Electric grilled salmon steaks recipes. Cooking salmon on the grill. Grilled salmon with vegetables and spicy tomato sauce

Recently there was a shortage of salmon, people ate it only on great holidays. Now supermarkets are full of different variations of fish: whole carcasses, ready-made steaks, medallions, salted salmon. You can buy whatever you like. There are also a lot of cooking methods: in the oven, in a pan.

However, even today this seafood is considered a component of the festive table; red fish invariably raises the mood and appetite with its attractive appearance. It is easy and simple to fry a salmon steak on the grill, please friends in nature or treat yourself to cooking tender pieces at home on an electric grill.

The calorie content of such a dish is low, even young ladies who follow the figure will appreciate it. Salmon is a protein product that contains the necessary vitamins and elements. Minimum fat, carbohydrates, calories. Tasty and healthy.

Fried seafood is perfect for lunch, dinner, a festive feast, a simple snack. Use a variety of sauces, marinades, make your dish exotic with unusual ingredients.

Some recipes Let's take a closer look now.

Recipe #1


  • steaks;
  • ground chili;
  • iceberg lettuce;
  • olive oil.

Everything is simple. Pour the pieces with a mixture of oil and hot chili. You can stand for several minutes so that the fish is soaked, put it on the grill, put it on the grill, fry for five minutes, turning over. Serve on lettuce leaves, decorate with small tomatoes, herbs.

Recipe #2

For lovers spicy dishes, condiments, spices. We add several types of herbs, then the salmon will amaze with an appetizing smell, a mysterious aftertaste.

  • salmon;
  • parsley;
  • lemon;
  • thyme;
  • cilantro;
  • basil;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic;
  • salt.

We gut, wash the carcass, cut slices two centimeters thick, rinse again, dry thoroughly. First, wipe with salt, garlic, then sprinkle with seasonings, herbs, put lemon sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin rings on top, leave for 15 minutes to soak in a variety of flavors. Place on a wire rack and cook for a few minutes on each side. We make sure it doesn't burn. We garnish with potatoes, rice at home, decorate with herbs.

Recipe #3

It turns out on the coals, in a good, open heat. The aroma of smoke will add zest, make the taste unforgettable.


  • fillet;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices, herbs.
  • sour cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • garlic;
  • dill, parsley.

Cut the seafood into portions, coat with butter, salt, pepper, pour over lemon juice, leave to stand for fifteen minutes. We put it on the grate, put it on the grill, fry, wait for the appearance of a brownish crust. Serve with potatoes, a glass of white wine, sauce.

Recipe #4

Excellent dish with exotic ingredients.


  • steaks;
  • coconut milk;
  • curry paste;
  • garlic;
  • ginger root;
  • lime;
  • salt;
  • cilantro, green onion.

Finely rub the ginger, garlic, add herbs, lime juice, mix the ingredients with coconut milk, curry. Pour the pieces, soak, wait for the filling with flavors, fry on an open fire or a heated grill. The remaining marinade can be boiled, add cilantro, serve as a sauce. Decorate with lime rings. exotic, original dish ready.

Recipe number 5

The recipe suggests trying salmon with tomato sauce, vegetables. There are a lot of ingredients, however, you cook both the main dish and the side dish at the same time.

  • vegetables: carrots, bell peppers, onions, eggplants;
  • gooseberry jam;
  • steaks;
  • sugar, pepper, salt;
  • dry white wine.
  • Chile;
  • tomato paste;
  • jalapeno pepper;
  • celery;
  • basil, cilantro, cloves, garlic;
  • Sesame oil;
  • raisin.

We take a bowl, put the washed, dried pieces, add: wine, oil, nutmeg, pepper, salt, sweeten. Seal the slices cling film, remove to marinate. We take a saucepan, throw in tomato paste, ground cloves, oil, chili, cook for five minutes. We throw jalapeno, cilantro, basil, garlic into a blender, grind to a gruel, combine with tomato puree, let it boil, remove from heat, cool.

We take out the fish, shake it off the marinade, grease it with gooseberry jam, after adding salt to it, fry the pieces on an open fire or electric grill at the same time as the vegetables.

Complete nutritious dish with a whole range of different flavors ready. Put the fish on a lettuce leaf, roasted vegetables nearby, enjoy the aromas and taste.

Sauces for salmon

You can diversify the taste of the dish by using sauces and gravy.

  1. Creamy. For cooking you will need: cream, garlic, wheat flour, pepper, garlic, salt. We heat the cream, add spices, heat, make sure that it does not boil. Add a tablespoon of water, flour, mix thoroughly over low heat, bring to readiness.
  2. Green. Prepared with your favorite herbs. Carefully use too fragrant herbs, it is better to exclude strong odors. Finely chop the selected greens, season with spices, mix with butter, sour cream.
  3. Tomato. Facilitates the rich taste of fish, can kill it if the gravy is with herbs. It can be cold, warm. Prepared using tomato paste, spices, oils.
  4. Oil. Light, perfect sauce for salmon. Mixed with lemon juice, spices, light herbs. Makes seafood softer, more tender, more refined.

We told in detail how delicious it is to fry salmon on the grill, how long the heat treatment takes. hallmark grilled fish is speed - cooking takes only a few minutes, you do not need to marinate seafood, if only ten minutes. What a delicious dish that takes so little time to cook.

Grilled salmon is a godsend for a hostess who is in a hurry to receive guests or for a group of friends who are already hungry in nature. Among other things, this is a very healthy and nutritious dish. Saturates the body and gives it the maximum amount of essential trace elements.

Grilled salmon steaks will certainly surprise guests with a pleasant taste, appetizing appearance, for greater effect, decorate the dish with caviar, herbs or lemon, bright colours stimulate appetite and improve mood.

Salmon is an excellent source of protein, omega-3 acids, phosphorus and iodine. This fish from the salmon family has excellent taste, does not require long-term heat treatment and is easy to cook. Use natural spices and olive oil to preserve the marine notes and bring out the rich taste of the fish. Friends, today we are preparing fragrant!

In full screen

Ingredients: salmon steaks - 2 pcs., olive oil - 1 tbsp. l., lemons - 0.5 pcs., sea salt - 1 pinch, freshly ground pepper, mixture - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse salmon steaks under cool water and dry well with paper towels.

2. Put the salmon on a plate and brush each steak on both sides with olive oil using a silicone brush. Lightly salt and pepper the fish.

3. Leave the steaks for 5 minutes. In the meantime, heat the grill pan well, without greasing with oil.

4. Fry the salmon on each side for 3.5 minutes. Moreover, if the steaks are thicker than 2 cm, the cooking time should be increased to 4 minutes on each side. The fish will be covered with a delicious golden crust, and inside it will remain tender and juicy.

You will find even more tips on cooking your favorite dishes in the section. Bon appetit and good mood!

Salmon (Atlantic salmon) is a fish that is valued in cooking (in particular, in dietary nutrition), since it is rich in all amino acids, trace elements and vitamins necessary for the human body. Plus, this lean salmon is easy to digest.

Today we will look at how grilled salmon is cooked. Many chefs claim that this fish is such a versatile product that you need to try not to be able to cook a quality dish from it.

So let's get started.

1. on the grill.

Ingredients: one kilogram For the marinade: one spoon of sugar, half a spoon of black pepper, two glasses soy sauce, two tablespoons of vegetable oil. For the sauce: one liter of water, one glass of sugar, one glass of soy sauce, a small grated ginger root, one glass of white wine, two tablespoons of starch.

The fish is cut into steaks, which are poured with marinade and left for several hours. The Atlantic salmon is then wrapped in foil and grilled for about fifteen minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce. To do this, mix all the ingredients except wine and starch, bring the mixture to a boil and only then add the starch mixed in wine, after which the sauce is immediately removed from the heat.

2. marinated.

Ingredients: three hundred grams of salmon fillet, one tablespoon of olive oil, juice from half a lemon, and salt and pepper to taste, capers.

The salmon fillet is marinated first. To do this, prepare a marinade for grilled fish from olive oil, spices, pepper and salt, as well as lemon juice. The fish is left in this mixture for fifteen minutes, then it is grilled for two minutes on each side. lemon slices and capers.

3. Tender grilled salmon.

Ingredients: five hundred grams of salmon fillet, two tablespoons of olive oil, one yolk, salt and spices to taste, dill.

The fillet is washed, dried and cut into four parts. The lemon is poured over with boiling water, cut into two parts, one of which is cut into small pieces, and the juice is squeezed out of the second.

The fish is rubbed with spices and salt and left in a cold place for one hour.

Meanwhile, the yolk is mixed with oil, and each piece of salmon is dipped in the mixture. Grilled salmon for five minutes on each side.

Served with lemon and chopped dill.

4. Salmon with lemon.

Ingredients: four pieces of salmon, one lemon, three tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper.

The fish is washed and dried, then sprinkled with lemon juice, sprinkled with pepper and put in a cold place for half an hour. Then the pieces of salmon are smeared with oil and again put in a cold place for ten minutes.

Grilled salmon is fried for ten minutes on each side. The dish is sprinkled with salt before serving and garnished with lemon.

Thus, Atlantic salmon, having unique properties and qualities, is widely used in dietary nutrition. Dishes prepared from it are recommended to be consumed primarily by those who have diseases of the heart and thyroid gland.

When ordinary kebabs are already boring, try to cook non-grilled salmon. You will not regret!

Having chosen a beautiful back or a steak, or a fillet, we carry the fish rather home, to the kitchen, thinking along the way how best to cook and serve it. There is no time to lose so that it does not have time to defrost: salmon is often sold frozen, no fish tolerates re-freezing.

Grilled salmon - basic technological principles

As a rule, salmon is sold frozen, having passed all the preliminary stages of cleaning. The only thing you need to pay attention to when buying it is the dates and quality of the packaging. If the fish fillet is barely noticeable under a layer of frost, go to another store without hesitation, because this fish has been frozen more than once: most likely, only fish cakes or meatballs will turn out to be successful from such a fillet. For grilling, you need fish only with elastic pulp, which, after defrosting, will not fall apart in your hands at the slightest touch.

During the defrosting process, do not put the fish under hot water, do not try to place it closer to the stove, but, on the contrary, put it in the refrigerator, unfolding it and putting it in a container with a lid.

For reinsurance, if, nevertheless, the fish was subjected to repeated freezing, and this was not detected when buying it, immediately prepare the marinade, which must necessarily include acid, at least 15%.

Salmon is one of the best varieties fish. Its advantage lies not only in its valuable biochemical composition, but also in the convenience of cooking. It does not have a pronounced, unpleasant fishy smell - salmon can be fried even without any marinade. Long exposure in the marinade is needed only if you need to achieve some special flavor.

Experienced cooks unanimously advise choose the densest part of the carcass for grilling - the back. Based on this, we can confidently add that it is better to choose large carcasses of salmon for grilling: the larger the fish, the older it is, and it follows that the meat of older individuals is denser. True, a reservation must immediately be made: old individuals are less fat, but this can be easily fixed by adding vegetable oil to the marinade.

If the fish is grilled with the skin on, do not forget to make notches on the skin. This technique will speed up the pickling process, and when frying, when the skin begins to shrink under the influence of temperature, the notches will help maintain a beautiful even shape.

You can fry fish in the temperature range from 150°C to 180°C. Varies depending on temperature frying time from 8 to 15 minutes, with a piece thickness of not more than 2.0-2.5 cm.

To get a good doneness, be sure to remove excess liquid after marinating so the moisture doesn't create a steaming effect. Although, the crispy crust does not suit this fish: the salmon has a thick and rather tough skin, which is most often removed before frying, and the flesh will crunch only if it is breaded. But fish in dough is not a place on the grill. These are different recipes.

When it comes to flavor combinations, everyone's tastes are different. But for an example, just in case, look at a few recipes.

1. Grilled salmon in coconut milk with ginger and curry


Salmon fillet 4 pcs. 180 g each

Green onion 120 g

Lime or lemon (juice) 150 ml

Coriander (cilantro)

Butter or sesame oil 80 g

Coconut milk 0.4 l

Chopped greens and roasted sesame seeds - for serving


Grate the ginger root and garlic on a fine grater. Add chopped onion, chopped cilantro, spices. Pour the cooked pasta with juice and coconut milk. Salt.

Spread the fillet pieces on prepared sheets of foil, smearing each of them with marinade. In foil, add a piece of butter to each serving. Seal the fish tightly in foil. Soak in the marinade for at least five hours. Bake the fish in the same foil: at 150°C - 15-20 minutes, at 180°C - 10 minutes.

Garnish the finished fillet with fresh cilantro and toasted sesame seeds.

2. Grilled salmon - fried steaks


Salmon (steaks) 2 pcs. 250 g each

Lemon 1 ½ pcs.

Sugar 40 g

White pepper, ground

Olive oil


Make a marinade with lemon juice, chopped dill, salt and sugar, and pepper. Process the prepared steaks: make notches on the skin of the fish with a knife so that during frying, when the skin shrinks, the steaks do not deform. Rub each serving with the marinade, pour the rest into plastic bag and put the fish in there. Seal tightly. Marinate for at least 5 hours. Can be left overnight.

Before frying, dry the fish with a napkin, rub olive oil on top. Fry at 180°C for 3 minutes on each side. Transfer to a saucepan, cover with a lid for 5 minutes to ripen the fish. Garnish with dill sprigs and lemon wedges. For a side dish, olives or black olives are very suitable, pickled cheese, avocado and cherry.

3. Grilled salmon in soy sauce with pickled ginger

"Noble manners" of salmon facilitate the process of its preparation. She does not hide in the impenetrable and muddy thickets of the river, but prefers the mouth of the cleanest rivers, transparent and cool. sea ​​water. Therefore, the smell of this fish does not cause horror in the cook, and does not confuse gourmets. To enhance the flavor of any dish, soy sauce will help, which plays the role of a catalyst.


Salmon fillet 400 g

Soy sauce 100 ml

Lemon ½ pc.

Vegetable oil 70 ml

Pickled ginger 150 g

Green onion 50 g

Avocado 1 pc.

Spices and herbs (cilantro, parsley)

Wine vinegar


The secret of this marinade for salmon is the simplest and most refined. Add a pinch of sugar to the soy sauce. Rub portioned pieces of salmon with a mixture of lemon juice and soy sauce. Keep the fish in a closed container for at least two hours. Dry, coat with oil and fry at 180 ° C, on both sides for 3-4 minutes.

Garnish the baked fish with pickled ginger, green onion, previously aged with avocado slices in a marinade of chopped herbs, wine vinegar and sugar.

Such fish can be served differently: with shrimp in batter and fresh vegetables, with yogurt-based sauce or cream cheese, with French fries or rice.

4. Grilled salmon with vegetables and spicy tomato sauce

Salmon is a fish that does not need to be accompanied in the form of a side dish, but it goes well with vegetable sauces, although they somewhat mask its noble smell. The spicy tomato sauce for this fish is great, and at the same time justifies the presence of the most simple vegetables baked next to noble grilled fish.


Vegetables - 300 g each:

Salad pepper (slices)

Carrots (circles)



gooseberry jam

Salmon back 800 g


Wine, dry white 150 ml

Oil 50 ml

For sauce:

Tomato puree 450 g

Green hot pepper

Celery root

Red raisins 200 g


Sesame oil 100 ml


First, marinate the fish: place the prepared portioned pieces (4 pcs.) in a container. Add wine mixed with butter, ground nutmeg, Jamaican pepper, sugar, salt. Add all the spices to taste, but be aware that after cooking their sharpness will decrease somewhat. Seal the fish with foil and refrigerate.

Transfer the prepared tomato puree to a saucepan or saucepan. Add oil, chili, ground cloves. Boil over low heat for five minutes. Grind green pepper, garlic and part of the cilantro and basil leaves into a paste using a blender. Add the resulting paste to the tomato puree, let it boil. Remove the sauce from the stove and refrigerate.

Blot the fish with a napkin, cover with fat. Spread sliced ​​vegetables with jam, adding a little salt to it. Grill the fish and glazed vegetables. Serve with sauce.

5. Grilled salmon in lemon marinade with rosemary


Back of salmon salted 600 g (3 servings)

Milk 0.5 l

Lemon fresh 150 ml

Rosemary ( fresh leaves) 90 g

Sugar 30 g

Pepper, allspice



Wash the fish, soak in milk to remove excess salt. Rinse again in cold boiled water and marinate in a mixture of lemon juice, chopped rosemary, crushed allspice peas. Add a pinch of sugar. Put the fish in the marinade in the refrigerator.

After five hours, wrap each serving in foil well greased with butter and bake.

6. Grilled salmon in honey teriyaki


Orange, large 1 pc.

Ginger 70 g

Soy sauce 150 ml

Water 200 ml

Corn starch 10 g

Salmon fillet 1.0 kg

Cooking method:

AT cold water dilute starch, add soy sauce and honey. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sauce has the consistency of thick sour cream. Cool it down to room temperature.

Lay the prepared fillet on a sheet of foil. Place orange slices and chopped ginger on top and under the fish. Pour sauce over and seal. Let the fish stand for a couple of hours so that it has time to absorb the aroma. Keep it on the top shelf of your refrigerator.

Bake in foil.

  • Cooking red fish over an open fire is easy and difficult at the same time. You can choose the simplest accompaniment for red fish, but as for the temperature regime during frying, care and utmost attention must be exercised in this matter so as not to overdry the fillet. Salmon fish has an average degree of fat content, which, moreover, also varies depending on the catch season, the age of the individual, etc. In order not to spoil the steak during baking, do not rush to send it to the fire. The temperature of fish baking should be no higher than 40-50°C.
  • Brush the surface of the steak or fillet with vegetable fat to keep the juices inside the steak during the frying process.
  • hot fish, removing from heat, immediately wrap in foil, putting a piece of fresh butter inside. This will give the fish a delicate creamy taste. fried butter creates a pleasant nutty aroma. Fish and dairy products work very well together.

Salmon, thanks to its valuable nutritional properties, magnificent palatability, as well as the original red color of meat, always occupies one of the central places on any holiday table. Unlike frying in a pan, grilled salmon retains all its useful qualities, juiciness of meat, and also acquires a very presentable appearance. Grilled salmon steak - excellent portioned diet dish, which can decorate any celebration. There are several ways to prepare such a dish at home: salmon in a grill pan, salmon in an oven with a grill. But the most correct way would be to use open coals in nature, this method of cooking adds charm to the dish, enriches it with a unique smoky aroma. In addition to steaks, grilled salmon fillets are often cooked, it turns out to be more refined, tender. To give the dish the desired taste, reduce the effect of fish fats on the taste of the final product, pre-marinating salmon meat is used, as well as sauces when serving. Marinade for grilled salmon is prepared on the basis of lemon, spicy spices, herbs, garlic, onion, olive oil - in any combination, to taste. Unfortunately, overindulgence in acidic pickling foods spoils the fish. How to marinate salmon for grilling so as not to spoil it? The answer is simple: lemon juice, wine, etc. are dosed in the marinade. And grilled salmon sauce is best made using sour cream, kefir, yogurt, soy sauce, lemon and spices. With marinade and sauces, you can safely experiment, invent new recipes, do not hesitate to use different products. The calorie content of grilled salmon allows you to do this even within diet food. Therefore, how to marinate salmon for grilling is up to you in accordance with your tastes and the availability of certain products and spices.

This is the right culinary choice - grilled salmon. Find the recipe for this dish on our website. Be sure to try different options: grilled salmon steak, its recipe is simple and straightforward. Or, a recipe for salmon in a grill pan, it will also pleasantly surprise you with its simplicity. Try to use photos of dishes when cooking salmon on the grill. The photo perfectly demonstrates all the advantages of this beautiful treat. Therefore, when you are planning to cook salmon on the grill, immediately take the recipes with photos into service.

What a wonderful festive dish this is - salmon steak on a grill pan! Be sure to study the recipes with photos of this miracle first. The same recipes tell you how to marinate salmon steaks for grilling. This information will surely come in handy.

Salmon is such an interesting product that the very preparation of grilled salmon should be a holiday, not to mention eating it with friends at a festive table.

Here are some tips on how to cook salmon on the grill:

When buying salmon, pay attention to its appearance. Indicators of freshness: bulging shiny eyes, iridescent shiny scales. Expired vacuum-packed fish is not good;

Sometimes, under the guise of salmon in the store, they try to sell cheaper sea trout. They are very similar, but there are slight differences: salmon meat is pale pink, trout meat is brighter and denser;

Salmon cannot be marinated for a long time. In addition, its heat treatment should be short-term, this will better emphasize its taste;

Defrosting fish should take place in the refrigerator, gradually;

If you do not have enough time to marinate the fish, you can stuff the fish with garlic and herbs. You can also pre-fry the fish by wrapping it in strips of lard or grape leaves. This will help the fish keep its shape;

Instead of traditional wine or lemon juice marinades, try a juniper and herb marinade;

The best grill temperature for fish is when the coals form a white coating. Install the grate at a sufficiently large distance from the coals;

Grease the grate vegetable oil, and the fish will not stick to it;

You need to check the readiness as follows: at the puncture site of the pulp, it should be completely white and not transparent;

The leftover fish marinade can be used to enhance the taste of the finished dish. Just mix it with dry white wine and add a few drops of this mixture to the fish right before serving.

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