Almag under pressure. Almag contraindications for the use of Almag 01 in the treatment of hypertension use

Physiotherapy is widely used to treat various diseases, including hypertension. One of the most effective and safe treatment methods is magnetic therapy. Using the Almag home device for high blood pressure allows you to normalize blood pressure, but before starting treatment you should familiarize yourself with the features of using the device.

Almag-01 is a compact device that generates a magnetic field, intended for home use. The advantages of Almag for pressure are the simplicity of the procedure, high efficiency and comparative safety.

The action of the drug is based on the generation of alternating magnetic fields. The device itself is very compact and consists of 4 applicators and a small control panel. The applicators are placed on the area subject to magnetic influence, and then the device is turned on and the session begins. Almag does not require manual configuration; you can purchase the device on the manufacturer’s website at an affordable price.

Detailed instructions are included with the device

In addition to the treatment of hypertension, the device is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the female genitourinary system;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • bronchitis and asthma;
  • motor activity disorders;
  • neurological disorders.

The device can be used for gastritis and gastric ulcers, as well as for speedy recovery after injuries and fractures.

The alternating magnetic field created by the device contributes to:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the affected area;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • stimulation of tissue regeneration.

The device is truly multifunctional, so it will be useful to everyone. However, before purchasing and starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of home physical therapy.

Almag for hypertension

The list of indications for use of the device given in the instructions includes grade 1 and 2 hypertension. The effectiveness of using Almag for high blood pressure is due to:

  • normalization of vascular tone;
  • reduction of edema;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • decrease in heart rate.

To treat high blood pressure, the device applicators are placed in the collar area

Almag does not increase blood pressure, so it can be used to treat hypertension. For hypertension and high blood pressure, a course of 15 procedures is indicated; Almag applicators are installed on the collar area. During the exposure, you should take a comfortable position; it is recommended to sit comfortably with several pillows under your back. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. It is recommended to conduct sessions daily for a week, then take a one-day break, and continue treatment for the next 7 days, increasing the duration of exposure to 15 minutes. A repeat course is allowed after two months.

Due to the influence of the magnetic field on the cervical-collar area, vasodilation occurs. At the same time, there is an improvement in peripheral circulation and a decrease in swelling.

However, it is important to remember that during treatment you should follow the recommendations of your doctor. You should not stop taking antihypertensive medications during physical therapy.

The device performs best in grade 1 hypertension. Magnetic therapy when blood pressure rises to 150-160 mmHg. allows you to reduce it to normal levels without taking special medications. However, patients often make the mistake of noticing an improvement in their health and stopping their diet and healthy lifestyle. It is important to remember that only a combination of physical therapy, proper nutrition and exercise will help strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent the progression of the disease.

Renal hypertension and Almag

Renal hypertension is often mistaken by patients for arterial hypertension, which leads to incorrect therapy and a complete lack of therapeutic effect. You can use Almag for renal hypertension, but only after consultation with your doctor.

In this case, the device helps:

  • lower blood pressure;
  • get rid of swelling;
  • normalize kidney function;
  • strengthen the entire body.

Magnetotherapy allows you to achieve quick results, however, while it is very easy to use Almag on your own for arterial hypertension, for renal pressure you will need the help of someone close to you, which is explained by the peculiarities of installing inductor applicators.

To treat renal hypertension, the patient should lie comfortably on his stomach with a pillow under his chin. The indicators are installed just above the lower back, on either side of the spine. The duration of the session is 20 minutes. Every 5 minutes, the inductors should be moved upward, completing the procedure with a five-minute impact on the cervical-collar area. During the procedure, the patient must relax and not move, which is complicated by the need to move the applicators.

In case of renal hypertension, applicators should be applied not to the collar area, but to the lumbar area

A total of 18 procedures are required. The first 9 sessions last 20 minutes, then there is a one-day break. During the next nine procedures, the exposure time increases to 25 minutes.

An important nuance: during magnetic therapy for high blood pressure, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. Therefore, you should refrain from drinking alcohol for 15-19 days, depending on the form of hypertension.

Contraindications and precautions

Having figured out whether Almag can be used to cure pressure surges and how treatment should be carried out, you should carefully read the instructions and exclude conditions in which magnetic therapy is contraindicated.

Almag should not be used in the following cases:

  • acute heart failure;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • recent heart attack;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of a source of infection in the body;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • severe cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • severe arrhythmia.

Like other devices that create a magnetic field, Almag is contraindicated when wearing a pacemaker, as it can lead to failure of the device.

In case of acute inflammatory processes and infections, physical therapy should be postponed until recovery, since exposure to a magnetic field stimulates blood circulation and can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the spread of infection throughout the body. For the same reason, the device categorically cannot be used in oncology, since stimulation of blood circulation and metabolic processes can lead to a rapid increase in the growth rate of a malignant neoplasm.

The device dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. Hypotensive patients must take this into account before using the Almag device.

To avoid mistakes and health problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Humanity has known about the healing properties of magnetic therapy for a long time. In the course of research, scientists have found that the body is very sensitive to radiation of this kind. Moreover, a person does not feel the effect of the magnetic field, but receives a favorable result in the form of easing pain and improving well-being.

Based on a series of studies, Russian scientists invented a unique device “Almag-01”. Reviews from patients who have used this amazing device are only positive. What kind of device is this and how does it work?


When reaching middle age, most people begin to experience back pain. This problem is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, which today, unfortunately, is led by the vast majority of our compatriots. A sitting position is unusual for a healthy, active person and significantly affects the condition of his back, as well as internal organs. Staying in this position for a long time causes the back muscles to be subject to excessive tension.

Other causes may be muscle strain during sports, heavy work in the garden, or heavy lifting. The consequences are dire: unbearable pain appears, which signals that disturbances have occurred in the musculoskeletal system.

This leads to the occurrence of various diseases: arthritis, osteoarthritis of various joints. These ailments are the most difficult to treat with medication, and ointments and tablets simply dull the pain for a while.

There is a solution!

More recently, a new unique device has appeared on the market that can save a person from many diseases. This is “Almag-01” - a device whose operation is based on magnetic radiation. Using the device is very simple. The device produces running magnetic fluxes that have a beneficial effect on damaged organs.

Using the device allows you to get rid of back pain, relieve symptoms of inflammation, and increase performance. Thanks to its unique design, the device covers a large area of ​​influence: almost the entire spine, upper or lower limbs, and torso.

It is quite easy to use Almag-01: the instructions say that the device can be used independently at home. Let's take a look at this amazing device.

Device "Almag-01": instructions, reviews

The device is a small chain of interconnected coils (nodes). Its weight is only 620 grams. One pulse is produced with a duration of 1.5 - 2.5 ms and a frequency of 6 Hz. The device operates from the network; when it is turned on, the light signal lights up.

During use, you must adhere to the operating mode that is designed for the Almag-01 device. The scheme is simple, but it must be followed. The device can work for 6 hours, but you need to pause every 20 minutes. This is necessary in order to avoid overvoltage. The break is maintained for 10 minutes.


Before first use, you must check the functionality of the device. Instructions for use of Almag-01 must be present in each package. It describes in detail the scope of its application and the sequence of actions when using it.

The device is intended for the treatment of:

  • problems in the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of various localizations, arthrosis, bursitis;
  • damage to joints or bone tissue of various types: sprains of ligaments or muscles, swelling, burns;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, heart murmurs, hypertension;
  • problems of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, colitis, and chronic flatulence;
  • in women: inflammation, complications after cesarean section, painful menstruation;
  • venous diseases: thrombosis of blood vessels of the lower extremities (chronic and acute), thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • complications of diabetes mellitus and related diseases;
  • dermatological problems: scar healing in the postoperative period;
  • respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other lung ailments;
  • neurological diseases: vascular dysfunctions of the brain, various disorders of the nervous system.

Magnetic impulses penetrate into body tissues to a depth of 8 cm, which allows the device to subtly influence internal organs, quickly relieve pain and successfully treat various ailments.

Using the device

The device is quite unusual in shape, so during the first use a lot of questions may arise. What is the best position to take and how to use it?

"Almag-01" is a small device consisting of a chain of elastic coils. Reviews from patients who have used the device indicate that it is easy to use and does not require special skills.

Rules for using the device:

  • When turned on, the indicators on the device light up. This means that it is ready for use and in good working order.
  • Before the first treatment session, the patient must read the instructions for use of Almag-01.
  • To carry out the procedure, you need to take a comfortable position (lie on the bed or sit comfortably on a chair). Then the device should be applied to the problem area.
  • The area of ​​influence can be covered with a light cloth, but the best effect is achieved during direct exposure of the device to the body, without unnecessary objects.
  • The duration of one procedure is 10-20 minutes. Such a short session is quite enough for the penetration of magnetic pulses into tissues. The duration of the first dose should not exceed 10 minutes. Then the procedure time can be gradually increased.
  • Sessions should be carried out every day, preferably twice a day. Instructions for use of Almag-01 indicate that the treatment procedure is best carried out before meals or 3 hours after meals. It is advisable to do this at the same time.
  • The full course of treatment is 10 - 20 sessions, depending on the complexity and characteristics of the disease.
  • A repeat course is carried out no earlier than after 1 month.
  • During the first procedure, the patient may feel slight pain, which goes away on its own. Throughout the entire process, the patient will feel the heat emanating from the device.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment sessions.

The attached instructions describe in detail how to use Almag-01. If you have any questions, please consult your healthcare provider.

Magnetic device "Almag-01": contraindications, reviews

The device has a strong effect on the entire human body. Therefore, before using it, you should obtain permission from a specialist and study all available information about the device in order to avoid troubles or complications.

There are the following contraindications to using the device:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • newborns and children of the younger age group (up to 2 years);
  • purulent ulcers;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • hyperthyroidism syndrome;
  • diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • recovery period after a heart attack;
  • systemic blood diseases.

The presence of small metal implants in the body is not a contraindication to the use of the device. However, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Of course, you can purchase a device and conduct sessions yourself at home. The only thing that should stop you before using the Almag-01 device is contraindications.

Reviews from patients who managed to get rid of painful sensations with the help of this device are positive. The device has many advantages that confirm its uniqueness and high therapeutic effect.

Before starting a course of treatment, the patient must become familiar with all the nuances of using the device. The instructions for use of Almag-01, which are included in the package with the device, describe in detail the indications, its configuration and technical characteristics.


Of course, many patients are perplexed: how can a small device solve problems that arose a long time ago and are disturbing with their regular manifestations in the form of pain and tension? However, this device really works and has the following advantages:

  • Treatment with Almag-01 is affordable and simple. No special knowledge or skills are required to conduct the session.
  • The penetration depth of magnetic fluxes is 6-8 cm. They affect not only the external integument of a person, but also his internal organs.
  • The effectiveness of the device is obvious. This is evidenced not only by the testimony of people who used the Almag-01 device. Reviews from doctors whose patients have undergone treatment with the device also speak of its beneficial effects on the body. In 30% of patients there was a clear improvement in health, and in 50% of cases there was a small but obvious dynamics of recovery.
  • The device is completely safe. It can be used in a weakened state and in old age.
  • There is absolutely no effect of dependence or addiction.
  • The device is always at hand. To conduct a session, you do not need to go to the hospital or stand in line at
  • The Almag-01 device enhances the effect of medications, which allows you to significantly reduce their dose.
  • Long-term use and tangible savings. The service life of the device is 6-8 years.

Mechanism of action

It has long been known that under the influence of diseases, the electromagnetic parameters of the body’s cells undergo changes. This leads to deterioration of health, weakened immunity and the occurrence of various diseases. Under the influence of magnetic running currents, which are much more effective than alternating and constant fields, damaged cells and tissues are restored, their structure takes on its original integral form.

The Almag-01 device has precisely these healing properties. Feedback from specialists who have conducted numerous studies on the influence of magnetic fluxes on the human body is direct evidence that with their help it is possible to reduce pain or prevent dangerous diseases.

People who have problems with the musculoskeletal system should definitely use the Almag-01 device. Reviews from patients who have experienced the healing effects of this amazing device confirm its effectiveness.

Cellular metabolism is completely established in the body, normal interaction of chemical elements occurs that are involved in the restoration processes of cells. This leads to recovery and overall well-being.


An important function of the device is to normalize blood circulation in the body. Under the influence of magnetic fluxes, blood counts improve and the risk of blood clots decreases.

The elasticity and permeability of blood vessels increase, and cells are normally supplied with oxygen, proteins and immunoglobulins. Restoring metabolism in the body eliminates the occurrence and development of diseases, cell regeneration is accelerated, and cells are renewed.

Malfunctions of the nervous system, endocrine system disorders, insomnia - is it really possible to get rid of these disorders with the help of magnetic radiation? This is possible if you use the Almag-01 device. Reviews from doctors confirm its healing effect.

Under the influence of magnetic flows, special hormones are produced, which has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the body’s functioning and cures some hormonal disorders.

The device affects absolutely all parts of the body and its organs. The most sensitive are the nervous and endocrine systems. Each organ reacts differently to the flow of impulses emanating from the device. When the device acts on the brain, complex processes begin to occur in it, which send signals to all parts of the body. This stimulates their work, reduces stress and increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

The fast pace of modern life, environmental influences and predisposition factors provoke disorders that often become chronic.

Attempts to treat these ailments using various medications often lead to exacerbation or relapse of the disease with a whole range of side effects.

Intensive scientific research and clinical trials led to the development of the Almag 01 device, the instructions for use of which will be discussed in detail in this article.

This is a portable magnetic therapy device with a traveling pulsed magnetic field.

The device’s indications include a wide range of diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neurological disorders;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • nonspecific diseases of the female genital organs.

Technical details:

  • Voltage: 220V or 230V.
  • Power consumption: 35 VA.
  • Number of impact nodes: 4.
  • The maximum value of magnetic induction on the working surface (both flat sides) of the inductor coil: (20±6) mT.
  • Pulse duration: 1.5-2.5 ms.
  • Frequency of magnetic field pulses in each coil: 6 Hz.
  • Continuous work time per session: 22 minutes plus or minus 1 minute.
  • Break: 10 minutes.
  • Warranty: 2 years from the manufacturer.
  • Average service life: 5 years.
  • Weight: 0.62 kg.

How to carry out treatment with the Almag 01 device: instructions for use

  • Before using the device, you need to look at the indicators (they will blink during operation) and make sure that Almag 01 is turned on.
  • The second stage is to take a comfortable position; you can be treated with Almag while lying down.
  • Next, you need to apply the device to the body on the painful area with the flat side of the coil. The LEDs should be at the top.
  • It is not necessary to remove clothes, but it is advisable.
  • The course of treatment ranges from ten to twenty sessions, the duration of the procedure is from ten to twenty minutes. The first time you need to limit yourself to 10 minutes.
  • The course of treatment is carried out without skipping days, twice a day. You can use Almag 01 one hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals.
  • Pain or warmth during the first sessions does not require discontinuation of treatment.
  • It is better not to drink alcohol during treatment.

It is worth noting:

The advantages of Almag 01 include a large depth and area of ​​penetration, allowing treatment of all organs with a minimum number of negative effects.

After a repeated course of magnetic therapy treatment, addiction does not appear and withdrawal symptoms do not occur.

Scientific and clinical studies conducted in Russia, Europe and the USA have also shown the following benefits of Almag 01: stimulates the production of neuropeptides, improves capillary circulation, reduces swelling, inflammation and pain due to blood flow to the diseased area, improves the flow of oxygen to tissues, therapy with Almaga increases microcirculation in tissues and cells, which leads to regeneration and activation of metabolic processes, the effect of the device on reflexogenic zones leads to a stable hypotensive and sedative effect, and also improves cerebral circulation, Almag 01 can lead to an increase in intercellular and intracellular exchange due to interaction charged particles.

The magnetic field increases the interaction between the redox processes of chemical elements, which helps improve cellular metabolism and enhance the ionization process. Research shows that Almag 01 penetrates deeper than other devices, enough to affect internal organs. Frequencies within the range of 4-16Hz are the most biologically active.

Almag 01 is simple and easy to use and has no exact portable analogues. It does not require grounding. The therapy can be performed through clothing, gauze or bandages and does not require direct skin contact.

Similar devices have been used for many years to treat fractures, trauma, and surgical wounds, but many of these devices have been large and bulky. This device is small, making it ideal for clinics or home use.

Almag device: contraindications

Like any device used to treat various diseases, the Almag device has contraindications, but they are few.

We list them below:

  • any inflammatory process occurring in an acute form;
  • tendency to bleeding or existing bleeding;
  • purulent process;
  • all trimesters of pregnancy;
  • age under 2 years;
  • malignant neoplasm;
  • increased levels of thyroid hormones (thyrotoxicosis);
  • period after a heart attack;
  • problems with blood circulation in the brain;
  • leukemia and other diseases of the blood system.

Almag 01 should be used with caution and only after consultation with your doctor for high blood pressure. According to various patient reviews, using the device can improve it even more.

Instructions for the Almag 01 device for prostatitis

Inflammation (including in the prostate) is the body's initial response to a harmful stimulus. It is a cascade of physiological processes initiated to “repair” cell damage in tissues with a good blood supply. In the acute stage, inflammation is necessary and beneficial. When the inflammatory response becomes very strong or persistent, it can develop into chronic inflammation, Almag 01 helps treat inflammation.


As blood flow to the prostate area increases, muscle relaxation is ensured with better oxygenation of muscle tissue. It plays a key role in relieving acute and chronic pain.

As magnetic therapy mechanically stimulates blood vessels and blood flow, the blood vessels are better able to transfer blood and oxygen to the cells.

At the same time, magnetic therapy mechanically stimulates the lymphatic vessels and helps remove waste products from the cells. Consequently, cells are able to function better and tissues can repair themselves faster and more efficiently.

Magnetic therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing prostatitis pain, both in the short and long term.

Exact instructions for the Almag 01 device for prostatitis can be obtained from the office of a physiotherapist or urologist. He will take into account the patient’s condition (acute or chronic prostatitis), diseases associated with prostatitis and prescribe the optimal course of treatment.

Some doctors believe that independent use of Almag 01 for prostatitis is practically a gamble on the part of the patient. After all, a person without medical education cannot determine the exact load of the magnetic device on the prostate.

In hospitals, doctors use Almag 01 for prostatitis as follows:

  • The 4th inductor is on the perineum, the rest are up to the lumbar spine.
  • The session lasts 10 minutes.
  • Course - from 10 to 15 procedures.
  • A preliminary examination to ensure the absence of cancer or an infectious process is mandatory.

As for the instructions for the Almag 01 device for the prevention of prostatitis, the number of sessions (after the permission of the urologist) is 5 procedures, each lasting no more than 10 minutes.

There are both negative and positive reviews about the use of Almag 01. Many patients note that the device helped them get rid of pain from knee injuries, for speedy healing of the suture after surgery, and for problems with joints and lower back. And there are those for whom the device did not help at all.

The main thing that the patient should remember is that Almag 01 will not cure the disease. It will relieve pain symptoms, but you shouldn't expect miracles.

Average price Almag 01 - 8250 rub.

Many people know that an electromagnetic field with specifically selected parameters has a beneficial effect on the human body.

This type of therapy is successfully used in conservative and alternative medicine for the treatment and prevention of many problems in the body, ranging from joint pain to decreased vision.

Almag is a physiotherapeutic device produced by the Elatomsky instrument plant Elamed, the effect of which on diseased tissues of the human body is carried out through a traveling magnetic field. The pulses generated by the device's emitter have high levels of biological activity, anti-edematous, hypotensive, antispasmodic, anesthetic, restorative and anti-inflammatory properties.

Numerous reviews from owners of this therapeutic portable equipment (the weight of the device is only 0.62 kg) state that regular procedures within the framework specified by the official annotation or as prescribed by the attending physician lead to the following beneficial phenomena in the body:

  • elimination (complete or partial) of all symptoms that accompany inflammatory phenomena in tissues and organs;
  • reduction or complete elimination of pain;
  • removing excess fluid from tissues and eliminating swelling;
  • reducing the dosage of prescribed painkillers, as well as some other pharmacological drugs;
  • slowing down the process of vision loss.

How does Almag work?

Magnetic pulses of a certain frequency produced by the Almag device relieve spasms of tense muscles, blocking conductive nerve impulses from tissues affected by the disease, thereby eliminating pain, and also activate blood circulation in the tissues by increasing the lumen of the capillaries. In addition, the traveling magnetic field helps to saturate all cells of the body with oxygen molecules and biologically active substances entering the bloodstream, which leads to stimulation of regeneration/renewal processes.

Almag-01: how to use correctly

The Almag device operates from the mains (220 V). Consisting of an electronic unit that creates an electromagnetic field by generating current pulses, and four indicator coils (each plate has a diameter of 9 cm), the device has small dimensions. The coils are designed to be applied to any area of ​​the body that requires healing.

The application is carried out on either side of the plate; an indicator is built into it, indicating the serviceability of the device (when the light is on, the color of the light is green).

After connecting the unit to the network, the green indicator on the case is activated. The operating time programmed by the creators of the device is 20 minutes, after which it turns off automatically. You can verify the effectiveness of procedures with equipment after several sessions.

When exposed to a non-uniform (traveling) magnetic field, it affects almost all cellular structures. Running impulses penetrate the dermis layer to a depth of 8 cm, having a beneficial effect on internal organs. At the same time, natural restoration of the tissue biofield and electrical balance of the body occurs. Under the influence of electromagnetic pulses, cellular immunity is strengthened and neurovegetative processes are normalized, tissue trophism is improved and the removal of toxic products and metabolites present in the body is stimulated.

Almag: indications for use

Happy owners of the Almag device can systematically carry out healing procedures, forever forgetting about paid physiotherapy, which is often prescribed by doctors in medical institutions. Most often, the device is used to relieve pain in the back, spine, and joints. The traveling electromagnetic field created by Almag has a healing effect on cartilage and bone tissue, as well as on synovial fluid.

Electromagnetic therapy is indispensable for soft tissue bruises, cracks, bone fractures, dislocations, and sprains. According to the instructions, the device will be very useful in the treatment of osteochondrosis, lumbago, radiculitis, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis and polyarthritis, arthrosis, gout, bursitis, especially at the initial stage of degenerative processes.

With its help, you can easily eliminate chronic fatigue and pain in the back, which literally haunt representatives of “sedentary” professions and everyone leading a sedentary lifestyle. The device also brings undoubted benefits to patients after injuries, fractures and injuries, and allows the period of complete rehabilitation to be shortened.

As practical experience shows, the application of Almag plates to certain areas of the body is used in complex therapy for:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including arterial hypertension, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system, of which chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma can be particularly distinguished;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, cholecystitis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system and pelvis.

And this is not a complete list of the capabilities of the Almag device.

Almag-01: contraindications for use

Like all physical therapy techniques, a traveling magnetic field can not be used for the benefit of the body for everyone. After clinical trials and numerous studies, equipment manufacturers have compiled a detailed list of conditions in which procedures with the Almag device should be abandoned:

  • periods of exacerbation of all chronic diseases;
  • acute phases of inflammatory diseases;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure over a long period of time);
  • conditions with purulent phenomena requiring surgical intervention;
  • gestation time (all trimesters of pregnancy);
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • early stages of myocardial infarction and stroke;
  • pathologies associated with impaired cerebral circulation (acute period);
  • presence of a cardiac implant;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • malignant neoplasms.

In the presence of other acute and chronic diseases, pulsed magnetic therapy should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

What is the advantage of the Almag device?

  1. Easy to use. After studying the instructions, anyone can use the device; just apply the coils to problem areas of the body and plug the unit into the network to conduct a 20-minute full-fledged physiotherapy session.
  2. Ease of use. The presence of four coils allows you to treat two adjacent joints, for example, elbows or knees, in one session.
  3. Productivity. After the procedure, the patient immediately feels relief due to the reduction of pain and the elimination of excess tissue swelling.

Before your first session with this device, you should carefully read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. Experts do not advise self-medication and starting physical therapy without first consulting with your doctor. Be always young and healthy!

The basis for the therapeutic use of devices is the effect of electromagnetic pulses on diseased areas. Treatment with these devices is recommended by most specialists, but they should only be used after consultation with a doctor. The fact is that in addition to certain indications, the devices also have contraindications, which arise due to the powerful effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body and can affect the final result.


  • disease of the musculoskeletal system - injuries and bone fractures, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • pathology of nervous structures - neuralgia of any kind;
  • diseases of the heart and cardiac vessels;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • digestive tract disorders;
  • skin diseases and diabetic complications;
  • pathologies of female genital organs;
  • varicose veins and blood clots in blood vessels.

Contraindications to the use of Almag devices

Contraindications for use on the Almag device are the same as any of the traditional procedures associated with magnetic field based healing therapy. Basic:

  1. the course of a complex inflammatory process in the human body;
  2. tendency to heavy bleeding and poor blood clotting;
  3. acute course of abscessive processes that occur before surgical treatment;
  4. pathological condition of the patient associated with damage to the coronary vessels and impaired blood supply to the myocardium;
  5. final infarction stage;
  6. presence of cancer;
  7. pregnancy;
  8. infancy;
  9. malignant and benign neoplasms.

Treatment with Almag: other contraindications

Almag is well tolerated by elderly patients and patients with extremely poor health. However, the magnetic therapy procedure itself provides other contraindications for Almag treatment. Thus, it is undesirable to use the device near a pacemaker and metal inclusions in bone tissue. It is prohibited to use the device if the patient has mental disorders and is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In any case, the selection of the treatment method and its compatibility with contraindications should be carried out by a doctor.

Methods of application

The use of magnetic therapy devices must correspond to a certain course, the frequency of which is selected based on the symptoms and severity of the disease. Most often, external electrodes are applied to the spine, neck, legs or on a sore joint. The therapy time increases gradually. The first four are performed for ten minutes, the next for fifteen, and then the time increases by five minutes.

Rules of application:

  • the device must be checked for functionality before starting the procedure;
  • electrodes are applied only in a comfortable position;
  • it is advisable to carry out procedures at the same time, 3-4 hours after eating;
  • normalization of natural processes occurs in the first sessions, this may cause certain pain;
  • A side effect such as dizziness may occur.

Thus, Almag devices, even in the presence of a wide range of contraindications, are capable of providing a therapeutic effect. The manufacturer guarantees quality, and the device has no exact analogues for the effects of a magnetic field. Almag is a convenient home device that can save a person from many diseases and increase the body’s immunity.

Any person is afraid to visit a doctor because he does not want to hear unpleasant news for himself. Fortunately, medicine does not stand still and many diseases can be cured. For many years, scientists have argued that physiotherapy has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is an excellent prevention of many diseases. The best part is that these procedures can be done in…

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