Dishes from dried mushrooms. How to cook dried mushrooms? Dry mushroom soup

Dried porcini mushrooms are well suited for the preparation of any culinary masterpieces: soups, cereals, hodgepodges, sauces. They can be the basis of a dish or a great addition to it. The unique aroma and exquisite taste have earned these gifts of the forest a well-deserved love, so dried mushroom garlands are a very popular preparation for the winter.

Porcini mushrooms do not lose their taste and aroma even after drying, and many excellent dishes can be prepared from them.

Rules for the preparation of dried products

White mushroom is a valuable product that has good taste and having nearby useful properties. This is the only mushroom that retains its white color when cut, the rest darken and even blacken. There are many harvesting methods, but drying is very often used. Dried mushrooms are stored for a long time without losing their beneficial properties, have a strong aroma and take up little space. Before harvesting, they must be carefully sorted out from needles and leaves, cleaned and dried in the oven, outdoors or in a room with low humidity. Then the mushrooms are strung on a thread and stored in a dry and cool place. It is forbidden to keep them together with vegetables and fruits. Usually, strong and fresh mushrooms are selected for drying, which do not have defects.

Dried mushrooms can be stored in cardboard boxes, cloth bags or plastic bags in the freezer.

Dry mushrooms should not have mold, burnt areas. They should be light and dry. They can not be stored for a long time, and before cooking, you need to soak in cold water or milk for a couple of hours. Milk softens the taste and removes bitterness. Drain water or milk after soaking. After soaking, it is better and faster to wash the product, and then cut it, because they are usually dried in whole pieces.

They can decorate the diet of both diet food lovers and real gourmets. Dried porcini mushrooms give any dish a rich taste, original aroma, are easy to cook and retain vitamins better than when salted or frozen.

They should be dry, but slightly flexible, and should not crumble or break. It is better to store them in cloth bags or cardboard boxes. Sometimes the dried product is stored in the freezer.

If the mushrooms are damp, they must be urgently sorted out, discarded and re-dry so that mold does not appear.

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Porcini mushrooms, even when dried, remain light, so they give dishes a beautiful, appetizing look, and high taste and nutritional properties improve even the simplest food. Some housewives soak mushrooms for long term- 10-12 hours, so that they acquire a fresh look. If there is no time for soaking, you can cook mushrooms in several stages. Bring to a boil, boil a little and drain the water, and then rinse and cook for some more time. It is necessary to remove the foam frequently.

A serving of dried mushrooms should be less than fresh ones. Sometimes, for quick preparation, mushrooms are crushed in a coffee grinder or in a mortar, and then the powder is added to the broth or boiling water. For a sauce or soup, it is good to fry them in vegetable or butter to improve the taste.

You do not need to use a lot of spices so as not to spoil the mushroom flavor.

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Dried porcini mushroom recipes

Onions for mushroom soup are best fried.

Mushroom recipes in Russia are well-deservedly popular. Mushrooms are an affordable and tasty product.

From mushrooms you can cook many simple, but delicious dishes. Mushrooms are difficult to digest by the body, so they need to be well boiled, fried, stewed, baked.

In order for dried mushrooms to take on their original shape and be saturated with moisture, it is recommended to pre-soak them.

The most common, tasty and fragrant dish is dried mushroom soup. It takes a little time and food to prepare.

Have to take:

  • 7-10 dried mushrooms;
  • 3 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • vermicelli.

We wash the dried product, pour it with boiling water and leave it to swell for at least 1 hour. Cut the onion, grate the carrots, and then fry them a little in vegetable oil. We wash the mushrooms under running water and chop into pieces, and carefully filter the infusion, add water to it and put on fire for at least 20-30 minutes. Then add carrots, onions and vermicelli and cook for about 30 minutes. The readiness of the soup is determined by soft pieces of mushrooms and vermicelli. Season the soup with sour cream and herbs. Sometimes finely chopped potatoes are added. You can cook an interesting salad with the addition of mushrooms.

Mushrooms are pre-soaked, boiled until cooked, and then cut into small cubes. Chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic, parsley, white toasted bread and mushrooms are stewed for no more than 5 minutes, and then seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. You can use other recipes for cooking interesting dishes. A very tasty and hearty dish - stewed potatoes with mushrooms and meat. The technology of preparation is simple.

Dried mushrooms can be stewed with potatoes.

You need to peel potatoes, onions, carrots, boil mushrooms and meat. Put meat, potatoes, fried mushrooms with onions, carrots in layers in a pot, pour in broth and simmer for at least 1-1.5 hours. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs, you can add sour cream.

An exquisite culinary masterpiece - chicken cutlets with mushrooms. Products used:

  • chicken fillet;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;

AT chicken fillet you need to add 2 eggs, boiled mushrooms and knead the minced meat. Blind small cutlets, fry in vegetable oil, and then stew a little.

Delicious cabbage soup is cooked from fresh cabbage with the addition of forest gifts. For cooking use:

  • white cabbage;
  • sour cabbage;
  • dried mushrooms;
  • potato;
  • carrot.

Dried mushrooms are good for appetizers, stews, pancake fillings and pies. They are pre-soaked, washed, boiled and cut into small pieces. Then, together with onions, they stew a little in sunflower or olive oil. This filling gives any dish a special taste.

Buckwheat porridge with the addition of mushrooms is very useful. Buckwheat is boiled over low heat for an hour, and then the pan is covered with a towel and mushroom dressing is prepared. Onions, carrots and mushrooms, finely chopped, should be fried with vegetable oil until cooked, and then added to buckwheat. Such porridge will have a delicate aroma of mushrooms, it is tasty and nutritious.

dried mushrooms- This is one of the most popular blanks. At the same time, you can dry them not only for the winter. Many delicious dishes can be prepared from this product, using dried mushrooms as a main or additional ingredient.

The most suitable for drying are porcini mushrooms, as they do not darken and almost do not change shape when dried. However, many other varieties are also dried: chanterelles, russula, mushrooms and many others. They are mainly used for cooking, but there is another variety of this product - shiitake mushrooms. Often they are used to make useful healing infusions and decoctions.

Most mushroom pickers have their own secrets of drying mushrooms. An interesting fact is that dried mushrooms are more useful than pickled and salted ones, and can also be stored for quite a long time, while maintaining their taste.

For drying, only the freshest and strongest mushrooms are chosen, which did not have time to deteriorate and be filled with worms. Before drying, the product is thoroughly washed, cleaned of dirt and leaves, if necessary, soaked for several hours and only after that they begin to dry. We will talk about this in more detail in our article.

How to dry mushrooms at home?

Drying mushrooms at home is quite easy, but it should be clarified that not all products are suitable for drying. Some of them can be very bitter, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of mushrooms that are best suited for drying.

  • White mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • oak trees;
  • morels;
  • truffles;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • Champignon;
  • chanterelles;
  • russula.

If you are picking mushrooms for drying yourself, we recommend that you bring a person with you who is well versed in them, as there is a high probability of picking up inedible mushrooms. As a last resort, look at photos and pictures on the Internet to know which mushrooms are in front of you.

Here are a few ways in which you can easily prepare the required amount of dried mushrooms.

Where to dry?

How to dry?

In the sun

You can dry mushrooms in the sun only in cloudless weather. To do this, they are laid out on a wooden board or on thick paper, after cutting the product into thin slices, and left in the sun. The maximum drying time for mushrooms in this way is one to two days. If during this time they are not completely dry, dry them in the oven.

In the oven

To dry mushrooms in the oven, you will need a special grill on which the ingredients are laid out. Then the grate is sent to the oven, removing standard baking sheets, and the mushrooms are dried for two hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. Then it needs to be increased to 80 degrees and the product dried until cooked. It is impossible to say exactly how long the mushrooms will dry, as it depends on their size. If possible, remove sufficiently dried food from the oven, leaving the rest to dry further.

in the microwave

Peel and cut the mushrooms, arrange on a glass plate and send to the microwave. Set the heating power to 180 watts and leave the plate of mushrooms for twenty minutes. After the time has elapsed, open the microwave door and ventilate it so that the moisture that has come out of the mushrooms evaporates, then repeat the drying procedure again.

You can store ready-made dried mushrooms in a dry, ventilated place, covering them with a light porous cloth so as not to prevent air from penetrating the products, but also to prevent insects from spoiling them. You can also store dried mushrooms in glass jars or strung on a strong thread. Their shelf life usually does not exceed two years, and subject to all conditions - up to three years.

How and how much to cook?

Dried mushrooms must be boiled to make a delicious dish out of them. However, this must be done correctly, because by undercooking or overcooking the ingredients, you risk ruining the taste or texture of your dish. Here are some guidelines to help you learn how to cook dried mushrooms properly and how long it takes.

  • First you need to soak the dried mushrooms in cold water for two hours. If you want their taste to be richer and the products themselves more tender, soak them in cold milk.
  • Boil forest or tree mushrooms in the water in which they were soaked if you want to get a richer broth.
  • The optimal cooking time for which dried mushrooms will be ready is no more than half an hour.

Thus, we can conclude that dried mushrooms need to be cooked for a short time so that they do not have time to boil, but at the same time, the mushroom broth turned out to be as rich and fragrant as possible.

Dishes from dried mushrooms

From dried mushrooms you can cook a huge number of all kinds of dishes. You can use them in the same way as fresh mushrooms. To the surprise of many hostesses, dried mushrooms can even be marinated by soaking them in cold water to restore their smoothness and volume.

The most popular way to use dried mushrooms is to make a delicious aromatic soup. In this case, you can make both regular soup and puree soup. Quite often, dried mushrooms also appear in the ingredients for making borscht. Any other first courses can also be prepared using this product. It is only important to cook a rich broth from dried mushrooms, thanks to which the food will turn out to be guaranteed tasty.

Among the recipes for cooking dishes from mushrooms, there are also side dishes. The most popular of them are fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, pasta, vermicelli, buckwheat, rice, noodles, all kinds of cereals, including barley and rice, and much more.

Among other things, dried mushrooms can be used in the preparation of such dishes:

  • mushroom caviar;
  • gravy;
  • meat dishes (chicken, beef, pork);
  • pie;
  • paste;
  • cutlets;
  • julienne;
  • pate;
  • various sauces;
  • stuffing for baking;
  • risotto;
  • casserole;
  • pizza;
  • pilaf;
  • cabbage soup, etc.

You can use dried mushrooms not only as an additional ingredient for cooking, but also as a main dish. For example, they can be fried whole or in the form of minced meat in a pan with cream sauce, and also stew with cabbage, beans or sour cream. It also goes well with boiled or fried eggs with mushrooms.

Soups from this ingredient are not too high in calories, which allows them to be used as diet meals. You can find a large number of recipes that use dried mushrooms as a main or secondary ingredient.

Benefit and harm

Dried mushrooms can both benefit and harm. In order not to worry about your health, you need to know the recommendations and contraindications for the use of this product, which we will tell you about in this article.

To begin with, I would like to focus your attention on the benefits of this ingredient. Dried and fresh mushrooms are a low-calorie and easily digestible product that contains useful protein compounds, trace elements and vitamins. Thanks to this, the product is included in many diets, as it allows you to fill the body with the necessary mineral components, saturate, but not bring extra calories.

Many antioxidants have been found in mushrooms that help stop the spread cancer cells and prevent their occurrence. Also, the inclusion of these products in the diet will help to avoid the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

As for harm, dried mushrooms can cause it only in two cases: with individual intolerance and with diseases of the stomach. Since this food is heavy, it is not recommended to eat it at night, and it is strictly forbidden to eat mushrooms for people with stomach ulcers or gastritis. Pregnant women and young children should use the product only after consulting a doctor.

In all other cases, you can cook with pleasure delicious meals with dried mushrooms, treat them to your family, and also enjoy on your own.

Mushrooms have long been used in Russian cuisine. They were salted, stewed, boiled, fried and, of course, always stored for future use, drying for a long winter. This way of preserving mushrooms is one of the best, because then you can cook many different dishes from them, saturated with the pronounced taste and aroma of this wonderful product.

Caviar from dried mushrooms

This is a traditional snack middle lane Russia, it is best to cook this dish of porcini mushrooms. To prepare this dish you will need: - 30 pcs. white mushrooms; - 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil; - 2 carrots; - 5 heads of onions; - ½ teaspoon of salt; - 1 teaspoon of vinegar; - salt and black pepper to taste.

Sort and wash under running water. Put them in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over them, leaving for 2-3 hours. After the set time, boil them for half an hour in the water in which they were soaked. Then drain the water and let the mushrooms cool.

Meanwhile, clean the vegetables. Cut the onion into cubes, and the carrot into thin strips. Fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown. Try to stir all the time so that they do not burn. Then add the chopped porcini mushrooms to the vegetables. Salt, pepper and mix everything well. Simmer for 2 minutes and remove from heat. Season the caviar with vinegar, let it cool, and then put it in the refrigerator. An hour later, mushroom caviar can be served on the table.

When sorting mushrooms, discard those that are moldy, look rotten, or feel raw to the touch.

Mushrooms in creamy sauce

Ingredients: - 600 g of any dried mushrooms; - head of onion; - 1.5 tbsp. spoons of flour; - 3.5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream; - 250 ml of cream; - vegetable oil; - salt and black pepper to taste.

Sort the mushrooms, wash and pour boiling water for 3 hours. Then throw them in a colander and let them dry a little. Cut the mushrooms into large pieces. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the mushrooms and simmer them over low heat for 30 minutes. Then add the diced onion, salt and pepper and cook for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with flour and stir. After a few minutes, add sour cream and cream, mix again and simmer for another 7 minutes. Turn off the heat and serve with boiled pasta or potatoes.

Dry mushroom soup

Ingredients: - 250 g dry mushrooms; - head of onion; - carrot; - 3 liters of water; - 5 medium-sized potatoes; - sunflower oil; - sour cream.

Prepare the mushrooms as described above and soak in boiling water for 2 hours. After the set time, add the required amount of water to them, put on fire and cook for 1 hour after boiling. Fry chopped carrots and chopped onions in vegetable oil. Put the roast to the mushrooms. Add diced potatoes to soup and bring to a boil. Salt and cook until the potatoes are soft. Remove from heat and let stand 15 minutes. Then pour into plates and serve with sour cream and parsley.

My godmother is an avid mycelium. This year, luck smiled at her, and she gathered and dried a lot of white mushrooms and chanterelles. Brought me, they say, cook. She even gave me recipes. And I myself love “foreign” shiitake mushrooms, sometimes I buy and cook them. Today I will share with you a recipe for cooking dried foreign mushrooms, plus I will tell you how to cook dried porcini mushrooms and chanterelles correctly.

Boiled dried shiitake mushrooms

I myself recently learned how to cook these dried woody Chinese shiitake mushrooms, there are a lot of recipes for dishes with them. The main thing is to boil correctly"intourist".

Useful from technology gas or electric stove. From spoons, prepare a bowl for soaking mushrooms, a saucepan for boiling them, a slotted spoon and a plate for boiled shiitake mushrooms.

When everything you need is on the table, it's time to stock up on the necessary components.


Shiitake mushrooms can be found in the supermarket, but they are decently priced there. If you live in a big city and you have a Chinese market, go there, you can find them 5 times cheaper there. At the time of buying check that the mushrooms are dried and not damp- they should break easily and with a crunch.

As soon as the cherished shiitake is in your kitchen, you can immediately cook them, in our case, boil them.

Step by step cooking

Recipe video

This video demonstrates the process of boiling Chinese shiitake mushrooms.

Dried porcini mushrooms with potatoes

Now we will figure out how to cook delicious dried porcini mushrooms with potatoes in the manner of a roast.

Time for preparing: 1,5 hour.
Servings: 6.
Calories: per 100 g 66 kcal.
From technology we need only electric or gas stove. From the dishes you need: a pot and a frying pan with lids, a spatula, a bowl and a plate for soaking mushrooms, a slotted spoon and a plate, a sieve, gauze and dishes for mushroom infusion, a glass, a cutting board and a knife.

The most important event left is to stock up on food.


If you choose quality ingredients, the dish will turn out tasty and healthy:

  • Porcini mushrooms can be dried on their own and you can buy. When buying, check their dryness - a piece of mushroom should easily break in your hands.
  • Take small potatoes. Root crops should be firm, without peepholes and spots.
  • , with tight-fitting golden husks. The bulbs themselves should be without sprouts and soft areas.
  • Pick a small carrot, bright orange in color, without black spots and rot.
  • Sweet pepper choose fresh, juicy elastic. The vegetable should be bright, and the stalk should be green, without black dots and signs of rot.

When we already have everything we need, we can start cooking a delicious roast directly.

Step by step cooking

First of all, prepare dried porcini mushrooms:

Now let's prepare our dish:

  1. Pour 50 g of vegetable oil into the pan and put 40-50 g of butter, put the pan on medium heat so that the butter melts.
  2. Peel and cut in any shape 1 kg of potatoes, put it in a pan with melted butter.
  3. Pour about 100 ml of mushroom infusion into a glass, add the rest of the liquid to the pot with potatoes, cover it with a lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Pour 25 g of vegetable oil into a preheated pan and put the chopped onion (about 120 g). When the onion becomes transparent, add mushrooms to it and fry for 5-7 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Freely chop a medium carrot (about 80 g) and a small, cored and seeded sweet pepper (about 60 g). Add vegetables to skillet and stir.
  6. Pour the remaining 100 ml of mushroom infusion to the vegetables, add pepper and bay leaf to taste. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for 7-10 minutes.

  7. Put the vegetables and mushrooms to the potatoes, mix, salt to taste. Cover the pot with a lid and turn off the heat after a minute. The dish is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe video

This video shows in detail the process of cooking stewed potatoes with dried mushrooms in the style of a roast.

Dried chanterelle soup

Now we will figure out how to cook mushrooms such as dried chanterelles, and cook soup from them!

Time for preparing: 1,5 hour.
Servings: 4.
Calories: per 100 g 28 kcal.
For cooking we need: an electric or gas stove, two pots and a frying pan with lids, a sieve, a cutting board and a knife, a dressing cup, a spatula, a spoon and a ladle.

Well, the most important thing in cooking any dish is the campaign for the necessary products.


It is very important to choose high-quality and fresh ingredients - the success of the finished soup depends on this. You know how to choose vegetables and other products, there is little left to do. Dried chanterelles can be found in the store or in the market. Good mushrooms will be bright orange., dry. If such a mushroom is broken, a distinct crunch is heard.

When everything you need is on the kitchen table, it's time to start the process of creating our fragrant soup.

Step by step cooking

  1. Take 300 g of dried chanterelles, put in a saucepan, pour 2.5 liters of water and put on medium heat until boiling.
  2. Finely chop a couple of onions (about 160 g), pour 30 g of vegetable oil into a frying pan, transfer the onion there and fry it a little over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  3. When the chanterelles boil, wait a couple of minutes and remove the pan from the heat. Strain the mushroom broth through a sieve into another saucepan. Rinse the mushrooms themselves with cold running water (it is enough to drain the water 2-3 times).
  4. Finely chop the boiled chanterelles. Put them on the onion, mix. Cover the pan with a lid and let the mushrooms simmer for 30 minutes. over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. Mix 80 g of sour cream with 30 g of flour so that no lumps remain. Add some mushroom broth and mix the dressing well.
  6. Cut a bunch of fresh dill (about 30 g).
  7. Put the prepared mushrooms into the broth, put the pan over medium heat until boiling (about 10 minutes). Salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Pour the dressing into the soup, stirring constantly. Cover the pot with a lid and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes on low heat.
  9. Add the finished soup with chopped dill in portioned plates. Bon appetit!

Recipe video

This video shows step by step how to make a fragrant and beautiful dried chanterelle soup.

How to decorate dishes from dried mushrooms

If the mushrooms are initially small, they can be left whole, and if you are not too lazy to carefully cut large mushrooms, the dish will be beautiful in itself. Any dish with dried mushrooms Perfectly complements fresh chopped herbs.

Tips for preparing and serving dried mushroom dishes

  • Shiitake mushrooms need to be rinsed and soak before cooking - so they come out many times softer and tastier.
  • Flour in the recipe for potatoes with mushrooms is used as a thickener, but in fact it can not be added if it is good to evaporate the moisture from the mushroom fry in a pan.
  • Before cutting chanterelles for soup, they need to be squeezed out a little with your hands - so excess liquid will not get into the pan.
  • Mushroom dishes should be served warm, preferably at lunch.

Mushroom Cooking Options

You can cook anything from dried mushrooms, they can be used on a par with fresh ones. There are many delicious mushroom recipes:

  • Try to cook, this is an amazing dish.
  • I also recommend doing it, it's very simple and fast.
  • If you are tired of mushrooms, use it, this is the most magnificent mushroom in terms of taste.
  • As a first course, it comes out great, this is a very hearty lunch.
  • You will also be pleasantly surprised by the pie, this is an amazingly tasty dish.

In fact, the "mushroom" cuisine is limited solely by the imagination of every hostess. If you can add to the above recipes or have your own ideas for dried mushroom dishes, share the information in the comments!

Any housewife can make soup from dried mushrooms, but often the scope of such an excellent product as dried mushrooms is limited to this. Meanwhile, wonderful sauces, delicious side dishes, and delicious snacks are prepared from them. Below are some interesting recipes as an example.

989. Mushroom hodgepodge with dried and salted mushrooms

1.5 liters of water, 6-8 pcs. dried porcini mushrooms, 2 cups salted mushrooms, 2 cups finely chopped white cabbage, 1.5 cups sauerkraut, 1 carrot, 1 parsley bush, celery (greens and root), 2 onions, 2 tomatoes, 3 bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns, 2 tablespoons butter, 0.5 cups sour cream, 2 tablespoons chopped dill, 12 olives, 0.5 lemon.

Boil dried mushrooms until half cooked in the indicated amount of water. Remove them from the broth, cut into strips, put them back into the broth and continue to cook, adding carrots, parsley and celery, cut into strips. Stew fresh and sauerkraut together with tomatoes and onions in butter until soft.

Salted mushrooms scalded, finely chopped. Put all the products in a saucepan with mushrooms, add bay leaf and pepper and cook for another 15 minutes over moderate heat. Season the finished hodgepodge with sour cream and dill. Put the washed olives and a slice of lemon in a plate with hodgepodge or serve separately on a rosette with finely chopped greens.

990. Mushroom soup with rice (Armenian cuisine)

15 pcs. dried porcini mushrooms, 1-2 onions, 0.5 cups of rice, 1 tablespoon of melted butter, black peppercorns, parsley or cilantro, salt to taste.

Rinse dried porcini mushrooms thoroughly, add water and cook for 1.5-2 hours. Then remove the mushrooms, finely chop and lightly fry in oil along with finely chopped onions. Dilute the mushroom broth with water to the required amount, put the mushrooms fried with onions in it, add the washed rice, pepper, salt and cook until tender. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

young hostess

Mushrooms should not be cooked on too low or too high a fire, they will become too flabby or, conversely, hard, their taste will deteriorate. Mushroom broth should boil over a quiet fire. Finely chopped fresh mushrooms are ready in 25-30 minutes, large whole ones in 40-45 minutes.

Spicy seasonings are not put in mushroom dishes, so as not to drown out the pleasant mushroom taste. For the same reason, it is not customary to salt them heavily. Mushroom dishes are well seasoned with vegetables, add onions, dill, parsley, apple.

991. Dried porcini mushrooms Stroganoff

40 g dried porcini mushrooms, 1 cup milk, 40 g butter, 1 tablespoon sour cream, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon tomato or 1 tablespoon spicy tomato sauce, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, parsley or dill, salt to taste.

Sort mushrooms, rinse well, soak in hot boiled milk and let swell. Then cut into strips, fry in oil, sprinkle with flour, fry again.

Add the tomato, preheated with oil, sour cream and browned, finely chopped onion, salt, stir and heat again. Serve hot, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley or dill, with fried potatoes, fresh vegetable salad.

992. Dried mushrooms in sour cream

20 g of dried porcini mushrooms, 1 cup of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of premium wheat flour, 40 g of butter, lemon juice (citric acid), dill, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Rinse dried mushrooms with cold water, place in a bowl. Pour in water and let stand in water for 6 hours. Then pour the water into another bowl, put the mushrooms in a colander, rinse with cold water, put them in the water in which they got wet, and boil.

Throw ready mushrooms on a sieve, and use mushroom broth for soups or sauces. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add browned, finely chopped onions, flour, heat in butter, dilute slightly with mushroom broth, and then pour in hot sour cream and beat well so that the sauce is not liquid. Pour the mushrooms with this sauce, season to taste with salt, lemon juice (or diluted citric acid), let it warm up well, but do not boil. Serve hot mushrooms in dessert plates, sprinkled with dill on top.

993. Mushroom krupenya (Belarusian cuisine)

6-8 dried white mushrooms, 2 onions, 3-4 potato tubers, half a carrot, 1 parsley root, 1/2 cup buckwheat, 1 tablespoon dill, 50 g ghee, salt to taste.

Boil dried white mushrooms in water, remove, cut into strips. In the mushroom broth, put potatoes, cereals, vegetables, cut into strips and lightly fried with onions and mushrooms in butter, and cook over low heat until half cooked. Salt and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

This cereal is whitened, that is, 1 cup of baked milk or 1/2 cup of sour cream is added after it is fully cooked or before being put in the oven. Serve hot.

994. Mushroom sauce for potato cutlets

30 g dried mushrooms, wheat flour, butter, onion, salt to taste.

For potato cutlets: 600 g potatoes, 1 egg (yolk), 20 g vegetable fat for frying, salt to taste.

Grind boiled dried mushrooms with a knife, add flour and butter, fry until light brown, dilute with mushroom broth, boil for 15-20 minutes, add fried onions, salt, bring to a boil and pour cutlets with ready-made sauce before serving. Cooking cutlets: grind boiled potatoes in a meat grinder, add the yolk, mix; make cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry and put in the oven for 10 minutes.

995. Mushroom sauce for potato and cereal dishes

50 g dried mushrooms, 100 g butter, 300 g onions, 1 liter mushroom broth, 4 teaspoons wheat flour, salt to taste.

Rinse the mushrooms, boil, separate from the broth, chop and fry with finely chopped onions. Spasser the flour until red and add hot to the mushroom broth with continuous stirring. Salt the broth, boil for 7-10 minutes, then combine with fried mushrooms.

Serve to potato casserole, potato cutlets and other potato and cereal dishes.

996. Thick mushroom sauce

50 g dried mushrooms, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, 400 ml mushroom broth, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons butter, salt to taste.

Rinse mushrooms in warm water, pour 3 cups cold water and leave for 2-3 hours. Then boil in the same water without salt.

Fry the flour in 1 tablespoon of oil until light brown and dilute with hot strained mushroom broth.

Cook the resulting sauce at a low boil for 15-20 minutes. Add chopped boiled mushrooms to finely chopped browned onions and fry together, then transfer to the sauce, season with salt and boil. Serve with potato cutlets and casseroles.

997. Cold mushroom sauce

350 g boiled dried mushrooms, 2 onions, 1 sour apple, 200 g sour cream, parsley and celery, dill, sugar, vinegar, mustard, salt to taste.

Finely chop dried boiled mushrooms, onion, apple and mix with dressing (sour cream, to which salt, sugar, vinegar, mustard are added to taste). Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Serve with cold appetizers, boiled hot potatoes, cereals.

998. Caviar from dried mushrooms

100 g dried mushrooms, 2 onions, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, lemon juice (or vinegar), pepper, herbs and salt to taste.

Boil mushrooms, pass through a meat grinder twice, mix with fried onions, add a little mushroom broth and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Season the dish with lemon juice or vinegar, salt, pepper, crushed garlic, finely chopped onion, parsley, dill.

999. Mushroom oil with dried mushrooms

100 g butter, 3-4 tablespoons boiled chopped mushrooms, 1 small onion, ground black pepper, tomato puree (optional), lemon juice, salt to taste.

Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance, beat, add finely chopped ready-made mushrooms, season with salt and pepper, you can add tomato puree or lemon juice. Mushroom oil is used to make sandwiches with ham, sausage, cucumbers and other products.

Decorate sandwiches with slices of tomato, cucumber and radish, parsley or green salad.

1000. Mushroom oil with camelina powder

Wipe the mushrooms dry, peel, dry, grind into powder and grind with fresh salted butter (take as much powder as the oil takes in). Transfer to small dry clean jars, close with a regular plastic lid and store in the refrigerator. Use for sauces.

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A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...