Therapeutic gymnastics for children with posture disorders. An approximate set of exercises for violation of posture. Therapeutic and physical culture complex for posture - features

Tension in the body and spine, caused by incorrect static and dynamic posture in children, is dangerous for the acquisition of many bad habits that further affect the growth of the child and his future postural reflexes - ensuring the correct position of the body in space. That is why it is so important to take care of the healthy posture of the child in a timely manner. First of all, it is necessary to instill in the child love and the habit of an active lifestyle, and if necessary, pay attention to physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy).

The essence of exercises for the formation of correct posture in children

Posture is the ability of the body to control its position in space, overcoming the action of external forces (gravity, support reactions, resistance and inertia). This applies to both static (sitting in one position) and dynamic (balancing) posture.

Frequent posture defects: lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and stoop. Such postural defects can be combined with scoliosis.

Perhaps you have heard of proprioception? This is the feeling of the muscles of your body and the position of its individual parts in space in a healthy person. Proprioception works through receptors located in the skin, muscles, and joints to create an internal image of your body.

Children's posture is a subject of increasing interest to parents. Good posture is very important for preschoolers as well as for younger students and teenagers. It is not news to anyone that the correct position of the spine is formed from childhood, especially it should be given attention during the so-called phases of rapid growth: at 6-7 years old, and also at 11-12 years old.

Since most modern children lead a sedentary lifestyle (studying at school, playing at the computer, watching TV), there is a lack of active physical movements. And this entails - a violation of posture.

Even if the child has not yet found any back problems, an active lifestyle is an excellent prevention. Taking into account the interests of the child, he can be enrolled in swimming, horseback riding, martial arts. These sports perfectly form the basis of a healthy posture. To correct existing problems, and also, from a preventive point of view, if there is an anatomical location, it is necessary to introduce the child to special gymnastics in time. The therapeutic and prophylactic physical culture complex against posture defects in children contains the following exercises:

  • for training the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the back - used for the purpose of prevention;
  • correcting the setting of the spinal column - used to get rid of postural disorders or to stop the progression of curvature.

The positive effect of exercise therapy on the health of the body is expressed in such changes as:

  • strengthening the muscular corset and achieving functional symmetry;
  • qualitative development of motor functions;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • training of the heart and lungs;
  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional background;
  • tonic and restorative effect on the body;
  • elimination of deformity - in mild forms - or stop progression (in difficult cases).

A necessary condition for exercise therapy for spinal deformities, especially at the initial stages of treatment, are the initial unloading postures (lying, standing).

Prohibited exercises for posture defects

There are 4 types of posture according to Staffel. The first type is a healthy posture with normal physiological curves of the spine, which allow absorbing loads, evenly distributing them to the spinal column and ligamentous-muscular apparatus. The remaining three types reflect certain disorders in the thoracic or lumbar region.

Each type of violation implies an incorrect position of the entire structure of the spine. Therefore, influencing through physical education, for example, on the thoracic region, it is also necessary to take into account the state of the cervical and lumbar. To avoid "distortions" it is necessary to refrain from certain types of exercises. With spinal deformities in physiotherapy exercises, the following should be avoided:

  • excessive kinks in the thoracic and lumbar regions;
  • static exercises with a hard load on the back (especially in a sitting position);
  • sharp jerks, turns, twists;
  • unilateral weight lifting;
  • uneven load on the body;
  • acrobatic elements (stand on the shoulder blades, head or hands, bridge, birch, somersaults);
  • speed runs, jumps, dismounts (concussions excessively injure the spine);
  • exercises that re-stretch the spine with a rounded unstable back (passive hangs).

Indications and contraindications for exercise therapy

Physical therapy against postural defects is indicated for any type of postural disorder, since this is the only way to purposefully strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the trunk. Therapeutic exercise is necessary for the patient if he has:

  • flat back - physiological curves are not sufficiently pronounced, a flat chest and shoulder blades protruding in different directions. The elasticity and depreciation properties of the spine are insufficient, it is prone to various curvatures;
  • rounded back - is formed due to increased physiological kyphosis of the thoracic region, in order to balance it in the lumbar and cervical regions, a compensatory pronounced lordosis is also formed. Due to excessive deflections, the spine is excessively mobile. Lateral curvature is not characteristic of this type of posture;
  • stooped back - kyphosis of the thoracic region predominates, against the background of other mild deflections. A scoliotic posture is characteristic: one shoulder (scapula) is higher than the other. A stooped back is a pathology that occurs at any age.

Slouching is the most common posture defect. Most common in teenage girls. It is characterized by increased cervical lordosis, which gives the impression that the person is "sad", the head and caps are tilted forward.

A necessary condition for successful treatment is a complete diet, an active lifestyle, weight control, and walks in the fresh air. The sleeping surface should be hard. The child’s workplace must be chosen according to his height so that he does not slouch and does not twist his back to one side. Light should fall from the left side. It is also important to have an eye exam.

There are no absolute contraindications for therapeutic exercises, since the doctor will always select a complex that is individual in complexity and aimed at improving the child's posture. But with some concomitant conditions and diseases, you should refrain from exercise until your health stabilizes. Relative contraindications include:

  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • virus or infection with fever;
  • joint or muscle pain;
  • the presence of rapidly progressive curvature of the spine (scoliosis).

When acute inflammation or pain has passed, you can start exercising, carefully starting with the simplest and easiest exercises.

Preparatory stage

After the physiotherapist has determined the type of posture deformation, contraindications are excluded, and concomitant factors are taken into account - the patient is prescribed a certain set of exercise therapy aimed at correcting and eliminating defects. Before proceeding with the implementation of the complex, you need to make sure that the child is provided with sufficient comfort, nothing bothers him and does not threaten his well-being. Here are some preparation rules:

Classes are held in specially equipped medical rooms accompanied by an instructor - a physiotherapist. In the future, simple complexes can be practiced at home.

Complexes of exercises - how to do it right

Any exercise therapy complex consists of three stages:

  • warm-up - for example, walking in place or in circles, spinning and swinging arms and legs;
  • basic exercises - a certain complex aimed at eliminating the defect;
  • stretching and relaxation - smooth stretching of the main muscle groups.

General rules for performing exercises:

  1. You need to do at least three times a week. The duration of one lesson is no more than 30 minutes for children 6–7 years old, 45–60 minutes for teenagers;
  2. In parallel with gymnastics, it is necessary to teach children to the correct breathing technique, not to hold it. On exhalation, elements are performed with effort;
  3. Movements at first should be careful and smooth - no jerks and accelerated pace! The complexity of the elements increases gradually from lesson to lesson;
  4. Before the start of classes, the child must be warned about the need to inform the physiotherapist about pain or discomfort if they occur;
  5. Feeling good on the day of classes should be good, without deviations;
  6. You can not practice late in the evening;
  7. From the first lessons, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the correct exercise technique (the back is even, the shoulders are straightened, the chin is slightly raised);
  8. Systematicity and regularity are important to obtain the effect. You can't skip class without a good reason.

Therapeutic exercises must be performed regularly, otherwise the effect of them will be weak and inexpressive.

It is important that the child trusts the physiotherapist and does not hesitate to comment on his feelings during physical exercises.

Physical culture complex for the prevention of postural disorders in children and adolescents

To perform, you need a sports mat and a gymnastic stick (children 6-9 years old need the help of an adult). The number of repetitions of each exercise 6-7 times:

Preventive exercises for anatomical posture in children: video

Charging with kyphosis in children

The complex can be used as a prophylaxis for juvenile kyphosis (Scheuermann's disease) in children aged 10–12 years. If you start physical therapy on time, then at an early age such a posture lends itself to good correction. Physiotherapy exercises, however, need to be done regularly for at least a year. If time is lost, then correcting kyphosis in adulthood is already very difficult, due to anatomical changes in the vertebrae. Each exercise should be repeated 5 times unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Warm-up: walking in place or in a circle for 1-2 minutes; hands rise, the entire body is stretched on the toes as much as possible (inhale), when exhaling, the hands fall (do 3-5 times).
  2. Lie flat on your stomach, stretched out in one line, put your head on one side. Tear off the torso and arms from the horizontal surface, the head is a continuation of the spine, and pause for 5 seconds in this position. The back should be kept straight and the legs should not be raised - the instructor can hold them (do 5 times).
  3. Perform the exercise by analogy with the previous one, only straight arms are spread apart to the sides, like “airplane wings”; another version of this exercise, when the arms are bent at the elbows, like small wings, the hands are in fists at shoulder level, the shoulder blades are brought together; then the child lowers his arms along the body and again tears off the upper part of the body from the floor (do 5 times each of the options).
  4. A more complex exercise, consisting of elements of the previous ones, lying on his stomach, the child tears off the upper part of the body from the floor and in this position changes the position of the arms: along the body, bends at the elbows, straightens forward, bends again at the elbows, again - along the body. It is important to monitor the position of the legs and head.
  5. Starting position: lie on your back, shoulders and arms are lowered, the shoulder blades and lower back are in maximum contact with the floor. Raise your legs, bending your knees and forming a right angle, fix for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. During the lifting of the legs, the instructor at first fixes the stomach with his hand so that the child does not bend the lower back.
  6. In the same position: straight leg raises to a 45-degree angle with the floor. And also fix for 5 seconds with each lift. It is necessary to control that the shoulder girdle and lower back do not come off the ground.
  7. An exercise combined from the previous two: lift straight legs off the floor at an angle of 45 degrees, bend at the knees, straighten again and gently lower to the floor.
  8. Exercise "scissors": lying on your back, raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor and perform horizontal swings with your legs, crossing them. Shoulders and lower back do not come off the floor.
  9. The same as in the previous exercise, only perform - vertical leg swings.
  10. Exercise "bicycle": lying on your back, raise your legs and bend at the knees, imitate them cycling forward and backward - the legs "spin" in reverse side(30 times).
  11. Starting position: standing against the wall. Press the head against the wall, shoulder blades, buttocks, shins, heels, do not bend the lower back. Shoulders and hips are at the same level in terms of horizontal and vertical planes. Stay in this position for 1 minute, gradually, from lesson to lesson, increasing the duration. Ideally, to complete this exercise without leaning on the wall.

Charging with kyphosis in children: video

5 simple and effective stretching exercises for the back

Exercises are designed to develop an ideal posture for schoolchildren and adolescents. The complex is simple and takes very little time - this is its advantage. Each exercise should be repeated 3 to 5 times.

  1. Starting position: sit on your knees, buttocks cover your heels, stretch your arms forward on the floor, bend your back as much as possible. It is necessary to pull the head, neck and arms forward as much as possible, feeling the tension of the spinal muscles. Stay a little in this position, swaying up and down a little, without making sharp jerks. This exercise should begin and end charging.

    It is desirable to start and complete the complex with such a stretch.

  2. Starting position: stand on the right knee, bend the other leg with emphasis on the foot. The head “looks” forward, with the opposite (left) hand it is necessary to touch the heel of the right foot, the right hand at this time stretches towards the ceiling. Then switch sides.

    Stretching and balance exercise seems simple only at first glance.

  3. Plank exercise (for a healthy back as a preventive measure). Lean on the floor with your elbows and feet, the body is parallel to the floor, the neck and head are a continuation of the spine. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds (as much as possible). It is very important not to bend or round your back.

    The plank exercise perfectly trains both posture and muscles of the whole body.

  4. Starting position: while standing, lean forward with the whole body, straighten your arms as far back as possible, lowering your shoulders and moving your shoulder blades. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

    Tilts of the body with arms laid back are performed, bringing the shoulder blades as close as possible

    The second version of this exercise with arms extended forward.

    The body must not only be tilted, but also reach forward with your own hands

  5. Initial pose: standing straight, stretch your arms to the ceiling, grab the wrist of the other with one hand and in this position gently bend and stretch, swaying slightly, in both directions in turn.

    Tilts to the sides provide stretching of the lateral muscles of the body

This charge takes an average of 10 to 15 minutes. But you need to do it daily.

Fitball exercises to improve posture

With the help of classes with a large elastic ball - a fitball, the student will strengthen the muscles of the so-called core - this is a set of muscles responsible for stabilizing the spine, pelvis and hips, and therefore for a healthy posture. First you need to choose a suitable ball, according to the height of the child. This can be done as follows: in a sitting position on the ball (feet on the floor), the angle between the hip and lower leg of the student should be approximately 90 degrees, and the knees in this position should be slightly lower than the waist. Or another rule: children up to 155 cm tall should stop at a ball with a diameter of 45–55 cm; with a height of 156–169 cm, a fitball 55 cm in diameter is suitable; teenagers whose height exceeds 170 cm - fitball 65–75 cm is recommended.

  1. In a position sitting on a fitball, alternately raise your legs, trying to stay on the ball with a flat back.

    Holding the ball with your hands - try to maintain balance

    To complicate the task, simultaneously with the leg, the opposite arm should be raised up, stopping in this position for 5 seconds (perform in 2 sets of 20 times).

    Complicated option - not only the legs are involved, but also the arms

  2. In order for the exercises to be not only useful, but also interesting, you can additionally use small colored balls and a basket. The child lays down on the fitball with his stomach, along the way picks up a small ball.

    A lively interest and excitement in children of any age will be caused by an unusual idea with colored balls that need to be thrown into a basket

    Scrolling the fitball under him with the help of his hands “walking” on the floor, he tries to throw the ball into the basket, which is located at a distance.

    The basket can be placed at a short distance from the fitball

    To complicate the task, the basket can be placed further and further away from the fitball over time. Thus, the fitball is near the feet. You need to move back in the same way, rolling the ball under the body to the starting position.

    The task becomes more difficult if the basket for colored balls is moved a little further.

  3. Exercise "airplane": the child lies on top of the ball so that the upper body hangs over the ground, the socks rest on the floor. With effort, you need to try to keep the ball under you, spreading your arms to the sides and keeping your back, neck and head in line.

    Exercise "airplane" on a fitball will definitely appeal to children

Such exercises will be met with enthusiasm by children of any age. They perfectly train the upper and lower muscles of the back and abdomen, imperceptibly for the child, forming his healthy posture.

Sitting at the dining table at home or at your workplace, it is useful for a child to use a fitball instead of a chair. Thus, the necessary body stabilization skill will be generated automatically.

The use of fitballs instead of chairs - imperceptibly trains posture and, at the same time, unloads the children's spine

Exercise therapy for a flat back

A flat back is the worst type of posture in terms of the depreciation properties of the spine. Its anatomical curves are underdeveloped due to hereditary predisposition, weak back muscles, past rickets, etc. Exercises with this posture defect should be done extremely smoothly, stopping a little in each position. Repeat 10 times.

Total weakness of the muscular system is the basis of this posture disorder

  • Starting position: on the back, legs straight, arms at the sides. Slowly raise the head and the top of the body, hands reach for the socks.
  • Initial position: on the back, hands under the head, tear off the straight lower limbs from the floor, spread apart, then connect, smoothly lower.
  • Exercise "diaphragmatic breathing" or breathing with the stomach. Lying on your back, bend your knees a little, inhale more air with your nose, inflating your stomach. Blow the air gently in a thin stream through the mouth. The wall of the abdomen should "sink" as much as possible when exhaling.

    Diaphragmatic breathing provides intensive oxygenation of the blood: the organs of all systems begin to function with maximum efficiency

  • Starting position: lying on your back, arms at your sides, lift your pelvis off the floor and pull it up, directing it towards the ceiling. The second option is to lift the pelvis with a straight leg (alternating lower limbs).
  • Exercise "airplane": lying face down, legs closed, arms spread apart. At the same time, gently raise the upper body, arms and shoulders, as well as tightly closed legs above the floor - stay in this position for 5 seconds, smoothly return back. The neck and head extend the line of the spine.

    Exercise "airplane" - correction of the thoracic spine

  • Exercise "cat": kneeling, leaning on the hands, make the back arch (the head "looks" down); bend your back as low as possible to the floor (raise your head).

    Exercise cat - has a beneficial effect on the entire spine

  • Breaststroke imitation exercise: lying on your stomach, bend your elbows in front of you. Raising the top of the body above the floor, straighten your arms - lower your head, exhale - and “draw” circles with your hands (raise your head, inhale), as when swimming breaststroke.

Such physical education helps to train the muscular corset and form the anatomical curves of the spinal column inherent in correct posture.

Possible consequences and complications

Everyone knows about the benefits of physical therapy and its significant role in correcting posture defects. However, not every adult thinks about the possible consequences and complications, especially a child. And they are quite real, if you do not follow the technique of exercises, or develop complexes for yourself on your own, without the support of an orthopedic surgeon and a physiotherapist. In this case, troubles such as:

  • the occurrence of pain syndrome;
  • neuralgia due to compression of the nerve root of the spine;
  • muscle spasms;
  • stretching of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • strengthening existing instability of the spine;
  • aggravation of the existing defect.

Exercise therapy for a compression fracture of the spine plays a major role in the rehabilitation of the patient. The first 2 months after the fracture, the patient spends in the hospital in a supine position, where he is shown: breathing exercises and the most facilitated hand movements and sliding on the bed with his feet. As the orthopedist recovers, he gradually adds exercises, making up an individual complex for the patient. More or less full-fledged gymnastics is shown 2–2.5 months after the injury and is carried out under the supervision of a rehabilitation physiotherapist.

In order for physical exercises to be beneficial, the child must clearly know and follow the safety rules, and also be constantly under the supervision of an instructor.

Orthopedist-traumatologist of the first category, surgeon. Adult and children's specialist, Mgmu, 2006

The process of formation of posture in a child depends on many factors. This is the development of the muscular frame of the back, the conditions and lifestyle of the child, heredity and other related phenomena. According to statistics, most problems with the spine and posture in general originate from childhood. That is why it is necessary to monitor the health and position of the baby's back from childhood.

In the modern world, many means have been invented for posture correction: supporting corsets, special simulators and other devices. But the most effective method of correcting the position of the back is physiotherapy exercises.

Therapeutic exercises can be shown both to healthy children for prevention, and to patients already with curvature for treatment. Physical education is prescribed for different forms scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and protrusions. Exercise therapy has several effects on the child's spinal column at once:

In addition, playing sports helps to activate blood circulation, as a result of which blood flow to the bone and soft tissue structures of the spine improves. More oxygen and nutrients begin to penetrate into them, which makes the column less prone to degenerative-dystrophic processes and curvatures.

Therapeutic and physical culture complex for posture - features

There are several important rules that are directly related to correcting posture in children:

  1. Before starting classes, consult a doctor. The selection of a set of exercises is an individual process. A professional orthopedist will be able to compose a workout based on the condition of the spine, level of physical fitness, age, gender, weight, and the presence of background disorders in the child. A very common mistake parents make is the wrong selection of exercises. They can set an uneven load or choose exercises that are completely inappropriate for the child, because of which his condition can only worsen.
  2. Spend the first few workouts with a specialist. Of course, in the future, all exercises can be done at home. However, at the very beginning it is better to entrust the child to a professional. He will conduct the lesson and at the same time explain the technique and nuances of each exercise.
  3. Make therapy comprehensive. If the baby has a predisposition or curvature of the spine is already occurring, exercise therapy should be supplemented with other procedures. It can be classes in the pool, massages, physiotherapy, wearing bandages or corsets (only as prescribed by the doctor). You can also add elements from yoga and breathing exercises to your workouts.
  4. Optimize your child's nutrition and help him lose weight, if any.
  5. Choose a moderately firm mattress for sleeping.
  6. Teach your baby to sit in the correct positions and not carry bags on one shoulder.
  7. Start exercising with your child half an hour before a meal or an hour after it.

Prepare the study room and equipment. The baby must have a sports uniform, mat. In the room where he trains, the temperature should be maintained no more than 22 degrees.

Contraindications for exercise

Conducting therapeutic training is contraindicated in:

With such violations, small patients undergo other measures to correct their posture. Most often these are massages and hydrotherapy.

What exercises to use

The specifics depend on which part of the spine you need to work on. You can use exercises for the neck, chest and lower back at the same time in one workout.

It is recommended to do a warm-up before the start of the session. It will help warm up the baby's muscles and set it in the right way.

The first exercise is tilt. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Perform body tilts to the sides and back and forth. Perform up to 10 repetitions in each direction.

The second exercise is head tilts. The starting position is the same. We make smooth tilts of the head to the right, to the left, forward and backward. We also repeat up to 10 times.

The third exercise is a cat with or without a chair. In the first option, you need to go to the back of the chair and grab the back with your hands (the chair should fit the height of the child). After that, the child needs to gradually step back and bend his back down so that it is parallel to the floor. The head is looking down.

After that, you need to round your back, then return to the previous position again. You can do this exercise while on all fours. Do 5-10 repetitions.

The next exercise is swinging arms and legs. With straightened arms, we describe several circles clockwise, then against it. Leg swings: legs slightly apart, arms raised to a position parallel to the floor. We swing the left foot to the right hand, the right foot to the left hand. We carry out 5-10 repetitions.

Basic set of exercises

In all exercises with swings and similar elements, the movements should not be too abrupt. If the physical preparation of the child does not allow the indicated number of approaches, they can be reduced. You should not physically exhaust the baby with classes.

For the neck

All exercises are done in a sitting position (on a chair or floor):

  1. Smooth turns of the body to the right and left (10-15 times in each direction);
  2. On inspiration, the shoulders rise as high as possible, on exhalation they fall (15 times);
  3. Inhale - raise your head up, while looking at the ceiling, then lower it down and look at the floor (the neck is strongly extended).

For the chest

  • Stand up, close your palms behind;
  • Inhale - strain your hands and rest them against the spine;
  • Exhale - relax;
  • As you do, lower the emphasis down to other parts of the spine;
  • Clasp your hands behind your back in a lock and perform pressure on the vertebrae in the same rhythm.

For the lower back


Exercise therapy is an indispensable measure for the prevention of spinal curvature and correction of posture in children. Physiotherapy exercises perform several important tasks at once to bring the spine into a physiologically correct position.

Parents should pay attention to the fact that in addition to training, some other changes need to be made in the rhythm of the child's life.

Drawing up a set of exercises for a small patient is best entrusted to a specialist. All sports activities with the baby should be carried out in the correct technique so as not to harm the spine.

Posture disorders are various curvature of the spine. Posture disorders include excessive kyphosis or lordosis, scoliosis, and slouching. Poor posture can seriously harm the body.


In children, the main causes of poor posture are:

Decreased motor activity;

Diet disorders;

Violations caused by the disorganization of the workspace;

Violation of labor.

Hypodynamia (impaired motor activity) of the child leads to a gradual weakening of the muscular apparatus of the spinal column and the whole body. Weak muscles are not able to maintain the correct orientation of the body in space, which leads to a violation of posture.

Dietary disorders. If a child receives an unbalanced diet and an insufficient amount of minerals and organic substances is supplied to him with food, this can adversely affect the child's musculoskeletal system. Most often, children receive with food a lack of calcium salts, which are responsible for the development of ligaments and bones. With a lack of minerals, the ligamentous apparatus develops poorly, which can lead to a violation of posture.

The disorganization of the child's workspace may be associated with improper study conditions, for which the child spends a long period of time. The reason for the violation of posture may be due to the incorrect height of the desktop and chair, behind which the student does his homework, poor lighting of the working surface, lack of working space. At the same time, incorrect posture is fixed over time, leading to an imbalance of the paravertebral muscles.

Violation of the child's work regime: incorrect and increased physical activity can also provoke the occurrence of a persistent violation of posture.



There are the following types of posture disorders (according to Stoffel):

Flat back. It is characterized by the complete disappearance of the natural curves of the spine. The muscles of the natural muscular corset are very weak. This condition can lead to the development of scoliosis. Flat back is relatively rare and accounts for no more than 1-2% of all postural disorders.

The round back is characterized by a significant increase in thoracic kyphosis with normal cervical lordosis. Lumbar lordosis increases significantly. Against this background, thoracic kyphosis is even more pronounced. A round back does not always characterize only a violation of posture. Often, round back syndrome can be a symptom of more severe structural diseases of the spine. Such as Scheuermann-Mao disease, Forestier's disease. Children should be further examined radiographically and timely identify possible diseases of the spine.

Slouch. The most common type of posture disorder. It is more common in adolescent girls. Objectively, they have an increased cervical lordosis. It seems that the child walks all the time “thinking”, “withdrawing into himself” with his head down, with his shoulders brought together. The thoracic kyphosis does not change, and the lumbar lordosis flattens. The anterior abdominal wall becomes "sagging" due to the displacement of the center of gravity of the body forward. If you ask the child to straighten his shoulders, put his head correctly, “remove his stomach”, then these signs disappear for a very short time. This means that this posture has become a "habit". With persistent stoop, with improper load on the intervertebral discs in these children, clinical symptoms of osteochondrosis of the mid-thoracic spine appear very early with age.

Round-concave back and flat-concave back - these two types of posture disorders are very rare. Their manifestation is due to complex changes in the spine, both in the sagittal and in the frontal plane.

There is also a scoliotic posture (according to Chaklin: "functional scoliosis"), it is characterized by a curvature of the spine in the frontal plane without turning around the vertical axis of the vertebral bodies.



Prevention of postural disorders, scoliosis and other deformities of the spinal column is based on the following principles:

Normalization of nutrition;
Prevention of osteoporosis (decrease in calcium in the bone structure);
Organization of the regime of work and rest.

Normalizing the nutrition of a person with a curved spinal cord involves a special diet:

The third part of the daily diet should include vegetables and fruits;

In the morning you need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice;

One part of the diet is animal and vegetable proteins;

Carbohydrate intake should not exceed 20% of all types of foods;

Fats are best consumed unrefined (cold pressed);

Do not salt foods, but use seaweed instead;

Take at least 40 minutes of daily walks to eliminate a sedentary lifestyle.

Prevention of violation of posture to prevent osteoporosis involves:

Consumption of foods rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. To do this, it is necessary to include dairy products and fish in the diet;

Manganese is essential for delivering oxygen to the intervertebral discs. It contains egg yolk, potato skins, onions, bananas, celery, peas;

Vitamins A and C are antioxidants and fight peroxide forms of oxygen. The largest number of them is found in citrus fruits, carrots, cabbage.

In conclusion: there are many types and types of posture disorders that lead to the development of scoliosis, compression syndrome and other diseases. Readers should not be afraid of this diversity, since according to statistics, in 90-95 percent of cases, the curvature of the spine is formed over many years. It is easily prevented if effective prevention of postural disorders is carried out.


In children

The treatment complex for violations of posture in children should be aimed at the formation of a full-fledged muscular corset, the development of the correct functional stereotype.

The main role in the correction of posture disorders in children belongs to physiotherapy exercises, massage (general, orthopedic, with elements of exercise therapy, abdominal muscles, chest, back and lower back), manual therapy, hydrotherapy, therapeutic swimming, kinesiotherapy. In school-age children, it is advisable to include classes on a rowing machine, exercise bike, and gymnastic complexes in the complex of therapeutic and corrective measures. Of the methods of physiotherapy for violation of posture in children, electrical stimulation of the back muscles, inductothermy, electrophoresis, general UVR, pelotherapy, thalassotherapy are used.

If necessary, the child is assigned to wear a special corset that supports the back muscles.



The exercise therapy complex for violation of posture should be aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the back, abdominal muscles and abdominal muscles. All exercises should be mostly static. Static exercises do not pump strength into the muscles, but train their endurance.

Exercise therapy in case of violation of posture begins necessarily with a warm-up, after which they proceed to the exercises:

1. Sit on a chair, put your hands on the back of your head and start pressing as if you want to bend your head to the sternum. Resist by tensing your neck muscles, hold the tension for 10 seconds, then give a 5 second rest and start the exercise again.

2. The starting position is the same, only with the right hand we begin to put pressure on the right temple, trying to lower the head to the left shoulder, then the hands change.

3. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back and turn your head to the right as much as possible, then bring your head to the extreme position with two sharp movements, then repeat this exercise on the opposite side. Jerks should be sharp, but neat, so as not to hurt your back.

4. Position too, connect the shoulder blades as much as possible behind your back for 10 seconds, then relax. Do several approaches.

5. Prepare a bottle of water in advance, take it and hold it in front of you with outstretched arms.

Now consider exercise therapy exercises for violation of posture in the prone position.

1. Lie on your back, lift one leg off the floor a little and hold it, then also repeat with the second leg, while trying to pull the toe towards you.

2. Bend your knees and lift both legs. Then rest and then raise both legs outstretched.

3. We clasp our hands in the lock and put them under the back of the head. We begin to press with our hands, raising our head, while the neck muscles should resist the pressure.

4. Lie on your side, arms along the body and raise your head. Hold it in this position for 10 seconds, then relax, do several approaches, and then change sides.

5. We turn over on the stomach, bend our legs at the knees and tear off the shins from the floor, while resting on our elbows, tearing off our heads with shoulders.

6. Lying on the stomach, in turn we raise the outstretched leg, then the other.

As you can see, physical therapy in violation of posture works with all the muscles that are involved in maintaining posture.


exercise therapy

Tasks of exercise therapy for violations of posture:

teaching the skill of correct posture and the systematic consolidation of this skill;

strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs (aligning the muscle tone of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the trunk, lower limbs, strengthening the abdominal muscles);

normalization of trophic processes in the muscles of the body;

implementation of purposeful correction of the existing violation of posture.

Indications and contraindications for the appointment of exercise therapy.

Remedial gymnastics classes are indicated for all children with posture disorders, since this is the only method that allows you to effectively strengthen and train the muscle corset, even out the muscle tone of the front and back surfaces of the trunk, hips.

At first, in exercise therapy classes, you should temporarily not use: running, jumping, jumping on a hard surface; performing exercises in the initial sitting position; performing exercises with a large range of motion of the body. Pure hangs are not recommended for use in preschool and primary school age, since short-term traction of the spine (against the background of general weakness and imbalance in the tone of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the muscles of the body) entails an even stronger muscle contraction, which does more harm than good. In addition, traction used in medical practice should always be accompanied by prolonged unloading of the spine in and. n. lying down.

LFK technique. LH classes are held in clinics, medical and physical education dispensaries, health schools, preschool educational institutions (3-4 times a week). Reducing the number of classes to 2 times a week is ineffective. The exercise therapy course for preschoolers and schoolchildren lasts 1.5 - 2 months; break between courses - at least a month. During the year, a child with a violation of posture must undergo 2-3 courses of physical therapy, which allows you to develop a stable dynamic stereotype of correct posture.

There are preparatory, main and final parts of the exercise therapy course (duration, respectively, 1 - 2, 4 - 5, 1 - 2 weeks). In the preparatory part, familiar exercises with low and medium reps are used. A visual perception of the correct posture and its mental representation are created, the level of the general physical fitness of the child increases. In the main part, the number of repetitions of each exercise increases. Special exercises are performed from unloading initial positions: lying on your back, on your stomach, standing on all fours and on your knees. The exercises are performed by the repeated or interval method, in combination with passive rest. The main tasks of correcting existing posture disorders are being solved. In the final part, the load is reduced. The number of repetitions of each exercise is 4-6 times. After 2-3 weeks of classes, 20-30% of the exercises (mainly special ones) are updated. For preschoolers, 2 - 3 complexes are compiled, for schoolchildren - 3-4 L G complexes for one exercise therapy course. The skills of correct posture are improved in complicated variants of the exercises.



There are 3 types of massage for the treatment of the spine:

Therapeutic (classic);

Therapeutic and segmental types are used in specialized orthopedic rehabilitation centers. Point view - in oriental health schools or physiotherapy centers.

The effect of massage procedures on the body:

Activate blood supply and activity of the central nervous system;
Eliminate nerve impulses in pathological foci;
Normalize metabolism;
Reflexively stimulate the activity of internal organs.

Massage in violation of posture is carried out individually, taking into account the pathogenetic links of the pathological process in each person.

Massage techniques:

Superficial and deep stroking;

Superficial stroking is carried out to relieve pain and form a calming effect.

Deep stroking increases nervous activity, therefore, in the presence of severe pain and muscle spasms in diseases of the spine, it is not used.

Rubbing is designed to improve blood circulation in a specific area. It is very effective for pain in the collar zone.

Shallow kneading in violation of posture allows you to eliminate pain. With pain in the chest, intermittent vibration is used, which makes it possible to identify and eliminate the pathological focus of pain impulses.



What does bad posture lead to?

contributes to a decrease in lung volume, which leads to impaired respiratory function;

reduces the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and tissues;

leads to disruption of the intestines and improper digestion;

causes ossification of the ligaments and the occurrence of pain;

causes chronic muscle tension;

leads to premature aging of body tissues;

the stability of the spine to deforming influences decreases, which leads to curvature;

causes increased fatigue due to systematic muscle strain;

leads to a decrease in the liveliness of thinking, speed of reaction and performance;

back pain, headache and muscle pain;

drowsiness and poor concentration.

Incorrect posture slowly but surely destroys the structure of your body, leading to premature aging of both body and mind. I hope I scared you enough and convinced you that something urgently needs to be changed in your life?

Remember that if you have the wrong posture, you are not a hopeless patient! Learn to monitor your posture, posture and do a special set of exercises.

Isn't it nice to look at a fit, slender person with the correct posture: his head is held high and his shoulders are straightened, and his gait is light and laid-back. And a completely different impression is formed at the sight of a stooped passer-by with sharply protruding shoulder blades and a protruding "beer" tummy.

However, an obscene appearance is only half the trouble. poses much more serious problems. In people who are faced with this problem, all internal organs are displaced to a certain extent, which leads to disruption of their normal functioning and the development of numerous diseases. Such shifts in the work of the body become especially noticeable at a later age, when it is already quite problematic to change the situation.

That is why you should start taking care of your health from childhood. And you should start just the same with posture. There are a huge number of ways to deal with this problem, but, undoubtedly, therapeutic exercises for postural disorders is one of the most effective methods.

Of course, performing exercises alone is not enough, and therefore exercise therapy should be accompanied by complex therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Where to begin?

The first step is to understand what constitutes the natural and correct position of the body. You can do this as follows: turn your back to the wall, then press your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head against it, keep your head straight. Keeping this position, move away from the wall and try to remember it. Perform this procedure several times a day, so you will accustom your body to maintaining the correct posture.

We must not forget about our back and when working in a sitting position. However, in this situation, everything depends not only on the person, but also on the furniture that surrounds him. The following are just some of the recommendations for choosing furniture for working while sitting:

  • The depth of the seat must be at least 36 cm;
  • Observe the proportions: a person whose height is 170-180 cm needs a table with a height of at least 80 cm, and a chair 50 cm;
  • The chair should be placed in such a way that its seat is about 4 cm under the edge of the working surface of the table.

When working in a sitting position, it is necessary to perform gymnastics for posture every hour, which will be discussed below. In addition, you need to be able to properly position yourself at the table: keep your torso straight, head slightly tilted, lean on the back of the chair with your lumbosacral spine, your legs must be bent at right angles at the hip and knee joints, forearms lie on the table.

Why is posture broken?

The most common cause of poor posture is considered to be carrying a heavy load in one hand (for example, a full bag of groceries). In this case, damage to the intervertebral discs occurs, which ultimately leads to asymmetry of the pelvic and shoulder girdle. In order to prevent this problem, children are advised to wear a satchel, and adults - a backpack. In a hopeless situation, when you have to carry the weight in one hand, you need to periodically change the side that has the greatest load.

However, even if you follow all of the above recommendations, you still cannot avoid problems with posture. This will require strong muscles of the neck and torso, capable of maintaining the human body in an upright position for a long time. Otherwise, the muscles will simply get tired and the person will again begin to stoop and lower his head.

How to deal with poor posture?

In addition to forming the habit of maintaining correct posture, it is necessary to train and develop muscle strength, do exercises for the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen.

Exercise therapy should be done at least 4-5 times a week if you need to maintain the correct posture and daily if it needs to be adjusted. In addition, you can do one of the following sports: skiing, walking, slow running or swimming. The latter is considered the most effective and useful, since when the human body is in water, the load on the spine is noticeably reduced, it straightens, and the intervertebral discs restore their normal shape.

Gymnastics for violation of posture includes the following set of exercises:

  • Starting position - standing, legs at shoulder level, inhale and start moving. On "one-two" - leaning forward and touching the floor with your fingers, then exhale; on "three-four" you need to straighten up and take a breath;
  • The initial position is the same, but the hands are on the back of the head, the head and elbows are laid back, the chest is slightly bent. On "one-two" - circular movements of the torso. When it is laid back, we inhale, forward - a slow exhalation.
  • Perform exercises at least 7 times alternately in both directions;
  • The initial position is the same, but the arms are to the sides, inhale and start moving. On “one-two” - turn the body to one side and move both hands back with a slight deflection in the chest, then exhale; On "three-four" - return to and. p., inhale;
  • The original position is the same. Rotation of the head from left to right and from right to left, breathing is arbitrary;
  • The original position is the same; On “one-two” - tilt to the left as deep as possible, return to p.p., inhale; On "three-four" - tilt to the right, return to p.p., exhale;
  • The initial position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands holding a gymnastic stick behind the back (at the level of the shoulder blades). On “one-two” - tilt forward, as low as possible, return to p.p., inhale; On "three-four" - deviation back and return to p.p., exhale;
  • The initial position is kneeling, resting your hands on the floor. On "one-two" - bend in the chest, raise your head and look at the ceiling, inhale; On "three-four" - lower your head, arch your back "circle", exhale;
  • The initial position is lying on the stomach, the feet are fixed, in the outstretched arms a load weighing about 2.5 kg (a bag of sand, a stuffed ball, dumbbells), inhale and start moving. On "one or two" - a slight deflection, followed by lifting the load, then exhaling; On “three-four” - return to p.p., exhale;
  • Initial position - sitting on the floor, lean your hands behind you, inhale before - the start of movement. On "one-two" - simultaneously raise your arms to the sides, legs up at an angle of 45 degrees, holding your breath; On "three-four" return to p. p., exhale;
  • The initial position is standing, the expander is in the hands behind the back of the head. On "one or two" spread your arms to the sides, bend in the chest, inhale; On "three-four" - return to p.p. and exhale.
  • Perform all exercises 6-10 times;
  • The initial position is palms on the forehead. Lower your head, overcoming the resistance of your hands and holding your breath. Return to p.p., inhale and exhale. Perform exercises 4 times, the duration of muscle tension is about 4 seconds, the rest pause is no more than 10 seconds;
  • Starting position - standing, feet at shoulder level, slowly lean forward. Shake lowered, relaxed hands. Breathing is arbitrary, repeat the exercise at least 7 times;
  • The initial position is standing, palms on the back of the head. Pull your head back, overcoming the resistance of your hands and holding your breath. Slowly lower your hands, then inhale - exhale;
  • The initial position is to lie on your back, then spread your legs and arms to the sides, completely relax your muscles. Breathing is deep and even. The duration of the exercise is at least 15 seconds.

It is important to start the formation from early childhood. A sedentary lifestyle associated with a long learning process and passion computer games leading to curvature of the spine. Incorrect posture caused by problems with the spinal column will also negatively affect the healthy development of internal organs. Regular exercise therapy for children is a chance to avoid the development of serious diseases or correct existing health problems.

Exercise therapy for violation of posture

Posture is the ability of the human body to control its position in space, which is influenced by the action of external forces. This definition is true for a static posture and body position during movement.

At certain periods in the life of children (6-7, 13-15 years old), accelerated growth of bone mass begins, internal organs intensively increase in size. If by this time their muscle tissue is “not prepared”, then the spine remains without “support”. It is vulnerable to the development of pathological changes, the formation of irregular bends. With such disorders in children, the range during breathing decreases, malfunctions in the digestive tract, heart and blood vessels begin. The development of myopia is observed.

To avoid such dangerous consequences, the child must regularly develop muscle mass. Starting from 5-6 years old, children aimed at the prevention of problems with the spine. If pathological changes have already begun, exercise therapy for children with impaired posture will come to the rescue.

The sooner classes begin, the easier it is to correct your posture.

Exercise therapy consists of a set of therapeutic exercises that perform the following tasks:

  1. Train the muscles and ligaments of the back (used for prophylactic purposes);
  2. Correct (used for identified posture defects).

Use posture exercises designed for children for the following purposes:

  • Strengthen muscle tissue so as to achieve the correct symmetry;
  • Develop the function of motor activity;
  • Stimulate proper metabolism, heart and lung function;
  • Stabilize the emotional background;
  • Eliminate a slight degree of deformation;
  • Stop the progression of complex forms.

Physical therapy classes in violation of posture in children of preschool and school age are carried out from 2 to 4 times a week for 2-3 months. Then a break of 1 month is taken and training is resumed. To achieve an effective result, the child must go through 4 such “approaches”, and each time the set of exercises is complicated.


  • Diseases caused by acute inflammatory processes;
  • Viral or infectious pathologies that cause elevated body temperature;
  • severe joint or muscle pain;
  • progressive scoliosis.

After the diseases have been eliminated, you can start exercising.

Preparatory stage

Despite the fact that exercise therapy is necessary for children, most of them are in no hurry to perform the necessary exercises. In this case, adults should come to their aid. Proper motivation and control are important components of the success of classes.

They prepare for classes after the doctor determines the type of posture disorder and excludes possible contraindications. Regardless of which set of exercises for violation of posture for children is determined by doctors, you need to prepare for them:

  1. Eating should be done no earlier than 2 hours before class. Give preference to foods containing complex carbohydrates.
  2. Always have drinking water with you.
  3. Ventilate the room before training.
  4. Work out in loose-fitting sportswear so that it does not hamper movement.

Initially, classes are held in specially equipped rooms under the guidance of an instructor. Then, if the state of health and general well-being of the child allows, you can continue training at home.

Before classes, children are explained the rules of exercise at exercise therapy.

  • You can not skip workouts without a good reason, reduce or increase their duration;
  • During the exercise, be sure to monitor the correct breathing;
  • Perform all movements slowly, without jerks;
  • In case of pain and discomfort, inform the instructor;
  • If you feel unwell on the day of classes, then they need to be canceled.

Like all physical education classes, therapeutic exercises are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Warm up;
  2. Basic exercises;

Posture Correction Exercises

Here are examples of basic exercises for children of different ages.

Warm up

Exercise 1

Classes begin with a warm-up. It should “prepare” the muscles and ligaments for subsequent loads, “warm up” them. For children 7 years old, you can start charging with such an exercise.

  • Starting position (I.p.) - we stand straight with our hands down;
  • During a deep breath, we slowly stand on our toes and raise our hands up;
  • We pull our hands up, trying to "reach the ceiling";
  • We return to the starting position, exhale.

For the correct "warm-up" you need 10 approaches.

Exercise 2

The following exercise is aimed at warming up the muscles of the arms and neck:

  • I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body;
  • Raise your shoulders in turn 5 times each;
  • We do swings with the right hand 5 times;
  • We do swings with the left hand 5 times;
  • Circle with the right hand along the body 5 times in a circular motion;
  • We repeat this movement with the left hand 5 times;
  • We make circular movements with both hands at the same time 5 times;
  • We return to I.p.

Exercise 3

Children 10 years old will be able to perform this exercise, intensively “kneading” the muscle and joint tissue:

  • I.p. - stand with legs wide apart, hands down along the body;
  • Walking in place with high knees for 2 minutes;
  • Return to starting position;
  • Jump on the right foot 5 times;
  • Jump on the left leg 5 times;
  • Jump on two legs 5 times;
  • Jump, turning 180 degrees, 5 times;
  • Return to starting position;

Basic exercises

Exercise 1

  • I.p. - stand with legs wide apart and arms bent at the elbows;
  • A gymnastic stick is placed on the back, holding it with the elbows;
  • We bend forward, keeping our back straight;
  • We return to I.p.

Exercise 2

  • I.p. - standing, legs wide apart and arms bent at the elbows;
  • We hold the gymnastic stick behind the back near the shoulders;
  • Slowly raise your hands with a fixed stick up;
  • We return to the starting position.

Exercise 3

  • I.p. - lying on the stomach, with arms and legs straightened in line with the body;
  • As you exhale, slowly raise your legs as high as possible;
  • We return to I.p.

Exercise 4

  • I.p. - standing on all fours, focusing on your knees;
  • Inhale and lower your buttocks to your feet;
  • Exhale and stretch your whole body forward, slowly arching your back;
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