What does it mean to float in space. The meaning of the word soar. Changes in muscle tissue

Rarely, rarely, but still it happens to dream of space, the universe, space flights, or just fly.

Most often, flights are dreamed of by young people or children. And there is a solid explanation for this. And all these tales on the topic "but if you fly in a dream, then you grow up" = not wealthy! After all, not only children fly in a dream, but also adults, and even the elderly. Here is my mother 60. So what? Sometimes he tries to fly and flies in his sleep! Does that mean she's growing? Rave. If only spiritually growing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

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Dream Interpretation - Fly

Flying in a dream is a sign of good luck or great ambitions.

If you dream that you have flown too far, then the dream warns you that the person who makes you suffer so much does not deserve it. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a long wait for something or someone.

Flying and falling is a sign of danger, trouble and failure in business.

Flying over a familiar country or area in a dream means participation in important matters and respect for others.

In general, the nature of the landscape below will help you uncover the meaning of sleep. Therefore, you should look at the characteristics of the area by name (ruins, fire, etc.)

Flying and seeing the sun in a dream portends good changes.

Flying in a dark starry sky in a dream is a sign of great disasters.

Flying from rooftop to rooftop in a dream means that you are not satisfied with the present and are trying to get things done, doing one thing or another.

Flying over your house in a dream means that your family will condemn your crazy plans and because of this, a scandal will break out in the house.

Flying over a foreign country in a dream is a harbinger of a long journey, from which you will not return soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take on a completely new business.

Flying with wings in a dream is better than without them. AT this case wings mean support or help from the outside. As you know, without support and help it is more difficult to cope with some kind of business.

Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of danger and risk.

Flying too high in a dream means that your desire is unfulfilled.

Soaring in the sky in a dream is a sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with great ambitions. For patients, such a dream predicts death.

See interpretation: airplane, balloon.

Interpretation of dreams from



1. whom (what). Expose to steam (for processing, cleaning). P. wood. P. linen.

2. whom (what). To whip with a broom (in a sweat-inducing bath). P. back.

3. what. Prepare something. in a closed vessel for a couple. P. vegetables.

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what "PARIT" is in other dictionaries:

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (1) SOAR (1) soar, soar, carry. (book). 1. Stay in the air on motionless outstretched wings. "An eagle, having risen from a distant peak, soars motionless with me on a par." Pushkin. Soaring flight. 2. trans. Strive for high... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (1) SOAR (1) soar, soar, carry. (book). 1. Stay in the air on motionless outstretched wings. "An eagle, having risen from a distant peak, soars motionless with me on a par." Pushkin. Soaring flight. 2. trans. Strive for high... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (1) SOAR (1) soar, soar, carry. (book). 1. Stay in the air on motionless outstretched wings. "An eagle, having risen from a distant peak, soars motionless with me on a par." Pushkin. Soaring flight. 2. trans. Strive for high... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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    STEAM, steam, see steam. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    soar- STEAM, ryu, rish; nesov. 1. whom, where, with what. Force someone. wait; what l. how to influence someone Yes, stop teasing me! leave me alone. You've been soaring my soul for an hour now (tormenting me, driving me up). 2. whom than and without additional. Deceive,… … Dictionary of Russian Argo

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    - (inosk.) fly high (like an eagle), skid, forget. Wed The eagle, having risen from a distant peak, Soars motionless with me on an equal footing. A. S. Pushkin. Caucasus. See Eagle... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    I fry nesov. non-transitional; wordless To give off a damp heat, to exude intense heat. II parit nesov. transition 1. Expose to steam, boiling water (for cleaning, steaming, etc.). ott. To warm the body of a person with something usually liquid or wet or ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


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The science

Modern cinema and fantasy books about space often confuse us, presenting many facts distorted. Of course, you can’t believe everything that you see on the screen or read on the Internet, but some delusions are so firmly entrenched in our minds that it’s hard for us to believe that in reality everything is somewhat different.

For example, what do you think will happen if a person is in outer space without a spacesuit? Will his blood boil and evaporate, will he develop into small pieces, or maybe he will turn into a block of ice?

Many believe that the Sun is a ball of fire, Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system, and space probes were sent only to Mars. How are things really?

A man in space without a spacesuit

Myth #1: A man without a space suit will explode in outer space.

This is probably one of the oldest and most widespread myths. There is an opinion that if a person suddenly finds himself in outer space without a special protective suit, his just tear it apart.

There is logic in this, because there is no pressure in space, so if a person flies too high, he will inflate like a balloon and burst. However, in fact, our body is not at all as elastic as a balloon. We can't be torn apart in space, because our body is too elastic. We may get a little bloated, it is true, but our bones, skin and other organs are not so fragile that they burst into pieces in an instant.

In reality, several people have been exposed to incredibly low pressure during their work in space. In 1966, an astronaut was testing a space suit when a depressurization occurred at altitude. over 36 kilometers. He lost consciousness, but did not explode at all, and later fully recovered.

Myth #2: A person without a space suit will freeze in outer space.

This misconception is fueled by many movies. In many of them, you can see a scene in which one of the heroes is outside the spaceship without a spacesuit. He is right there starts to get cold, and if it stays in outer space for a certain time, it will simply turn into an ice. In reality, everything will happen exactly the opposite. In outer space, you will not get cold at all, but overheat.

Myth #3: Human blood will boil in outer space

This myth stems from the fact that the boiling point of any liquid is directly related to the ambient pressure. The higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point and vice versa. This happens because it is easier for liquids to turn into gases when the pressure is lower. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that in space, where there is no pressure, liquids will immediately boil and evaporate, including human blood.

Armstrong line is the value at which atmospheric pressure is so low that liquids evaporate at a temperature equal to our body temperature. However, this does not happen with blood.

For example, body fluids, such as saliva or tears, do evaporate. A man who experienced first hand what low pressure is at an altitude of 36 kilometers said that his mouth was really dry, as all the saliva has evaporated. Blood, unlike saliva, is in a closed system, and veins allow it to remain liquid even at very low pressure.

Myth #4: The sun is a flaming ball

The sun is a cosmic object that receives a lot of attention in the study of astronomy. This is a huge fireball around which the planets revolve. He is on ideal living distance from our planet, giving enough heat.

Many misunderstand the Sun, believing that it really burns with a bright flame, like a fire. In reality, this is a large gas ball that gives light and heat thanks to nuclear fusion, which occurs when two hydrogen atoms combine to form helium.

Black holes in space

Myth #5: Black holes are funnel-shaped.

Many people think of black holes as giant funnels. This is how these objects are often depicted in movies. In reality, black holes are actually "invisible", but to give you an idea of ​​them, artists often depict them as whirlpools that swallow everything around.

At the center of the whirlpool is something that looks like entrance to other world . A real black hole resembles a ball. There is no "hole" as such, which draws in. It's just object with very high gravity, which attracts everything that is nearby.

comet tail

Myth #6: A comet has a burning tail.

Imagine for a second a comet. Most likely, your imagination will draw piece of ice, flying at high speed through outer space and leaving behind a bright trail.

Unlike meteors, which flare up in the atmosphere and die, a comet can boast of having a tail at all. not due to friction. Moreover, it is not destroyed at all, traveling in space. Her tail is formed by heat and solar wind, which melt the ice, and dust particles fly off the comet's body in the direction opposite to its movement.

Temperature on Mercury

Myth #7: Mercury is closest to the Sun, which means it's the hottest planet.

After Pluto was removed from the list of planets in the solar system, the smallest of these, Mercury began to be considered. This planet is closest to the Sun, so it can be assumed that it is the hottest. However, this is not true. Moreover, Mercury is actually comparatively cold.

The maximum temperature on Mercury is 427 degrees Celsius. If this temperature were observed over the entire surface of the planet, even then Mercury would be colder than Venus, whose surface temperature is 460 degrees Celsius.

Even though Venus is at a distance 49889664 kilometers from the Sun, it has such a high temperature due to the atmosphere, which consists of carbon dioxide, which traps heat near the surface. Mercury has no such atmosphere.

In addition to the lack of an atmosphere, there is another reason why Mercury is a comparatively cold planet. It's all about its movement and orbit. Mercury completes one revolution around the Sun in 88 earth days, and makes a complete revolution around its axis in 58 earth days. This means that the night on Mercury lasts 58 Earth days, so the temperature on the side that is in the shadow drops to minus 173 degrees Celsius.

Spacecraft launches

Myth #8: Humans have only sent spaceships to the surface of Mars.

Everyone, of course, heard about the rover "Curiosity" and his important scientific work that he is doing while on the surface of Mars today. Probably, many have forgotten that the Red Planet sent other devices.

rover "Opportunity" landed on Mars in 2003. It was expected to work no more than 90 days, but this device is still in working order, although 10 years have passed!

Many people think that we we will never be able to launch spacecraft to work on the surface of other planets. Of course, man sent various satellites into the orbits of the planets, but getting to the surface and landing safely is not an easy task.

However, there have been attempts. Between 1970 and 1984 The USSR successfully launched 8 devices to Venus. The atmosphere of this planet is extremely inhospitable, so all the ships worked there for a very short time. Longest stay - only 2 hours This is even more than scientists expected.

Also, the person got to more distant planets, for example, to Jupiter. This planet is almost entirely composed of gas, so landing on it in the usual sense is somewhat difficult. Scientists still sent a device to her.

In 1989 the spacecraft "Galileo" flew to Jupiter to study this giant planet and its moons. This journey took 14 years old. For 6 years the Apparatus diligently carried out its mission, and then it was dropped on Jupiter.

He managed to send important information about the composition of the planet, as well as a number of other data that allowed scientists to reconsider their ideas about the formation of planets. Also another ship called "Juno" now on the way to the giant. It is planned that he will reach the planet only after 3 years.

Weightlessness in space

Myth #9: Astronauts in Earth orbit are in zero gravity.

Real weightlessness or micro-gravity exists far in space, however, not a single person has yet been able to experience it in his own skin, since not one of us has yet did not fly too far from the planet.

Many are sure that astronauts, working in space, hover in weightlessness because they are far from the planet and do not experience the Earth's gravity. However, it is not. Earth's gravity still exists at such a relatively short distance.

When an object revolves around a large cosmic body like the Earth, which has a lot of gravity, this object actually falls. Since the Earth is constantly moving, spaceships do not fall on its surface, but also move. This constant fall creates the illusion of weightlessness..

astronauts in the same way fall inside their ships, but since the ship is moving at the same speed, they seem to float in zero gravity.

A similar phenomenon can be seen in a falling elevator or a sharply descending plane. By the way, the scenes with weightlessness in the picture "Apollo 13" filmed in a descending liner, which is used to train astronauts.

The plane is ascending 9 thousand meters, and then begins to fall sharply during 23 seconds, thereby creating weightlessness inside the cabin. This is exactly the state experienced by astronauts in space.

What is the height of the earth's atmosphere?

Soar, - ryu, - rish; - rent; imperfect species
1. whom (what). Expose to steam (for processing, cleaning). Steam wood. Steam clothes.
2. whom (what). To whip with a broom (in a sweat-inducing bath). Soar your back.
3. what. Cooking something in a closed vessel for a couple. Steam vegetables.
4. (1 liter and 2 liter not used). To emit intense heat, heat. Parit ( impersonal) before the storm.
noun. soaring - me neuter gender(to 1, 2 and 3 significant.) and the park, - and, feminine.(to 1 significant.; vernacular).
adjective steam room, - th, - th (to 1 and 2 significant.). Steam vat. Steam room (in the bath).
II. PAR'IT, - ryu, - rish; imperfect species Stay in the air on motionless wings. The eagle soars in the sky. Soar in the clouds (also figurative meaning.: indulge in fantasies, dreams; ironic). Soaring flight of a glider, hang glider.
noun. soaring - me neuter gender

Word usage examples soar in the context

    . Seagulls, now stopping, now waving the living arrows of their wings (as if playing with time: I want, I will let go faster, I want, I will soar, stretching moments), flew over the water.
    . Tom doesn't know the difference between flying and soar.
    . It is possible without effort soar or dive, arms become wings.
    . I am down to earth and soar I don't like in the sky.
    . bird can soar in the air without moving the wings.


soar, soar, carry. (to mate), someone (reg.). The same as pairing.


soar, soar, carry.

    (Sov. no) what. Oven in a sealed container sth. in your own juice. Soar turnip.

    (owls. evaporate) what. Clean with steam, boiling water. Steam a barrel. Steam underwear.

    (owls. evaporate) someone something. Exterminate with steam, boiling water. Soar bedbugs.

    (owls. evaporate) someone something. Whip with a hot broom (washing in the bath).


soar, soar, carry. (book).

    Stay in the air on motionless outstretched wings. The eagle, rising from a distant peak, soars motionless with me on a par. Pushkin. Soaring flight.

    trans. To strive for the high, to be in the realm of lofty ideas and objects (obsolete). The odopists soared in their odes.

    To dream, indulge in fantasies (inon.). Soar high. Soar in the clouds.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Ryu, -rish; -renny; nesov.

    someone something. Expose to steam (for processing, cleaning). P. wood. P. linen.

    whom (what). To whip with a broom (in a sweat-inducing bath). P. back.

    what. Prepare something. in a closed vessel for a couple.P. vegetables.

    (1 and 2 liters not used). To emit intense heat, heat. Soaring (silent) before a thunderstorm.

    noun soaring, -i, cf. (to 1, 2 and 3 values) and the park, -i, f. (to 1 value; simple).

    adj. steam room, -th, -th (to 1 and 2 values). P. vat. Steam room (in the bath).


Ryu, -rish; nesov. Stay in the air on motionless wings. The eagle soars in the sky. P. in the clouds (also trans.: indulge in fantasies, dreams; iron.). Soaring flight of a glider, hang glider.

noun soaring, -i, cf.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Examples of the use of the word soar in the literature.

Sondra Berghoff stood, or rather, soared at the airlock hatch, anxiously awaiting the appearance of an unheard-of guest of honor - the Autocrat of Ceres himself.

But what it is soared out of the autonavigators' air corridors, told Qui-Gon that his pilot - another Rodian - knew the air routes well enough to gain free access.

Interpreting the meaning of the look in his own way, the sergeant extended his hand to put out the cigarette he had just started, but Agafonov stopped him: - Smoke, smoke, soaring.

The small rodent Chinchilla was, of course, right when he said that the Agouti hare soars in the sky, in the clouds, that he lives in castles in the air.

Acanthus curls and vines could not offend the souls of believing Christians, and in the middle of the floor lay a coarse carpet, designed to hide from view the image of a pagan god or goddess, which there must be soared naked among the grapes.

When with a flock of free halcyons, I carelessly soared above the foam of the waters, I knew neither grief nor worries And like a turquoise bird at ease In the spring I strove for a joyful flight.

Sometimes the sailors will miss the sea While the ship glides easily over the abyss, And now - for a joke, an evil albatross will be caught, Which is trusting and regal after soars.

Often, for fun, sailors try, When a ship glides over the abyss of deaf waters, To catch the mighty sea albatross, Soaring in the circle of his companions.

He quickly rushed past the animated wall paintings and joined his colleagues, who, waiting for him, soared above the floor in flying chairs.

Looking at soaring anorak in the sky and stunned by such a meeting, we huddled in a fit of hysterical laughter.

And, turning to Mikhailov, Arbuzov said clearly and even as if calmly: - Sergey, he said that he would send a cab for Nelly, and kept bet that she will come because she has nothing to lose anyway.

Having climbed onto the shelves in the bathhouse, Arefa blissed for two hours, while the monastic peasants mercilessly soared his fresh brooms.

On Wednesday, they were joined by an artichoke leaf, begged from a sympathetic employee of the Botanical Garden, who took at face value Mokshin's temperamental story about a certain bet, which he, Mokshin, must certainly win, and this is a matter of honor, a matter of life and death, do you understand?

Newspapers received information over the transatlantic cable that most bet, offered by the Americans, was accepted by the British, and Dean Toodrink immediately ordered to announce this in the auction room.

The day was great again, and there was a camera next to me on the seat: I promised her to take pictures like her airplane soars over the fields.

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