Presentation Kravchenko 11 cells evolutionary chain of humanity. The cultural component of evolution is a presentation for a lesson in social science (Grade 10) on the topic. scientists about man

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Origin and development of man

Chuprov L.A. MKOU secondary school No. 3 with. Stone-Fisher of the Khanka district of Primorsky Krai.

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Human Origins

Human development

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If we mentally look at the path he traveled, we will see what huge changes have occurred in the way of life of people, in their appearance, forms of communication and in the environment.

From the moment of appearance on Earth and until the beginning of the 21st century, man has come a long way of development.

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Saudi Arabia

Kenya Tanzania Ethiopia Sudan Indian Ocean Red Sea

The first people appeared 2-3 million years ago. Africa is the ancestral home of humanity.

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in the nature of biological needs: in food, offspring, security, etc.

Man is a biosocial being.

As a natural (biological) being, man had much in common with animals:

in the structure of the body

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Primitive people did not know how to speak, had a smaller brain than modern man, some animal-like features of appearance.

lived and worked together

differed from animals in the ability to make and use the simplest tools.

Slide 7

2. Human development

About 40 thousand years ago, a man appeared who resembled outwardly modern people, “reasonable man”, “Homo sapiens”.

Straight gait

Improved hand

Increased brain size

articulate speech

Slide 8

In collective labor activity, man developed as a social, social being.

The life of a “reasonable person” has also changed:

He learned to make new tools from wood, flint, and bone.

He learned how to make fire, sew clothes and build a dwelling.

Slide 9

However, in the process of evolution, people developed a special system of communication - a language that made it possible to express thoughts using words and sentences.

Primitive people lived in small groups, hunted and worked together. For joint hunting to be successful, they needed to coordinate their actions, that is, to somehow communicate with each other.

Many animals that live in packs communicate with each other through growls, body movements, and calls.

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When talking, people communicate their thoughts, feelings, requests to each other.

Without language, human society and civilization could not exist.

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The tribal community has replaced the human herd.

This form of association of ancient people was more stable. It was based on consanguinity, collective labor and egalitarian distribution.

About 8-10 thousand years ago, man made the transition from gathering and hunting to agriculture and cattle breeding.

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From the appropriation of ready-made products of nature, people moved on to their production. They have become a joint effort to change, transform the world around us, cultivate it.

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The division of labor led to the emergence of crafts.

There are cities, states.

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Customs, traditions, religion, laws become the basis of moral, religious and legal norms of human life in society.

People are devoting more and more time to art, science, and education.

Rules are created to regulate human behavior in society.

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All these are the constituent elements of culture.

Culture becomes the second environment for human existence.

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Main task: As a result of the study, it is necessary to study all stages of human evolution and confirm or refute (in your opinion) the theory of Charles Darwin, "Theory of Natural Selection". (Here expresses his opinion about the origin and development of man).

Ardipithecus ramidus An early hominin found in Ethiopia, Ardipithecus ramidus, lived 4.4 million years ago. It is likely that Ardipithecus lived in humid and wooded habitats, then environmental changes served as an impetus for human evolution.

Australopithecus anamensis Australopithecus anamensis appeared about 4.2 million years ago. The structure of the bones of its legs suggests that this Australopithecus was bipedal, however, in the structure of teeth and jaws, it is very similar to later fossil monkeys. Australopithecus anamensis lived in dry forests.

Australopithecus afarensis It appeared in East Africa, 4-3 million years ago. from the "parabolic" palate of modern man); - a small brain box (430 cc, not much larger than that of a chimpanzee). But there are many differences from monkeys, the main of which is walking on two legs.

Paranthropus aethiopicus 2.7 million years ago in East Africa, a new group of ancient hominids appeared - "robust", distinguished by very large molars (they are sometimes referred to Australopithecus, sometimes they are isolated in a separate genus Paranthropus). Paranthropus aethiopicus is believed to have evolved from Australopithecus afarensis and was the ancestor of Paranthropus boisei.

Paranthropus boisei Appeared million years ago, in East Africa. In this species, the tendencies of the "robust" evolutionary line are most fully expressed. Traditionally, these signs are interpreted as traits of extreme specialization in chewing coarse plant foods.

Homo habilis million years ago, East Africa. This representative of the genus Homo made primitive stone tools. The size of the brain averaged 650 cm3 and ranged from 500 to 800 cm3. Habilis was 1.5 meters tall and supposedly weighed about 45 kilograms. Males were larger than females, but habilis did not have such a pronounced difference in size between the sexes.

Homo rudolfensis 1.8 million years ago, Vost. AfricaSkull volume 775 cc see - much more than Australopithecus, and more than typical habilis. H.rudolfensis is also distinguished by the weak development of the supraorbital ridge. The flat face of Homo rudolfensis suggests a close relationship to Kenyanthropus platyops

Homo georgicus Age 1.8 million years. Found in Dmanisi (Georgia) in 2001. Brain volume cc. Height 1.5m. This discovery forces us to reconsider old theories about when and why people settled outside of Africa. It is now clear that the first to do this were not intelligent and progressive Pithecanthropes, but forms that were transitional between Pithecanthropes and the most ancient Homo, which still possessed a very small brain.

Homo ergaster lived a million years ago. The skull is rounded, superciliary arches are strongly developed. The teeth are small, especially compared to Australopithecus. Brain volume 880 cu. see The transition from the most ancient people to Homo ergaster was the most important qualitative leap in the evolution of hominids. At the same time, two important changes occurred: - The size of the body increased sharply. - Increased the proportion of animal foods in the diet

Homo erectus The members of erectus, who lived 1.5 million years ago, had a brain volume of about 900 cm3. One of the characteristic features of these hominids was very thick brow ridges and an elongated, low skull. The teeth are almost like those of a modern person, the chin was absent. He knew how to use fire and devoured his own kind

Homo sapiens The volume of the brain is on average 1300 cubic meters. see Flattened, high, almost vertical forehead. Superciliary ridges are reduced. The oldest finds in Africa years ago; in Zap. Asia - more than a year ago. They first had real art (rock painting, see here); technical progress accelerated sharply; improved hunting techniques. The latter, however, also had a negative effect. here

Lesson #5-6

Social Studies, 10

human nature

D.Z.: § 3, ?? (p. 34), assignments (p. 35)

© Kulikov R.V.

© ed. A.I. Kolmakov

Concepts, terms

  • Category;
  • human existence;
  • Man is a product of the biological, social, cultural revolution;
  • Individual;
  • Individuality;
  • Personality

Learning new material for questions

  • Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution.
  • Purpose and meaning of human life.
  • Human Sciences.

1. Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution.

They say that the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes on a bright sunny day, raising a lit lantern high above his head, walked around the city and peered intently at people. He was asked:

-Who are you looking for, Diogenes?

“I am looking for a man,” replied the philosopher.

Man is all woven from paradoxes:

  • Man is an animal, but exists not in nature, but in society
  • He has instincts, but he is guided primarily by reason
  • Man is born in nature, but tries to subjugate it to himself
  • A person has a mind, but there is also an unconscious
  • Who is man?
  • What are its features?

Theories of the origin of man

The cosmic origin of man (the origin of all life from outer space or the theory that we are all ancestors of space aliens)

Divine origin - the whole world, including man is a creation of God, God created man in his own image and likeness


from the animal world

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. .

Science is dominated by the theory of the origin of man from the animal world, based on the theory of Ch. Darwin on the origin of species, as well as the version that labor and the evolution of the labor process led to the emergence of Homo sapiens - F. Engels "The role of labor in the process of turning a monkey into human"

Anthropogenesis - the process of formation and development of man


(14-20 million years ago)


(5-8 million years ago)


homo habilis

(handy man) about 2 million years ago

Homo erectus , man erect,

1-1.3 million years ago

The process of anthropogenesis is completed by a species called Cro-Magnon ( homo sapiens ) - intelligent person

How do you understand the biological and social principles in a person?

Biological principles - those signs that are inherent in man as part of the animal world, what makes him related to animals

Social principles - those features that distinguish a person from any animal, which gave him interaction with other people.

Make a table!

Biological principles in man

Instincts, needs for food, sleep, air, presence of a body,

Social principles in man

Biological and social principles in man

human being biosocial

Man like biological being belongs to the higher mammals, forming a special species homo sapiens . Human nature is manifested in its anatomy, physiology: circulatory, muscular, nervous and other systems.

Man like social being inextricably linked with society. A person becomes a person only by entering into social relations, into communication with others. The social essence of a person is manifested through such properties as the ability and readiness for socially useful work, consciousness, reason, freedom and responsibility.



The process of formation and development of man

The process of formation and development of society



Purpose and meaning of life Why am I? The meaning of life is the conviction that life is worth living.

Human nature

plan your life






Purpose and meaning of life

Give a description of the main approaches to determining the meaning of life

P. 3 p. 30 textbook, table

Point of view

What approach to understanding the meaning of life is closest to you?

Approaches to understanding the meaning of life

  • Hedonistic: desire for pleasure (Epicurus (341-270 BC)).
  • Ascetic: suppression of inclinations and desires (cynics, Diogenes (400-325 BC)).
  • Humble Stoic: subordination to necessity, fate (the Stoics, Zeno (336-264 BC)).
  • Religious: selfless service to God.
  • Categorically imperative: live in accordance with the moral law: “Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always become the principle of universal legislation” (I. Kant (1724-1804).
  • Effectively humanistic: a person must realize his inner potential.

What will happen after me?

We appreciate life because it is not endless

mortal man-

part of "immortal"

human race





3. Human sciences

The essence of man

Practical conclusions:

1. Man is a historical being. Each of us, as it were, "stands on the shoulders" of many generations of our ancestors. Man is responsible for life on Earth and the future of mankind.

2. It is necessary to realize the significance of a person, to understand the meaning of life, to choose worthy goals, to consciously make a choice of a life path, for which it is worth living.

3. It is important to understand that human life is valuable in itself, and the prospect of humanity lies in the development of the individual in harmony with nature, society and one's own inner world.

  • Today I found out...
  • It was interesting…
  • It was difficult…
  • I learned…
  • I was able...
  • I was surprised...
  • I wanted…

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Slides captions:

The cultural component of evolution Lesson 2 Grade 10 social science

The need for culture is the result of the evolution of the human race.

Upright walking Large brain Presence of a second signaling system Thinking Language and consciousness Longer childhood Mastering tools and fire = > Transition from biological to cultural evolution Distinguishes Man from animal: Cro-Magnon man. Reconstruction by Z. Burian

Culture - a set of traditions, customs, social norms, rules that regulate the behavior of those who live now, and transmitted to those who will live tomorrow Anthropologists define culture Burial of a boy from Sungiri and its reconstruction by G.V.

Man learns how to interpret the world around him and how to respond to it. Animals do not need this The process of socialization - teaching cultural norms Tools of the Mesolithic era

Actions dictated by the biological principle do not allow any freedom. (involuntary reactions: for example: withdrawing a hand from a hot one, sneezing, scratching) Conscious necessity is expressed in the fact that a person subordinates his instinctive freedom to social necessity (from 2 I behave as I please "to" I behave as social decency requires ”) Freedom and Responsibility

Freedom - the ability of a person to act in accordance with their interests and goals; the ability to perform certain actions depending on the circumstances Textbook p. 17 on freedom paragraph 1 after the definition of Freedom and responsibility

Responsibility - the duty and willingness of a person to be responsible for the actions, deeds and consequences

Homework: paragraph number 2 retelling, workshop c. 1 in writing

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The Role and Place of the National-Cultural Component in English Lessons and Out of School Time

This material presents the importance of the national-cultural component in English lessons. The material was presented to the pedagogical community at the scientific and practical conference "University ...

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Development of cultural and hygienic skills among pupils of the Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors. Methodological developments for teachers (on the development of cultural and hygiene ...

The influence of the cultural and educational space of the gymnasium on raising the cultural level of the graduate.

The cultural and educational space of the gymnasium enriches the spiritual world of schoolchildren. It is impossible not to note the high role of geography in the aesthetic education of students: in shaping the perception of beauty ...

Lesson of social orientation in the 6th grade. (Ethno-cultural component). Developed and conducted by the SBO teacher Lepeshkina Olga Evgenievna.

Topic: "Tea brewing according to Khakass folk traditions." Purpose: to teach how to brew a tea drink according to the rules, observing folk traditions. Tasks. Teaching: to systematize and summarize theoretical ...

Methodical development "Socio-cultural competence - one of the main components in teaching English".

Learning to communicate in a foreign language implies the acquisition of socio-cultural knowledge and skills. Without them, there is no practical mastery of the language. It follows from this that the cultural orientation ...

Lessons 1-2 “Evolutionary chain of man. Cultural components of evolution»

Lesson 1 "The evolutionary chain of man."

The development of the human race lasted 7 million years

Now a person goes all this way in the womb
mother: he develops speech, hearing, memory,
touch, and most importantly, the human brain.
After birth, we do not go through an evolutionary, but
cultural path of development - after all, everything
biological prerequisites are ready.
Question: what skills does the baby acquire after

human personality

The foundations of the human personality are laid
at 5-7 years, then they are adjusted and
are honed.
Compare: 7 million years - 7 years
millennia shrunk into months and days


Based on the figure on page 10 draw conclusions
how a person and his brain have changed in the course of

The emergence of society

In the course of evolution, there
qualitative leap - did not occur
just a human, but HUMAN
Human history begins
run by special
social, laws.


Consider the drawing on
page 12 in the textbook, which
conclusions you can draw
looking at him?


The more instincts, the less role
The less instincts, the greater the role
Parents for a child are substitutes for nature,
they must convey to him norms and models
behaviors created by society.

Let's think...

Man learns from his own
bugs, and animals
they don't make mistakes.

Born without a programmed
behavior, people had to rediscover
learn how to interpret
environment and how
react to it.
Animals don't have to do anything.
Gradually, from generation to generation,
culture began to take shape.

Culture is...

A collection of traditions
customs, social norms,
rules governing
the behavior of those who live
now and transmitted topics,
who will live tomorrow.

Man is a biosocial individual.

The physical development of man has ceased 40
thousand years ago.
By this time, all the signs had formed,
which distinguish man from animals.
Name them...
All this served as a transition from biological
evolution to cultural.
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