How to eat garlic for cancer. Garlic protects against cancer. Garlic with turnips

Nutrition plays a critical role in the treatment of serious illnesses.

You yourself know that almost all diseases originate from the stomach, from improper nutrition, from how thoroughly you chew your food. All our little “weaknesses” in nutrition develop into bad habits of eating incorrectly.

But unfortunately, there are also congenital diseases, including hereditary cancers.

Today we will touch on the topic of cancer. diseases and chronic illnesses that appeared due to poor nutrition and bad habits.

The disease creeps up unnoticeably.

People who do not have health problems are unlikely to understand this.

After all, as long as our body’s buffer systems keep the parameters of life standards within the normal range, we will not notice the manifestations of the disease.

But the body's strength - the so-called immune resource, or the strength of the body's buffer systems - is not infinite.

And this is very well understood by those who managed to sit on antibiotics, suppressing the symptoms of the disease in the hope of being cured, or at least reducing their condition a little.

Ask these people: - did they think that because of some of their habits this or that illness would worsen in them?

It is unlikely that any of them will say that he expected illness.

Every day, undermining the immune system, they did not notice how the disease was creeping up through small, indirect and barely noticeable signs.

As a result, the disease came unnoticed.

How does oncology arise?

Unfortunately, in many cases, pills alone cannot improve your health.

Good nutrition can help.

So, nutrition must be correct.

It should include a large number of products that create in the human body as little as possible free radicals that damage healthy cells and that deplete the resources of our buffer systems.

Have you ever wondered why people who are seriously ill lose their appetite and stop eating normally?

According to some sources, this is due to the fact that the body is trying with all its might to return to a healthy cellular balance, and every meal, even the healthiest and most wholesome, loads the body so much that it simply does not have enough strength to fight the disease.

This is why cancer patients and people seriously ill with chronic diseases feel worse after eating.

There are famous cases when people who did not receive food for a long time were independently cured of their ailments. But things are not always so simple.

Maintaining the Ph balance of food does not always guarantee protection against illnesses.

Yes, healthy food increases the chances that cancer will never get to you.

But trust us - we've seen cases of people doing pure vegetable diets, without a hint of meat.

And the oncology kept coming. Perhaps oncology combines the sum of many factors that modern medicine does not consider.

And these factors in the occurrence of cancer and chronic diseases are not only related to food or cleanliness of the environment.

Apparently, and this is certainly true, the level of emotional and psychological stress provides the greatest nutrition for the development of cancer.

The lack of hormonal surges, which should be, but which do not occur for one reason or another, give oncology the ground to develop.

And finally, the depressed moral and psychological state of a person also leads to illness.

What to expect after chemotherapy, or indeed from any treatment, even natural remedies, if you have not worked to eliminate the factors that led you to cancer.

Does fasting help against cancer?

This is not entirely true..

Here, too, you can’t get by with fasting alone. We all remember the case of a man who had cancer and somehow ended up in the mountains, where he was cut off from the outside world.

So, the only food he had was garlic.

Eating it out of desperation, he did not die from cold and hunger, but was able to survive.

By the way, I was not poisoned by garlic, since there is an opinion that garlic in large quantities (more than 1 average clove per day) is toxic, dangerous, and can cause loss of memory and vision. In general, what kind of horrors are written about garlic!

So, we are not talking about garlic, but about a person who had a hopeless health condition!

They found him alive, exhausted and tired, and conducted an examination of his condition and could not find any signs of cancer.

Where did she go?

Was it eaten by garlic or hunger?

And if so, then you can sit at home in front of the TV on a garlic ration and recover? No, of course not, our dear guests.

We are confident that in this story, the role played not only by garlic, whose merits in the fight against oncology breaks all records, and not by hunger, which made oncology dissolve.

We think, and we have reason to believe, that this is a rapprochement with nature, with clean, moist air, the absence of any kind of radiation, plus the body was not cluttered with unnecessary food, that at home this would have happened, as well as contained in Garlic complex of elements stopped oncology with shock.

Prostate oncology.

Let's take prostatitis and cancer associated with prostatitis. The number of such diseases is breaking all records. Latent chronic prostatitis becomes more severe.

Over time, tumors and prostate adenomas may appear.

But for some reason, some people had this prostatitis, have it and will have it, while for others it turns into more severe consequences.

The answer is the fact that the hormonal background of some people with prostatitis is so unstable and subject to environmental influences that the disease deepens and the pathology turns into the formation of foreign cells, whose division is not controlled by the body.

Prostatitis is a disease of the endocrine system. Ecology, various electromagnetic radiation, bad water, lack of movement, nutrition - these are the factors that allow oncology to progress further. Among these factors, there is one that can stop cancer, even if all the others are disrupted. This factor is the presence of movement. If a person moves, forces himself to move, then this will slow down, stop, or even get rid of oncology.

Movement is the strongest factor that supports immunity. For example, prostatitis can be cured with three things. The first is movement. For example, walking 5 km a day. The second is the rapprochement with the opposite sex, at least 2 times a week. And thirdly, disease prevention with herbs, dietary supplements, or any natural means.

Prostate cancer stops the subject in the same ways. These 3 important factors should be applied whenever possible.

In case of prostate cancer, you also need to work with your doctor to select the most harmless drugs to control the pathogenic flora.

A few words about the radiation of at least one cell phone: in case of serious illnesses, harmful electromagnetic radiation has a much stronger effect on a chronic person than on a healthy person, but fortunately in our time there are means of protection even from cell phone radiation.

But let's return to the person who was deprived of food and all the unfavorable manifestations of human existence, including polluted air and the electromagnetic load of the city.

So, the most important thing saved him - this great desire to survive, the desire that forced that man to overcome those difficulties and stay alive.

Taken together, this gave results.

If you want to feel better, you need to leave a large city for the outback, in clean air, be treated exclusively with natural remedies, and the result will be higher than that of any oncology clinic.

An appointment with a doctor who may be able to help.

It is possible to schedule an interview with a doctor regarding cancer. It is possible that you have already been to doctors more than once. Perhaps a traditional Chinese medicine doctor such as, which our team knows, and whose approach to the disease somewhat changes the prevailing opinion about medicine. You can ask her: “what in general, in your case, can I advise you to do next, in some kind of dead-end situation?” Be it oncology, a chronic disease or a simple sore throat. The doctor sees patients in Moscow, but often flies to China. Of course, with such colossal experience as hers, many people have hope. The main thing is that she is looking for the cause of the illness, which is what we most approve of in her approach to restoring people.

Alternative medicine in the treatment of oncology.

The secret of the popularity of Dorogov candles is their ease of use.

They also get around the problem with the unpleasant odor of Dorogov’s drug, which not all people can tolerate.

Suppositories also have this smell, but these suppositories are taken orally mainly rectally.

This point makes it easier for those people who could not overcome the fear of an unpleasant odor to take Dorogov’s drug.

A little history of the use of Dorogov’s drug is outlined! We tried to bring a diverse perspective to history, despite the great respect for Dr. Dorogov and his drug

These natural substances are very effective against cancer cells. And don’t think that I already drank propolis and it didn’t cure me.

It won’t cure, but cigarettes have a very important role in the formation of healthy cells, it corrects the immune system and it can give even greater results when used with other means of fighting cancer.

Celandine is an alkaloid that contains toxic celandine.

It is 10 times more toxic to cancer cells than to healthy cells of the body - this is why celandine is significant in oncology.

Those dosages that a person tolerates completely painlessly - with such dosages of celandine, cancer cells stop dividing.

We have already talked about them, describing the fact that this well-known Altai company manages to produce very high-quality herbal tinctures and syrups at a very competitive price. And this significantly distinguishes these syrups from other products.

Of these syrups, we note the most interesting in terms of fighting cancer - these are (oncology of the genitourinary system, lungs), (oncology of the respiratory tract), (oncology of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system), this is a storehouse of microelements that can be added to all other syrups , as additional vitamin support.

Narine herbal tincture syrups are good because they do not require special preparation, do not even require water for sealing, and they can be used anywhere.

This moment makes your favorite herbs always at hand, and you will not miss taking them on time.

Garlic for cancer.

Garlic against cancer cells!

Is it worth talking about cancer cells, if we can give the following example: if you make steamed beef, putting it in a plastic food container and forget to put it in the refrigerator, then after 12 hours it is already dangerous to eat, and after another 12 hours the characteristic smell of a spoiled product will appear .

But if you chop a clove of garlic and leave the meat at room temperature in a tray for a day, then after 24 hours it will not give off the unpleasant smell of a spoiled product.

Moreover, you can eat it without getting poisoned.

Microflora, especially pathogenic ones, are simply afraid of it (garlic), cannot reproduce normally, and the main part of this flora dies even with small amounts of garlic. You will say that pathogenic microflora and cancer cells are two different things.

We agree with you, but we can’t argue with this point: before a cancer cell settles in a certain place, pathogenic microorganisms must do their bad deed, which first clog healthy cells with the products of their metabolism, at the same time the body’s immunity decreases, and only then, after cells do not form normally, they either die or degenerate into neoplasms, including cancer cells.

However, the mechanism of action of garlic in cancer is far from clear and is not limited to its effect on pathogenic organisms.

One thing has definitely been noticed - garlic significantly increases the chances of recovery from chronic and oncological diseases..

Garlic. An amateur's story.

I'll tell you about garlic from my own experience.

To this day I consider it a panacea for illness and all kinds of viruses.

People with chronic diseases need it like water.

I began my history of acquaintance with garlic in childhood, when I was healthy and young.

Now I feel completely different.

Already at the age of 30, I felt worse; chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and thyroid gland crept up.

I didn’t believe in medicines before, using them only when I was already on edge, so I picked up a book by the traditional healer Professor Neumyvakin I.P. I began to study what is what in the human body, and what is interconnected with what.

It turned out that everything is interconnected, from a little stress to a small cold - everything affects the overall well-being.

What struck me in the book was that Professor Neumyvakin gives advice on treatment with means that are absolutely ordinary and, even moreover, seemingly not at all related to the means that treat diseases such as cancer and put bedridden and chronically ill people back on their feet .

There are a lot of such natural remedies, as well as ways to treat them.

And one of them is garlic. And I became very interested in him, apparently because I love him very much.

However, my little experiments that I did with garlic gave simply magical results.

It turned out that if you consume garlic in fairly good quantities - 2 or 3 cloves a day - it immediately affects digestion, in a positive way, of course. Nothing surprising - just eat 1-2 cloves of garlic with a bowl of soup for your appetite.

But if you become addicted to this procedure, that is, make it permanent, you will see how your stool improves.

It becomes normal sausage-shaped, as it should be.

The mushy form of the stool, which the stool has quite a constant time, indicates that in the intestines some of the families of bacteria (pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic) that live there in colonies have begun to multiply intensively.

Bacteria must always be present in the intestines (both pathogenic and non-pathogenic), but their numerical ratio to each other is quite strictly defined, and if some species begin to dominate in numbers, then an imbalance occurs in digestion, which is reflected in the chyme, and as a result, on a man's chair.

You need to know that not only beneficial bacteria for humans are contained in the intestines, but also pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic ones, such as, for example, Klebsiella ( Klebsiella) , which lives in normal quantities in the intestines and is necessary for the digestion of food.

But with dysbacteriosis, it can exceed its numerical values ​​by an order of magnitude.

Garlic, it makes its own adjustments to these processes (processes in the life of microorganisms), it suppresses pathogenic foci of bacteria, helps beneficial ones restore their numbers, it affects metabolic processes in intestinal cells.

And as I saw from my own example, not immediately, but over the course of several months, I achieved clear, good stool.

But if you think about it, when you buy probiotics or other drugs at the pharmacy, you get the feeling that they help for 1-3 days.

The effect is not absorbed at all for a long period. Because after a course of garlic, the results are very long lasting.

Garlic for oncology.

Garlic contains many heavy metals and compounds. In part, in oncology, in the remission stage, garlic can have a toxicological effect on cancer cells. Cancer cells accumulate heavy metals and toxic compounds much faster than healthy ones. This is what chemotherapy is based on. A person easily tolerates small portions of garlic, up to 3 cloves a day, and cancer cells begin to slow down their growth and even die. In combination with the main therapy, garlic is an excellent remedy. Just be careful, as garlic is not considered with all medicines.

List of products, as well as BA Dovs helping in the fight against cancer:

Onions and green onions, garlic, kelp - seaweed, ASD fractions both second and third (outer), almost all greens and many fruits, ginger, roots, various herbs, walnuts and almonds.

What sweets can you eat if you have cancer?

IN A survey of what sweets people with cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases can eat is of concern to many, even those who do not have cancer.

And our practice, based on the fact that any nuts and legumes are protectors of the body from tumor processes, suggests that halva is that sweet product that does not contribute to tumor growth.

Moreover, this halva can be made from different nuts. Even from seeds!

Regular sunflower halva is useful for neoplasms!

Sunflower halva is useful for containing zinc, which is contained in large quantities and prevents the inflammatory process from expanding.

Peanut halva has the properties of the peanut itself to suppress the division of cancer. cells.

What should not be eaten if you have cancer and other chronic diseases.

Unfortunately, cancer is a disease of our time, and from here we can conclude that all products that have undergone heat treatment, preservation, products of modern production, in the manufacture of which preservatives are used, in order to increase shelf life, flour products, especially sweets, greatly help diseases root.

It is very important to drink clean water in case of cancer, and also use water infused with flint stones.

For oncology, rye bread, sprinkled with flaxseed oil and moderately salted, is useful. This bread is consumed with a small clove of garlic, which makes it especially useful for the treatment of intestinal disorders; for oncology of various stages, this recipe allows you to postpone the disease if you eat this bread on an empty stomach, 2 hours before meals.

Flaxseed oil is a source of omega acids...

This oil gives more strength to the body when mineral energy is lost during the digestion of food, which gives the body strength to fight the disease.

Oncology depends on the PH environment.

It is generally accepted that the fight against cancer is influenced, or rather, not by the ph of the products themselves, but by the ph of what enters the blood as a result of metabolism in the liver and digestion of food in the stomach and intestines. An important point is what residues become larger after eating a particular food, acidic or alkaline.

And this, by the way, does not know that if apple juice is consumed (it is slightly acidic in pH), then the body becomes acidic. It is the metabolites after the decomposition of the juice that matter. After drinking apple juice, the pH of blood, saliva, and lymph rises.

Oncology - we noticed!!!

Let us remind you that acid-containing foods do not necessarily acidify the body. Let's take apples - acids are a dime a dozen, and after taking an apple, the pH of a person's saliva increases by almost 0.5-0.7 units. The fact is that alkalis are formed from acids and vice versa. Given the complex chain of metabolism, the example of an apple can demonstrate this well.

Here is an example of products with different pH values ​​of their environment, but, nevertheless, in the end, they most strongly alkalize the human body.

Ph Lemon-(2.2-2.4)

Ph Watermelon-(5.5-6.0)

Ph Lime-(1.8-2.1)

Ph Grapefruit-(2.9-4)

Ph Asparagus-(6.0-6.5)

Ph Leek-(5.5-6.2)

But the dorogova antiseptic drug, ASD-2, has a strongly alkaline reaction from the very beginning, and does not dissociate from alkali into acid, thereby greatly helping the cancer patient to increase the pH in the tissues of the body and, as one of the mechanisms that stops cancer and chronic diseases, ASD-2 will be one of the first to help increase the pH of the body. ASD-2 also has other mechanisms that stop cancer, cure chronically ill patients and boost immunity, but you can read about them on the following page:

Oncology, chronic diseases and also ODS or - is it possible to do without pills???

We probably won’t give a definite answer, but let’s rely on practice.

And it says that more and more doctors are coming to the conclusion that pills do not always help with serious illnesses.

However, we cannot exclude the fact that the tablets provide a good springboard to start treatment. Sometimes it turns out that taking pills and dietary supplements together gives the effect of a very stable remission.

But let's not forget that you can take a pill once, maybe another, but not constantly sit on them. We can absolutely tell you that there are ways to win without pills, but modern life nullifies these methods.

The most striking example is diet. After all, if you follow it, you can even defeat oncology.

What, you think it's that simple?

And so!!! Diet and victory?

And you try to follow it, this diet, so as not to give yourself the slightest indulgence in anything.

And strictly and strictly observe it.

Few people can do this.

This is why victory, sometimes, moves so far away from us from healing from oncology.

But that is not all...

Let's move on to the urology section and see what's going on there.

Garlic against cancer began to be used under Hippocrates, but over time the method was forgotten. Thanks to modern research, it has been proven that the method is fully justified and can be used in practice.

Japanese scientists have conducted a thorough study of how garlic affects the body. It turned out that it helps very well to cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins.

In oncology, this property is very valuable, because during chemotherapy the liver suffers greatly from toxins. She has to work hard, and eating garlic helps speed up the cleansing process.

The question of whether garlic helps against cancer is also answered by the fact that thanks to this product, the body produces the enzyme glutathione S-transferase, which is so necessary for natural protection against the formation of tumors.

Scientists also believe that garlic contains substances that encourage diseased cells to self-destruct. Phytoncidin contained in garlic prevents diseased cells from dividing. As a result, they do not reproduce, which slows down the development of the disease. They also lose the ability to feed, begin to starve, and eventually die.

And one more property of garlic has been discovered by scientists. It turns out that it prevents the appearance of metastases.

Chemists have discovered that garlic contains substances such as allicin, selenium, alexin and some sulfur compounds, which have a detrimental effect on cancer cells and help the body recover after chemotherapy.

What types of cancer can it affect?

Eating garlic raw can help with any type of cancer. Because any tumor feeds on substances brought by the blood. And in any case, the delivery of the garlic substance will be carried out directly to the neoplasm.

But you can use garlic more effectively for oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the esophagus, stomach, intestines and pancreas. It also treats the liver and gall bladder well.

It has been proven that the use of garlic successfully fights breast cancer, lung cancer and brain cancer. You can get rid of prostate cancer in men and with lesions of the female organs.

But you cannot assume that garlic will save you from illness and try to treat it yourself. At the first suspicion of cancer, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If the doctor does not identify any contraindications, then garlic treatment can be included in the complex to the main drug treatment.

This is a very important condition, because in oncology time is very valuable. Its senseless loss can cost the patient his life.

Recipes based on garlic in the treatment of cancer

Traditional medicine offers many recipes that recommend the use of garlic to treat various forms of cancer. But we must understand that garlic alone cannot be saved from this terrible disease. Treatment must be comprehensive and professional. This is the only way to count on a successful outcome and prolong the patient’s life.

Also, you should not abuse this product so as not to cause disgust towards it.

To prevent cancer, it is beneficial to have garlic in your diet every day. These are not necessarily fresh cloves. It can be added to various dishes and seasoned with sauces.

It is important that the amount consumed is at least two cloves per day.

This is enough to replenish the body with substances that protect against cancer. This is especially true for older people, when metabolism is disrupted and the production of certain elements decreases, causing the body to become weaker.

If oncology is already present in the body, then the amount of garlic should be increased to 1-2 heads per day.

To strengthen the body's defenses, especially in winter, when there are not enough vitamins, it is recommended to consume 25 drops of garlic tincture diluted in milk once a day. To prepare it, pour garlic cloves with vodka and leave for 14 days.

Garlic tincture for cancer

This recipe is prepared with wine. It requires juniper cones and garlic.

Juniper cones are collected when they are fully ripe. They are called cones, but they are actually the berries of the plant. You need to know that there are two types of juniper, and one of them is poisonous. They are distinguished by their fruits. They have different shapes and the medicinal type has three seeds inside the berry, and the poisonous one has two.

They are collected and dried in the shade, and then stored in a tightly closed container for no more than 3 years. You can look for them at the pharmacy. To prepare the tincture you need:

  1. Take 100g of cones, pour into a 3 liter jar and fill with wine. Cover the jar with a nylon lid and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  2. Chop two medium-sized heads of garlic and add to the container with the juniper. Place the jar in a dark place again for 10 days.
  3. Strain the tincture through thick cheesecloth and pour into a clean jar.
  4. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening before meals.

This tincture should be made for future use and can be drunk to prevent cancer. It improves appetite and blood circulation.

Garlic decoction with honey for cancer

Before preparing the medicine according to this recipe, you need to take into account that neither garlic nor honey should be exposed to high temperatures, otherwise all the beneficial properties will disappear.

Therefore, all events are carried out in a water bath. To do this, the necessary ingredients are placed in one container, which is then placed in a large bowl with water.

There should be enough liquid so that it is slightly higher than the ingredients in a smaller bowl. This way you can achieve the desired effect better and faster. If there is not enough water, you will need to increase the cooking time and the temperature will not be uniform. And this will affect the quality of the medicine. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Finely grind 200g of garlic and mix with 0.5l of natural bee honey. It is better to take May honey, it contains fewer impurities.
  2. Place the mixture in a water bath for 40 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, remove any foam that has formed and cool the mixture.
  4. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day with meals.

This mixture is stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place.

Garlic juice for cancer of the throat and esophagus

Treatment of cancer with garlic can be carried out according to a certain scheme, which involves gradually increasing the dose. To do this, juice is squeezed out of the peeled cloves.

For the first five days, drink 10 drops of juice diluted with milk. Over the next five days, the dose is increased by another 10 drops. This continues until the amount of juice reaches 1 tbsp. The maximum dose of the drug is drunk for 2 months, then the dosage is gradually reduced every five days by 10 drops and brought to the initial dose.

After taking the garlic remedy, you need to drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed juice from plantain leaves, and an hour later eat 1 tbsp. natural honey.

Fresh garlic can be found all year round, but plantain leaves are only available in the summer. But they can be prepared for future use. To do this, the leaves are washed, dried and placed in the freezer. Then just defrost them and squeeze out the juice through thick gauze.

Plantain juice can also be preserved. In summer, collect it and dilute it halfway with alcohol. Store in a dark container in the refrigerator.

Garlic for nasopharyngeal cancer

To treat such an ailment, it is suggested to instill 1 drop of juice into each nostril into the nose. This should be done every 3 hours.

If the pathology is deep in the nasopharynx, it is suggested to prepare a milk decoction with garlic.

To do this, you need to finely grind the cloves and 1 tbsp. add to 1 liter of milk. Boil the milk first, otherwise it will curdle later. Heat the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes in a saucepan with a lid so that the beneficial substances do not evaporate.

Then strain the product and drink 100 ml three times a day. The course must last at least 3 months.

For female oncological diseases

If breast cancer is detected, the following remedy may help.

Take 100g of freshly picked calendula flowers and place a liter dark glass bottle on the floor. Fill them with 60% alcohol and put them in a dark place for 10 days. During this time, the bottle must be shaken periodically so that the beneficial components from the flowers are released into the alcohol.

Then strain the contents of the bottle and place in a clean container. To use, dilute 1 tsp. tinctures in a glass of water and drink in small sips throughout the day.

In addition to this remedy, you need to prepare this mixture every day and eat it during the day:

  1. Grind 200g carrots in a blender.
  2. Add 2-3 cloves of garlic and chop as well.
  3. Add a small onion and grind again.

This mixture will strengthen the immune system and help fight breast cancer in women. The treatment is long, which is a big disadvantage in oncology, when time cannot be wasted. Therefore, you need to consult an oncologist before taking it.

Features of the use of garlic for various types of cancer

Garlic for cancer is used fresh or various tinctures are prepared with it. It is taken orally or rubbed into the skin when there are skin lesions.

Science does not yet know exactly how much garlic should be consumed in order for it to help successfully fight various types of cancer cells. But there are general rules for all cancer diseases that must be followed to achieve maximum effect.

These rules sound like this:

  1. Take a head of garlic, divide it into cloves and peel it.
  2. The cleaned cloves are left at rest for half an hour. During this time, the necessary nutrients are formed in them.
  3. You need to eat 1-1.5 heads of garlic per day, dividing them into several doses.
  4. The bulbs should not be subjected to heat treatment, as this will destroy the main substance – phytoncidin, which is beneficial for oncology.
  5. If the patient does not like the garlic smell, it can be masked with other products.
  6. You can eat garlic, dried and ground into powder, add it to dishes or drink it with water.
  7. To prevent cancer, you can use garlic oil to season various dishes.

In some cases, garlic is used in the form of a paste, tying it to the sore spot. This is done when the tumor is close to the skin and thus can be directly targeted. But it is necessary to take into account that you cannot keep such bandages for a long time, as burns may occur. Especially in children with their delicate skin.

Along with external use, you should also use garlic internally, it will be more effective.


Despite its enormous benefits in the fight against cancer, not everyone can consume garlic. There are people who cannot stand not only garlic itself, but also its specific smell. And some are allergic to it. It is also contraindicated for certain diseases.

Contraindications to garlic treatment include:

  1. Individual intolerance to garlic and its smell.
  2. Allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the body after eating garlic.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis with high acidity, stomach or duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids, pancreatic pathologies.
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver and other diseases of this organ.
  5. Pathological changes in the kidneys.
  6. Attacks of hypertension.
  7. Lung diseases with asthma attacks.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In the presence of such pathologies, garlic should be completely excluded from the diet, because it can lead to an aggravation of the situation. But in some cases, it can be consumed in small quantities, but after consulting a doctor.

Garlic against cancer is successfully used in oncology, but with the condition of continuous use without heat treatment. It helps with many diseases, but is not a panacea for cancer or any other disease. Garlic can only help in treatment, but not cure the disease itself. Therefore, in oncology it is used as an adjuvant, and only after consultation with an oncologist.

So much has already been said about the benefits of garlic that it is difficult to add anything more. Its properties help overcome a number of diseases. Regular use allows you to effectively fight germs. And we can still say that the beneficial properties of garlic have not been fully studied. But there are a number of observations that prove positive changes in the body of those who use it regularly and systematically. Today we’ll talk about what will happen if you eat garlic every day.

Opinion of traditional healers

If you study all the descriptions of the medicinal properties that are attributed to it, then garlic appears, if not a panacea, then as a help for all diseases, including cancerous tumors. It’s not for nothing that in childhood we were fed milk with garlic, and our grandmothers rubbed it on a crust of bread. When children were sick, peeled slices were laid out in the room, and in the evening they were moved closer to the bed. In this case, recovery was faster. And if a child ate a clove of garlic every day, he got sick much less often.

Food or medicine

This is another important question. It is he who allows you to understand what will happen if you eat garlic every day. In fact, it is a product, but it contains so many useful substances that it can claim to be the basis of health. Below we will talk about whether everyone can eat garlic, but for now let’s look at the composition. It contains organic acids, almost all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

As you can see, this is a vitamin-mineral complex, only more affordable and natural. All components are contained in the aromatic cloves simultaneously, in fresh form. Now you can answer the question of what will happen if you eat garlic every day. Your body will receive a full set of essential microelements.

Daily norm

Only 4 g of garlic per day allows you to saturate your body with almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals. You will not be full from this, but if you add a few cloves to the meat, then you will significantly diversify the substances entering the body. So feel free to add a few cloves to salads, soups and other dishes.

The calorie content of this product is minimal. The whole head contains 3 to 4 kcal. Moreover, eating garlic allows you to burn subcutaneous fat. So what happens if you eat garlic every day? Forget about diets. You won't need them anymore. The only negative is the smell, which is quite difficult to remove with regular use of a fragrant vegetable.

In the morning or evening

Often you can find recommendations to eat garlic immediately after waking up. Of course, this is very difficult to do, because no one wants to go to work with such a smell. Therefore, most often a healthy meal occurs in the evening.

Doctors say that if there are no health problems, then there is nothing wrong with that. But this vegetable is not always well accepted by the digestive tract. Therefore, if after it you cannot fall asleep due to severe bloating, abdominal pain or heartburn, then it is better to include it in the menu in the morning or at lunchtime. In other cases, it is not contraindicated.

Garlic for blood vessels

This vegetable is useful as a vitamin and mineral supplement to food. It greatly enhances the usefulness of your favorite dishes. It is recommended to eat it every day to prevent the development and alleviate the course of a number of diseases. It affects the formation of blood clots, preventing them from coming into contact with the walls of blood vessels. This allows them to stay tight and protected. Additionally, the vegetable lowers blood pressure, which also has a positive effect on blood vessels. For heart diseases, this is an excellent, home doctor who is always at hand. Garlic can be grown in the garden, this will allow you to save money throughout the season.

Garlic for gout

Can a person suffering from this disease eat garlic every day? Of course, you risk “scaring away” others with an unpleasant odor, but this is more than compensated by the benefits for the joints. The aromatic vegetable allows you to slow down the deposition of salts, which will give at least a delay before the next attack of pain. To enhance the positive effects, it is recommended to mix onion and garlic, add honey and take a teaspoon twice a day, on an empty stomach. Against the background of such treatment, drug therapy may become more effective.

Fight against endocrine diseases

How much can garlic help us with this? The benefits and harms to the patient’s health are assessed by the doctor. Most people with diabetes need a special diet.

In type 1 diabetes, no food product (vegetables are just that) will help normalize insulin levels. But if type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, then garlic is not only possible, but also necessary. This is especially important if you are overweight. Garlic also helps to cope with this problem. Do not forget that this is only an addition to the main therapy and does not replace the main treatment.

For gastrointestinal diseases

We have reached those ailments where garlic is most often prohibited. The health benefits and harms here are determined by the nature of the disease and its phase. In particular, during an exacerbation period, all spicy foods are prohibited. This also applies to chronic diseases, which can flare up with renewed vigor at any moment.

  • And the first on the list is gastritis. Some components of garlic contribute to the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane. Of course, the answer will be severe pain.
  • Is it harmful for people suffering from pancreatitis to eat garlic every day? With this disease, inflammation of the pancreas occurs and the production of major enzymes decreases. This means that incoming food cannot be broken down into nutrients. With this disease, you should not eat spicy and fatty foods. For duodenitis and duodenal ulcers, garlic is acceptable. And if the pancreas is damaged, it can cause a worsening of the condition.

Cancer prevention

According to recent studies, people who eat garlic are less susceptible to a number of diseases, including colorectal and stomach cancer. Those people who ate it more than twice a week were about three times less likely to get sick than those who did not. Why not eat garlic every day?

Moreover, it has been proven that the aromatic vegetable is a kind of chemotherapy even for a detected form of cancer. Garlic contains substances that serve as excellent prevention. Practical studies have shown that this vegetable is a reliable antidote against cancer of any type.

For immunity

Today, all doctors agree that it is necessary to eat garlic every day. Whether or not it brings benefits to the body can be judged by the latest research. Regular consumption of it in food allows you to restore cognitive functions. This was proven in experiments on elderly rats. According to the experts who conducted them, garlic can cure Alzheimer's disease. It not only prevents the destruction of old cells, but also stimulates the growth of new neurons. Moreover, these same experiments showed that garlic helps prolong the life of laboratory animals. This is confirmed by the centuries-old practice of folk healers. In particular, in China, the properties of this amazing plant have been used for a very long time. Today, official medicine has begun to practice treatment using traditional methods.

How to use garlic correctly

It can be eaten raw or added to meat when frying, stewed and canned, or made into garlic butter. That is, you can use any of its forms. Even garlic powder, which is sold in the condiment aisle, can have beneficial effects.

However, heat treatment deprives the plant of some of its vigor. For example, raw crushed or chopped vegetables contain a lot of allicin, a substance that has a powerful antibacterial effect. If you cook it, the amount of this substance is greatly reduced. As a result, we can say that raw minced garlic is the best thing you can give to your body. Despite the strong aroma, this vegetable should be on the table every day. And for children over three years old, you can add it to soup, salad or main dish.

  • . Concerns about unmanageable side effects (such as constipation, nausea, or confusion. Concerns about pain medication addiction. Non-adherence to prescribed pain medications. Financial barriers. Health care system concerns: Low priority for cancer pain management. Most appropriate treatment may be too expensive for patients and their families Tight regulation of controlled substances Problems with affordability or access to treatment Opiates not available over the counter to patients Unavailable medications Flexibility is key to cancer pain management Because patients vary in diagnosis, stage of the disease, response to pain and personal preferences, then it is necessary to be guided by these particular features. More details in the following articles: ">Pain in cancer 6
  • to cure or at least stabilize the development of cancer. Like other therapies, the choice to use radiation therapy to treat a specific cancer depends on a number of factors. These include, but are not limited to, the type of cancer, the patient's physical condition, the stage of the cancer, and the location of the tumor. Radiation therapy (or radiotherapy is an important technology for shrinking tumors. High energy waves are directed at the cancerous tumor. The waves cause damage to cells, disrupting cellular processes, preventing cell division, and ultimately lead to the death of malignant cells. The death of even part of the malignant cells leads to One significant disadvantage of radiation therapy is that the radiation is not specific (that is, it is not directed exclusively at cancer cells for cancer cells and can also harm healthy cells. The response of normal and cancer tissue to therapy The response of tumor and normal tissue to radiation depends on their growth pattern before the start of therapy and during treatment. Radiation kills cells through interaction with DNA and other target molecules. Death does not occur instantly, but occurs when cells try to divide, but as a result of exposure to radiation, a failure occurs in the division process, which is called abortive mitosis. For this reason, radiation damage occurs more quickly in tissues containing cells that divide quickly, and cancer cells are the ones that divide quickly. Normal tissues compensate for the cells lost during radiation therapy by speeding up the division of remaining cells. In contrast, tumor cells begin to divide more slowly after radiation therapy, and the tumor may shrink in size. The extent of tumor shrinkage depends on the balance between cell production and cell death. Carcinoma is an example of a type of cancer that often has a high rate of division. These types of cancer tend to respond well to radiation therapy. Depending on the dose of radiation used and the individual tumor, the tumor may begin to grow again after stopping therapy, but often more slowly than before. To prevent the tumor from growing back, radiation is often given in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy. Goals of Radiation Therapy Curative: For curative purposes, radiation exposure is usually increased. Reaction to radiation ranges from mild to severe. Symptom relief: This procedure is aimed at relieving cancer symptoms and prolonging survival, creating a more comfortable living environment. This type of treatment is not necessarily performed with the intention of curing the patient. Often this type of treatment is prescribed to prevent or eliminate pain caused by cancer that has metastasized to the bones. Radiation instead of surgery: Radiation instead of surgery is an effective tool against a limited number of cancers. Treatment is most effective if the cancer is found early, while it is still small and non-metastatic. Radiation therapy may be used instead of surgery if the location of the cancer makes surgery difficult or impossible to perform without serious risk to the patient. Surgery is the preferred treatment for lesions that are located in an area where radiation therapy may be more harmful than surgery. The time required for the two procedures is also very different. Surgery can be performed quickly after diagnosis; Radiation therapy may take weeks to be fully effective. There are pros and cons to both procedures. Radiation therapy may be used to save organs and/or avoid surgery and its risks. Radiation destroys rapidly dividing cells in the tumor, while surgical procedures may miss some of the cancerous cells. However, large tumor masses often contain oxygen-poor cells in the center that do not divide as quickly as cells near the surface of the tumor. Because these cells do not divide rapidly, they are not as sensitive to radiation therapy. For this reason, large tumors cannot be destroyed using radiation alone. Radiation and surgery are often combined during treatment. Useful articles for a better understanding of radiation therapy: ">Radiation Therapy 5
  • Skin reactions with targeted therapy Skin problems Shortness of breath Neutropenia Nervous system disorders Nausea and vomiting Mucositis Menopausal symptoms Infections Hypercalcemia Male sex hormone Headaches Hand-foot syndrome Hair loss (alopecia Lymphedema Ascites Pleurisy Edema Depression Cognitive problems Bleeding Loss of appetite Restlessness and anxiety Anemia Confusion Delirium Difficulty swallowing Dysphagia Dry mouth Xerostomia Neuropathy For specific side effects, read the following articles: "> Side effects36
  • cause cell death in various directions. Some of the drugs are natural compounds that have been identified in various plants, while other chemicals are created in the laboratory. Several different types of chemotherapy drugs are briefly described below. Antimetabolites: Drugs that can affect the formation of key biomolecules inside the cell, including nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. These chemotherapeutic agents ultimately interfere with the process of replication (production of the daughter DNA molecule and therefore cell division. Examples of antimetabolites include the following drugs: Fludarabine, 5-Fluorouracil, 6-Thioguanine, Ftorafur, Cytarabine. Genotoxic drugs: Drugs that can damage DNA: By causing this damage, these agents interfere with DNA replication and cell division. Examples of drugs: Busulfan, Carmustine, Epirubicin, Idarubicin. Spindle inhibitors (or mitosis inhibitors: These chemotherapy agents are aimed at preventing proper cell division , interacting with cytoskeletal components that allow one cell to divide into two parts. As an example, the drug paclitaxel, which is obtained from the bark of the Pacific Yew and semi-synthetically from the English Yew (Taxus baccata. Both drugs are prescribed as a series of intravenous injections. Others Chemotherapeutic agents: These agents inhibit (slow down cell division through mechanisms that are not covered in the three categories listed above. Normal cells are more resistant to drugs because they often stop dividing under conditions that are not favorable. However, not all normal dividing cells escape the effects of chemotherapy drugs, which is evidence of the toxicity of these drugs. Cell types that tend to rapidly those dividing, such as in the bone marrow and in the lining of the intestines, tend to suffer the most. Death of normal cells is one of the common side effects of chemotherapy. For more information about the nuances of chemotherapy, see the following articles: ">Chemotherapy 6
    • and non-small cell lung cancer. These types are diagnosed based on how the cells look under a microscope. Based on the established type, treatment options are selected. To understand the prognosis of the disease and survival rate, I present statistics from open US sources for 2014 on both types of lung cancer together: New cases of the disease (prognosis: 224210 Number of projected deaths: 159260 Let us consider in detail both types, specifics and treatment options.">Lung cancer 4
    • in the United States in 2014: New cases: 232,670 Deaths: 40,000 Breast cancer is the most common non-cutaneous cancer among women in the United States (public sources, an estimated 62,570 cases of preinvasive disease (in situ, 232,670 new cases of invasive disease, and 40,000 deaths. Thus, less than one in six women diagnosed with breast cancer will die from the disease. By comparison, an estimated 72,330 American women will die from lung cancer in 2014. Breast cancer glands in men (yes, yes, there is such a thing, it accounts for 1% of all cases of breast cancer and mortality from this disease. Widespread screening has increased the incidence of breast cancer and changed the characteristics of detected cancer. Why has it increased? Yes, because the use of modern methods has made it possible to detect incidence of low-risk cancers, premalignant lesions and ductal cancer in situ (DCIS). Population-based studies in the US and UK show an increase in DCIS and the incidence of invasive breast cancer since 1970, this is associated with the widespread use of postmenopausal hormone therapy and mammography. In the last decade, postmenopausal women have refrained from using hormones and the incidence of breast cancer has decreased, but not to the level that can be achieved with the widespread use of mammography. Risk and protective factors Increasing age is the most important risk factor for breast cancer. Other risk factors for breast cancer include the following: Family medical history o Underlying genetic susceptibility Sex mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, and other breast cancer susceptibility genes Alcohol consumption Breast tissue density (mammographic) Estrogen (endogenous: o Menstrual history (onset of menstruation / late menopause o No history of childbirth o Older age at first birth History of hormone therapy: o Combination of estrogen and progestin (HRT Oral contraception) Obesity Lack of exercise Personal history of breast cancer Personal history of proliferative forms of benign breast diseases Radiation exposure to the breast Of all Of women with breast cancer, 5% to 10% may have germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.Studies have found that specific BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are more common among women of Jewish descent. Men who carry a BRCA2 mutation also have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Mutations in both the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes also create an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer or other primary cancers. Once BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations have been identified, it is advisable for other family members to undergo genetic counseling and testing. Protective factors and measures to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer include the following: Estrogen use (especially after a hysterectomy Establishing an exercise habit Early pregnancy Breastfeeding Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) Aromatase inhibitors or inactivators Reducing the risks of mastectomy Reducing the risk of oophorectomy or removal ovarian Screening Clinical trials have found that screening asymptomatic women with mammography, with or without clinical breast examination, reduces mortality from breast cancer.Diagnosis If breast cancer is suspected, the patient usually undergoes the following steps: Confirmation of the diagnosis Evaluation Stage of disease Choice of therapy The following tests and procedures are used to diagnose breast cancer: Mammography Ultrasound Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, when clinically indicated Biopsy Contralateral breast cancer Pathologically, breast cancer can be multicentric and bilateral defeat. Bilateral disease is somewhat more common in patients with invading focal carcinoma. Over 10 years after diagnosis, the risk of primary breast cancer in the contralateral breast ranges from 3% to 10%, although endocrine therapy may reduce this risk. Development of second breast cancer is associated with an increased risk of distant recurrence. If the BRCA1/BRCA2 gene mutation was diagnosed before the age of 40, the risk of cancer of the second breast in the next 25 years reaches almost 50%. Patients diagnosed with breast cancer should undergo bilateral mammography at the time of diagnosis to rule out synchronous disease. The role of MRI in screening for contralateral breast cancer and monitoring women treated with breast conservation therapy continues to evolve. Because mammography's increased detection rate of possible disease has been demonstrated, selective use of MRI for adjunctive screening is occurring more frequently, despite the lack of randomized controlled data. Because only 25% of MRI-positive findings represent malignancy, pathologic confirmation is recommended prior to initiating treatment. Whether this increase in the rate of disease detection will lead to improved treatment outcomes is unknown. Prognostic factors Breast cancer is usually treated with various combinations of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Conclusions and selection of therapy may be influenced by the following clinical and pathological features (based on conventional histology and immunohistochemistry): Patient's climacteric status. Disease stage. Grade of the primary tumor. Tumor status depending on the status of estrogen receptors (ER and progesterone receptors (PR. Histological types). Breast cancer is classified into different histological types, some of which are of prognostic value.For example, favorable histological types include colloidal, medullary, and tubular cancer.The use of molecular profiling in breast cancer includes the following: ER and PR status testing. HER2/Neu status Based on these results, breast cancer is classified as: Hormone receptor positive HER2 positive Triple negative (ER, PR and HER2/Neu negative Although some rare inherited mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 predispose to the development of breast cancer in carriers of the mutation, however, prognostic data on carriers of the BRCA1 / BRCA2 mutation are contradictory; these women are simply at greater risk of developing second breast cancer. But it is not a fact that this can happen. Hormone replacement therapy After careful consideration, patients with severe symptoms may be treated with hormone replacement therapy. Follow-up The frequency of surveillance and the appropriateness of screening after completion of primary treatment for stage I, stage II, or stage III breast cancer remain controversial. Data from randomized trials show that periodic follow-up with bone scans, liver ultrasound, chest x-rays and blood tests for liver function does not improve survival or quality of life at all compared with routine health checks. Even when these tests allow early detection of relapse of the disease, this does not affect the survival of patients. Based on these data, limited screening and annual mammography may be an acceptable continuation for asymptomatic patients who have been treated for stage I to III breast cancer. More detailed information in the articles: "> Mammary cancer5
    • , ureters, and proximal urethra are lined with a specialized mucous membrane called transitional epithelium (also called urothelium. Most cancers that form in the bladder, renal pelvis, ureters, and proximal urethra are transitional cell carcinomas (also called urothelial carcinomas, derived from transitional epithelium Transitional cell bladder cancer can be low-grade or high-grade: Low-grade bladder cancer often recurs in the bladder after treatment, but rarely invades the muscular walls of the bladder or spreads to other parts of the body Patients rarely die from bladder cancer High-grade bladder cancer usually recurs in the bladder and also has a strong tendency to invade the muscular walls of the bladder and spread to other parts of the body High-grade bladder cancer is viewed as more aggressive than low-grade bladder cancer and is much more more likely to result in death. Almost all deaths from bladder cancer are the result of highly malignant cancers. Bladder cancer is also divided into muscle-invasive and non-muscle-invasive disease, based on invasion of the muscle lining (also referred to as the detrusor, which is located deep in the muscular wall of the bladder. Muscle-invasive disease is much more likely to spread to other parts of the body and is usually treated with either removal of the bladder or treatment of the bladder with radiation and chemotherapy.As noted above, high-grade cancers are much more likely to be muscle-invasive cancers than low-grade cancers.Thus, muscle invasive cancer is generally viewed as more aggressive than non-muscle invasive cancer Non-muscle invasive disease can often be treated by removing the tumor using a transurethral approach and sometimes chemotherapy or other procedures in which a drug is injected into the urinary tract. bladder with a catheter to help fight cancer. Cancer can occur in the bladder in conditions of chronic inflammation, such as a bladder infection caused by the parasite haematobium Schistosoma, or as a result of squamous metaplasia; The incidence of squamous cell bladder cancer is higher in chronically inflammatory conditions than otherwise. In addition to transitional carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and sarcoma can form in the bladder. In the United States, transitional cell carcinomas account for the vast majority (more than 90% of bladder cancers. However, a significant number of transitional cell carcinomas have areas of squamous cell or other differentiation. Carcinogenesis and Risk Factors There is compelling evidence of the influence of carcinogens on the occurrence and development of bladder cancer. The most common risk factor for developing bladder cancer is cigarette smoking. It is estimated that up to half of all bladder cancer cases are caused by smoking and that smoking increases the risk of developing bladder cancer at two to four times the baseline risk. Smokers with less functional polymorphisms N-acetyltransferase-2 (known as a slow acetylator) has a higher risk of developing bladder cancer compared to other smokers, apparently due to a decreased ability to detoxify carcinogens. Certain occupational hazards have also been linked to bladder cancer, and higher rates of bladder cancer have been reported due to textile dyes and rubber in the tire industry; among artists; leather processing industry workers; from shoemakers; and aluminum, iron and steel workers. Specific chemicals associated with bladder carcinogenesis include beta-naphthylamine, 4-aminobiphenyl, and benzidine. Although these chemicals are now generally banned in Western countries, many other chemicals that are still used today are also suspected of causing bladder cancer. Exposure to the chemotherapy agent cyclophosphamide has also been associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer. Chronic urinary tract infections and infections caused by the parasite S. haematobium are also associated with an increased risk of developing bladder cancer, and often squamous cell carcinoma. Chronic inflammation is believed to play a key role in the process of carcinogenesis in these conditions. Clinical features Bladder cancer usually presents with simple or microscopic hematuria. Less commonly, patients may complain of frequent urination, nocturia, and dysuria, symptoms that are more common in patients with carcinoma. Patients with urothelial cancer of the upper urinary tract may experience pain due to obstruction by the tumor. It is important to note that urothelial carcinoma is often multifocal, necessitating examination of the entire urothelium if a tumor is found. In patients with bladder cancer, imaging of the upper urinary tract is essential for diagnosis and follow-up. This can be achieved with ureteroscopy, retrograde pyelogram in cystoscopy, intravenous pyelogram, or computed tomography (CT urogram). In addition, patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract are at high risk of developing bladder cancer; these patients need periodic cystoscopy and observation of the opposite upper urinary tract Diagnosis When bladder cancer is suspected, the most useful diagnostic test is cystoscopy Radiological examination such as computed tomography or ultrasound is not sensitive enough to be useful in detecting bladder cancer Cystoscopy may be performed in the urology If cancer is found during cystoscopy, the patient is usually scheduled for a bimanual examination under anesthesia and a repeat cystoscopy in the operating room so that transurethral resection of the tumor and/or biopsy can be performed.Survival In patients who die from bladder cancer , there are almost always metastases from the bladder to other organs. Low-grade bladder cancer rarely grows into the muscular wall of the bladder and rarely metastasizes, so patients with low-grade (stage I bladder cancer) very rarely die from the cancer. However, they may experience multiple recurrences, which must be treated. resections.Almost all deaths from bladder cancer occur among patients with high-grade disease, which has a much greater potential to invade deep into the muscular walls of the bladder and spread to other organs.Approximately 70% to 80% of patients with newly diagnosed bladder cancer bladder have superficial bladder tumors (i.e. stage Ta, TIS, or T1. The prognosis of these patients depends largely on the grade of the tumor. Patients with high-grade tumors have a significant risk of dying from cancer, even if it is not muscle-invasive cancer Those patients with high-grade tumors who are diagnosed with superficial, non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer in most cases have a high chance of being cured, and even in the presence of muscle-invasive disease, sometimes the patient can be cured. Studies have shown that in some patients with distant metastases, oncologists achieved long-term complete responses after treatment with a combination chemotherapy regimen, although most of these patients have metastases limited to their lymph nodes. Secondary Bladder Cancer Bladder cancer tends to recur, even if it is non-invasive at the time of diagnosis. Therefore, standard practice is to perform urinary tract surveillance after a diagnosis of bladder cancer. However, no studies have yet been conducted to evaluate whether surveillance affects progression rates, survival, or quality of life; although there are clinical trials to determine the optimal follow-up schedule. Urothelial carcinoma is thought to reflect a so-called field defect, in which the cancer arises due to genetic mutations that are widely present in the patient's bladder or throughout the urothelium. Thus, people who have had a resected bladder tumor often subsequently have ongoing tumors in the bladder, often in other locations than the primary tumor. Similarly, but less frequently, they may develop tumors in the upper urinary tract (i.e., renal pelvis or ureter). An alternative explanation for these patterns of recurrence is that cancer cells that are destroyed when the tumor is excised may reimplant in another site in the urothelium. Support for this second theory is that tumors are more likely to recur lower than in the opposite direction from the initial cancer.Upper tract cancer is more likely to recur in the bladder than bladder cancer is to reproduce in the upper urinary tract. The rest in the following articles: "> Bladder cancer4
    • , as well as an increased risk of metastatic disease. The degree of differentiation (staging) of a tumor has an important influence on the natural history of the disease and on the choice of treatment. An increase in the incidence of endometrial cancer has been found in association with long-term, unopposed estrogen exposure (increased levels. In contrast, combination therapy (estrogen + progesterone prevents an increase in the risk of developing endometrial cancer associated with a lack of resistance to the effects of estrogen specifically. Receiving a diagnosis is not the best time. However, you should know - endometrial cancer is a treatable disease. Monitor the symptoms and everything will be fine! In some patients, it may play a role "activator" of endometrial cancer is a prior history of complex hyperplasia with atypia. An increase in the incidence of endometrial cancer has also been found in association with treatment of breast cancer with tamoxifen. According to researchers, this is due to the estrogenic effect of tamoxifen on the endometrium. Because of this increase, patients who Patients prescribed therapy with tamoxifen must undergo regular examinations of the pelvic region and must be attentive to any abnormal uterine bleeding. Histopathology The distribution pattern of malignant endometrial cancer cells depends in part on the degree of cellular differentiation. Well differentiated tumors, as a rule, limit their spread to the surface of the uterine mucosa; myometrial expansion occurs less frequently. In patients with poorly differentiated tumors, invasion of the myometrium is much more common. Invasion of the myometrium is often a precursor to lymph node involvement and distant metastases, and often depends on the grade of differentiation. Metastasis occurs in the usual way. Spread to the pelvic and para-aortic nodes is common. When distant metastases occur, it most often occurs in: Lungs. Inguinal and supraclavicular nodes. Liver. Bones. Brain. Vagina. Prognostic factors Another factor that is associated with ectopic and nodal spread of the tumor is the participation of the capillary-lymphatic space in histological examination. The three prognostic groupings of clinical stage I were made possible by careful operative staging. Patients with stage 1 tumors involving only the endometrium and no evidence of intraperitoneal disease (i.e., adnexal extension) are at low risk (">Endometrial Cancer 4
  • Cancer is one of the most terrible diseases of the 20th century, and what is even worse is that lung cancer progresses very rapidly and aggressively. This type of cancer ranks second in prevalence after skin cancer, and comes first in mortality. It is also so scary because it is almost impossible to detect in the initial stages; symptoms such as coughing and the presence of blood in the sputum are also inherent in many other diseases. Such a tumor, affecting the lungs, immediately metastasizes to the lymph nodes and instantly spreads through the lymph flow throughout the body.

    Everyone knows that cancer causes weakness in the body and significantly reduces the immune system, and over time, infected cells generally kill the immune system. It is to increase the body’s ability to fight cancer cells that you need to eat foods rich in selenium, and in the first place this is garlic.

    Garlic is at first glance an ordinary vegetable, but sometimes we forget that it is one of the most wonderful and useful natural medicines. If you are a fan of this vegetable, this is simply excellent, but if you don’t like garlic and the mere smell of it makes you sick, then you can use garlic tablets, which do not cause either an aftertaste in the mouth or an unpleasant odor. True, their effectiveness will be slightly lower than that of fresh vegetables, but still better than nothing.

    Scientists have recently established the fact that garlic is a source of natural substances that help in the fight against all diseases. It contains more than four hundred substances beneficial to the body, including antioxidants, which help the body in the fight against premature aging. It also remains a fact that garlic is the plant richest in sugar, it contains more of it than sugar cane.

    Every year more and more people start smoking, especially young people and the fair half of humanity; even a strong increase in prices for tobacco products has not been successful. When you ask a smoker why he needs it, in most cases he himself does not know, although he does not deny the fact that it is quite difficult for him to quit. Even the arguments that it is from tobacco products that a person develops cancer cells have not frightened anyone for a long time, no matter how regrettable it may sound.

    In addition, studies have shown that tobacco lovers who eat garlic at least three times a week have a lower chance of developing lung cancer than those who do not eat garlic. It all depends on the property of garlic to create a protective film on the lungs, which, as it were, absorbs harmful tobacco smoke. However, don’t think that you can now smoke as much as you want. We must always remember that those people who do not have this bad habit get cancer 10 times less often.

    Research on the beneficial properties of garlic is mainly carried out in China, since this is the people who give it a significant preference. It has now been proven that garlic or garlic preparations can not only prevent the formation of cancer cells throughout the body, in particular the lungs, but also generally destroy existing ones.

    Chinese scientists conducted an experiment with garlic for 7 years to prove its ability to destroy cancerous tumors in the lungs. More than 6 thousand people of different genders and ages took part in this experiment. The worst thing was that almost everyone was diagnosed with lung cancer. Most of these people had the bad habit of smoking.

    During the study, scientists found that those experimental subjects who consumed garlic in their diet at least 2-3 times a week had a 44% lower risk of developing lung cancer. For those who abuse tobacco smoke, the chance of developing lung cancer is observed in almost 80% of smokers. But in cases of constant consumption of garlic, the risk of developing lung cancer is reduced by 30%. According to many scientists, garlic can help even those people who have a genetic predisposition to cancer.

    For several decades, doctors have believed that a product such as garlic simultaneously affects several aspects, which contribute to the development of cancerous tumors. Simply, garlic juice prevents and easily blocks the effects of carcinogens. The substances contained in garlic have the ability to quickly restore genes that have been damaged by cancer cells. Also, this irreplaceable product easily copes with the task of slowing down the formation and proliferation of cancer cells, and sometimes even contributes to their destruction.

    A potent substance in garlic is a sulfur compound, and it is because of it that garlic has such a pungent and unusual smell. In addition, a very important point when we talk about the beneficial properties of garlic is that this vegetable significantly inhibits the growth and reproduction of malignant cells in the human body. Researchers at Chinese medical institutions constantly urge people to eat garlic, at least two or three times a week. At the same time, it is not necessary to take a clove of garlic and chew it forcefully; you can simply add it to various dishes according to your taste, but preferably a fresh vegetable. This will be the first preventive way to protect yourself from such a terrible disease, which is difficult to treat with medication or cannot be treated at all.

    Research by scientists also confirms that one of the substances that is part of garlic, not even just in its composition, but is contained in large quantities, is olein, which under mechanical influence is converted into allicin, in other words, a natural, very strong antibiotic . It has a unique beneficial property: it suppresses inflammation, improves immunity, stops the proliferation of bacteria, and also normalizes blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

    For more information about the anti-cancer properties of garlic, watch this video:

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