Early stage stomach cancer signs and symptoms. Harbingers (first signs) of stomach cancer. What should be the diet for stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is a widespread malignant neoplasm of the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the organ, which ranks 2nd among the causes of death in the world. Both women and men are susceptible to the disease, the tumor can develop in any part of the stomach, it is prone to metastasis.


The clinical manifestations of the disease largely depend on the stage of development of the cancer. For a long time, the pathology has an asymptomatic course. The first signs of a malignant neoplasm are most often disguised as gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis or hepatitis. If the cancer is localized in the cardiac region, chest pain may be present, as a result of which the disease is mistaken for a pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Non-specific manifestations of cancer include the syndrome of small signs. It implies prolonged discomfort in the epigastric region; dull, nagging pain at the site of the projection of the stomach, which does not disappear after the use of painkillers. When eating, a person is quickly saturated, there is a feeling of heaviness.

Often there is nausea, heartburn, sometimes vomiting of stagnant contents, which provokes bad breath. Increased salivation may be present. An aversion to certain types of products develops, most often meat, sausage, and dairy products.

There are general signs characteristic of the oncological process in the human body. These include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, weakness.

An elevated temperature in cancer is the leading symptom, especially if there are no other reasons for its increase. The color of the tongue becomes grayish due to a dense coating that is difficult to remove.

If stomach cancer occurs, symptoms of the disease include gastrointestinal bleeding. This symptom is typical for the late stages of tumor development, when blood vessels are destroyed. An admixture of blood appears in the vomit, the nature of the stool changes (it becomes black).

An increase in the size of the tumor worsens the well-being of a person. If the cancer is localized in the upper part of the stomach, it can lead to swallowing problems due to narrowing of the esophagus. Vomit contains particles of recently eaten food from the stomach.

A malignant tumor of the stomach is characterized by the rapid development of metastatic nodes in nearby organs. Atypical cells are dispersed with the blood and lymph flow. The most common localization of metastases in gastric cancer is the lungs, liver, and lymph nodes. This leads to coughing and other accompanying symptoms, especially in men who abuse alcohol and smoke more often than women.

Signs in children

Clinical manifestations of cancer in children appear only when the pathological process extends deep into the walls or even passes to other organs. This is due to the high adaptive capabilities of the child's body.

With the progression of the pathology, complaints appear, on the basis of which it is possible to suspect diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis or peptic ulcer. These include a decrease in appetite, the appearance of pain in the stomach. More specific signs of cancer are severe weakness, rapid weight loss, and trouble swallowing food. The development of gastrointestinal bleeding is manifested by impurities of fresh blood in the vomit and black feces.

Varieties of cancer

A tumor of the stomach can occur in different parts of the organ. Based on this, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • antrum;
  • cardiac department;
  • pyloric department;
  • body of the stomach (lesser and greater curvature, anterior and posterior walls).

Malignant cells can affect tissues not only of the stomach, but also of nearby organs, including the esophagus. In this case, the pathology is diagnosed as cardioesophageal cancer.

According to the nature of the growth of cancer cells, exophytic and endophytic types of stomach tumors are distinguished.

The first is characterized by the growth of atypical cells in the lumen of the affected organ. Depending on the structural features of cells, there are:

  • plaque-like;
  • saucer-shaped, with ulcerated borders, the edges are raised and clearly defined;
  • polypoid - delimited from surrounding tissues, has the most favorable course.

An endophytic type of stomach tumor grows deep into the walls of the organ, covering the mucous, submucosal and even muscle layers. Allocate:

  • diffuse fibrous, spreading to the entire wall of the organ and leading to impaired motor function;
  • infiltrative, characterized by rapid growth in all directions, has the most unfavorable course.

According to the results of histological examination of cancer cells, the following types of tumors are distinguished:

  1. Adenocarcinoma, or glandular cancer. The most common type of neoplasm.
  2. Mucous, or colloid, cancer. Localized in the submucosal layer, it is an accumulation of mucous masses, which leads to a pronounced thickening of the walls of the stomach and an increase in its size. When the tumor is cut out, abundant mucus oozes from the incision site.
  3. Fibrous cancer, or scirr. Malignant cells are small in size, in the structure of the tumor there is a large amount of connective tissue. It is difficult to determine fibrous cancer, since there are few pathological cells in the formation. Often leads to gastric bleeding.
  4. brain cancer. Tumor tissues are anaplastic, there are many atypical cells, and, on the contrary, few stroma.
  5. Small cell cancer. It is rare, consists of small lymphocyte-like cells, from which large layers and other structures are formed. Cells contain serotonin, gastrin and other peptides.
  6. Squamous cell carcinoma. It comes from the altered glandular epithelium of the stomach.

The morphological division of the stomach tumor is conditional, since each type is able to pass into another, forming mixed forms.

There is another histological classification of the tumor:

  1. Intestinal or intestinal cancer. It has a polypoid or mushroom shape. Occurs against the background of chronic diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers), accompanied by metaplastic degeneration of epithelial cells.
  2. Diffuse gastric cancer. It occurs in young patients, most often in the form of a cricoid morphological form.

Gastric adenocarcinoma cells have characteristic differences. Depending on this, the following types of glandular cancer are distinguished:

  1. papillary adenocarcinoma. Differs in the formation of finger-like outgrowths located on a fibrous base.
  2. tubular adenocarcinoma. It is characterized by the formation of expanded tubular structures in the fibrous stroma of the organ. This is possible due to the accumulation of mucus in them.
  3. Mucinous adenocarcinoma. The tumor contains a large amount of extracellular mucin.
  4. Cicoid cancer of the stomach. Mucin is part of the cancer cells themselves. As a result of this, the nuclei are compressed and shifted to the sides, which provokes the formation of a specific ring-shaped form.

Based on the degree of cell differentiation, adenocarcinoma is divided into 3 types:

  1. Highly differentiated cancer. Cells are practically no different from healthy elements. The disease has a good prognosis and a high probability of complete recovery of the patient.
  2. Moderately differentiated cancer. It is a transitional form, characterized by an average degree of malignancy.
  3. Poorly differentiated cancer. Atypical cells tend to rapidly divide and spread throughout the human body.
  4. Undifferentiated, or adenogenic, gastric cancer. The cells are completely atypical. unable to perform their functions, as a result of which the normal functioning of the organ is disrupted. Cells are prone to uncontrolled division. It is impossible to determine the histological form of the disease. This type of cancer is characterized by the highest aggressiveness.

Causes and risk factors

Causes of stomach cancer are different, they include both external and internal factors. The main ones are:

  1. Helicobacter pylori infection. The pathogen has the ability to survive in an acidic environment, gradually destroying the gastric mucosa. This provokes the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcer, which are the precursors of cancer, as they create favorable conditions for the rapid spread of atypical cells.
  2. Wrong nutrition. Regular consumption of a large amount of fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, as well as foods containing a lot of starch (potatoes, bread, rice, etc.) leads to an overload of the digestive tract and a weakening of the protective functions of the stomach. Fasting, frequent snacking, overeating and other similar factors adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Ingestion of nitrates and nitrites into the human body with food. This is possible when eating vegetables and other foods that have been grown with chemicals. An excess of nitric and nitrous acids is recorded in smoked and dried foods, tobacco, beer, etc. Nitrates and nitrites have the ability to destroy the epithelial cells of the stomach, provoking their further degeneration into cancer cells.
  4. Bad habits. Stomach cancer often occurs in people who abuse alcohol and smoke. This is due to the fact that alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, which has a pronounced irritating effect on the gastric mucosa and provokes cell damage with the further development of ulcers and erosions. Nicotine also has an adverse effect on the working capacity of the stomach, exacerbating existing problems.
  5. Long-term use of certain medications. Gastric cancer can be provoked by non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and other drugs, the prolonged use of which can provoke a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane and the development of an ulcer. This further increases the risk of cancer. Therefore, these drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the recommended dosages.
  6. radioactive radiation. The probability of a malignant formation in the stomach rises sharply when living in ecologically unfavorable areas with a high level of radiation.
  7. Heredity. In the risk zone for stomach cancer are people among whose close relatives malignant neoplasms of any organ were recorded.
  8. Operations on the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract in history.
  9. Age. In older people, there is a gradual transformation of the cells of the gastric mucosa with their further thinning. This creates favorable conditions for degeneration into atypical formations.


Depending on the degree of spread of atypical cells, the following stages of development of gastric cancer are distinguished:

  • Stage 1 is characterized by the localization of the pathological process within the mucous and submucosal membranes of the organ. The dimensions of the formation do not exceed 2 cm in diameter.
  • 2 stage. Cancer cells grow into the walls of the organ, affect nearby lymph nodes (up to 15 pcs.).
  • 3 stage. The tumor spreads to the entire wall of the stomach, it is possible to move to nearby organs.
  • 4 stage. Distant metastases are registered.

Diagnosis of the disease

You can suspect stomach cancer based on patient complaints. However, in order to be sure of the diagnosis, a person must undergo a thorough examination, including the use of special laboratory and instrumental research methods.

These include:

  1. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - examination of the gastric mucosa using special equipment. It takes place under local anesthesia. If cancer or other suspicious areas of the gastric mucosa are found, a biopsy of the formation is performed during the procedure. This is necessary to obtain a material sample for the purpose of further cytological and morphological studies. In parallel, small polyps can be removed, bleeding from damaged blood vessels can be prevented or stopped, and other manipulations can be performed.
  2. Endoscopic ultrasound. An ultrasonic sensor installed at the end of the endoscope makes it possible to determine the depth of the spread of cancer cells deep into the walls of the organ. With the help of endoscopic ultrasound, it is possible to resolve the issue of the possibility of surgical treatment, including determining whether cancer cells have grown into large blood vessels.
  3. Computed tomography of the thoracic and abdominal organs. Indicated for the determination of metastases in nearby lymph nodes and organs.
  4. PET-CT (positron emission computed tomography). It makes it possible to diagnose a stomach tumor in the early stages of the disease and to establish the presence of distant metastases. The method consists in the intravenous administration of a special radioactive tracer into the human body, which accumulates in organs characterized by an accelerated metabolism, typical of the uncontrolled division of cancer cells).
  5. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This is a screening method of research, which makes it possible to examine the organs adjacent to the stomach affected by cancer.
  6. X-ray of the stomach. This is a diagnostic method that can be used to determine the presence or absence of a filling defect within the shadow of the stomach, a change in the relief of the mucous membrane, the absence or decrease in peristalsis in the affected area, a deterioration in the elasticity and extensibility of the organ wall. With fluoroscopy, a contrast agent (barium sulfate) is administered orally, after which the process of filling the stomach with this substance is controlled using a series of x-rays.
  7. Laparoscopy. It is necessary for examining the organs of the abdominal cavity and peritoneum, determining metastases at the stage of preparation for an open operation.
  8. Chromogastroscopy. During this procedure, special dyes are introduced into the organ cavity, with which you can separate healthy cells from cancerous ones.
  9. General blood analysis. When a malignant formation occurs, the indicators of the analyzes change. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate sharply increases, which indicates an inflammatory process. However, if a person takes antibiotics for any reason, the ESR level will be normal. In the initial stages of the disease, leukocytes are within the normal range or slightly reduced, in the future their level rises. Many young cells appear in the leukoformula. The level of hemoglobin falls, anemia develops.
  10. Blood chemistry. It is carried out in order to establish damage by cancer cells to internal organs. A malignant formation in the stomach provokes the development of some changes in the biochemical blood test. These include a decrease in the amount of total protein and glucose, an increase in the level of lipase, alkaline phosphatase, glutamyl transpeptidase, aminotransferase activity, and bilirubin.
  11. Fecal analysis. It makes it possible to establish the presence of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Even if there are no visible traces, the feces are taken to the laboratory to detect occult blood.
  12. Blood test for tumor markers. This is the definition of specific proteins that occur only during the development of neoplasms in the human body. With the help of the study, it is possible to establish the malignancy of the process, the stage of development of the disease and monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. If gastric cancer is suspected, the oncomarker CEA or CA-19–9 is used for analysis.

Differential diagnosis of a malignant tumor of the stomach at the initial stage of the disease is carried out with atrophic gastritis, ulcers, polyps, tuberculosis, syphilis and benign formations.

Therapeutic measures

The choice of treatment for stomach cancer depends on the stage of the disease, the degree of germination of pathological cells in the walls and in nearby organs, the presence or absence of metastases in the lymph nodes. An important role is played by the patient's condition, his age, existing chronic diseases.

The most common cancer treatment is surgical removal of the tumor. In this case, not only the tumor is removed, but also healthy tissues around it (at least 4 cm on each side). Depending on the size of the formation, a subtotal or total gastrectomy (partial or complete removal of the stomach) can be performed.

When the disease spreads, when the tumor has clear boundaries and is located in the mucous or submucosal layer, it is possible to perform the operation by the laparoscopic method. In other situations, open abdominal access is required.

To improve the effectiveness of the operation, the doctor may prescribe chemotherapy. This treatment is also indicated after organ resection. The main disadvantage of this method is that not only atypical cells die, but also healthy ones, which leads to the development of side effects and complications.

For gastric cancer, monotherapy or a combination of several chemotherapy drugs is used. These can be Docetaxel, Irinotecan, Paclitaxel, Oxaliplatin and others. Treatment is carried out in cycles of 14, 21 or 28 days.

Chemotherapy makes it possible to reduce the risk of recurrence if surgery is performed to remove part or all of the stomach. If the cancer is inoperable, this method of treatment can slow down the active division of cancer cells, prevent further growth and development of the tumor, and improve the patient's well-being.

Targeted therapy is a gentle treatment for stomach cancer. The main advantage of this method of combating malignant tumors is selective action. Healthy cells located near the tumor are not affected.

The treatment consists in the introduction into the human body of special synthetic substances designed to combat atypical cells. Targeted therapy is used as the sole method or is used as an additional treatment for surgical removal of the tumor.

For gastric cancer, the following types of targeted drugs are used:

  1. VEGF blockers. Cancer cells produce this substance in order to activate blood circulation and the formation of blood vessels. They are necessary for the active growth and reproduction of atypical cells. In this case, the use of the drug Ramucirumab is recommended.
  2. HER2 blockers. This is a protein located on the surface of cancer cells and provokes their increased division. Trastuzumab will help reduce its activity.

Radiotherapy is used only in conjunction with surgical and chemotherapeutic methods for the treatment of malignant neoplasms. It is characterized by a precise effect on pathological foci and a minimal effect on healthy tissues. Radiotherapy is not used as the only way to treat a tumor because it is the least effective.

Palliative care is designed to improve the patient's well-being. It is used at those stages of the disease when it is impossible to completely remove the tumor by surgery or in any other way. With its help, you can reduce the clinical manifestations of the disease - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and prevent the development of massive bleeding.

With a large tumor that blocks the lumen of the esophagus, the doctor may decide on the need to install a gastrostomy (removal of a special tube from the stomach to the surface of the body through which the patient is fed), or the formation of a bypass anastomosis between the intestinal loops and the stomach itself. This will improve the patient's well-being and prolong his life. If the tumor blocks the entrance to the stomach, endoluminal laser therapy is used, in which the tumor is cut with a laser beam to open the lumen of the esophagus.

In order to reduce pain, the patient is prescribed non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics, fractional probing and other medical procedures. Immunotherapy is shown to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's own defenses.

Rehabilitation after stomach cancer is a long process. After all, a person must recover not only from the diagnosis of cancer, but also from the negative consequences of the treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.).

The rehabilitation program is developed individually for each patient and includes physiotherapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy and other methods. Psychological work with the patient also plays an important role.


A malignant tumor of the stomach is characterized by a high probability of developing complications. These include:

  1. The occurrence of bleeding. Tumor tissues are damaged under the influence of an acidic environment or due to the decay of the neoplasm. This causes bleeding, which can gradually lead to anemia. With massive blood loss, the appearance of vomiting with blood is not excluded, the feces become black.
  2. Perforation. As a result of the germination of the tumor through the wall of the stomach, it is possible to perforate it and get malignant cells into the abdominal cavity. At the same time, signs of an acute abdomen appear: sharp pain, a positive symptom of Shchetkin-Blumberg, tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. If such a complication occurs, an emergency operation is indicated to eliminate the perforation.
  3. Tumor infection. Penetration into the tissues of a malignant formation of pathogenic microorganisms can provoke the development of an inflammatory process. In the future, the infection spreads to the lymph nodes, liver and other organs. The main manifestation of tumor infection is a sharp increase in body temperature.
  4. Germination of cells in other organs. It is characterized by the occurrence of sharp pains in the stomach, which acquire a girdle character. When the tumor is actively growing, atypical cells at this time can grow into the head of the pancreas, the hepatoduodenal ligament and the transverse colon.
  5. development of metastases. Cancer cells from the stomach spread throughout the human body by lymphogenous, hematogenous and implantation routes. The tumor metastasizes mainly to the lymphatic system, liver and lungs. Much less often, cases of the spread of atypical cells to the brain and spinal cord are recorded.
  6. Ascites. The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity in gastric cancer is possible at the stage of tumor metastasis. This is due to the fact that cancer cells quickly spread through the peritoneum, increase the permeability of blood vessels and lead to obstruction of the lymphatic system. A violation of the outflow of lymph develops, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

Prognosis and prevention of cancer

Cancer is a malignant formation, the prognosis of survival in which directly depends on the stage of development at which the pathological process was detected, the depth of germination into the walls of the organ, metastases and complications.

Survival of patients with gastric cancer after surgery depends on the presence of metastases and whether all pathological cells were completely removed during surgery.

If a tumor is detected at the initial stages of development, the probability of complete recovery reaches 80-90%. At the second stage of oncology, the five-year survival rate decreases sharply and amounts to 50-60%. At the third stage - reaches 38%, and at the fourth - only 5%.

Prevention of stomach cancer is that a person should lead a healthy lifestyle, organize a complete and balanced diet, exclude spicy, salty, fried, pickled foods from the diet. When cooking, use only high-quality natural products. Avoid the use of flavors, dyes, baking powder and other harmful substances and carcinogens.

It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking. Do not abuse the use of drugs, especially from the group of non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, glucocorticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives, etc.

If there are signs of gastritis or ulcers, immediately consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination, including fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Symptoms of stomach cancer allow you to diagnose a disease of the gastrointestinal tract and start the necessary treatment on time. Let's look at what stomach cancer is, how to identify it, and most importantly, how to cure this disease.

Early symptoms of stomach cancer

Early symptoms of stomach cancer are very difficult to track down, but they can also be used to diagnose the onset of a serious disease. The first symptoms of stomach cancer are very vague and scarce. Both patients and doctors often consider the early symptoms of stomach cancer to be gastritis or peptic ulcer disease. Therefore, all treatment is limited to taking various medications and following a special diet, but the cancer continues to progress. If you carefully consider the symptoms of the disease at an early stage, you can track a number of symptoms that allow you to diagnose stomach cancer.

For the first time, the symptoms of stomach cancer at an early stage were diagnosed by the famous oncologist L. I. Savitsky. It was Savitsky who introduced such a concept as the syndrome of small signs. By themselves, these symptoms do not represent anything significant, but they allow experienced oncologists to diagnose stomach cancer at an early stage.

  • The early stages of the development of stomach cancer do not show any symptoms for a long time and do not cause discomfort in the patient. Sometimes the symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages present themselves in the form of polyps and gastritis, that is, precancerous diseases. Often, this fact becomes the reason for late seeking medical help. Thus, according to statistics, more than 80% of patients seek medical help only in the advanced stages of stomach cancer. No more than a year passes from the onset of the disease and early symptoms of stomach cancer.
  • In some patients in the early stages of gastric cancer, gastric discomfort may be present - heaviness in the epistral region, heartburn, or belching with air. General symptoms of stomach cancer are very rare. Symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages largely depend on the location of the tumor. This relationship can be traced only in advanced forms of gastric cancer.

Vivid symptoms of stomach cancer begin to appear in the last stages. Patients begin to suffer from constant headaches that radiate to the back, vomiting, weakness, anemia, and severely progressive weight loss are also possible. If a patient has stenosis, that is, a narrowing of the outlet section of the stomach due to a tumor, then after eating there is a feeling of overeating, belching, vomiting, nausea. In addition to these symptoms, the appearance of the patient also changes. The skin becomes pale and loses its elasticity, in the last stages of stomach cancer, the skin takes on an earthy hue.

The first symptoms of stomach cancer

The first symptoms of stomach cancer are manifested in unreasonable weakness and a change in well-being. The patient feels constantly tired, and the level of working capacity is also significantly reduced. Decreased appetite and even aversion to food are also among the first symptoms of stomach cancer. In addition, the patient develops gastric discomfort, a feeling of heaviness from a small meal, nausea, and vomiting.

The first symptoms of stomach cancer are accompanied by a sharp weight loss, which is accompanied by pale skin, depression, loss of interest in others, in work, complete alienation and apathy. All these symptoms can appear both in a perfectly healthy person and in a person who has just had a stomach disease, ulcer, gastritis, or something else.

As the disease progresses, the tumor grows, which gives the body new symptoms of stomach cancer:

  • Diarrhea, constipation, stool disorder.
  • An increase in the size of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, that is, ascites.
  • After eating, there is a feeling of heaviness and nausea, sometimes vomiting occurs.
  • Sudden, uncontrolled weight loss.
  • Pain in the upper abdomen that girdles the back.
  • If the tumor destroyed the vessels, then gastrointestinal bleeding may occur.

In case of gastric bleeding, the patient feels a sharp weakness, in some cases there may be a loss of consciousness. And also there is a strong vomiting with dark blood with clots and black stools. If the tumor has burst, then the patient develops peritonitis, which is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, high fever.

Mostly, stomach cancer affects the elderly and middle-aged people. It is the stage of development of the disease that makes it possible to predict the result and prescribe treatment. Note that the early stages of stomach cancer are treatable and have a good prognosis. If you want to avoid the possibility of getting stomach cancer, then reconsider your habits. Give up smoking and alcohol abuse, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis in time.

Symptoms of cancer of the stomach and intestines

Symptoms of cancer of the stomach and intestines at the initial stage of development are very small, so they are difficult to determine. Let's look at the main symptoms of stomach and intestinal cancer:

  • Discomfort, pain and discomfort in the navel.
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  • Feeling of heaviness after each meal and rapid satiety.
  • Difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite or its complete absence.
  • Bleeding is possible, which occurs due to the fact that cancer cells corrode the blood vessels.
  • Apathy, weakness, fatigue.

Symptoms of cancer of the stomach and intestines may be latent. Gradually, symptoms appear in the form of intestinal obstruction and colitis. The most informative symptom of cancer of the stomach and intestines is the presence of blood in vomit and feces.

Symptoms of cancer of the stomach and esophagus

Gastric cancer, like cancer of the esophagus, is the most common disease, almost 90% of esophageal lesions are cancerous tumors. The esophagus consists of three sections, the third is considered the most vulnerable, which is located at the level of 4-6 thoracic vertebrae.

The main symptoms of cancer of the stomach and esophagus:

  • The disease is almost asymptomatic or masquerades as an inflammatory disease.
  • The first symptom of a cancerous tumor of the esophagus is a feeling of discomfort, burning and discomfort in the retrosternal region, which can be diagnosed as esophagitis.
  • Other symptoms include difficulty with dysphagia and swallowing. It is this symptom that signals a large tumor that narrows the esophagus. Dysphagia begins to develop slowly, in stages.
  1. At the first stage - pain when swallowing solid food, while eating, you have to drink water with food.
  2. In the second stage, it is difficult to swallow even mushy food.
  3. In the third stage, it is almost impossible to drink liquids due to severe pain.
  4. At the fourth stage - complete obstruction of the esophagus, which causes apathy and fatigue.

Symptoms of ring cell carcinoma of the stomach

Ring cell carcinoma of the stomach is the histological form of gastric carcinoma. The disease is characterized by the fact that the tumor for more than 50% consists of cells, with mucin, which is contained in the cytoplasm. Mucins are glycoproteins with polysaccharides. The main function of mucin is to protect the body from viruses and infectious diseases.

The following symptoms of ring cell carcinoma of the stomach are distinguished:

  • Vomit.
  • Nausea.
  • Belching.
  • Painful sensations in the region of the stomach.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Weight loss.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Gastric bleeding in stool and vomit.

Please note that in the early stages, the disease does not make itself felt and the symptoms of signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach are very difficult to notice. But this is very dangerous, since the disease is transient and quickly passes from the first stage to the last - irreversible.

Stomach cancer stages

Like all cancers, there are stages of stomach cancer. Gastric cancer is divided into four stages, depending on the strength and degree of damage to the organ and the spread of the cancerous tumor. Consider the main symptoms and features of each of them.

  • Stage zero gastric cancer - cancer cells were found in the gastric mucosa, but not in more than 6 lymph nodes. Diagnosing stage zero stomach cancer is almost impossible. There are not many cases in medicine where stage zero was correctly diagnosed according to the patient's symptoms.
  • The first stage of stomach cancer - submucosal tumors and cancer cells appear, but not more than in 6 lymph nodes. If there are more cancer cells, then we are talking about a subserous tumor, but the cancer cells do not spread to either neighboring organs or lymph nodes.
  • The second stage of stomach cancer - the tumor has spread under the mucous membrane. Cancer cells affected from 7 to 15 lymph nodes. In other cases, if no more than 6 lymph nodes are affected at this stage, then the main tumor may be in the muscle layer. The peculiarity of this stage is that the tumor did not affect the lymph nodes, but penetrated into the outer layer.
  • The third stage of stomach cancer - the tumor is located in the muscle layer and has spread to no more than 15 lymph nodes. But the tumor is also in the outer layer and also in no more than 15 lymph nodes, the tumor has affected the spleen and liver.
  • Stage 4 stomach cancer - cancer cells have spread to more than 15 lymph nodes. Cancer can also be diagnosed in other organs that are located near the stomach.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in stage 1

Stomach cancer stage 1 - the tumor has affected less than six lymph nodes and muscle tissue in the affected organ. The tumor is completely formed. There is a classification of stage 1 stomach cancer, the stage has two degrees A and B. Stomach cancer stage 1, stage A symptoms are characterized by the spread of cancer cells throughout the gastric mucosa. With degree B in the first stage, cancer cells affect up to 6 lymph nodes that affect the muscles of the diseased organ or are located in the area of ​​the tumor.

Very often, first-stage stomach cancer is confused with peptic ulcer in terms of symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully look at the symptoms of the disease and, with the slightest change, go for a full examination to the doctor. First of all, pay attention to the process of eating, have your taste preferences changed, do you feel heaviness after eating? All this may well be the result of cell mutation and the beginning of the first stage of stomach cancer.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in stage 2

The second stage of stomach cancer is a severe lesion of the serous layer of the organ wall. During stage 2 cancer, about 15 lymph nodes and absolutely the entire gastric mucosa are affected.

Stomach cancer stage 2, symptoms and main characteristics:

  • The tumor has spread to the entire mucous membrane, because of this, after eating, vomiting occurs and a burning sensation inside.
  • A cancerous tumor affects not only the walls of the stomach, but also other organs.
  • In the second stage of stomach cancer, there are 2 degrees - A and B.

Gastric cancer of the second stage, grade A:

  • The tumor has formed but has not spread beyond the inner layer of the stomach.
  • Cancer cells progress in more than six lymph nodes.
  • The tumor affected the muscular layer of the stomach.

Gastric cancer of the second stage, grade B:

  • The tumor is limited in distribution by the inner layer of the gastric tissue and has affected more than 7 lymph nodes.
  • The tumor has spread beyond the outer layer of the stomach, but has not yet spread to the lymph nodes of other organs.

Stomach cancer stage 3, symptoms

Stomach cancer stage 3, the symptoms of the first and second stages are aggravated by sharp pains in the abdomen that radiate to the back, internal bleeding is also possible. In the third stage of stomach cancer, only some organs and lymph nodes are not affected. The tumor affects nearby organs, metastases go to the spleen, liver and intestines.

Gastric cancer at 3 stages is divided into 3 degrees A, B, C, each of which depends on the nature of the spread of the disease.

Stomach cancer stage 3, grade A:

  • The tumor progresses in the muscular layer of the stomach and has affected at least seven lymph nodes.
  • Perhaps the cancer has affected all layers of the stomach, and cancer cells are progressing in a couple of lymph nodes.

Stomach cancer stage 3, grade B:

  • The tumor had outgrown the outer walls of the stomach and affected more than seven lymph nodes.
  • Perhaps the tumor has penetrated into the tissues surrounding the stomach and cancer cells in no more than 2-3 lymph nodes.

Stomach cancer stage 3, degree C:

  • The tumor has spread beyond the outer wall of the stomach and has affected 3 to 6 lymph nodes.
  • In addition to the stomach, several other organs were affected.

Stomach cancer stage 4, symptoms

In the fourth stage of stomach cancer, almost the entire lymphatic system of the body is affected. The tumor has captured all the organs that are close and gradually spreads to the peripheral ones. At this stage of the disease, no more than 15% of patients survive.

Stage 4 stomach cancer is an irreversible and uncontrolled process that provokes the growth of tumor cells on neighboring tissues and organs. Tumor metastases are formed even in neighboring organs and organs that are far from the stomach.

Stomach cancer stage 4, symptoms:

  • The tumor affected the bones, brain, liver and pancreas.
  • At this stage of the disease, cancerous growths are very fast growing.
  • In addition to stomach cancer, bone cancer can also develop.

Treatment of the fourth stage of cancer is almost impossible, but the specialist needs to perform the following tasks:

  • Limit and reduce the spread of the tumor.
  • Do everything possible to stop the tumor process.
  • Avoid all kinds of complications and maintain the functioning and viability of organs and systems.

How to identify stomach cancer?

How to determine stomach cancer if it is very difficult to diagnose this disease in the early stages? Symptoms of stomach cancer are very diverse and completely depend on the shape and size of the tumor, as well as the stage of the disease, the location of the tumor and the background on which the tumor disease appeared. Please note that the signs of the disease practically do not depend on the histological parameters of the tumor. As a rule, with gastric cancer, symptoms of complications come to the fore, for example, profuse bleeding from a decaying tumor, stenosis of the exit from the stomach, or perforation.

Symptoms of stomach cancer can be divided into general and local.

Local symptoms:

  • Dull pain in upper abdomen.
  • Belching.
  • Vomit.
  • Nausea.
  • Aversion to certain kinds of food.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Dysgaphia.
  • Rapid satiety while eating.
  • Stomach discomfort.
  • Heaviness after eating in the epigastric region.

The frequency of manifestation of the above symptoms allows you to determine stomach cancer. The frequency of symptoms depends entirely on the size of the tumor and its location.

General manifestations:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Excessive unreasonable weight loss.
  • Excitability.
  • Apathy.
  • Irritability.
  • Unmotivated general weakness.

As a rule, it is these symptoms that make it possible to identify gastric cancer, which is an extensive lesion. If the patient has general symptoms, then we are talking about one of the last stages of stomach cancer.

Symptoms of stomach cancer appear in patients who are over 50 years of age. Early diagnosis of stomach cancer involves annual prevention and screening. Do not forget that timely diagnosis of stomach cancer allows you to start treatment on time, this allows you to make the most optimistic prognosis.

Symptoms of stomach cancer allow time to diagnose and cure the disease. The survival rate of patients with stomach cancer is no more than 20%. Such a low percentage is the impossibility of treatment due to the diagnosis of the disease at a late stage. But do not forget that each case of cancer is individual and depends on the age, health and lifestyle of the patient.

It is a malignant epithelial tumor of the gastric mucosa. Signs of stomach cancer are loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, epigastric pain, nausea, dysphagia and vomiting, rapid satiety when eating, bloating, melena. The diagnosis is facilitated by gastroscopy with biopsy, radiography of the stomach, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, endosonography, determination of tumor markers, and examination of feces for occult blood. Depending on the prevalence of gastric cancer, a partial or total resection of the stomach is performed; possible chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

General information

Gastric cancer is a malignant neoplasm, in most cases originating from the glandular epithelial cells of the stomach. Among malignant tumors of the stomach, adenocarcinomas are detected in 95%, less often - other histological forms - lymphomas, squamous cell carcinoma, leiomyosarcomas, carcinoids, adenoacanthomas. Men get stomach cancer 1.7 times more often than women; usually the disease develops at the age of 40-70 years (mean age 65 years). Gastric cancer is prone to rapid metastasis to the organs of the digestive tract, often grows into neighboring tissues and organs through the wall of the stomach (into the pancreas, small intestine), often complicated by necrosis and bleeding. With blood flow, it metastasizes mainly to the lungs, liver; through the vessels of the lymphatic system - to the lymph nodes.

Causes of stomach cancer

Most often, cancer develops in middle-aged and older people, men get sick more often. However, the absence of risk factors does not guarantee complete avoidance of gastric cancer. As well as in people with a combination of several carcinogenic factors, stomach cancer does not always occur.

Classification of stomach cancer

Gastric cancer is classified by stages according to the international classification of malignant neoplasms: TNM classification, where T is the state (stage of development) of the primary tumor (from the zero stage of precancer to the fourth stage of tumor germination in neighboring tissues and organs), N is the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes (from N0 - absence of metastases, up to N3 - infection with metastases in more than 15 regional lymph nodes), M - presence of metastases in distant organs and tissues (M0 - no, M1 - present).

Symptoms of stomach cancer

The early stage of development of gastric cancer often proceeds without clinical manifestations, symptoms begin to develop, as a rule, already with a tumor of the second or third stage (germination into the submucosal layers and beyond).

With the development of the disease, the following symptoms are revealed: epigastric pain (initially moderate), heaviness in the stomach after eating, loss of appetite and weight loss, nausea up to vomiting (vomiting, as a rule, signals a decrease in gastric patency - blockage of the pylorus by a tumor). With the development of cancer in the cardia, dysphagia (swallowing disorder) is possible.

At the third stage of cancer (when the tumor affects all layers of the stomach wall up to the muscular and serous), early satiety syndrome occurs. This is due to a decrease in gastric distensibility.

When the swelling grows into the blood vessels, gastric bleeding may occur. The consequences of cancer: anemia, malnutrition, cancer intoxication lead to the development of general weakness, high fatigue. The presence of any of the above symptoms is not sufficient to diagnose stomach cancer, so other diseases of the stomach and digestive organs may also appear. The diagnosis of "gastric cancer" is established only on the basis of biopsy data.

However, the identification of such symptoms requires an immediate visit to a gastroenterologist for examination and the earliest possible detection of a malignant neoplasm.

Diagnosis of stomach cancer

The only basis for establishing the diagnosis of "gastric cancer" is the results of a histological examination of the neoplasm. But to detect a tumor, find out its size, surface characteristics, localization and implementation of endoscopic biopsy, gastroscopy is performed.

The presence of enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes and lung metastases can be detected by chest X-ray. Contrast radiography of the stomach visualizes the presence of a neoplasm in the stomach.

After such operations, the total volume of the stomach is markedly reduced, or, if the stomach is completely removed, the esophagus is connected directly to the small intestine. Therefore, patients after gastric resection can consume a limited amount of food at a time.

Radiation therapy (irradiation of tumor-affected organs and tissues with ionizing radiation) is performed to stop the growth and reduce the tumor in the preoperative period and as a means of suppressing the activity of cancer cells and destroying probable cancer foci after tumor removal.

Chemotherapy - drug suppression of the growth of malignant tumors. The complex of chemotherapeutic drugs includes highly toxic agents that destroy tumor cells. After surgery to remove a malignant growth, chemotherapy is used to suppress the activity of the remaining cancer cells in order to exclude the possibility of recurrence of stomach cancer. Chemotherapy is often combined with radiation therapy to enhance the effect. Surgical treatment is also, as a rule, combined with one or another method of suppressing the activity of cancer cells.

Patients suffering from stomach cancer should eat well, fully eat throughout the treatment. An organism fighting a malignant tumor requires a large amount of protein, vitamins, microelements, and a sufficient calorie content of the daily diet. Difficulties arise in the case of severe mental depression (apathy, depression) and food refusal. Sometimes there is a need for parenteral administration of nutrient mixtures.

Complications of gastric cancer and side effects of therapy

Severe complications that significantly worsen the course of the disease can be both a direct result of the presence of a malignant tumor, and can be the result of very difficult to tolerate methods of antitumor therapy. With stomach cancer, bleeding often occurs from the vessels of the damaged wall, which contributes to the development of anemia. Large tumors can become necrotic, worsening the general condition of the body by releasing necrotic decay products into the blood. Loss of appetite and increased consumption of nutrients by the tumor tissue contributes to the development of general dystrophy.

Prolonged radiation therapy can contribute to the development of severe radiation burns, as well as radiation dermatitis and radiation sickness. Side effects of chemotherapy are general weakness, nausea (up to regular vomiting), diarrhea,

Surgical treatment in combination with one or another method of antitumor therapy gives a five-year survival rate after surgery in 12% of patients. In the case of early detection of cancer (superficial spread without germination in the submucosal layers of the stomach wall), the survival rate increases to 70% of cases. With a malignant stomach ulcer, the survival rate is from 30 to 50%.

The least favorable prognosis is in inoperable tumors that have penetrated through all layers of the gastric wall and penetrated into the surrounding tissues. The course of cancer is unfavorable if metastases are detected in the lungs and liver. In inoperable gastric tumors, therapy is aimed at relieving symptoms and reducing the rate of progression of the disease as much as possible.

The main measures to prevent stomach cancer are: timely treatment of diseases that are precancerous conditions, regular proper nutrition, smoking cessation. A significant measure in the prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms is the control of the state of the gastric mucosa and the timely detection of emerging tumor processes.

Although stomach cancer is an understudied disease, in some cases its occurrence can be predicted with a high degree of probability. It is important for everyone to know the provoking factors and the first symptoms of mortal danger, since only timely treatment will help save a life.

Causes of the disease

In the process of degeneration of a healthy cell of the body into a malignant one, medicine identifies predisposing and provoking factors. Unfortunately, the latter, which are the trigger mechanism for pathology, have not yet been accurately determined by doctors.

But the risk factors, in the presence of which the likelihood of stomach cancer in the future increases many times, doctors have identified. These include:

  • Heredity. If close relatives have already been diagnosed with a similar diagnosis, it can be repeated in future generations.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, gastritis, polyps, operations, the presence of the Helicobacter bacterium double the chances of malignant neoplasms.
  • Unhealthy food. Harmful, preservatives, fried and spicy foods have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the stomach and can cause cell degeneration.
  • Lack of vitamins C and B 12.
  • Immunodeficiency and viral infections.
  • Smoking and alcoholism.

How does stomach cancer manifest?

After the transition of cells to a malignant form, a small tumor (up to 2 cm) appears. Without proper treatment, it grows deep into the tissues, increasing in volume. With its appearance, the digestive function of the organ is disturbed, which is caused by both the degeneration of cells and mechanical interference.

The disease code according to the international classification is C16. Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor. If it borders the duodenum, there are difficulties with the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. When localized in the upper parts of the stomach, near the esophagus or cardia, food will penetrate into it with difficulty, which will cause nutritional deficiencies and a sharp weight loss of the patient.

With a small tumor size, the pathology can be asymptomatic or cause mild and subtle disorders, including:

  • Anemia.
  • Change in taste preferences.
  • Slight rise in temperature.
  • Decreased appetite.

Increasing in size, a malignant neoplasm will cause the following symptoms of stomach cancer:

  • Rapid satiety.
  • Discomfort after eating.
  • Nausea.
  • Weight loss.
  • Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding, which can be identified by black stools or red vomit.
  • Change in the frequency or consistency of bowel movements.

Metastases often occur in stomach cancer. As a result of which the liver, lymph nodes, bones, lungs, and abdominal area are affected. This occurs at a late stage in the development of pathology, therefore, in addition, a person has symptoms of discomfort or signs of dysfunction of other organs. The patient may appear pale and constantly tired.

If a doctor treats a disease with similar symptoms, he must adequately evaluate the result of therapy. When there is no clinical improvement, one should look for the cause of the pathology in other organs. For example, stomach cancer often causes symptoms that are characteristic of heart problems, but drug treatment in this case will not bring the desired result.

An accurate diagnosis can be made according to the conclusions of several doctors - a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist and an oncologist.

Oncology of the stomach: the first symptoms and signs of the disease

Scientists say that in a healthy stomach, malignant tumors do not occur. Therefore, before the appearance of cancer in the digestive organ, some kind of pathological process is already taking place. Patients, for example, with gastritis rarely think about the possible danger, however, it is precisely such conditions that are the first "bells" about existing disorders.

It takes a long time from a precancerous course to a malignant disease. The process of cell transformation can take 10 to 20 years. The first signs of stomach cancer are always inexpressive and similar to the symptoms of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, with a careful attitude to your health, you can notice the following changes:

  • Discomfort in the chest. Its manifestations are varied - from a feeling of fullness to heaviness and pain. Moreover, these signs are not associated with food intake, they persist even after eating, that is, they are always present.
  • Abundant salivation, which is characteristic of the defeat of the cardiac site.
  • Difficulty swallowing. Occurs when the tumor is located in the upper parts of the digestive tract. In the early stages, the patient swallows large or hard pieces of food with zeal, in later stages even liquid dishes.
  • Nausea. The patient may notice that this symptom does not disappear even after some time after dinner.
  • General manifestations. The presence of a tumor affects the functioning of the whole organism. Anemia, fatigue, weight loss, and causeless weakness are recorded in patients with stomach cancer.
  • Changes in the digestive process - belching, heartburn, flatulence, bloating. They give the patient only minor troubles, so they rarely become a reason for going to the doctor.
  • Vomit. It is the condition that still makes a person turn to a doctor. Urgent care requires vomiting with an admixture of blood. Often indomitable unreasonable urges in combination with other symptoms are of diagnostic value.
  • Dyspepsia. One of the typical early signs that stomach cancer provokes. It can be manifested by a decrease in appetite, a decrease in portions, an uncharacteristic change in the menu, a feeling of fullness or fullness.

It is the doctor who must understand the etiology of the symptoms and suspect the disease in the early stages, when the patient's life can still be saved. The doctor should always assume a precancerous course of the following pathologies:

  • Chronic gastritis.
  • Gastric ulcer and the effectiveness of pain relief with pills.
  • polyps of the stomach.
  • Cellular dysplasia.

If you ignore the first symptoms, the disease will progress and the neoplasm can move to other organs, weaving into the colon and pancreas.

The rate of development of the disease

Depending on the nature of the course of the pathology, from its appearance to the death of the patient, it can take from 1 to several years. The duration of the first degree of damage with latent or unexpressed symptoms is 3-4 years. If the carcinoma metastasizes, the cancer begins to progress rapidly and rapidly.

The number of remaining years of the patient's life depends on the location of the neoplasm, its nature and the presence of complications. If malignant cells block the exit openings of the stomach, the functioning of the organ is disrupted and cancer can develop very quickly.

Death often occurs from perforation of the stomach wall, fusion of the surface with other organs, internal bleeding, excessive exhaustion of the patient, activation of the infectious process in the lungs.

Accurate diagnosis

The main method for assessing the condition of the stomach is EGDS. Many patients do not like this examination, so they postpone a visit to the doctor if the stomach stops hurting for a while. However, gastroscopy is a fast and informative method that allows you to assess the condition of the mucosa, take a biopsy and detect developing cancer in time.

Additionally, the doctor prescribes ultrasound, X-ray or tomography to identify related problems in other organs. The patient makes a complete blood test, which can be used to judge the existing metabolic disorders. Comprehensive examination results and a person's medical history enable the doctor to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

How many live

Oncology of the stomach shortens the life of an adult patient by 15 years. At the initial stage of the disease, when the tumor has not yet grown deep into the wall of the organ, the prognosis for the next 5 years is favorable. However, only 20% of patients are diagnosed with cancer at this stage.

During the introduction of malignant cells deep into the stomach and their spread throughout the body, the estimated mortality rate increases. About 15-40% of patients will be able to live another five years.

In the presence of metastases, the process is considered incurable and the probability that the patient will live is only 5%.

To date, popular fears about the possibility of contracting cancer are not confirmed. It is not transmitted by any of the ways known to science, and is an individual feature of each patient.

Since the exact causes of cancer are unknown, prevention of the disease lies in regular medical examinations, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining a proper diet and nutrition.

Stomach cancer is a very serious disease characterized by uncontrolled reproduction of abnormal cells. This pathology is several times more often diagnosed in men, and over the age of 50 years. In this article, we will talk about how stomach cancer develops (symptoms and manifestations of the disease in the early stages), as well as what methods of treatment modern medicine offers.

General information

Gastric cancer is a disease of an oncological nature, which is characterized by the development of a malignant neoplasm from the epithelium of the mucous membrane. A tumor can form in any part of this organ. The risk of getting sick increases significantly both in men and in the fair sex after 50 years. As for the issue of the geographical distribution of this pathology, in Russia this disease is in second place in terms of the frequency of diagnosis among all neoplasms of a malignant nature. So, for every 100,000 healthy people, there are approximately 36 sick people. The situation is worse only in Japan, Scandinavia and Brazil.

According to experts, over the past 30 years, circumstances have changed dramatically. Doctors note a gradual decrease in the incidence of cancer. For example, in America, this pathology is diagnosed relatively rarely (only five cases per 100,000 population).

Today, scientists have proven that oncology cannot occur in an absolutely healthy stomach. The disease is always preceded by the so-called precancerous stage, when a change in the nature of the cells lining the inside of this organ is observed. On average, this condition lasts from 10 to about 20 years.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages can be confused with gastritis or an ulcer. Initially, a small tumor forms. Over time, it can increase in size, grow deeper and wider. At this stage, the disease manifests itself in the form of a violation of normal digestion. As a result, a person begins to lose weight for no reason. Growing through the walls of the stomach, the neoplasm can move to other organs (colon, pancreas).

The disease is characterized by the early appearance of metastases (separation of cancer cells from the tumor and their further spread throughout the body). They most often affect the lymph nodes and liver. Also, the lungs, bones, peritoneal space, ovaries can be involved in the pathological process. The work of all affected organs gradually changes, which leads to death.

Main reasons

Currently, the exact causes that provoke the development of the disease are not fully understood. Specialists only identify a set of factors, the action of which together leads to the formation of cancer.

  • bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Scientists have long proven that this bacterium can not only survive perfectly in an acidic environment, but also cause peptic ulcers and gastritis. As medical practice shows, sometimes these pathologies degenerate into cancer. Helicobacter Pylori gradually deforms the mucosa of the organ, hydrochloric acid begins to affect the unprotected walls of the stomach, causing numerous erosions. This kind of ulceration is considered an excellent environment for the vital activity of cancer cells.
  • Unhealthy food. The presence in the diet of fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods several times increases the likelihood of developing a malignant neoplasm.
  • The presence of nitrates and nitrites in the body. It is assumed that these substances have a high chemical activity. They can violate the usual integrity of the cells of the gastric mucosa and penetrate into their structure. The source of nitrates and nitrites in our country, as a rule, are vegetables. In addition, salts of nitrous and nitric acids are found in large quantities in smoked meats, some cheeses, tobacco, and beer.
  • Bad habits. In addition to the fact that nitrates and nitrites are also present in alcoholic beverages in high doses, ethyl alcohol itself can act as a provocateur of malignant neoplasms. Scientists have proven that the longer a person smokes, the higher the likelihood that symptoms of stomach and intestinal cancer will be detected at a young age.
  • Long-term medication. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids - all these medicines have a number of side effects, which include the development of stomach ulcers. As you know, it can develop into a real tumor.
  • Exposure to radiation.

The risk group also includes people with overweight, hereditary predisposition and other oncological ailments.

What diseases can precede stomach cancer?

  1. Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin plays a direct role in the formation of many body cells.
  2. polyps of the stomach.
  3. Some subspecies of chronic gastritis (atrophic form, Menetrier's disease, etc.).
  4. Gastric ulcer. According to experts, in 12% of cases this pathology develops into stomach cancer.

Symptoms and manifestation of the disease

This ailment at the initial stages of development, as a rule, does not have specific signs. The patient may feel constant fatigue, complain of fatigue and causeless weight loss. After eating, the patient may experience heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, or even indigestion. Such symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages (photos of patients can be found in the medical literature) should be the reason for seeking medical advice.

As the disease progresses and the tumor grows, new symptoms may appear:

  • Chair disorder.
  • Discomfort in the upper abdomen.
  • Fast saturation.
  • An increase in the size of the abdomen.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Vomiting with blood.

All of the above signs most often indicate stomach cancer. Symptoms, manifestations of the disease are not a sufficient condition for confirming the diagnosis, as they may indicate other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It is extremely important to undergo a detailed examination.

Disease classification

Based on which cells underlie the neoplasm, the following types of stomach cancer are distinguished:

  • Adenocarcinoma. This is the most common form of the disease. Tumor formation occurs on the basis of those cells that are directly responsible for the production of mucus.
  • Leiomyosarcoma. The neoplasm consists mainly of muscle cells of the organ.
  • Lymphoma. The basis of the tumor are lymphatic cells.
  • Solid cancer of the stomach. Photos of this pathology can be viewed only in the specialized literature, since it is extremely rare.
  • Ring cell carcinoma. Examination of such a neoplasm under a microscope reveals the similarity of forms with a ring, which was the reason for its name. This form of the disease is characterized by a rapid increase in pathological cells and early metastasis.

Stages of the disease

Today, experts conditionally distinguish several stages in the development of pathology, thanks to which it is possible to classify stomach cancer. Symptoms and manifestations of the disease at the initial stages of development may be absent, which greatly complicates its diagnosis.

The term “five-year survival rate” is widely used to predict cancer treatment. If after therapy the patient lives 5 years, he can be considered healthy. Such a patient has every chance that he will never encounter this type of cancer again.

The overall survival rate for this disease, according to statistics, is 20% among all patients. This relatively low percentage is due to the late diagnosis of the disease. However, each specific case is still individual, whether it is the initial stage of the development of the disease or stage 4 stomach cancer with metastases. How long people with such a diagnosis live depends primarily on the timeliness of treatment and compliance with all doctor's recommendations.

  • Zero stage. At this stage, only the gastric mucosa is involved in the pathological process. Treatment is through endoscopic surgery. In 90% of cases, patients recover completely.
  • First stage. The tumor penetrates deeper into the mucous membrane, metastases form in the lymph nodes around the stomach. With timely treatment, the probability of recovery is from 60 to 80%.
  • Second stage. The neoplasm does not affect only muscle tissue. The five-year survival rate for diagnosing the disease is 56%.
  • Third stage. Pathological cells penetrate the walls of the organ, the lymph nodes are completely affected. With a diagnosis of stomach cancer, stage 3, life expectancy is low (15 out of a hundred people can live five years or more).
  • Fourth stage. A cancerous tumor penetrates deeply not only into the organ itself, but also metastasizes to other parts of the body (pancreas, liver, ovaries, lungs). In this form, the disease is diagnosed in 80% of patients. However, only five out of a hundred people are likely to live five years or more.

Experts warn: even a complete cure for oncology does not in every case have a positive prognosis. The thing is that such a disease has a tendency to relapse, which can only occasionally be eliminated by repeated surgical intervention. Late detection of the disease in our country is explained very simply. Firstly, many doctors do not have enough knowledge in this field of medicine to confirm the disease in time. Secondly, patients seek help very late, for example, when they are diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer. How long do such patients live? Of course, neglecting one's own health entails worse prognosis.


Treatment can only be successful if a specialist in the early stages can confirm stomach cancer. The manifestations of the first signs of the disease should alert and become a reason for seeking advice from a gastroenterologist.

Today, gastroscopy (EGDS) is considered the main method for studying pathology. During this procedure, the doctor assesses the general condition of the mucous membrane of the organ, makes a biopsy of its suspicious areas. Histological examination of the obtained material allows you to determine the nature of the neoplasm (malignant / benign). Sometimes additionally assigned:


Can stomach cancer be cured? Manifestations of a malignant tumor, the presence of metastases, the size of the neoplasm, the degree of its germination in neighboring areas - all these factors primarily determine the tactics of therapeutic measures. Modern medicine offers three treatment options for this kind of pathology: removal of the tumor through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The specific treatment strategy is chosen by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient.

In the case of early diagnosis of the tumor (zero or first stage), when there are no metastases, it is possible to completely excise the cancerous tumor. During the operation, the doctor removes a section of the stomach wall, nearby tissues, and lymph nodes.

Radiation therapy is recommended to stop the growth of abnormal cells and reduce the size of the tumor itself. Chemotherapy has to be resorted to in the diagnosis of "stage 4 stomach cancer with metastases." Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure how long patients live after a course of treatment. Very often, doctors prescribe radiation and chemotherapy together to enhance the positive effect.


Of course, with such a diagnosis, it is recommended to pay special attention not only to the therapy itself, but also to the daily diet. Experts advise avoiding foods that contain nitrates. The thing is that these substances are able to degenerate into nitrites and form nitrosamines. The latter, in turn, often act as the main cause of the development of gastric cancer. The formation of nitrosamines can be prevented by regular consumption of foods with antioxidants, vitamins C and E. In addition, the daily diet of a patient with this diagnosis should include food with a low glycemic index. Such foods are slowly digested and help maintain a stable blood sugar level.

This article has already listed the main methods of how to diagnose stomach cancer in the early stages. After the doctor has confirmed the presence of the disease and prescribed the appropriate treatment, the question arises of how to eat. The diet of the patient should be as balanced as possible and rich in vitamins. It is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables (preferably raw), chicken and lean fish (source of protein).

You will have to give up everything fatty and fried, sweets and pastries, red meat is banned. In consultation with the doctor, salt can be excluded from the diet. The thing is that its consumption in large quantities contributes to the formation of ulcers on the walls of an already weakened stomach due to treatment.

Forecast and prevention

Gastric cancer (photos of patients with this disease are presented in this article) is most often diagnosed at the stage of an already incurable tumor. Only in 40% of cases, doctors detect a neoplasm in which there is a chance of a successful prognosis of a cure. Here we are talking about the disease in the early stages and without metastases. The rapid course of the pathology is most often found in the diagnosis of "gastric cancer, stage 3". The life expectancy of such patients and their general condition practically do not differ from those in the case of the disease of the fourth stage. In both situations, the prognosis for patients is extremely unfavorable.

Surgical treatment, coupled with various methods of antitumor therapy, gives a five-year survival rate in 12% of patients. If the symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages were noticed by the patients themselves, and they immediately sought medical help, the survival rate increases to 70%.

As for the issue of prevention, experts today strongly recommend treating all ailments in a timely manner, leading a healthy lifestyle and eating right. In addition, it is very important to eliminate bad habits, with special attention to taking medications.

In conclusion, it should be noted that today more and more often diagnosed with stomach cancer. Symptoms and manifestation of this disease should be the reason for consultation with a specialist. The sooner the doctor confirms the pathology and prescribes the appropriate treatment, the higher the chances of a favorable prognosis. Lost time or inattention to one's own body often cost a person's life.

If there are general signs of stomach cancer, the first symptoms, an urgent consultation with doctors is necessary. This is a common oncological pathology that requires complex diagnostics. Stomach cancer is a painful disease that in most cases ends in death.

Medical indications

Symptoms of stomach and intestinal cancer occur in men, but can sometimes develop in women. This disease is rare in children. There are various forms of manifestation of the disease. It depends on the location of the tumor and its histological composition. There are 3 main factors on which the first signs of stomach cancer depend:

  1. An oncological tumor is localized in the lower part of the stomach (in the antrum) - with this position of the tumor, the most pronounced symptoms are nausea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, a nasty and rotten smell from the mouth and from vomit.
  2. If the oncological tumor is located in that part of the stomach that fuses with the esophagus (cardiac part), the patient has problems with the passage of coarse food through the gastrointestinal tract. Hypersalivation may develop. As the size of the tumor increases, the intensity of symptoms increases. To them are added pain in stomach cancer, nausea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness at chest level, in the region of the heart or between the shoulder blades.
  3. The tumor affects the middle part of the stomach ("body"). In the early stages, specific symptoms are not observed. There are common symptoms of cancer: no appetite, weight loss, general weakness, anemia.

If the initial symptoms of a tumor appear, the doctor conducts additional examinations.

Symptoms of the disease

In addition to the specific symptoms of gastric cancer, general symptoms may appear that indicate the presence of a tumor:

  • fatigue and decreased performance;
  • a sharp decrease in weight;
  • general lethargy and sadness;
  • constant weakness;
  • apathy;
  • the presence of anemia.

Local features include:

  • lack of taste pleasure during and after eating;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite or its complete absence;
  • refusal to use certain products;
  • constant feeling of nausea and urge to vomit;
  • unexplained fever.

In a separate group, experts distinguish specific symptoms:

  1. Vomiting in the morning of the food the patient had the day before. This occurs when there is a tumor in the antrum. Food stagnates but is not digested.
  2. The presence of black grounds in vomit and loose stools is due to internal bleeding in the stomach.
  3. Food is difficult to pass through the gastrointestinal tract - this indicates a tumor in the initial section of the stomach.

If a patient has a stomach ulcer, it is necessary to carefully monitor his condition, noting the slightest changes in the course of the disease. If new symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If the taste has changed, appetite is lost, or pain appears when eating, these are the primary signs of stomach cancer.

Forms and stages of the disease

The oncological process of the gastric tract occurs in 3 forms:

  1. Latent - no symptoms. Detection of the tumor occurs during palpation of the abdomen or with an x-ray of the abdominal cavity, FGS.
  2. Painless - with this form, all the symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer are present, but there are no pain sensations.
  3. Painful form - especially pronounced pain in the upper region of the stomach. The pain is given to the lumbar region. Its occurrence is associated with food intake. In some cases, the pain lasts all day, aggravated by movement. There are no pain patterns in the symptoms of stomach cancer. The pain does not decrease after eating and does not appear on an empty stomach. Sometimes patients begin to treat sciatica or neuralgia. This is due to the fact that metastases grow into the pancreas, affecting it.

Stomach cancer occurs in 4 stages. At each stage of the cancer process, its specific signs are manifested. The early stage is characterized by the fact that a malignant formation with a diameter of up to 2 cm appears on the surface of the gastric mucosa. The tumor is localized in the stomach or in the lymph nodes.

Then the formation passes into the 2nd stage of development, penetrating into the deeper layers of the wall, spreading to a distance of 5-6 lymph nodes. This leads to disturbances in the process of digestion of food. When the tumor is located in the part of the stomach located near the duodenum, food does not enter the intestine. If the neoplasm is located near the esophagus, after its growth, food does not enter the stomach.

At stage 3, the tumor can spread to neighboring organs, affecting even more lymph nodes. The next and most difficult stage is metastasis. During this stage, cancer cells are shed from their origin, spreading throughout the body. Metastases affect other organs, provoking their pathology. Against the background of these processes, the work of vital organs is disrupted.

Manifestations depending on the stage of development of the pathology

At the initial stage of the disease, the following symptoms are present:

  • severe general weakness;
  • the presence of gases in the intestines;
  • lack of appetite;
  • feeling unwell;
  • nausea with false urge to vomit or vomit;
  • blood insufficiency due to internal hemorrhage;
  • pale skin;
  • feeling of a full stomach.

The above clinic may be accompanied by symptoms of concomitant pathologies. In this case, the specific signs of gastrointestinal cancer appear in the later stages. Additional laboratory tests are carried out to confirm the diagnosis.

There are symptoms that clearly indicate the presence of a malignant tumor in the stomach:

  1. The occurrence of discomfort in the chest area - it can be pain, a feeling of heaviness and squeezing, discomfort.
  2. Pathological disorder of food digestion - manifestations of this disorder are frequent belching, prolonged heartburn, a feeling of heaviness, the presence of gases in the intestines, bloating. Patients do not pay due attention to the manifestation of these symptoms. They learn about the disease only after an additional examination (if another disease is suspected).
  3. Problems with swallowing - it is difficult to swallow when a large bolus of food enters the tract. Against the background of the growth of the neoplasm, food does not pass through the esophagus into the stomach.
  4. Nausea occurs after eating and is prolonged.
  5. Feeling of nausea leading to vomiting - similar symptoms can occur after eating. If the cancer proceeds at a late stage, hematemesis is additionally observed. The patient shows signs of anemia.
  6. Bleeding is manifested by the presence of blood not only in the vomit, but also in the feces. This complication is noticeable visually (tar-black color of feces).
  7. Painful sensations that are localized not only in the chest area, but also between the shoulder blades, in the region of the heart and lower back.

When the above symptoms appear, urgent medical attention is required.

Diagnostic methods

More often, patients go to the doctor with complaints of stomach discomfort. This phenomenon is dyspepsia. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor conducts an examination, determining whether there is a malignant formation. Dyspepsia has its own characteristic symptoms:

  • poor appetite;
  • aversion to food that contains a lot of proteins (meat products, fish);
  • the presence of nausea and vomiting;
  • eating food does not cause pleasure;
  • feeling of "full stomach".

With the complex manifestation of the above symptoms, an urgent consultation of specialists is required. If the cancer is in the first or second stage, you can independently recognize the cancer.

At subsequent stages, endoscopy, histological examination and biopsy are prescribed. A common diagnostic method is contrast fluoroscopy, which is performed by filling the stomach with a contrast agent and determining its shape. This allows you to determine the elasticity of the walls and the presence of formations on the walls of the stomach.

At the same time, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is prescribed. This allows you to detect metastases and affected lymph nodes. If the disease is detected at an early stage, the chance of a five-year life expectancy with cancer is 90%.

This terrible diagnosis - always unexpected - causes panic in the patient and loved ones. Timely noticed symptoms of stomach cancer allow you to perform an operation in the early stages, which will increase a favorable prognosis. Many are inattentive to their health. Remember the signs of the disease in order to go to the doctor in time.

Symptoms and manifestations of stomach cancer

Cancerous tumors in the stomach are malignant neoplasms that, in most cases, men over the age of 50 are susceptible to. The disease is less common in women. The precancerous condition can last for many years - there is a slow change in cells. Symptoms of the early stage of the disease are similar to an ulcer or gastritis. With further development, the patient's condition worsens. Metastases of stomach cancer quickly occur, which can affect:

  • intestines;
  • lymph nodes;
  • pancreas;
  • bones;
  • ovaries;
  • lungs.

Causes of cancer of the stomach can be a genetic predisposition, heredity. Cancer is preceded by anemia, the presence of polyps, chronic gastritis. In addition, the disease depends on such reasons as:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • bad habits;
  • wrong way of life;
  • decreased immunity;
  • bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • psychological problems.

The first symptoms in the early stages

In oncology, at the remote stages of the development of the disease, they talk about the syndrome of small signs. At first, symptoms indistinguishable from ulcers and gastritis are observed. You should be examined if you have:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • increased salivation;
  • aversion to food;
  • lack of appetite;
  • belching, heartburn;
  • saturation in small portions.

With further development, it is possible to recognize such signs of stomach cancer as a change in appearance - an increase in the size of the abdomen with a general weight loss of the body. There is blood in the stool and vomit. Pain in stomach cancer becomes unbearable. In addition, there are signs:

  • discomfort in the upper abdomen;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • pain radiating to the heart, under the shoulder blade;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Symptoms detected at the zero stage, when the mucous membrane is damaged, are treated with endoscopic surgery. Chemotherapy is not required, drug treatment, folk remedies for stomach cancer are used. The recovery rate is high. At the first stage of the disease, metastases to the lymph nodes begin. In this case, in addition to surgery, chemotherapy is prescribed. Recovers up to 80% of patients.

2 stages

In the second stage, the signs of stomach cancer are complemented by the appearance of pain that needs to be anesthetized with special drugs. Characterized by fever, aversion to food. The capture of lymph node metastases develops. There are pains when swallowing food. Requires surgery and chemotherapy. The operation is excluded if there are vessels nearby. Produce treatment with radiation therapy, hormones, chemotherapy. The percentage of a favorable outcome is less - about 50%.

3 degrees

Patients go to the doctor more often only at this stage of cancer. The percentage of survival is significantly reduced, because in addition to the defeat of the stomach itself, metastases captured all the lymph nodes. The tumor significantly increases in size. Surgery and subsequent treatment with chemicals do not always lead to positive results. When surgical intervention is excluded, supportive therapy is prescribed.

At 4 stages

The last stage of the development of the disease is characterized by the rapid growth of metastases in neighboring organs. There are very severe pains that are not relieved by medications. There is an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, due to which it becomes immense in size. At this stage of gastric cancer, about 5% of patients survive. This is what the tumor looks like in the photo.

How to identify stomach cancer

The sooner the patient consults a doctor, the higher the likelihood of recovery. Cancer is diagnosed in various ways:

  • questioning the patient, identifying hereditary predispositions;
  • gastroscopic examination - a visual examination is performed using a special probe, if necessary, a tissue biopsy is taken;
  • histological studies - examine tissue samples to confirm the diagnosis;
  • x-ray examinations with a contrast agent help to see the change in the shape of the stomach.

To clarify the diagnosis and the degree of spread of metastases, diagnostics is carried out using:

  • Ultrasound - reveal signs of metastases in the abdominal cavity;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging - give a clearer picture of the development of the tumor process;
  • a blood test using tumor markers - confirms the diagnosis;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy - detect metastases in organs;
  • fecal analysis - the presence of blood is confirmed, which is a sign of cancer.

Correct diagnosis determines the location of the tumor. There is a cardiac variety, when the neoplasm is located in the upper part of the stomach. The tumor of the antrum is located below. There are different types of stomach cancer:

  • adenogenic;
  • diffuse;
  • polyposis;
  • endophytic;
  • cricoid;
  • squamous.

Poorly differentiated

This form of cancer is considered the most dangerous. Cells have increased activity and ability to grow. This is due to the fact that they are changing to the simplest form, in which they only feed and multiply. The signs of cancer are similar to other forms, only in this case there is an instant transition from one stage of the development of the disease to another.

Poorly differentiated cancer is poorly diagnosed at an early stage. Due to the rapid spread of the tumor can not be removed. The appearance of internal bleeding is characteristic when the neoplasm disintegrates. Symptoms of the disease appear:

  • girdle pain, if metastases in the pancreas;
  • yellowing of the skin, sclera with liver damage;
  • constipation, bloating, if the small intestine is disturbed;
  • heart-like pains in diaphragmatic metastases.


If you examine the cells of this malignant neoplasm under a microscope, you can see that they look like a ring. Hence the name - cricoid or cricoid cell carcinoma of the stomach. It is characterized by penetration into all layers of the body. Metastases spread very quickly, affecting the liver, pancreas, and intestines. In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic. For the later stages of the disease, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • aching pains;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool and with vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • aversion to food;
  • elevated temperature.

Cancer of the antrum

This is the lowest part of the stomach, where food is no longer digested, but is ground to small particles. In this part, cancer develops very often. A tumor of an infiltrative type - has no devilish borders. Development occurs in the tissues of the stomach, manifests itself in neighboring organs - the intestines, liver. In this case, the cells may not be interconnected, located far from each other. A sign of stomach cancer, in addition to the main symptoms of the disease, is a thickening of the walls, a violation of peristalsis.

Squamous cell carcinoma

In this case, the tumor consists of squamous epithelial cells that are embedded between glandular cells. They cover the mucous membrane, envelop the walls. The disease is difficult to detect at an early stage. Remove part of the stomach or completely, along with neighboring affected areas. Signs of stomach cancer in this case appear in the later stages. These include:

  • poor appetite;
  • aversion to meat;
  • fast saturation;
  • weight loss;
  • severe weakness.

Benign tumor of the stomach

The peculiarity of these neoplasms is that they grow slowly and do not pose a danger to life. The tumor in the stomach in the initial stages is asymptomatic and is detected by endoscopy. There are complications in the form of stomach cancer. As it grows, signs of the disease appear:

  • the appearance of pulling pain after eating;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting with blood;
  • burning behind the sternum;
  • high fatigue;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • dizziness with hidden bleeding.

Benign neoplasms are removed surgically, followed by drug treatment. The prognosis of life is favorable. There are forms of a benign tumor of the stomach, depending on the tissues from which it grows:

  • polyposis - glandular epithelium;
  • leiomyoma - submucosal tissues;
  • angioma - blood vessels;
  • neuroma - nervous tissue;
  • fibroma - connective.

Learn also what is polyposis of the stomach.


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