Zhong yuan qigong 1 step exercise. Zhong Yuan Qigong: “Big Tree” is an analogue of the “Standing by a pillar” exercise. Source: Xu Mingtang, Tamara Martynova. “Zhong Yuan qigong. A book to read and practice. Stage I". Intense movements, strong swaying

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Improvement, rejuvenation, longevity, discovery of the internal abilities and reserves of the body, getting rid of stress and chronic fatigue ... Feeling of fullness, joy, own attractiveness for others; activation of intuition, disclosure of creativity and the art of relaxation.

Zhong Yuan Qigong First Degree this is a basic course of 5 lessons of 3 hours - 15 hours of practice and the most necessary theory, invaluable skills, a lot of energy, an international certificate and the opportunity to independently work on improving your body, mind and all areas of your life.

After completing the 1st stage seminar, you get the opportunity to go to regular school classes, marathons, qigong outings, tours, as well as attend classes with the Founding Master, go to serious practice in Shaolin, etc.

Serious practitioners have the opportunity to go through 4 more stages of practice in the future and become personal students of Master Xu Mingtang, and, possibly, continue their studies as an instructor of the school. This is optional, everyone decides for themselves to what level they want to develop.

Zhong Yuan Qigong, the oldest known system of qigong, is one of the most promising areas of human development. The CHYQ system satisfies both the needs of restoring and maintaining health, developing the mind, increasing internal comfort, and develops a person spiritually, realizing the super-tasks of internal development and achieving the goals of serious practitioners engaged in self-improvement, transformation of the body and consciousness at the highest level. The CHYQ system does not limit your development and is ready to implement any of its tasks.

At the First Stage, the focus is on exercises that help achieve a state of relaxation, improve the quality of our energy, open blocked areas of the body's energy channels, restore the correct circulation of qi and blood, and pay attention to working with the lower dan tian.

What do we get by practicing qigong regularly:

    Good health and lots of energy. You can increase the level of your mental and physical performance to a level that is unattainable without such practice, acquire high resistance to stress and nervous overload.

    Prevention and restoration of the entire musculoskeletal system and especially the spine is carried out.

    The processes of aging and wilting are postponed for 20-30 years. The functions of the kidneys, liver and all internal organs are normalized. All energy flows in the body are harmonized, which helps to get rid of acute and chronic diseases, as well as reduce the risk of cancer.

    The practice of qigong allows you to learn to consciously form the business and personal qualities you need.

    If you are interested in achieving some goals, you get the strength and ability to work with intention.

    The practice of qigong promotes the rapid development of the brain and consciousness, improves mental abilities, the ability to concentrate, attention, develops creativity, visualization, in general, the strength of the mind increases significantly.

    A stable state of inner peace appears, the ability not to react to stressful situations, the vision of life situations and the ability to make the right decisions become clearer, internal nervousness, chronic fatigue and depression go away.

This is not a complete list of the possibilities that qigong brings to the life of a modern person. The school master Xu Mingtang calls Zhong Yuan qigong “the simplest science of life”, which gives interested persons the keys to many doors, including questions of spiritual development and knowledge of the secrets of man and the universe.

The 1st stage program includes:

Opening energy channels;

preparatory exercises;

Basic exercises: Big tree; Qi transformation (Yang-qi); Small celestial circle (Microcosmic orbit);

Methods of purification from bad qi;

Methods of receiving qi, including yin qi and yang qi;

Methods of radiation of yin and yang qi;

Breathing through points and channels;

Qigong practice while walking;

Qigong practice during sleep;

From Chinese CIM Therapy(medicine mental images):

Method of diagnostics by hands;

4 manual treatment methods;

Some self-healing methods:

Normalization of blood pressure;

Work with vision;


Regulation of the functions of internal organs.

The CHYQ system is not connected with ideology, religion, or politics. It is available to people of any age, profession and health level and has been taught in the cities of the CIS and far abroad since 1991.

More about

  • qigong
  • Basic Seminar
  • Zhong Yuan School
  • Master Xu Mingtang

The basic workshop is suitable for people of all skill levels and ages.

About the instructor:

Vitaly Sheiko- Instructor Zhong Yuan Qigong (more than 10 years of experience), CIM therapist ( Chinese Figurative Medicine), personal student of the Master of the School.

Time and place:

  • Tuesday July 17 - from 19 to 22
  • Wednesday July 18 - from 19 to 22
  • Thursday is a break!
  • Friday 20 July - from 19 to 22
  • Saturday 21 July - from 15 to 18
  • Sunday July 22 - from 15 to 18

The first lesson is a free trial.

This exercise is several thousand years old. In one modification or another, it is performed in various schools of qigong and wushu. However, in them it is called zhang zhuang and is translated as a pillar (sometimes a high stump). This is a literal translation without taking into account the deep meaning. When practicing in these systems, students were instructed to stand motionless for a long time, like a pillar.

In the Zhong Yuan Qigong system, this exercise is also one of the most important, and its various forms are practiced on the four steps. Here it means BIG TREE. (If in China they talk about the “Big Tree” with such a pose, then they necessarily refer to the fact that this is borrowed from the system Zhong Yuan Qigong. Compare for yourself: a high stump or pillar means something motionless and inanimate, and a large tree contains the power and breath of life.).

Since ancient times, people have thought about the question of why a human life ends at 60, 70, 80 years. Few people live to be 90 years old. And very few cross the 100-year milestone.

We have said that the Zhong Yuan Qigong system can prolong life. But in order to live longer, you need to be healthy. What does the phrase "live longer" mean? I would ask another question: "How long can you live?" If we simply say that we should live longer, then this will not be entirely accurate. Other factors are decisive. For example, now you are 50 years old, and after practicing qigong you feel like you are in your twenties. From this point of view, we can say that you have become younger. And if you are 20 years old, and you look like 50, then in this case you cannot say that you are really 20 years old. We can judge the age of a person not by the number of years lived, but from the point of view of the supply of vital energy. Sometimes we may not even know the real age, but talk about the amount of vital energy. What is meant by this scientifically?

Now scientists around the world have come to the conclusion that life expectancy can be determined by the presence of sexual potency. It is this, and not age and appearance, that indicates whether a person is old or not. Until the age of 12, most people do not have these functions, then they appear and begin to fade away at about 50 years old. Then they say that this person is no longer young. But by practicing qigong, you can feel young even at 80... In real life, everything happens differently. In very many people who are just over thirty, sexual functions are weakened. And with the practice of qigong, they begin to recover quickly.

And yet, how to prolong life? You know that in our world, many plants and animals live much longer than us. The biggest centenarians are trees. No one is surprised if a tree is 200, 300, 400 years old. And if 1000 years, 2000 years? Therefore, if we want to live longer, we must learn from the trees. Why do trees live longer than us? Let's analyze.

We suffer from emotions, we are always in a hurry somewhere, we are nervous. At the same time, we experience discomfort in extreme heat and suffer in frosts ... The plant world is a completely different matter. Many trees live hundreds of years. In winter and summer, in cold and heat, under the sun and rain, they grow without feelings and desires. Their roots go deep into the ground and receive from it water and all the substances necessary for life, which rise along the trunk up to the leaves. Their crown rushes up, washed by rain, swayed by the wind, bathed in the sun's rays during the day, and at night receives the light of the stars and the moon. And all this enters the leaves, branches, trunk and descends along it to the roots. Thus, the tree receives nutrients and energy from below, from the Earth, and from above, from the Cosmos. And they move along the trunk towards each other, accumulate and enable the tree to grow and live. And so the tree combines the Earth and the Cosmos.

What if a person becomes like a tree? If a person also receives yin from the Earth and yang from the Cosmos, can this prolong his life? Whether this is actually so can only be known through practice. According to experiments over thousands of years, it has been empirically established that this method (imitation of the pose of a tree) can indeed extend life. Very soon we begin to feel an increase in our vital energy. Therefore, from a health point of view, the practice of the Big Tree lengthens life.

And from the point of view of qigong, this exercise allows you to unite with the entire Cosmos. We unite Heaven, Man and Earth - the three outer yuan unite into one. At first we imagine ourselves as a big tree, later this concept disappears and the Big Man remains, uniting all this in himself. Of course, not immediately, but after the practice of all three steps.

In the first stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong, the Big Tree is performed as follows:

Description of the exercise

1. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees slightly bent, back straight, for which the pelvis is slightly forward.

(You can adjust the position of the body so that in addition to the legs there is a third point of support - the tail, like a kangaroo.) The chin is slightly lowered so that the neck is straightened. In this case, the head is, as it were, suspended by the top of the head. The body is relaxed. The tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are closed.

2. Imagine that both of your feet grow deep into the earth and turn into the roots of a mighty tree, and, like the roots of a tree, absorb moisture, nutrients and yin energy from the earth.

3. Imagine that your torso grows high into the sky, above the clouds, towards the sunlight, towards the light of the stars, the moon. And from there you receive and absorb light, wind, rain, the energy of the Cosmos yang. And you yourself become huge, like the Cosmos.

4. Raise your arms so that the palms are at the level of the navel. The elbows are set back from the body, as if under the armpits are fragile, like eggs, tennis balls. The lines of the arms are rounded and relaxed, as if embracing a large inflatable ball. Imagine and feel an elastic ball between the palms and the navel.

5. Forget about yourself, about your posture. Feel how the Earth qi rises through the root-legs, and the Cosmos qi comes from above. Feel this movement and energy ball between your palms and your navel. And forget again.

6. Modification of point 5. Imagine and feel how this ball begins to grow, becomes bigger and bigger, goes beyond your body, and you find yourself inside it. Feel yourself inside this ball, feel the sensations of the sounds of music when you and the ball are huge, like the Cosmos. Then the ball begins to decrease in size. It is getting smaller and smaller, and the energy inside it is getting denser and denser. Its shell, decreasing, passes through your body, and here it again fits between your palms and the navel. Then it increases in size again, and you are inside the ball. Then it decreases again. And so several times. The minimum duration of the Big Tree is 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that blood and qi pass through all the vessels and channels of our body in 30 minutes. Therefore, it takes at least half an hour for the qi that begins to enter the body, together with the blood, to reach all areas and all cells of the body. After some time, when you get used to this position, the duration of the Big Tree can be increased to two hours.

7. Finishing the exercise, one should concentrate the qi in the lower dan tian. Fold your hands in this area (women - right hand on the navel, left on top; men - vice versa). In this case, the center of the lower palm (Laogong point) should coincide with the center of the navel. Mentally concentrate and squeeze the ball in the lower dan tian into a point. Feel a hot spot or pulse under your palms. This is the Xia Dantian center. Then slowly open your eyes.

ATTENTION: During the regulation, women are advised to keep their hands and the ball in front of the middle cauldron - Zhong Dantian, in order to avoid bleeding. During pregnancy, the Big Tree is performed without the help of hands and without feeling the ball at the level of the lower cauldron.

Pay attention to the fact that during the Big Tree exercise, a lot of saliva is formed in the mouth. At first it tastes familiar to you, then it is sweetish, and after a certain period of practice it gives a whole range of taste sensations, up to the nectar of flowers. Previously, such saliva was called jade, golden diamond, thereby emphasizing that it is just as precious for the body. As saliva accumulates in the oral cavity, it must be swallowed slowly. Modern research has established that such saliva contains a lot of trace elements and it has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. As you swallow it, you should feel how it goes further into the lower dan tian. Later, such saliva is not swallowed, but is transformed into foam, actually transformed into gong.

Final exercises

1. Rub your palms until they feel hot.

2. “Wash” their face up (from the chin to the hair) - with a slight movement, then to the sides (smoothing the forehead) and down (through the temples to the chin) - with pressure. In this case, with your thumbs, run along the auricles from top to bottom.

3. Intensively pat with soft palms on the head in the direction from the back of the head to the forehead.

4. "Comb" the hair with the pads of your fingers in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head and from the temples to the back of the head. In this case, the fingers should massage the scalp through the hair with intense pressure.

5. Rub the auricles, kneading them between the fingers, from top to bottom, and the tragus - until the sensation of "burning ears" appears.

6. Intensively slap your hand from the shoulder to the wrist along the outer and inner sides with a soft palm (alternately: first the left, then the right).

7. Simultaneously slap the torso with both hands from the front from top to bottom (from the neck to the pubis) and at the level of the waist (from the sides to the Xia Dan Tian).

8. Clap the legs from top to bottom from all sides, starting from the Huantiao point

9. Slap the back from the bottom up along the spine.

10. Rub your palms again and put them on the kidney area. Listen to how the warmth of the palms passes into the region of the kidneys, adrenal glands.

Explanations for the final exercises

1. Intense rubbing of the palms helps to balance the yin-yang. Before rubbing, you can check the balance of yin-yang after doing the Big Tree. If the temperature of the palms is the same, then the yin-yang are balanced, if they are different, there is no balance.

2. During the exercise, the palms are activated, an intense qi field appears around them. "Washing" the face with such palms improves blood microcirculation in the skin, enhances metabolic processes. There is a massage of the skin with a field of qi. Imagine and feel your palms smooth out the wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes. With regular performance of this exercise, the skin of the face rejuvenates, becomes fresh and healthy.

In ancient times, this was one of the cosmetic ways to rejuvenate the skin with qi energy without any ointments, creams ... There are no side effects. This method is still in use today. When you wash your face, then regularly, without realizing it, massage your face. The same thing happens when rubbing creams into the skin. But when using cosmetics, a side effect is sometimes observed, since different people have different skin sensitivities. In addition, addiction to the same drugs is possible, and with prolonged use of cosmetics, the skin loses its elasticity without it, ages, looks stale and requires its constant use. This is due to the fact that the regular introduction of various materials into the skin from the outside reduces or completely stops the function of producing the necessary substances by the skin itself.

You can do without any cosmetics, if you take a little water in the activated palm and gently rub it into the skin, while mentally massaging with your qi energy.

3. Clapping on the head with activated palms with an intense qi field around them helps to open channels and active points located in the head area, normalize the movement of qi in these areas, and with it the blood, and, as a result, get rid of headaches (who they are). In addition, brain nutrition improves.

4. "Combing" the hair leads to an improvement in blood microcirculation in the skin (due to the simultaneous massage of the skin with the energy of qi fingers). If you perform 300-500 such movements 2-3 times a day, then within a month the hairline begins to recover even in bald people.

5. On the auricles there are many BAPs associated with all the internal organs of the body (Appendix I, Fig. 15, 16). Intensive rubbing of the auricles with activated fingers is equivalent to a massage of the whole body and its internal organs. Points that cause pain should be rubbed longer and especially actively, as this indicates a violation in the organ associated with this point.

6. Clapping hands, feet, torso are performed along the energy channels in order to open the BATs located on these channels and improve the qi circulation in them. If this is done intensively enough, then a person acquires a kind of kung fu, in which his body becomes less sensitive to blows. This type of exercise is included in the practice of hard qigong.

REMEMBER: Before doing the Big Tree, you need to open the channels on the fingers (and if the situation allows, then the legs), and after it is MANDATORY to do the final exercises, as they contribute to the even distribution of qi in the body. Otherwise, headaches, a burning sensation or bursting in certain areas, and an uncomfortable condition may occur.

Associated phenomena

At the first stages of performing exercises, 8 sensations are distinguished, which belong to the category of normal, - WARMLY(it can be very hot, to the point of pain), COLD(sometimes so strong, as if the blood "freezes in the veins", and sometimes a long chill), NUMBNESS(as if insects are running or crawling in separate parts of the body at different speeds, and also of different sizes), ITCH(it can be so unbearable that you want to literally tear your skin), EASE(or a feeling of complete loss of weight, and sometimes of the body), BREAKING, HEAVY(as if weights were hung on the legs, arms, shoulders, or as if the legs were rooted into the ground and cannot be torn off), SLIPPERITY(the impression is that the skin is slippery, like ice, or smeared with grease), ROUGHNESS.

The intensity of sensations depends on many factors, but primarily on the state of the body, both physical and psycho-emotional. In addition, there are phenomena and sensations associated with certain diseases or simply changes in the physical body and the evolution of the practitioner, such as vibrations in the body, pain, the appearance of sounds, lights or flashes. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

The Big Tree exercise itself is best done in the morning. It promotes the reception and accumulation of energy from the environment, increases efficiency during the day. After doing this exercise in the evening, many people have an excess of energy, and it is difficult to fall asleep. But the choice of practice time is individual and depends on your capabilities. There are no hard recommendations for the I stage.

Normal Phenomena

1. COLD or WARMLY the practitioner may experience if the yin-yang in the body is not balanced.

The concentration of qi in the lower or middle dan tian usually produces a sensation of a warm or hot ball. With the correct execution of the Big Tree and the intensive collection of qi from the environment, sometimes there is a feeling of such a strong HEAT that it is difficult to endure. Heartbeat quickens, profuse sweating begins.

At certain stages of practice, some experience sensations of different temperatures in the right and left palms or the right and left sides of the body. This is due to the fact that one half of us is more Yang, and the other half is Yin. There are practice methods that allow you to strengthen and consolidate this effect. In ancient times, they were used in combat systems. With one hand it was possible to burn the enemy, as if with fire, with the other - to bind with cold.

Sometimes a practitioner feels chills for several days, begins to wrap himself up, but still cannot get warm. Then you need to practice more. This indicates the beginning of the restructuring in the body. Sometimes, after performing the Big Tree, there is a feeling of such a sharp cold that it seems as if the blood runs cold in the veins. There is no need to be afraid of such a state, no need to try to artificially interrupt it with a massage, a hot bath, hot drinks or “hot” drinks. This means that changes continue to occur in the body despite the cessation of exercise. One must continue the practice or simply endure such a state. And after that, you will rise to the next step in the development of your body.

2. The opening of active points is accompanied by a feeling of running through the body Goosebumps or ITCHING. If these points were blocked somewhere (especially on the head), then the itching can be simply unbearable. Usually such intense sensations pass quickly, and after that the practitioner begins to experience relief and lightness in this area. He can breathe through it.

Sometimes the sensations of goosebumps are accompanied by the vibration of these zones, but not constant, but as if rolling in waves. Such sensations are more interesting than uncomfortable, but sometimes they can border on pain, which indicates a very intense opening of points. After that, it seems that the body has become porous and is blown through. In this case, until you get used to these sensations, it is better to refrain from a contrast shower and bathing in cold water.

3. LIGHTNESS, WEIGHTLESSNESS body awareness occurs when you manage to “forget about yourself” during the exercises - you move into a different state in which the body does not interfere and does not limit your perception, your sensations. This is the first stage of the QIGONG STATE. From this moment begins the next stage of your development.

4. Feeling of HEAVY arises both due to the inability to relax and take the correct posture (then the unusual position of various parts of the body causes heaviness or pain, numbness, etc.), and when entering the image and filling with qi energy. Filling with qi also causes a feeling of fullness: the fingers swell (it is difficult to bend them), the legs swell ... Over time, the redistribution of energy automatically begins to occur throughout the body.

5. Sensation of VIBRATION often associated with the flow of qi from outside and the passage of energy through the channels. Sometimes it seems that there are “buzzing wires” in the body.

6. EARS BURNING, HUM, as in an airplane with a change in flight altitude, are associated with receiving a large amount of qi from the outside and its entry into the brain. In the future, the practitioner may be able to hear individual sounds and conversation at a very long distance.

7. FLASHES OF LIGHT in front of the inner eye are associated with the activation of BAP in the area of ​​the Third Eye, when a sufficient amount of qi enters this zone.

8. VISIONS: images or communication with Jesus, Buddha, saints, conversations with them, pictures from various eras of earthly life, pictures of the worlds, voices, advice, etc.

At the first stages of qigong, all these are models produced by our brain, consciousness, psyche and based on the information available at the conscious and subconscious levels. This is not true. These are nothing more than phenomena. They should not be emphasized, no matter how interesting they may be. Visions and sensations will change all the time, as this is due to changes in the body and consciousness. If you pay attention to such phenomena, you can easily go off the road leading to the top and never reach the final goal. This can be compared to a track that you are driving along in a car and that you need to overcome in a certain time. Various landscapes flicker outside the windows. You can admire them, put them away somewhere in memory, but at the same time follow the main road and remember the ultimate goal of your journey. If you stop at each new section or go out to explore the surroundings, then it may happen that you get stuck at the very beginning of the Path, not suspecting that all this is just the beginning, the Threshold, and then other landscapes, another perception ... You you run the risk of getting lost, hopelessly late or not reaching the place at all. Your life may not be enough to reach the goal of the trip.

REMEMBER: Visions are just illusions. Pay no attention to them. Do not indulge your weaknesses and desires to get in touch with the unusual. It will come by itself, naturally and become your routine.

9. PAIN may be due to several reasons. If the practitioner is healthy and has enough qi that rises up to the head and third eye area, then:

a) Pain occurs when the BAP is activated in the area of ​​the Third Eye and when it is opened, as well as when the points of the upper part of the head (along the perimeter) are activated and opened. This is the preparation of the body for the possibility of a future exit of the soul;

b) if a practitioner has or had any diseases, injuries, surgeries, etc., then pain is inevitable. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Phenomena Associated with Practitioner's Illnesses

1. Pain. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, at any site of the localization of the disease (current or past), there is a narrowing or “blockage” of the channels through which the qi energy circulates. This causes stagnation or obstruction of qi through this area and, as a result, disturbances in blood circulation. This state of the canals can be compared to the bed of a dry river, when only in the deepest places there is still moisture left.

During the execution of the Big Tree, qi begins to enter the body from the outside. As it accumulates, it automatically “flows” to those areas where it was lacking. Qi is redistributed. And when it begins to pass through a narrowed or clogged section of the canal, the person experiences pain. In China, they say: "Qi fights the disease."

Pain can be of varying intensity and duration:

a) it happens that acute pain occurs during classes in the gym or at home and quickly passes without recurring in the future. This suggests that a person has received enough qi to immediately, as if by a jerk, “break through” an impenetrable section of the channel. Then the disease begins to recede;

b) it happens that the resulting pain is similar to the usual exacerbation of the disease and lasts a long time, sometimes several days or weeks. But it is worth stopping the practice of qigong - and the pain goes away. This is the case with long-term chronic diseases. Sometimes everything starts to hurt at the same time ... This means that you have too many disorders in the body and it is probably oversaturated with medicines. And the accumulation of qi is slow. Then it takes time to defeat the disease and remove all the “dirt” (drugs, toxins, salts) from the body.

Therefore, in no case should you stop practicing. It is necessary to give the opportunity to qi to bring the healing process to the end. Indeed, with any treatment, the disease often worsens, and then recovery occurs. So here. But in this case, unlike conventional methods of treatment, firstly, there are no side effects (as from drugs), and secondly, you are being treated with your own qi, which you only need to help accumulate in sufficient quantities in yourself. Therefore, she cannot harm you. After all, it is not something external that heals you, but you treat yourself. And not someone affects you, but your own qi automatically goes where it needs to go and does the work that needs to be done. So try not to interfere with it, unless, of course, you want to become healthy;

c) it happens that the practitioner did not hurt anything and felt good until ... he started to practice. And as I practiced, I began to experience pain. This is a reliable self-diagnosis.

REMEMBER: Where qi flows without difficulty, one never experiences pain or discomfort.

Pain signals that there are violations in this area. Therefore, first try to remember if there were any injuries, operations, fractures here - not necessarily at the time of class. It could have been 5, 10… 50 years ago, in early childhood. And if you can’t remember anything, then this means that you have some violations in this area and you need to take action. If the pain is tolerable, keep practicing, and it will disappear, taking the disease with it, and if the pain is very strong, consult a doctor and examine this area of ​​the body, since implicit disorders can develop into a very serious disease in the future.

So, if you have had operations, fractures, bruises, injuries, chronic inflammation of internal organs or joints, radiculitis, arthritis, sinusitis, etc., then pain is inevitable with proper exercise. Sometimes in these areas, instead of pain, there are sensations of pronounced discomfort.

2. Fainting. If a practitioner has recently undergone major surgery and has not recovered enough, if they are simply physically weak, infirm, if they have heart disease or severe blood pressure disorders, if they have disorders in the cervical spine, then when doing the third preparatory exercise and the Big Tree, there may be a short-term loss consciousness. The reason is the intensive flow of qi into a weakened body, especially into the brain. This is not dangerous. As a rule, after a few minutes a person comes to himself on his own. Sometimes the loss of consciousness turns into a normal dream. Pressing a finger on the Zhenzhong point under the nose on the upper lip brings a person to life. Those who feel weak enough, and those who are on the verge of losing consciousness, when washing their faces, rub the nose area with their fingers (this also treats diseases of the nose). Then massage the temples and the area near the hairline with your thumbs. If the head hurts and a fainting state occurs, then one should massage the Zhenzhong and Hegu points at the base of the thumb on the back of the hand between the first and second metacarpal bones, closer to the radial edge, by rotating the fingers (8 times in one direction and 8 times in the opposite direction). If a person becomes ill, it is necessary to press the above points and lightly pat. After that, you can continue the practice. You still need to keep practicing. In the future, such fainting states do not resume, and the practitioner begins to feel stronger, more vigorous, more efficient ...

3. Intense vibrations of the whole body. This happens if the practitioner does not know how to relax well, has suffered nervous stress from which he has not fully recovered, or has a number of disorders of the nervous system and emotional state. This causes numerous "clamps" of nerves, muscles, energy channels in different parts of the body. Qi entering the body during the Big Tree begins to “break through” these blocks and look for “workarounds”. This state should be monitored and try to relax as much as possible in order to help the energy to do the work of normalizing the state of the body. If the vibrations become excessive and uncontrollable, then one should intensively press on the Hegu points, and then fold the hands on the Xia Dantian.

4. Severe nausea and urge to vomit during the execution of the Big Tree occur in a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis and peptic ulcer. When practicing at home, you do not need to restrain yourself, and after the release of the stomach, you should continue the exercise. With regular practice, the condition improves, and recovery begins.

5. Intensive movements, strong rocking:

a) if the practitioner's yin and yang are not balanced, then after relaxing and "letting go" of the body, he sways slightly. This usually lasts for the first 2-3 sessions or some time at the beginning of each session (depending on the magnitude of the imbalance). Then the body calms down and the practitioner stands still;

b) if qi is blocked in some parts of the energy channels, the body moves automatically during qi attempts to pass through these zones;

c) intense movement or swaying of the torso occurs with problems with the spine, disorders of the nervous system, birth injuries, cerebral palsy, stuttering, some mental illnesses in remission, as well as with numerous chronic diseases or injuries that led to spasm of energy channels. In this case (with intensive movements) one should practice with open eyes and no more than 30 minutes.

6. Loud sounds (crying, tears, laughter, singing, screaming) during the Big Tree occur with certain diseases of the heart and lungs.


a) with proper practice in the state of qigong with these sounds, sick qi leaves the body, and good qi comes in its place from the outside. But you should not specifically cry, laugh or scream with existing diseases. This can only be allowed to happen if everything happens naturally, automatically, in the STATE OF QIGONG;

b) if you are sensitive enough to feel the corresponding illness of the person next to you, then this can also cause your reaction. Then, for example, after you cry, his condition will begin to improve. All this is a manifestation of the therapeutic effect.

Xu Mingtang

Tamara Martynova

Zhong Yuan qigong.

A book to read and practice.

First stage


Born in the family of a famous surgeon. He graduated from Peking University with a degree in software engineering, postgraduate studies, 2 years of internship at the American Center for Advanced Computer Technology, worked for several years in the programming laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

From early childhood he was engaged in Wushu, from the university bench - qigong. Many years of practice, great perseverance and innate talent allowed Xu Mingtang to master the skill and study with many outstanding masters of China in an incredibly short time.

In parallel with the main specialty, he studied traditional Chinese medicine and from the third year he worked as a diagnostician at the Beijing Hospital.

Currently, he is the President of the Chinese Zhong Yuan Qigong Association (since 1988), a professor at the Beijing China-Western Joint Hospital and the Institute of Life Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of the Council of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong.

Conducts seminars and demonstrates the healing possibilities of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system and mental image therapy in different countries of the world.


Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Until 1998, she worked at the Institute of Electric Welding. E. O. Paton of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. tech. Sciences. In 1980-1981 she studied at the parapsychology courses at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. For several years she was a member of the Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the RES named after. A. Popova, taught courses on the expansion of consciousness. In 1991, she met Master Xu Mingtang and the Zhong Yuan qigong system. She was captivated by its harmonious logical completeness and became the initiator of the Master's lectures and seminars in Ukraine and Russia, working with him as an organizer and translator. Since 1994 - a teacher of the Zhong Yuan qigong system. In 1995, she formed and headed the Qigong Association of Kyiv. Conducts lectures and practical classes on I, II and III steps in the cities of Ukraine, near and far abroad, develops curricula.


The book is intended for the general reader to get acquainted with the system and for practitioners, trained in Zhong Yuan Qigong seminars. The practice described in this book may require too much effort for some people. In the case of existing mental or severe cardiovascular diseases (heart disease III-IV degree, angina pectoris III-IV degree), consultation and supervision of a doctor is necessary.

The authors and publishers do not bear any responsibility for health problems resulting from incorrect self-practice: overdose of the duration of individual exercises, selectivity of exercises, violation of instructions.

Opening this book, you enter the world of unusual reality.

We offer you not just a journey through it, but the development of this world. Each of you has a chance to let it in, make it your own, familiar. But for this you have to change yourself - to become healthier and stronger physically, more stable emotionally, more talented and happier, and therefore kinder and more tolerant. And this is possible if you try to move away from your usual models of perception, fixed estimates and dogmas learned from childhood.

For some of you, some of the material presented here is already known and beyond doubt, for others, almost everything is unusual and interesting, and for others, it is an irrepressible fantasy or, at best, unattainable perfection. And although for many it may seem strange, it is this third category that turns out to be the most open for the development of TERRA INCOGNITA.

This step is basic. It teaches the largest amount of material and the largest number of exercises.

Don't be put off by the fact that she was named first. The first is the most important, the main stage, laying the foundations for development in an unusual area, a springboard for deep knowledge of oneself, entry into one's own world, awareness of oneself as a cosmic being. But for this it is necessary to learn to relax, and not only with the body, but also with the mind, consciousness. And to relax the mind is by no means so easy. But this is an indispensable condition for further development.

Perhaps you read a lot or dealt with other systems. But here you will get acquainted with the philosophical concept of the way of human development as a biological species, its connection with the Earth and Space, the basic principles of self-regulation and communication with the environment. In fact, this is the base on which you can start the healing processes of your body and discover those reserves that allow you to take a different look at the world and your place in it. You will learn about additional channels of perception, in addition to the known five senses, get acquainted with a fundamentally new method of learning - knowledge transplantation, learn to feel different qi structures and control them with your mind.

And if you decide to embark on this path, you will see what our world really is and what you yourself really are. And then you will understand how much better and smarter you are than you thought until now, because you will see your inner world - the deep one that exists, and not the superficial one that the environment and life circumstances have formed for you.

And if you wish, if it appears, you can "jump" out of everything that does not suit you. But for this you need to want and try. So maybe it's worth it? Try it!

Martynova T. I.

Preface to the second edition

Zhong Yuan qigong is one of the systems of self-regulation of the energy state of the human body and the development of its abilities. Of all the many systems of this kind, Zhong Yuan Qigong seems to be the most effective and, most importantly, the easiest to master and convenient in practical use. At the same time, it has an extremely wide spectrum of action on a Human: vital functions are normalized, stressful states of the psyche are eliminated, and the body as a whole is healed. But it is especially important that, unlike all other systems, Zhong Yuan qigong contributes to the awakening and development in a Human of those abilities and skills that are inherent in him by nature itself, but dormant in inaction, depriving him of the full joy of passing his earthly life path. . That is why I read with such interest and attention the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, which describes the first basic step in the practical development of this system, unsurpassed in its capabilities. And already in the very process of reading, I realized that this book itself is also different from all other publications of this kind.

It is well known that each of those who want to engage in self-healing and self-development seeks to choose the most suitable system for themselves. In this situation, the main thing for such a choice is often not even the system itself, but the ways of describing its essence and methods of its development as the basis of various kinds of methodological aids. But as you know, there are very few benefits that would meet all the requirements of a potential adherent of a particular system. And in this regard, the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, it seems to me, can satisfy all the requirements of even the most sophisticated reader in his life needs.

A few words about the authors of the book. Xu Mingtang is a MASTER, and this, it would seem, should say it all. But, due to many circumstances, I was lucky not only to study Zhong Yuan Qigong with him, but also to communicate with him in an informal setting. Therefore, I can say with full responsibility that Xu Mingtang is not just the highest professional in the field of qigong, who has the gift of teaching, diagnosing and treating, but also a rare person in terms of his personal qualities.

Tamara Martynova is a candidate of technical sciences who has worked for almost 30 years in the system of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. And along with this, she always tried to popularize the knowledge and phenomena associated with parapsychology, while constantly developing her innate abilities. But, in my opinion, her main life calling turned out to be the knowledge of the Zhong Yuan qigong system and the promotion of its development, both in Ukraine and in other countries. Now she is convinced that the practice of this system helps to improve the physical and spiritual health of a person, reveals his creative potential, helps to adapt to any conditions and see the world in all its glory, despite the hardships of our difficult times. And all this leads to the revival of the gene pool of the nation. She devoted the last 10 years of her life to serving this idea, becoming a colleague of Xu Mingtang and his constant companion during his stay in the CIS.

There are still many rumors and legends about this experienced practice, and there are those who do not like the Chinese hereditary physician at all.

But it is worth noting that Qigong Master Xu Mingtang is one of the brightest practitioners of Eastern medicine, so it would be ignorant to leave him unattended. In 1991, the Master moved to Russia to continue practicing qigong and teaching Zhong Yuan, and after that he traveled all over the globe.

Xiyu Mingtang: a new level of qigong or a scammer

I would like to note right away that Qigong Master Xu Mingtang has ill-wishers mainly for a number of reasons:

  • People generally have a poor understanding of Chinese medicine and do not know anything about its fundamental concepts;
  • People hardly realize the significance that the practice of qigong has (for many ignorant people it is just passive gymnastics ”;
  • Some practitioners are simply jealous of the success and fame of Mingtang, since their own system does not bring such a result.

In essence, to criticize the works of Xu Mingtang means to criticize the entire Chinese traditional medicine as a whole, because the Master sacredly observes and preserves all its traditions, he himself comes from the family of a Chinese doctor.

For an inexperienced practitioner, Zhong Yuan is unbearable qigong, because it requires already certain knowledge, skills, and the experience of long-term training behind it. Many adherents and followers of the teachings of Mingtang come to him already consciously, desiring a new level of practice.

To help inexperienced people to penetrate the secrets of Chinese medicine, Xu Mingtang specially created and published three consecutive manuals.

These are three teaching books, like steps that will help you climb to the very top of Eastern wisdom and comprehend all the possibilities of self-healing.

On the net, you can find negative feedback about the appearance of the Master - supposedly, for his current 53 years, he does not look too good. Of course, such criticism is an extremely strange phenomenon, especially when you consider that the works of Mingtang themselves are selling like hot cakes. And none of those who have read and mastered Xu Mingtang's manuals respond negatively about the practice, which already speaks volumes.

For unreasonably criticizing the appearance of the Master commentators, the followers of his teachings prepared a reasonable answer:

« As we all know, at birth, each person is measured by the charge of Qi energy. The faster this reserve is spent, the faster a person ages. The practices of healing and spiritual shepherding involve a colossal expenditure of energy. And you know very well that Master Xu Mingtang started helping people and healing at the age of fourteen. If he had simply developed his abilities and practiced qigong, as we all do, then this would not have affected his physical shell at all. But Mingtang continues to practice medical Chinese medicine to this day, giving colossal reserves of his living energy».

In fact, this is the purest truth. Healers rarely manage to preserve the beauty, harmony and attractiveness of the physical shell, working on a kind of "bestowal". Only those who feed on energy, receive it and give nothing in return, always look great.

In addition, there is not a single reasonable reason to doubt the sincerity of the Master himself and the effectiveness of his teachings - Xu Mingtang is a descendant of purebred Chinese doctors who are still highly respected in their homeland. The printed publications and manuals of the Master are very easy to understand, they do not even cost a lot of money, and seminars and lectures are purely voluntary.

First of all, the Chinese Xu Mingtang made his classical practice of Zhong Yuan qigong accessible to large masses of people who have only indirect knowledge about traditional medicine of the East.

Qigong Mingtang presents as an opportunity to have a healthy body and a strong body, as an affordable solution to any problem and physical illness. It is noteworthy that in China the works of Mntana are respected even by modern doctors, because qigong is a cultural tradition of the country, it is a sacred rite and spiritual practice, which is still practiced all over the world.

Mingtang - Qigong Master: Biography

The Chinese Master was born in the province of Henan, his father at that time was already a well-known doctor, an adherent of Chinese traditional medicine. His family carried an important mission - for many centuries it was the guardian of the ancient Shaolin Temple.

From an early age, Xu Mingtang mastered the principles of oriental medicine, practiced qigong and martial arts. Already at the age of fourteen, Mingtan began to see his first patients, and at fifteen he entered college. A year later, the novice Master entered one of the best higher educational institutions in China - the University of Transport and Communications.

After completing his studies in Beijing, Mingtang returned to his native land - to the province of Henan. For several years he studied with his Master in the most famous and mysterious places of the country.

In 1988, Mingtang founded the association of the classical direction of Zhong Yuan - qigong, which is considered one of the most ancient and honorable. The master continues to improve his skills, writes and publishes books.

So the world saw the light of his most popular printed manuals:

  • Zhong Yuan Qigong. A book to read and practice. 1 step",
  • Zhong Yuan Qigong. A book to read and practice. 2 step",
  • Zhong Yuan Qigong. A book to read and practice. 3 step”, and a few lesser known works.

In 1998, Master Xu Mingtang founded the Institute of Oriental Medicine Research, located on the territory of Ukraine. In addition, the Master continues to collaborate with the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong Research.

Qigong Siu Mingtang is a tribute to the traditional and centuries-old practices of Chinese medicine. Being the living embodiment of the most famous qigong - Zhong Yuan, Mingtang continues to develop his skills and openly share them with the whole world, arranging seminars.

So, only this year the Master managed to give a ten-day seminar in Slovakia, gave a lecture in Novosibirsk, held his seminars in Krasnodar, Jurmala and the Chelyabinsk region.

On November 5, 2013, Xu Mingtang's new book Image Medicine is published, which has made a lot of noise in the world of qigong practitioners and adherents. It turns out that the Master claims that our mental images are secret levers, thanks to which you can mold your life in any way you like!

Supreme Qigong: Xu Mingtang, video with the Master

The selection of videos below will introduce you to the Master, you can listen to his lecture, and also get acquainted with the exercises that take place in the first stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong.

Qigong video lesson from Chinese Master Xu Mingtang

As you can clearly see, Xu Mingtang qigong is a non-violent and benevolent system, even for beginners, based on the ancient teachings of Taoist monks and Chinese doctors.

If qigong is a new phenomenon for you, then first study the materials about it and the history of its origin in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you have to do.

It will also not be superfluous to spend a few months first doing basic exercises from practice. If you are determined to follow the teachings of Xu Mingtang, then act consistently - start with the first level manual, then only move on to the second, and then to the third.

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