Do-it-yourself electric fireplace step by step instructions. How to build an electric fireplace with your own hands, a simple algorithm of actions. Do-it-yourself corner electric fireplace

Over the centuries of its existence, the fireplace has turned from required attribute home (used for heating, cooking) into a beautiful decorative item. There are no problems with installing a fireplace in private houses, but if you are a resident of a high-rise building, then certain difficulties and disappointments await you.

You can install a real wood-burning fireplace, but only in apartments that are located on the top floor of the house. This will require a permit issued by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, because:

Therefore, two permits will be required at once - one for each type of work.

Note! Paper wire problems do not end there. The fact is that according to SNiP, the load on the ceiling in city apartments should not exceed 150 kg / m². For your information: the weight of a fireplace with a firebox and a chimney can reach 500 kg.

Therefore, it is better to equip in an apartment (and residents of non-top floors have no other option). Do not be afraid of the word "electric", because in the process of work, you only have to make a frame and a pedestal.

Advantages of electric fireplaces

Not everyone can afford a stone or brick fireplace, we have already found out. And the point here is not only the complexity of installation or design, but also the price - a full-fledged fireplace will cost about 180 thousand rubles. Moreover, an additional ventilation system will be required.

Electric models do not have such disadvantages. The main thing is compliance with the operating rules (regular checking of electrical wiring, installation of a stabilizer, etc.). Other benefits include:

  • low cost (when compared with traditional options);
  • ease of use;
  • aesthetics, attractive appearance;
  • the possibility of installation in any room, without additional communications and redevelopment;
  • security.

With regards to the firebox itself, it must be bought at the store. But first things first.

Stage 1. Choosing a place for installation

Electric fireplace - the best option for a city apartment

Everything is quite simple here: any wall you like will do, preferably in the living room.

Note! You should not plan the construction of a large structure in a small apartment. The fireplace must match the area.

Stage 2. Purchase of an electric fireplace

Having decided on the place, you can go to the store for the firebox. Such devices cost an average of 25-30 thousand rubles, but you should focus not only on the price, but also on the size of a particular model.

In an apartment where literally every centimeter of free space is expensive, it is better to install oversized and shallow fireplaces. The most compact models have a depth of 7 cm. Among the manufacturers, it is worth highlighting the German company Hark, British Burley and Irish Berry.

Video - Electric fireplaces for an apartment

Find out how to do it with step-by-step installation and finishing instructions in our new article.

Stage 3. Erection of the pedestal

The construction of the fireplace begins with the manufacture of a pedestal for the portal. It is advisable to use for this a piece of countertop, cut in accordance with the dimensions of the device.

Note! The portal is a frontal part of a fireplace with decorative facing. In other words, it's what gets noticed first.

It is recommended to use an MDF top with laminated protective coating. This material is immune to moisture and high temperatures. The modern color range is quite wide, which allows you to choose a countertop for every taste. In a word, no difficulties should arise at this stage.

If it is planned to install a wall-mounted fireplace, then a rectangular tabletop is cut out (for this, an electric jigsaw is used), and if it is angular, then it is pentagonal.

Note! The area of ​​the pedestal must necessarily exceed the area of ​​the fireplace itself.

The pedestal must be raised by setting it on a slight elevation. Such an elevation can be a frame made of a metal profile 5x5 cm or 5x4 cm. At the end, the pedestal is closed with a plastic plinth, the color is similar to the color of the countertop.

Stage 4. Making a frame for framing a fireplace

An electric fireplace is easiest to make from drywall sheets. This material is easy to install, resistant to temperature changes. In addition, it is most suitable in terms of environmental friendliness.

First, the frame of the portal is constructed. To work, you will need the following materials:

Note! The term "bugs" means short white self-tapping screws with a large head and used for fixing a metal profile.

You will also need equipment such as:

  • metal scissors;
  • mounting level;
  • marker;
  • stationery knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver

Now you can start installation. A wall-mounted fireplace is more common, so the technology of its manufacture is being considered.

Step 1. First, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall that will be in contact with the structure is covered with refractory material. Asbestos sheet can be used as such material.

Note! A level check is mandatory, since it is unlikely that a curved electric fireplace can be considered a good result.

Step 3. Guides from a 5x4 cm profile are attached according to the markings drawn up at the previous stage. The result should be a symmetrical parallelepiped. Self-tapping screws and dowels are used for fastening.

Step 4. All elements of the future frame are connected using "bugs", after which the structure is strengthened, since it has to withstand a considerable load. In particular, this applies to the lower part, where the electric firebox will be installed. For reinforcement, a 5x5 cm profile is used - it is inserted across the structure in increments of 30 cm.

Step 5. The inner part is formed, intended for the firebox. To determine the dimensions of this part, the dimensions of the device itself are measured, the width of the refractory tile (or any other heat-resistant material) is added to the figure obtained.

Stage 5. Making the frame for the chimney

To install this element, a metal profile of 10x4 cm and 10x5 cm is used. No complicated design, like for a portal, is required here - fastening one side to the wall is enough.

Step 1. Holes for self-tapping screws are made in a 10x5 cm profile. Profiles are applied to the markings on the wall, marks are made for dowels.

Step 2. Holes for plugs are made. A hammer is used to hammer plugs into the wall. After that, with the help of self-tapping screws, the profile itself is attached.

Note! The resulting structure will be fragile, so it also needs to be reinforced with a 10x5 cm profile installed in 50 cm increments.

Step 3. The frame is brought to the very ceiling - it will be more aesthetically pleasing, and the fake chimney will be extremely similar to the real one.

Stage 6. Wiring communications

The next step in creating an electric fireplace is the wiring of cables to the location of the structure. It is recommended to use cables with "self-extinguishing" insulation with a cross section of 2.5x2 for this. In the portal itself, the cable is laid in a metal "sleeve".

Note! If there is grounding in the apartment, a three-core cable should be used. Then the fireplace will require a ceramic socket with grounding.

When installing the socket, it is advisable to connect it also - in this case, it will not be necessary to remove it every time you need to turn off the device. In other words, it will be possible to turn on / off using the switch.

Stage 7. Drywall sheathing

After wiring the cable, it is necessary to sheathe the frame with drywall.

Step 1. Using a clerical knife, the material of the appropriate size.

Step 2 Sheets are attached to the profile with a screwdriver. For this, self-tapping screws are used - “seed and” (black, intended for metal) 2.5x0.3 cm in size.

Step 3. The joints between the sheets of drywall are puttied with sealant.

Step 4. By itself, this material is quite fragile, so all corners of the electric fireplace are reinforced with galvanized steel corners (necessarily perforated).

Step 5. Everything is primed and puttied.

Step 6. A preliminary fitting of the electric furnace in the finished frame is carried out. Opposite the ventilation lugs located in the device case, holes are made in drywall. If this is not done, the firebox will overheat during operation.

Stage 8. Decorating the electric fireplace

There are several options, so everyone can choose what they like the most. Below are the possible finishing materials.

  1. WD paint . You can use either a roller or a brush to apply it.
  2. For application textured plastera spatula is required.
  3. Fake diamondput on "liquid nails" or special glue.

Learn how to make, and also check out the types of fireplace finishes with a step-by-step photo report from our new article.

As you can see, installfireplace in the apartment with your own hands, let it be just an imitation. This will require a minimum set of tools and materials, desire and half a day of free time.

Video - Do-it-yourself installation of an electric fireplace

You can make an electric fireplace with your own hands, although not very quickly. It consists of two parts and you need to do them separately. We offer to consider a variety of options and methods.

Among many peoples, a fireplace is considered a source of pride, as it was used to cook food and heat it up on winter evenings.

Now the fireplace is more often a design attribute, but, since it is impossible to install a real wood-burning fireplace in an apartment. What if there is a desire, but there are no financial opportunities? The answer to this question is simple. You need to make an electric fireplace with your own hands.

To create, an instruction will help, which describes all the steps for making an electric fireplace with your own hands. Lots of options. A homemade electric fireplace will be no worse than a purchased one, only much cheaper. Let's first figure out what components the fireplace has, so that it is easier to make it. We advise you to study the material on our website in more detail.

What is an electric fireplace made of?

Do-it-yourself electric fireplace, whose imitation of fire will please the eye, will require a lot of effort. Before you create a fireplace yourself, you should understand what it consists of. Fireplace elements:

  • the hearth is actually an electronic system that transmits the combustion of the flame;
  • a portal is a frame where a firebox or hearth is placed.

Advice! You can make a pedestal and a frame yourself, but it is better to buy a firebox in a store, although it is not necessary. The hearth is also created by hand with the necessary elements and tools.

There are many options for how to make an electric fireplace with your own hands, but it should be borne in mind that in any case, the two elements will be made separately and connected together in finished form.

Step-by-step instructions for making an electric fireplace portal

The question arises, how to make an electric fireplace with steam with your own hands? Let's figure it out. Models of electric fireplaces are different and they are made from different materials. For example, such as: drywall, stone, noble tree species, chipboard, plywood and many others.

Do-it-yourself electric fireplace, the step-by-step instructions of which are presented, can be done without any problems. The fact that it is divided into parts is only a plus, since you can choose the most optimal option based on your preferences and capabilities. Read also about on our website.

In order to create a portal to an electric fireplace with your own hands from drywall, special skills and any specialized tools are not required. Facing the portal of the electric fireplace with your own hands is done in this case from finishing tiles, although other options are possible.

Before making a portal, you should:

  • choose a place where the electric fireplace will be installed;
  • buy or create an electrical element of the hearth;
  • draw a drawing;
  • prepare the necessary materials and tools.

Advice! When buying a hearth, if the room has a small area, it is best to choose a shallow hearth model (about 70 millimeters), because it will save space and make the electric fireplace compact.

In order to make a portal for an electric fireplace from drywall, the following materials will be required:

  • metal profile, to create the design and fastening of drywall;
  • drywall sheets;
  • putty diluted with water;
  • primer;
  • mesh for seams;
  • insulation;
  • pre-created drawing;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corner for fixing corners;
  • facing tiles;
  • furniture board;
  • special glue.

Earlier we already wrote about manufacturing and recommended bookmarking the article.

Required tool:

  • spatula;
  • screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal scissors.

Types and models of portals for a fireplace, features of their installation, recommendations and useful tips for those who want to create a cozy relaxation area with a hearth in their apartment.

After preparing the necessary tools and materials, you can get to work:

  • Stage 1. Preparation of metal profiles and drywall. Cut to the dimensions that were thought out in advance. Based on them, a drawing was built;

  • Stage 2. Installation of a metal profile according to the drawing;

  • Stage 3. Fixing drywall with self-tapping screws to the metal profile;

  • Stage 4. We completely sew up the frame with drywall according to the drawing;

  • Stage 5. We carefully and accurately seal all seams and corners with a putty mixture;

  • Stage 6. After the putty has dried, you should walk with sandpaper to remove all irregularities;

  • Stage 7. At the corners on top of the drywall, we install a corner metal profile;

Advice! Fixing the metal profile is necessary so that the structure is strong and the corners do not break. You can put something on the portal with reinforced corners.

  • Stage 8. The surface should be carefully primed and allowed to dry, only after that you can proceed with the design of the fireplace portal. Using specialized glue, fix the facing tiles;

Advice! Before decorating the walls of the fireplace, you can lay out the lower part with a brick. This is optional and depends on the choice of hearth style. If there is classical English, it is not necessary, if other types are at the discretion.

  • Stage 9. Close the walls of the fireplace completely with decorative tiles, and install the hearth;

Advice! Decorative stone, mosaic, stucco molding can act as a decor. The choice depends on the interior of the room and the desired style of the fireplace. In this case, it was the facing tile that was used in the manufacture.

  • Stage 10. After that, you should fix the furniture board on top of the fireplace portal;

  • Stage 11. The portal for the electric fireplace is ready.

Do-it-yourself decorative firewood for an electric fireplace

Making a fake firewood for an electric fireplace with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In this case, improvised materials are used.

The store offers many options for decorative logs, but their cost is not small. To create a realistic hearth for an electronic fireplace, you can make firewood with your own hands.

In order to make a model of firewood for an electric fireplace, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • scotch.

Production is carried out in a few simple steps:

  • Step 1. It is necessary to cut a blank for firewood from cardboard;

Firewood blanks cut out of cardboard and rolled into rolls. Long - logs, short - knots.

  • Step 2. Glue the blank in the form of logs;

  • Step 3. The resulting poles should be painted;

  • Step 4. The logs must be placed in the hearth in the right order;

Decorative cardboard logs laid in a simulated hearth - cheap and cheerful

We create a hearth for an electric fireplace on our own

How to make an electric fireplace with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions of which include division into several blocks? Let's look into this issue. After the portal and logs have been created, you should think about making the heart of the electric fireplace - the hearth.

A hearth for an electric fireplace with your own hands can be made both ordinary and with the effect of live fire. Ordinary foci with your own hands can be made from improvised materials. For example, candles, fabrics, wire, tree branches.

A hearth of many candles

Many candles will create the illusion of a burning flame. Candles are located at different heights and distances from each other. The disadvantage of such an imitation is that the candles are smoked.

Advice! If the firebox of the false fireplace is white or other light colors, then this method of making the hearth does not need to be used, because the top of the firebox will turn black.

Original hearth made of tree branches, fabric and LED bulbs

  • You can buy an LED lamp socket that shimmers in red and yellow colors in a chaotic manner.
  • Lay out the base from tree branches in the form of a well and glue it with building glue.
  • Insert the cover from below and fix it on the top of the resulting well.
  • Take a strong wire, cut into 4 pieces of 25 centimeters each. Then fix one ends on the branches, and twist the second at the top among themselves.
  • Fasten a light fabric over the wire. For example, chiffon, organza.

Read also about on our portal.

Advice! The fabric should easily transmit light and at the same time close the top: wire and cartridge. You can use thick tulle. It is desirable that the fabric is uniform without embroidery.

Hearth made of garlands, stones and logs of lace

  • It is necessary to initially prepare the logs: tree branches are taken and wrapped in foil, and then lace is glued.
  • After the structure dries, the branches are removed.
  • Stones in the form of a circle are laid at the bottom of the fireplace portal, after which a garland is inserted inside the circle;
  • After that, you need to install the logs and fix them on top with a drop of glue.

Advice! Lace should be thin. This will help create a more realistic burning of the logs, due to the fact that the light from the garland will better pass through the "dummy logs".

Hearth from an aquarium, LED strip, shells, yellow and red pebbles

  • An LED strip is laid out at the bottom of the aquarium along the edges.
  • The field is filled with shells and pebbles of two colors.

Important! A special role here is played by two-color pebbles. The light falling on it creates a good illusion of a burning fire. The only caveat is that you will need to carefully drill a hole in the glass wall of the aquarium for the wire to exit.

Live fire in an electric fireplace with your own hands can be created in several ways.

Flames of white silk

This method was used in theatrical productions.

  • A small fan should be installed in a cardboard box.

Advice! A great option would be to use a computer fan. It is relatively silent and its power will be enough to set the fabric in motion.

Decorative fireplace can be made from various materials. The most common is the "hearth" of drywall. In addition to gypsum boards, brick, polyurethane, cardboard and laminated shelves are used to build false fireplaces.

Fire created with water vapor

It is quite difficult to create it, and knowledge of an electrician is required.

We need a fan, ultrasonic fog generators in the amount of three pieces, an LED lamp. Coordination of the program for fixtures is carried out by a DMX converter. Distilled water, a box, and a DMX controller that transmits data from the luminaire to the equipment are needed to create this complex design.

  • at the bottom of the box you need to fix the fog generators. They will evaporate water;
  • a fan is necessary in order to drive steam flows upward;
  • lights need to be installed. Their role is to highlight the steam.

Live fire reproduced by a TV or monitor

The easiest way to create a simulation of a live flame is to install a TV with a video of a burning fire or a monitor connected to a computer.

Equipment is installed in the created portal to fit the size of the TV or monitor.

Advice! Do-it-yourself electric fireplaces with the effect of live fire are a rather laborious process. It requires a clear understanding of what should happen, as well as certain skills and knowledge, especially in creating fire with water vapor. If there is no complete self-confidence, you should purchase a ready-made hearth.

Video: instructions on how to make a drywall electric fireplace

Creating a fireplace with your own hands is not a very difficult task, which does not in all cases require a lot of expenses. You just need to decide for what purpose you need a fireplace. Only a decorative function can be achieved by creating a model even from cardboard, but a functional one is already a more time-consuming and financially costly process.

An electric fireplace transforms any interior. In addition to its decorative function, it is often used as a heater. Depending on the power, it is able to heat rooms with an area of ​​​​15 to 50 m2. Another indisputable advantage is the simplicity of the design. How to make an electric fireplace with your own hands, we will consider further.

The device and advantages of installing an electric fireplace

Despite the variety of electric fireplaces, the device of all devices is the same. Each electric fireplace consists of a portal and a hearth.

Portal - a decorative part of the fireplace, responsible for the attractive appearance of the device.

The hearth is the main element that performs the function of a firebox.

Electric fireplaces are used both for heating the room and for performing a decorative function.

To create an imitation of fire, thin silk patches are used, for the manufacture of which metal foil is used. The presence of a built-in fan allows you to actuate the flaps and, thus, an imitation of a flame is obtained. Additional use of light, mirrors and special filters help to make the picture more realistic.

Some models do not simulate fire, but burning wood. In this case, specially processed plastic and a few pieces of natural coal are used.

Modern models of electric fireplaces imitate a flame or burning wood using a liquid crystal screen.

Some electric fireplaces are equipped with a 3D flame simulation function. The electric fireplace is designed in such a way that a special air humidifier falls on the heating element, thereby creating steam that more realistically conveys the combustion process.

Advantages of installing an electric fireplace:

  • do not need chimneys, gas pipes and ventilation;
  • not capable of releasing carcinogenic compounds or carbon monoxide;
  • compactness and lightness make it easy to move the fireplace from one place to another;
  • instant heating of the room;
  • the ability to control the temperature;
  • the presence of various modes with the possible supply of flame or without;
  • the presence of a fan makes the process of heating the room fast;
  • fire safety, makes the use of the fireplace simple and eliminates the risk of fire;
  • versatility and ease of transportation;
  • aesthetics allows you to fit an electric fireplace into the design of any room;
  • the installation of an electric fireplace does not require approval or permission acts.

Varieties of electric fireplaces

Depending on the type of hearth, electric fireplaces are distinguished:

  • with built-in hearth
  • with interchangeable hearth.

Each model of an electric fireplace with a built-in hearth has a special cassette, which is controlled remotely.

When using a replaceable hearth, the portal for the electric fireplace is purchased separately, depending on the size of the hearth.

Most electric fireplaces are characterized by the presence of two modes of operation, which include:

  • space heating,
  • decorative mode.

In the first case, the fireplace is used as a heater, and in the second - as a decorative object.

By location, electric fireplaces are divided into:

  • floor, which are installed on horizontal surfaces;
  • wall-mounted, installed near walls;
  • built-in - mounted in a wall niche;
  • hanging fireplaces - hang on the wall.

Depending on the external design of the portal, fireplaces are divided into:

  • wooden,
  • stone,
  • plastic,
  • glass,
  • steel,
  • plaster.

Varieties of electric fireplaces depending on the type of portal:

  • classic fireplace - includes the presence of a portal and a hearth, without additional accessories, such a fireplace has a natural color, strict, straight lines;
  • country fireplace - a fireplace made of stone is characterized by simplicity and ease of manufacture;
  • high-tech fireplaces are made from unusual materials such as glass or metal;
  • modern fireplaces have a variety of color and texture portals, many additional shelves and inserts.

Do-it-yourself portal for an electric fireplace

Before you learn about the design of the portal, read the recommendations and the main mistakes of making the portal yourself.

1. The style in which the hearth of the fireplace is made must be consistent with the style of the portal. When choosing a classic English fireplace, the portal should be designed in such a way that the hearth is located at the bottom of the portal.

2. The portal should not hide the frame of the hearth. The main function of the portal is to highlight the focus. When making the portal yourself, it is better to give preference to hearth-inserts, which allow you to choose any design and finish of the portal and are in perfect harmony with it.

3. Pay attention to the size of the portal, the hearth and the room in which the electric fireplace will be installed. Too large a fireplace in a small room will visually reduce and clutter up the space. When installing a floor fireplace, free space is required to surround the fireplace. When installing a fireplace in a small room, it is possible to install an electric fireplace in a niche, in a wall or in fittings.

4. Before making a portal, you should buy a hearth. Indeed, some hearths have additional fasteners, decorative details that must be taken into account when designing the hearth.

Chipboard, MDF, drywall, brick, plastic, glass or metal are suitable as a material for the manufacture of an electric fireplace portal. Since modern hearths are light in weight and are fire resistant, choose any material for the manufacture of the portal. Do not use wood to make a portal, as the flow of warm air may warp or damage wooden structures. Using polyurethane or gypsum, the portal is finished.

Do-it-yourself electric fireplace from drywall

The drywall portal is installed in one place and does not allow further movement. Therefore, before designing the portal, it is necessary to accurately determine the dimensions and provide a place for electrical wiring and ventilation holes, which will prevent the formation of high humidity, accumulation of hot air or overheating.

1. After determining the dimensions, cut and install the frame from the metal profile.

3. After designing, you should try on the hearth to the portal to make sure that the dimensions match.

4. The next stage includes plastering and painting the surface of the portal.

5. For plaster, use gypsum, use a spatula to create the desired surface texture.

Do-it-yourself electric fireplace photo:

Designing a portal for an electric fireplace from a parquet board

Another option for making a portal that has an unusual and original look is a parquet board portal. Use various trimmings and wood residues, stained or varnished.

To create such a portal, you first need to fix a timber frame on the wall and attach boards of the same size in order. Each board must be glued.

Do-it-yourself electric fireplace

The preparatory stage includes:

  • determining the location and type of fireplace;
  • purchase of a hearth with a minimum depth of 7 cm;
  • purchase of electrical parts;
  • tool preparation: level, hammer, screwdriver, screwdriver and metal shears.

Instructions for making a wall-mounted electric fireplace:

1. Make a pedestal on which the portal will be installed. As a material for manufacturing, use MDF covered with laminate.

2. The pedestal should be 15-20 cm larger than the portal.

3. Proceed to the manufacture of the frame for the portal.

4. The part of the wall on which the electric fireplace will be located should be covered with a fireproof material such as asbestos.

5. Make a markup on which the frame will be installed.

6. Attach the metal profile to the wall with self-tapping screws; use rack profiles to strengthen the structure.

7. Cut sheets of drywall, 1.2 cm thick, attach to the finished frame. Use self-tapping screws 3.5x25 mm and a screwdriver.

8. Reinforce the corners of the structure with perforated corners.

9. Putty the portal and all joints.

10. After the putty has completely dried, proceed with the installation of the hearth.

11. Make holes in the drywall construction for ventilation.

To finish the portal, use finishing putty. Do-it-yourself electric fireplace lining options:

  • water based paint,
  • texture plaster,

  • a natural stone,
  • fake diamond,
  • tile,
  • brick wallpaper,
  • adhesive tape,
  • ceramic tile,
  • molding,
  • polyurethane stucco,
  • wooden panels,
  • glass,
  • metal.

After installing the portal, communication work should be carried out to install ventilation, electricity and a firebox. To install the electrical wiring, use a two-core cable with a cross section of 4x2 mm with double insulation. The cable should be laid in a corrugated sleeve.

Do-it-yourself corner electric fireplace

For the manufacture of a corner fireplace, drywall is the best option. This material has sufficient strength and fire safety for the construction of shelves on the fireplace.

To make a fireplace, use a metal U-shaped profile or wooden slats. According to the previously made drawing, assemble the frame using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

The building level will help check the evenness of the structure.

Cut pre-prepared sheets of drywall according to the size of the frame and fix it with self-tapping screws.

Prime the surface and wait until it dries completely.

The next stage is the puttying of the plasterboard structure.

After the putty has dried, finish the corner fireplace according to the chosen materials and design.

Do-it-yourself electric fireplace video:

Initially, the fireplace in the house was intended primarily for heating. Nowadays, city dwellers are saved from the cold by central heating. At the same time, the fireplace is still associated with home comfort, a place for rest and relaxation. Therefore, in a modern interior, you want to get your own hearth, but only for the sake of beauty. For this, a false fireplace is erected, in which fire is present as heat for the soul, and not for the body.

You can make a home decorative portal yourself or involve a specialist, or you can purchase a ready-made dummy. It all depends on your desires and capabilities. To create a full-fledged decoration, it is necessary to pay attention to the main attribute of the fireplace - fire. Naturally, a real flame is not possible for every fireplace. But anyone can create an imitation of fire on their own.

Types of decorative fireplaces

There is a large selection of ready-made portals on the market. Do you prefer a ready-made version or want to do it yourself - decide for yourself. Before that, familiarize yourself with the features of each type.

  1. The most democratic option is a portal made of cardboard and polystyrene. They are easy to make and affordable. Do-it-yourself imitation of fire in a fireplace is permissible only from sources without a flame as such. Such materials ignite easily and require careful handling. Consider one more feature of cardboard and polystyrene - they will not withstand heavy objects. Therefore, all decorative attributes should be extremely light.
  2. It is not difficult to build a drywall fireplace. The material is easy to process and affordable. Its feature is fire resistance, so candles can be easily placed in it. But, like the previous types, drywall does not withstand heavy loads.
  3. Plywood is good for ease of use, unique in its naturalness and environmental friendliness. It is important to know that this material does not like moisture.
  4. Brick and stone are aesthetically beautiful materials that will last a long time. When creating a hearth of a fireplace, elementary skills in laying bricks and stones will be required. You will have to lay a considerable budget for the construction. In addition, the final work can be quite weighty and not every floor in a high-rise building will withstand construction.

Create a hearth

The fake fireplace is not designed to heat the room. For this function, there are special electronic centers of various sizes, shapes, materials. For those who need a fireplace as a design solution, decide on the type of fireplace and consider options for parodies of fire. Let's start with the simplest ones.


You will need the garland itself, a source of energy and decorative decorations for it in the form of logs. It is better that the lamps flicker yellow, orange and red.

Do-it-yourself lace branches will help to add a realistic effect. To create an unusual decoration you will need: tree branches, foil, lace, glue, stones.

We wrap the branches with foil without gaps, glue lace on top of the foil. Let dry for about a day. After, we cut and carefully take out the branches of the trees. We form a circle from the stones (if desired, the stones can be painted in any color), lay out a garland in the middle, and form the resulting lacy branches like a fire. Turn on the garland and the logs will sparkle with glimpses of fire colors. This is an amazingly simple and effective way to create a dummy fire in the fireplace.


You can use candlesticks, candelabra, or simply arrange large candles according to your design. We emphasize that this option is not suitable for every light fireplace, because flames can leave a black mark.

There is an interesting way to effectively supply candles in the fireplace. To do this, you need several medium neat logs. In each we cut out 2-3 recesses the size of a small candle in a metal stand. The result will be a sophisticated imitation of a fireplace fire at a minimal cost of finance and time.


salt lamps

Special lamps made of salt crystals look great in a false fireplace. The salt lamp will be an interesting embodiment of a real fire in the fireplace. The main "minus" of such a design solution is the high cost. But there is a big "plus" - salt crystals will benefit the health of the whole family.

LCD screen

Putting a screen in a fireplace is quite an expensive decision. The main difficulty of such a replacement for a real fire is to install a screen. The image of the flame will elegantly dance and crackle soothingly in the fireplace portal.

To increase the effect of the fire burning on the screen, several mirrors placed in the hearth at different distances and at different angles will help. The screen image will perfectly imitate fire, and mirrors will create an illusory effect of a three-dimensional image.

If you prefer more interesting solutions to your interior design, then you will have to make some efforts. Consider how to make the fire more realistic and bewitching with your own hands.

Cardboard or real wood stack with LED lamp and fabric fire

For self-production of logs, you will need cardboard, glue, scissors, paint, and a brush. We form logs from cardboard, paint them in the color you like, lay them out in the form of a well and glue them together. A well made of real wood is created a little easier: we take prepared logs and glue them with building glue.

For fire, you will need an LED lamp socket that randomly flickers in different colors (it would be ideal to combine red and yellow colors), a ceiling light, a light, uniform, light fabric that transmits light, four strong wires from 15 to 30 cm long.

We push the ceiling and fix the woodpile on top, we fix the wire on the logs, and the other ends between each other. We fix the fabric on top of the wire. Turn on the LED and enjoy the resulting small fake fire

theatrical fire

A very effective type of artificial flame. For it, you will need the following elements: a silent small fan, diodes of different colors (ideally red, yellow and blue), a reflective surface (it can be mirror fragments, foil, etc.), shreds of silk of different sizes and shapes, a small box where everything and place.

The box should be decorated, then:

  • install a fan in it;
  • place the diodes next to each other;
  • attach the finished shreds next to the fan

The fire will turn out to be alive. It remains to place the box in the portal and enjoy the beautiful view with a cup of fragrant tea in your hands and in sincere company.

Aquarium as an imitation of fire

The play of water and light is always mesmerizing. You can use this successful ensemble in the fireplace instead of fire. Prepare the following devices: an aquarium of any shape and size (the main thing is that it fits in the hearth), a fire-colored LED strip, water. Install the tape on the bottom of the aquarium, pour water into the aquarium. Decorate the design at your discretion with shells, tree branches, pebbles, glass, pebbles, etc.

An electric fireplace heats up a room in minutes, does not smoke, and does not require the arrangement of a wood or coal shed. Therefore, such heaters are replacing traditional hearths not only from apartments, but also from country houses. Let's see how you can assemble such a fireplace with your own hands.

How a real wood burning fireplace works

If you are familiar with the design of a real wood-burning hearth, then building an electric fireplace with your own hands turns into an exciting experience, because understanding the essence of technology or design facilitates any workflow. A typical fireplace consists of three zones:

  • Ashpit - ash from firewood or slag from coal accumulates there.
  • Fireboxes - firewood burns here. It is located directly above the ash pan and separated from it by a horizontal grate.
  • Chimney - an exhaust hood that removes combustion products to the street. It starts with a dome-shaped area located above the firebox. Further, a chimney pipe is connected to the dome, the head of which sticks out above the roof.

And the electric fireplace is even simpler, because it does not need a chimney or an ash pan. They can be marked schematically using decorative overlays.

As a result, the entire construction of an electric hearth comes down to assembling a stylized firebox and a domed part of the hood. That is, we need to equip the portal, install a heat generator there and come up with a way to simulate a living flame or embers.

Step one: create a decorative portal

First you must find the right position for the future hearth. Usually it is placed in the middle of a blank wall (without windows) or in one of the corners of the room. Moreover, the central location will make the portal the center of the interior composition, so if you are not sure of your skill, then it is better to place the fireplace in the corner. Then the portal can be built using a simplified technology, making out only the front side. Moreover, this will not affect the functionality of electric fireplaces in any way.

First, measure 70 cm from the corner, along each wall, and make a mark at the level of the baseboard. At the marked points, fix the meter bars using self-tapping screws or dowels. Level the free ends of the bars (vertically) and secure in the same way. So you get vertical racks.

Take two 70 cm bars and fasten them to the wall strictly horizontally, placing one end close to the vertical posts, and the other in the corner. This will give you the support for the horizontal shelf. Stuff two horizontal strips on the bars attached to the walls - at the top and bottom. The length of the slats is 100-99 cm. This is how you get the supports for the front side.

Buy a floor of a sheet of drywall with dimensions of 1.25 × 1.25 m. Separate panels from this sheet with dimensions of 100 × 100 cm. Fix this panel to the horizontal strips with self-tapping screws. From the leftovers, cut strips with oblique edges that will go to the lining of the upper part - a false shelf.

Measure from any edge of the front panel 50 cm and draw a center line. Set aside 30 cm from the center line to the left and right, marking the vertical boundaries of the opening for the firebox.

Draw horizontal lines on the front panel at a distance of 20 cm from the floor and the top of the drywall sheet. So you get a horizontal firebox. Carefully cut a hole for the firebox along the vertical and horizontal borders. Its dimensions will be equal to 60 × 60 cm.

Plaster the front panel and the shelf plane with finishing plaster and apply horizontal and vertical lines imitating brickwork to the semi-cured layer. Do the same with the inside of the "firebox", plastering the walls and painting brickwork on them.

Now you just have to paint the front "bricks" in terracotta color, and the inner masonry - in a black-brick color scheme that imitates traces of soot. After that, the portal can be considered ready.

Step two: we mount the heat generator and arrange the firebox

Our fireplace doesn't have a chimney, but that's not a problem. As a heat generator, we will use a conventional electric convector. Of course, the heater can also be assembled with your own hands, using a tungsten spiral stretched over a ceramic plane, but then the fire safety of the house may suffer. But this will not happen with the converter, although its acquisition will require additional costs.

Therefore, we buy a convector with a body height of not more than 20 cm. We put it into the hole in the front panel, placing it on the floor. After the cord is displayed along the plinth towards the nearest outlet.

Instead of a convector, you can use film infrared heaters - they are mounted on the walls before assembling the portal for the hearth. This option provides enough heat in the local area (1–1.5 m from the hearth), allowing you to feel the comfort of being near a real hearth without serious electricity costs.

Further, in order to disguise the convector, we make out the grate of the fireplace, laying it directly on top of the heat generator. To do this, you need to take a foam block 10 × 40 × 60 cm and cut it in half, getting two blanks 10 × 20 × 60 cm. These blanks are painted in terracotta color and placed to the left and right of the convector.

At the end of this stage, purchased grates for the hearth are laid on the foam block base. An alternative would be 10 mm rebar, painted black and laid in 2 cm increments, parallel to the front panel. Moreover, for an accurate and authentic imitation of grates, the rods can be laid in grooves cut on the foam block.

Step three: we make out the imitation of coals

The electric fireplace is almost ready. Now we have the most difficult work to do - to make an imitation of embers. Follow the step-by-step instructions exactly and you will succeed.

To do this, we need small bags of thick plastic, polyurethane foam, an old Christmas tree garland and paints (scarlet, dark red and black). We take the packages and blow the mounting foam into them, and in the process of its solidification, they need to be wrinkled a little, forming uneven and unequal-sized pieces of coal.

We wait for the complete solidification of the foam and cut off the packages, freeing the frozen mass. After that, in each "ember" the inner part is removed. That is, instead of a solid "stone" we get a hollow blank with a translucent crust.

Next, you take an old diode garland from the Christmas tree, with a working red line. In this case, unnecessary blue, green and yellow diodes can be torn off from the control unit. After that, two or three diodes are inserted into each "ember", which are attached to its inner surface with adhesive tape.

The next step is to collect all the corners in a heap, making it into a picturesque mess. As fasteners, you can use the remains of the foam from the cylinder. And in the final, you need to paint the coals with scarlet and dark red paint. Apply thick black stripes to the corners and edges.

After that, the whole structure is laid on the "grids" of the homemade hearth, and the plug of the garland is plugged into the outlet. Moreover, in this case it is not necessary to cut off the flicker generator - if you choose the right attenuation mode, it will simulate the light effect of smoldering coals.

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