Application in the middle group of flowers for mom. Summary of the application lesson in the middle group “Gift for Mom for Mother's Day. Difficulty in a game situation

direct educational activities. Application in the middle group. “Postcards for March 8. Postcard for mom.

Tolstopyatova Iraida Anatolyevna, teacher of MADOU "Sorceress", Labytnangi, YaNAO.
Purpose: Directly educational activity "Application" is intended for young educators, for children of middle and senior groups, for teachers of additional education, as well as for creative parents.
Target: Making a postcard with your own hands as a gift to mom.
Tasks: Develop children's creativity. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Continue to learn how to fold the paper in half, circle the patterns of the flower, correctly positioning it on a sheet of paper, cut out the flowers with scissors. Cultivate independence, accuracy when cutting and gluing flowers.
Educational area "Safety"
To consolidate the skills of safe behavior in children in independent activities with scissors.
Educational area "Socialization"
To cultivate friendly relations between children, to cultivate love and respect for loved ones, relatives. To develop in children confidence, the desire for independence, cheerfulness, attachment to the family, the desire to learn new knowledge and actions in kindergarten.

1. Colored paper (velvet, polished, corrugated)
2. Glue stick
3. Scissors
4. Finished flowers
5. Patterns of flowers.

Ready-made flowers, for further decoration of the postcard.

GCD progress:

1. Conversation with children about the upcoming holiday on March 8.
- Guys, who knows what season is it? (that's right, spring)
- And what holiday do all people celebrate in spring?
2. Listen to the poem.
Poem March 8th.
March 8th, Mother's Day, -
Knock Knock! knocking on our doors.
He only comes to that house
Where they help mom.
We will sweep the floor for mom,
Let's set the table ourselves
Help her cook dinner
We will sing with her, we will dance,
We paint her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
- They are unrecognizable! Blimey! -
Then mom will tell people.
And we always, and we always,
We will always be like this!
The city is covered in snow
All roads are covered
But a good day comes
This day is always warm
He brings us joy
This is our moms day.
- And how can you please your mother on this holiday? (make a gift for mom)
From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.
mommy gift
I will cook
The most beautiful
I have mom.
Showing postcards that you can make with your own hands.
Explanation and demonstration of how to circle the flower blank and cut it out with scissors.
On the tables are blanks for making postcards.
3. Fizkultminutka. "It's easy fun"
It's easy fun
Turns left - right
We all know for a long time -
There is a wall, and there is a window. (Turns of the body to the left, to the right)
We squat quickly, deftly
Here, the trick is already visible.
To develop muscles.
You have to sit down a lot. (squats)
And now walking in place
This is also interesting. (Walking in place).
4. Independent work of children.
5. Examining postcards of children.

Let the sun shine bright
Let us smile
We brought gifts
For our lovely mothers.
We made them ourselves
We want to surprise you
And in this bright room
Give with love.

Well done guys, good, beautiful made gifts for their mothers.

Objectives: To teach children to make a flower from 2 paper forms, beautifully combining them in color, shape and size. Show flower design techniques: stick a smaller shape onto a larger one, applying glue to the middle of the flower - the base. Strengthen the ability to use a napkin; to cultivate accuracy, attention, the desire to prepare a gift for mom, to make her happy. To fix the technique of cutting a stem from paper. To cultivate the desire to do the work carefully, to bring what has been started to the end. Cultivate a desire, take care of your mother, please her with your gifts. Develop curiosity, general and fine motor skills. Continue to improve children's gluing skills. Lead children to an emotional assessment of finished work.

Materials and equipment: half colored cardboard, colored paper flowers, “leaves, stem template, flower wrapper”, scissors, napkin, glue, oilcloth, emoticons, music player.

1) - Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"

Let's greet our guests and each other.

Teacher: Guys! I will read a poem to you, and you will tell me who it is about:

Who opened this world to you,

Not sparing your strength?

And always protected?

The best in the world…

Children: Mom!


Who is the cutest in the world

And warm with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is ... Children: My mommy!


Reading books in the evening

And always understands everything

Even if you are stubborn

I know he loves you all...

Children: Mom!

Educator: Yes, that's what your mothers are like ... Mom takes care of us until we grow up, and does not stop loving us.

2) Let's play a game: "Call it affectionately."

Purpose: to name as many affectionate, kind words for mom as possible.

(Kind, affectionate, sweet, gentle, beautiful, beloved, good, charming, modest, hardworking, generous). Well done!

3) What holiday will be soon? Mother's Day is coming soon. In Russia, the holiday "Mother's Day" was established in 1998. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. On this day, everyone congratulates mothers.

Mother's day! Mother's day!

Put on the best dress!

Get up early in the morning

Clean up in the house

Anything good

Give mom.

Vos-l: What can we give for our mothers? What does mom love?

Today I want to invite you to give our mothers flowers. But now we have autumn outside the window, and you can no longer find flowers in the flower beds.

And the best gift, as you know, is the one made with your own hands, with love and with all your heart! Today in class, I suggest you make a beautiful postcard - application for mom.

Do you like postcard? (Yes). What should be a postcard to please mom? (neat).

4) - And now we sit down at the tables. Guys, what is a flower made of? (Stem, leaves, bud). Well done! How many flowers, leaves, stems do I have? For now, we will make only one flower with a stem and a leaf.

(Remember the rules for safe working with scissors: I show how to hold the scissors correctly: the thumb and middle fingers of the right hand are inserted into the rings of the scissors, the index finger supports them from below, the ends of the blades are directed away from you, forward.)

Vos-l: In front of you is green paper with stripes - this will be your stems. Carefully cut one strip. Each of you have such blanks on the table. This is a wrapper for a bouquet of flowers. You move the wrapper aside and stick the stem (previously cut from green paper). (The teacher explains and shows how a lush multi-color flower is obtained from 2 cut out shapes.)

First, take a large, bright flower and smear glue in the middle. We impose on the workpiece, i.e., a wrapper for flowers. Then we take a smaller flower, smear glue in the middle and stick it on a large flower, exactly in the middle. Glue the flowers in such a way that the largest and brightest is at the bottom, and the smallest is at the top. At the same time, it is necessary to glue the flowers only in the middle, lifting the petals to get a three-dimensional shape. (Invite the children to choose 2 shapes of different colors as they wish.)

(Children first lay out the image on the sheet, then take the workpieces one by one, spread them with glue and stick them on the workpiece.)

First we make only one flower.

(After the flower is glued, we glue the second stem. And then - repeat.)

5) Finger gymnastics "Family".

6) Doing work by children.

7) We finish the work. Guys, come to me and take your work. On this table we will put together a small exhibition of our works. And now guys, after such painstaking work, let's have a little rest.

Musical physical minute "Mom".

The elephant has a big-nosed mother,

The chick has a winged mother

And the hedgehog's mom is prickly,

Still, she's the best!

Moms are all beautiful without a doubt,

All beloved, kind, different!

And all children are good for mom,

Because they look like mom!

And everyone has their own mother

8) These are such cute and beautiful postcards for mom. And what poems will we tell mom when we give a card? Who wants to tell?

I love my mom

I will give her a present.

I made a gift myself

From paper with glue.

I will give it to my mother

Hugging affectionately!

9) Bottom line: Guys, what did we do today? What did you like? What was difficult for you? Ask me how you did today.

8) Reflection: Guys, if you were interested, then clap, and if you were sad, difficult, bored, then stomp.



Goals: To teach children to make a flower from 2 paper forms, beautifully combining them in color, shape and size. Show flower design techniques: stick a smaller shape onto a larger one, applying glue to the middle of the flower - the base. Strengthen the ability to use a napkin; to cultivate accuracy, attention, the desire to prepare a gift for mom, to make her happy. To fix the technique of cutting a stem from paper. To cultivate the desire to do the work carefully, to bring what has been started to the end. Cultivate a desire, take care of your mother, please her with your gifts. Develop curiosity, general and fine motor skills. Continue to improve children's gluing skills. Lead children to an emotional assessment of finished work.

Materials and equipment: half colored cardboard, colored paper flowers, “leaves, stem template, flower wrapper”, scissors, napkin, glue, oilcloth, emoticons, music player.


1) - Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"

Let's greet our guests and each other.

Teacher: Guys! I will read a poem to you, and you will tell me who it is about:

Who opened this world to you,

Not sparing your strength?

And always protected?

The best in the world…

Children: Mom!


Who is the cutest in the world

And warm with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is ... Children: My mommy!


Reading books in the evening

And always understands everything

Even if you are stubborn

I know he loves you all...

Children: Mom!

Educator: Yes, that's what your mothers are like ... Mom takes care of us until we grow up, and does not stop loving us.

2) Let's play game: "Call it affectionately."

Purpose: to name as many affectionate, kind words for mom as possible.

(Kind, affectionate, sweet, gentle, beautiful, beloved, good, charming, modest, hardworking, generous). Well done!

3) What holiday will be soon? The holiday is coming soon - Mother's Day. In Russia, the holiday "Mother's Day" was established in 1998. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. On this day, everyone congratulates mothers.

Mother's day! Mother's day!

Put on the best dress!

Get up early in the morning

Clean up in the house

Anything good

Give mom.

Vos-l: What can we give for our mothers? What does mom love?

Today I want to invite you to give our mothers flowers. But now we have autumn outside the window, and you can no longer find flowers in the flower beds.

And the best gift, as you know, is the one made with your own hands, with love and with all your heart! Today in class, I suggest you make a beautiful postcard - application for mom.

Do you like postcard? (Yes). What should be a postcard to please mom? (neat).

4) - And now we sit down at the tables. Guys, what is a flower made of? (Stem, leaves, bud). Well done! How many flowers, leaves, stems do I have? For now, we will make only one flower with a stem and a leaf.

(Remember the rules for safe working with scissors: I show how to hold the scissors correctly: the thumb and middle fingers of the right hand are inserted into the rings of the scissors, the index finger supports them from below, the ends of the blades are directed away from you, forward.)

Vos-l: In front of you is green paper with stripes - this will be your stems. Carefully cut one strip. Each of you have such blanks on the table. This is a wrapper for a bouquet of flowers. You move the wrapper aside and stick the stem (previously cut from green paper). (The teacher explains and shows how a lush multi-color flower is obtained from 2 cut out shapes.)

First, take a large, bright flower and smear glue in the middle. We impose on the workpiece, i.e. flower wrapper. Then we take a smaller flower, smear glue in the middle and stick it on a large flower, exactly in the middle. Glue the flowers in such a way that the largest and brightest is at the bottom, and the smallest is at the top. At the same time, it is necessary to glue the flowers only in the middle, lifting the petals to get a three-dimensional shape. (Invite the children to choose 2 shapes of different colors as they wish.)

(Children first lay out the image on the sheet, then take the workpieces one by one, spread them with glue and stick them on the workpiece.)

First we make only one flower.

(After the flower is glued, we glue the second stem. And then - repeat.)

5) Finger gymnastics "Family".

6) Doing work by children.

7) We finish the work. Guys, come to me and take your work. On this table we will put together a small exhibition of our works. And now guys, after such painstaking work, let's have a little rest.

Musical physical minute "Mom".

The elephant has a big-nosed mother,

The chick has a winged mother

And the hedgehog's mom is prickly,

Still, she's the best!


Moms are all beautiful without a doubt,

All beloved, kind, different!

And all children are good for mom,

Because they look like mom!

And everyone has their own mother

8) These are such cute and beautiful postcards for mom. And what poems will we tell mom when we give a card? Who wants to tell?

I love my mom

I will give her a present.

I made a gift myself

From paper with glue.

I will give it to my mother

Hugging affectionately!!!

9) Bottom line: Guys, what did we do today? What did you like? What was difficult for you? Ask me how you did today.

8) Reflection: Guys, if you were interested, then clap, and if you were sad, difficult, bored, then stomp.

Summary of GCD for applications in the middle group of children Topic: "A gift for mom"
Kazakova Elena Vladimirovna, educator, MDOU "Center for Child Development
"Kindergarten" Umka "Nadym
Educational areas: artistic creativity, socialization, communication, work, music
Type: the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the development of productive activities.
Type: Integrated


To expand and clarify children's ideas about the work of people of different professions.
Exercise children in the ability to determine the name of the profession by the names of actions.
To fix the techniques for cutting a stem, a flower pot and leaves from paper.
Independently select colors, develop artistic taste.
Expand and consolidate knowledge about colors. To cultivate the desire to do the work carefully, to bring what has been started to the end.
Develop curiosity, general and fine motor skills.
To cultivate respect for working people, their activities and their results.
Equipment: colored cardboard equal in size to ½ of the landscape sheet; paper napkins; colored paper, scissors; PVA glue, tray, socket with a wet sponge, socket for glue, glue brush, oilcloth, rag.

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction to the game situation.

The teacher gathers the children around him.
- Guys, soon we will celebrate the holiday. Who knows what?
(children's answers)
- That's right, the holiday of our mothers.
What do mothers usually get on this day?
(children's answers: flowers, chocolate, gifts)
2. Actualization of knowledge.
Where do we buy gifts? (in the shop)
- Who sells us gifts? (salesman)
Who brings gifts to the store? (chauffeur)
-Well done!

3. Difficulty in a game situation.

Guys, I was informed today that the car with flowers in Nadym does not have time to arrive for the holiday due to weather conditions, and you and I need to come up with something urgently.
-Want to? (Yes)
-Can you? (Yes)
I know that we have a woman working in the garden who can help us. She grows flowers and takes care of them. Do you know what her profession is? - No.
- Do you want to know? - Yes.
-How do you know?
-Ask someone who knows.
- Ask.
They approach adults and find out that this is a florist.
- Well done! (show picture image of flower grower)
- And how do we inform the grower of our request?
-Let's call.
But I don't know her number.
-Let's go.
She's not at work right now.
-Let's write a letter.
We can't write.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

- How can we do this?
(the teacher says that you can write a letter without using letters)
-Send a message with our wish.
- Okay, let's sit down at the table.

5. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system.

The teacher invites the children to take scissors in their right hand, and a square in their left hand and cut off the two lower corners. Get a trapezoid (vase). The vase and stem (green strip of paper) should be placed in the center. Then roll small balls from colored napkins. Lay out the entire composition in its entirety in the middle of the sheet.
In the morning the butterfly woke up
Stretched, smiled.
Once - she washed her hand,
Two - gracefully circled,
Three - bent down and sat down,
At four, she flew away.

We sit down. And now we glue all the details in turn, following the rules. We put the details on the oilcloth, coat the edge. We hold the brush by the edge of the skirt. After smearing glue, place the part in the middle and blot with a napkin.

6. The result of the lesson.

What did we do today? (Wrote a letter to the gardener)
- Why did we do it? (to help us prepare gifts for moms)

  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"
  • Shubarkina M.A.


    Synopsis of GCD

    by application in the middle group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Before

    Subject: Application "Flowers for our mothers"


    Educational: Continue teaching children how to work with paper.

    Learn to create a simple composition on a sheet of geometric shapes and stick them on your own.

    Developing: Continue to develop the ability to clearly follow the verbal instructions of the teacher.

    Continue to develop coordination in the work of the eyes and hands, improve coordination of movements, accuracy in the execution of a detail.

    To form an aesthetic taste, the ability to act according to verbal instructions, to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

    Educational: nurture desire, take care of your mother, please her with your gifts.

    Preliminary work of the educator:

    production of demonstration and handout material.

    Preliminary work with children:

    Talk about Mother's Day. Examination of illustrations "Garden flowers", "Wild flowers", illustrations depicting flowers "Viola", "Forget-me-nots".

    Demonstration and handout material:

    Half of the landscape sheet, colored paper, colored paper circles, scissors, glue; illustrations depicting the flower "Viola", napkins for priming, brushes for glue, stands for brushes, oilcloth.

    Problematic question: how to make a card elegant?

    Course progress.

    1. Organizational moment.

    (Sounds about mom)

    caregiver offers to sit on the carpet and listen to the song.

    2. Motivational-orienting stage.

    Educator: Who is this song about?

    Why do you think we listen to songs about mom in the kindergarten today? (Because the holiday of all mothers on Earth.)

    And now, whoever answers the question correctly will guess the topic of our lesson. What do people give each other on holidays? (Gifts)

    That's right, the topic of our lesson is "Gift for Mom."

    What can you give your mom? (buy at the store with dad, draw a picture, sing a song, recite a poem)

    I even know that Sasha has already learned a poem for his mother. Let's all listen to it together. Come out, Sasha, turn to the guys and tell it loudly.

    Dear mother, my dear!
    I want to tell you how much I love you!
    You are my protector, the most tender friend!
    Better not to find anyone around!


    Dear Mom,
    The most beautiful,
    Delicate and cute!
    Kind, beloved!

    3. Search stage.

    Mom will love this poem! But you haven't named one more gift: beautiful postcards are given on holidays.

    (I show a card without a flower).

    Only something my postcard is not very beautiful.

    How to make a fancy postcard?(decorate with flowers and leaves)

    We will make an application from colored paper. Do you agree?

    Let's stretch our fingers before work.

    Finger gymnastics"Flower"

    A tall flower grew in a clearing("flower" with closed petals),
    Opened the petals on a spring morning
    ("flower" opened),
    All petals beauty and nutrition
    (rhythmic movements of fingers together and apart),
    Together they give roots underground("roots").

    Our scarlet flowers

    The petals are unfolding.

    The wind breathes a little

    The petals sway.

    Our scarlet flowers

    Close the petals

    They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads.

    Connect both hands. Spread fingers straight out to the sides.

    Connect the half-bent fingers of both hands, forming a cup of a flower.

    Squeezing and unclenching the hands on the account: one-two.

    The palms are connected in the shape of a tulip, the fingers slowly open, then smooth swaying of the hands is made.

    Then the fingers slowly close, take the shape of a flower, and the flower head sways.

    Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

    Flowers bloomed in the garden

    Unprecedented beauty.

    Flowers reach for the sun

    Five magic petals.

    Simultaneously move the hands of both hands from the position of hanging fists to the hands raised up with the fingers spread apart.

    Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

    The sun is rising - the flower is blooming! The sun sets - the flower goes to bed.

    The palms are raised up, the fingers form a “bud”, the base of the hands is pressed against each other. The flower blooms: we simultaneously spread our fingers to the sides, and then we bring our fingers together. Repeat several times.

    4. Practical stage.

    We stretched our fingers, we can get to work. Go to your seats.

    I have blanks.

    Today we will glue a full basket of colored paper carnations and give them to mothers. (Open a sheet of paper with an image of an empty basket on an easel)

    Everyone should do their part well so as not to spoil the big picture.

    The teacher shows the children a circle of colored paper:


    Guys, look at this circle, what shape does it get if you fold it in half? That's right, semicircle. One side of the semicircle is rounded, the other is straight. You can make flowers from circles and semicircles. We will glue only half of the circle and make flowers out of them. The petals of our violets will be of different colors.

    The teacher shows a sample and sequence of actions.

    Educator: Take the scissors in your right hand, and the square in your left hand. We put the scissors in the middle of the side of the square, smoothly cutting the corner to the middle of the square.

    Children show their imagination and come up with their own flower, lay it out on an album sheet, then glue it.

    Children first lay out the image on the sheet, then take the blanks one by one, spread them with a paste and stick them on the sheet.

    Children do the work on their own, the teacher monitors, helps anyone who needs help.

    5. Reflective-evaluative stage.

    At the end of the lesson, the teacher puts the children's work on the stand.


    What flowers did you get? (bright, beautiful, wonderful).
    What did you find difficult to do in class today? And you? And you?

    At the end of the lesson, ask the children if each of them alone can complete such a large and interesting picture. Emphasize that this can only be done together.

    Praise the children for their efforts.

    You see, guys, what a beautiful basket (vase) with flowers we got!

    Let's learn congratulations for mom:

    Mum! I wish you

    happiness, peace, beauty,
    To come true daily
    Your best dreams!

    Dear, dear mother,
    You raised me, loving.
    On an autumn day, I want to congratulate:
    "Happy Mother's Day, mommy, to you."

    Tatyana Yudina

    The purpose of pedagogical activity: Introduce children to the holiday Mothers Day.

    Tasks: Foster love and respect for mom, the desire to bring joy to a close, dear person, as well as to develop competent speech.

    Strengthen the ability to work with colored paper,

    Develop fine motor skills,

    Develop creative thinking

    Cultivate accuracy.

    You will need: white cardboard with a painted vase, colored paper, glue. Sample of finished work.

    preliminary work: learning poems about mothers.

    Show presentation "Our Beloved Mothers"

    caregiver: What time of year is it? What month?

    Children: Autumn. November.

    caregiver: On the last Sunday of November, in our country in Russia they celebrate Mothers Day. Each of us has our own mother, mother. When you were just born and didn’t know how to speak yet, your mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurts. You can't confuse your mother's voice with any other voice. He is so familiar, so familiar. Mom is a giver of warmth, love and beauty.

    caregiver: I know that many of you know poems about mothers.

    Poems for children:

    Many mothers in the world

    Children love them with all their hearts.

    There is only one mother

    She is dearer to me than anyone.

    Who is she? I will answer:

    This is my mommy.


    In the house by the sun

    And warm in the cold

    Even at dark night

    There is always light.

    When I see the sun

    That's how I always drink.

    I probably

    I love it the most!

    I will give flowers,

    Because the sun is

    it's you, MAMA!

    I love you so much

    How much I love you - do not convey!

    You are the best, I will say it straight!

    I want to wish you with all my heart

    Love, good luck and health, mom!

    caregiver: Guys what beautiful poems do you know about mom. Let's make our beloved mothers beautiful gifts!



    Today we will make a vase with a flower with you. But our work will be unusual! First, we will need to piece together our vase like a mosaic. look attentively on your sheets of cardboard. Do you see the vase outlines on them?


    Yes, we see.


    We will need to glue the details of the vase on these outlines. Look at my flower in a vase, how the details are located there. Details of the vase lie next to you. Carefully tear off the colored paper, open the glue and glue the multi-colored squares. Strongly do not smear, otherwise our vase will deteriorate.

    Children glue the details of the vase, when they finish, we proceed to the flower.


    Did you make our flower vase?




    Let's get some rest:


    Flowers grow in the meadow

    Unprecedented beauty (sipping - arms to the sides)

    Flowers reach for the sun

    Stretch with them and you (sipping - arms up)

    The wind blows sometimes

    Only it's not a problem (they wave their hands up, imitating the wind)

    flowers leaning, (tilts)

    Lower the petals (sit down)

    And then they get up again (get up)

    And they still bloom (handles up and circled)


    Great, now let's put our flower in it. First, we need to make the center of our flower. Glued?



    Well done. What else needs to be done?


    Petals and leaves!

    Look at my work. Glue our colored “pieces” of paper around the middle of the flower.

    Did you guys?



    Did you enjoy doing gift for mom?


    Okay guys, we did a really good job today, I think your moms will be very happy with such a beautiful job! Clean up our jobs and go wash our hands!

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