Sauce for baked salmon in the oven. Salmon baked in a creamy sauce. Pink salmon in sauce. Sour cream and cheese - a budget option

Pink salmon is undeservedly considered by many to be a dryish fish that is unsuitable for baking. In fact, this is a common misconception, and red fish may well decorate a festive table, because when baked or stewed with sauce, it is both tasty and incredibly beautiful. How to cook pink salmon with creamy sauce, we will tell in this article.

About the product

Pink salmon (which is what experienced chefs often call pink salmon) is an affordable red fish because its price is low. It will not be difficult to buy pink salmon. Due to its composition, rich in proteins (about 22-23 grams per 100 grams), pink salmon can easily be classified as a dietary product. It is ideal for children, as the fat content in it is low - about 7 per 100 grams of product. It is difficult to find a more suitable fish for losing weight, because it contains almost no carbohydrates, and the calorie content is at the level of 132 kcal.

Pink salmon is useful for its valuable chemical composition, which includes vitamins A, C, E, PP, many B vitamins. It contains a large amount of phosphorus, iron, potassium and iodine, selenium and many other elements that the human body needs for a normal, healthy functioning.

You can buy pink salmon in a variety of forms: frozen, fresh chilled, canned and salted, there are smoked and lightly salted pink salmon, there are dried slices. But for cooking cream sauce we still need fresh pink salmon.

Cooking methods

Pink salmon and cream is an amazing combination that, when cooked correctly, gives an amazing, delicate and delicate taste. This combination can make different types dishes: fragrant steaks, slices with vegetables and cream sauce, creamy fish with cheese crust and mushrooms. It even sounds beautiful, and it looks really festive.

Cream sauce is versatile in its own way. You can bake and stew pink salmon in it, not only in a quick frying pan for an ordinary dinner, but also in pots with vegetables for a special occasion.

Pink salmon is marinated in a creamy sauce and served cold as a cold appetizer.

The duet of pink salmon and cream itself does not require a lot of additional ingredients, and therefore cooking will not ruin you financially and will not take much time.

Sauce options

In order for the dish to be especially successful, you need to have a good idea of ​​what you want to get - a spicier and spicy dish or a delicate dish with a milky tint. This is necessary in order to choose the right cream sauce recipe. Here are a few options to help make your choice easier.

Classic gentle

For him you will need:

  • about 150 ml of cream of any fat content;
  • a teaspoon of ordinary flour;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • some fresh greens;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Greens are crushed and mixed with lemon juice from one third of a medium-sized lemon. The flour is fried to a light brownish tint in a dry frying pan. Melted butter, flour and cream are mixed in a saucepan, greens are added and kept for about five minutes, stirring constantly over low heat. Salt and pepper is desirable to add already in the finished sauce. The resulting mass should be poured over the prepared pieces of pink salmon for baking.

Cheesy spicy

For this sauce you need to take:

  • 100 ml cream;
  • processed cheese;
  • greenery;
  • butter;
  • a spoonful of flour

We will create piquancy with a mixture of peppers and a small amount of basil and rosemary.

Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until pinkish. Melt the butter and gradually stir in the flour. Add chopped herbs, except for rosemary, as it is already put in the finished juice. Pour in the cream. Add processed cheese, previously grated. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly, but do not boil. Stir in the pepper mixture and rosemary. The sauce is suitable for serving already cooked pink salmon.

With vegetables and cream

This sauce is good for stewing pink salmon.

For him you will need:

  • 150 ml cream;
  • half a lemon;
  • small carrots;
  • onion;
  • greenery;
  • a little black ground pepper.

Carrots are rubbed, onions are finely chopped, fried in vegetable oil. Allow the roast to cool, mix it into the cream, add a few drops of lemon juice, herbs, pour the slices of pink salmon prepared for stewing.

You can also come up with your own sauce recipe. The main thing is that it does not burn, for this the creamy sauce, which includes flour, cannot be kept on fire for a long time. It is acceptable to introduce products such as mushrooms, olives, fresh tomatoes, cut into slices, lemon wedges and lemon zest, cheese, sour cream and whatever you like - cream is quite tolerant of other ingredients.

Best Recipes

When cooking pink salmon in a creamy sauce, it is important to follow the prescription requirements, otherwise a noble and tasty fish, despite the presence of a delicate sauce, can be completely “dry”. We have compiled a selection of delicious and time-tested recipes that will be useful both for everyday cooking and for preparing a festive menu.

Traditional fish with cream

In addition to fish (preferably in the form of steaks or cut steaks from a whole carcass yourself) and cream, mint and garlic are important ingredients in the dish. Both have a pronounced aroma, but in combination they give a unique note that leaves a pleasant aftertaste and is remembered for a long time.

Pink salmon steaks are rubbed with a mixture of sugar and salt, and left alone for five minutes. Then the fish must be fried in vegetable oil until an even golden crust appears on both sides. Cream, peeled garlic, mint leaves and sprigs should be placed in a blender and turned into a homogeneous mass. Spread the fried pieces of fish on a baking sheet, and pour over the resulting creamy mass. Bake for about 15 minutes.

Savory creamy fish

Try to prepare pieces of fish that are not the smallest so that they do not shrink during baking. Mustard will give a special taste to this dish.

Per kilogram of pink salmon you need to take:

  • about 300 ml of cream;
  • three large spoons of mustard;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • spices as desired.

It is advisable to marinate chopped fish for 10 minutes under lemon sauce - it will take a few drops so that the fish does not sour. Cream is mixed with chopped herbs, pepper, salt and mustard until smooth.

Portioned pieces of fish are placed in a dish for baking or stewing and poured with sauce. You need to simmer the fish over low heat under the lid for about 20 minutes, bake for about 25 minutes.

Creamy vegetable mix

For bright and delicious dish you will need:

  • two red bell peppers;
  • large tomato;
  • half a kilo of pink salmon (you can take a fillet);
  • 250 ml cream;
  • bulb;
  • spices (it is best to take dill).

The onion is cut into half rings and lightly stewed in hot vegetable oil. Then diced peppers are added to it, and similarly chopped tomato. On fire, the vegetable mixture should be held for no more than 5 minutes, after which it is carefully and evenly laid out on the bottom of the form in which the fish is to be cooked (you can use it in a baking dish, or you can use it in a multicooker bowl).

Pieces of fish, pre-salted and grated with spices, are placed on top of vegetables. Chopped dill is added to the cream and the fish is poured on top. You need to bake for about 25 minutes in the oven or in the “Baking” mode in a slow cooker.

"Dream Fish"

Nuts need to be peeled, placed in a blender and ground into flour. Grate the fish fillet with salt, sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice obtained from squeezing half a citrus. The fish is left to marinate for 30 minutes.

The cream is cooled, finely chopped dill is added and the nut “flour” is mixed in. After half an hour, when the fish is well saturated with the marinade, it is laid out in a mold or on a baking sheet with high sides and poured with a creamy-nut mixture. After 25 minutes, the dish is ready.

Serve hot, sprinkled with a drop of lemon juice, sprinkled with cheese and garnished with a sprig of mint and a couple of pistachios.

"Gentle fish of O la France"

Another recipe for a special occasion. A special taste in it forms a dry white wine. In an ensemble with him, a lemon “sounds”. The fish is baked whole, and therefore can be beautifully decorated and served on a large platter surrounded by lemon slices, fresh vegetables, rice.

You will need:

  • medium-sized pink salmon;
  • 300 grams of cream;
  • lemon;
  • one and a half glasses of dry white wine;
  • spices;
  • greenery;
  • raw chicken egg yolk;
  • some starch.

The fish is washed, cleaned, placed in a form with high sides, salted and peppered, poured with wine and sent to the oven to bake until cooked. After 20 minutes, add the cooked creamy component.

To prepare it, grind the yolk, mix with cream, add a little starch and bring to a thickening with constant stirring over low heat. Greens are added and sauce is poured over the fish, the wine should have evaporated by this point. In the oven, you need to hold for literally another five minutes for the fish to brown.

Some tips to help you prepare a delicious and beautiful dish:

  • when making salmon fillet, leave her skin on one side, then the finished dish will not lose shape;
  • choose small-sized forms for cooking in the oven: the wider the form, the drier the dish will turn out, since the evaporation area will be large;
  • as a side dish, serve fresh vegetable salad, boiled potatoes or rice.

The recipe for juicy pink salmon in a creamy sauce, see the video below.

Delicious dinner like in a restaurant in just half an hour? "It's impossible!" - you say. "This is real!" I will answer. And this is not a joke at all, there is more than one such recipe on my culinary site. Such dishes are very helpful for such housewives like me: they are always busy and want to pamper their family with something tasty in the evening. At the same time, there is no time: it’s already late, everyone is hungry and demands dinner just immediately.

That's when these recipes come to the rescue. One of my signature dishes is fried pink salmon with garlic sauce. The lion's share is marinated fish, during which I usually deal with sauce and garnish. And after 15-20 minutes, I just have to fry pink salmon and serve the table. Very fast, very tasty and very appetizing! And no worse than in a restaurant, I tell you for sure!


For 1 serving:

  • 100-150 g pink salmon fillet;
  • Salt, black pepper;
  • 1-2 tsp lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

For sauce:

  • 3-4 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • dill greens;
  • salt.


We will need pink salmon fillet - preferably neat, beautiful pieces that will look appetizing. The fish must be gutted, scaled and washed.

Salt and pepper the salmon on each side. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and leave it alone for 15-20 minutes, marinate.

In the meantime, let's make the sauce for the fish. We spread sour cream, garlic, passed through a press, and finely chopped dill in a salad bowl or deep plate.

We mix the ingredients for the sauce just with a spoon and be sure to try: it may seem to you that there is not enough salt.

We spread the sauce in a container convenient for serving and we can return to the fish. By the way, this sauce is also suitable for other dishes, not only fish. It goes well with vegetables, fried meat, baked chicken…

We put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil. When the pan is hot, put the fish on it and fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on one side, and then turn over and fry on the other side for about the same time.

We put the finished fish on a plate on which we will serve, decorate with greens.

Pink salmon belongs to the type of salmon, so many people like it, even those who are cool about seafood. Surprisingly, there are not so many admirers of fish in the world. Basically, it is treated tenderly in the East, where it is the main ingredient in almost every dish. Among Europeans, seafood is loved in Italy, Norway and Sweden.

The Slavs perceive it on their table much more indifferently, and in vain. Fish, especially sea fish, has a number of valuable properties due to its rich vitamin composition. And if you bake it in the oven, adding the most delicate creamy sauce to the meat, you get a real delicacy that can conquer any sophisticated gourmet!

Benefits of pink salmon meat

The fish of the salmon family, called pink salmon, is not large. Perhaps because it lives only a few years. Its meat is saturated with a very valuable and rare element - polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega 3, o useful properties which everyone knows. This substance reliably protects our tissues and cells from harmful effects, prevents premature aging and destruction.

In addition, a lot of minerals are concentrated in fish pulp, including zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, fluorine, copper, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, sodium and sulfur.

We are only superficially familiar with most of them, meanwhile, they are vital for the health of the body.

Regular consumption of fish can strengthen the bone apparatus, stimulate immune functions, maintain an optimal water-salt balance, regulate the activity of the endocrine glands, and normalize the processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation.

The calorie content of fish is not too high, its limit value ranges from 150-170 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, you can safely eat it during a diet. Moreover, its nutrients are directly involved in metabolic processes, especially in fat metabolism, which favorably affects body contours. Pink salmon will help you improve your health and significantly prolong youth.

Choosing the right chickpea

Unfortunately, to buy fresh fish, which was caught just an hour ago, in the southern and
the central regions is almost impossible. Therefore, if you do not live in the Far

East, you will have to purchase a frozen product. Pink salmon is often sold in a pre-cut form, and for cooking it is easier - you do not have to clean the fish for a long time and dispose of its waste.

But on the other hand, a whole carcass can be examined in detail for quality and freshness, but lumpy meat cannot.

The fish fillet should be pink or reddish, not white. Its scales are silvery, shiny and smooth, without bulges, knots and spots. There is no need to talk about the smell of stale fish - here you can make a choice even without our help.

Remember - the pink salmon catch season falls in the middle of summer, and continues until early autumn. Therefore, if in winter or spring they prove to you that the fish lying on the counter has almost just left the hook, be sure that you are being deceived.

A simple recipe for pink salmon in a creamy sauce

You will need:

  1. Pink salmon fillet - 400 g;
  2. Cream 20% fat - 400 ml;
  3. Dried herbs or greens;
  4. Seasonings and spices - to taste.


  • Pink salmon fillet is traditionally sold in a cleaned and cut form, so no manipulations are required from you. It is enough to rinse the fish thoroughly and cut it into portions. Rub each of them with salt and spices at your discretion, set aside for 15 minutes;
  • Meanwhile, prepare the cream sauce, thanks to which the red fish will become incredibly tender, juicy and soft. To do this, pour liquid cream into a deep container, flavor them with spices and seasonings to your taste, sprinkle with 2 tsp. dry greens. Beat the mass thoroughly with a whisk or fork;
  • Grease a baking sheet with butter or vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees;
  • Arrange the fillet pieces on a baking sheet so that there is a little space between them;
  • Pour the sauce over the fish so that its surface is barely visible. If the sauce is not enough, add more cream or milk to it. In extreme cases, you can do with boiled water;
  • Send the dish to the oven for half an hour so as not to overdry the pink salmon. Your amazingly fragrant and airy dish is ready! It can be served with any side dish, but it is most harmoniously combined with wild or brown rice. Garnish the servings with an olive, a lemon wedge and a sprig of fresh herbs.

Alternative option: pink salmon in sour cream sauce with cheese

Another recipe for lovers of delicate milk dressings for baking. Here, cheese will add spice to the dish. Prefer hard and spicy varieties, ideally the famous Italian Parmesan.

You will get a dish that is not as light as in the first case, but in this version it can be safely served as a central dish. festive table. A ruddy golden crust covering juicy red fish will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious guests!

You will need:

  • Pink salmon fillet - 1 kg;
  • Sour cream 15-20% fat - 1 can;
  • Hard cheese (preferably spicy) - 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil - to taste;
  • Freshly ground allspice - to taste;
  • Spices and seasonings - to taste.


  • Prepare the fish fillet - clean it, rinse, dry and cut into portions;
  • Grease a baking sheet with oil, then immediately place the fish on it. Preferably in a dense layer so that there is minimal space between the pieces;
  • Get the sauce. To do this, place the sour cream in a small deep plate and add a sufficient amount of spices to it. Pay special attention to dry or fresh dill - it will require at least 2 tbsp. Stir the sauce with a whisk, fork or mixer to get a homogeneous liquidish mixture;
  • Pour the sauce over the fish so that it completely covers the surface of the fillet. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Send the fish to the oven for 35-40 minutes. 5-7 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the fish generously with grated cheese. Serve the dish with mashed potatoes in milk, or spicy rice.

We are sure that this little marine inhabitant will surely conquer you. Use our recipes to add ingredients to your taste.

Sauce is a beautiful dish that can be prepared both on weekdays and on holidays. Thanks to the method of preparation, the fish always turns out juicy and very tasty.

Pink salmon in oven baked

If you are looking for a way not to overdry this noble fish, then pay attention to our recipe. Aromas of mint and garlic create a unique combination that will be remembered by your guests for a long time.


  • Pink salmon steaks - ten pieces.
  • Cream - two thirds of a glass.
  • Garlic - four cloves.
  • Mint, salt and sugar - to taste.

In cream sauce? You will find the answer to this question in the following guide:

  • Defrost the steaks and rub them with a mixture of salt and sugar.
  • Fry the fish in a pan until golden brown.
  • Pour cream into a blender bowl, add garlic and fresh mint leaves. Chop foods.
  • Lay the pink salmon on a baking sheet and pour the garlic sauce over the steaks.

Bake the dish for 20 minutes until fully cooked.

Pink salmon in mustard with cream sauce

Required products:

  • Pink salmon (fillet) - 800 grams.
  • Cream - 300 grams.
  • Spices and salt - to taste.
  • Greens - one bunch.
  • Mustard - three tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil.

Pink salmon fillet in a creamy sauce is prepared very simply:

  • First, cut the fish into portions.
  • Mix cream with chopped herbs, mustard, red and black ground pepper, and salt.
  • Place the fish pieces in a baking dish as close as possible to each other, and then pour over the sauce. To add flavor, you can add a bay leaf and a couple of peas of allspice.

The fish is baked quite quickly - after 20 minutes it can be served at the table. Put the pieces on a plate, pour them with cream sauce and garnish with sprigs of fresh dill.

Pink salmon in a creamy sauce in a slow cooker

With the help of a modern kitchen appliance, you can cook juicy and unusually tender ones often involve the use of an oven, but we recommend that you use a slow cooker. What products will be needed this time? Here is a short list for you:

  • One kilogram of pink salmon.
  • 400 ml cream.
  • Two bulbs.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • One bell pepper.
  • 50 grams of cheese.
  • Tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • Two pinches of ground black pepper.
  • Two teaspoons of lemon juice.

How to prepare pink salmon in a creamy sauce in a slow cooker:

  • Defrost the fish, clean it and cut into pieces.
  • Peel the onion, cut into thin rings and fry at the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  • After a few minutes, lay out the pink salmon, and put sliced ​​​​tomatoes and sweet peppers cut into strips on it.
  • Mix cream with grated cheese, salt and spices.

Pour the sauce over the fish and cook it for 40 minutes in the "Baking" mode.

Salmon with creamy almond sauce

This dish goes well with boiled rice, which is prepared in a special way.


  • Red fish fillet - 600 grams.
  • Almonds - 300 grams.
  • Boiled rice - one glass.
  • Leek - 50 grams.
  • Celery petiole - one piece.
  • Champignons - five pieces.
  • Garlic - one clove.
  • Olive oil.
  • Lemon juice - one tablespoon.
  • Lemon peel.
  • 10% cream - 200 ml.
  • Hard cheese - 50 grams.
  • Salt, dill, black pepper.

Pink salmon in a creamy sauce, baked in the oven, prepared like this:

  • Cut the fillets into slices, then season them with salt and pepper, drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with zest. Leave the fish to marinate for a quarter of an hour.
  • After that, make an incision in each piece so that you get a "pocket". Put chopped almonds in them. Don't forget to leave some of the nuts for the sauce.
  • under the grill until done.
  • While the fish is cooking, prepare the side dish. First, fry coarsely chopped garlic in vegetable oil, then finely chopped leeks, celery and diced mushrooms.
  • Fry foods, remembering to stir them occasionally.
  • Put boiled rice in a frying pan and pour in 100 ml of cream. Add ground pepper and salt for taste.
  • When the liquid has almost evaporated, add half of the grated cheese. Stir the food and remove it from the stove.
  • It remains to prepare the sauce. To do this, pour the remaining cream into a clean pan, add cheese, finely chopped almonds and a little lemon zest to them. Add spices and salt to taste. Put the dishes on the fire and warm up its contents.

Arrange the pink salmon and rice on plates, then pour the sauce over the food and garnish with fresh herbs.

Pink salmon for dinner in a slow cooker

The rich taste of this dish will be appreciated by adults and children.


  • Fillet of red fish - 700 grams.
  • Garlic - two cloves.
  • Onions - three pieces.
  • Cream (10-12%) - 400 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Black pepper.

Pink salmon in a creamy sauce in a slow cooker is prepared quite quickly and simply:

  • Turn on the appliance in the "Frying" mode and melt the butter in it.
  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings and fry it until soft. Add chopped garlic to it and cook the vegetables for another minute. After that, transfer them to a plate.
  • Cut the fillet into portions (no need to remove the skin) and put it on the bottom of the bowl. When the meat turns white, turn the pink salmon over and put a spoonful of frying on each piece.
  • Pour the warmed cream over the fish and cook the dish for another ten minutes. When the sauce thickens, season the dish with pepper and salt.

Turn off the device or switch it to the "Heating" mode. Close the multicooker with a lid and let the dish brew for a quarter of an hour.

Fish with greens in creamy sauce

The peculiarity of this dish is that it is served as a cold appetizer. To prepare it you will need:

  • Pink salmon - 700 grams.
  • Dry white wine - one glass.
  • Egg yolks - three pieces.
  • Cream - 100 ml.
  • Starch - one teaspoon.
  • Sorrel - one bunch.
  • Dill, petiole celery, parsley, green onions, basil - half a bunch each.
  • Lemon juice and vegetable oil - three tablespoons each.
  • Spices and salt - to taste.
  • Rinse the greens, chop and fry in vegetable oil.
  • Pour a glass of wine into the pan and put the fish in it.
  • Add salt, spices. until cooked on low heat.
  • To prepare the sauce, combine the cream, yolks and starch. Mix the products with lemon juice and put them on low heat.
  • When the sauce thickens, pour it over the fish and bring it to a boil.

Cool the finished dish and serve.


Pink salmon recipes are good because they can be used on weekdays and holidays. And if you cook the fish in a creamy sauce, you can achieve the perfect taste. Do not be afraid to experiment with ingredients, add new ingredients, herbs and spices to a familiar recipe. Soon you will find the best combinations, and juicy pink salmon will become your signature dish.

Fish is a noble product, it is always good in itself. And if you cook it under an appetizing and fragrant sauce, then even the most ordinary small fish will become a royal delicacy. What can we say about pink salmon and its taste. It is impossible to remain silent about the benefits of this fish for humans. After all, it contains a large amount of essential omega fatty acids, and they are responsible for the good condition of the whole organism, nourish the brain and improve the condition of blood vessels, skin, and hair.

This is a wonderful fish in terms of cooking methods - it is fried, cooked in a slow cooker, baked in the oven, or cooked on a grill.

In order for everything to work out correctly, you need to choose the most correct sauce for pink salmon among all the variety. And this is fundamentally important, because if it is unsuccessfully selected, it will ruin the whole dish.

What sauces are suitable for pink salmon

These should not be too spicy or fragrant gravies, otherwise they will kill the taste and smell of the fish itself. They should be neutral or sour in taste.

Pink salmon sauce, the recipe of which is offered to your attention, may include the following ingredients:

  • lemon
  • White wine
  • berries, especially cranberries
  • Garnet
  • mushrooms
  • greenery
  • natural yogurt

The specifics of cooking fish is such that all sauces for it should be cooked in butter, otherwise they will lose their delicate aroma.

Most sauces are prepared on the basis of bechamel, it is suitable for any fish. They are poured over pink salmon before cooking in the oven, and then when it is simply fried.


In short, this is a simple sauce made from milk, flour and butter.

You will need:

  • milk - 500 ml
  • butter - 50 grams
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons

How to cook

  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan.
  2. Pour all the flour at once, fry until golden brown, until the smell of fresh bread appears.
  3. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly so that no lumps form.
  4. When all the milk has been added, boil until thickened.

Bechamel sauce is ready. Add spices, salt and herbs to taste.

Other sauces for pink salmon are also prepared on its basis.

You can replace milk with cream of any fat content, the sauce will only benefit from this. The cream must first be heated, otherwise it may curdle in the pan.

Sauce for pink salmon in the oven

It will help to emphasize all the advantages of a truly royal fish.
Before you cook it in the oven, you should properly prepare the baking sheet. Brush it a little with oil and lay the pieces of fish close together.

For the sauce you will need:

  • sour cream - 2 cups
  • various greens - 2-3 tablespoons
  • hard cheese - 200 grams
  • spices - to taste
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp. spoons

How to cook

Since the fish will be baked in the oven, you do not need to pre-cook the sauce.

  1. Mix sour cream with finely chopped herbs and spices.
  2. Add lemon juice and beat with a mixer.
  3. How to lubricate the fish with the resulting mixture.
  4. Put the baking sheet in a hot (200 degrees) oven for 35–40 minutes.
  5. Grate cheese on a coarse grater.
  6. Five to seven minutes before the pink salmon is ready, sprinkle the fish on top with grated cheese.

When the fish is ready, remove the baking sheet with pink salmon from the oven, and when serving, decorate it with lemon slices.

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