Secrets of cooking homemade chebureks. Homemade pasties with meat. The most successful recipe for delicious chebureks The secrets of cooking chebureks like in a cheburek

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • 4 tbsp. fine flour,
  • 1.5 st. boiled (hot) water,
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil,
  • 0.5 tsp salt and sugar
  • 1 st. l. vodka (or moonshine).

How to cook delicious and crispy dough for chebureks

This cheburek dough must be kneaded strictly in the sequence indicated in the recipe!

1. I sift a small part of the flour (1 cup) immediately into a container with sides suitable for kneading the dough.

2. I boil water, add salt and sugar to it, then immediately sunflower oil or any other fat (for example, melted butter or margarine).

4. Now in this mixture, still stirring, I add a little vodka - it is this component that will make the finished (fried) chebureks so crispy.

5. I wait until the dough has cooled down and mix the egg into the mass. Do not add eggs to hot dough, otherwise it will curl up!

6. After I sift the remaining flour and start kneading a cool, elastic dough.

In the absence of a food processor or bread machine (this device also knows how to knead the dough on its own), I do all the work with my hands.

7. I cover the resulting bun and let it stand for at least 45 minutes. At this point, the process of kneading the dough can be considered complete. Next, I proceed directly to the formation of pasties.

I divide the dough into parts, roll it into a thin layer and cut out even circles with a saucer or a small plate - this way they turn out perfectly even. Next, I distribute the minced meat prepared for pasties closer to the edge of the cake, cover it with the other side, creating the shape of a pretty crescent. I cut off the excess dough with a curly knife, if there is none, you can use a regular knife, and shape the edges with a fork. The size of the chebureks does not really matter.

5 secrets for making delicious chebureks

I'll start with the fact that chebureks are different. Unleavened dough pies with meat filling, fried in oil, are found in many cuisines of the world: Crimean Tatar, Turkish, Mongolian, Azerbaijani, etc.

On the territory of our country, the Soviet recipe has become the most popular recipe. The name itself - "chebureks", was borrowed from the cuisine of the Crimean Tatars, but the recipe was somewhat modernized (if I can say so about pasties) - finely chopped meat was replaced with minced meat, and pasties began to be fried not in lamb fat, but in vegetable oil. These are the main results of "modernization".

And 5 delicious secrets of cooking chebureks are helpful tips for cooking chebureks exactly according to the Soviet recipe.

Cheburek recipes

You will need:

For test:

  • Wheat flour - 500 g
  • Water - 150-180 g
  • Salt - 2 g
  • Granulated sugar - 2 g

For minced meat:

  • Meat (veal or beef + pork) - 500 g
  • Onion - 1 large onion
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Meat broth - 200-250 g
  • Salt, ground black pepper and zira - to taste

Cooking pasties:

  1. Sift the flour through a fine sieve and form a hill from the sifted flour on the table, add salt and sugar to the flour (the dough will be crispy with sugar - this is 1 secret), make a recess in the flour and pour water into this recess, knead the tough dough.
  2. We wrap the dough in a film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes (the dough will become more elastic and can be rolled out very thinly - this is the 2nd secret).
  3. When the dough is infused, it must be divided into two parts and make two bundles of 3 cm in diameter out of it. We cut mugs 2 cm thick from the bundles of dough (about 40 g each).
  4. Press each circle of dough with the palm of your hand and form a cake from this circle of dough, sprinkle the cakes well with flour, fold into plastic bag and put the bag in the fridge.
  5. Pass the meat through a meat grinder.
  6. We cut the onion into small cubes, put the onion on the table and roll it with a rolling pin - we crumple until the crunch disappears (the onion will give longer juice - this is secret 3).
  7. We combine minced meat with onions, add finely chopped dill. Salt, pepper and cumin, mix. We mix very carefully - the filling cannot be squeezed (when squeezing, protein is released from the minced meat, which makes the filling stiff. The minced meat in the cheburek will be a “lump”. This is secret 4).
  8. While stirring the minced meat, the broth is gradually added to it - as the broth is absorbed and until the broth is completely absorbed. Chebureks will be juicy and tender. This is secret 5. Yes, the amount used depends on the density of the meat.
  9. We place the minced meat for 30 minutes in the refrigerator - for ripening.
  10. We take cakes (from dough) from the refrigerator and roll each one literally to “zero”. Put minced meat (1 tablespoon) on one side of the cake and cover the filling with the second half of the cake, pinch the edges (you can do this with a special cutter).
  11. We fry pasties in vegetable oil (desirable oil temperature is 220-240 degrees) for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

Bon appetit!

Chebureks are rightfully considered a universal dish. They are served as an appetizer for beer or used as an independent dish. Experienced housewives prefer to cook a delicacy on their own, since store products are not of high quality. Chebureks are firmly rooted in Russia, they have taken pride of place in the fast food menu. Some amateur chefs classify the dish as a culinary masterpiece that requires a certain skill. Let's try to determine if this is the case.

Cheburek cooking secrets

Experts in the field of culinary arts have identified the main "laws" of cooking chebureks at home. Let's consider each of them in order.

  1. Cooks unanimously say that cheburek dough should be prepared without the use of yeast. According to the traditional recipe, flour was mixed with salt, water, vegetable oil and spices (at the discretion). After a certain period of time, the housewives began to add granulated sugar and chicken eggs to the dough, which make the chebureks crispy.
  2. A distinctive feature of the cheburek dough from all the others is the structure. The composition is prepared from two to three parts of flour and one part of water, as a result of which the dough turns out to be steep.
  3. In order for golden bubbles to appear on the cheburek, the pies need to be fried in a large amount of oil. For this reason, the dish can hardly be called dietary, it is not suitable for people who follow the figure. If you add vodka to the traditional dough, the cheburek will turn out juicy and crispy.
  4. Particular attention is paid to the dishes in which the cheburek will be fried. The best option a thick-bottomed pan (preferably cast iron) is considered to retain heat well. Some housewives use a frying basket, it greatly facilitates the cooking process.
  5. It is convenient to fry chebureks in cast-iron stewpans and wok pans. Also suitable is the option of using an electric deep fryer, which is equipped with almost every multicooker. Pour a large amount of oil into the dishes, the cheburek should float in it. Such a move will ensure uniform frying from all sides.
  6. If we talk about the filling for chebureks, according to the traditional technology, culinary specialists added minced meat of beef, lamb, and veal. To date, pork and chicken pulp, from which minced meat is prepared, has gained wide popularity. In some cases, broth was added to the meat, which made the chebureks soft.
  7. A meat delicacy is necessarily prepared with the addition of a large amount of onions. It must first be passed through a meat grinder so that the vegetable releases juice. The choice of onions depends on personal preference, yellow, white, red or purple are suitable.
  8. As additional ingredients, favorite seasonings, chopped fresh herbs (parsley, dill) are added to pasties. If we talk about pies for vegetarians, they are prepared with mushroom, egg, cheese, vegetable filling. In this case, the cheburek is considered "inferior", because there is no meat in it.
  9. Chebureks are fried in refined vegetable oil, as free from impurities as possible. High quality deodorized corn, olive or cotton products are also suitable. To get tender chebureks, fry them in pre-melted butter.
  10. The duration of frying chebureks depends on specifications plates and thermal insulation of dishes. The molded pie must be dipped in oil heated to a temperature of 200 degrees.
  11. In the end, you should get a cheburek with a soft brown or golden crust over the entire surface. It is necessary to serve the dish to the table only hot, otherwise the crispy crust will lose its peculiarity.

Stage number 1. Dough for chebureks

As mentioned earlier, cheburek dough is prepared without the addition of yeast. To date, there are many recipes, we will offer the most common. Choose your favorite option, start mixing the ingredients.

Boiled dough

  • flour of the highest grade - 530 gr.
  • filtered water - 220 ml.
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • chopped salt (preferably extra) - 15 gr.
  1. The recipe for this test involves kneading in boiling water, so you need to boil drinking water in advance. When the liquid reaches the desired temperature, pour vegetable oil into it.
  2. In a separate container, sift the flour, combine it with crushed salt. Start pouring boiled water in a thin stream, stir to avoid lumps. Knead the dough into a tight ball, leave to cool to room temperature.
  3. Next, add flour, forming an elastic and dense dough. To determine the amount of flour in the second stage, you need to proceed from the initial state of the mass. Be guided by such parameters so that the composition is non-sticky and smooth.
  4. When the dough is ready, place it in a deep bowl or on a cutting board. Cover with cling film or a cotton towel, leave for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature. During this period, the base will reach the desired consistency and will be suitable for modeling.

Beer dough

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • beer (preferably light) - 245 ml.
  • salt - in fact
  • flour - in fact (about 600 gr.)
  1. Chill the chicken egg and beer. Break the egg into a deep bowl, add salt, beat the mass with a mixer for about 2 minutes at medium speed. Start pouring the cold beer in a thin stream while stirring with a fork.
  2. Sift the flour, start kneading the dough. Turn on the mixer at minimum speed, start beating the mass slowly and at the same time pour in the flour. It is difficult to predict the exact amount, act according to the situation (how much beer hovers).
  3. Add flour in small portions so that the mixer has time to mix. When the dough becomes thick, stir it with a fork, and then with your hands. In the end, you should get an elastic, non-sticky mass suitable for modeling.
  4. At the end of all manipulations, roll the dough into a ball, wrap with plastic wrap or place in an airtight container. Let it brew under natural conditions (room temperature) for about 1 hour, longer if possible.

Vodka dough

  • wheat flour - 800 gr.
  • filtered water - 340 ml.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vodka - 35 ml.
  • fine salt - 10 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml.
  1. Wash the enameled pan, pour oil, vodka and drinking water into it, add salt, put on the stove. When the first bubbles appear, reduce the power to a minimum, simmer for another 3 minutes.
  2. Now sift the flour, pour it in small portions into the liquid, stir at the same time. Make sure that no lumps form, knead them with a fork on the edge of the pan.
  3. Leave the dough to cool. When it reaches room temperature, start kneading. Add flour and at the same time form a plastic mass that will not stick to your hands.
  4. When the dough is ready, wrap it with a film, wait 1.5 hours. For the specified period, remove the polyethylene once and knead the dough well with flour. In the end, you will get a composition suitable for sculpting pasties.

Stage number 2. Stuffing for chebureks

  • minced meat - 320 gr.
  • onion - 3 pcs.
  • dill or parsley - 1 bunch
  • salt - in fact
  • spices (any) - optional
  1. For cheburek filling, pork and ground beef, mixed in a percentage ratio of 60:40, are ideal. For gourmets, lamb or veal is suitable, you can even use chicken. The main condition for choosing the filling is freshness, the presence of fatty layers (for example, the brisket area).
  2. To prepare minced meat, chop a piece of meat into cubes, pass through a meat grinder 1-2 times. Onions are added in a ratio of 1:2 (1 part of meat, 2 parts of onions). Such a move will make pasties juicy inside, especially if they are made from beef / veal. Onions are peeled and passed through a meat grinder separately from minced meat.
  3. You can pour a small amount of rich meat broth into the minced meat, this will also add juiciness to the pasties. When all the ingredients are ready, mix the minced meat with onions, salt to taste, add spices (optional). Chop fresh herbs, mix well.

Stage number 3. Cooking pasties

  • vegetable oil - about 400 ml.
  • flour (for rolling out dough) - 80 gr.
  1. Sprinkle the table with flour, start rolling out the dough. Form a layer with a thickness of about 4-6 mm., Take a deep and wide bowl, cut out circles with it.
  2. Place a tablespoon of minced meat exactly in the middle of the dough, do not overdo it with the amount. If there is too much meat, the dough will tear.
  3. Connect the edges of each layer together, pinch with your fingers. Pinch the dough well, otherwise, during the frying process, the cheburek will spread, juice will flow out of it.
  4. Take a deep frying pan, pour enough oil into it so that the pie drowns. Heat the composition to a temperature of 200 degrees, only after that you can send pasties inside.
  5. Lower the workpieces into the cavity of the dish, they should not touch the bottom too tightly. Otherwise add more oil. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.
  6. Remove the finished dish with a slotted spoon, blot on all sides with paper towels or napkins to remove excess fat. Serve hot with garlic or tartar sauce.
  1. So that pasties do not have a rancid smell and are not too greasy, roll out the dough to the desired width. The optimal indicator is considered to be in the range of 0.3-0.5 cm.
  2. Pinch the edges well, otherwise the juice from the minced meat will flow out. Trim the torn edges with a pizza cutter or kitchen scissors to form even pasties.
  3. After you have molded the pie, carefully inspect it for holes. For better adhesion, moisten the dough with a little filtered water.
  4. More oil will be needed when using a deep fat fryer as the basket does not fully sink into the frying pan. Give preference to butter to get tender chebureks.
  5. To assess the temperature of the oil, before frying the cheburek, throw a small piece of dough into the heated composition. If it surfaced, send pies next.

It is easy to cook chebureks at home, if you strictly follow the recommendations. First, knead the dough according to the selected recipe, then make minced meat with herbs and spices. Form pies, heat the oil and start frying.

Video: Crimean pasties

An amazing dish that seems equally tasty to us on a hot summer day and a cold winter evening - pasties with meat. These are always delicious, crispy pies with juicy and fragrant filling, many mistakenly attribute them to Asian cuisine. However, the real homeland of cheburek is Crimea. It was the Crimean Tatars who invented and for the first time cooked this extraordinary tasty dish, which then spread throughout the countries Central Asia, and later liked in central Russia. And until now, cheburek firmly holds the Crimean traditions in cooking.

How to cook chebureks? At first glance, there is nothing complicated in cooking chebureks. It seems, well, what pitfalls can a culinary specialist expect when preparing a fried pie from unleavened dough? What can be especially sophisticated in a simple meat filling? However, everything is not so simple. Like cooking any dish that has been tested for centuries and generations of culinary experts, cooking pasties requires not only experience and skill, but also knowledge of those cooking secrets that help a simple pie become a real little miracle of cooking.

There are many recipes for making chebureks. In different parts of our country, in each Central Asian country, there are their own recipes and their own secrets of cooking this crispy, fiery dish. Not only the methods of preparing the filling and the choice of products for it differ, but also the methods of kneading the dough and the methods of frying. We have collected for you the most important tips and secrets on how to cook chebureks. These tips will definitely help you cook those very delicious pasties with meat at home.

1. To prepare pasties, you will need a large amount of oil for frying. Best for any vegetable deodorized oil (cotton, sunflower, corn). If you have the opportunity to get enough melted butter, be sure to try cooking pasties on it. Ghee will give your pies an unusual and delicious nutty flavor and very well emphasize the taste of the filling. But when choosing ghee, be extremely careful! You will need only the best, most refined oil. Only such oil will never burn and spoil the taste and aroma of chebureks.

2. Nowadays, it is most reasonable to use an electric deep fryer as a dish for cooking pasties. The convenient and safe device of the deep fryer will allow you to fry chebureks without any extra effort and attention. In addition, automatic maintenance of the correct frying temperature will allow you not to be afraid that your pasties will be saturated with excess oil or poorly fried inside. If you don’t have an electric deep fryer, then you can use any sufficiently deep dishes (ideally cast iron) and a special metal deep-frying basket or a metal colander with a wooden or heat-resistant plastic handle. In this case, try to ensure that the frying oil is always as hot as possible, and try to fry the chebureks in small portions (one or two each). And of course, be extremely collected and attentive, beware of splashes of hot oil!

3. The classic dough for chebureks is a simple unleavened dough made from flour and water. The most difficult and physically difficult stage in the preparation of chebureks can be called kneading unleavened dough. The fact is that the dough for chebureks should be quite dense, but at the same time elastic. This can be achieved only by taking a small amount of water and making considerable efforts to knead. For 1 kg of premium flour, you will need about 350 grams of water and a pinch of salt. Carefully sift the flour in a slide in the center of the table. Make a well in the flour, place the salt in it, and pour in most of the water. Start kneading the dough, adding it from the edge of the slide to the middle. Try to knead the dough as thoroughly as possible, diligently kneading all the lumps. Spray the dough periodically with the remaining water. After your dough has come together into a smooth, uniform ball, continue kneading it with both hands, pressing with your entire body weight, for another 10 minutes. Wrap the finished dough with cling film and put it in a cool place for about one hour.

4. A less time-consuming method of making dough for chebureks will require you to use more ingredients. Sift 4 cups of flour into a deep bowl. Dissolve ½ tsp in 1.5 glasses of water. salt and 1 teaspoon sugar. Pour the resulting solution into the flour, add 8 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of vodka. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, wrap with cling film and leave in a cool place for about an hour. The secret of this test is the combination of sugar and alcohol. It is this combination that will make the dough of your chebureks surprisingly airy and crispy.

5. Another interesting and unusual option for making dough for chebureks does not at all involve the use of water. Take 3 large eggs and beat them with a mixer until a homogeneous foam is formed. Sift 300-350 grams of flour with a slide, make a well in the center, add a pinch of salt and beaten eggs. Knead the dough and knead it until it becomes completely homogeneous. Wrap with cling film and put away for half an hour in a cool place. Roll out the finished dough with a rolling pin so that its thickness does not exceed 3 mm. Using a saucer, cut out circles with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters from the dough. If you don’t have any cutting utensils at hand, then you can divide the dough into small balls, each of which is then rolled out with a rolling pin into a circle of the desired diameter.

6. To prepare the filling, you will need meat. For chebureks, any type of meat (beef, lamb, pork) in any combination is perfect. It is very important to approach the choice of meat with special care. Try to buy as fresh, not frozen meat as possible. If you are forced to prepare the filling for pasties from frozen meat, then it is very important to defrost it correctly. Defrost meat in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. In no case do not leave the meat to defrost in the heat! Chebureks made from such meat will turn out dry and rough. Try to choose not too fatty, but not too lean cuts of meat. If there is not enough fat in the piece of meat you have chosen, then add a little pork or lamb tail fat to the filling. When preparing the filling, it is best to finely chop the meat with a sharp knife, but if you prefer to use a meat grinder, then try to use a grate with the largest possible hole diameter.

7. The most common filling for chebureks can be safely called the filling of beef and pork. Finely chop with a sharp knife or mince 300 g of lean beef and 300 g of pork belly. Cut 1 large onion into small cubes and lightly crush with the flat side of a knife. Thoroughly mix the meat and onion, add salt, red and black pepper and a little chopped parsley. Once again, mix the minced meat thoroughly and pour 1 cup of strong meat broth into it. Mix everything a third time and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Put the finished minced meat in the middle of the dough circle, fold the dough in half and pinch the edges as carefully as possible. It is best to do this with a special tool or a rolling pin. The fact is that you need to pinch the edges so tightly that under no circumstances will they disperse and prevent the filling from leaking out. After all, it is the fragrant, juicy filling with a large amount of meat juice and fat, hiding under a ruddy crispy crust, that makes chebureks our favorite delicacy.

8. Extraordinarily tasty and orientally fragrant pasties are obtained, the filling of which is prepared from an equal amount of veal and lamb. Finely chop 500 grams of fresh veal and lamb each, add 350 grams of tail fat. Finely chop 3 onions and pound with a knife. Mix minced meat with onions, add 50 g of finely chopped cilantro, salt, black pepper and cumin (cumin) to taste. Add 1.5 cups of strong beef broth to the prepared minced meat and mix everything thoroughly. Blind pasties and fry in a large amount of oil. Serve immediately!

9. Of course, when preparing the filling for chebureks, there is no need to limit your imagination to meat only. You You can use any juicy vegetables, mushrooms, cheeses, poultry and even fish. Nobody will be offended. The most important thing is that your filling is very juicy and fragrant. Try to cook pasties stuffed with cheese and vegetables. Slice 2 large ripe tomatoes into thin half-rings. On a fine grater, grate 100 g of any hard cheese. Finely chop and crush 2-3 cloves of garlic. Chop a few sprigs of basil. Mix all ingredients except tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Put a couple of tomato slices in the center of the dough circle, put a tablespoon of the cheese mixture on top, pinch the cheburek and fry as usual.

10. In order to fully enjoy the extraordinary taste and aroma of chebureks, it is very important to know how to eat them correctly. Serve chebureks to the table immediately after frying. In no case should you leave ready-made chebureks on a plate for a long time, otherwise the juicy filling will soak the dough, and the cheburek will lose its airiness. It is best to fry each new cheburek only after you have eaten the previous one. They eat pasties with their hands, without helping themselves with any cutlery. It is best to start biting off the cheburek from the upper sharp end, gradually getting to the piping hot, juicy filling. In no case do not bite the cheburek right in the middle - you run the risk of severe burns and splashing fat and juice on your clothes and the clothes of others.

5 secrets of the famous dish reveals the most expensive chef in the capital

  1. Why do you need to pour the broth into the minced meat?
  2. Why is there sugar in dough?
  3. Why does the dough need to be refrigerated before rolling?
  4. Why can't minced meat be crushed?
  5. Why roll a bow with a rolling pin?

Of course, I got answers to them. I will share all these secrets with you. So, first we prepare the dough, since after kneading it should lie down a little in the refrigerator in order to become elastic and pliable when rolled out.

For test:

  • Flour -500g.
  • Water - 150-180 g,
  • Salts -2g,
  • Sugar sand - 2g.

For minced meat:

  • 500 g meat 1 onion
  • a bunch of dill 200-250 g
  • meat broth salt
  • black pepper,
  • zira to taste

How to cook delicious pasties:

Sift the flour through a fine sieve on the table, form a hill, add salt and sugar to the flour (to make the dough crispy), make a recess in the flour and pour water into it. Knead a pretty stiff dough. Wrap it in a film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. This is so that it becomes elastic and rolls out better and thinner. Divide the infused dough into two parts and make even bundles of it with a diameter of 3 cm. Cut them into circles 2 cm thick (40 g each).

Then press the resulting circle with the palm of your hand, form a cake and sprinkle them with flour so that they do not stick together. Put them in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator. This time, prepare the minced meat.
Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into small cubes and mash it with a rolling pin until the crunch disappears. Combine meat with onions, add herbs, salt, pepper, cumin and mix everything.

Here you will need special tenderness, because. with strong squeezing of the meat, it releases a protein that makes the minced meat stick together. When mixing minced meat, gradually pour in the broth in small portions as it is completely absorbed. This will give the stuffing juiciness and tenderness. The amount of broth depends on the density of the meat.

Then put the minced meat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes for its “seizing”, and pull out the semi-finished dough and roll out each cake almost to “zero”. Put a tablespoon of minced meat on one side of the cake, evenly distribute it, cover with the second half of the cake and blind the pasties along the edge, cutting with a special zigzag cutter.

It is necessary to fry pasties at a temperature of 220-240 degrees in a large amount of vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes. And it’s better to do it in a wok - it’s more convenient and practical (you don’t have to turn it over for even frying). And if there is no wok, then it is possible in a frying pan. I assure you, it will be just as delicious!

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