Individual lesson with a child 2 3 years. Synopsis of a developmental lesson with young children (2–3 years old) “Mouse. fun jumping game

A cycle of classes for children 2-3 years old "Matryoshkas came to visit us"

Zhilichkina Maria Yuryevna, teacher-psychologist, MADOU Kindergarten No. 66 "Yablonka", Shchelkovo, Moscow Region.
Material Description: I bring to your attention one of the scenarios of the cycle of classes for children 2-3 years old. The early childhood development program developed by the author is based on communication and objective activities as leaders in early childhood, and is a system of integrated activities with children in all major areas of child upbringing and development. The program is composed in the form of scenarios of a cycle of classes devoted to one topic. All parts of the script are performed at the discretion of the teacher during the day, depending on the emotional and physical condition of the children.
The structure of the lesson cycle scenario:
1. individual work during the morning reception
2. charging
3. subject-cognitive activity
4. design
5. speech development
6. productive activity (drawing or modeling)
7. acquaintance with fiction.
Particular attention is drawn to the development in children of the rudiments of curiosity, independence, activity, and initiative. Without these qualities, it is impossible to develop the creative abilities of the child, the development of his personality.
Purpose: This material will be useful to anyone who is interested in developing activities with young children, both in kindergartens and in private centers, at home.
Target: The development of young children.
Tasks: Teach children to act with a double matryoshka. Form the concepts of "big", "small". Learn to recognize the four primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green). Learn to perform game movements to the music that correspond to the words. Exercise in running, walking in one direction. To teach children to tear off small lumps of plasticine from a large one, roll them out in length first with a palm on the board, and then between the palms. To acquaint with the details of building material, to teach how to build elementary buildings according to a model of a certain size. Develop auditory and visual perception, attention, imagination, memory, mental operations. Develop active speech, encouraging statements. Cultivate friendly relationships with children, the desire to help.
Materials: Large nesting doll, double nesting dolls for each child, multi-colored handkerchiefs: blue, red, yellow, green; scarves of four primary colors, four boxes: red, blue, yellow, green; plasticine, wet rags, pencils for viewing. 7 bricks and 1 prism for each child.

1. Individual work with children, actions with objects "Matryoshka"

The Russian folk melody "Like ours at the gate" sounds. There are nesting dolls on the table.
caregiver(addressing the baby): Hello, Masha. Do you hear how much fun our group has? Do you want to see who's having fun there? Let's go and see. Here's who's having fun! (takes one nesting doll in his hands, showing the child). This is a matryoshka. Look at her beautiful sundress, what a bright scarf. Show me, Mashenka, where the matryoshka has a mouth, nose, eyes. Our matryoshka dances to cheerful music. Show me how she dances. Do you want to play with matryoshka? Choose any one you like. The same is true for every child.

2. Charging with handkerchiefs.

Educator: Guys, look what multi-colored handkerchiefs the nesting dolls brought. Here's a red handkerchief, here's a blue one... (shows). Do you want to play with them? Crawl to the box of handkerchiefs, choose which one you like.
1st exercise. "For handkerchiefs." Crawling in a given direction.
2nd exercise. "Wave your handkerchief." Starting position: sitting, hands with a handkerchief lowered, legs straightened. Raise your hand with a handkerchief, wave, lower down. Do the same with the other hand (4 times).
3rd exercise. "Show me the handkerchief." Starting position: kneeling, handkerchief in hand behind the back. Stretch your hands with a handkerchief forward. Take a starting position (4 times).
4th exercise. "Put down the handkerchief." Starting position: standing, hands down, handkerchief in one hand. Sit down, put a handkerchief in front of you. Take the starting position. Show hands, say: "No handkerchief." Sit down, take a handkerchief. Take the starting position. Show a handkerchief, say: "Here is a handkerchief." (4 times).
5th exercise. "We have fun walking with a handkerchief." Walking with a teacher to the music.

3. Subject-cognitive activity "Playing with a matryoshka".

The teacher attracts the attention of children with a large bright nesting doll.
I am a cheerful matryoshka
Sweeties, sweeties.
And in my ears are earrings,
Sweeties, sweeties.
The teacher encourages while pronouncing the words "okay, ok" to clap your hands. Children sit down at the tables, each has a double matryoshka.
caregiver(shakes the nesting doll, says in surprise): What is this?
The teacher opens the matryoshka and takes out another, smaller one.
Educator: There was one toy, and now there are two. One (shows) big one is mother-matryoshka, another (shows) little is a matryoshka daughter. Take the small matryoshka out of the big one. Children perform an action.
Educator: Say hello to your new toys. Hello, matryoshkas! Big nesting dolls went for a walk (the teacher puts the toy on the table, asks the kids to put large nesting dolls in the middle of the table “on the meadow”).
Educator: Mothers call their daughters to their place: "Come to us." Rain started (the teacher hits the tambourine): Matryoshka mother hides her little daughter (the teacher opens a large toy, hides a small one in it). Rain is not terrible. Children do the same.

4. Designing a “Matryoshka House”

Educator: Guys, nesting dolls ask you to build houses for them. For a large matryoshka - large, for a small one - small.
A small house is built from two bricks laid on top of each other, and a trihedral prism (roof) is placed on top. A large house is built from 4-5 bricks. Children build houses according to the model proposed by the teacher. Then nesting dolls are settled in the houses.

5. Game with scarves.

In different parts of the group, the teacher places 4 boxes of red, yellow, blue, green. From each box, the ends of the scarves of the corresponding color look out: red scarves in the red box, blue scarves in the blue one.
Educator: Guys, look what beautiful boxes of nesting dolls they brought for you. There are red scarves in a red box. Who wants to adorn themselves with a red scarf? Children take out scarves. The teacher helps the kids to tie scarves: girls on the head, boys on the neck. Let's look in the group for a box and scarves of a different color. Our new girlfriends, bright nesting dolls, want the kids to be as smart as they are. D children look for boxes, dress up, admire, look in the mirror.
Educator: You are like real nesting dolls. It's time to sing a song and dance. The Belarusian folk melody “This is how we dance” sounds. Children dance, repeating the movements of the teacher.
Eh, nesting dolls are good, good, good.
Together we will dance from the heart, we will dance from the heart.
Let's clap clap, clap, clap!
Let's stomp our feet top, top, top!
Let's wave our hands one, two, three!
Let's dance with you from the bottom of our hearts!
Educator: And now let's put the scarves in their places. Red scarves in a red box. Vanya, in which box will you put the scarf? (The teacher makes sure that all the children say the name of the color in a full sentence)

6. Modeling "Pencils for nesting dolls."

Educator: Matryoshkas love to draw and ask us to make plasticine toy pencils for them. I’ll take a piece of plasticine, put it on my palm, cover it with my other palm and roll the plasticine between my palms. See how the pencil turned out. What colour is he? I'll make another one. Do you like matryoshka? Want to (referring to children) help me? Let's stretch our hands first. There are red pencils in the red glass, green ones in the green one. Tanya, what color pencil did you take? Now let's roll them between the palms.

Children sit down at tables, sculpt pencils. The teacher, on behalf of the matryoshka, observes, gives advice, expresses wishes.

At the age of two, the child becomes a full-fledged interlocutor, an active and mobile researcher of the world around him. Educational games for children 2 years old are a good help in learning new things.

Knowledge and skills of a two-year-old child

Every child is special and develops individually. Therefore, it is impossible to compare the level of skills of a toddler and his peers. One child succeeds in physical activity, the other successfully demonstrates creative inclinations. However, an approximate list of skills that a child has at the age of two still exists.

  • The musculoskeletal system. The baby already knows how to walk, run, jump, walk backwards, balance on a narrow section of the road, move up and down the stairs, kick the ball.
  • Hand motor skills. The child builds pyramids, knows how to handle scissors, draws "kalyaki".
  • Thinking, perception, memory, speech. The kid dances to the beat of the melody, is able to perform an algorithm of up to 3 actions, fulfills requests, tells poems and fairy tales. The vocabulary of a toddler is small: 150-300 words. He speaks in short sentences.
  • Socialization. The child actively interacts with the outside world: he washes his hands, almost dresses himself, eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, sits on the potty, helps his parents, tries to communicate with other children.

If your two-year-old toddler is not yet ready to perform all of the above, do not panic. Just focus more on working on identified knowledge gaps. At this age, children grasp any material on the fly, a few lessons are enough.

Favorite games for 2 year olds

It is easy to come up with a fascinating activity - it is enough to take into account the interests of children of this age. At the same time, the games of boys are not much different from the games of girls.

Among the most common developmental for 2 years, the following can be distinguished.

  • Ball game. You can play with the ball not only on the street, but also at home. We roll the ball to each other, gradually adding toss. Over time, simple movements will develop into an edible-inedible game.
  • Climbing. Toddlers love to overcome obstacles, ride downhill, climb stairs. If there is no home wall bars, the kid will throw out energy on the playground in the yard.
  • Finger games. The child draws with his hands, paints and pencils, sculpts from plasticine, cuts out applications with his own hands.
  • Role-playing games. Games with adults, such as “Mothers and Daughters”, “Hospital”, “Shop”, help develop speech and maintain the right emotional contact with mom.
  • Games with cubes, pyramids. Such games develop coordination, fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking.
  • Mom's helper. Children of the third year of life love to take part in everyday activities, copying the actions of their parents.

Psychologists are convinced that it is not the nature of the game that is important for the child, but the participation of loved ones in it. The kid is just learning to be independent, he still feels more comfortable next to mom and dad.

Classes according to age

Child development is a continuous process. Its success is ensured by the active participation of parents in the conduct of classes, games and exercises. At impromptu lessons, the child expands his vocabulary, forms perception, logic, memory and attention, develops creative abilities, trains strength and endurance. The main conditions for conducting classes are the good mood of the baby and a strict time frame (10 minutes).

Any task is performed in a relaxed game form. You can not force the baby to learn, you can only motivate him with new entertainment.

  • For increase vocabulary kids need to read more. Reading should be clear and intelligible. The intonation is smooth, but not monotonous. Engage your child in conversation while reading. For example: “The dog is drawn. The dog is running. Vanechka, where is the dog running? The same technique is used when watching a cartoon on TV or on a computer.
  • For development speeches perform articulation exercises. Such gymnastics can be combined with exercises for delayed speech development (ZRR) prescribed by the attending physician. In case of lagging behind peers, misunderstanding exercises are used (the parent pretends not to understand the baby's gestures, forcing him to pronounce words) and games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Basics arithmetic and geometry laid at the age of two years. Start by learning shapes from simple to complex. Then master counting to 10. For example: "Look, here are 2 yellow triangles and 1 red square." The kid at the same time will get acquainted with the color scheme. Use 3-4 colors. When the child ceases to get confused in them, proceed to the study of additional shades. So, playing with cubes, offer to serve you the one that is blue. To consolidate the result, sort the toys by color with the toddler. Don't make them name. The main task is to create a correspondence between the visual image and the sound shell of the word. The next step is to study the dimensions. The child will learn to determine whether a large, medium or small car has passed.
  • For improvement memory suitable games with the permutation and disappearance of toys. Ask the kid to return everything back or determine what has changed.
  • Creative pursuits form imagination. Don't limit your child's activities. Let him draw or mold from plasticine and dough the figure that he came up with. This is how he expresses himself.
  • Along with classical activities, you can add a touch of creativity to aesthetic development baby. Try to introduce him to blotography - painting with paints using stones. A bizarre stone is dipped into paint and applied to paper. The kid is trying to show imagination and determine what this trace looks like. Drawing with paraffin at first does not arouse interest, because there are no traces of children's art in the picture. But one has only to cover the paper with watercolor, as a full-fledged drawing appears.
  • Educational programs for children should include and motor activity. Physical exercise I develop dexterity, good coordination, strengthen health. Do morning exercises at home, run more outside and play outdoor games.
  • For development sense of music and rhythm Include themed children's songs and classical compositions for your child. Melodies encourage the baby to dance. Learn some simple and fun moves.

At 2 years old, the child already knows the main animals, some plants, seasons, the names of a number of objects. The task of any auxiliary material is to continue the development that has begun, to expand the child's horizons.

Books for a 2-year-old child are divided into several types:

  • fairy tales;
  • poems;
  • stories about nature;
  • developmental books.

It is worth talking about the latter in more detail. Today, the shelves of bookstores surprise with a variety of educational toys for the little ones. We bring to your attention a list of the most popular of them.

  • "Smart books" from the author Olga Zemtsova delight parents at an affordable price. The series is aimed at developing horizons, intellectual and creative abilities. The age of children is from 1 to 6 years. In addition to thin magazines, there are massive books in the series.
  • "Preschool Mosaic"- the second widely known creation of Olga Zemtsova. The advantage is a bright design and the presence of stickers with tasks. Age for training - from 2 to 6 years.
  • "School of the Seven Dwarfs"- the most popular publication for the development of kids, created by recognized educators and psychologists. Age ranges from birth to school entry. The annual course consists of 12 brochures with didactic games for the comprehensive development of the child in accordance with age.
  • "New Baby - Genius from the Diaper" author Elena Yanushko is a reusable album for creativity.

Examples of educational games

Play these games with your toddler and you will see the benefits after just a few sessions.

  • "Matryoshkas". Sort the nesting dolls by color and size. Give them names. Discuss with your child how Masha's nesting dolls differ from Tanya's nesting dolls. Ask what color they are, which one is larger. Mix the toys. Try to restore the logical series.
  • "Beads". Before the game, we perform a blank: we string pasta on a thread and tie its two ends. Get beads. We show the technique of making the baby and offer to make the same necklace.
  • "Topotushki". Mom pats the child’s body with the pads of her fingers from head to toe, reading the verse:

Two pretty piggies

They took the stomp at once,

And they went for a walk,

Run, jump more fun!

In parallel, she names the parts of the body on which she slaps. The baby will definitely try to "repeat the route."

  • "Apples". Put 3 apples on the table. Count them together. Ask the child to close their eyes and hide 1 apple. Ask the baby how many apples are missing and how many are left.
  • "Score". Say that the tractor needs to take only circles to one store, and only squares to another (or red toys to one, green to the other). Load the car with toys of the same shape or color and take them to the store.

The imagination of children and their parents is limitless. When inventing interesting and varied educational games, do not forget that you should not overwork the child or give him too difficult tasks.

1. Learn the concept of "a lot - a little."

2. Closer to three years - to master the concept of "more-less" (determine the number of items in the group - which are more and which are less).

3. Learn to distinguish between the number of items "one" and "two". (At least. You can go further, learn to count up to 3 - 4, but not all kids aged 2 to 3 can do it - consider the child's interest and his abilities).

4. Learn to sort objects - by size, by color, by type (sort different types of pasta, buttons, large and small objects (circles, squares, etc.)), try other types of sorting.

5. Learn to navigate in space (learn the concepts above, below, right, left).

6. Fold by yourself, without mom's help elementary puzzles or cut pictures from 2-3-4 parts (this skill develops gradually and becomes more developed closer to three years, at first the mother helps the child).

7. Learn to compare - play “who eats what”, “where is whose house”, “where is whose tail” (with cards or in pictures in books and manuals).

8. Play riddles - the mother describes an object or animal in the simplest form, the child guesses it from the description (for example, small, fluffy, with long white ears, jumps like this and eats a carrot, who is it? Who says "mu-mu" and gives milk?, etc. Gradually, you can complicate the riddles).

9. Guess the animal from the description.

10. Fold several nesting dolls, cups into each other.

11. Build a turret of cubes / cups with decreasing size:

12. Learn to compare figures, geometric bodies with their projections (Gyenes blocks, homework):

13. Closer to three years - designing simple structures according to the drawing (like in the picture, but it's better to start with two parts):

14. Starting from 2.5 years old - play Nikitin's "Fold the Square" (at first - together with the child, but very quickly the children learn to assemble it on their own):

15. Starting from 2.5 years old - play prefabricated puzzles:

16. Learn to classify objects according to a common feature (for example: cards with the image of toys, food, animals are laid out in front of the child. The kid is offered to decompose them into the appropriate group (for example, toys in a box, food in the "refrigerator", animals in the "house"). At first, the child learns to lay out objects with the active help of his mother.For the training to be successful, it is better to play with the same set of objects for a long time (for example, to start sorting cards for only toys and food for a long time).

Great for mastering this skill are cards or wooden toys "Pick up a group":

17. Classification of objects - play the game "what is in this room?" (Find what is round in this room? What is soft in this room, etc.).

18. Games with Gyenesh blocks, with a simple constructor, other suitable items (toys, pasta, buttons, beads, etc.) by type:

Find objects, figures of the same shape;

Find objects, figures of the same color;

Find objects, figures of the same size;

Find the same figures by size, thickness and other features.

19. Games with Kuisener's sticks.

20. Play “part and whole” - “whose tail is this”, “pick up the roof for the house”, etc.

21. Learn to find a figure by two signs (for example, find a large yellow circle (there is a small yellow circle and circles of other colors in the group of objects), a small red square, etc.).

22. Closer to three years (and very individual) - find errors in pictures (work with manuals) - what is missing, what is wrong, which of the objects is the wrong color, etc. Very inexpensive manuals of the "Smart Books" series will come in handy for this:

The study of the properties of objects.

1. Colors of objects.

2. Geometric figures, forms.
3. Long-short.
4. High - low.
5. Wide-narrow.
6. Identical-different (closer to three years).
7. Warm-cold.
8. Hard-soft.
9. Smooth-rough.
10. Heavy-light.
11. Taste, smell.

The development of attention.

1. Play "Find!" - we ask the child to find some object in the room (find where your bear lies, where the red cube is), on the street (look through the window - find where the dog walks? Find the red car!), search in the picture in the book, etc. .P. - You can play anytime, anywhere. This game is very simple, children are easily drawn into it. At the same time, attention and the ability to concentrate it develop very well.

2. The game of "Find a Pair" - a more complicated option than it was from a year to two - find a pair among objects that are very similar to each other. For example:

3. Find the same pattern (pairs of mittens, hats, cups and saucers, patches for towels, roofs for houses, etc.):

4. Closer to three years - build a turret, a house according to the drawing (you need to start with 2 parts).

5. Games with Gyenes blocks, Kuizener sticks.

6. Search for items by one attribute- find what in this room is red, hard, soft, round, big, etc. (you can play anywhere).

7. Search for objects by two signs - find what in this room is big and white, small and hard, etc.

8. Play hide and seek with the child (hide so that the baby can easily find it, prompt the child by calling him with his voice).

How to develop memory.

1. "What's missing?" - remember the pictures (toys) laid out on the table, guess which picture mom hid. Memorization of objects is carried out in a playful way - the mother tells a fairy tale about the objects that are laid out on the table, in the process of the fairy tale the child manages to remember her heroes well. After that, mom takes one of them and asks “who is missing?”. You can read more about how to play this game with very young children.

2. What appeared? - we play according to the same principle that is written in the previous paragraph, but we do not hide, but add toys, the child must determine which toy the mother added.

3. Hide 3-4 toys with your child. Then ask him to find them (we search from memory).

4. Ask the child to bring 2-3 items (we bring items from memory).

5. Recall with mom what the child did yesterday, in the morning, some time ago, what events took place on the street (who among friends walked today, what toys they had, etc.).

6. Remember what is drawn in the picture and answer questions about what was drawn there after the picture is closed.

7. The game "Find a Pair" with hide and seek - the mother shows the child a picture and hides it behind her back. He asks to find the same picture in a group of cards (the child is looking for a paired picture not holding it in his hand, as usual, but from memory):

8. The game of "thimble". We take multi-colored cups, put a toy under one of them. We change the cups several times, then ask them to find where the toy is hidden (we gradually increase the number of toys and cups).

9. "Memory" - a game with 2-3 cards. We put cards in front of the child, the child remembers them (to help him, you can tell a fairy tale about the characters that are drawn in the pictures, while listening to the fairy tale, the child will remember the location of the cards well. "Fairy tale" can be very simple of 4-5 sentences). We turn the cards face down - in this way, all the pictures are hidden from the baby and are not visible to him. We ask the child to find where a certain card lies from memory ("Find on which card the bear is drawn?"). Another version of "Memory" is possible.

Physical development.

1. Jump in place on two legs. Closer to three years - learn to jump forward (but not everyone succeeds).

2. Learn to throw and catch the ball, throw the ball against the wall.

3. Throw up a balloon, a ball.

4. Maintain balance by walking on a board laid on the floor, on a bench, on a beam.

5. Depict the movements of animals as shown by mom.

6. Crawl (like a boa constrictor, like a caterpillar) on the stomach forward.

7. Jump like a bunny.

8. Depict a bird - wave your arms while running around the room, squat - “look for grains in the grass”, bounce - “fly up”.

9. Stomp loudly, raising your legs high, like an elephant.

10. Swim like an octopus: lie down on your back, raise your arms and legs up, wave your arms and legs (“swim”).

11. Run fast, slowly, on toes.

12. Sitting on the floor, knock on the floor with your feet, "like a drum."

13. Roll on the floor like a bun.

14. Jump from a semi-squat like a frog.

15. Dance and engage in logorhythmics (to the music of the Zheleznovs and other authors).

16. Lift objects from the floor, bending down, crouching.

17. Stretch your hands up, reaching for objects that are located high (objects at the height of the outstretched arm of the child can be held by the mother).

18. Move around the room without hitting objects scattered on the floor (such as pillows), gradually increasing the pace and number of objects.

19. Carry large but not heavy items (eg high chair, light toy box).

20. Walking on massage surfaces.

21. Walking on toes, closer to three years - on the heels.

22. Perform movements in the dance - put your foot on the toe, on the heel.

23. Walking along a winding line drawn on the floor (or a strip of paper) - the development of coordination.

24. Crawling under a stretched rope.

25. The game "Catch a sunbeam" - we play with a sunbeam that my mother lets in.

26. Collective games: drive a round dance, run a train one after another (children hold on to each other), games with a special children's game parachute, games of "catch-up", "wolf and hares", etc.

27. "Cats and mice." While the cat is sleeping (an imaginary cat or another adult) - the children and their mother walk quietly. When the cat wakes up, they quickly run away to the house.

28. Hang on the turnstile, rings, mother's hands.

29. Climbing sports walls at home, on playgrounds.

30. Walking on "bumps" (randomly scattered pillows, books).

31. Climb through a tunnel (purchased or built from chairs placed in a row).

32. Fitball games.

33. Game "Snail and House". The child gets on all fours. A pillow is placed on his back. He turns into a snail, which carries his house (cushion) on his back. The task for the snail is to go as long as possible without dropping your house (we crawl on all fours, carrying a pillow on our backs).

34. Walking on hands:

Music and rhythm.

1. Listen to a lot of songs by age.

2. Learning to listen to music - listening to classical melodies with mom, listening to mom's story "What does this melody tell us about?". It is easy to come up with such a story on your own (for example, like this), with its help, the child develops the ability to truly listen to music, to capture its shades and mood.

3. Learn to distinguish between fast and slow music, learn to play noise instruments quickly and slowly.

4. Learn to distinguish between happy and sad music.

5. Learn to distinguish between loud and quiet music, learn to play noise musical instruments loud and soft.

6. If there is an opportunity (large family) to play the game "who called?" (the child guesses by voice - who is calling him).

7. Listen with your mother to the “sounds of life” - how birds chirp, a car makes noise, leaves rustle, etc.

8. Try to determine where the sound comes from (for example - "Do you hear the bird chirping? What tree do you think it is sitting on?").

9. Engage in logarithmics (to the music of the Zheleznovs and other authors).

10. Play musical instruments (children's and noise - drum, maracas, tambourine, xylophone, etc.).

11. Get acquainted with various instruments and their sound (you can watch videos on YouTube with your child, where performers play classical music on various instruments).

12. Closer to three years (if the child is fond of songs and remembers many melodies by ear) - play guess the melody - mom sings a melody (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “Antoshka”) the kid guesses what kind of song it is.

13. Sing songs to a child.

14. Dance - quickly, slowly, stamp your feet, clap your hands, twirl your palms - the “flashlights” movement, jump, put your feet on your toe - on your heel in the dance, tap your heel on the floor, tap your toe on the floor, dance, dance with objects - with spoons (we dance and knock spoons on the floor, against each other, over our heads, behind our backs, loudly-quietly, quickly slowly), maracas rattles (we dance and accompany ourselves, perform the same movements as with spoons), with handkerchiefs ( on their own and with their mother.

15. Stimulate the independent performance of dance movements to dance melodies. To intensify the performance of movements to the music that convey the nature of the depicted animals.


1. Draw tracks.

2. Draw circles.

3. Draw simple compositions - rain, snow, grass, Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree, circles (which will be balls, apples, etc.), draw sticks - strings for balls, stems (sticks) for flowers, handles for shoulder blades, hedgehog needles, grass, patterns (arbitrary) on cups, rugs, towels.

4. Draw vertical and horizontal lines.

5. Draw short and long lines.

6. Closer to three years - coloring pictures (some art teachers are against coloring - they believe that coloring kills creativity (since the child does not draw on his own, but works according to a ready-made template). Decide individually whether to teach the child to color or not).

7. Draw the child's attention to the choice of color for the picture (we draw grass in green, the rays of the sun in yellow).

8. Draw with a stick on sand, semolina, snow.

9. Leave prints with paints using stamps, sponges.

10. Learn to draw with paints (wash and wet the brush).

11. Draw with finger paints.


1. Roll out plasticine, dough with straight and circular movements of the hands (balls and sausages).

2. Break off small lumps from a large lump, flatten them with your palms and fingers.

3. Connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other.

4. Just play with dough and plasticine (free creativity).

5. Sculpt lumps of plasticine on paper (we feed the chicken, make dots for the ladybug, etc.).

6. Master the technique of smearing plasticine on paper.

7. Leave prints on the test with various objects.

8. Cut out figures from the dough using cookie cutters.

9. Learn to cut the dough with a plastic knife.


1. Perform plot application (sun + cloud + house, etc.) from 2-3 objects.

2. Applique an object from 2-3 parts (houses (roof + window), mushrooms (hat + leg), etc.).

3. Application from cotton wool (depict clouds, snow, dandelions, a sheep, etc.).

4.Applique from crumpled paper balls.

5. Application from torn paper.


  1. Build houses, fences, bridges, a slide, a garage.
  2. Play with Lego.
  3. Closer to three years - to build houses according to a simple drawing (from two or three parts).
  4. Games with Gyenesh blocks.
  5. Games with Kuisener's sticks.

The world.

1. Continue learning domestic and wild animals and their babies. Learn simple facts about animals (where he lives, what he eats, characteristic features, for example, "a cow gives milk", "a goat butts", etc.), learn what pets give a person, learn the names of the main parts of the body of animals (horns , hooves, etc.).

2. Birds - expand your knowledge about bird species, learn basic facts about birds (where they live, what they eat, how offspring appear, the names of chicks). Gets acquainted with the division into domestic and wild birds (just say it with a child, when studying birds, emphasize that someone lives next to a person and benefits him, someone is a wild bird and lives on his own).

3. Insects - study the most common insects (ant, bee, butterfly, etc.); know the simplest facts from their lives (a bee brings honey, a caterpillar gnaws leaves, etc.), recognize them by their appearance, cultivate a kind attitude towards insects. Bring to the understanding that all insects are alive: they breathe, move, eat.

4. Get acquainted with the concept of day and night. Try to distinguish between morning, lunch, evening.

5. Get acquainted with natural phenomena: rain, snow, wind, rainbow.

6. Get acquainted with 3-4 most characteristic trees and flowers for the area.

9. Gets acquainted with the concept of the materials from which the surrounding objects are made (paper, wood, stone, glass).

10. Explore Topics:

  • Transport.
  • Doctor, clinic.
  • Score.
  • Family.
  • The world of the sea (inhabitants, the sea element, ships).
  • Train and railroad, rails, wagons, driver.
  • Fish, aquarium, underwater world. (Watch the fish, note their features (“It has a tail, eyes, mouth, lives in water”).
  • City.

11. Labor of adults. Learn to distinguish between some labor actions. Raise a sense of respect for the work of mothers and other people.

12. Generalization of the topic "Man" - structure, parts of the body, (at the request of parents - elementary knowledge of internal organs), health, a conversation about the need for hygiene.

13. Appliances in the house, electrical appliances. Rules for the safety of handling electricity (sockets, plugs of electrical appliances).

14. Professions. (At this age, it is better to study professions without interrupting the general topic. For example, we learn the topic “transport” - along the way we study the professions of a driver, pilot, etc. We learn the topic “doctor, health” - we study the profession of a doctor, nurse, etc.) .

15. If at the age of 2 to 3 you plan to send your child to a kindergarten - pay attention to introducing the baby to the theme of the kindergarten, speak and play the most important points - independence, separation and meeting with mom, independent sleep, regimen, respect for teachers, etc. .P.

Walking development.

1. Rules of the road: introduce the child to the rules of crossing the road, explain the danger of inattentive behavior on the road. Explain that the sidewalk is for people, the road is for cars. Discuss the rules for safe crossing the roadway (traffic light, zebra). To develop observation in children, the ability to correctly assess traffic on the road (learn to check whether it is possible to cross the road, evaluate how cars move - quickly - slowly, explain that we only cross the road when there are no cars or they are far away). To teach to cross the road only with an adult, not to run out onto the roadway.

2. Learn to navigate in space (study the use of such words as "there", "here", "here", "there", "right", "left", "far", "close", "near"), study place suggestions.

3. In the house on the playground, play simple fairy tales in which there is a house: “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Teremok”, “Wolf and seven kids”. Encourage the child to tell a fairy tale together with an adult (finish sentences, insert familiar words), in a simple form, depict and pronounce the replicas of the heroes of a fairy tale (be a bunny, a mouse, etc.). Play how best to meet dad in the evening, who returned from work (or another loved one), what to say to him.

4. Study vegetation - flowers, trees, grass, bushes (names and differences). Learn to distinguish between a tree and a bush. Study parts of plants (leaf, trunk, etc.). Follow the seasonal changes in nature (yellow leaves, fallen off, bare trees, buds have appeared, etc.). Learn to respect plants. Watering trees, flowers from a watering can.

5. Using the example of trees, grass, bushes, twigs, study the concepts of “thick-thin”, “big-small”, “many-few”, “high-low”.

6. Transport: distinguish between modes of transport, distinguish between types (cargo, car) and parts of the car (cabin, steering wheel, wheel).

7. In a relaxed way, encourage the child to answer the question: “What is this?” a sentence consisting of several words (for children who have already begun to actively master phrasal speech).

8. Sun: talk about the fact that life on earth needs the sun, that the sun helps plants grow, warms all life on earth. Watch the sun (hidden behind clouds, bright, dim, sets, rises, sunset).

9. Sky: observe changes in the sky - clouds, overcast, cloudy, clear, gloomy, clear, the sky at night.

10. Watch the moon.

11. Answer questions: What did the clouds do? (They closed the sun.) What does the sun do? (Lights up) etc.

12. Using natural materials (pebbles, twigs) and objects of the surrounding world (trees, cars, etc.) to study the concepts of “thick-thin”, “big-small”, “many-little”, “high-low”, “hard-soft”, “warm-cold”, “most” (“highest, lowest”), colors, properties of objects, etc.

13. Develop vocabulary - discuss various objects found on the street (animals, birds, plants, people, transport, buildings, entrance, elevator, etc.). Name the qualities of these objects, tell why they are needed.

14. Discuss the need to maintain cleanliness on the street, in the entrance, respect for the environment and cleanliness of the yard, street, entrance.

15. Play with sand. Pay attention to the properties of sand: dry, crumbles; if watered (or it is after rain) - it becomes wet, and you can sculpt “pies” from it.

16. Play with snow.

17. Play with puddles (throw pebbles, cover with sand, dig, play with water, build canals, launch boats, study the property of objects “sinking - not sinking”) - at the request of the parents.

18. Let the sunbeam, catch it.

19. Seasons: talk about changes in nature, about changes in the lives of people, animals, birds.

20. Houses: clarify the names of different houses and buildings, study parts of the house (window, entrance, etc.).

21. Speak on the street various speech topics that are interesting to the child (animals, birds, cubs, etc.).

22. In your free time from games, learn poetry.

23. Builders and workers: if possible, observe the work of adults on construction sites, workers of various services. Name and discuss their work activities, teach the names of professions, discuss the importance of their work, consider and memorize the names of their equipment and tools.

The development of speech.

All of the developmental methods below are suitable for children who have already begun to speak single words (even if in their own "childish" language - this is a normal stage of development that most children go through). If your child is not in a hurry to talk yet, you may be better off using the speech development techniques that are published.

Speech development in children from 2 to 3 years:

1. Develop the ability to answer questions from an adult about what is shown in the picture (in a very simplified form), about what is happening around - at home, on the street.

2. Communicate a lot with the child about all the situations and events that occur in his life (replenish passive vocabulary).

4. After reading the books, discuss with the child at the simplest level what they have read.

5. Together tell fairy tales familiar to the child (“there were a grandfather ... and who else lived? Right! Baba! And who did they have? Who says ko-ko? Right! Well done! Hen Ryaba!).

6. Play simple fairy tales with the child (for example, "Teremok" - the child can be a mouse sitting in the house and letting the other animals in). In the course of the game, encourage the child to perform various actions (open-close the door, wave a greeting - goodbye, say simple words and phrases or onomatopoeia (“pee-pee!”, “ko-ko”).

7. Listen to songs.

8. Learn adjectives: often use them in a conversation with a child, describing objects. Play the game "what?" (ask the question “what is he like?” in relation to the subjects that the child is interested in, answer this question, encourage the child to come up with an answer himself (if the baby remembers at least one adjective, this is already good!).

9. Study various prepositions (about, y, for, etc.) and adverbs used for orientation in space (far, close, above, below, right, left, etc.), pronouns (there, here) , words for comparison (same, different).

10. When studying various lexical topics, pay attention to what parts objects and objects consist of (for example, a house consists of a roof, windows, doors, etc.).


Motor skills (general and fine).

1. Do finger gymnastics.
2. Engage in modeling, drawing, appliqué, creativity.
3. Play with frame inserts.
4. Learn to unfasten buttons, zippers, buttons (if there is interest and it turns out, then fasten them).
5. Fasten - unfasten Velcro (on boots, jacket, in educational toys).
6. Take off your socks, hat, gloves, learn to take off and put on other clothes.
7. Pour / pour cereal / water into different vessels, learn to use a funnel, a jug, a teapot from children's dishes, a watering can for pouring / pouring.
8. Play with stickers.
9. Learn to wash your hands (emphasis on the word "learn", encourage to master the skill, but do not force), including turning the tap on and off (if the design of the tap makes it easy to do this), soaping your hands, squeezing liquid soap out of the bottle.
10. Catch rounded objects (balls, containers from kinders) in a dish of water with a spoon or strainer and put them in a dry glass.
11. Catch rounded objects (balls, containers from kinders) from a glass.
12. Beat the soap suds with a whisk (a few drops of detergent or shampoo are added to the water).
13. Collect and pour water with an enema or pipette.

14. Learn to collect water with a sponge and wring it out.

15. Crumple paper (make round lumps) and push the resulting lumps into a bottle, a jar with a narrow neck.
16. Make patterns from sticks, pasta, pebbles, beans:

17. Play with clothespins.

18. Play with Kuizener sticks, Gyenes blocks.

19. Play with lacing.
20. Play with a mosaic, Lego, other designers.
21. Closer to the age of three, you can start learning to circle the dots (if the child has a desire, and the learning process is easy). Outline very simple lines - various paths, straight lines or with a slight bend.
22. Move beads and other small items with tweezers.
23. Pick up caps for bottles, jars. Unscrew and screw on the caps.
24. Lower small objects (eg buttons, beads) into a narrow cylinder, a narrow opening.
25. Some toys for the development of motor skills (independent development in the game):

Logic square:


Cut vegetables and fruits:

Bear cubs:


Various pyramids, insert frames, soretras, etc. are still relevant for the development of fine motor skills.

sensory development.

1. Feel objects of various textures, discuss their properties.

2. Play "find a pair" with pieces of materials of different textures (in the figure - the manual "bring each car to your garage." To complete the task, the child compares the different textures of white materials - soft paper, hard cardboard, cotton pad, white knitwear):

3. Closer to the age of 3 - identify objects by touch (pull out of the bag without looking, on the instructions of the mother, figures, vegetables, fruits, toys, determine by touch what kind of object is in the bag, etc.).

4. Get acquainted with tastes, smells, play games "find the same taste, smell."

Interaction with peers.

1. Draw the attention of the child to other children, arouse interest and sympathy for children (what a good girl! She is the same baby as you! Let's get to know her! What's your name?).

2. Get to know other children on the playground, encourage them to play together - build and break Easter cakes together, etc. At this age, children will not be able to play on their own - their mother will help them interact and play together. Such games and socialization are especially important if the child will soon go to kindergarten.

3. Learn to change, respect the property of another, respect your right to play with your toy.

4. Learn to feel sorry for and empathize with the grief of another (to feel sorry for the boy who fell and cries, etc.).

Household skills and self-service.

All of the skills listed below are very individual. It is better to push the kid, encourage them to master them, praise them for their successes, but not force them to perform them through force.

1. Wash your hands, wash your face, use a towel - with the help of mom(including turning the water on and off (if the design of the tap is not too complicated), lathering soap, squeezing liquid soap out of the bottle).

2. Together with your mother, clean up the table after eating.

3. Wipe up spilled liquid with a sponge.

4. Eat solid foods on your own.

5. Closer to the age of three, learn to put on and take off your clothes on your own. Difficult elements (tight-fitting clothes, zippers, hooks, etc.) fasten, unfasten with mom.

6. Water the flowers (ideally - in the summer on the street from a watering can).

7. Closer to three years old - fold your clothes (study).

8. Put toys away (study, together with mom, at the request of mom, most children at this age cannot put toys away on their own and of their own free will).

9. Help mom with housework: cook together (wash cereals, vegetables, pick up ingredients for a dish with a spoon, etc.), wash something, clean up, etc. It will be much easier to interest a child in housework if you entrust the child with something that will be truly interesting for him.

10. If you plan to send your child to a kindergarten, then in advance (at least six months in advance) start accustoming the child to the necessary skills - dressing, undressing, washing, it is especially important to wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with a towel, eat on your own. Don't leave learning until the last minute - there are no miracles - it will take a lot of time to learn these skills. Adaptation of the child in kindergarten will be much easier if the child does not have problems with self-care.

Development of the desire to engage and develop.

1.To praise for success.
2.Do not scold for failures and unwillingness to study (over time, everything will definitely work out, it just may not be now and not today, and if it never works out, is it worth it to be upset about this?).
3. Do what interesting to the child. Any skill (attention, logic, motor skills) can be developed by countless exercises. Among them, it is quite possible to find what your baby will like most of all (for example, if a child does not like finger gymnastics, you can quite successfully replace this with modeling and drawing, does not like listening to reading - replace it with live communication, etc.)
4. Engage in development when the child wants and can(sometimes it happens that we start developing games after we redo household chores and other work, and by that time the baby has already played enough, is tired and wants to rest and relax more, and not perform complex tasks).
5. Present educational games and activities in a playful way.
6. Do what within the power of a child Everyone has their own inclinations and abilities. Someone with pleasure and for a long time sits next to their mother and listens to a book with interest, someone is only enough for 10 minutes - and there is nothing wrong with that, he probably does a good job with other things. Someone easily counts and performs tasks for logic and attention, someone does not do this, but draws well. Someone doesn’t draw, doesn’t like reading, it seems that they don’t like anything at all, but they do things much better than others that lie outside the sphere of early development (for example, they are many times kinder and more gentle than their peers, more initiative and responsible, faster and faster, etc. .P.).

7. Early development is much easier and more fun if you adequately assess the child’s abilities and “do not run ahead of the locomotive”, perform tasks that the baby will be able to do, even if all steel peers (as a rule, these “everyone” turn out to be far from the majority) have gone much further.

Crisis of three years.

Closer to three years, most children begin the crisis of three years. This is a difficult period for both the baby and the mother. The general advice of all psychologists and educators for this difficult time is this - it is difficult, but someday everything will end, the “crisis of three years” must simply be experienced. Prepare in advance for this crisis period of life - read the literature, watch the "difficult" behavior of older children at this age.

Many children during this period refuse to engage in early development with their mother. If you notice this in your baby, this does not mean that the era of educational games and activities is over for you. Just try to tune in to the wave of the child and think - what is he really interested in now? What can be offered to him that will amaze him to the core and be extremely interested? Perhaps, with his unwillingness to engage, the child tells you that he has already grown up and wants to decide for himself what to do at one time or another.

The crisis of three years is a serious test for the "mother-child" connection, for the mother's ability and desire to accept the child as he is. If it becomes more and more difficult for you with a baby who was an angel yesterday - know that this is not a child that has deteriorated. This is a necessary stage of its development, from which not only the mother suffers, but also the baby himself. Try not to be offended and not angry with the baby, and help yourself and the child to cope with difficulties and get out of this period as close people who love and understand each other. There are a lot of good methods and ways that can help you - do not give up and look for ways out of the most difficult situations. Remember that we are sent those children whom we are able to raise happy and love with all our hearts.

Good luck in the development and upbringing of your children. Let them grow up healthy and happy!


Sorter, mosaic, puzzles and similar toys.

  • The logical thinking of the crumbs develops very quickly. The child is able to find solutions to various problems, to find out how an object works or how it works.
  • At the same time, a sense of space develops. The child tries to direct the ball with a kick, throw it into the ring. General coordination during movement becomes better - the child is able to control the direction in which he moves, stops, and also the speed of movement.
  • The independence and autonomy of a 2-year-old child also increases. Now the baby will try to learn new things without your help.
  • What should a child know?

    Most children by the age of two already know how to:

    • Run and climb stairs.
    • Close and open the door.
    • Step over obstacles.
    • Build towers and houses from cubes and constructor.
    • Collect a pyramid from rings of different sizes.
    • Catch the ball with both hands.
    • Play multiple actions in a story game.
    • Eat with a spoon and also drink from a cup.
    • Help mom around the house.
    • Understand short stories about familiar events.
    • Answer simple questions.
    • Show parts of the body and face.
    • Speak about 100-300 words.
    • Associate 3-4 words in a sentence.
    • Name the objects in the picture.
    • Say goodbye and say hello.
    • Speak words in familiar rhymes and songs.
    • Imitate animal sounds.
    • Draw doodles on paper.
    • Distinguish 3-4 colors.

    Height and weight

    Compared to 1.5 years, by the age of two, children gain about 1300 grams and grow by about 5-6 cm. For girls, all indicators will usually be slightly less than for boys. To find out if the baby is physically developing normally, we offer you a table with the average values ​​​​of the main indicators, as well as the normal limits for children of different sexes:

    You can use the calculator to calculate the norms for your child. The calculator is based on height and weight guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Height and weight calculator

    Is it worth worrying about deviations from the given physical norms, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

    By the age of two, many babies complete teething. On average, babies of this age have 16-20 milk teeth.

    Calculate the vaccination calendar

    Enter your child's date of birth

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 25 Jan 29 January 31 January 31, JUNE September 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

    Generate a calendar

    Types of child development


    This type of development helps the child become more resilient and dexterous. A two-year-old baby needs daily physical activity.

    Classes for the physical development of 2-year-old children are as follows:

    • Alternate fast running with slow running.
    • We run on toes.
    • We teach the child to jump on two legs in place.
    • Ball games - throwing against the wall, catching, throwing to mom.
    • To maintain balance, we walk on a bench, a board on the floor.
    • We copy the movements of animals after the mother showed them - we jump like a hare, we walk like a bear, we crawl like a caterpillar, we stomp loudly like an elephant, we wave our hands like a bird.
    • We roll across the floor.
    • We jump like a frog from a half-crouched position.
    • We reach up to suspended objects.
    • We run around the room, avoiding obstacles (for example, pillows laid out on the floor).
    • We carry large items that are not heavy.
    • We walk on uneven ground.
    • Walking along the drawn line - straight and winding.
    • We crawl under the stretched rope.
    • Together with other children, we run a train, play catch-up, arrange a round dance.
    • We hang on rings or a horizontal bar.
    • We master climbing on a sports wall.
    • We jump on the "bumps" - pillows laid out on the floor.
    • We climb through the tunnel.
    • We jump on the fitball.
    • We play snail - crawl with a pillow on the back.
    • We walk on our hands.


    This type of development of the baby includes the study of the surrounding world, the properties of objects, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory, the study of elements of mathematics. Classes for the cognitive development of a two-year-old child can be as follows:

    • The study of geometric shapes.
    • The study of the colors of objects.
    • Find the named object indoors, outdoors, or in a picture.
    • Find a pair by choosing from similar items.
    • Find the same patterns on hats, mittens, saucers and similar images.
    • Learning the concepts of "little" and "many".
    • Determining the difference in the number of objects - the child learns to distinguish between 1 and 2.
    • Sort items by color and size.
    • Orientation in space with the study of the concept of "right", "bottom", "left", "above".
    • Folding puzzles and split pictures that have 2-4 parts.
    • Comparison of pictures, as well as objects in the games “Where is whose mother”, “Where is whose house”, “Who eats what” and the like.
    • Guessing simple riddles - who eats weed and says "moo", who is white and loves carrots.
    • Folding nesting dolls and glasses into each other.
    • Build a tower from different-sized glasses or cubes (sorted by size).
    • Comparison of geometric figures with projections in the figure.
    • Classification of cards with objects on a common basis, for example, products, animals, toys.
    • Find the whole in parts, for example, pick up a roof for a house or a tail for an animal.
    • Find a figure, given 2 features - find a small red among all circles, find a large green among all squares.
    • The study of the concepts of "low" and "high", "narrow" and "wide", "short" and "long".
    • Give the subject a shadow.
    • Find the missing part of the picture.
    • The game “what is missing” (hide one of the toys or pictures) or “what has appeared” (add a picture or toy).
    • Hide and seek games.
    • We remember together what we did in the morning, yesterday, on a walk.
    • Remember the plot of the picture.
    • Playing thimble with small toys.
    • We study wild as well as domestic animals. We show the child their cubs, tell simple facts about their life, name the parts of the body (hooves, horns, trunk).
    • We study birds and insects.
    • Acquaintance with the concept of day and night, as well as the division of the day into morning, lunch and evening.
    • Studying natural phenomena, for example, looking at a rainbow, snow or rain.
    • Getting to know 3-4 flowers that grow in your area.
    • The study of commonly found vegetables and berries, as well as fruits and mushrooms.
    • Getting to know the seasons.
    • Conversations on the topic of transport, professions, clinics, parts of the human body, shop, family, aquarium, sea, trains, materials, city, electrical appliances and others.
    • If the child is about to start going to kindergarten, it is important to pay attention to the discussion of the theme of the kindergarten.
    • On a walk, you can study the rules of the road, vegetation, transport, the sky and the sun, natural materials (stones, leaves, branches), houses.
    • Also, during walks, you can play with snow, with puddles, with sunbeams, with shadows and with sand.



    This type of development is aimed at the child's hearing, musical perception, recognition of musical instruments. It also includes dancing and singing.

    To develop a child musically, the following games and activities are suitable:

    • Listening to children's songs.
    • Listening to classical music.
    • We distinguish different music - slow from fast, sad from cheerful, quiet from loud.
    • We listen to a variety of sounds on a walk - the noise of cars, the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves and others.
    • We determine the source of sounds, for example, we look for a bird on a tree.
    • We play different children's musical instruments.
    • We listen to the sounds of different instruments.
    • Listening to mom singing.
    • We dance with mom slowly and quickly, slap and stomp, make “flashlights” with handles, put the foot on the heel, and then on the toe, we dance.

    Conduct a lesson shown by M. L. Lazarev (an expert in musical development) with a child of 2 years old.


    The development of the child's speech is aimed at increasing the vocabulary of the baby and stimulating the repetition of words after an adult. It is also important to perform exercises for articulation.

    Classes for speech development with a 2-year-old baby can be as follows:

    • Replenishment of the passive vocabulary of the crumbs, constantly communicating with the baby and talking about everything that happens in his life.
    • Reading books (fairy tales, poems), as well as discussing what they read.
    • Ask the baby questions about the image in the picture or what is happening around the child.
    • Play simple fairy tales with the baby.
    • Listen and sing songs.
    • Describe the objects that the baby sees using adjectives.
    • The use of prepositions (for, before, about, in), pronouns (here, there), adverbs (near, low, far, right, high, left and others) in speech.
    • We learn to blow on a candle, leaves, cotton wool, and also play with soap bubbles. You can blow both smoothly and sharply.
    • We make faces to the mirror, showing our tongue, chattering our teeth, opening our mouths wide.
    • Learn to speak in a whisper and loudly.

    Conduct articulation classes with your baby, which will help the baby speak sounds more clearly. One example is the Cup and Saucer exercise, which Tatyana Lazareva shows in the next video.

    fine motor skills

    Its development is important for the development of speech, since in the human brain the zone responsible for the movement of the hands is located in close proximity to the speech zone. Due to such a close location, classes during which the child's fingers are involved have a positive effect on the speech development of the crumbs. Here are some fine motor activities suitable for a two-year-old:

    • Finger gymnastics.
    • We are engaged in drawing, creating applications and modeling.
    • Games with insert frames, constructors, mosaics, laces, sorters, pyramids.
    • We pour the cereal from one container to another, using a spoon, funnel, hands, children's dishes.
    • We pour water from one container to another using children's dishes, a watering can, a jug, a funnel.
    • Sticker games.
    • Fastening and unfastening Velcro on toys, clothes and shoes.
    • Unfastening zippers, buttons, buttons.
    • We catch in the water (in a basin, bowl, glass) small floating objects with a sieve or spoon.
    • We collect water with a pipette or an enema, pour it into another container.
    • We collect water with a sponge.
    • We crumple and tear paper.
    • We create patterns using small pebbles, large beans, pasta, sticks.
    • Clothespin games.
    • We select a cover for jars and bottles. We twist and unscrew them.

    The development of motor skills is facilitated by games with cereals. Be sure to organize these activities. Garbage after games can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.


    This type of development stimulates the child's creativity and may include drawing, building, sculpting, appliqué making, and similar activities.

    Creative activities with a 2-year-old toddler can be as follows:

    • We draw circles, lines (they can be long, short, horizontal, vertical), paths.
    • We finish drawing the strings for the balls, flower stems, needles for the hedgehog, grass, rain and other simple elements.
    • We draw patterns on a towel or rug.
    • Choose a color for the drawing.
    • We draw with a stick in the snow, semolina or sand.
    • We leave prints of paint on paper using a sponge and stamps.
    • Learning to draw with paints using a brush.
    • We draw with fingers.
    • We try to roll out plasticine or dough, making sausages and balls.
    • We break off part of the plasticine or dough to flatten these lumps in the fingers or palms.
    • We connect the rolled sausage with the ends.
    • We sculpt lumps of plasticine on cardboard, for example, to make decorations on a Christmas tree, grains for a chicken.
    • Learning to smear plasticine on paper.
    • We leave prints on plasticine or dough using different objects.
    • We cut the dough with a plastic knife and cut it out with cookie cutters.
    • We make applications from torn or crumpled paper, as well as from cotton wool.
    • We carry out the application of an object consisting of two or three parts, for example, a mushroom, a house.
    • We make plot applications from two or three objects, for example, a house, a cloud and the sun.
    • We use Gyenes blocks, Lego constructor, as well as Kuizener sticks in games. We build a house, a bridge, a fence, a mountain out of them.

    Diversify the day with a lesson according to the "Little Leonardo" method, which is shown in the video with O. N. Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.


    It is important for a two-year-old baby to communicate with peers. The baby reaches out to other children and copies their actions. In the social development of the baby, great importance is also given to the acquisition of household skills. Classes for the social development of a 2-year-old child will be as follows:

    • We draw the attention of the little one to other children, trying to arouse sympathy for them.
    • Acquaintance with other children during walks, an offer to play together. Since at this age children do not yet know how to interact in the game, it is very important for an adult to participate in a joint game. It is especially important to teach the baby to play with other kids if the child will soon start attending kindergarten.
    • We teach the child to change toys.
    • We explain when to feel sorry for other people, for example, if the boy fell.
    • We teach the child to wash their hands using soap, towels.
    • We clean the table with the baby after eating.
    • Collect spilled liquid with a sponge.
    • We teach the baby to take off clothes on their own, as well as put them on.
    • Watering flowers with the child.
    • Together we put the toys away, putting them in their place.

    At the age of two years, a frequent problem is the reluctance of the child to share toys. How to understand the baby and what to do in this case, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

    If you see a child's aggression towards other children, watch the video of Lara's mother (Larisa Sviridova), where she talks in an accessible way about how to act in this case.

    Many parents worry about the fact that toys are often taken away from a child, but he does not defend them. Is it worth worrying about this, see the next video by Larisa Sviridova.

    On the other hand, there are children who by no means want to share their toys. In the next video by Larisa Sviridova, you will see how to properly talk with a child and teach him to share.

    An extremely topical topic for many families is the tantrum of a child when they do not receive what they want. How to lead parents in this situation, see the fragment of Komarovsky's transfer.

    Sample weekly exercise program

    Drawing up a weekly plan of developmental activities for the crumbs helps to solve several problems at once:

    1. Do not overload the child with activities in general.
    2. Do not repeat the same activities.
    3. Don't miss any kind of development.
    4. Do not worry that the child is developing little and you are missing something.

    We offer an example of a weekly schedule for the development of a two-year-old child:








    Physical development

    ball games

    Running with obstacles

    Walking on a drawn wavy line

    Fitball exercise

    Jumping on "bumps"

    The snail game

    Walking on hands

    cognitive development

    Assembling the puzzle

    Finding the whole from the part

    We select the object's shadow

    Studying pets

    Sort items by color

    Learning the seasons

    Looking for a missing toy

    sensory development

    Feeling cold and warm objects

    We study materials by touch

    Exploring Taste

    Touching smooth and rough objects

    fine motor skills

    Playing with grits

    Finger gymnastics

    Lacing game

    On a walk, we create patterns from small pebbles

    Clothespin game

    sand games

    Sticker game

    Musical development

    Eat with mom

    Listening to the sounds of musical instruments

    Listening to classical music

    Listening to children's songs

    Speech development

    Reading a fairy tale

    We read poetry

    Cursing in front of the mirror

    Discussing the pictures in the book

    Playing out a fairy tale

    Blow out the candles

    Shared reading and discussion

    creative development

    Drawing with paints

    Modeling with salt dough

    Torn paper applique

    social development

    Communication with other children

    I'm going to visit

    Walk in the sandbox

    This is just an approximate plan for the development of a baby at the age of 2-2.5 years. To draw up your own plan, it is important to take into account the skills of the little one, and his temperament, and the interests of the child, and your goals.

    The plan should include compulsory activities, for example, a visit to a massage therapist, attending circles, swimming in the pool. Identify the most important areas of your child's development and plan to work on them 5-7 times a week. Be sure to leave space in the plan for improvisation or independent games for the baby. After 1-2 weeks, you will be able to analyze the implementation of the plan, after which some classes can be removed or replaced.

    During classes, you may notice the aggression of the child. Often it also manifests itself in cases where parents refuse to fulfill the wishes of the child. How to behave if at the same time the child also bites? See this in the video of Larisa Sviridova.

    • You can not force a child to study if he is against the game. Your persistence can aggravate the situation and cause a sharp rejection of educational games.
    • Remember that a child's concentration on play at 2 years of age lasts only a few minutes, so the activity should not be long.
    • Be sure to praise the child if he succeeded. This will be an incentive for the further success of the crumbs.
    • You can not scold the child if he refuses to study, as well as in cases where something did not work out.
    • Try to make educational games interesting for the baby. They should bring joy to the baby, and not cause boredom.

    Give the child the opportunity to complete the task on their own, even if it will be very long. The baby will not be able to learn anything while you are more active in the game than the child himself.

    Care and mode

    For the development of a two-year-old child, the health of the crumbs is of considerable importance, which is supported by the correct daily routine and care:

    1. It is important to ensure that the child has enough rest. Babies of this age sleep about 12-13 hours a day. Two-year-olds have one daytime sleep, which lasts 2-2.5 hours.
    2. The morning of the crumbs should begin with washing and brushing your teeth, as well as combing your hair. It is also important to teach the baby to hygiene, reminding him that after a walk and before eating, be sure to wash your hands.
    3. After a daytime sleep, procedures for hardening are often carried out, for example, rubbing or dousing the legs.
    4. Many children by the age of 2 have already mastered the pot and use it for its intended purpose. To ask for a potty, the child says words or makes a sign. Some kids go to the potty and take off their pants.
    5. Walking with a two-year-old child is advised 1-2 times daily, as the baby really needs fresh air. Dress your baby according to the weather to prevent overheating, but also to prevent the child from freezing.
    6. The nutrition of a 2-year-old peanut provides for 4 meals with intervals of 3-4 hours between them. The nutritional value of the diet of a child of this age should correspond to 1400-1500 kcal.
    7. Teeth

    For the full development of the child, you need to deal with him daily. By the age of 2-3, children already have many knowledge and skills that need to be further developed, as well as taught new things.

    As before, classes should be carried out in a playful way so that the baby is interested. When planning classes, alternate physical and mental activities, pay attention to the fact that the baby develops in all directions.

    Development of creative abilities

    Lesson "Modeling"
    For modeling, it is better to use not plasticine, but dough. It is more flexible and safer.
    Teach your baby to pinch off small pieces, roll balls, sausages. You can use molds with which the baby can make figures. Closer to three years, a child can be taught to sculpt simple figures, for example, a snowman, a snake. You can also make simple applications with the help of the test. Lay out small pieces of dough on a pre-prepared drawing, which the son or daughter will smooth out, attaching to the picture in accordance with the color.

    Lesson "Drawing"
    Pencils, crayons, paints are suitable for drawing. Drawing, the baby at the same time learns colors. Children 2-3 years old, as a rule, already know how to draw lines, circles. It is good to teach children to depict pictures consisting of these elements. For example, in order for the kid to learn how to draw the sun, it is advisable to first show yourself how it is done, then draw a circle and a few rays, and then invite the child to finish drawing the sun. Soon he will learn to draw on his own. At this age, you need to learn to color without going beyond the outline.
    Give the child a large sheet of paper and let the child draw what he wants at the moment.

    Lesson "Creating Applications"
    Applications can be made from paper, natural materials, cereals.

    Speech development

    Lesson with children 2-3 years old "Reading"
    When reading books, you need to pay attention to the pictures. Ask more often what is shown in the picture. Read rhymes in which the child can add phrases. Closer to three years, ask questions about the read fairy tale. Make riddles. Let the little one choose the book he wants to read on his own.

    Lesson "Theater"
    Use figures of people and animals, assigning a certain role to the baby. At first, the child will give the figures, name them, gradually pronounce the words assigned to his hero.

    Lesson "Speech apparatus"
    Teach your child to blow bubbles, play the flute, this will help in the future in pronunciation of words.

    Development of memory, logic

    At this age, it is important to consolidate and improve knowledge about shapes and colors, sizes, quantitative indicators. Develop an understanding of the seasons of the year, the time of day.

    Put items of various shapes and colors in a box. Ask the baby to give only round objects, then only red objects to those.

    Pour beans and beans or buttons of various sizes on a plate. Ask to sort small and large items.

    Put various items in a box, ask them to arrange fruits and animals separately.

    Currently, there are many games that help develop memory and thinking. These are all kinds of lotos with shapes, flowers, animals, vegetables and other items, games in which the task is to find the same items, find a pair, and various puzzles. Children willingly play such games and remember the name of objects, their signs.

    Development of fine motor skills

    For the development of fine motor skills, mosaics, finger gymnastics, fastening locks, lacing, pouring cereals are suitable.

    Development of social skills

    Teach your little one to do household chores. Play that a bear will come to visit, for example. Let the little person set the table, arrange the cups, pour tea.

    Ask for help with cleaning, dusting, sweeping.

    Let the baby put his favorite toy to bed, comb the doll, dress it.

    Development of motor activity

    Charging, gymnastics, dancing help the child to keep fit. The kid must be taught to walk in a straight line, through obstacles, climb labyrinths, jump.

    Let the child listen to different music so that he understands the concept of fast and slow, fun and sad.

    Video "Developing activities with children 2-3 years old"

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