Granny Smith apples are sour or sweet. Description and cultivation of the Granny Smith apple variety. Ripening and fruiting

Granny Smith apples originated in Australia in the mid-19th century. Today, due to its excellent taste and nutritional value, this variety has become widespread among domestic gardeners. In this article, we will tell you about the features of growing Granny Smith apples.

Variety Description

This is a late autumn variety that is easy to care for and boasts excellent frost resistance. Ripe fruits are large in size, while they are rich in a variety of trace elements and vitamins.

Due to its unpretentiousness, such an apple tree grows easily in a northern climate and is able to bear fruit even in a rainy cloudy summer. Like most fall varieties, Granny Smith is harvested in September-October.

At the same time, in a cool climate, a later ripening of the crop is possible. This variety is fast-growing, while it has regular fruiting. The tree can bear fruit for 10 years, with the peak yield occurring 5-7 years after planting the tree.

Trees of the Granny Smith variety are medium-sized and are considered semi-dwarf with a spreading crown. A distinctive feature of this variety is the large size of apples, the weight of which can be about 300 grams. Ripened fruits have a rich green color with pronounced white subcutaneous dots.

When providing the tree with appropriate care, the fruits hold firmly on the stem and do not fall to the ground. Thus, harvesting is greatly simplified, the gardener is spared the danger of rotting apples that have fallen to the ground. The pulp of ripe fruits has a juicy sweet and sour taste.

This variety gained its popularity due to the minimum calorie content of apples. This allows you to include this fruit in various diets for weight loss. At the same time, apples are completely hypoallergenic and can be included in the diet of young children. They contain numerous vitamins useful for the body and allow you to solve problems with beriberi and are recommended when the body is weakened.

This variety is medium-yielding, and allows you to get the first fruits in the second year after planting. In the fifth year, the gardener will be able to collect about 15 kilograms of delicious apples from one tree. When choosing this variety, it should be remembered that Granny Smith is an excellent pollinator for various self-fertile varieties of apples.

Growing Granny Smith Apples

Gardeners recommend choosing this variety for a temperate mild climate with a long agricultural period and relatively short winters. At the same time, it must be said that this variety is great for middle lane Russia. It is only necessary to ensure appropriate thermal insulation of the apple tree in the winter season and in the summer to fertilize them with mineral fertilizers.

The success of growing this variety of apple tree largely depends on the correct choice of a place for planting seedlings. It is necessary to choose places protected from the wind and well lit by the sun. Granny Smith does not like high humidity, so seedlings must be planted on hills.

And you can equip additional drainage, which will eliminate problems with an increased level of groundwater. Planting seedlings of the Granny Smith apple tree can be done in early spring or autumn. The technology of work does not differ, when planting in the fall, do not forget about the need for high-quality mulching of the near-stem circle, as well as warming young seedlings.

Preparing a hole for planting is not difficult. It is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter of about a meter and a depth of about 60 centimeters a month before planting. The raised earth is mixed with organic fertilizer and subsequently used to fall asleep the seedling.

Before planting, the pit must be abundantly moistened with water. When falling asleep a seedling, it is recommended to water the soil abundantly and gently compact it. Also, do not forget about the need for an additional peg with which the tree is tied up to protect it from the wind. In the event that planting is carried out in the fall, then the trunk must be insulated, and the ground must be mulched with manure.

This variety of apples is not demanding in care, if you want to get the maximum yield, planting will require appropriate attention from you. So, for example, a tree needs to be pruned annually, which will form the correct crown and guarantee early fruiting. It is recommended to start such pruning from the second year after planting the tree. The whole procedure is carried out in the spring before the kidneys swell.

Due attention should be paid to the quality of the planting material used. Often today it is difficult to buy seedlings of this variety, which is explained by the still not so large distribution of Granny Smith in the domestic market.

Therefore, it is best to contact specialized nurseries, purchasing seedlings in which you can be completely sure of their quality. We recommend that you choose seedlings in cassettes or with a root system in a clod of earth. Subsequently, such seedlings are distinguished by better survival, and their planting is not difficult.

In the first few years, it will be necessary to provide the young tree with abundant watering. In particular, such watering is necessary in the summer. The norm is 3-4 liters of water for each young tree. Do this light watering weekly and monitor soil moisture levels in the near-stem soil.

After each such watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and mulch it with humus. The ripening period of the crop must be reduced in the amount of watering, as excessive moisture can adversely affect the taste of the grown crop. At the same time, it is not recommended to completely stop watering, in this case there may be a slowdown in tree growth and crop maturation.

Also remember the need for regular application of organic and mineral fertilizers. As organic matter, it is better to use humus. As mineral fertilizers, we recommend using complex special formulations that are designed specifically for apple trees. Such a fertilizer will contain phosphorus, nitrogen and other trace elements necessary for tree growth.

Of the advantages of this variety, we can note its increased resistance to various diseases. So, for example, this variety of fruit crop is resistant to dew and scab. But the manifestation of diseases such as powdery mold and rust is possible.

You can fight such diseases by using Bordeaux liquid or other fungicides. One of the advantages of this variety is its excellent keeping quality. As the weeks go by, these apples get juicier and tastier.


The Granny Smith variety, due to its excellent taste characteristics, productivity and ease of care, has become widespread among gardeners. By providing plantings with even the simplest care, you can get a great harvest of delicious fruits. Such apples contain a minimum of calories and at the same time they are extremely useful for the body. We recommend the Granny Smith variety to experienced gardeners and novice gardeners.

Granny Smith is winter variety. The fruits ripen by the time of the first cool - in September or early October.

Deviation from the norm is possible in a cool climate.

If the warm weather in the growing region does not last long, the fruits may ripen by winter and lose their characteristics.

The variety is precocious, fruiting is regular, is particularly stable, frost resistance.

Fruiting apple trees of this type eight to ten years old.

The peak falls on the fifth-seventh years of plant growth.

Among the winter varieties of apple trees, and, are also famous.

Description of the variety Granny Smith

Consider separately the appearance of the apple tree and the fruit itself.

Usually 'Granny Smith' apple tree medium-sized and is natural semi-dwarf. It has spreading crown.

apples grow largeup to 300 grams each. They have a rich green color, a dense peel, a round or slightly oval shape - this can be seen in the photo.

With proper care, the fruits hold firmly on the tree.

Sometimes the green surface of apples includes brownish-red blotches - they appear on the side turned towards the sun.

The pulp of apples is light, juicy, sour-sweet in taste.

What are the benefits and how many calories are in a green Granny Smith apple?

These apples are low in sugar and high in vitamins.

Since the calorie content of these apples is low - 47.5 calories, you can feast on them without any fears about the harmony of the figure. Also considered hypoallergenic.

The following varieties demonstrate excellent taste and increased fruit benefits:, and.

Selection history

Granny Smith apples or the well-known "Granny Smith" appeared in New South Wales, in Australia, in 1868.

They are a selection product. wild French apple tree with Australian.

Launched a new variety amateur breeder an elderly Australian Anna Maria Smith.

The result of her work quickly won popularity all over the world.


Variety "Granny Smith" refers to medium productive.

For the growth and full development of fruits 240 days of heat are required.

Granny Smith apple trees enter fruiting in the second or third year after landing in the garden in the autumn.

In the fifth year of growth from one tree, you can harvest up to 15 kilograms of crop.

It should be noted that "Granny Smith" is excellent pollinator for all other varieties.

To increase the yield, this variety should be planted next to only the same winter types of apple trees: , Elise, Ligol, Pink Lady.

If you are looking for apple trees with high yields, pay attention to, and.

Region of natural growth

Where are these apples grown? Today Granny Smith cultivated by gardeners of all countries.

Variety in a certain sense capricious: the shape, size and other characteristics of the fruit and the tree itself depend on the conditions of detention.

"Granny Smith" can't stand the heat. Due to the increased dose of sunlight fruits dry up.

Also variety does not like strong cold: from low temperatures apples turn yellow and change shape.

The ideal growing climate is mild, temperate, with short winters and long growing periods.

Landing and care

When planting any fruit tree, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the right time and place.

This is a guarantee that your apple tree will bear fruit well and delight you with its fruits.

Seedlings - usually biennial - apple trees of this popular variety can be plant in spring and autumn when there is no frost.

A month before planting, it is necessary to prepare pits for seedlings - the soil should sit down. Pits need a depth of about 60 centimeters and a diameter of at least one meter.

The soil that will be taken out of the pit should be mixed with any organic fertilizers.

Before planting, the pits need to be moistened with water.

You should not plant trees next to raspberries, but with other winter varieties of apple trees, on the contrary, it is recommended.

After planting, sprinkle with a sufficient amount of earth and water well so that the earth fits snugly against the roots of young trees.

Before the frost trunks need to be insulated and the soil next to the tree cover with manure.

Watch the video on how and when to plant a tree correctly.

apple trees needs to be pruned annually.

Pruning the crown will ensure the early fruiting of the tree and its longevity.

Pruning can be done from the second year of the tree's life early spring, until the buds swell.

Abundant summer watering- three to four liters for each tree - should be carried out in the first years of life and growth of the plant.

When the fruits ripen watering should be reduced otherwise they will crack.

Diseases and pests

The indisputable plus of the Granny Smith variety is - resistance to many "apple" diseases and pests. So, this variety does not suffer scab and powdery mildew.

Cons - susceptibility scabs and rust, powdery mildew.

They can be dealt with with fungicides: Benlaton, Fundazol, Bayleton, Bordeaux liquid and other broad-spectrum drugs.

Other diseases and pests affect the apple tree extremely rarely, which makes it an excellent choice for breeding in the garden. However, it does not hurt to take care of the prevention of such of them as, and.

Granny Smith apples are great for growing in regions with a long growing season.

They are full of vitamins and because of their large size are suitable for use in cooking.

Also fruits "Granny Smith" stored for a long time and it only gets better from there.

Trees of this variety are often used as hedges in gardens and summer cottages.

Good yield, excellent taste of fruits and beautiful appearance of trees make this variety a leader among others.

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Apple trees in Russia are a very popular fruit crop for growing in household plots. The demand is explained by tasty fruits, long-term productivity and unpretentiousness to growing conditions. This article is about the Granny Smith apple variety, it will describe how to properly plant a fruit seedling and the requirements for growing an apple tree.

Description and characteristics

In 1868, the Englishwoman Maria Ann Smith ate the last apples she brought from Sydney (Australia), and threw the cores into the compost heap. After a while, she noticed a small apple sprout among the compost and started growing it.

Granny Smith grows well in many regions of Russia

When the young tree eventually bore fruit, the taste, despite the thick, waxy, bright green skin, was sour-sweet and juicy. The harmony of taste amazed everyone who tried these apples - this is how the world-famous variety of Granny Smith apples appeared. Apples of this variety are grown commercially in Poland and Turkey, from where they are brought to Russia for sale.

Did you know? In the middle of the 20th century in the Soviet Union, a ditty about Michurin, who grows pears on a willow, was popular among the people. This was not an absolute invention, since a well-known breeder successfully planted and grew pears and plums on an apple tree.

Tree Description

The tree at the Granny Smith apple tree reaches a height of 2.5 to 3.5 m, the crown is spreading, spherical, prone to overgrowing with annual shoots. The tree has a high growth vigor, especially in the first five years of vegetation.. The variety needs regular annual formative pruning. Most often, cuttings of this variety are grafted to semi-dwarf rootstocks.

The bark of the tree is smooth and olive in color. The flowering of the variety occurs in late April or early May, depending on the region of cultivation. Apple blossom petals are painted pink-white, flower diameter reaches 5 cm. The leaf is smooth but not glossy.

Description of fruits

The Granny Smith apple tree has tasty, firm fruits with a bright green dense skin, white or brown subcutaneous tiny spots, and crispy juicy, rather sour, pulp. The apple has a round shape, the size of the fruit is medium and large, the weight of apples is 180–200 g. The taste is sweet-sour, harmonious. The apple pulp remains firm when cooked, making this variety very popular in cooking. Granny Smith apples are used to make apple pies and are eaten fresh in the winter.

These apples can be classified as dietary products, since each 100 g of fruit pulp contains only 47 kcal, which is explained by a small amount of natural sugars.

Consumers often wonder why the flesh of a bitten green apple darkens quickly when exposed to air. This is due to their high iron content. There are many useful minerals in the fruits of the apple tree, their regular use brings only benefits to the body. A possible harm from eating apples is diarrhea, and then only if the fruit is immature.

Removable fruit ripeness occurs at the end of September

Disease and pest resistance

Granny Smith is not too susceptible to scab, and is very resistant to fire blight and powdery mildew.. Therefore, the gardener needs to carry out preventive treatments of the aerial parts of the plant several times during the spring-summer season.

Important! When working with chemicals, the gardener must comply with the protection of the skin and lungs. To do this, wear protective clothing with long sleeves and a hood, rubber boots, goggles and a gauze bandage for the mouth.

Bordeaux mixture is used for preventive treatments, and they also pay special attention to garden hygiene, carry out: cleaning leaves, digging the soil, weed and pest control. Fungicides are used as chemical treatments. Medicinal prophylactic preparations are sprayed over the crown of a tree using a pump-action sprayer with a long tube ending in a fine spray.

Drought and winter hardiness

Apple trees of this variety have good resistance to sub-zero temperatures. They can tolerate frosts down to -25°C without harm to the wood or root system. As for drought resistance, it is considered average.


The Granny Smith apple tree is partially barren, therefore, needs pollinating trees growing in the neighborhood. It can be apple varieties: Pink Lady, Eliza. Simultaneously, Granny Smith is a good pollinator for late apple trees..

Flowering and ripening dates

Apple blossoms in late April or early May. Flowering dates may vary depending on how warm the spring is. During flowering, apple flowers emit a strong honey aroma, which attracts bees and other pollinating insects.

This is a late apple variety, so fruit ripening occurs at the end of September or the first decade of October. Apples are intended for long-term storage, moreover, their difference from other varieties is that the fruits acquire their high taste qualities just a few months after harvest.

Did you know? The bitten apple has become a symbol famous company Apple. The unusual logo was proposed by Steve Jobs, who, when choosing a name for the company, ate a juicy green apple.


The young apple tree will be able to form the first few fruits already in the fourth year of vegetation. The apple tree will give full yields after the age of five. In one season, from an adult apple tree, you can collect from 15 to 20 kg of apples. This yield will remain in the plant for the next 15 years. After the tree reaches 20 years of age, the yield will begin to decline every year.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The most important advantage of this variety is its excellent taste, good yield and the possibility of long-term storage of fruits. Also important is the partial resistance of the apple tree to such a dangerous disease of fruit crops as scab, and the excellent resistance of the plant to frost. The disadvantages include poor resistance to powdery mildew and bacterial burn.

Optimal growing conditions

Creating a garden begins with site selection and soil preparation. Soil preparation includes fertilization and loosening to a depth of 60 cm, and is carried out at least three months before planting. This time interval is necessary for the decomposition of organic matter, the accumulation of water and the creation of a fertile soil structure. When loosening the soil and digging a planting hole, all roots, stones or other debris are selected and removed from the garden.

Important!The apple tree grows well on all types of soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water near the root system. The distance between groundwater and the roots of the apple tree should be at least three meters deep.

The apple tree has moderate requirements for light, and with the right choice of the location of the tree, good crown illumination can be achieved. Granny Smith apple tree grows well in areas with average annual temperatures from +8...+11°C. Buds begin to bloom as soon as the air temperature exceeds +8°C, apple flowers bloom at temperatures above +11°C. For pollination of flowers, the most suitable temperature is from +21 ... +27°C. This variety brings good harvests of apples in areas where 600–700 mm of precipitation falls per year.

Landing Rules

A fruit seedling of this variety should only be purchased from licensed fruit tree nurseries.. In such companies, the health of seedlings is closely monitored. If an apple tree is purchased on the market, there is always the possibility of buying the wrong variety or a diseased tree infected with fungal or bacterial diseases.

Planting a seedling can be done in early spring and autumn (October-November), the main thing is that the soil is not frozen. Experienced gardeners recommend autumn planting of fruit trees, as this period is rich in moisture. After the autumn planting, the trees have time to adapt during the winter, and the root system grows new roots. Frequent rains provide the necessary moisture and good contact of the roots with the soil. Apple trees planted in autumn quickly enter the growth stage in spring. Such seedlings easily tolerate low temperatures next winter.

Video: Instructions for planting an apple tree

Root formation. Before planting a seedling, it is necessary to shorten the root system. The operation is carried out in order to remove damaged parts and split roots, as well as revitalize the weathered tips of the roots. Dead roots are completely removed, and living ones are shortened by 7-8 cm. The operation is aimed at maintaining the health of the root system and is performed only if the seedling has been recently dug out of the soil.

Winter varieties of apples also include:

After pruning, the roots are lowered into a mash of clay, fresh horse manure and water. Clay talker is designed to provide more moisture to the rhizomes. The chatterbox should have the density of homemade sour cream.

Correct fit:

  1. For Granny Smith apple trees, the following planting pattern is recommended: the distance between rows is 4 meters, and between plants is 4 meters.
  2. If the earth was dug up during preliminary preparation of the soil to a depth of 60 cm, then the planting hole should have dimensions of 50 × 50 cm (width and depth). If the ground has not been previously well-cultivated, the planting hole should be dug 2-3 months before planting the seedling and have dimensions of 100 × 80 cm (width and depth).
  3. A layer of fertile soil removed from the soil surface (1–2 shovels) is laid at the bottom of the recess, well-rotted organic (7–8 kg) and mineral fertilizers (100 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium) are added there. Everything is mixed well and a small hill is formed at the bottom of the pit, up to 20 cm high.
  4. The seedling is set in a hole so that the grafting point is 3 cm above the ground and is oriented to the north. After the roots are covered with a 10 cm layer of soil, the seedling is slightly shaken, and the roots are again covered with soil. When planting, it is necessary to achieve close contact of the roots with the soil.
  5. After planting, the soil around the planted tree is formed in the form of a small depression, and the tree is watered abundantly. In the first month after planting, watering the seedling is carried out weekly, starting from the second month, the frequency of watering a young tree is reduced to once every 2 weeks. When watering a seedling, use at least 10 liters of water at a time.
  6. After planting, I shorten the apple tree seedling with a pruner to a height of 80 cm.
  7. A wooden high peg is installed next to the tree for additional support. The peg and the planted tree are connected to each other with a soft natural material (cloth, rope or leather).
  8. After the autumn planting, before the onset of frost, the soil under the seedlings is insulated. To do this, straw or spruce branches are laid around the trunk, 30–40 cm in diameter, which will protect the roots from frost in winter. Stamps can be wrapped with rodent protection, such as fine-mesh metal mesh, plastic or thick rubber. The crowns of a young apple tree are insulated with non-woven materials (spunbond, agrofiber). Also, to insulate the branches, you can put a woven plastic sugar bag on the crown of the seedling, which is fixed on the trunk with a wire or cord.

Care rules

An apple tree requires regular care from the gardener, which consists in watering, pruning, processing the crown from pests and diseases.


It should be borne in mind that during the physiological drought in the spring, apple trees are sensitive to water deficiency. To prevent damage to the root system, the garden will need to be irrigated. Under each adult apple tree, at least 20 liters of water are used when irrigating.. In central Russia, root irrigation of apple trees is limited to abundant spring and autumn water-recharging irrigation, during which at least 100 liters of water are poured under each tree. The rest of the time, the trees receive moisture through precipitation and dew.

In the southern, hot regions, with a small amount of summer rainfall, it is necessary to water the apple trees monthly, spending about two buckets of water for each adult tree. Measures must also be taken to conserve water in the soil. As an obstacle to moisture evaporation, a thick layer of mulch around trees (sawdust, mowed grass, straw) works best. Mulching keeps the garden hygienic by preventing weed growth and reducing plant maintenance.

Do not water during fruit ripening. This can lead to cracking of the skin.

top dressing

To fully increase the wood mass and fruit yield, apple trees need regular feeding. The most successful solution is top dressing with organic matter. As organic matter, you can use cattle manure, humus, peat crumbs from the upper layers of the soil, compost. Usually, fertilizer with organic substances is combined with autumn digging of the soil, after laying out dry fertilizers around the apple tree.

Approximately two buckets of organic matter are used for each adult apple tree.. It is advisable to stick to this dose, and not exceed it, since an excess amount of nitrogen in the soil will cause rapid growth of branches and trunk, to the detriment of fruits. For top dressing you can use the mineral fertilizer complex for fruit trees, which is purchased at gardening stores.

soil care

Throughout the warm season, the gardener takes care of the soil under the apple trees, weeding, digging up the soil in the trunk circle, mulching the soil, raking and removing fallen leaves from the garden. To facilitate the work of caring for the soil in the garden, it is recommended to sow the earth with grass, such as timothy.

Did you know? According to legend, the law of universal gravitation was formulated by the English physicist Newton, as a result of an apple falling from a tree on the head of a scientist.


To form and maintain the state of the crown, the apple tree must be pruned twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Spring pruning should provide:

  • thinning the crown, allowing free access of light, air and protective preparations to the branches;
  • removal of old branches;
  • stimulation of the growth of side shoots of the crown;
  • removal of broken branches affected after winter;
  • preventing interlacing with neighboring trees;
  • load regulation during fruit ripening.

Video: Spring pruning of an apple tree in detail

The formation of a young apple tree is carried out during the first 4 years of life:

  1. In the year of planting- in spring, the central stem of the seedling, going up from the trunk, will be shortened to a height of 60 cm. In the upper part of the tree, three lateral branches are left, evenly spaced, having a length of 60–80 cm. These will be first-order branches or main branches.
  2. Second year after planting- in spring, young lateral shoots (second order branches) grown on three first order branches should be cut to 30–40 cm. The central stem will be shortened by 20–30 cm, it should be longer than the main branches.
  3. The third year of the plant's life- in spring, the length of 3 lateral branches of the second order is shortened to 70 cm. The central stem is shortened so that it is 25 cm higher from the lateral branches of the first order. Lateral shoots grown on the central stem and on the branches of the second order are cut to 15-20 cm (for 4-5 buds). In the upper part of each branch, 4-5 strong branches are formed, of which only two shoots are left. They should be directed outward and not intersect with other branches. All growth of this year's branches is cut out. On the central stem, 3-4 shoots will be selected, which later form the second floor of the crown. They should be 70 cm higher from the branches of the first floor.
  4. Fourth year- all branches of the first tier are shortened by 50–60 cm. The length of the branches selected to form the second floor is shortened to 60–70 cm. The central stem is cut 25 cm above the second layer of the crown. All branches that intersect, shade each other, or grow inside the crown are removed. The crown should be as close to the trunk as possible and have a triangular shape.
  5. This completes the formation, all subsequent spring pruning will be directed to maintaining the shape of the crown.

Rejuvenating pruning improves fruiting and prolongs the life of the apple tree

Autumn pruning of the apple tree is carried out in October, after the harvest of apples, and is sanitary.. During this pruning, the apple tree is cleared of diseased and damaged branches, dried or diseased fruits remaining on the tree.

Important!At the end of sanitary pruning, all diseased and shrunken branches, mummified fruits and leaves collected around the apple tree must be taken out of the garden and burned on an open fire. It is unacceptable to use these plant residues to obtain compost in order to prevent the spread of diseases and pests in the garden.

The soil in the garden between the rows of trees must be kept clean. Weeds compete with trees for water and nutrients in the soil, so they must be eliminated. In small household plots, weeds are pulled out; in large gardens, herbicides are used.. You can use a wide range of herbicides: Centurion, Agil, Fuzilad Forte, Panther, Leopard. When treating the soil with herbicides, the gardener must carry out the procedure so that the vapors of the preparations do not touch the trunks and branches of trees. In the first three years of a seedling's life, it is undesirable to use herbicides.

Video: Autumn pruning of an apple tree

Fight against major diseases

Every gardener who grows apple trees sooner or later encounters diseases of this crop and insect pests.

The main diseases of the apple tree:

  1. . The first symptom of the disease is the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves, the disease develops rapidly at a temperature of +18...+20°C, after which the spots turn brown. Infected leaf blades fall from the branches. The disease reduces yield and weakens apple trees. The virus is transmitted by grafting, pollen, infected seeds and in the nursery through contact with roots. Prevention and control measures: using healthy cuttings for grafting, removing viruses from the garden, planting resistant varieties.
  2. Bacterial burn. This is a very dangerous disease that can lead to the death of all fruit trees in the garden. This disease is promoted by high air humidity, wind, precipitation and air temperature from +10...+30°C. Fire scorched tree branches look like they've been burned. The leaves on them are brown and folded, the fruits are dry, black, and the branches are dried. In wet weather, bacterial exudate (liquid discharge) appears on the affected branches. Prevention and control measures: cut and burn diseased branches, apply fungicides on healthy parts of the tree. Repeat chemical treatment after each rain.
  3. black cancer. The spores of the fungus enter the tree through wounds resulting from cuts or mechanical damage. The bark in the affected area moves away from the trunk and the tissue of the wood rots. The fungus infects all above-ground parts of the apple tree, including fruits. On fruits, the disease causes rotting and premature abscission. If foci of the disease are present on the trunk, the tree will die. Prevention and control measures: use of healthy seedlings, sterilization of garden tools with alcohol or chlorine, balanced irrigation and fertilization, treatment of bark wounds with garden pitch, application of fungicides.
  4. powdery mildew. The disease appears on the leaves in the form of white spots, which after a while spread and cover the entire leaf plate. The disease progresses rapidly, and the mycelium becomes gray and dusty. Diseased leaves dry up. Apples are also attacked, as a result of the disease they are covered with a white coating of mycelium, crack and rot. Prevention and control measures: balanced fertilization, cultivation of resistant varieties, chemical treatment of the ground part of the tree with fungicides.
  5. Moniliosis. One of the most harmful diseases of fruit trees. The outbreak occurs during cold, rainy weather. On a diseased tree, the leaves dry out without crumbling, the fruits rot or mummify. Prevention and control measures: collect and destroy diseased fruits, cut off affected branches until healthy wood appears, apply preventive treatments with Bordeaux mixture, close wounds on the bark with garden mastic, apply fungicides.

Also, apple trees are systematically attacked by pests, such as:

Insect pests must be fought by treating the crown of the tree with biological and chemical protection preparations. Sticky traps, fruit compotes with the addition of insecticides, and the treatment of a tree trunk with adhesives also showed themselves well.

Preparing for winter

Adult apple trees do not need to shelter the crown from frost, warming the soil in a circle next to the tree trunk is carried out only in regions with very cold winters. This will help save the root system from freezing. As insulation, an additional layer of soil (20–30 cm high) or organic mulch (spruce branches, straw) is used.

Important!As soon as the snow melts in the garden and the air becomes warm, all insulating covers from the crown and roots of the apple tree must be removed immediately. If this is not done, the roots may begin to rot, and the branches may become covered with moss or mold.

If the orchard is in close proximity to a forest or the edge of a field, the trunks of young trees must be protected from mice and hares. To do this, a protection is created around the trunk that covers the trunk of the tree (from the junction with the ground to a trunk height of one meter). As a protective layer, you can use a metal mesh or shields cut from automotive rubber.

In anticipation of winter, it is advisable to whitewash tree trunks. As a whitewash, a mixture of water, lime, copper sulfate and horse manure is used. With such a solution, with the help of a paint brush, the tree trunk is covered to a height up to the fork of skeletal branches, and skeletal branches are also whitened to a length of 40–50 cm. Whitewashing before winter prevents the bark of trees from getting a sunburn in conditions of winter physiological drought. It is recommended to repeat the whitewashing procedure in the spring, after the soil in the garden has dried out.

A gardener should plant at least one Granny Smith tree to provide his family with tasty and healthy apples for many years to come.

In the distribution network, especially in large supermarkets, all year round for sale large, green apples. These fruits are produced by the Granny Smith apple variety.

Why grow green apples? After all, their fruits against the background of green foliage do not look as impressive as yellow or red ones. Where did the Granny Smith apple variety come from in ours?

Let's get acquainted, what are its benefits and uniqueness. Perhaps this is what your garden lacks.

A distinctive feature of the variety are themselves apples - a very rich green color, recognizable at first sight. Sometimes there are subcutaneous blotches - brownish or brownish - red.

The fruits are covered with a dense, resistant to injury and damage, peel. The pulp of the fruit is also quite dense, but at the same time, juicy and tender when biting.

Being a natural semi-dwarf, apple trees of the variety are medium-sized, fast-growing in the first years and slowing down growth after fruiting.

Variety Granny Smith belongs to the winter group. The fruits ripen by the end of September and are suitable for long-term storage.

An old variety, widely distributed throughout the world and cultivated in all climatic latitudes, where only it is possible to grow. It is moderately demanding, although the productivity and quality of the fruit, to a large extent, depends on the growing conditions and weather conditions.

Granny Smith apple tree.

additional characteristics

Granny Smith grows up to 3.5 meters.

Yield and frequency of fruiting

Under favorable conditions characterized by periodicity of fruiting and high yield, although it belongs to the average. Trees on a semi-dwarf rootstock reach a peak yield in the fifth year - 15-20 kg per apple tree. Such apple trees bear fruit for eight to ten years.

Apple tree Granny Smith gives up to 20 kg of fruit from one tree.

Tasting assessment

Apples have a sour-sweet taste, the sweetness of which increases with storage. The fruit has juicy flesh, a pleasant aroma and a high taste rating. The variety is considered the best among green apples in terms of the composition of minerals, vitamins and nutrients contained in the fruit.

Granny Smith apple fruit.

Eating apples in moderation helps to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and reduce the risk of heart disease and colds.

Watch a video of what Granny Smith apples look like:

winter hardiness

Granny Smith apple tree do not tolerate long periods of low temperatures and have an average level of winter hardiness. Ideal for it is a temperate, mild climate with long summers and short winters.

disease resistance

It has average resistance to , and, more often also affected by powdery mildew.

The Granny Smith apple tree variety can be affected by rust.

Watch a video with rust prevention methods:


Svetlana.“I personally am always on a diet. Therefore, in my garden, the variety has a separate place. There are no problems with care. The harvest is good, the apples are tasty and stored for a very long time. Recommend."

Alexander.“At first, the appearance of apples disappointed me. Since autumn they have been a dull green color. But in the process of storage they proved to be excellent. And the color became more cheerful, and the taste improved. And it’s no more difficult to grow than any other apple tree.”

Olga.“Granny Smith planted her first apple tree in the shade behind the bathhouse. The result was not impressive - the apples did not ripen, and the taste was not very good. Another apple tree placed in the sun. It bears excellent fruit, and the apples ripen large, juicy.

Features of planting and care



Saplings as well as. The most is the plant is in a dormant stage and the absence of frost.

Before the start of development, the plant must have time to adapt to the soil and fix the root system in it.

For the middle band it is:

  • End of March - beginning of April;
  • End of September - beginning of October.

Watch the video on how to plant an apple tree:


The correct one is the key to successful survival and subsequent successful fruiting.

Pits for planting are prepared in advance so that the fertile mixture added to them (humus, rotted manure, mineral fertilizers) is well compacted. The root system in the pit is placed freely, without bending. The root neck is left above the ground. The seedling is tied to a support and watered abundantly.

Planting an apple tree.

Cultivation and agricultural technology

Basic agricultural practices:

  • . It is important to keep the soil moist, especially in the first year after planting. Effective watering in dry years at any age;

Watering the apple tree.

Attention! Do not water during fruit ripening. This can lead to cracking of the skin.

  • in early spring with copper-containing preparations. If there are signs, Fundozol, Bayleton, Bordeaux liquid and other drugs are used in accordance with the instructions;

Treatment of apple trees from diseases.

  • organic fertilizers(compost, rotted manure) and complex mineral;

Fertilizing apple trees with humus.

  • Loosening, mulching the soil and removing weeds.

Mulching the trunk circle.

Pruning and crown shaping

The tree grows intensively, especially in the first years, and constant to prevent its thickening.

crown formation starting from the second year:

  • The main skeletal branches are left at a height of at least 50 cm above each other;
  • Remove shoots directed inside the crown and intersecting with other branches;
  • Damaged branches and those with signs of disease are also removed.

Watch the video how to:

Pollinator varieties

The Grani Smith apple variety is an excellent pollinator for other late apple varieties with coinciding flowering periods and itself. is partially infertile. Concerning very successful is the neighborhood with such varieties as:

  • Pink Lady;
  • Elise.

Pink Lady.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Beginning of fruiting

In trees on a short rootstock, fruits appear at 2-3 years of age, but these will be single fruits. At 4 - 5 years, full fruiting begins.

The first fruits on the apple tree appear in 2-3 years.



The variety is winter and blooms late, coinciding with the flowering of other late varieties. Flowering is friendly, plentiful, of medium duration. Large, white, saucer-shaped flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Blossoming apple tree Granny Smith.


Removable ripeness of fruits at the end of September and in some regions - at the beginning of October.

Removable fruit ripeness occurs at the end of September.

fruit storage

Apples kept until next harvest. To do this, it is necessary to remove them correctly, avoiding damage to the peel, wax coating and squeezing. The fruits are, as it were, unscrewed from the branch, carefully examined, fruits are removed even with minimal signs of disease.

Granny Smith apples can be stored until the next harvest.

Important! Apples immediately after picking are laid for storage in dry rooms (cellars, basements or specialized storage facilities) at a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees. If the area allows, it is better to spread the apples in one layer.

Regionalization in Russia

Granny Smith apple tree successfully grows and bears fruit in various regions:

  • Central;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Volga-Vyatka;
  • in the south of Russia.

Granny Smith grows well in many regions of Russia.

In unfavorable years with an insufficient number of warm days, apples hardly have time to ripen by the end of autumn, and their taste may not reach the best.

Growing in the suburbs

Average level of winter hardiness allows you to grow a variety in the suburbs. Apples have time to ripen and accumulate a sufficient amount of minerals.


A beautiful variety of apple tree Granny Smith will become A worthy addition to any garden.

According to their quality characteristics, green apples are considered one of the best in dietary nutrition, as well as in the production of confectionery.

Growing a variety is available even to beginners, and the result will delight until the new harvest.

In contact with

The variety of apple trees "Granny Smith" ("Granny Smith"), according to legend, was created by a female breeder Anna Smith, who lived in Australia in the mid-19th century. She crossed a local Australian apple tree with a wild game exported from France. The result is a variety that has by now become one of the most popular in the world. 'Granny Smith' has been in the top 10 best-selling varieties for many years. This old variety is cultivated almost everywhere where climatic conditions allow growing apples. Breeding a variety, for all its unpretentiousness, requires the use of certain agricultural practices.

Variety characteristics

Apple tree "Granny Smith" belongs to the winter group. Fruit ripening begins in mid-September and continues until October. The tree is considered semi-dwarf, so the height of the trunk is not too high, but the crown is wide and sprawling, therefore it requires formation, as well as a fairly large place. In the early years, growth is very active, but after entering the fruiting period, it slows down. Apples of this variety are easily recognizable by their rich green color. Due to the solid consistency of the pulp, the fruits tolerate long-term storage and transportation well.

During storage, the fruits become sweeter. With long-term storage, they practically do not lose their shape and do not become stained.

Apples contain a large amount of pectin, which helps to cleanse the body and remove heavy metal compounds. The fruits are quite hard and have a pronounced sour taste. Due to the low sugar content, the fruits of this variety are classified as the best dietary products. At the same time, the fruits are absolutely devoid of aroma and have specific taste qualities. Apples "Granny Smith" have the following advantages:

  • good transportability;
  • long shelf life;
  • lack of allergens;
  • high content of vitamins and microelements.

Find out what apples are useful for.

There is very little sugar in this variety of apples and there are absolutely no allergic components, so they can be given to both sick and young children.

Apple trees do not tolerate cold climates with long winters. The optimal growing conditions for Granny Smith are mild climates with short winters and long, warm summers. Apple trees are considered medium productive and reach their maximum yield in 5-7 years, although single fruits may appear as early as in the second year. From one tree you can collect 20-30 kg of fruit. Blossoming of apple-trees is later, but amicable and plentiful. Apple trees can be both self-pollinating and fruitless, so other varieties of trees should be planted next to them. "Granny Smith" has the following characteristics:

  • pollinator varieties - Pink Lady, Delicious, Elise;
  • tree height - 3.5-4.5 meters;
  • trunk diameter - 15-18 cm;
  • life expectancy (fruiting) - 8-10 years;
  • fruit size - 150-200 grams;
  • winter hardiness - medium;
  • features of the root system - extensive, but weak;
  • yield - up to 25 kg per tree;
  • fruiting cycle - regular;
  • self-fertility - not always;
  • disease resistance - the variety is resistant to powdery mildew and monilliosis;
  • the taste of the fruit is sweet and sour with a low sugar content.

The variety is demanding on sunlight, which must be considered when choosing a place for planting.

Since "Granny Smith" has low frost resistance, the central strip of Russia and its southern regions can be considered optimal for growing these apple trees.

Planting, growing care

"Granny Smith" is considered an unpretentious variety that is not too demanding to care for. At the same time, the yield of a variety depends on the implementation of certain agrotechnical methods. First of all, it concerns planting a seedling.


For planting seedlings in open ground Suitable for both spring and autumn. Spring planting should be carried out at a time when the movement of juices in the trunk has not yet begun, and any warm time before the onset of frost is suitable for autumn planting. A young seedling needs time to adapt and fix the root system in the soil. The planting site should be well lit by the sun, since the yield and taste characteristics of apples depend on this factor.


For central Russia, the optimal planting dates in the spring will be the end of March or the beginning of April, and for the autumn - the last decade of September. In extreme cases, a seedling can be planted in early October, but at the same time, there is a high probability of early frosts, which will negatively affect the young plant.

To plant the Granny Smith apple tree, you need to choose a place where the sun is most of the day, and there is no groundwater. This may be the southern and elevated side of the site.

Technology and agricultural technology

A properly prepared planting hole almost always guarantees the survival of the seedling. Gardeners always prepare a pit for spring planting in the fall, and for planting in autumn, it must be prepared at least a month in advance. This is due to the fact that mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil and it is important that they penetrate deep into the soil. The lack of groundwater is very important for the proper growth and development of the seedling. If the groundwater comes close to the surface, then this can cause rotting of the root system, especially in a young plant.

Before planting, the soil must be freed from perennial weeds.

If the garden plot is in a lowland, then a drainage layer should be laid at the bottom of the planting pit for an apple tree. This is a pillow with a thickness of at least 20 cm made of broken bricks, pebbles or fine crushed stone. Next, you need to add some nutrients:

  • rotted manure or compost;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • superphosphate.

Since "Granny Smith" refers to semi-dwarf varieties, the depth of the planting hole is usually made 50 cm, and its diameter should be at least 1 meter. Before planting a seedling, you need to carefully examine its root system. It is necessary to carefully remove dried and rotted roots, as well as all places with the presence of mold. In order not to injure healthy roots, all pruning sites must be treated with a “talker”. To do this, a small amount of manure is mixed with clay and diluted to a thick sour cream. The root system of the seedling is dipped into this mixture before planting. If the root system of the tree is bare, then a hill of fertile soil should be poured into the bottom of the pit, along which the roots are neatly distributed. The roots of the seedling should be freely placed in the planting hole, avoiding bending of the ends, while the root collar should be located above the soil surface. The trunk circle is mulched with peat or straw.

Near the landing site, you need to install a peg and tie a young tree to it. To protect against animals, the seedling can be surrounded by a small fence. Watering an apple tree can be considered the most important agricultural technique. In the first year after planting, the soil should be constantly moistened. At high summer temperatures and lack of rain, Granny Smith should be watered especially actively.

The exception is the fruit ripening period. At this time, watering should be very moderate. Too much moisture in the soil can cause the skin to crack.

The foliage of the tree can be affected by rust and powdery mildew. If rust spots appear on the leaves, it is necessary to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and increase the phosphorus-potassium preparations. The affected areas on the trunk should be treated with a 5% solution and covered with garden putty. Be sure to carry out sanitary pruning of affected trees. For the prevention of diseases, in early spring, the tree must be treated with one of the following drugs:

  • bayleton;
  • fundozol;
  • Bordeaux liquid.

In spring and autumn, the trunks of Granny Smith apple trees must be whitewashed. To prevent rust, copper sulfate is added to the whitewash.

What is the best way to grow

For growing the Granny Smith apple tree, seedlings purchased from a special nursery are suitable. This is a reliable option, since in a good nursery all the trees are healthy, have a good root system, and there is a guarantee that what is needed will grow from the seedling, and not some other variety. Therefore, buying seedlings on the market from unknown persons is not recommended. An apple tree of this variety can be grown from a seed. However, there is a slight complication. The fact is that a tree, at about 90%, loses its maternal properties, so an apple tree grown in this way must be grafted. If this technology is familiar, then you can start the process.

Read on what you can plant an apple tree on.

Growing an apple tree from a seed is divided into the following stages:

  • washing;
  • soak;
  • stratification.

First you need to prepare the bones, which are taken from the apple from the periphery of the crown. They should be ripe and have an even brown color. Selected seeds should be washed several times in warm water, stirring gently so as not to damage them. Washing removes the inhibitory layer that prevents germination. Then the seeds are placed in a small container with water, which must be placed in a warm place for several days. The water is changed daily so that the seeds do not become moldy.

On the third day of soaking, drugs that stimulate development and growth can be added to the water. This is "Epin" or "Sodium Humate". Stratification is the hardening of seeds to prepare them for natural conditions. Seeds are mixed with sand and peat and the resulting mixture is abundantly moistened. Moss or sawdust can be used instead of peat. In this substrate, seeds are up to 6 days. During this time, they swell. Then the container with the substrate and seeds is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. This is an imitation of the cold winter period.

After stratification, the seeds can be placed in a container with fertile soil, which is located in a sunny place.

Chernozem is best suited as soil. The soil must be well watered, avoiding erosion near the seeds. After the second pair of leaves appears on small seedlings, they must be sorted. Shoots with small and brightly colored leaves are removed. When the plants get stronger, they can be transplanted into the open ground, in the presence of good weather conditions. At the initial stage of seedling growth, fresh organic components such as manure or chicken manure should not be added to the soil. They are chemically very active and can cause burns to the root system. You can use compost or humus in small quantities.

Distance between trees

The fairly wide and spreading crown of the "Granny Smith" does not allow planting apple trees close to each other. Usually seedlings of this variety are located at a distance of 4-5 meters. In this case, the apple trees will not block the sunlight, and the root systems of each tree will have enough nutrients.


"Grammy Smith" is considered an undemanding variety, so even inexperienced gardeners can grow it. At the same time, the implementation of certain agricultural practices will allow achieving high yields and reduce the risk of possible diseases. These apple trees need active watering, except for the period when the fruits are filled with ripeness. Apple trees need especially active watering in the first and second years of planting, when they do not yet bear fruit. During this period, the apple tree needs to be watered 5-6 times per season, using up to 5 buckets of water per tree. Watering is done during flowering, before the formation of ovaries and 2 weeks before the full ripening of the fruit. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the trunks with spruce branches. It is advisable to mulch trees using straw or peat moss.

When to remove shelter from apple trees in the spring will tell.

top dressing

Immediately after planting, seedlings need to be fed with nitrogen. The first dressing is applied to the soil in mid-May, the second in a month. Due to this, the growths necessary for the formation of the crown are activated on the trunk. With a very intensive growth of the tree, in the second year, you can limit yourself to only May top dressing. To enhance fruiting in the third and fourth years, nitrogen-rich components should be limited. At this stage, you need to use components containing phosphorus and potassium. Most often for gardeners use the following drugs:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • potassium monosulfate.

fruit ripening

Under good weather and temperature conditions, the ripening of Granny Smith apples begins at the end of September. Since the fruits have a strong stalk and hold well on the branches, they should not be picked in the initial period of fruiting. At this time, the taste of apples is extremely low, since the process of sugar formation has not been completed in them. Harvesting should be done as late as possible, when the fruits are at their most ripe.

fruit storage

Variety "Granny Smith" refers to one of the most suitable varieties for long-term storage. Under the right conditions, apples can be stored until a new harvest. The fruits should be removed from the tree very carefully, without squeezing, preventing damage to the skin and preserving the wax coating. Apples should not be picked, but unscrewed from the branch.

Read about storing apples for the winter.

At the sorting stage, apples with the slightest damage or signs of disease should be removed so that they do not spoil the entire batch.

Immediately after harvesting and sorting, apples should be stored in a dry, cool room with a temperature of 0 to +2 0 C.


After a certain time, apple trees begin to show signs of aging, while fruiting is noticeably reduced. One of the characteristic signs of aging is associated with the exposure of skeletal branches. It also reduces the size of the fruit. With the use of some techniques, the apple tree can return high yields for a few more years. The best way to rejuvenate is the correct pruning of branches.


If the bark of the tree is not damaged, then the old tree can be pruned, which will return the apple tree to a period of good fruiting. should only be done in autumn when the tree is preparing for winter. The procedure is performed after leaf fall, but before the onset of frost. First, cut off all dry and diseased branches. Trimming should be smooth without stumps. If the branches to be removed are very thick, then no more than three branches can be cut in one season. Autumn pruning involves reducing the height of the tree to 3.5-4.5 meters.

Read about pruning dwarf apple trees.

Too active pruning of the crown can lead to the death of the tree, so the whole process can take up to three years.

To which regions is the variety more adapted?

With the exception of the northern regions, Granny Smith apple trees can be grown throughout Russia. The most suitable for this are the following regions:

  • central;
  • central black earth;
  • the Volga region;
  • southern regions.

In areas where there are not too many sunny days in the summer, apples of this variety do not have time to ripen, and they will lack sugar. In this case, the taste of the fruits will be low and they can only be used for processing and in cooking.


Video about Granny Smith apple variety.


  1. "Granny Smith" is best grown from good ones.
  2. Apples have a specific taste, which should be considered.
  3. The apple tree is resistant to diseases and, with simple care, bears fruit well.
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