Manti are juicy. Manti: how to cook juicy manti with meat deliciously and correctly. With pork and beef

Manty is cooked for a relatively long time, so be prepared to constantly drive away relatives who suddenly come into the kitchen from the double boiler. But it's worth it".


What do you need:

4.5 art. flour
250-300 ml water
1 egg
1 tsp salt

900 g lamb or beef
200 g fat tail fat (for lack of fat, you can choose more fatty parts of the meat and take it a little more)
600 g onion
1 tsp zira with a slide (it is advisable not to use already ground spices)
1 tsp coriander
0.5 tsp black pepper (those who like it spicy can use a little more pepper)
1 tsp salt

How to cook manti:

1. For the dough, sift the flour into a large bowl.

2. Dissolve salt in cold water (you can put it in the refrigerator for a while).

3. Make a well in the flour, add a raw egg and cold water With salt.

Knead a stiff homogeneous dough.

It should be elastic and should not stick to your hands. If necessary, you can add a little flour. Roll the dough into a ball and leave under a towel for 2 hours.

4. For the filling, the meat should be, armed with a sharp knife and a fair amount of patience, cut into as small as possible, identical cubes. Do the same with the kurdyuk.

5. Cut the onion into thin small strips. I have a wonderful sharp shredder for this purpose, so if you have something similar, use it. This is a great time saver. Lightly salt the onion and knead well with your hands.

6. Mix meat, fat with onions and spices, previously ground in a mortar. Mix thoroughly again. Alternatively, you can add some fresh cilantro to the meat. But for starters, you can try without it. I advise you to experiment a second time.

7. Roll out the dough to a translucent state and cut into circles.

Put the stuffing in the center.

8. Now you can sculpt: first pinch the middle.

Then pinch the edges like an envelope.

Then turn the workpiece on the other side and again make two tucks. It remains only to connect the tucks together and carefully clamp.

9. Time to cook. Many sources suggest lubricating the levels of the mantle or steamer with oil. I'm used to doing the opposite. I pour a small bowl of oil and, taking the manti by the top seam, I simply dip the bottom into the oil. Never stuck.

10. Manty is prepared for about 45-55 minutes. Much here depends on the thickness of the dough that you have obtained and on the size of the manti themselves.

11. After 50 minutes, you can open and take a sample. Manti are easy to get. If the manti just rises, just lift it, if not, then you can pick them up with a silicone spatula. Checked - it works. Or slightly shake each level.

Manti must be served exclusively with the right sauce. The colorful host of the program Lara Katsova shared her favorite recipes with us.


Manti must be served with sauce. Photo:

Lara Katsova: “The mother of my close friend from Tbilisi taught me this sauce.”

What do you need:
500 g canned tomatoes in their own juice
2 garlic cloves
50 g cilantro
50 dill greens
1 tbsp hops-suneli
1 tbsp coriander
half a chili pepper
ground red pepper - optional
1 tsp Sahara
1 tsp salt

How to cook spicy sauce with greenery:

Rub the tomatoes through a sieve, finely chop the garlic. Mix garlic and tomatoes, add salt and sugar, put the mixture on a small fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add suneli hops, coriander, finely chopped chili pepper and simmer for another 3 minutes. If you want more spiciness, add red ground pepper. Remove from heat, put finely chopped cilantro and dill, close the lid and let cool.


Lara Katsova: “I understand that I will not discover America, everyone knows about the classic sour cream sauce to khinkali. But my recipe is still different - saturated with herbs and spiciness.

What do you need:
1 st. sour cream 20%
2-3 garlic cloves
small chili pepper
enough cilantro and dill

How to make sour cream sauce:

Finely chop the garlic and chilli, removing the seeds. Chop greens, mix everything. Salt. The whole point is that there should be a lot of greens, it's more greens with sour cream, and not sour cream with herbs.

First, a few words about the dish itself. After all, few of today's young housewives have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat manti are. And this dish made from meat dough is a kind of dumplings. It refers to the traditional oriental, or rather Asian, cuisine. It is prepared in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Its analogies exist in the Kazakh national cuisine. A similar treat exists among the Siberian peoples. Yes, and in Mongolia, Korea, China, it is also served not only at home dinners, but also in large restaurants or modest food stalls.

Manti and dumplings

From the first time, few people manage to cook the dish the way it should ideally be. There are many subtleties and nuances here. The whole process consists of three “operations”: knead the dough correctly, prepare minced meat for manti and boil them. What are the main differences between food and dumplings familiar to us? Firstly, they are much larger than small, neat “bear ears” (the second name for dumplings). Secondly, they are not boiled in water, but steamed, in a water bath. And, thirdly, minced meat for manti is made very specific.

Cooking technology

The most important thing that is needed for the “right” dish is a special pot for boiling. It is called accordingly: “manti-kaskane”. Of course, not every hostess has one. But this does not mean that you should abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpreparing a treat and surprising your relatives with it. Well, if you made minced meat for manti, kneaded the dough and twisted the products themselves, then you should take the largest pan, put a deep plate or dish in it, oil the bottom, put the molded “meat dumplings” in it, cover with another plate, pour into the pan some water, cover with a lid and put on a small fire. It looks a bit complicated, of course. But this is until the hostess adapts. And then the minced meat for manti will turn out “as it should”, and they themselves - at least send them to a culinary exhibition!

Classic dough recipe

Having analyzed the main provisions of the theory, we proceed to practice. Let's start with a test. Take 500 g of flour, half a glass of water, about a spoonful of salt and an egg. Knead the products into a cool elastic dough. Why exactly? Because the filling is placed on very thinly rolled pieces, and it is important that they do not tear. Yes, and in the process of cooking so that they do not stick out, do not spread. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, cover and let it rest, “rest”. Then cut off small cakes from the main piece, knead, roll into millimeter-thick layers, cut large squares out of them, about 10 x 10. In the meantime, the dough is infused, you can also prepare minced meat for manti (see the recipe below).

Classic recipe for minced meat

Traditionally, it is made from lamb or sheep meat. Also, as an important component, it includes or fat tail (it grows in these animals in the region of the tail vertebrae). Plus a wide variety of condiments. Thus, to make minced meat for manti, the recipe recommends: finely chop half a kilogram of onion, also cut 1 kilogram of meat into small pieces. If not cut, then pass through a meat grinder with a large grate. This, by the way, is also the difference between manti and dumplings: in those, the minced meat is well crushed into a homogeneous mass. Now fat: take about 150 grams and chop finely too. Why approximately: you may need more of it, because both the filling and the greasy piece are placed in each “dumpling”. Set the cut aside. In minced meat for manti, the recipe advises, in addition to onions, to generously add pepper and spices: marjoram, coriander, basil. Pour in half a glass of heavily salted water. This is not required for dumplings. And in this dish, liquid is needed to cook exactly juicy minced meat for manti.

Sculpt, cook, serve

When everything is ready, you can stuff the dough with minced meat. To do this, put the meat in the center of each square, add a piece of bacon and pinch so that the filling does not fall out. Cover the finished products with a napkin and let them stand for 10 minutes. Then cook for 40-45 minutes. They should be served hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs. As a dressing, sour cream, mayonnaise, strong meat broth seasoned with pepper are suitable - to choose from. Additionally, put mustard, horseradish and vinegar and pepper slightly diluted with boiled water.

Important clarification

About that, for a couple, we told. However, the process can be speeded up if you do this: heat the oil well in a deep frying pan, put “dumplings” in them, fry until crusty. And then transfer to a plate, place in a saucepan and douse with steam for not 45 minutes, but half as much - 25-20. By the way, in this case, the dish turns out to be much tastier and looks more appetizing.

Varieties of minced meat

Housewives may have a legitimate question: how to make minced meat for manti not from lamb, but from other types of meat? After all, the East, like Asia, is a delicate matter. A European resident may not like the smell of sheep. Yes, and boar pigs or veal are much more familiar. In this case, exotic traditions should be approached creatively. And cook minced pork for manti. Its plus is that such meat is softer than lamb. Choose flesh that is juicier, but with little fat. And separately buy fat. Maybe even salty. Or smoked - whichever suits you better. And then proceed according to the already familiar algorithm.

Recipe with variations

It is also worth discussing, for manti not from meat, but from vegetables. Yes, this dish can be vegetarian. More precisely, almost. Potatoes, pumpkin, carrots are used as fillings. Or fruits - apples, grapes, quince.

  • If the dish is prepared from pumpkin, take well-ripened, but unsweetened varieties. Cut into slices, peel, then chop each slice into small pieces. Chop a few heads of onion, you can lightly fry it, salt it. Mix with pumpkin. Separately cut 250-300 g of fat. You can immediately combine it with the filling, or you can report separately in pieces when you start filling the dough with minced meat. Just do not forget about spices, they are necessary to make the taste of manti more intense, because the pumpkin itself is fresh. And put seasonings for flavor. Before cooking, be sure to fry - it will be tastier.
  • Potato manti. To make them, you will need one and a half kilograms of root crops, 3-4 large onions, salt, pepper, spices to taste. Take exactly smoked lard or lard - half a kilo. raw potatoes peel and finely dice as for Olivier salad or vinaigrette. Do the same with onions and bacon. If the onion is caustic, pour boiling water over it and squeeze it out - the bitterness will go away. Mix all the ingredients, add a little salt, always hot ground pepper. Put the filling in the dough and cook until done. Served with them, as well as with pumpkin manti, sour cream, sour cream sauce. Delicious with ketchup or tomato sauce. Ideally, you can make a special one, exactly the same as they cook in Asian countries.

Sauce for manti

So, tomato sauce, spicy. For him, cut half a kilogram of ripe sweet tomatoes, 3 onions. Fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil. Add tomatoes. Simmer over low heat, covered, until the skin begins to separate from the pulp. Then salt, add chopped hot pepper pod (optional, but the recipe says so), a pinch of dill seeds, a little water. And stew a little more so that the sauce turns out to be of medium consistency. At the very end, add finely chopped marjoram (fresh) and a few cloves of garlic. If you like, add some sugar.

Glad to see you! Written by Denis Povaga. Today in the room there are real Uzbek manti according to a proven recipe. The other day, the family went to the village to visit relatives, they slaughtered a pig .... And they returned home by noon the next day.

The first evening of arrival, it was decided to cook manti and invite guests. Manty was made in two ways - which turns out to be perfect from time to time (thin dough, juicy meat filling, finely chopped onion in combination with meat 1 to 1, salt and pepper to taste), and the second recipe -.

Serving option - with mayonnaise, mustard and diluted vinegar

For me, a pumpkin in manti is an amateur. Of course, they are delicious and incredibly juicy, as many people write and love to eat them ... but when compared with the classic recipe, the first ones are probably better. They also make manti with potatoes, and I want to note that they turn out to be very tasty!

The percentage, if you do with pumpkin - meat and onions is 1 to 1, and pumpkin is about 10-30% of the total filling. For example, if you have minced meat and onions in general, you get 1 kg., Then we put pumpkins in the region of 300 grams. The same is true if potatoes are added to the filling instead of pumpkin. It, like a pumpkin, is cut into cubes, and added to the main filling of meat and onions in a ratio of no more than 200-300 grams. Of course, you can do more, but in the case of pumpkin, there is a chance to get not the taste of manti, but the taste of pumpkin porridge wrapped in dough. And if there is too much with potatoes, then the filling may turn out to be rather dry.

The basis of manti is meat and onions. Not to mention the dough ... of course, it is desirable to make it thin so that it is in the light, and only hides the juicy filling.

Russian manti is minced meat in a meat grinder with the addition of ground black pepper, and a little onion. And often, in Russian mantas, the filling ... both on dumplings and on mantas is the same. And the main difference is that the second ones are more voluminous and are made for a couple.

If compared with the Uzbek, which we cook below, they differ primarily in that they chop the meat (again, not every Uzbek does this), then there should be as much onion as meat (or even more). And of course, the secret seasoning that emphasizes the taste of manti - zira (cumin seeds).

That's the whole set - meat, onion, cumin, black pepper and salt to taste.

Well, now, it's time to cook Uzbek manti, in Russian version, while at home ...

Delicious dough for manti. The classic recipe for manti dough:

It all starts with a test. Meat, if frozen, let it defrost gradually, and between times, 30 minutes before defrosting, it is advisable to knead the dough.

The dough recipe is universal and insanely simple!

For 1 kg. flour - 0.5 liters of water, and 1 testicle. Salt to taste of course...

What could be easier?

The dough is suitable for dumplings, chebureks (it turns out crispy soft, with bubbles), khinkali, and similar culinary masterpieces with meat filling inside. Or an option when you don’t want to sculpt manti, but you want to quickly steam a similar dish - you can cook khanum. In this charm, the filling is made exactly the same as for manti!

Pour 1 kg into the bowl. flour, and in slightly warm water 0.5 liters (beer mug), shake 1 egg. Please note that in the photo above the water turned out to be yellow. This is not a drink, but a rustic egg that has a rich yolk. Dough with village eggs, and any dishes with such ones, turn out to be tastier or something.

I don’t sow flour, I’m lazy for it. She is so loose, without lumps. Although noble culinary specialists advise to sift.

Salt is literally a pinch. For 1 kg. flour left 1 teaspoon of salt without a slide.

Salt the dough, and immediately pour in the water. You can leave a little at the bottom, in case the dough turns out to be thick. After all, it is not a fact that if you have a 2 kg pack of flour, you will accurately measure 1 kg. For this reason, it may be necessary to work the dough during the mixing process so that it does not stick to your hands!

By the way, the ratio of 0.5 water per 1 kg. flour - perfect, and the dough turns out as it should be. Therefore, if you have scales, try to stick to this proportion. Actually, it's not necessary!

First, I knead the dough with a fork or wooden spoon which is more convenient after washing. I only work with my hands to make the dough elastic. But before touching the batch with my hands, I pour 20 grams of sunflower oil into my palm and grease my hands. Firstly, the oil will protect the dough from sticking to your hands during the kneading process ... and secondly, the oil in the dough will make it a little more elastic, which will allow you to roll it out a little thinner. This is the moment for the dough to roll out thin into manti, and not tear when sculpting. In fact, there will be another secret, which I will share below ...

But you know, I wanted to ask you! ... If you have your own recipe for a thin dough for manti, or how you do it ... please share, because I know that there are specialists who can make dough for manti in their own way, and your recipes also deserve attention on the pages of this blog. We appreciate your work!

It took literally 5 minutes to complete the test. Everything is simple there. Mix until it does not stick to your hands and is not liquid. But in the above recipe, everything will be perfect, so do not worry about it. Everything will work out!

We send the dough in a food bag, and put it in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. Let him rest. Someone does not put the dough in the refrigerator, others do. Actually, it doesn't matter! Another thing is important - to protect the dough from contact with air ... otherwise it will “wind up” and be covered with a crust on top. Even in the process of sculpting, it is important to cut off the piece from which we will sculpt, and let the rest be covered from drying out.

There is another way to roll out the dough. Be sure to watch the video:

That's all. The dough is ready! You can make stuffing...

Photo recipe for making manti:

See my dears... You have 2 ways to deal with meat. The first option is to chop it by hand (ideal, but a long option), and the second option is to pass the meat through a meat grinder (quickly, and you can also use a special minced meat attachment). I like to cook with my hands, and charge food with positive emotions. Cooking with the soul - the success of the dish depends on it.

As for meat, it is worth saying that the filling can be either from pork, or from beef, or from lamb. And if you combine these three types of meat - pork + beef + lamb, you get incredibly tasty manti. I have eaten them, so I will say that they will differ in taste than cooking manti only from pork. But I’ll make a reservation right away, I didn’t want to combine the meat of a village pig with a purchased one, and it is the taste of the freshest meat, combined with everything natural, that’s what homemade manti is worth appreciating, despite the fact that they are from the same type of meat. But you still try somehow the option with three types, bought in a trusted place on the market. It turns out very tasty!..

What part of the meat to choose for manti and minced meat in general?

Most traditional recipes Uzbek cuisine - lamb meat is used in combination with onions. In addition, lamb tail fat is added to the meat. But it is allowed to use other types of meat, or a combination of them! In addition to the standard, manti with pumpkin (can be replaced with carrots) and manti with potatoes are common in Uzbek cuisine.

I have the following option - the front of the thigh - the most ideal option. Neck - goes more for barbecue, but in minced meat, on the contrary, it will give dryness. You can also use the brisket - it also turns out a juicy version of the filling. Also, the ideal filling is when the minced meat consists of at least two types of meat. For example Pork + Beef. Your option is described for the reason above ....

Bow on manti

Unconditionally, the number of onions is in a one-to-one ratio with meat, no less! Maybe more than one and a half times. We do 1 to 1 by volume. And here you also have 2 options if you want to cook real Uzbek manti ...

Option one: per 1 kg. meat take 1 kg. Luke

Option two: per 1 kg. meat take the same amount of onion for the space occupied (for example, 1 cup of meat, and 1 cup of chopped onion).

I stop at the second!

Onions can be cut into small cubes so that during the cooking process it does not turn out that it comes across large or crunchy. Although in 40 minutes of steaming, the onion will be steamed anyway. Previously, we always cut onions into cubes, until recently, until we tried delicious manti in an authoritative Uzbek. There, the onion is chopped in half rings or or a quarter. Finely, finely, so that each half ring is exposed to light ... The method is amazing, and most importantly, faster than cutting into small cubes. Be sure to try this option, and you will be satisfied with the result. Promise)…

I admit, I am opposed to passing onions through a blender or meat grinder. I think that the onion should be cut by hand for this dish.

We send the onion to the bowl with meat. Be sure to mix and let the meat marinate with onions for about 30-40 minutes. This secret will make the filling more juicy and rather rich in taste.

The preparation stage can be seen in the photo below:

It's seasoning time. The volume of meat turned out to be 1.5 kg classic recipe, and left the same amount for manti, which we will cook with pumpkin. Only 3 kg. chopped meat. Half for those, half for others! And in the photo above, exactly 1.5 kg. Therefore, the amount of salt and zira can be seen in the photo above and below. Literally a teaspoon of zira, or a little more. All to taste. But if you're doing it for the first time, don't overdo it. More time will come...

Salt and zira are sent to minced meat. To open the seasoning, squeeze it in your palms, moving up and down. So the filling will turn out more saturated.

Grind peppercorns on top, a pinch in the area - half a teaspoon ...

At the end, 50 grams of water to add juiciness to the manta. It will turn out, during cooking, and the minced meat itself will give juiciness, and there will be a little broth inside. Use this method!

By the way, if you cook khinkali, then almost a full glass of water is used there. But to everything else, greens in minced meat. In traditional manti, greens are not used. BUT if you like, then you can add a little dill and parsley. We do without!

The amount of water for 1.5 meat, in the photo below:

Pour in water, mix the minced meat and it's time to taste the onion. This is not required, but recommended! It is important to salt at each stage - we salt the dough, salt the minced meat, and at the same time, tasting - the taste can turn out to be more expressive. If you stick to the recipe, then the salt and spices will turn out to be normal.

How to sculpt manti beautifully and quickly?

If you want to learn how to sculpt manti beautifully, then it's better to watch this video. We make manti at home, not for show. Therefore, they turn out to be at least not so smooth, but very tasty). At the same time, the method that we use allows you to stick a lot of manti at once. You will see it below ... The evenness and beauty of the resulting manti will depend on the even proportion of the sides, the cut squares of the rolled dough ...

According to the step-by-step photos below, everything is done simply and quickly. In this way, you can sculpt both open manti and closed ones, which retain a richer taste of the broth.

Step 1. We take out the dough from the refrigerator, and cut off a small piece (for 10-15 manti)

You can cut off a little more dough to roll it around the edges of the table. It is important to roll out the dough thinly, and so that it does not stick, generously sprinkle the countertop and rolling pin with flour. Let's get down to business!

From the resulting bun of dough, we got such a layer. The thickness of the dough is around 3 millimeters ...

Step 2. Cut into even squares. Photo below ... (the larger the side of the square, the larger the manta will turn out)

In my case, the squares are 15 by 15 cm. You can do less - 10 by 10. You can put more stuffing in a large square) Here you can see for yourself, the optimal ratio. Try both options, or choose your own!

...from the uneven edges that were around the perimeter, you can mold more manti. To do this, one corner is superimposed on the other. Or one rectangle is glued to another. Two more equal square turns out. Along the edges, you get as many as 3 more manti ...

Step 3. Putting the meat and onion stuffing

Fillings in homemade manti from the heart. Approximately it turns out the following:

Step 4. Let's start sculpting manti

Criss-cross we connect the corners of the dough together. First, the first along one diagonal ...

…then another diagonal. It turns out a square envelope:

We connect any edges of the resulting envelope with each other so that it turns out like this:

Depending on which edges to connect, the manti will turn out to be open or closed. You will see this in the process of sculpting.

Step 5. We send manti to a pressure cooker ("mantyshnitsa") or a double boiler

First, we dip the manti in sunflower oil(lower part) and put in the mantle so that they do not stick to each other and the bottom.

Incredibly tasty and juicy manti ready!

Please come to the table...

Manti are served with spicy adjika and table vinegar. Someone eats them with sour cream. I like the option - either adjika with vinegar (separately), finely chopped onion and fresh dill. Or the second option is vinegar and mayonnaise.

You can drink manti with whatever you like ... Someone eats them with tea (very tasty). For me, they eat well with tomato juice. Although, tomato juice with manti or dumplings is not for everyone.

Well, it turned out very tasty ... Dip manti in mayonnaise or table vinegar. Eat them as you like, maybe spicy with adjika. And most importantly - that you are full and satisfied!

Enjoy your meal!

If you like this recipe, leave a comment below. Or do you have your own ideas or criticism of me? I will be glad to listen, or suggest some points, if something is not clear ... In order not to lose the article and the site, bookmark it!

Manti with pumpkin and meat - fast and tasty

So… He asked me to pour spices on the manti. And after 10 seconds there was a bag of different combination seasonings I will say right away that I did not have time to peep all the seasonings, because there were around 7 of them. It definitely included - ground basil, paprika, ground black pepper, ground red chili ... then I got lost. Anyway! It doesn't matter to me. Because I saw that the zira did not go into the package in any form. What mattered to me was the outcome. If this recipe turns out to be tastier than the classic one, then it will be possible to repeat it again and clarify what seasonings are sprinkled on manti.

But you know what he thought at the moment when the seller poured the seasonings - that he understands the main mixtures of seasonings for meat, fish, pickling vegetables, salads ... But if you delve into various dishes, each of them has his own vision on seasonings, and it’s not a fact that you will like it ... This is at best if the seller still understands ... After all, they can pour in such seasonings that will interrupt each other in taste not only in aroma, but also cut out the taste of the main dish as a result. And the basis for us is meat. In simple words, using various mixtures of seasonings, or buying them separately on the market - be careful with them so as not to "kill" the taste.

Classic manti with pumpkin and meat, I have already eaten. In them, as well as in the recipe above, the basis of onion and minced meat is made, and then 200 grams per kilogram, finely chopped pumpkin is added. For seasonings, I add standard cumin and ground pepper.

This time, I decided to experiment, and trust not my spice preferences. Sometimes such experiments are very useful, because we “get bored” with our recipes, and even when reading students’ blogs, you can always peep something new…

But this time, the seasonings were collected by the seller, who is more likely to be a seller, not a cook) 1.5 kg seasoning mix. meat put literally such a spoon:

After everything is according to the standard - to the main minced meat from minced meat and onions (a one-to-one combination), add pumpkin, and seasoning. We mix, and you can start sculpting manti.

The resulting minced meat is laid on the prepared dough squares ... for comparison, it is mono to see that the minced meat is more saturated in color:

I wrap it in the same way - I make an envelope, and I connect the resulting corners to each other. The method is shown in more detail in the photo in the previous recipe.

We send it to the pressure cooker for 40 minutes, and you're done!

What can I say about the taste?

I will say that I liked the standard recipe without assembling seasonings more. But the guests appreciated the recipe with pumpkin. In fact, if you make both manti, then you get two options, and in any case, the taste will not turn out the same. There will be differences, and some kind will like more. This is a completely normal situation, despite the fact that both options are delicious, and swept off the table with a bang!…

I like the first classic version, with the addition of zira. In the second recipe with pumpkin, everything is also delicious, but probably there was a seasoning that interrupted the taste of meat. It's really hard to say...

How do you love? If you like manti with pumpkin, then make them according to the first recipe with zira, but without adding extra seasonings. You will 100% appreciate them, and you will be delighted. Because, as before, I made such a recipe when I added pumpkin to the classic one - and they turned out to be very tasty.

Manty - a recipe for cooking with potatoes and meat

Also, I made a version of manti with potatoes - which, by the way, I also liked. Potatoes, like pumpkins, added no more than 30% of the total minced meat. Both pumpkin and potatoes are chopped finely, in the same cubes as meat.

The essence of the recipe is one to one, as you add pumpkin, only instead of pumpkin - potatoes. Try it!

Or maybe you have your unique recipe and are you ready to reveal all the secrets? Please share your cooking secrets below in the comments ...

Thank you and see you soon!

In general, the Chinese were the first to cook manti. True, there they are called wrappers, in Chinese - baozi. Initially, they were called at home - mantou. From there, the inhabitants of Asia took the name.

Traditional manti are made from unleavened dough. Often it is very thin, but there are variations with yeast, lush dough. You can fill them with anything, adding seasonings to your taste. The hostesses prepare both meat and vegetable, and even cottage cheese manti. The only thing that all these dishes have in common is the method of preparation. Manti is steamed in a special dish called kaskan in Asia. AT modern world came up with a variety of mantle cookers. They are a multi-level pan with holes for steam. In the lowest section there is water, which, boiling away, forms the steam necessary for cooking the dish.

You can also use a regular steamer which is very common in our country. Well, those who have special Chinese utensils for cooking manti can only be envied. Bamboo sticks are used here as levels for arranging the dish.

Manti, dough recipe

  • As for the preparation of the classic dough, it is worth revealing one little secret. To prevent very thin dough from tearing, use two types of wheat flour: 1 and 2 grades.
  • Also, experts recommend using the correct proportions of water to flour: 1:2. Then the dough will turn out elastic and strong enough.
  • Well, and, of course, it is important to add to 1 kg of flour at least two eggs.
  • And after kneading the dough, let it sit for about an hour covering it with a damp towel.
  • It is considered ideal the thickness of the cakes for manti is 1 mm. Therefore, it is very important that the dough is strong enough.
  • Put the filling on the cakes and pinch the manti. After shaping the dish, dip each bag into vegetable oil so that the bottom gets wet. And only after that send it to the pressure cooker. Thanks to this trick, the manti will not stick to the bottom of the grates.

Manti recipe - form

By the way, the shape of manti can be very different. Every nation has its own. Manti are round, such manti are often sold frozen in stores. Also, square manti are considered classics, and triangular ones are also found.

Stuffing for manti

  • The filling is usually crushed with a knife. Modern housewives often use meat grinders, although in Asia a meat grinder is not recognized at all for preparing a sacred dish. Really, manti, recipe which involves the use of meat, chopped with a knife, are much tastier.
  • Now let's talk about the filling itself. Traditional manti are cooked with meat. Moreover, it is customary to mix several different fillings in one filling. meat products. It can be beef, pork, chicken and lamb.
  • Be sure to add pieces of fat. This is done to make the manti more juicy and tasty.
  • In such minced meat is added onion, cut into small cubes. It is taken in proportion to meat 1:2. After all, onions also add incredible juiciness to the dish.
  • In Asia, pieces of any vegetables and, of course, potatoes are also added to minced meat. It absorbs excess juice and prevents the mantas from tearing.
  • Pumpkin is also considered an ideal ingredient. It adds a unique flavor to the meat.
  • Absolutely any fillings are added to modern manti. It can be mushrooms, vegetables, as well as cottage cheese, fruits or seafood. Below we will look at some of the options for preparing this wonderful dish.

Spices for manti

And, of course, like any other Asian dish, manti is not complete without spices. Beyond the traditional black and red pepper add cumin, garlic, cumin.

And on top of the manti sprinkled with parsley, cilantro and dill. As a sauce, you can serve ordinary sour cream, as well as tomato or various sauces.

Here are some of the most successful recipes.

Uzbek manti recipe

To prepare Uzbek manti, you will need

For the test

For minced meat

  • 0.5 kg lamb
  • 50 g lamb fat
  • 300 g onion
  • salt, pepper to taste

Recipe for Uzbek manti

  1. Knead the dough by mixing flour, water and salt. Divide it into small balls. Prepare minced meat. To do this, finely chop the meat and onion.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly, add salt and pepper. Now start sculpting manti. Roll out the balls of cakes, place the minced meat in the middle of each, and a piece of fat on top.
  3. Close up the manti, forming balls. Place the manti in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes. As a sauce, serve sour cream with herbs.

Yeast manti recipe

To prepare Yeast Manti you will need

For the test

  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 5 g dry yeast
  • 80 g water
  • salt

For minced meat

  • 150 g pork
  • 150 g beef
  • salt, red pepper to taste
  • 200 g onion

Recipe for Yeast Manti

  1. Knead the dough with flour, water and yeast. Let him go once. And you can start cutting.
  2. To prepare minced meat, finely chop the meat and onion. Mix everything thoroughly. Blind square-shaped manti by adding 1 tbsp. l. minced meat in each.
  3. Lubricate the tiers of the pressure cooker with butter. Boil manti for 40 minutes. Can be served as a sauce butter, sprinkling manti with chopped herbs.

Manti with potatoes recipe

To prepare manti with potatoes, you will need

For the test

  • 350 g wheat flour
  • 150 g water
  • salt
  • 10 g vegetable oil

For minced meat

  • 800 g potatoes
  • 100 g pork fat
  • 4 things. medium bulbs
  • salt, ground pepper to taste

Recipe for manti with potatoes

  1. Knead the dough by mixing water, salt and flour. Cover it with a damp towel and let stand.
  2. At this time, prepare the minced meat. Peel and cut potatoes and onions into small cubes.
  3. Add shredded bacon to it. Spice it all up. You can start making manti.
  4. To do this, roll out the dough into a large thin layer. Cut it into small square cakes. On each of them put a small amount of minced meat, and form square manti.
  5. Put them on the grate of the pressure cooker, greased with vegetable oil. You need to cook manti for 20-30 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

And what other fillings for manti do you know, friends?

Olga Manti with pumpkin were mentioned here. But each housewife makes them differently. You can mix minced meat and diced pumpkin (I rub on a coarse grater), onions in proportions 1: 1: 1 (meat: pumpkin: onions), add to minced meat melted lard or slices of fresh bacon, red pepper, black. This is one version of manti with pumpkin.
And I like pure pumpkin more. I rub pumpkin on a coarse grater, cut onion, rub frozen butter, salt, pepper (necessarily black and red pepper) and the filling is ready! The taste is very pleasant, of course, whoever does not like pumpkin will not appreciate this recipe. But for such people, the above recipe, minced pumpkin with meat, is suitable.)))

Olga Belozor Very tasty manti from duck meat, you can add a little raw potato to the minced meat, (without it it turns out very fatty), skip it in a meat grinder along with meat, and of course finely chopped onion, a lot .. And the bones are good for broth. oily but rich. It's a pity there are no ducks on sale now, even on the market. I make the dough like dumplings, but I always use milk instead of water. +2 eggs per liter of liquid. I trust my son or husband to knead the dough, the rational use of male power and participation in the cooking process, the dough turns out excellent.

Manty is another representative of a large and tasty family of dumplings. But if the birthplace of our Russian dumplings is Siberia, then manti is a guest from Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, etc.). Naturally, Asian origin determines some of the features of this dish: the use of lamb, southern spices, steaming, eating not with a fork, but with your hands. However, this does not mean at all that manti is something exotic, complex and inaccessible. The problem here can only be one thing - the lack of a double boiler, but if you have this device in your kitchen, then the process of preparing manti will seem like a trifle.

  • filling:
  • 500 gr. fatty lamb (or 400 gr. beef + 100 gr. fat)
  • 1 large onion (250-300 gr.)
  • 1 tsp salt with a slide
  • 1 tsp zira
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • dough for manti:
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 1 tsp salt without a slide
  • 50 ml. water

    Dough for manti

    Stuffing for manti

  • It's time to move on to preparing the filling for manti. Here again interesting feature oriental recipe: we start preparing the filling not with meat, but with onions. Onion mode is very, very fine, after which we pour it into a small bowl. Add a teaspoon of salt to the chopped onion.
  • We begin to knead the onion with our hands and squeeze out the juice. Salt is very good for juicing, so in just a minute you have quite a lot of liquid in the bowl. After that, we set aside the bowl with onions to the side, let it “cry” further and, finally, move on to the meat.
  • Traditionally, manti is cooked with fatty lamb, and in my recipe I will use this particular meat. But if there was no lamb on the market, then it can be replaced with beef. In this case, fat must be added to the beef, which will give the meat juiciness. Of course, it is ideal if it turns out to be mutton tail fat, but ordinary lard can also be used.
  • So, the meat should be turned into minced meat. Naturally, this is easiest to do with a conventional meat grinder, but only in this case all the meat will turn out to be squeezed and crushed. This is good for cutlets, but not for manti. In manti, it is desirable to feel individual juicy meat pieces. That is why I always follow the traditional path of oriental chefs and cut meat with a knife. This is done as follows: first, cut the meat into thin slices. Then we cut the meat plates into thin strips.
  • We cut the strips into small pieces, less than a centimeter in size.
  • After that, it is advisable to spread the meat on a cutting board and once again go through the pieces with a knife or better with a sharp hatchet.
  • Pour the chopped meat into a bowl with onions. If your lamb is not fatty or beef was used, then finely chopped fat or lard is also added there. All this is mixed and coaxed with 1 teaspoon of zira (the spice can be used both in seeds and ground).
  • Add 0.5 tablespoons of ground black pepper. Then mix thoroughly again. Once in the onion juice and spices, the meat begins to marinate. A fantastically appetizing aroma of shish kebab immediately begins to emanate from the minced meat.

    How to sculpt manti

  • Well, our dough is ready, the filling too, so you can proceed directly to sculpting manti. To do this, remove the dough from the film and knead the manhole again. You will notice that it is now much easier to work with him.
  • Divide the dough in half and roll each piece into a sausage. We cut each sausage with a knife into 8 parts. Blanks for 16 manti are ready. Now we roll them into thin cakes a little smaller than a tea saucer.
  • Some chefs roll out 5-6 cakes at once, and only then they begin to sculpt. Personally, it is more convenient for me to cook manti one at a time. In this case, the dough does not have time to dry out, and our Asian dumplings are easily molded.
  • The technology for assembling manti is as follows: put a tablespoon with a slide of filling on a rolled cake.
  • We bring together two opposite edges.
  • The reduced edges are carefully blinded. The result is something like a tube, from which the filling strives to slip out from both sides.
  • So that the filling does not escape, the manti should be clogged on both sides. To do this, first, on one side, lift a part of the cake with your finger. It looks like we're sealing an envelope. It really needs to be tightly sealed, in other words, to blind the top edge with the bottom.
  • After the envelope is sealed on both sides, it turns out such a small pillow with a longitudinal scallop on top.
  • The last stage in the assembly of manti is giving a characteristic shape. To do this, the protruding corners stick together in pairs with each other. Please note that the corners that are not on one end of the envelope, but on the opposite ones, stick together. This is done from one side and from the other.
  • That's all, the mantle is ready. As you can see, it is quite large. There are about 5-6 pieces per serving. And we sculpted it for some 20 seconds, no more. This is the advantage of manti over dumplings. In a quarter of an hour, you can stick manti for the whole family.

    How to cook manti

  • As I said at the very beginning, manti is cooked in a double boiler. 6-7 manti are placed on each level of the double boiler. Thus, in a three-level double boiler, 18-21 manti can be cooked at the same time (in other words, 3-4 servings). Due to the fact that heat treatment occurs with the help of steam, the cooking time is extended to 40-45 minutes from the moment the water boils. Of course, for a long time, but you have to endure, the manti are worth it.
  • Another little secret. Before putting the manti on the lattice plate of the double boiler, it is advisable to grease its lower part with vegetable oil. To do this, pour a little oil on a saucer, carefully dip the manti into it, and only after that we send it to the double boiler. All this is done, as you probably guessed, so that the manti does not stick to the metal of the double boiler during the cooking process.
  • While the manti are being prepared, you can pass the time by making a traditional sauce for manti, which is especially popular in Uzbekistan. It is prepared on the basis sour milk, sour cream or non-sweet yogurt. AT milk product add mute chopped garlic, a piece of red hot pepper (preferably fresh, but you can also use ground) and finely chopped cilantro. The proportion is arbitrary, whoever likes what.
  • According to tradition, ready-made manti, like Georgian khinkali, is eaten with the hands. Only this should be done very carefully. The fact is that inside each envelope with meat there is quite a lot of broth. Even if the dough looks cold, the broth inside may still be quite hot. Firstly, they can burn themselves, and secondly, they can spread on clothes and stain them. But if you are sure that the manti is ready to eat, then bite it and at the same time draw in the delicious meat juice. I believe at this moment you will understand why many gourmets prefer manti to dumplings.

Minced meat for manti

Gathered to cook manti, but do not know the specifics of cooking the meat component of this dish? Don't worry, this manti mince recipe will help you figure out how to make manti stuffing.


  • Pork 500 Grams
  • Beef 200 Grams
  • Bow 5 Pieces
  • Zucchini 1 piece

Preparation description:

In fact, in preparing minced meat for manti, our main task is to make our manti turn out juicy, because manti are not just big dumplings;) They have a different taste, you need to cook minced meat for manti in a different way. Every Uzbek knows that the main secret is in the preparation of minced meat, because. the dough is used ordinary dumplings. So, in order for the dish to turn out really tasty, you need to make an effort and cook minced meat for manti according to this recipe: 1. The first secret is that we will not twist the meat in a meat grinder, but cut it into small pieces with a knife. To make this easier, the meat can be held in the freezer for a while before cutting. Throw everything into one bowl. 2. The next secret is in a lot of onions. Finely chop it, salt, pepper, and knead with your hands until the juice is released. Add to meat, stir. At this stage of cooking minced meat on manti, you can also add carrots, basil, herbs, or other spices - which is already enough imagination :) 3. And one more secret of the enchanting juiciness of manti - zucchini! We cut it into cubes, but we add it not to the minced meat itself, but already directly when sculpting manti. Therefore, just before sculpting, we put two bowls side by side - with chopped zucchini and minced meat, and put minced meat and zucchini in turn in each of the manti. I'm sure if you cook minced meat for manti at home according to this recipe, you will understand that real manti is really holiday dish:) Good luck!

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How to cook manti at home step by step recipe with photo

Manti ... well, who doesn't love them. Many people like to eat, but many do not know how to cook manti correctly, because of this it is believed that cooking manti at home is troublesome, and the result does not always turn out the way you expect it. Let's try today to cook manti with meat according to a recipe that has been proven over the years.

To get started, I advise you to watch a short video of cooking manti.

Manti: recipe video

How to do manti correctly? Manti recipe with minced meat (step by step recipe with photo)

To prepare the most delicious and juicy manti, we need for the filling:

- 1 kg of minced pork and beef;

- half a pack of butter;

- onions (a lot of onions, its amount in grated form should be approximately equal to 1/3 of the minced meat);

- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

- 1 glass boiled water;

Dough for manti: how to knead it correctly so that it does not tear when cooking

So how do you knead the dough for manti? Read on. It looks complicated, in fact, everything is simple, you just have to start.

1. Making the dough. We sift half a kilogram of flour on the table and make a slide out of it, in which we make a recess, as in the photo.

2. Break one egg into this recess.

3. In a glass of boiled water, stir up to 2 tablespoons of oil and 1 tablespoon of salt. Stir until the salt dissolves.

4. We begin to knead the dough with our hands, gradually adding water from a glass until it runs out. Then we look, if the dough turns out to be watery, then we add more flour.

5. Ready dough knead for 10 minutes. Then we put it in a bag and leave it for 1 hour. During this hour, mix it a couple more times.

Minced manti: a juicy and tasty recipe

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling for manti. In order for the manti to turn out juicy, the minced meat should be fatter, if the meat is lean, then add butter to the filling.

6. If the meat is lean, grate the butter.

7. Grind half a kilogram of pork and half a kilogram of beef.

8. Three onions on a coarse grater or cut it into small pieces.

9. Add grated butter and onion to minced meat. Salt, pepper.

10. Add half a glass of boiled water to the minced meat room temperature. We mix everything well.

11. We sculpt neat and beautiful manti, as shown in the photo.

You can sculpt traditional manti, but if you want to learn how to sculpt manti with a rose. So here's an easy way for you:

12. Pour water into the pressure cooker, add bay leaf to it.

13. When the water boils, we grease the sheet of the pressure cooker with a brush with vegetable oil, on top of which we spread our manti.

14. Cook for 45 minutes.

Serve manti to the table with your favorite sauce. I want to note that rose manti are less juicy, but still very tasty. I usually make most of the regular manti and some rosettes for a change. Try it and share your impressions! Enjoy your meal!

Read also:

Manty home

I think everyone loves juicy, homemade manti. I remember their taste from my childhood. Usually the occasion for their preparation was some kind of holiday, for example New Year. And now manti occupy one of the first places in the diet of our family. The recipe is pretty simple.

For cooking we need:

  • beef - 1 kg., pork - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • salt pepper;
  • dry dill.


  1. We knead the dough. Pour out the flour. We make a recess in it, break the eggs there and pour warm water, salt. The water should be warm, but by no means hot;
  2. Knead until a homogeneous mass is obtained, without lumps. The dough should be tight. Cover with a plate and leave for 20-30 minutes;
  3. Cooking minced meat. I prefer minced meat is mixed, from pork and beef. It's not greasy, but not dry either. Wash the meat and remove the films and tendons from it. We twist in a meat grinder, add onions, greens. Salt, pepper, mix everything until smooth. Stuffing is ready!;
  4. After the dough has stood, we make small sausages out of it, but so that they are not too thin, and cut them into slices. Roll the slices in flour and roll into circles. The circles should be about 10 cm in diameter, and not too thin. Otherwise, the manti will break;
  5. Then we put the meat in our circles. It is better to do this with a fork, at least more convenient.

Do not overdo it with meat, and put it too much. A lump of 4 cm will be enough;

  • Now the fun part, fold the envelopes. We take the middle of the opposite edges, blind them with a duration of about 4 cm. We connect the other opposite edges with the beginning of the resulting seam. You should get a square with ears;
  • Now we connect these ears with the opposite. It turned out neat round manti;
  • The resulting manti, it is better to put in for a while freezer for them to grab. If there is a quick freeze function, it's generally excellent. Then cook manti for 35-40 minutes. You can use manto cooking, multi-cooking, I cook manti in a double boiler.
  • Well, juicy, tender, homemade manti are ready! Enjoy your meal!

    Minced meat for manti, recipes

    Without the usual dexterity, a lot of time can be spent on preparing manti. This includes cooking minced meat for manti, kneading and rolling out the dough, then sculpting manti, and finally, steaming, which will also take at least 20 minutes. But the end result is worth it, because it is tasty to feed the family, and of course yourself, is also not the last thing.

    You already know how to cook dough for manti, therefore, ahead are a variety of minced meat recipes for manti, designed to fill the usual 4 tiers of a pressure cooker.

    Minced meat, meat + onion:

    • Meat 700-800 gr.
    • Fat interior or tail fat - 200 gr.
    • Onion - 1 kg
    1. Chop the meat and fat into small cubes (how to make it easier and faster, see the recipe for chopped manti).
    2. Peel the onion, also finely chop and combine in a deep container with meat and fat.
    3. Add spices, stir. Mince is ready.

    Minced pumpkin and meat manti:

    • Pumpkin - 600 gr.
    • Meat - 500 gr.
    • Fat - 100-150 gr.
    • Onions - 4 pieces
    • From spices: salt, black pepper, zira (cumin)
    1. Peel vegetables. If there are seeds in the pumpkin, then they must also be removed. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, finely chop the onion.
    2. Cut meat and fat into small cubes.
    3. Mix all the ingredients in a deep container, stir, season with spices. Ready!

    Minced meat for manti from potatoes and meat:

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