?

What are the money?

What is the difference between a coin and a banknote?

How can you call coins and banknotes in one word? (Cash).

Where are non-cash money kept? (on plastic cards).

Related publications:

The All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy for Children and Youth is a series of information and educational events for schoolchildren and.

From the first steps of financial literacy to environmental education of preschoolers Slide 2 Purpose Slide 3 Tasks Slide 4 Relevance Slide 5 The project consists of 3 stages: Preparatory stage of the project. 1. Selection.

"Money". Abstract of the lesson on the formation of the basics of financial literacy of children Topic: "Money" Purpose: formation of the basics of financial literacy of children Tasks: To acquaint children with the purpose and use of money, remember.

School 2057 hosted a quest for preschoolers in honor of Financial Literacy Day. Below is a brief description of how it happened. Move.

Abstract of a lesson in economics in the preparatory group "First steps in the economy."

Target: to give elementary information about the economy.

To acquaint children with the "bank", as with an institution where money is stored.
To acquaint children with the concept of "budget", the constituent elements of the family budget;
To cultivate a culture of behavior, the ability to spend money economically and rationally;
To teach children to identify sources of income and expenses, to establish the relationship between income and family expenses;
Integration: cognition, communication, reading fiction, security.

Lesson progress:

1.Pinocchio is walking with a bag of money.
caregiver: Pinocchio, where are you going?
Pinocchio: I'm going to the "country of Fools", there is a field of miracles, I want to bury money in the ground there, so that in the morning a tree will grow, hung with gold coins.
caregiver: Is Pinocchio right? If you bury money, will it grow? And what will happen to them?
Educator: What needs to be done to save money? Where to store?
Children's answers: Take it to the bank and keep it there.

viewing part of the cartoon "lessons of Aunt Owl" (what is a bank).

Educator: Well, what, Pinocchio, did you understand what a bank is and what it is for?
Pinocchio goes to a fairy-tale land and approaches the stand - the bank. coming out bank clerk:
We opened a bank in the forest today,
I invite everyone to the bank.
I will not deceive clients
And save money in the bank!

An employee accepts money from Pinocchio. Issues a receipt.
Music sounds. pops up wolf:
I know you like to work
I know you have money
I'm not good at working
I'll get sick at the same time.

I love money money
But I don't want to work.
Work is not up to me
I'm losing weight from her
I'd rather take the money
I'll put them in a big bag
And I will live and live
Until I'm old.
Aha! Scared?! Tremble?!
Open your wallets
Give money!
The kids are in charge: But we don't have them!
Wolf: So I believed you! You work in the kindergarten from morning to evening. And you probably get paid. Ah, I know who exactly has money. Turning to Pinocchio: Give your money here.
Children: And he has all the money in the bank!
Wolf: Where? Where? Well, I'll find this jar in an instant! And what is it - iron or plastic? Big or very big?
Children explain to the wolf that a bank is an institution where money is kept.
Children, forgive me
Get a job at the bank
I will guard the bank
Protect your money from robbers!
(The teacher invites the children to take the wolf as a guard).

Physical education minute
We found a rich treasure (depict digging)
Everyone puts it very happy, (smile to each other)
We began to think, how should we be? (head turns)
How can we share the treasure? (hands to the side)
To have enough for all friends, we divide exactly in half.

1. Educator: Do you know what money is and what they are called? (Coins and banknotes) Where does money come from? Let's remember the fairy tale about the "turnip":
we tell the tale "Turnip" from the point of view of economic concepts and at the same time money appears on the model of the family budget (on the easel).
This family has a grandfather and grandmother. They are old and do not work. Grandfather and grandmother receive a pension. Retirement is money. Pensions are paid to older people who have worked for many years. The granddaughter is studying and for her work (study is also work) she receives a scholarship. A scholarship is also money. Dog, cat, mouse live with grandparents. They do not work and do not receive any money. Mom and dad and brother live in the city. Dad works in a construction company and receives a salary for his work. Salary is money received for work. Salary is the salary for the month (week, day). Mom also works at a confectionery factory and receives a salary. But the brother is still small, he goes to kindergarten and does not earn anything yet. The model is gradually filled with cards, and the children clearly see the components of the budget of this family.
Viewing part of the cartoon "Lessons of Aunt Owl" (family budget).

2. Educator: And now I suggest you go to the lake of riddles (there are fish with riddles in the hoop, the children take turns catching fish) hold the bait tight, quickly catch the fish and name the answer.

1. Everyone happens in this company,
The form is first filled
Make payments to the cashier.
What company, please? (Bank.)

2. From which device
Is everyone getting paid? (ATM.)

3. To store your income
For pocket expenses
I need a pig
The one with the hole in the back. (Money box.)

4. The product must have
Definitely… (Price)

5. Coat of arms and numbers in the ranks
Stand on opposite sides (coin)

6. Both a doctor and an acrobat
Issued for work. (salary)

7. Without me, there is no ruble,
Even though I'm small.
Get me a hundred pieces -
Here is the ruble, dear friend. (Penny)

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in the preparatory group

on the topic "Introduction to Coins".

Tasks. Introduce coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles; consolidate knowledge about the composition of a number from two smaller numbers and from units. Develop fine motor skills, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage. Cultivate responsiveness, independence, activity.

I.O.O.: P. r., R. r., S.-K. r., F. r., H.-E. R.

Material : Demo material. Map - group plan, school supplies (pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, glue, notebook, album, scissors, sharpener) and cards with price tags, banknotes and coins in a bag hidden under the table, Pinocchio doll,

Handout. Coins of various denominations, sheets of paper, wax pencils, scissors.

Lesson progress:

Beginning of NOD.

The Sun greeted people at dawn. "Good morning!" - He speaks to both adults and children. Good morning should be, And good too. Only a good person can do everything in the world.

Guys, Pinocchio turned to us for help. Again he is in trouble: Carlo's dad gave him money to buy school supplies. And the cat Basilio and the fox Alice again deceived him, took all the money from him and hid it. And now Pinocchio cannot buy a pencil, a pen, or a notebook. The bat prompted Pinocchio that the scammers hid the money in our group, and even drew a plan - a map of our group. Let's help Pinocchio find money?

Main part.

1. Consideration of the plan of the group, orientation on it.

Let's take a look at what's shown here. These are windows, this is a board, doors. Here is an arrow from the door to the bedroom, and there is the number 7. What can this mean? You are right, you need to take 3 steps straight from the door. Who can do it? Please ………………………… Now the arrow points where? To the right, and there is a number 5. We continue to move. Where should you turn now? Left and take 5 more steps. Guys, but there's only a table, and there's nothing on it. Or maybe the cat and the fox hid money under the table? (Find a bag of coins attached under the table ) Found!

2. Consideration of coins and banknotes.

Pinocchio. Thanks guys for helping me find them. But I don't know how to use them.

Don't be upset, Pinocchio! The guys will tell you.

Guys, which adult in your family works? Who do they work? What do they get for their work? What is money? What Russian money do you know? What are they needed for? What is the money spent on? (pay rent, buy food, clothes, things, save for vacation).

Consider coins, then banknotes.

Look closely, what is drawn on the coin? What does coat of arms mean? The coat of arms indicates the country in which this money is used. What does the number indicate? On the value of the coin.

Raise your hand, who has a coin in denominations of 1 ruble, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

Children, do you think all money is metallic? And what else are there?

Money is made from different materials - there are paper bills and metal coins. They can be of different colors.

Children, how do you think about money? Purchases must be made deliberately, not to trust money to unfamiliar people, as our Pinocchio did.

Pinocchio. I realized I will only buy useful things! Right now I’m going to go and buy school supplies, but I don’t know how much they cost. What if I don't have enough money?

Do not worry, Pinocchio, we will help you with this. Really guys?

3. Game "Shop".

Look at the table, what do you see there? (A pen, a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, glue, a notebook, an album, scissors, a sharpener are laid out on the table. )

Guys, please note that there is a price tag next to each item. It indicates the value of the item. Let's play shop. I will be the seller, you will be the buyers. But first, let's remember the rules of conduct in the store. How should you behave in public places? (children's answers)

In order to buy school supplies, you need to look at the price tag to determine the value of the item and pick up the appropriate coins.

Pinocchio. How can I buy a pencil if it costs 3 rubles, but I don't have such a coin?

Children, how can we be? Of course, you can take 2 rubles and another 1 or three coins worth 1 ruble. Who wants to buy what? Come on.

4. Fizminutka "Pinocchio".

Pinocchio stretched,

Once stooped, twice stooped,

Raised hands to the sides,

The key is apparently not found.

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.

5.Practical activity.

Pinocchio. Well thank you guys! If not for you, I would not have bought school supplies! I have to go, I ran to the store. Goodbye!

And now I suggest that we play Mint and make coins for the game by putting a piece of paper on top of the coin, and carefully shade with a wax pencil, then cut the coin along the contour.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what have you learned today? What was the most difficult? And the most interesting?

Anastasia Bykova
Lesson in the preparatory school group on economics "Money"

Lesson in the preparatory school group in economics.

Subject: « Money» .

Target: creating conditions for the active study of the topic, the formation of children's ideas about money as a universal medium of exchange.


1. To form in children an understanding that each product has its own price, ideas about the variety of banknotes in different countries. To form an idea of ​​the importance of work as a way of making money. Strengthen knowledge of fairy tales money, the ability to solve economic tasks.

2. Develop the ability to reason, imaginative thinking. Develop speech activity, communication skills, the ability to perform an operation on essential economic features. Develop teamwork skills by interacting with peers and adults. To form the integrative qualities of seniors preschoolers - inquisitive active, emotionally responsive, who has mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers, is able to plan his actions based on primary value ideas, is able to solve intellectual problems adequate to his age, has primary ideas about himself, has mastered the universal prerequisites for learning activities (the ability to work according to rule and pattern, listen to instructions and follow them).

3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other. Cultivate independence in statements, when answering questions; a sense of mutual assistance and a desire to help a friend, the ability to negotiate while working in small groups.

materials: a diagram-map depicting the place where it lies and tasks for finding it. A box with banknotes, blanks of A5 sheets and colored pencils, a wallet, a plastic card, mathematical cards - problem diagrams. Cards from words Keywords: health, friendship, sun, conscience, toys, shoes, fish.

preliminary work:

K. I. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha", A. N. Tolstoy "The Adventure of Pinocchio", take Grimm "A profitable business", G. -H. Andersen "Flint" and "Silver Coin", Russian folktale "Smart Worker";

Solving logical problems, economic problems in mathematics;

Acquaintance of children with banknotes and coins;

Story - role-playing games "Grocery store", "Mail";

Didactic games: "Guess the Name", "Finish the sentence", "Find the Extra", "Choose the right offer".



Organizing time.

caregiver: Found in group a sheet of A4 paper, on which a map is drawn and tasks are written.

caregiver: Asks the children what is drawn on this piece of paper?

caregiver: Invites children to go on a treasure hunt using a map.

Kinesiology gymnastics

Children, I think that in order to carry out such a serious task, we must be careful, yes?

Let's remember and do an exercise that will help us to be attentive at work.

In order not to miss anything, be attentive - you need to press on the palm of your hand.

And one more exercise: draw the number 8 in the air with one hand, and then with the other, and now with both hands together.

You have now become very attentive, let us focus on our lesson.

Let's go to the blackboard and start the task.

Intellectual workout.

And who can remind us what we should do?


Yes, right! I turn to a collective conversation with children.

What should we do first? What do you think, where to start? I suggest. (first task). And what should we do after that? (After the children answer in the appropriate order, we perform).


Here we have a plan of action for you. We are starting to act according to the planned plan.

(But before proceeding with the actions, we discuss everything with the children again.)

Independent activity of children.

caregiver: Reads task no. 1 : in order to get one step closer to the treasured treasure, remember as many fairy tales as possible, which talk about money...

caregiver: Praises children for their erudition and good knowledge of fairy tales.

Reads the following instructions for map: from the place where you are, take 7 steps straight, there the next task awaits you.

caregiver: Invites one of the children to read task number 2.

caregiver: Thanks the children for their quick wits and offers to look at the map to determine the further movement.

caregiver: Reads the following instructions for map: From where you are, take 8 steps forward and turn right. You have task number 3 in front of you.

caregiver: Invites one of the children to read task number 3.

caregiver: Introduces children to the conditions of the tasks for each of groups:

Task for 1st groups:

Mom gave Katya 4 rubles and Dima 4 rubles. Can the guys buy pencils at a price of 10 rubles? Why?


Task for 2- ygroups:

Olya had such coins: 5 rubles, 2 rubles, 1 ruble. She bought a pyramid for 5 rubles. How many rubles does Olya have left?

caregiver groups assignments: from where you are, take 4 steps to the left and 5 steps forward.

Fitness minute.

Rise up, stretch

Two-bend, straighten,

Three-hands, three claps,

Three head nods.

Four arms wider

Wave five hands

Six - sit quietly in place.

caregiver: Praises children for their ability to work quickly and accurately in groups and gives further instructions for carrying out the last assignments: from where you are, take 2 steps to the right and 3 steps forward.


Reads task number 4 - in front of you are cards with words, select those that cannot be bought for money(candy, health, toys, friendship, sun, shoes, fish, conscience).


He praises the children and says that it was friendship that helped them cope with all the trials and find the treasure.


Tells about the existence of various banknotes and coins in the modern world. Introduces children to the names of money from other countries.


Asking children what money?

The teacher, summarizing the answers of the children, leads to definition: money It is a state-sanctioned medium of exchange.

caregiver: the state can be called each individual country with its own power and order. America is a state? Russia is a state? China is also state:

So, in each state, their own money: e.g. in Germany Euro

Egyptian Pound

US Dollar

thailand baht

Russian ruble

caregiver: Invites children to come up with and draw money, which can be used in role-playing games.

caregiver: organizes an exhibition of children's work and thanks the children for the exciting treasure hunt.

Summarizing lessons.

caregiver: organizes an exhibition of children's works, together with the children they choose the most successful sketches "irises" and thanks the children for the exciting treasure hunt. I invite several children to tell why they are money they drew or make up a story.

Evaluation of children's activities.

Children, today you conducted your own research search, coped with serious tests, were able to analyze the collected information and summarize them.

Lera, your questions were very interesting!

Nikita and Zhanna, are you pleased with what you were able to do, cope with the tasks? Why?

Egor and Varvara, you have succeeded, very interesting stories have turned out.

Zhenya, a little more time and you will succeed.

Motivation for new educational activities

Let's keep our money"Asterisks" until the next lessons, and compare them with money. exchanged between people in other countries.

Analysis lessons

Purpose and objectives of this lessons meet the program requirements, age characteristics and level readiness of children.

The educational work of this lessons contributes to the inclusion of the child in the research search. In the process of searching, she led the children to the right idea - she made the children themselves express what is required in this situation. Thus, they built a plan for further action and agreed on ways to solve the information received. Rapid orientation in space by children contributed to the development of associative thinking and creative abilities. During the collection of material, the guys worked both individually and in groups. groups, moved around the office as indicated in the tasks, which introduced an element of unusualness into the work process. Accompanying children's research, I tried not to give direct instructions, not to do for them what they could do on their own. Analyzing the collected information and summarizing the material, we looked and reasoned: What did we learn? What new can we tell others based on the results of the study? In order to enhance the significance of the search and make the game situation more concentrated, various tasks of varying difficulty were used. The activity of children in the process of discussing the task, the questions asked contributed to the development of critical thinking.

Throughout lessons the children were interested and active, because the activities were varied. The relationship between the children was friendly, they knew how to find the right solution, coordinated actions, working in group. The game situation contributed to maintaining children's interest throughout lessons.

At the end lessons reflection was carried out. This made it possible to know

Is it difficult to be scientists and do real research.

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