List of modern pedagogical technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies in additional education Educational technologies at school list

Modern pedagogical technologies in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

“Any activity can be a technology,

or art. Art is based on in-

tuition, technology on science. Everything from art

starts, technology ends,

so that everything starts all over again.”


In the concept of modernization, and in the new standards, the priority goal of education is already "not the transfer of the amount of knowledge, but the development of the personality" of each student.

Currently, cardinal changes are taking place in the field of Russian education.

The standards of the second generation aim teachers at the formation of universal educational

actions that can be provided only as a result of the student's activity in the conditions of choice and

when the teacher uses individually-oriented technologies, which makes mastering and

the introduction of the latter is particularly relevant.

At present, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. However, there are major discrepancies in its understanding and use.

B. T. Likhachev gives the following definition: “Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process.

I.P. Volkov gives the following definition: "Pedagogical technology is a description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes."

UNESCO - "Pedagogical technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education."

V. A. Slastenin, technology is a set and sequence of methods and processes for converting raw materials that make it possible to obtain products with specified parameters.

G. M. Kodzhaspirova gives the concept of educational technology - this is a system of methods, techniques, steps, the sequence of which ensures the solution of the problems of education, training and development of the personality of the pupil, and the activity itself is presented procedurally, that is, as a certain system of actions; development and procedural implementation of the components of the pedagogical process in the form of a system of actions that provide a guaranteed result.

Teachers had a problem - to turn traditional education aimed at accumulating knowledge, skills, skills, into the process of developing the child's personality.

To implement the cognitive and creative activity of the student in the educational process, that make it possible to improve the quality of education, use study time more efficiently and reduce the share of reproductive activity of students by reducing the time allotted for homework. Modern educational technologies are focused on individualization, remoteness and variability of the educational process, academic mobility of students, regardless of age and level of education. The school presents a wide range of educational pedagogical technologies that are used in the educational process.

In the context of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC, the most relevant aretechnology:

    Information and communication technology;which is of great importance, because the student must possess information, be able to use it, choose from it what is necessary for making a decision, work with all types of information, etc. And today the teacher must understand that in the information society he ceases to be the only carrier of knowledge, as it was before. In some situations, the student knows more than he does, and the role of the modern teacher is more of a guide in the world of information.

    Technology for the development of critical thinking

    Design technology

    Developmental learning technology

    Health saving technologies

    Gaming technologies

    Modular technology

    Workshop technology

    Case - technology

    Integrated Learning Technology

    Cooperation Pedagogy.

    Technologies of level differentiation

    Group technologies.

    Traditional technologies (class-lesson system)

I'll tell you about some of them.

one). Information and Communication Technology

Informatization of education is bringing the education system in line with the needs and capabilities of the information society.

Educational activities based on ICT:

    open (but controlled) space of information sources,

    tools of "adult" information activity,

    educational process information support environment,

    flexible class schedule, flexible composition of study groups,

    modern educational process management systems.

As a rule, the following are the leading directions for the use of ICT at the initial stage of education:

    formation of primary skills of working with information - hersearching and sorting, organizing and storing ;

    development of information and communication means as one of the main tools of activity, acquiring skills in working withgeneral user tools (primarily withtext editor andpresentation editor , dynamic tables ); variousmultimedia sources ; somecommunication tools (primarily with the Internet).

Lessons using information technology have a number of advantages over traditional lessons.

A lesson using information technology becomes more interesting for students, which, as a rule, results in more effective assimilation of knowledge; improving the level of clarity in the classroom.

The use of some computer programs makes it possible to facilitate the work of the teacher: the selection of tasks, tests, checking and assessing the quality of knowledge, thereby freeing up time for additional tasks in the lesson (due to the fact that the materials are pre-prepared in electronic form).

Improving the effectiveness of the lesson through visibility. Of course, this can be achieved by other methods (posters, maps, tables, writing on the board), but computer technology, no doubt, creates a much higher level of visibility.

The ability to demonstrate phenomena that are impossible to see in reality. Modern personal computers and programs allow using animation, sound, photographic accuracy to simulate various educational situations, have the ability to present unique information materials (pictures, manuscripts, video clips) in a multimedia form; visualization of the studied phenomena, processes and relationships between objects.

Information technologies provide ample opportunities for individualization and differentiation of learning, not only through multi-level tasks, but also through self-education of the student.

(Example of tasks in the Russian language on the disk)

2). Technology for the development of critical thinking.

What is meant by critical thinking?Critical thinking - the type of thinking that helps to be critical of any statements, not to take anything for granted without evidence, but at the same time be open to new ideas and methods. Critical thinking is a necessary condition for freedom of choice, quality of forecast, responsibility for one's own decisions. Critical thinking, therefore, is essentially a kind of tautology, a synonym for qualitative thinking.

Allows students to develop critical thinking in organizing their work with various sources of information (specially written texts, textbook paragraphs, videos, teacher's stories, etc.).

Students are motivated to study new material by involving them in independent thinking, reflection, as well as organizing collective, pair and individual work in the lesson.

The purpose of the technology is to teach the student to think independently, comprehend, determine the main thing, structure and transmit information so that others learn about what he has discovered for himself.( Use of signal traffic lights)

The technology is based on a three-phase process:challenge - the realization of meaning (comprehension of the content) - reflection (reflection).

Call stage: set students up to achieve goals, update knowledge, the ability to analyze their opinions on a particular issue.

The stage of realization of meaning: actively construct new information, establish connections between incremental or previously learned material. At this stage, there is work directly with the text (individual, in pairs, etc.).

Reflection stage: analysis of the just completed process of assimilation of new content and this content itself. The opportunity to evaluate yourself and your comrades in terms of incremental knowledge, as well as the process itself, methods and techniques.

Basic Methodological Techniques for the Development of Critical Thinking

1. Reception "Cluster"

2. Table

3. Educational brainstorming

4. Intelligent warm-up

5. Zigzag, zigzag -2

6. Reception "Insert"

7. Essay

8. Reception "Basket of ideas"

9. Reception "Compilation of syncwines"

10. Method of control questions

11. Reception "I know .. / I want to know ... / I found out ..."

12. Circles on the water

13. Role project

14. Yes - no

15. Reception "Reading with stops"

16. Reception "Interrogation"

17. Reception "Confused logical chains"

18. Reception "Cross discussion"

3). Design technology.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated at the beginning of this century in the United States. It was also called the method of problems and it was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and teacherJ. Dewey, as well as his studentW. H. Kilpatrick.It was extremely important to show the children their personal interest in the acquired knowledge, which can and should be useful to them in life. This requires a problem taken from real life, familiar and significant for the child, for the solution of which he needs to apply the acquired knowledge, new knowledge that has yet to be acquired.

Purpose of technology- to stimulate students' interest in certain problems, involving the possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities, providing for the solution of these problems, the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge.

In the modern Russian school, the project-based learning system began to revive only in the 1980s - 90s, in connection with the reform of school education, the democratization of relations between the teacher and students, the search for active forms of cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

This technology implies a triad of student actions with the support and guiding function of the teacher:idea-implementation-product; as well as the following stages of activity:

    Making a decision on the implementation of any activity (preparation for any events, research, making models, etc.).

    Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the activity.

    Drawing up a plan and program.

    Implementation of a plan.

    Presentation of the finished product.

That is, the project is “five P”:

Problem - Design (planning) - Search for information - Product - Presentation.

The sixth “P” of the project is its Portfolio, i.e. a folder that contains all the working materials of the project, including drafts, daily plans and reports, etc.

An important rule: each stage of the project must have its own specific product!

Preparation of various posters, memos, models, organization and holding of exhibitions, quizzes, competitions, performances, conducting mini-studies, providing for the mandatory presentation of the results obtained - this is not a complete list of examples of project activities in elementary school.

Work according to this method makes it possible to develop the individual creative abilities of students, to approach professional and social self-determination more consciously.

4). Developmental learning technology.

The basis of developmental education is the “zone of proximal development”. This concept belongs to the Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky.

The main idea is that all the knowledge that can be taught to students is divided into three types. The first type includes what the student already knows. The third is, on the contrary, something that the student is absolutely unaware of. The second part is in an intermediate position between the first and second. This is the zone of proximal development.

Developmental education has been developed since the late 50s in the framework of the schools of L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonin.Today underproblem learning is understood as such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities.

The technology of problem-based learning involves the organization, under the guidance of a teacher, of independent search activities of students to solve educational problems, during which students form new knowledge, skills and abilities, develop abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, erudition, creative thinking and other personally significant qualities.

A problematic situation in learning has a teaching value only when the problematic task offered to the student corresponds to his intellectual capabilities, contributes to the awakening of the students' desire to get out of this situation, to remove the contradiction that has arisen.
Problem tasks can be educational tasks, questions, practical tasks, etc. However, you cannot mix a problem task and a problem situation. A problem task in itself is not a problem situation; it can cause a problem situation only under certain conditions. The same problem situation can be caused by different types of tasks. In general, the technology of problem-based learning consists in the fact that students are confronted with a problem and they, with the direct participation of the teacher or independently, explore ways and means of solving it, i.e.

    build a hypothesis

    outline and discuss ways to test its truth,

    argue, conduct experiments, observations, analyze their results, argue, prove.

According to the degree of cognitive independence of students, problem-based learning is carried out in three main forms: problem presentation, partially search activity and independent research activity. The least cognitive independence of students takes place in problematic presentation: the presentation of new material is carried out by the teacher himself. Having posed a problem, the teacher reveals the way to solve it, demonstrates to the students the course of scientific thinking, makes them follow the dialectical movement of thought towards the truth, makes them, as it were, accomplices in the scientific search. In the conditions of partial search activity, the work is mainly directed by the teacher with the help of special questions that encourage the student to independent reasoning, active search for an answer to individual parts of the problem.

Problem-based learning technology, like other technologies, has positive and negative sides.

Benefits of problem-based learning technology : contributes not only to the acquisition by students of the necessary system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to the achievement of a high level of their mental development, the formation of their ability to independently acquire knowledge through their own creative activity; develops interest in academic work; provides lasting learning outcomes.

Disadvantages: large expenditures of time to achieve the planned results, poor controllability of the cognitive activity of students.

5). Health saving technologies.

Providing the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in a healthy lifestyle and the application of the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Organization of educational activities, taking into account the basic requirements for the lesson with a complex of health-saving technologies:

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements (fresh air, optimal thermal conditions, good lighting, cleanliness), safety regulations;

rational lesson density (the time spent by schoolchildren on educational work) should be at least 60% and not more than 75-80%;

clear organization of educational work;

Strict dosage of training load;

change of activities;

learning taking into account the leading channels of perception of information by students (audiovisual, kinesthetic, etc.);

place and duration of TCO application;

inclusion in the lesson of technological techniques and methods that promote self-knowledge, self-esteem of students;

building a lesson taking into account the performance of students;

individual approach to students, taking into account personal capabilities;

Formation of external and internal motivation of students' activities;

a favorable psychological climate, situations of success and emotional release;

Stress prevention:

work in pairs, in groups, both in the field and at the blackboard, where the led, “weaker” student feels the support of a friend; encouraging students to use various methods of solving, without fear of making mistakes and getting the wrong answer;

Conducting physical education sessions and dynamic pauses in the classroom;

purposeful reflection throughout the lesson and in its final part.

The use of such technologies helps to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren: preventing overwork of students in the classroom; improvement of the psychological climate in children's groups; involvement of parents in the work to improve the health of schoolchildren; increased concentration of attention; reduction in the incidence of children, the level of anxiety.

The use of these technologies makes it possible to distribute various types of tasks evenly during the lesson, to alternate mental activity with physical minutes, to determine the time for the presentation of complex educational material, to allocate time for independent work, to apply TCO normatively, which gives positive results in learning.

6). Game technologies.

The level of education and upbringing at school is largely determined by the extent to which the pedagogical process is focused on the psychology of the age and individual development of the child. This involves a psychological and pedagogical study of schoolchildren throughout the entire period of study in order to identify individual development options, the creative abilities of each child, strengthen his own positive activity, reveal the uniqueness of his personality, timely assistance in case of lagging behind in studies or unsatisfactory behavior. This is especially important in the lower grades of the school, when purposeful human learning is just beginning, when learning becomes the leading activity, in the bosom of which the mental properties and qualities of the child are formed, primarily cognitive processes and attitude towards oneself as a subject of knowledge (cognitive motives, self-esteem, ability to cooperation, etc.).

In this regard, there is a relevance in the development of gaming technologies for the modern school. Recently, several manuals on gaming technologies have been published. I would like to note the work of A.B. Pleshakova “Game technologies in the educational process”, A.V. Finogenov “Game technologies at school” and O.A. Stepanova “Prevention of school difficulties in children”.

The material studied in the process of playing activity is forgotten by students to a lesser extent and more slowly than the material in the study of which the game was not used. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the game organically combines entertainment, which makes the process of cognition accessible and exciting for schoolchildren, and activities, due to the participation of which in the learning process, the assimilation of knowledge becomes more qualitative and durable.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, clearly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

Determination of the place and role of gaming technology in the educational process, combinations of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games.

In developing games, this is their main feature - they managed to combine one of the basic principles of learning - from simple to complex - with a very important principle of creative activity - independently according to abilities, when a child can rise to the "ceiling" of his abilities.

Primary school age is characterized by brightness and immediacy of perception, ease of entering into images. Children are easily involved in any activity, especially in the game. They independently organize themselves into a group game, continue playing with objects, and non-imitation games appear.

The effectiveness of didactic games depends, firstly, on their systematic use, and secondly, on the purposefulness of the game program in combination with the usual didactic exercises.

Game technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character. At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of education, helps to activate the educational process, to assimilate a number of educational elements. Compiling game technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every elementary school teacher.

A-priory,a game- this is a type of activity in the conditions of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

Classification of educational games

1. By area of ​​application:






2. By (characteristic) the nature of the pedagogical process:








3. Game technology:







4. By subject area:

-mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental





5. By gaming environment:

-no items

-with items






-cyclic, with vehicles

What tasks does the use of this form of training solve:

-Carries out more free, psychologically liberated control of knowledge.

-The painful reaction of students to unsuccessful answers disappears.

-The approach to students in teaching becomes more delicate and differentiated.

Learning in the game allows you to teach:

Recognize, compare, characterize, reveal concepts, justify, apply

As a result of the application of game learning methods, the following goals are achieved:

§ cognitive activity is stimulated

§ mental activity is activated

§ information is spontaneously remembered

§ associative memorization is formed

§ increased motivation to study the subject

All this speaks of the effectiveness of learning in the process of the game, which is professional activity that

Thus, using innovative educational technologies, it is possible to solve the following interdependent problems:

1. Through the formation of skills to navigate in the modern world, to promote the development of the personality of students with an active civic position, able to navigate in difficult life situations and positively solve their problems.

2. Change the nature of the interaction between the subjects of the school education system: the teacher and the student are partners, like-minded people, equal members of the “one team”.

3. Increase the motivation of students for learning activities.

A positive motivation to study in a child can arise when 3 conditions are met:

    I'm interested in what I'm being taught;

I am interested in the one who teaches me;

I'm interested in how they teach me.

High motivation for learning activities is also due to the versatility of the learning process. There is a development of different aspects of the personality of students, through the introduction of various types of students' activities into the educational process.

4. Pay more attention to the study and mastery of modern pedagogical technologies, which make it possible to significantly change the methods of organizing the educational process, the nature of the interaction of the subjects of the system, and, finally, their thinking and level of development.

However, the introduction of modern educational and information technologies does not mean that they will completely replace the traditional teaching methods, but will be an integral part of it. After all, pedagogical technology is a set of methods, methodological techniques, forms of organization of educational activities based on the theory of learning and providing planned results.

It is very difficult for the teacher to overcome the stereotypes of the lesson that have developed over the years. There is a great desire to approach the student and correct mistakes, suggest a ready-made answer. Students also face the same problem: they are not accustomed to seeing a teacher in the role of an assistant, an organizer of cognitive activity. The modern education system provides the teacher with the opportunity to choose among the many innovative methods “his own”, to take a fresh look at his own work experience.

Today, in order to successfully conduct a modern lesson, it is necessary to rethink one's own position, to understand why and for what changes are needed, and, above all, to change oneself.

Modern pedagogical technologies in institutions of additional education

The very word - "technology" comes from the Greek techno - it means art, skill, ability and logos - science, law. Literally, “technology” is the science of craftsmanship.
Pedagogical technology- this is a model of joint pedagogical activity for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process, which is thought out in all details, with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers.
Pedagogical technologies for additional education of children are focused on solving complex psychological and pedagogical tasks: to teach a child to work independently, communicate with children and adults, predict and evaluate the results of their work, look for the causes of difficulties and be able to overcome them.
Among the pedagogical technologies in the field of application in the educational field, the following can be distinguished:
- universal - suitable for teaching almost any subject;
- limited - suitable for teaching several subjects;
- specific - suitable for teaching one or two subjects.
The absence of strict regulation of activities in institutions of additional education for children, the humanistic relationships between participants in voluntary associations of children and adults, the comfort of conditions for the creative and individual development of children, the adaptation of their interests to any sphere of human life create favorable conditions for the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the practice of their activities.
Currently, a number of educational technologies are used in the practice of institutions of additional education for children.

1. Technology of personality-oriented developmental education.
The technology of personality-oriented developmental education involves the maximum development (rather than the formation of predetermined) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his life experience.
It is fundamental that the institution of additional education does not force the child to learn, but creates conditions for the competent choice of the content of the subject being studied and the pace of its development. The task of the teacher is not to “give” the material, but to arouse interest, reveal the possibilities of each, organize the joint cognitive, creative activity of each child.
The preparation of educational material provides for taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children, and the educational process is aimed at the "zone of proximal development" of the student.

2. Technology of individualization of education.
Learning individualization technology (adaptive) is a learning technology in which an individual approach and an individual form of learning are a priority (Inge Unt, V.D. Shadrikov).
Individualization of learning is a fundamental characteristic of additional education for children. Its main goal is to personify educational activity, to give it a personal meaning.
The main advantage of individual learning is that it allows you to adapt the content, methods, forms, pace of learning to the individual characteristics of each student, monitor his progress in learning, and make the necessary correction. This allows the student to work economically, control their costs, which guarantees success in learning.

3. Group technologies.
Group technologies involve the organization of joint actions, communication, communication, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, mutual correction.
Features of group technology are that the study group is divided into subgroups to solve and perform specific tasks; the task is carried out in such a way that the contribution of each student is visible. The composition of the group may vary depending on the purpose of the activity. Learning is done through communication in dynamic groups, where everyone teaches everyone. According to the creators of the technology, the main principles of the proposed system are independence and collectivism (everyone teaches everyone and everyone teaches everyone).
During group work, the teacher performs various functions: controls, answers questions, regulates disputes, and provides assistance.

4. Technology of adaptive learning system.
A.S. Granitskaya proposed the Technology of an adaptive learning system, the central place in which is occupied by work in pairs of shifts, which is considered as one of the forms of organizing oral independent work in the classroom. The teaching function of the teacher is reduced to a minimum (up to 10 minutes), thus, the time for independent work of children is maximized. Working in pairs of shifts allows students to develop independence and communication skills.

5. Pedagogy of cooperation ("penetrating technology").
In additional education, Pedagogy of cooperation is widely used (S.T. Shatsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, L.V. Zankov, I.P. Ivanov, E.N. Ilyin, GK Selevko, etc.), which involves a joint developing activities of adults and children, sealed by mutual understanding, a joint analysis of its course and result. Two subjects of educational activity (teacher and child) act together, are equal partners.
The conceptual provisions of the pedagogy of cooperation reflect the most important trends in the development of modern educational institutions:
- the transformation of the pedagogy of knowledge into the pedagogy of personality development;
- at the center of the entire educational system is the personality of the child;
- humanistic orientation of education;
- development of creative abilities and individuality of the child;
- a combination of individual and collective approach to education.
A new interpretation of the individualization of learning in the pedagogy of cooperation is to proceed in the education system not from the subject, but from the child to the subject, to take into account and develop its potential; take into account the abilities of children and design individual programs for their development.

6. Technology of collective creative activity.
The most fruitful in the system of additional education is the technology of collective creative activity (I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov), in which the achievement of a creative level is a priority goal. Technology involves such an organization of joint activities of children and adults, in which all members of the team participate in the planning, preparation, implementation and analysis of any business.
Technology objectives:
- identify, take into account, develop the creative abilities of children and involve them in a variety of creative activities with access to a specific product that can be fixed (product, model, layout, composition, work, research, etc.);
- education of a socially active creative personality, which contributes to the organization of social creativity aimed at serving people in specific social situations.

7. TRIZ technology.
As a pedagogy of creativity, they consider the technology of "TRIZ" - the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (Altshuller G.S.).
The purpose of the technology is to form the thinking of students, prepare them to solve non-standard problems in various fields of activity, and teach creative activity.
Principles of TRIZ technology:
- removal of the psychological barrier to unknown problems;
- humanistic nature of education;
- formation of a non-standard way of thinking;
- practice-oriented implementation of ideas.
TRIZ technology was created as a thinking strategy that allows every well-trained specialist to make discoveries. The author of the technology proceeds from the fact that everyone is endowed with creative abilities (everyone can invent).
The process of inventive activity is the main content of education.

8. Technology of research (problem) learning.
The technology of research (problem) learning, in which the organization of classes involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active work of students to resolve them, resulting in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities; the educational process is built as a search for new cognitive landmarks. The child independently comprehends the leading concepts and ideas, and does not receive them from the teacher in finished form.
A feature of this approach is the implementation of the idea of ​​"learning through discovery": the child himself must discover the phenomenon, law, regularity, properties, method of solving the problem, find the answer to an unknown question. At the same time, in his activity he can rely on the tools of knowledge, build hypotheses, test them and find the way to the right solution.
The difficulty of managing problem-based learning lies in the fact that the occurrence of a problem situation is individual, therefore, the teacher is required to use an approach that can cause active cognitive activity of the child.

9. Communicative learning technology.
A characteristic feature of most pedagogical technologies is an educational discussion, the involvement of children in which is associated with the formation of a communicative culture. For this purpose, additional education uses a special communicative learning technology, that is, learning based on communication. Relations between the participants in the educational process - the teacher and the child - are based on cooperation and equality.
The main thing in technology is the speech orientation of learning through communication. A feature of this approach is that the student appears for some time as the author of the point of view on the issue under discussion.
Examples of the implementation of such an approach in the system of additional education of children can be classes, the content of which contains a contradiction, an ambiguous view, an ambiguous decision. But the teacher must in advance design ways to involve students in a general conversation, think over counterarguments for the thesis and antithesis, and know the desired result of the discussion.
It is obvious that the assimilation of methods of learning actions occurs not in the process of listening to the teacher, but in the process of one's own free active activity.

10. Programmed learning technology.
Technology of programmed learning - provides for the assimilation of educational material, building it as a consistent program for the presentation and control of portions of information.
The technology of programmed learning involves the assimilation of programmed educational material with the help of learning devices (PC, electronic textbooks, etc.). The main feature of the technology is that all the material is fed in a strictly algorithmic order in relatively small portions.
As a type of programmed learning, block and modular learning have emerged.
Block training is carried out on the basis of a flexible program and consists of sequentially executed blocks that guarantee the assimilation of a specific topic:
- information block;
- test-information block (checking what has been learned);
- correctional information block;
- problem block (problem solving based on acquired knowledge);
- block of check and correction.
All topics repeat the above sequence.
Modular learning (P. Yu. Tsiaviene, Trump, M. Choshanov) is an individualized self-learning, which uses a curriculum made up of modules.
The module is the content of the course in three levels: full, reduced, in-depth. The student chooses for himself any level. The essence of modular training is that the student independently achieves the specific goals of educational and cognitive activity in the process of working with the module.
Another option for programmed learning is the technology of complete assimilation of knowledge. The technology of complete assimilation sets a single level of knowledge acquisition for all students, but makes the time, methods and forms of learning variable for everyone.
In working on this system, the main feature is the definition of a standard of complete assimilation for the entire course, which must be achieved by all students. Therefore, the teacher makes a list of specific learning outcomes that he wants to receive.

11. Information and communication technologies.
New information technologies (according to G.K. Selevko) are technologies that use special technical information tools (PC, audio, cinema, video).
New information technologies develop the ideas of programmed learning, open up completely new learning options associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications.
Computer technology can be implemented in the following ways:
- as a penetrating technology (application of computer training on certain topics or sections);
- as the main (the most significant of the parts used in this technology);
- as a monotechnology (when all training is based on the use of a computer).
The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, for the child, he performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, an object of study, a collaborating team, a leisure (game) environment.

12. Technology of project-based learning.
Project-based learning technology is a technology in which ready-made knowledge is not given, but the technology of protecting individual projects is used. Project-based learning is indirect, and here not only the result is valuable, but to a greater extent the process itself.
A project is literally “thrown forward”, that is, a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, and design turns into a process of creating a project. The effectiveness of the application of project activities in additional education lies in the fact that:
- there is a development of creative thinking;
- the role of the teacher is changing qualitatively: his dominant role in the process of appropriating knowledge and experience is being eliminated, he has to not only and not so much teach, but help the child learn, direct his cognitive activity;
- elements of research activity are introduced;
- the personal qualities of students are formed, which develop only in activities and cannot be learned verbally;
- there is an inclusion of students in the "acquisition of knowledge" and their logical application.
The teacher turns into a curator or consultant.

13. Gaming technologies.
Game technologies (Pidkasisty P.I., Elkonin D.B.) have means that activate and intensify the activity of students. They are based on the pedagogical game as the main activity aimed at the assimilation of social experience.
The pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and the corresponding pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.
The goals of education of game technologies are extensive:
-didactic: broadening one's horizons, applying ZUN in practice, developing certain skills and abilities;
- educational: education of independence, cooperation, sociability, communication;
-developing: development of personality qualities and structures;
-social: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society, adaptation to environmental conditions.
Game technologies can be used by teachers in working with students of different ages, from the youngest to high school students, and are used in organizing classes in all areas of activity, which helps children feel in a real situation, prepare for making decisions in life.

14. Interactive technologies.
Interactive learning technologies are, first of all, interactive learning, during which the interaction of the teacher and the student, as well as students with each other, is carried out.
The essence of interactive learning is that the learning process is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved in the learning process, they have the opportunity to speak out about what they know and think.
Interactive activity in the classroom involves the organization and development of interactive communication, which leads to mutual understanding, interaction, to the joint solution of common, but significant tasks for each participant. Interactive excludes the dominance of both one speaker and one opinion over another. In the conditions of an interactive lesson, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. This helps the participant in the interaction to form their own opinion, attitude, to develop the skills of behavior in a given situation, to create a system of their values. Moreover, since knowledge is not given in a ready-made form, their independent search is actively stimulated by all participants of the planned communication.

15. Health-saving technologies.
The concept of "health-saving technologies" has appeared in the pedagogical lexicon in the last few years and combines all areas of activity of an educational institution in the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of students.
In additional education, three main types of health-saving technologies are used:
- sanitary and hygienic;
- psychological and pedagogical;
- physical culture and recreation.
Sanitary and hygienic criteria are not only personal hygiene, but also the atmosphere and hygienic conditions in the office, in the sports or dance hall.
The psychological and pedagogical criteria, first of all, include the psychological climate in the classroom. Emotional comfort, a friendly environment increase efficiency, help to reveal the abilities of each child, and this ultimately leads to good results.
Physical culture and health-improving criteria - the organization of classes, taking into account the moments of recovery, on which the functional state of students in the process of activity largely depends, the ability to maintain mental and physical performance at a high level for a long time and prevent premature fatigue.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that all pedagogical technologies used in the additional education of children are aimed at to:
- wake up children's activity;
- equip them with the best ways to carry out activities;
- bring this activity to the process of creativity;
- Rely on the independence, activity and communication of children.

The need to systematically improve the effectiveness of schooling raises the question: what educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standards are the most effective? What organizational systems can be applied in a modern school? Recommendations of experts on the topic, including a list of innovative educational technologies, can be found in the article.

The basis of the federal state educational standards of the second generation is the activity principle, which provides for the need to organize learning through the transfer of initiative from the teacher to the students. Modern educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standards are a set of pedagogical methods, forms and means that are systematically used in the educational process and allow you to consistently achieve the declared result with acceptable deviation rates. Signs of new generation educational technologies:

  • the nature and sequence of actions of the teacher corresponds to a specific pedagogical plan, they are based on a reasonable author's position;
  • the chain of organizational actions is built strictly in accordance with the target settings, which ensures consistent movement in favor of the intended result;
  • the teacher abandons the practice of object-subject interaction with children in favor of subject-subject interaction;
  • elements of the pedagogical process based on modeling situations of search, "discovery" of knowledge and analysis of their practical value, can be reproduced by any teacher and marked by the achievement of the goal;
  • a significant part of the technology is diagnostic procedures that allow systematic self- and mutual control of knowledge.

Save this for yourself so you don't lose it:

- Implementation of educational projects during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education (examples of projects)
- Profile training in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education (updating the regulatory framework)

Classification of educational technologies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The need for a qualitative change in the system of Russian education, which for many years relied on the knowledge base for the formation of knowledge, necessitates a constant methodological search. Combining the traditions of domestic pedagogical science and innovative ideas, modern educational technologies developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards make it possible to meet the requirements of the regulator and public demands, and therefore the development and testing of active management at all levels. Already today, it is possible to single out a truly large number of organizational and educational models of conducting pedagogical practice, which can be used in their pure form, rethought taking into account the realities of the educational process or the specifics of work in a particular school, integrated and supplemented in a comprehensive manner.

In order to understand the possibilities and features of the implementation of educational technologies, teachers should understand their boundaries, defined within the framework of existing classifications.

Parameters for the classification of basic educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard Pedtech groups
By level of application
  1. General pedagogical - can be used to ensure the integrity of the educational process at the level of an educational institution, school, level of education, region, country.
  2. Private subjects - are implemented within the framework of one subject discipline.
  3. Local (modular) - are used in separate parts of the educational process.
By organizational form
  1. Classroom and alternative.
  2. Academic and club.
  3. Collective, group, individual.
  4. Technologies of differentiated learning.
By type of control of cognitive activity of schoolchildren
  1. Traditional (lectures, involving the use of textbooks, manuals, TCO).
  2. Differentiated (with the participation of a "tutor", in small groups).
  3. Programmed (based on the use of training and control and diagnostic programs).
Approach to the child
  1. Authoritarian, characterized by the implementation of the subject-subject model, strict regulation of the educational process, suppression of children's initiative.
  2. Bulk. Designed for "average" students, which makes it necessary to "reach" the weak and search for opportunities to include gifted children in the system. Cooperation technologies based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, co-authorship.
  3. Technologies of free education - provide the child with freedom of choice, including the organization of educational activities.
  4. Personally-oriented educational technologies of the Federal State Educational Standard of the OO, based on the idea of ​​building the educational process around the personality of the child, which guarantees the possibility of progressive, comfortable and harmonious age-related development.
  5. Humane and personal, inspired by the ideas of psychotherapeutic pedagogy aimed at supporting the self-worth of the individual.
  6. Advanced education technologies aimed at in-depth study of individual disciplines (typical for the gymnasium, lyceum education system).
  7. Compensatory learning technologies are recommended as part of providing psychological and pedagogical correction, “leveling”, adaptation in the school education system for children with developmental disabilities.
By the level of orientation to personal structures
  1. Informational, aimed at consolidating basic ZUN.
  2. Operating rooms providing training for a wide range of intellectual actions.
  3. Technologies of self-development (provide for the formation of ways of mental actions).
  4. Heuristic, providing for the realization of personal creative potential.
  5. Applied - their application ensures the development of the effective-practical sphere of the individual.
By the nature of the content
  1. Teaching and educational.
  2. Secular and religious.
  3. General education and career guidance.
  4. Humanistic, technocratic.
  5. Mono-, polytechnologies.

In modern pedagogical science, more than a hundred organizational and pedagogical solutions are collectively distinguished, but only the most effective educational technologies of the Federal State Educational Standards are widely used in Russian schools, including developing, problem-based, multi-level education, the project method, TRIZ, critical thinking development technology, ICT, health-saving technology, innovation assessment system "portfolio of achievements". Let us consider in more detail the theoretical features and possibilities of implementing the main educational technologies.

Information and communication educational technology of training according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In view of the fact that the key goal of modernizing the Russian education system is to improve the quality of education of the younger generation, create conditions for the harmonious development of a person who is able to freely navigate in the information and communication space, independently “extract” knowledge, expand existing theoretical and practical experience, introduce IR technologies into the daily educational process is a priority direction of conducting pedagogical search.

Modern information and communication educational technologies and methods of the Federal State Educational Standards are aimed at creating a stable motivation for self-education in children, developing communicative competencies and critical thinking, which can be implemented through:

  1. Providing students with free access to information resources, the content of which is not contrary to state, legal and moral standards.
  2. Use of all available means of information support for the educational process.
  3. Implementation of control and diagnostic methods that meet the requirements of the time (keeping electronic diaries, testing on a PC, establishing child-parent thematic chats).
  4. Implementation of the process of individualization, differentiation of training, increasing the effectiveness of lessons through the use of training capabilities of special technical means.

Educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standards aimed at the formation of critical thinking

In the conditions of free choice, widespread availability of information, which is gradually losing its value aspect, educational technologies of critical thinking most fully meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the issue of the formation of meta-subject competencies of future school graduates. The inculcation of a special way of perceiving data, which provides for their mandatory analysis for reliability, is carried out on the basis of designing special educational situations, when students are offered systematic work with various sources of knowledge that need to be classified, systematized, correlated with existing knowledge experience, evaluating the level of usefulness and practicality.

The pedagogical technology of critical thinking provides for the consistent modeling of educational situations that necessitate the "passage" of students through three stages: challenge, comprehension and reflection. Thanks to this, children learn to soberly evaluate information, cutting off unconfirmed conjectures and assumptions, form their own opinion with reason, build cause-and-effect relationships and logical chains, express their point of view correctly, observing the principles of tolerance and mutual respect.

As part of the educational technology of critical thinking, numerous methodological techniques are used: clustering, brainstorming, writing essays, sequences, discussions, intellectual warm-ups, creating “boxes of useful ideas” and many others.

Project educational technology according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The method of creating projects as a pedagogical technique is widely used in US schools with the aim of demonstrating to students the high practical value of acquiring knowledge, and a general increase in indicators of learning motivation. Among the modern educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard, he considers project modeling to be one of the most valuable, since it:

  1. It opens up opportunities for a deep study of a specific problem, the formation of knowledge in the framework of the transition from a point to a general one.
  2. Promotes the development of a communicative culture, the practice of active group interaction.
  3. It involves the presentation by students of a point of view with obligatory argumentation, the readiness to defend it in the form of a constructive discussion with "opponents".

The creation of projects is widely practiced in the preparation of disciplinary or thematic exhibitions, competitions of scientific works, educational festivals, conducting search directed work by gifted students with the assistance of teachers. Under the condition of competent implementation, this technology provides a comprehensive formation of search, analyzer, presentation and reflective skills in children.

Educational technologies for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard through problem-based learning

The practice of developing (problem) learning, based on the differentiation of areas of knowledge into previously studied, transitional and unknown, was introduced by Soviet teachers in the middle of the last century, and now it has confidently become one of the most effective types of educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard. It is based on the teacher's directed modeling of situations that determine the cognitive activity of children on the way to expanding knowledge through defining the boundaries of the known, formulating assumptions and hypotheses, finding the best way to solve an educational problem, conducting collective discussion and reflection.

The technology of problem-based learning, which contributes not only to the formation of a system of knowledge and skills in children, but also to the achievement of high intellectual qualities, self-confidence, can be effective only if the task in question corresponds to the real knowledge level of students, when it is possible to distinguish the boundaries of what is already known and requires confirmation. . At the same time, not every problem task contains a problem situation, which necessitates careful preliminary preparation when applying this teaching method.

The use of modern educational technologies, including a game component, according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The game is one of the main adaptive mechanisms of childhood, contributing to the assimilation of knowledge about phenomena, objects, behavior patterns through the reproduction of experience. Game educational technologies, characterized by a high level of audience coverage, subject to proper adaptation, are widely used during pedagogical work with schoolchildren of different age groups.

Didactic games are classified:

  1. By areas of application - physical, intellectual, social, search.
  2. By type of training component - informational, training, generalizing, diagnostic, controlling.
  3. According to the specifics of technology - subject, business, simulation.
  4. By subject - linguistic, literary, mathematical, physical, etc.
  5. By type of environment - without or with objects, computer, desktop.

Pedagogical gaming technology contributes to the design of the educational process according to the Federal State Educational Standard, in which the accumulation and consolidation of knowledge is easy and unconstrained, children learn to calmly respond to wrong answers and look for the right ones, it becomes possible to fully realize the differentiation of the learning process and psychologically comfortable control of knowledge. While participating in didactic games that include a competitive component, schoolchildren learn to think independently, actively interact with each other, demonstrate activity and independence, which helps to increase learning motivation and improves the dynamics of the educational complex as a whole.

Modular educational technology at school according to GEF

Primary school students are predominantly characterized by a consistent decrease in their academic interest, especially in disciplines, the mastery of which causes serious difficulties. The latest educational technologies of the Federal State Educational Standards, which provide for the teacher's ability to divide educational material into separate modules, make it possible to reverse the current trend and increase the level of quality assimilation of knowledge by children, as well as provide equal learning conditions in classes where there is a significant differentiation of students' abilities. It is important to note that a module can be considered an information block, which is characterized by the presence of a clearly formulated goal, a mini-program, a list of practical tasks of different levels of complexity, as well as a control evaluation scheme.

Within the framework of modular technology, children are invited to master knowledge in short blocks, for each of which an intermediate assessment is carried out. For the performance of each type of activity, students accumulate points, the sum of which forms the final grade. In addition to the development of independence, the formation of self-assessment skills, this educational technology gives students the opportunity not to focus on intermediate results, even if they do not meet expectations, but to make efforts to correct the learning situation during the development of the next module.

Educational technology of multi-level education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Another effective organizational and pedagogical solution that makes it possible to guarantee equal opportunities for all students (regardless of psychophysical abilities) to master the program minimum is the organization of multi-level education. This educational technology makes it possible to most fully provide the conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, since it is based on the idea of ​​evaluating not the result of educational activity, but the efforts made by the child to master the program material and its further application.

In order to be able to introduce a system of multi-level education, practical tasks for each of the subjects must be differentiated taking into account the depth and complexity of the educational material (but not below the basic minimum). Students are assigned the right to choose tasks of the level that corresponds to their personal educational needs and aspirations, while the levels of depth of study of the material may differ in different subjects. When implementing the technology of multi-level education, the key task of teachers is to support the children's initiative, to provide support, if the student wishes, to raise the “bar” in order to achieve higher educational results.

Pedagogy of cooperation - a modern educational technology for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

In view of the course towards the widespread humanization of the education system, in the center of which the interests and needs of the child are placed, a methodology of pedagogy of cooperation was developed, which is characterized by maintaining the maximum level of psychological comfort for schoolchildren and teachers. Among the modern educational technologies for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the pedagogy of cooperation is the most difficult organizational solution due to the need to:

  • complete rejection of requirements, the transfer of the educational initiative from the teacher to the child while ensuring the individualization of the educational process;
  • the use in didactic manuals of a special verbal-symbolic system that determines the nature of educational actions (read, write, remember, pay attention);
  • providing children with a free type of activity depending on personal needs and the current state;
  • conducting systematic self-analysis and finding ways to correct difficulties (with the support of the teacher).

New educational technology according to the Federal State Educational Standard - workshop technology

A qualitatively new organizational solution, which is an alternative to the traditional class-lesson system, is the technology of workshops, based on the principles of pedagogy of education, partnership, methods of complete immersion, conducting non-judgmental educational activities.

Conceptually, within the framework of the implementation of this technology, the teacher becomes a “master”, who, after creating a special emotional atmosphere, reveals to the students the “secrets” of the world of knowledge. Thanks to this, the acquisition of new information is organized in pairs or mini-groups through the activation of existing learning experience, through sequential “layering”. At the same time, the "Master" creates more and more opportunities for development, independent search and creativity, which contributes to the development of children's initiative, sociability, readiness for active interaction in groups. In light of this, it is easy to draw parallels between workshop technology and the project method, but the former is characterized by a greater degree of creativity, and therefore presents a lot of organizational difficulties for the teacher. Of course, in the conditions of a modern school, the design of workshops cannot be carried out systematically, but this technology is very effective as a way to enhance cognitive activity.

Features of the implementation of modern educational technologies in the school according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The full list of modern educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which can be implemented in the conditions of a modern school, is very voluminous. In addition to the above, it also covers health-saving organizational and pedagogical solutions, active learning methods, advanced learning technology, case technology, and many others. Therefore, one of the significant tasks of practicing teachers is to search for those innovative practices that, in a real educational situation, would create optimal conditions for children to master the program material, form their meta-subject competencies, and harmonious development with the consistent disclosure of natural talents.

It is customary to distinguish three levels of application by teachers of educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the classroom at school:

  1. Elementary. The teacher applies elements of technology sporadically, intuitively, making mistakes in the implementation of established algorithms.
  2. Developing. The teacher as a whole follows the algorithms of technology, uses a wide range of pedagogical techniques and methods, but makes minor mistakes and excludes the possibility of creativity.
  3. Optimal, characterized by the confident use of educational technologies, the guaranteed achievement of the declared results with an acceptable margin of error, the willingness of the teacher to confidently combine elements of organizational decisions, to conduct a creative search.
Teachers and school leaders should remember that achieving high results in teaching and educational activities in the conditions of the new time is impossible without the use of educational technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which necessitates the adoption of a set of measures to study them, integrate them into the process of schooling and improve, taking into account the real educational situation.

List of modern educational technologies
(according to G.K. Selevko)

List of modern educational technologies
(according to G.K. Selevko)

Name of technologies


Pedagogical technologies based on the personal orientation of the pedagogical process


Cooperation Pedagogy


Humane-personal technology of Sh.A. Amonashvili


The system of E.N. Ilyin: teaching literature as a subject that forms a person


Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities


Gaming technologies


Problem learning


Technology of communicative teaching of foreign culture (E.I. Passov)


Learning intensification technology based on schematic and sign models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov)


Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process


Technology of S. N. Lysenkova: prospective-anticipatory learning using reference schemes with commented control


Technology of level differentiation of training.


Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results (V.V. Firsov)


Culture-educating technology of differentiated learning according to the interests of children (I.I. Zakatova).


Technology of individualization of education (Inge Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov


Programmed Learning Technology


Collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)


Group technologies.


Computer (new information) learning technologies.


Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material


"Ecology and Dialectics" (L.V. Tarasov)


"Dialogue of cultures" (V.S. Bibler, S. Yu Kurganov)


Enlargement of didactic units-UDE (P.M. Erdniev)


Implementation of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions (M.B. Volovich)


Private subject pedagogical technologies.


Technology of early and intensive teaching of literacy (N.A. Zaitsev)


Technology for improving general educational skills in elementary school (V.N. Zaitsev)


Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin)


Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)


The system of phased education in physics (N.N. Paltyshev)


Alternative Technologies


Waldor pedagogy (R. Steiner)


Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)


Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)


Workshop technology


Nature friendly technologies


Nature-friendly education of literacy (A.M. Kushnir)


Technology of self-development (M. Montessori)


Developmental learning technology


General foundations of developmental learning technologies.


The system of developing education L.V. Zankova


Technology of developing education D. B. Elkonina-V. V. Davydova.


Systems of developing education with a focus on the development of creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller,
I.P. Ivanov)


Personally-oriented developmental education (I.S. Yakimanskaya)


Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)


Pedagogical technologies of author's schools


School of adaptive pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg, B.A. Broide)


Model "Russian School"



School-Park (M.A. Balaban)


Agroschool A.A.Katolikov.


School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)

The teacher can also use other modern educational technologies.

Very little time will pass, and everything that was familiar to us in education (lectures, notebooks, slates) will become a primitive past. Editor Internet magazine about the future of Edutainme education Natalya Chebotar told Snob about what educational technologies will soon beyond recognition change the learning process

1. One of the most revolutionary modern educational technologies is the massive open online course (MOOC), which began at Stanford with Udacity and Coursera (in 2012) and with the MIT edX initiative.

Open online courses make quality education so accessible that it was impossible to imagine before - for example, I grew up in Chisinau and could not even dream of listening to lectures by world-class teachers without leaving home and getting paid for these courses diplomas.

First, universities began to post their lectures, in particular, MIT made its library of lectures for many years, then other functions began to be added to them. In order to make an open free course with test tasks that will allow you to say that a person has successfully completed it, educational technologies came two years ago.

2. The next technology is the so-called big data.

When you set search parameters on the Internet, the entire world that is online adjusts to your parameters. This is not yet the case in education. In computer and network educational methods, one can collect and analyze data, for example, about a million clicks and see what exactly a person has problems with, where he does not understand; you can compare it with other students; you can give recommendations on how to promote learning, you can build personal trajectories.

Big data itself allows us to draw a lot of interesting conclusions, and thanks to them, pedagogy turns into an exact science, which it was not before. If earlier we obtained information by interviewing a thousand people, or conducted an experiment in a hundred schools, or evaluated the effectiveness of teaching several times a year, now we can measure anything on an infinite number of students and see what works and what does not, what methods and pedagogical techniques give results, and what is not projected and non-scalable the effect of charisma and personal qualities of the teacher. Big data makes it possible to make the learning process more accurate. In addition, they make possible the existence of the next technology - adaptive learning.

3. Adaptive learning is when a student receives recommendations on the content, process, methods and pace of learning based on big data, when an educational trajectory is built for him.

All commercial online services (such as a ticketing site) are infinitely adaptable to you because they make money that way. The same can now be done in education. The most famous startup in this area, Knewton, takes any content (video, game, lecture) and uses a huge number of different metrics for this content to understand how a person interacts with it. Just like websites have google analytics, adaptive learning is such an analytics for education. At the same time, it not only collects data, but and recycles them and recommends to the student the content that will be most effective for him.

4. Learn by playing: Another powerful new educational technology is gamification.

Everyone knows that learning through play is the best thing you can think of, this is how children learn, all this has long been proven by research. The point of gamification is to extract game mechanics, structure and framework from the game and apply them in a non-game context: for example, turn washing dishes into a game. In Russia, they began to talk about it after the rise of Foursquare, which gamified its application, and everyone began to try to gamify everything.

5. Another technique that is now gaining momentum is blended (hybrid) learning, blended learning.

Its meaning is to combine learning at the computer and communication with a live teacher. With the ability to individually assemble a course from parts of different courses, gamify, adapt, collect data and provide feedback, blended learning has the ability to build a truly individual educational trajectory and give the child control of their learning.

It looks like this: a child comes to school, receives a playlist, which says: now you will do this, then you will go there, then here. The school has no lessons, no classes. Each student follows their own program. The playlist can be printed on a piece of paper, it can be in the application on the phone, it can be shown on the screen at the entrance. Next, the child goes to work on the computer. If he needs help, he studies with the teacher, and the teacher, thanks to the program, already knows what exactly the student misunderstood. The schedule is also becoming very mobile and electronic, it changes every day, and the teacher also receives a playlist every day, which says: today this one needs help with this, then collect these three and do something with them. The child manages his own learning program, but cannot move to the next level until he has mastered the previous block perfectly. Thus, the class-lesson system completely breaks down, because there are no traditional classes or lessons left.

What will new educational technologies give the traditional school in the next five years:

The traditional class-lesson system will die out, and everyone will be able to study at their own pace, according to their personal curriculum, as much as they need to complete the program. This means that strong students will be able to move forward on their own, while weak ones will receive more attention and support due to quick feedback within the programs. and released especially for them time teachers.

The verification of works, the holding of final exams, the Unified State Examination are automated.

Parents, even unbeknownst to themselves, will become more actively involved in educational process, receiving notifications about the child's life at school through a mobile phone (this is already there). Educational applications will appear that will generate reports on the success of the child, give methodological recommendations on how exactly a parent can help his child learn a specific topic - where to go, what to see and read, what to tell and how to captivate.

There will be operational feedback, which was not previously in training. It used to be like this: you turn in your work and get the result in a week, and during this time you have already completed a new topic, and if you got a three at work, then no one will go to the old topic does not return and the question still remains. On the Internet, many things are automated, and you get instant feedback, you immediately know where you made a mistake, you can immediately correct the mistake.

New educational methods will allow you to create content from many different pieces, collecting it for yourself. In science, interdisciplinarity is becoming more and more important now, and today it is possible to do courses at the intersection of disciplines - take a piece from biology, chemistry and programming and collect your course, which was previously impossible to do.

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