Montignac Michel secrets of nutrition. Michel Montignac's Proper Diet as the Basis for Healthy Eating Montignac Desserts Recipes


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Almost everyone is dissatisfied overweight. In some cases, girls want to remove a couple of kilograms, and in some cases - up to several dozen. If in the first case you can use cosmetics and change your diet a little, then in the second case you definitely need a properly selected diet. Let's see if there is an ideal diet and what you need in order to lose weight.

There are hundreds of men and women in the world who cannot lose weight. Restriction of food and physical activity do not help them - the weight not only does not decrease, but even vice versa. After some time, the weight returns back and the person begins to gain weight again. What to do in this case? Is it really impossible to lose weight once and for all?

The French scientist Michel Montignac, like other people, loved to eat tightly. Quick snacks and business lunches also affected his figure - the scientist had to study the issue of dietology. Years of careful research have yielded a positive result - Michel Montignac was able to lose more than 16 kilograms in a couple of months. As a result, the scientist developed the Montignac diet, the essence of which was to control the glycemic index.

“The glycemic index is responsible for the ability of substances to affect human blood sugar. In this case, glucose is considered the main element, which has a level of 100. The product index is directly proportional to the speed of absorption. If the level is low, the product is absorbed longer and sugar rises minimally.

The Montignac diet is the work of a whole group of scientists who were able to develop the most effective method nutrition. This diet has no food restrictions - a person should not starve himself and run to the gym. The main thing is the use of the highest quality products. Choose foods based on their nutritional value and glycemic level.

With the help of the Montignac diet, you can not only lose weight, but also prevent subsequent weight gain, prevent type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Most people have noticed an improvement in well-being after staying on this diet. The diet of Michel Montignac is suitable for almost all people, and has no contraindications. It has no restrictions in food - a person can enjoy taste and lose weight. At the same time, in just 3 months, you can lose 25 kilograms.

The basis of the Montignac diet

Scientist Michel Montignac came to the conclusion that people eat a lot of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. As a result, increased production of insulin begins. As a result, sugar takes a normal level, and obesity does not occur. But if you eat a lot of carbohydrates, the body stops recognizing insulin.

Increased production of this hormone begins, which helps the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which is responsible for the preservation of fats. In addition, insulin negatively affects the work of the triglyceride lipase enzyme, which is responsible for the breakdown of fats. As a result, a person begins to gain weight and subsequently has problems with obesity.

Montignac diet menu

Scientist Montignac advises eating foods with a glycemic index of no more than 55. Bread, potatoes, beer, cola, sweets, corn should be avoided. Not all people can eat without bread and potatoes - you have to look for a replacement. In the table below we see "bad" and "good" carbohydrates. Based on the table, it is strictly forbidden to consume sugar, chocolate, baked potatoes, glucose, White bread, cookies and rice. Allowed bran bread, peas, beans, dairy products, dark chocolate, fruits and vegetables, wholemeal pasta and mushrooms. Foods with an index of more than 80 are not advisable to use, even without adhering to the Montignac diet, as they will certainly lead to excess weight.

Products that are located in the right column of the table have a low glycemic index. They will not lead to excess weight and problems with insulin production. Montignac advises to use them, preparing a variety of dishes.

Sugar, cakes and jam - these foods are contraindicated on the Montignac diet. If the second stage of the diet allows you to make some concessions in the form of potatoes and fatty foods, then sugar will have to be completely abandoned. In this case, it is advisable not to use chemical sugar substitutes that adversely affect the body.

But this does not mean that Montignac forbids the use of a large number of products - honey, Rye bread, semolina, fish, lean meat, eggs and dark chocolate are not allowed on any diet except this one.

A person can eat quite tasty dishes and part with extra pounds. The main thing in this case is to clearly understand what can be used and what is not. Do not be surprised - in the restaurant menu you can always find products that this diet allows.

In addition, vegetables and fruits are always allowed on this diet. They are rich in fiber and have a great effect on the intestines. Fish and poultry meat will also not allow you to gain extra pounds, perfectly saturating the stomach. This diet helps to permanently abandon the feeling of hunger and eat delicious meals. Some people, before the Montignac nutrition scheme, did not even suspect how much delicious meals they never tried.

In the second table, we see the products that need to be abandoned. Their glycemic index is more than 55 - they are not suitable for this diet.

Diet stages

The Montignac diet has two stages - weight loss and fixing the result.

The duration of each of the phases depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the human body. After the result is achieved, you need to move on to another phase.

The Montignac diet contains some principles. So, carbohydrates with an index above 20 are forbidden to be combined with fats. This suggests that you can not eat meat with potatoes, mayonnaise with pasta or fish. It is allowed to eat vegetables with meat and fish

After a fatty meal, the next intake of carbohydrates can be only after three hours. On this diet, you can not starve - you need to eat 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this at the same time.

The first phase of the Montignac diet

It is very difficult for a person to completely go through the first stage, since you can eat foods with an index of no more than 55. No flour products, bananas, butter and margarine - it is better to replace this with vegetables. You can eat wholemeal bread and pasta. The menu should include eggs, meat, fish, salads, seafood and mushrooms.

Many people wonder how long the first phase of the Montignac diet lasts. A person can observe the first phase for as long as he sees fit. This phase involves weight loss - a person can decide for himself what weight he feels comfortable with. What can be consumed during the first phase? The success and duration of the first phase depends on the correct adherence to the diet. During the first phase, only foods with a low index can be consumed. These include vegetables and soups from them, fish, lean meat, mushrooms, fruits and berries, eggs and shrimp. It is not forbidden to eat bran bread, brown rice and low-fat yogurt.

The table shows which foods can be consumed in both the first and second phases of the Montignac diet.

A large list of products allows you to try a variety of dishes and create the most real culinary delights. Fans of restaurants will not have to be upset either - many dishes are ideal for the Montignac diet.

Menu for the first stage

Breakfast: tangerines, low-fat yogurt, tea.

Dinner: vegetable salad, a slice of wholemeal bread

Dinner: boiled eggs, cheese and vegetable salad.

The second phase of the Montignac diet

During the second phase, you can sometimes mix carbohydrates and fats. In this case, it is desirable to eat a salad that contains fiber. Butter and bread are not recommended. Sugar is completely banned.

This phase can take a very long time. If a person has consumed prohibited foods, you should adhere to the diet of the first phase for a couple of days. The Montignac diet can be called a diet plan that can be followed throughout life. This will help not only to avoid excess weight, but also many diseases that arise due to malnutrition.

Menu for the second stage of the diet

Breakfast: orange, low fat milk, muesli.

Dinner: vegetable salad, cheese, oysters, stewed fish.

Dinner: wholemeal pasta, tomato sauce, vegetable salad, cottage cheese and tea.

Excess weight is not always the result of malnutrition. Before you start any diet, be sure to visit a specialist. Sometimes excess weight is the result of certain diseases and malfunctions of the organs. In this case, you will need to eliminate the cause and only after that look for a diet to eliminate extra pounds.

French nutritionist Michel Montignac created a diet in the 1990s based on calculating the glycemic index of foods. Having tried this principle of nutrition on himself, he lost sixteen kilograms in three months. Today, the effectiveness of this system of dietary nutrition is recognized by nutritionists at the world level.

The basic principles and rules of nutrition in the 1st and 2nd phases of the Montignac diet are in the table

When creating his nutritional system, Michel Montignac started from the impact of food on blood sugar levels. The level of such impact is measured by an indicator called glycemic index (GI) .

Simply put, high GI foods are much more raise blood sugar levels than foods with a low glycemic index.

If the blood sugar level rises above normal, the pancreas of the human body begins to produce hormone insulin . The presence of insulin in the blood lowers the sugar level - the process stabilizes.

The constant presence in the diet of food with a high glycemic index can lead to problems with insulin recognition . In this case, the decrease in blood sugar levels does not occur, and the body's production of insulin becomes excessive. This, in turn, disrupts the work of several enzymes and leads to the occurrence of fatty deposits and an increase in body weight.

Basic principles of the Montignac diet:

  • eating healthy and nutritious foods;
  • restriction in the diet of carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index;
  • exclusion from the diet of saturated fatty acids (butter, animal fats);
  • inclusion in the diet of foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids;
  • animal or vegetable proteins must be combined with each other.

The complete Montignac diet consists of two stages.

Nutrition rules and allowed foods in phase 1

The first phase is aimed at weight loss. To do this, carbohydrate intake should be sharply limited. You can only eat foods that contain low carbohydrates, no more than 36 , glycemic index.

At this stage, the Michel Montignac diet suggests eating foods that will not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Due to a well-composed diet in the body no fat accumulation , and available body fat burn, releasing energy.

At the first stage of the Montignac diet for weight loss, it is important to focus on foods with the lowest GI.

The table of glycemic indexes attached to the Montignac diet is as follows:

Nutrition rules and allowed foods in phase 2

At the second stage of the Montignac diet, special attention should be paid to consolidation of the achieved results. The extra pounds dropped in the first phase should not return. To stabilize the result, you need to continue to adhere to the same principles of nutrition, slightly expanding the diet due to permitted foods.

An important point for the second phase of the Montignac diet is the use of at least two liters of clean drinking water daily .

The remaining principles to be followed at this stage are as follows:

  • drink without caffeine;
  • do not eat sweets in the form of honey, sugar, jam or sweets;
  • do not allow yourself lemonades and similar drinks;
  • refrain from flour and baking;
  • bread is only coarse grinding;
  • eat a lot of fish;
  • gradually add whole foods, legumes, vegetable margarine to the diet;
  • if fats are mixed with carbohydrates when eating, you need to balance this with fiber content;
  • do not abuse harmful carbohydrates.
"Bad" carbs found in boiled and carrots, instant soups and mashed potatoes, white bread, biscuits, corn, beets, melons and bananas, peeled rice, premium pasta, sugar and glucose.

Menu for the first 7 days

When compiling the menu, you should use the lists of allowed products.


1st Breakfast. Fresh fruit (you can take 2 pears or an orange).
2nd Breakfast. A slice of bran bread, barley porridge, low-fat milk, coffee (necessarily decaffeinated).
Dinner. Red cabbage salad, mackerel with white wine or cod fried with cheese and breadcrumbs. Weak tea.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, ham, low-fat yogurt. Mineral water without gas or tea.


1st Breakfast. Low-fat yogurt, tangerine.
2nd Breakfast. Herbal tea, unsweetened muesli, sugar-free marmalade.
Dinner. Carrot salad with lemon juice or olive oil, spinach, two small slices of cheese. Juice or black tea.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, lentils or beans in soy sauce. Mineral water without gas.


1st Breakfast. Kiwi.
2nd Breakfast. Wholemeal bread with unsweetened jam, decaffeinated coffee with skim milk.
Dinner. Roast beef, lettuce, cheese slice, fish starter. A glass of herbal tea or orange juice.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, low-fat yogurt, boiled beans or beans. Still water or homemade lemonade without sugar.


1st Breakfast. Scrambled eggs.
2nd Breakfast. Coffee with low-fat milk, some ham.
Dinner. Radish salad with sour cream, grilled hake fillet. Tea.
Dinner. Cauliflower, baked with cheese, green salad, low-fat yogurt. Water.


1st Breakfast. Freshly squeezed orange juice.
2nd Breakfast. Muesli with milk, tea.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, boiled chicken breast, white wine or weak tea.
Dinner. Boiled brown rice with tomatoes, water.


1st Breakfast. Apple, low-fat yogurt.
2nd Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, coffee or still mineral water.
Dinner. Avocado salad, veal with vegetables, water or weak tea.
Dinner. Boiled pasta from durum wheat, a slice of ham, green salad.


1st Breakfast. A couple of slices of bran bread, low-fat milk.
2nd Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, decaffeinated coffee.
Dinner. Fish fillet with baked vegetables or arugula salad with shrimp, tea.
Dinner. Berries and fruits.

The pros and cons of losing weight

Following the rules of this nutrition system and the glycemic index table helps to achieve positive results. in 2-3 months .

The undoubted advantages of such a diet are that:

  1. First of all, the metabolism in the body is normalized.
  2. The diet does not require salt restriction.
  3. It is permissible to eat everything that a person is used to, even pastries and sweets - it is important not to abuse this.
  4. All permitted foods have a high nutritional value.
  5. During this nutrition system, a person has practically no feeling of hunger.
  6. The body during the diet is saturated with a large amount of vitamins and minerals.
  7. The choice of products is wide, a person can make up his diet from the most preferred food.

In addition, the followers of this diet retained muscle mass. The table of useful products attached to the Michel Montignac diet is very extensive, so the French nutritionist's nutrition system is easier to follow than classic diets.

This diet is especially suitable for women with a pear-shaped body.

The results of Michel Montignac's dietary nutrition system are clearly shown in the photographs below:

Diet harm and contraindications

A significant drawback of the French nutritionist's nutrition system is the need to memorize a large number of glycemic indexes . However, in the Montignac diet, a table of recommended foods helps not to strain memory too much.

Despite the fact that the results of the Montignac diet are most often positive, this nutrition system is not recommended for people:

  • Suffering from mental illness.
  • With impaired metabolism.
  • Patients with diabetes.
  • Pregnant women.
  • During the recovery period after a long illness.
  • During postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Adolescents during puberty.

The main disadvantages of the French diet include:

  1. Its lack of balance.
  2. The need to constantly monitor the ratio between fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  3. We have to constantly decide how to diversify the diet.
  4. Refusal of alcoholic beverages is required.
  5. The diet requires a fairly long (about 2-3 months) compliance with it to achieve the result.
  6. Difficulties associated with fat restriction if there is an increase in protein intake.
  7. Constant monitoring of the glycemic load so that it does not exceed the norm.

What do experts think about this power supply system?

From nutritionists, you can hear mixed reviews about the Montignac diet.

  • Some doctors note the fact that the diet is somewhat outdated.
  • In addition, they see a discrepancy in the fact that diet does not take into account the calorie content of food , advocating at the same time for the separation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  • Questioned by skeptics dependence of the entire nutrition system on the glycemic index of products .
  • There is also reason for criticism high protein content in the Montignac diet.

The complexity associated with the glycemic index is exacerbated by the fact that it is not constant. The glycemic index is different for fresh and not too fresh foods, it changes for the same food cooked in different ways.

Experts consider the approach of its author to Michel Montignac as a weak point of the diet, and does not pay any attention to them, placing the responsibility for losing extra pounds solely on the diet.

At the same time, the reviews of doctors about the Montignac diet can also be found positive. It's important that dieters don't feel hungry and do not feel any special restrictions in food.

“Here I am an opponent of diets, but still one has become to my liking, just like I love. And you can sit on it for the rest of your life.

And this is the Montignac diet.

The meaning of it is simple: exclude foods with a GI (glycemic index) of more than 35.

After all, this allows not only to lose weight, but also to bring blood vessels back to normal and get rid of cholesterol.

There are many products with low GI, so the food will be varied and fats and proteins are not excluded (the recommendations are simply followed), and therefore balanced.

I don’t even know another plus or minus - it is allowed to drink wine. Not everywhere and not in all diets you will find this.

As with any diet, it has its drawbacks, but compared to others, I think they are not significant (you can look at the table of products with GI for the first time<35).

So eat right and be healthy!”

Experts welcoming the diet talk about the correct focus of the method. In the course of studies conducted by the Canadian University over several years, a change in the content of triglycerides in the blood was noted already at the very beginning of the diet.

If you search the Internet for reviews of those who have lost weight on the Montignac diet, the real the effectiveness of the food system proposed by the Frenchman . People write about how they managed to lose 10-12 kilograms in six months. Someone has lost weight, thanks to this diet, by 16 kg in five months, and someone, having chosen this style of eating for himself, has lost as much as forty kilograms over the course of two years.

Inna, 27 years old: “I used to be fond of mono-diets and didn’t sit on anything: buckwheat, rice, kefir, dried fruits, even dark chocolate. The result is always the same - the lost weight returns. Therefore, I began to search the Internet for systems of slow, healthy weight loss and came across the Montignac diet. Here it is allowed to consume foods with a low glycemic index (up to 35) in large quantities, and the rest in moderation. The good thing is that you don't have to count calories. When compiling a diet, you simply compare the products with the table. I liked the Montignac diet because I almost never felt hungry. The only difficulty was the refusal of sweets. I lost 8 kg in 3 months and I'm not going to stop.

Veronica, 31 years old: “The Montignac diet is effective, but not suitable for sweet tooth and gourmets. My husband could not stand even a week, and I have been sitting for 2 months. On the scales - minus 4.5 kg. I mainly eat vegetable salads, beans, chicken fillet, mushrooms, skimmed milk. I fell in love with dark chocolate (70% cocoa), although I used to eat only milk chocolate. I hope when I move on to phase 2, the lost kilograms will not return. ”

Natalia, 25 years old: “Montignac Nutrition is another pseudo-healthy system from dietetics gurus. For some reason, everyone writes that there is no feeling of hunger on this diet. Are you kidding me??? Due to the fact that you have to eat foods with a low glycemic index, blood glucose is constantly lowered. And this is not only hunger, but also fatigue, irritability, loss of strength. On Montignac (at least in the beginning) you can’t even eat such normal foods as potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins. They seem to have tons of sugar in them. Many fruits fall into the “black” list, and sweets are generally a universal evil. I sat on the Montignac diet for 3 days and almost fainted from weakness. I don't want any more, thank you.

Vlad, 39 years old: “Today is exactly a year since I am on the Montignac diet. I lost weight from 118 to 83 kg (my height is 180 cm) and I feel great. Previously, my legs swelled, my stomach periodically hurt, but now these problems have disappeared. It's hard to get through the first phase. It seems like you don’t need to count calories, but in fact you eat low-calorie foods: vegetables, unsweetened fruits, milk, lean meat. Then you can eat almost everything, but in moderation. I decided for myself that I would continue to eat according to Montignac, if nutritionists do not come up with something better.

Vladimir, 29 years old: “I learned about the Montignac diet from a friend from a social network. She lost so much weight in a year that she turned into a real beauty. I myself could not boast of a perfect physique, so I decided to try. I sat from February to June and dropped 8 kg. But as soon as he returned to normal nutrition, he gained 12 kg in six months. A friend is still sitting, but I can’t do this - without fried meat, flour, sugar. And what they write about the restructuring of metabolism on the Montignac diet is complete nonsense.

Everyone has different results, of course. But everyone can lose weight in 2 months of following a diet of 5 or 6 kilograms.

At present, it is difficult to find a woman who would not like to throw off a couple of extra pounds. However, few people know which way to lose weight most effectively fights excess weight.

Someone tries to starve, someone exhausts his body with excessive training. However, in the end, it is not always possible to lose weight.

This technique appeared at the end of the 20th century.

Interestingly, she is a little strange, because her menu consists of peculiar products that are far from our usual diet.

However, it really helps to bring the body back to normal and lose weight by a decent amount of kilograms. So what is this food, and how does it help to lose weight?

Let's take a look at everything in detail.

The essence of the weight loss diet

This weight loss technique is a kind of proper nutrition system, which is aimed at normalizing metabolism. When the metabolism is normalized, the body automatically corrects weight, so excess weight begins to quickly go away.

Montignac divided all products into compatibility groups. The basis of this division is the content of the glycemic index in products.

It is worth noting that the dependence of the glycemic index between blood sugar levels is directly proportional - the higher the level of the glycemic index, the higher the sugar level.

Basic principles and rules

To get started, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. Foods with a high glycemic level contribute to the penetration of high levels of glucose into the blood.
    As a result, the body has an increased production of insulin, which is responsible for the rapid accumulation of body fat.
  2. If the food has a low glycemic index, then the sugar level is also low.
    You can eat this food in unlimited quantities and lose weight without any problems.
  3. Remember that foods that have a low glycemic index are allowed in unlimited quantities.
    But foods with a high glycemic index should be completely abandoned.

In addition to the rules, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of such nutrition:

Advantages and disadvantages


  • simplicity and ease of implementation;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • weight loss in a short time;
  • maintaining results in the subsequent period;
  • there is no acute feeling of hunger;
  • during nutrition, the body is actively saturated with vitamins and microelements.


  1. The main disadvantage is the imbalance of nutrition. If you eat on this diet for a long time, then in the end you can harm your health and body.
  2. You will have to give up many of your favorite foods.


This diet is not applicable for the following indications:

  • gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • with various pathologies of the kidneys;
  • pregnant women;
  • lactation period in women.

The whole truth about the Montignac diet can be found in the video.

Menu for the week and diet stages of Michel Montignac


Diet plan for the week.


  • in the morning you should drink natural orange or apple juice, eat a bun with butter and drink a cup of coffee with a little milk and no sugar;
  • for lunch we drink a glass of weak white wine, eat a piece of boiled beef or chicken meat with peas, vegetables, a piece of cheese and drink compote;
  • in the evening we eat fish soup, a light vegetable salad with lemon juice, low-fat cottage cheese 200 grams, drink a cup of unsweetened tea;


  • we have breakfast with bacon or sausages, fried eggs, drink unsweetened coffee with milk;
  • we dine with grilled tuna with stewed vegetables, biscuit and drink herbal tea;
  • we have dinner with vegetable soup, baked cauliflower with cheese, vegetable salad - 100 grams, drink yogurt and water;


  • in the morning we eat 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, bread and drink unsweetened coffee with milk;
  • for lunch we eat boiled fish with tomato or cheese sauce, drink unsweetened tea and non-carbonated mineral water;
  • in the evening we eat vegetable soup or green borscht, a slice of ham or bacon, vegetable salad and drink low-fat yogurt;


  • for breakfast we drink a glass of natural juice, a slice of wholemeal bread, eat porridge on water with a piece of butter, drink a cup of tea or coffee with low-fat milk without sugar;
  • for lunch we eat boiled or baked meat, any vegetable, vegetable salad, drink unsweetened tea;
  • we have dinner with an omelet with tomatoes or mushrooms, vegetable soup or vegetable salad, low-fat cottage cheese and drink a glass of tea or coffee;


  • for breakfast we eat one or two fruits, a slice of bread with butter, a cup of coffee with milk without sugar;
  • we have lunch with a piece of grilled fish, cheese, vegetable salad without mayonnaise, we drink a glass of natural juice or a cup of tea without sugar;
  • we have dinner with fried eggs with tomatoes or mushrooms, vegetable salad and drink mineral water without gas;


  • for breakfast we eat 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and drink a glass of natural juice;
  • we have lunch with baked fish with vegetables, a light vegetable salad and a glass of dry wine;
  • for dinner we eat a piece of lean boiled meat and drink a glass of natural juice;


  • we have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of wholemeal bread and a cup of coffee;
  • we have lunch with a piece of boiled beef with vegetables and beans, vegetable salad, fruits and drink unsweetened tea;
  • we have dinner with vegetable soup, chicken or fish salad and drink mineral water without gas.

Diet stages

This technique has two stages or, as they are also called, phases.

The first phase is aimed at losing extra pounds. It is for this reason that the menu of this stage should consist of foods with a low glycemic index (below 55).

Food must be separate. You do not need to eat carbohydrate foods with a glycemic index above 20 and foods with high fat at the same time.

It is allowed to eat tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms and green vegetables.

Remember that there should be a 3-hour break between eating a high-fat meal and a high-carbohydrate meal.

At this stage, you should eat vegetable soups, fresh fruits, berries, mushrooms, stewed vegetables, herbs, lean meats, seafood.

The second stage is aimed at maintaining and further saving the results. During this period, you need to eat food with a low glycemic index.

In this phase, you can eat both fats and carbohydrates, but they must be combined with vegetable salads with a high level of fiber.

Table of glycemic indexes of products

Michel Montignac Diet Recipes

Vegetable soup with fish

For the soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • sturgeon or trout fish - 1 piece;
  • one fresh cucumber;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • one carrot;
  • 50 grams of tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • olives - 2-3 pieces;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.


  1. We cut off the head, fins and tail from the pre-processed and cleaned fish.
  2. We clean the onion from the husk, peel and wash the carrots.
  3. Boil the head, fins, tail, onion and carrot over medium heat. Don't forget to salt the broth.
  4. The second onion is peeled and chopped with a knife.
  5. Peel the cucumber from the skin and cut into strips.
  6. We put the pan on the gas, pour vegetable oil and pour onions and cucumbers there. We fill everything with tomato paste and fry until cooked.
  7. Meanwhile, we filter the fish broth and boil the fish fillet in it.
  8. Then add dressing from onions and cucumbers with tomato to it.
  9. Olives and lemon juice can be added to the finished soup.

Baked chicken breasts with yogurt

You will need the following products:

  • chicken breasts - 2 pieces;
  • yogurt - 500 grams;
  • pepper, salt.


The Montignac Diet is a nutritional system developed by a French nutritionist. It is designed for normalization of weight, and not for emergency weight loss.

For 2-3 months it takes up to 20 kg, although the results are always individual and depend on the scale of the problem. How to eat to lose weight, we learn from the article.

Diet principle

Michel Montignac is familiar with the problem of excess weight - in his youth he suffered from obesity.

On his own, he managed to put himself in order and shared his development with the world.

The main principle of nutrition is to eat foods with a low glycemic index. This indicator reflects the degree of influence of the product on the increase in blood sugar levels.

The higher the GI, the more insulin the body produces, the more glucose in the blood. It is the excess glucose that is processed into lipids, becoming body fat. Michel Montignac's diet menu does not include foods with a high glycemic index.

The Montignac method is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. Proper nutrition contributes to the improvement of the body, reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

In addition, you do not have to starve and even give up salt - the menu is very refined and varied. Some consider it too complicated and unusual. Nutritionists refer to the cons of the French diet as a departure from the classic method - counting calories.

However, the Montignac way of eating has never hurt anyone. The risk is minimized, so the diet has almost no contraindications.

  • during pregnancy;
  • during rehabilitation and after illness;
  • in violation of metabolism;
  • with diabetes.

Michel Montignac himself advises introducing a healthy diet from childhood. It is not only a way to combat excess weight, but also its prevention. You can easily switch to a healthy diet by following the advice of a nutritionist:

  • drink 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • study the composition of products (sugar is found not only in sweets);
  • is at the same time.

Basic diet rules

Allowed and prohibited foods in the Montignac diet are directly related to the glycemic index table.

Unwanted and dangerous foods are listed in the column below. The higher the index, the greater the risk of getting fat from eating this ingredient.

Stages of the Montignac diet

The Montignac system includes two stages. The first is weight loss. It is characterized by a decrease in carbohydrate intake. Only low GI foods are allowed - no more than 50. This period should be extended until you lose as many kilograms as you want.

During the second phase losing weight gets used to eating foods that do not cause a sharp change in glucose levels.

Each meal should include a combination of fats and proteins.

Fruit should only be consumed on an empty stomach. There are 5-6 times a day in portions up to 200 grams. With such nutrition, the body begins to break down accumulated lipids.

At the same time, you do not have to change your lifestyle or take a vacation - there is enough energy for everything.

Menu for 7 days for the first stage of the diet

The Montignac diet menu for a week is very diverse:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
1 Fruit salad, cottage cheese handful of nuts Beef, cucumber, lettuce Apple Fish, brown rice
2 Scrambled eggs with greens Pear Braised chicken, green peas Whole grain bread Beefsteak with green beans
3 Omelet with tomatoes Grapefruit Cod fillet in tomato sauce, spinach Piece of cheese Fish soup, salad
4 Coffee with milk, whole grain bread, cheese Orange Beef cutlet, broccoli Cottage cheese Baked chicken breast, asparagus
5 cottage cheese, orange juice Pear Pork cutlet, celery puree Yogurt White fish fillet, cucumber
6 Yogurt, bran bread Apple Braised beef, coleslaw handful of nuts Omelet with sorrel
7 Omelet with spinach Grapefruit Grilled salmon, spinach Cottage cheese Baked tuna, basil, tomato

Even for a month, you can create a tasty and affordable Montignac diet menu.

The second stage involves consolidating the result, stabilizing the weight. You can eat any food, combining fats and carbohydrates. Only sugar is forbidden, butter and bread are undesirable.

Montignac Diet - Recipes

Baked chicken

Lightly beat off the chicken breast, sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour over with yogurt and put in the oven until tender.

Braised chicken
Cut the chicken fillet into cubes, add water and salt, simmer until tender. Then add pepper to taste, any fresh herbs. Can be served with a side dish of green peas.

Baked tuna
Clean and wash the fish, rub with yogurt and herb sauce, wrap in foil. Preheat oven, bake for 20 minutes.

Omelet with tomatoes
Put diced tomatoes in a preheated pan, simmer for 2 minutes. Mix two eggs, add 50 g skimmed milk, salt and spices. Pour the eggs beaten with milk over the tomatoes, cover the pan with a lid. Fry 7 minutes.

Fruit salad
Apple, kiwi, pear peel and cut into cubes. Add any berries, mix with low-fat yogurt. Fruit juice can also serve as a dressing.

Diet Montignac - reviews

On specialized resources, we have selected for you a few reviews about the diet:

For a long time I was going to change the diet - and now I succeeded. At the first stage, I got rid of 6 kg, which is quite satisfied. I have been following the second stage for two months now - the weight is stable, I feel much better than before the diet.

Extra pounds haunt me for many years.

Strict diets helped to lose a lot of kg, but I always gained more than when I returned to the usual regimen.

With the Montignac method, everything is simple: - 10 kg, I stick to the menu of the second stage and do not get better anymore.

At the first stage I stayed for a month - already minus 6 kg. I plan to hold out for another two weeks and move on to weight stabilization. Losing weight with Montignac is easy!

A wonderful diet, but the menu needs to be prepared in advance. It's tedious to count indexes every day, so it's better to make a schedule for several weeks. I managed to get rid of 5 kg, although I planned to lose 7-8.

The Michel Montignac method cannot be called a diet in the full sense of the word. A nutritionist offers us a system of proper nutrition that is suitable for a lifetime. With its help, you can get rid of excess weight, and prevent its appearance with minimal restrictions on food.

Have you already tried the way of nutrition from the French scientist? What results have you been able to achieve? Share your experience and tips in the comments!

Michel Montignac

The first phase - phase 1 - is relatively easy to apply in practice. You just need to remove a number of foods and foods from your diet. The most important thing is to understand why you do it this way and not otherwise.

My experience is that this is where the failure of some people who use the method lies. I do not doubt for a moment your ability to assimilate new principles and ideas. It is much more difficult to give up old ideas that are firmly seated in our subconscious, as they are absorbed by mother's milk. The ideas presented in this book are based on the research of scientists and doctors, but, unfortunately, have not yet received universal recognition. So, if you become their adherent, do not count on the support and sympathy of others.

So, let's begin. It is very important not to skip a single meal - this brings the body out of balance. It is necessary to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as an afternoon snack. Breakfast should be heavy, lunch should be normal, and dinner should be light. The same product in the evening can contribute to the deposition of fat, but not in the morning.

Breakfast number 1

Protein-carbohydrate with a certain amount of fiber (fiber).

Option 1:

Bread made from wholemeal flour (whole grain, bran or different varieties of doctor's bread).

Unfortunately, there is no exact norm in the selection of flour when baking bread. Each pastry chef prepares bread according to his own recipe. For this reason, very often the name of the bread, say whole grain, does not correspond to its quality. This bread can be a mixture of white and whole flour or white flour with less refined flour. As for bran bread, it is actually white bread, to which cooks have added a small amount of bran, which would give the baker the right to assign the name “bran” to the bread. The bran used as an additive is a by-product of industrial processing of wheat and therefore it is possible that it may contain pesticide residues.

I still recommend choosing real whole grain bread - from wholemeal flour. It can usually be found in health food stores. Wholemeal bread retains the integrity of the wheat grain components, which allows it to rank on the list of "good" carbohydrates - with a low glycemic index. In addition, this bread is rich in proteins, mineral salts, trace elements and B vitamins. For variety, you can use individual breads, such as wasa-type oatmeal. As for all kinds of cookies, they should be excluded, since they contain fats and sugar. Let us return, however, to wholemeal bread. What can you eat it with?

In phase 1, it cannot be eaten with butter or margarine - something that can be done in the second phase. You should also not eat bread with honey or jam, as the latter contains 65% sugar.

I suggest you the following additions:

Fruit jam made without sugar from fruit pulp, jelly-like (thanks to apple pectins). Such a jam has nothing to do with classic jams that contain a lot of sugar, even if it tastes sweet. This jam has a low glycemic index and therefore goes well with wholemeal bread.

Fat-free cottage cheese or natural yogurt with a very low fat content.

Option 2

Cereals like "muesli", only without sugar, honey, caramel, rice and corn.

Rolled oats can be served with hot or cold skimmed milk or water, or eaten with low-fat cottage cheese or very low-fat yogurt. You can add fruit jam without sugar.

Of course, no corn flakes or dishes based on rice or corn, which have a glycemic index of 85.

A combination of whole bread with cereals is also allowed.

Breakfast may consist of only fruits with the addition of skimmed milk.

Breakfast number 2

Protein-lipid and therefore salty. It may consist of ham, bacon, cheese or eggs (beaten, soft-boiled or fried eggs).

This is an English breakfast, and since we're in Phase 1, it should be carb-free. Therefore, do not make toast, even from whole bread.

It's the perfect breakfast formula when you're in a hotel where whole breads and cereals are rare, or on weekends when you have time to make scrambled eggs.

However, it should be noted that this breakfast is rich in saturated fats. Therefore, if you have high cholesterol and cardiovascular insufficiency, this breakfast is not for you.

You can finish breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese, but not more than 150-200 g, because it contains some carbohydrates that can activate the release of insulin and block the fats that enter the body with this breakfast.

Be careful and avoid carbs for the next two meals.

Any of the breakfast options can be accompanied by:

Decaffeinated coffee

Weak tea (strong has the same effect as coffee)


skimmed milk

In phase 1, it is best to avoid cocoa.

All drinks are drunk, of course, without sugar, it is possible with a sweetener, but try to do without it in order to wean yourself from sweets in general.

Whether you dine at home or in a restaurant, food should be high in protein and lipids, but that doesn't mean it has to be fatty (see Chapter II on "bad" and "good" lipids).

I will give a few examples for clarity. But best of all, check yourself against the table of carbohydrate-free foods (see Appendix). I advise you to make a photocopy and always keep it at hand. Soon you will memorize the table by heart.

Typical lunch:

Raw vegetable salad;

Fish, or meat, or poultry;

"allowed vegetables";

green salad;

drink - still water

Any salad is suitable as an appetizer, as long as it does not contain “bad” carbohydrates.

Therefore, before ordering, check if there are any potatoes, corn, carrots or beets in the salad.

Salad can be seasoned with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and vinegar or lemon.

In phase 1, avoid carbohydrates and lipids, such as walnuts. If you do not take a salad with nuts, then a salad with small pieces of lard is not excluded. But do not forget to ask that they do not add crackers.

Be vigilant, be afraid of even small mistakes (in fact, they are big).

In a restaurant, always make sure that no ingredient you don't want gets in the salad.

Refer to allergies - it works unmistakably. But if the salad includes green beans, leeks, cabbage - regular and cauliflower, tomatoes, chicory, asparagus, mushrooms, radishes, cheese or pieces of smoked sausage, eat it as much as you want.

There are no bans on eggs, even under mayonnaise. Yes, yes, mayonnaise is allowed in a protein-lipid dinner - in reasonable quantities, of course (just check if it contains sugar, glucose and any flour). However, if you have too much cholesterol, avoid mayonnaise and sour cream (see chapters II, VIII).

As an appetizer, tuna, sardines in oil, crabs, lobsters, smoked or pickled salmon are suitable. In the first phase, avoid oysters, scallops and foie gras (a French delicacy): they contain carbohydrates and lipids and slow down your weight loss. But in the second phase, you can enjoy them to the fullest.

Main course Fish or meat or poultry (preferably fish). There are no prohibitions, except for the method of preparation. Fish and meat should not be rolled in either flour or breadcrumbs. It is best if the fish is grilled.

Also avoid gravy from the pan - they are difficult to digest and increase blood cholesterol levels.

Flour is often added to sauces, so avoid thick sauces.

Do not eat mustard in large quantities. In phase 1 - no more than a teaspoon, mixing it with vinegar and olive oil. It makes a great gravy.

The side dish should contain fiber, and therefore can include all kinds of vegetables - from tomatoes to eggplant, also French beans, cauliflower, etc. - the choice is huge. If you are using frozen vegetables - of course, they are always worse than fresh - look at the bag for sugar.

From the moment you become an adherent of this method, get used to eating cheese without bread. You will soon find that the cheese is much tastier this way, and when you can drink wine, you will realize that it is not even tastier, but very tasty.

It is customary to eat cheese with a fork and knife, in this case there is simply no place for bread - as the basis for cheese.

If you are not used to this, try eating cheese with a green salad. Or take swiss cheese or conte as a base for other cheeses. In phase 1, almost all cheeses are allowed. Lunch can be finished with cottage cheese or yogurt, but do not eat more than 100 - 125 grams, because both of them contain few carbohydrates. They can trigger your pancreas to secrete insulin, which will put off fat from your main meal, so obese people should avoid cottage cheese and yogurt in the first phase.

Some sweet desserts can be made with sugar substitutes: a sweet dessert made from beaten eggs and milk; whipped cream or whipped egg whites.

As I said, no alcoholic beverages, including wine, can be drunk in the first phase.

Drink water, tea - better herbal.

My advice: drink less with meals so as not to dilute the gastric juice and thereby disturb the digestive process. Start drinking water only in the second half of the meal. In any case, don't start your dinner with a glass of water. This custom, which has arisen recently, is the source of many troubles associated with metabolic processes that depend on your digestion.

It is better to drink water between meals and no less than one and a half liters a day.

Aperitifs are forbidden to you, replace them with a glass of tomato juice. And if for some reason it is difficult for you to avoid drinking, then, taking a glass in your hand, pretend that you are drinking. Then discreetly place your glass somewhere and move away from it. I can recommend this method as well. There is always a lover of aperitifs in the company, who heavily leans on them. Put your glass next to him, and before you blink your eye, the glass is empty. If this path is ordered, there will always be a flower pot, a bucket of ice from champagne, an open window, well, in extreme cases - a toilet.

Now about how to behave during receptions.

Do the same with champagne as you would with an aperitif. The situation is worse with snacks, especially sandwiches. With a certain skill, you can lick the top off the sandwich - it usually does not contain harmful ingredients. Skill comes with practice, and whoever seeks will always find a way out. Looking for cheese! Usually it lies separately from bread and biscuits, cut into a form convenient for eating - cubes or slices. But don't overdo it. Better look later for sausages on sticks or without them and do not forget about cholesterol!

If you are one of those who cannot deny themselves food at the sight of a beautifully set table, if you cannot resist the food offered for free, if at the sight of all this abundance your will weakens and the vows recede, I will give you advice: in advance, at home , eat what you are allowed, it will reduce your appetite, and you will surely cope with temptations.

My great-great-grandfather in the last century, being invited to a gala dinner with his boss along with his six children, always tried to feed them to satiety with fatty soup before leaving the house. Then at a party, when unusual, never seen or before dishes were placed before them, their enthusiasm was noticeably reduced, for which they all had a reputation as well-bred children.

so my advice is to eat a hard boiled egg or a good piece of cheese before your meal and you will avoid temptations more easily. even get into the habit of carrying little round cheeses called "Babybel" or "Laughing Cow" in your pocket.

Try not to go hungry between meals. Such cheeses, dried fruits or rye crackers will help you curb your appetite. And be careful not to eat lipids after a carbohydrate meal.

Oddly enough, dinner with friends often puts you in a more difficult position than receptions.

You can honestly explain to close friends what the matter is, and even ask them to take into account your wishes when compiling the menu.

Well, in case you do not know each other enough, I will give you some advice.

First, improvise according to the situation. For example, if your appetizers include pâté, eat it, but don't touch the toast it's on. If you are served a great cheese soufflé, don't be embarrassed, but don't eat the third serving. When it's time for the main course, give yourself some, but refrain from eating (if it's rice or dough), just move it around on your plate. Try to recoup on the salad and then, at the end of the dinner, when the cheese platter is served. Usually, by this time, the guests are so full that it is practically at your complete disposal, and no one will pay attention to your addiction to it. Dessert is the hardest thing, and if the situation forces you to accept it, say: “Just, please, less” - and eat a symbolic piece. This will leave you with about the same amount of dessert on your plate as the rest of you who have already eaten lunch.

Secondly, during lunch, start drinking as late as possible. Drink red wine with cheese.

But if you still broke the rules of the first phase, enforce them harder after you have sinned.

Remember: at this time you are very sensitive to glucose. The task before you is to increase your tolerance (resistance) to it, but until it has stabilized, your sensitivity to glucose remains extremely high.

Having deprived your body of “bad” carbohydrates for a long time, you suddenly inject a large dose of them and throw them back from you for a couple of weeks. The further you have progressed in phase 1 (for example, two to three months), the less effect will be caused by breaking the regimen.

If you seriously broke the regime two weeks after entering Phase 1, then you have thrown yourself back almost to the beginning of the method. of course, this is very discouraging, but remember: a lost battle is not a lost war.

Dinner can be:

Protein-lipid with a lot of fiber and a small amount of carbohydrates (fruits);

Protein-carbohydrate, also with a lot of fiber and a small amount of lipids (only a sauce of vinegar and vegetable oil for salad).

Option 1:

protein-lipid with a small amount of carbohydrates and a large amount of fiber (fiber). Dinner can be the same as lunch. This is if you dine out. At home, as a rule, the choice of dishes is limited. But once you've convinced your family to join you in developing new eating habits, things become much easier.

It is best to start with a thick vegetable soup. For its preparation, you can use turnips, onions, celery, cabbage - in general, any vegetables listed in the Appendix. Avoid potatoes. It is often used to thicken soup. Much more preferable is celery, or egg yolk, or mushrooms, crushed with a mixer to a puree state. When serving soup, you can add a spoonful of butter or sour cream to it (if you do not watch cholesterol).

In the evening, meat should be avoided, it is better to replace it with poultry. And even better - eggs or fish.

Also avoid sausages, especially if you ate beef, veal, pork or lamb at dinner. This will cause a large intake of saturated fat in the body and will compromise the level of cholesterol in the blood.

In the evening, you can eat cheese or yogurt - depending on what you ate at dinner. It's better not to repeat yourself. Yogurt, as shown by recent studies, is very useful: it lowers cholesterol, increases resistance to infections and improves peristalsis. But be careful - eat yogurt without additives and fruit concentrates and especially make sure that it is naturally fermented. Best of all - farm yogurt or with the addition of bifidok. And do not eat yogurt often: after all, it contains a carbohydrate-lipid component.

Homemade food should be legal but tasty food, such as smoked mackerel or sardines in oil. Eat something that you will not find in a restaurant: boiled artichokes - delicious, containing a lot of vitamins and minerals, fiber, lowering blood glucose levels and stimulating intestinal activity. Also, eat tomatoes, spinach, chicory, eggplant, cauliflower, leeks, mushrooms.

Option 2:

protein-carbohydrate with a high fiber content and low lipid content (a little salad dressing - from vegetable oil and vinegar). Carbohydrates should have a low glycemic index, any lipids are excluded.

I offer you a list of dishes to choose from:

vegetable soup (without potatoes and carrots);

whole rice with tomato puree;

wholemeal pasta with basil sauce; lentils with onions;

white or colored beans;

whole wheat groats with vegetables;

artichoke seasoned with lemon, mustard and low-fat yogurt;

salad with the same dressing or with the addition of vegetable oil.

Don't limit your consumption of vegetable oil too much: it contains vitamin E and essential fatty acids.

For dessert, you can have low-fat cottage cheese or natural low-fat yogurt with fruit puree for flavor.

The main thing is to do without lipids: butter and vegetable oil, margarine, grated cheese, eggs, etc.

This dinner can be eaten two or three times a week. Eating "good" carbs, especially legumes (lentils and beans) containing plant proteins, will balance your diet.

Remember not to eat fat at night. This will help your weight loss, as the fats eaten in the evening are easily converted into fat reserves.

It is important to correctly distribute the main dishes for one week. In a week you should eat: meat or sausages - about three times; a bird - twice; eggs - twice; fish - three to four times and three to four times "good" carbohydrates (whole foods or legumes).

There are many reasons why we skip lunch or, at best, replace it with a sandwich.

Never skip a meal! This is one of the fundamental laws of nutrition. Nothing prevents you from eating four or five times a day, but you can not eat less than three times a day. This is the easiest way to disrupt metabolism. Don't do it yourself and don't let others do it. Your body begins to behave like a dog that is fed irregularly. It is enough for her to find a bone, as she immediately hides it in reserve.

I am sure that at this stage - in phase 1 - you will no longer be tempted by a buffet sandwich or a McDonald's burger. At the end of the book, I will say what I think about the eating habits that were exported to us from a country that considers itself a pillar of Western civilization. Of course, this country deserves our respect for a number of achievements in science and technology, but not in gastronomy and nutrition.

Well, so what are you going to eat instead of this "fast food" nightmare?

A little imagination, already acquired knowledge - and here are some recipes for how to eat quickly at the workplace or on the road without violating our rules:

Ham (both smoked and unsmoked). I advise you to buy Parma ham, it is always thinly sliced ​​and does not require a knife or fork;

Continental sausage - it is better to take sliced. With high cholesterol, I recommend replacing sausage with smoked salmon or crab sticks;

Hard-boiled eggs can always be found in a bar or buffet;

Tomatoes (just don't forget the napkin, otherwise I don't envy you). Botanists consider the tomato a fruit, but we nutritionists consider it a vegetable;

Any cheese will do, but since we are based on practical convenience, it is better to forego the hamburger and all goat cheeses - on a trip their smell is condemned by others, so choose from other types of cheeses.

If you haven't eaten in a while, you can make yourself a meal of fruit alone. Eat them heartily, as much as you like. Fruits have one drawback - they are quickly digested, and after a couple of hours you will feel the desire to peck at something. Allow yourself another apple and a slice of wholemeal bread. But do not eat "bad" carbohydrates: biscuits or, even worse, "snickers" and other pseudo-chocolate bars.

If you play sports, then a quarter of an hour before class, you can eat dried fruit.

Well, it seems that everything is about phase 1.

If before choosing a new style of eating you ate a lot of sweets, then in the first month of the diet you can lose 5-6 kg. But do not stop there, otherwise you risk starting to gain weight, resembling accordion bellows, which, having contracted, immediately begin to expand.

After the first quick success, continue in the same spirit, and although the weight will not decrease at the same rate, it will gradually melt away, steadily, day after day. It is believed that men achieve goals more easily than women. However, we must remember that if you are undergoing any course of treatment at this time, then this may lead to the opposite result, since some drugs cause weight gain. Women should also be aware that during the period of menstruation, they may also experience fluctuations in weight that are not related to metabolism.

Still, it has been observed that women lose weight worse than men. There are four possible reasons for this:

1. Anxiety, anxiety, which can cause increased secretion of insulin.

2. Hormonal disorders during menopause.

3. Problems with the thyroid gland, although quite rare.

4. Sometimes, especially in the early stages, the female body, as it were, counteracts weight loss. This is a kind of reaction to repeated low-calorie diets carried over in the past, which led to excess weight.

If in the past you had problems with cholesterol, now, having learned how to regulate it through the correct, balanced administration of lipids, you will forget about it. Therefore, avoid fats, especially soluble ones - they are the culprits of increasing "bad" cholesterol in the blood - and choose those fats that contribute to the appearance of "good" cholesterol.

Your doctor may object to the new diet as it goes against what he was taught in college when he was young, but the best argument is your weight dropping without taking any medication. It is difficult to argue against such a scientific argument.

Following the rules of phase 1, it is impossible not to lose weight. If it doesn't, there is a mistake somewhere.

The only way to find the truth is to make a complete list of everything that you ate in a day, and using the tables in this book, find a mistake in nutrition.

For example, you may be eating too much normal yogurt or cottage cheese, which contain both carbohydrates and lipids. Or: you regularly eat vegetable soup with "allowed" vegetables. Check out its "origin". Most likely, you will read on the bags that, in addition to vegetables, such a soup contains starch, sugar, dextrose, or other thickening and coloring additives that harm you.

Be carefull! Although the basic principles of the method are not difficult to follow - of course, sacrificing some of your habits - slight deviations from it can nullify all your efforts.

A word of warning: if you're on a low-calorie diet, don't switch instantly to a new method. Your body is already accustomed to a certain type of food, and changing it (in the direction of increasing calories) when switching to our method can lead to the opposite result - the deposition of fat. Thus, you can gain a couple of extra pounds. My advice: when you start using our method, increase your calorie intake from where you were before by 100 calories per day until you reach our recommended diet.


Naturally, you want to ask, "How long should I be in the first phase?"

In order not to cause your irritation, I will answer the question with a question: "What is the length of the piece of rope?" As you can imagine, the answer depends on many factors.

You can answer that the duration of phase 1 is determined by how quickly you lose unnecessary weight, and this depends on various individual characteristics.

You can answer: when you reach your ideal weight (read chapter XII).

What is "ideal weight"

This is such a limit when your body itself comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to lose weight further. He takes such a decision on the basis of his own considerations, without consulting anyone.

The period of weight loss can last from several weeks to several months. It all depends on how much weight you need to drop.

The main thing is to allow your pancreas to recover and become healthy again.

Suppose you decide to use the method, not having excess weight, wanting to restore physical and mental performance. My advice would be the same: to restore normal digestion and metabolism, extend Phase 1 as long as possible.

In practice, the duration of phase 1 is very difficult to clearly define, since the transition to phase 2 must be smooth and gradual, not in one day.

It is very possible that in phase 1 you will feel so good that with some effort you will move on to phase 2.


Never mix "bad" carbohydrates (white bread, flour, starchy foods) with lipids (meats, fats, vegetable oils) in the same meal.

Avoid all lipid carbohydrates (chocolate, avocado, liver, nuts, fried potatoes, baked goods).

Eliminate sugar from your diet completely.

Use only wholemeal flour for cooking.

Eat bread only from wholemeal flour and only at breakfast.

Forget about potatoes, especially fried ones.

Forget about white rice, eat only brown or wild rice.

Never eat pasta made from white flour, but only from wholemeal flour.

Introduce legumes into your diet, mainly as the main dish at dinner.

Temporarily refrain from all types of alcohol - both from strong drinks and from wine, beer. This is very important in phase 1. In the next phase, you can afford wine within reasonable limits.

Don't drink strong coffee, get used to decaffeinated coffee.

Never skip a meal. Eat three times a day at the same time.

Limit your intake of "bad" lipids in favor of "good" ones to protect yourself from cardiovascular disease (see Chapter II).

Try to drink less during meals so as not to dilute gastric juice, and do not drink immediately before meals.

Do not rush while eating, try to chew food longer and eat in a relaxed state.

Try to make your own fruit juices, avoid store-bought ones - they often contain sugar.

After a carbohydrate-rich lunch, track down at least three hours before eating a lipid-rich meal.

After a lipid-rich meal, wait at least three hours before eating a carbohydrate meal.

Eat plenty of dietary fiber: salads, legumes, green vegetables, fruits (see chapter II).

A warning. The above list is only a summary of what was presented in the previous part of the chapter and should not be taken as a presentation of the method itself. If you understand the method in a simplistic way, without understanding what is happening in your body, which can only be understood by reading the preceding and subsequent chapters, you can seriously harm yourself, especially in the matter of lipid intake.

Comment. Now we are halfway through and learned that there are two types of carbohydrates: “good” ones that you can eat without fear of gaining weight, and “bad” ones that you should always remember and avoid them on the menu, and the main difference between them is The mechanism of release of glucose in the process of digestion.The better the flour is refined, the more "bad" carbohydrates appear in it, and the closer the flour is to coarse-ground - unrefined, the more "good" carbohydrates it contains (see Chapter II).

It is very important not to use any fat in these carbohydrate menus.


Now our task is to get into cruising mode, since you have already mastered the basic techniques of the new method of nutrition. You have eliminated "dangerous" foods from your menu and are now honing your new habits. Moreover, you have already reached the weight you dreamed of and are now ready to move on to phase 2.

Unlike Phase 1, which lasted for a limited period of time, you will have to stick to Phase 2 for the rest of your life if you want to maintain the achieved weight. I've been in this phase for ten years now and haven't put on an ounce, although I don't deny myself anything. Phase 2 is the weight maintenance phase, the stage at which we really learn how to eat right.

At the first stage, I talked mainly about what not to eat, and about what you need to eat in a limited amount or in a certain sequence.

In the second stage, the restrictions will be relaxed, there will be freedom of interpretation, that is, the stage of the art of power management will come.

This means that you do not have to blindly adhere to all the laws and regulations that have been made for you. It's about applying knowledge in the right way for you. A fool can consistently follow strict rules of conduct - we know this very well from our bureaucrats who strictly follow a set of idiotic rules they themselves have developed - not wanting to know anything but these rules.

I am not asking you to steadfastly obey the code of laws, if only because from now on there will be no strict prohibitions that cause irritation and a desire to break them.

You must master the art of managing your diet, not blindly obeying a set of rules, but creating new rules based on the specific situation and your knowledge of the metabolism in your body. The stage of creative development of the method has come.

It will always remain a dangerous product. What I said earlier still applies to the next phase. Get used to being sugar-free. Even if you suddenly don’t have a sugar substitute with you and you have a desire to say to yourself: one piece of sugar in coffee will not change anything, stop. Of course, you can break the rule, but with one condition: for the whole day you will not try any other "bad" carbohydrate.

But better be firm. Not a single lump of sugar in your coffee, not a single gram of sugar in your cottage cheese. One of two things: either a substitute, or nothing.

Of course, in phase 2 you have more freedom of choice than in phase 1, but be careful with it, appreciate it. You are like a criminal with a suspended sentence: any violation of the law - and you are behind bars again.

It can be said that circumstances force you to eat sugar, because it is present in most desserts. But I will teach you how to do it in such a way as to cause minimal harm to yourself.

If you want to be tempted to eat dessert with sugar, then, of course, you can't drink coffee with sugar. In general, my advice to you: always drink coffee without sugar, and you will free yourself a small niche - eat a dessert containing sugar.

But better stand to your death: sugar is a poison and treat it like hell!

But this is the strictest taboo that will hang over you. Other laws will be more liberal.

I expect a question from you: what about honey? It's a natural product, not rectified, maybe...

I hasten to disappoint you - the glycemic index of honey is 90, that is, it is a “bad” carbohydrate.

But if it is prescribed for you as a medicine, well, so be it - no more than a teaspoon a day, and then after a carbohydrate breakfast.

One of my brothers, like me, is a big red wine enthusiast. But he only felt the consequences of his love of wine when I told him: every piece of bread you eat is a glass of red wine that you won't drink. So choose!

Breakfast. If you are on a carbohydrate diet, then you should only eat wholemeal bread (see Chapter V, "Breakfast"). And only after three months, when fat-free cottage cheese literally climbs out of your ears, you can replace it with light margarine or light spreadable butter, but do not abuse it!

In general, you can eat butter very rarely, mainly when you are on a trip and you have no choice.

Also with milk: get used to skimmed milk, and if you really can't bear it, use half-skimmed milk.

From time to time I have to have breakfast in the big Parisian hotels on duty. During breakfast, I can’t deny myself a delicious bun or an excellent croissant dripping with fragrant oil, but automatically I remember: this means that today I will have to abstain from wine and chocolate dessert during the day and at dinner.

Perhaps now you understand that the secret of proper nutritional regulation lies in the harmonious distribution of deviations from the rules. The body has a certain degree of resistance, now the level of production of insulin by the pancreas can be controlled much better than before. But remember: if you violate your limits, the arrow on the scale will instantly remind you of this.

Just like a good manager keeps track of the budget at the bank all the time, so you should keep track of your own weight on the scales. And again I remind you: it is better to eat three extra oysters than a piece of white bread with butter.

If you eat smoked salmon for a snack, never eat the toast served with it. Or order marinated salmon - it's never accompanied by toast.

Be careful with the pate on toast, because the liver is also a carbohydrate-lipid mixture.

In general, make it a rule to eat in a restaurant what you do not eat at home. I am amazed at the restaurant by my compatriots and foreigners: scrolling through the menu for a long time, they choose long-familiar dishes that they eat every day. Sometimes only heroic efforts can move them from these positions and force them to try something new. If they are the same employees - without imagination, without striving for something new, I feel sorry for their management, shareholders and colleagues at work.

Always order fish in France - the country's most famous chefs prefer to make their best dishes from fish. In this country, in cities that are 500 km from the sea, you can always get fresh fish.

Even in phase 2, I retain a disdain for potatoes, white rice, refined pasta, and corn. It is they, as well as bread, especially in combination with lipids, that are responsible for our extra pounds. Eat them on exceptional occasions. As for bread, do without it at lunch and dinner. Know that there is only one way to reduce the negative effect of "bad" carbohydrates: you can lower their glycemic index by accompanying carbohydrates with fiber.

For example, if you really want to eat fried potatoes, eat them with a green salad, the fibers of which will reduce the result of this deviation from the norms of proper nutrition.

Of course, there are cases where there is no choice. But even then, do not give up so easily, but think about how to minimize the harm done to your body. Of course, giving up wine and desserts can go unnoticed. But what if you are visiting your beloved aunt, who perceives every crumb of her most cooked dish that you left on the plate as a personal insult? Well, then you have no choice but to eat everything forbidden and after that go on a phase 1 diet for two or three days to bring the balance back to normal.

In such cases, you may have a desire to quit all these diets and return to the good old days, when there were no temptations and prohibitions and life was easier and more fun. Such thoughts come to you especially often with the approach of Christmas, which, with all your desire, cannot be slipped through without “losses”.

My ten years of experience says that there are no hopeless situations. You can always find a solution.

You need - and you already understood this - to increase the tolerance limit of glucose in your body. If you use the accordion method, that is, after gaining 3 - 4 kg, returning to phase 1, you will not achieve anything.

Now I have a very high glucose threshold, but this is achieved by long-term adherence to phase 2, and of course I can afford deviations, but the easier it is for me to do this, the more firmly I stand by the principles.

The purpose of my method is the loss of the old conditioned reflexes associated with bad gastronomic habits that we acquired in childhood, and the acquisition of new conditioned reflexes with a plus sign. If you acquired them in phase 1, then in the 2nd phase they will work without difficulty. I'm sure any of you can acquire the reflexes that will stimulate proper food choices. If you come to a restaurant and find spaghetti on the menu, which you love very much, and it will give you great pleasure to eat a portion of this dish, do not deny yourself. But put it aside in your mind. Enjoy, but keep a portion of excellent spaghetti in your memory in order to compensate for their negative effect later.

Reading these lines, it is hard for you to imagine that you will ever be able to resist temptations and that you will have the will to voluntarily leave what you love very much on your plate. But trust me, it's actually much easier than you think. Once you are happy to discover the first noticeable results in phase 1, the habit of restriction becomes automatic. On a subconscious level, it will be difficult for you to give in to temptations. So gradually you will come to auto-regulate your diet.

The main advantage of my METHOD is that it unlearns bad habits acquired throughout your life, resulting in obesity. Having coped with it, remember: if you return to your previous way of life, you are unlikely to be able to repeat the results of my method a second time.

But if you have the will and desire, you will then be surprised how easy it is to stick to the method, and the time will come when you will no longer be tormented by temptations in the form of baked potatoes and Christmas cakes. You will find many other equally delicious dishes that you simply did not know about before. And over time, learn to plot your course between icebergs of “bad” carbohydrates automatically, as if turning on autopilot.

Everything related to fruit you have already passed in phase 1. Eat fruit on an empty stomach. Moreover, it is important not so much the amount of carbohydrates that they contain (fructose or glucose), but what they are eaten with, because sometimes fruits are poorly digested. Go back to the previous pages where I talk about this and you will understand me.

But there are fruits that contain very few carbohydrates, in phase 2 they can be eaten daily in large quantities. These are strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Therefore, at home or in a restaurant for lunch or dinner, eat these berries without restriction.

If your lunch is protein-lipid, you can even put cream on them, but without sugar (substitute is possible)!

And if you haven't broken your diet, you can even afford Chantilly whipped cream (although I suspect there's a bit of sugar in that too). Well, at home - whipped cream only with a sugar substitute.

By the way, another fruit that does not cause any problems is melon, but, of course, as an appetizer at the beginning of dinner. But try to endure after such an appetizer at least a quarter of an hour before the main dishes (especially if it is meat or fish).

By the way, if melon is served among various salads, then do not be afraid to mix it with them, except for those salads where there are eggs, mayonnaise and sausages. But this advice only applies to digestive problems, the risk of gaining weight from melon in the 2nd phase is minimal.

Many of my readers ask if there is a difference between fresh and cooked fruit? There is, but a small one: boiled fruits ferment less in the stomach than fresh ones. In other words, they are absorbed almost completely. Therefore, when taking a portion of compote, remember that you are deviating from the method. In boiled fruits, fiber is destroyed (they are well absorbed), vitamin C is lost, as well as the ability to lower blood sugar.

As for dried fruits, they have a medium glycemic index, but most dried fruits retain the main properties of fiber, so they can be included in your diet to support physical potential. These fruits include figs, dried apricots or prunes.

This part of the book, like the chapter on wine, touches my heart since I have always had a taste for sweets at the end of a meal.

We all have weaknesses. But it is important to be able to control yourself.

To be honest, I can safely give up potatoes for life and almost a year - from spaghetti, but without chocolate I can’t live even a week.

A modern kitchen cannot do without a modern pastry shop. Unfortunately, the French patisserie is the world's leading. It is original, beautiful, based on the natural qualities of the product and light.

Therefore, in phase 2, you can widely use its achievements without violating the laws of our method.

Even the cookies are so light that they contain almost no flour or sugar. And in the mousses of the "new cuisine" there is almost no sugar or flour. In the Appendix you will find a recipe for a bitter chocolate dessert. It contains 5% flour, that is, a cake weighing 1 kg takes no more than 50 g of flour - and no sugar (except for a small amount already in chocolate). In general, this is a very small deviation from phase 2.

And the dark chocolate mousse (see the recipe in the Appendix) will appeal to any gourmet.

I started with chocolate because it's my passion, and if it's top quality (high in cocoa), it's low in carbs and has a glycemic index of about 22.

But besides chocolate, the "new desserts" offer a wonderful range of fruit mousses, which, although containing some sugar and some bad carbohydrates, are nonetheless less negative in their impact than one toast or a serving of fried potatoes - I do not want to translate this information into the language that everyone is tired of. percent, grams and kilograms.

Well, if you eat charlotte, then just refrain from the crust, and everything will be in order.

By the way, about ice cream. Do not deprive yourself of this pleasure, because its glycemic index is no more than 35 (very little sugar in good ice cream), but Twitter has an index of 65.

Furthermore. If you like ice cream topped with hot chocolate, with a mountain of whipped cream and an umbrella on top, indulge in this delicacy. Harm from it is much less than from a serving of mashed potatoes.

But in general, cakes should be excluded due to their flour and sugar content, although a slice of cake is no worse than one baked potato or two tablespoons of white rice.

However, it should be remembered: any deviations from the norm should not be a system, but a case, and not very frequent.


The use of all alcoholic beverages is subject to the same laws as food. In phase 1, a complete restriction of any alcoholic beverages, and in the next phase, certain indulgences, that is, it is allowed to drink dry wine. And if you are used to drinking something strong before dinner as an aperitif, with a meal - a few glasses of red and white wine, and after dinner - liquor, then this should no longer be the case.


Refrain from whiskey, even diluted, especially from gin and tonic, which is full of sugar. Better a glass of champagne or white wine. Remember that one serving of whiskey has as much alcohol as half a bottle of wine. Therefore, it is better to drink this portion during lunch than as a strong aperitif before dinner. If you don't know what is better to drink before dinner, the menu of which is not known, order a young Bordeaux or Borjolais, which can be drunk with any dish.

In general, the time for an aperitif, before a meal, exposes you to temptations most often. Usually this is due to a long wait for latecomers or the fact that the hostess was late with dinner. In a word, the wait can result in an hour, or even two. All kinds of snacks are placed around, mostly with "bad" carbohydrates, and you know that this house will serve great red wine for dinner or the hostess is famous for her desserts, so you prepare in advance for breaking the diet - remember: you can break it once, no more.

It is especially difficult in English-speaking countries, where you are invited at half past five in the evening, and the food starts at nine or even ten in the evening.

I remember how an English couple who came to live near Paris invited us to dinner. We arrived like decent people at seven o'clock. And at a quarter to twelve, one French couple began to get ready for home.

“How,” the hosts were worried, “you won’t stay for dinner?”

We were all already in a state of deep hypoglycemia and practically incapable of further communication.

If you've been to one of these evenings, you've probably been amazed at how many drinks people can drink on an empty stomach. The owner continuously pours into your glass, and you completely lose control - and how much did you end up drinking?

In general, if you wish, you can always find a way to avoid an aperitif. And most importantly, remember: drinking on an empty stomach is very harmful and is the cause of many diseases.

I am a supporter of red wine, and in particular Bordeaux. This does not mean, however, that I reject white wines and reds other than Bordeaux. For example, they say that Sauternes goes best with foie gras (goose liver pate). But nutritional regulation is the art of compromise. Goose liver, as you already know, contains carbohydrates and lipids, and therefore, even if their amounts are symbolic, when ordering a liver, you make a small exception. Sauternes, which you will accompany the liver, is also a small exception, as it contains sugar. So you used your "joker" at the beginning of the dinner. How do you proceed? You just need to limit yourself to at least Sauternes - drink just enough to feel the taste of the liver.

It is also very important that there is little sugar in dry wine, and even more so in red, not to mention Bordeaux. This way, you cause minimal harm to yourself. Specifically, I recommend a young red wine with an alcohol content of 9 to 12 degrees. These include Beaujolais, Gamay, Loire Valley wines such as Chinon, Anjou, Saumur, Champagne and some other local wines that are usually drunk young, like Savoy.

I believe that three glasses of wine during lunch will not harm your balance of substances in the body. Here is an example of a perfectly balanced lunch:

Mushrooms in Greek

Grilled flounder with eggplant caviar

Green salad

Decaffeinated coffee

Having drunk three glasses of wine with this dinner, you will not gain a single gram of weight, provided that you start drinking wine at the end of the main course, thereby preparing the stomach and neutralizing the effect of alcohol. And no sleepiness after dinner.

Of course, it is better not to consume alcohol at all, but the purpose of my book is to show that you can, adhering to accepted norms of behavior, do not harm your body. At home, I advise you to drink water.

And never drink wine on an empty stomach, the result will be the opposite - in your body it will all turn into fat.

Another tip: if you drink wine, do not drink water at this time, it will damage your digestion.

Afternoon liqueur

In France, it is customary to drink a glass of liquor after dinner, as they say, for better absorption of food, they even call this glass “dejestif”. A small glass of liquor is equal to a large glass of wine, and although it really helps to dissolve fats and assimilate them without harm to the body, one must always try to ensure that this glass does not appear every time and does not develop into two, or even three.

My advice: stay friendly with decaffeinated coffee. In phase 2, you will no longer need to pep yourself up with coffee, which contains caffeine, which stimulates insulin release in some people. But in this phase, a small dose of caffeine, occasionally received by your body, will not harm the balance you have achieved.


All sweet, fizzy drinks, whole milk and industrial fruit juices are excluded in phase 2 as in the previous one.

Phase 2 is easier and at the same time more difficult to implement than phase 1. It is easier because there are fewer restrictions and more choice of food that is allowed to be consumed. It is more difficult because this phase involves a careful and very intelligent management of nutrition, the main characteristics of such management are constancy and rigor. Be vigilant, because you will have to constantly avoid risk.

The first danger that lies in wait for you is erroneous regulation of nutrition. You can regulate your diet, but only keep track of one part of your diet. For example: you drink whiskey before your meal and wait for the main course to drink one of the three glasses of wine after it. You have learned well that the effect of alcohol does not harm the body if there is food in the stomach. But you have already taken an aperitif on an empty stomach and now do not expect a positive effect.

At the end of this chapter, I summarized the Golden Rules of Phase 2. Remember them so that you can apply them harmoniously in practice.

Second. It's a misconception that if I "sin" I can always go back to phase 1 and rebuild everything again. I must warn you that this will not happen. It will take you twice as long to regain your original weight - usually at least three months.

The main task is to achieve stability for the rest of your life, then there will be no turning back to the past. If you achieve this, you will not want to go back - you will feel so much better. And then automatism will develop, and the method will turn into a behavioral skill, you will be on the right course on “autopilot”.

I want to warn you one more thing: do not try to convert everyone. Do not promote the principles of your new diet at every step. Don't tell everyone what you eat and what you don't eat. Don't point out to others what dietary mistakes they make. Do not try to save everyone who does not adhere to a diet from the mortal danger that threatens him. You won't achieve anything other than anger. Most people understand that they are eating wrong, but they lack the will to take a step in the right direction. You'll make them feel guilty, which people don't like.

Watch your weight carefully. Have an accurate scale and weigh yourself regularly at the same time. You will quickly feel that small deviations in weight can be corrected by diet, and if a trend appears, then do not rush to extremes - just change course a little, and everything will fall into place. The time will come when you will do it automatically, without noticing the process itself. TO SUMMARY THE MAIN PHASE 2 PRINCIPLES As an exception, you can allow the combination of "bad" carbohydrates with lipids, but then accompany the meal with fiber, such as salad.

Do not eat sugar, granulated sugar, honey, jam and sweets. Use sweeteners.

If you do eat "bad" carbs, even occasionally, don't overdo them.

Resume consumption of legumes and whole foods. Continue eating wholemeal bread at breakfast. For lunch and dinner, bread can only be eaten with cheese.

Avoid sauces or make sure they don't contain flour.

Replace butter with vegetable margarine, especially at breakfast.

Drink skim milk.

Eat more fish and prioritize "good" lipids to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Be careful with desserts containing sugar. Eat strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

You can eat chocolate, Twitter, ice cream, and whipped cream, but don't overdo it.

Avoid baked goods containing flour, fats and sugar.

Prefer fruit and egg mousses or unsweetened cream.

Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

Don't drink aperitifs. Only in exceptional cases. Before dinner, give preference to dry wine or champagne, but first eat a salad of fresh vegetables, cheese, a piece of sausage or a crab stick.

Drink water or wine with meals, but no more than half a bottle a day. Don't drink water if you drink wine.

Drink water between meals (approximately one and a half liters a day).

Eat before drinking.

Do not drink fizzy drinks, cola and soft drinks.

Continue drinking decaffeinated or weak coffee or tea.

Deviations from the methodology should be evenly distributed over all meals. Sample menu for phase 2

(To maintain weight and balance imbalance)

Day 1 Breakfast:

Wholemeal bread + sugar free jam

Light margarine *

Decaffeinated coffee (d/c coffee)

Skim milk

Avocado with sauce (vegetable oil and vinegar dressing)

Beef Steak with Green Beans Creme Brulee

2 glasses of wine *

Vegetable soup

Omelet with mushrooms

* - slight deviation from the diet.

Day 2 Breakfast: Orange juice (homemade)

Croissant + bun** Butter

Coffee + milk *

Lunch: Tomatoes with cucumbers

Grilled fish

1 glass of wine

Artichokes with sauce (vinegar and vegetable oil) Scrambled eggs with tomatoes

Green salad

Water ** - a significant deviation from the diet.

Wholemeal bread Light butter *

Skim milk

Aperitif: 1 glass of white wine *

smoked salmon

Baked leg of lamb with beans *

Chocolate muss *

3 glasses of wine **

Vegetable soup

Stuffed Tomatoes (See Appendix)

Green salad Fat-free cottage cheese

scrambled eggs bacon

Sausage D/c coffee + milk

Dozen oysters

Grilled tuna with tomatoes

Strawberry Sand Cake**

2 glasses of wine *

Vegetable soup

Cauliflower baked with cheese

Green salad

Day 5 (big retreat)

Orange juice

Raw cereals or low-fat cottage cheese

Coffee or d/c coffee + skimmed milk

Goose pate *

Grilled salmon with spinach Liquid dark chocolate ** 3 glasses of wine **

Cheese soufflé

Boiled lightly salted pork with lentils **

Beaten egg whites* 3 glasses of wine

(This day is not typical. It shows the limits of possible - very rare - deviations, especially in the amount of wine.)

Day 6 (return to phase 1 to remove effect of day 5)

Wholemeal bread

Skim cheese

D/c coffee + skimmed milk

Salad: cucumbers, mushrooms, radishes

Saithe baked in tomato sauce

Water, weak tea or herbal tea

Vegetable soup Ham

Green salad

Day 7 Breakfast:

Wholemeal bread

Skim cheese

Skim milk

chicory salad

Entrecote with green beans


1 glass of wine *

Fruits: 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 pear, 150 g strawberries, raspberries or blackberries

Day 8 Breakfast:

Wholemeal bread

light oil

Skim milk

Shrimp cocktail

Tuna with eggplant

Green salad

2 glasses of wine *

Vegetable soup


Strawberries 1 glass of wine

Michel Montignac

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