Corn cultivation technology. Maize Cultivation Technology Download Maize Cultivation Presentation

, Correctional Pedagogy

Class: 7

Class: 7

Program: training programs edited by V.V. Funnel Program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type: 5-9 cells. Moscow: VLADOS Humanitarian Publishing Center, 2011.

Textbook: Klepinina Z.A. Biology. Plants. Mushrooms. bacteria. Grade 7 textbook for special (correction) education. Institutions of the VIII type / Z.A. Klepinin. – 6th ed. - M.: Education, 2013. - 224 p.: ill.

The purpose of the lesson: learn to highlight the common and distinctive features of the external structure of cereal plants (corn).

Lesson objectives:

  • educational: explain the importance of the features of the external structure, biological requirements for growing corn and talk about the use of corn in the national economy.
  • Educational: develop thinking and memory.
  • Correctional: to correct the skill of working with illustrative material.
  • Educational: to cultivate interest in the study of cereal plants.

visibility: illustrative and handout material.

Speech material: cob, silage.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

1. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

What section are we studying? cereals

Wheat, oats, barley

Guess the riddle and say the topic of our lesson

I grow up amazingly
Tall, thin, beautiful
Hiding in bright gloves
Golden cobs.
May I not be sweeter than a watermelon,
But richer. I... corn

Name the topic of the lesson.

After the children have guessed the riddle, without using a clue, a poster of corn is hung on the board (Appendix 1)

What do you think is the purpose of our lesson?

The purpose of our lesson is to learn how to highlight the features of the external structure of corn.

In the lesson you will work individually and in pairs, work with a textbook, with cards, solve puzzles, crossword puzzles.

In order to start learning new material, we need to repeat our homework.

2. Repetition of previously studied material

You said we are studying cereal plants, and to which group of plants do they belong monocots or dicots? monocots

What cereal plants have we already learned about? Wheat, oats, barley

Open notebooks and compare the external structure of these plants.

  1. What is the root system of these plants? fibrous root system
  2. What are the features in the structure of the stem? The stem of these plants is empty inside
  3. What is the name of this stem? Solomin.
  4. What are the leaves and venation of cereal plants? The leaves are long, narrow, with parallel venation.
  5. What is the structure of a flower? Flower structure 3 scales, 3 stamens and 1 pistil
  6. Name the fruit. Caryopsis with 1 cotyledon.

III. Learning new material.

1. Working with the text of the textbook and using individual cards

In front of you on your desks are the cards “Cereals: corn.” In these cards, you must write down the biological characteristics of growing corn, the external structure and use in the national economy. (Annex 2)

We open the textbook on page 101, we find the word corn in bold. We start reading. Corn is a herbaceous, annual, photophilous, heat-loving plant.

What do you think, in which column we write? Biological features of cultivation

2. Working with the table “External structure of corn” (Appendix 1)

1 And now let's work with the table, we look at the work plan in the table.

The first point is the root system. What is the root system of corn?

We write in the table - fibrous root system

Corn has a well-developed fibrous root system that penetrates to the depth 100-150 cm. On the lower nodes of the stem can form aerial supporting roots, protecting the stem from falling and supplying the plant with water and nutrients.

Do you think the stalk of corn is empty inside? No.

That's right, the stalk of corn is filled with a core inside.

What else can be said about the stalk of corn. Upright.

We write in the table - erect stem filled with pith.

What leaves?

Large, wide, linear, parallel venation.

The leaves are large, linear, up to 10 cm wide and 1 m long. Their number is from 8 to 42, with parallel venation..

We write in the line about the leaves - large, wide, linear, parallel venation.

Corn has an inflorescence panicle

True, but corn has two flowers. One is at the top of the stem - this panicle. And at the base of the leaves is another inflorescence - cob. Each plant usually 1-2 cobs. Cob length from 4 to 50 cm, weight from 30 to 500 grams.

What is the fruit of corn? The fruit is a grain.

The fruit is a grain usually naked. The shape of grains Corns are rounded, tightly pressed against each other and located on the cob core in vertical rows. On the cob, an average of 200 to 600 grains is formed. Depending on the variety, corn grains have a different color - white, cream, yellow, orange, red.

Outcome: What distinguishes the external structure of corn from other cereal plants?

The stem is filled inside with a core. The leaves are wide. Inflorescence cob and panicle

3. Work with the presentation “Use in the national economy” (Presentation)

Slideshow, students call and write in the appropriate lines.

  • Fresh or boiled cobs
  • Canned corn
  • Corn grits
  • Corn flour
  • Corn kernels for popcorn
  • Corn harvest
  • Silage

Outcome Why is corn grown? For food and animal feed

IV. Consolidation of the studied material. (Annex 3)

Work with handouts - crossword puzzles, puzzles. Crossword puzzles are done individually, and puzzles are done in pairs. Checking is performed only puzzles. One student from each pair.

V. Summary of the lesson

Frontal survey

  • What is the topic of our lesson? Corn is a cereal monocotyledonous plant
  • What is the purpose of our lesson - learn to distinguish common and distinctive features of the external structure of cereal plants (corn)
  • What are the distinguishing features of corn from other cereals? inflorescence, stem.
Corn is one of the main crops
modern world agriculture. This is
a culture of multi-use and
high yield. For food in
countries of the world use about 20% of grain
corn, for technical purposes - 15-20% and
about two thirds - for food.

cultural history

Corn is the oldest cultivated plant,
her homeland is Central and South America, the zone
tropics and subtropics. This is evidenced
archaeological finds of pollen, panicles, grains and
cobs of primitive forms of corn, as well as
results of genetic and cytoembryological
research. Even in the pre-Columbian era, corn
was the main food crop
Aboriginal people living in these areas.
The origin of maize (Zea mays L. species) is still
not deciphered by phylogenetic systematics.

The cob and general view of the corn plant

The use of herbicides and fungicides in various phases of the corn vegetation

Botanical description.

Corn is an annual plant of the family
Bluegrass. monoecious, dioecious,
cross-pollinated. not in the wild
The root system is powerful, fibrous, multi-tiered,
highly branched, capable on soils with loose
by adding subsurface horizons to penetrate
depth up to 3 m. Spreads within a radius of more than 1 m.
Anatomical feature of the structure of the root
maize systems - the presence of air cavities,
indicating hypersensitivity
roots to oxygen.
Up to 60% of them are located in the arable layer of the soil.

Corn inflorescences

1- male
2 - female

Botanical description

A grain of corn germinates with one germinal root. nodal roots
appear on the underground nodes of the stem when formed on the plant 3-4
Corn stalk 2 to 7 cm thick, well leafy, erect,
round, smooth. Plant height ranges from 60 cm to 6 m. Stem
composed of core-filled internodes separated by
thickened stem nodes; 3-5 contiguous internodes are located in
soil. Each node encloses the leaf sheath. The number of nodes and,
therefore, the leaves are a stable varietal trait.
Corn leaves are large, linear, entire, parallel-nerve,
pubescent above, arranged in alternating order in two
opposite sides of the stem. Leaf sheaths tightly fitting
stem. Their number is from 8 to 45. In varieties common in our country
formed from 13 to 24 leaves. Early maturing varieties have fewer leaves,
than late ones. Plants with narrow leaves extending under a sharp
angle to the stem, more productive, as they shade each other a little. Thanks to
gutter-like shape and oblique vertical arrangement of the leaves of the plant
use even slight precipitation and dew flowing down the leaves and
stem to roots.

The structure of the corn plant

1- panicle;
2 - sheet;
3 - stigmas.
4 - cob, spikelet
5 - sheet wrap
6 - lower
undeveloped ear,
7 - small roots.
8 - aerial roots,
9 - root system,

Biological features

temperature requirements. Corn -
thermophilic plant. seeds
germinate at a temperature of 8-10 ° C,
seedlings appear at 10-12 °C.
The most favorable temperature for
plant growth 25-30 ° C, which is higher than
cereal crops.
The maximum temperature at which
growth stops, 45-47 ° C.

Cobs of various subspecies of corn

1 - dentate,
2 - siliceous,
3 - starchy

Moisture Requirements

According to the requirements for the water regime
culture refers to mesophytes. Corn
tolerates drought relatively well
phases of the exit into the tube. The lack of moisture
10 days before heading and 20 days later
days after spawning (critical
period) sharply reduces the yield. AT
critical period pollen is formed and
seed formation begins.

light requirements

. Corn is a photophilous plant
short day. Blooms fastest when
8-9 hour day. With a duration
days over 12-14 h growing season
lengthens. Corn requires intensive
solar lighting, especially in
young age. Excessive thickening
crops, their weediness leads to
reduction in cob yield.

Soil Requirements

Maize gives high yields on clean,
loose, breathable soils with
deep humus layer, provided
nutrients and moisture, with pH
High yields of corn for silage at
good agricultural technology can be obtained on
soddy-podzolic, drained peat-bog soils of the Nonchernozem zone.

Power Requirements

The absorption of the main nutrients follows a single-peak curve and
corresponds to the course of accumulation of dry matter.
Nitrogen is especially important in the early stages of plant growth. At
its deficiency retards the growth and development of plants. Maximum
nitrogen intake is observed for 2-3 weeks before heading.
Nitrogen uptake by plants ceases after the onset of lactation.
grain ripeness.
Phosphorus is especially needed at the beginning of plant growth, when
future inflorescences (phase 4-6 leaves). Its deficiency at this time leads to
underdevelopment of cobs, irregular rows of grains are formed.
Sufficient supply of plants with phosphorus stimulates the development
root system, increases drought resistance, accelerates the formation
ears and crop maturation.
With a lack of potassium, the movement of carbohydrates slows down,
synthetic activity of the leaves, the root system is weakened and
the resistance of corn to lodging decreases. Potassium starts intense
enter the plant from the first days of germination. Back to top
heading plants absorb up to 90% of potassium, shortly after the end
flowering, its entry into the plant stops (more precisely,
stabilizes). From the time of milk ripeness of the grain, the potassium content in
plant tissues decreases as a result of leaching of this element by precipitation
and exoosmosis through the root system into the soil.

The most important phases in the development of corn are as follows

1) panicle formation, which occurs in
early, mid-season and late-ripening varieties
respectively in the phase of the 4-7th leaf, 5-8th and 7-11th
sheet; 2) the formation of the cob, which occurs in
of these varieties, respectively, in the phase of the 7th-11th leaf,
8-12th and 11 - 16th sheet. 10 days before spawning
and 20 days after the flowering of the plant
accumulate up to 75% of organic mass.
To form a high yield of grain crops
corn should form a leafy surface
about 40-50 thousand m2/ha, for green mass - 60-70
thousand m2/ha and more.

Place in crop rotation.

In field rotations, corn is placed after
winter cereals, grain legumes, as well as after
In the Non-Chernozem zone, many farms grow
corn in the output fields of crop rotations, for
called permanent plots, getting stable
by years, green mass yields.
The ability of this culture to withstand monoculture
due to the large mass of organic residues,
annually remaining in the field, a small accumulation
in soil blister smut infection, sharp
reduction of infestation of repeated crops due to
inter-row cultivation, use

Basic parameters for the cultivation of corn

Optim agrochem. har. soil
Fertilizers, kg dw per ha
90-120 .
60-80 .
90-120 .
Sowing term
seed placement
April 20-30


Corn absorbs a lot of nutrients. To create 1
q of grain with an appropriate amount of leafy
mass, it consumes an average of 2.4-3 kg of nitrogen, 1-1.2
phosphorus and 2.5-3 kg of potassium. With a grain yield of 50-60 q/ha
or green mass 500-600 kg / ha, this crop absorbs from
soils approximately 150–180 kg N, 60–70 × 205, and 160–190 kg K2O;
more than half of all nutrients are absorbed from
soil in the second half of the growing season. Fertilizer system
corn includes the main fertilizer that is applied
in autumn or spring before sowing, pre-sowing (local) and
top dressing during the growing season.
The main fertilizer is intended to increase the level
plant nutrition throughout the growing season. AT
depending on soil fertility, it is recommended to make 20-
40 t/ha or more of manure and compost; in areas of insufficient
moisture - better than 15-20 t/ha not for corn, but for
previous culture.


Methods and depth of the main tillage for corn
differentiated taking into account the predecessor, soil
difference, thickness of the humus horizon, weediness of the field.
Since autumn, in areas going under corn, in most
cases, peeling and deep autumn processing are carried out. On the
soils that are free from weeds, peeling can be omitted. By
recommendations of the All-Russian Research Institute of Maize, autumn tillage on
weedy lands consists in double stubble stubble
(the first is small, the second, after the growth of weeds, is more
deep). This is followed by autumn plowing with plows with
skimmers. The most complete stubble weeds can be
destroy by peeling to a depth of 6-10 cm, followed by
cultivating 28-30 cm of plough. At the same time, about 80% of
weeds, the number of their seeds in the soil is reduced by 50%, and
corn yield increases by 3-3.3 c/ha of grain
compared with plowing plowing to the same depth without peeling


Sowing dates. Given the weather conditions of spring and warming
soil, choose such an early date for sowing corn, with
which shoots quickly appear, and subsequent phases
take place at the most favorable temperature
mode. The sowing of corn is usually started when
warming up the soil at a depth of seed placement up to 10-12 °C. On the
fertile, well fertilized,
uncontaminated areas can be sown a little earlier (with
8-10 °C), using more cold-resistant varieties and hybrids.
Seeds should be sown in a ripe, well-treated
soil. On clean from weeds, as well as on lungs, quickly
warming soils to sow corn start in
first of all, on clogged and slowly warming up
soils - later.

Seeding depth

In the zone of cultivation of corn for grain
its seeds are closed by 8-10 cm, and when
drying of the top layer _ by 12 cm.
Non-chernozem zone, especially on heavy
soils, the depth of sowing seeds is reduced
up to 4-6 cm. They must be placed in a moist,
sufficiently compacted soil layer.


Seeding methods. Corn for grain and silage is sown
dotted and wide lines.
With dotted crops, the distance between plants
in a row depends on the density of their standing (13-43 cm),
row spacing in areas of sufficient
humidity (with an average annual rainfall
500-600 mm) 70 cm, and in unstable areas
moisture, it can increase up to 100 cm
In the Non-Chernozem zone for silage and green fodder
corn is often sown in wide rows with
row spacing 60 and 70 cm

Seeding rates.

When growing corn for green fodder, the density
plant standing should be 120-200 thousand/ha. On the
green fodder, especially when placing corn
stubble, crop or fallow, seeds
sown with conventional grain seeders with a density
plants up to 300-500 thousand/ha.
In the Non-Chernozem zone, corn for silage with cobs in
milky-wax ripeness is cultivated at a density
up to 80-120 thousand, when harvesting up to the specified phase
it is advisable to have 200 thousand/ha and even 300 thousand/ha
plants. In the latter case, a strong
lodging of crops in windy and rainy weather.
Corn for grain is sown at a rate of 10 to 25 kg/ha,
for silage and green fodder - from 30 to 100 kg/ha.

Crop care

If necessary, the field is rolled after sowing.
For the destruction of the resulting crust and the destruction of germinating
weeds are harrowed on the 4-5th day after sowing. teeth
harrows should be immersed in the soil 1-2 cm shallower than the sowing depth
corn seeds. They usually harrow across the direction of sowing. If a
after the emergence of seedlings, a crust forms on the field, it is destroyed
rotary hoes.
In the initial period, corn grows slowly, so it creates
the threat of drowning it with fast-growing weeds. To fight
crops are harrowed with them and shoots in the formation phase 3-6
leaves, when the most sensitive to mechanical
damage, the growing point is still in the soil and is tightly protected
folded leaves. Harrowing allows you to destroy 75-
80% of weed shoots. To avoid damage to corn when
harrowing, it is necessary to carefully carry out pre-sowing
tillage. In the initial phases of development of a corn plant
often die from pulling them out with harrow teeth. When
2-3 leaves, most plants die from sprinkling them with earth.
When processing crops in the phase of 5-6 leaves, the harrow cannot
pull out the plants, or sprinkle them with earth.

Pests and diseases

Pests and diseases of corn cause
significant crop losses. From the big
variety of pests special damage to crops
apply cotton scoop, winter scoop, stem
(corn) moth, wireworms,
false wireworms, swedish fly, bear,
root and leaf aphids; from illnesses
blister smut, fusarium, seed mold.
The high level of agricultural technology allows successfully
fight pests and diseases, improve
resistance to them in corn. It is also necessary
use special chemicals and
biological methods.


Corn for grain is harvested at the beginning of its full ripeness and
finished in 10-12 days. To eliminate the danger
crop shortages due to extended harvesting periods, as well as
to be able to maneuver them, it is expedient
sow a number of corn hybrids that differ from each other
the duration of the growing season, the timing of maturation.
In this case, each hybrid can be harvested in the best
agrotechnical terms - within 10-12 days with a total
the duration of harvesting on the farm is 25-30 days.
Threshed corn grain in the last harvesting method
either canned with a moisture content of 30% or more, or after
completions and drying lay in storage. seed
corn is stored on the cob or in grain: cob moisture
should be no more than 16%, and grains - no more than 13%.

Corn It is considered one of the most ancient cultivated plants on earth, which is not capable of running wild and self-sowing. Corn is a very important nutritional component, second only to wheat and rice. Her homeland is Central and South America.

History of corn.
As a cultivated plant, corn began to be cultivated almost 12 thousand years ago in Mexico. Cobs of ancient corn were 12 times smaller than modern ones. The length of the fetus did not exceed 4 centimeters. Many Indian tribes ate corn long before the United States arrived on the American mainland. Images of corn have been found on the walls of Indian temples. Some tribes sacrificed bread made from cornmeal to the sun god in order to get a good harvest.
Corn became widely known among European countries thanks to Christopher Columbus. In the 15th century, corn grains came to Europe; in Russia, acquaintance with a useful cereal occurred in the 17th century. It was grown in the warm regions of the Crimea, the Caucasus, and the south of Ukraine.
In the beginning, corn was grown as an ornamental plant, but later, Europeans appreciated the taste of corn and its beneficial properties.
In Mexico today, corn is grown in various colors: yellow, white, red, black, and even blue. The culture is planted along with the pumpkin, as the Indians did. Pumpkin retains moisture in the ground, prevents weeds from growing, thereby increasing the yield of corn.
Mexicans, like their ancestors, consume huge amounts of corn. So, the average resident of Mexico eats almost 100 kg of this vegetable per year. For comparison, in our country this figure barely reaches 10 kg per year.

Useful composition of corn

From the point of view of biochemistry, corn contains vitamins and minerals valuable for the human body, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, PP, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, molybdenum, copper, iodine, etc. Corn is a fairly high-calorie crop - 100 g contains about 100 kcal. Scientific studies have confirmed the high biological and nutritional value of corn, due to its easy digestibility by the human body. As a result of the regular inclusion of corn in the diet, metabolic processes in the body are activated, which helps to improve well-being, overall health and vitality. Corn grains also contain fats and carbohydrates, mono- and disaccharides, starch, ash, fiber.

Application of corn

Interestingly, pragmatic Europeans have added corn to the bread products register, as well as wheat and rice. Indeed, not only delicious bread is baked from corn, but also pancakes, flatbreads, as well as popcorn and corn flakes. Boiled corn is very popular when the cobs are cooked whole and served with salt. Corn kernels are also canned and used as a popular ingredient in various salads and other dishes. It turns out that even in canned form, corn retains a lot of its useful substances, but only if very young corn grains, which have the so-called milky-wax ripeness, were canned.
Adherents of a healthy diet are very popular with corn sprouts, from which salads are made. Edible oil is obtained from the germs themselves by pressing, corn starch is also used, from which syrup is also produced. Cornstarch, in turn, is not only a good thickener, but also an excellent raw material for the preparation of vinegar and various alcoholic beverages, such as whiskey (bourbon). Corn syrup derived from starch is used as a sweetener in jellies, jams and other confectionery products. Corn makes excellent feed for animals.

Corn is used for industrial purposes for the production of a variety of, and not only food, products. Corn oil is an excellent raw material from which expensive paints, soaps and even rubber substitutes are obtained. The protein contained in corn grain is used to make an artificial fiber that resembles wool. Corn starch is used to finish fabrics and leather, and to improve the smoothness and strength of paper. Corn starch is also used in the manufacture of medicines, rayon fibers, dextrin adhesives, and even explosives.

In corn, not only cobs are valued, the stem of the plant is also used, as well as its other vegetative parts, from which paper, packaging and building materials are made, additives that improve the quality composition of the soil.
Even cobs are used in production, furfural is obtained from them - the raw material necessary for the production of nylon, plastics and some other synthetic substances. The soft center of the cornstalks is used to make tissue paper, and the airy wrappers of the cobs are used as stuffing.

Medicinal properties and benefits of corn

It turns out that corn is not only a very valuable food crop, but also an important medicinal plant. For example, vitamin K, ascorbic and pantothenic acids, carotenoids, gums, bitter glycosides, fatty and essential oils, inositol, sugary and resinous substances, stigmasterol, saponins, sitosterol and other useful substances were found in the stigmas.
Scientists have found that the infusion of corn stigmas, as well as a liquid extract from them, increases the secretion of bile, helps to reduce its specific gravity and viscosity, as well as the content of bilirubin. According to studies, preparations from corn stigmas help accelerate blood clotting, due to which they are effective in hypothrombinemia, increase diuresis and increase the number of platelets. Corn stigmas are used as a choleretic agent for cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, as well as dropsy and nephrolithiasis as a diuretic, they also have a hemostatic effect. All over the world, preparations based on corn stigmas are known for the treatment of congestive edema, female diseases, as a sedative. They are also used to get rid of tapeworms.
For those who are obese, corn is also useful, despite the fact that it is quite high in calories, corn has properties to reduce appetite, which is important for those who want to lose weight.
A variety of corn-based preparations are taken internally in the form of powders, extracts, tablets, and even teas, as agents that can accelerate blood clotting and have a choleretic effect.

Contraindications to the use of corn

Corn is an undeniably valuable and very useful product, but even it has its contraindications. Corn itself and dishes prepared from it are contraindicated with a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting, as well as with thrombophlebitis.
Corn is not recommended for those who suffer from reduced appetite and people with low body weight.
Dishes from crushed corn and from corn grains should not be eaten during periods of exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
And if you use corn for medicinal purposes, then be sure to consult your doctor first.

Corn protein contains essential amino acids: lysine and tiptophan.
Sweet corn is rich in vitamins E, B, RR and ascorbic acid. Corn has a cleansing effect on the body: it is able to remove toxins, radionuclides, cleanse the body of harmful substances - toxins accumulated in cells, corn cobs can protect us from cancer, heart disease and aging. Corn helps the growing body of children to gain body weight and supplies it with vitamins and microelements.
Corn is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, as well as trace elements ( copper and nickel), which makes it possible to recommend corn products to people with allergies, diabetes, obesity and other forms of metabolic disorders, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The unique fats found in corn grains contain up to 80% unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), which are among the substances that regulate cholesterol levels. They form soluble compounds with it, preventing its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.
Corn is rich in carbohydrates that contribute to the normalization and stabilization of blood sugar levels. They are also necessary for the nutrition of nerve cells, so corn is very useful for people suffering from diseases of the central nervous system (including epilepsy and polio). Corn is an excellent nutrition for muscles, therefore, with progressive muscular dystrophy, it is also indispensable.

Healthy Recipes

With inflammation gallbladder as a choleretic agent: pour 20 g of crushed stigmas of corn into water at room temperature (0.5 l) in an enamel saucepan. On low heat, bring to a boil with the lid closed and boil for 20-30 minutes, cool and strain. Take 40-50 ml every 3-4 hours for a long time. It is extremely rare to have an allergic reaction. For crushing stones: 1 tbsp. Spoon pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Corn has choleretic properties and is used in cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis: 1 tbsp. Spoon pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours.

When irritated Bladder and frequent urge to urinate drink on an empty stomach a cup of tea from stigmas of corn, stalks of sweet cherries or cherries. Honey to taste. Repeat several times daily.

With inflammation liver: corn stigmas - 30 g, sunflower (flowers) - 20 g, tricolor violet (grass) - 10 g, strawberries (forest) - 10 g. Brew 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture with 3 cups of boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. Drink 30 minutes before meals.

At diabetes: corn stigmas - 10 g, immortelle flowers - 5 g, blueberry leaves - 5 g, crushed rose hips - 10 g. 1 tbsp. pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over a spoonful of collection, heat for 3-5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.

"The structure of the cell" - Informatics of the 1st category. Cell structure. Core. What new did you learn in the lesson? Cell. The skin was removed from the onion - Thin, colorless. Olga Anatolyevna Simonova. Microscope set, Biology teacher. Shell. Vacuole. Shell, cytoplasm, nucleus. They put the skin on. With nuclei inside, Under it - the cytoplasm. How did you prepare the onion skin preparation?

"Cell and its structure" - Transmission of excitation in an electrical synapse. Signal transmission in an excitatory chemical synapse. PP is the resting potential. Origin of dentate and smooth tetanus. action potential. B-change in the permeability of the membrane for sodium and potassium ions. mechanism of muscle contraction. 1 – actin filament, 2 – binding center, 3 – myosin filament, 4 – myosin head, 5 – Z-disc of sarcomere.

"Cytoplasm" - The place of formation of the Golgi apparatus. One of the characteristic features of the cytoplasm is constant movement (cyclosis). EPS functions. The cytoplasm is alkaline. Endoplasmic reticulum. The chemical composition of the cytoplasm is diverse. Functions of the hyaloplasm. Glycolysis, the synthesis of fatty acids, nucleotides, and other substances proceeds in the cytosol.

"The structure of the plasma membrane" - Transport of substances. Substances. Scheme of active transport. The structure of an animal cell. Phagocytosis. Protein molecules. Connection of cells. Plasma membrane. Lipids. Membrane structure. Transport across the membrane. Cell. Transport system. Functions of the plasma membrane. Knowledge update. The structure of the plasma membrane of a cell.

"The structure of the cell and its functions" - Subunits. The cell is an elementary integral system. Cilia (numerous cytoplasmic outgrowths on the membrane). Myofibrils (thin threads up to 1 cm long). Pseudopodia (amoeboid protrusions of the cytoplasm). Cell center. Chloroplasts. Basic provisions of the cell theory. Cell types. Functions of the plasma membrane of the cell: Barrier.

"Structure of the cell Grade 6" - Topic: Structure of the cell. 2. Carbohydrates. Light brown. Transparent. White mud. 3. Fats. - Storage and transmission of heritage-. Stem signs. - Energy and water supply in the body. Do your own experiments with sunflower seeds. How did the water in the glass change after adding iodine? Organic matter of the cell.

In total there are 14 presentations in the topic

Tale of the corn

The people composed a huge number of tales about plants of the Cereal family. I would like to tell you one of them - about corn.

One day, a guest knocked on the hut of the poor peasant Ivan and asked for a lodging for the night. It was the Moldavian Ion. Ivan, as a hospitable host, put everything he could on the table. From the last eggs he prepared scrambled eggs, put a pot of milk. He slaughtered the pig and gave it to the guest on the road, and also on the road, since the nights became cold, and the road was long, he gave mittens made of sheep's wool. Leaving, the guest said: "You are a kind person, Ivan, you are a son of a great people. Although I am not rich, I want to reward you so that you do not forget me and your people remember you."

He took out five grains and said that the first grain was for milk, so that it would not be transferred from Ivan. Having planted a grain, milk will grow out of it in the fall. The second grain for scrambled eggs - in the fall it will "cack" with hens and geese. The third grain for a pig - from it in the spring there will be a herd of pigs. He gives the fourth grain and says: “I didn’t ask you for woolen mittens, you yourself understood that in the fall I would have to go bad without mittens. Let this fourth grain grow into sheep, turn into wool.” The last fifth grain is the most important - "memorable". Give everything that grows out of it to people, then people will be grateful to you, maybe they will remember me. Ivan asked: "What are these magic grains called?" Jonah replied: "We call them "daddy", but I don't know what you call them."

A little time passed and the Russian fields turned green with papusha. He became daddy food for cows - the milk became thick and tasty. They eat it and pigs, and geese, and chickens, and sheep, and the people themselves feast on it. The tale about Ivan was composed, about how he raised the almighty daddy in Russia, and they didn’t forget Jonah, they remember him with a good word. The almighty hero daddy went far, stepped into all lands. Only in our time no one calls him "daddy", but they call him white-yar wheat - "corn".

"A bit of history..."

As a cultivated plant, corn began to be cultivated almost 12 thousand years ago in Mexico. Cobs of ancient corn were 12 times smaller than modern ones. The length of the fetus did not exceed 4 centimeters. Many Indian tribes ate corn long before the US arrived on the American mainland. Images of corn have been found on the walls of Indian temples. Some tribes sacrificed bread made from cornmeal to the sun god in order to get a good harvest.

Corn became widely known among European countries thanks to Christopher Columbus. In the 15th century, corn grains came to Europe; in Russia, acquaintance with a useful vegetable occurred in the 17th century. It was grown in warm areas - the Crimea, the Caucasus, in the south of Ukraine.

In the beginning, corn was grown as an ornamental plant, but later, Europeans appreciated the taste of corn and its beneficial properties.

In Mexico today, corn is grown in various colors: yellow, white, red, black, and even blue. The culture is planted along with the pumpkin, as the Indians did. Pumpkin retains moisture in the ground, prevents weeds from growing, thereby increasing the yield of corn. Mexicans, like their ancestors, consume huge amounts of corn. So, the average resident of Mexico eats almost 100 kg of this vegetable per year. For comparison, in our country this figure barely reaches 10 kg per year.


Family Cereals (Poaceae), genus Corn, which includes six types. However, in culture, the genus is represented by a single species Zea mays cultivated all over the world on an industrial scale and is an important food, fodder and industrial crop.

Corn- tall annual herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 3 m (in exceptional cases - up to 6 m or more), with a well-developed root system. Aerial supporting roots may form on the lower nodes of the stem.

The stem is erect, up to 7 cm in diameter, without a cavity inside.

The leaves are large, linear-lanceolate, up to 10 cm wide and 1 m long, with a sheath covering the stem.

Spikelets with staminate and pistillate flowers are collected in different inflorescences or in separate parts of one inflorescence. Staminate flowers are collected in two in spikelets, one of them is almost sessile, the other is on a stalk, spikelets are collected in an apical panicle. Spikelets with pistillate flowers sit in rows of 6-16 flowers on a thick, fleshy cob axis emerging from the leaf axils in the middle part of the stem. The stigma is long, filiform, bilobed at the end. During flowering, the stigmas of all spikelets hang down in a bunch of sheath leaves surrounding the spadix.

The fruit is a grain.

How is corn grown?

Since the main areas where corn is grown on an industrial scale are located in the south of the country, many Russians have the opinion that this herbaceous crop grows well only in warm climates. However, a temperate climate is also quite suitable for its cultivation, if only the soil is slightly acidic and well fertilized.

Land for planting corn should be prepared in the fall, especially if you are interested in growing early corn. A place is chosen on the site so that it is well protected from cold winds, the soil is dug up and phosphorus and organic fertilizers are immediately introduced into it. For soil with high acidity, lime will also be required.

You can grow corn in the country next to cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, beans and beans. The most successful will be the neighborhood with a pumpkin, whose extensive leaves protect the roots of corn from weeds and overheating, as well as beans, which saturate the soil with nitrogen, and for beans, corn will do a good job in the form of a convenient support for weaving. It is not recommended to only plant corn next to celery or table beets.

Use of corn

Direct consumption

Direct consumption

processing industry

Sweet corn

In addition to grain corn, about 1 million hectares of sweet corn (var. saccharata) are grown worldwide for human consumption. Just under 9 Mt of this type of corn is produced, which is a relatively low figure, representing only 0.006% of the total grain and feed corn worldwide.

Starch for industry

Starch for industry

Sweet corn


Approximately two-thirds of the world's corn production is grown for animal and poultry feed. In most cases, corn is harvested after the grain used for livestock feed is fully ripe. In some countries, yields average almost 10 t/ha. Both grain and feed corn are one of the most energy-dense sources of energy for livestock feed, providing more fat than wheat and barley but less protein than cereal grains.

Corn grain has a high content of starch, which breaks down more slowly in the rumen of cattle and is therefore widely used as one of the main energy supply products in cattle feed. As a result of the relatively slow passage of corn in the animal's body, digestion takes longer and more of the crop - compared to other feed sources like wheat and barley - is used.


Chickens require most of the high-calorie feed in their diet, and thus grain maize - with a metabolic energy index of 15 MJ/kg DM - is widely used. The high level of starch in corn is easily digested by birds, it tastes good and is free of anti-nutritional factors. Corn also provides xanthophylls, which improve yolk color, and linoleic acid, which increases egg size. This helps to improve the quality and grade of the eggs.


Corn is also a key source of grain for pig feed, both as grain and as a silage mix, due to its high digestible energy (TE) content and low protein content.

Direct consumption

Corn remains the main source of food in many parts of the world. Worldwide, about 116 million tons of corn are used for human consumption, of which 30% is in Africa, 21% in sub-Saharan Africa. Corn makes up 15-20% of the total daily calories in the diet of more than 20 developing countries.

processing industry

As a major source of starch, edible oils, and gluten, corn is used in cooking and in a variety of refined and processed foods. Corn supplies 90% of the US starch requirement. Typical food products derived from corn include corn flakes, hominy and grits, as well as popcorn, which is a grain of certain varieties that explodes when heated.

Sweet corn

In addition to grain corn, about 1 million hectares of sweet corn (var. saccharata) are grown worldwide for human consumption. Just under 9 million tons of this type of corn are produced, which is a relatively low figure, representing only 0.006% of the total grain and feed corn worldwide.

Starch for industry

Corn is widely used as a source of starch in the pharmaceutical, paper, mining and construction industries. This starch is usually obtained after a refining process, corn germ, fiber and protein are also produced. Products are diverse and include biodegradable plastic bags, recycled paper, corrugated board, detergents, paints, diapers, cosmetics, adhesives, surfactants and agrochemicals.

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