Strengthening the back of the thigh. Exercises for the back of the thigh - a set of workouts for men and women with video. Weighted squat

Firm, daringly raised buttocks and a taut hamstring are the dream of most people who have a complex of excess fat in the back of their legs. All nutritional errors and lack of training are reflected in the appearance of the rear. Sports load in conjunction with healthy eating and massage will help, strengthen and make beautiful the back of the body.


It is more difficult for women to remove fat deposits from the back of the body. There is a predisposition of the female body to the formation of stocks below the belt. The increased amount of estrogen during puberty is responsible for excess fat in the thighs and buttocks. Even with intensive training, this area is losing ground last.

The more developed the muscle group of the body, the greater its effect on hormone levels. Exercise increases the activity of glucagon, a fat-burning hormone. Intensive work on the back of the body will not only make the body beautiful, but also speed up the metabolism. A good metabolism melts unnecessary body fat on the body. After all, the more developed the muscles, the more nutrition they need. A strong rear helps avoid problems with the back and knees. Therefore, it is quite powerful in order to introduce a workout graph into your daily schedule.

Exercises for the back of the thigh are combined with working out. The main thing in training is the execution technique. She gives correct order and a method of execution in order to avoid excessive muscle strain, microtrauma, severe pain and other troubles.

  • The basic law of any workout is warming up the muscles. Five minutes of jumping, running or any kind of exercise will help the muscles to tone up, become more elastic and accept the load without sprains and injuries.
  • Comfortable clothing is required, and for some exercises it is better to wear sneakers.
  • The effort is made on the inhale. Relaxation occurs on exhalation.
  • It is necessary to repeat the movement on average from 15 to 20 times. Rest is no more than 30 seconds. After that, two more approaches are made. But at the initial stage, you should not overcome yourself. Each next workout should be a little harder, literally 1 or 2 repetitions.
  • The last step in any workout should be stretching. Indeed, the next day after the load, it is felt how the back of the thigh hurts. Some yoga asanas immediately after exercise will reduce soreness in overworked muscles.


This is the most famous hamstring exercise. It perfectly removes excess fat and, thanks to stretching, tightens muscles. Its advantage is that it does not require the presence of props or going to the gym. Lunges are ordinary or more effective, with bouncing. It is better to perform them in shoes to avoid bruising the foot and slipping, which leads to muscle strain. The body must be kept straight. Initial position: legs together, arms lowered along the body. Starting with the right foot, lunge forward. Then a jump is made, in which you can help yourself with a wave of your hands. At the top point, the legs change places, and the landing occurs with a lunge on the other leg. Daily performance of this exercise effectively removes fat from the back of the thighs and gives tone to the entire body.


This simple movement in itself allows you to quickly tidy up the buttocks and thighs. If you perform squats on one leg, then their effectiveness increases significantly. There are two types of exercise. One leg can simply be pressed with the hands to the body. Another variant is called the "pistol" and is performed with the leg extended forward. The left leg is bent at the knee at the top and clasped with hands. The supporting right leg should also be slightly bent.

You should perform 15 to 20 squats with a return to the starting position. The number of sets must be selected individually. The evaluation criterion will be muscle pain. Breaks between sets are optional, as the bent leg gets enough rest while the supporting leg works. If there are problems with maintaining balance, then you can lean with one hand on the wall, gradually moving to squats without support.


This exercise is designed to pump the rear zone of the body. Muscle growth simply displaces excess fat. Performed squatting on a stand. In arms straightened down, they hold a barbell. She must not touch the floor. The legs are straightened at a slow pace. As soon as the bar is at the level of the knees, the squat must be repeated. In this case, the entire load falls only on the legs, and the back remains flat. This exercise is performed 10 times in several visits.

To avoid the risk of sprains and injuries, classes should be carried out every other day. This will allow the muscles to recover. It is recommended to complement this exercise with others. Girls should not take too heavy a projectile, ten kilograms will be enough. After two weeks, the effect of the efforts made will be noticeable. Deadlift allows you to remove excess fat and quickly pump up the back of the thigh. The muscles of the posterior femoral surface will become strong and work in full force. Then the load can be increased.


This exercise works great upper part thighs and buttock muscles. Legs are wider than shoulders. The initial position of the dumbbell is in front of the chest, in arms extended forward. A downward tilt is made and hands with a dumbbell are sent between the knees under the buttocks. Straightening, hands should again be set at chest level. There should be no delay at this point. You can set the rhythm with the help of breathing, while inhaling - hands in front of the chest, while exhaling - they go down. The result of the effort will be visible after a few workouts.


This movement does not cause an overload, it acts gradually. The criterion for correct execution will be the feeling of stretching the back of the thigh. Standing up with support on the right leg, the left one is bent at the knee so that it is behind. The foot will be parallel to the back. The purpose of the exercise is to bend with the fingers touching the floor and bending the supporting leg at the knee. Performed several times for each leg. The back can be slightly arched.

Here are some of the best workouts for problem areas that remove fat deposits. This is not the whole list possible exercises for the back of the body, including the buttocks and thigh muscles. But still, the main essence of training is motivation. If there is a desire and goal to make the body beautiful and healthy, then the effectiveness of classes will be maximum.

The posterior thigh muscle group is distinguished by the fact that in Everyday life it is not too often subjected to various loads and fat accumulates faster in this part. But for those who decide to tighten their legs, make them stronger, the muscles of the back of the thigh will also require certain exercises.

Such exercises can be included in a comprehensive leg workout or carried out separately. With their help, you can solve several problems at once: remove fat from the buttocks, overcome cellulite and pump legs in general. To achieve a more noticeable effect, exercises for the back of the thigh require regular performance.

The back of the thigh can be worked out both in the gym and at home. We will try to highlight the most effective exercises for correcting the back of the thigh at home and in the gym.

How to pump up the back of the thigh in the gym

To quickly remove excess fat, you need to feel every muscle that the training is aimed at. The back of the thigh includes three large muscles:

  • biceps femoris (biceps femoris);
  • semitendinosus muscle;
  • semimembranosus muscle.

The main functions of these muscles are:

  • knee flexion;
  • extension of the hip joint;
  • flexion of the leg.

The main exercises for the back of the thigh are squats and lunges, but you can diversify them with the help of gym equipment.

1. Leg press lying in a hack simulator.

  • The bench press is performed lying on the simulator (it is important to use the back of the thigh when pressing).
  • Put your feet on the top of the platform, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, while your knees should remain parallel to each other.
  • Presses are performed 20 times in 3 sets. You can also press each leg separately, while the number of presses should be the same for each leg.

2. Bending the legs on the simulator.

  • Lie face down on the machine so that your knees do not touch the bench, but hang down a little (this will help avoid knee injury).
  • Set the legs under the bindings.
  • We begin to slowly bend the legs until the roller touches the buttocks, then we also smoothly unbend the legs. In this case, it is important to ensure that the muscles are tense.
  • Repetitions are performed 20 times with two legs. You can also pump up each leg separately (the main thing is to observe the same number of repetitions on one and the other leg).

3. Exercises on the elliptical trainer.

Plus elliptical trainers that when working with it does not require special skills and equipment. On the modern models just enter the data (weight, age) and the simulator will show how effective the training was, and also track the change in heart rate.

If necessary, you can increase the difficulty level to quickly remove excess fat. The simulator perfectly works out the back of the thigh, calves, front of the thigh and buttocks, and at the same time does not burden the joints.

4. Barbell squats.

Barbell squats are the most popular exercise among people who are fond of constructing their own body, because it works well not only on the back of the thigh, but also on the buttocks, and removes excess fat.


  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place the barbell on your back, on the bottom of the trapezoid.
  • Perform a smooth squat, while the back should remain straight, and the buttocks should fall slightly below the knees.
  • Return to starting position.

5. Swings with a dumbbell.

Dumbbell swings also work the buttocks and all the muscles of the core, and these are the obliques, rectus abdominis, hamstrings, etc.

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, take a dumbbell and stand straight.
  • Bend your knees slightly, bend over and swing the dumbbells down towards the groin so that the dumbbell is between your legs at knee level.
  • It is immediately necessary to straighten the legs and straighten the body so that the dumbbell, by inertia, flies up to shoulder level.
  • Do not hold the dumbbell at the top point, but immediately return to the starting position and do the required number of repetitions.

Exercises for the back of the thigh at home

Exercises for the home do not require special sports equipment, you may only need a mat. But it is worth remembering that classes at home should also be regular.

For the home, the following exercises are suitable to help pump up your legs and remove excess fat:

1. Bridge on the rug.

  • Take the starting position: lie on the mat, legs bent at the knees so that the feet are completely on the surface of the mat, and the distance between them is slightly less than shoulder width.
  • With the help of the muscles of the buttocks, you need to push the pelvis up, fix this position and bring your knees together.
  • Pull your knees back and lower your pelvis without touching the floor. Repeat at least 50 times.

2. Lifting the legs lying on the stomach.

  • Starting position: lie on your stomach on the mat, arms bent at the elbows, hands under the chin.
  • Tighten the muscles of the buttocks and lift one leg up without bending it.
  • Slowly return the leg down, but without touching the floor. Perform the desired number of times on both legs alternately.

In this exercise, you can increase the load by lifting the upper body with each leg raise, then the entire back surface of the body will be involved.

3. Lunges.

  • Take a step forward with one foot, while lowering the body so that the knee is bent at a right angle.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Perform an equal number of repetitions on one and the other leg.

4. Lunges with jumping. This exercise is a variant of the classic lunge.

  • Stand up straight, put your hands on your belt.
  • Lunge forward with the foot, as in a normal lunge.
  • Jump up, while changing legs in the air so that the other leg is at a right angle. Perform the desired number of times on each leg.

5. Burpee.

The hardest but effective exercise for the home to pull up the front and back of the thigh, buttocks, pectoral muscles, as well as the muscles of the core. The main thing is to complete all stages of the exercise at the fastest possible pace, and then excess fat can be removed faster.

  • Take a starting position: stand up straight, put your hands on your belt.
  • Do a squat with your hands on the floor.
  • Move your legs back and get into a push-up position.
  • Perform a push-up and immediately return your legs back to the squat position.
  • From a squat, jump as high as possible, while making a clap above your head with your hands.

Many men and women dream of a beautiful and toned body. There is nothing surprising in this, because a beautiful figure pleases the eye, makes the representatives of the opposite sex turn Special attention for such an individual. In addition, sport perfectly heals the body, and is a preventive measure for most serious pathologies.

To get a beautiful figure, you need to train the entire body equally, including the back of the thigh. Exercises on the back of the thigh will help to make the buttocks beautiful and toned, add volume to them if necessary, and strengthen the muscles of the thighs and back.

For any workout to be effective, it must be done correctly. First you need to prepare: pay attention to your appearance, to food , and warm up.

It is necessary to dress in comfortable sportswear, stable sneakers, otherwise the risk of injury increases. If you put on a suit that is too tight, for example, in jeans, then the range of motion will decrease significantly, and the result of the training will also be in vain, all the efforts spent will be in vain.

To lose weight and tighten the body, you need to eat right. Immediately before training, you need to eat 1.5-2 hours in advance, and an hour after it. Before training, it is advisable to eat carbohydrates, for example, oatmeal, and after - protein food, for example, chicken breast or baked fish with vegetables.

If you refuse to eat, you will experience weakness during the exercises and the strength will leave the athlete. If you eat right before a workout, you can provoke vomiting, in addition, you won’t be able to lose weight in this case, because the body will take energy from food, and not from fat reserves.

Exercises for the back of the thigh and buttocks can only be performed after warming up, otherwise the training may result in injury to the ligaments, tendons or fascia, which will not bring anything good, except for several weeks of aching pain. It is necessary to finish the workout with stretching exercises to prevent muscle pain the next day.


As they say, sport is life. But with some diseases, excessive physical activity can seriously harm, in such cases it is indicated physiotherapy. If a history of the following pathologies is present, you should consult with a specialist before training:

  • heart disease;
  • Vascular diseases, for example, varicose veins, thrombosis of veins and arteries;
  • The presence of tumors, especially oncology;
  • gynecological problems;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • Pain of any nature (only after consulting a doctor);
  • Severe pathologies of internal organs;
  • Pathologies of the joints, in particular arthritis, arthrosis, especially in the acute stage;
  • The period of rehabilitation after an injury or surgery.


The back of the thigh can be easily worked out at home without the use of special equipment, especially this statement applies to beginners who will still find it too difficult to work with weight in gym. For beginners, it is recommended to do 3 sets of 10-15 times on each leg, increasing the number of repetitions to 30-40 over time, according to the sensations.

Exercises for the inner thigh are as follows.

It is necessary to lie on the floor, bend your arms and place under the chin. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs are well tensed, then slowly raise the thigh up and slowly lower it down, repeat with the second leg. The exercise can be performed in two more variations: hold the leg for a few seconds at a height, and slowly lower it, and also swing from top to bottom without touching the floor with your foot. To increase the load, a weighting agent is put on the leg.

It is necessary to kneel and take a horizontal position, leaning on the palms, while the arms are straight and shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, the neck is extended forward. It is necessary to raise the leg bent at the knee up. You can complicate this exercise in the same way as the first.

Deep squats are very effective for working the buttocks and back of the thigh. It is necessary to put your feet shoulder-width apart, press your feet firmly to the floor, and squat slowly and as deeply as possible, without lifting your heels from the floor.

For the inner surface of the thigh, lunges are performed. You need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Take a deep step forward so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, linger in this position for 60 seconds (30 for beginners), then slowly rise and repeat on the other leg.

In the room

To pump up beautiful buttocks, like the stars in the magazine, you must definitely go to the gym. Home workouts will help you lose weight, but in order to increase the volume of the fifth point, you need to do exercises with weights, this is only possible using special equipment.

Exercises in the gym will be as follows.

Deadlift is performed using a barbell. Weight is taken taking into account the physical fitness of the athlete. During the exercise, it is necessary to work the muscles of the legs, and not the arms and back. It is necessary to stand on the stand and hold the bar at outstretched arms so that it does not touch the floor. Slowly stand up, while the bar will move to the level of the knees, and repeat the squat again.

Weighted squats are performed using dumbbells, the weight is chosen taking into account the physical fitness of the athlete, it is better for beginners to take one kilogram dumbbells in each hand. You need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet firmly pressed to the floor. We take dumbbells in each hand and begin to squat slowly, as low as possible, but so that the feet do not come off the floor.

The following exercise is performed with one dumbbell. It is necessary to stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lean down, stretch your arms from your chest and take a dumbbell. Bend your legs, while the dumbbell should be at the level of the buttocks, then slowly return to the starting position.

In order for the back of the thigh to be beautiful and toned, you need to train regularly and do the exercises correctly. To achieve the best effect, follow these recommendations:

  • The most important thing is to do the exercises correctly. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to contact the trainer and get instructed, then you can practice at home.
  • Exercises should be performed slowly and diligently, trying to work out all the necessary muscles. You need to feel how they work, are reduced, then the training will be effective.
  • Before and after training, it is imperative to stretch in order to exclude injuries and prevent muscle pain the next day.
  • You need to know the measure, you should not overload your legs today, if tomorrow you are going to run in the morning.
  • If you want to get rid of cellulite, then after doing exercises on the back of the thigh, you need to do a massage and a warming wrap.
  • It is very important to breathe correctly, inhaling is done with effort, and exhaling with relaxation.

Proper exercise will not only reduce the risk of injury, but also accelerate weight loss and the formation of a beautiful body. In order not to waste time and energy in vain, you need to put maximum effort into each movement, and try to do the exercises efficiently and accurately.

Complex (video)

Why pump up the back of the thigh? No one sees it, no one asks to see it, so why waste so much time and effort? Read the answer in this article

Doubt why and, most importantly, how to pump up the back of the thigh to an athlete? To answer the first question, look at a professional bodybuilder. What do you see? That's right, balance.

This term can be heard more and more often in the world. Those who have balance have a chance to become a champion, and those who do not have it are forced to suffer defeat. Balance is not only about the aesthetics and proportions of competitive uniforms, it plays a key role in practical functionality both in and out of the gym. Some antagonistic muscles are essential for muscle mass and performance, so it is important for any athlete to pay attention to the balance between training volume and intensity.

Add this complex to your main workout and you will feel the back of your thighs burning!

100% return and desire to act! Add to this the correct technique - and the back of the thighs is guaranteed to pump up, at once increasing your strength indicators and the external harmony of the body.

It is believed that stretching exercises can prevent sports injuries. Stretching stimulates muscle activity and increases the range of motion of joints.

Bodybuilding is a sport where everything matters on performance day. Here, it is the details that decide who walks away victorious and who goes home. An athlete who has done all the work on physical fitness and balance will be successful. So, it should not differ from the rest of the body and be exactly the same developed.

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The drug provides peak amino concentration in the first 60 minutes after application and maintains it for 5 hours. Therefore, the muscles grow and recover quickly, while the strength and endurance of the athlete increases. This protein cocktail created as a nutritional supplement to increase the amount of protein in the daily diet.

Ingredients: calcium caseinate, whey protein concentrate, milk protein isolate, dry egg white, flavouring, thickener: guar gum; sweeteners: acesulfame K, aspartame; calcium carbonate, antioxidant: ascorbic acid; vitamin B6. Contains a source of phenylalanine. Contains lactose. May contain trace amounts of gluten and soy.

The energy value one serving (per 300 ml of water): 112 kcal.
The nutritional value one serving (per 300 ml of water): fats 0.5 g, carbohydrates 2.3 g, proteins 25 g.

Energy value of one serving (for 300 ml of milk 1.5% fat): 256 kcal.
Nutritional value of one serving (for 300 ml of milk 1.5% fat content): fats 5.3 g, carbohydrates 17 g, proteins 35 g.

The back of the thigh is one of the most difficult parts of the body in girls to pull up. It is on it that unpleasant flabbiness most often remains, which spoils the overall appearance, and it is not easy to achieve the desired elasticity of this part of the legs. But, of course, there are exercises that help increase tone and elasticity, work out muscles and strengthen this area.

Muscle workouts, stretching

The back of the thigh is called the biceps, just like on the arm, it is also a biceps muscle. Exercises on the back of the thigh, depending on the goals, are divided into two types:

  1. If there is excess fat, then it is necessary to resort to cardio.
  2. In order to strengthen the muscles, bring them into tone, strength training is required.

Most often, you need to combine both types of training.. A very important factor for obtaining the result is the regularity of classes. It is recommended to train problem areas at least twice a week, and sometimes three. In this case, you can not pump only one part of the body, not paying attention to the rest. Training should be complete, including work with all muscle groups. In any case, it is impossible to lose weight in one zone, this effect extends to the whole body.

In addition to the training itself, it is important to observe proper nutrition. It is this element that allows you to quickly bring the body into tone, get rid of excess fat and begin to shape muscle mass. Lovers of sweet and starchy foods will have to endure, but the result will be worth it.

And also very important stretching, which is an indispensable part of any workout. If the muscles are not properly warmed up and stretched, they will not work well, and unstretched tendons and joints can lead to injury during training. A small stretch is done at the beginning of the workout after the warm-up, and a more thorough one takes place after the training. At this moment, all the muscles are already perfectly warmed up and stretch well.

In order to properly stretch not only the back, but also the inner surface of the thigh, it is worth performing the following exercises:

These and other types of stretches will help prepare the muscles and ligaments for training and improve their elasticity.

Back of the thigh: exercises

The most effective for working out the biceps of the thigh in the gym are the following exercises:

  1. The deadlift is an extremely effective basic exercise in which both the back and front (quadriceps) of the hips are involved. In addition, the back and buttocks work in it. It should be borne in mind that this is not the easiest exercise to perform, and it is better to work it out with a trainer first.
  2. Lunges - in the Smith machine or with weights.
  3. And there are also several simulators that perfectly train the hamstrings. If it is possible to work in the gym, then the choice of exercises and equipment is very large.

But not everyone is comfortable with regularly visiting the gym, and home conditions do not allow you to perform some of the exercises. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to study at home. There are great ways to get great back thigh work. Exercises that you can easily do without leaving home:

  1. Squats are a classic workout that allows you to work out not only the legs, but also improve the overall condition of the body. For more emphasis on the hamstrings, you can do squats on one leg. No additional trainers are required for this.
  2. Jumping lunges - according to the technique, lunges are performed in the same way as classic ones in the gym, but a jump is additionally made from lunges.
  3. Raising the legs lying on the stomach - this exercise for the back of the thigh and buttocks is an analogue of working on a special simulator. You can raise both legs at once or in turn, tearing off 15-20 centimeters from the floor.
  4. Glute bridge - lifting the pelvis while lying on your back. Works on the buttocks, abs and thighs.

In addition, exercises such as Bicycle and Scissors are also effective.

After strength training it's time to move on to cardio to consolidate success. However, when it comes to training the legs, it is considered that it is better to swing the legs and do cardio on different days so as not to overexert yourself. Running, climbing stairs, cycling and other activities are great for cardio. It all depends on personal opportunities person and the place where he trains.

Also, don't forget about rest. Rest breaks between workouts for the same muscle group should be at least several days, otherwise they simply will not have time to recover, and the training will not be effective. Between workouts in general, it is also worth taking at least one day of rest to give yourself the opportunity to fully recover.

In leg training, the biceps should be given two or three exercises from the entire spectrum in order to work out all muscle groups evenly. Usually 3-4 sets are done in each exercise, between sets you can rest for about a minute.

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