Negroni cocktail recipe at home. How to make a negroni cocktail at home. Variety of Negroni cocktails

The Negroni cocktail is essentially the same Americano, but with the addition of a higher degree gin. Red dessert vermouth, Campari beater and dry juniper gin meet in an old-fashioned glass. The creator of the cocktail, Camillo Negroni, thus decided to distinguish his brainchild from the usual alcoholic drinks at that time. Without suspecting it, he came up with an aperitif-masterpiece.

Negroni Cocktail Ingredients:

  • Red sweet dessert vermouth - 30 ml
  • Aperitif wine or bitter (Campari) - 30 ml
  • Gin - 30 ml
  • Orange, lemon or cherry (for garnish)

How to make a Negroni Cocktail:

The Negroni cocktail is prepared according to the build method (sometimes shake). In an old-fashioned glass, mix the three main ingredients. Add crushed ice.

For garnish, you can put a slice of orange, lemon or a classic cocktail cherry. Alternatively, garnish the serving glass with orange zest.

Cocktail utensils: old fashioned glass

Interesting Facts:

In 1919, the Negroni alcoholic cocktail was invented in Florence. The institution, in which the aperitif was actually born, was called differently at different times. At the time of the creation of the drink, the name sounded like Caffè Casoni, before that - Caffè Giacosa. Today it is called Caffè Cavalli.

The author, after whom the drink got its name, Camillo Negroni, on the advice of the bartender Scarselli, decided to "strengthen" his favorite. He added one part of gin to the list of ingredients. The bartender also recommended an orange garnish instead of the traditional lemon garnish.

The success of the cocktail exceeded all expectations. The Negroni family soon founded their own company in the city of Treviso, which to this day is engaged in mass production and production of the finished Negroni cocktail.

Orson Welles had a hand in spreading the delicious Italian aperitif. In 1947, when the director was working in Rome, a report was published under his authorship, which mentions the composition of the cocktail: “a combination of liver-healthy beater and destructive gin.”

Today, the traditional Negroni recipe has undergone some changes. In many bars, if you order this drink, it will most likely be served with a double shot of gin. And even with a little soda water.

As with any cocktail, the fate of the Negroni was not without alcoholic experiments. The “Wrong Negroni” cocktail invented by someone instead of gin contains sparkling wine. You can add, for example, Prosecco. If gin is replaced not with wine, but with vodka, then such an alcoholic mixture will be called “Negroski”.

Instead of the Campari beater, another bitter aperitif, Cynar, is added to the Chin-Chin cocktail (one of the Negroni variants). "Pinkish Negroni" is prepared with the addition of rose wine instead of gin. An alcoholic mix with a lower alcohol content, rich orange color, without Campari, but with orange Aperol, is called Raultini.

The most popular alternative to Campari is Rosso Antico.

"Negroni" is found in Tennessee Williams' novel (and Woody Allen's film of the same name) "Roman Holiday"; in Risiko, a short story by Ian Fleming, the famous author of the James Bond series of books; in one of the episodes of The Sopranos; as well as in the pages of the works of Harry Harrison and in the memoirs of Gabriel Hamilton.

The Negroni is one of the official cocktails of the International Bartending Association.


The Negroni is a cocktail that the International Bartenders Association classifies as "Unforgettable". It was first invented at the end of the 19th or the beginning of the 20th century, but still has not lost its popularity. The new peak of fashion for drink options came in the winter of 2016-17, so among the recipes you can find both classic and modern mixtures.

Negroni legend

The drink was named after the Italian count Camillo Negroni. In 1919 he returned from the USA, where he tried and fell in love with gin and its strong base. It was difficult to find such alcohol in Italian bars.

A popular mix was the Americano, which consisted of equal parts Campari bitters and sweet red vermouth heavily diluted with soda. A refreshing drink was in demand among American tourists, but the count wanted a stronger mixture. He asked the bartender to replace the soda with gin. To distinguish his glass from others, instead of the traditional slice of lemon, he decorated the glass with an orange circle.

The new drink entered the range of the bar and brought popularity to its owners. The count also organized the production of a ready-made bottled mix Antico Negroni 1919.

But there are other versions that attribute the invention of the cocktail to the brave General Pascal Olivier de Negroni in 1857 or call 1914 as the time of its appearance. The first written recipe dates back to 1947, where it is recommended to include equal parts of gin, and.

The composition and proportions of the drink

The traditional Negroni recipe includes 3 ingredients:

  • gin (connoisseurs recommend Hendrick's);
  • red sweet vermouth of any brand;
  • bitter Campari.

To serve, you will need a low wide glass with a thick bottom - old fashion or rocks. It is recommended to supplement the cocktail with ice cubes and a circle of orange.

You need to mix a classic-type drink from equal parts of alcoholic ingredients. Most often take 30 ml of each for 1 serving. In order not to dilute the strong mix too much with water from melting ice, they take large cubes that melt slowly, cooling the drink, but almost without reducing its strength.

Variants based on the classic recipe involve replacing ingredients and changing their proportions. Such mixtures in cocktail cards are also called Negroni, but their composition and taste may be different.

Classic Negroni cocktail recipe

The refined traditional taste of the classic drink is easy to reproduce at home, if you follow the indicated proportions and purchase quality ingredients. You should not save on gin, because the taste of a cocktail depends on its quality. When buying, you need to keep in mind that there is a drink called "Thorn Gin". It is sweet, and it is not suitable for making Negroni. Most often, London dry gin is used for cocktails.

To prepare a Negroni cocktail, the recipe of which is considered basic, they begin by filling the glass with ice cubes. Rocks are filled to the top, in total about 100-120 g of ice may be required. It is recommended to mix a cocktail for each serving separately in the following sequence:

  • pour over ice campari (30 ml) and red sweet vermouth (30 ml);
  • add London dry gin (30 ml);
  • mix the ingredients with a cocktail spoon;
  • cut the circle of orange to the middle and hang it on the edge of the glass.

A strong mix is ​​served as an aperitif.

A variant of the mix, which appeared along with the classic recipe, involves the use of rye instead of gin. Such a replacement was supposed to affect the taste, and the drink lost its characteristic aroma of juniper berries and spices. But in the conditions of a shortage of the necessary ingredient in both the New and Old Worlds, such a replacement seemed acceptable.

For the Old Friend cocktail you will need:

  • 45 ml rye whiskey;
  • 30 ml Campari;
  • 30 ml of vermouth.

In the first versions of the recipe, dry vermouth could be used, but according to later sources, it is recommended to include a red sweet drink in the composition.

Mixing is carried out according to the principles of the classic Negroni: first, vermouth and Campari are poured onto ice laid out in rocks, and then a stronger ingredient is added. This brutal drink does not require decorations.

Mix "Boulvardie" can be prepared by replacing gin with another strong component:

  • 45 ml;
  • 30 ml red sweet martini;
  • 30 ml Campari.

Mixing is done in batches. All the ingredients are poured onto ice in a rock, the drink is mixed and served with a strip of orange peel.

New fashion

An unusually beautiful and tasty mix is ​​​​called "Negroni and Flower". To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 30 ml of Hendrick's gin;
  • 20 ml rhubarb liqueur;
  • 20 ml of chamomile liqueur;
  • 20 ml Campari;
  • ice, lemon zest and 1 chamomile flower for garnish.

Put ice cubes in rocks. Pour alcohol into a mixing glass, add ice, filling the glass to the top, mix everything with a cocktail spoon and strain into ice cubes in rocks glass. Serve garnished with a strip of lemon zest and chamomile. Such a mix can be prepared for a girl before a romantic dinner for two.

The male mixture "Negroni from the Bronx" in Russian translation is often referred to as "Negroni in the area." For its preparation, several alcoholic ingredients are used, but its strength is approximately equal to a classic cocktail. Would need:

  • 15 ml Drambuie herbal liqueur;
  • 30 ml Campari;
  • 15 ml of port;
  • 40 ml dry red wine;
  • 3 ml each of peach and plum bitters.

Mixing is done in a separate large glass. Pour everything into it in sequence, then fill with ice, mix with a cocktail spoon and strain into old fashion into ice cubes. Garnish with an orange peel spiral.

Frozen Negroni

On a wave of prohibitions to appear in public places with alcoholic beverages, a recipe for unusual ice cream from alcohol was born. You can cook this in a household freezer. Ingredients for 12 servings:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 0.25 cups of gin, Campari and red vermouth;
  • 2.5 cups grapefruit juice (preferably from fruits with red pulp);
  • some salt.

From sugar, a pinch of salt and water, boil a simple syrup and cool it to a barely warm state. Pour in the rest of the ingredients, mix and distribute into molds. Put in the freezer, when it hardens a little, insert ice cream sticks and bring to complete freezing.

Ice cream is similar to plain popsicles, but has a pronounced alcoholic effect. You can’t offer this to children, but adults will like it on a hot summer day.

There are a large number of recipes for alcoholic cocktails of various qualities. There are strong cocktails and those containing a minimum amount of alcohol. Consisting of two or ten ingredients. The Negroni cocktail is a fairly strong variety of these drinks.

Many dishes and drinks included in the collections of classic recipes have their own unique history. The Negroni cocktail is no exception.

This truly masculine drink, with a strength of three dozen degrees, is very easy to prepare. You will not need any special electrical appliances, neither a mixer nor a blender. In your own name cocktail indebted to the Comte de Negroni descending from the family of Florentine aristocrats. He was born and lived in Corsica, France.

The count traveled a lot, was in America and other countries. Being a military man, by education, he was able to rise to the rank of general, but he went down in history not thanks to his military exploits, but as the author of a strong alcoholic drink made from bitter liquor, fortified wine and gin flavored with herbs.

The Negroni is one of the official cocktails of the International Bartending Association in the category unforgettables

Recipe history

The history of the Negroni cocktail is quite interesting.. The general was an avid fan of laying the collar. Like a real military man, he preferred strong liquor. Most of all, the Earl respected dry gin. While in America, he became addicted to washing down gin with the Americano cocktail, popular in those years, consisting of soda water, martini rosso and Campari bitters. When anti-alcohol movements arose in this country and should have become legalized, the eighteenth amendment to the constitution, coupled with the Volstead Act, otherwise called dry law, Negroni, decided to visit his historical homeland - Florence.

According to legend, the Count became a regular at the Casoni bar, where his friend Fosco Scarselli worked as a bartender. History is silent to which of these two it occurred to combine two of the count's favorite drinks, throwing soda out of the recipe. It happened in 1919, the resulting composition gradually gained popularity in Italy, becoming by 1948 practically one of the national drinks. And the institution where it was invented still exists today, having changed its name to Caffe Giacosa. Now it's a chocolate and wine bar.

Composition and recipe

The classic composition of the Negroni cocktail is simple the required ingredients are as follows:

  • Sweet red vermouth.
  • Bitter, traditionally Campari.
  • Dry gin.
  • orange slice

All components are taken in equal proportions, a chilled rock glass is filled with lumpy ice and filled with a ready-made cocktail. One slice of orange is placed inside the glass.

Serve the Negroni cocktail as an aperitif before meals.

Alternative recipes


The most famous alternative version of the Negroni cocktail, the so-called Raultini, is prepared as follows:

  • Aperitif "Aperol".
  • Sweet red vermouth.
  • Gin.
  • Orange peel.

Taken in equal proportions, the ingredients are poured into a glass filled with ice and garnished with orange zest.

In addition to Raultini, the following cooking options are also possible:

Negroni 2

All drinks are placed in a shaker, the metal part of which is filled with ice. We shake the drink and pour several times inside the glass part of the shaker for better mixing and cooling. We fill the glass of Old Fashioned with ice and pour the finished drink into it.

Double Negroni

  • Gin "Bombay Sapphire" 60 ml.
  • Bitter 30 ml.
  • Red sweet vermouth 30 ml.
  • A slice of orange.

This version is prepared and served by classic recipe just like a regular Negroni.

Especially for the beautiful half of humanity, a special recipe for this drink was created, which has an authentic taste, but is much less strong. Gin is replaced with sparkling wine.

Cooking the “wrong Negroni” - Negroni sbagliato should be done like this:

All components are mixed in a shaker and simply poured into a serving glass filled with ice. Ladies and lovers of a light aperitif will fully appreciate this wonderful drink.

East Indian Negroni

Another Negroni cocktail recipe is not classic, but has a very original taste. For its preparation take:

  • Light rum Bacardi 60ml.
  • Campari 20ml.
  • Sherry Oloroso 20ml.

All components are gently mixed and served in a glass with ice. Garnish the glass with a slice of lime.

All Negroni cocktails perfectly combine the spicy, resinous notes of bitter herbal liquor, the sweet astringency of red vermouth, and in the classic version, the coniferous note of juniper.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the menu of many bars, the Negroni cocktail is presented, in which opposing tastes are combined, which makes the final result quite original. They treat this drink ambiguously, because someone loves it very much, while others, having tried it once, never order again. The drink recipe is available and each person, having the necessary ingredients, can prepare it at home.

Let's talk about the history of the Negroni cocktail

For the first time, a cocktail appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in France, and this happened thanks to Count Camillo Negroni. This aristocrat was a military man, and his career took him to the USA, where he tasted delicious and popular gin at that time. But

Camillo did not have the opportunity to calmly enjoy the taste of his favorite alcoholic drink, since the American government issued a “dry law”. The history of a kind of ban on the use of alcoholic beverages began in 1919.

Negroni was not going to put up with this taboo and therefore returned to his homeland, where alcohol could be drunk in any quantity. After some time, Camillo began to frequent the bar, which is now called Caffè Giacosa.

There he ordered his favorite cocktail "Americano", which included the following components: "Campari", red vermouth and soda. One day, while drinking his favorite drink, Negroni remembered the taste of American gin and asked the bartender to pour it into a cocktail instead of soda.

He complied with the client's request by adding an orange slice to the glass to make the drink different in taste. appearance. This is the story of the birth of a now popular drink.

Almost immediately, the count decided not to miss this opportunity and organized a business that he called Antico Negroni. Its essence was to sell a ready-made cocktail in bottles. Camillo was able to earn a lot of money on his love of alcohol and became famous all over the world. This cocktail was first documented in 1947.

How to make a Negroni cocktail?

There are several recipes for this drink, which appeared thanks to the experiments of bartenders. Let's consider them in more detail.

Recipe #1

Let's start with the classic version. A cocktail is served as an aperitif, that is, before a meal. A cocktail is prepared using the mixing method - build, which involves combining the ingredients directly in the glass. For serving, you must use an old fashion glass - a low glass and a wide neck.

To prepare a drink, you must use the following ingredients: 30 ml each of gin, Campari and sweet red vermouth.

Cooking steps:

  1. First fill the glass with ice cubes. Pour in red vermouth, gin and Campari;
  2. Stir the contents of the glass well, moving around the perimeter clockwise. A cocktail spoon is ideal for this purpose. During this, you need to hold the glass, and this is best done with a napkin. Thanks to her, fingerprints will not remain and the resulting perspiration will not disappear. It is best to hold on to the edge, pressing the glass to the table. Garnish the drink with an orange slice.

Recipe #2

This option appeared due to a change in the number of ingredients, which allows you to get new unusual taste. The cocktail is also served as an aperitif and in a glass of old fenche. The mixing method differs in this version, since you need to use a stir-shake, which involves pre-mixing the drink components.

The ingredients of the Negroni cocktail are:: 40 ml gin, 25 ml Campari and 30 ml sweet red vermouth.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take Boston and pour all the ingredients into the glass part, and put ice cubes into the metal part;
  2. Pour the contents up and down for 30 seconds. Fill the glass with ice and pour the drink into it through the glass. For decoration, you can put slices of orange, lemon and cherry.

These, one might say, are the two most common recipes, but not all possible.

Other popular varieties of "Negroni":

  1. "The Wrong Negroni"- one of the variants of the famous cocktail, which is considered more
    feminine, because it is not so strong and softer. The method of preparation is identical to the first option. It includes the following ingredients: 30 ml each of Prosecco sparkling wine, Campari and sweet red vermouth;
  2. "East Indian Negroni" another option that differs in composition because white rum is used. You need to take the following ingredients: 60 ml of white rum, 20 ml of Campari, 20 ml of Oloroso sherry, 10 g of orange and 260 g of ice cubes;
  3. "Double Negroni"- a drink for real men, because it turns out to be very strong. The composition of the cocktail, as in the first recipe, only the amount of gin is increased by 2 times, that is, 60 ml;
  4. Cocktail "Negroni" white. There are many such options, but the drink invented by bartender Eric Alperina stands out among them. For it, you need to mix the following ingredients in a glass: 45 g of gin, 20 g of dry vermouth, 20 g of Suze liqueur. Decorated with a slice of grapefruit;
  5. "Exquisite Negroni". To prepare this drink, you should prepare 30 ml of mezcal, Pedro Jimenez sherry and vermouth, and you also need chestnut honey. First, grease the walls of the glass with honey, and then pour in the sherry, mezcal and vermouth. It remains only to put a few ice cubes, mix and decorate with a honey stick.

Ice cream Negroni

Recipe for adults. An ice cream man from San Francisco came up with such an unusual dessert.

To prepare 12 servings, you need to take: 1 tbsp. water, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 1/4 tbsp. gin, sweet vermouth and Campari, and another 2.5 tbsp. grapefruit juice and a pinch of salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. You should start by preparing the syrup, for which bring the water to a boil, and then,
    put sugar in it. When the syrup begins to thicken and acquire a beautiful brown color, you can remove it;
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the syrup and mix well. When the composition has cooled, pour it into ice cream molds and send it to the freezer. After the time has passed, take it out and enjoy the original dessert.

We tried to present you with almost all existing varieties of the Negroni cocktail.

The recipe for this amazing cocktail came about by accident. But, as they say, everything ingenious is simple, you just need to trust your taste.


The history of the cocktail is controversial. Its taste combines bitterness and sweetness, many adore it, and someone hates it fiercely. The Negroni was invented by a Frenchman, but the cocktail is saturated with the spirit of America. This drink was born under the ban, and it was created not just by a bartender or a gourmet of alcoholic beverages, but by a man from high society - the Florentine count Camillo Negroni.

The idea for a new cocktail came to the count after a visit to America. It was here that Camillo liked the very popular gin at that time. But soon the authorities banned the count and millions of other residents of the country from enjoying the taste of alcoholic beverages. This event went down in history under the name "dry law", dated 1919.

Of course, Camillo Negroni could not support a ban on alcohol. He decided to return back to his homeland. The count found peace of mind and body in the Florentine bar Cafe Casoni, known today as Caffè Giacosa. It was here that a noble guest came on a day off to taste his favorite Americano cocktail. But the composition of the drink, which included soda, Campari bitter liquor and , did not let the count forget about the taste of sweet gin. In order to somehow bring back the memories of his favorite alcohol, which he tasted in America, Count Negroni asked to replace the soda in the cocktail with. To make the new cocktail visually different from the Americano, the bartender garnished it with an orange slice. Today, the Negroni cocktail is included in the list of IBA - the international association of bartenders.

As for the count, he did not stop there. The foundation of his own company, Negroni Distillerie, brought him real fame. Officially, this cocktail drink was registered in 1947.

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The classic composition of the cocktail contains 30 ml of gin, Campari liqueur and sweet red vermouth. To serve the drink, use a rock glass (old fashion), which is completely filled with ice cubes. Then all the listed ingredients are alternately poured into a glass and mixed with a bar spoon. Decorate the rim of the glass with an orange slice.

Over time, gourmets have slightly modernized the proportions of the cocktail and the technology of its preparation. Yes, under the new rules Negroni is recommended to be prepared according to this recipe: 40 ml of gin, 25 ml of Campari and 30 ml of red vermouth. Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. The chilled mixture is filled into a rocks glass through a special bartending tool - a strainer. For an elegant presentation, the rim of the glass is garnished with a slice of lemon, cherry and orange zest.


There are several other options for preparing this cocktail. "Wrong Negroni" is prepared almost according to the classic recipe, the only difference is the replacement of gin with sparkling wine. And in a cocktail with the diminutive name "Negroski", the count's favorite gin is replaced with vodka. They replace not only gin, but also the second main component of the cocktail - Campari.

For the preparation of the Chin-Chin cocktail drink, instead of bitter liquor, Chinar is used - Italian wine with bitterness, flavored with artichoke. And in the cocktail "Raultini" - orange Aperol.

However, the popularity of the Negroni does not end there. Cocktail often appears in the cinema. It can be seen in Woody Allen's popular films "Roman Holiday", the series "The Sopranos", as well as Tennessee Williams' novel "Mrs. Stone's Roman Spring" and Ian Fleming's short story "Rizocco".

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