Calcium gluconate intramuscular side effects. What are calcium gluconate injections prescribed for? Pharmacological group of the substance Calcium gluconate

The action of the drug Calcium gluconate is aimed at filling the deficiency of Ca2 +, in which:

  • The process of transmission of nerve impulses worsens;
  • Violated contractions of smooth and skeletal muscles, bone formation, myocardial activity, blood clotting.

Release form, composition and analogues of calcium gluconate

Calcium gluconate containing the active substance of the same name is produced in the form of:

  • Chewable tablets of 500 mg;
  • Solution for injection in ampoules of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 ml;
  • Tablets of 250 and 500 mg.

According to the indications, the doctor may recommend one of the analogues of the drug with a similar effect. For example: Additive calcium, Hydroxyapatite, Glycerophosphate granules, Hydroxyapatite paste, CalViv, Calcium-Sandoz forte, Calcium lactate, Calcium lactate.

Calcium gluconate injections and the tablet form of the drug are prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis);
  • Diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, an increase in the permeability of cell membranes, disorders in the muscle tissue of the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • Increased excretion of Ca2 +, which occurs with prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia against the background of prolonged use of diuretics, antiepileptic drugs, glucocorticosteroids;
  • Violations of vitamin D metabolism, including rickets (spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic kidney disease;
  • Hyperkalemic form of paroxysmal myoplegia;
  • Poisoning with Mg2+ salts, fluoric and oxalic acids, as well as their soluble salts.

Calcium gluconate is also prescribed according to the instructions against the background of an increased need for Ca2 + that occurs in children and adolescents during a period of intensive growth, with an unbalanced diet, in which Ca2 + deficiency occurs, as well as in the postmenopausal period with impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

For women, calcium gluconate during pregnancy and during lactation is usually prescribed due to the increasing need for calcium during this period.


The medicine is not used against the background of:

  • Hypercalcemia;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • Nephrourolithiasis (calcium);
  • Severe hypercalciuria;
  • Simultaneous administration with cardiac glycosides (due to the risk of developing arrhythmias);
  • Sarcoidosis.

In pediatrics, the drug in any dosage form is approved for use from the age of three.

When using calcium gluconate, care must be taken when:

  • Electrolyte disorders (due to an increased risk of developing hypercalcemia);
  • Dehydration;
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • diarrhea;
  • Slight hypercalciuria;
  • Calcium nephrourolithiasis (in history);
  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Moderate chronic renal failure;
  • Hypercoagulability;
  • widespread atherosclerosis.

How to use calcium gluconate

Calcium gluconate tablets are taken before meals or 1-1.5 hours after meals. It is recommended to drink the medicine with milk. The adult daily dosage varies from 2 to 9 g, depending on the indications, for children - from 1 g, depending on age. The multiplicity of the use of tablets - 2-3 times a day.

Injections of Calcium gluconate with a 10% solution of room temperature are administered intramuscularly, intravenously slowly (2-3 minutes) or drip. The medication, depending on the indications, is administered daily or every other day.

To reduce the risk of developing nephrourolithiasis during therapy, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Dosages for the use of calcium gluconate during pregnancy and lactation should be clarified with your doctor.

Side effects

When taking calcium gluconate tablets, constipation and irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract can be observed.

When administered intramuscularly or intravenously, calcium gluconate, according to reviews, can lead to the development of:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • Bradycardia;
  • Burning in the mouth;
  • Feelings of heat;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • fainting;
  • cardiac arrest;
  • Necrosis at the injection site.

When using high dosages of Calcium gluconate, according to reviews, it can cause hypercalcemia, for the treatment of which calcitonin is used parenterally.

Drug Interactions Calcium gluconate

During therapy, it should be borne in mind that Calcium gluconate, according to the instructions, is pharmaceutically incompatible with salicylates, carbonates and sulfates.

You should also know that Calcium gluconate simultaneously with:

  • Antibiotics of the tetracycline series form insoluble complexes, which reduces the antibacterial effect;
  • BMKK leads to a decrease in its effect;
  • Quinidine can slow down intraventricular conduction and cause an increase in its toxicity;
  • Tetracyclines, digoxin, oral medications Fe slows down their absorption. The interval between the use of drugs should be at least two hours;
  • Thiazide diuretics enhances hypercalcemia;
  • Calcitonin reduces its effect when used against the background of hypercalcemia;
  • Phenytoin reduces its bioavailability.

Storage conditions

Calcium gluconate is one of the regulators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, released from pharmacies only on prescription. The shelf life of tablets is 5 years, chewable tablets - 24 months, solution for injection - 2.5 years, provided that the medicine is stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Calcium gluconate instruction:

Manufacturer of calcium gluconate

JSC "Lugansk chemical-pharmaceutical plant", Lugansk, Ukraine.
OJSC "Farmak", Kyiv, Ukraine.
JSC "Monfarm", Monastyrishche, Cherkasy region, Ukraine.
JSC "Galychpharm", Lviv / JSC "Kyivmedpreparat", Kyiv, Ukraine.
JSC "Lubnyfarm", Lubny, Poltava region, Ukraine.
RUE "Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations", Borisov, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
RUE "Belmedpreparat", Republic of Belarus.
Agrofarm LLC, Kiev region, Irpen, Ukraine.
LLC "Pharmaceutical company" Zdorovye ", Kharkiv, Ukraine.
JSC "HFZ" Red Star ", Kharkov, Ukraine.
OJSC "Dneprofarm", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
JSC "Kalceks", Latvia.

Active ingredient: calcium gluconate

1 ml solution for injection contains 100 mg of calcium gluconate;

1 tablet contains 0.5 g of calcium gluconate.

Release form Calcium gluconate

Solution for injection, 100 mg / ml, 5 ml or 10 ml in ampoules No. 5, No. 10.

Tablets of 0.5 g №10 in strips, blisters.

Who is calcium gluconate indicated for?

Solution. Insufficiency of the function of the parathyroid glands, increased excretion of calcium from the body (in particular with prolonged dehydration), as an adjuvant in allergic diseases (serum sickness, urticaria, angioedema) and allergic complications of drug therapy, to reduce vascular permeability in pathological processes of various origins (exudative phase of the inflammatory process, hemorrhagic vasculitis, radiation sickness), with parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver damage, nephritis, eclampsia, hyperkalemia, hyperkalemic form of paroxysmal myoplegia, with skin diseases (itching, eczema, psoriasis), as a hemostatic agent, and also as an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic acid or its soluble salts, soluble salts of fluoric acid.

Pills. Diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell membranes, impaired conduction of nerve impulses in muscle tissue.

parathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis), impaired vitamin D metabolism (rickets, spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure. Increased need for calcium (a period of intensive growth of children and adolescents, pregnancy or lactation), insufficient Ca2 + in food, impaired metabolism in the postmenopausal period, bone fractures. Increased excretion of Ca2 + (prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, hypocalcemia with long-term use of diuretics, antiepileptic drugs, corticosteroids). In complex therapy: bleeding of various etiologies, allergic diseases (serum sickness, urticaria, febrile syndrome, itchy dermatoses, angioedema); bronchial asthma, dystrophic nutritional edema, pulmonary tuberculosis, eclampsia, parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver damage, nephritis. As an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic acid, soluble salts of fluoric acid (when interacting with calcium gluconate, insoluble and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride are formed).

How to use calcium gluconate

Solution. Intravenously and intramuscularly, 5-10 ml is administered, depending on the nature of the disease and the patient's condition - daily, every other day or every 2 days.

It is not recommended to administer the drug intramuscularly to children because of the possibility of necrosis. Intravenously, depending on age, a solution of calcium gluconate is administered in the following doses: up to 6 months - 0.1-1 ml, at 7-12 months - 1-1.5 ml, at 1-3 years - 1.5-2 ml, at 4-6 years old - 2-2.5 ml, at 7-14 years old - 3-5 ml. The ampoule with the solution is heated to body temperature before administration. For adults and children, the solution is administered slowly, over 2-3 minutes.

Application features

The drug is heated to body temperature before administration. For adults and children, the solution is administered slowly, over 2-3 minutes. The use of the drug by pregnant women and during lactation is not contraindicated in therapeutic doses. There are no data on the adverse effects of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms.

Pills. Assign inside, before eating. The tablet must be chewed or crushed.

For adults and children over 14 years old, the drug is prescribed in a single dose of 1-3 g (2-6 tablets), for children from 3 to 4 years old - 1 g (2 tablets), from 5 to 6 years old - 1-1.5 g ( 2-3 tablets), from 7 to 9 years - 1.5-2 g (3-4 tablets), from 10 to 14 years - 2-3 g (4-6 tablets) 2-3 times a day.

The daily dose for elderly patients should not exceed 2 g (4 tablets).

The duration of treatment is determined individually, depending on the patient's condition.

Appropriate safety precautions for use

When used in patients receiving cardiac glycosides and / or diuretics, as well as with long-term treatment, the concentration of calcium and creatinine in the blood should be monitored. In the event of an increase in their concentration, the dose of the drug should be reduced or temporarily discontinued. Due to the fact that vitamin D3 increases the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract, in order to avoid calcium overdose, it is necessary to take into account the intake of vitamin D3 and calcium from other sources.

With caution and with regular monitoring of the level of urinary calcium excretion, it is prescribed to patients with moderate hypercalciuria exceeding 300 mg / day. (7.5 mmol / day), mild impaired renal function, history of urolithiasis. If necessary, reduce the dose of the drug or cancel it. Patients with a tendency to form stones in the urinary tract during treatment are advised to increase the amount of fluid consumed.

During treatment with the drug, high doses of vitamin D or its derivatives should be avoided, unless there are special indications for this.

An interval of at least 3 hours should be observed between taking calcium gluconate tablets and oral preparations of estramustine, etidronate and other bisphosphonates, phenytoin, quinolones, tetracycline antibiotics, oral iron preparations and fluoride preparations.

Special precautions

Use during pregnancy or lactation. The use of the drug is permissible, taking into account the ratio of benefit to the woman / risk to the fetus (child), which is determined by the doctor.

When taking calcium supplements during breastfeeding, it may pass into breast milk.

The drug does not affect the reaction rate when driving vehicles and working with mechanisms.

Children. The drug is used for children from 3 years.

Side effects of calcium gluconate

Sometimes violations are possible:

from the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, with prolonged use in high doses - the formation of calcium stones in the intestine;

from the side of the cardiovascular system: bradycardia;

on the part of metabolism: hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria;

from the urinary system: impaired renal function (increased urination, swelling of the lower extremities).

These phenomena quickly disappear after dose reduction or discontinuation of the drug.

Who should not take calcium gluconate?

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hypercalcemia, severe hypercalciuria, hypercoagulability, a tendency to thrombosis, severe atherosclerosis, increased blood clotting, nephrourolithiasis (calcium), severe renal failure, sarcoidosis, taking digitalis preparations, children under 3 years of age.

Interaction Calcium gluconate


Before filling the syringe with calcium gluconate solution, the latter should not contain ethyl alcohol residues (precipitation of gluconate).

it is recommended to prescribe simultaneously with other calcium preparations. Intravenous administration of calcium gluconate before and after taking verapamil reduces its hypotensive effect, but does not affect its antiarrhythmic effect. With simultaneous use with quinidine, it is possible to slow intraventricular conduction and increase the toxicity of quinidine. During treatment with cardiac glycosides, parenteral use of calcium gluconate is not recommended due to increased cardiotoxicity. With simultaneous oral administration of calcium gluconate and tetracyclines, the effect of the latter may decrease due to a decrease in their absorption.


The drug slows down the absorption of estramustine, etidronate and other bisphosphonates, quinolones, tetracycline antibiotics, oral iron preparations and fluorine preparations (the interval between their intake should be at least 3 hours). Calcium gluconate reduces the bioavailability of phenytoin. When taken simultaneously with vitamin D or its derivatives, calcium absorption increases. Cholesterolamine reduces the absorption of calcium in the digestive tract. With the joint use of the drug with cardiac glycosides, the cardiotoxic effects of the latter are enhanced. GCS reduce the absorption of calcium. When combined with thiazide diuretics, the risk of developing hypercalcemia may increase. The drug can reduce the effect of calcitonin in hypercalcemia, the bioavailability of phenytoin, the effect of calcium channel blockers. With simultaneous use with quinidine, it is possible to slow intraventricular conduction and increase the toxicity of quinidine.

Forms insoluble or slightly soluble calcium salts with carbonates, salicylates, sulfates.

Absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract can be reduced by some types of food (spinach, rhubarb, bran, cereals).

Overdose of calcium gluconate

Solution. In case of an overdose, hypercalcemia may develop. In this case, calcitonin is used as an antidote, which is administered intravenously at the rate of 5-10 IU per 1 kg of body weight per day (the drug is diluted in 500 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, injected drip for 6 hours. For 2-4 doses).

Pills. With prolonged use in high doses, hypercalcemia is possible with the deposition of calcium salts in the body, dyspeptic phenomena are possible. The likelihood of developing hypercalcemia increases with simultaneous treatment with high doses of vitamin D or its derivatives.

Symptoms of hypercalcemia: drowsiness, weakness, anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, polydipsia, polyuria, weakness, fatigue, irritability, feeling unwell, depression, dehydration, possible heart rhythm disturbances, myalgia, arthralgia, arterial hypertension.

Treatment: drug withdrawal; in severe cases, parenteral calcitonin at a dose of 5-10 IU / kg of body weight per day (diluting it in 500 ml of sterile saline sodium chloride solution, intravenously drip for 6 hours. Intravenous jet slow administration is possible 2-4 times a day).


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Old drug calcium gluconate: mechanism of action

Allergy is a protective reaction of the body to the action of an allergen. The severity of manifestations of allergic reactions increases against the background of calcium deficiency. Calcium gluconate, in scientific medicine referred to as the calcium salt of gluconic acid, is designed to compensate for this deficiency.

The mechanism of action of the substance is simple. The level of total calcium in the blood directly affects the transcapillary exchange: the lower the concentration of this trace element in the blood plasma, the higher the vascular permeability. The use of calcium gluconate for allergies helps to strengthen the vascular walls, reduces their permeability. Through strong vessels, the allergen penetrates in small or zero quantities. And this, in turn, reduces the risk of a reaction of the body's immune system, which is what an allergy is.

Due to the immaturity of the digestive system, children of the first years of life are more prone to diseases of this kind, which is why they usually become the most frequent patients who are prescribed calcium gluconate. According to the instructions for use, this drug is used only as part of the complex therapy of allergies, the purpose of which is to reduce the severity of symptoms. Meanwhile, the main therapeutic measure is the use of antihistamines.

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Is it justified to take calcium gluconate for the treatment of allergic diseases?

The appointment of calcium gluconate for allergies is practiced by more than one generation of doctors. However, some experts are increasingly declaring its absolute ineffectiveness in the treatment of this disease. They argue their position by the fact that this substance is not absorbed from the intestines, and argue that today there are more effective drugs, calcium from which penetrates into the bloodstream more successfully.

But such a statement is fundamentally wrong. It refers only to a certain type of calcium that enters the human body in the form of insoluble salts (although such a microelement can be absorbed with a sufficient level of the hormones calcitonin and parathyroid hormone, as well as vitamin D). Calcium gluconate is a soluble calcium salt, so it is perfectly soluble not only in the intestines, but also in ordinary water. A tablet that has entered the gastrointestinal tract quickly splits in it, is absorbed into the blood and has the necessary pharmacological effect.

The theory is confirmed by practice. Reviews of patients using calcium gluconate for allergies are mostly positive. People note a decrease in the severity of allergic manifestations while taking it (of course, in combination with antihistamines).

Despite positive reviews, a considerable part of patients prefer modern, more expensive and advertised drugs or folk remedies like eggshells to compensate for the lack of calcium.

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The drug is taken orally orally (in the dosage form of tablets), intravenously and intramuscularly (in the form of infusions and injections). For allergies, doctors usually prefer the appointment of a tablet form of the drug. Gluconate injections intramuscularly are considered outdated and inappropriate therapeutic method. Intravenous administration of the substance is allowed only for very severe thyroid diseases, convulsive syndrome, provoked by a violation of calcium metabolism, and other conditions requiring emergency care in the form of large doses of this microelement; but not for allergies.

In allergic diseases, calcium gluconate is taken 2-3 times a day before meals or an hour after it, drinking tablets with plenty of water, each containing 500 mg of the active substance. Children under one year of difficulty in use can be easily eliminated if the tablet is crushed and added to expressed breast milk or milk formula.

The instructions for the drug provide a standard dosage regimen for patients of different age categories:

  • babies under 1 year - 500 mg;
  • children from 2 to 4 years - 1000 mg;
  • children aged 5-9 years - 1000-2000 mg;
  • children over 10 years old - 2000-3000 mg;
  • adults - 1000-3000 mg or more.

Intravenously and intramuscularly, the substance is administered very slowly (over 2-3 minutes), after warming the ampoule with the solution in the hand. The injections may be accompanied by some soreness.

The frequency of injections varies between 1-3 days. The dosage of the solution increases in proportion to the age and severity of the disease, and for children it is 1-5 ml, for adults - 5-10 ml.

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One tablet may contain 250 or 500 mg of the active substance.

Auxiliary components: potato starch, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium stearate.

The concentration of the active substance in 1 ml of solution is 95.5 mg. 1 ml of the total calcium (Ca2+) preparation contains 8.95 mg, which, in terms of the theoretical content of calcium gluconate, is 100 mg/ml. As auxiliary components, the composition of the solution includes calcium sucrose and water for injection.

Release form

  • pills
  • chewable tablets 10 pcs. in cellless blister packs, 1, 2 or 10 packs in a carton box;
  • solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Ampoules 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 ml, package No. 10.

pharmachologic effect

The drug helps to restore calcium deficiency, has anti-allergic, hemostatic, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory effects.

Takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses, coagulation blood , contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles and a number of other physiological processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Calcium gluconate - what is it?

Calcium gluconate is a mineral supplement that is used to treat conditions caused by Ca deficiency in the body. The calcium content in the preparation is 9%. INN ( Calcium gluconate) has been assigned to the active substance on the basis of data from the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.).

Ca ions are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, without them it cannot function normally myocardium , contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles, blood coagulation processes; without them, bone tissue cannot form normally, and other organs and systems cannot function.

Gross formula of calcium gluconate - C12H22CaO14.


In many diseases, the concentration of Ca ions in the blood decreases; while a pronounced calcium deficiency contributes to the development of tetany. The drug not only prevents the occurrence hypocalcemia , but also reduces the permeability of the vascular walls, stops inflammation, has antiallergic and hemostatic action reduces exudation.

Ca ions are a plastic material for the teeth and skeleton, many enzymatic processes take place with their participation, they are responsible for the regulation of the permeability of cell membranes and the rate of transmission of nerve impulses.

They are needed for the process of neuromuscular transmission and maintaining the contractile function of the heart muscle. If we compare calcium gluconate with calcium chloride, the latter has a more pronounced local irritant effect.


When ingested, the substance is partially absorbed, mainly in the small intestine. TCmax - 1.2-1.3 hours. T1/2 of ionized Ca from blood plasma - from 6.8 to 7.2 hours. Penetrates into breast milk and through the placental barrier. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, but also with the contents of the intestine.

Instructions for use Calcium gluconate

Why calcium gluconate tablets?

Doctors to the question what is calcium gluconate used for?”answer that the use of the drug is advisable for:

  • hypoparathyroidism (osteoporosis , latent tetany);
  • metabolic disorders vitamin D (spasmophilia , rickets , osteomalacia );
  • hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure;
  • increased need for Ca ( pregnancy , breast-feeding , periods of intensive growth in children/adolescents);
  • insufficient content of Ca in the diet;
  • bone fractures;
  • Ca metabolic disorders in the postmenopausal period;
  • conditions that are accompanied by increased excretion of Ca (chronic diarrhea , prolonged bed rest; long-term treatment diuretics , GKS or antiepileptic drugs );
  • poisoning with oxalic acid, Mg salts, soluble salts of fluoric acid (the expediency of using the agent as antidote due to the fact that, interacting with these substances, Ca gluconate forms non-toxic Ca oxalate and Ca fluoride).

As an adjunct to the main treatment, calcium gluconate tablets are used as a remedy for allergies at itchy dermatoses , febrile syndrome , hives ,serum sickness , angioedema ; with bleeding of various origins, alimentary dystrophy , bronchial asthma , pulmonary tuberculosis , parenchymal hepatitis , eclampsia , jade , toxic liver damage .

Why injections of calcium gluconate?

Calcium gluconate in ampoules is prescribed for certain pathologies of the parathyroid glands , conditions that are accompanied by increased excretion of Ca from the body, as an aid to allergies , as well as at allergic complications treatment with other drugs, to reduce vascular permeability in various pathological processes, with jade , eclampsia , liver intoxication , hyperkalemia , parenchymal hepatitis , a hyperkalemic form of periodic paralysis ( paroxysmal myoplegia ) as a hemostatic agent.

Indications (intravenously / intramuscularly) for the administration of the drug are also poisoning with soluble salts of fluoric acid, oxalic acid or Mg salts, with skin diseases ( psoriasis, itching, eczema ).

In some cases, calcium gluconate is used during autohemotherapy . This method of treatment has proven itself in skin diseases, furunculosis ,recurrent colds , diabetes , rheumatism , allergies during the recovery period after serious illness.

10 ml of calcium gluconate solution is injected into the patient's vein, and then blood is immediately taken from the vein and transferred back as a subcutaneous injection or injection into the gluteal muscle.

What is a hot prick?

Injections of the drug are also known as "hot injections of calcium gluconate". In fact, the solution is administered warmed up to just body temperature.

A hot injection is called because of the subjective sensations that arise in the patient: after the injection, there is usually a feeling of heat spreading over the body, and sometimes quite a strong burning sensation.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

Doctors have proven that one of the causes of allergies there may be a pronounced deficiency of Ca in the body. It is with Ca deficiency that most allergic reactions in children are associated: the child's body grows very intensively, as a result, the Ca content in all its tissues decreases.

In addition, factors that contribute to the formation of Ca deficiency are the excess content of vitamin D in the body and teething.

For this reason, as one of the methods of prevention and treatment allergies in patients predisposed to this condition, calcium gluconate is often used.

With sufficient intake of calcium into the body, the permeability of the vascular walls decreases, and penetration is difficult. allergens into the systemic circulation. This means that an increase in Ca concentration is accompanied by a decrease in the likelihood of an acute immune reaction.

Calcium gluconate is used in combination with antihistamines . The remedy is prescribed, among other things, to eliminate side effects caused by taking other medications.

The conducted studies prove that as a source of only Ca for the body, the calcium salt of gluconic acid is the least active, however, for the treatment and prevention of any allergic diseases calcium gluconate is the best.

Tablets are taken orally before meals. The dose depends on the characteristics of the disease and the age of the patient.

In addition, in some cases, the patient may be prescribed an intravenous solution. calcium gluconate at allergies intramuscular or subcutaneous injection is not recommended (especially for children).

The course of treatment for allergies usually ranges from 7 to 14 days.

calcium gluconate at allergies (reviews are eloquent confirmation of this) - this is a time-tested and quite effective remedy, which, in addition to everything, is almost impossible to overdose.

The maximum absorption of calcium is provided with the participation vitamin D , amino acids (particularly L-arginine and lysine) and Ca-binding protein.


Contraindications to the use of solution and tablets:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pronounced hypercalciuria ;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • hypercoagulation ;
  • expressed atherosclerosis ;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis ;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • sarcoidosis ;
  • severe form of renal failure ;
  • the period of treatment with cardiac glycosides (for example, digitalis preparations).

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated, but in some cases the following disorders are possible:

  • bradycardia ;
  • hypercalciuria , hypercalcemia ;
  • nausea, vomiting, stool disorders ( constipation /diarrhea), epigastric pain;
  • the formation of calcium stones in the intestine (with prolonged use of high doses of the drug);
  • kidney dysfunction (edema lower extremities, frequent urination);
  • hypersensitivity reactions.

When administered parenterally, nausea, vomiting, bradycardia , diarrhea, sensation of heat in the oral cavity, and then throughout the body, changes in the skin. These reactions pass quite quickly and do not require special treatment.

With the rapid introduction of the solution, nausea, increased sweating , vomit, arterial hypotension , collapse (in some situations - lethal). The result of extravasal ingress of the solution may be soft tissue calcification.

In very rare cases, there have been allergic and anaphylactic reactions .

With the introduction of calcium gluconate intramuscularly, local irritation and tissue necrosis .

Instructions for use Calcium gluconate

Calcium gluconate tablets, instructions for use

Tablets are taken before meals, after crushing or chewing.

A single dose for patients over 14 years old is from 1 to 3 g (2-6 tablets for each dose). Patients 3-14 years old are given 2-4 tablets. 2-3 rubles / day

Treatment lasts from 10 days to 1 month. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician individually, depending on the patient's condition.

The permissible upper limit of the daily dose for elderly patients is 4 tab. (2 g).

Ampoules Calcium gluconate, instructions for use

Calcium gluconate is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Patients over 14 years old are given 1 r./day. Single dose - from 5 to 10 ml of solution. Injections, depending on the condition of the patient, are allowed to be done daily, every other day or once every two days.

For children from birth to 14 years of age, the dose of a 10% intravenous calcium gluconate solution varies from 0.1 to 5 ml.

Before administration, the drug should be warmed to body temperature. The drug should be administered slowly - within 2-3 minutes.

For the introduction of less than one milliliter of solution, a single dose is recommended to be diluted to the desired volume (syringe volume) with a 5% glucose solution or a 0.9% NaCl solution.


Long-term treatment with high doses of calcium gluconate increases the risk of developing hypercalcemia with the deposition of Ca salts in the body. Probability hypercalcemia increases with the simultaneous use of high doses vitamin D or its derivatives.

Hypercalcemia manifests itself:

  • anorexia ;
  • constipation;
  • nausea/vomiting;
  • irritability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • polyuria ;
  • abdominal pain;
  • polydipsia ;
  • muscle weakness;
  • arterial hypertension ;
  • arthralgia ;
  • mental disorders;
  • nephrolithiasis ;
  • nephrocalcinosis .

In severe cases it is possible coma And cardiac arrhythmia .

To eliminate the symptoms of an overdose, the drug should be discontinued. In severe cases, the patient is prescribed intravenous calcitonin at the rate of 5-10 MO / kg / day. The agent is diluted in 0.5 l of 0.9% NaCl solution and injected drip for six hours. It is also allowed to slowly drip the introduction of an antidote 2-4 rubles / day.


A drug:

  • slows down absorption etidronate , estramustine , bisphosphonates , tetracycline antibiotics , quinolones , preparations of fluorine and iron for oral administration (between their doses, an interval of at least 3 hours should be maintained).
  • reduces bioavailability phenytoin ;
  • enhances cardiotoxicity cardiac glycosides ;
  • in patients with hypercalcemia reduces efficiency calcitonin ;
  • reduces the effects of calcium channel blockers;
  • increases toxicity quinidine .

In combination with quinidine provokes a slowdown in intraventricular conduction, in combination with thiazide diuretics increased risk of developing hypercalcemia . Vitamin D and its derivatives increase Ca absorption. Cholestyramine reduces the absorption of Ca in the gastrointestinal tract.

Forms insoluble or slightly soluble Ca salts with salicylates, carbonates, sulfates.

Certain foods (eg, rhubarb, bran, spinach, cereals) can reduce the absorption of Ca from the digestive tract.

Not compatible with the solution:

  • carbonates;
  • sulfates;
  • salicylates;
  • ethanol.

Terms of sale

Tablets are an over-the-counter drug. A prescription is required to purchase ampoules with a solution.

Recipe in Latin (sample): Rp.: Sol. Calcii gluconatis 10% 10 ml D.t.d. 6 ampull. S. For intramuscular or intravenous administration (0.5-1 amp.).

Storage conditions

Store below 25°C. Keep away from children.

Best before date

Solution - 2 years. Tablets - 5 years.

special instructions

Due to the possibility of necrosis, calcium gluconate should be administered exclusively intravenously to children under 14 years of age.

Before filling the syringe, the presence of alcohol residues in it should be excluded (a precipitate may form).

Treatment of patients with urolithiasis history, reduced glomerular filtration rate, or slight hypercalciuria should be carried out under the control of the level of Ca2 + in the urine. To reduce the risk of developing urolithiasis it is recommended to drink enough liquid.

"Pharaoh Serpent" from calcium gluconate

Calcium gluconate tablets are often used by enthusiastic chemists to produce the pharaoh's snake, a porous product formed from a small amount of reactants.

The tablet is placed on dry fuel, and then the fuel is set on fire. A light gray “snake” with white spots begins to crawl out of the tablet. At the same time, the volume of the “Pharaoh snake” significantly exceeds the volume of the original substance: for example, in the course of some experiments, snakes 10-15 cm long were obtained from 1 tablet.

During the decomposition of calcium gluconate, Ca oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon and water are formed. Ca oxide gives a characteristic shade to the resulting snake. The only drawback of such a “pharaoh snake” is its fragility, it crumbles very easily.


Calcium gluconate-Vial , LekT ,B. Brown ; Additive calcium , Hydroxyapatite , Glycerophosphate granules , calcium lactate , CalViv , Calcium pangamate , Calcium Sandoz .

calcium gluconate for children

Why is calcium gluconate prescribed for children?

In the articles, Dr. Komarovsky notes that the most common indications for the use of the drug in pediatrics are conditions caused by insufficient intake of calcium into the body with food, as well as conditions that are caused by impaired absorption of calcium in the intestines.

development hypocalcemia along with a reduced content of Ca in food also contributes to hypovitaminosis D . In addition, the reason hypocalcemia individual diseases can become parathyroid glands And thyroid gland .

In addition to these diseases and rickets , indications for prescribing Ca preparations for children are allergic diseases (acute or chronic), skin diseases, pathologies manifested by blood clotting disorders, physiological conditions that are accompanied by an increase in the child's body's need for Ca (periods of active growth).

How to take calcium gluconate correctly?

For children, Komarovsky recommends dosing calcium gluconate depending on age. In the first 12 months of a child's life, the standards for daily Ca intake range from 0.21 to 0.27 g. Children under 3 years old need 0.5 g of Ca per day, children 4-8 years old - 0.8 g, children over eight years old - 1-1.3 g.

As a rule, children get Ca from dairy products, greens, fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Tablets for children under 12 months are given 3 per day (1.5 g), children under 4 years old - 6 per day (3 g), children under 9 years old - depending on the severity of Ca deficiency and the characteristics of the clinical situation - 6-12 per day day (3-6 g), children under 14 years old - 12-18 per day (6-9 g).

The daily dose is divided into 2-4 doses.

In / in children, the drug is usually administered as an emergency remedy: for bleeding, convulsions, acute allergic reactions.

Subcutaneously and intramuscularly, the solution is not administered to children. In the muscle, the medicine can only be administered to adult patients!

calcium gluconate during pregnancy

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible, taking into account the ratio of benefit to the mother / risk to the fetus (child).

To say exactly whether it is possible for pregnant women to take Calcium Gluconate in each case, only the attending physician can.

When taking Ca preparations during lactation, their penetration into milk is possible.

The product is available in tablet form (regular and chewable tablets), as well as in the form of a solution for injection. Sold in packages and ampoules. One tablet of Calcium Gluconate, which helps with insufficient Ca content in the diet, contains 250 or 500 mg of the active substance.

The concentration of the active substance in 1 ml of solution is 95.5 mg. As auxiliary components, the composition of the solution includes calcium sucrose and water for injection.

Pharmacological properties

Calcium gluconate - what is it? Calcium is an essential macronutrient that is involved in the formation of bone tissue, the transmission of nerve impulses, and blood clotting. This macronutrient is also necessary to maintain normal cardiac activity.

In addition, calcium improves muscle contraction in muscle dystrophy and myasthenia gravis, and also reduces vascular permeability. When administered intravenously, the drug exhibits a moderate diuretic effect, and also enhances the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands and causes excitation of the sympathetic nervous system.

The use of the drug has a less irritating effect than calcium chloride.

Injections, tablets Calcium gluconate: what does the medicine help with

  • hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure;
  • Ca metabolic disorders in the postmenopausal period;
  • hypoparathyroidism;
  • poisoning with oxalic acid, Mg salts, soluble salts of fluoric acid;
  • long-term treatment with diuretics, corticosteroids or antiepileptic drugs;
  • rickets;
  • osteoporosis;
  • increased need for Ca (during pregnancy, breastfeeding, intensive growth of children);
  • latent tetany;
  • bone fractures;
  • osteomalacia;
  • insufficient content of Ca in the diet;
  • disorders of vitamin D metabolism;
  • conditions that are accompanied by increased excretion of Ca, chronic diarrhea, prolonged bed rest;
  • spasmophilia.

As an addition to the main treatment, calcium gluconate tablets are used as an allergy remedy for:

  • parenchymal hepatitis;
  • itchy dermatoses;
  • toxic liver damage;
  • febrile syndrome;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • jade;
  • angioedema;
  • with bleeding of various origins;
  • alimentary dystrophy;
  • eclampsia;
  • serum sickness;
  • urticaria;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

What do calcium gluconate injections help with?

In ampoules, the drug is prescribed for certain pathologies of the parathyroid glands, conditions that are accompanied by increased excretion of Ca from the body, as an adjuvant for allergies, as well as for allergic complications of treatment with other drugs.

The drug is used to reduce vascular permeability in various pathological processes, with nephritis, eclampsia, liver intoxication, hyperkalemia, parenchymal hepatitis, hyperkalemic form of periodic paralysis (paroxysmal myoplegia), as a hemostatic agent.

Indications for the introduction of the drug intravenously or intramuscularly are also poisoning with soluble salts of fluoric acid, oxalic acid or Mg salts, with skin diseases (psoriasis, itching, eczema).


The instruction prohibits the use of calcium gluconate in the presence of the following diseases or disorders:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • hypercoagulation;

In addition, the drug is not prescribed for severe renal failure. In patients with impaired renal function of slight severity, as well as with a history of urolithiasis or with slight hypercalciuria, the drug should be used with caution.

Those patients who have a tendency to form stones in the urine, during the period of treatment with calcium preparations, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed. Children are not recommended to do intramuscular injections.

Medicine Calcium gluconate: instructions for use


Take before meals, after crushing or chewing. A single dose for patients over 14 years old is from 1 to 3 g (2-6 tablets for each dose). Patients 3-14 years old are given 2-4 tablets. 2-3 rubles / day

Treatment lasts from 10 days to 1 month. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician individually, depending on the patient's condition. The permissible upper limit of the daily dose for elderly patients is 4 tab. (2 g).

Instructions for use Calcium gluconate in injections

It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Patients over 14 years old are given 1 r./day. A single dose is from 5 to 10 ml of solution. Injections, depending on the condition of the patient, are allowed to be done daily, every other day or once every two days.

For children from birth to 14 years of age, the dose of a 10% intravenous calcium gluconate solution varies from 0.1 to 5 ml. Before administration, the drug should be warmed to body temperature. The drug should be administered slowly - within 2-3 minutes.

For the introduction of less than one milliliter of solution, a single dose is recommended to be diluted to the desired volume (syringe volume) with a 5% glucose solution or a 0.9% NaCl solution.

Carrying out autohemotherapy

10 ml of calcium gluconate solution is injected into the patient's vein, and then blood is immediately taken from the vein and transferred back as a subcutaneous injection or injection into the gluteal muscle.

Side effects

The agent for internal use can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, constipation. With the introduction of the solution intramuscularly, intravenously, diarrhea, vomiting, bradycardia, nausea may occur. Also, with intravenous administration, there may be:

  • general feeling of heat;
  • fainting;
  • decrease in pressure with rapid administration;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure.

With intramuscular injections of calcium gluconate, tissue necrosis may occur at the injection site. An overdose causes the development of hypercalcemia, to eliminate which calcitonin is administered - 5-10 IU per kilogram of body weight per day.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

Calcium gluconate is used in combination with antihistamines. The remedy is prescribed, among other things, to eliminate side effects caused by taking other medications.

Doctors have proven that one of the causes of allergies can be a pronounced deficiency of Ca in the body. It is with its deficiency that most allergic reactions in children are associated: the children's body grows very intensively, as a result, the Ca content in all its tissues decreases.

Tablets are taken orally before meals. The dose depends on the characteristics of the disease and the age of the patient.

In addition, in some cases, the patient may be prescribed an intravenous solution. Calcium gluconate in case of allergy intramuscularly or subcutaneously is not recommended (especially for children).

The course of treatment for allergies usually ranges from 7 to 14 days.

drug interaction

The simultaneous use of calcium preparations with calcium channel blockers reduces the pharmacological effect of the latter. With a combination of oral forms of calcium gluconate and tetracyclines, there is a violation of the absorption of tetracycline drugs, and therefore their pharmacological effect is reduced.


  • B. Brown.
  • Calcium gluconate-Vial.
  • Glycerophosphate granules.
  • Calcium-Sandoz.
  • Additive calcium.
  • Hydroxyapatite.
  • Calcium pangamat.
  • calcium lactate.
  • CalViv.
  • LekT.

Can calcium gluconate be given to children?

The most common indications for the use of the drug in pediatrics are conditions caused by insufficient intake of calcium into the body with food, as well as conditions that are caused by impaired absorption of calcium in the intestine.

The development of hypocalcemia, along with a reduced content of calcium in food, is also promoted by hypovitaminosis D. In addition, certain diseases of the parathyroid glands and the thyroid gland can also become the cause of hypocalcemia.

Why is calcium gluconate prescribed for children yet?

In addition to these diseases and rickets, indications for prescribing the drug for children are allergic diseases (acute or chronic), skin diseases, pathologies manifested by blood clotting disorders, physiological conditions that are accompanied by an increase in the child's need for calcium.

How to take calcium gluconate correctly?

Children are advised to dose calcium gluconate depending on age. In the first 12 months of a child's life, the standards for daily Ca intake range from 0.21 to 0.27 g. Children under 3 years old need 0.5 g of Ca per day, children 4-8 years old - 0.8 g, children over eight years old - 1-1.3 g.

Tablets for children under 12 months are given 3 per day (1.5 g), for children under 4 years old - 6 per day (3 g), for children under 9 years old - depending on the severity of Ca deficiency and the characteristics of the clinical situation - 6-12 per day. day (3-6 g), children under 14 years old - 12-18 per day (6-9 g).

The daily dose is divided into 2-4 doses.

In / in children, the drug is usually administered as an emergency remedy: for bleeding, convulsions, acute allergic reactions. Subcutaneously and intramuscularly, the solution is not administered to children. In the muscle, the medicine can only be administered to adult patients!

Calcium gluconate during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible, taking into account the ratio of benefit to the mother / risk to the fetus (child). To say exactly whether it is possible for pregnant women to take Calcium Gluconate in each case, only the attending physician can. When taking the drug during lactation, it may pass into milk.


In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, calcium gluconate tablets can be bought at a price of 4 rubles, ampoules - 109 rubles. In Kyiv, its cost reaches 3-4 hryvnia. In Minsk, you can buy injections for 2-7.5 rubles. The price in Kazakhstan is 40 tenge.


The most common reviews about the drug Calcium Gluconate are reviews for allergies. The remedy is prescribed for both adults and very young children. At the same time, most people consider it a worthy alternative to more expensive and advertised drugs.

To compensate for calcium deficiency, tablets are usually prescribed, but in some situations the drug is administered intravenously or into the muscle.

Reviews of calcium gluconate injections intramuscularly allow us to conclude that the procedure is quite painful. Moreover, discomfort usually occurs not during the injection, but after it.

About Calcium gluconate intramuscular reviews indicate that intravenous injections are tolerated somewhat easier than injections into the muscle. However, it should be remembered that the injection is “hot”, and after it you should not get up abruptly.

However, do not forget that the drug is a medical product, so only a doctor can recommend treatment for them.

“You need to drink pills and eat with them at least 2-3 slices of tangerine or orange, in short citrus fruits. Since calcium is better absorbed when taking vitamin C. I started my course of treatment and already in the second week the result became noticeable, the nails stopped exfoliating and broke much less, hair stopped falling out and falling out, a lively shine appeared.

"It's even better not to swallow calcium gluconate, but to put the pill under the tongue and slowly dissolve it !!! Then it is absorbed much better and really - a good result for a penny."

"The child turned out to be allergic to cow's milk (cow protein). Well, we found out later, but at first there were various drugs. The doctor at the very beginning prescribed calcium gluconate tablets for us. After all, these tablets are able to remove toxic substances from the body."

"Ingestion should not be carried away - calcium is deposited in the body."

Pharmacological action Calcium gluconate

Calcium gluconate compensates for the deficiency of calcium - a substance necessary for the formation of bone tissue, contraction of smooth, skeletal muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, myocardial activity, blood clotting.

The use of calcium gluconate is less irritating than calcium chloride.

Release form

The drug is produced in tablets, powder, solution.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, calcium gluconate is prescribed for diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, an increase in the permeability of cell membranes, and impaired conduction of nerve impulses in muscles.

Also, the use of calcium gluconate is indicated for hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D metabolic disorders (hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal failure, rickets), increased calcium excretion during prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia caused by prolonged use of diuretics, glucocorticosteroids, antiepileptic drugs.

Bleeding of various etiologies, allergic diseases (fever, serum sickness, urticaria, itching, pruritic dermatosis, reactions to drugs, foods, angioedema), bronchial asthma, alimentary dystrophic edema, pulmonary tuberculosis, lead colic, eclampsia, poisoning with magnesium salts, fluoride , oxalic acids and their salts, parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver damage, hyperkalemic paroxysmal myoplegia are also indications for the use of calcium gluconate.

Calcium gluconate is effective during pregnancy, during lactation, increased growth, postmenopausal period, with a diet with a lack of calcium.

Instructions for use

Calcium gluconate tablets are taken before meals or 1-1.5 hours after meals. Wash down the tablets with milk. Adults take one to three grams 2-3 r / day. Children under one year old are given 0.5 g of the drug, at the age of 2-4 years - 1 g, 5-6 years old - 1-1.5 g, 7-9 years old - 1.5-2 g, 10-14 years old - 2-3 gr. Calcium gluconate tablets give children 2-3 r / day.

Calcium gluconate during pregnancy, during lactation, one to three grams are prescribed 2-3 r / day. Do not take more than 9 grams of calcium gluconate per day.

Intravenously, the drug must be administered slowly, as well as injections of calcium gluconate - they are done for two to three minutes. Adults are injected with 5-10 ml of a 10% solution every day, every other day or two days.

For children, calcium gluconate injections are not done intramuscularly (because of the danger of tissue necrosis), the drug is administered only intravenously (slowly or drip) - 1-5 ml of a 10% solution every two to three days.

Before administration, the solution must be warmed to normal body temperature.

Side effects

The agent for internal use can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, constipation. With the introduction of the solution intramuscularly, intravenously, diarrhea, vomiting, bradycardia, nausea may occur.

Also, with intravenous administration, a burning sensation in the mouth, a general feeling of heat may appear, pressure may decrease with rapid administration, arrhythmia develops, the heart stops, the patient may faint.

With intramuscular injections of calcium gluconate, tissue necrosis may occur at the injection site.

An overdose causes the development of hypercalcemia, to eliminate which calcitonin is administered - 5-10 IU per kilogram of body weight per day.

Contraindications for use

According to the instructions, calcium gluconate is contraindicated in hypercalcemia, severe hypercalciuria, hypersensitivity, nephrourolithiasis, and sarcoidosis. You can not simultaneously take the drug with cardiac glycosides because of the risk of arrhythmia.

Caution when using the drug should be shown to patients with dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, calcium nephrourolithiasis, slight hypercalciuria, moderate renal, chronic heart failure, widespread atherosclerosis, hypercoagulability.


One tablet of calcium gluconate contains 0.5 g of the active ingredient. 1 ml solution for injection contains 0.1 g of the active ingredient.

pharmachologic effect

Calcium is an essential macronutrient that is involved in the formation of bone tissue, the transmission of nerve impulses, and blood clotting. This macronutrient is also necessary to maintain normal cardiac activity. In addition, calcium improves muscle contraction in muscle dystrophy and myasthenia gravis, and also reduces vascular permeability.

When administered intravenously, the drug exhibits a moderate diuretic effect, and also enhances the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands and causes excitation of the sympathetic nervous system.


According to the instructions, calcium gluconate is indicated for the following diseases, disorders and pathological conditions:

  • hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency);
  • increased vascular permeability;
  • parathyroid insufficiency;
  • bleeding;
  • skin diseases (eczema, itching, psoriasis);
  • parenchymal hepatitis;
  • eclampsia;
  • liver damage of a toxic nature;
  • nephritis;
  • paroxysmal myoplegia in hyperkalemic form;
  • poisoning with magnesium salts, fluoric and oxalic acids;
  • allergic diseases and drug-related complications

In addition, the drug is prescribed during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, children in the period of active growth, women during menopause, as well as any patients with a lack of calcium in the diet.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

Calcium gluconate tablets should be taken orally before meals two or three times a day. Single doses of the drug depend on the age of patients:

  • adults - 1-3 g;
  • children under the age of 1 year - 0.5 g;
  • children aged 2 to 4 years - 1 g;
  • children aged 5-6 years - 1-1.5 g;
  • children aged 7 to 9 years - 1.5-2 g;
  • children aged 10 to 14 years - 2-3 years.

Injections of calcium gluconate should be done intravenously or intramuscularly. Injections are made slowly (for at least two to three minutes). The dose of the drug for parenteral administration in adult patients is from 5 to 10 ml. Injections are made daily, every other day or at intervals of 2 days. Children are prescribed from 1 to 5 ml of the solution, injections are carried out at intervals of two or three days.

Application during pregnancy

The dosage of calcium gluconate during pregnancy is determined by the doctor. As a rule, the maximum amount of the drug per dose for this category of patients does not exceed 500 mg. The frequency of receptions is determined by the attending specialist. In order to avoid the development of side effects during pregnancy, it is very important to strictly follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor for the use of the drug.


According to the instructions, Calcium Gluconate is contraindicated for use in the presence of the following diseases or disorders:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • hypercoagulation;
  • severe atherosclerosis.

In addition, the drug is not used in severe renal failure. In patients with impaired renal function of slight severity, as well as with a history of urolithiasis or with slight hypercalciuria, the drug should be used with caution. The instructions for Calcium Gluconate indicate that in such cases, treatment should be carried out under conditions of regular monitoring of the level of calcium excretion in the urine.

Those patients who have a tendency to form stones in the urine, during the period of treatment with calcium preparations, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed.

Side effects

Side effects of calcium gluconate can manifest as nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, constipation and diarrhea. With intramuscular use, necrosis may occur at the injection site, as well as a burning sensation in the mouth and a general feeling of heat. With insufficiently slow administration of the solution, blood pressure may drop sharply and severe arrhythmia develop.

drug interaction

The simultaneous use of calcium preparations with calcium channel blockers reduces the pharmacological effect of the latter.

With a combination of oral forms of calcium gluconate and tetracyclines, there is a violation of the absorption of tetracycline drugs, and therefore their pharmacological effect is reduced.

Colestyramine reduces the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. Quinidine in combination with calcium slows down intraventricular conduction. In addition, as a result of this combination of drugs, the toxicity of quinidine increases.

With intravenous administration of calcium before or after the use of Verapamil, the hypotensive effect of the drug decreases. Parenteral use of calcium preparations is also not recommended during the period of treatment with cardiac glycosides, since this combination of drugs leads to an increase in the cardiotoxic effect.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug calcium gluconate. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Calcium gluconate in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Calcium gluconate analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of osteoporosis and other forms of calcium deficiency in the body in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

calcium gluconate- a calcium preparation compensates for the deficiency of calcium ions necessary for the process of transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardial activity, bone formation, blood coagulation.

Calcium is a macroelement involved in the formation of bone tissue, the process of blood coagulation, it is necessary to maintain stable cardiac activity, the processes of transmission of nerve impulses. Improves muscle contraction in muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, reduces vascular permeability. When administered intravenously, calcium causes excitation of the sympathetic nervous system and increased release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands; has a moderate diuretic effect.


Approximately 1/5-1/3 of the orally administered drug is absorbed in the small intestine; this process depends on the presence of vitamin D, pH, dietary habits, and the presence of factors capable of binding calcium ions. The absorption of calcium ions increases with its deficiency and the use of a diet with a reduced content of calcium ions. About 20% is excreted by the kidneys, the rest (80%) is removed with the contents of the intestine.


  • diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell membranes (including blood vessels), impaired conduction of nerve impulses in muscle tissue;
  • hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis), vitamin D metabolic disorders: rickets (spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure;
  • increased need for calcium ions (pregnancy, lactation period, period of increased body growth), insufficient content of calcium ions in food, violation of its metabolism (in the postmenopausal period);
  • increased excretion of calcium ions (prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia against the background of long-term use of diuretics and antiepileptic drugs, glucocorticosteroids);
  • poisoning with salts of magnesium ions, oxalic and fluoric acids and their soluble salts (when interacting with calcium gluconate, insoluble and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride are formed);
  • hypercalcemic form of paroxysmal myoplegia.

Release form

Tablets 500 mg

Chewable tablets 500 mg.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (injections) in 100 mg/ml ampoules.

Instructions for use and dosage

Grind before use.

Inside, before meals or 1-1.5 hours after ingestion (with milk). Adults - 1-3 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose - 9 g).

Pregnant and lactating mothers - 1-3 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose - 9 g).

Children: 3-4 years old - 1 g (maximum daily dose - 3.0 g); 5-6 years - 1-1.5 g (maximum daily dose - 4.5 g); 7-9 years - 1.5-2 g (maximum daily dose - 6 g); 10-14 years - 2-3 g (maximum daily dose - 9 g); the multiplicity of reception - 2-3 times a day.

With intravenous or intramuscular administration of a solution of calcium gluconate, a single dose of the drug should correspond to 2.25-4.5 mmol of calcium. A solution of calcium chloride is injected intravenously (slowly) in a single dose of 500 mg, intravenously drip - in a single dose of 0.5-1 g.

Side effect

  • constipation;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypercalcemia.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • hypercalcemia (the concentration of calcium ions should not exceed 12 mg%);
  • severe hypercalciuria;
  • nephrourolithiasis (calcium);
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • simultaneous intake of cardiac glycosides (risk of arrhythmias);
  • children's age up to 3 years.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Application is possible according to the dosing regimen.

special instructions

In patients with mild hypercalciuria, a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, or a history of nephrourolithiasis, treatment should be carried out under the control of the concentration of calcium ions in the urine.

Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to reduce the risk of developing nephrourolithiasis.

Calcium gluconate is similar in effect to calcium chloride, but is less irritating.

drug interaction

Forms insoluble complexes with tetracycline antibiotics (reduces antibacterial effect).

With simultaneous use with quinidine, it is possible to slow intraventricular conduction and increase the toxicity of quinidine.

Slows down the absorption of tetracyclines, digoxin, oral iron preparations (the interval between their doses should be at least 2 hours).

When combined with thiazide diuretics, it can increase hypercalcemia. Reduces the effect of calcitonin in hypercalcemia. Reduces the bioavailability of phenytoin.

Analogues of the drug Calcium gluconate

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Calcium gluconate B. Brown;
  • Calcium gluconate stabilized;
  • Calcium gluconate-Vial;
  • Calcium gluconate-LekT;
  • Calcium gluconate solution for injections 10%.

Description and action

Clear liquid, colorless and odorless. It is intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Pharmacies sell mainly a 10% solution: 10 ml of liquid contains 1 g of gluconate. A set of standard packaging of the drug - 10 ampoules and instructions for use.

Calcium ions, which the drug supplies the body with, are necessary for the normal conduction of a nerve impulse, the effective functioning of the nervous system and muscles. Calcium is an element actively involved in the processes of blood clotting. Special conditions of use are not needed: calcium is independently distributed throughout the tissues and almost immediately after entering the body begins to participate in metabolic processes.

Indications for what they are prescribed

General indication: deficiency of calcium ions, accompanied by a violation of natural physiological processes. Against the background of a lack of a trace element, conditions are formed that are close to pathological and threaten the development of serious diseases. List of specific indications.

  1. Hypocalcemia regardless of cause. Even without concomitant negative manifestations, a drop in calcium in the body below normal is the reason to start taking it.
  2. Hypoparathyroidism. Pathology of the parathyroid glands, causing a decrease in calcium levels to critical values. Gluconate does not restore the function of the glands, but compensates for the deficiency of the microelement.
  3. Hepatitis and poisoning, accompanied by liver damage.
  4. Nephritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys stimulate the utilization and excretion of calcium from the body through the urinary system.
  5. Inflammatory processes combined with exudation. The process is accompanied by the removal of plasma into the intercellular space. Increasing the level of calcium ions is the most important part of a properly organized complex therapy.
  6. Allergic reactions. Gluconate is not the only and not the main drug, but it is used in conjunction with antihistamines, accelerating recovery and providing additional prevention.
  7. Bleeding of various nature: nasal, intestinal pulmonary, uterine. Calcium is involved in coagulation processes, contributes to the rapid cessation of blood loss.
  8. Fragility of bones. Gluconate helps to compensate for the lack of calcium, restore the strength of bone tissue. Indicated for use in menopause - in order to prevent osteoporosis.

Nonspecific indication - hypotension. In severe situations, when it is not possible to raise blood pressure in other ways, it is recommended to make 2-3 injections of gluconate throughout the week. In the future, perform an injection once a week - for preventive purposes.

Is it possible to inject intramuscularly

The solution for injection is administered intramuscularly, intravenously and through a dropper. Intramuscular injection is not the best way, but suitable for home conditions. Injections into the muscle are recommended subject to the following rules.

  1. Thorough observance of asepsis. A common complaint about gluconate is the development of necrosis and inflammation in the injection area. Careful decontamination reduces the risk of infection and the formation of unpleasant side effects.
  2. It is permissible to give injections only to adults - from 18 years old. In childhood, intramuscular gluconate is contraindicated. But it is allowed to take pills.
  3. Injections in some cases cause hypercalciuria. To avoid negative effects, regularly measure electrolytes in the blood.
  4. Simultaneously with the introduction of gluconate intramuscularly, the intake of other calcium preparations is prohibited.

The interaction of the drug with representatives of other pharmacological groups has not been fully studied. It is known that Verapamil and other calcium channel blockers significantly reduce the effectiveness of gluconate intake.

Instructions for the use of injections of calcium gluconate intramuscularly

  1. The drug is injected into the muscle in adults. In rare cases, it is permissible to give intramuscular injections to children, but this is not recommended, since the risk of necrosis is high. Up to 15 years of age, intravenous injections are prescribed.
  2. Dosage - up to 10 ml, that is, one ampoule of a 10% solution. Injections are given once a day. The frequency of administration is every day or at intervals of 1-2 days.
  3. Before taking the solution from the ampoule, exclude alcohol from entering the syringe: the interaction of gluconate with alcohol leads to the formation of a precipitate and threatens with complications.
  4. Warm the solution to body temperature just before the injection. Inject the composition into the muscle for three minutes - with a slow, smooth movement.

Contraindications and warnings

You will have to refuse the use of the drug if the following contraindications are found:

  • individual intolerance to the main component of the solution;
  • the level of calcium is above 6 meq / l (including if the increase appeared during injections);
  • renal failure, other severe kidney disease;
  • high blood clotting, predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • under 15 years of age (in some recommendations - under 18 years of age);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • with caution put gluconate simultaneously with the use of cardiac glycosides.

Side effects with the introduction of calcium intramuscularly.

  1. Indigestion, nausea, vomiting. Characteristic signs of individual allergy, drug intolerance.
  2. Changes in heart rate: acceleration or deceleration. Occurs with a hasty, too rapid introduction of the solution.
  3. Necrosis. The most dangerous consequence of the frequent and incorrect administration of the drug. To avoid necrosis, choose a different area with each next injection, reduce the frequency of administration: instead of a daily injection, they switch to the "every other day" or "two days" regimen. Temporary cessation of procedures for several days helps.
  4. Local irritation. An individual reaction is unpleasant, but it passes quickly and does not cause problems.


Active ingredient: calcium gluconate
ATX code: A12AA03
KFG: A drug that replenishes calcium deficiency in the body
ICD-10 codes (indications): E20, E55.0, E58, M80, M81, M82, M83, N25.0, O99.6
Reg. number: LP-000495
Date of registration: 01.03.11
The owner of the reg. acc.: MOSCOW PHARMACEUTICAL FACTORY (Russia)


? Pills white, flat-cylindrical, with a chamfer and a risk.

Excipients: potato starch 23 mg, talc 5 mg, calcium stearate one-water 2 mg.

10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - non-cell packing contour (2) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (2) - packs of cardboard.

The description of the drug was approved by the manufacturer in 2011.


The calcium preparation compensates for the deficiency of calcium ions necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardial activity, bone tissue formation, and blood coagulation.


Approximately 1/5-1/3 of the orally administered drug is absorbed in the small intestine; this process depends on the presence of vitamin D, pH, dietary habits, and the presence of factors capable of binding calcium ions. The absorption of calcium ions increases with its deficiency and the use of a diet with a reduced content of calcium ions. About 20% is excreted by the kidneys, the rest (80%) is removed with the contents of the intestine.


Diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell membranes (including blood vessels), impaired conduction of nerve impulses in muscle tissue.

Hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis), vitamin D metabolism disorders: rickets (spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure.

Increased need for calcium ions (pregnancy, lactation, period of increased body growth), insufficient content of calcium ions in food, impaired metabolism (in the postmenopausal period).

Increased excretion of calcium ions (prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia against the background of long-term use of diuretics and antiepileptic drugs, glucocorticosteroids).

Poisoning with salts of magnesium ions, oxalic and fluoric acids and their soluble salts (when interacting with calcium gluconate, insoluble and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride are formed).

Hypercalcemic form of paroxysmal myoplegia.


Grind before use.

Inside, before meals or 1-1.5 hours after ingestion (with milk). Adults - 1-3 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose - 9 g).

Pregnant and lactating mothers- 1-3 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose - 9 g).

Children: 3-4 years - 1 g (maximum daily dose - 3.0 g); 5-6 years - 1-1.5 g (maximum daily dose - 4.5 g); 7-9 years - 1.5-2 g (maximum daily dose - 6 g); 10-14 years - 2-3 g (maximum daily dose - 9 g); multiplicity of reception - 2-3 times a day.


Constipation, irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, hypercalcemia.


Hypersensitivity, hypercalcemia (the concentration of calcium ions should not exceed 12 mg% ~ 6 mEq / l), severe hypercalciuria, nephrourolithiasis (calcium), sarcoidosis, simultaneous intake of cardiac glycosides (risk of arrhythmias), children under 3 years of age.

Carefully. Dehydration, electrolyte disturbances (risk of hypercalcemia), diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, mild hypercalciuria, moderate chronic renal failure, chronic heart failure, widespread atherosclerosis, hypercoagulability, calcium nephrourolithiasis (history).


Application is possible according to the dosing regimen.


In patients with mild hypercalciuria, a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, or a history of nephrourolithiasis, treatment should be carried out under the control of the concentration of calcium ions in the urine.

Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to reduce the risk of developing nephrourolithiasis.


Symptoms: development of hypercalcemia.

Treatment: enter calcitonin 5-10 ME/kg/day. (by diluting it in 500 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution). The duration of the introduction is 6 hours.


Forms insoluble complexes with tetracycline antibiotics (reduces antibacterial effect).

With simultaneous use with quinidine, it is possible to slow intraventricular conduction and increase the toxicity of quinidine.

Slows down the absorption of tetracyclines, digoxin, oral iron preparations (the interval between their doses should be at least 2 hours).

When combined with thiazide diuretics, it can increase hypercalcemia. Reduces the effect of calcitonin in hypercalcemia. Reduces the bioavailability of phenytoin.


The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.


In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after the date indicated on the package.


on the medical use of a medicinal product

calcium gluconate


calcium gluconate

International non-proprietary name

Dosage form

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 100 mg/ml, 5 ml


1 ml of the drug contains

active substance - calcium gluconate - 100 mg

Excipients: taurine, water for injections


Clear or slightly opalescent, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group

mineral supplements. Calcium preparations. calcium gluconate.

ATX code A12AA03

Pharmacological properties


After parenteral administration, the drug with blood flow is evenly distributed in all tissues and organs. In plasma, about 45% of the drug is in complex with proteins. Penetrates through the placental barrier, enters breast milk. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys.


The calcium preparation compensates for the deficiency of calcium ions, which are necessary for the implementation of the process of transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardial activity, bone tissue formation, blood clotting. It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, detoxifying and mild sedative effects.

Calcium reduces the permeability of cells and the vascular wall, prevents the development of inflammatory reactions, increases the body's resistance to infections and can significantly enhance phagocytosis (phagocytosis, which decreases after taking sodium chloride, increases after taking calcium).

When administered intravenously, it stimulates the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, enhances the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, and has a moderate diuretic effect.

Indications for use

Diseases accompanied by: hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell membranes, impaired conduction of nerve impulses in muscle tissue

Hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis)

Violations of vitamin D metabolism (spasmophilia, osteomalacia)

Hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure

Poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic and fluoric acids (when interacting with calcium gluconate, non-dissociating and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride are formed)

Hyperkalemic form of proximal myoplegia

Complex therapy of bleeding of various etiologies

Allergic diseases (serum sickness, urticaria, febrile syndrome, itching, pruritic dermatoses, reactions to drug administration and food intake, Quincke's edema).

Dosage and administration

Intramuscularly, intravenously slowly (within 2-3 minutes) or drip, adults 5-10 ml of a 10% solution once, depending on the nature of the disease and the patient's condition - daily, every other day or after 2 days. It is not recommended to administer the drug intramuscularly to children due to the possible development of necrosis.. children- Intravenously injected slowly 0.5 mmol / kg every 2-3 days (1 ml of the solution contains 0.25 mmol of calcium) evenly diluted in the entire volume of the infused solution.

For children, depending on age, a 10% solution of calcium gluconate is administered only intravenously in such doses: at the age of 6 months - 0.1 - 1 ml, at the age of 6 - 12 months - 1 - 1.5 ml, 1 - 3 years - 1.5 - 2 ml, 4 - 6 years - 2 - 2.5 ml, 7 - 14 years 3 - 5 ml.

The solution is warmed to body temperature before administration. For adults and children, the solution is administered slowly, over 2-3 minutes. The syringe for the administration of calcium gluconate should not contain ethanol residues, since in the presence of the latter, calcium gluconate precipitates.

Side effects

- with intramuscular and intravenous administration: possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia

- when administered intravenously: burning sensation in the mouth, sensation of heat, increased sweating

- with rapid intravenous administration: anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, decrease in blood pressure, arrhythmia, syncope, cardiac arrest, death

With intramuscular injection - necrosis at the injection site, as a result of extravasal ingestion of a calcium solution, calcification of soft tissues, local irritation is possible.


  • drug hypersensitivity
  • hypercalcemia (calcium concentration above 12 mg% - 6 mEq / l, calcium nephrourolithiasis)
  • severe renal failure
  • sarcoidosis
  • concomitant use of cardiac glycosides
  • increased blood clotting
  • tendency to thrombosis

Dehydration, electrolyte disturbances (risk of hypercalcemia), diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, calcium nephrourolithiasis (history), slight hypercalciuria, moderate chronic renal failure, widespread atherosclerosis, hypercoagulability

For intramuscular injection - children under 18 years of age (risk of necrosis)

The period of pregnancy and lactation

Drug Interactions

It is not compatible with carbonates, salicylates, sulfates, since it forms insoluble or sparingly soluble calcium salts with them. Forms insoluble complexes with tetracycline antibiotics, reducing their antibacterial effect.

Reduces the effect of "slow" calcium channel blockers (intravenous administration of calcium gluconate before or after verapamil reduces its hypotensive effect, but has little effect on its antiarrhythmic effect).

With simultaneous use with quinidine, it is possible to slow intraventricular conduction and increase the toxicity of quinidine. The use of calcium gluconate during treatment with cardiac glycosides is not recommended, due to the increased cardiotoxic effect of glycosides.

When combined with thiazide diuretics, it can increase hypercalcemia, reduce the effect of calcitonin in hypercalcemia, and reduce the bioavailability of phenytoin.

special instructions

Application in pediatric practice.

For the treatment of children, the drug is used only intravenously. Intramuscular injection of the drug is not recommended due to the possible development of necrosis.

Patients with mild hypercalciuria, a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, or a history of nephrourolithiasis should be prescribed with caution and under the control of calcium in the urine. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to reduce the risk of developing nephrourolithiasis.

Pregnancy and lactation

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Does not affect

Lack of vitamins and minerals in the human body can cause serious illness. One of the most important substances involved in tissue metabolism is calcium. If you have been prescribed calcium gluconate, why take this remedy should be of interest to every inquisitive patient who is not indifferent to the state of his health.

Calcium gluconate is a broad-spectrum drug

Calcium gluconate is a medical preparation created on the basis of calcium salt, which normalizes tissue metabolism in the body. Hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency) leads to significant disturbances in the functioning of organs and body systems. Pathologies of cardiac activity, low blood clotting, destruction of teeth, nails, hair loss, frequent fractures may bother you due to a banal lack of such a mineral.

Indications for use

A course of treatment with the participation of such a drug is prescribed when:

  • high vascular permeability;
  • lack of parathyroid hormones;
  • bleeding;
  • toxic liver damage;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • skin problems, in particular eczema and psoriasis;
  • sensitization provoked by medications;
  • chronic problems of the respiratory system (calcium gluconate is also effective for colds - due to the fact that during inflammation it protects blood vessels from thinning and reducing strength, reduces intoxication);
  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • slowing down the growth of the child.

Calcium gluconate is a must have in the first aid kit:

  • expectant mothers who want to avoid gynecological diseases and provide the fetus with trace elements necessary for normal development, as well as breastfeeding;
  • caring parents who are worried about the health of the child during the period of active growth;
  • all those with hypocalcemia.

Read also:

Many patients are convinced that the drug, regardless of the form of release, acts in the same way. Remember: there are differences between the indications for the use of the drug calcium gluconate (tablets) and calcium gluconate (shots).

Usually 1 tablet contains 500 mg of the active ingredient. But you can also find forms where only 250 mg of the main substance. The right dosage, based on your history, can only be determined by a specialist. Infants under 12 months are prescribed 1500 mg per day - in 3 divided doses. Before giving medicine to a child:

  1. Grind the tablet thoroughly until a homogeneous powder is formed.
  2. Place the powder in a small amount of expressed breast milk or formula.
  3. Stir the resulting drink.
  4. Wait until the agent is completely dissolved.

Babies 2 years of age also take the remedy 3 times a day, the daily dose is 3 g; starting from 5 years, you can increase the amount to 1.5 g per dose. Children are prescribed calcium preparations in tablets, since their skin is more sensitive, and there is a risk of soft tissue necrosis in the event of an intravenous or intramuscular injection. Adult patients need to take 1 to 3 g per day. It is recommended to take the tablet with a glass of water (you can also take milk) to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Intravenous hot injections of calcium gluconate are done very slowly, since the substance is instantly absorbed into the blood. A single dose is 500 mg, with a drip injection - 1 g. If, in the event of a medical error, the drug begins to flow past the vein, soft tissues may fall out around the injection site.

The 10 ml ampoule contains 1 g of calcium gluconate - this is the normal dose for a single administration according to the instructions. This amount of medication is administered intramuscularly every other day, although doses may vary depending on the severity of the disease.

Oral (tablet) intake of calcium gluconate will not have the expected effect if:

  • you have a severe allergic reaction on the verge of anaphylactic shock;
  • bleeding of different localization has opened;
  • there is intoxication with salts of magnesium and fluoric acid.

But in these situations, ampoules with this medicine are included in the first-aid kit for taking urgent measures.

For whom is this drug taboo?

Despite the fact that calcium is not a foreign chemical element for the body, drugs with it are contraindicated for certain categories of patients. First of all, we are talking about those who have hypercalcemia - an excess of this mineral in the blood serum. Without an examination, do not take calcium gluconate, for which you need to increase the level of calcium in the blood - only the doctor will explain. In addition, the use of such a medicine is not recommended if you have:

  • increased blood clotting (increased risk of blood clots);
  • severe renal failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • vasospasm (neutralizes the action of calcium channel blockers, which weaken the walls of blood vessels).

Side effects of calcium gluconate include:

  • digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea);
  • sensation of heat in the whole body, especially on the mucous membrane of the mouth;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia.

Remember that the absence of these diseases and the negative effects of taking a drug does not mean that you need calcium therapy. The intake of trace elements, like other drugs, should not be started without the results of tests and consultation with a qualified specialist.

Calcium gluconate: reviews

Patients who, according to the doctor's prescription, took calcium gluconate, emphasize in the reviews that this simple, fairly affordable remedy helps them reduce the number of visits to the dentist and traumatologist and improve their overall well-being. Parents of children who received calcium gluconate noticed no problems with the growth and development of the child compared to their peers. The effectiveness of the agent in combination with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which contributes to the absorption of the element, is significantly increased.

Those who complain about the low effectiveness of the remedy for serious illnesses should not forget: for complex pathologies, calcium gluconate is used only as part of complex therapy.

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