Treatment of sciatica according to the Bubnovsky method. The sciatic nerve and its treatment according to Dr. Bubnovsky. Treatment of the sciatic nerve with medicines - gymnastics and massage, drug therapy and physiotherapy

Often the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed due to compression. This syndrome is often accompanied by severe pain, and sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve) is due to deformity of the lumbar spine or disc displacement. The nerve becomes inflamed and compressed against the background of another, more significant pathology.

The sciatic nerve most often becomes inflamed in older people, its treatment is complex. Often the technique of Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky is used, which consists in performing special exercises. In the material you will see the video and their description.

Methods of treatment of the sciatic nerve

Problems with the sciatic nerve can appear at any age, not only in the elderly. With inflammation of the nerve the pain is incredibly intense. Treatment is always complex and includes, along with exercise, medications that help with pinching the sciatic nerve.

Method of treatment according to Sergey Bubnovsky is an alternative orthopedics, it was based on the following:

This method of treating the sciatic nerve suggests that the main emphasis is on the internal forces of a person, but taking medication is only a secondary method of treatment.

As for the sciatic nerve, Dr. Bubnovsky himself believes that pinching the sciatic nerve is an artificial term, so what most doctors call it, in his opinion, is considered a consequence of the stiffness of the lower body of a person and the muscles of the back.

Muscular flexibility may disappear after the age of thirty, it is accompanied by the following:

  • severe pain;
  • impaired motor function of the lower extremities and back;
  • sensitivity in the area of ​​pain changes.

Pain management and treatment

For problems with the sciatic nerve avoid pain syndrome almost impossible. All exercises developed by Dr. Bubnovsky help to gradually stretch sore muscles and develop them, they restore plasticity and flexibility.

According to the doctor, coping with pain means make a strong effort. When the muscles become healthy again, the pain will go away. The most important thing is not to be afraid of them. They are just a kind of indicator that the normal activity of the body is disturbed. Thanks to Bubnovsky's exercises, pain can be relieved during inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve.

However, in order to prescribe one or another set of exercises, differential diagnosis is required, because in the presence of sciatica, the cause of which is an intervertebral hernia, one treatment method is required, and in case of hypothermia or nerve injury, it is completely different.

Therapeutic gymnastics is always assigned on an individual basis, it can be complemented by massage or other procedures. In addition to the basic exercises, which are aimed at improving muscle tone, restoring normal blood circulation and flexibility of the spinal column, cryotherapy is also prescribed when the treatment is carried out through cold.

This treatment method includes:

  • cryocompresses (when ice is placed on the affected area);
  • cryomassage.

All this helps relieve pain without the use of painkillers, also cryotherapy helps to strengthen the thermoregulation of tissues. Gymnastics is often combined with the application of cryocompresses: when bending over the lower back, a compress is applied to relieve pain.

Kinesitherapy and its benefits

Treatment according to the Bubnovsky method is called kinesitherapy. The best thing do exercises in special centers on simulators designed by a doctor, under the supervision of doctors who will help cure the sciatic nerve through this technique.

However, not everyone able to attend a specialized center or engage in branded simulators. You can also practice on your own after studying the special literature and watching a training video with exercises for the treatment of the sciatic nerve.

But preliminary differential diagnosis necessary in any case. Most of the exercises will have to be done through pain. Naturally, this is very difficult. But to alleviate it, you can stretch the muscles of the legs and back in the pool, because the water greatly reduces body weight, the exercises are easier to perform and the pain will not be so strong.

Kinesitherapy is good because it not only puts the musculoskeletal system in order, but also other human systems. If you are just starting the treatment of the sciatic nerve, or just want to do exercises for the purpose of prevention, then it is better to try Bubnovsky's adaptive gymnastics.

Kinesitherapy of Bubnovsky for the treatment of the sciatic nerve

Treatment by this method is based not only on the performance of certain physical activities. Them chosen specifically for certain muscle groups. You also need to regularly perform all the exercises and discipline yourself in their implementation. If you have a pinched sciatic nerve, then a number of exercises will help you, which are described below. There is no need to pay attention to significant pain.

These exercises will allow you to put yourself in order and improve the musculoskeletal system:

Adaptive gymnastics according to Sergey Bubnovsky

These exercises are suitable for those who then just starting to complete the course sciatic nerve treatment. Thanks to them, you can strengthen and stretch the muscles. It is best to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning or evening for at least 20 minutes.

The effectiveness of their implementation is evidenced by profuse sweating. After the end, it is recommended to take a simple or contrast shower. The technique for their implementation is as follows:

  • starting position- sit on your heels. Rise while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position while exhaling;
  • perform cleansing breathing - put your hands on your stomach, and exhale air through pursed lips;
  • strengthen the press - lie on your back and bend your knees. Raise your body with each exhalation;
  • lie on your back and cross one leg over the other. Raise your body, but not diagonally. In the supine position, slowly raise and lower the pelvis;
  • perform rotations of the pelvis in a kneeling position, and lifting them;
  • starting position - kneel. Lean your body back and forth. Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs, and tear off the floor. Alternate with lifting the body;
  • lie on your side and lift your leg up, hold it in the middle of the swing. Alternate with the second leg;
  • push up from the floor;
  • move around in a seated position gluteal muscles. And standing on all fours, swing back and forth.

Listed sciatic nerve treatment methods can be used both basic and preventive. They are focused on improving blood circulation and strengthening muscles. They should be performed consistently and with high quality. Each complex is better to choose with the approval of a specialist in order to act on certain muscle groups.

Refers to diseases that are very widespread in humans. As a rule, its name is somewhat different - sciatica, or lumboischialgia. But the nature of the pain that occurs with this neurological lesion is neuralgic.

How to relieve pain with exercise

We already wrote an article about, sciatic neuralgia is one of the few in which pain can and should be relieved with the help of proper physical activity.

In this article, we have prepared a collection of videos with exercises for sciatic neuralgia, to eliminate pain, to unblock the sciatic nerve. See the video at the end of the article.

We list some of the signs that give, if not the right, then confidence to think that the patient has a lesion of the sciatic nerve:

  • The occurrence of pain after hypothermia, during a cold, and also after physical exertion;
  • The prerequisites for the development of pain syndrome are often the presence of a chronic, recurrent course of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine with periodic pain in the lower back, muscle spasm. Often they coexist with the presence of protrusions and hernias of the intervertebral discs, for the diagnosis of which computer or magnetic resonance imaging is used;
  • The pain zone is localized from the lower back, down the course rear surface hips, descending to the popliteal fossa and below - to the foot and fingers;
  • The pain tends to increase with a sharp movement, a long stay in a motionless position when sitting, standing. Also, the pains are radicular in nature - they are sharp, shooting, like lightning strikes, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, straining, laughing and any attempt to shake the lumbar plexus and sciatic nerve, which is the thickest and longest nerve in the human body;
  • Often the pain is accompanied by neurological sensory disturbances, which include numbness in the tips of the toes, a feeling of "crawling",
In the picture - the main cause of sciatica

When should I start treatment of sciatic nerve neuralgia with physical education exercises and exercise therapy?

First of all, you need to determine the contraindications to therapeutic exercises. They generally come down to three types:

  • The presence of an acute period. Usually this is two to three days, during which the slightest movement causes pain. During this period, as a rule, drug treatment is carried out: injections, muscle relaxants are carried out, topical application of ointments and other drugs is possible. In severe cases, blockades are used;
  • The presence of a general inflammatory and febrile reaction: fever (fever), weakness, sweating;
  • The presence of pronounced dystrophic - degenerative changes in the spine (protrusions and hernias, producing compression of the roots, as well as the spinal cord in the high sections).

In all other cases, therapeutic exercises for sciatica (sciatic nerve neuralgia) are indicated, and its purpose is to relieve painful muscle spasm of the deep muscles of the back, lower back, lower extremity girdle, in cases where resorting to is contraindicated or undesirable. Improving muscle nutrition, their good blood supply allows not only to bring oxygen to them and nutrients, but also to establish the outflow of venous blood, the task of which is to carry away "waste substances and waste" of muscle tissue, mainly lactic acid.

Everyone is familiar with the specific sensation of soreness in the muscles after they have experienced intense physical activity. This feeling usually goes away after two or three days. If there is a problem with the lower back - neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, lumbago (lumbago), then the person may feel muscle tension in the form of pain.

Thus the task physiotherapy exercises- breaking the vicious circle that can lead to increased muscle spasm, and normalizing muscle tone.

It must be remembered that the complexes of therapeutic exercises that are used for sciatica do not aim to relieve pain - this has already been done previously with the help of medicines. The goal is to prevent a new exacerbation of the disease, which occurred through the influence of the muscle component.

Basic requirements for classes

We will not describe sets of exercises - for this we have posted a video at the end of the article. “Text” we recall only the basic requirements for classes:

  • Most of the exercises performed in the early days should be performed from a prone position. It is possible to use a fitball (Swiss ball), tourniquet, elastic band, stick.

  • The use of weights is not allowed;
  • Exercises should be performed on “warmed up” muscles, ten to fifteen minutes later, after a warm-up;
  • After a set of therapeutic exercises, it is good to take a warm shower, after which you can rub in therapeutic ointments - their effect will be more intense, because after training, the muscles increase blood circulation.

Complexes of therapeutic exercises should be carried out at least 3 times a week. After the symptoms of sciatic neuralgia disappear, it is desirable that these exercises become a constant companion, or be replaced with regular ones, with increased physical activity.

Very useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system in general, and intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine, as well as lumbago and sciatica is swimming.

During swimming, the muscles are activated in a completely different way, in modes that are different from the position of the usual upright posture. Therefore, along with therapeutic exercises, it is an indispensable means of prevention, sciatica and back pain.

A selection of videos with exercises for sciatic neuralgia

Special exercises for sciatic neuralgia - clipping from a popular health program:

How to cure a pinched sciatic nerve with one exercise - a video from a popular health youtube channel:

Controversial video (exercise for healthy people, without obvious pain) mainly for prevention. A very difficult exercise, but, according to the author, very effective in preventing sciatica:

And another video that shows an important exercise in the treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve:

As practice shows, the treatment of the sciatic nerve according to Bubnovsky is becoming increasingly popular among patients. Every person knows firsthand what pain in the lumbar region is, and more than once personally experienced something similar. And not always people turn to their doctor with a similar problem, considering it to be a completely common condition caused by fatigue or overexertion. After all, it often happens that the symptoms of the disease are not particularly pronounced at the initial stage of its development. And at the stage when they begin to interfere with a person to live a full life, it is quite difficult to cure the disease.

Sciatica, or, as it is also called, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, can be attributed to this kind of disease. With inflammation of the sciatic nerve, an inflammatory process develops or it is pinched, which leads to damage to the nerve roots of the spinal cord. It is necessary to treat such a pathological condition using an integrated approach. Here should be applied:

  • physiotherapy;
  • taking medications;
  • exercises according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky.

Some of the listed manipulations can be performed at home. As for surgical intervention, doctors resort to it quite rarely.

The essence of the treatment regimen for sciatica according to Bubnovsky

If we talk about the author of the technique, then Dr. Bubnovsky created a whole area of ​​​​alternative orthopedics and neurology. And the key idea of ​​the author of this direction and his adherents in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is not in therapy with drugs, but in finding the hidden forces of the human body, understanding the anatomy of the body and improving it.

Sciatica therapy using the Bubnovsky method is called such a term as. In addition to therapy, this technique includes diagnostic studies that allow assessing the condition of the patient's musculoskeletal system, as well as the spine and joints. This is the so-called myofascial diagnosis. It makes it possible to identify the true area where exactly the designated disease has developed. According to the results of diagnostic studies, an individual treatment program is created for the patient.

The specified program includes exercises, the co-author of which is directly Dr. Bubnovsky.

In addition to achieving the main goal, patients have an improvement in the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Therapeutic measures aimed at curing the patient using this technique can be carried out on an outpatient basis in a convenient mode for him.

Trainer designed by Bubnovsky

This is a whole set of simulators developed by the author, the exercises on which allow you to restore the normal tone of the muscular corset of the spine and ensure the mobility of all joints. Performing stretching exercises on these simulators, individually selecting weights, you can achieve relaxation of muscles contracted by spasms and relieve pain. Only then can you begin to strengthen the muscles around the spine.

The treatment program includes exercises not only for the spine, but also for the joints of the legs. Great attention is paid to the ligaments of the feet, which also require loads.

Experts recommend that after such training sessions on simulators visit the sauna, where there is the possibility of subsequent immersion in a font with cold water. This will significantly improve blood circulation, both throughout the body and in the affected area of ​​the body, allowing you to get rid of the disease.

Basic gymnastic exercises

The author of gymnastic exercises for the joints recommends that specialists take into account when selecting individual programs for patients age features each of them, general well-being, as well as the degree of muscle training.

As for patients, they are only required to regularly and consciously perform a selected set of exercises. Speaking about the initial set of exercises in the event of pain, it is necessary to note the various movements that allow you to stretch the ligaments and muscles:

  1. Relaxation of the lumbar zone, taking a pose on all fours.
  2. Further, in this position, you should bend your back while inhaling and arching while exhaling. Similar movements should be repeated up to 20 times.
  3. Remaining in the same position, it is necessary to move with a stretching step, alternately moving the buttocks to the left or right heel, while the unoccupied leg stretches back. The arm opposite the outstretched leg should be pulled forward as far as possible. This exercise, similar to the previous one, must be repeated up to 20 times.
  4. Remaining in the starting position, it is necessary to reach forward behind the hands, as far as the body allows, while maintaining emphasis on the palms and knees.
  5. After that, take the starting position and, as you exhale, release the body to the floor, while bending your arms, inhale below and, as you exhale, straighten your arms again, while lowering the buttocks to the heels. Repeat these movements should be up to 5-6 times.
  6. After that, lie on your back and place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Put your hands under your head, press your chin to your chest and, as you exhale, try to reach your knees with your elbows. Exhaling, you should return to the supine position. The movements should be repeated until fatigued.
  7. While in the same position, you need to place your hands along the body, move the pelvic region up and down, exhaling when tensed and inhaling when the muscles are released. It is recommended to repeat the exercise up to 30 times.

The given gymnastic exercises help a person not only to restore a healthy state, but also to have a beneficial effect on his body as a whole and on his psychological state.

Thus, exercises according to the Bubnovsky method help patients restore health. The main thing when using this technique is the willpower of the patient and the regularity of classes.

For the sciatic nerve, a carefully designed program is selected, gradually becoming more complex - it is designed to unblock the strangulated root and adapted to the main causes of pain.

Exercises for pinching in the buttocks are designed to implement two main tasks:

  • reduce soreness;
  • strengthening the muscular corset, preventing future relapses.

A physiotherapist, a chiropractor, a rehabilitation doctor, an athletic trainer with a special education, and other specialists in the treatment of spinal diseases prescribe a course of procedures, tell the patient what exercises to do with pain and when it ceases to be acute, show how to do them at home.

It is important to know! Sciatic nerve exercises are more effective for treating pinching and inflammation than bed rest. Complete rest is shown for about two days, after exceeding this term, inactivity only leads to an increase in soreness.

A set of exercises for sciatica is based on the following principles:

  • strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and back;
  • selection of the optimal group of exercises for diseases of the spine, based on the characteristics of the diagnosis. The implementation of an incorrectly designed program can worsen the patient's condition, increase the pain syndrome;
  • stretching the hamstrings (muscles located in the back of the thigh) is provided in almost every exercise program. With their lack of flexibility, stress on the lower back increases, the condition worsens, and in some cases prerequisites for the development of sciatica are created;
  • emphasis on the correct implementation of the assigned complex. Well-chosen exercises performed incorrectly do more harm than good. Their development should be carried out under the guidance of a chiropractor or physiotherapist;
  • usage breathing exercises in addition to the main course.

It is important to know! Before you get to the doctor's appointment, you can try the butterfly exercise, which is related to the basic yoga postures. To perform it, you should sit on the floor in the pose shown in the photo below. Try to pull your knees to the floor, from the side, the movements you perform are similar to the flapping of a butterfly's wings. Such simple actions you can relieve lower back pain.

Charging with pinched sciatic nerve

Charging with infringement helps to effectively eliminate the symptoms of sciatica, improve physical fitness and health. Before establishing the final diagnosis, identifying and eliminating the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon, you should not start training.

There are several restrictions when performing exercises for the sciatic nerve:

  • constant training should become a mandatory, daily element of your life, you should not treat them as unpleasant duties, learn to enjoy this process;
  • the performance of the assigned set of loads should be carried out on a hard, hard and even surface, while it should not be cold. The best option- a training mat spread on the floor;
  • exclude jumps, squats, sharp bends and turns of the body from the training program;
  • carefully control your own feelings, with an increase in soreness and sharp, unpleasant sensations, immediately interrupt the session. Such dynamics indicates the incorrectness of the exercise.

Gymnastics for pinching and inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Therapeutic exercises for infringement of the sciatic nerve is an effective measure for the speedy disposal of unpleasant and painful symptoms illness. We have selected a set of exercises that can be performed at home (before you start doing it, be sure to consult your doctor).

Starting position - lying on your back, all the above exercises are performed up to 15 seconds on each leg:

  • pull up to abdominal cavity right leg bent at the knee, then switch legs;
  • place the ankle of the right foot on the knee of the left. After a specified period of time, change legs;
  • press the legs bent at the knees with both hands to the stomach, stay in this position for the specified period of time;
  • cross your legs, lie down in such a comfortable relaxing position for the allotted time, then change legs.

Starting position - kneeling, sit on your heels. Each exercise of this gymnastics complex for the sciatic nerve should be performed for 10-15 seconds:

  • tilt the body forward so that the forehead touches a special roller or rug, hold the position for the specified period of time;
  • take the same position as described in the previous exercise, after which we stretch the right leg back, pull the sock. After waiting for the prescribed period of time, we change legs;
  • having taken the starting position, tilt the body as much as possible, touching the hips with the stomach. Pull your right hand, as shown in the photo below. Having endured the prescribed term, we change the hand.

We remind you that such gymnastics in case of pain is performed as carefully as possible, slowly, without fanaticism, so as not to worsen your own condition.

Dr. Bubnovsky is a well-known expert in the treatment of spinal diseases. His technique consists in performing special exercises for the sciatic nerve, developed as a result of a series of studies involving patients with pinching, his own practical experience and developments in the field of neurology and orthopedics.

Sergey Bubnovsky assigns a secondary role to medicines in the treatment of the described ailments, the main emphasis is on the internal reserves of our body.

The proposed exercises in case of infringement help to gradually stretch the injured muscles, restore flexibility and lost plasticity. Charging from Bubnovsky help to return muscle tissues lost health, forget about the pain. The main thing is to stop feeling sorry for yourself, to think about pain as a kind of sensor that indicates violations in the body.

Important to remember! Treatment of inflammation according to Bubnovsky does not eliminate the need for diagnosis, because the cause of pain may be hidden in the patient's intervertebral hernia and other ailments. The methods of their treatment can be radically different.

Gymnastics according to Bubnovsky is assigned individually for each specific case, if necessary, can be supplemented with physiotherapy, manual therapy, acupuncture, massage.
A set of exercises that are recommended for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, in the video below:

To achieve a guaranteed result, you should not give preference to one specific methodology. Their reasonable synergy will allow you to regain lost mobility, get rid of pain, numbness and tingling in the legs. Any of the therapeutic approaches must be approved by your doctor before use.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve is an extremely painful condition and requires special attention. Gymnastics and exercise therapy will help overcome it. The sciatic nerve is rightfully considered the largest in human body. Starting in the lumbar spine, the nerve passes through the coccyx and buttocks, ending in the toes of both feet. If you experience severe pain in the lower back, along with pain in the leg, we can talk about pinching the sciatic nerve - sciatica. It is believed that this phenomenon is most typical for people over 35 years old due to age-related changes in the muscles, but this is not entirely true. Pinching of the sciatic nerve can also occur in a very young, absolutely healthy person at first glance.

Prevention of sciatica: exercises for the sciatic nerve

The simplest and most obligatory exercise for every person is walking and standard morning exercises, given the modern, sedentary lifestyle of most people. Preventive exercises reduce the risk of occurrence and soreness with re-inflammation of the nerve. They help to strengthen the muscular corset, stretch the tendons and muscles.

A set of preventive exercises:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall, bend your lower back back, with pressure into the wall.
  2. Stand up, fold your hands into the castle, and place them on the lower abdomen. Push the pelvis forward, thereby creating resistance with the hands when the pelvis moves.
  3. In a standing position, put your feet shoulder-width apart and squat.
  4. Lie on your back, and, bending your knees, raise and lower your pelvis.
  5. Lie on the floor with your stomach down, do push-ups.

Each exercise should be performed 7-10 times each day, unless otherwise prescribed by the attending physician.

Removing pain symptoms: exercises for sciatica

Sciatica is a pathological inflammatory process of the sciatic nerve. A number of reasons can provoke it: from osteochondrosis and herniated discs, to tuberculosis and oncological diseases of the spine.

There are also more "harmless" reasons, such as sudden weight lifting, hypothermia.

Exercises for sciatica are aimed primarily at relieving residual pain and pinching. They must be performed daily, strictly following the execution technique, in otherwise, they will only bring harm and aggravate the condition.

A set of exercises in a standing position:

  1. Stand up, put your feet shoulder width apart. Inhale to move the pelvis back, exhale to push forward.
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. It is necessary to raise your left hand and bend deeply to the right, and, conversely, raise right hand and lean to the left.
  3. Standing, it is necessary to rub the lower back with circular movements of the palm.

There is a set of exercises in the sitting position. Sitting on the floor, and straightening your legs, make alternate movements with your buttocks, similar to walking, forward and backward. Sit on the floor and straighten your legs and arms. Bending your arms, bring your wrists to your shoulders and straighten your arms again. Sitting on a chair, straighten up and cross your legs at the shins. Putting your hands on the back of your head, move your torso to the left and right to maximum tension.

There is a set of exercises in the prone position. Lie on your back and straighten up. Raise the left leg, and, bending it at the knee, pull it as close as possible to the chest, linger in this position for 10 seconds. Then do the same exercise with the right leg. Lie on the floor and bend your knees heavy traffic press them to your chest. At the same time, bend your back, thereby forming a ring. Finally, relax and lie flat. Lie on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Raise your legs up and perform an exercise that imitates cycling.

These exercises should be performed daily 10-15 times, but focusing on well-being.

When performing exercises from a prone position, it is recommended to lay a massage mat or blanket to avoid contact with the cold floor. If you experience discomfort and pain, you should immediately stop the exercise. In the case of an intervertebral hernia diagnosed by a doctor, these exercises are categorically contraindicated.

Gymnastics with sciatica of the sciatic nerve

5 common gymnastic exercises for sciatica:

  1. Stand facing the wall, and, leaning on the wall with your hands, swing your legs to the sides.
  2. In a standing position, walk in place, raising your legs as high as possible.
  3. Lie on your back, stretch your legs and pull your socks towards you and make circular movements with your feet.
  4. Lie on your back, bend and unbend your knees, while keeping them in the air.
  5. Lie on your right side, bend your right leg at the knee, and stretch your left leg forward and back. Perform similar actions on the left side.

Sciatica is a neurological pathology, and the main treatment is prescribed by a neurologist. After his consultation, it is necessary to visit a specialist in gymnastics and exercise therapy, who in each case will select the optimal set of gymnastic exercises.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve according to Bubnovsky: alternative medicine

Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed and implemented an alternative set of measures for sciatica. He claims that treatment is possible without the use of drugs and surgery.

In his methodology, he combined therapeutic gymnastics and physical exercise, many of which are performed on simulators developed by the doctor himself.

Without a diagnosis established by a neurologist, one should not contact the Bubnovsky centers, because each specific disease needs its own treatment method.

A set of exercises according to Bubnovsky:

  1. Get on all fours, relax your back and bend down as you inhale, arch your back up as you exhale.
  2. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms in front of you, while inhaling, lift your limbs up, while exhaling, relax.
  3. Stand with your feet on a slight elevation so that the heels do not touch the floor, rise and fall, holding on to the support with your hands.
  4. Standing on all fours, bend your elbows, inhale to lower your torso to the floor, exhale to lower your buttocks on your heels.

Each exercise is performed up to 15 times, based on the capabilities of the body. The Bubnovsky treatment method is not limited to these exercises, but they are considered the most effective in the fight against sciatica.

Gymnastics for pinched sciatic nerve (video)


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