Open lesson preparation for teaching literacy. Synopsis of nodes for teaching literacy in the preparatory group. Course progress. Methodological techniques

Nazarova T.N., teacher of Kindergarten No. 53, Tambov

Subject: Generalizing lesson: “Vowels [a], [o], [i], [y], [e], [s]. Letters A, O, I, U, E, S" Educational field: "Communication"


  • Generalization of the material covered by the vowels [a], [o], [i], [y], [e], [s].



  • Strengthen children's knowledge of vowel sounds.
  • To consolidate the ability of children to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.
  • Introduce children to the new word "articulation".
  • Continue to learn to determine the number of syllables in a word.
  • To fix the graphic images of the letters A, O, I, U, E, Y.
  • To teach sound-letter analysis of the word AU.
  • Learn how to make a proposal.


  • Develop speech, attention, thinking.
  • Develop visual perception, phonemic hearing.


  • Cultivate friendly relations with each other, the desire to speak beautifully, correctly.
  • To form the skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.

Methodical methods:

  • Musical accompaniment.
  • Verbal (questions, explanation).
  • visual (pictures, showing articulation).
  • Game (D / and “Find a Pair”, “Recognize the Sound”, “Find the Sound”, “Wonderful Bag”).
  • Practical (exercises).
  • Supervision of the work of children, advice.


Demonstration material: music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear": "About Traces", Three Wishes, signs-symbols of sounds (sounds), maple leaves with subject pictures, letters, a basket, sealed envelopes with letters, colored pencils, a large picture with the image of toys, a scheme with chips, pictures of Masha and the Bear, a painted basket with mushrooms, large letters for making a sentence, emoticons with different emotional moods : joy, thoughtfulness, sadness.

Handout: cards (autumn leaves) with a picture and a diagram, a cash register of letters and syllables, chips for sound-letter analysis, natural and junk material for laying out letters.

Activity progress:

I. Organizing time.

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to the guests. (children greet) Are you happy to see them? Show how happy you are to have guests. (smile at guests)

Well done! They are not here by accident! The guests want to see what you and I have learned in our literacy class.

Look at me, let's repeat the rule of speech with you:

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game

Yes, we speak clearly

We are not in a hurry!

II. Motivational game.

Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)

What are the signs of autumn? (leaves turn yellow...)

Close your eyes and imagine that you and I are in an autumn forest. (background - sounds of the autumn forest)

Autumn in the forest!

Let's go to the autumn forest!

There are many miracles around here!

Here the golden birches rustle

There are mushrooms under the birches

They want to jump into the basket!

(at this moment the basket appears)

Open your eyes, look, someone forgot the basket in the forest!

Who do you think left her here? (children's answers, music from the m / f "Masha and the Bear" sounds: song "About traces")

Did you know who this hero is? Well, of course, this is Masha!

Where do you think Masha was in such a hurry to leave the basket? (children's answers)

Yes, look for Mishka. And Masha was heading towards us, so she left the basket.

Let's see what Masha brought us. (children come to the basket and find sounders with different articulations in it)

The sounders sit so amicably in the basket, help to recognize them. (the teacher, together with the children, examine the sounders and determine which sound by the articulation of the lips)

What helped us to recognize the sound guys?

That's right, according to the position of the lips. And in another way, guys, it's called ARTICULATION. A new word for you, let's repeat this word together.

This, guys, is the work of the organs of speech when pronouncing sounds. Let's remember what organs of speech help us to pronounce sounds?

What are these sounds? (vowels) Why? (they can be sung, extended, and when pronouncing sounds, the air does not meet obstacles)

What color are the vowels? (in red) Therefore, sound players are always in red shoes!

Well done! (sound players are put on an easel)

Guys, Masha left "Magic Envelopes" in the basket. Take each envelope and determine by touch what is in them. (if the children do not guess, they can be invited to look through the envelope into the light)

Arrange the letters to the corresponding sounders. Be careful!

Guys, what is the difference between a letter and a sound? (sounds we hear and pronounce, and letters we write and see)

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

1. Game "Find a pair"

See how many colorful leaves are in the forest. Let's collect them in one bouquet. Take one leaf.

And the leaves are unusual, with pictures on the back.

Look carefully at what is drawn in your picture and the picture of your neighbor, and think with what sound this word begins.

And now we will dance with the leaves to the music, but as soon as the music ends, you must find yourself a couple whose name of the card begins with the same sound as yours.

Hold the pictures so that they can be seen. (children dance with leaves to the music; couples: watermelon-orange, snail-iron, cloud vegetables; turkey, popsicle))

Alina and Kirill, what sound unites your couple? Why? (The teacher marks the children who completed the task first and correctly)

Veronica and Nastya, why didn't you find a mate? (picture names start with different sounds)

Guys, why didn't we come across a picture whose name would begin with the sound [s]?

(the sound [s] occurs only in the middle and at the end of the word)

2. Game "Find the sound"

The breeze brought us more leaves. (on tables)

And what is the name of the natural phenomenon when the leaves fall, fly, fly and spin?

Correctly! This is leaf fall.

The sound guys are bored and want to play with you, come to the tables.

(children sit at tables in pairs)

The sound player [o] will play with the guys of this table, with the other - [e], ... [and], ... [s].

On your leaflets there are pictures and diagrams for them. What are we going to do? (children's answers)

What color?

(Watch the posture of the children. The teacher calls one child to the board: in the word “toys” find the sound [and], indicate with chips on the diagram the place of the sound in the word)

Let's define with you, the word "toys" is a long or a short word?

Prove it! What should be done?

Correctly! Divide the word into parts, or syllables. How many syllables?

(children claps determine the number of syllables in a word)

Guys, how else to find out how many syllables are in a word?

I will tell you a secret: how many vowels in a word - so many syllables.

What sounds and how much do we hear in the word "toys"?

Well done!

3. Game for the development of fine motor skills of the hands "Lay out the letter"

Guys, turn the leaves over, what do they feel like?

I suggest you lay out any letter on velvety sheets for Sounders from natural and waste material that you see on the table. (buttons, woolen threads, watermelon seeds, pistachio shells, acorn caps, etc.)

IV. Physical education "Rain".

Guys, we will return to the forest with you, maybe we will meet Masha and Misha. (children go to the carpet)

Oh look, it's raining.

Drop one, drop two

(palms to the sides, alternately jumping from foot to foot)

Very slow at first

(the same)

And then, then, then

(arms bend at the elbows)

All run, run, run

(imp with acceleration in place)

We will open our umbrellas

(stop, hands apart)

We'll shelter ourselves from the rain.

(depicted above the head is a view of the "umbrella")

V. Sound-letter analysis of the word AU.

Guys, Masha has been walking in the forest for a long time, maybe she got lost.

Oh, guys, we have 2 sounders sad here. Which? (sounds [a] and [y])

What small word can be made from these sounds, which will be useful for Masha to be found? (word AU)

Correctly! This word is AU.

Let's say this word quietly... and now loudly...

Nobody responds.

In this case, lay out this word with the help of chips and letters. (children sit at tables)

We will denote the word with a long strip, you put it on your table, and I - on the board.

How many syllables are in the word AU? (2)

How many sounds does this word have?

What is the first sound?

We denote the sound [a] with a chip. What colour? Why?

What is the second sound in the word AU?

Kirill will go to the board and place a chip.

Let's read the word. I lead with a pointer, and you - lingeringly sing every sound in the word.

Now let's label the sounds. (the teacher calls the child)

We open the cash register of letters. What is the letter for the first sound?

We find the desired letter and put it on the corresponding chip.

Let's read the word in unison. (Pictures of Masha and Misha appear.)

So Masha and Misha responded, it turns out they were picking mushrooms, so they got a whole basket.

They are so glad to meet you and want to play with you, offer to solve the puzzle.

What is it? (pictures: doll, ball, basket with mushrooms)

Who is it? (Masha, Bear)

And now I will add letters, let's see what happens?

U I .

A U .

What did we get? (Suggestions: Masha has a ball and a doll. And Misha has a basket of mushrooms.)

A sentence is a collection of words that are related in meaning. And there is always a period at the end of a sentence.

Let's try to change the words in the sentence. (Children change the words themselves and read the sentences)

Well done boys!

VI. Summary of the lesson.

What sounds do we remember?

What are these sounds? Why?

What new word did you learn?

What are the sounds in writing?

How are sounds different from letters?

What tasks were interesting and did you like more?

What caused the difficulty?

VII. Reflection.

Guys, there are emoticons in the Bear's basket, but they are different. We will see.

What is the difference? (mood: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness)

If today it was easy for you in class, you coped with all the tasks - take a joyful emoticon, if there were difficulties, but you tried to overcome them - a thoughtful emoticon, and if it was very difficult - a sad one.

Software content.

  1. Continue to teach children to name words with given sounds.
  2. Continue to learn to conduct sound analysis of the word.
  3. Strengthen the ability to make a sentence of two words; with the given word.
  4. Learn to make an offer.

Materials and equipment.

Demo material:

Red, blue, green chips; board; toy truck; apples.


Red, blue, green chips; silver rectangles; cards for laying out with the image of an apple; pictures of various objects.


I. ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS (Articulation gymnastics- exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), necessary for the correct sound pronunciation)

Tale of the Merry Tongue

There lived a Merry Tongue. He woke up early in the morning. He opened the window (open his mouth wide so that his teeth can be seen). Looked to the left, looked to the right (with the tip of the tongue turn left and right). Looked at the sky (touch the tip of the tongue to the upper lip). He looked at the ground (touch the bottom lip with the tip of the tongue). I saw the sun in the sky, smiled broadly (smile). He closed the window (close lips tightly). Tongue ran to the bathroom to wash. He began to brush his teeth (ex. We brush our teeth. Smile, open your mouth, show your teeth and draw a wide tongue from the outside of the upper teeth, imitating the cleaning movements of a toothbrush. Also “we clean the lower teeth.). And then rinse your mouth (puff out your cheeks, as if rinsing your mouth). And ran to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw pies with jam on the table and licked my lips (lick the upper lip on the right, then on the left). I ate three pies and ran outside. Tongue sat on a horse and galloped uphill (imitation of the clatter of hooves slowly). And then he sang his favorite song Aaaaaaaa, Ooooooo, Uuuuuu, Iiiiiii, Eeeeeee, Yyyyy (listing of vowel sounds). The tongue reached the mountain and decided to swing on a swing (ex. Swing. Mouth wide open, lips in a smile. Rhythmically change the position of the tongue: 1) the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors; 2) the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Only the tongue moves, not the chin!). He looked at the clock (ex. Watch. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Alternately move your tongue to the right corner of your mouth, then to the left.). Time to go home. Sat on a horse. Jumped home. And the horse runs fast from the hill (imitation of the clatter of hooves quickly).


"Name the Word"

- Guys, and now we will play a fun game "Name the word." I will tell you the topic, and you will name the words for me. At the same time, pass the ball to each other until I say STOP! (Themes: Pets, Fruits, Wild animals, Hats, Furniture items, Vegetables.).

“Now we are going to play another game. I will call you a sound, and you will give me any word that begins with this sound.



Guys, look what I have in my hands (showing a toy truck). And now look what she is doing (showing that the truck is moving).

- The truck (car) is moving. We've got an offer for you. How many words are in our sentence? Say the first word. Name the second word.

"Now I'm going to teach you how to make a proposal." Look, we have silver rectangles. One rectangle represents one word of the sentence. Words in a sentence should be laid out at a distance from each other. Let's try together to lay out our proposal THE CAR RIDES.

Now I suggest you work on your own. Do you have pictures of objects. Each has its own picture. Your task is to come up with a sentence with these items.

I give children time to work independently.

Now let's hear who has what proposals.

I invite the children to post their proposal.



The wind breathes, breathes (Hands up - deep breath)

And the trees are all swaying (Then - to the sides, a wave of brushes)

Quieter wind, quieter, (Up again - deep breath)

And the trees are higher, higher (And down, long exhalation)

Let's sit quietly, quietly. (Children sit at their desks)


Sound analysis of the word

I put the apples on the back of the truck and ask the children what the truck is carrying. (Apples). Then I remove the apples and leave one, asking what the truck is carrying now. (Apple). I suggest that the children make a sound analysis of the word APPLE. I invite the children to listen to how the word sounds, highlighting each sound intonation. Next, I propose to independently make a sound analysis of the word and put it in chips on a card with the image of an apple.

Next, the child at the blackboard parses the word, names the sounds and characterizes them. We recall the rule that the sound [й`] is the shortest in our speech and always a soft consonant. Children must find mistakes (if any) in themselves and correct them.

- And who will tell me how many solid consonants are in a word? How many soft consonants? How many vowel sounds?

How many syllables are in this word? And why did you decide so? And let's check. How can we do this? (put hand to chin). What syllable is stressed on? I listen to the answers of the children, while helping where help is needed.


- Guys, let's remember what we did today in class?

— And what have we learned?

- And who was the most active today?

educator, GBOU secondary school No. 1995, Moscow

Lyudmila Dziuba
Open lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Let's help the sounds" Video

Dear Colleagues!

Thanks to everyone who read my previous publication ("Open lesson "Teaching literacy". Preparatory group. Part 1"). Thanks for the support and advice. And, as you understand, my work in "Part 1" touched on, let's say, the "technical" side of the educational process. Therefore, the video was so short - just to show the experience and ask for advice (now it has been removed for one purpose - not to take up your time). In this publication (Part 2) the video is 20 minutes. I also promised that if someone expresses a desire, I will add a text file of the lesson. Which I do with pleasure.

So here's the video tutorial:

Literacy lesson in the preparatory group

teacher Dziuba L. Yu. (for collective viewing).

Topic: "Let's help the sounds"

Program content:

1 . Learn to name words with a given sound, divide words into syllables, find a stressed syllable.

2 . Make a proposal according to the schemes.

3 . Learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

4 . To consolidate knowledge about the word-distinctive role of sound.

Demo Material: an envelope from the "Queen of Sounds", envelopes with parts from the key, sentence schemes, "Chamomile" with sounds.

Handout: sentence schemes, words with missing letters.

Lesson progress:

There is a knock on the door, they bring in an envelope with a letter.

caregiver: We received a letter, let's read it.

The teacher reads:

Hello guys! The Fairy of Sounds is writing to you. You all know what sounds are. The country they live in is in the book. This book is called "Primer". Every child could take it - leaf through, read, complete tasks together with the teacher. And now this book, together with Malvina, was stolen by Karabas-Barabas. He put them in a closet and locked the door with a key, and broke the key.

Guys, please help to collect all the parts of the key and then you will free Malvina and return the Primer to the guys. And for this you need to complete all the tasks that Karabas - Barabas has prepared for you.

Assignments from Karabas-Barabas (located in an envelope and read out by the teacher during the lesson): I have prepared 6 envelopes with assignments for you. Each envelope contains a part of the key. If you complete all the tasks correctly, you will collect the key and free your friends from imprisonment.

The first task from Karabas-Barabas:

What sounds are called vowels? What sounds are called consonants?

Children: vowel sounds are pronounced with a voice.

caregiver: right, the windows in the sound houses where vowels live are indicated in red.

A (red B (blue

Y column) C column)

Educator: Guys, we have the first part of the key, it remains to collect 5 more parts and, therefore, complete 5 tasks.

The second task from Karabas-Barabas: this task is more difficult. This task is for the attentive:

Listen and determine what sound is often found in the poem?

The drum butted the ram

Wow! And the drum burst.

Children: sound [B]

Woodpecker hammering a tree

Day-day bark crushes

A woodpecker heals an ancient oak,

Good woodpecker oak love.

Children: [D]

Educator: That's right, the sound [B] and [D]. When pronouncing a sound, the lips close and open, the air stream meets an obstacle, the vocal cords (throat) tremble.

Feature: Sounds [B] and [D] are consonants.

Following (3rd) task from Karabas- very difficult, let's read. (Reading syllables).

caregiver: Well done guys, we have the next part of the key, it remains to collect 3 more parts and, therefore, complete 3 tasks. Let's try to do the tasks correctly and save our friends.

The fourth task from Karabas-Barabas: Divide words into syllables.

Pictures on the screen: plane, clock, house, squirrel, drum.

Educator: How many syllables are in this word? Children show diagrams of these words. (etc.)

Educator: Well done! I see you are tired. Get out on the carpet!

Physical culture minute "Pinocchio":

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over

Two - bent over

Three - bent over.

Raised his hands to the sides,

Apparently the key has not been found.

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.

(All words are accompanied by movements)

caregiver: Guys, we have the fourth part of the key, it remains to collect 2 more parts and, therefore, complete two more tasks.

The fifth task from Karabas-Barabas: Draw a sentence diagram from the picture. (see video).

caregiver: Guys, but Karabas-Barabas did not expect that babies are so smart, and that we would have to let our friends go. We have the fifth part of the key, it remains to complete the last task!

The last task of Karabas: The naughty gum ran, and erased fragments of letters: Words - machine_, mi_ka, _eti, li_on, b_lka, m_lina, _latok, _isa, ko_, _it. (see video).

Educator: Now we have all 6 parts. Let's collect the key from them.

(Children make up the key from parts).

Educator: Guys, close your eyes. (A clapperboard sparkles - replacing the key with a whole one). Oh folks, magic happened. The key is complete!

Children approach the house, on which a canvas with a painted hearth hangs. Raise the canvas - under it is the image of the castle. Children open it. Malvina comes out of the house with the alphabet and treats.

Malvina: Hello guys! Thank you for completing all the tasks and freeing me and the Primer. For this I treat you (distributing cookies in the form of letters).

caregiver(summing up): What interesting, new did you learn? (children's answers).

Dear Colleagues. Waiting for your comments. Thank you for visiting this page and giving your time to my work. Yours faithfully - the educator of MADOU d / s No. 49 of Kaliningrad Dzyuba Lyudmila Yuryevna.

Zhanna Kocherga

Teaching tasks:

To consolidate the skill of distinguishing between vowels and consonants;

To form the skill of sound analysis of the word, dividing the word into syllables (parts);

Exercise in making sentences with a given word;

Strengthen the ability to divide a word into syllables.

Continue preparing your hand for writing;

Development tasks:

Develop children's speech;

Develop logical thinking, attention, phonemic hearing, perseverance.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate independence, interest in grammar, careful attitude to manuals, a culture of communication with peers.

Course progress.

Children enter the group, welcome guests.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Let's remember our warm-up "Spring"

Children repeat with the teacher.

So winter is over (stomp)

Spring has knocked on our door (clapping)

The sun's bright rays (hands up)

Turn snow into streams.

Birds will chirp (flapping their arms like wings)

Rivers thick ice breaking (turn left, right)

They came to us. Today guests. We will show what we can and know, and first we recall the rule that helps us to speak.

All children in chorus:

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and slowly

We speak loudly

And, of course, we are not in a hurry.

2. The main part.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

Spring has come, and the tongue is all at home:

The wind blew, blew. The doors in the house either opened (they open their mouths, then they closed 9 they closed their mouths) 3-5 times;

Once the tongue came out of the house, looked to the left, to the right (exercise "Watch");

Then he reached for the sun (show) and lay down on the porch (exercise “Shovel”);

A strong wind blew, the tongue shuddered (exercise “Arrow, hid in the house.

And we sit down on chairs.

Today I found this envelope on the table. And on it is an inscription - "Assignments for little literates" of the senior group "Sudariki". Inside the letter, read?

“I heard that you guys are very inquisitive and love to study. I sent a gift for you, but in order to receive it, you must complete my tasks. Fairy Spring.

Ready to take on tasks? Then let's start.

Exercise 1.

Fairy Spring sent us as a gift a bright flower called (show picture)

Children: Mac

Educator: Let's count how many sounds are in the word Mac. What is the first sound?

Children: Mmmm.

Educator: Sound M. Let's try to sing this sound. Mmm. It turns out? What's stopping us?

Children: Lips

Educator: If we can’t sing it, then what kind of sound is it?

Children: Consent

Educator: Right! What is the second sound in the word Mac?

Children: M-aaaa-k! Sound A

Educator: Let's try to sing this sound.

Children: Ahhh.

Educator: Sound A can be sung, nothing interferes with it. What is this sound?

Children: Vowel.

The teacher and the children try to sing the third sound K and determine that it is not sung, which means it is a consonant.

Educator: Well done, you coped with the first task.

Task 2.

The teacher takes out cut pictures.

How ice cracked on the river

And the ice started.

Grab ice cubes

And find a company.

Children are united in 3 companies by color. Handout collect.

Teacher: Listen to the task.

Tara-ra, tara-ra

Animals have leapfrog

The animals did not find their home

Help them guys.

The teacher distributes 3-4 pictures of animals: a wolf, a fox, a dog.

There are 3 houses in front of you, how do they differ?

Children: in the first house there is one window, in the second two, in the third three windows.

Company number 1 will move that animal to the first house. The name of which has 1 syllable;

The company at number 2 will inhabit the second house of that animal, in the name of which there are 2 syllables;

The company at number 3 will inhabit the third house of that animal, in the name of which there are 3 syllables;

Children post pictures.


And now we will all go to visit the animals together. Put your hand to your chin and say who lives in the first house. (everyone does it). Now let's slam the name of this animal (everyone does it) Correctly populated (children's answer).

Same with other houses.

Task 3.

The whole street turned out. And in order for our guests to learn more about the inhabitants of this street, each company will come up with 1 sentence about their animal, and when the bell rings, we will tell all the guests.

Children come up with 1 sentence, pronounce.

Educator: Well done and coped with this task and the animals invite everyone to a fun exercise.

Animals exercise (bend, unbend arms)

Sports are done by Wolf running (running in place)

Dog somersault (rotate with arms bent at the elbows)

Fox wants to lose weight

She began to turn her tail (hands on her belt, rotation of the torso to the right, to the left) Educator: And now, attention. For you, the riddle is a task.

He writes when they dictate He draws and draws He is our best assistant Well, of course, (pencil)

I invite everyone to the tables and offer the task.

Children sit at tables.

Task 4.

1. Circle those pictures that have a sound in their title

2. Circle the dotted letter that represents the sound M.

3. Draw as many circles as there are sounds in the name of the item in the picture. Task 5.

Did you work hard, kids?

Spring has in store for you!

You quickly run to me

And say a word.

Children approach the teacher and stand in a circle. Educator:

Ra-ra-ra - the kids are having fun Na-na-na - spring has come to us Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside Ontse-ontse-ontse - the sun is shining brightly!

Fairy - good Spring Happy to the sun too From her - a gift to us,

I wonder what?

Reads a note from an envelope.

Hanging window.

In the window - Antoshka.

Antoshka left.

Empty Window.

Children guess a riddle and find a chest near the mirror.

What is there at the bottom?

What does the chest hold?


Spring sent us emoticons

To make everyone feel better!

Or the book version.

Not a bush, but with leaves.

Not a man, but talking, Not a shirt, but sewn.

We will look for a gift where the books are.

Lesson summary Teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Topic Consolidation of the material covered


educational :

- to consolidate the skill of sound-syllabic word analysis;

- fix the graphic image of the letters;

- to consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words;

- to consolidate the ability to make sentences on key words;


- develop phonemic perception;

- develop memory and attention;

- develop verbal and logical thinking in children, reason, draw conclusions;


- foster a sense of goodwill, responsibility, cooperation;

- Develop the ability to work together.

The course of educational activities.

I. Introductory part.

All the children gathered in a circle together:
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

II. Main part.

Children receive a video letter. (A video letter with the beauties and wildlife of Brazil is broadcast on the screen).

We have received a video message.

“Hello my good friends! I am now in a distant country. It is very hot here and it often rains. Beautiful waterfalls. Palm trees and coconuts grow. The forests are very dense - they are called the jungle. Parrots, hummingbirds, crocodiles, sloths, boas and jaguars and many monkeys live here. You guessed it, I live in Brazil, next to the Amazon River. Look how beautiful. It is very cold and snowy here now, so I cannot come to you, but I want to offer you interesting tasks, because you already know how to read and write. And in order to find out the name of the forest in which I live, you must correctly answer and complete tasks. If you do everything right, you will receive a gift from me. With big regards from Brazil, monkey Lara.

Educator: Well, guys, let's try to complete the tasks that Lara offers us?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Look, she sent a package along with the letter. After each correctly completed task, we get one letter from the name of the forest where Lara lives. At the end of the lesson, we will learn this name.

We take it all together and read it in a circle on the carpet.

Here is the first task

1. Guessing riddles.

One soft and whistles, black birds
Another hard and hissing, On a white page
The third one will sing at all - They are silent, they are waiting,
At least someone will pronounce it ... (sound). Who will read them ... (letter).

The game "Who is more." Need choose words with a given sound. Game progress: children are divided into several groups. The teacher asks each group to choose one vowel or consonant sound. When a sound is selected, children remember the names of objects that begin with this sound (or that the given sound is in a certain place: at the beginning, middle or end of the word, depending on the stage of work).

Educator: Warmed up well. We get the first letter of the name of the forest.-This is the letter A. We put it on the board.

2. And now let's work at the tables.

At first I couldn't
Read with two letters
Your first ... (syllable).
Scatter the syllables into houses.

Given pictures. You need to choose the appropriate picture for the house by the number of syllables. The windows in the house mean the number of syllables. Children are invited to name their word and how many syllables are in it.

After a correctly completed task, children receive a syllableMA (put on the board)

3. . Given cards with pictures. You need to lay out the sound composition of the word shown in the picture. And name it. How many sounds and what. (handout)

. We get the syllable ZO

Fizminutka video (Funny monkeys)

4. Educator:I will match the sound to the sound

And I will pronounce it
If I put the letters in a row

Then I’ll read it later ... (word).

Offers children a game"Finish the sentence"

Target: Teaching children to pick upantonyms .

short stroke: The teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it.

The elephant is big, but the mosquito(little).

The stone is heavy, and the fluff(light).

Sugar is sweet and mustard(bitter).

The lion is brave, and the bunny(cowardly).

Shouting loudly but whispering(quiet).

The seller sells and the buyer(buys).

5. Combination lock

A syllable is encoded in each digit of the lock. What words will you get if you choose different codes?

We get AND

6. I will pick up a lot of words

I will make friends with each other

The presentation will be clear

I'll get an offer.

Game "Finish the sentence" (in a circle with a ball).

You need to complete the sentences using the union "to":

The children boarded the boat to…

Mom put on a smart dress to ...

Petya covered his face with his hands to...

Vova took the dog on a leash to…

Workers brought bricks to…

Dad bought flowers to...

The girl opened the window to...

The driver opened the trunk of the car to…

Grandfather put a scarecrow in the garden to ...

7. Here the wind is strong
And scattered the words.
You bring them together

And read the offer.

Game "Come up with a proposal."We give a definition. Team 2 work. 2 offers

The teacher offers words from which you can make a sentence. Beat with intonation exclamatory, interrogative.

We get I (attach to the board)

8. Summary of the lesson .

Educator: We connect all the received letters and read the name of the forest. It turned out AMAZONIA.So, the monkey Lara lives in the Amazon Forest.. What animals still live in this forest? How should animals be treated?

What tasks helped us learn the names of the forest?

We wish our familiar monkey all the best.

And now for well-executed tasks we receive gifts from Brazil.

Surprise moment. We get monkeys - toys and bananas to pleasant music ..

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