How to make mushrooms with potatoes. Honey mushrooms fried with potatoes in sour cream. Recipe. Honey mushrooms fried with potatoes

Having collected a generous mushroom harvest, the housewives first of all prepare fried mushrooms with potatoes. The easiest way is to prepare an ordinary dish consisting of a couple of ingredients, but if you add some interesting ingredients to the composition: sour cream, meat or vegetables, you will get an original treat that you can get enough of for lunch.

Cooking mushrooms with potatoes is not tricky, but although the dish is simple, the process of creating it requires following some rules. Considering that forest mushrooms, they need to be properly prepared.

  1. Honey mushrooms are washed, impurities are removed.
  2. Cut off bad places and wormholes.
  3. It is not necessary to soak the mushrooms so that they do not saturate the water.
  4. Cut off the film under the cap.
  5. Boil mushrooms in salted water for 15 minutes.
  6. Dry them naturally before cooking.

Potatoes with mushrooms are prepared according to a simple technology, but you need to take into account the different times required for the heat treatment of the components.

  1. The most successful way not to spoil the dish is to fry the potatoes and mushrooms separately, mix the semi-finished products together 5-10 minutes before turning off the fire.
  2. Mushrooms need more time to cook, you can first sauté the onion, fry the mushrooms, only then add the potatoes.
  3. Fried mushrooms with meat and potatoes also need to be cooked separately and mix the ingredients 5 minutes before being ready.

The simplest dish is fried potatoes with mushrooms, the recipe of which consists of two ingredients, is prepared quickly, despite the preparation of mushrooms. In advance, they need to be washed, cleaned and large specimens cut, small ones left whole or divided into two parts. Mushrooms are tastier if you fry them in butter.


  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, green onions and dill.


  1. Boil the cleaned and washed mushrooms in slightly salted water for 15 minutes, removing the resulting foam.
  2. Throw in a colander, dry.
  3. Put in a pan, fry until the liquid evaporates.
  4. Throw butter, fry until the characteristic mushroom aroma.
  5. In another pan, fry the potatoes in oil until golden brown.
  6. Mix both roasts, salt, cover, sweat for 10 minutes.
  7. Before serving, sprinkle the mushrooms fried with potatoes, chopped herbs and onions.

Delicious mushrooms fried with onions and potatoes are prepared according to classical technology, that is, the ingredients are fried separately. Onions need to be sautéed with mushrooms, it perfectly reveals the delicious mushroom flavor. A clove of garlic, dill and green onions added at the end of cooking will not be superfluous.


  • boiled mushrooms - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • salt;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • onion and dill greens - 1 handful.


  1. In a frying pan in oil, sauté the onion, put the mushrooms, fry until tender.
  2. Separately, fry the potatoes until golden brown.
  3. Mix ingredients, salt.
  4. Add crushed garlic, sprinkle with chopped herbs, simmer under the lid for 5 minutes.

A simple dish without frills - mushrooms with potatoes in sour cream, fried in a pan. Sour cream is added to the dish after turning it off so that the gravy does not curdle. You can add a little garlic to the sauce, it will complement the treat with an interesting taste. Serve 10-15 minutes after readiness, when the components are saturated with sauce and exchange tastes.


  • honey mushrooms (boiled) - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • greens - 1 handful;
  • salt, oil for frying.


  1. Fry the mushrooms until the liquid has evaporated, add the potatoes.
  2. Fry, stirring until half cooked.
  3. Add chopped onion, salt.
  4. Mix sour cream with crushed garlic.
  5. Ready mushrooms fried with potatoes turn off.
  6. Pour in the sour cream and garlic sauce, mix, sprinkle with herbs, cover with a lid.

Potatoes with mushrooms fried in a pan in the form of cutlets is a very unusual dish that is ideal for filling the lenten menu. A very satisfying and deliciously fragrant treat, similar to Belarusian potato pancakes, will appeal to all eaters who do not eat food of animal origin.


  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • potatoes boiled in uniform - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - ½ pc.;
  • flour for breading;
  • oil, salt.


  1. Save the onion. Finely chop the peeled and boiled mushrooms, add to the roast, simmer until tender.
  2. Peel potatoes, grate, mix with fried mushrooms. Salt.
  3. Form into balls, coat in flour.
  4. Fry until golden brown.

Fried pork with mushrooms and potatoes is an excellent dish that will be appreciated by the male audience of eaters. A hearty treat is prepared simply, the ingredients are prepared separately, mixed and simmered under the lid 15 minutes before being ready. From spices, it is better to choose ground black pepper and a small pinch of thyme, mushrooms do not really like spices and lose their natural flavor.


  • pork - 500 g;
  • mushrooms - 600 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • salt, pepper, thyme;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • frying oil.


  1. Fry thinly sliced ​​pork in oil.
  2. Separately, sauté the onion, add the mushrooms, fry until the liquid evaporates, pour over the meat.
  3. Mix, salt.
  4. Fry the potatoes separately until golden brown, sprinkle with mushrooms and meat, salt and season with spices.
  5. Simmer mushrooms fried with meat and potatoes for another 10-15 minutes on minimum heat.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms in a pan cooked in winter will surprise guests and households with a delicious mushroom taste and aroma. Thrifty housewives have some dried honey mushrooms in their bins and use the harvesting regularly. In order for the dish to turn out perfect, mushrooms need to be soaked and boiled.


  • dry mushrooms - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • oil, salt, herbs.


  1. Mushrooms pour cold water and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Drain the water, add new water, put to boil for 20 minutes. Strain, dry.
  3. Sauté onions in a frying pan, add mushrooms, fry until the liquid evaporates, add potatoes.
  4. Salt, add chopped garlic, cover, simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. When ready, turn off the heat, sprinkle with herbs, leave for 10 minutes.

A very tasty old dish - potatoes with pickled mushrooms, fried in a pan. An excellent treat is obtained with a salty aftertaste, everyone will definitely like it. Given that the mushrooms have already gone through all the stages of processing and are completely ready for use, they are added at the very end of frying so that they do not lose their crunchiness.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salted mushrooms - 200 g;
  • oil, salt.


  1. Fry potatoes until golden brown.
  2. Add chopped onion, salt, mix.
  3. Add mushrooms, simmer for 10 minutes.

Fried potatoes with frozen mushrooms are prepared quickly, because mushrooms do not need to be processed, sorted and boiled. As a rule, honey mushrooms before being placed in freezer cook until done. Mushrooms must first be thawed at room conditions and the dish should be prepared using a simple standard technology.


  • frozen mushrooms - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • oil, herbs, salt.


  1. Defrost mushrooms, dry.
  2. Sauté the onion in a frying pan, add mushrooms, fry until the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Add diced potatoes, mix. Salt.
  4. Fry until cooked, turn off the heat, sprinkle with herbs, cover, leave for 10 minutes.

To cook mushrooms with potatoes fried in a slow cooker, you do not need to come up with a special recipe. The dish is prepared according to the classical technology, the advantage is the non-stick coating of the bowl and its depth, which does not allow the oil to splatter. Tasty dish for four will be ready in 40 minutes.


  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • onion - ½ pc.;
  • oil, salt.


  1. Turn on the "Frying" mode for 40 minutes. Saute the onion, throw in the mushrooms.
  2. Fry until the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Introduce thinly sliced ​​potatoes, mix and salt.
  4. Fry until cooked, cover and leave the mushrooms fried in a slow cooker with potatoes in the “Keep Warm” mode for 20 minutes.

Mushrooms are delicious, and potatoes are satisfying. Why not combine these two foods in a pan to stay full? Let's try.

Right now we offer you terribly simple and delicious recipes. Everything is really prepared not only easily, but also quickly. You need to try this even if you are new to cooking. Even a schoolboy will cope with the task, so you will definitely succeed!

General principles of preparation

Mushrooms must be very carefully cleaned of various forest debris. These are all kinds of branches, leaves, sometimes earth and sand come across. Be careful, because eating all this will not be very tasty.

Use a lid to cook potatoes faster. When the dishes are covered with a lid, the situation “heats up” inside, all the ingredients reach readiness much faster than “in the fresh air”.

Traditional recipe for fried mushrooms with onions and potatoes

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

The simplest and classic recipe dishes. You should definitely try. It is better to cook when you are very hungry, because it is very satisfying.

How to cook:

Tip: You can use regular butter, but this will make your simple dish really special. Of course, it will not affect the appearance, but the aroma and taste will change.

Fried mushrooms with potatoes in sour cream

If you add sour cream to potatoes, then it is always tastier and richer. Did you know that this doesn't just apply to mashed potatoes? Fried potatoes just as deserve this delicate sauce.

How long is 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 70 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Thoroughly clean the mushrooms from dirt, sand, branches and leaves.
  2. Place in a bowl, fill with water and put on the stove, turn on the fire.
  3. Salt the water and let it boil.
  4. From now on, cook for about 10-12 minutes, then drain through a colander.
  5. Let the mushrooms drain and cool a little so that you can work with them.
  6. Cut each mushroom into two or three pieces.
  7. Peel the onion, rinse with running water, crumble with a sharp knife.
  8. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up.
  9. Add the onion and sauté, stirring, until translucent.
  10. At this time, peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into cubes or strips.
  11. Rinse again, then dry and transfer to the onion.
  12. Stirring, cook for fifteen minutes.
  13. Then add spices, mushrooms, sour cream.
  14. Stir, close the lid and simmer the dish for about five more minutes.

Tip: Add some garlic to spice up the dish.

Potatoes with onions, fried in a slow cooker with the addition of mushrooms

We created a recipe for those who always have a lot to do and little time. A slow cooker will help you cook quickly while you are busy with your own business.

What is the calorie content - 83 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion and wash thoroughly. Cut into small cubes with a sharp knife.
  2. Put the butter in the multicooker bowl, let it disperse.
  3. At this time, it is good to clean the mushrooms by hand.
  4. Put the onions and mushrooms into the bowl, stirring, fry for twenty minutes in the baking mode.
  5. At this time, peel the potatoes, wash them and cut into bars.
  6. Rinse again, but more thoroughly.
  7. Transfer to the mushrooms and cook for about forty minutes in the baking mode.
  8. Rinse the dill, chop finely.
  9. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, open the lid, pour in the dill, add spices and mix.
  10. Cook the rest of the time already without a lid.

Tip: Instead of dill, you can use absolutely any other greens to taste.

Delicious cheese dish

They say that in the oven, dishes are lighter and more dietary. Let's try to cook fried mushrooms with potatoes in the oven to see if this is so?

How much time is 1 hour and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 95 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort mushrooms, removing branches, leaves and bad specimens.
  2. Thoroughly clean them, place in a colander.
  3. Rinse them with running water, then drain and dry.
  4. Pour carefully into a large saucepan, cover with water.
  5. Place on the stove and turn on the fire.
  6. Bring to a boil, cook for thirty minutes over high heat.
  7. Do not forget to salt the water during the cooking process.
  8. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into rings.
  9. Put in a bowl, salt, season with black pepper.
  10. Next, knead with your hands so that all the potatoes have a taste.
  11. Grease a baking dish with oil and lay out the potatoes.
  12. Peel the onion, rinse and cut into rings of the same thickness.
  13. Spread on top of potatoes.
  14. Drain the mushrooms through a colander, let them drain, then cool.
  15. Put the third layer in a baking dish.
  16. Grate cheese, as usual, on a grater.
  17. Sprinkle the mushrooms, spreading the cheese evenly over the surface.
  18. Put in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  19. Wash the greens, finely chop, sprinkle the finished casserole.

Tip: you can grease the mushrooms with sour cream and only then sprinkle with cheese to make the casserole more rich and juicy.

Hearty lunch with lard

This is delicious! Very satisfying! Hurry up for groceries and start cooking for the whole family and neighbors. Everyone should try this - fried mushrooms with lard and potatoes.

How long - 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 105 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Clean mushrooms thoroughly, removing branches and leaves.
  2. Put in a saucepan, pour water and put on the stove.
  3. Salt, turn on the fire and let it boil.
  4. From this point on, cook until fully cooked, not forgetting to stir.
  5. Then drain through a colander so that the glass water and mushrooms cool down a little.
  6. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into strips. Rinse again to remove dirt and starch that is released from the tubers during the cutting process.
  7. Peel the onion, rinse with running water, washing off the secreted juice.
  8. Cut the root vegetable into feathers with a sharp knife.
  9. Cut the lard into small pieces, put in a pan.
  10. Place it on the stove, turn on medium heat and fry until golden brown.
  11. Add potatoes, mushrooms, spices to taste and mix.
  12. When a golden crust appears, put the onion, and reduce the heat so that the potatoes can cook inside, and not just outside.
  13. Peel the garlic, pass through the crush and stir in the potatoes at the end of cooking.
  14. Cut the cucumber into rings, removing the tips, and rinse the parsley and finely chop.
  15. Put the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle with herbs and decorate with cucumber rings.

Tip: you can prepare a little pickled onion as an appetizer. It is especially delicious with fried potatoes.

To give the dish an unusual taste, use various types of vegetable oil. We cited grape seed oil as an example in the first recipe. And it turned out really unusual! Use sesame, poppy, corn, linseed, coconut, etc.

If you use a little fresh herbs, the dish will become not only brighter, but also fresher. The bright green color will refresh the potatoes with mushrooms, making everything even more appetizing.

This dish is made for you if you like to eat something simple and uncomplicated. What could be easier than fried potatoes with mushrooms? Is that a purchased potato. But it’s better to cook this delicious, satisfying and incredibly rich dish yourself!

There is no such person who would refuse fried mushrooms with potatoes. At first glance, a simple dish, but very tasty. It is prepared quickly and easily, and the taste will amaze the most capricious gourmets. There are quite a few different ways cooking: with sour cream, with mayonnaise, with butter, with onions, herbs. Mushrooms such as mushrooms are considered the most fragrant, tender, tasty. How to cook mushrooms with potatoes, choose for yourself.

Fried mushrooms with potatoes on sour cream, with green onions

For cooking, you will need the following products:

  • fresh mushrooms - about a kilogram;
  • young potatoes - about a kilogram;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - a glass;
  • a bunch of green onions.

When everything is prepared, you can start cooking.


  1. Sort fresh mushrooms, clean, but do not dip in water, otherwise the roast will be watery.
  2. Wash the potatoes, remove the skin, dry on a paper towel.
  3. Cut large mushrooms, leave small ones as a whole.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat up.
  5. Put the mushrooms, then stirring constantly, fry until tender.
  6. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes, put in a pan with mushrooms.
  7. Fry all the ingredients in a pan for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Five minutes before the readiness to add sour cream.
  9. Finely chop the green onion.
  10. The recipe is simple. Arrange ready mushrooms with potatoes on plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

The original recipe for roast mushrooms with potatoes

If you managed to bring a basket of young fresh mushrooms from the forest, then you should not think for a long time what to do with them, you need to cook the original roast.

For cooking you will need:

  • young mushrooms - about a kilogram;
  • young potatoes - about a kilo;
  • butter - approximately 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 100 grams;
  • onion turnip - a couple of large heads;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt, black pepper to taste;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • pickled cucumbers - a couple of pieces.

The recipe is as follows:

Preparing honey mushrooms

Sort, carefully clean from dirt and debris. It is better if fresh mushrooms are medium-sized, then you do not need to cut them.

Potato preparation

Sort potatoes, wash, peel. Dry a little on paper towels, cut into cubes.


Put butter in a saucepan. When it melts, carefully lay out the prepared mushrooms. On low heat, stirring, fry until half cooked, add salt at the end of cooking. Fry chopped potatoes in small portions in vegetable oil in another pan.

Peel the turnip, wash in cold water, cut into thin rings. Fry the onion separately from the mushrooms and potatoes.

Final preparation

When mushrooms, potatoes, onions are fried, carefully lay everything in a baking dish in layers. First a layer of potatoes, on top a layer of mushrooms, at the end - fried onions. Pour everything with sauce, sour cream and mayonnaise, send for 10-15 minutes in the oven.

Sauce sour cream and mayonnaise for pouring

Take equal portions of sour cream and mayonnaise. Put in a bowl, mix, add the juice of squeezed lemon, a little ground black pepper. Beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

Serving to the table

When mushrooms with potatoes are completely ready, arrange on plates. Cut into rings pickled cucumbers, greens. On the side of the fried mushrooms with potatoes, put cucumbers and some green slices. The dish is ready.

Fried mushrooms with French potatoes

French cuisine has always been considered the most refined and refined. No wonder the best chefs from this country. Wouldn't fried mushrooms with potatoes, cheese and leeks in a delicate sauce be good?

You will need:

  • mushrooms - about a kilo;
  • potatoes - a kilogram and always young, medium-sized;
  • olive oil - about a glass;
  • hard cheeses - three hundred grams;
  • pickled cucumbers gherkin - about two hundred grams;
  • leek - 150 grams;
  • egg yolks - a couple of pieces;
  • mustard powder;
  • salt, white ground pepper;
  • cream - about two hundred grams.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. Sort mushrooms, clean from debris and dirt.
  2. Wash, peel potatoes.
  3. Mushrooms cut.
  4. Peel the leek, cut into rings.
  5. Pour oil into a saucepan and put the mushrooms and fry for 15 minutes, stirring.
  6. In a bowl, beat the yolks, add cream, spices, a little mustard powder.
  7. Potatoes, if young, scrape a little, wash, dip in boiling salted water. Cook for 15 minutes.
  8. When the mushrooms are fried, pour over the sauce, stew a little.
  9. Grate the cheese.
  10. Drain the water from the potatoes, put them on plates, put the fried mushrooms on the side, pour over the sauce.
  11. Place chopped leek on top.
  12. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Add pickled cucumbers on the side.
  13. You can serve fried mushrooms to the table. Bon appetit!

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to walk through the forest and collect real forest mushrooms. But, fortunately, today fresh or fresh-frozen mushrooms - champignons, mushrooms, chanterelles - are sold almost everywhere. Therefore, if there is a desire to cook a dish with mushrooms, there is no need to go to the forest, it is quite enough to visit any supermarket.

Mushrooms are a universal product, salads, soups, main dishes are prepared from them. Here is an example of how to cook with potatoes.

If you do not need to clean it, just wash it well with a brush. Potatoes from last year's crop, of course, are better to peel. Then the potatoes need to be cut into sticks or slices, as you like, and rinse in cold water, washing off the starch. Washed potatoes should be dried in a colander or on a paper towel.

The secret to successful cooking fried potatoes lies in the fact that it must be laid out only in a well-heated pan with a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, and cooked at the beginning of the process over high heat, stirring so that the slices are fried, but not burnt.

But you need to salt the potatoes after they become soft, otherwise the slices will not retain their shape.

While we take another frying pan and fry a finely chopped onion on it. Then add mushrooms from the pack to the onion, without defrosting. Mushrooms will begin to release liquid and will be stewed in their own juice. Mushrooms should be immediately salted and add any other seasonings if desired. When the liquid boils away, add sour cream to the mushrooms and, reducing the heat, simmer for about five minutes under the lid. If you use homemade, that is, very thick sour cream, then you need to add a little water to the mushrooms.

So, we have one pan ready for another - mushrooms fried in sour cream. We spread potatoes on one side of the plate, on the other - a portion of mushrooms, sprinkle with herbs and serve.

But this is only one option for preparing a dish, because cooking is, first of all, creativity and improvisation. For example, you can make mushrooms fried with potatoes in one pan.

We need two hundred and fifty grams of honey mushrooms, one onion, three cloves of garlic, salt, oil for half a kilogram of potatoes. Honey mushrooms (both fresh and frozen) must first be boiled.

We wash and clean the potatoes (you can simply wash the young ones thoroughly), cut into slices, wash again and dry. Young potatoes can be cut into six to eight pieces (depending on size), but old potatoes are best cut into strips. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic. For this dish, it is better to use red lettuce, as it has a less harsh taste.

Pour the oil into the pan and let it warm up well, then pour the potato slices and fry, not forgetting to stir. When the potato slices are covered with a fried crust, add the mushrooms and continue to fry. After another five minutes, add onion, garlic, salt the fried mushrooms with potatoes and season to taste.

Continue to fry, reducing the heat and stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are cooked through. Should I cover the pan with a lid? There is one nuance here. On the one hand, potatoes under the lid will reach “condition” faster, and on the other hand, potatoes cooked under the lid acquire the taste of boiled rather than fried. So, if during the preparation of dishes of mushrooms fried with potatoes, you decide to cover the pan with a lid, then not for long, so as not to spoil the taste.

After the potato slices have become soft, the dish is ready. We spread it on plates and sprinkle with herbs. It is very good to serve mushrooms with potatoes with cold fresh sour cream and green onions.

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