Useful recipes for stomach ulcers. Delicious cutlets with a stomach ulcer What can be cooked with a stomach ulcer

Potato juice;
red beet juice;
infusion of flax seeds;
a mixture of yolk with melted butter;
aloe infused with vodka and honey;
sea ​​buckthorn, propolis tincture;
a mixture of cocoa, honey, homemade butter;
plantain decoction;
vodka infusion on crushed birch buds;
a mixture of ground walnuts with honey in equal proportions;
pumpkin seed tea.
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It should be noted that the diet is not a strict restriction in food.

Mix the egg thoroughly with milk and pour into the hot soup, add the rest of the ingredients. Your dish is ready. Only warm food should be eaten.
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Such a menu will help maintain a healthy lifestyle for a patient with a stomach ulcer.
With it, you can not only adhere to the necessary diet, but also lead a full-fledged lifestyle, reducing food restrictions to minimal inconvenience.

So, let's start preparing dessert. Two medium-sized carrots should be peeled, chopped and lightly boiled to soften. Introduce semolina into the resulting mixture and cool. Peel and finely chop two large fresh apples.

Boiled fish in milk sauce. Pour 200 g of peeled fish with 15 ml of brine, add 1 medium onion and cook until tender. Put the fish on a dish and pour over the prepared milk sauce.
Beef soufflé with cottage cheese. Boil 200 g of beef without veins and cartilage until fully cooked and mince with 50 g of cottage cheese. Add 16 g of butter and the yolk of one egg and mix. Beat the protein until foamy and add to the minced meat. Shape into balls and steam.

First of all, this is a special diet.
a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and multivitamins;
food with low acidity, not spicy, which will not irritate the gastric mucosa;
eating often and in small portions;
do not eat hot food, only warm;
food entering the stomach should be liquid, without coarse inclusions;
minimum salt;
exclusion of products that cause advanced education gastric juice.
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A decoction of rice in milk. Take 2 tablespoons of rice chaff, 1 cup of pre-boiled milk, 1 cup of raw water, 1/3 teaspoon butter, 2/3 teaspoon soybean oil, sugar, salt to taste. Rice should be thoroughly washed, pour cold raw water. After the rice boils, reduce the fire and boil the cereal for about two hours. After cooking, wipe, pour pre-boiled milk, add butter, salt and sugar.

Recipes for delicious and simple dishes with a stomach ulcer
Folk recipes
Diet for stomach ulcers
First courses and their preparation
Recipes for second courses for stomach ulcers
There are a number of specific diseases in which it is necessary special meals.

Boil the resulting mixture again.
Pureed rice soup with meat. Take 20 g of rice cereal, 1/3 cup milk, 1.5 cup water, 100 g beef (lean), half a raw egg, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1/3 teaspoon butter, a little salt. Rinse rice, boil, wipe through a fine sieve. Grind boiled meat twice in a large meat grinder. Add rice to meat, boil again.

Boil buckwheat, rub through a sieve, add to the meat, mix thoroughly, salt and stew a little.
Meat puree with young zucchini. Boil 150 g of beef without inclusions until tender and grind twice through a meat grinder. Then add a little broth to the ground mass and simmer for 5 minutes. Boil one medium zucchini, rub through a sieve, add 20 g of butter and simmer in a saucepan for several minutes. In the resulting mixture, add one beaten egg yolk with milk, salt. Remove the dish from the heat, cool, after which it is ready to eat.

In case of gastric ulcer, the doctor, prescribing treatment, must prescribe diet therapy along with medications. There is a wide variety of culinary recipes for stomach ulcers that have high palatability, which are easy and quick to prepare, even for people who do not have the ability to do so.

General dietary rules for peptic ulcer

The purpose of dietary nutrition is the elimination of pain attacks and dyspepsia, providing the best conditions for scarring the ulcer.

Therefore, food should not contain products that cause increased stimulation of the production of gastric juice, irritating ulceration on the mucosa. Also, preference is given to those products that tend to quickly empty the stomach.

With therapeutic purpose during acute clinical manifestations of peptic ulcer with a strong pain symptom, according to the teachings of Pevzner, tables No. 1A, No. 1B are prescribed, then as the symptoms subside -.

  • Table No. 1A - the greatest restrictions on temperature, mechanical or chemical irritating factors on the stomach. Appointed for a period of up to one and a half weeks.
  • Table No. 1B - characterized by an unsharp limitation of stimuli. The average duration of the diet is about 2 weeks.
  • Table number 1 - gentle nutrition, the timing depends on the clinical picture, but not less than 6 months.

The diet lasts a long period, so there are certain requirements for nutrition. Food should be as gentle as possible, tasty and at the same time nutritious, so that the body does not suffer from a lack of components and vitamins necessary for life.

Dishes for patients with stomach ulcers and methods of heat treatment have features (according to Pevzner).

Nutrition principles corresponding to the first table

  • Cooking technology is changing. It is allowed to cook in a gentle way - only for a couple, boil, stew. You can bake, but this cooking method is allowed to be used rarely, no more than once a week. It is forbidden to eat smoked and fried foods with a high content of hot spices and fat.
  • Diet does not mean a reduction in calorie and nutritional value, it must correspond to a daily norm of 2100-2400 kcal and the optimal ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates for each age.
  • High demands are placed on the initial products in terms of quality, shelf life and storage conditions.
  • Ready-to-eat products, as well as semi-finished products containing dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, are excluded from dietary nutrition.
  • Meals are provided frequent - every 2-3 hours, approximately 6 times a day. A single amount of food consumed is about 200 g.
  • The temperature regime of consumed dishes is maintained within 40-50 degrees.
  • Be sure to include daily first courses in the menu. They are presented as slimy or pureed soups, prepared on the basis of boiled cereals, vegetables or secondary meat (or fish) broths. During exacerbations, mucous soups are useful, then the diet gradually expands.
  • Dishes are prepared without spices, with a minimum amount of salt.

It is convenient to cook food in a slow cooker. This cooking method corresponds to the first table, and the dishes are very tasty, reminiscent of those served from a Russian oven. An ordinary person who does not have special culinary skills can easily use a slow cooker.

Approved Products

  • Broths (decoctions). For the preparation of first courses, it is recommended to use decoctions of potatoes and other vegetables, combining them with grated cereals, vegetables or meat boiled and chopped to a puree-like consistency. You can eat milk soups. For dressing soups, a mixture of raw eggs with milk and butter, vegetable or creamy, is suitable.
  • Meat and fish dishes. Diet food should be complete and contain a sufficient amount of meat and fish products. Meat should be served twice a day. After the end of the exacerbation of the disease, you can not grind the food, but gradually introduce carefully boiled finely chopped foods into the menu. And diversify the diet with meat pate with the addition of liver, milk sausages, lightly salted low-fat herring.
  • Meat products. Allowed: beef, meat of chickens and turkeys, rabbit, lamb, lean pork. First, all fat, coarse veins and tendons must be removed from the meat. Boil, grind meat, you can add it to first courses and cereals or cook: aspic or mashed potatoes, varieties of steam cutlets - meatballs, quenelles and zrazy, even delicious beef stroganoff.
  • The fish is low-fat, the cooking method should correspond to the first table, sometimes it is acceptable to serve baked fish. You can cook fish whole or from chopped different types of steam cutlets.
  • Cereals. The basis of soups and second courses are heavily boiled and then grated cereals. Allowed cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina, thin vermicelli and noodles.
  • Vegetables. The diet corresponds to: carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, young peas, beets. Serve as an independent dish or add as a component to other products. Add oil if desired.
  • Pumpkin and zucchini can not be wiped.
  • Bread can be eaten. But it should be baked the day before and have time to dry slightly. You can crackers, dry biscuits, cookies. Sometimes it is allowed to cook in the oven pies from a simple dough stuffed with fruits, meat, fish.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, non-acidic yogurt, milk, cream are allowed. Once every few days, you can eat mild cheese, and sour cream is recommended as an addition to the main dishes.
  • Eggs. It can be eaten as an omelet or boiled soft-boiled. It is permissible to consume no more than 2 eggs per week.
  • Desserts. Berry and fruit desserts should be baked or slightly boiled and mashed. Only sweet varieties are used that can be used in the preparation of drinks or purees, jelly.
  • Kissels in milk, non-acid jams and jams, marshmallows, marshmallows, honey are well absorbed.
  • The drinks. A vitamin decoction containing rose hips, not strongly brewed teas, weak coffee is recommended, it can be diluted with milk or cream.


During all therapeutic measures for peptic ulcer are completely excluded from the diet:

  • The first courses are cooked on meat or fish rich broths. Okroshka is also contraindicated.
  • Cereals from hard-to-digest grain crops: millet, corn, barley, barley.
  • From meat products: fatty meats of all kinds, also geese and ducks. Animal fats.
  • All types of canned goods.
  • Eat vegetables rich in coarse fiber: radishes, legumes, turnips, white cabbage, fruits with peel.
  • For a long time, cultures with a high content of organic acids, as well as essential oils are removed from the menu: sorrel, dill and parsley, onions. Mushrooms, because the product is difficult to digest.
  • Pickles and marinades.
  • You can not eat fried eggs and hard-boiled eggs, they are poorly digested and create an increased burden on the sick stomach.
  • Sauces: all kinds of meat and tomato. Seasonings containing pepper, horseradish, mustard.
  • It is forbidden to use any kind of fresh pastries: bread and other products. Baking and puff pastry should not be eaten during the entire period of treatment.
  • Also fermented milk products, with a high level of acidity.
  • Chocolate, dried fruits, ice cream, sour berries and fruits are contraindicated.

First courses - recipes

An obligatory component of dietary nutrition are first courses.


slime soup

Soup with a stomach ulcer should be a semi-liquid homogeneous consistency. Therefore, allowed cereals are boiled in water for about an hour, the cereal should be completely boiled and lose its original shape. Then the broth is filtered.

  • While the period of exacerbation lasts, tables No. 1A and No. 1B are prescribed; nothing can be added from flavoring seasonings except salt and sugar.
  • When an acute condition has passed, a mixture of milk and raw eggs and butter can be added to soups.
  • With successful treatment, the diet becomes less strict. For the preparation of dietary soups, they begin to use vegetable, weak meat and fish broths, adding minced meat from well-cooked vegetables, meat products and fish.

The nutrition of this period should comply with physiological norms and include the optimal amount of essential nutrients and vitamins for each age and gender.

Mashed rice soup with meat

  • First you need to boil the meat well until soft and chop twice with a meat grinder.
  • In a separate pan, boil the rice until the grits lose their shape, then wipe.
  • Combine minced meat and rice water, boil.
  • The resulting soup can be seasoned with an egg with milk, butter.

Pea soup

With a stomach ulcer, it is contraindicated, since all legumes are hard and take a long time to digest. Dishes from them fall into the list of prohibited components for the entire period of the diet.

Lightweight borscht recipe

Classic borscht with an ulcer is clearly prohibited. But in the stage of prolonged remission, after the permission of the nutritionist, it can be prepared, but the recipe needs to be changed:

  • The liquid base will be a secondary broth of lean meats, permitted varieties.
  • All products are cooked for a long time.
  • It is forbidden to add salty or spicy tomatoes, spices to the dish.
  • White cabbage is replaced by Beijing cabbage.
  • Cooked meat must be chopped with a blender or meat grinder and combined with the rest of the ingredients.

Second course recipes

As for main courses, recipes for ulcers should include only permitted products, and cooking techniques should comply with the rules of the diet table.


Along with the first courses, cereals for stomach ulcers form the basis of the diet. They must be present in the diet during the entire period of treatment, with the exception of periods of exacerbations.

Buckwheat with a stomach ulcer is present on the menu as mashed porridge.

To prepare one serving (200 g) of porridge you will need:

  • 50 g of buckwheat;
  • 100 g of water;
  • 130 g of milk;
  • 5 g white sugar;
  • 0.5 g salt;
  • 10 g butter.

Put a pot of water on the stove, when boiling, add cereal, cook for 15 minutes, then add milk. When fully prepared, wipe the grits in a convenient way. Serve warm, seasoning to taste with sugar, salt, a little oil.

Pureed cereals from other cereals are prepared in a similar way.

Pumpkin porridge with oatmeal

You will need:

  • 1 glass of oatmeal and grated pumpkin;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • salt, sugar, butter.

First, boil the pumpkin in water for 20 minutes, then add milk, after boiling add cereal, boil, stirring for another 5 minutes. Add salt, sugar and butter when serving.

Salad Recipes for Ulcers

The use of vegetables is necessary for all people, especially those who are on the mend. But salads with a stomach ulcer can be eaten in a calm period, with the permission of a doctor. Cook vegetables following the rules of dietary nutrition, without adding onions, garlic and sauces.

Salad of beets and carrots

  1. Grind boiled beets and carrots on a grater.
  2. Diversify with green peas.
  3. Fill with vegetable oil.


For sweets it is allowed to use:

  • puree;
  • mousses;

People suffering from such an ailment as a stomach ulcer should not eat a lot of delicious junk food. But this does not mean at all that their main diet will be insipid and tasteless. There are interesting recipes that can be used even with stomach and duodenal ulcers. With them, all restrictions will be transferred easier, and sometimes not even noticeable. The recipes below can be used by people who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to avoid problems with the stomach and the entire digestive system in the future. In addition, they are not difficult to prepare, and do not require the use of a large number of components.

Diet for ulcers

A diet for a disease of the digestive system is more of a change in diet than a strict restriction. It will be easier to treat with it, and therapy will give a better result. Therefore, doctors always give a prescription in the form of proper nutrition, and the introduction of a number of restrictions on a number of products. The main requirements in catering for ulcers are:

  • Complete elimination of fried foods. It is allowed to eat only steamed, boiled or stewed. Baking is possible once a week.
  • The portion size should not be large, but food intake is required every 2-3 hours. You need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. You can not rush or swallow large pieces. Don't eat on the go.
  • It is not recommended to eat very cold or very hot food. Ideally, the temperature should be slightly above 35-40 degrees. This will avoid irritating the gastric mucosa.
  • Semi-finished products, peppered, smoked food cooked with a lot of spices are excluded from the menu.
  • Salt in food should be minimal, or better to do without it.
  • Do not eat foods that cause increased production of gastric juice.

Almost all recipes for meals that can be eaten without restriction for duodenal ulcers contain a list of steps for preparing liquid meals. This is due to the fact that it should enter the digestive organ in such a pathology in this form. But there are exceptions, but they should not make up the main menu, but rather dilute it.

First course recipes

First courses can be tasty and healthy if you know how to cook them correctly. Here are some ways to make a soup that will please the soul and the sick stomach.

  • Rice with milk. It is necessary to take chaff of rice in the form of 2 spoons, boiled milk 1 cup, raw water 1 cup, a little less than half a teaspoon of butter, sugar, salt. Rice is thoroughly washed and filled with water for 2 hours. Then it is boiled in milk over low heat for the same time. As soon as it is completely cooked, add butter, sugar. Salt quite a bit.
  • Soup with tomatoes. You need to take 3 tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of rice, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of flour and 10g of butter. The fruits are thoroughly washed and peeled. Rice is boiled, milk is mixed with flour and boiled. All this is mixed and seasoned with butter.
  • Meat soup with rice. You will need to take 20-30g of rice, a third of a glass of milk, a half glass of water, 100 g of lean beef, half a raw egg, a teaspoon of butter (preferably olive oil), a third of a teaspoon of butter, salt on the tip of a knife. Rice is washed and boiled over low heat. After it is fully cooked, it is ground through a sieve. Boiled meat is passed through a meat grinder several times and mixed with rice. Part of the egg is added to the milk, after which it all goes into the soup. After adding the remaining components, the mixture is boiled for several minutes, after which it is cooled and served on the table.

Such first courses will brighten up any dinner, and make it not only healthy, but also tasty. And if you supplement it with an interesting version of the second, then such food will only be a joy.

Second courses for ulcers

At first, dietary dishes seem tasteless to many, but over time, a hidden special taste of the products begins to be felt. Taste buds are sharpened, and many vegetables are perceived differently than before the dietary restrictions. Here are a few recipes for main courses that people with various pathologies of the food system can eat.

  • Rabbit soufflé. Rabbit fillet 200 g is boiled and passed through a meat grinder several times. After that, 4 tablespoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of flour and 1 yolk are added to it. All this is smeared with vegetable oil and steamed for 20-25 minutes. As soon as the dish began to approach, you need to add greens there.
  • Meat puree with carrots. We take 200 g of chicken fillet, boil until fully cooked and chop. This can be done in a meat grinder or blender. Sour cream, butter, 2 medium-sized carrots and a drop of salt are added there, everything is mixed to a puree state.
  • Fish "Jackdaw". A low-fat variety of fish is taken - 200 g of fillet, boiled and passed through a meat grinder. Milk, starch, salt are added there. Small meatballs are formed from the minced meat, which are lowered into boiling water. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then serve with sour cream sauce.

It is very important not to overdo it with salt in the process, for example, if it is added to a dish, then the water where it will be boiled is not salted. In this case, the resulting dish will be tasty and healthy, and most importantly, it will benefit the body without irritating the affected stomach.

Delicious and healthy desserts

Suffering from an ulcer, a person, no less than any other, periodically wants to eat something delicious. Most sweets are banned, so you have to prepare desserts yourself. They will delight you with taste, and will not cause pain in the stomach. Here are some simple recipes to try:

  • Curd pudding. For cooking, you need to take 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of semolina, 1 medium-sized apple, half a glass of milk, 10 g of sugar, 1 yolk and a teaspoon of butter. Apples need to be peeled, partitioned, seeds and grated. Cook semolina until viscous with milk. After that, the mixture is cooled and laid out in a mold along with an apple. You need to bake for half an hour. Chilled pudding served with berry mousse.
  • Rosehip jelly. 2 tablespoons of wild rose are ground and boiled in 2 glasses of water. After that, the mixture is infused for 5-6 hours, and decanted. The resulting broth must be boiled again, add a little gelatin (about a teaspoon), a slice of lemon and sugar. All this is sent to a cold place for 3 hours. After that, the dish is ready to eat.
  • Strawberry mousse. 100 grams of berries are washed and ground with sugar until smooth. After that, the mixture is boiled over low heat, whipped proteins are added there. The resulting composition is sent to the oven for 15 minutes.

Such desserts will be a delicious addition to herbal tea and a light dinner. Proper nutrition and food restrictions do not always mean that food will no longer please. The main thing is to learn a few simple recipes and delight yourself with them at any time.

A stomach ulcer in most cases is the result of malnutrition and unwillingness to give up unhealthy habits, even when the symptoms of the disease have become apparent. In order to prevent even more serious and dangerous complications, you should strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and not deviate from the prescribed diet. Interesting recipes dishes for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers will help make the diet not so monotonous and dull.

High-quality, fresh products from the list of allowed, gentle cooking, proper diet - the key to good health with an ulcer

The diet for gastric and duodenal ulcers is based on several principles:

  1. Food is boiled, steamed or baked without fat and not before a crust forms.
  2. Diet meals are served comfortably room temperature, not hot and not cold (30-50 degrees).
  3. The use of salt is limited, which retains fluid in the body, irritates ulcers on the walls of the stomach and intestines. If possible, you need to abandon it completely.
  4. Eat should be fractional: up to six times a day, in portions. You can't starve or overeat. Ideal option: three main meals, three snacks at intervals of three hours. The last one should be no later than two hours before bedtime.
  5. The number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 3000.
  6. Cooked foods are crushed or ground. If it is meat, fish, offal, then it is better to use minced meat.
  7. Drink plenty of water: drink one glass half an hour before meals, the second one and a half hours after. Water should be without gas, not tap.

Compliance with the regime is no less important than properly prepared dishes from permitted products.

The main goal of therapeutic nutrition for an ulcer is not to irritate the affected mucosa even more. To do this, it is required to remove from the patient's menu products that are difficult to digest, stimulating the production of gastric secretions. Doctors in polyclinics usually give general information: what is allowed and what to refuse.

A detailed list of allowed and prohibited foods will help you correctly compose a sparing diet for an ulcer sufferer:

What is allowed What is prohibited
Yesterday's white bread Any heavy broths
Pasta Rye bread, muffin
Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, barley Barley, millet, corn grits, legumes
Potatoes, beets, celery, non-bitter and non-acid greens, carrots Any pickles and marinades
Cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin Fatty varieties of meat and fish, lard
Non-acidic low-fat dairy products Sausages, smoked meats, canned food
Eggs, animal, vegetable fat Sour fruits and berries
Non-acid fruits, berries Coffee, strong tea
Lean meat, poultry Spicy cheeses, full-fat dairy products, margarine
Lean white fish Spicy seasonings and spices, fatty sauces
Herbal teas and infusions Carbonated drinks

At first glance, it seems that it is difficult to cook delicious dishes from acceptable products. This is an erroneous opinion. Unusual but simple recipes for ulcers below will help you create a varied sample menu for the week.


A little imagination, a desire to eat right and tasty, high-quality products will make even a dietary table varied and appetizing.

Salads are not a priority dish. They are introduced into the diet after the exacerbation is eliminated and the disease has passed into the stage of stable remission. Prior to this, vegetables are served in the form of puree. But even during this period, they are prepared with an eye on the patient's condition exclusively from permitted components. It is undesirable to use raw vegetables, marinades and pickles are prohibited.

Mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, horseradish are excluded. High-quality vegetable fats without fragrances, low-fat sour cream, natural yogurt are ideal for dressing.


Dishes from boiled or baked beets are useful in the remission of the disease, apples and prunes are added after consultation with the doctor, taking into account food tolerance

Beets with an ulcer are included in the diet, depending on the stage of the disease and the patient's well-being. In its raw form, the root crop is forbidden to all ulcers. Boiled or baked, beets make an excellent base for nutritious salads and snacks.


  • beets - one small;
  • potatoes - one tuber;
  • pitted prunes - 5 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 1 spoon;
  • salt;
  • greenery.


  • wash prunes, soak in warm water;
  • wash the vegetable, bake in the peel in the oven;
  • peel potatoes, beets, cut into strips or grate;
  • prunes cut into strips;
  • combine all the components, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with herbs.

Several other salads can be made based on this recipe by adding or substituting ingredients.


In the photo, dried bread canape with delicate fish and curd pate

To prepare this dish, use any low-fat white fish - cod, hake, pollock, haddock.


  • white fish fillet - 100 g;
  • one carrot;
  • non-sour cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • butterfat - a teaspoon;
  • salt;
  • dill for decoration and serving.


  • boil or bake carrots, cool, peel, chop;
  • rinse the fish, put it in boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, cool, cut into pieces;
  • grind cottage cheese, fish, carrots, butter, salt in a blender;
  • put on a dish in the form of a fish, decorate with herbs.

On holidays, such an appetizer will decorate the table and not only the patient will like it. The pate is not stored for a long time in the refrigerator, it is prepared at one time.


Ingredients for fruit dessert are selected depending on the season and the patient's response to different varieties.

Fruits with peptic ulcer disease are not taboo, but they must be ripe, sweet, unspoiled. With an exacerbation of the ulcer, raw fruits should be discarded, it is better to use baked ones.


  • apple - half;
  • pear - half;
  • banana - one;
  • tangerine - one;
  • peach - half;
  • white grapes - a few berries for decoration;
  • yogurt without additives - half a glass.


  • wash fruit, banana, tangerine, apple, peel pear;
  • remove the seed pods from the apple and pear, remove the seed from the peach, cut the grapes into halves and pull out its core with a toothpick, divide the tangerine into slices;
  • cut fruits into pieces;
  • mix everything except grapes with yogurt, put in a salad bowl, decorate with berries on top.

Like any ulcer food, fruit salad is served at a comfortable temperature, not out of the refrigerator. Fruits and proportions are allowed to be changed according to individual tolerance and season.

First meal

A variety of soups - vegetable, mashed, cereal - are a must in the patient's daily diet. But they are cooked on water or a weak vegetable broth, broths are excluded. Soups do not put frying, do not use legumes and mushrooms for their preparation.


Soups-puree from seasonal vegetables with the addition of low-fat sour cream, cream, butter - a priority dish in the diet of ulcers

Pureed soups from vegetables are optimally suited for the inflamed mucosa, they do not irritate it, do not require long chewing, are easily digested and provide the nutrients necessary to restore the epithelium.


  • carrots - one medium;
  • potatoes - two medium;
  • broccoli and cauliflower - 3-4 inflorescences;
  • one bow;
  • sour cream - two tablespoons;
  • chopped greens;
  • two or three slices of white bread;
  • salt.


  • put a pot with 2 liters of water on the fire, wash vegetables, potatoes, carrots, peel onions;
  • disassemble cabbage into small inflorescences, cut carrots, potatoes and onions into cubes;
  • lower all the vegetables in boiling water, salt, simmer until tender;
  • prepare croutons: cut white bread into strips, dry in a frying pan without oil or in the oven;
  • cool the finished soup a little, beat with a blender in mashed potatoes, add sour cream, boil again, serve with croutons and chopped herbs.

Ingredients can be removed, replaced, added depending on taste preferences, tolerance and season.


Soups with pasta are prepared with any seasonal or frozen vegetables from the list of allowed: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peas, asparagus

Pasta with an ulcer is allowed, but in a small form. They definitely need to be boiled well, vermicelli, small shells, noodles are ideal for this.


  • one potato;
  • one carrot;
  • a small celery root - half;
  • vermicelli - 50 g;
  • parsley - two or three branches;
  • salt.


  • wash, peel the root crops, grate the celery and carrots on a medium grater, cut the potatoes into small cubes;
  • put vegetables in boiling salted water (2 liters), cook for 15-20 minutes;
  • add vermicelli, cook for 5-7 minutes;
  • add parsley, cover, turn off, let cool to a temperature not higher than 50 degrees.

If desired, boiled chicken meat, meatballs, hearts are added to the finished soup.


Sweet milk soups with cereals and fruits can be served as a dessert, afternoon snack, dinner

Dairy hot dishes with the addition of cereals for ulcers are extremely useful, they are allowed to be used in the stage of relief and exacerbation. In the process of cooking, the cereal boils soft and forms a starchy mucus, which has a mild effect on the walls of the stomach.


  • pumpkin, peeled and seeds - 300 gr.;
  • semolina - two tablespoons;
  • milk - three glasses;
  • water - a glass;
  • sugar - two spoons;
  • oil - one spoon.


  • put water and milk in separate saucepans on fire, bring to a boil;
  • put pieces of pumpkin into water, add semolina into milk, boil for 15 minutes;
  • puree the pumpkin with the broth (use a blender or rub through a sieve);
  • add to the soup, add sugar, stir, bring to a boil, turn off, season with oil.

Semolina can be replaced with any other - rice, oatmeal, pearl barley.

Borscht, hodgepodge, okroshka and pea soup with an ulcer are contraindicated at any stage of the disease. During remission, it is permissible to cook lean cabbage soup and borscht without sauerkraut, tomato paste, vinegar, but even “lightened” first courses should not appear on the table more than once every seven to ten days.

Main dishes


A good alternative to meatballs and potato zrazy


  • rice - one glass;
  • boiled beef - 300 gr.;
  • one egg;
  • flour - two tbsp. spoons;
  • salt.


  • cook viscous rice porridge in salted water, cool, beat in an egg, stir;
  • while rice is cooking, pass the meat through the meat grinder twice;
  • with wet hands, make flat round cakes of rice, put a spoonful of meat on each, form oblong zrazy;
  • roll in flour, place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with melted butter, cover with foil, send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Rice pancakes do not need a side dish, they are served with boiled vegetables.


Delicate souffle cooked in the oven or slow cooker will appeal even to those who do not like fish


  • cod fillet - 300 g;
  • white bread - 2 slices;
  • one egg;
  • milk - a third of a glass;
  • butter - a teaspoon;
  • salt.


  • rinse the fish fillet, steam for about 5 minutes;
  • soak bread in milk;
  • divide the egg into components, beat the protein, melt the butter;
  • pass the fish and bread through a meat grinder or beat in a blender, add the yolk, butter, salt and puree again;
  • gently fold the protein whipped into a steep foam into the fish mass;
  • Arrange the soufflé into muffin molds, put on a baking sheet with water, bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. at a temperature of 170 degrees.

The airy soufflé pairs well with tender mashed potatoes and is a great dinner dish.


In remission, minced meat dishes are allowed to be replaced with baked tender poultry fillet without skin

Fragrant fillet with applesauce can be served with festive table, but only if there is no exacerbation for a long time.


  • skinless chicken breast - one large;
  • non-sour apples - two pieces;
  • Art. l. vegetable oil;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • salt.


  • wash the meat, dry it, salt it, grease it with vegetable fat;
  • wash apples, peel, cut into quarters, remove seeds, cut into slices;
  • wash parsley, chop;
  • wrap everything in foil or put it in a baking sleeve, cook in the oven or slow cooker for 40 minutes;
  • chop the chicken before serving, apples can be mashed.

Chicken is also baked with pears, quince, oranges. It turns out a delicate, spicy, unusual dish.


With a diagnosis of "stomach ulcer" it does not hurt to master the recipes for various casseroles, puddings, soufflés and mousses from milk, cereals and fruits

Desserts for ulcers are not limited to jelly, although they are welcome. Casseroles, mousses, soufflés, cereal and fruit puddings will delight those with a sweet tooth. And with persistent remission, light homemade cakes are allowed.


Few people like semolina porridge in its pure form. But it will be difficult to refuse such an appetizing fruit pudding.


  • semolina - one glass;
  • milk - three glasses;
  • sweet pears - five pieces;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • butterfat - 30 g;
  • vanillin.


  • pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire until boiling;
  • introduce semolina, stirring, cook thick porridge, add oil;
  • separate the components from the eggs, grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla;
  • add the yolks to the porridge, mix well;
  • beat the whites in a strong foam, carefully fold into the pudding mixture;
  • wash the pears, remove the peel, remove the coarse seed, cut the fruit into slices;
  • add to the semolina mixture, arrange in molds;
  • cook in a water bath or in the oven for 30 minutes.

Serve the pudding warm with jam or sour cream. Rice pudding with apples, bananas, raisins, dried apricots, prunes is prepared in a similar way.


A delicacy of cottage cheese for tea will be enjoyed by all households, not only ulcers

Muffins from low-fat, non-acidic cottage cheese are cooked in the oven without flour, therefore they do not burden the stomach and do not irritate the mucous membranes. This is a great option for breakfast or an afternoon snack.


  • low-fat and non-acid cottage cheese - 250 gr.;
  • oatmeal - 30 g;
  • one egg;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • starch - a spoon;
  • oil for greasing molds.


  • grind cottage cheese with sugar and egg;
  • grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add together with starch to the curd mass, stir;
  • grease the molds with oil, fill two-thirds with curd dough, place on a baking sheet, pour a cup of water on the bottom;
  • bake 20 min. in an oven preheated to 170 degrees.

If desired, slices of apples, bananas, raisins are added to the dough.

The drinks

With an ulcer, it is imperative to observe the drinking regimen. During the day, the patient should drink at least two liters of water, not counting herbal teas, decoctions, compotes. Coffee and strong tea are excluded, but you can prepare other tasty and healthy drinks for breakfast or lunch for dessert and as a snack.


Kissel from peach or apricot should be prepared in season exclusively from fresh fruits, canned ones are not suitable.

The most useful jelly for ulcers is oatmeal. It soothes the inflamed mucosa, envelops it, protecting it from the effects of gastric acid. But not everyone likes its taste. Kissels from fruits and berries are also useful, but they look and taste much more appetizing and pleasant.


  • ripe peaches - 4-5 pieces;
  • sugar or honey - one large spoon;
  • water - three glasses;
  • starch - one spoon.


  • pour boiling water over fruits, peel, cut, remove seeds;
  • chop finely, puree with a blender;
  • put peach puree, sugar or honey in a saucepan, pour in water, leaving half a glass;
  • put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes;
  • dilute starch in half a glass of cold water, pour in a thin stream into peach compote, stirring constantly;
  • boil the jelly, turn off, serve, cooling to an accessible temperature.

Apricot jelly is prepared in the same way.


For milkshakes, ripe, sweet berries are chosen; if the doctor allows, instead of milk, use kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk

Milk, like starch, has an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa, contains vitamins and minerals necessary for tissue repair and a full-fledged metabolism. For a cocktail, you should choose medium-fat milk, it is better to dilute homemade milk with water.


  • milk - one and a half glasses;
  • strawberries - 4-5 pieces;
  • raspberries - 4-5 pieces;
  • blackberries - 4-5 pieces;
  • honey - st. l;
  • mint.


  • wash the berries, remove the stalks;
  • put all the ingredients in a blender, leaving a few mint leaves for decoration;
  • shake into a cocktail, do not refrigerate, serve for breakfast, for a snack or for an afternoon snack.

The diagnosis of "gastric ulcer" imposes serious restrictions on the patient's diet. A sparing diet is chosen, which does not irritate the mucous membrane either mechanically or chemically, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Products are boiled, baked, steamed, it is advisable to grind them and serve them in the form of mashed soups, mashed potatoes, soufflés, pates. A list of positive and forbidden foods should be taken into account, but this does not mean that patients should eat monotonously. If you wish, you can cook different dishes every day, tasty and healthy.

For some, the word "diet" sounds like a sentence. In fact, restrictions within reasonable limits are even useful, and treating an ulcer is faster and more efficient. With proper nutrition, you can speed up the process of scarring of the ulcer, improve well-being and prolong remission. For stomach ulcers, recipes are selected in accordance with the requirements of the treatment table No. 1 according to Pevzner.

General principles of food preparation:

  • Cook food only for a couple, boil or stew. Baking - a maximum of once a week. Fried food is contraindicated.
  • Dose the portion size: often a person eats quickly, chews food poorly and eventually overeats. Try to eat slowly, because the centers in the cerebral cortex that are responsible for saturation are turned on only 15 minutes after the start of the meal.
  • The diet for ulcers should be complete: calories in the range of 2100-2400 kcal, at least 80 g of fat, 130 g of protein and 250 g of carbohydrates per day.
  • Eat small meals every 2-3 hours. Snacks should also be healthy, so no fast food and convenience foods.
  • Products must be fresh, carefully study the expiration dates and storage conditions. Products with artificial flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers should be put aside.
  • Food temperature should be comfortable: 45-55 degrees Celsius. Very cold and hot food irritates the gastric mucosa.
  • During the period of exacerbation, food is thoroughly crushed, soups and semi-liquid cereals are recommended. In the future, you can introduce new products, but chew them thoroughly.
  • Monitor your well-being, monitor your diet. If after some product the deterioration began, exclude it from the menu.
  • Do not forget about the drinking regimen: drink up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

First course recipes

There are many recipes for treating stomach ulcers, and soups are in the first place (see recipes below).

Oatmeal with milk.


  • 2 tbsp oatmeal,
  • 150 ml milk
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 10g butter,
  • some salt and sugar.

Preparation: Pour the flakes with water, cook until cooked and interrupt in a blender. Add milk, salt, sugar, bring to a boil. Put butter before serving.

Soup with tomatoes.


  • 3 fresh tomatoes.
  • 2 tbsp rice, 2 tbsp. milk.
  • 1 tbsp flour and 10g butter.

Tomatoes are peeled, washed and finely chopped. Boil rice, add tomatoes and rub through a sieve. Dry the flour in a pan, sift, add to hot milk and boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Mix with tomatoes and rice, add a little water or vegetable broth, boil. Drizzle with butter before serving.

Pumpkin cream soup with potatoes.


  • 2 medium potatoes.
  • 150g pumpkin, 2 tbsp. cream.
  • Salt and herbs.

Wash potatoes and pumpkin, peel and cook until tender. Grind together with the water remaining from cooking on a blender, add salt, cream and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Soup puree with cauliflower.


  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 300g broccoli,
  • 1 egg
  • salt, herbs,
  • 1 medium carrot.

We clean the carrots, cook until tender, mash into a puree. We divide the cauliflower into inflorescences and keep for a couple of 20-30 minutes. All mix and grind in a blender. Add beaten egg to sour cream, mix with other ingredients, bring to a boil. Before serving, add greens and salt.

Celery soup.


  • 70g celery root.
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 potato, 2 tbsp. milk.
  • 1 tsp flour and vegetable oil, herbs, salt.

Boil the celery, finely chop the potatoes and bring to readiness. We grind the vegetables in a puree, add milk and flour, salt and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Before serving, add greens.

Second course recipes

Ulcerative colitis, gastritis and other diseases require the consumption of sparing food. We have selected such recipes for you (see below).

Rabbit soufflé.


  • 200g rabbit fillet.
  • 4 tbsp milk, 1 tsp vegetable oil.
  • 1 tsp flour, 1 yolk, salt.

Boil the fillet and grind in a meat grinder, mix with other ingredients (the egg must first be beaten). Lubricate the form with oil and hold the soufflé for a couple of 15-20 minutes. 3 minutes before the readiness, add greens.

Fish soufflé.


  • 250g hake
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp flour,
  • half a teaspoon of butter,
  • 30 ml milk.

Boil the fish and grind, mix with the rest of the ingredients. We put it in a double boiler and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Meat puree with carrots.


  • 200g chicken.
  • 2 tbsp sour cream.
  • 1 tsp butter, 2 medium carrots, salt.

Boil carrots and meat, grind in a blender. Add sour cream, butter, salt, bring to a boil and thoroughly beat until a uniform puree.

Rice casserole.


  • 100g boiled meat.
  • 1 tbsp rice, 2 tbsp. milk.
  • Half a teaspoon of butter, salt.

Rinse and boil the rice, chop the meat in a blender. Mix all the ingredients, put in a mold and steam for 20 minutes.

Steam omelet with meat.


  • 50g meat.
  • 2 eggs, 5 g butter.
  • 3 tbsp milk, salt.

Boil the meat until cooked without skin and tendons, pass through a meat grinder. Beat the eggs, mix with milk, salt and add to the resulting minced meat. Pour the mixture into a greased form and cook in a double boiler for 7-10 minutes.

Fish cutlet "daw".


  • 200g hake fillet.
  • 40g milk, 10g starch.

Pass the fillet through a meat grinder, add milk, starch, salt. We form small cutlets and lower them into salted boiling water. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Can be served with sour cream sauce.

Meat patty.


  • 1 egg.
  • Salt, 2 tbsp rice, 200g meat.

Boil the rice to a state of porridge, boil the meat too and smash it in a blender. Add the egg, salt to the prepared minced meat, mix well. Form small meatballs and cook in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes. Before serving, you can pour sour cream or melted butter.

Noodles with curd mass.


  • 150g cottage cheese.
  • 80g vermicelli, 1 egg, sugar, salt.

Boil the vermicelli until tender, grind the cottage cheese with eggs, sugar and salt on a blender. Mix well with noodles. Spread on a baking sheet (grease with oil, you can sprinkle with breadcrumbs) and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Before serving, you can pour sour cream sauce.

Cauliflower puree.


  • 500g cauliflower.
  • Half a glass of milk and vegetable broth.
  • 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. butter.
  • 1 tbsp flour and salt.

My cauliflower and cook until tender, interrupt in a blender. Mix the flour with milk, vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Combine with cauliflower, add beaten egg, boil for 2 minutes. Add butter before serving.

Steamed chicken cutlet.


  • 30ml milk.
  • 180g chicken.
  • 20g bread, 5g butter and some salt.

Boil the meat and pass through a meat grinder. Soak the bread in milk, add to the minced meat, salt to taste. We form cutlets and cook for a couple. Serve with butter.

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