What to do if your feet get wet. I got my feet wet, I got sick, what should I do? What to do if you get wet feet

What to do if your feet get wet? Autumn and spring are not always bright and sunny. Often these seasons are accompanied by rainy days.

If it's raining outside, then even a simple walk or the need to go to work will lead to the fact that your feet can get wet. This phenomenon is not pleasant. In addition to bad feelings, it can also lead to other consequences that will affect your health.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the necessary measures in time and correctly. Let's try to figure out what these measures should be first of all and list the most effective and simple methods.

If such a nuisance as wet feet has overtaken you, then this embarrassment should be eliminated as soon as possible. Because it leads to a list of negative consequences.

The most common of them are the following:

1) runny nose, colds, sore throat, cough. With the onset of cold weather, a person has already weakened immunity, and wet feet will only accelerate the process of getting the flu;

2) inflammation of the bladder, which entails other unpleasant consequences;

3) kidney disease, which is accompanied by pain in the lower back;

4) cystitis in women and prostatitis in men;

5) fungal infections. It is known that in a wet environment, various microbes multiply and spread very quickly and easily, which leads to the appearance of a fungus. This can manifest itself in various ways - redness, itching, burning, rashes;

6) wet feet is a particularly undesirable phenomenon for people who suffer from arthritis or osteochondrosis. Since the disease will only worsen and can develop into more serious forms.

It is not worth explaining the importance of any precautions. No matter how hard a person tries, but it is impossible to completely avoid getting your feet wet.

And to interpret that the consequences can be different, from a slight runny nose to serious problems with internal organs, is not particularly worth it. Because everyone knows and understands this.

Wet feet. What do we have to do?

Take into account a few rules that you should resort to if your lower extremities get wet.

1. Remove wet shoes as soon as possible. If possible, wear clean, dry socks and dry boots.

If this is not possible, find an opportunity to dry these shoes by placing them near a heat source. If you are at work, then move the heater to your feet or warm yourself near the radiator.

2. Be sure to massage your feet before putting on dry boots. This will improve blood flow, warm up your legs, help keep your whole body warm. If possible, use warm rubbing during the massage.

Even alcoholic drinks will fit - cognac, vodka, alcohol tinctures. From a good massage, the skin will turn pink, the legs will warm up and you will feel an influx of strength.

3. In addition to foot massage, you need to warm and insulate well.. To avoid cooling and subsequently catching a cold, make a warm compress for the legs.

You can use mustard or pepper tincture, which must be carefully rubbed into the legs, and then put on warm socks.

4. Tea or other warm drinks will also help keep you warm. Make yourself a cup of linden or ginger tea with a few spoonfuls of honey. This is a great way to warm up the whole body and prevent the flu.

In the cold seasons, a person's immunity weakens, such teas will help strengthen it. You can also drink mulled wine or similar warming drinks.

5. In addition to drinking, food will also help. Wet your feet - eat well. A hearty meat dish with spicy spices will do. It will warm you, strengthen your immune system and drive you away.

6. If you get your feet wet on the way to work, and now there is no way to warm up with a bath, then essential oils will come to the rescue.

Eucalyptus, fir, pine, citrus essential oils will help prevent colds. Place it open near your workspace or rub your chest.

7. If your feet get wet, and you will not get home soon, then use disposable bags. Take off your shoes and put them on your feet. This, of course, will not help much, but at least your feet will sweat and be warmer.

8. Coming home, be sure to take a warm warming bath. It is good if you add chamomile or lavender infusion to it. This will help to relax, relieve stress, relax.

After such water procedures, put on warm pajamas with socks and go to bed. Good rest and pleasant dreams are guaranteed.

9. An effective way to prevent the unpleasant consequences of wet feet are baths. The easiest option is a bath of hot water. It is enough just to put your feet in a liquid with a temperature of at least forty-one degrees.

To enhance the effect, add a little mustard powder there. Instead of mustard, you can use salt, both ordinary and sea. Only with this ingredient the water temperature should be slightly lower. You can also mix herbal decoctions into such a foot bath.

10. Hand baths are also effective for warming. This is an indispensable way at work, where there is no way to take a bath. It is enough to put your hands on your elbows under a fairly warm stream of water. Do the procedure for at least five minutes, gradually increase the temperature of the water.

You can see for yourself that there are many ways. Just don't go overboard with them. The main thing to remember is that when getting your feet wet it is important how you can warm up faster with tea, massage,bathroom, dry clothes. Well, ideally, it is best to avoid such situations altogether.

It happened to everyone to wet their feet in bad weather. And if you are reading this now, most likely, a huge puddle in a dark alleyway, an unexpected downpour or a chronic week-long slush has reached your legs! We’ll think about what the universe wanted to tell you, having disrupted a spectacular appearance at the interview, and how much it will cost to repair sticky shoes, we’ll do it later, but now take literally half an hour for yourself so that a moment of trouble does not turn into a week in a hospital bed!

How can your own wet sock help you out? Why, after getting your feet wet on the way to work, you immediately need to run to the office kitchen? What jam tea works wonders if a child's feet get wet? Is it necessary to soar legs? How to make a Hippocrates warming drink? !

Wet feet: emergency warm help

Wet feet freeze instantly. To prevent possible consequences, follow simple recommendations.

1. Down with wet shoes!

If possible, immediately return home and change your shoes. Wet on the way to work? Change into a change of shoes (the duty pair of shoes in the office will help you out in case of rain, and a rubbed heel, and a suddenly broken heel).

Tip number 1 - "Marching". If there is no way to change shoes, buy a couple of plastic bags at the nearest stall. Take off your shoes, wet socks and put bags on your feet. This method is often practiced by fishing and tourists.

2. Legs to hands!

Before you change your shoes (in a dry pair / in bags), rub your feet thoroughly. Vodka, cologne, cognac - something on an alcohol basis.

Tip number 2 - "Woolen". Rubbing with natural wool warms up the body very well. If you were wearing good quality woolen socks and did not dive into knee-deep puddles, use the cuffs of your socks to rub your feet). Rub until you feel warm, until redness.

3. Warm up

If you feel that your feet are very cold, use warming ointment, mustard plasters, dry mustard for rubbing (pour a little on a piece of cloth and rub your feet).

4. Wedge with a wedge!

So that sudden foot baths in the middle of the street do not dump you with a cold, you need to ... arrange water procedures for your legs again! But with hot water. And ideally - also with sea salt or mustard.

Even if you get wet in the morning, and the opportunity to steam your feet fell only in the evening, do not be lazy and be sure to arrange a foot bath.

5. Hot mug

If your feet are wet and cold, hot drinks (hot, not strong!) will help warm you up. The bigger, the better. If you returned home - cook chicken broth or cocoa, running to work, brew a large mug of tea.

Ideal option: herbal tea with honey (we put honey in non-hot tea), lemon, raspberry jam.

6. ... And lunch is on schedule!

After such stress, the body needs a good refreshment. Forget about diets and organize yourself a hearty lunch, preferably with meat and hot spices.

Tip number 3 - "Evening for yourself." All of the above actions are quick help in a hurry. Give yourself an hour and a half in the evening. We lie in a hot bath with salt, while the body is warmed up, wrap ourselves in a warm bathrobe, put on woolen socks and run under the covers! You need to lie warm for at least an hour (take a nap, read or watch a good movie). Ask your loved ones to prepare a “Hippocratic Drink” for you: a glass of red wine + half a pinch of cinnamon + one clove + 1 teaspoon of honey + a slice of lemon - bring to a boil, but do not boil, drink hot.

Yes, yes, the recipe is almost one to one repeats the recipe for mulled wine, but it was invented, according to some sources, by the father of medicine Hippocrates as a method of preventing diseases caused by freezing.

Such a cozy evening for yourself will serve not only as a rest for the whole body, but also as a prevention of colds and even arthritis!

Wet feet: is it necessary to soar?

The first popular advice with wet feet is to take a good steam! Let's say right away: the method is good, but not mandatory. We will explain how it works, and you decide for yourself.

In fact, the purpose of a hot foot bath is to warm up ... the nasopharynx! Expansion of the vessels of the legs dilates the vessels of the nasopharynx. Increased blood circulation in the nasopharynx activates the body's defenses, thereby increasing our chances of stopping bacteria or viruses at the doorstep of the body.

Important! If the legs are cold and after that the temperature rises, hot baths and baths are categorically contraindicated!

Wet feet on the way to work - how to help yourself in an office environment

You are in the middle of the street and you have a small lake in each shoe, and in 20 minutes you should be at work ... What to do?

1. Stop by the nearest supermarket and buy a couple of bags and socks made of natural fabric. If you have time, immediately run to the toilet and put on dry socks and bags on top.

2. At work, take off your shoes first (ask colleagues to insure you and give you the opportunity to warm up). If there is a change - no problem at all. If there are no spare shoes at work, just take off your shoes, dry your feet with napkins or toilet paper, and rub your feet with your hands. If after the corporate party the remnants of strong alcohol are lying around, use it for rubbing and a spoon - in tea or coffee. All this, except for tea drinking, of course, can be done in the toilet cubicle.

3. If we managed to buy socks, we sit in them, putting our feet on a newspaper or a stack of unnecessary papers, and wet shoes need to be stuffed with scraps of newspapers, napkins or toilet paper.

If there is no way to change shoes or sit barefoot, at least dry the insoles on the radiator. While your insoles are drying, cut out temporary paper insoles (preferably in several layers).

4. If your office has a fan heater, position yourself so that hot air blows on your feet.

5. Do you have a sausage sandwich for dinner? Eat it right now with hot tea. The body needs to be refreshed!

Tip number 4 - "Feet are frozen - we warm our hands." At home, you will definitely need to warm up your legs (ointments, bath, massage), but for now, warm your hands: sit near the radiator or heater, hold your hands under a hot stream in the toilet or in the office kitchen.

The child got his feet wet: just don't panic

Mothers know that even if it hasn't rained for a week, it doesn't cost anything for a child to come back from a walk with wet feet.

So, what to do if the child gets his feet wet?

1. Don't panic and don't scream. Promptly blowing off a small "all-terrain vehicle", you can simultaneously explain to the child that the legs are afraid of cold and moisture, and since it so happened that they got wet, you will have to strictly follow your mother's instructions.

2. If the child is cold, arrange for him hot bath. If you see that the child did not even notice the squelching in his boots and feels great, you can limit yourself to a foot bath, it would be nice to put a couple of mustard plasters into the water.

3. Drink the "sailor" hot milk with honey, tea with raspberry jam, cocoa with marshmallows - trick with sweets so that the child drinks more warm liquid.

Tip #5 - Cherry Jam Time. In case of freezing and wet feet, doctors advise drinking tea based on cherry jam. They say it prevents inflammatory processes in a cold body.

4. After baths and tea drinking, we wrap the child in warm and comfortable home clothes. Don't overdo it - you don't want the baby to sweat. We put on the legs the most warm socks or wrap them in plaid and sit in an embrace to watch cartoons!

5. And during the break tell your child that he should always monitor the condition of his legs, and if the feet become wet or cold, run home as soon as possible or inform mom and dad about this if they are nearby.

Today, every pharmacy has a line of drugs in case of sudden hypothermia and for the prevention of colds. But they should be given to children only with the approval of a doctor.

Why is it dangerous to get your feet wet?

Why does getting your feet wet almost always means getting sick soon? Because we think: “Ah, a trifle! Who doesn’t happen to?! ”, we are too lazy to return home, even if there is time and opportunity. And by the evening, if a cold has not cleared up, we completely forget that we got our feet wet in the morning, and we do nothing to help the body cope with the stress.

What can result in such inattention to one's own health? Colds, fungal diseases of the feet, cystitis, kidney disease, arthritis and influenza with complications!

It is very difficult for hypothermia of the legs to affect the condition of people suffering from osteochondrosis, arthritis, pinched nerves, chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

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Golden autumn is over, and we finally remembered why we so often scold our climate. The weather is such that you want to cry, sleep, or wave to Egypt until spring: cold, gray, wet, cold. Don't get sick!

In order not to get the flu, you need to walk

The off-season does not please with pleasant weather, but if we talk about ecology, then autumn and winter are much safer than, for example, summer. We owe this to the low air temperature and frequent winds: the wind disperses those harmful substances that accumulate near the surface of the earth and enter our respiratory tract - dust, oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, etc., and the cold prevents traditional urban pollutants such as asphalt from poisoning the air harmful fumes as actively as it happens, for example, in the heat.

Walking in the off-season would be a very healthy thing, if not for emissions from thermal power plants and not for the reagents that are sprinkled and watered on the streets. The latter harm not only the soil, plants and animals, but also people - when dried, they are carried by the wind and, if they enter the respiratory tract, can cause irritation, and even allergic reactions. Therefore, environmentalists recommend at least with children to walk away from roads treated with reagents, to stay away from industrial zones and thermal power plants.

The best option, as in summer, is parks and squares: although the trees have already lost their foliage that protects them from harmful substances flying in the air, wildlife never loses its ability to self-purify - it’s a sin not to use it.

In autumn, the most unfavorable days from an ecological point of view are when the fog descends: humidity and lack of wind trap harmful substances near the ground, preventing them from dissipating. Breathing such a "cocktail" is not very useful, besides, because of the fog, people suffering from bronchial asthma feel worse. It is better for them to stay at home on such days.

In general, in the autumn-winter season, being on the street is much more useful than in an apartment. So you need to walk - everyone, more often and longer. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of SARS: it is almost impossible to pick up any respiratory virus, including influenza, in the fresh air.

Wet feet. How not to get sick?

In the off-season, when the winds are chilly and the rain is treacherous, it's not surprising to come home chilled to the bone or soaked to the skin. What anti-cold measures can be taken in such a situation to dodge the insidious paws of a cold?

- Hypothermia in itself is not the cause of colds. They are caused by viruses. Normally, the human immune system successfully recognizes and eradicates them, but the defenses of a frozen person often cannot cope with this. Therefore, the main task in case of hypothermia is to prevent the penetration of the virus into the body. If possible, refuse to visit crowded places and travel by public transport - carriers of respiratory viruses will certainly be nearby.

Refuse and "tested" recipes such as cognac or hot wine - they give a false feeling of warmth and threaten serious problems with the heart and blood vessels.

It is better not to practice a bath, a hot bath and heating pads. You may not get sick with a cold, but you may well get complications in the form of heart rhythm disturbances and internal hemorrhages.

Better drink hot tea or milk - they stimulate sweating and thus help the body fight viruses, rosehip broth, sea buckthorn or currant jam diluted in water - they have a lot of vitamin C, which helps to quickly cope with a cold.

Keep in mind that a runny nose that appears after hypothermia does not always indicate an incipient cold. It can be a symptom of the so-called allergy to cold - one of the varieties of allergic reactions.

By the way

Returning to the house with wet feet and a frozen nose, some take acetylsalicylic acid and other anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent colds - according to the principle "it won't help, it won't hurt." Meanwhile, doctors remind that these are not vitamins, but full-fledged drugs, the uncontrolled intake of which can negatively affect the immune system and have many consequences worse than acute respiratory infections - from stomach problems, for example, to the development of bronchial asthma.

This year, autumn is in no hurry to give up its positions. On the street, the temperature ranges from 8-15 degrees, which is not typical for November. A gusty wind is blowing, cold rain periodically pours on us. The best thing to do is stay at home in this weather. But we all work, go to school, and we have to go on business. But How in such weather to go outside and don't get your feet wet? If it is pouring from above, and our roads are covered with large puddles, sometimes this is simply not a feasible task.

Dear readers, let's talk today about how to put on shoes so as not to get your feet wet, how to take care of wet shoes later, and what to do after returning home and not get sick.

What kind of shoes to wear

In rainy weather, it is difficult to put on shoes so as not to wet the shoes. The best option: buy rubber boots and wear them when it's raining outside. Buy now rubber boots is not a problem. Trade offers us rubber boots of various models and colors. When buying rubber boots, choose boots that have a lining, and it is better if it is made from natural fabrics. In such shoes, the foot will not puff out and freeze. When trying on boots, make sure that there are no folds inside, otherwise they can sore the leg. If you like unlined boots, then buy a size larger so that you can wear socks on your feet.

Before storing rubber shoes in winter, they must be lubricated with glycerin and only then removed for storage.

But not everyone likes rubber boots and wears leather boots or leatherette boots in the slush. Such boots, of course, quickly get wet and get wet. And as a result, the feet are wet. And this can lead to colds.

To prevent this from happening, shoes must be prepared in advance for going outside and prevent them from getting wet. In order for the shoes not to get wet and lose their appearance in wet weather, they should be treated with a cream with the addition of wax. Such a cream can be bought at the store, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, mix 1 part castor oil, 3 parts wax, 4 parts turpentine.

After returning home, leather shoes must be washed with a cloth dampened with water, wiped with a dry cloth, and then apply the above composition and thoroughly wipe the surface, paying special attention to the connection of the leather with the sole. You can wipe such shoes with another composition. To do this, beat the egg white thoroughly, moisten a piece of flannel in it and wipe the shoes.

Drying leather shoes is not recommended on heaters; for this, it is better to purchase special dryers for shoes. You can stuff newsprint tightly inside your boots or, in extreme cases, put it next to a radiator or stove.

Feet still got wet. What to do?

Well in such cases, the drink of Hippocrates helps. In ancient Greek times, warriors drank such a drink when it rained and it was cold. To prepare this drink, add 2 slices of lemon or orange, a pinch of cinnamon, 2 cloves, 1 teaspoon of honey to two glasses of red wine, bring it all to a boil and drink before going to bed. Such a drink will definitely help you and you will not get sick.

It should be noted that steaming in, taking alcoholic beverages in such situations and in the presence of elevated temperature is not recommended. If you have a runny nose the next day, this does not mean that you have caught a cold. It could very well be an allergic reaction to the cold.

Hypothermia, which arose as a result of getting wet feet, is not a cold. Colds are mainly caused by viruses. The fact of hypothermia lowers your immunity. Therefore, when your feet get wet, it is better not to go to places where there is a large crowd of people. It is very likely that there are sick people there and the likelihood of catching viruses will be high.

And in conclusion, I’ll also note that at present a contest “Folk recipes for the treatment of colds” is being held on my blog. Come in and you will find many recipes for yourself, how you can cure colds, flu and coughs with the help of folk remedies and boost your immunity.

But How go outside in this weather don't get your feet wet and stay fashionable can be seen in this video.

Be healthy!

Sometimes our children come back from a walk with wet feet. Many mothers know from their own experience that wet feet very often become the cause of the child's illness. Today we will try to figure out what parents should do in this case in order to protect the child from a possible cold.

After a walk, the child has wet feet: what is the danger to health?

The temperature of a person's extremities (not only legs, but also hands) is six to eight degrees lower than the temperature of all other parts of the body. Why? The reason for the low temperature lies in the greater number of blood vessels on the limbs and in the insufficient amount of subcutaneous fat. It is not surprising that the legs and arms of the child freeze much faster than the rest of the body.

The human body is designed so that the blood at the time of hypothermia actively flows to the internal organs. The limbs, as it were, give off their heat, sharing it with the whole body. Numerous blood vessels in the arms and legs narrow, the limbs freeze. This is a protective function, but if hypothermia lasts for a long time, then the whole body of the baby gradually freezes after the limbs. And this means only one thing, its resistance to all kinds of infections is significantly reduced.

There are a huge number of reflexogenic points on the feet, which negatively endure prolonged exposure to cold. Ancient Oriental medicine claims that the cooling of the legs leads not only to a decrease in immunity, but also to a violation of the "vital energy" in the nasopharynx. In the nasopharynx there is a mass of all kinds of bacteria. The immune system controls the process of their reproduction. Hypothermia leads to a weakening of the immune system, and, consequently, to a decrease in control. Microbes begin to multiply actively, which leads to such colds as: respiratory infection, flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc. Some doctors call rhinitis “wet feet disease”.

What to do if the child gets his feet wet - the first actions of a smart mother

Of course, you should not take your child to the doctor right away. However, if you do nothing, then it is possible that his help may really be needed. Pediatricians have come up with some fairly simple guidelines to help prevent colds associated with wet feet. So, the actions of the mother, who did not see the child on a walk, and he got his feet wet:

1. Keep baby warm

  1. Undress the child and carefully blot the bare legs with a soft towel.
  2. Do not rub your feet with a towel.
  3. On dry feet, put on cotton socks, over them - woolen ones. You can pour 1 tsp into each sock. dry mustard.
  4. The child needs to be changed into warm pajamas and wrapped in a blanket or blanket. The baby needs to warm up.

How to make a hot foot bath?

If the child has very cold feet, you can make a warm foot bath. To do this, pour hot water into a deep basin. + 38, + 40 degrees C is considered the optimal temperature for foot baths. It is advisable to add two tablespoons of sea salt or mustard to the water. Warm-up time is five to ten minutes. During the warming process, the mother, who is next to the child, can rub his hands. The rush of blood to the hands will somewhat speed up the process of warming the feet. During the procedure, you can tell the child a fairy tale, read a book.

2. Linden tea is the locomotive of health!

After the baby's legs are steamed out, and he changes into warm and soft pajamas, it's time to prepare linden tea for him. Why fake? This is a good diaphoretic. There is no linden tea, then add a little honey or raspberry jam to the regular one. Before you give your child a warm drink, prepare dry clothes. After the child sweats, he will need to change clothes.

3. Inhalation

Of course, if the child just got his feet wet, it is not necessary to do a serious inhalation. But rubbing the back and chest of the baby with eucalyptus or fir ointment does not hurt. Thus, you can "disinfect" the respiratory tract and avoid the appearance of a runny nose. And then angina. If there is a special aroma lamp at home, you can turn it on for ten to twenty minutes before going to bed.

4. Immunomodulators

Many parents use drugs to stimulate the immune system. I would like to note that these drugs should be taken only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Here, perhaps, are all the procedures that need to be carried out if your child gets his feet wet. Of course, parents should analyze the cause of this trouble so that this situation does not happen again in the future.

What should not be done if the child's feet are very wet, especially in winter?

It is no secret that in some regions of our country winter lasts from October to April. Therefore, children have to walk far from greenhouse conditions. Of course, at this time of the year, the child should be dressed warmly enough, but not overwrapped. You should especially pay attention to shoes. If the child still gets his feet wet, it is enough to carry out the above preventive procedures to minimize the possible risks of the disease.

What is not recommended if the baby gets his feet wet is to immediately start “stuffing” the child with cold pills. Wet feet in and of themselves are not the cause of the disease. Hypothermia of the whole organism is dangerous. And this happens when a child walks for a long time with already wet feet in the cold season.

As practice shows, many mothers, seeing the wet feet of the baby, immediately run to the nearest pharmacy for immunomodulators. And you shouldn't do it. In some cases, these drugs are not only unnecessary, but harmful. Since they can "extinguish" the body's defense reactions and harm the immune system. As a rule, the body is able to cope with hypothermia on its own. You can take immunomodulators only after consulting a doctor, strictly observing the dosage.

What to do if the baby (despite the baths and warming tea) still has a fever?

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is not recommended for children under five years of age. This drug negatively affects the liver and nervous system of babies. Pediatricians advise not to rush into taking any antipyretic drugs. A moderate increase in body temperature is a natural reaction of the child's body to hypothermia. The body begins to fight viruses. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic drugs and antiviral drugs. But only a doctor should prescribe any drugs! If the child still has a fever after hypothermia, you can’t soar your legs. And the last piece of advice is not to feed or water the child during a walk during the cold season.

In order for your baby’s body to be resistant to hypothermia, you need to provide him with the correct thermal regime, balanced nutrition and physical activity for a walk. Your child will not get sick with sudden hypothermia if he regularly exercises, hardens, spends a lot of time outdoors. And not just spends, but runs, jumps, plays snowballs, rides down a hill. It is impossible for a baby to just sit wrapped in a sled in winter and not move. , read on our website in the article "Hardening a child from birth to a year"

The child's feet are wet after a walk, and the shoes are dry - what do sweaty feet in children say?

Returning from a walk, you find that the child's feet are wet, and the shoes are dry. What is the reason? Usually in shoes. Your baby's feet are just sweaty. The main ones can be - too warm, tight shoes and hyperhidrosis of the feet.

What is foot hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating associated with a malfunction of the sweat glands. According to doctors, a fairly common cause of foot hyperhidrosis in children is closed tight shoes and wearing synthetic socks. Incorrectly selected shoes provoke overheating of the foot and excessive sweating. Synthetic socks do not let air through and do not absorb moisture. Parents should be as attentive as possible to the selection of seasonal shoes for the child. The cause of hyperhidrosis in children can also be: skin diseases, obesity, psychological disorders, etc.

How to choose shoes for a child to prevent sweaty feet?

In the summer, children should wear open, light and comfortable shoes. For walks in the cool season, experts recommend purchasing membrane shoes for children, as they are able to bring excess moisture out. Membrane shoes allow sweat to freely escape into the external environment. Such shoes are popularly called "breathable". According to experts, the best manufacturers of children's membrane shoes at the moment are the brands GORE-TEX and Sympatex.

A few reminders for parents to follow to help prevent sweaty feet in children:

  • Too warm shoes, even in healthy children, can lead to excessive sweating.
  • You should not wrap your child too much when taking him for a walk. Of course, the feeling of warmth in children depends not only on shoes and clothes, but also on the individual characteristics of the body: on heat transfer, on age, weight, depth of blood vessels, on the level of metabolism, etc.
  • During the walk, parents should carefully monitor the behavior of the child. How comfortable the child feels on a walk is easy to check. After 20 minutes, it is enough to touch his skin on the neck, putting your hand under the collar. If the skin is wet, then the child is overheated. If the baby behaves restlessly, stomps his feet, shudders, does not want to play with children, chatters his teeth - he is cold. In both cases, it is urgent to return home.

It is believed that any weather is suitable for walking with children, the main thing is to choose the right shoes and clothes. Of course, in this case we are not talking about bitter cold, heavy rain and squally wind.

Walk with the children longer, harden them and do not panic when you see wet feet. Follow our recommendations and be always healthy!

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