Cake from jelly in a slow cooker. Kissel Gagarin Pie: budget composition, minimal cooking time, few calories and great taste! Clear and helpful videos

How to cook pies, cakes, muffins with dry jelly. Cream for cakes and pastries with kissel in briquettes.

Baking with fruits and berries is very tasty. But what if they are neither fresh, nor frozen, nor canned?

Take dry fruit or berry jelly! Pies, muffins and cakes with it are obtained with an unusual pleasant texture, beautiful color, airy, tender, melting in your mouth.

Dry jelly pie in the oven

Kissel pie, which is baked in the oven, has more than a simple recipe. It seems that it was invented by the hostess, who had a pack of jelly lying around, and she simply did not know what to do with it.

So I decided to whip up a delicious treat. I must say, this culinary experiment was a success. The baking recipe "walks" on the Internet, many people liked it.

IMPORTANT: Kissel in a briquette is crumbled by beating with a hammer for chops or rolling with a rolling pin

For unusual baking, you need just nothing:

  • 1 pack of jelly weighing 250 g
  • 3 art. tablespoons of sifted flour
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • soda as a baking powder
  1. The first thing the hostess should do is decide on the jelly. Usually, they take raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, so that the pulp of the pie is a pleasant pink. But you can be original by choosing blackcurrant, then the pie will be an unusual lilac.
  2. There is another very interesting option - take a few kissels, make a domino pie or a zebra pie out of them.
  3. The actual process of making a pie begins with turning on the oven. It is necessary that it warms up to 180 degrees.
  4. The eggs are broken and lightly beaten.
  5. Kissel should be in powder form. If it is sold in a briquette, it is crushed.
  6. The powder is mixed with eggs, soda, flour are added.
  7. The dough must be very well mixed. It is poured into a mold, sent for baking for 20 minutes.
  8. If desired, raisins, nut crumbs, grated chocolate, the same fresh or frozen berries, fruit pieces can be added to the dough.
  9. When serving, decorate the cake at your discretion - powdered sugar, whipped cream, etc.

IMPORTANT: To make the pie even more porous, add 1 tbsp to the dough. a spoonful of mayonnaise

Dry jelly pie in a slow cooker

Such a pie can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. The dough is prepared in exactly the same way, but you still need butter to grease the bowl.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the brand and model of the multicooker, the jelly pie is cooked in it from 45 to 65 minutes. Select the "Baking" mode

VIDEO: Pie on jelly in a slow cooker

Kissel pie in packs without eggs

If you cook a pie on dry jelly without adding chicken eggs, the dessert recipe changes somewhat. Take:

  • Kissel in a briquette 250 g
  • 0.5 cup sour cream
  • 5 st. spoons of flour
  • 3 art. spoons of semolina

  1. Bring the jelly to a powder state.
  2. Kissel, flour, semolina and soda are mixed.
  3. Add sour cream.
  4. Add the desired pie filling.
  5. Bake a dessert dish in the oven or slow cooker.

VIDEO: Pie "Kiselnaya young lady"

Kissel cake in briquettes: a recipe with margarine in a slow cooker

Briquette jelly pies serve as a worthy substitute for biscuit cakes and are successfully used for making cakes. Then they are baked thin or cut in half in thickness.

Such cakes are smeared with any creams:

  • boiled condensed milk
  • sour cream
  • oily
  • creamy
  • from jam
  • from jam and gelatin
  • from jelly

The biscuit for the cake will be even tastier if you make it on margarine according to the following recipe.


  • Kissel briquette in 250 g
  • margarine - 250 g
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 0.75 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon of soda

  1. Margarine is drowned, making sure that it does not burn. Combine it with crumbled jelly.
  2. Beat the eggs, pour them into the mass of jelly-margarine, stir well.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the sifted flour and ordinary baking soda.
  4. Combine all the components of the biscuit dough and knead well.
  5. Such a biscuit stands in the oven a little longer: half an hour at 220 degrees.

Cream for the cake is prepared, for example, like this:

  • mix 200 g of condensed milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 chicken egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • put the mixture on a very slow fire and cook for 5 minutes
  • cakes smeared with cream are soaked for half an hour - an hour

VIDEO: Quick jelly cake easy and simple

Kissel cream for cake: recipe

Dry jelly is used to make not only cake layers, but also delicious custard. For him you need:

  • 1 briquette of jelly weighing 250 g
  • 200 ml cream 10%
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 50 g butter

  1. Kissel is crumbled, the resulting crumb is poured with cream from the refrigerator.
  2. Sugar is rubbed with yolks, combined with jelly and cream.
  3. The cream is put on fire and, stirring constantly, is heated until it thickens.
  4. Add oil to the cream removed from the heat, mix until smooth and cool.

Dry jelly cupcake: recipe

A large figured cake or small portioned cupcakes on dry jelly are prepared a little more difficult than a pie, however, just as quickly. If desired, you can add raisins, candied fruits, chocolate, berries, pieces of fruit to them.

  • 250-gram kissel briquette
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 g vanillin
  • 5 st. spoons of flour
  • 3 art. spoons of powdered sugar

  1. Mix crushed sour briquette with flour, powdered sugar and vanilla. Add a pinch of salt and 0.5 teaspoon of soda there.
  2. One by one, chicken eggs are driven into the mixture of dry ingredients, knead thoroughly.
  3. Lastly add sour cream.
  4. A well-mixed mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream, is poured into a mold and placed in an oven heated to 180 degrees.
  5. Kisel cake will be ready in 35 minutes. Decorate it before serving at your discretion.

Kissel biscuit: recipe in a slow cooker

An airy biscuit from a multicooker, one of the ingredients of which is jelly in a briquette, can simply be eaten with tea. If you cut it into 3-4 cakes and grease with cream in a hurry, you get a delicious quick cake.

  • 250 g dry jelly
  • 5 chicken eggs
  • 5 st. spoons of flour
  • 5 st. spoons of boiled water
  • 5 st. spoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of soda
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil

  1. Crumble kissel.
  2. Crack the eggs, separating the yolks from the whites. Proteins are sent to the refrigerator.
  3. The yolks are combined with soda and water. For 1 minute, beat them with a mixer into foam.
  4. Kissel crumbs are added to the foam. Beat for 3 minutes, usually enough for the mass to bubble.
  5. Add flour to the mass, continue to beat.
  6. In a separate bowl, combine the cooled proteins and sugar, beat until white.
  7. In portions, add the protein cream to the jelly dough, stirring with a spoon, but not with a mixer.
  8. The multicooker bowl is smeared with oil. Then spread the airy dough into it, level it.
  9. Put the appliance in the "Baking" mode for 45 minutes.

VIDEO: Cupcakes on dry jelly in 30 minutes

Today's pie on jelly in a slow cooker all sweet tooth will be appreciated. It's delicious, saves money, and is easy to make. This time I made a pear pie, but this is not a required ingredient. You can use any berries and fruits, or you can not add them at all. All options are amazing.


  • 1 pack of dry jelly (220 g)
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour (with a slide)
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder
  • 1 pear
  • butter or vegetable oil for greasing the bowl

Recipe for jelly pie in a slow cooker:

In a bowl, mix dry ingredients: flour, soda, baking powder, jelly. Kissel, if necessary, crush.

Beat the eggs with a mixer until foamy, pour into the dry mixture, mix. Beating the eggs is optional. You can, without beating the eggs, mix with the dry mixture. This will be the dough for our pie.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, randomly cut the pears and lay them on the bottom. It turns out beautifully if you put pear slices in the sun.

Pour the pieces of pear with dough, close the lid of the multicooker, select the “baking” mode on the panel. The baking time is set to one hour.

After the beep, the delicious sweet jelly cake is ready. We take it out of the slow cooker using a container or steaming tray and enjoy the taste of hot or cold pear pie.

Happy tea!!!

Surprised? We, too! However, it is really tasty, low-calorie (only 150 kcal per 100 g) and quite simple: the recipe will suit even inexperienced housewives without special culinary skills!

The dessert turns out crumbly and just melts in your mouth! By the way, in the process of cooking, you can and should constantly experiment - after all, the taste and color directly depend on jelly, so the same recipe will not set your teeth on edge for a long time!

With just a few inexpensive ingredients, minimal prep time, and you can serve up a delicious, colorful cake.

This is a great substitute for store-bought sweets and will be delicious for both adults and children!

Kissel dessert

What is it

Dry jelly pie can be safely called a quick porous biscuit. Unlike the classic biscuit, which is prepared on the basis of sugar, the composition of the jelly "biscuit" will include only dry jelly without additional sweeteners.

Why is a jelly cake also called a "sponge"? Here the whole secret is in the starch contained in the jelly. It is thanks to him that the cake “rises” and becomes magnificent, while its structure resembles a sponge.

Important: it is better to choose red or raspberry jelly - cherry, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, wild berries, fruit and berries.

Is it caloric

Of course, kissels are high in calories. They are prepared on the basis of fruit or berry decoction and starch. The calorie content of jelly depends on its main ingredient. The most high-calorie is vanilla jelly in milk, but berry and fruit jelly already have fewer calories.

Here is a list of calories for different types of jelly:

  • jelly from berries - 79 kcal.,
  • currant berries 60 kcal.,
  • cranberries 53 kcal.,
  • cherry berries 51 kcal.,
  • milk 100 kcal.

Which to choose

For baking, almost any jelly in briquettes, which can be found on the shelves of modern stores, is suitable. Of course, you need to study the composition of the product: it is important that it contains fruit or berry juice, otherwise it's just starch with sugar and flavors!

The taste of jelly is better to choose the one that will go best with your pastries. Some kissels give a bright color and an unusual aroma:

Recipes with photos

In the oven

They say that the pie got its name because the first cosmonaut really liked it. We don’t know if this is true or not, but the recipe is painfully beautiful, so anything is possible!

KBJU per 100 gr.: 153 kcal., 7.75 gr. protein, 5.5 gr. fat, 18.5 gr. carbohydrates.

  • 1 pack of dry jelly in 250 gr.,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 3 art. l. flour,
  • baking powder - 10 gr.

How to cook:

In a slow cooker

  • Kissel cherry dry packaged 90 gr.,
  • Flour 3 tbsp,
  • Soda 0.5 tsp,
  • Eggs 3 pcs.


Bon appetit!

Cake with yogurt

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • dry jelly orange concentrate 250 gr.,
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • flour 2 tbsp,
  • frozen or fresh berries
  • plain yoghurt without taste 250 ml.,
  • slaked soda 1 tsp,
  • butter for lubrication,
  • semolina and cocoa for sprinkling 1 tbsp.

We need yogurt to layer the cakes so that the cake is more juicy and turns into a cake. However, remember that jelly is generally sweet, so we recommend choosing a tasteless option.

How to do:

Clear and helpful videos

Visual recipes with explanations:

Rejuvenating Kissel Pie:

Kissel pastries are very common now. I'm not baking for the first time jelly pie, it is also called "Kiselnaya young lady". The pie recipe includes dry jelly from a pack, the dough turns out to be very airy, like a sponge. If you conjure a little with this jelly base, prepare any cream for it, then you will get a wonderful delicate jelly cake.

The composition includes only 3 eggs, so for a festive high biscuit cake, you can bake two such cakes. This is a completely different story, but today we will simply bake a jelly cake in a slow cooker and sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Kissel pie in a slow cooker

For juiciness and flavor, I propose to cook pear jelly pie, it turns out delicious, with a pear note. Such an airy and light cake will appeal to lovers of the sweet tooth!

For tea, when guests are about to come, it can be prepared very quickly if you have everything for this in your kitchen. And while you are talking, the jelly pie will be baked. You can serve it warm or cold, it's delicious! What wins multi-cooking - no need to run and look into the oven for baking. The diameter of the multicooker bowl allows you to cook it ideal in height, not low and not very high. For the price, a jelly pie can be attributed to a budget option, but its taste will please you much more!


  • Kissel dry - 1 briquette (220 grams),
  • Eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons with a slide,
  • Pear - 1 piece,
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • Baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • Butter for greasing the bowl.

Cooking process:

To prepare the ingredients for the recipe, I chose dry jelly with strawberry flavor in my pie.

To begin with, crush a briquette of dry jelly into powder. I pushed with an ordinary wooden pusher. The jelly briquette is not very hard, crumbles quickly, without much effort.

Put the jelly powder into a bowl, where mix it with dry ingredients: soda, baking powder and flour. We mix everything thoroughly.

Next, beat the eggs and add to our dry mixture. We mix everything. Here we have such a beautiful consistency of dough on jelly.

My pear. Cut into slices, remove the seeds.

Next, grease the multicooker bowl or the cake pan in the oven with butter. We spread the pear, arbitrarily, as you like. I laid it out like a flower, so that in every piece, when you cut the pie on jelly, you could feel the taste of a pear.

In general, here you can add different fruits, which you like best. And chop into large or small pieces. Pour all this with liquid biscuit-jelly dough and set to bake.

Cook a pie on jelly in a Panasonic multicooker with a bowl volume of 4.5 liters in the “baking” mode, cooking time for 65 minutes.

The exact same jelly pie in the oven needs to be baked for much less time, about 25 minutes. Approximately - because in many respects the baking time depends on the diameter of the form, the wider it is, the less baked. But the height of the cake, respectively, in a wide mold is lower.

Baking is over and our cake is ready! We take it out of the multicooker bowl, carefully, using the double boiler basket. To do this, insert the steaming tray into the bowl as it should be and turn the cake over onto it. Then we cover on jelly with a wide dish and turn it over.

When the pear charlotte from the jelly has cooled down, the cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or poured with icing.

For the recipe and step-by-step photos of making a jelly pie in a slow cooker, we thank Svetlana Kislovskaya!

A pleasant tea party wishes you the site Notebook of recipes!

In the slow cooker, you can bake a wide variety of pastries, from the simplest buns to delicious cakes. Today I bring to your attention a very simple, and at the same time delicious recipe:.

This recipe is really basic. It requires the very minimum of products, and the pie is prepared easily and quickly. And it makes a great treat for tea.

Dry kissels in our stores are presented in a huge assortment, from all the fruits and berries that probably exist in the world. To make a pie, you can take any. Choose the one that suits you best. I had cranberry, the pie with it turned out with a characteristic sourness. If you like sweeter ones, take strawberry or, for example, peach.

Pie Ingredients:

  • pack of jelly 220 gr.
  • four tablespoons of flour
  • one teaspoon baking powder
  • three eggs

How to bake a jelly pie in a slow cooker:

We take out the jelly from the pack, break the lumps. Add baking powder with flour.

Mix and pour over beaten eggs.

Stir until smooth.

Put the dough into a greased multicooker bowl.

We bake pie from jelly in a slow cooker within 60 minutes.

We take out with the help of a container for a couple.

A simple jelly pie is ready! Can be cut and served with tea. And you can miss something, as it turns out dryish. You can also add various fruits or berries to this pie. There are many ways to make this pie.

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