Butyrate - physical and chemical properties, effects on the body, overdose and consequences. What is butyrate? Where is it applied? What is butyrate made of?

GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate) - a synthetic depressant, similar in action to alcohol.

Chemical Name: 4-hydrobutanoic acid(1,4 butanediol, gamma-butyrolactone)

Chemical formula: C4H8O3 (HOCH2CH2CH2COOH)

Synonyms and slang names for butyrate

English: Blue Verve, G, Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, Gamma-oh, Georgia home boy, Goop, Grievous Bodily Harm, EZLay, Liquid E, Liquid X, SG, Sodium Oxybate,
Russians: Booth, Pinocchio, Water, Lemonade, Oksik, Oksana, Ksenia

Butyrate is a white to yellowish crystalline powder with a slight specific odor. Soluble in water and alcohol. Most often used in the form salt sodium hydroxybutyrate(Na-GHB) And potassium hydroxybutyrate (K-GHB). salt GHB Available in both powder and aqueous solutions. Butyrate used as a sleeping pill, as well as a psychoactive substance - a relaxant, similar in action to alcohol. In the past, it was often used in bodybuilding as a dietary supplement.
In medical practice sodium oxybutyrate It is used to treat neurotic conditions, insomnia, as well as intoxications and traumatic injuries of the central nervous system.

History of butyrate

First butyrate was synthesized in 1874, although the synthesis method was not published until 1929. A significant role in the distribution of the drug was played by the French researcher Henry Laborit (Dr. Henri Laborit). In the 1960s, he made a series of experiments in which many previously unknown properties of butyrate. In particular, the ability of the drug to stimulate the release of growth hormone (GH), which is necessary for building muscle mass, was established. Which led in the 1980s to its wide distribution as a bioactive nutritional supplement to the diet of bodybuilders.
In recent years butyrate has become quite popular in club culture as a replacement for traditional alcohol. It is increasingly being used as an energy drink, providing an uplifting mood, but without the hangover inherent in alcohol. Some even call it liquid ecstasy due to certain similarities in effects. Also butyrate use, as a rather powerful aphrodisiac that increases the depth of sexual sensations and the duration of sexual intercourse.

The action of butyrate

IN therapeutic doses of butyrate has a pronounced antihypoxic effect: it increases the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency, including in the tissues of the brain, heart muscle and retina. In large doses, it is used as a mild sleeping pill.
Not being an analgesic, however, it has a good anti-shock potential, and also enhances the effects of other painkillers. In medicine butyrate is used for the treatment of narcolepsy and insomnia, as well as for the treatment of alcoholism.
Its non-medical use is mainly associated with effects reminiscent of the effects of alcohol.
The dose of the drug is 0.5-1.5 grams causes a slight degree of "intoxication", as from about one or two glasses of vodka: a slight euphoria, relaxation, mood lift and increased sociability are characteristic.
The average dose is 1.5-2.5 grams contributes to increased relaxation, as well as greater disinhibition, instability, incoherence of speech. There is a sharp rise in mood, an increased interest in music and dancing, as well as an increase in sexual desire up to hypersexuality.
Doses over 3 grams can induce deep sleep lasting 3-4 hours.
Action butyrate begins 10-20 minutes after ingestion, and lasts for one to two hours, sometimes longer. In general, effects and duration - as in the case of alcohol - vary greatly depending on many parameters: for example, dose, body weight, physiological predisposition, and combination with other substances and food.
Post-effects after cessation butyrate expressed in a slight dispersal and lethargy. "Hangover syndrome" is not pronounced, mainly there is some "blurring" of consciousness or, on the contrary, increased vigor and efficiency.
In organism butyrate breaks down into non-toxic components - water and carbon monoxide, however, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, even relatively small doses of the drug can lead to poisoning.
With regular use, tolerance develops.

Harm and dependence on butyrate

Special danger in non-medical butyrate use presents the possibility of overdose. Any dose starting from 2 grams, depending on individual predisposition, can cause symptoms of poisoning. This is mainly expressed in severe dizziness, disorientation, nausea and vomiting. In more serious cases, the patient may fall into a deep, restless sleep followed by memory lapses, or even into a coma. In this state, a person can easily choke on his own vomit.
In combination with other psychoactive drugs and alcohol, the risk of poisoning is greatly increased. Especially often there are cases of overdose when using butyrate in the form of a solution of unknown concentration. For example, in the United States over the past few years, about 60 deaths associated with overdose butyrate.
Even in small doses of butyrate significantly increases the risk of injury when driving complex industrial machinery and vehicles.
At the moment, there is not enough data on the possible physical addiction, caused by regular drug use. However, when taking butyrate 3-6 times a week for several months, persistent psychological dependence.
The withdrawal syndrome in this case is pronounced, and is characterized by a constant feeling of anxiety, insomnia, heart failure, dizziness and chest pain. Withdrawal may last for several days after regular use has ended.
The drug is also contraindicated in myasthenia gravis, hypokalemia, as well as during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Diagnosis and treatment

At intravenous injection of butyrate completely eliminated from the body within 4-5 hours. When taken orally, the drug can be detected in the blood during the day.
Symptoms of an overdose of butyrate: Difficulty breathing, immobile pupils, immunity to external stimuli, convulsions and vomiting. In this case, first aid should be provided in the form of gastric lavage, as well as the intake of absorbent substances - for example, activated charcoal.
In any case, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.


Turnover of butyrate restricted to varying degrees in most countries, including the US, Australia, UK, Japan, Canada, and even the Netherlands.
In Russia sodium hydroxybutyrate and other salts of hydroxybutyric acid are included in Schedule III "Psychotropic substances, the circulation of which in the Russian Federation is limited and for which the exclusion of certain control measures is allowed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation"

Driver under butyrate crashed into parked car

Video of the consequences of consuming butyrate

Butyrate - that's what they call in street jargon sodium oxybutyrate. Butyrate is a mass-produced chemical product. When dry, butyrate is similar to common table salt. In a teenage environment, butyrate is called "oksana", "ksyusha", "oksik", "boutique" or something similar. Recently, it has become very common for drug dealers to try to promote butyrate, banned in Russia since 1997, under the guise of a "purified", "chemically modified" product, spreading false information about the legality of new forms of butyrate.

For example, the solvent butanediol (abbreviated as BDO) is used by many Western European chemical plants for the production of adhesives and is a legal substance.
Because as forbidden butyrate, and permitted butanediol (BDO) do not differ in appearance, a clever modern drug dealer passes one for the other. And he usually explains that since BDO is not banned, there will be nothing for its use.
This is a very primitive logic, because the responsibility for possession of a banned chemical product cannot be compared with the harm that butyrate causes the body, and especially the fragile psyche of the child, since the consequences that butyrate has on the mind are unpredictable. And there is not much difference between using completely legal gasoline or gas for lighters sold in every stall and using a banned drug under the brand name "butyrate". All these substances are equally dangerous for a growing organism, primarily because they belong to the categories of toxic substances, that is, poisons.

Like any poison taken in a negligibly small dose, butyrate at the first small use causes slight relaxation, sometimes an obvious improvement in mood or even euphoria, a person experiences a state similar to a slight intoxication with alcohol. This is where the first trap lies in wait for him, which butyrate sets up for him.
There are practically no cases when a teenager who took the first “cork” (butyrate is poured into caps from plastic bottles and doses are measured with them) did not want to take butyrate more.
The sudden surge of energy and pleasure encourages the uninitiated to continue taking butyrate. There are widespread legends about the inclusion of uncontrolled sexual desires in people who have taken butyrate at an average dose of 2 milliliters in solution.

In fact, this behavior is caused more by a loss of control over oneself than by the specific effects of sodium oxybutyrate. The concentration of poison, which is formed in the liver by butyrate after the second or third cork, approaches critical. As a result, the body suddenly cannot cope with the excess of injected toxins (butyrate) and turns on the inhibition reaction. This is expressed in drowsiness, loss of interest in goals for the evening, the desire to lie down and sleep. Until recently, in medical guidelines for anesthesia, a dose of 3 milliliters of butyrate was considered sufficient to put an excited patient to sleep for 3-4 hours. And intravenous administration of 5-6 milliliters in solution to a patient was enough to butyrate plunged him into a deep narcotic sleep.
However, in street conditions, an uninitiated teenager can take butyrate of such a concentration in a more concentrated solution. This situation often leads to the fact that, on the one hand, the body tries to get rid of excess poison (butyrate) with the help of gag reflexes. On the other hand, the brain turns off, introducing a person into a deep sleep, vomit blocks the airways and the person dies, choking in his sleep. This is how butyrate works.

Butyrate and its effects

Between the stages when butyrate was taken in the first small dose and narcosis-like sleep, there are a number of intermediate states when a person behaves unpredictably, foolishly, stupidly.
Drug dealers evaluate butyrate and its impact as a positive ability to behave uninhibited, at ease, and butyrate as a kind of means of overcoming communication complexes. Indeed, sodium hydroxybutyrate of medium concentration erases barriers, but basically these are barriers of decency, not human communication. There are known cases of jogging through the streets, having taken butyrate, in the nude.
One of the most vile practices in a drug addict society is the attempt to add butyrate to alcohol to friends or intractable girlfriends.

In 9 cases out of ten, butyrate produces unpredictable effects for those who expect it to have a positive effect on their drinking mates. mixing butyrate with alcohol, an unlucky comrade sometimes does not realize that it is easier to add potassium cyanide to a glass. Because the latter usually leads to instant death, and butyrate also makes you suffer before death in an attempt to remove a deadly mixture from the body. At the same time, it is very easy to overdose butyrate. If a person took butyrate and did not get the expected effect in the form of pleasure due to a weak solution the first time, he may run into a real concentration next time.

Far behind the scenes are hundreds of dead and those who were crippled by butyrate after they suddenly fell asleep while driving or crossing the roadway.

We can discover the trail that butyrate left behind by more than just looking at traffic accident statistics. Any sudden loss of self-control that butyrate provides in excess doses can lead to injury, whether it's just a fall on a ladder or while operating machinery.

However, nothing can compare with the danger that butyrate poses to the human psyche, there is not a single drug from which a person would not become more and more crazy. But butyrate immerses a person in a state of classical anesthesia, during which, if the unfortunate turned off lying unconscious in a roaring disco, strong, and often irreversible deviations can occur in his mind. And all later arising fears, doubts and self-doubt can originate precisely at the moment when a person poisoned with butyrate has been in a noisy and crowded place for a long time.
Therefore, any attempt to promote butyrate as a safe way to have fun - whether it is on the Internet or in a friendly company - should be regarded as at least an attempt to mislead unlucky friends. But in fact, this is an unobtrusive proposal to shorten life by several years, or by half, or by five times.

Such butyrate at its core. Butyrate will always be like that. However, now you have data on what butyrate is - a powder called sodium hydroxybutyrate, peacefully stored in chemical barrels, that does not touch anyone.

Sodium oxybutyrate (butyrate) is a drug. Due to its properties, it is included in the list of vital drugs. What is butyrate? Where is this tool used? More on this later in the article.


What is butyrate? Consider the properties of the drug. Sodium hydroxybutyrate is a salt of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid. It is similar in its properties to γ-aminobutyric acid. Butyrate - what is it? What does the substance look like? The agent is a hygroscopic crystalline powder of white or white-yellow color. The drug has a specific odor and good solubility in water, alcohol. It is obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of gamma-butyrolactone.

Activity mechanism

The action of butyrate is to activate the metabolic processes of brain, heart tissues, the retina, the ability to increase their resistance to oxygen starvation. In addition, it stabilizes the contraction of the heart muscle, microcirculation, and normalizes the functioning of the kidneys in case of blood loss. The drug has an antihypoxic effect, enhances the resistance of the tissues of the heart, brain, retina to hypoxia. When used in large doses, the drug causes drowsiness and a state of anesthesia. In the case of use with analgesic and narcotic drugs, it enhances their effect. The agent easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. It shows its effect when used in small doses, causing drowsiness and a state of anesthesia. The duration of the therapeutic effect is no more than four hours.


What is butyrate, what is its effect, is described above. Find out where the tool is used. The drug is used in psychiatry and neurology for the treatment of patients with neurosis-like conditions, with toxic poisoning and against the background of a depressed state of the central nervous system, with sleep disturbances, narcolepsy. The drug is used in surgery (including pediatric), obstetrics, gynecology as anesthesia for non-cavitary operations. At the same time, patients are able to breathe spontaneously. The medicine is widely used by ophthalmologists. It is used for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma in complex treatment. That's what butyrate is in medical practice.

Instructions for use

Under general anesthesia, butyrate is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The medicine is also taken orally. In the case of intravenous administration to excitable patients and physically strong people, the drug is prescribed at a dosage of up to 120 mg per 1 kilogram of weight, for patients with a weakened body - up to 70 mg / kg. Before use, butyrate is diluted in 50 or 100 ml of a five percent glucose solution. You can use the drug in ampoules or dissolve in sodium thiopental. Butyrate shows its effect after a few minutes, and the person falls asleep. The stage of anesthesia required for surgical intervention occurs in half an hour, anesthesia lasts no more than four hours. In the case of intramuscular administration, butyrate is used at a dosage of 120 or 150 mg per kilogram of body weight in combination with barbiturates. Orally administered 100 or 200 mg / kg of human weight. The powder dissolves in boiled water. You can also use ready-made syrup. For general anesthesia, halothane, nitrous oxide, ether and other agents are added to butyrate. For children, the drug is recommended orally at a dosage of 150 mg / kg, and in a vein - 100 mg / kg.

Before using anesthesia, the usual premedication is performed. In obstetrics, the drug is recommended intravenously. The dosage in this case is 50-60 mg / kg. The drug is also taken orally 40-80 mg / kg. Anesthesia lasts about one and a half to three hours. With cerebral edema in case of oxygen starvation, butyrate is used in complex therapy at a dosage of 50-100 mg / kg. For glaucoma - 0.75-1.5 g three times a day, previously diluted in 50 ml of water. For such cases, the drug is available in the form of a 66.7% aqueous solution of sodium oxybutyrate, from which a 5% aqueous solution is prepared. At the same time, the contents of the container are mixed with 0.5 l of boiled cold water, then take 0.75 g two to three times a day and 1.5-2.25 g at night. The duration of therapy is about thirty days. If necessary, a second course may be prescribed by the doctor. It is more advisable to carry it out after 4 months or after six months.

Side effect

Basically, butyrate does not cause negative effects. However, with rapid intravenous administration and the use of large doses, convulsive twitching of the limbs and tongue, increased motor activity, respiratory arrest, and vomiting are allowed. These actions are enhanced with the simultaneous use of barbiturates, neuroleptics, the drug "Promedol". After anesthesia, there may be motor and speech excitement for some time. To speed up the process of getting out of anesthesia, the drug "Bemegrid" is used. In the case of prolonged use of butyrate in high doses, there is a possibility of developing hypokalemia.


The drug is prohibited for hypokalemia and myasthenia gravis. Caution should be used in pregnant women during toxicosis with hypertensive syndrome. For patients whose work requires a quick physical and mental reaction, butyrate is not recommended. Before using the drug, you must read its instructions in order to know what butyrate is and how to take it, in order to avoid undesirable consequences. Be sure to inform the doctor about all the medications taken before using butyrate.

Addiction to narcotic substances poisons human life, making it unbearable for relatives. In another way, butyrate is called "sodium oxyburate", and among drug addicts - "oks", "but", "ksyushka", "oksana". It is a chemical that looks like simple salt and has a nootropic, sedative effect. The drug became available to young people at the end of the 20th century, when it was sold without a prescription in stores.

Butyrate does not have a psychostimulant, sedative or analgesic effect. It enhances the body's response to other drugs and painkillers. It is widely used for medical purposes (in anesthesiology for anesthesia, in psychiatry and neurology for sleep disorders). Among young people, the substance is popular because of the increased sexual desire.

In our country, the turnover of butyrate is limited due to the detrimental effect on the growing organism.

With the initial consumption of small doses of butyrate, a person feels a slight relaxation, sometimes there is a feeling of euphoria or an improvement in mental state. The human condition is similar to mild alcohol intoxication. Only with complex treatment can the patient be freed from active addiction. Currently, rehabilitation in stationary conditions is an effective means.

The effect of butyrate on the body and the consequences

As mentioned, at the first dose, butyrate causes a feeling of relaxation and euphoria. In the future, a person's craving for the action of the drug increases. After the 3rd dose, the concentration of the substance rises, the body cannot cope with the excess content of toxic substances. As a result, taking butyrate, the addict connects its action with a drowsy state, lack of interest and goals in life. When a drug is mixed with alcoholic beverages, a lethal outcome is caused, the patient suffers, as his body seeks to unsuccessfully remove toxic substances.

At higher doses, an unstable mental state occurs, speech is disturbed, inadequate behavior and outbreaks of aggression appear. As a result of intoxication, Norman is sick. At high concentrations, a person retains consciousness, he feels dizzy, weak, vomiting. After taking butyrate, memory lapses or impaired coordination of movements begin, the person becomes liberated.

An overdose from taking a narcotic substance is often fatal. At first, the coordination of movements is disturbed in a person, the person begins to stagger and a pre-fainting state occurs. The drug addict vomits and loses consciousness. Losing control, a person chokes on the released masses. In case of an overdose, people around should call an ambulance so that experienced doctors clean the body of harmful substances and bring the patient to his senses.

If a person regularly takes butyrate, the effect of the substance on the body is characterized by butyran binges. He can take this poison for several weeks, after which the patient develops an abstinence syndrome.

In the absence of drugs, drug addicts complain of limb tremors, insomnia, and excessive sweating. They have strong hallucinations and fear of light when they experience suicidal moods (moving down the street in an indecent form, jumping out of windows). In the process of breaking down, a butyran addict has to take strong sedatives, because of which the liver and other organs suffer greatly.

The danger of butyran to society:

Not everyone knows what butyrate is, why it is dangerous, and what are its consequences. But the substance is dangerous both for individuals and for the whole society. In addition to the adverse effects on the liver, a person’s sleep is disturbed, the mental system is disturbed, memory lapses, neurosis and psychosis appear.

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Can butyrate addiction be cured?

Taking butyrate to constantly stimulate the body, a drug addict can live no more than 5 years, and with overdoses, his life expectancy will be further reduced. It is possible to cure such an addiction only in. Otherwise, there will be breakdowns and relapses.

The main stages of treatment are as follows:

  1. The first step is detoxification of the body. Taking into account the toxicity of the agent, a special blood purification (hemosorption) or plasmaphoresis is prescribed. The patient's body is saturated with essential trace elements and vitamins.
  2. In the second phase of therapy, a strong mental dependence is eliminated. The work of a psychologist, psychotherapist and medical and social rehabilitation is carried out. Medical treatment continues;
  3. Social. As a result of drug addiction, a person loses connections with loved ones and friends, his social circle changes, he loses his job. After taking drugs for a short time, the addict loses social skills and communication skills. Therefore, the task of the psychologist of the narcological center is to return the patient to normal life. Psychotherapy is provided, as well as communication with relatives.

The narcological center employs experienced specialists who know all the features of dependence on butyrate. Therefore, assistance is provided at any stage of the disease. Treatment is carried out according to individual methods after a preliminary examination, that is, doctors treat the well-being of patients in detail.

Addiction to drugs poisons a person's life, makes the life of his relatives unbearable. The drug butyrate is a slang term for sodium hydroxybutyrate, which is a common chemical substance. This compound in its appearance resembles ordinary salt.

Such a drug became available to young people at the end of the twentieth century. During this time, it was sold over the counter in regular supplement stores.


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The effect of butyrate on the body

When taken for the first time, the substance causes a pleasant feeling of relaxation, a person has euphoria. The state when using butyrate resembles alcohol intoxication.

The resulting pleasure leads to the fact that the person again wants to experience the effects of the drug. After the third dose, the concentration of poison in the body increases dramatically. The organs cannot cope with an excess of toxic substances, as a result of which the addict complains of a drowsy state, loss of interest in life, and a lack of goals in it.

If the drug is mixed with alcohol, it is fatal, while the patient experiences torment as the body unsuccessfully tries to remove toxins.
An increase in the dose of butyrate leads to an unstable mental state. A person's speech becomes inconsistent, and behavior becomes inadequate. The addict begins to feel sick (intoxication affects).

If consciousness is maintained at a high concentration, a person feels weak, dizzy, vomiting begins. After using the drug, the patient experiences memory lapses, coordination of movements in this case is impaired.

For your information:

It is believed that the drug causes a strong sexual desire, so it is used in nightclubs and other places of entertainment.

Butyrate addiction

Regular use of this substance causes the so-called butyrate binges. In this case, the person can consume the poison for several weeks. Sooner or later, the drug ends, and then the patient begins to feel unpleasant.

Butyrate addicts, in the absence of the coveted potion, complain of insomnia, tremors of the limbs and increased sweating. There is a fear of light and strong hallucinations, during which a person experiences suicidal moods. At these moments, drug addicts often lose their last adequacy: they jump from a window or under a car, walk down the street in an inappropriate form, and so on.

Trying to sleep during withdrawal, a person takes strong sedatives, which leads to even more harm to the liver and other organs.

Is butyrate dangerous for society

Many do not know about butyrate, what it is, and why this drug is dangerous. Despite this, the substance harms both the individual and public safety as a whole.

Harm to the body is expressed as follows:

  • negative impact on the liver;
  • sleep problems;
  • disruption of the mental system;
  • neuroses;
  • psychoses;
  • memory losses;
  • severe pain during withdrawal syndrome.

The substance makes a person not only more liberated, it reduces defensive reactions, provokes a drug addict to outbursts of aggression. In this regard, a person who has used butyrate becomes inadequate and poses a danger to other people.

What happens with an overdose

An overdose of butyrate is often fatal. First, the coordination of movements is disturbed, the person staggers, a pre-fainting state appears.

The drug addict begins to vomit, after which he loses consciousness. Without controlling himself, the patient simply chokes on his own vomit. What to do with an overdose? If a person is not alone in such a situation, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance for urgent medical intervention. In this case, narcologists cleanse the body of toxins, and bring the addict to life.

Is it possible to cure addiction to butyrate at home

Often, close people try to persuade a drug addict to quit their addiction on their own. There are many techniques described on the Internet that allegedly have an effect in the treatment of drug addiction.

Nevertheless, by postponing a visit to specialists, you worsen the condition of the addict, with your own hands you transfer his addiction to a more difficult stage. At home, it is impossible to get rid of this habit. You can only relieve the symptoms of withdrawal with the help of painkillers, but the addict will try by all means to get a new dose, as a result of which your efforts will be in vain.

Relatives should only provide first aid in case of an overdose on their own: induce vomiting in order to eliminate as many toxins from the body as possible, support the sick head so that he does not choke on vomit and call for medical help as soon as possible. Everything else is recommended to be entrusted to professional narcologists and psychiatrists who know all the features of butyrate addiction and can help an addict at any stage.

What kind of help is provided to a drug addict in a clinic?

Professional drug treatment is divided into several stages:

  • body detoxification. At this stage, all systems and organs are cleansed of accumulated toxins. Specialists use effective medicines that remove poisons. Already at this stage, the patient begins to feel better, withdrawal symptoms disappear.
  • Immediate . At this stage, effective psychotherapeutic techniques are used, experienced psychologists and psychotherapists work with the patient. Medical treatment is also ongoing. Narcological centers provide both group and individual psychotherapy.
  • Social rehabilitation. Drug addiction leads to the fact that a person loses all his connections with friends and loved ones, his social circle changes, his work activity ceases to satisfy the addict, he is fired from his job. After several months of drug use, the patient completely loses social skills, loses the habit of communicating with people on casual topics that are not related to drugs. The task of a psychologist in a drug treatment center is to return the patient to a normal life. For this, psychotherapy and communication with relatives are provided as part of social rehabilitation.

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Advantages of a professional drug treatment center

Professional assistance in such clinics has its positive aspects, which include the following:

  • clinics employ experienced staff who know all the features of dependence on butyrate. That's why they can help any addict, no matter how addicted he is.
  • Treatment in the centers is carried out according to individual methods. This means that narcologists are attentive to the well-being of each patient.
  • During therapy, effective medications are used that stabilize the patient's condition. At the same time, drugs do not have a harmful effect on the liver and other organs.
  • Before starting treatment, the doctor conducts a full medical examination.
  • Close people are allowed to visit the patient, which awakens his interest in life, contributes to positive emotions.

Butyrate addiction treatment is a lengthy process that is carried out only in stationary conditions under the supervision of vigilant and experienced professionals.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for use. Consult with your physician.

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