Age-related changes are also observed. How we age: Age-related changes in human organs, tissues and cells. Age-related changes in the digestive system

Life in a big city is exhausting. Not proper nutrition, polluted air, daily stress - destroy health and beauty. We spend money on going to salons, drinking vitamins and sweating in the gym. But we still inevitably get old. Many people ask questions: is it possible to increase life expectancy? How to prolong youth, overcome age-related changes and protect the body from wear and tear?


Every person wants to live as long as possible. Modern scientists confirm: it is real to increase the life span. But it was not always so:

Only in the middle of the 20th century did the average life expectancy (ALS) begin to increase sharply. During this period, medicine, science, and the economy are rapidly developing. Living conditions have reached a high level. Now the average life expectancy in Russia has reached a historical peak - 71 years.

Ranking of life expectancy in the countries of the world in 2018

life expectancy different peoples even today it is very different. The fact is explained by the peculiarities of the geographical location and national secrets. Consider the average life expectancy of the countries of the world in the table:

Place in the ranking Country ALE, years The secret of longevity
5 Spain 82 Warm climate, sports, proper nutrition. The diet includes seafood vegetables and fruits.
4 Australia 82,5 Positive thinking, active lifestyle, adherence to daily routine and nutrition.
3 Singapore 83 Stable climate, protection environment, health control, mental balance.
2 Switzerland 83,2 Healthy lifestyle, high life status, balance between work and leisure.
1 Japan 83,7 Devotion to family values, traditions, culture, as well as an ecological and balanced diet.

Scientists have proven that the key to a long life is proper nutrition, sports, love for loved ones, and the absence of stressful situations. With the modern rhythm, the main thing is to stay in harmony with the world and yourself. It is important to be attentive to your health and respond to the signals of the body.

Great scientific discoveries of mankind

For many years, scientists around the world have been working hard on the issue of extending human life. Some inventions have saved millions of people:

The achievements of modern medicine have saved mankind from a number of dangerous diseases. But now people are faced with new problems that old age brings.

How to fight aging

Lived years affect the human body and internal systems. The aging process of the body smoothly starts at the age of 30 years. Biological metamorphoses slow down normal functioning. Violated blood circulation, metabolism, tissue tone. That's what happens to the body inside.


It is believed that this body ages one of the first. Cholesterol plaques appear in the vessels, as a result of which hypertension develops. With age, the main motor literally swims with fat. The walls of the body thicken. Therefore, less blood is pumped for the same size.

Until the 19th century, cardiovascular diseases were treated with bloodletting. Taking a large amount of blood temporarily lowered the pressure. In the 21st century, scientists have proven that you can prolong the youth of the heart if you eat 6 times a day. It is recommended to eat in small portions to distribute the load on the body. This regimen reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by a third.

The longer a person in his life is engaged in physical education, the slower the heart wears out. This fact should be taken as the basis for the fight against early aging.


The organ is considered the main filter of the blood in human body. Regulation deteriorates over the years. The ability of the kidneys to actively remove toxins is reduced. As a result, the filtration volume is reduced by 2 times.

100 years ago, patients with kidney disease were referred for treatment mineral waters. Most therapy did not help. In our time, it has been proven that blood pressure control helps to maintain the health of organs. Regular monitoring of indicators helps to detect kidney disease in the early stages.

Simple exercises at home will help strengthen the walls of the organ, as well as reduce the load. Exercises to improve the kidneys will take no more than 10 minutes a day.

Watch the video: How to treat kidneys: three exercises


With the advent of old age, the lung tissue loses its elasticity. This leads to a decrease in oxygen supply. Due to the shortage, the volume of the lungs is gradually reduced. Inhalation becomes shallow, and the airways narrow.

In the 19th century, doctors prescribed fish oil and walks in the mountains for patients with consumption. Modern scientists say that the youth of the lungs can be preserved if you monitor the content of magnesium in the body. Most easy way: there are seeds, nuts, legumes. Products are rich in essential trace elements.

A 50-year-old smoker looks significantly older than a 50-year-old non-smoker. The lungs also wear out faster, we just don't see it.


Age-related changes cause atrophy of the digestive tract. Due to the lack of enzymes, food is digested worse. The absorption of essential nutrients is impaired. Failures affect the entire body.

200 years ago, they tried to cure the stomach with the help of wine and pepper. And only in the 80s of the XX century, scientists found out that many diseases are caused by infections. As a result, they were cured with antibiotics.

The best prevention gastrointestinal diseases counts: balanced diet, absence bad habits, emotional comfort. And regular visits to doctors will help to identify the disease in a timely manner.


The older a person becomes, the worse internal systems work. Including immunity. Protective cells and T-lymphocytes form a special organ - the thymus. It is located in the upper part of the chest. As we age, tissue is replaced by fat cells. Therefore, the defense system does not cope with infections.

But you can restore strong immunity. The thymus recovers well on a low-calorie diet. Scientists believe that regeneration occurs due to the hunger hormone - ghrelin. Therefore, the easiest way to increase the body's defenses is to simply eat less.

It has been scientifically proven that mental stress and positive emotions strengthen the immune system. So train your brain with puzzles and smile more!

The rate of organ aging is influenced by genes and a person's lifestyle. We cannot change heredity yet. Therefore, the only way to prolong youth is to reconsider the way of life. You need to move more, eat right and train your brain. In addition, an active life position is considered the best remedy against wrinkles.

Age-related changes in the face and body

With the right clothes and professional cosmetics, you can look younger. However, the main signs of approaching old age are not easy to hide.

Here's what happens to a person over the years:

With age, not only the face changes, but also the figure. If a person does not play sports, after 30 years he loses about 10% muscle mass. Its place is occupied by adipose tissue. With the same weight, the body becomes more loose and flabby. In addition, the distribution of fat in the body changes. If in youth it gives the body a sexual roundness, then over the years it moves to the waist, shoulders and back. In addition, after 30 metabolism slows down. Approximately 10% every 10 years. Therefore, with the same eating habits, people gradually gain weight.

Not only pronounced wrinkles, but also other biological changes can give out age. We learn how the female and male body changes throughout life.

Aging of the body of women and men

It is a known fact that the fair sex ages faster. However, statistics show that women often live longer than their men. The explanation lies in the biological age of the weak half of humanity. For example, indicators of the condition of the organs of women at 45 years old are often higher than those of men of the same age. After all, girls from their youth are more attentive to their health.

Useful articles:

Age-related changes in women after 25 years

By the age of 25–30, the first visible changes appear. Main problems: dry skin, loss of elasticity, fine mimic wrinkles and dull complexion.

What to do? Moisturize the skin. Choose creams containing azulene, panthenol or allantoin, as well as vitamins A, B, D, E.

Age-related changes in women and men

Age-related changes in men after 25 years

25-year-old men have other problems: bald patches appear, and the removal of fluid from the body also slows down. This can lead to swelling.

What to do? To slow down the aging process, you need to improve the blood supply to the scalp tissues with the help of massage. It is also important to review the diet.

Age-related changes in women after 35 years

At this age, physiological changes become visible to the naked eye. Main problems: deep wrinkles, grey colour face, the appearance of age spots and spider veins.

What to do? Wash with ice water. Cold strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation, restores skin elasticity and freshness.

The benefits of washing cold water

Age-related changes in men after 35 years

In men, the main signs of aging are: dry skin, wrinkles, metabolic and circulatory disorders.

What to do? It's time to put aside prejudice and start using a moisturizing face cream. It is also important to give up fast food forever.

Age-related changes in women after 45 years

During this period, women are still active, but fundamental changes occur in the body. At the age of 46-55, menopause occurs, causing hormonal changes. Main problems: reduction of adipose tissue on the face and sagging skin.

What to do? Avoiding tanning and facial massage will help slow down aging. It is important to balance the diet with essential minerals.

What foods to include in the diet

Age-related changes in men after 45 years

What to do? Protect yourself from the sun, and also include foods rich in calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, and omega acids in your diet. Minerals affect the production of melanin in the body.

From 50 years old malfunctions start internal organs: endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, reproductive systems. By the age of 60 after hormonal changes, the skin loses its tone: it becomes loose, wrinkled, swelling and bags under the eyes appear.

Body aging is an inevitable process. But it can and should be slowed down. Moisturize your skin, massage, wash your face with cold water, avoid sunburn.

The whole world has been captured by the fashion for beautiful aging. Over the past 20 years, Johnny Depp has developed deep wrinkles. Now they are even considered sexy. The age of Brad Pitt betrays the dryness of the skin and the swollen oval of the face, which he masks with a beard. Age-related changes of Angelina Jolie - drooping eyebrows and facial wrinkles.

Age changes of celebrities

Visually, women age more slowly than men. This is due to the fact that girls take better care of themselves and lead a more correct lifestyle. So women: let's take care of our men to live together happily ever after.

People want to keep vivacity and beauty as long as possible. Now knowledge about the youth of the body is not secret. Trust doctors and take care of your condition internal systems. After all healthy mind only in a healthy body. So pay close attention to your body's signals. And remember, prevention of aging is the best way to prolong youth. .

And people to its smallest components, cells. Such an organism has 6 billion cells. And how many real cells does an individual have?

Cells are the living building blocks of our body. They breathe, eat, grow and divide. Due to division, their number and body weight increase. On the fifth day, a small organism already consists of 128 cells, by the time of birth there will be 800 billion of them, and in the prime of maturity, from 20 to 30 years, - about 50,000 billion). There are approximately 200 types of cells in the human body. Some form muscles, others - bones, and others - the nervous system.

Scientists have proven that our cells have a very limited ability to reproduce. Cells age first, and then, as a consequence of this, the human body ages.

So age-related changes in a person begin with individual cells. Moreover, aging is manifested not only in humans, but also in pets or animals living in zoos, which we have taken under our protection. In wild animals, aging is very short-term, as they quickly fall prey to diseases and predators. Rarely do wild animals survive to old age. As soon as their body begins to age, their running speed or ability to jump instantly fades. Such individuals become victims of predators. Like ancient warriors, they die not from old age, but from their wounds.

The physical development of a person follows its own laws, like that of any living being. With age, it changes with the ability to feel, smell, see, think.

From the very first moments of life, feelings and physical strength begin to develop in a person, and a person reaches his prime by the age of 20-30. It is known that the brain of a newborn child weighs 5 times less than the brain of an adult. Its development is completed by the age of 6, but it reaches maturity only by the 9th-10th grade.

A child's strength doubles between 3 and 11 years of age. Sports achievements of boys grow from 5 to 17 years. In childhood, the physical activity of boys and girls is almost the same.

Changes in some indicators of a person's physical development from birth to adulthood. Until the beginning of the seventh decade, the decrease in sensory and psychomotor abilities does not exceed 10% on average.

The famous American psychologist A. Gesell believes that both 11-year-olds and 15-year-olds are rebellious and quarrelsome, while 12-year-olds and 16-year-olds are quite balanced. The beginning of maturity, falling between the 20th and 30th years of life, is characterized by highest level indicators such as muscle strength, speed of reaction, agility and endurance.

The first half is a period of accumulation of vitality and energy, the second is a period of its consumption. We know that the human skeleton finishes forming at 18-20 years of age. That is how much nature let primitive people live. The remaining years, if we take an average life expectancy of 75 years, a person, as it were, uses his natural resources. Some do it completely predatory, excessively consuming alcohol and drugs, exposing themselves to nervous stress and physical injury, eating poorly or irrationally.

First third human life- accumulation of vital energy, the second third - maintaining the balance of energy, the last third - its weakening. Two thirds of his life a person consumes what he has accumulated during one third of his life.

If you look at the aging processes taking place in the human body, it becomes clear that after 30 years, the activity of all its organs and systems begins to slowly but steadily weaken. Thus, until the age of 18-20 a person accumulates vital energy, from 20 to 30 years the functional abilities of a person continue to remain high and only after 30 they begin to slowly but steadily decline. Professional football players, hockey players and basketball players leave big-time sports after 30 years, when a person reaches the peak of skill, but his abilities are clearly deteriorating.

The ages of human life are like links in a golden chain. But take one or two links out of the chain and little will change. It just gets a little shorter. But its essence has not changed. It is completely different in our life. Each age is unique and irreplaceable in its own way. He solves his tasks, those that are not able to perform another, albeit more mature, complex, developed.

In infancy and until about 15 years of age, a person does not have any precise goals. The child lives in the present and has a very vague idea of ​​the future. During this period, there is mainly a development of physical and mental abilities.

The period from 15 to 20 years corresponds to adolescence and youth. At this stage, a person is aware of his needs, abilities and interests. He hatches great plans related to the choice of a profession, a partner and, in general, the meaning of his own life.

The next, third, phase lasts from 25 to 40-45 years and corresponds to maturity until its heyday. This is the richest period of life. It is characterized by setting clear goals. At this time, they achieve success in their chosen profession, decisions are made related to the creation and strengthening of their own family and the birth of children.

The fourth stage lasts from 45 to 65 years. This is a solid age when a person sums up his life and his accomplishments. From now on, looking into the future, a person is forced to reconsider his goals, taking into account his professional position, physical condition and family life.

The final, fifth, phase begins at an advanced age - at 65-70 years. During this period, many people stop pursuing the goals they set for themselves in their youth. The remaining energy they spend on various forms of leisure, traveling or just having a good time, living quietly last years life.


Indicate at what age you were visited by the following sensations or the following events occurred:

began to independently determine how and what to wear ...

Indicate how long the following processes took:

mom dressed you...
Mom didn’t dress, but she basically decided what to wear ...

Thus, the chain of human life, located in time, does not consist of separate links, but of successive stages. You cannot jump over one of them and immediately be on the next.

Isn't that what happens in society? Every society, be it American, Russian or French, must go through the stages of infancy, youth, maturity and old age in its development. In infancy, it is still learning everything, adopting scientific and technical achievements from other countries. In youth, it tries to create something of its own, experiments a little, goes from one extreme to another. Often it imitates someone else's fashion, trying to behave not as follows from its own nature, but as it is fashionable abroad.

Test your knowledge

1. What periods of life does a person go through? What are the characteristics of each period?

2. Think about what you like and dislike about your age.

3. Do you agree with the statement that "every age is good in its own way"?

4. In a fantasy story, a 10-year-old boy was magically turned into an adult. What difficulties do you think he had to face and why?

5. Explain the meaning of the words: childhood, youth, maturity, old age, teenager.

6. Think about why in ancient times the transfer of experience from the older generation to the younger played a greater role than it does now.

Kravchenko A.I., Social science: a textbook for grade 5 / A.I. Kravchenko. - 9th ed. - M.: LLC "Russian word - textbook", 2011. - 112 p.

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Sometimes, old people seem to us to be eternally dissatisfied and forgetful citizens, with wrinkles on their faces, but science reveals to us a completely different side of the coin: older people usually become smarter over the years, more tolerant in their views and, basically, satisfied with their fate.

Liberal views

Previously it was believed that getting older, humanity stiffens in its outlook on life, but recent studies by scientists prove otherwise.

The researchers conducted a survey of several thousand people, during which they obtained results demonstrating age-related changes in views on the world different categories of people.

It turned out that with age, a person shows more liberality in relation to political activity, family, material and spiritual values.

Stem cell aging with humans

Depending on how quickly the body ages, almost all cells go through a stage of change, and despite the fact that it is constantly being updated and replaced by a new stem cell, it still wears out.

Scientific evidence shows that the ability to regenerate cells decreases with age

Experiments conducted by scientists on mice only confirm this fact.

And, of course, the genetic background of the human body, which is responsible for diseases and stressful situations, becomes more dynamic over time.

The need for sleep decreases with age

After studying the need for sleep of several age groups, with an interval from 20 to 83 years, scientists came to the conclusion that the need for sleep decreases with age by a duration of 20 minutes.

This is explained by the fact that an elderly person does not need much time to sleep, although many people of advanced age 65 years and older suffer from this, this happens when more time is needed to fall asleep.

The ability to abstract is getting worse

The frequent problems of abstraction over time and the comprehensive flow of information are another unfortunate factor affecting the lives of aging people.

The ability to control the situation and focus on something gradually worsens with age

Nevertheless, according to Canadian psychologists, old people can distinguish more important information from insignificant, which has a positive effect on.

Skin condition will worsen

Upon reaching the age of 50, it begins to sag, the epidermis becomes thin, along with this, the elasticity and firmness of the upper layer of the skin is lost, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and folds on the skin of the face.

Usually, in such cases, the use of various injections and rejuvenation procedures gives an insufficient, ineffective result, since the bones of the jaw and eye sockets also wear out over time, as a result of which the upper eyelids sag and the cheeks sink.

Sense of humor will remain the same

Laughter has always been beneficial for the human body, including the elderly.

Old people who appreciate humor and are sympathetic to it react effectively and endure stress more easily.

As a result, the quality of life improves, and the aging process itself is easier and more optimistic accepted by a person.

A more positive attitude towards life

Imaginary stereotypes about dissatisfied and gloomy people of the older generation have not been proven by science, it is quite typical to test the level of joy and happiness in more mature years.

Sociologists, in the course of surveys and observations, note that the level of happiness, in most cases, directly depends on such components as health, family and material income, which usually do not always justify themselves in old age.

And although the younger generation is often happier than the old, the age change still changes the attitude towards the environment.

For example, there is scientific evidence that older generation recalls his past with optimism and a positive mood, perceiving everything in a rosy light.


Old age is not yet a final sentence, but a special gift.

Despite the fact that over time the physical body and the human body undergo significant changes, the soul always remains young, with a large, rich experience of the past days.

Freed from fears and illusions, a person of senile age becomes kinder, more loyal and less critical of himself.

The main advantage of old age is a great accumulation of wisdom and vital prudence, considering all these advantages, you should not forget about it, and then life will be filled with meaning and become full.

Hearing. Age-related weakening of the function of the vestibular apparatus is manifested by hearing loss, dizziness (a sense of balance decreases).

Hearing loss begins after age 40. For example, a person feels discomfort when talking in a noisy environment, as the sharpness of his hearing is dulled.

Older people are at increased risk of bone fractures as a result of thinning of the bone
weight and reduced bone strength (osteoporosis).

Endocrine system. Elderly people develop atrophic and sclerotic changes in the endocrine glands. The secretory function of the thyroid, pancreas, gonads, adrenal cortex decreases, their hypothalamic-pituitary regulation is disturbed, as well as the relationship in the pituitary-adrenal system. So the old people
unstable to stress, easily excited, upset over trifles.

- use antioxidants in the diet (vitamin A C, E, etc.);

- move actively at any age;

- periodically clean the gastrointestinal tract;

- positive and optimistic thinking;

- observe moderation in everything: food, work, personal life, physical activity

Success in slowing down aging depends, first of all, on our level of culture and organization, consciousness of responsibility for our health.

In conclusion, I will quote famous professor Christo Mermerski is a geneticist and doctor who believes that 70% of people in the world die because of their criminal attitude to nutrition:

- Enough to follow simple rules food. Basic diet - no frills and little by little.
Eat an apple every day. Drink frozen water and tea from medicinal herbs. Work actively.
Daily shower. Sleep in a cool room. Walk or bike 10-15 km during the weekend. Surround yourself with friends, party, laugh, don't turn down sex. Don't think or say you're old.

Eat right, enjoy every moment of life and BE HEALTHY!

With a careful attitude to one's health, a person by the age of 70-80 can retain up to 80% of functionally active cells. With such a margin, it is quite possible to live another 40-50 years.

Protect yourself from excesses and diseases! Live long!

Question: What advice can you give to people who want to lose weight?

Answer: Hello, Ksenia Sergeevna! We talk about moderation all the time. I don't think people know what moderation is. You can eat foods that you really like, but eat a little less of them. It is not necessary to completely abandon them. Don't even think about giving them up! Better try to diversify your favorite dishes with others that are no less tasty and healthy.

Question: Doctor, have you ever violated your diet?

Answer: Hello Alexandra! I didn't become a nutritionist because I love learning. nutrients but because I love to eat. Ironically, when I was writing an article about stomach shrinkage, my own stomach was getting bigger. I gained 9 kilos! My cholesterol level was 238! I realized that I was not following my own recommendations. I got a wake-up call after checking my cholesterol levels. In a month, I lost 5 kilos and my cholesterol level dropped to 168. A healthy plate of oatmeal, which I consumed every morning, played a key role. I added a handful of almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, as well as some cherries, raspberries, pomegranate. Every day I ate this healing food. In addition, I ate three pieces oily fish in Week. I also worked physical activity half an hour every day. What is very important - I did not refuse any of my favorite dishes. In fact, on the day I was going to check my cholesterol levels again, I stopped by my friend, who cooked a dinner of pork chop and various sauces. I ate one chop and realized that it might not be the best a good idea the day I'm going to check my cholesterol. But the most interesting thing was that my cholesterol level dropped by 70 points. Imagine what my cholesterol level would have been if I hadn't eaten a pork chop before!

Question: What is your opinion on hormones and menopause? Do they slow down aging?

Answer: Good day! The concept of estrogen replacement therapy is based on this. The only difficulty lies in side effects this concept, which potentially increase women's risk of developing heart disease. There are estrogen-rich foods that can help keep skin nice and soft. Soy is a good source of these substances. Beans and legumes are generally high in phytoestrogens. Flax is also a source of these substances. The main thing is that these foods should be consumed throughout your life, and not wait until you are 50 years old. Start eating these foods from childhood, but in moderation. Many people believe that the more soy or other foods they eat, the healthier they will be. In Japanese culture, for example, soy is not a staple food. Handfuls of green soybeans and a small amount tofu will suffice. You don't have to eat a whole kilo of tofu. A lot doesn't mean it's useful.

Question: How strongly do genetic data influence the aging process? Can you do something to control your genes?

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