Synopsis of nodes in the senior dhow group on a spring theme. Lark, abstract of a lesson on familiarization with nature Finger gymnastics "Larks"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten of combined type No. 25 of the city of Orel"
Synopsis of ODD
In the senior speech therapy group
(organized in the PPRS "Mini-Museum")
On the topic: "Larks arrive, spring - bring red"

Yashina E.S.
Eagle, 2015
Educational area: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
Program tasks:
1. To give children an idea about the celebration of the meeting of spring.
2. Continue to acquaint children with chants, rituals, riddles.
3. Cause in children an emotional upsurge, a joyful mood.
Corrective tasks:
1. To consolidate children's ideas about spring phenomena, about the life of migratory birds.
2. Enrich the dictionary on the topic: “Spring. Migratory birds".
3. Develop general speech skills:
- monitor the correct speech breathing when telling invocations;
-continue to develop intonation expressiveness of speech;
- improve the clarity of diction.
Preliminary work:
- a conversation about spring, looking at illustrations, pictures depicting the seasons, migratory birds;
-learning invocations, Russian folk games, round dances.
Materials for the lesson:
flannelgraph, pictures of migratory birds; tables, modeling boards, napkins, stacks, dough plates, raisins; tape recorder, recordings with "voices of the spring forest". Lesson plan:
1. Introductory part.
1.1 Organizational moment.
2. The main part.
2.1. Conversation about spring.
2.2. Reading spring calls.
2.3. Game "Sun" (coordination of speech with movement).
2.4. Guessing riddles about birds.
2.5. Conversation about birds.
2.6. Finger gymnastics "Lark".
2.7. Making cookies from dough - larks.
2.8. Reading calls.
3. The final part.
3.1. Round dance "Vesnyanka" (coordination of speech with movement).
The hostess meets the children in the hut:
- Hello, children and adults. I am glad to see guests as good news. We have gathered today in our hut to talk about spring and its holidays.
-When does spring come? (after winter).
- Do you want real spring to come? But how do we recognize it, by what signs? (children name signs and signs of spring).
-Let's tell what spring? (selection of definitions).
-Do you know the spring months? What is the first month? That's right, March is the first month of spring. In the people it is called "the morning of spring", "sunflower", "winter forest", "water flow", "wind-bearer", "rookery". That's how many names it has. Why do you think it is called that?
With an increase in sunlight, abundant snowmelt begins, streams flow, and with the arrival of rooks, winter completely recedes. In March, the sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days become longer. March fights winter and brings warm winds.
What holiday did we celebrate recently? (carnival).
-After Maslenitsa, people believed, spring is already on the threshold. Spring was not just expected, it was called out, called out with songs-chants, songs-springs and met with bread, as the dearest guest. Let's call you, let's call spring. How many of you know the spells?
1. Spring, spring, red!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy
With great mercy.
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With abundant bread.
2. Spring, come! Bring three lands!
The first land - floods in the rivers!
Another land - the sun in the courtyard!
The third land is a green expanse!
3. Oh, spring is red!
From dark forests
Come from the blue seas
Shine on us with the sun!
4.Ay, ay, auk,
Let's call spring.
March, March - happy with the sun.
April, April - open the door.
May, May - walk as much as you want!
Hostess: -Ay, ay, aukem! We call, we call spring, but she is in no hurry. Looks like it got stuck somewhere. And I want warmth. Let's call the sun. It will warm the earth with its rays, melt the snow - spring will come faster.
The game "Sun" is being played (coordination of speech with movements)
Sunny, (children stand in a small circle, step back, Bell, expanding the circle, holding hands). You get up early, (hands up, stretch on toes)
Wake us up early. (drop hands)
We run in the field, (run in a circle, holding hands)
We welcome spring.
It seems to be getting warmer, the sun warms up. The birds will be coming soon. What is the first bird to appear in our area? (rook).
People say: "Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard."
Didn't the rook come? (they are looking for a rook on a flannelograph)
Following the rooks, other birds gather. What try to guess.
There is a trunk, a stake on the trunk,
On the stake of the palace, in the palace of the singer.
What is his name? (starling)
-Look, is there a starling among the birds?
-And it will become warmer, such a bird will fly:
Guess what kind of bird, dark little one,
White from the belly. The tail is spread into two tails.
She flies faster than anyone, there are enough midges on the go.
If she flies to us, then spring has begun. (martin)
-What is this bird?
Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields he sings, sings, sings. (lark)
What birds are left? (wintering)
How can you name all these birds in one word? (migratory)
-Let's play a game. I will say the sentence and you will add the word.
- A flock of ... (sparrows) flew into our yard.
There were a lot of red-breasted ones sitting on the mountain ash ... (bullfinches).
A little one flew up to the feeder ... (titmouse).
Returned to our lands ... (starlings).
- In the old days, peasants met the arrival of birds from distant lands with calls and songs. Very soon, on March 22, there will be another national holiday - Magpies. According to signs, it is from this time that the magpie begins to build a nest and puts 40 sticks in it, 40 different birds return to their native lands from the south and spring comes. They also baked cookies from dough - larks. Their shape could be different, depending on the taste and skill of the hostess. But it was considered important - spread wings - birds were always depicted flying. To make the cookies tasty, the eyes of the birds were made from raisins, nuts or other berries. Then baked larks were given to children. The children ran out into the street, threw them high up to the sky, and asked the birds to fly in, and bring spring with them. Let's try to mold larks out of dough and call spring again.
The children are seated at the tables.
-As I already told you, the figurines of larks could be of different shapes: a flying lark, a lark with a chick, curled in a spiral, tied in a knot.
(pictures are shown).
-We will try to make such a lark - tied in a knot. First, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics is carried out:
Skylark, skylark, (thumbs up for each line)
Where have you been? finger, starting with what did you come with? index, first
-Been overseas, right, then on the left hand). I mined spring.
I carry, I carry
-What is it? (dough), what is it? Touch, remember. (soft, supple).
We roll the sausage, the sausage is tied with a knot. On one side of the sausage sticking out of the knot, we pull out the lark's beak, on the other, the end is flattened and cuts are made that resemble feathers on the tail. Eyes are highlights.
(Children repeat the sequence in a chain).
We plant the birds on a baking sheet.
- These are the larks baked in the old days. And while you were visiting me, I also baked larks for you. Let us, according to the custom of our ancestors, call spring. We take in the palms, folded like a boat, a lark, raise it up to the sun and try to call.
1. Larks, fly in,
Spring - bring red,
We are tired of winter
Let spring come to us.
bring spring
On your tail.
2. The sandpiper flew from the sea,
Sandpiper brought nine locks.
- Sandpiper, sandpiper,
Close the winter
Unlock spring -
Warm summer.
3.Larks, larks,
Fly over the sea
Bring a piece of health
We are helping you
And you give us money - a bag!
4. Larks flew in,
Spring - they opened the red.
Sulfur snows rolled down
Water appeared in the rivers.
Don't touch the sand
Don't blunt your sock.
Your sock will come in handy
On an oatmeal.
- Hear, guys? (Voices of the Spring Forest)
- Spring, spring, red, spring has come clear.
The birds are singing loudly. They don't sleep for a long time.
The spring sun peeked through the window,
The hut was lit up, everyone was amused.
- Let's have fun, lead a round dance, and treat guests.
Round dance "Vesnyanka"
And the sun is already clear (children walk in a circle, holding hands, It's hot, it's hot. Slowly raise their hands)
And gold is everywhere
Streams along the street (running in a circle, in the opposite direction. Everyone murmurs, everyone murmurs to the side on their toes, hands on their belts)
waving his hands.)

Attached files

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the works of small oral folklore: chants, jokes, songs, proverbs, sayings, learn to understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Tasks: To expand ideas about life in the old days, to acquaint with the customs, traditions, holidays of the Russian people, games and entertainment. Develop an emotional response to spring manifestations in nature. To consolidate knowledge about migratory birds and lifestyle, about the relationship with the environment. To create a festive mood in children when communicating with Russian folk art. Activate cognitive activity.

Priority area: speech development.

Integration of the educational field: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.

Material: Russian costumes for boys and girls, bird mask hats, paper blanks for lark bird crafts, sun hat mask, bell.

GCD progress:

Organizing time: children in Russian costumes, in hats-masks of birds, stand freely on the carpet, with them, the presenter in Russian costume.

A cheerful Russian melody sounds.

Hello kids! I am Avdotya Plyushchikha. In winter, Mother Earth. But I, Avdotya-Plyushchikha, came, flattened the snow, he sat down, ran in streams. I awaken Mother Earth from winter sleep, I decide to let spring in or not.

But people are waiting for spring, calling her, inviting.

Are you children excited about spring?

People have been saying for a long time:

“On Avdotya, the sun is finer in summer”

“If there is snow on Avdotya, there will be a harvest”

“If on this day Avdotya is red, then spring is red.”

And my holiday was celebrated at the end of March, in order for it to become warm, the streams ran together, it is necessary for the bright sun to shine. Everyone, both old and young, was waiting for the sun, called affectionately, respectfully, “Yarilo-sunshine”

red girls,

Yes good fellows!

Get ready, dress up

Go for a walk

We get up in a round dance, we call the sun to visit.

(Children stand in a circle, say invocations about the sun)

Come, come, sunshine

Look into the window

Flash more generously

Keep everyone warm.


Look out the window!

Sunshine, dress up!

Red, go!

Sunshine, sunshine

Red sun!

Come out soon

Be nicer to us.

The sun comes out (girl in a mask-hat)

I am Yarilo red,

The sun is clear

The children were waiting for me

Toddler kids.

Avdotya: Start, Yarilo, so that everyone is warm!

Round dance "Sun»

(children walk in a circle, the sun is in the center, they say)

The sun, show yourself, red, equip!

So that year after year the weather gives us -

Warm summer, mushrooms in birch bark,

Berries in a basket, green peas.

Child: The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room

We'll clap our hands

Very happy with the sun.

Avdotya: Do you want to play with the sun?

P / game "Sun and rain"

While the sun is shining, the children are walking near the sun, then I will say “Rain” - everyone runs to me under an umbrella.

Children sit on chairs.

Avdotya: Guys, but not only the bright warm sun and running streams delight us in the spring, but the arrival of birds from warm countries, their cheerful chirping and singing delight us.

March 22 in Russia has long been celebrated the feast of the Larks, or it was also called the "Day of the Birds." This day was called “Magpies”, they say that 40 birds flew in that day, the magpie began to build a nest for itself and put 40 sticks (twigs) into it. Forty days equals night, the day of the vernal equinox comes, the real spring begins ..

But without the arrival of larks, spring will still come, so people sang chants, called larks.

Larks, come

Bring red spring

We are tired of winter

We ate all the bread

And all the firewood burned

She took all the milk.

Titmouse sisters

Tap dance aunts

Easter cakes

Starlings-well done

Fly to us from across the sea

Bring the red spring!

With silk grass

With pearly dew

With a warm sun

With a grain of wheat!

Avdotya: The lark, one of the purest birds of God, does not like loud noise, it builds its nest on the ground, insulates it with feathers, horse hair, hatches its chicks.

Children in bird hats come out:

Avdotya: Rooks-waders flew from the sea

And they showed the way.

You guys, meet the birds,

Start screaming!

The larks have arrived

They sat on the head of the children,

Although the birds are returning to us,

And the heat is still far away:

40 martyrs


40 frosts.

lark, lark,

Winter is on you, summer is on us!

You have a sled, and we have a cart!

Lark, come!

Bring the red spring!

We are tired of winter

And she ate all the bread!

You binge, binge lark

You sing your song, a ringing song

You sing, sing, little bird

Yes, about that one, about the warm side,

Yes, about those, about overseas lands.

Avdotya: And now all the children stand in a circle and we will say invocations for all the birds.

Rooks are flying, shouting to all Russia

Gu-gu-gu! We bring spring!

Tits fly, they shout to all Russia

Tsver-tsver-we bring spring!

Sparrows fly, they shout to all Russia

Chivit, Chivi, we want to drink!

Larks fly, they shout to all Russia

Chuvil, wil, wil, we bring spring!

P / game "Lark"

The children stand in the mound, inside the circle the “Lark” walks with a bell, rings.

Children say words and walk in a circle:

In the sky the lark sang

The bell rang

frolic in silence

Hid the song in the grass.

At the end of the words, the leader stops and places the bell on the floor between the two children. These kids turn their backs on each other. Everyone says: “He who finds a song will be happy for a whole year”

Two children run in different directions, whoever takes the bell first becomes the "lark". (game repeats)

Children sit at tables.

Guys, larks are expected in every house, so such a long-awaited lark guest flew to us.

We will make paper larks and decorate our group. It will be a tradition of our group.

What are the parts of a lark? (head, body, wings)

You already have the body of the bird, you will only make wings, for this you need to fold the strips of paper that you have with an accordion and insert it into the hole in the body.

Show how to insert.

Children make their own larks.

Guys, after class, we will hang your birds in a group. (children make birds)

And on this day, mothers and grandmothers baked curled buns, “larks” from dough. They were made from different dough, baked in Russian ovens.

So today your mothers and grandmothers baked "larks" and brought them to you. Both children and adults ate larks, and they also took them out into the street, crumbled them into feeders, and treated all the birds.

(There are lark buns on the tray)

Let's invite the larks again:

Larks, come

Bring the beauty of spring!

Bring spring bring!

On the juice, on the harrow, on the oat sheaf.

(we will treat ourselves to buns after class).

Reflection: Remember the holiday at home

Congratulate mom and dad.

Today is a bright spring,

Lots of sun and warmth.

Here the birds fly

They want to serve you all!

The dough got into a hot place,

It's gone, it's gone!

It has become larks!

Marina Mukhina
Synopsis of directly educational activities with children of the senior group "Larks"

Synopsis of directly educational activities with children of the senior group"Larks"

Target: to acquaint children with the customs and traditions of celebrating the national calendar holiday « Larks» . To promote familiarization with the traditions of Russian culture.

Tasks: continue to acquaint children with a small genre of Russian folklore (riddles, proverbs, sayings, nicknames, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes) about the arrival of birds;

Maintain attention and interest in the word in a literary work;

Activate children's vocabulary, develop intonational expressiveness of speech, diction, attention, memory;

Provide a positive emotional mood, promote the development of collective singing skills with musical accompaniment;

Cultivate spiritual and moral qualities (kindness, peace, generosity).

caregiver: Guys, look at what a magic chest the postman brought to us in kindergarten. And here is the letter. Shall we read it?

Chock, chock, chock! In front of you is a chest

All carved and painted

Chest, open the secret!

To open it answer:

What is magic? (N. Lopatina)

Children: Magic is fairy tales, transformations, a magic wand, magic words ...

caregiver: I know who could send us this chest. If you want to know, close your eyes and tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - you will appear with us (a girl and a boy appear in Russian folk costumes).

Girl: Hello guys. We can do magic. In the chest we have prepared gifts for you - not ordinary, but magical (shows figurines) larks) .

Boy: Do you want to know what kind of figurines they are and for what holiday they were baked?

Then let's get to the magic. I invite everyone to learn about the holiday « Larks» to get acquainted with the customs and traditions of the folk holiday.

caregiver: At the end of March, they celebrated the day of the arrival of birds. People talked about it like this bottom:

When the water spills

When the forest turns green

When the birds fly

Then spring comes.

After all, not without reason among the people they say: “Birds flew in - they brought spring on wings”.

Guys, let's remember more Russian folk sayings about arrival birds:

Swallows and swifts brought warmth

How many thawed patches - so many larks

I saw a rook - meet spring

The starling flew in - the end of winter

Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard

If the rook has arrived - in a month the snow will come down

Where the swallow does not fly, but arrive by spring

The swallow begins spring, and the nightingale ends summer

I saw a starling - spring at the porch

- Larks everyone walks along the paths, fly over the thawed patches

On holiday « Larks» people believed that on this day the first 40 different birds arrive from warm countries and bring spring on their wings.

Let's try to guess Russian folk riddles about migratory birds. From the depths of time, riddles have brought to us the wisdom of the Russian people. In them, he simply and colorfully expressed his attitude towards birds.

What kind of birds will we see?

Front slit

behind wilze

white towel on chest



In the spring here and there

The song is merrily sung

Ah, swing, swing, swing

They flew to us... (Rooks)

On the sixth palace

Singer in the palace


Mother, father I don't know

But I often call

Children will not know

I'll sell someone else's


Sings loudly in the morning

He invites everyone to the field


The Russian people composed not only proverbs, sayings, riddles about the arrival of birds, but also nursery rhymes about this:

Swallow, swallow, cute killer whale

Where were you, what did you come with?

Been across the seas

I mined spring

I bring, I bring spring-red!

3 rooks arrived

Brought 3 keys

Take the rooks golden keys

Lock out the winter

unlock spring

open summer

- lark, lark

Take your winter

And give us spring

Get yourself a sled

And give us the cart

On holiday « Larks» day and night are measured. Winter ends, spring begins. From warm countries, 40 birds of birds arrive, and the first of them lark. Expecting feathered guests, they began to prepare for the holiday.

Girl: On the eve of the holiday, 40 bread balls were baked in each house of the hostess. These balls of the hostess were thrown into the window one by one. People believed that after eating bread balls, the frost would go away until next year. They also baked figurines of birds - « larks» . Coals, peas, buckwheat seeds were inserted instead of eyes. Sometimes his cubs, fashioned from the same dough, were put on his back.

Boy: And in the morning « larks» given to children. They impaled them on long sticks, ran out onto the hillocks, huddled in heaps, shouting with all their strength, calling out larks and spring.

- Skylarks arrive

Take away the winter to the student

Bring the warmth of spring

We are sick of winter

We ate all the bread

- Larks, larks come to us!

Kissels are being pounded here, pancakes are being baked here!

- Larks, larks

Fly to us

Bring us Spring-Red

red sun

Warm nest

Chu-vil-vil spring has come

On wheelchairs, winter is gone on a sled

Oh my spring

You are spring

From dark forests

From blue seas

Come with the sun, shine with light

caregiver: like this in antiquity children and adults called for spring. These were invocations. They were also invented by the Russian people. In invocations, adults asked for health, happiness, wealth, and a rich harvest. Calls are turning to the sun, rainbow, rain, birds. Birds were considered the heralds of spring.

On the holiday « Larks» sang songs - "stoneflies"(children perform "spring").

Spring was called, praised, asked. Each individual verse was repeated several times, then moved on to a new song.

Having finished clicking, the children played with larks and then eat them right away. But they didn’t eat the whole bird, they left the head. Everyone kept it for their mother. At home every boy gave his head mother's lark with words: "Na-ko mom you head off lark, as the lark flew high so that your flax may be tall."

Children in other villages tried early in the morning throw 40 chips over the roof, the girls tied 40 knots on a ribbon. People believed that on this day 40 birds would fly from warm countries, and the first of them lark.

Vesnyanki sang all day long and played Russian folk games.

A game "Golden Gate"

At sunrise, at the end of the village, girls gathered, all dressed up, continued to call for spring.

Spring, spring, what came?

Spring: On a plow, a harrow, on a crooked poker,

On a perch, on a furrow, on a rye spikelet, on a wheat spikelet.

ate larks the fun continued.

Come to us spring, with joy!

With great mercy to us!

With grainy rye, with curly oats,

With mustachioed barley, with millet, with buckwheat.

With viburnum-raspberry, with blackcurrant,

With pears, with apples, with any garden

With azure flowers, with grass-ant!

Spring is red, long-awaited

Where did you wander so long?

Spring: I met with a fierce winter

Melted her cold heart

Watered mother earth!

caregiver: A lot of invocations are composed among the people about the arrival of spring.

In the evening, all the young girls gathered on the banks of the river. They were divided into several groups at a great distance from each other. Some began to sing their song, ending with an invocative and drawn-out "Gu!" or "Whoo!". This singing of stoneflies is called spring gukati. And we will hum in the spring.

A game "Who is louder?"

Spring, spring, what have you brought us? Woo!

Spring, spring, what came? Woo!

- Larks come to us? Woo!

caregiver: At this holiday they were guessing. A ring, a coin, a chip, a piece of coal were baked into the birds. And by the fact that someone gets it, they learned about the upcoming fate: a ring - for a wedding, a coin - for wealth. This is how we learned about the holiday. « Larks» . Choose your baked « larks» . I think everyone is happy, we did not offend anyone. What do you remember the most?

Nikolskaya mountain

The Ulyanovsk region has its own famous places. Far beyond the borders of our region, a shrine is known, located in the Sursky district - Nikolskaya Gora.

In ancient times, they called it the White Mountain, because it was made of chalk, and nothing grew on it. People settled near this mountain. They named their settlement Gorodishche. And on the mountain itself, sentry patrols were placed. It was the watch that informed the inhabitants of the danger.

There is a legend about this mountain. Once the Tatar troops tried to capture the local fortifications. It remained for them to cross the shallow river Sura, but the enemies suddenly stopped. They saw deep darkness ahead, and in the darkness on the top of the White Mountain there was some kind of light, and in that light stands old man sword in hand and forbids them to go forward. The enemies were very frightened and turned back from the White Mountain.

People hurried to the mountain and found on its top an icon with image Great Nicholas the Wonderworker. Since then, the mountain began to be called Nikolskaya. And at the foot of the mountain, a spring gushed. Having tasted the water, the sick got rid of diseases.

And people began to come for healing water to this spring. They come to this day. Twice a year (for spring Nikola and winter Nikola) Thousands of pilgrims from various places flock to Surskoye. There is a true omen: go down the mountain for spring water, climb the hill where the slope is steeper (as grandmothers say "make the effort") and you look: the soul is somehow more fun and cleaner.

A chapel was built on the top of Nikolskaya Mountain. Anyone who visits this place at least once will always want to return to Surskoye again.

stonefly larks

Once upon a time, in our Simbirsk region, spring was celebrated on March 22, when, according to legend, the first 40 birds arrive and bring spring on their wings. And the first one lark.

“It happens,” they assured old men that are arriving larks before, only those unlucky: it will fly and freeze. And that one lark who arrives on March 22 is the real one.

March 22 according to the national calendar - Larks. This holiday was celebrated with special purity. They brought melted water into the house, they washed the floors, watered the flowers.

Our ancestors believed: for spring to come, you need to call her, ask to come, call out. Among the Simbirians, this was very popular invocation:

Titmouse sisters


Red-throated bullfinches

Goldfinches-well done

sparrow thieves

You fly at will

You live in freedom

Bring spring to us soon

Pray to God's mother for us!

Mistresses baked figurines of birds with open wings from dough. They inserted eyes from bird cherry and raisins and called them « larks» . People walked with these birds, climbed onto the roofs, sang spring songs. Baked larks were hung on stakes, lifted up. Until now, bread birds are baked in the villages of the Ulyanovsk region.

The children had a whole series of special springfly songs dedicated to the release of birds into the wild. Having finished the call of spring, the children played with their larks and then eat them right away. But they didn’t eat the whole bird, they left the head. Everyone kept it for their mother. Coming home, they gave their heads mother's lark with words: "Na-ko mom, you head off lark: as the lark flew high so that your flax would be tall.

The calls ended high, strong "hoot" and "Akanem" far reaching in the spring sky.

This is a very beautiful holiday. Larks revived in the villages of the Ulyanovsk region.

Program tasks:


  • To update children's knowledge about the change of seasons, about the signs of spring.
  • Expand children's knowledge about birds.


  • Continue to develop in children: logical thinking, phonetic hearing, attention.
  • To form the ability to work with plastic material.


  • Create an emotional state of children.
  • Raise a caring attitude towards birds and nature in general.
  • Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, goodwill.


Unbeknownst to the children, a recording of birds singing is turned on.

Children: What is it?

Teacher: I don't know. Someone is singing.

Children: We know that the birds are singing.

Educator: Yes, that's right, they haven't been heard for a long time. I wonder why they didn't sing before?

Children: Because it was winter.

Teacher: So what? Why can't they sing like that in winter?

Children: Because they are cold.

Educator: Isn't it winter now.

Children: No, spring has come!

Educator: How do you know that spring has come?

Children: Flowers bloomed, buds appeared on the trees, it became warm outside, etc.

Teacher: Exactly right. Do you know which birds are the first to arrive in their native lands?

Children's answers.

Educator: The rooks are the first to arrive (shows a close-up picture of a rook and a reproduction of A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”). They arrive when there is still snow on the ground and only the first thaw patches are just beginning to appear. This was very well depicted by the famous Russian artist A.K. Savrasov, his painting is called “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

Examine the picture.

Educator: After the rooks, the starlings arrive second (showing a picture of a starling). For them, people make special houses. What are their names?

Children: These are birdhouses.

Educator: Do any of you know which bird is considered a real harbinger of spring, after its return all the birds fly to their native lands?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's listen to the singing of this bird.

Listen to an audio recording of a lark singing.

Educator: Did you like the bird's singing?

Children: Yes, she sings beautifully.

Educator: And this bird's name is a lark (picture display). What bird does it remind you of?

Children: It looks like a sparrow, only a little more.

Teacher: Absolutely right. The lark lives mainly in the steppe, in clearings, rarely on the edge of the forest. The nest is built in a small hole in the grass, which it digs itself. He usually sings on the fly, feeds, picking up food from the ground and pecking it from low plants, where you can reach with your beak. The food obtained by larks consists almost exclusively of insects, as well as seeds of weeds and carrion of cultivated plants. By eating weed seeds, it is very helpful to cultivated plants. The lark has always been loved and revered in Russia, many songs and poems have been written about him:


The dark forest glowed in the sun,

In the valley of steam, thin whitens,

And sang an early song

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring came to us young,

Here I sing the arrival of spring.

It's so easy for me here, so welcome,

So boundless, so airy;

I see the whole world of God here.

And my song praises God!

Educator: Many folk signs are associated with the lark; folk holidays are dedicated to it. There is an ancient legend according to which the souls of forty Christian martyrs who were executed but did not renounce their Christian faith turned into larks. Since then, it has been believed that if larks arrive on the Day of the Forty Martyrs, which is celebrated in Russia on March 22, the year will be successful, the harvest will be good, and the flax will be long! The people call this holiday simply - Magpies, it is believed that forty birds arrive on this day, and the lark flies ahead of everyone.

On the eve of this holiday, “larks” were baked in the villages, in the morning they were handed out to children, and they, with their songs, called real larks, called spring: “Larks, fly in, take away the cold winter, bring spring warmth, winter is tired of us, we ate all the bread ".

Educator: Do you want to mold larks from the dough yourself and bake them?

Children's answers.

The teacher shows the children the dough from which they will sculpt the larks. Children wash their hands, put on aprons and caps (kerchiefs) on their heads and, according to the teacher's explanation, they mold larks.

Way of modeling a lark: (dough, flour).

1. A small piece of dough is kneaded into a rectangle shape.

2. Tie it in a knot so that you get two tails.

3. One tail is left rectangular.

4. From the second tail, a lark's head is molded in the shape of a ball and a small beak is pulled out.

5. On the tail, which remains a rectangle, make small cuts along it.

The larks are taken to the kitchen and baked.

The continuation of this activity can be used on a walk where children call the larks.

Information sources used:



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children "Swallow"

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the preparatory school group "Larks have arrived" (integrated lesson) Educator:
Chernysheva Anna Valerievna
Petukhova Tatyana Alekseevna
Taiga, 2013

Integration of educational areas: music, cognition, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, health.

Program tasks:
 To teach children to listen carefully to music, to understand the content of the work;
 Learn to respond emotionally to the cheerful, lively nature of the song;
 Teach children to change the movement in accordance with the changing nature of the music;
 To teach children to draw birds, building an image from its constituent parts;
 To teach children to draw a bird in motion, to show that a slight displacement of the components relative to each other gives us a different pose of the bird.
 Develop emotional responsiveness to listened to music;
 To develop the ability to navigate in space;
 Expand vocabulary;
 To develop the skills of drawing a sketch of a drawing with a simple pencil, the skill of drawing with wax crayons;
 To develop the creative abilities of children.
 To instill in children a love for folklore, the desire to achieve results;
 To cultivate independence and accuracy in work.
 Monitor the posture of children during work.
Methodical methods:
 Demonstration and explanation of the educator;
 Game situation, using the artistic word;
 Artistic word;
 Supervision of children's work;
 Analysis of work by the educator and children;
 Encouragement.
Dictionary work: iridescent trills, ritual, invocations, bored, thawed patches, “warm feet in spring”, sketch.
Demo: illustrations depicting larks, the Bird Drawing Sequence algorithm
Handout: White sheets of paper, pencils, wax crayons.
Musical series: Musical compositions: Russian folk melody in the processing of T. Lomova; "Nocturne" music. P. I. Tchaikovsky; "Merry Walk" music. M. Chulaki; "Spring is coming" music. In Gerchik; "Song of the Lark" music. P. I. Tchaikovsky
Visual range: use of ICT (slide presentation "Spring Rhapsody").

Course progress.
The hall is decorated in the form of a spring meadow.
Russian folk melody sounds. Arranged by T. Lomova. Children enter the hall with a step from a toe and stand in a circle.
Musical director:
Well! Well! The sun has woken up!
Well! Well! The kids smiled!
Let's go for a fun ride!
Exercise: "A fun walk" muses. M. Chulaky
(Step with tread, running, careful walking)
Music Director: Guys, look around, how nice! Nature is waking up from its winter sleep!
Video presentation: "Spring Rhapsody"
Musical director: Butterflies woke up, stretched sweetly!
Exercise: "Butterflies" "Nocturne" mus. P. I. Tchaikovsky
(Children sit on chairs)
Musical director:
Spring is fast approaching us.
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible on the margins.
You can see very warm feet in spring.
Song: "Spring is Coming" To Gerchik
Musical director: Guys, which birds are the first to return to their native lands?
Children's answers: Starlings, rooks ...
Musical director: In the old days, the little bird, the lark, was most expected, as its iridescent trills make nature wake up from its winter sleep.
Listening: "Song of the Lark" music. P. I. Tchaikovsky
(conversation on the content of the work)
Musical director: Delicate, pure, beautiful music. She very subtly conveys the impression of the lark's song, clear, sonorous, high.
She is so soulful and warms the heart.
Educator: To bring closer the approach of spring, warmth, people came up with a ritual - the call of larks. Girls and children walked the streets and sang special songs - incantations.
(The teacher and the child sing A cappella)
Larks, larks!
Fly to us
Bring us a warm summer
Take the cold winter away from us.
We are tired of the cold winter
Hands, feet frostbitten.

Educator: Guys, do you want to draw larks?
Children's answers: Yes. We want to learn how to draw a lark.
Educator: Sit down at the tables.
(pictures of larks hang on the board)
Look at these images. The body of most birds consists of several parts. What?
Children's answers: Head, torso, tail, wings.
Teacher: What shape are they?
Children's answers: The head is round. The body is oval. Tail like a triangle. Wings are oval. The beak is small, triangular.
Educator: Right. The head is round or slightly oval, the body is oval, the tail may be triangular, forked, like a swallow, the wings are usually curved - if the bird flies, when folded - they are oval, the beak is triangular, may be small or large, curved or straight.
You can draw geometric shapes - a circle, an oval, a triangle - you know how. Therefore, you can easily depict the component parts of the bird's body. You just need to try and connect these parts correctly.
(Show chalk sketch on blackboard)
Educator: First, I will draw an oval torso. Now I will add a round head and a small triangular beak to it. I will draw oval wings, in which I will sharpen the ends a little - these are the longest feathers.
What remains is the tail and legs. The tail resembles a triangle, and the paws are two broken lines.
The lark is ready.
Do you understand the sequence of drawing?
Now try to sketch the skylark yourself.
Before we start, let's stretch our fingers.
Sing along, sing along: (shake hands to relax them)
Ten birds - a flock. (turn hands palms up)
This bird is a nightingale. (then we take one finger for each bird and shake it slightly)
This bird is a sparrow.
This bird is an owl, a sleepy little head.
This bird is a waxwing.
This bird is a corncrake.
This bird is a starling, a gray feather.
This one is a finch
This one is a swift
This one is a merry siskin,
Well, this one is an evil eagle.
Birds, birds, go home! (we put the hands behind the wrists, shake them, depicting birds, and take our hands behind our backs - we hide)
Educator: Our hands and fingers warmed up. We take a simple pencil and get to work.
(independent activity of children)
During work, the "Song of the Lark" music is played. P. I. Tchaikovsky
Educator: So, your drawings are ready. It remains to color their plumage. And we will paint with wax crayons.
Let's see what kind of plumage the lark has ...
(draw the children's attention to the illustrations)
Teacher: Start working. Color carefully without going beyond the outline.
In conclusion - a short conversation about the content of the resulting drawings.

Used Books:
1. Zakharova S.N. Holidays in Kindergarten. - M.: VLADOS, 2007
2.Kaplunova I.M., Novoskoltseva I.A. "A holiday every day" preparatory group. - St. Petersburg: Composer Publishing House, 2009
3. Melnikova L.I. , Zimina A.N. Children's musical folklore in the preschool educational institution: A guide for methodologists, educators and music leaders. - M.: Gnom-Press, 2000.
4. Shalaeva G.P. Learning to draw animals. - M .: Publishing house AST, "WORD", 2005.

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