Recipes for cooking eggplant with meat in the oven. Eggplant stuffed with meat, baked in the oven: recipe. Eggplant with meat and potatoes

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 60 min

Eggplant with meat in the oven, a recipe with a photo of which I offer you, simple to perform and incredibly tasty dish. And although the meat with vegetables is baked with a little oil, it can be served both hot and cold. In the first case, this is a hearty second course, in the second, a bright appetizer with pork and blue ones.

Absolutely for sure, even someone who knows how to cook only scrambled eggs can cook this dish. No wisdom. A piece of boneless pork, eggplant of any shape and size, some vegetables and a delicious tomato sauce. The last ingredient is especially important. It’s good if you have either mashed tomatoes in stock, but you can use store-bought Italian-style sauces - pasta sauce. But no ketchup!

Mediterranean Kitchen.
Cooking time: 60 min.
Servings Per Container: 2.

- eggplant - 2-3 pieces;
- boneless pork - 250 g;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
- tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- garlic - 1 clove;
- salt and pepper - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- dry spices - a pinch.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the pork into small pieces so that it cooks quickly. Grease the form with butter or vegetable oil. Spread the meat in a thin layer.

Wash, peel and chop the onion and sweet bell pepper. Sprinkle pork with onions and then with meaty peppers. Sprinkle the onion-pepper layer with salt and pepper.

Wash eggplants of any shape and size, remove the stalk, cut as you like, but not thinly. Drizzle with vegetable or olive oil on top.

Cover the baking dish with a lid or foil so that the contents do not bake immediately, but languish in their own juice for some time. Send the form to the oven heated to 180 C for 30 minutes.

After the specified time, remove the form, remove the foil or remove the lid. Put tomato sauce / mashed tomatoes or thick tomato juice with pulp on a layer of eggplants. If the sauce is not salty, sprinkle with salt and dry herbs. Season the spicy tomato sauce with a pinch of sugar. Add a clove of garlic cut lengthwise. For the next 30 minutes, bake eggplant with meat in the oven, without covering with a lid or foil.

The finished dish looks like in the photo: the eggplants are “tired” and soaked in tomato sauce, the meat has become soft and tender, and the sauce has thickened to the desired consistency. The finished dish can be sprinkled with good olive oil.

Arrange a fragrant, beautiful and very appetizing dish in portioned dishes and serve immediately. Put tender pork, stewed eggplant, and pieces of vegetables in each plate. Top with thick sauce, which was formed during baking.

Eggplant with meat in the oven is a hearty and healthy meal. Lean meat and lots of vegetables with natural tomato sauce cooked in a gentle way - languishing under foil and delicate baking.

Bon appetit and good health!
Author: Polina Kalinina
Also try to cook

Eggplants were brought to Russia 2-3 centuries ago. But due to their taste and useful properties, they quickly became popular. They help lower blood cholesterol, improve heart function and normalize the water balance in the body. Eggplant contains many vitamins and carotene, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Eggplants are boiled, fried, grilled and in the oven, and if you stew them with meat, you get a royal dish.

Stewed eggplant with meat

Royal meat stewed eggplant

To cook eggplant stewed with meat, you will need: - 400 g of beef; - 4 large eggplants; - 1 head of onion; - 1 carrot; - 1 potato; - 3 ripe tomatoes; - 2 bell peppers; - 2 tablespoons vegetable oil; - a small bunch of greens.

The meat must be washed, dried and cut into large pieces. Then pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and fry the beef on it, salt and pepper it. Carrots and onions should be peeled, cut into cubes and put in a saucepan with meat. Pour in 1/4 cup of cold boiled water, cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer the meat and vegetables over low heat.

At this time, you should wash, peel the potatoes and cut into thick circles. Bulgarian pepper must be freed from the stalk and seeds, and then cut into cubes. Tomatoes and eggplants should be washed and cut into small slices, and the greens should be finely chopped.

During the preparation of meat with vegetables according to this recipe, vegetables do not need to be salted, but for piquancy they can be peppered and sprinkled with seasonings

Next, you need to put all the ingredients in a saucepan for meat with vegetables in layers: potatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and greens. If there is little liquid left in the saucepan, then it is necessary to add a little more water and, having covered the dishes with a lid, simmer the meat and vegetables until tender, stirring occasionally and adding water if necessary. After 30 minutes, beef with vegetables will be ready.

Before serving, place the meat with vegetables in portioned plates and sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Zucchini stewed with meat and eggplant

To prepare stewed zucchini with eggplant and meat according to the Assorted recipe, you need to take: - 500 g of pork loin; - 2 eggplants; - 2 zucchini; - 1 head of onion; - 1 carrot; - 3 tablespoons olive oil; - 100 ml of tomato juice; - 2 cloves of garlic; - ground black pepper and salt.

First of all, you need to wash and dry the pork loin, and then cut it into small cubes and put it in a pan with heated olive oil and fry for 7 minutes over high heat until the meat turns golden brown. Then the pan with the pork loin must be removed from the stove and the meat should be transferred to a deeper pan.

Step by step cooking recipes delicious meat with eggplant, tomatoes and cheese in the oven

2018-09-27 Alena Kameneva and Yakovleva Kira





In 100 grams of the finished dish

9 gr.

11 gr.


3 gr.

142 kcal.

Option 1: The original recipe for meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven

If you take care in advance that there is marinated meat in the refrigerator, then any lunch or dinner can be cooked in 10-15 minutes. So, today I bring to your attention a recipe for excellent meat with grilled vegetables.

Any meat can be used, chicken, turkey, pork are suitable. I suggest taking a good piece of bone-in pork. As for the side dish, vegetables are ideal. I suggest giving preference to eggplant, peppers, onions and juicy ripe cherry tomatoes, also add cilantro and a little dressing - you get a chic combination.


  • pork on the bone - 300 g;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • spices for grilled meat - 1 tbsp;
  • mustard grains - 1 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • eggplant - 100 g;
  • bell pepper - ½ pcs.;
  • red onion - ½ pc.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • cilantro - 6 branches;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • dry garlic - 2 pinches.

Cooking process

Prepare the marinade first - pour soy sauce, vegetable oil into a bowl, add mustard grains, spices for grilled meat, salt and pepper to taste. Mix marinade. In such a marinade, meat can stand for 4 days.

Wash and dry the pork, transfer the meat to the marinade and seal cling film leave in the refrigerator for at least a few hours.

When the time for marinating the meat has expired, you can start preparing the side dish - wash and dry the peeled vegetables. Coarsely chop the eggplant, red onion, bell pepper and cherry tomatoes. Cherry put aside for a while.

Pepper, onion and eggplant fry in a grill pan, with a few tablespoons of olive oil.

Transfer the fried vegetables to a bowl and add fresh cherry slices. Wash and dry the cilantro, chop and add to the vegetables. Pour in salt and pepper to taste, add a couple of pinches of dry garlic and wine vinegar.

Mix all ingredients and set aside to infuse.

In the same pan, fry the marinated meat on both sides, fry for 1-1.5 minutes on each side so that the meat grabs a golden crust.

Now seal the meat in foil and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 10-15 minutes.

Serve meat and vegetables on the same plate.

Bon appetit!

Option 2: A quick recipe for meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven

To save valuable time, instead of whole pieces of meat, you can use fresh minced meat without additives.
Tender eggplants with juicy meat and tomatoes under a crispy cheese crust - an excellent dish, both for a regular dinner and for holiday table, especially if you put it on a large plate and decorate with fresh herbs.


  • minced meat - 250 gr;
  • eggplant - 6 pcs;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • cheese - 100 gr.

How to quickly cook meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven

On each washed eggplant, make an incision (longitudinally), dip in boiling salted water and cook for seven minutes.

Chop the onion, fry together with minced meat.

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, cut.

Rub the cheese.

On a baking sheet, greased with oil, put the eggplant, in the cuts of which carefully place the minced meat and tomatoes. Sprinkle cheese on top.

Bake at medium temperature for half an hour.

Decorate the finished dish with fresh herbs.

Eggplants are especially useful in autumn and spring, as they contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps in the fight against colds, and B, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Those who often suffer from insomnia or bad mood should definitely include eggplant in their daily diet.

Option 3: Meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the Sochi oven

The Sochi recipe for meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven perfectly reflects the spirit of this warm, noisy southern city - a fragrant juicy dish is sure to be the center of attention of all guests.

Manganese and zinc in eggplant improve the condition after a stroke, and iron increases hemoglobin, so pregnant women and those with anemia should take this recipe into service.


  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 75 gr;
  • eggplant - 2 pcs;
  • tomato - 2 pcs;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs;
  • cheese - 250 gr;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • soy sauce - 15 gr;
  • greens - a bunch.

Step by step recipe

Chop the eggplant in circles, pour salt water over it and leave for twenty minutes to remove all the bitterness.

Cut the meat not too thinly, beat off a little on both sides and overlap in a baking dish, add pepper, soy sauce and salt.

Grind garlic and herbs, mix with sour cream.

Cut the peppers and tomatoes into rings, lay them in layers on top of the pork.

Fry eggplant until golden brown on both sides, put on top of other vegetables.

Coat everything garlic sauce and bake for twenty minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Grate cheese, sprinkle over meat and cook until browned.

Eggplant is useful for gout, as it prevents the accumulation of uric acid. Some experts believe that regular consumption of these vegetables can help you quit smoking, as they contain nicotinic acid.

Eggplants are low in calories, so on a diet of them you can lose up to six kilograms in a week, but if you bake them with meat and cheese, the effect will not be so strong, especially if you generously flavor the dish with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Option 4: Meat in the oven with eggplant, tomatoes and mushrooms

This recipe differs from others in a more juicy taste due to the addition of mushrooms. You can use the ones you like best. The most appetizing is obtained with honey mushrooms and porcini mushrooms.


  • pork neck - 1.5 kg;
  • cheese - 0.4 kg;
  • eggplant - 2 pcs;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mushrooms - 250 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

How to cook

Cut the pork into pieces of at least one centimeter, sprinkle with vinegar, spread with mustard, add spices and leave for half an hour.

Chop and fry the onion.

Mix chopped mushrooms with onions and fry for five minutes.

Pour sour cream into mushrooms, add flour, mix and hold on fire for several minutes.

Add water (2/3 cup), simmer for about ten minutes until the mass thickens.

Thinly slice the eggplant, fry on both sides.

Randomly chop the tomatoes, finely chop the garlic.

Put on a baking sheet in layers: meat, onion-mushroom sauce, eggplant, tomatoes. Sprinkle garlic and salt on top. You can add some more spices to taste.

Bake for twenty minutes at 200 C, sprinkle the meat with grated cheese and cook for another ten minutes.

Despite the huge number useful properties eggplant, there are a number of contraindications to their use. For example, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis and ulcers. You need to be careful and diabetic, eggplants are low in carbohydrates, so their excessive consumption can lead to hypoglycemia.

You can not eat overripe fruits, as they contain a poisonous substance - solanine, which can provoke poisoning. You can distinguish an overripe fruit from a fresh one by a large number of seeds inside and a dried, sluggish footboard. Regardless of the method of preparation, eggplants must first be soaked in salt water, which will relieve them of bitterness and the possible presence of solanine. It is best to choose young oblong vegetables with a shiny, blemish-free surface.

Option 5: Chicken meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven

This low-calorie casserole recipe is perfect for those who are on a diet and are tired of its monotony. For juiciness, you can add sour cream or mayonnaise, but then you have to sacrifice low calorie content.


  • chicken breast - 1 pc;
  • tomato - 100 gr;
  • eggplant - 200 gr;
  • hard cheese - 100 gr;
  • soy sauce - 20 gr.

Step by step recipe

Chicken fillet cut into thin slices, pour over soy sauce leave to marinate for half an hour.

Eggplant cut into circles, salt, pour water and also leave for half an hour.

Cut the tomato into half rings, grate the cheese.

On a greased baking sheet, lay out all the ingredients in stages: chicken fillet, eggplant, cheese, tomatoes.

Bake at 180 Cº for fifty minutes.

Chicken breast is one of the most popular foods among all nutritionists due to its lean protein. This meat is rightfully considered a source of ideal proteins containing all the amino acids needed by the human body. In addition to this, in chicken meat there are B vitamins involved in the process of metabolism, and the work of blood vessels and the nervous system.

Option 6: Meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven - a classic recipe

Eggplant season is a great excuse to treat the whole family to oven-baked meat with these healthy vegetables, tomatoes for a juicier dish, and garlic for a fragrant one.


  • tomato - 2-3 pcs;
  • pork - 700 gr;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • eggplant - 2 pcs;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • tomato paste- 2 tbsp. spoons.

Step-by-step recipe for meat with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven

Wash, dry with a paper towel and cut the eggplant into rings, dip them in salted water and leave for twenty minutes to remove the bitterness.

Cut the peeled onion into half rings, fry.

Rinse the meat and cut into medium-sized cubes, mix with onions and fry for seven minutes.

Add tomato paste, spices, salt and a little water to the onion and meat, simmer over medium heat for twenty minutes.

Transfer the eggplants to a paper towel or napkin, thereby removing excess moisture, fry until golden brown in vegetable or olive oil.

Cut the tomatoes into rings.

Transfer the beef to a baking sheet or into a mold, then a layer of eggplant, and on top of the tomatoes. Salt a little.

Cook in the oven for forty minutes at 180 Cº.

Eggplant contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients, doctors especially recommend using it for the elderly to prevent vascular disease, heart disease and atherosclerosis.

These vegetables are not only tasty and healthy, but low in calories, due to which they are included in almost any diet for weight loss and therapeutic diets, they can be eaten even with diabetes.

Option 7: Baked eggplant with meat in the oven - a classic recipe

If you do not have a personal prejudice against high-quality unrefined oil, try cooking a dish with it. If you also use “ground”, that is, greens and vegetables grown under the sun, and not in a greenhouse, then no kitchen hood will cope with the aromas from the treat.


  • kilogram of pulp (pork);
  • half a kilo of ripe tomatoes;
  • a couple of juicy onions;
  • garlic;
  • two large eggplants;
  • half a glass of oil;
  • greens, fresh.

Step-by-step recipe for eggplant with meat in the oven in circles

Wipe the washed eggplants dry. Having cut off the stalks and edges, we dissolve the fruits with washers, a centimeter wide. We put it in layers in a colander, adding salt to each circle, and place a small weight on top. After standing for up to a quarter of an hour, we wash off the bitter juice that has come out with water.

We clean the pork from films and tendons, cut into square pieces, no more than 2 cm in size. Fry the pork in oil until lightly browned, season with salt and pepper.

Heat oil in a clean skillet over medium heat. Dip the eggplant slices into it, fry for two minutes on both sides, sprinkle with chopped garlic.

Having rubbed the bottom of the baking sheet with oil, lay out half of the fried eggplants, and on them part of the onion chopped in half rings. Spread the fried meat evenly on top, sprinkle the rest of the onion over it, and lay out the rest of the eggplant. We cover everything with tomatoes, add a little.

Preheating the oven to 200 degrees, put a baking sheet with meat in it for half an hour. Sprinkle the dish generously with herbs and serve hot.

Option 8: Georgian-style baked eggplants with meat in the oven (with minced meat and vegetables)

Add another bunch of young parsley to the greens. After filling the cut fruits with minced meat, place a washed sprig of parsley on top of it, after dipping it in oil and shaking off the excess.


  • lamb, pork or beef (pulp) - 700 gr.;
  • a couple of large eggplants;
  • 150 gr. Luke;
  • two small carrots;
  • 350 gr. fresh tomatoes;
  • six tablespoons of oil;
  • large sweet pepper;
  • spices and spices;
  • fresh cilantro, basil - three branches each.

Step by step recipe

Wash the pulp and, after slicing, twist the pulp in a meat grinder set for maximum grinding.

We dissolve the peeled onion into small slices and send part of it to the pan. Add oil, sauté until transparent. We spread the minced meat to the onion, season it with pepper or a ready-made set of spices. On medium heat, fry for up to a quarter of an hour, stirring often.

Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for five minutes. Cool down then cold water, remove the skin from the tomatoes, crumble the pulp into small slices. We dissolve the carrots and the pulp of sweet pepper into medium-sized cubes.

Transfer the fried minced meat to a bowl. Pour two tablespoons of oil into a clean frying pan, put the remaining onions and carrots into it. Stirring occasionally, fry the vegetables until soft. Add tomatoes and sweet peppers, add chopped greens and pepper. Slightly salted, simmer the vegetables over low heat until the moisture is completely evaporated. Do not cover with a lid!

Remove half the skin from the washed eggplants, in strips one and a half centimeters wide, leaving the same amount of purple skin on the pulp. Heat a thin layer of oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Fry eggplant on all sides for five minutes.

Cooled eggplants are placed on a baking sheet or in a mold. Having cut the top, spread the edges to the sides so that the “pocket” comes out and, not reaching the edges, fill it with fried minced meat. We lay on top vegetable stew and send the eggplant to the hot oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

Option 9: Eggplant rolls with meat in the oven in tomato sauce

To make the gravy thicker, sauté separately in a dry saucepan no more than a tablespoon of flour. Boil the tomato puree slowly without additives, then salt and season with sugar. Select the third part of the tomato mass and sauté on lard, add flour, stir and sweeten.


  • beef and pork (pulp) - 500 gr each;
  • kilogram of eggplant;
  • one bulb;
  • 150 gr. mozzarella;
  • garlic;
  • two tablespoons of ground basil;
  • ground hot pepper.

For sauce:

  • fresh, fleshy tomatoes - 800 gr.;
  • garlic;
  • half a spoonful of sugar (white).

How to cook

After removing the stalks and edges from the eggplants, we wash the vegetables. We cut them into longitudinal plates, half a centimeter wide. Spread on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for 10 minutes.

We wash the meat slices and cut into large pieces, then twist it in a meat grinder. You can cook chopped minced meat, for which the meat is cut into plates and chopped very finely with a hatchet.

Cut the onion into slices, peel a quarter of a large garlic head. Place in a blender chopper and blend into small pieces. If the meat was twisted in a meat grinder, onions and garlic can also be chopped in it.

After combining the minced meat with onion and garlic, add a little red pepper, basil and salt. Thoroughly knead the meat mass and beat off the bottom of the bowl. Hot pepper can be replaced with black, the filling will come out less spicy and more fragrant.

On the cooled eggplant plates, lay out a spoonful of minced meat and roll tightly. The resulting rolls are placed in dense, even rows in a deep sourdough pre-greased with oil.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes, grind the pulp with a blender until the consistency of mashed potatoes. Pour into a bowl, stir sugar and a spoonful of chopped garlic in the tomato mass, adjust the taste of the sauce by adding salt. Bringing to a boil, boil for ten minutes over low heat.

Pour the rolls laid in a mold with hot tomato sauce and place them in a preheated oven for forty minutes. After that, we rub the cheese on the dish and put it back in the oven, hold until the cheese chips are completely melted.

Option 10: Stewed eggplant with meat in the oven in pots

The method of heat treatment allows you to use meat and not from the most tender parts of the carcass. Trimming is also suitable, one has only to get rid of the veins and films. To soften such pieces sufficiently, simmer them with vegetables after frying, adding broth in small portions.


  • lean pulp, pork or beef - 800 gr.;
  • 350 gr. eggplant;
  • sweet pepper - 300 gr.;
  • one large carrot;
  • a pair of bulbs;
  • 120 ml vegetable oil;
  • garlic;
  • three tablespoons of chopped parsley;
  • a third of a spoonful of hot pepper (dry).

Step by step recipe

We clean the washed meat from tendons and films. After rinsing again, cut into small two-centimeter cubes. Dissolve the peeled carrots and onions in the same shape, but smaller.

Warm up in a frying pan with a thin layer of oil, lower the meat. Fry until golden brown, add carrots and onions. Stirring occasionally, continue to cook over medium heat until vegetables soften. Cover and simmer for another 15 minutes, or a little longer if needed.

Dissolve the eggplant into small cubes, and the pulp of the pepper into slices. Without removing the skin, cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Gently fry the chopped vegetables in a frying pan. We don't mix!

Preheat the oven slightly, rub the inside of the pots with vegetable oil. Put the meat on the bottom, on top, in any order, fried vegetables. Add pepper, salt and herbs. Cover with lids, arrange the pots on a baking sheet and place it in the oven. Raising the heat to 180 degrees, stew vegetables with meat for about twenty minutes.

After stewing, add a spoonful of chopped garlic to each pot and let stand for five minutes in the switched off oven.

Oven-cooked eggplant is one of the healthiest and easiest foods to eat. These baked vegetables retain most of the vitamins, are low in calories, and are very tasty. Eggplant can become a main dish, appetizer, side dish or caviar, depending on the specific recipe.

How to bake eggplant in the oven

If you want to cook a bright, light dish for a festive table or a family dinner, then you can bake eggplant in the oven. This vegetable goes well with various products: tomatoes, minced meat, pork, beef, chicken, turkey, mushrooms, legumes, cheese, and so on. Eggplants (blue, as they are popularly called), made in the oven, always turn out fragrant, juicy and satisfying. They are cooked in pots, on the grill, in a baking sheet or brazier, baked in foil or a sleeve.

How much to bake

Before embarking on culinary activities, you should find out how much eggplant is cooked in the oven. The time for this process depends on several factors:

  • young fruits are baked quickly, and more mature ones are recommended to be fried in advance;
  • a whole eggplant or its halves are cooked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees;
  • blue ones, cut across or lengthwise, bake for no more than 15 minutes.

Recipes with eggplant in the oven

There are many variety of options how to make a delicious dish of blue ones. If you follow the advice of experienced chefs, the result will be just lick your fingers. Below are the most popular eggplant recipes in the oven. Step by step description process with a photo will help create a fragrant and tasty treat in a short period of time.

Baked eggplant

Recipes for eggplant in the oven are simple and suitable for any occasion. For example, you can make spicy blue ones with cheese, tomatoes and walnuts - such baked blue ones turn out to be savory, juicy and nutritious. This vitamin flavored dish is served cold or warm, with sour cream or another favorite sauce.


  • young blue ones - half a kilo;
  • walnuts(peeled) - 50 grams;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 4 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. The blue ones are cut into circles. Pour in salted water for 60 minutes to remove bitterness.
  2. Garlic and nuts are crushed on a grater, mixed.
  3. The cheese is rubbed too.
  4. The baking sheet is smeared with sunflower oil, blue ones are laid out on it. They are sprinkled with a nut-garlic mixture.
  5. On top are sliced ​​tomatoes.
  6. The dish is salted, peppered and sprinkled with cheese.
  7. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

With tomatoes and cheese

If you need to quickly prepare a diet healthy breakfast for the whole family, eggplant baked with tomatoes and cheese is ideal. This light appetizer also includes mushrooms, which gives it an appetizing pleasant aroma. All products are perfectly combined with each other, hot vegetarian sandwiches come out nutritious and tasty.


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • blue ones - 2 fruits;
  • champignons - 100 grams;
  • homemade mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.;
  • baguette;
  • sunflower oil;
  • fresh greens;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. The purple vegetable is cut in circles.
  2. Soaked in salt water, they are blue, laid out on a paper napkin so that all excess liquid is gone. Lightly fried in oil on both sides.
  3. Tomatoes are cut into slices, champignons - into slices.
  4. Baguette pieces are smeared with mayonnaise, blue ones are placed on top, then mushrooms and tomatoes.
  5. The cooking process takes 15 minutes at 200°C.
  6. An original, hearty eggplant dish in the oven is ready.
  7. Decorate with greens and serve to the table (as in the photo).


Another tasty, healthy and lean dish is eggplant with minced meat, baked in the oven. Blue halves stuffed with minced meat with the addition of fresh vegetables will be a good side dish for fried potatoes or porridge. The dish is light yet nutritious. No one will remain indifferent to such a meal, it is worth tasting it at least once.


  • minced chicken - 300 g;
  • eggplant - 500 g;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • spices, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The blue ones are washed well, cut lengthwise into two halves.
  2. The pulp is removed from them, which must be put in a deep bowl and poured with water.
  3. Halves of a purple vegetable are laid out on a plate, salted, set aside for 30 minutes.
  4. Peeled onions, carrots and garlic are finely chopped with a knife. Lightly browned in oil.
  5. Eggplant pulp, slices of tomatoes, minced meat are laid with vegetables.
  6. All components are salted, peppered and mixed well.
  7. "Baskets" of blue ones, stuffed with cooked stuffing, are placed on a baking sheet.
  8. Top the dish generously sprinkled with grated cheese.
  9. Bake 40 minutes.


How to cook a simple, but tasty and beautiful dish? You can take note interesting recipe- eggplant boats baked in the oven. This appetizer is perfect for treating guests or family gatherings. Boats are quickly made, and their stunning aroma scatters around the house from the very first minutes of baking. To create a dish you need a minimum of products and the same amount of effort.


  • blue ones - 4 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - head;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • green canned peas - 150 g;
  • spices;
  • parsley - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Boats are made from eggplants: vegetables are cut into 2 parts, the core is removed with a spoon.
  2. Parts of a purple vegetable are baked in the oven for half an hour (on a wire rack).
  3. The pulp is cut, slightly fried. Finely chopped onions, grated carrots and diced tomatoes are laid to it.
  4. Spices, chopped garlic, peas are added to the filling.
  5. Products are mixed, fried for 10 minutes.
  6. The boats are stuffed with the finished filling (as in the photo).
  7. The snack goes to the oven for 15 minutes.
  8. Garnish with parsley sprigs when serving.

With cheese

Healthy Recipe for fans healthy eating- eggplant with cheese in the oven. The snack is an ideal option for people who are on a diet, watching their weight and health. The components that make up the dish are affordable and inexpensive, but a kind of casserole turns out to be tender, juicy, and has a refined taste. Blue ones can be made with hard or processed cheese.


  • blue ones - 300 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The blue ones are thoroughly washed, freed from seeds, divided into 2 parts (across).
  2. Then they are boiled in salted water. The pulp is taken out.
  3. Cheese is crushed with a coarse grater, boiled eggs crumble into cubes. The products are combined, poured with melted butter and mixed.
  4. The blue ones are stuffed with the resulting mass, laid out on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake the dish for 10 minutes.

With tomatoes

Vegetable spicy and very appetizing appetizer - baked eggplant with tomatoes in the oven. This dish is good option for the holiday menu. The spiciness of the treat can be adjusted with the amount of garlic. You need to be careful with tomatoes: if you overdo it, the appetizer will become very soft and lose its aesthetic appearance. Before you cook fragrant blue ones, you need to buy all the ingredients.


  • eggplant - 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 50 grams;
  • basil;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggplants are cut into circles. Rolled in breadcrumbs on both sides. Fried until golden brown.
  2. Place the circles on a baking sheet, which is greased with sunflower oil.
  3. The onion, garlic are chopped with a knife, fried a little, laid out on top of the little blue ones.
  4. Tomatoes are cut into rings, placed on the garlic-onion mass.
  5. The cheese is rubbed with a coarse grater, combined with chopped basil. The dish is sprinkled.
  6. The casserole cooks for 25 minutes at 200°C.


If you want to please your family or friends with a light, hearty dinner, then you should bake the whole eggplant in the oven. The filling of such an appetizer can be varied: mushrooms, vegetables, cheese (mozzarella, melted cheese, cheese), eggs, and so on. Classic tomatoes can be replaced with cherry tomatoes, which will add spice to the dish. It is advisable to cook blue ones using foil, because this way they will turn out more juicy and tasty.


  • champignons - 200 g;
  • medium eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - head;
  • sweet salad pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 60 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • spices, seasonings.

Cooking method:

  1. Blue ones are washed with running water. In each of them, a longitudinal incision is made.
  2. Vegetables are wrapped in foil, baked for 20 minutes (220 degrees).
  3. Mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions are cut into squares. Roast until done. Combine with sour cream, mix.
  4. Eggplants are carefully opened along the cut line, the pulp is removed.
  5. Stuff vegetables with stuffing.
  6. Eggs are beaten, cheese is cut into pieces. The products are mixed and poured inside the blue ones.
  7. Bake 15 minutes.

With meat

Chanakhi is a very fragrant, nutritious and tasty Georgian dish. Eggplants with meat baked in the oven are quick and easy to prepare: this process does not require special culinary skills - you just need to put all the components of the dish in pots and bake. Classic recipe creating treats involves the use of lamb, but it can be replaced with other less fatty meat.


  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • lamb - half a kilo;
  • onion - head;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • little blue ones - 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • greenery;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. The meat is cut into small long sticks.
  2. Potatoes, blue ones, tomatoes, peppers are cut into cubes.
  3. The onion and greens are finely chopped, the garlic is crushed under pressure.
  4. Products are laid out in layers in pots: lamb, potatoes, onions, blue ones, garlic, tomato paste, tomatoes, peppers and greens.
  5. Each new layer is salted and peppered.
  6. Pour three tablespoons of water into each pot.
  7. Cook for 2 hours at 180 degrees.

With vegetables

Eggplant with vegetables in the oven is tender, juicy stuffed dish. It will be a great snack at work or serve as a healthy lunch for the family. All components of the snack are well combined, creating an indescribable taste sensation. You can use such a casserole cold or hot, adding the sauce to taste. It successfully complements any kind of meat or fish.


  • blue - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • salad pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - head;
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. The main components are cut into pieces, laid out in water with salt.
  2. Then they need to be doused with hot water. Take out the pulp with a spoon. Bake vegetables for 15 minutes (180 degrees).
  3. The pulp is lightly fried, all vegetables are added to it, previously peeled and diced. Stir, salt and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. The filling is transferred to a deep container, combined with chopped cheese, mixed.
  5. Eggplant boats are stuffed with vegetable mass.
  6. Cooking time - 20 minutes (temperature 180-190).

With potato

An interesting simple recipe - potatoes with eggplant and tomatoes in the oven. A nutritious, soft, vitamin dish will help refresh your daily diet. Potatoes plus chicken meat are the key to satiety of the side dish, and tomatoes and blue ones are the freshness and juiciness of the snack. The recipe includes any type of cheese (hard or soft), fresh herbs, spices and your favorite seasonings.


  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet- 250 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100 grams;
  • greenery;
  • black pepper, salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. The blue ones are cut into cubes, laid out on a baking sheet in an even layer.
  2. The potatoes are chopped on a grater, laid out on eggplant.
  3. The meat is cut into slices, which cover the potatoes. Salt, pepper.
  4. Another layer of blue ones, then tomatoes.
  5. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.
  6. Bake a snack for half an hour at 200 degrees.

To know exactly how tasty it is to bake eggplant in the oven, you should consider a few useful tips from experienced chefs

  1. It is recommended to use elastic blue medium dimensions. The stalk of the vegetable should be fresh, the skin - without defects.
  2. Eggplant absorbs oil well, so it is better to limit yourself to the minimum amount of this fatty product.
  3. So that the little blue ones do not darken, it is necessary to clean them with a stainless steel knife.
  4. When vegetables are baked whole, it is better to make several holes with a fork to release steam. So cooking will take less time.


We cut the stalks from the washed eggplants. Cut the vegetables into thin slices (lengthwise). Salt. Now let's leave them for a few minutes and start preparing the filling.

My tomatoes, cut them into thin rings. If the shape of the vegetable does not allow, then in half rings.

Arrange the eggplant slices in a single layer on a greased baking sheet.

Place about 2-3 teaspoons of minced meat on top of each slice. (You can pre-add salt or a little spice to it). Spread it evenly throughout the vegetable.

Lay the tomato slices on top of the minced meat. They should cover the meat as much as possible. We send the baking sheet to the oven. At the first stage, we keep eggplants there for 25 minutes at 210 ° C. Then you should get a baking sheet.

The grated cheese at this point will be the last layer. Sprinkle them with vegetables. So that the chips do not fall off, you can pour a small amount of low-fat mayonnaise on the tomatoes before that. The second period of time in the oven is 5 minutes. The fire at this time can be completely extinguished. The temperature that is already there will be enough.

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