Synopsis of a complex-thematic lesson in the senior group on the day of the defender of the fatherland. Summary of the lesson Topic: "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Examination of illustrations with various types of troops

Summary of classes for children of the senior group

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Lesson for the senior group "Defenders of the Fatherland".

Purpose of the lesson:

Form ideas about the types of troops (pilots, tankers, sailors); to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the defenders of our homeland;

Cultivate patriotic feelings for the motherland;

Enrich vocabulary on the topic.

Material: Illustrations, pictures with different types of troops (sailors, pilots, tankers, etc.).

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, soon the whole country will celebrate a very important holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And who are the defenders of the fatherland?

(children's answers)

Q: That's right, they are warriors. Soldiers, they protect their people, their land from enemies; guard the world. Freedom and happiness in our land. This is our army, which has defended its people from enemies more than once.

About the beloved army

Knows old and young

And to her, invincible,

Today everyone is happy.

There are soldiers in the army

Tankers, sailors,

All the strong guys

They are not afraid of enemies!

There are rockets somewhere

And on the castle border.

And it's so wonderful

How can we sleep peacefully!

Q: Let's look at these pictures. (Pictures with various types of troops). Who do you see here?

(children's answers)

That's right, these are different types of troops in our army. And they are needed in order to defend their homeland both at sea, and on land, and in the air. Let's get to know them better:

1. Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to meet enemy troops on the border. Border guards, like all military men, are the defenders of our homeland. In the border detachments there is a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards, follows the trail.

2. Navy. The sea expanses of our Motherland are protected by warships. There are sailors there. Ship commanders are captains in charge of the entire ship.

3. Air force. How many of you know who the paratroopers are? These are troops intended for landing from the air, from an aircraft. The soldiers of these troops should not be afraid of heights, they can jump with a parachute and must act quickly in a difficult situation.

4. Ground forces. Infantrymen, artillerymen, rocketmen, and tankers serve in the ground forces. And also in the military troops there are signalmen, miners, military builders.

Didactic game: "Who serves where"

Let's imagine that we are in the army. You already know that there are different types of troops in the army. Who serves on the border? Who is on the tank? Who serves on the border? Who flies in a helicopter? Who serves in the missile forces? Who serves on submarines? Etc.

(children's answers)

Well done guys, what do you need to be to defend our homeland? (Children's answers).

That's right, strong, brave, courageous. Russian warriors have always been distinguished by dexterity, courage, resourcefulness and endurance. This is well said in proverbs:

A brave fighter in battle, well done.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

To live is to serve the motherland.

If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

Fitness minute:

Let's get up quietly, without moving,

Let's start the exercise:

Raise your hands up - one!

Above the nose, above the eyes.

Exercise two -

The position of the hands is different.

Let's make turns

Do it with great enthusiasm.

And our third exercise -

Hands to shoulders - circular movements.

Forward-forward, back-back,

It's good for our guys.

And now we bend them without difficulty,

So that the strength of the heroic was.

Then we will proceed to the body -

We must make eight slopes.

First, lean forward twice,

Then back twice - don't be lazy!

Lean right and left,

Do it well, don't make mistakes.

Pay attention to your feet.

Do deep squats!

Now I really need to jump

Spring up - jump together!

Stay on one leg

Like you're a solid soldier.

Right leg to chest

Look, don't fall!

Now stay on the right

If you are a brave soldier.

Guys, I will now make riddles for you, and you will think and give the correct answers to them:

Everyone should know this word

These are the military forces of the country.


Serving in the army

And he beats enemies in battle. (Soldier)

My friend went to serve in the fleet,

The ship is now sailing.

And, though the wave goes uphill,

There is a hero on deck.

He wears a marine uniform

He is not afraid of the storm. (Sailor, sailor)

His car is all armored

Like a turtle.

After all, in a war, as in a war,

There should be no fear here!

Gun barrel ahead:

Dangerous! Enemy, stay away! (Tankman)

He lifts into the sky

Your steel bird.

He sees mountains and forests

air borders.

Why is he flying high?

To protect your country! (Military pilot, pilot)

He protects the rye field,

And a grove, and an oak forest.

Protects the frontiers

Far outpost.

And the duty of the military is this:

Keep peace, both yours and mine. (Border guard)

Strong durable parachute

Opened up behind him

And in a few minutes

He dropped to the ground.

He will pass both the forest and the ford,

But he will find the enemy. (Paratrooper)

Educator: Well done, you did a good job.

Now there is no war, no one is attacking us, why do we need an army in peacetime? (Answers of children). Correctly. The army must always be ready to repel the attack of enemies.

What do soldiers in the army do in peacetime? (Children's guesses)

That's right, the soldiers are training. Soldiers are taught and trained by officers. To defeat the enemy, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, hardy, and also dexterous and well-aimed. And to become such, of course, you need to train.

The soldiers work out in the gym, lift the barbell, pull themselves up on the horizontal bar, learn to shoot in order to be accurate during the battle. They run along a log, climb over a high wall with windows, jump over a deep hole, go through a fire.

They train to be stamina during combat and easily overcome various obstacles.

Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 7", Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Territory

Lesson summary

Theme: "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Target:Actualization of the lexical theme: "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Automation of sound R in syllables, words, sentences.


Clarification and expansion of ideas about the significance of the holiday, its meaning, the names of military professions, military equipment. Formation of concepts: ground forces, air force, navy. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation and use of relative adjectives). Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound R in gaming activities.

Continue to develop visual and auditory attention, phonemic analysis skills, thinking, speech activity, coordination of speech with movement, fine and general motor skills. Improve the skills of agreeing nouns with verbs, the formation of adjectives from nouns.

Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, cooperation skills.

Planned results (targets): the child can use speech to express his thoughts and build a speech statement in a communication situation, he can distinguish sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy; developed large and fine motor skills; capable of strong-willed efforts, able to obey different rules; shows initiative and independence in communication, has an attitude of positive communication towards other people and himself; actively interacts with peers and adults; participates in joint games; has a developed imagination.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting military professions, projector, computer, presentations, interactive whiteboard.

Course progress.

  1. Creation of a motivational field. (Organizational moment). The speech therapist reads the poem to the children.

Our Russian Army!

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!

(There is a conversation about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Speech therapist: Guys, think about it and tell me what holiday was mentioned in the poem?

Speech therapist: That's right, guys, February 23 is the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday. You know that we live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Motherland, our Fatherland. We call our country Fatherland because our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers lived in it. And now we live with you in a peaceful and bright time.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know what our Russian flag looks like?

Guys: Yes.

Speech therapist: What three colors symbolize the Russian flag?

Guys: White, blue, red.

Speech therapist: Well done! Listen carefully to what each color on the flag symbolizes.

Speech therapist: White color - nobility and purity of thoughts. Blue is loyalty and honesty. Red - courage, courage and love for the Fatherland.

  1. Knowledge update.

So guys, who do we call Defenders of the Fatherland? Who guards and defends our Motherland?

Guys: Soldiers, military.
The speech therapist puts the corresponding picture on the typesetting canvas.
Speech therapist: Soldiers defend our Motherland, they are strong and courageous. A soldier is always a protector, he protects every child, protects his life, his home.

Speech therapist: Guys, what military professions do you know?

Guys: a tanker, a pilot, a sailor, a helicopter pilot, a paratrooper, a border guard.

And now we will play the game "One - many".

Tanker - a lot of tankers.

Sailor - many sailors.

Helicopter - many helicopter pilots.

Border guard - a lot of border guards.

Sailor - many sailors.

Defender - many defenders.

Pilot - many pilots.

Game "Tell me what?"

The speech therapist asks a question, the children answer.

Soldier (what?) - brave, fearless, courageous.

Border guard (what?) - cautious, brave, dexterous.

Commander (what?) - fair, smart, caring.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we will start the “motor”. The speech therapist together with the children with the help of "hands and tongue" start "motors" and walk in a circle. Then they stop near the chairs and continue to growl.

Automation of sound R in words, with syllables (RA, RO, RU, RY, RE).

The speech therapist names the words in the name of which there are syllables RA, RO, RU, RY. Children pronounce the name of the words in which the syllables are hidden and distribute them into envelopes. (border guard, guard, hand, march, Russia, paratrooper, hero, explosion, steering wheel, sailor, gun, walkie-talkie).

3. Discovery of new knowledge by children.

Speech therapist: You did it, well done! And now look at the interactive whiteboard, we will complete an interesting task.

Show multimedia presentation

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Program tasks:

Educational tasks: Continue to form children's ideas about the army, about the types of troops, about the features of military service (soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles, etc.).

Development tasks: Develop quick wit, ingenuity, logical thinking, memory, attention; Withstimulate the speech activity of children.

Educational tasks: Cultivate a sense of pride in your army; cause a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian warriors.

Material used: Illustrations and pictures depicting various types of troops, illustrations, stencils of military equipment, pencils showing the everyday life of the army - training soldiers in the gym, on the obstacle course, at the training ground, etc., pictures for the game "What is superfluous and why?"

Methods and techniques:

    Visual, (show, demonstration);

    Verbal, (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

    Game (didactic games, outdoor games, Dunno surprise moment);

    Pedagogical technologies: student-oriented, research, game.

    Health saving technologies: dynamic pause.

Preliminary work: Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova

"Patrol", K. Simonov's ballads "The son of an artilleryman", stories by S. Baruzdin "For the Motherland!", "Glory!", L. Kassil "Your defenders". Examination of paintings, illustrations about the Great Patriotic War.

Vocabulary work: duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilots, sailors, gunners, foot soldiers, missilemen, submariners, military equipment.

Lesson progress

Talk about the army


A surprise moment Dunno came to visit the children.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, February 23 is a very important holiday for our country - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Dunno came to visit us, he also wants to know about the holiday on February 23. About defenders of the Fatherland. Know-nothing is interesting to learn about the Russian army, about military equipment, about various types of troops.

Will the guys tell Dunno, everything that we know?

Let's start with the defenders of the Fatherland.

Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?(Children's guesses.)

Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who protect their people, their homeland from enemies. This is the army.

Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army. And she defended her people from invaders more than once.

Look at these pictures.(Illustrations depicting various types of troops are exhibited.)

Who do you see here?(Answers of children).
That's right, these are tankers, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards, etc.
You correctly named everyone, these are different types of troops.

Why do you think so many branches of the military are needed?(Children's guesses.)

If there are various types of troops in the army, such an army is strong: it can defend its country both at sea, and on land, and in the air.

Pilots protect the sky; foot soldiers - land; sailors - the sea.

The game "Who serves where?"


I invite you children and you Dunno, go on a journey.

Imagine that we are in the army.

You already know that there are different types of troops in the army.

You need to guess who serves where.

Who is on the tank?(Children: tankers).

Who serves on the border?(Children: border guards).

Who flies in a helicopter?(Children: helicopter pilots).

Who serves in the missile forces?(Children: rocket launchers).

Who serves on submarines?(Children: submariners).

Who serves in military aviation?(Children: military pilots).

What is the name of a soldier who does not have military equipment?(Children: infantryman).


Well done, guessed who, where, serves.

Didactic game "Find out the description."


The children approach the flannelgraph.

Guys, now let's show Dunno how you can, according to the description, guess the soldiers of various branches of the military.

On the flannelograph there are images of soldiers of various branches of the armed forces, the teacher thinks of one of them. Children ask questions to the teacher, trying to guess who he thought of. The teacher can only answer yes or no. Then this game can be repeated with a leader selected from the children.

Grow up and follow my brother
I'll be a soldier too
I will help him
Protect your ... (country)

The brother said, "Don't rush!
You're better off in school!
Will you be an excellent student -
You will become ... (border guard)

You can be a sailor
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And on a military ... (ship)

The plane flies like a bird
There is an air border.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a military man ... (pilot)

The car rushes into battle again,
Caterpillars cut the ground
That car in a clean field,
Operated by ... (tanker)

Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly
And in the ranks to go hunting -

Waiting for you, soldier, ... (infantry)

Any military profession
You must definitely learn
To be the backbone of the country
So that there is no ... (war) in the world

Physical education: Educator:

Now, we will have a little rest. Imagine that we are pilots.

Hands made in expansion - the plane turned out
Wing to and fro,
Do one and do two.
Keep your hands to the sides.
And look at your friend.
Get down quickly
Get on the landing.

The game is being played "What is redundant and why?"


Children sit on chairs.

Guys, every soldier should have a good ear. In order to hear all the commands well. Now we will play to determine if you have a good ear for the game “What is superfluous and why?”

Rocketeer, helicopter pilot, football player.

Plane, tank, parachutist.

Automatic, pistol, tanker

Submariner, gunner, ship.


Guys Dunno wants to ask you questions:

1. Now there is no war, no one is attacking us, why do we need an army in peacetime?(Assumptions of children).


The army must always be ready to repel the attack of enemies.

2. What do soldiers in the army do in peacetime?(Children's guesses)

That's right, the soldiers are training.

Soldiers are taught and trained by officers.

To defeat the enemy, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and well-aimed.

And to become such, of course, you need to train.

Now you and Dunno will look at photographs of how soldiers live and train.

Examination of illustrations that tell about the everyday life of the army.



Guys, Dunno brought pictures and doesn't know what the soldiers are doing in the pictures? Tell us what they are doing.
(They are engaged in the gym, raise the barbell, pull themselves up on the horizontal bar).
Why is this needed?
(To be strong).

What are the soldiers doing here?
(learn to shoot).

Why is this needed?(To be accurate during the fight).
But in this picture you see an obstacle course.

What are the soldiers doing here?(They run along a log, climb over a high wall with windows, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through the fire).
Why do you think they train on the obstacle course?
(To be hardy during the fight and easily overcome various obstacles).

Motor warm-up "To serve the Motherland,

you have to be strong, dexterous!”


Now we will show Dunno how strong and resilient you are.

1. Competition in hitting the ball on the floor.

2. Stand on one leg, then on the other, without losing balance.

3. Measure strength: children become pairs against each other, feet shoulder-width apart, palms are joined in a mirror image. Pressing with force on the palms of each other, it is necessary to stand still, without taking your feet off the floor.

The children are seated and the activity continues.

discussion of proverbs.


Since ancient times, people have been proud of their defenders of the Fatherland and have come up with proverbs about them. Listen guys and dunno.

The first thing in life is to honestly serve the Fatherland.

We don't want someone else's land, but we won't give up our own either.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

From military science, the mind and hands are getting stronger.


Well done guys and you Dunno today you showed your abilities, I hope our boys, as adults, will also go to serve in the army and become real defenders of the Fatherland.

Let's remember again, what holiday will be soon?(Children: February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day) .

To whom is this holiday dedicated?(Children: military: sailors, border guards, tankers, pilots ...)

What do you need to do to become like them?(Children: serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).


For the sake of a peaceful life in their native land, Russian soldiers adequately carry out their difficult service.

Today we are convinced that a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland is growing up in our country. And this means that we will have someone to defend our Motherland. We once again congratulate everyone on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!

Guys, let's give Dunno our drawings,

to show them to his friends.

Dunno thanks the children.

Children say goodbye to Dunno.

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Program tasks:

Educational tasks:Continue to form children's ideas about the army, about the types of troops, about the features of military service (soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles, etc.).

Development tasks:Develop quick wit, ingenuity, logical thinking, memory, attention; Withstimulate the speech activity of children.

Educational tasks:Cultivate a sense of pride in your army; cause a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian warriors.

Material used:Illustrations and pictures depicting various types of troops, illustrations showing the everyday life of the army - soldiers training in the gym, on the obstacle course, at the training ground, etc., pictures for the game "What is superfluous and why?"

Vocabulary work: duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilots, sailors, gunners, foot soldiers, missilemen, submariners, military equipment.

Lesson progress

Talk about the army

Educator: Guys, February 23 is a very important holiday for our country - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (Assumptions of children.) Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who protect their people, their homeland from enemies. This is the army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army. And she defended her people from invaders more than once.

Look at these pictures.(Illustrations depicting various types of troops are exhibited.)Who do you see here? (Answers of children).
That's right, these are tankers, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards, etc.
You correctly named all of them - these are different types of troops.

Why do you think so many branches of the military are needed? (Children's assumptions.) If there are various types of troops in the army, such an army is strong: it can defend its country both at sea, and on land, and in the air.

Pilots protect the sky; foot soldiers - land; sailors - the sea.

The game "Who serves where?"

Educator: Let's imagine that we are in the army. You already know that there are different types of troops in the army. Who is on the tank? (Children: tankers). Who serves on the border? (Children: border guards). Who flies in a helicopter? (Children: helicopter pilots). Who serves in the missile forces? (Children: rocket launchers). Who serves on submarines? (Children: submariners). Who serves in military aviation? (Children: military pilots). What is the name of a soldier who does not have military equipment? (Children: infantryman).

Grow up and follow my brother
I'll be a soldier too
I will help him
Protect your ... (country)

The brother said, "Don't rush!
You're better off in school!
Will you be an excellent student -
You will become ... (border guard)

You can be a sailor
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And on a military ... (ship)

The plane flies like a bird
There is an air border.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a military man ... (pilot)

The car rushes into battle again,
Caterpillars cut the ground
That car in a clean field
Operated by ... (tanker)

Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly
And in the ranks to go hunting -
Waiting for you, soldier, ... (infantry)

Any military profession
You must definitely learn
To be the backbone of the country
So that there is no ... (war) in the world

Didactic game"Find out the description."

(On the flannelgraph there are images of soldiers of various branches of the armed forces, the teacher guesses one of them. The children ask questions to the teacher, trying to guess who he thought of. The teacher can only answer “yes or no.” Then this game can be repeated with the leader chosen from the children. )

Physical education:
Hands made in expansion - the plane turned out
Wing to and fro,
Do one and do two.
Keep your hands to the sides.
And look at your friend.
Get down quickly
Get on the landing.

The game "What is superfluous and why?"

Rocketeer, helicopter pilot, football player.

Plane, tank, parachutist.

Automatic, pistol, tanker

Submariner, gunner, ship.

Educator: Now there is no war, no one is attacking us, why do we need an army in peacetime? (Assumptions of children). The army must always be ready to repel the attack of enemies.

What do soldiers in the army do in peacetime? (Children's guesses)
That's right, the soldiers are training. Soldiers are taught and trained by officers. To defeat the enemy, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and well-aimed. And to become such, of course, you need to train. Now we will look at photographs of how soldiers live and train.

Examination of illustrations that tell about the everyday life of the army.

Questions: What are the soldiers doing in this picture?
(They are engaged in the gym, raise the barbell, pull themselves up on the horizontal bar).
Why is this needed? (To be strong). What are the soldiers doing here?
(learn to shoot). Why is this needed? (To be accurate during the fight).
But in this picture you see an obstacle course. What are the soldiers doing here? (They run along a log, climb over a high wall with windows, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through the fire).
Why do you think they train on the obstacle course?
(To be hardy during the fight and easily overcome various obstacles).

discussion of proverbs.

Educator: Since ancient times, people have been proud of their defenders of the Fatherland and have come up with proverbs about them.

The first thing in life is to honestly serve the Motherland.

We don't want someone else's land, but we won't give up our own either.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

From military science, the mind and hands are getting stronger.

Educator: Well done guys. Let's remember again, what holiday will be soon? (Children: February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day). To whom is this holiday dedicated? (Children: to the military: sailors, border guards, tankers, pilots ...) What needs to be done to become like them? (Children: serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).

For the sake of a peaceful life in their native land, Russian soldiers adequately carry out their difficult service. Our boys, having become adults, will also go to serve in the army and become real defenders of the Fatherland.

Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of a complex-thematic lesson for the Defender of the Fatherland Day "We will grow up a little - we will go to defend the country." This material will be useful for teachers of older groups of kindergarten. This summary is aimed at developing in children a sense of pride in their homeland, respect for the soldiers who defended our homeland in different periods of its history.

Synopsis of a complex-thematic lesson for the Defender of the Fatherland Day “We will grow up a little - we will go to defend the country”

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Physical culture", "Music", "Socialization".

Program content:

· To instill in children a sense of love for their Motherland, a respectful attitude towards the defenders of the Fatherland. To evoke a sense of pride in the Russian army, a desire to be like strong, courageous warriors.

· To activate in the speech of children the words denoting the types of troops, the qualities of character inherent in soldiers. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

· To form a comprehensively developed personality of the child through the socio-cultural sphere (artistic and musical image, aesthetic design).

· To develop the physical qualities of children, to promote the development and strengthening of all organs and systems of the child's body through a variety of physical exercises. Develop the ability to work in a team.

· Cultivate courage, determination, a sense of camaraderie, self-confidence and perseverance in overcoming obstacles.

Provide high physical activity.

Preliminary work: reading fiction about the army; consideration of illustrations "army everyday life"; excursions to the city local history museum; conversations about the army, ancient Russia; outdoor games "Tug of war", "Flies does not fly"; learning exercises under the audio accompaniment "The radiant sun."


Guys, what holiday are we celebrating today?

Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

And what is the Fatherland? That's right, guys, the Fatherland is our Motherland.

What is the name of our country?

Answer: Russia.

Children read the poem "Motherland" by T. Bokova

Child 1

Motherland is a big, big word!

Let there be no miracles in the world

If you say this word with soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!

Child 2

It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.

Favorite city, native apartment,

Grandmother, mother, kitten ... and me.

Child 3

Sunny bunny in the palm

Lilac bush outside the window

And on the cheek a mole -

This is also homeland.

The native land can do everything: give spring water to drink, warm bread to feed, surprise with its beauty, but it cannot protect itself. At all times, our Motherland - Russia was famous for its forests, fields, rivers, smart and kind people. Therefore, enemies attacked Russia.

Who defended Russia in those distant times?

Answer: Bogatyrs

What heroes do you know?

Answer: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich ...

What armor did the heroes have?

Mail, helmet, mace...

Guys, who is the main defender of the Fatherland now?

Answer: Army. Soldiers.

What should be a soldier?

Answer: Strong, courageous, dexterous, hardy, stubborn, courageous, attentive.

What types of troops do you know?

Answer: Border guards, infantrymen, sailors, paratroopers, signalmen, pilots.

Our boys are still in kindergarten, but years will pass, they will go to serve in the army. But in order to become a real defender, they still need to learn a lot. To learn a lot of interesting things about military professions, to test their dexterity, strength, endurance, I suggest that all the guys go through exercises at the "School of a Young Soldier".

Do you agree? So let's get started! We're going to visit the foot soldiers!


Teams line up in columns one at a time. The task is to pass the ball over the head, while the latter, having received the ball, runs forward, and so on until the one who started the competition is again the first.

All the boys of the whole country should be brave.

So that the borders are guarded, so that mothers smile.

Let there be no war!


The boys stand in a circle, holding hands. To the command "Border is open". Raise your hands, the girls march to the music in and out of the circle. On the command "Watch", lower your hands, those remaining in the circle are considered detained and sent to the "commandant's office", that is, to the chairs.

And now, tactical training "GUESS A RIDDLE"

There is no squirrel in the wheel,

A colored arrow

Who gets lost along the way

Tells where to go. (Compass.)

And he himself holds on to the bottom,

And keeps the ship together. (Anchor.)

An iron bird is spinning in the sky

At the pilot's signal, it lands on the ground. (Airplane.)

Who are the guys on the border

Protecting our land?

To work and study

Could all the people calmly? (Border guard)

Two caterpillars crawl

A tower with a cannon is being brought. (Tank)

Who flies faster than a bird?

Who guards the borders?

Who is always ready to fly?

All: These are pilots - pilots!

Since we have arrived to visit the pilots, it's time to play their favorite game.


Children move around the room, arms outstretched, to the "flying" words from the text. They stand in place on the "non-flying".

Butterflies? Pillows? Delicious tarts?

Black rooks? Children's doctors?

Geese? oranges? Fast cars?

Red tomatoes? Are swans beautiful?

Are watermelons striped? Are cats with mustaches?

Swallows? Titmouse? All other birds?

Bees? Midge? The game is over.


The sea loves the smart, the brave;

If you can do it

Mind and courage to prove

You can become a captain.

We arrived to visit the sailors. It's time to sing a song. To the musical accompaniment, the children sing the song "We will go to serve in the Navy."

And now let's play. Sailors' favorite game is tug of war. Our teams will measure strength. Let's see the cat is stronger.

Game "Tug of the Rope"

For a soldier training

Starts in the morning.

Competition for fun, dexterous!

Get together kids!

The game "RISE!"

Two teams are playing. On command, the commander wakes up first. He runs to the flag, runs around him, wakes up the soldier (takes his hand) and runs to the flag together, take the third, etc. Until they run around the whole team. Return to starting position.

Our soldiers guard peaceful life. Military service is difficult. You have to be strong not to get tired. Every morning a soldier does exercises. And I invite you to charge.

Musical exercise "SUN RADIANT"

We want to live only in the world. And we dream of those times when there will be no war on earth. And we will always need strong, courageous, brave and noble men who can protect us. Happy Defender of the Fatherland.

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