Types of work with children in kindergarten. Characteristics of the types of children's activities. The emergence of an imaginary plan for its implementation

A visit by a child to a preschool institution is an obligatory component of the comprehensive development of the personality of a future adult. If parents themselves can teach reading and writing at home, then it is impossible without communication with peers and performing tasks in a team. Kindergarten contributes to the normal growth of the child, prepares him for adulthood.

Types of activities in accordance with federal state requirements

There are generally accepted requirements that all preschool institutions in the country must adhere to. Thus, the main types of children's activities in accordance with the FGT include the game component, communicative, labor, cognitive research, musical and artistic, productive, and reading.

The general educational program in kindergarten should be carried out not only through the interaction of an adult and a child. Many tasks the baby must solve on their own. Such activity allows not only to acquire new skills, but also to consolidate existing ones.

Federal-state requirements are developed taking into account regimen moments in children in accordance with age. Based on this, the main types of children's activities must be planned, taking into account the periods of sleep and wakefulness.

in kindergarten

The game can rightfully be called the main activity in a preschool institution. Role-playing games help the development of the personality, active ones contribute to the rapid physical development of the child. Any training is much more productive if it is interesting to the baby. It is no coincidence that many educational programs are built in the form of a game.

All can be divided into two groups. At the younger preschool age, games mostly acquire an objective character. Children explore the world around them visually. They try to distinguish one object from another, to taste it. At the senior preschool age, kids already begin to interact with each other. Role-playing games are becoming popular. And if the educator builds the educational process correctly, in the form of a game it will be possible to teach children to write and read. All types of children's activities in kindergarten, to one degree or another, should be associated with it.

Cognitive research activity

No less important activity can be considered cognitive research. This species is closely related to the game. After all, it is thanks to the latter that the child gets acquainted with the outside world. Cognitive activity is of great importance in any childhood. Depending on the goals that the teacher sets for the children, this type of activity may include experimentation, observation, excursions.

Special attention should be paid to targeted walks. In the warm season, thanks to trips to the park or out of town, the teacher helps children solve several problems at once. Active recreation can be combined with acquaintance with nature and animals of the native land. In addition, fresh air improves children's appetite and sleep. Too low air temperature or precipitation can become an obstacle for daily walks. In the summer, educators should ensure that children spend less time in the open sun and wear hats. Almost all types of children's activities in kindergarten in the summer can be carried out outdoors.

Communicative type of activity

The main task of preschool is to prepare the child for the future adult life. The little man must acquire many skills before he enters society. This is not only the ability to talk or use household items for their intended purpose, but also the correct communication with others.

Most children easily find a common language with both peers and adults. But in every preschool institution there is always a group of closed kids who find it difficult to socialize. This behavior may be due to personality traits or parental upbringing. Often, troubles in the family lead to the fact that the child withdraws into himself and does not want to communicate with his comrades. The main types of children's activities are aimed at helping such a baby. In a playful way, the teacher helps him open up and establish contact with his peers.

Properly organized in kindergarten, it also contributes to the development of the children's speech apparatus. Classes may include communication with children on certain topics, situational tasks, conversation, guessing riddles. Story games are very popular with kids. In the role of favorite fairy tale characters, children become more self-confident, reveal their creative potential.

in a preschool

In order to exist in a full-fledged society, a child needs not only to learn how to communicate correctly, but also to serve himself. All types of children's activities in kindergarten contribute to teaching kids independence. They must be able to dress properly and hold kitchen utensils without adult assistance.

Household work is also not in last place. The child must be familiar with the activities of adults. This is especially true for household tasks. Not only the teacher teaches the kids the culture of life, but also the parents at home. Even in preschool age, parents, together with educators, must teach the child to be careful. All toddlers should clean up toys and kitchen utensils. A preschooler must know that all things have their place.

The joint activity of an adult and a child also contributes to social development. The kid quickly learns to solve certain everyday tasks, begins to understand the degree of his significance in society.

productive activity

It is impossible to imagine without drawing, modeling and applications. All these are productive activities that contribute to mental development. In the classroom, kids learn to express their thoughts, to show imagination. It is in kindergarten that a love for art can be laid, and parents usually at this time reveal one or another talent in a child.

Praise is a very important moment of productive activity. In no case should you point out mistakes to a preschool child. The educator can only direct the child, suggest how it would be optimal to solve a specific problem. It is no coincidence that there is no grading system in preschool institutions. The child should not know that he draws or makes an application worse than others.

Productive activities in kindergarten help to acquaint the child with the natural environment, with the main colors and shapes. In addition, drawing and modeling contribute to the development of coordination of movements.

Musical and artistic activity

Musical activities for children in kindergarten include singing, singing along, playing instruments, as well as outdoor games with musical accompaniment. In such classes, the children develop creative abilities. Many children like classes with vocal improvisation. It is musical and artistic activity created to prepare kids for performances. Children learn to feel great in front of a large audience.

Reading in kindergarten

Despite the fact that children begin to read only at school age, educators should teach this skill long before that. The child must first learn to listen and understand the work. A very important skill is the ability to handle a book. The kid should know that you can not tear the pages, looking at the illustrations.

In the middle group, the teacher begins to introduce children to letters. First of all, children learn easy to pronounce letters. These are simple. Next, kids learn to put letters into syllables, and them into words.

The activity of a child in kindergarten must necessarily be associated with learning small poems. Classes of this kind contribute to mental development, train the memory of the child. Parents can also study short stories and jokes with their children at home.

Proper organization of leisure is also important.

Teaching the basic skills of a child in a preschool institution is in the first place. But properly organized cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are also important. In order for children to be able to usefully spend their free time in a group, the space must be properly organized. Adults should pay special attention to toys. The corresponding zones in the form of a living corner, a kitchen or a pharmacy are of great benefit. Special toys make children's role play more intense.

The conditions for the implementation of activities for children in kindergarten also include theatrical events. Performances and fairy tales help children better consolidate the material they have learned. In addition, favorable conditions are created for the comprehensive development of the child within the walls of a preschool institution.

Nanny or kindergarten?

Today, more and more parents prefer raising children at home. Meanwhile, it is in a preschool institution that a child can acquire the skills of social role behavior. Children experience communication in a variety of forms. Even a negative experience that cannot be obtained within the walls of a home will benefit the baby. And the game as the leading type of children's activity will contribute to the comprehensive development of the baby in the team.

At the same time, raising a child at home also has advantages. A nanny with a pedagogical education will make every effort to educate a particular child, taking into account the characteristics of his character. This will make it possible to bring up the best qualities in him.

Under the activity in pedagogy, it is customary to understand the initiative in the implementation of certain actions aimed at the realization of one's will, knowledge of the world, understanding of surrounding objects and phenomena, creative and contemplative perception. The main activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard are distinguished in connection with:

  • conducting an analysis of the most effective types of activity for preschoolers, necessary for planning the educational work of a kindergarten;
  • planning the results of work for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education;
  • the development of a subject-spatial and developmental environment that meets the age and psychophysical needs of children;
  • the search for new forms and ways of organizing leisure time for preschoolers.

The main activities in the preschool education institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Thanks to a properly organized developing object-spatial environment, preschoolers systematically expand the horizons of knowledge, skills and abilities, and their activity, which manifests itself in various types of activities, is consistently increasing. Since the current legislation classifies five educational areas, which correspond to 5 types of activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions (cognitive, physical, speech, socio-communicative and artistic and aesthetic), in kindergartens the development of pupils is organized according to these regulatory guidelines. The content of educational areas is determined in accordance with the program content and age characteristics of children, and therefore is realized not only through classes, but also through leisure activities.

In the methodological literature and among teachers of preschool education, there is often a lack of knowledge of the main types of activities of children, provoked by the difference in the classifications established by the federal standard (9 types of activities) and the number of educational areas (5 areas). A similar discrepancy arises since for a long time the activity of preschoolers corresponded to the areas of education, and according to the adopted FSES DO, design and manual labor, self-service and labor activity, the perception of folklore and fiction were added to the usual gaming, communicative, cognitive research activities, fine arts and music. Thus, the age needs of preschool children correspond to 9 main activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which ensure comprehensive development and familiarization with general cultural values.

Since among the existing classifications of activities into the most significant for implementation are determined by an exemplary educational program and may differ in form and content, the key ones should be discussed in more detail.

Game types of children's activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The game is not only one of the key forms of activity for preschool children, but also a means of understanding the world. That is why game activity with a didactic component is of strategic importance for age development, since this is the only way children learn to copy the behavior of adults, which ensures optimal psycho-emotional growth. The plots and the complexity of the rules of gaming activities depend on the age characteristics of children: the smallest ones mostly repeat simple actions after adults (they talk on the phone, imitate gestures, the labor activity of representatives of different professions, the actions and sounds of animals), but in the process of growing up, kindergarten students switch to playing games. models with a more complex plot and rules, and at older preschool age they will be able to create game plots on their own, distribute roles in them among their peers (games at school or a store, daughters-mothers).

The paramount importance of gaming activities in kindergarten is dictated not only by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the Convention on the Protection of Children's Rights, but also by the educational role of games that contribute to the emergence of comprehensively developed personalities. Game activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard have a positive effect on the education of initiative, humanism, curiosity, tolerance and activity in preschool children. To achieve pedagogical educational goals, gaming activity must correspond to the age of children.

Game activities in kindergarten are organized for different purposes depending on the age groups of pupils:

Age group Feature of gaming activity
First junior group Children learn to play without interfering with each other, using the common space of the group or playground. Educators at this stage of growing up contribute to enriching the emotional experience of children, expanding children's ideas about the world around them, existing objects and phenomena, explain the possibilities of transferring functions with an object (for example, you can ride both a bear cub and a doll in one car, you can feed a bunny with one spoon, and boy). In early childhood, the prerequisites for a role-playing game are laid.
Second junior group The plot variety of games is expanded due to personal experience (kids play in a kindergarten, hospital or store), familiarization with collective forms of activity is practiced. Children at 3-4 years old should be able to choose roles according to their own preferences and interests, try to imitate the movements, sounds and behavior of animals and birds, literary and fairy-tale characters, practice the classification of objects and game equipment according to various principles (by color, shape, size) .
middle group At this age, kids more actively perform game functions within the framework of established rules, available props and distributed roles. It is important for teachers to stimulate the activity of pupils by performing various tasks, training tactile skills, motor skills, mastering the rules of popular didactic and role-playing games.
Senior group Children practice group forms of game activity within the framework of an adequate competitive component: they discuss the rules of the game, coordinate actions, distribute roles, and in case of disputes they find compromises. The educator in the older group more often consults and observes, performing a secondary, rather than a leading role in the game. He encourages children to take the initiative, to creatively comprehend role-playing games, folklore and literary works.
preparatory group Game activity becomes more difficult, game equipment is used less frequently, which allows the creative thinking and imagination of children to be involved. The didactic component of leisure activities is gradually expanding, children, with the support of the educator, are involved in labor and artistic activities when they make decorations and tools for games.

Demonstrating the limitless educational and developmental abilities of games, educators use intellectual, didactic, plot-role-playing, sports, mobile, search, experimental, finger and other games. Theatrical games are a separate type of activity in the preschool educational institution, integrated with artistic and communicative, thereby ensuring the development of emotional intelligence, creative rethinking of game plots and the surrounding reality, and the expansion of sensory experience.

Cognitive research activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Among all children's activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution, the innate curiosity of preschoolers is realized by research activity. It reflects the psychophysiological needs characteristic of preschoolers and the desire to cognize reality through the study of phenomena and objects of the surrounding world. In the process of growing up, children master sensory abilities and basic mathematical concepts, expand their understanding of the world, and their activity becomes more productive. In this regard, cognitive and research activities in different groups are implemented in different ways:

  1. Younger preschoolers develop spatial thinking through the transformation of an object (building structures from a designer, playing with transforming robots, transforming machines), satisfying research interest, expanding ideas about natural phenomena, animals and plants, geometric shapes. Carrying out cognitive and research activities, children develop the speech apparatus, fine and large motor skills.
  2. In the middle preschool age, it is important for educators to encourage in every possible way the research and search work of children, which is carried out through grouping, sorting and comparing various phenomena and objects, expanding mathematical skills and knowledge, and forming basic ideas about the history and culture of Russia.
  3. Starting from senior preschool age, children are involved in the planning of research activities, learn to draw conclusions, summarize and systematize information, bring the planned to the end, distribute responsibilities among peers to complete the tasks. In the process of work, pupils expand their vocabulary, learn the simplest mathematical operations (add and subtract, determine more and less).
  4. In the preparatory group of the kindergarten, in the process of conducting classes, preschoolers expand their knowledge about peoples and countries, the planet Earth, their homeland, flora and fauna, consolidate the knowledge gained during preschool childhood. Additionally, children are introduced to key events for the country and the history of the state, professions, they do everything to form the skills that graduates of preschool educational institutions will need at school.

Observation of natural phenomena, experiments, work with natural and visual materials, watching cartoons, videos and TV shows of an educational nature, modeling, collecting, search projects and other methods have proven their effectiveness in the context of organizing cognitive research work.

Communicative children's activities in preschool educational institutions according to GEF

The level of their interaction with teachers and peers depends on the degree of formation of speech skills of preschoolers. Since in the process of mastering the means of native speech, children face invariable difficulties, communicative activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, integrated with other forms of activity, form the basis of the educational process. The speech competencies of kindergarten students everywhere develop in regime moments and direct educational activities, however, the initiative of the child, his readiness to develop, master new knowledge is also of fundamental importance, and therefore it is important for educators to stimulate the communicative activity of children. The latter in a kindergarten is realized through listening to fairy tales, memorizing poems, retelling literary works, playing theatrical performances and other forms.

The implementation of speech activity differs depending on the age category of children:

Age group Feature of speech activity
First junior group At this stage, the formation of a sound culture of speech in children, the development of a passive vocabulary, which will create the prerequisites for communicating with adults and peers without raising their voices, is of key importance. As a result, pupils of the preschool educational institution will be able to express their thoughts and emotions without shouting in a calm tone.
Second junior group In the course of collective gaming activities, preschoolers train the articulatory apparatus, expand their vocabulary and active scale. Children learn new expressions for themselves, including forms of addressing elders, teachers and households.
middle group An important task of this stage of childhood is the ability of children to listen, to make coherent statements, to express their own thoughts. In the process of learning, self-control skills are instilled in children, fine motor skills are developed.
Senior group The development of speech competencies is carried out in the course of dialogic and monologue speech. In the process, tolerance, a benevolent attitude towards others, high moral, ethical and moral qualities are formed. Speech activity is carried out in the context of national, civil and gender identity.
preparatory group On the eve of entering school, children learn to build coherent statements on a given topic, expand their vocabulary by memorizing literary and folklore works, learning terms, antonyms and synonyms for the words they know. In parallel, training intonation is carried out.

To develop the communicative activity of children, educators use listening to fairy tales, poems, tongue twisters, organize dramatizations with elements of dialogic speech, outdoor games, quizzes, poetry recitation contests, tasks for reproducing various words and stories.

Productive activities in the preschool educational institution

The practice of using productive activities in kindergarten ensures the formation in children of perseverance, endurance, attentiveness, patience, analytical skills, structural assessment of the possibilities of objects, and a systematic approach to the surrounding reality. Such forms of activity lay the foundation for the successful creative self-realization of children. Productive activity relies on the reproduction of what has been seen before with a creative component and the addition of unique elements.

Most often, productive activity in a kindergarten is realized through design: younger preschoolers create the simplest structures from cubes, highlighting individual parts of the building, completing or rebuilding them, equipping structures with free space inside. In the middle preschool age, pupils expand their ideas about the size, shape and texture of objects, and therefore learn to create buildings according to the verbal instructions of the educator, and not their own ideas and visual example. For the construction of structures, children use the simplest structures, for which they unite in groups to build even more voluminous figures. At senior preschool age, children can complete tasks of any complexity, design a building of a given theme or form, and can implement productive activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard on their own according to instructions.

However, the range of productive activities in kindergarten is not limited to design, and therefore educators use other forms of children's activity, among which a special place is occupied by:

  1. Drawing (with crayons, paints, pencils or other visual means). Children develop abstract and creative thinking, and their hands are prepared for writing if they systematically draw on a special board, paper, asphalt or canvas.
  2. Modeling is the best method of working on fine motor skills of the hands. The use of plastic materials (clay, kinetic sand or plasticine) optimizes the coordination of children's movements, forms perseverance, awareness of the proportions and position of bodies in space, attention to detail, spatial thinking.
  3. Applications, crafts made from natural and improvised materials, fabrics contribute to the creative self-expression of children, rethinking of individual events, phenomena and objects.

Thematic exhibitions of children's works, decoration of premises and events for the holidays with the results of the pupils' creativity open up an awareness of the importance of artistic work for children, providing ample opportunities for self-realization. Unfortunately, recently children are increasingly losing interest in traditional types of productive activities, and therefore educators need to find new, more modern forms of activity that should be included in the educational process. The practice of Russian and foreign kindergartens proves that children are enthusiastically involved in scrapbooking, original design techniques (embossing, contouring), create illustrations from magazine clippings with interest, learn the basics of weaving, which opens up endless possibilities for introducing practical activities into the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

Labor activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In order for children from a very young age to be able to independently satisfy their basic physiological needs, to be more respectful of their own and other people's work, to systematically improve their health, the practice of instilling labor skills is important. That is why various types of work activities are practiced in kindergartens, which have a positive effect on the development of a sense of responsibility and independence among pupils of preschool educational institutions, a conscious approach to productive activities.

Children are introduced to elementary labor consistently, taking into account the age and physiological capabilities of preschoolers, and therefore:

  • in the first younger group, the labor activity of preschoolers consists in the ability to dress and undress independently, wash their hands after a walk and before eating, use a potty, use a spoon and fork;
  • in the second junior group, kindergarten students expand the range of skills and abilities they have, learn to provide all possible assistance to educators and nannies;
  • in the middle group, preschoolers 4-5 years old learn to evaluate their abilities and the amount of work, achieve their goals, bringing the work they have started to the end, which instills the ability to self-regulate (at the same time, it is strategically important for educators to encourage the labor initiative of children, their desire to provide assistance);
  • older preschoolers should control the condition and location of personal belongings, toys, school supplies and other things;
  • in the preparatory group, preschoolers should easily take care of their clothes and shoes according to the instructions of the teacher.

In regime moments, during walks, classes and events, on duty under the supervision of a teacher, children carry out basic types of labor activity. To do this, teachers involve children in caring for flowers, plants on the site, collecting natural material and making decor items from it, which are later used to decorate the group space, creating bird feeders, cleaning leaves or snow, and other simple developmental tasks.

Musical and artistic activities of children in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Preschoolers of all ages are actively introduced to the world of music, which contributes to the development of aesthetic perception of the world, the emotional sphere, performing abilities, rhythm, and therefore creates opportunities for the comprehensive development of the child's personality. Educators in the classroom and during walks, and music leaders in music classes actively introduce children to various pieces of music, which develops in them a sense of beauty and musical taste.

Since speech and music have a similar intonation nature, regular performance practice contributes to the development of communication skills, mastering the tempo, pitch, power of speech, and serves as a prevention of speech dysfunctions and disorders. Among the 9 types of activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, music occupies one of the key positions, since this form of activity is integrated with other educational areas, including the study of folk art and artistic expression. Children of all ages listen to fairy tales, poems, folklore, participate in creative fantasy and dramatizations. At this stage, it is important for educators in every possible way to promote the inculcation of love for the word of art, folk and academic musical works, the concepts of morality and ethical standards, the basics of critical thinking.

The personal initiative and contribution of the educator largely determine the pedagogical work on the perception of artistic and musical creativity by children, since it depends on the teacher and musical director of the preschool educational institution whether children will be able to join the beautiful through acquaintance with music and literature, whether they will feel the need to continue studying the world art. In the context of this, integrative types of creativity are of key importance, combining various forms of activity, for example, theatrical and musical didactic games, dramatizations and improvisations, staging dance numbers or works of art with musical and song accompaniment, etc.

Children's types of motor activity according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution

The need for movement is inherent in the physiology of children, however, due to the massive spread of modern technologies and changes in the principles of organizing family leisure, the motor activity of preschoolers is not fully satisfied. That is why kindergarten educators and physical education instructors strive to fill regime and leisure moments as much as possible with various forms of activity, which will improve children's health, lay the foundations for a healthy lifestyle and a conscious attitude to one's health. Regular improvement of the physical abilities of preschoolers is the key to the harmonious development of the growing organism.

The organization of motor activity is carried out with an eye to the age of the pupils and their physiological capabilities:

  1. In younger groups, preschoolers need to master ball exercises (throwing and rolling), continuous running for 30 seconds, jumping in place, imitation exercises (for example, deer running or grasshopper jumping), outdoor games and the ability to climb the first rails of the wall bars.
  2. In the middle group of the kindergarten, pupils perform exercises to train balance, strength, coordination of movements, develop basic motor skills, run, jump.
  3. Older preschoolers expand their range of motion and range of motor skills through a combination of different exercises. Under the supervision of the educator, tempering procedures are performed, and in leisure forms of activity, competitive moments, sports games and relay races are used.
  4. In the preparatory group, along with various types of educational activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, round dance and sports games are used, during which various muscle groups develop, simple and complex forms of activity are practiced, dexterity, strength, and endurance are trained.

Among all forms of physical activity, the most effective are drill and outdoor games, round dances, dance exercises, exercises, morning exercises, the basics of hiking, cycling, sledding and scooters.

How to motivate children to implement various types of educational activities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

In preschool education, the correct distribution of the educational load on children is of key importance. The unstable attention of preschoolers, which is due to physiological and age factors, provokes natural difficulties in the process of implementing educational activities during the transition from one type of children's activity to another.

Experienced teachers who are not accustomed to relying on uncontrollable factors have developed a set of techniques that make it easy to motivate children to change the type of activity. Most often they use:

  1. Conversations are a method that allows you to update the attention of preschoolers, facilitating the transition to communicative, cognitive research, labor or musical and artistic activities. Educators practice creating a file of conversations, which can later be used in the course of the educational process with children of different ages.
  2. Riddles are a fascinating way of influencing pupils, which does not require significant time costs in the classroom, but introduces elements of an entertaining and competitive nature. Guessing provides a simple transition from creativity, labor or productive activity to, for example, educational.
  3. Poems - serve as a stimulating factor in the transition to labor and motor activity, the implementation of simple instructions, the implementation of research, cognitive, visual and gaming activities.
  4. Fairy tales - help motivate children for educational or labor activity, explain the nature of things, the world around them and the features of relationships in it in simple and accessible words. Fantasy fairy tales are appropriate in the process of implementing almost all types of activities in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard.
  5. Visualization tools (pictures, posters, diagrams) set up preschoolers for productive, cognitive research, communicative, musical and artistic activity.

The connecting link in the process of transition to another type of activity can be a game, the most characteristic of the pupils of the preschool educational institution and meeting their age-related needs. It can also be used as the main integration tool if there is a need to provide comprehensive preparation of children for multi-component educational work with maximum involvement.

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Integration of activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The key trend in recent years in the field of preschool education has been an increase in the volume of the educational load, which makes it important to integrate the main activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Children from an early age are faced with the need to master a significant amount of information, and for most parents it seems the absolute norm to organize meaningful leisure for their beloved children in early development schools, foreign language courses, dance and sports studios. As a result, a large number of pupils demonstrate a low concentration of attention, which greatly complicates the implementation of the program content. Preschool pedagogical practice needs new organizational solutions, and in light of this, the integration of various types of activity for kids becomes the optimal organizational solution.

Integrated educational activities, regardless of the form of its organization - in the form of classes or unregulated activity - are subject to a number of requirements, which include:

  1. Strict thoughtfulness, clarity of structure with concise inclusion of each individual component. Integration provides for the need to somewhat reduce the volume of each of the types of children's activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard in order to ensure a general indicator of the effectiveness of educational work.
  2. A clear, easily traceable relationship between the individual components, which is achieved only if the material is carefully studied.
  3. Significant information content, availability of information, the explanation of which is carried out within the established time limits.

The successful organization of integrated classes in kindergarten causes the rejection of traditional methods of interaction between the teacher and children in favor of conducting search, research, heuristic activities, consistent analysis, and finding answers to problematic questions. The task of the teacher is to teach kids to study all the characteristic features of an individual object or phenomenon, which contributes to the consistent implementation of all types of activities provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, and the satisfaction of age-related psychophysical needs.

It is important to note that all types of children's activity are characterized by progressive development within the framework of five stages: free experimentation, the occurrence of difficulties, work together with an adult (skill formation), activity together or next to peers (skill training), amateur activity with the inclusion of a creative element (fixing skill and its subsequent expansion). Each of these stages is important, but the process of interaction between a child and an adult remains the key, and within the framework of integrative activities, it is given the maximum amount of time. Practice shows that such a pedagogical model contributes to the rapid enrichment of the personal experience of preschoolers, and therefore its inclusion in the organization of the educational process is considered appropriate.

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Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing educational activities Methods, means
Game, including role-playing game other didactic games 1. Games - experiments (games with natural objects, games with toys) 2. Plot amateur games (plot-display, plot-role-playing, directorial, theatrical) 3. Educational games (plot-didactic, mobile, musical-didactic, educational) 4. Leisure games (intellectual, fun games, theatrical, festive carnival, computer games) 5. Folk games 6. Ritual games (family, seasonal, cult) 7. Leisure games 1. Developing subject-play environment 2. Attributes to role-playing games.
Communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers) 1. GCD 2. Conversations 3. Emotional games 4. Traditions of the group 5. Collections 6. Didactic games 7. Round dance games 6. Various activities in the social-emotional center 1. Developing subject-play environment 2. Layouts, models, mnemonic tables 3. Interactive aids 4. Communication between adults and children. 5. Cultural language environment 6. Interactive toys 7. Visual arts, music, theater 8. Fiction
Cognitive research (study of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them) one . GCD 2. Targeted walks and excursions 3. Listening to music and poetry 4. Cognitive conversations 5. Collecting (for example, children's treasures, collecting toys from kinder surprises) 6. Productive activities 7. Game exercises 8. Reading 9. Problem situations 10 Situational conversation with children 11. The simplest experiments 12. Project activities 13. Riddles 14. Various activities in the cognitive research center 1. Developing object-spatial environment: sets of visual didactic material for classes, equipment for independent games and activities for children. 2. Figurative and symbolic material 3. Experimenting 4. The simplest algorithms 5. Information and computer tools: laptop, projector 6. Fine arts, music, theater 7. Fiction
Perception of fiction and folklore 1. Reading a literary work 2. Conversation about the read work 3. Discussion of the work 4. Theatrical game 5. Situational conversation based on what was read 1.Books with good illustrations 2.Audiobooks 3.Audiovisuals
Self-care and basic household work (indoors and outdoors) 1.Assignments 2.Work together with adults 1. Own labor activity (training in specific labor skills and abilities, satisfaction of one’s own labor needs) 2. Familiarization with the work of adults (targeted walks and excursions)
Construction from various materials, including construction kits, modules, paper, natural and other materials 1. Organized activity: GCD 2. Joint activity of adults and children. 3. Independent activity of children. 3.Designing: - according to the conditions - according to the plan - according to the topic - according to the model. 4.Creative workshop 5.Building material games 1. Equipment and materials for construction, natural and waste material.
Fine (drawing, modeling, application) 1. Perception: - illustrations of children's books - pictorial images 2. Practical activities: -Drawing (subject, plot, decorative) - Modeling (Decorative, subject, plot) - Application (decorative, subject, plot; in form - three-dimensional, planar; by color - one-color, multi-color) -Working with paper, with natural material, unformed (waste) material 1. Works of art 2. Reproductions 3. Illustrations 4. Equipment and materials for modeling, appliqué, drawing and design, natural and waste material.
Musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) 1. GCD (complex, thematic, traditional), music quizzes, competitions, daily music, holidays and entertainment 1. TSO 2. Audio CDs, illustrative material, musical toys, children's musical instruments, attributes for musical and gaming activities
Motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity 1. Physical education 2. Hardening procedures 3. Outdoor games and exercises 4. Physical education minutes 5. Sports games, entertainment, holidays, competitions and leisure 6. Reading (works of fiction related to the formation of a healthy lifestyle element) 7. Morning exercises 8 .Gymnastics of awakening 1. Motor activity, physical education (satisfying the child’s need for movement and at the same time developing it) 2. Ecological and natural factors: sun, air, water 3. Psychohygienic factors (day routine, activities, sleep, wakefulness, nutrition; clothing hygiene shoes)

2.2. Part formed by participants in educational relations

The part formed by the participants of educational relations

1. Specifics of the region (national and cultural affiliation of pupils; features of the industrial and cultural complex of the Samara region; natural, climatic, seasonal and environmental features of the region);

2. Supplementing the content of one educational area of ​​the Program with a partial program that expands and deepens the content of this educational area, which best meets the needs and interests of children, as well as the capabilities of the teaching staff and meets the established traditions of the team.

Particular attention in this section of the variable part of the Program is paid to the possibility of implementing the principle of introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, immediate environment, urban society, etc. The immediate environment is the social environment in which children live, it is the basis for expanding children's horizons and for familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society, state.

The variable part of the Program complies with the FSES DO and is no more than 40% of the content and does not contradict the goals and objectives of the Program.

The program is implemented during the entire time of the child's stay in the kindergarten.

2.2.2. Directions chosen by participants in educational relations from among partial and other programs and / or created by them independently

Directions of development (educational area) Name of the partial or author's program The authors Output Brief description of the program
Artistic and aesthetic development "Musical Masterpieces" O.P. Radynova M.: Gnom-Press, 2004 The proposed system for the formation of the foundations of musical culture contributes to the development of emotions, thinking, imagination, interest in music, taste, ideas about beauty, and the creative development of children
cognitive development The Volga land is my homeland. (Program on environmental and local history education for preschoolers) O.V. Kasparov, V.N. Gandina, O.V. Shchepovskikh Togliatti, LLC "Technocomplect", 2013 - 299p. The proposed system of work with children is built on the basis of modern approaches to the implementation of the regional component using the integration of educational areas, elements of new pedagogical technologies - game, museum pedagogy, the project method, TRIZ techniques. The content includes GCD, joint and independent activities of children, close and meaningful interaction with the family

III. Organization section

Mandatory part

3.1.1 Description of the material and technical support of the Program, the provision of methodological materials and means of training and education

The material and technical support of the Program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, the tasks of the PEP of the kindergarten, fire safety rules, sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards for preschool educational institutions, age and individual characteristics of children.

Functional zones are distinguished on the territory of a preschool organization:

Game Zone. It includes: - group sites - individual for each group at the rate of at least 7.2 sq. m per 1 child for young children and not less than 9.0 sq. m per 1 child of preschool age and in compliance with the principle of group isolation;

Sports ground. An outdoor swimming pool operates in the kindergarten near the sports ground in summer.

The territory of the kindergarten is equipped with video surveillance.

In the building and premises are located: group cells - isolated rooms belonging to each children's group. The group cell includes: a dressing room (for receiving children and storing outerwear, where wardrobes and shoes are placed, they are equipped with individual cells - shelves for hats and hooks for outerwear), group (for direct educational activities, games, classes and meals), separate bedrooms on the 1st floor, three bunk beds in a group room on the second floor, a pantry (for preparing ready-made meals for distribution and washing tableware), a toilet (combined with a washroom).

In the kindergarten there are additional rooms for working with children, designed for alternate use by all or several children's groups (music room, gym, teacher-psychologist's office, art studio) as well as related rooms (medical, catering, laundry) and office - living quarters for staff.

Play equipment meets the age of children, meets sanitary requirements. All materials and equipment are safe and have appropriate certificates. Didactic material is available in sufficient quantity, located in the centers of group rooms: motor, cognitive, intellectual, speech, musical and theatrical, ecological, productive, constructive, the center of personal communication. Each group has modular furniture, thanks to which the area of ​​the groups is effectively used, since according to the project, the kindergarten does not have bedrooms on the second floor.

Modular play complexes create a health-saving, functional, “open” for use and transformation by the children themselves subject-play environment in kindergarten groups, which provides the child with the opportunity to choose activities in accordance with his interests. The design of the subject environment meets the design requirements: the basis of the color palette is warm pastel colors, elements of artistic culture are used in the design (decorative elements on the walls, exhibitions of folk art, reproductions of paintings, etc.);

No. p / p Educational areas Name of equipped developing zones, objects for conducting practical classes, objects of physical culture and sports with a list of basic equipment
Social and communicative development Center of personal communication: - attributes for group cohesion; material for reconciliation, aids for responding to emotional stress (“Island of Stomping”, “Scream Bag”, etc.), games for the development of cooperation (work in pairs), games for recognition and labeling of emotions, albums, illustrations for labeling emotional experiences, albums "My friends", "My family", etc., games aimed at maintaining a favorable emotional climate in the group, games and manuals for the awakening and growth of self-awareness, audio cassettes with songs about friendship. Safety Corner (SDA): - illustrations, a set of toys on the topic "Transport", a traffic light layout, traffic controller gestures, a "Street" layout, attributes for the "Transport" role-playing game, attributes of a traffic police inspector (baton, cap), didactic games to familiarize children with traffic rules, a diagram of safe routes to the DS, a card file of "dangerous situations" Duty corner: - duty sequence algorithms, proper table setting schemes, aprons, scarves, caps, duty schedule for a corner of nature, for a dining room, for classes. Center for role-playing games: -games, toys and attributes for role-playing games, director's games, operating items, play equipment (game modules, furniture, utensils), layouts, game space markers
cognitive development Ecological center: - indoor plants, seasonal plant objects (winter garden, seedlings of flowers, vegetables, etc.); algorithms, schemes, rules for caring for plants; plant care material; calendar of nature; albums of fixing observations of experimental landings. Mathematical / intellectual center: - measuring instruments, clocks; geometric figures, a mosaic, a set of colored elements for building geometric figures, a set of geometric bodies with projections, Gyenes blocks, a “wonderful” bag with a set of three-dimensional bodies, games like “Tangram”; numbers, figures and mathematical signs (sets of subject cards with numbers, counting material, cubes with numbers, numerical scale, Kuizener counting sticks); allowance for distinguishing relations (temporal, spatial): a variety of watches, pictures depicting the seasons, the daily routine, calendars, frames and inserts; didactic games and manuals for comparing sizes: pyramids, nesting dolls, bars and cylinders (6-8 elements), stripes, a set of scales and weights, thermometers, rulers, a set of hollow geometric bodies for comparing volumes and areas; games for the development of logical thinking (“The fourth extra”, “What is missing”, “find the ninth”, “Continue the row”, “Find the differences”, “Labyrinths”, etc.) Center for experimentation (laboratory): - scales, clocks, a magnifying glass, a flashlight, elastic band jumpers, equipment for experiments with water, equipment for experiments with air, equipment for experiments with loose materials, including sand, equipment for experiments on color change (pieces of colored plastic, palette, etc.), equipment for experiments with magnets, equipment for measuring time, models of thermometers, collections (seeds, shells, etc.), games for building logical chains, equipment for sensory experiments (scented, noisy boxes, etc.), flow charts for conducting experiments : - different types of constructors (table and floor), toys for playing with buildings Center for Patriotic Education: - albums about your hometown, fiction: poems about your hometown, stories and legends of the Zh mountains iguli, fairy tales of the Samarskaya Luka, etc., illustrations: “Nature of the native land”, “Plant and fauna of the Zhiguli”, “Our city in all seasons”, pictures - illustrations: VAZ cars, VAZ emblem, photographs of parents working at VAZ , album "Work of adults in Togliatti", outdoor games, didactic games using national paraphernalia, samples of arts and crafts (cities of Togliatti, Samara). Dolls in Russian costumes, illustrations about the life of Russian peasants. A musical selection of sounds in nature, the voices of birds and animals of the Samara Bend. Flag, emblems and other symbols of the cities of Tolyatti, Samara, the Volga region, Russia. Audio and video cassettes “My Motherland”, “City of Tolyatti”, “Volga expanse” and others.
Speech development Speech Center: - games and aids for the formation of children's vocabulary, games and aids for the development of coherent speech, reasoning speech, games and aids for preparing for literacy .; home-made books, a magnetic board, letters Logo corner: - toys and game aids for the development of proper speech breathing, picture symbols for the correct articulation of sounds (articulation models), games for determining the place of a sound in a word, selecting words with a given sound, differentiating sounds; games to regulate the pace of speech, voice power Book corner: - books for children's reading, magazines, including books - toys, audio books, illustrative material, portraits of writers, poets, coloring books based on literary works
Artistic and aesthetic development Musical and theatrical center: - children's musical instruments (voiced and not voiced), portraits of composers, visual material (pictures of the content of songs, musical works, musical instruments), musical and didactic games for the development of pitch hearing, rhythmic hearing, timbre hearing, dynamic hearing, games for the development of creative abilities, different types of theaters, a set of hats-masks, costume elements, materials for making a poster, transformation algorithms, a screen, a tape recorder, audio recordings for listening to musical works, children's songs, musical fairy tales. Center for productive activity: - beauty shelf, visual material (paintings, reproductions, thematic selections, collections, etc.), material for familiarization with arts and crafts (photographs, postcards, albums), didactic games for the development of creativity and imagination, for knowledge of species arts and crafts, knowledge of the genres of fine arts, albums (visual material) for familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques, a variety of material for drawing, modeling, artistic work, natural and waste material.
Physical development Movement center: - attributes for outdoor games, attributes for games with jumping, attributes for games with throwing, catching, throwing, albums (cards - diagrams) with general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics, cards-standards of physical fitness, non-traditional benefits that develop children's interest in physical exercises (soap bubbles, funny bags, etc.), equipment for fixing children's achievements ("Board of Champions", "Our Achievements", "Wall of Success") Health Center: - albums for prevention and healing of the body (acupressure, breathing, visual gymnastics, self-massage, etc.), the availability of benefits for the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, albums to promote a healthy lifestyle (“Sports”, “How we become tempered”, etc.), algorithms for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills (washing, dressing, brushing teeth, etc.)

Organization of various activities as a condition for the development, training and education of preschoolers

Topic 1

1.1 What are the types of children's activities of children in a preschool educational institution?

The main activities of children in the preschool educational institution are:





Cognitive research;

Musical and artistic;

Reading (perception) of fiction.

1.2 What is the leading activity in preschool age?

At preschool age, the leading activity is the game. In play activity, for the first time, the child's need to influence the world is formed and manifested. All games are usually reproduced in one way or another, thus meeting the needs of the child to take part in the life and activities of adults.

Game activity by the end of preschool age is differentiated into such forms as role-playing games, dramatization games, games with rules. The game develops not only cognitive processes, speech, communication, behavior, but also the personality of the child. Play at preschool age is a universal form of development; it creates a zone of proximal development and serves as the basis for the formation of future learning activities.

1 .3 What is communication? What is the essence of pedagogical communication?

Communication is the most important component of human existence, present in all types of human activity.

Communication is a way of interaction between people, due to socio-economic and cultural relations in society.

In communication, mutual understanding and consistency of actions, deeds, behavior are achieved, the qualities of a person as a subject of culture, knowledge, and labor are formed. Communication is the most important professional tool of pedagogical activity, as it acts as a factor in the formation of a person's personality, a means of education.

At present, it should be borne in mind that not only social relations, family, school, but also the child himself have changed: the level of his awareness, the degree of claims and requirements, the form of communication have changed. All this involves making changes to the organization of the educational process, choosing a different form of pedagogical communication. Today, it is not the educational impact that comes to the fore, when the child acts as a passive object of influence of the teacher, but interaction.

Pedagogical communication involves respect for the personality of the child, his opinion. Not every teacher is interested in the opinion of his pupils, can "join" the opinion of the baby, consider his opinion correct and interesting. Well, only a few can ask for forgiveness for, for example, mistakenly considering him the culprit of the conflict. Although this not only does not reduce the authority of the teacher in the eyes of his students, but, on the contrary, brings them closer. At the same time, if you invite children, for example, to think about how best to spend a New Year tree or a holiday of fairy tales, then there will be a lot of suggestions and ideas born of children's imagination. Therefore, the expressions “What do you think?”, “What do you think?”, “Where is it better?” etc. should be an integral part of the teacher's communication with his pupils. Pedagogical communication is characterized by purposefulness, the desire of the educator to solve certain developmental and educational tasks.

Creating a situation of success is an important moment in pedagogical communication. Not so much a word, but an interested participation in the life of children is decisive in the communication between the child and the educator, the focus on the development of the personality of the baby, the creation of an atmosphere of kindness and mutual trust.

Pedagogical communication can be expressed through evaluation.

Pedagogical assessment is part of the teacher's communication with the child. The teacher’s assessment of the child’s response in class, helping a friend or participating in a holiday, caring for flowers or the speed of tying a shoelace on their own - everything is significant for the child, everything needs a positive assessment: with a word, look, gesture, well-wishes. A positive assessment is a kind of incentive for vigorous activity, good appetite, proper behavior and success of children.

The higher the score, the greater the child's desire to learn, work, play, create. This, of course, does not mean that assessments should be only positive, and negative ones should be as few as possible. Even the absence of a positive assessment in itself is a certain punishment for the baby. That is why it is so important in each case, when assessing the child's activities, to be extremely accurate, because the abilities and capabilities of children are different.

Communication should be casual and free. Particular importance should be given to the formation of proper communication skills in kindergarten, helping kids learn the necessary norms and rules of behavior: in a team, in a game, in joint activities, at a table, at a holiday, etc.

If a child from the first years of life sees kindness and care around him (and not only in relation to himself), he perceives this as the norm and follows it himself. This is the main and determining factor in the life and behavior of a child today and an adult - tomorrow.

1.4 How can you evaluate the culture of communication between an adult and a child?

The culture of communication provides for the implementation by the child of the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers, based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in public places and everyday life.

The culture of communication implies the ability not only to act in the right way, but also to refrain from actions, words, and gestures that are inappropriate in a given situation. The child must be taught to notice the condition of other people. Already from the first years of life, the child must understand when it is possible to run and when it is necessary to slow down desires, because at a certain moment, in a certain situation, such behavior becomes unacceptable, i.e. act with respect for others. It is respect for others, combined with simplicity, naturalness in the manner of speaking and showing one's feelings, that characterizes such an important quality of a child as sociability.

The culture of communication necessarily implies a culture of speech. A.M. Gorky considered concern for the purity of speech an important tool in the struggle for the general culture of man. One of the aspects of this broad issue is the education of a culture of speech communication. The culture of speech implies that the preschooler has a sufficient vocabulary, the ability to speak concisely, maintaining a calm tone.

Already at a younger, and especially in middle preschool age, when a child masters the grammatical structure of speech, learns to build simple phrases correctly, he is taught to call adults by name and patronymic, to “You”, pronunciation is corrected, children are taught to speak at a normal pace, without tongue twisters or stretching words. It is equally important at the same time to teach the child to listen carefully to the interlocutor. Stand calmly during a conversation, look into the face of the speaker.

In the educational activities organized by the teacher, the behavior, questions and answers of children are largely regulated by the tasks, content of the material and forms of organization of children. It is clear that the culture of their communication in such processes is formed faster and easier, but it is equally important to cultivate a culture of communication in everyday life.

Directly with the upbringing of a culture of communication in children, the educator also brings up such moral qualities as politeness, delicacy, courtesy, modesty, sociability, and also, not unimportantly, collectivism skills. It is important to instill in the child an elementary culture of communication that helps him establish contacts with peers: the ability to negotiate without shouting and quarreling, to politely make a request; if necessary, yield and wait; share toys, talk calmly, do not disturb games with noisy intrusion.

1.5 What are the forms of communication of a preschool child with peers?

Communication with peers plays an important role in the mental development of a preschooler. It is a necessary condition for the formation of social qualities in him, the manifestation and development of elements of collectivist relations in a group of a preschool institution.

Throughout preschool childhood develop and replace each other emotional-practical, situational-business, out-of-situation-business, out-of-situation-personal forms of communicationpreschooler with peers

Each form of communication in its own way affects the mental development of children: emotional and practical encourages them to take initiative, expands the range of emotional experiences; situational-business contributes to the development in personality, self-awareness, curiosity, courage, optimism, creativity; extra-situational-business and extra-situational-personal form the ability to see in a partner a self-valuable personality, to take into account his thoughts and experiences. Each of them helps the child to concretize, clarify, deepen the idea of ​​himself.

1.6 What factors determine the activity of communication?

For each participant in the interaction, the motive for communication is another person, his communication partner. In the case of communication with an adult, the motive for communication that prompts the child to turn to an adult by performing an initiative act of communication, or to respond to him by performing a reactive action, is the adult himself. When communicating with a peer, the other child is the motive for communication.

Factors that encourage a child to enter into communication with adults are related to three of his main needs:

) the need for impressions;

) the need for vigorous activity;

) the need for recognition and support.

Communication with an adult is only part of a wider interaction between a child and an adult, which is based on these needs of children.

The need for active activity is as obvious to children as the need for impressions. Anyone who has observed a child is amazed at his indefatigable activity. The restlessness of children, their transition during the day from one activity to another speaks of the acuteness of their hunger for activity. The lethargy of the child, his passivity are an unmistakable sign of his morbid condition or developmental defects. Perhaps the need for children to be active is a special case of the phenomenon that is referred to as "the need for an organ to function."

During the first seven years, the activity shown by children reaches a high level of development both in form and content. But to achieve maximum effectiveness, children always need the participation and help of an adult. This leads to the fact that interaction with an adult appears in the activities of children, and among the different types of interaction, the type of interaction that we call communication steadily occupies a permanent place. Thus, the children's need for vigorous activity becomes a source of motives for turning to an adult and gives rise to a special group of motives for communication, which we called business motives, thereby emphasizing the main role of the business in which the child is engaged, and the service, subordinate role of communication in which the child enters with the goal of achieving some practical result (subject or game) as soon as possible. According to the developed ideas, the business motive for communication is an adult in his special capacity - as a partner in joint practical activities, an assistant and a model of correct actions.

The need of children for recognition and support is emphasized by many researchers. D.B. writes about the presence of such a need in school-age children. Elkonin, T.V. Dragunov, L.I. points to her. Bozovic. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the need for recognition and support for children is their desire for communication, because only as a result of this activity can they receive an assessment of their personality from others and realize the desire for community with other people.

This communication does not constitute a "service" part of the child's broader activity - cognitive or productive, but is isolated from other types of interaction and closes in on itself. A characteristic feature of the described kind of communication should be recognized as its focus on the personality of people - on the personality of the child himself, who is looking for support; on the personality of an adult who acts as a bearer of the rules of moral behavior, and other people whose knowledge ultimately serves the cause of self-knowledge of children and their knowledge of the social world. Therefore, we called the motives of the third group personal. In contrast to the cognitive and business motives of communication, which play a service role and mediate more distant, final motives, born from the needs for impressions and active activity, personal motives receive their final satisfaction in the activity of communication. As this last motive, an adult person appears before the child as a special person, as a member of society, a representative of a certain group of it.

The described groups of motives listed above were singled out in relation to the child's contacts with adults. It can be assumed that when communicating with peers, the listed motives are also important, although, apparently, they differ in some originality. So, some works make one think that small children, communicating with their peers, see little of themselves, but look very closely at their own reflection in their “mirror”. L.N. Galiguzova (1980) found, for example, that young children often cannot recognize among three comrades the one with whom they had met alone 15 times (!) before and played for a long time. Even preschoolers after 3-5 joint lessons cannot always say the name of their friend; almost never ask peers about their lives (R.A. Smirnova, 1981). If a child of this age meets with an adult, then personal interest in him turns out to be immeasurably deeper.

Cognitive, business and personal motives appear during the formation of communicative activity almost simultaneously. In the real life practice of the child, all three groups of motives coexist and are closely intertwined. But in different periods of childhood, their relative role changes: now one, then another of them occupy the position of leaders. Moreover, we are not talking about the individual characteristics of the relationship of different motives, but about the characteristics of the age, typical for the majority or for many children of the corresponding age. The promotion of a certain group of motives to the fore is associated with a change in the content of communication, and the latter reflects the features of the child's general life: the nature of his leading activity, the degree of independence.

Theme 2

2.1 What pedagogical conditions for the organization of the game do you consider necessary?

Pedagogical conditions - depend on the age group.ml. gr.:

didactic game as part of the lesson (plot-role-playing on topics from the surrounding life, based on literary works)

theatrical games - to introduce the techniques of driving table puppets, accompanying the movements of the puppets with a simple song;

Outdoor games - learn to follow the rules;

the game is organized by children, but the leading role belongs to the educator

(plot-role-playing - to encourage the creation of buildings of varying constructive complexity;

theatrical - to develop interest in theatrical and gaming activities).

Average gr.:

mobile - to accustom to independent observance of the rules, the use of a counting rhyme;

didactic - to consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom;

desktop-printed - to master the rules of the game, "walk" in turn, etc.

games are organized by children, the educator as a consultant.

Senior group:

To create a developing subject-game environment for organizing all types of games in the classroom and in independent activities, to form cooperation skills.

Play in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between a teacher and children, in which an adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a bearer of a specific "language" of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the educator, who accepts any children's ideas, guarantees freedom and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master the game methods themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, play should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, in which they use all the play tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where, to a certain extent, the world of childhood independent of adults is provided.

Game management techniques can be direct and indirect. Direct leadership involves the direct intervention of an adult in the children's play. It can be expressed in role-playing participation in the game, in participation in the collusion of children, in explaining, in providing assistance, advice during the game, or in suggesting a new topic for the game. First, an adult is involved in the main roles in the game (doctor, salesman, etc.) and gives instructions to children in various forms. These can be direct instructions (the teacher-seller tells the child: “Go to the cashier. Pay for the purchase and bring me a check, please,” etc.), instructions in the form of specific or general questions, for example: “Does your daughter want to sleep? What need to do?" etc. Later, the teacher takes on secondary roles (customer, patient, store manager, etc.).

Being a participant in the game, an adult, depending on the situation, always has the opportunity to clarify the desires of children, their individual inclinations, show various ways of organizing the game, and resolve controversial issues.

Indirect play guidance is especially fruitful when working with preschool children. In the process of playing with children, the teacher expresses his judgments exclusively in the form of advice, without requiring strict submission.

An adult should give children patterns of communication with various people, standards of emotional manifestations, carefully monitor the reactions of children, try to direct their communications, and promote adequate and emotional communication during the game. In the course of learning to play, an adult performs the functions of an organizer and leader of gaming activities.

In preschool pedagogy, there are many methods and techniques for influencing children, the choice of which depends on the specific situation. Sometimes educators, when they get acquainted with advanced pedagogical experience (in print, while watching open classes, games), discover new management techniques, methods for designing play areas and mechanically transfer them into their work, without getting the desired result. And methodological techniques are effective only in those cases when the educator applies them systematically, takes into account the general tendencies of the mental development of children, the patterns of the activity being formed, when the teacher knows and feels each child well.

Having mastered with the help of adults the basic methods of action characteristic of a particular activity, children can use them under the same or slightly changed conditions. To do this, it is necessary that in the group room and on the site conditions are created for a variety of independent activities for kids. Each type of toys and aids should be stored in a specific order. This will allow children to find the desired item themselves, and after the game, put it back in its place. It is important to consider how to most rationally distribute play material so that children can engage in a variety of activities without interfering with each other.

A quiet place in the group is reserved for independent games with didactic toys, looking at pictures, games. Didactic toys, books are stored in an open cabinet, next to the tables where children play and look at books. More complex didactic toys, fun toys should be visible to children. It is better if they lie on a shelf higher than the height of the child, so that an adult can not only help take the toy, but also follow the child's play.

With didactic aids and toys (pyramids, nesting dolls, inserts), children play on their own under the supervision of a teacher or with a little help from an adult. So the kids consolidate the knowledge gained in the classroom, and the ability to independently use didactic toys.

It is advisable to store materials for visual activity (pencils, paper, crayons) in a closed cabinet, since kids do not yet know how to independently use these items for their intended purpose for drawing, modeling, but they already freely draw with chalk on a board, a stick in the snow, sand.

Kids need both living objects for observation (fish, birds), and natural material (cones, acorns, chestnuts). For the development of walking, beta and outdoor games, there should be enough free space in the group room. Furniture, large toys and aids are placed so that children can easily pass between them, approach them from different sides. A clear distribution of toys and aids in the room and on the site, their placement, decoration create order and comfort. But this does not mean that every kind of toys and. benefits should be used in isolation. Many of them can be used in story games. So, children can get into the "house" through the "doors" in the form of a hoop or arc, and into the "shop" - along the ladder or board in front of the entrance to the house. Short cords, sticks, natural material - amazing items for the game, not replaceable by the most perfect toys.

After the game is over, the children, together with the teacher, put all the toys in the places allotted for them. Even at the height of the game, there should not be such a picture: a forgotten hare is lying under a chair, and scattered cubes and other toys are on the floor. If the children have developed an interesting game by building a building and placing toys in unusual places, it is advisable not to disassemble it in order to continue the game after sleeping or walking.

Planning a system of pedagogical activities, on the one hand, should direct children to display in the game various phenomena of the surrounding reality that are new to them, on the other hand, it complicates the ways and means of reproducing this reality. Children's knowledge of the life around them, obtained from various sources, determines the content of game tasks, the theme of the plot. The formation of the game itself depends on the skillful complication of methods and means for solving game problems.

The accumulation of knowledge by children is recorded in the classroom or during special observations. At the same time, a connection is established between the past experience of children and new knowledge. The acquired information and impressions of children are taken into account when planning educational work to guide the game.

2.3 List the structural components of a role-playing game

Structural components of a role-playing game: role, rules, plot, content, game actions, role-playing and real relationships, game items and substitute items.

2 .4 List imaginative games children in your age group play, games with rules

Creative games for children of the middle group:

Theatrical- Teremok, Kolobok.

Plot - role-playing- household (family games, kindergarten), production, reflecting the professional work of people (games in the hospital, shop), public (to the library, flight to the moon).

building material games- floor, desktop building material, sets like "Young Architect", natural (sand, snow, clay, stones).

Games with the rules of children of the middle group:

Didactic - games with objects (for example, select all toys made of wood), board games (for example, selecting pictures according to one attribute (classification), word games (for example, a game - Where we were, we won’t say, but what we did, show).

Movable - "Cat and Mouse", "Wand", "What has changed?" and etc.

2.5 What is the place of play in the daily routine of the age group you work for?

The game as the main activity of preschoolers in kindergarten is given a lot of time: before breakfast and after it, in between classes, after daytime sleep, during the daytime and evening walk.

When organizing and directing children's games, it is also necessary to take into account the nature of the previous and subsequent activities in the daily routine. So, for example, outdoor games associated with a high intensity of movement should not be carried out before the daytime or nighttime sleep of children, as well as after meals. During a walk where you can organize different games, you need to take into account the weather conditions. In hot summer weather, preference is given to games of low and medium mobility, and games associated with running, jumping, requiring intense movements, are best played in the afternoon.

In the morning, before breakfast, it is advisable to give children the opportunity to play on their own. A more active game, organized with the whole group of children, can replace morning exercises. Such a game form of morning exercises can be used at the beginning of the year, when there are many new children in the team who first came to kindergarten. The game attracts them with its emotionality, the ability to act actively, to perform movements to the best of their abilities. Over time, when children get used to acting in a team, morning exercises are introduced, consisting of separate exercises.

Before classes, games of medium mobility are appropriate; for children, these games are most often of an individual order.

Topic 3.

3.1 List the tasks of labor education of preschool children?

Tasks of labor education of children of preschool age:. Raising a positive attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to provide them with all possible assistance.

Formation of labor skills and skills and their further improvement, gradual expansion of the content of labor activity.

Education in children of positive personal qualities: habits of labor effort, responsibility, caring, thrift,

willingness to take part in work.

Formation of skills for organizing one's own and general work.

The upbringing of positive relationships between children in the process of work is the ability to work in a coordinated and friendly manner in a team, to help each other, to kindly evaluate the work of peers, to make comments and give advice in the correct form.

3.2 In what forms can child labor be carried out in a preschool educational institution?

Child labor in a preschool educational institution is carried out in the course of educational activities, play activities and in everyday life.

3.3 Name the types of child labor and the content of each type

Self service- this is the work of the child, aimed at serving himself (dressing and undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The quality and awareness of actions are different for different children, so the task of developing self-service skills is relevant at all age stages of preschool childhood.

The content of self-service labor changes at different age stages and as children master labor skills. If a child has mastered the ability to dress independently, he needs to be taught to do it neatly, beautifully, quickly, to monitor his appearance and hairstyle. Children are taught the habit of taking care of things, not getting dirty, not tearing clothes, and folding them neatly.

preparation of the workplace before drawing;

cleaning and even washing (at home) cups, spoons after eating, making the bed, cleaning toys, books.

Having learned self-service, the child acquires a certain independence from the adult, he develops a sense of self-confidence. Of course, even at an older preschool age, children sometimes need the help of an adult, but still, before entering school, they should already be able to do a lot on their own.

Household work- this is the second type of labor that a child at preschool age is able to master. The contents of this type of work are:

cleaning work;

washing dishes, laundry, etc.

If self-service work is originally intended for life support, for taking care of oneself, then household work has a social orientation. The child learns to create and maintain the environment around him in an appropriate form. The child can use the skills of household work both in self-service and in work for the common good.

Household work of children of younger groups in terms of content is helping an adult in wiping furniture, arranging toys, washing small items, removing snow on a site, decorating a site, etc. In the process of such work, the educator develops in children the ability to focus on one lesson, to bring the matter to the end with the help of an adult. Positive evaluation and praise are very important.

Children of middle and older preschool age are capable of more diverse household work and need less adult help. They can do:

cleaning the group room (dusting, washing toys, arranging light furniture);

cleaning the site (raking snow, removing leaves);

take part in cooking (salads, vinaigrette, dough products);

in the work of repairing books, toys, clothes.

labor in nature- the content of such labor is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the site, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc. Labor in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills, but also on the education of moral feelings, lays the foundations for environmental education.

Labor in nature most often has a delayed result: seeds were sown and only after a while were they able to observe the result in the form of seedlings, and then fruits. This feature helps to cultivate endurance, patience.

Manual and artistic labor- according to its purpose, it is a work aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the manufacture of crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development of imagination, creative abilities; develops small muscles of the hands, contributes to the cultivation of endurance, perseverance, the ability to bring what has been started to the end. With the results of their work, children delight other people by creating gifts for them. Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group’s premises for the holidays with their products, arrange exhibitions, etc.

3.4 What forms of child labor organization do you use in your work with children?

Orders- this is a request of an adult addressed to the child to perform some kind of labor action. Job assignments can be:

Individual, subgroup and general orders are used. By duration - short-term or long-term, permanent or one-time.

Duty- involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the whole group. On duty, to a greater extent than on assignment, the social orientation of work, the real, practical care of several (one) children about others, are distinguished, therefore this form contributes to the development of responsibility, a humane, caring attitude towards people and nature.

They use duty in the dining room, in preparation for classes, in a living corner.

General, joint, collective work -creates favorable conditions for the formation in children of the ability to coordinate their actions, help each other, establish a single pace of work.

This form is used when putting things in order after games in the room of the group, labor in nature.

3.5 Name the means of labor education

Labor education of preschool children is carried out using a number of means:

own labor activity of children;

Artistic means.

3.6 What methods of managing different types of child labor do you use in your age group?

The main methods and techniques used to guide different types of child labor:

determine the purpose of labor (if the child himself sets a goal - what he wants to do, what should be the result, you can clarify it or make another proposal);

help the child motivate his work, discuss with him why and for whom this work is needed, what is its significance;

teach the elements of planning;

arouse interest in the upcoming business, support and develop it in the course of work;

find out what has already been done and what else can be done to achieve a better result;

remember with the child the basic “labor rules” (everyone must work diligently, it is necessary to help the elders, the younger, etc.);

to encourage diligence, interest in business, the desire to overcome difficulties, achieving the intended goal;

systematically check with the child the progress, results of work and evaluate it, paying special attention to the child's patience, independence and initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal;

connect the child to his work, set an example of a conscientious attitude to business, helping with advice or deed in case of difficulty (but not doing the work for him);

awaken initiative and resourcefulness (asking questions about what can be done, how best to do it, pushing for independent decision-making);

put the child in front of the need to make a choice and help make the right decision;

Theme 4

4.1 What distinguishes educational activity from cognitive activity, what is common between them?

Knowledge is the result of cognitive activity, regardless of the form of cognition in which it was carried out (with the help of thinking or perception) and the result of the educational activity of a preschooler.

The difference between educational tasks and practical tasks is that the main goal of children's activity is the assimilation of general methods for highlighting the properties of concepts or solving a certain class of concrete practical tasks.

The work of children in learning situations is realized in learning activities, through which they "learn patterns of common methods for solving problems and general methods for determining the conditions for their application." A full-fledged activity in a situation of a learning task involves the performance of one more action - control. The child must correlate his learning activities and their results with the given samples, correlate the quality of these results with the level and completeness of the completed learning activities. Closely related to control is assessment, which fixes the compliance or non-compliance of the results with the requirements of the educational situation.

The process of cognition by a child is determined by his cognitive interests, needs, abilities. Teaching methods are also aimed at the implementation of the three areas of cognitive activity of children.

The cognitive sphere is considered as a complex formation, in which three components can be distinguished - mental (cognitive) processes; information; relation to information.

One source of development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers, as rightly proved in their studies by V.V. Davydov and N.E. Veraksa, the creative principle acts in the personality of a creative person.

An important means of developing the cognitive activity of older preschoolers is the lesson. Entertaining material must be present in the classroom, since one of the means of developing cognitive activity is entertainment. Elements of entertainment, play, everything unusual, unexpected cause children a sense of surprise, a keen interest in the process of cognition, help them learn any educational material. the development of the cognitive activity of the child's personality during classes, manifests itself most fully, and is visible in all educational activities.

At senior preschool age, on the basis of the experience gained in educational, playful and labor activities, prerequisites are formed for the development of cognitive activity.

4.2 What pedagogical conditions need to be created for the organization of educational and cognitive activities in a preschool educational institution?

Developing the educational and cognitive activity of the child, the teacher must remember that the child begins to learn the world not from its theoretical consideration, but from practical actions. A.V. Zaporozhets established that orienting actions play a central role in mental development. The teacher creates conditions in the preschool educational institution that specifically “build” the indicative part of the activity.

The pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of educational and cognitive activities in preschool educational institutions are the gradual filling of the subject-developing environment; widespread use of game exercises for the development of mental processes (such as "Find by description", "Compose by description", etc.), didactic games, excursions, stories of the educator; the use of cognitive fairy tales, realistic stories from the experience of the educator, the introduction of fairy tale characters (gnomes, foresters, etc.), "humanized" real objects, objects, phenomena of our world, visual experimentation - all this gives cognitive activity a learning character, allows you to form various types of motivation (playing, personal, social, cognitive, etc.), to "live" for children the content of certain activities. In general, pedagogical conditions allow children to develop a cognitive, aesthetically careful, emotional, transformative attitude to the world. In the subject-developing environment (“Library of smart books”, production of collections, materials for speech games), conditions are created for an active, interested attitude to objects of animate and inanimate nature, to the phenomena of social life. Artistic and productive work organized by the educator (making individual durable toys, crafts from paper, waste material, making postcards, invitation cards, etc.) helps to consolidate various ways of doing them, forms elements of motivation for cooperation with adults, emotional and sensory experience of perception peace.

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in children will be:

the use of various types of motivation (game, practical, cognitive, educational, personal, comparative, etc.);

the use of game trainings for the development of arbitrariness of behavior, games and studies for psychomuscular training and for teaching children self-relaxation techniques;

expanding the types of assessment of the results of children's activities (assessment of a teacher, assessment for children, self-assessment, a game form of assessment, mutual assessment, etc.);

introduction of diverse teaching methods (problem issues, modeling, experimentation, etc.);

the use of various means of mental development and learning (organization of the active activity of the child, educational games, design, visual, theatrical activities, practical activities, training, etc., modern technical means); - the presence of a certain position of the teacher.

In educational activities, conditions should be created for children in which they would have the opportunity to experiment extensively with newly acquired material. It is important that the child experiment with the learning material before learning or at the very beginning of the learning process.

4.3 Name the forms of organizing the education of children in a preschool educational institution

The form of organization of training is a way of organizing training, which is carried out in a certain order and mode. Forms differ in the number of participants, the nature of interaction between them, methods of activity, venue, etc. Kindergarten uses frontal, group and individual forms of organized learning.

Excursion - a special form of education, which makes it possible in a natural setting to acquaint children with natural, cultural objects and activities of adults;

The main form of organizing the education of children in kindergarten are classes. They are organized and conducted by the teacher in accordance with the "Program of education and training in kindergarten".

4.4 Why are classes the main form of education for children in a preschool educational institution?

The leading form of organizing the training of pupils of the preschool educational institution is the lesson.

The use of classes as the main form of teaching children was substantiated by Ya.A. Comenius.

Jan Amos Comenius in the pedagogical work "Great Didactics" really described the class-lesson system as "the universal art of teaching everyone everything", developed the rules for organizing the school (the concepts - school year, quarter, holidays), a clear distribution and content of all types of work, substantiated didactic principles of teaching children in the classroom. In addition, he was one of the first to put forward the idea that the beginning of systematic upbringing and education lies at preschool age, developed the content of teaching preschool children and outlined them in the pedagogical work "Mother's School".

K.D. Ushinsky psychologically substantiated and developed the didactic principles of teaching children in the classroom, stressed that already at preschool age it is necessary to separate serious learning from the game “you can’t teach children by playing, learning is work.” Therefore, the tasks of preschool education, according to K.D. Ushinsky, is the development of mental strength (the development of active attention and conscious memory) and the gift of the word of children, preparation for school. However, at the same time, the scientist put forward the thesis of the dual unity of education and upbringing of preschool children. Thus, the problem of the existence of differences between teaching children in the classroom in kindergarten and in the classroom in elementary school was raised.

A.P. Usova developed the basics of teaching preschool children in kindergarten and family, revealed the essence of education in kindergarten; substantiated the position of two levels of knowledge that children can master.

To the first level, she attributed the elementary knowledge that children acquire in the process of games, life, observation and communication with people around them; to the second, more complex level, attributed knowledge and skills, the assimilation of which is possible only in the process of purposeful learning. At the same time, A.P. Usova identified three levels of learning activity depending on the cognitive motives of children, the ability to listen and follow the instructions of an adult, evaluate what has been done, and consciously achieve their goals. At the same time, she emphasized that children do not reach the first level immediately, but only towards the end of preschool childhood, under the influence of purposeful and systematic education.

Systematic learning in the classroom is an important means of educational work with preschool children.

Over several decades of the twentieth century. all leading researchers and practitioners of preschool education following A.P. Usova paid great attention to classes as the leading form of frontal education for children.

Modern preschool pedagogy also attaches great importance to classes: undoubtedly, they have a positive effect on children, contribute to their intensive intellectual and personal development, and systematically prepare them for schooling.

At present, the improvement of classes in various aspects continues: the content of education is expanding and becoming more complicated, the search for forms of integration of various types of activities, ways to introduce games into the learning process, and the search for new (non-traditional) forms of organization of children are being carried out. Increasingly, one can observe a transition from frontal classes with the entire group of children to classes with subgroups, small groups. This trend ensures the quality of education: an individual approach to children, taking into account the peculiarities of their advancement in the assimilation of knowledge and practical skills.

Another important trend is visible - the construction of lesson systems in each area that preschoolers are introduced to. A chain of gradually becoming more complex activities, organically related to the activities of everyday life, is the best way to ensure the necessary intellectual and personal development of preschoolers.

The form of organization of training is a joint activity of the teacher and trainees, which is carried out in a certain order and established mode.

Traditionally, the following forms of organization of training are distinguished:

individual, group, frontal

You can use these forms of organization of learning both in the classroom and in everyday life. In the preschool educational institution, special time can be allocated in the process of holding regime moments, individual work with children is organized. The content of training in this case is the following activities: subject-playing, labor, sports, productive, communication, role-playing and other games that can be a source and means of learning.

4.5 When planning classes with preschool children, what tasks should the teacher set for himself?

When planning the tasks of the lesson, it is necessary to set tasks taking into account the age characteristics of children, their educational readiness, upbringing, and development.

Traditionally, three tasks are set for classes: educational, developmental and educational.

4.6 What are the types of classes and what structure can they have?

Types of activities with children in kindergarten- Classical lesson; Complex (combined lesson); Thematic lesson; Final or control lesson; Excursion; Collective creative work; Occupation-work; Occupation-game; Occupation-creativity; Session-gatherings; Lesson-fairy tale; Occupation press conference; Landing occupation; Commented learning session; Occupation-travel; Occupation-discovery

(problem occupation); Lesson-experiment; Classes-drawings-compositions; Occupation-competition; Group lessons (competition option); "Game-School".

The structure of the classic lesson

Structural component Content Beginning of the lesson Involves the organization of children: Switching the attention of children to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood, precise and clear guidelines for the upcoming activity (sequence of the task, expected results) assigned learning objectives. In the process of this part of the lesson, individualization of training is carried out (minimum help, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation). The teacher creates the conditions for each child to achieve a result. The end of the lesson Dedicated to summarizing and evaluating the results of educational activities. In the younger group, the teacher praises for diligence, the desire to do work, activates positive emotions. In the middle group, he has a differentiated approach to evaluating the results of children's activities. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of the results. Depending on the section of training, on the objectives of the lesson, the methodology for conducting each part of the lesson may be different. Private methods give more specific recommendations for conducting each part of the lesson. After the lesson, the teacher analyzes its effectiveness, the development of program tasks by children, conducts a reflection of the activity and outlines the perspective of the activity.

4.7 What place do classes take in the daily routine of a preschool educational institution?

Before the introduction of the state standard for preschool education, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommends the following.

When building the educational process, set the teaching load, guided by the following guidelines:

the maximum allowable number of lessons in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups should not exceed two lessons, and in the senior and preparatory groups - three;

their duration in the younger and middle groups - no more than 10-15 minutes, in the older - no more than 20-25 minutes, and in the preparatory - 25-30 minutes;

in the middle of classes, it is necessary to conduct a physical activity;

breaks between classes should be at least 10 minutes;

the duration of these classes is no more than 30 minutes and, if they are static in nature, a physical education session should be held in the middle of the lesson. It is recommended to conduct such classes on days with the highest working capacity of children (Tuesday, Wednesday);

classes in additional education (studios, circles, sections) are unacceptable at the expense of the time allotted for a walk and daytime sleep; their number per week should not exceed two. The duration of these classes should not exceed 20-25 minutes, the participation of the child in more than two additional classes is not advisable.

4.8 List methods of teaching preschool children

In modern doshk. In pedagogy, the classification of teaching methods according to the nature of cognitive activity, proposed by Lerner and Skatkin, has become widespread, including:

Explanatory - illustrative, or informational - receptive;


Problematic presentation of the material;

Partial search;


In doshk. Pedagogy for many years widely used methods according to the source of knowledge, which are divided into visual, verbal, practical, gaming.

Theme 5

5.1 What is the difference between artistic education and aesthetic education?

In preschool pedagogy, aesthetic education is understood as the process of forming a creative personality capable of perceiving, feeling, evaluating, and creating beauty. Artistic education is a narrower concept, since only the means of art are used here in solving the same problems. In aesthetic education, a complex of all means is used.

The tasks of artistic education, of course, are already the tasks of aesthetic education: the formation of a love for art, interest and needs in art, the development of artistic education skills and fine arts, artistic feelings, tastes, and abilities to evaluate works of art. Artistic education serves the purposes of forming a high culture of the individual, familiarizing with the entire wealth of artistic values ​​accumulated by a person over the entire period of social development.

5.2 Define the concepts of "aesthetic education" and "art education"

Aesthetic education is the most important aspect of raising a child. It contributes to the enrichment of sensory experience, the emotional sphere of the individual, affects the knowledge of the moral side of reality, increases cognitive activity, and even affects physical development.

Artistic education - the formation of the ability to feel, understand, evaluate, love art and enjoy it; artistic education is inseparable from the impulse to artistic and creative activity, to the feasible creation of aesthetic, including artistic values.

5.3 What are the features of the pedagogical conditions for the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children?

To implement the tasks of artistic and aesthetic pedagogical conditions are necessary: ​​the environment (aesthetics of everyday life), the existence of a program for the artistic and aesthetic development of children; organization of the child's own artistic activity, the use of various forms, means, methods, various types of arts.

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is carried out with the help of such means as games and toys, art, aesthetics of everyday life, nature, work, independent artistic and creative activities, holidays and entertainment.

The game always includes creativity. If the ideas of preschoolers about the environment are poor, there are no vivid emotional experiences, then their games are poor and monotonous in content. The expansion of impressions is carried out in the process of reading works of art, with the help of the teacher's story, observations. The material of the game are toys. All toys should be attractive, colorfully designed, arouse interest in children, awaken the imagination.

Using all kinds of art - fairy tales, stories, riddles, songs, dances, paintings and others, the teacher forms children's responsiveness to everything good and beautiful, enriches their spiritual world.

The main requirements for the design of a preschool institution are the expediency of the situation, its practical justification, cleanliness, simplicity, beauty, the right combination of color and light, the presence of a single composition. Of course, it is not enough to surround children with beautiful things; they must be taught to see beauty and cherish it. Therefore, the teacher should draw the attention of children to the cleanliness of the room, to the beauty brought by flowers, paintings, and most importantly, to encourage preschoolers themselves to decorate the room.

From an early age, children should be taught the aesthetics of appearance, combined with a culture of behavior. An important role in this regard is played by the personal example of adults, the unity of their external and internal culture of behavior.

From an early age, it is necessary to teach children not only to admire the beauty of flowers, trees, the sky, etc., but also to make their own contribution to its increase. Already in the younger group, children with a little help from adults can feed the fish, water the flowers in the garden and in the group, etc. With age, the amount of work for preschoolers increases. Children are more independent and responsible for the performance of a particular task.

Labor activity is one of the means of aesthetic education of preschool children. At a younger age, the teacher introduces children to the work of preschool workers, emphasizing that the nanny, the cook, and the janitor work diligently and beautifully. Gradually, the educator brings the children to the understanding that the work of all the people of the city and the village makes it possible to live joyfully. At the same time, it is important that preschoolers not only contemplate the beauty of the work of adults, but also take part in it to the best of their ability. Therefore, all forms of labor activity are used in kindergarten.

Holidays and entertainment enrich children with new vivid impressions associated with significant dates, bring up emotional responsiveness and interest in various types of artistic activity. From an early age, children show interest in singing songs, reading poetry, dancing, drawing. These are the first creative manifestations.

5.4 List the tasks of the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children

The first group of tasks is aimed at the development of aesthetic perception, thinking, imagination, aesthetic attitude. The teacher solves the problem of developing the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature and the man-made world; educates aesthetic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty.

The second group of tasks is aimed at the formation of creative and artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, artistic design, singing, expressive movements, and the development of verbal creativity. Teachers solve tasks aimed at supporting the creative self-expression of children: the desire for improvisation, experimenting with color, inventing a composition, mastering various artistic techniques, materials and means, creating artistic images using plastic means, rhythm, tempo, pitch and sound power.

5.5 What means are needed to solve the problems of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children?

The means necessary for solving the problems of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children are the developing environment, nature, art, and artistic activity.

5.6 What is the originality of the content of artistic and aesthetic education?

Throughout the preschool period, changes in perception occur, from simple attempts to examine and feel, without answering the question of what the object is, to the desire to more systematically and consistently examine and describe the object, highlighting the most noticeable features.

Assimilation by children of the system of sensory standards significantly rebuilds their perception, raising it to a higher level. In the process of cognitive activity, children acquire systematized knowledge about the sensory qualities of objects, and the formation of generalized methods for examining objects plays a special role in this. The structure of the generated images depends on the methods of examination.

Sensory culture is of great importance for artistic and aesthetic education. The ability to distinguish colors, shades, shapes, combinations of shapes and colors opens up the opportunity to better understand works of art, and then enjoy it. The child learns to create an image, masters the ability to convey the properties inherent in objects, shape, structure, color, position in space, his impressions, acquires knowledge about the materials used to convey the image, create an artistic image. Mastering visual and expressive skills introduces children to elementary creative activity, passing a difficult path from the simplest actions to the processes of figurative reproduction of forms.

The next feature of artistic and aesthetic education in preschool age is associated with the changes taking place in the field of cognitive processes of the student. The formation of artistic and aesthetic ideals in children, as part of their worldview, is a complex and lengthy process. This is noted by all the educators and psychologists mentioned above. In the course of education, life relationships, ideals undergo changes. Under certain conditions, under the influence of comrades, adults, works of art, life upheavals, ideals can undergo fundamental changes. “The pedagogical essence of the process of forming artistic and aesthetic ideals in children, taking into account their age characteristics, is to form stable meaningful ideal ideas about beauty, about society, about a person, about relationships between people, from the very beginning, from early childhood, doing this in a diverse, new and exciting form that changes at each stage,” notes E.M. Torshilov.

By the end of the pre-preschool age, the child can experience elementary aesthetic feelings and states. The child enjoys a beautiful bow on his head, admires a toy, crafts, etc. In these experiences, at first, direct imitation of an adult appears clearly, in the form of empathy. The child repeats after the mother: “How beautiful!” Therefore, when communicating with a small child, adults should emphasize the aesthetic side of objects, phenomena and their qualities with the words: “what a beautiful craft”, “how elegantly dressed the doll” and so on.

The behavior of adults, their attitude to the world around them, to the child becomes a program of his behavior for the baby, so it is very important that children see around them as much good and beautiful as possible.

Growing up, the child enters a new team - a kindergarten, which takes on the function of organized preparation of children for adulthood. Issues of artistic and aesthetic education in kindergarten begin with a carefully thought-out design of the room. Everything that surrounds the children: desks, tables, manuals - should bring up their artistic and aesthetic education should cause active activity of the preschooler. It is important not only to feel, but also to create something beautiful. Education, which is purposefully carried out in kindergarten, is also aimed at developing artistic and aesthetic feelings, therefore, systematic classes such as music, familiarization with fiction, drawing, modeling and appliqué are of great importance, especially if the teacher teaches children to select shapes, colors , make beautiful ornaments, patterns, set proportions, etc. with cleanliness and accuracy. Artistic and aesthetic feelings, as well as moral ones, are not innate. They require special training and education.

Preschool age is a period characterized by the formation of aesthetic development, improving under the influence of education, which is aimed at solving specific problems arising from the purpose of aesthetic education and its significance in the development of the individual.

Work on aesthetic education in kindergarten is closely connected with all aspects of the educational process, its forms of organization are very diverse, and the results are manifested in various activities. The education of an aesthetic attitude to the environment contributes to the formation of many qualities of the child's personality. This is a complex and lengthy process. In order to learn to understand the beautiful in art and in life, it is necessary to go a long way to accumulate elementary aesthetic impressions, visual and auditory sensations, and a certain development of emotional and cognitive processes is necessary.

A full-fledged mental and physical development, moral purity and an active attitude to life and art characterize a holistic, harmoniously developed personality, the moral improvement of which largely depends on aesthetic education.

5.7 List the types of artistic and aesthetic activities in a preschool educational institution

Types of artistic and aesthetic activities -

visual activity - modeling, applications, artistic design, albums on acquaintance with the types and genres of art, "Beauty Exhibitions" in groups;

theatrical activities - the creation of theatrical circles, conducting theatrical classes, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of kids, introducing children to the theatrical alphabet, familiarizing them with theatrical culture, attending performances of touring theaters with children - guests of the city;

- musical activity - singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments, musical and didactic games.

familiarization of children with fiction.

List of used literature

pedagogical education educational preschool

1.T.A. Litvinchik Preschoolers about natural communities: abstracts of classes on familiarization with the outside world. - Assistance, 2010

2.O.V. Dybina Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. - Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010

.Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A. scenarios for classes on the integrated development of preschoolers. middle group

.Timofeeva L.A. Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. Moscow: Education, 1979.

Similar works to - Organization of various activities as a condition for the development, training and education of preschoolers

main activities for young children are:
- objective activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;
- experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.);
- communication with an adult;
- joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;
- self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.);
- perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures;
- physical activity.

Given the age and psychological characteristics of young children, organized activity should be:
- event-related (associated with some event from personal experience);
- rhythmic (motor and mental activity should alternate);
- procedural (development of skills in everyday and gaming processes).

The activities of the teacher in each area:
1. Subject activity and games with composite and dynamic toys. Object-playing activity with composite and dynamic toys is the main one in the formation of cognitive activity, in the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking of children.
To composite toys include pyramids, nesting dolls, various laces, composite and split pictures, cubes, puzzles (large), designers (large), etc.
To dynamic toys include spinning tops, spinning tops, tumblers, clockwork toys, that is, those based on various types of movement: torsion, somersault, rotation.
In object-play activity, the result of the child's action is very important (especially with composite toys). The cognitive interest of children is precisely supported by their own effective actions that are understandable to them. Thus, there is an assimilation of methods of action.

Tasks of the teacher:
- develop cognitive interest in surrounding objects and promote active actions with them;
- to form game actions with a variety of plot toys, the ability to use substitute objects;
- to form the ability to imitate the game actions of an adult.

2. Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.). Acquaintance with the properties of objects occurs in practical research activities by the method of trials. In the process of experimentation, the teacher draws the attention of children to smells, sounds, shape, color and other properties of objects and objects. It is necessary to show the correct methods of action, as well as to provide opportunity for independent research. Don't forget to remind rules of safe behavior in actions with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand), as well as the rules for playing with small objects (do not put objects in your ear, nose; do not take them in your mouth).

Tasks of the teacher:
- to acquaint with generalized methods of studying various objects from the child's surrounding life;
- maintain cognitive activity and cognitive interest in the process of experimentation;
- encourage independent experimentation with a variety of didactic materials;
- to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various activities.

3. Communication with an adult. Communication is the most important event at an early age and main form of education. The forms and content of communication change as the child develops: emotional communication; communication based on the understanding of intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and then the actual verbal communication. Adult speech is a role model. For the development of communication, questions, verbal instructions, the creation of problem-speech situations, role-playing and communicative games, reading poems and fairy tales, experiments, dramatizations, and observations are used.

Tasks of the teacher:
- contribute to the enrichment of the dictionary;
- to form the ability to ask, answer, ask, give a cue;
- develop the need for verbal communication.

4. Joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult. Since it is still difficult for young children to independently engage in games with peers, the teacher purposefully organizes the game activity. For joint games, communicative, role-playing, musical and rhythmic games, as well as games and exercises with didactic material are recommended.

Tasks of the teacher:
- contribute to the formation of the experience of friendly relationships with peers;
- teach positive ways of communicating and resolving conflicts during the game;
- develop emotional responsiveness when interacting with peers.

5. Self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.). The simplest skills of independence, neatness, accuracy are formed in the process of regime moments. In doing so, it is imperative that the principle of gradual inclusion of the child in any activity to acquire self-care skills. It is necessary to emotionally involve the baby in actions with household items-tools, so learning should take place in a playful way.

Tasks of the teacher:
- to form elementary self-service skills;
- to form the skills of a culture of behavior that comply with the norms and rules;
- to form substantive actions;
- develop independence in everyday behavior.

6. Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, looking at pictures. It is desirable to organize a cycle of game educational situations aimed at developing the emotional world of the child. Of particular importance in the perception of young children is visibility. Therefore, reading, storytelling, listening to music is accompanied by the display of pictures, pictures and toys. How to work with pictures can be read

Tasks of the teacher:
- to form the ability to consider pictures, illustrations;
- to form the ability to listen and understand short, accessible songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales and stories;
- develop the ability to emotionally respond to various works of culture and art.

7. Motor activity. In addition to organizing outdoor games and exercises, the teacher should create conditions for the development of independent motor activity children. To do this, it is necessary to enrich the developing environment with wheelchair toys, carts, cars, etc., as well as sports equipment and equipment.

Tasks of the teacher:
- to develop the motor activity of children in all types of games;
- to promote the development of basic movements;
- create conditions that encourage children to physical activity.

Thus, when organizing the interaction of a teacher with young children, it is necessary:
- include several different types of activities that successively replace each other;
- organize activities in such a way as to avoid the occurrence of overwork in babies;
- to enrich the personal experience of children in everyday and gaming processes.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

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