Complex sentences and their types. What are complex sentences with different types of connection. Building offer schemes

The article details what simple and complex sentences are. You will also find out how they differ from each other

A sentence is a slave unit that performs a communicative function. In this way, people speak out to convey this or that information, to induce action or ask a question. All words are connected to each other in sentences. The basis in sentences is the subject, the predicate, it is these members of the sentence that represent the core. By the number of these structural nuclei, they judge whether this sentence is simple or complex.

Simple and complex sentence: rule, types, schemes

Simple- this is a sentence in which there is a subject, a predicate, or there is one main member.

The nucleus, in which there is a subject, a predicate, is considered two-part. Example:

  • They had fun.
  • She was smart.
  • A cloud in the sky is dark, voluminous.

A simple sentence, where there is a main member, is considered one-piece.

These offers are divided into groups:

  • Indefinitely personal. Example: Us called to the leader.
  • Generalized personal. Example: You can't wait forever!
  • Impersonal. Example: It was getting dark outside.
  • Definitely personal. Example: I stand and sing.
  • Infinitives. Example: Sit! You already have to go.
  • Names. Example: Day. Building. Theatre.
  • Incomplete. Example: You will wear this - red.

Complex sentences- include a few simple ones. They are divided into the following subgroups:

  • Compound - they can include several simple sentences. Most often they are connected with each other by coordinating unions: yes, but, and, however, or, but, either, neither, not that, etc. Example: The rain drizzled and the sun came out.
  • Complicated - these are sentences in which one part is not independent in a semantic image, grammatically. They are interconnected with the help of allied, subordinating words (when, so that, if, although, while, which). Example: Katerina did not answer because she was thinking.
  • Allied - these are those sentences that include several simple ones. They are independent and completely independent of each other. Example: The sun was shining, cherries were blooming, birds were singing.

Suggestions: simple, complex. Differences

What is the difference between a simple sentence and a complex one: comparison

As already mentioned, a simple sentence has one main core, in a complex one there are two or more main members.

Simple example:

  • From a warm country, having overcome several thousand kilometers, noisy rooks flew to their nests that were empty all winter.

IMPORTANT: Simple sentences are uncomplicated, complicated, common, non-common, one-part, two-part. This has already been mentioned above.

Unlike simple ones, complex sentences have two or more grammatical bases. As a rule, such proposals are allied, non-union, complex, complex, complex, mixed.

  • unionless: The sun came out, sonorous birds sang
  • Compound: I can't figure out what to do with you
  • compound: The sky was covered with clouds, and the wind was blowing from the east
  • mixed: The wind bent the top of the nut, and where it grew, the shadows moved as if alive.

Both in simple ones and in complex ones, introductory words, homogeneous members, isolated, indivisible words can be used. The only difference between the sentences is the use of several stems in complex sentences.

It is only by such a difference that they determine what kind of proposal it is.

IMPORTANT: Do not confuse a simple sentence with a complex one if it is two-part.

  • two-part, simple: Mobile calls tirelessly
  • one-part, simple: I write and think about something else

These sentences are sometimes included in complex sentences.

How many simple sentences can there be in a complex one?

As such, there is no rule about the number of grammatical bases in a compound. However, most often it includes from three to four grammatical bases. Otherwise it will be overloaded.

The use of unions in a simple and complex sentence: a rule

Conjunctions are the most common words in sentences. And not everyone knows how to use them correctly, or rather punctuate them. There are rules for this, which we will consider below.

Punctuation marks, dashes, colons, commas in a simple and complex sentence: how to put it correctly?

It is difficult for beginners to determine which sign to put a comma, colon, dash before the union. Coordinating conjunctions such as -yes-, -but-, -a-, -and- are preceded by a comma.

In simple sentences, a dash can be placed between the subject, the predicate.

The colon is used in enumerations. See below the scheme of using the union -and- in different sentences.

Examples of building a complex sentence from 2 and 3 simple sentences

From the usual two or three simple sentences, you can build one complex one.

  • Winter is coming soon, the days are short.
  • Yesterday afternoon the sun was shining, and with the onset of night the temperature dropped to three degrees.
  • The rain has passed and a rainbow has appeared.
  • The bright sun was just rising from the horizon, but the rays were already touching the tops of the trees.

When spelling, simple sentences in a complex one are separated by commas, while unions connect them.

Sentence with direct speech, adverbial turnover: simple or complex?

Sentences with direct speech are more often complex sentences where the words of the author and direct speech are used.

  • The girl sadly said: "I'm leaving tomorrow."
  • "I'm going to the store," she repeated once more.
  • "Tomorrow," she said, "I will go home."

Participle turns are used in simple sentences, they denote an additional action.

  • When evaluating a painting, look for bright foreground tones.
  • It's good to relax on the beach in summer, look at the blue sky, thinking about the pleasant.
  • The cat, seeing the baby, ran away.
  • The girl, dreaming of marriage, looked out the window.

Participle turns

After studying the material, you will easily determine where is a simple, where is a complex sentence. How to correctly use punctuation marks in them. And in which sentences they use direct speech, and in which adverbial phrases.

Video: Simple, complex sentences

The sentence is one of the basic concepts of the Russian language; syntax is involved in its study. It is no secret that people communicate with each other with these units. Logically complete sentences are the basis of oral and written speech. There are a lot of varieties of this syntactic unit; detailed constructions give special dynamism and at the same time richness to the narrative. An assignment consisting of several parts is not uncommon in oral and written exams. The main thing in this matter is to know the types of complex sentences and punctuation marks in them.

Compound sentence: definition and types

The sentence - as the main structural unit of human speech - has a number of specific features by which it can be distinguished from a phrase or just a set of words. Every sentence contains a statement. It can be a factual statement, a question, or a call to action. The sentence must have a grammatical basis. These lexical units are always intonation complete.

Sentences are divided into two large groups: simple and complex. is built according to the number of predicative bases. For example:

  1. It snowed in the morning. The sentence is simple with one grammatical basis: snow (subject) fell (predicate).
  2. In the morning snow fell, and the whole earth seemed to be covered with a fluffy blanket. In this example, we observe a complex sentence. The first grammatical basis is snow (subject), fell out (predicate); the second is the earth (subject), covered (predicate).

The types of a complex sentence are distinguished depending on how the constituents are combined. They can be compound, compound or non-union. Let's analyze these types of complex sentences with examples.

Compound sentence

Used to connect parts of a compound sentence. It is worth noting that the parts in such a sentence are equal: no question is asked from one to the other.


The clock struck three in the morning, but the household did not sleep. This is a compound sentence, its parts are connected by a coordinating union "but" and with the help of intonation. Grammatical bases: the clock (subject) struck (predicate); the second - the household (subject) did not sleep (predicate).

The night was falling and the stars were getting brighter. There are two grammatical bases here: the night (subject) was approaching (predicate); the second - the stars (subject), became brighter (predicate). Simple sentences are connected with the help of a coordinating union and, as well as intonation.

Conjunctions in a compound sentence

Since coordinating unions are used to connect sentences within a compound, these syntactic units will be divided into:

1. Offers with connecting unions (and, yes, yes and, a (and), too, also). As a rule, these unions are used to denote events in time (simultaneity or sequence). Often they have circumstances indicating the time. For example:

The cloud grew as large as the sky, and a few minutes later it began to pour. The connecting union is also strengthened by the circumstance of time (in a few minutes).

2. Offers with (a, but, yes, but, etc.). In them, two events are opposed to one another. For example:

This year we were not at sea, but the parents were pleased with the help in the garden.

In addition, in such sentences, the particle can take over the function of the adversative union.

For example: We managed to jump into the last carriage, while Andrei remained on the platform.

3. Proposals with divisive unions (or, or, so-and-so, etc.) Show that one of the listed events or phenomena is possible. For example:

Either the magpie chirps, or the grasshoppers click.

Punctuation marks in compound sentences

The punctuation rule in a compound sentence is as follows: a comma is placed between simple sentences. For example:

The leaves on the trees barely hold on, and gusts of wind carry them away, laying them in a carpet. The grammatical foundations of a complex sentence are as follows: the leaves (subject) are held (predicate); impulses (subject) carry away (predicate).

This rule has one nuance: when both parts refer to a common member (addition or circumstance) - a comma is not needed. For example:

In the summer, people need movement and do not need the blues. The circumstance at the time refers both to the first part with the grammatical basis need (predicate) movement (subject), and to the second, the basis of which is the blues (subject) is not needed (predicate).

The ground was covered with a snow-white blanket of snow and dried frost. Here, both parts have a common addition - the earth. The grammatical bases are as follows: the first - snow (subject) enveloped (predicate); the second - frost (subject) dried (predicate).

It is also difficult to distinguish compound sentences from simple ones with homogeneous predicates. To determine which sentences are complex, it is enough to highlight the predicative stem (or stems). Let's look at two examples:

  1. It was a sunny winter day, and in places red rowan berries could be seen in the forest. This sentence is complex. Let's prove it: two grammatical bases are traced: the day (subject) stood (predicate), the second - berries (subject) were seen (predicate).
  2. The red rowan berries were visible in the forest and shone in bright clusters in the sun. This sentence is simple, it is only complicated by homogeneous predicates. Let's take a look at the grammar. The subject - berries, homogeneous predicates - could be seen, shone; comma is not required.

Complex sentence: definition and structure

Another complex sentence with an allied connection is a complex one. Such sentences consist of unequal parts: the main simple sentence and one or more subordinate clauses attached to it. The latter answer questions from the main and secondary members of the main sentence, they include a subordinating conjunction. The parts are connected to each other with the help of subordinating unions. Structurally subordinate clauses are possible at the beginning, middle or end of the main clause. Let's look at examples:

We'll go for a walk when the torrential rain stops. This proposal is complex. The main part has a grammatical basis: we (subject) will go for a walk (predicate); the grammatical basis of the subordinate clause is the rain (subject) will stop coming. Here the subordinate clause comes after the main clause.

To be able to express yourself eloquently, you need to read a lot of literature. This complex sentence has a main part and a subordinate part. The basis of the main one is to read (predicate); the basis of the subordinate clause - you (subject) could speak (predicate). In this complex sentence, the subordinate clause comes before the main clause.

We were surprised when the results of the exam were announced to us, and anxious about the upcoming tests. In this example, the subordinate clause "breaks" the main clause. Grammatical bases: we (subject) were surprised, alarmed (predicate) - in the main part; announced (predicate) - in the subordinate part.

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words: how to distinguish?

Unions are not always used to connect simple sentences as part of a complex one, sometimes their role is played by the so-called allied words - pronouns homonymous to them. The main difference is that conjunctions are used solely to connect parts of a sentence to each other, they are not members of a sentence.

Another thing is allied words.

Their role is played by relative pronouns, respectively, such lexical units will be members of the sentence.

Here are the signs by which subordinating conjunctions can be distinguished from allied words:

  1. Most often, the union in the sentence can be omitted without losing the meaning. Mom said it's time to go to bed. Let's change the sentence by omitting the union: Mom said: "It's time to go to bed."
  2. Union can always be replaced by another union. For example: When (If) you read a lot, your memory gets better. is replaced only by another allied word, or by a word from the main sentence, from which we ask a question to the subordinate clause. Let us remember the years that (that) we spent in Naples. union word which can be replaced by an addition years from the main sentence Remember the years: those years we spent in Naples).

Subordinate clause

Relative clauses can be attached to the main clause in different ways, depending on which part of the main clause they explain. They can refer to one word, to a phrase, or to the entire main sentence.

To understand what type of attachment is in a particular case, it is necessary to ask a question and analyze from which part of the main sentence it is put.

There are several types of subordinate clauses: their distinction depends on the meaning and the question that we ask from the main part to the secondary. Subject, predicate, attributive, additional or adverbial - there are such subordinate clauses.

In addition, a lexically subordinate clause can have several meanings (be polysemantic). For example: It's wonderful when you can just walk down the street without thinking about anything. The meaning of the subordinate clause is both the condition and the time.

Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

The following types of complex sentences with a subordinating relationship and several subordinate clauses are distinguished: with homogeneous, heterogeneous and sequential subordination. The distinction depends on how the question is asked.

  • With homogeneous subordination, all subordinate clauses refer to the same word from the main one. For example: I want to tell you that good conquers evil, that there are princes and princesses, that magic surrounds us everywhere. All three subordinate clauses explain one word from the main one - to tell.
  • Heterogeneous (parallel) subordination takes place if the subordinate clauses answer different questions. For example: When we go camping, friends will help each other, although it will not be easy for them themselves. Here two subordinate clauses answer questions when?(first), and no matter what?(second).
  • Consistent submission. The question in such sentences is asked in a chain, from one sentence to another. For example: Only he will see the beauty of the soul who does not look at appearance, knows that the price of words and deeds is very high. Subordinate clauses are attached to the main sentence: we ask a question to the first who?, to the second - what?

Punctuation in a complex sentence

The parts of a complex sentence are separated from each other by a comma. It is placed before the union. Polynomial complex sentences with a subordinate relationship may not have a comma. This happens if homogeneous subordinate clauses are used, connected by non-repeating unions and, or. For example:

I said that today is a beautiful day and that the sun has long since risen. Here are homogeneous subordinate clauses with the basics day (subject) beautiful (predicate), the sun (subject) has risen (predicate). No comma is required between them.

Unionless proposal

In the Russian language, there are such sentences where the connection between the parts occurs only with the help of intonation and semantic connections. Such proposals are called non-union. It rained and the last leaves fell from the trees. This complex non-union sentence has two parts with grammatical foundations: the first has rain (subject) passed (predicate); the second one has fallen (predicate) leaves (subject).

In addition to intonation and meaning, the connection between the parts is carried out by their order and species-temporal characteristics of verbs-predicates and their mood. Here two subordinate clauses answer questions when?(first), and no matter what?(second).

Types of unionless proposals

Union-free proposals are of two types: homogeneous and heterogeneous composition.

The first ones are those where the predicates, as a rule, have the same form; their meaning is a comparison, opposition or sequence of actions. In structure, they resemble compound ones, it’s just that the union is omitted from homogeneous homogeneous ones. For example:

Autumn began, the sky was covered with lead clouds. Compare: Autumn began, and the sky was covered with lead clouds.

Unionless with a heterogeneous composition gravitate more towards complex subordinates. As a rule, such polynomial complex sentences have one part, which contains the main meaning of the statement. For example:

I love winter: nature dresses beautifully, magical holidays are coming, it's time to get skis and skates. In the presence of an union-free connection and equality of parts, the main meaning is still contained in the first, and the subsequent ones reveal it.

Punctuation in a non-union sentence

The non-union connection suggests that the signs in a complex sentence of this kind will be variable. The placement of a comma, colon, semicolon, or dash will depend on the meaning. For clarity, here is a table:

punctuation mark

Check method


Denotes actions that occur simultaneously or sequentially

Within the meaning of

Grandmother sets the table, mother prepares dinner, and father and children tidy up the apartment.


Opposite conjunctions (a, but)

I endure - she is indignant.

The first sentence indicates a condition or a time period

Unions when or if

The second sentence contains a consequence of the first

Union so

They opened the doors - fresh air filled the whole room.


The second sentence contains the reason

Union because

I love white nights: you can walk until you drop.

The second sentence is an explanation of the first

Union namely

Everyone was ready for the parent's day: the children learned poems, the counselors made reports, the staff did a general cleaning.

The second sentence is an addition to the first

Union what

I am sure you will never betray me.

When one of the parts is complicated by any constructions, we use a semicolon. For example:

Singing a song, Marat walked through the puddles; children were running nearby, joyful and cheerful. Here the first part is complicated and the second part is a separate definition.

It is easy to make a sentence with an allied connection: the main thing is to focus on the meaning.

Complex sentences with different types of communication and punctuation in them

Often, the types of a complex sentence are concentrated in one syntactic construction, that is, there is both an allied and an allied connection between different parts. These are complex sentences with different types of connection.

Let's look at examples.

Although he was still dozing, there was a flurry of activity around the household: they darted from room to room, talking, cursing. The first part is a subordinating connection, the second is a coordinating one, the third is an allied one.

I know a simple truth: you will stop quarreling when everyone learns to listen and understand. The connection of the first and second parts is unionless, then - subordinating.

As a rule, such sentences are two blocks that are connected by coordinating conjunctions or completely unionless. Each block may contain several simple sentences with a subordinating or coordinating connection.

Do you know the scientific name that begins with the word complicated...

Words that form two roots are called compound words.

For example, rhinoceros(two roots nose- and horn-, the letter o is a connecting vowel), vacuum cleaner(the roots are dust- and sos-, the letter e is a connecting vowel).

Proposals are also difficult. In them, as in words, several parts are connected.

Lesson topic: “Simple and complex sentences. Unions".

Read the sentences and think about how they differ from each other?

1) The bell rang.

2) The children entered the classroom.

3) The first lesson has begun.

4) The bell rang, the guys went into the classroom, the first lesson began.

Let's find the grammar.

A sentence with one grammatical basis is a simple sentence.

1, 2 and 3 offers simple, because in each of them on one basis.

4 offer complex, consists of three simple sentences. Each part of a complex sentence has its main members, its own basis.

A sentence with two or more grammatical bases is a compound sentence. Compound sentences are made up of several simple sentences. How many simple sentences, so many parts in a complex sentence.

The parts of a complex sentence are not just simple ones joined together.

Having united, these parts continue, complement each other, turn different thoughts into one, more complete one. In oral speech, on the border of parts of a complex sentence, there is no intonation of the end of each thought.

Remember: In written speech, commas are most often placed between parts of a complex sentence.

Determine if the sentence is complex or simple. First, let's find the main members (bases) of the sentences and count how many bases are in each.

1) At the edge of the forest, the voices of birds are already heard.

2) Tits sing, a woodpecker taps loudly with its beak.

3) Soon the sun will warm the earth better, the roads will turn black, thawed fields will be exposed, streams will murmur, rooks will come.(According to G. Skrebitsky)

1) At the edge of the forest, bird voices are already heard.

2) Tits sing, a woodpecker taps loudly with its beak.

Who? tits, what are they doing? chant - the first basis.

Who? dude what is he doing? taps - the second basis.

This is a complex sentence, consisting of two parts.

3) Soon the sun will warm the earth better, the roads will turn black, the fields will be barethawed patches , brooks murmur, rooks will welcome.

What? the sun, what will it do? warm - the first basis.

The roads will turn black - the second basis.

thawed patches will be exposed - the third basis.

Streams murmur - the fourth basis.

Rooks welcome - the fifth basis.

This is a compound sentence with five parts.

Read complex sentences. Observe how the parts of a complex sentence are connected?

1) Winter approaching , the cold sky often frowns.

Parts 1 of a complex sentence are connected using intonation. There is a comma between parts of the sentence.

2) The sun was warm during the day , a at night frosts reached five degrees.

3) Wind calmed down , and the weather has improved.

4) The sun just got up , but its rays were already illuminating the tops of the trees.

Parts 2, 3, 4 of sentences are connected using intonation and conjunctions a, and, but. The union is preceded by a comma.

Each of the unions does its job. The union connects words, and the unions a, but also help to oppose something.

When writing, parts of a complex sentence are separated by a comma. If parts of a complex sentence are joined by unions (and, but, but), a comma is placed before the union.

The sentences of our language are very diverse. Sometimes with one subject there can be several predicates, or with one predicate there can be several subjects. Such members of the sentence are called homogeneous. Homogeneous members answer the same question and refer to the same member of the sentence. In the diagram, we will circle each homogeneous member.

What conclusion can be drawn from the comparison of these schemes?

The first line contains diagrams of complex sentences, and the second line - diagrams of simple sentences with homogeneous predicates (they are shown in a circle).

In simple sentences with homogeneous members and in complex sentences between their parts, the same unions are used: and, but.


1. Before unions ah, but always put a comma.

2. Union and requires special attention: connects homogeneous members - a comma is most often not put; used between parts of a complex sentence - a comma is usually needed.

Let's practice. Let's put in the missing commas.

1) At night, the dog crept up to the dacha and lay down under the terrace.

2) People were sleeping and the dog jealously guarded them. (According to L. Andreev)

3) The pelican wandered around us, hissed, shouted, but did not give up. (According to K. Paustovsky)

4) Spring is shining in the sky, but the forest is still covered with snow in winter. (M. Prishvin)

1) At night, the dog crept up to the cottage and lay down under the terrace.

The sentence is simple, since one stem, one subject and two predicates - the dog crept up and lay down. Union and connects homogeneous predicates, so a comma is not put.

2) People slept, and the dog jealously guarded them.

The proposal is complex, since there are two bases - people were sleeping, the dog was guarding. Union and connects parts of a complex sentence, so a comma is needed before the union.

3) Pelican wandered around us, hissed, shouted, but did not give into hands.

The proposal is simple, since one stem, one subject and 4 predicates - the pelican wandered, hissed, shouted, did not give up. before the union but always put a comma. We put commas between homogeneous predicates.

4) Spring shines in the sky, but the forest is still covered with snow in winter.

The proposal is complex, since there are two foundations - spring is shining, the forest is covered. before the union but always put a comma.

Consider the schemes and decide which schemes hide complex sentences, and which ones are simple ones with homogeneous members; in which of them you need to put punctuation marks.

The first three schemes reflect the structure of a simple sentence with homogeneous main members. They are circled. In scheme 1, a comma is not needed, since the union connects homogeneous subjects and. In 2 and 3 schemes, commas should be placed. 4 scheme corresponds to a complex sentence. It should also include a comma between parts of a complex sentence.

Sentences that include words that, that, therefore, because, are most often complex. These words usually begin a new part of a complex sentence. In such cases, they are always preceded by a comma.

Let's give examples.

We saw, what the she-wolf crawled along with the cubs into the hole.

what a comma is placed.

All night long winter knitted lace patterns, to trees dressed up. (K. Paustovsky)

This is a complex sentence, before the word to a comma is placed.

Birds able to communicate everything with their voice , That's why they sing.

This is a complex sentence, before the word That's why a comma is placed.

I lovefairy tales, because in them, good always triumphs over evil.

This is a complex sentence, before the word because a comma is placed.

1. One afternoon, Winnie the Pooh was walking through the forest and grumbling a new song under his breath.

2. Winnie the Pooh got up early, in the morning he diligently did gymnastics.

3. Winnie quietly reached the sandy slope.

(B. Zakhoder)


Sentence 1 corresponds to scheme 3, since this is a simple sentence with one subject (Winnie the Pooh) and two predicates (walked and grumbled).

Scheme 1 corresponds to sentence 2, since this complex sentence has two bases (Winnie the Pooh got up, he was engaged). A comma separates parts of a sentence.

Sentence 3 corresponds to scheme 2, since this is a simple sentence with one base (Winnie got it).

In the lesson, you learned that a sentence in which there are two or more grammatical bases - complex offer. Parts of complex sentences are connected using intonation and conjunctions. a, and, but. When writing, parts of a complex sentence are separated by a comma.

  1. M.S.Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. TV Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T. V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  3. ().
  • Find the main clauses in the sentences. Which sentence of the text is difficult - 1st or 2nd? What is the name of the remaining proposal?

At the top of an alder tree a bird sat and opened its beak. The feathers on the swollen neck fluttered, but I did not hear the song.

(According to V. Bianchi)

  • Insert two missing commas in sentences.

Winter hid in the dense forest. She looked out of the shelter and millions of little suns are hiding in the grass. Winter is angry! She waved her sleeve and covered the cheerful lights with snow. Dandelions are now flaunting in a yellow dress and then in a white fur coat. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Find an offer with an alliance and. What does it connect - homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence? Underline the words you need to answer.

  • Write unions and, but. Underline the basics, mark homogeneous members and put commas where necessary.

The ball climbed into the water _ Uncle Fyodor soaped it _ combed the wool. The cat walked along the shore _ sad about different oceans. (According to E. Uspensky)

The cat stole fish meat sour cream _ bread. Once he tore open a tin can of worms. He did not eat them _ chickens ran to the jar of worms _ pecked at our stock. (According to K. Paustovsky)

Do you know the scientific name that begins with the word complicated...

Words that form two roots are called compound words.

For example, rhinoceros(two roots nose- and horn-, the letter o is a connecting vowel), vacuum cleaner(the roots are dust- and sos-, the letter e is a connecting vowel).

Proposals are also difficult. In them, as in words, several parts are connected.

Lesson topic: “Simple and complex sentences. Unions".

Read the sentences and think about how they differ from each other?

1) The bell rang.

2) The children entered the classroom.

3) The first lesson has begun.

4) The bell rang, the guys went into the classroom, the first lesson began.

Let's find the grammar.

A sentence with one grammatical basis is a simple sentence.

1, 2 and 3 offers simple, because in each of them on one basis.

4 offer complex, consists of three simple sentences. Each part of a complex sentence has its main members, its own basis.

A sentence with two or more grammatical bases is a compound sentence. Compound sentences are made up of several simple sentences. How many simple sentences, so many parts in a complex sentence.

The parts of a complex sentence are not just simple ones joined together.

Having united, these parts continue, complement each other, turn different thoughts into one, more complete one. In oral speech, on the border of parts of a complex sentence, there is no intonation of the end of each thought.

Remember: In written speech, commas are most often placed between parts of a complex sentence.

Determine if the sentence is complex or simple. First, let's find the main members (bases) of the sentences and count how many bases are in each.

1) At the edge of the forest, the voices of birds are already heard.

2) Tits sing, a woodpecker taps loudly with its beak.

3) Soon the sun will warm the earth better, the roads will turn black, thawed fields will be exposed, streams will murmur, rooks will come.(According to G. Skrebitsky)

1) At the edge of the forest, bird voices are already heard.

2) Tits sing, a woodpecker taps loudly with its beak.

Who? tits, what are they doing? chant - the first basis.

Who? dude what is he doing? taps - the second basis.

This is a complex sentence, consisting of two parts.

3) Soon the sun will warm the earth better, the roads will turn black, the fields will be barethawed patches , brooks murmur, rooks will welcome.

What? the sun, what will it do? warm - the first basis.

The roads will turn black - the second basis.

thawed patches will be exposed - the third basis.

Streams murmur - the fourth basis.

Rooks welcome - the fifth basis.

This is a compound sentence with five parts.

Read complex sentences. Observe how the parts of a complex sentence are connected?

1) Winter approaching , the cold sky often frowns.

Parts 1 of a complex sentence are connected using intonation. There is a comma between parts of the sentence.

2) The sun was warm during the day , a at night frosts reached five degrees.

3) Wind calmed down , and the weather has improved.

4) The sun just got up , but its rays were already illuminating the tops of the trees.

Parts 2, 3, 4 of sentences are connected using intonation and conjunctions a, and, but. The union is preceded by a comma.

Each of the unions does its job. The union connects words, and the unions a, but also help to oppose something.

When writing, parts of a complex sentence are separated by a comma. If parts of a complex sentence are joined by unions (and, but, but), a comma is placed before the union.

The sentences of our language are very diverse. Sometimes with one subject there can be several predicates, or with one predicate there can be several subjects. Such members of the sentence are called homogeneous. Homogeneous members answer the same question and refer to the same member of the sentence. In the diagram, we will circle each homogeneous member.

What conclusion can be drawn from the comparison of these schemes?

The first line contains diagrams of complex sentences, and the second line - diagrams of simple sentences with homogeneous predicates (they are shown in a circle).

In simple sentences with homogeneous members and in complex sentences between their parts, the same unions are used: and, but.


1. Before unions ah, but always put a comma.

2. Union and requires special attention: connects homogeneous members - a comma is most often not put; used between parts of a complex sentence - a comma is usually needed.

Let's practice. Let's put in the missing commas.

1) At night, the dog crept up to the dacha and lay down under the terrace.

2) People were sleeping and the dog jealously guarded them. (According to L. Andreev)

3) The pelican wandered around us, hissed, shouted, but did not give up. (According to K. Paustovsky)

4) Spring is shining in the sky, but the forest is still covered with snow in winter. (M. Prishvin)

1) At night, the dog crept up to the cottage and lay down under the terrace.

The sentence is simple, since one stem, one subject and two predicates - the dog crept up and lay down. Union and connects homogeneous predicates, so a comma is not put.

2) People slept, and the dog jealously guarded them.

The proposal is complex, since there are two bases - people were sleeping, the dog was guarding. Union and connects parts of a complex sentence, so a comma is needed before the union.

3) Pelican wandered around us, hissed, shouted, but did not give into hands.

The proposal is simple, since one stem, one subject and 4 predicates - the pelican wandered, hissed, shouted, did not give up. before the union but always put a comma. We put commas between homogeneous predicates.

4) Spring shines in the sky, but the forest is still covered with snow in winter.

The proposal is complex, since there are two foundations - spring is shining, the forest is covered. before the union but always put a comma.

Consider the schemes and decide which schemes hide complex sentences, and which ones are simple ones with homogeneous members; in which of them you need to put punctuation marks.

The first three schemes reflect the structure of a simple sentence with homogeneous main members. They are circled. In scheme 1, a comma is not needed, since the union connects homogeneous subjects and. In 2 and 3 schemes, commas should be placed. 4 scheme corresponds to a complex sentence. It should also include a comma between parts of a complex sentence.

Sentences that include words that, that, therefore, because, are most often complex. These words usually begin a new part of a complex sentence. In such cases, they are always preceded by a comma.

Let's give examples.

We saw, what the she-wolf crawled along with the cubs into the hole.

what a comma is placed.

All night long winter knitted lace patterns, to trees dressed up. (K. Paustovsky)

This is a complex sentence, before the word to a comma is placed.

Birds able to communicate everything with their voice , That's why they sing.

This is a complex sentence, before the word That's why a comma is placed.

I lovefairy tales, because in them, good always triumphs over evil.

This is a complex sentence, before the word because a comma is placed.

1. One afternoon, Winnie the Pooh was walking through the forest and grumbling a new song under his breath.

2. Winnie the Pooh got up early, in the morning he diligently did gymnastics.

3. Winnie quietly reached the sandy slope.

(B. Zakhoder)


Sentence 1 corresponds to scheme 3, since this is a simple sentence with one subject (Winnie the Pooh) and two predicates (walked and grumbled).

Scheme 1 corresponds to sentence 2, since this complex sentence has two bases (Winnie the Pooh got up, he was engaged). A comma separates parts of a sentence.

Sentence 3 corresponds to scheme 2, since this is a simple sentence with one base (Winnie got it).

In the lesson, you learned that a sentence in which there are two or more grammatical bases - complex offer. Parts of complex sentences are connected using intonation and conjunctions. a, and, but. When writing, parts of a complex sentence are separated by a comma.

  1. M.S.Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko "To the secrets of our language" Russian language: Textbook. Grade 3: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. Grade 3: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. TV Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. Grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T. V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 classes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  3. ().
  • Find the main clauses in the sentences. Which sentence of the text is difficult - 1st or 2nd? What is the name of the remaining proposal?

At the top of an alder tree a bird sat and opened its beak. The feathers on the swollen neck fluttered, but I did not hear the song.

(According to V. Bianchi)

  • Insert two missing commas in sentences.

Winter hid in the dense forest. She looked out of the shelter and millions of little suns are hiding in the grass. Winter is angry! She waved her sleeve and covered the cheerful lights with snow. Dandelions are now flaunting in a yellow dress and then in a white fur coat. (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Find an offer with an alliance and. What does it connect - homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence? Underline the words you need to answer.

  • Write unions and, but. Underline the basics, mark homogeneous members and put commas where necessary.

The ball climbed into the water _ Uncle Fyodor soaped it _ combed the wool. The cat walked along the shore _ sad about different oceans. (According to E. Uspensky)

The cat stole fish meat sour cream _ bread. Once he tore open a tin can of worms. He did not eat them _ chickens ran to the jar of worms _ pecked at our stock. (According to K. Paustovsky)

) a complex sentence is understood as a combination, combination, chain of sentences, each of which retains its semantic and structural independence. Considering that a simple sentence, which is part of a complex one, does not lose its essential features, the supporters of this point of view come, in particular, to deny the existence of a compound sentence as a syntactic unit.

According to the second concept of the essence of a complex sentence (justified in the works of V. A. Bogoroditsky, H. S. Pospelov, V. V. Vinogradov), its components, constituting a single syntactic unit, lose their independence. This point of view is the most widespread. However, its supporters face the question of what is the difference between a complex sentence and a simple one. On this issue, there has been some disagreement among linguists.

Still others believe that simple sentences become components of a complex sentence, undergoing certain changes under the influence of a syntactic connection, however, the components of a complex sentence are characterized by varying degrees of similarity to simple sentences. Some may differ both in structure and functions, others may differ only in the absence of communicative independence.

Types of complex sentences

Compound sentences are of four types, which are distinguished by the types of connection between simple sentences in complex ones.

Compound sentence

Here, a complex sentence with an allied and non-union connection consists of two blocks connected by a coordinating conjunction "and".

The first block consists of 5 parts and is in the form of an SPP with consistent and homogeneous subordination.

The second block consists of 4 parts and is an SPP with homogeneous and consistent subordination.



  • The main types of complex sentences (video lesson, grade 9 program)


  • Barkhudarov L. S., Kolshansky G. V. On the problem of the structure of a complex sentence.// Professor Mosk. University Academician VV Vinogradov. Sat. articles on linguistics. - M.: publishing house Mosk. un-ta, 1958. - S. 40-53.
  • Bogoroditsky V. A. General course of Russian grammar. - 5th ed., revised. - M.-L.: State. social economy publishing house, 1935. - 354 p.
  • Vannikov Yu. V., Kotlyar T. R. Questions of sentence structure. - Saratov: publishing house Saratovsk. un-ta, 1960. - 63 p.
  • Vasilyeva N.M. The structure of a complex sentence /on the material of the French language of the early period/. - M.: Higher school, 1967. - 233 p.
  • Vinogradov VV The main questions of sentence syntax (on the material of the Russian language). // Questions of the grammatical structure: Sat. articles. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1955. - S. 389-435.
  • Grammar of the modern Russian literary language. - M.: Nauka, 1970. - 767 p.
  • Gulyga E.V. The theory of complex sentences in modern German. - M.: Higher school, 1971. - 206 p.
  • Dzhepko L.P. Structural-semantic and functional features of non-union compound sentences in modern English: Dis. … cand. philol. Sciences. - M.: MGLU, 1993. - 250 p.
  • Zolotova G. A. Essay on the functional syntax of the Russian language. - M.: Nauka, 1973. - 351 p.
  • Ivanova I. P., Burlakova V. V., Pocheptsov G. G. Theoretical grammar of modern English. - M.: Higher School, 1981. - 286 p.
  • Ilyenko S. G. Questions of the theory of complex sentences in modern Russian: Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... Doctors of Philology. Sciences. - L .: Leningrad. state ped. in-t, 1964. - 37 p.
  • Iofik LL Is there a compound sentence in English? (on the question of the form of a complex sentence). // NDVSH. Philological Sciences. - 1958. - No. 2. - C. 107-119.
  • Iofik L. L. The problem of the structure of a complex sentence in the New English language: Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... Doctors of Philology. Sciences. - L .: Leningrad. state un-t im. A. A. Zhdanova, 1965. - 41 p.
  • Iofik LL Compound sentence in the New English language. - L .: Leningrad publishing house. un-ta, 1968. - 214 p.
  • Kolosova T. A. Semantic relations in a complex sentence.// NDVSH. Philological Sciences. - 1972. - No. 5. - C. 61-72.
  • Kryuchkov S. E., Maksimov L. Yu. Modern Russian language. The syntax of a complex sentence. - M.: Enlightenment, 1977. - 188 p.
  • Maksimov L. Yu. Multidimensional classification of complex sentences (on the material of the modern Russian literary language): Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... Doctors of Philology. Sciences. - M.: MGPI im. V. I. Lenin, 1971. - 29 p.
  • Peshkovsky A. M. Russian syntax in scientific coverage. - 7th ed. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1956. - 511 p.
  • Peshkovsky A. M. Is there a composition and subordination of sentences in the Russian language.// Peshkovsky A. M. Selected works. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1959. - S. 52-57.
  • Pospelov N. S. On the grammatical nature of a complex sentence.// Questions of the syntax of the modern Russian language: Sat. articles. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1950. - C. 321-337.
  • Russian grammar. Syntax. - T. 2. / Ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 709 p.

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