Measures to prevent dental diseases. Preventive measures to prevent diseases of the oral cavity. Preventive visit to the dentist


Prevention of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity

Diseases of the oral cavity organs are the most common human diseases, the most disturbing and at the same time poorly known to the general public. They are practically not given attention until they make them "climb the wall". The health of the whole organism depends on the state of the oral cavity. Harmless at first glance, caries can cause diseases not only of the digestive tract, but also of other major organs and systems of the body, including the heart. In Russia, almost 100% of the population suffers from caries.

The oral cavity is a mirror of the body. Many diseases gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, endocrine system, blood are reflected in the oral cavity. A competent and attentive dentist can indicate to patients which specialists they should contact.

On the other hand, chronic disease processes in the oral cavity affect autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, and others). And it is not in vain that a certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity is required before operations. But the main cause of all diseases of the oral cavity is the neglect of the rules of hygiene.

Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity for a long time can be almost asymptomatic, without making themselves felt. But this does not mean that a person, in the early stages, is not able to recognize and prevent the further development of the disease. The main treatment of all dental diseases and diseases of the oral cavity should be carried out by a dentist - only a doctor can correctly diagnose, identify accompanying illnesses and prescribe the right course of treatment.

Lesson plan

Topic of the lesson

Responsible executor

BUT. The structure of the teeth. Caries: causes, symptoms, principles of treatment, prevention

AT. Prevention of dental diseases: principles of nutrition, choice of toothbrushes, pastes, gels, elixirs.

BUT. Pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease: causes, symptoms, principles of treatment, prevention

Head of the school dentist

AT. How to properly brush your teeth. About the benefits and harms of chewing gum. gum massage.

BUT. Diseases of the oral mucosa: stomatitis, glossitis, cheilitis, leukoplakia.

Head of the school dentist

AT. Why does bad breath happen? Phytotherapy of dental diseases

BUT. Answers from a pediatric dentist to the questions most frequently asked by parents.

The head of the school is a pediatric dentist.

AT. Abnormal bite: braces and how they work. What you need to know about oral soft tissue piercing.

Lesson 1

The structure of the teeth

Everyone knows that a person has 32 teeth, 16 in each jaw. Evolution has led to the fact that the teeth of mammals, including humans, differ in their structure depending on the function performed. A person has incisors - front teeth designed for biting off food; fangs involved in tearing off pieces of hard food, small molars (or as they are called by dentists - premolars) and large molars (molars), designed to grind food. The smallest teeth are the lower incisors, the longest are the canines, the most massive are the first large molars. These groups of teeth differ not only in size, but also in shape, surface topography. But the fundamental structure of all teeth is the same.

The tooth consists of a crown protruding above the gum mucosa, a root located in the jaw bone, and a neck - a slightly narrowed part of the tooth that connects the crown and root. The tooth itself is attached in the hole - the alveolus - a special cavity in the jaw bone. Inside the tooth there is a cavity in which the neurovascular canal, or pulp, is located. The cavity is expanded in the crown, narrows as it passes into the root of the tooth, forming a root canal ending in an apical foramen. Blood vessels and nerves enter the tooth through these openings. The incisors, canines and lower molars have one root each, the rest have two and three (upper large molars).

The top of the tooth is covered with enamel. It is the hardest tissue in our body. Under the enamel of the tooth is the main substance of the tooth - dentin, the hardness of which is 5. In its composition, it is similar to bone tissue and consists of 69% inorganic substances, 17.5% organic, the rest is water. Nerve endings enter the dentin from the pulp.

The cavity of the tooth is filled with pulp, which includes connective tissue, cellular inclusions, an extensive network of blood vessels and nerve fibers. The odontoblast cells contained in the pulp of the tooth are involved in the production of the constituent elements of dentin. Although the formation of dentin is sharply reduced with teething, but in emergency situations - trauma, chemical damage, caries - odontoblasts produce the so-called secondary dentin.

Nerve fibers located in the pulp braid blood vessels, pulp cells, some of their endings penetrate into the dentin. A characteristic feature of the nerves of the pulp is that no matter what irritation is given to them - temperature, tactile (touch), - the result will be only a pain reaction. In the root part, the dentin is not covered with enamel, but with cement, consisting of 46% inorganic substances, 22% organic compounds.


Causes of the disease

In the scientific literature, one can find the definition of caries as a pathological process, accompanied by a change in the color of tooth enamel, softening of hard tissue and their subsequent decrease with the participation of microorganisms. The very name of this disease comes from the Latin word caries - rot.

Today, caries in the world affects up to 95-98% of the population, it is especially common, oddly enough, in developed countries. Although there is nothing inexplicable here - it is in these countries that people have more opportunities to eat "harmful" foods - sweets, soft foods containing many preservatives, some of which can also have a harmful effect on teeth. And the way of life of the majority modern people far from perfect - constant stress, drinking alcohol, smoking - all this to a large extent contributes to the emergence of many diseases, including caries.

Its main reasons are:

The state of the microflora of the oral cavity;

The nature and mode of nutrition (malnutrition and poor quality of drinking water, excessive consumption of carbohydrates);

Quantity and quality of salivation;

General condition of the body (diseases internal organs and systems);


Heredity, which determines the chemical composition of tooth tissues.

caries symptoms

There are four stages of caries.

1. Initial caries, or the stain stage, when a stain of various colors (from white to dark brown) appears on the enamel, averaging 1-3 mm in size, rounded or vague. Often this process does not cause discomfort, sometimes there is a soreness. Caries is first manifested by a loss of enamel luster in a limited area, after which the chalky spot may darken, acquiring a rough surface. Over time, a small defect forms at the site of the spot and caries passes to the second stage. It is visually difficult to determine the initial caries; various methods are used to detect it: staining the tooth with special dyes (the stain perceives color with different intensity); drying of the tooth, after which you can see a dull, dull stain in comparison with healthy enamel; transillumination - directing ultraviolet light to the tooth, while a shadow appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe carious spot (healthy enamel completely absorbs ultraviolet light).

2. Superficial caries - defects form in the enamel different sizes. Occasionally, complaints of pain are possible when sweet, salty, sour things get on the tooth, but when the irritant is removed (for example, after rinsing the mouth), the pain quickly disappears. Rarely, there is sensitivity when brushing your teeth with a hard toothbrush and around the neck of the tooth. Superficial caries is easily determined by the doctor during the examination.

3. Medium caries affects the tissues more deeply, reaching the dentin and softening it. But still, the defect does not reach the cavity of the tooth, there is still a fairly thick layer of dentin. As a rule, there are no complaints, but pain may occur after eating, especially sweet, sour, passing immediately after the elimination of the stimulus. The dentist determines the depth of the carious cavity with the help of a dental probe, which gets stuck in a defect containing softened tooth tissue and food debris.

4. Deep caries develops when the carious cavity reaches deep layers of dentin. Even when food enters the carious cavity, pain appears, pain from thermal stimuli is possible. Sometimes it hurts without any irritant. When examining a diseased tooth, the doctor will see a deep carious cavity with overhanging edges of the enamel, filled with softened pigmented dentin. With proper and timely treatment at this stage, the pulp can be saved. In some cases, it is necessary to place a temporary filling with a healing pad to stimulate the process of creating secondary dentin to protect the pulp.

Basically, caries occurs as a chronic disease. But sometimes the dentist has to deal with cases of acute and even fulminant caries. Such a process develops very quickly, simultaneously affecting a whole group of teeth (for example, incisors). In a very short time, cavities form in the teeth, quickly reaching the pulp. They are large in size, with jagged edges of enamel and dentin.

Such acute cases of caries are associated primarily with the suppression of the body's defenses. Talking with the patient, it is possible to find out that he has recently suffered acute infectious diseases or exacerbations of chronic ones, experienced excessive physical or mental stress, stress. Often, acute caries develops when you change your place of residence, which is associated with a change in climate, water, and nervous strain during the move itself.

caries treatment

No dental disease can be cured at home. It is possible to alleviate the condition with folk remedies and simple procedures, but these methods cannot cure dental diseases.

There are three main types of filling materials in use today:

cements- a large group of materials, the main of which are zinc phosphate, silicate, silicophosphate, polycarboxylate and acrylate. Zinc phosphate cements are used for permanent fillings in exceptional cases, for example, for the treatment of temporary teeth or placing a filling on a tooth that is planned to be crowned. These materials are durable, but have a number of features - they are poorly attached and quickly fall out, look ugly and dissolve in the oral fluid. Silicate cements are mainly used for filling the front teeth and carious cavities in the area of ​​the neck of the tooth. Their disadvantage is fragility and poor adhesion. Silico-phosphate cements, which are strong and elastic, are more commonly used, especially for filling the front teeth. Modern glass ionomers from the group of polycarboxylate cements are the most durable, adhere well to the tooth surface, are elastic and poorly soluble in the oral cavity.

Metal-containing filling materials represented various types mercury-containing amalgams and non-mercury metal-containing materials. Amalgam is most commonly used for filling posterior teeth. Currently, there is no material that can completely replace amalgam, which has high compressive strength. To make an amalgam, a powder containing silver, tin and copper is mixed with mercury. High concentration mercury is extremely toxic. But mercury is in the seal in a bound state, even if the seal is old and begins to collapse. Dentists, for example, constantly work with amalgams, but so far no cases of mercury poisoning have been identified.

Composites- modern filling materials, the most widely used for filling teeth. They usually consist of three parts - an organic (polymer) matrix, an inorganic filler and surface active substances (silanes). Composite material is selected by the doctor individually for a particular tooth and depending on the shape of the carious cavity.

None of the materials used for filling is ideal and has its own advantages and disadvantages. What material to use in each case, the doctor selects based on the degree of carious lesions, concomitant lesions of the dental apparatus, aesthetic criteria and the financial capabilities of the patient. In public clinics that operate in the system of mandatory health insurance, use not only simple domestic cheap materials, free for patients, but also paid materials of the latest generations.

Treatment of caries includes not only local therapy - it should be aimed at eliminating the factors contributing to the development of caries, and at increasing the overall resistance of the body.

To make up for the deficit minerals calcium, fluorine and phosphorus preparations are prescribed, and courses of ultraviolet irradiation can be prescribed to stimulate mineral metabolism. In acute forms of caries, vitamins (especially C and P), immunomodulating drugs (potassium orotate, sodium nucleinate) are prescribed to increase immunity. In order to stimulate the central nervous system, preparations of ginseng, golden root, and eleutorococcus are used. In addition to maintaining normal hygiene, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with infusions of coltsfoot, yarrow to normalize the acid-base balance in your mouth.

Prevention of caries

All caries prevention measures can be grouped into two groups:

1. External (exogenous) drug-free prevention of dental caries includes the use of food rich in proteins, amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins. Foods containing calcium and phosphorus (dairy and fish products) are especially important. Non-drug prevention involves the predominant use of hard foods, careful personal oral hygiene with the use of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes, restriction of carbohydrates, replacing sugar with sweeteners, avoiding too hot and cold drinks.

2. Drug prophylaxis involves the use of calcium and fluoride preparations, vitamins B1, B6, D, fish oil, sodium nucleinate, phytin, methionine, etc. These drugs are most often prescribed for children, especially in winter and spring, when the body lacks vitamins and trace elements. Drug prophylaxis consists in the use of remineralizing agents (solutions of calcium gluconate, sodium fluoride, remodent; fluoride varnish and gels) in the form of applications on hard dental tissues, rinses, baths or electrophoresis, rubbing.

Proper nutrition

The food consumed must be complete in composition and quality. First of all, it should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, especially vitamins C, B, A, as well as calcium, copper, and fluorine. The abuse of carbohydrates, the main nutrient medium for the pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity, contributes to the development of dental diseases. Food should be balanced in terms of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eating only soft foods has a negative effect on the condition of the teeth, so solid foods, especially fruits and vegetables, must be present in the diet. This contributes to the "training" of the chewing apparatus.

There are no special diets specifically for the prevention of oral diseases, the main thing is that nutrition should be healthy.

Choosing a toothbrush

Toothbrush should correspond to the anatomical features of your oral cavity. The brush head should be curved and not too wide. It is better when the bristles are located in rare tufts, trimmed in the form of a spear. Brushes with excessively thick bristles make them difficult to care for and also reduce the cleaning effect.

The toothbrush gets dirty easily, so it must be kept absolutely clean. After brushing your teeth, rinse the brush thoroughly in running water with soap and put it in a glass with the bristles up. The brush needs to be changed once a month, as the brush itself wears out, which reduces the cleaning effect and leads to the accumulation of microorganisms - a breeding ground for infections.

After eating, when it is not possible to rinse your mouth and even more so use a toothbrush, clean the chewing surfaces of the teeth and the interdental spaces with a toothpick.


Toothpastes are divided into hygienic and treatment-and-prophylactic.

Hygienic toothpastes

They have only a cleansing and refreshing effect and do not contain special therapeutic and prophylactic components. The most common toothpastes are "Orange", "Mint", "Family".

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes

In addition to the above components, their composition also includes biologically active additives: vitamins, extracts, infusions of medicinal plants, salts, trace elements, enzymes. These pastes are intended both for daily oral care for preventive and hygienic purposes, and for the prevention of caries, periodontal diseases, non-carious lesions, diseases of the oral mucosa. All therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes are divided into 5 groups depending on the biologically active substances included in their formulation:

Salt toothpastes: "Balm";

Toothpastes containing enzymes: "Special";

Toothpastes containing various biologically active additives: "Prima", "Boroglycerin";

Anti-caries toothpastes: "Pearl", "Blend-a-med", "Fqua-fresh", "Colgate".

Dental gels

A relatively new dosage form in dentistry are dental gels. Since they are not abrasive, their cleaning properties are less pronounced than those of pastes.

Typical gels are Fluodent, Fluoocal, Elmex, Blend-a-med. Gel-like pastes have a high foaming ability, have a pleasant taste and beautiful appearance.

Dental elixirs

The elixir is an auxiliary hygiene product intended for deodorization and refreshment of the oral cavity during the morning and evening brushing of the teeth, as well as after meals.

Hygienic dental elixirs include: "Ideal", "Freshness", "Mint", "Flora", "Lemon". Designed for rinsing the mouth (15-20 drops per glass of water) in order to cleanse the mouth of food debris, deodorize (remove unpleasant odors) and aromatize.

Elixir "Oral-B" is an anti-caries elixir, contains 0.05% active fluorine and is intended for remineralizing therapy of caries in the stain stage.

Lesson 2


Causes of the disease

Pulp damage can occur as a result of the carious cavity reaching the tooth cavity; as a result of overheating of the hard tissues of the teeth during dental procedures (when grinding a tooth to install a prosthesis or filling); penetration through the dentin of microorganisms from the oral cavity. At the same time, responses to the impact of damaging factors immediately begin to occur in the pulp, as a result of which inflammation of the pulp develops - pulpitis.

Types of pulpitis and their symptoms

Depending on the degree of pulp damage and the corresponding symptoms, several types of pulpitis are distinguished.

Acute pulpitis characterized by short-term paroxysmal pain with long intervals between attacks, acute pain reaction to hot and pain at night. The pain can be given throughout the jaw or transmitted to the teeth of the opposite jaw, sometimes to the temple. Cold can relieve pain. Acute pain lasts 24 hours and then turns into chronic pain, which is characterized by less pronounced symptoms.

At chronic fibrous pulpitis there are paroxysmal pains in the tooth from various irritants: temperature, mechanical and chemical; Spontaneous pain occurs rarely, and may be absent altogether. Sometimes pain occurs after some time after exposure to an irritant, for example, after drinking cold water, as well as from a sharp change in ambient temperature.

Chronic gangrenous pulpitis characterized by pain in the tooth from eating hot food. A putrid odor may appear in the mouth due to the destruction and decay of the pulp. Causeless pain most often does not occur. In chronic hypertrophic pulpitis, pain occurs when eating, bleeding from the cavity of the tooth appears. The fact is that with this form of pulpitis, the dental pulp grows strongly, sometimes leaving the carious cavity, chronic pulpitis becomes aggravated and acquires characteristic symptoms of an acute form.

Pulpitis treatment

To relieve pain, you can take an anesthetic (analgin, tempalgin). You can carefully remove the remnants of food from the affected tooth, and then put a cotton swab moistened with acetylsalicylic acid or analgin into this cavity. In the morning you need to go to the dental clinic. Only a timely visit to the doctor can save the tooth from complications (periodontitis).

The main measures in the treatment of pulpitis are aimed at eliminating dead tissues. In the dental office, the doctor will remove the pulp using arsenic compounds or under anesthesia, and will perform antiseptic treatment of the carious cavity and canals. Since the treatment of pulpitis is a rather painful procedure, it is performed with anesthesia. The canal of the tooth and the carious cavity are sealed.


Causes of the disease

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the space between the cementum of the tooth root and the wall of the alveolus - periodontium. Periodontitis appears as a result of untreated caries and pulpitis, but can be traumatic, toxic, drug-induced. For example, incorrect dosage or prolonged exposure to arsenic paste or formalin solution in the oral cavity can cause periodontal damage.

Types of periodontitis and symptoms of the disease

According to which area of ​​the periodontium the infection affects, there are two types of periodontitis. Marginal periodontitis- inflammation throughout the root. The infection enters from the oral cavity through the periodontal pocket. Perioapical periodontitis- damage to the periodontium in the region of the root apex. In common parlance, this type of periodontium is called a cyst. According to the degree of manifestation, periodontitis is acute and chronic.

The main complaint in periodontal disease is pain when biting. There is a feeling that the tooth has become larger. With an exacerbation of chronic periodontitis, edema often occurs, which is known as a flux. Chronic periodontitis itself is often asymptomatic, sometimes there is a feeling of numbness in the area of ​​the affected tooth. The most severe is apical periodontitis. The cyst, growing, contributes to the destruction of the bone wall of the alveoli, the teeth in the area of ​​the cyst can be displaced. Sometimes a root cyst can grow into the maxillary sinus or nasal cavity. The danger of chronic periodontitis is that they are foci of latent infection.

Treatment of acute and chronic periodontitis

First aid for pain - soda rinse. To do this, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Rinse often, every 30 minutes. You can also rinse with a weak, light pink solution of potassium permanganate. In case of acute pain, you can take an anesthetic (analgin) and immediately consult a doctor. Complications of periodontitis can be life-threatening. Modern methods of treatment allow you to save the tooth in the early stages of the disease. In the recent past, the main treatment for periodontitis was tooth extraction.

Types of periodontal diseases and their symptoms

Gingivitis (from the Latin "gingiva" - gum) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums, which does not affect the deeper tissues of the periodontium. The dentogingival connection is not disturbed. Gingivitis can be of two types. Catarrhal gingivitis (acute and chronic) is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane, redness of the gums, its bleeding, the occurrence of pain when eating.

Hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by overgrowth of gum tissue. The patient complains of an increase in interdental papillae, bleeding gums when eating and brushing teeth. Sometimes the overgrown gums cover the entire crown of the tooth. As a result, food debris accumulates in the space between the gum and the tooth, on which bacteria settle and the disease passes into more severe stages - periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Periodontitis - this is a deep lesion of periodontal tissues in a limited area (2-4 teeth): the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth, the bone tissue of the interdental septa, is destroyed. Periodontitis is characterized by the following:

Most often, people over the age of 30-40 get sick with it;

There are many deposits on the teeth;

The gum bleeds, swells, sores may appear;

The x-ray shows a change in the bone tissue of the interdental septa;

Teeth loose, often displaced, "walk";

When chewing, pain occurs;

Feel itching, burning gums.

Periodontitis can occur in acute and chronic form, if timely treatment is not started, tissue destruction continues and periodontitis turns into periodontal disease.

periodontal disease - this is a total lesion of all periodontal tissues, characterized by dystrophic processes. The essence of the development of periodontal disease is that there is a violation of the nutrition of periodontal tissues, the metabolism of proteins, mineral salts, a delay in their growth and renewal.

Patients complain of pain in the gums, burning, itching, bleeding when brushing their teeth and eating, bad breath, exposure of the roots of the teeth (due to bone resorption and gum reduction). The teeth acquire a characteristic appearance - they diverge fan-shaped due to the destruction of the ligamentous apparatus.

Periodontal disease is dangerous not only in itself - it can lead to severe complications, both local and general. Local complications include:

Hyperesthesia - exposure of the roots of the teeth and their increased sensitivity;

Caries - accompanies 40-60% of cases of periodontal disease;


Atrophic pulp necrosis is the death of the pulp in these teeth.

But more severe are general complications that are dangerous not only for health, but also for life:

Sepsis - a powerful focus of infection is formed in the periodontal pockets, infection of the whole organism, damage to internal organs can occur;

As a result of a violation of the ratio of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws (occlusion), the development of diseases of the temporomandibular joint, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear, deterioration of the general condition of the body;

Periodontal abscesses are swelling and purulent abscesses in the oral cavity, sometimes leading to the appearance of phlegmon - purulent inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, and this is already a threat to life.

Treatment of periodontal diseases

Treatment of periodontal diseases should be carried out comprehensively and according to an individual plan.

1. Conservative treatment

Professional oral hygiene is carried out by a doctor and includes the removal of dental deposits, plaques, stones, overhanging edges of fillings, mandatory filling of carious teeth. At home, the patient must observe oral hygiene - not only brush his teeth twice a day, but also clean the interdental spaces with the help of dental floss; after each meal, rinse your mouth with alkaline, for example, soda, solutions, infusions of chamomile, sage.

Antibacterial therapy.

antiseptic treatment.

Sclerotherapy (strengthening therapy of periodontal tissues - gums, bones, blood vessels).

2. General treatment - the impact on the general factors causing the disease or aggravating its course, first of all, the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, vegetative dystonia. The periodontist refers the patient to specialists in other areas of medicine.

3. Physio- and general strengthening therapy is aimed at improving the supply of tissues nutrients and oxygen; restoration of the body's resistance through the use of multivitamin preparations (in the form of tablets or injections); gum massage.

4. Orthopedic treatment - includes restoration of dentition, splinting of tooth mobility and restoration of chewing function.

It should be remembered that advanced periodontal disease with deep tissue damage is indeed incurable, but with the help of drug therapy, orthopedic treatment, you can stop the process and smooth out its negative manifestations and prevent further development of the disease and its complications.

How to brush your teeth properly

You need to brush your teeth carefully and not lazily. This procedure should take 4-5 minutes, 2 times a day, morning and evening. In the process of thorough cleaning of the teeth, we make about 500 movements with a toothbrush. When brushing your teeth, you need to remember what goals this simple procedure pursues, namely:

Removal of food debris from the interdental spaces;

Elimination of protein plaque on the tooth and dental plaque, which can gradually turn into tartar;

The fight against pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.

About the benefits and harms of chewing gum

Is not it chewing gum so useful and helps prevent tooth decay?

In certain cases, chewing gum can be helpful. Chewing gum immediately after eating helps to clean the chewing surfaces of the teeth. But at the same time, the interdental spaces remain intact, and it is there that the main food residues that provoke caries accumulate. The same effect as from chewing gum can be achieved if, after a meal, you eat a hard vegetable or fruit - a carrot, an apple, a cabbage leaf. Even better, use an ordinary wooden toothpick. In addition, chewing increases salivation, and saliva, as we remember, contains cells and substances that have antimicrobial effects - lymphocytes, leukocytes, lysozyme. This reduces the risk of caries, but only to a small extent. Again, on the other hand, chewing stimulates the production of gastric juice. If immediately after eating it can be useful, or at least harmless, then on an empty stomach or after sour food it can lead to a burn of the gastric mucosa, and in the future - to gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Flavorings and flavorings added to chewing gum help to get rid of bad breath for a while. So, if you are going to a short meeting where you will be next to the interlocutor, you can literally chew a piece of gum for 1-2 minutes beforehand (it does not make sense longer). However, the deodorizing effect of chewing gum passes quickly enough.

Constantly chewing something looks aesthetically unattractive. I can give advice - use chewing gum after eating, no more than 2-3 minutes, if it is not possible to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth. Never chew on an empty stomach. In principle, it seems to me that chewing gum has nothing to do with dentistry - it is the same habit as an afternoon cigarette, only less harmful. But it is better for children to limit the consumption of chewing gums: the ligamentous apparatus of the teeth is not yet stable, chewing quickly becomes a habit that is difficult to get rid of, the acid balance in the stomach is disturbed. In addition, young children often swallow gum. There is nothing wrong with the digestive system in this, but the gum can get into the windpipe, especially while walking or playing. If you buy gum for a child, pay attention to its composition, expiration date, manufacturer. Cheap, high-quality chewing gums can cause poisoning and allergic reactions in the mouth, especially if they contain a lot of dyes.

gum massage

This procedure is simple, it does not have special techniques, but it is very important for maintaining the health of your teeth. It is advisable to massage every morning and evening, devoting a few minutes of your time to this simple manipulation. Massage helps to improve the blood supply to the teeth, strengthen the tissues surrounding the tooth. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to prevent infection. With index or ring fingers, massage the gums with light circular movements, especially in the areas of the alveoli. Be sure to massage all areas of the gums - front and side. Do not press hard, you can damage the mucous membrane. In case of periodontal diseases, be especially careful not to injure the mucous membrane with the sharp edges of the nails. This simple procedure will bring its results in a month or two. It is necessary to massage the gums not only when you already have some kind of disease, but also for prevention. Teach your kids to do this so it becomes as much a part of oral hygiene as brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth after eating.

Lesson 3


Very often in the practice of a doctor one has to hear complaints from patients about discomfort in the oral mucosa. Most often, these are symptoms of stomatitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the oral cavity.

There are many causes of stomatitis: these are injuries, infections, allergic reactions, poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Inflammation of the oral mucosa can occur with a lack of vitamins, disorders of the endocrine system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Sometimes it happens that stomatitis manifests itself earlier than other symptoms of the underlying disease.

The most frequently encountered acute herpetic stomatitis. The herpes virus, penetrating through the oral cavity, affects the mucous membrane in the first place.

Traumatic stomatitis appears as a result of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, for example, when it is injured by sharp edges of teeth, dentures, tartar, as well as when chemicals, hot food, ionizing radiation act on the mucous membrane. When the oral mucosa is affected by a viral infection, it develops vesicular stomatitis. This virus is transmitted from sick animals or people through dirty hands or airborne droplets.

Symptoms of stomatitis

You should suspect stomatitis in yourself and see a doctor as soon as possible if:

The mucous membrane of the mouth swells, its normal color has changed (it has become brighter or, conversely, paler);

Extraneous rashes, "pimples", sores, often covered with plaque, appeared on the surface of the mucosa;

Gums are sore and bleed;

You yourself or others notice a putrid smell from your mouth;

In the mouth there is a burning sensation, itching, dryness, soreness when eating;

With allergic stomatitis, atrophy of the papillae of the tongue (the so-called "varnished" tongue) is often noticeable;

Against this background, the temperature rises (sometimes up to 38-40 ° C);

There is weakness in the muscles, joints, poor general condition.

You need to contact your dentist immediately. Stomatitis can cause more serious diseases, including cancer. And only a doctor will be able to determine the real cause of stomatitis and, accordingly, prescribe the correct treatment.

glossites - These are inflammatory diseases of the tongue, the cause of which is most often a bacterial or viral infection. Glossitis can be a symptom of a more serious disease of the whole organism associated with damage to internal organs and metabolic disorders (iron deficiency anemia, B-vitamin deficiency states).

Infection (especially the herpes virus) penetrates into the mucous membrane of the tongue, affected by burns, mechanical injuries. Contributes to the development of glossitis Smoking, alcohol, hot food, hot spices, as well as allergic reactions to toothpaste, mouthwash, sweets.

Acute glossitis quickly manifests itself, its symptoms are pronounced and noticed by the patient. This is:

Burning, inflammation of the tongue;

Red or burgundy color of the mucosa;

Pale coating on the surface of the tongue;

An increase in the size of the tongue, its softening;

Difficulties in chewing, swallowing, speaking.

The necessary medicine should be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the tests performed. At home, you can use frequent (6-8 times a day) rinses with warm solutions of sage, chamomile, calendula.

cheilite - one of the most common diseases of the lips. The determining factor contributing to the occurrence of cheilitis is a violation of the shape of the lips, their improper closing.

Another group of causes of cheilitis is a violation of the integumentary tissues of the lips: skin, red border and mucous membrane; allergic reactions, reduced resistance to microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). Interacting, these two factors lead to damage to the lips by pathogenic microflora. The dried integuments of the lips crack, microorganisms penetrate there and the inflammatory process begins. In advanced cases, small sores, vesicles appear on the red border of the lips, which, after maturation, leave painful erosions. In the later stages, a crack is formed that does not heal and brings suffering to a person. The cause of the development of cheilitis can also be an allergy (often to cosmetics). Such Cheilitis proceeds with the presence of wet erosions, is more difficult to treat and requires observation by an allergist.

Treatment of cheilitis consists in prescribing physiotherapy (laser therapy, acupuncture), corticosteroid drugs, anti-allergic drugs that reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, vitamins, and sedatives. To maintain normal hydration of the mucous membrane of the lips, you need to constantly use hygienic lipstick.

The main healing measure is to restore proper closure of the lips. It is carried out after the main therapy, when it is possible to relieve inflammation, get rid of erosions and ulcers. Myotherapy - restoration of normal muscle tone - is carried out with the help of special gymnastics.

Leukoplakia - this is keratinization of the oral mucosa or the red border of the lips in response to exogenous irritation. Leukoplakia belongs to a group of diseases that can turn into cancer. There can be several reasons for the development of this disease:

External factors: mechanical injuries (fillings, dentures, bad habits), thermal (cigarettes, hot food), chemical;

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces the resistance of the mucous membrane to external stimuli;

hereditary predisposition;

Diabetes mellitus and cholesterol metabolism disorder.

Why does bad breath happen?

The appearance of bad breath (halitosis) can be due to several reasons, which can be divided into "local" and "general". Local causes of halitosis are associated with the activity of bacteria that produce volatile sulfurous secretions. This may be due to several factors.

Microbial plaque. Inadequate oral hygiene leads to the accumulation of plaque, which is a favorable environment for the development of microbial colonies.

Gum disease and caries. With periodontitis and periodontitis, a pocket appears between the tooth and gum, in which food debris can linger. The multiplication of microbes and the breakdown of nutrients leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Food debris can also accumulate under dentures.

A decrease in salivation is often noted in those who snore at night, as well as in chronic rhinitis, when the nasal passage for air is disturbed. Dryness of the mucous membrane may be associated with the use of drugs, such as atropine. Tobacco tar and alcohol are also known to cause dryness of the oral mucosa. This, in turn, leads to the activation of the microbial flora.

Imbalance of the microflora of the oral cavity. Most often, the predominance of pathological flora is noted after antibiotic therapy, as well as prolonged use of hormonal agents.

Hormonal disorders. Often, dryness and bad breath is noted with premenstrual syndrome. An increase in estrogen levels leads to increased desquamation of the cells of the oral mucosa. As a result, a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes is formed.

Common causes are related to the activity of internal organs. The smell in such cases, as a rule, comes from the lungs. Through them, as you know, the body removes volatile substances.

Food. Most often, spicy spices, garlic, onions, and cheese cause an unpleasant odor. On the one hand, they can lead to dry mouth. On the other hand, the sulfur compounds contained in them enter the bloodstream and leave it through the lungs along with the breath. Therefore, it is quite difficult to deal with the smell after eating these products. Alcohol has a similar mechanism. The easiest way to get rid of the smell associated with food and alcohol is to give up these products.

Diseases of the throat and nose. Often, chronic runny nose and pharyngitis are accompanied by the appearance of "bad breath". It occurs due to the activity of bacteria that multiply on the mucous membrane. A similar mechanism is observed in diseases of the esophagus and stomach. The mechanism of occurrence of an unpleasant odor in this case does not differ from what occurs in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Metabolic disorders. For example, with diabetes, the smell of acetone appears. A similar smell can be observed during fasting, when there is an intense breakdown of proteins. In violation of nitrogen metabolism (most often with kidney disease), there is a smell of ammonia.

Phytotherapy in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity

In dentistry, phytotherapy can only be an auxiliary tool. It is recommended that you first ask your doctor what herbal preparations he will advise, and which ones should be avoided.

Antiseptic and antibacterial infusions and fees

Brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a glass of boiling water, cool, strain. Rinse your mouth in the morning, after meals and at night.

Dilute 40-60 drops of calendula tincture in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth thoroughly 5-6 times a day. The same solution can be used to irrigate gum pockets with periodontal disease using a syringe without a needle.

1 tablespoon of sage leaves pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Rinse your mouth after meals, in the morning and before bed.

Dilute 20 milliliters of sage tincture in a glass of warm water. Use for mouthwash.

Dilute 25-30 drops of eucalyptus tincture in 0.5 cups of warm water. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day, at night you can inhale the mouth.

Anti-inflammatory and healing agents

Pass 100 g of fresh Kalanchoe leaves through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice. Moisten a napkin with juice and apply for 15-20 minutes on the gums with gingivitis 3-4 times a day.

50 g of St. John's wort leaves pour 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol or vodka. Insist 1 month in a dark place. Use as an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the oral cavity. Lubricate and apply napkins for 5-10 minutes.

Hemostatic agents

Pour 1 tablespoon of oak bark with a glass of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.

1 tablespoon herb mountaineer pepper (water pepper) pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth with bleeding gums.

Herbal remedies that help remove dental plaque

Brew 2 tablespoons of horsetail herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink ¼ cup 3 times a day.

1 teaspoon of birch buds pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Take 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.

Pain-relieving and reducing allergic reactions phytotherapy

1 teaspoon of dry marshmallow roots pour a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool. Moisten a napkin in a decoction, carefully apply it on painful gums, especially with ulcers.

Mix 1 teaspoon of 4% propolis solution with the same amount of glycerin (to reduce irritation). Gently apply the mixture to the affected gums with a cotton swab.

1 tablespoon of a series of tripartite pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take orally 1 tablespoon of infusion 3-4 times a day - this helps to reduce sensitization (allergic reactions) of the body.

Brew 1 tablespoon of strawberry leaves with a glass of water as a tea. Drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is two months. Reduces sensitization of the body.

Lesson 4

When should you start brushing your child's teeth?

Start cleaning the mouth of a newborn should be from the first days of his birth. In the beginning, for these purposes, you can use a soft terry cloth dipped in warm boiled water or a special finger brush. Thanks to this procedure, the oral cavity is cleared of food debris and mucus. In addition, it is a good gum and tongue massage.

After the first tooth erupts, you can still use the fingertip brush for some time, but then you should switch to a manual toothbrush designed for children from 4 to 24 months. Such a brush has a large enough handle that is comfortable for an adult to hold, which simplifies the task of parents. The preliminary use of a terry cloth will accustom the child to the procedure for cleansing the mouth, and when there is a gradual transition to a toothbrush, he will take it calmly, without screaming and tantrums.

But it is not recommended to start using toothpaste too early, small children still do not know how to spit, and they will choke, swallow, burp it. They gradually switch to the use of paste, at a later age, and starting with a very small amount.

When should a child see a dentist?

The sooner the better. It is desirable that the pediatrician, who observes the general development of the child's body, also monitors the state of his oral cavity until the age of two. When any dental problems arise, the child, regardless of age, must be shown to a pediatric dentist. And in any case, after two years or at the age of about three years, a visit to the dentist is a must. Since, starting from this age, it is possible to carry out preventive measures and monitor the effectiveness of their action.

Is it possible to do without brushing your teeth?

Plaque that accumulates on the teeth is bacteria that, through the acids they secrete, can destroy teeth (dental caries) and cause inflammation of the gums (periodontal disease). Therefore, it is necessary to clean the teeth and gums from plaque. Cleansing the oral cavity from pathogenic bacteria is an important therapeutic and preventive measure. However, it is far from always possible to remove plaque with only one toothbrush, therefore, not only a brush, but also pastes are needed, and along with these main means of individual oral hygiene, dental floss (floss), therapeutic rinses, and auxiliary personal hygiene products should also be used. oral cavity, including therapeutic and prophylactic sprays, brushes, orthodontic toothbrushes, etc.

When should you change your toothbrush?

It is necessary to replace the toothbrush when its bristles wear out. The easiest way to determine whether the bristles are worn or not is to change the color of the indicator bristle tufts: at the beginning they are bright blue, and then become pale blue.

This method of determining bristle wear is the most reliable and most indicative, since a brush can wear out in two weeks or two months, everything will depend on how many teeth are in the mouth, and how this “something” is “scratched” with a brush . But when there are no indicator brush bundles, you have to navigate by the appearance of the brush.

The term of wear of the bristles depends, first of all, on the force of pressure, on the frequency of brushing the teeth, on the duration of the procedure, on the degree of abrasiveness of the toothpaste - after all, not only teeth, but also brushes wear out from it, and in certain situations, the bristles can wear out in two weeks. But in any case, the brush should be changed at least once every three months.

How should you maintain a toothbrush?

When storing your toothbrush at home, kindergarten, at a school or other educational institution - the brush should be clearly marked and used by one person only.

You can not borrow a brush from a neighbor on the desk.

You can not lend a brush to your best friend (girlfriend).

You can't borrow a toothbrush from your child.

Not all family members can use the same toothbrush.

The brush should be a small amount of toothpaste.

The toothbrush requires antibacterial care, i.e. it should be cleaned of those microbes that remained on it after brushing your teeth, and for this you can use weak solutions of antiseptics or rinses, or solutions such as weak potassium permanganate, furacilin, etc.

Toothbrushes should be dried and stored so that they do not touch each other. If such contact has occurred or someone else's brush has been used by an outsider, it should immediately be replaced with a new one.

Who gets caries?

Caries appears in children already with a milk bite, and in some especially spoiled children, milk teeth erupt already with "holes", and this is the most frank harbinger of the fact that the same fate awaits permanent teeth. Caries develops at any age and in any teeth, especially it flourishes when all favorable conditions are created for this. In those families where parents or loving grandparents stuff their beloved children, granddaughters and granddaughters with sweets, cakes, pastries and other sweets, fearing to anger their beloved child with refusal or restriction, caries in children will manifest itself in full glory and in very early age.

Parents, be especially careful if you find white, yellow or brown spots on the surface of the teeth, and also if the child's tooth reacts to cold, hot or sweet food. These signs may indicate damage to the tooth by caries.


Bruxism means grinding the teeth. Grinding is the involuntary clenching of the jaws and the reproduction of characteristic sounds by the teeth.

This phenomenon is usually observed during sleep. It is not so rare: according to international statistics, the symptoms of bruxism are detected in 50-96% of adults and approximately 15% of children. Quite often, its manifestations go unnoticed by the person suffering from the disease, as they usually make themselves felt at night, although they can also appear during the day.

Signs of bruxism:

Involuntary grinding of teeth;

Increased abrasion of teeth, fractures, chipping of teeth or fillings, especially in the front of the teeth;

Pain in the facial muscles and their fatigue after sleep;

Clicking and crunching in the temporomandibular joint;


Mobility of teeth;

Increased tooth sensitivity.

What is the cause of bruxism? It does not have any specific cause, but is believed to be the result of a combination of a number of factors, such as:

emotional stress;

Personal characteristics, such as: aggressiveness, increased and constant restraint of oneself and one's emotions in everyday life; excessive scrupulousness and pedantry; Puritanism; people who are in a state of permanent or temporary time pressure are also prone to bruxism;

Malocclusion - the absence of an even, correct closing of the teeth;

Hereditary factor: bruxism is more common in those children whose parents have a tendency to this disease.

bruxism treatment consists in behavioral therapy, which is carried out by a psychotherapist, less often by a neuropathologist or psychoanalyst, after identifying the causes and making a diagnosis.

Abnormal bite

The reason for the appearance of anomalies in the position of the teeth and bite can be:

Heredity, for example, you can inherit the small jaw of the mother and the large teeth of the father. In this case, the teeth will not have enough space in the jaw;

Trauma - loss of teeth as a result of some kind of accident, which leads to a displacement of adjacent teeth towards the defect;

Diseases - you can lose teeth as a result of complicated forms of caries or gum disease. This also leads to misalignment of the teeth;

Nutritional deficiencies during the period of growth of the body, which affect the development of the jaws;

Bad habits - such as thumb sucking, especially if they are practiced for a long time;

A disproportionately large tongue can cause the central lower teeth or even the lower jaw to protrude;

Premature removal of a milk tooth, as a result of its destruction, can lead to deformation of the development of the jaw, especially if, after the extraction of the tooth, a temporary orthopedic replacement of the resulting defect was not undertaken in order to save space for the eruption of the future permanent tooth.

Orthodontic treatment is best carried out during the period of jaw growth, i.e. in childhood and adolescence, when the formation of jaws and teething has not yet ended. Under such conditions, it is easier, easier and faster to cope with the elimination of orthodontic defects.

What are braces and how do they work?

The teeth can be moved to a certain extent in the desired direction as a result of applying pressure to them with a certain force. Recently, a system of braces has been increasingly used - wire arcs with shape memory and rubber traction. The process of moving the teeth is lengthy and must be done very carefully so as not to harm the patient.

After using braces, special retainers (retainers) are often additionally used to hold the teeth in their new position and prevent them from moving back to their original place.

Braces Care. Plaque accumulates very easily and quickly on long-term orthodontic structures, so they require very careful care. This care is more complex than usual and requires not only more time and care, but more individual means oral hygiene. These include therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes containing fluoride, calcium and anti-inflammatory (preferably herbal) components; prophylactic toothbrushes, "ortho" type brushes, regular and superfloss dental floss, brushes, massagers, irrigators (or oral centers), therapeutic rinses.

If the necessary oral hygiene is not observed, then the likelihood of developing dental caries and gum disease in patients increases several times compared to their peers without orthodontic appliances on their teeth.

It should be noted that when wearing braces, the wear of hygiene products, due to their contact with rigid metal structures, will occur several times faster, and, for example, the same toothbrush will last only 2-3 weeks. Be sure to rinse your mouth with therapeutic and prophylactic rinses containing fluoride, anti-plaque and anti-inflammatory herbal components.

Food restrictions. In the presence of braces, it is better to avoid hard and rough food so as not to provoke a fracture, displacement and other breakdowns of the device. When eating raw vegetables and fruits, they must be cut into small pieces. You should also limit the intake of food, such as a bun, pies, or chewing gum, since after them it is very difficult to clean the braces system, this requires a lot of effort and takes a long time. It is better to completely exclude foods rich in sugars from the diet, as they are still more will contribute to the development of caries, especially in places difficult to clean due to complex and multiple structures fixed on the teeth. If a child with a bracket system has eaten any sweet food rich in sugars, then after that it is imperative to brush their teeth and rinse their mouth with a fluoride rinse.

Patients with braces need to be seen regularly by their treating orthodontist so that they can monitor the results of the process, both positive and negative. It is constant and systematic monitoring that allows you to avoid possible negative manifestations in the course of treatment in a timely manner.

Orthodontic treatment requires a lot of effort on the part of the patient. But after he overcomes all obstacles, he will be able to be proud of his smile for the rest of his life.

What you need to know before deciding on a piercing?

Piercing the soft tissues of the oral cavity can cause various complications.

The most common symptoms of complications are:

Pain, swelling due to increased flow of oral fluid;

Redness due to increased blood flow to the tongue;

Infection of the wound due to the large number of pathogenic microorganisms in the mouth.

When piercing is carried out, even by a qualified specialist, there is a risk of contracting diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS. The possibility of prolonged bleeding due to vascular damage, allergic reactions to the materials used in the decoration is not excluded.

There is also the possibility of galvanic currents in the mouth due to the presence of dissimilar metals, loss of taste sensitivity of the tongue, loss of mobility or numbness, permanent redness of the soft tissues in the mouth, including permanent gum injury.

In addition, the following are not excluded:

Difficulties associated with eating, chewing, swallowing and forming a food bolus;

The likelihood of erasure, destruction of dental fillings;

Damage to the teeth, up to damage to the pulp;

The likelihood of defects and distortions in the image during an x-ray examination of the mouth and skull;

Difficulty examining the oral cavity.

Caring for the inserted agent.

During the 4-6 week healing period, you should:

Refrain from long conversations, especially in the first hours and days after the piercing. This allows you to reduce the discomfort associated with discomfort and swelling of the oral cavity;

Constantly use warm, slightly salted water or special antiseptics to rinse the mouth;

Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and spices in food;

Eat soft foods and vitamins, this will promote faster healing.

After the perforation has healed, the jewelry can be removed from the mouth for a short time. Moreover, from time to time this will definitely be necessary, for example:

For thorough cleaning of the oral cavity;

For cleaning all surfaces of decoration;

To avoid contact with hard and sticky food;

When doing power and contact sports;

If the habit of biting the jewelry develops.

Previously, in human society, the desire to discard all sorts of barbaric traditions and rituals prevailed, but now the rivers have turned back. But, by and large, it doesn't matter. It is important to love yourself and enjoy life. And since a person has decided to put something into his mouth, then this decoration must be carefully looked after so that pollution does not occur, and it does not lose its appearance and does not spoil the appearance, but was that "lure", sexual or some another that its owner dreamed of. The main thing is that it does not bring inconvenience, pain and injury.

Question to the doctor Book a free consultation


It is known that it is easier and cheaper to prevent any dental disease, whether it be caries or gingivitis, than to treat both the disease itself and its consequences.

Caries- perhaps the most common disease on Earth. This is the destruction of hard tissues of the tooth. By itself, this disease is not dangerous, but the complications that develop if caries is not treated or treated incorrectly lead to more serious consequences. Interestingly, there are many theories of the occurrence of caries - about four hundred. This means that no one knows the truth. Perhaps the theory closest to the truth is this: under the sweet sticky coating (which is called “plaque” in professional slang), sugars are decomposing, as a result of which acids are formed. Subsequently, the acid reacts with the tooth enamel, forming a salt consisting of calcium and an acid residue, and the calcium leaves the enamel. The likelihood of caries increases if you pay insufficient attention to dental hygiene, that is, do not clean off the “plaque”, which is probably obvious to most. There is also the concept of "cariogenic diet". It's all viscous and sweet, for example, marshmallow, marmalade, toffee. Experiments were carried out on rats, which in natural conditions do not have caries. Experimental animals began to eat cariogenic foods, and they developed the disease. What does it say? At the very least, brushing your teeth after marshmallow is a good habit. In addition, the cause of activation of the occurrence of caries can be radiation - ionizing radiation. With the development of the history of radiology as a method of treating oncological diseases, experience has accumulated that people who receive doses of radiation develop a characteristic type of caries - circular. In such cases, the tooth simply falls off. Perhaps the reason is that the salivary glands practically stop working, and our enamel is supplied with calcium exclusively with the help of saliva - in the process of "salivation", in scientific terms.

Prevention of caries

Prevention of caries has two components. The first, independent, includes:
  • daily hygiene.
You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day so thoroughly that you can go through all the surfaces of the teeth - both outside and inside. The movements of the toothbrush should be subject to the principle "from red to white": that is, from the gums to the teeth. This is how you get good results. Be sure to monitor the condition of the gums: inflamed, they do not look aesthetically pleasing, causing bad breath. But one toothbrush is not enough - dental floss (at least once a day before bedtime) and an irrigator are necessary for thorough hygiene. This is a device that, with the help of a strong jet of water, cleans as much as possible all areas inaccessible to a toothbrush.
  • A complete balanced diet: after all, if the body does not receive something, then sooner or later it will affect the teeth.
  • Absence or minimization of bad eating habits. For example, everyone consumes sugary carbonated drinks from time to time. The question is how often.
  • Occupational "hazards": for example, acid-related industries, where a certain amount of acid is in the air we breathe. Acid also settles on the teeth, provoking the occurrence of caries. Personal protective equipment will help to reduce the risks here: respirators, gas masks.
The second component is professional caries prevention:
  • Regular, once every six months, examinations in dentistry.
  • Professional dental hygiene.
Professional dental hygiene is not a luxury, but a necessity! Professional dental hygiene consists of two main parts: the removal of tartar using ultrasound and the removal of plaque using a soda jet device called Air Flow, which concentrates a strong jet of soda, water and air that can remove a porous matrix from the tooth, on which tartar can subsequently build up. . As a result, the tooth becomes clean and most likely whiter. In addition, the tooth can be polished or coated with fluoride to reduce sensitivity and increase resistance to caries. Your breath, importantly, will also become fresher. Visiting a dentist for professional hygiene should be about once every six months, more often only for those who have periodontal problems, pregnant women, and also for those who wear braces.
  • If necessary: ​​fluoridation of teeth, including using a transparent cap that retains fluoride compounds, but already on all teeth.
  • One of the methods of preventing caries is fissure sealing, when a substance is applied that releases fluoride into fissures (intertubercular spaces of chewing teeth), where the likelihood of caries is the highest.

caries treatment

There are two types of caries treatment: therapeutic and orthopedic. Therapeutic is a filling in all its variety of colors, shapes and methods of application. Orthopedic - these are porcelain constructions that are glued into the tooth cavity, treatment with adhesive systems, which are much more durable and reliable than fillings, but also more expensive. Most likely, in the future, when adhesion becomes cheaper and more accessible, fillings will go down in history, just as stamped crowns, arsenic, treatment without anesthesia and the “you are many, but I am one” approach go down in the history of medicine. They leave, but have not left yet ... When we get caries, as a rule, we do not experience strong painful sensations. But if there is no treatment or it was wrong, then the carious cavity can reach the pulp - the soft tissues of the tooth, which are a neurovascular bundle. This is how pulpitis occurs. Pulpitis"glorious" in that it causes severe pain, from which the patient can literally climb the wall. Moreover, it is not clear which tooth hurts - it seems that half of the jaw is agonizing. Why does this happen, because inflammation is microscopic for the body, and it is not even visible in a blood test? The first thing that happens with any inflammation is swelling. There is a circulatory arrest in the tooth, the edema grows, it has nowhere to go, and it presses, presses, presses on the nerve. The pain continues until either the doctor removes the nerve or the nerve dies a natural death. If the nerve is removed, and the tooth is properly treated, then everything will be fine. But what if the patient is patient, and the fear of the dentist is stronger than physical suffering? Then the pulp dies, but the inflammation remains, although we do not feel it, because there is nothing left. Inflammation goes beyond the tooth - in the so-called periodontium, and the next stage of the disease begins. Prevention of pulpitis - treatment of caries. Pulpitis treatment is therapeutic treatment. That is, etododontic treatment of all channels of an inflamed tooth, when the pulp (neurovascular bundle of the tooth) is removed, the channels are treated with medication and filled with gutta-percha. Next, the crown part of the tooth is restored. Periodontitis - This is an inflammatory disease of the periorbital tissues. Now we already clearly understand which tooth hurts - it hurts to touch it, it is impossible for them to bite something. With periodontitis, there is already a real risk of losing a tooth, since the ligamentous apparatus is already beginning to collapse. The tooth becomes painful, it is no longer firmly fixed. There is not only inflammation, but also suppuration, which needs to go somewhere. It shows the complex long-term endodontic treatment and prosthetic restoration of the crown of the tooth. What if there is no treatment? The body is always looking for and finds a way out, in this case- for pus and inflammation. The pus passes through the bone, forming a fistula, and usually enters the subperiosteal space. Periosteum in Latin - periosteum. So we get the next stage in the development of the complication. Prevention is the correct treatment of caries. Treatment of periodontitis: the introduction of osteoplastic material is added to the endodontic treatment protocol for pulpitis, which contributes to the restoration of periodontium. Periostitis(popularly - flux) - actually the same as periodontitis, only with the release of purulent content under the periosteum. That is, the process was temporarily resolved, its severity fell, the body found a way out, how to cleanse and protect itself. Luckily, this happens 90% of the time. But under certain conditions, the fistula may not go the shortest path, but get into the intercellular and interfascial space (fascia is a connective tissue sheath that covers organs, vessels, nerves and forms, as it were, cases for muscles). The ingress of pus there is called phlegmon. Prevention - treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and timely removal of periodontal teeth that cannot be treated. Treatment of periostitis is surgical: anesthesia and an incision to exit the pus in a safe direction. Further, either treatment according to the periodontitis protocol, or tooth extraction, if treatment is no longer possible. Phlegmon - a serious and dangerous surgical disease that begins to directly threaten life. The fact is that all the cellular spaces of the head and neck are indirectly or directly interconnected. Moving along the interfascial spaces, pus can flow from one place to another, changing the localization of the phlegmon. Some of the cellular spaces are connected to the cellular space of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the fascia of this muscle is connected to the fascia of the head and mediastinum. Pus in the mediastinum (purulent mediastinitis) is a high mortality rate. Phlegmon, fortunately, does not happen to everyone. As a rule, people with a weakened immune system are predisposed to it. Patients with phlegmon need urgent hospitalization in a specialized medical facility. The treatment is carried out under anesthesia, surgery, drainage, antibiotics are required. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So prevention is again the treatment of ordinary caries. So treat caries in time, gentlemen!

Prevention of periodontitis and gingivitis

Gingivitis- inflammation of the marginal gums without disruption of the circular ligament (the circular ligament is a "loop" around the tooth, which is tightly attached to the tooth). The circular ligament prevents the penetration of infection and the formation of periodontal pockets. Gingivitis is initial stage periodontitis, which in the absence of effective treatment may progress to periodontitis. Gingivitis can also occur in adolescents and pregnant women - due to hormonal changes in the body, such gingivitis resolves with adolescence and/or pregnancy. Prevention of such gingivitis is simple: professional dental hygiene is somewhat more frequent than usual. Periodontitis is an inflammatory-dystrophic disease of the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth. Periodontitis is dangerous not only by real loss of a tooth or teeth, but also negatively affects the entire body as a whole (on the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, reduces immunity). These whitenings are manifested by swelling, redness, bleeding of the gums, accompanied by bad breath, suppuration in the acute period, sometimes sore gums around the tooth, and in the last stage of the disease - tooth mobility (when they begin to participate in the act of breathing). Causes of periodontitis:
  • Tartar
  • genetic predisposition
  • Endocrine diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disease, etc.
  • Traumatic edges of fillings, crowns, prostheses
  • bite pathology
  • Infectious diseases
  • Decreased immunity
  • Radiation injury, thermal injury, chemical injury
Periodontitis is a special part of dentistry. You can read about the methods and stages of treatment in the dental clinic "Lancet" in the section "Treatment of periodontitis". Let's talk about preventive measures:
  • Self-hygiene - brush your teeth thoroughly
  • Regular, once every six months, dental check-ups
  • Occupational hygiene for periodontitis - every three to four months
  • Elimination of traumatic edges - sanitation of the oral cavity
  • An orthodontist will help us cope with the pathology of the bite
  • If necessary, photoactivated disinfection of periodontal pockets
In a sense, periodontitis is a mirror of the health of the whole organism. If there are problems in the organs and systems, they will all appear in the oral cavity. That is why a periodontist often works in conjunction with an endocrinologist. In addition, periodontitis is considered a disease of dirty teeth. That is why it is so important to take care of your health and brush your teeth!

Prevention of dental diseases and its importance is known to everyone. They talk about it on TV screens, they teach it at school, and dentists talk about it every time they visit. But in practice it turns out that not everyone has a clear idea of ​​the necessary rules and recommendations.

First and foremost, the need to brush your teeth twice a day is far from the only way to prevent dental diseases. There are many equally important recommendations that should also be followed.

Proper teeth cleaning

There are a number of basic methods for the prevention of dental diseases that should be followed by every person, regardless of his condition, well-being and lifestyle:

  • Teeth should be brushed twice a day . Evening cleaning allows you to get rid of the plaque and pieces of food that have accumulated during the day. Morning cleanses them of accumulated overnight plaque and bacteria. Cleaning should last at least 2 minutes. During this time, you need to go through the outer, inner and upper surfaces of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, as well as clean the surface of the tongue and cheeks from plaque. It should be noted that brushing your teeth is also important for gums as it provides a good massage. Teeth should be cleaned of plaque with vertical, sweeping movements. The brush should be small, no more than 3 lengths of one tooth.
  • Rinse your mouth with clean water after every meal. . This allows you to get rid of leftover food, which is a good breeding ground for bacteria. This is especially true of sweet foods, since the simple carbohydrates that make up its composition begin to break down already in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva.
  • Irrigators . Now on sale there are many models of irrigators - special devices that produce a pulsating stream of water of small diameter. It perfectly cleans the teeth, interdental space and gum pockets from plaque. It also provides blood flow to the gums, which serves as a good prevention of their diseases.
  • Dental floss. Every day you need to clean the space between your teeth with a floss. It is in it that plaque accumulates, which is the most difficult to clean with a toothbrush.

Thus, brushing and toothpaste is only part of the necessary measures to prevent dental diseases.

Preventive visit to the dentist

Dentistry refers to a few areas of medicine that require regular diagnostics, regardless of well-being and the presence of symptoms.

  • Visit the dentist twice a year and undergo a preventive examination of the oral cavity.
  • Annually undergo professional cleaning of teeth: remove tartar, including hidden.
  • For any pain in the mouth, bleeding gums, sensitivity to cold or hot, you should contact your dentist immediately.
  • Treat any manifestations of caries immediately after they appear.

The last rule is the most important. Tooth tissues are the only ones in the body that are not capable of regeneration, so even a small hole will increase.

If prevention fails

If, nevertheless, you have noticed the appearance of caries or sore gums, you should contact a dental clinic for treatment.

And if you find it difficult to choose, the site "Your Doctor" will help you make it. On this website, you can collect information about all private clinics in the capital, as well as make an appointment or consultation at any of them.

Publication date: 2018-03-12

This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.

Complete hygienic care is the basis for the prevention of numerous diseases of the oral cavity. Often, patients pay great attention to the teeth, but forget about the health of the gums, and meanwhile, tissue inflammation can lead to tooth loss, as well as affect overall health. Dentists say: healthy teeth and healthy gums are inseparable concepts. MedAboutMe tells you how to keep your gums healthy.

gum disease

Gum disease is a collective term that refers to various inflammatory processes. The initial symptoms of inflammation are often left without proper attention, and patients are in no hurry to go to the dentist for help. Vivid symptoms that attract attention appear already in the later stages of inflammation, when treatment is difficult.

Gingivitis is the initial form of gum disease. Symptoms are reduced to redness and swelling of the gums, bleeding while brushing your teeth and even while eating. Patients come to the dentist with complaints of bad breath.

In the absence of treatment of gingivitis, the disease progresses and passes into periodontitis. This is an insidious disease, which is characterized by receding gums, resorption of bone tissue, the formation of pathological periodontal pockets, and tooth mobility. Late stages of the development of pathology threaten the loss of teeth.

Fundamentals of Prevention

Dentists have identified risk factors that increase the chances of developing gum disease. All of them can be conditionally divided into managed and unmanaged, but some measures can restrain the aggressive impact of the unmanaged. Predisposing factors include:

  • poor nutrition: malnutrition, inadequate diet, restriction of certain foods;
  • bruxism, chronic stress;
  • bad habits;
  • age, menopause and hormonal changes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • long-term use of certain medications: antidepressants, oral contraceptives, etc .;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • lack of proper oral care.

Prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, in particular, gums, involves the impact on all these links, as well as the development of measures to curb their negative manifestation.

Gum disease can lead not only to tooth loss, but also affect the functioning of internal organs and even cause diseases. Numerous studies have proven the role of gingivitis and periodontitis in the development of male diseases, heart and blood vessels, and the risks of dangerous complications that threaten the health and life of patients are significantly increased. Found a connection with diseases of the lungs, kidneys and other organs and systems. Dentists say that gum disease during pregnancy is especially dangerous: oral diseases are responsible for 30% of premature births.

Complete hygienic care can be considered not only as prevention, but also as an integral part of complex therapy. But what is included in this concept?

Proper brushing of teeth

Proper brushing of teeth is the basis of prevention. At the appointment, he will give advice and help you master the standard method of brushing your teeth or teach you specific brushing methods that specifically help to stop inflammation in the gums.

  • The basics of proper oral care and disease prevention are:
  • regular brushing of teeth (twice a day);
  • change the toothbrush every 3 months and immediately after illness;
  • teeth cleaning should be carried out with sweeping movements: from the gums to the cutting edge, only the chewing surfaces of the teeth are cleaned with reciprocating movements;
  • minimum time brushing 3-5 minutes;
  • The bristles of the brush should be of medium hardness.

Pasta selection

Dentists, including the American Dental Association, recommend brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Recall that the paste contains a medicinal formula that can help to cope with numerous diseases of the teeth and gums, so it has a different focus.

The main assistant in choosing a paste will be the dentist who assessed the condition of the oral cavity.


The use of dental floss (flossing) is a guarantee of complete cleaning of the contact surfaces of the teeth, which are called hard-to-reach. Removing food debris and plaque reduces the chance of cavities as well as gum disease.


These are additional hygiene products that can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: therapeutic, that is, they have some kind of orientation (anti-inflammatory, mineralizing), and cosmetic, designed to more effectively clean teeth and deodorize breath.

A dentist will help you choose mouthwashes based on the risks of developing various diseases.

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Professional oral hygiene

This is a complex of procedures, including the removal of tartar, soft plaque using professional techniques. It is noteworthy that such procedures allow you to lighten the enamel by several tones. The procedure involves saturating the enamel with minerals, polishing the fillings and assessing their quality.

Regular examinations in the dentist's chair allow you to notice the symptoms of gum disease in a timely manner and develop a set of therapeutic measures. Recall that the detection of gum disease in the early stages increases the chances of a successful cure without complications.

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking makes the oral cavity more susceptible to various diseases. Decreased saliva production increases the risk of developing caries and gum disease, promotes more rapid formation of tartar, as well as a specific smoker's plaque.

    1. Hygienic care of the organs of the oral cavity. Preventive brushing twice a day: in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. Dental prevention and hygiene also includes the daily use of dental floss and mouthwash.
    2. Care training behind the oral cavity and the selection of individual hygiene products. During the initial visit, the doctor conducts a conversation about the need to care for your teeth and teaches you the rules of high-quality cleaning. It is recommended to use toothpaste and a brush selected by the dentist individually.
    3. Balanced diet necessary for the proper growth and development of the body, as well as to maintain the level of vitamins and trace elements. For the health of the maxillofacial apparatus, it is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of hard food, protein, dairy foods, fruits, vegetables.
    4. Immunity Boost. Decreased immunity threatens to exacerbate chronic diseases of the body, the occurrence of pathologies in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is recommended to play sports, monitor nutrition, and conduct timely treatment. If necessary, you should use complexes of vitamins and minerals;
    5. Fluoride prevention teeth includes an assessment of the condition of the enamel, as well as determining the level of fluoride in drinking water. With a low fluorine content, a paste containing fluorapatites and calcium (Sensodyne, Splat, Lakalut, Roks) is prescribed to strengthen hard tissues. At high level trace element, it is recommended to use bottled drinking water and fluoride-free paste, thereby preventing dental fluorosis.
    6. Prevention of diseases of milk teeth in children it consists of a conversation with parents and a child, examination and assessment of the state of the dentoalveolar system, covering the teeth with fluoride preparations, sealing fissures, and treating diseases. To protect the enamel from early caries, a prophylactic tooth gel with a high content of active ingredients is used - Tooth Mousse, APF.
    7. Eliminate bad habits. The presence of bad habits of biting foreign objects, pens, nails negatively affects the enamel of the teeth. The bad habit of smoking or drinking alcohol provokes diseases of the body, changes in the composition of saliva, and the formation of dental plaque.
    8. Secondary prevention is the treatment of dental pathologies and the prevention of further complications.

    Abstracts and articles on the prevention of dental pathologies can include many aspects. The main thing for a person is proper care, visiting a doctor, treating chronic diseases of the body and increasing immunity. At the first symptoms of the disease, unpleasant or painful sensations in the mouth, you should make an appointment with a specialist.

    Diseases provoked by viral, bacterial or fungal microflora can occur in the oral cavity. Prevention of diseases of the teeth, gums and non-carious lesions of the teeth can be general (proper care, visiting a doctor) and specific. Specific measures are aimed at eliminating or preventing a specific disease.

    Prevention of injuries of teeth and jaw

    Prevention of a bruised tooth, injuries of teeth and jaws is the use of special caps during sports (boxing, wrestling). Caps are a thin plastic plate that mimics the features of the dentition.

    The design is standard and individual (made at the dentist's appointment). An individual mouth guard effectively protects the soft tissues of the cheeks, gums and tongue from injury.

    Prevention of hyperesthesia and wedge-shaped defect of the teeth consists in the use of suitable personal hygiene products:

  • Brushes of necessary rigidity. The use of a hard brush in the presence of thin enamel provokes hyperesthesia. The use of a brush of insufficient rigidity threatens with poor-quality removal of plaque and the formation of caries.
  • Pastes with the required content of trace elements.

If you experience the first symptoms of sensitivity, you should consult a doctor. If necessary, special procedures will be carried out: teeth cleaning and coating and special solutions.

At home, it is also necessary to use anti-sensitivity paste and gel. The name of the gels for the prevention of hyperesthesia:

  • Fluocal gel prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, increases the resistance of enamel to acids, and is used for prevention once a year.
  • Gelato gel for the prevention of destruction and remineralization of initial caries.
  • Belagel F enhances mineralization and restores tooth enamel.

Prevention of dental hypoplasia

Prevention of tooth enamel hypoplasia is carried out during pregnancy, when the rudiments are laid. Systemic hypoplasia (enamel underdevelopment) occurs when there is insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body of the expectant mother. To prevent local hypoplasia, trauma to the milk teeth should be prevented.

Prevention of dental fluorosis

Fluorosis is a systemic disease that occurs when excessive fluoride enters the body. The disease is manifested by the formation of strokes, inclusions, yellow and brown spots on the enamel. Recommendations for the prevention of fluorosis:

  1. Do not drink water containing fluoride, put a special filter on the faucet. The norm of fluorine content in water should be 1.5 mg / liter.
  2. Reduce the consumption of seafood, tea (black and green), lard.
  3. Buy toothpaste without fluoride.
  4. Visit your dentist regularly (twice a year).

Exposing the neck of the tooth is a common symptom of gum disease. With periodontitis, periodontal disease occurs omission of the gums and exposure of the root. Pathology is accompanied by an aesthetic defect, sensitivity, mobility and threatens with loss of teeth. Prevention of exposure of the neck of the tooth consists in the regular removal of dental plaque in a professional way, careful care at home, and the treatment of gum pathologies.

Prevention of a tooth cyst

Prevention of a radicular cyst of the tooth consists in the qualitative treatment of root canal diseases. With insufficient cleaning of the canals, the infection can enter the tissues of the root apex and provoke a cyst. A congenital cyst is rare, but it is almost impossible to prevent its occurrence.

Prevention of caries

Caries is the destruction of hard tissues of enamel and dentin with the formation of a defect. Pathology occurs in the presence of plaque, microorganisms and carbohydrates. Microbes from carbohydrates ferment acid, which breaks down hard tissues. Prevention of tooth decay is:

  • thorough removal of dental deposits;
  • using mouthwash after eating;
  • enamel strengthening. You can use a gel for the prevention of dental caries, which strengthens the enamel.

Most people try to prevent oral diseases at home. Some are interested: is male sperm useful in dental prophylaxis? Seminal fluid contains some useful trace elements and will not harm hard tissues, but it will not help to strengthen teeth and prevent diseases.

Prevention of dental diseases at home can be carried out with the help of folk remedies:

  • Prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort) and rinse. Such rinses have a beneficial effect on soft tissues, mucous membranes, have an antiseptic and disinfectant effect.
  • Brush your teeth once a week with baking soda or activated charcoal. The funds should be added to the paste and carry out an ordinary cleaning. Abrasive particles will remove dental deposits and brighten the enamel.
  • To toothpaste, add a couple of drops of lemon or hydrogen peroxide, which will help to clean better.
  • After each meal, rinse with water, rinses or decoctions of herbs.
  • Inflammation in the mouth will help eliminate the solution of salt and soda. Dilute a teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of warm water, rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day.
  • Chewing gum without sugar will help eliminate plaque throughout.

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