Summary of classes on the development of speech middle group. Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group “Description of a toy. Theme: In the Fairy Kingdom of Proper Speech


1. Learn to distinguish by ear words with a certain sound. Practice changing words with suffixes.

2. Develop phonemic perception, children's vocabulary.

3. Cultivate love for nature.

Lesson progress:

"All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly.
And smile at each other

Educator:Guys, look, a balloon has flown to us!
- Children, look, here is a letter. Let's read!
Hello girls and boys!

I invite you to visit. I will be very glad to meet you!


It turns out that the forester invites you to visit him.
- Do you know who a forester is? Where does he live? What is the name of
his house? (gatehouse)
(A forester is a person who watches over the forest so that no one offends animals in the forest, does not throw garbage, does not break trees, does not pick flowers)
- Do you agree to visit?
Who will show us the way there? Look bee. Let's ask her

"Bee, bee - show me
Bee, bee - tell me.
How to find a track
To the forester in the lodge?
I'll show you of course. But, I wanted to ask you, do you know the song of the marijuana
(z-z-z-z), beetle song (w-w-w-w), wind (sh-sh-sh-sh), some water (s-s-s-s).
Let's play. I will call the words, and you should clap your hands if you hear
mosquito song (Z) - zebra, car, umbrella, winter, snow; fence.
beetle song (F) - belly, giraffe, house, apple, beetle, hedgehog, knife;
song of the wind (Sh) - hat, fur coat, candy, bump, car;
song of water (C) - table, chair, hand, elephant, plane, tree.
- What you good fellows! Further on your way you will meet a squirrel, she will show you the way.
Look, here is the squirrel. Let's ask her.
"Squirrel, squirrel - tell me,
Squirrel, squirrel - show me
How to find a track
To the forester in the lodge?
I'll show you. Just play with me.
D / and "Name it in one word"

butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, bee, dragonfly - insects;

birch, oak, spruce, maple, pine, cedar - trees;

starling, bullfinch, owl, magpie, cuckoo, swallow - birds;

cranberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, currants berries;
chamomile, bluebell, rose, lily of the valley, cornflower
- flowers;

fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog - animals

Well done! Now play a game with me "Small big"
"The hedgehog has small paws, and the bear has large paws. paws.
The hedgehog has a small nose, and the bear has a big one. conk.
The hedgehog has small eyes, and the bear has large eyes. eyes.
The hedgehog has a small head, and the bear has a big one. heads"


Are you tired? Then everyone stood up together.

One - squat, two - jump, this is hare exercise ...

Well done! Go further, there you will meet a bunny, he will show you the way further.
"Bunny, bunny - show me
Bunny, Bunny - tell me
How to find a track
To the forester in the lodge?
Certainly! If you play with me

D / and "Call it affectionately"
Sheet - leaflet, mushroom - mushroom, branch - twig, bush - small piece, berry - berry,

grass - grass, caterpillar - caterpillar, bug - bug, Christmas tree - herringbone, flower - flower.
rain - rain.

Sl. / and "Who was who?"
A fox - fox cub, wolf - wolf cub, bear - bear cub,
squirrel - little squirrel, hedgehog - hedgehog, tiger - tiger cub, elephant - baby elephant, a lion - lion cub, hare - hare, mouse - mouse.
Well done! I enjoyed playing with you so much. Go further, meet a hedgehog there, he will show you the way. Have a good trip!

Look hedgehog. Let's ask him.
"Hedgehog, hedgehog - tell me,
Hedgehog, hedgehog - show me
How to find a track
To the forester in the lodge?
I will show and tell. Just answer my questions:
- Who lives in the forest?
What are the names of the animals that live in the forest?
- Do you know which animal changes its winter coat for a summer one?
What do birds do in spring?
What are the benefits of birds?
How do people take care of birds?
What trees are green in summer and winter?
- What can not be done in the forest?
Well done! You know a lot. Go to your grandfather-forester, he must have been waiting for us.
Forester - Hello guys! What good fellows you are for coming to visit me. And to me, my forest dwellers have already been sent by mail that you played with them, did not offend. Tell me, please, who did you meet in the forest? What games did you enjoy playing?
- Thank you for coming to visit me. I will treat you to honey, which the bee has collected.

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group with

using ICT.

On a visit to the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Purpose: development of children's speech through theatrical activities and familiarization with oral folk art.

1. Educational:

To consolidate the children's knowledge of the content of the fairy tale "Three Bears"; answer questions about its content;

Teach children to perceive images on the screen;

2. Developing:

Develop speech activity through the use of small folklore forms. -Expand and activate vocabulary (dishes, furniture.)

3. Educational:

To cultivate an emotional perception of the content of a fairy tale and an interest in oral - Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales; playing the fairy tale "Three Bears" with the help of a didactic game; folding puzzles according to fairy tales; laying out plot pictures in a certain sequence, solving riddles.

Integration of educational areas:

"Social and communicative",



"Artistic and Aesthetic",

"Physical development"

Equipment: a laptop, bear footprints cut out of paper, a puzzle with Masha, didactic pictures "Dishes and Furniture", plot pictures based on a fairy tale.

Organization of children:

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Do you want to visit a fairy tale?

Let's join hands and say the magic words.

1,2,3, turn around yourself and find yourself in a fairy tale!

Hush, hush, don't make noise

Do not scare away our fairy tale,

Miracles Happen Here

Where did she hide?

Course progress.

Guys, here we are with you, and came to visit the fairy tale. And to what fairy tale, we will soon find out.

Look there in the distance on the edge of someone's hut. (1 slide "Hut")

(A picture of the hut appears on the screen).

We will now go to this hut. But there are some "traces" here. They lead to a hut. Whose footprints are these?

(Children's answers.) The teacher helps:

Why do you think these are bear tracks? (large)

Let's carefully follow these footprints and sit quietly on the chairs. (Children step on the "footprints", pass and sit on the chairs.)

Here we are near the hut. Who do you think lives here? (children's answers)

And who really lives in a hut (slide 2 "Bear")

You guessed right, a bear lives here, and there were also bear tracks.

And his name is Mikhailo Potapych.

But Mikhailo Potapych lives not alone, but with his family

And who else is in Mikhail Potapych's family? . (3 slide "Family of 3 bears")

Guess what fairy tale bears are from?

Guys, tell me why bears are called clubfoot?

(Children's answers are clumsy, walks waddling, putting their socks inside.)

Guys, what do bears eat? (Children's answer options). (4 slide "Food of bears (honey Raspberry)")

Now let's see what else bears eat. . (Slide 5 “Food that children do not yet know about (meat, fish, mushrooms, nuts)”)

One day, the bears went to the forest.

Show how the bears walk. (Children get up and imitate the walk of bears with movements.)

And while the bears were not at home, someone came to them.

And then he came to them, let's find out by collecting a puzzle (On the table you need to assemble a puzzle with the image of Mashenka).

Guys, what did Mashenka do in the bears' hut? (Answers of children).

Let's help Masha collect all the dishes and all the furniture. (Children sort the pictures into two groups: "Furniture" and "Dishes".)

Name what kind of dishes the bears have in the hut, what kind of furniture.

You guys did a great job, and most importantly, we helped Mashenka, and now let's go and sit on our chairs.

(slide 6 "images of chairs by size")

Guys, let's remember where Masha liked to sit the most?

Mishutka has a small chair, and Mikhail Potapych has (Big.)

(slide 7 image "beds - wide, narrow, low, high")

Mishutka has a low bed, and Mikhail Potapych has (High.)

What cup did Mishutka eat from? Let's find out.

(slide 8 on the screen: children need to connect bear figures with cups of different sizes)

Well done guys, good job. Now let's have a rest together with Masha.

Phys. minute for the eyes.

Masha ate and drank,

She lay down on the bed.

And fell asleep sweetly

Hush, hush, don't make noise

You won't wake up the car.

Masha woke up. What's that noise? (Children show surprise with facial expressions.)

I saw bears - I got scared. (Mimicry and movements show fear.)

So we went with you to the end of the fairy tale together with Masha.

Guys, all the pictures from this fairy tale are mixed up. Let's put them in their place. (Children on the floor distribute the story pictures in order.)

You guys tried

I believe the story is very happy.

It's time for us to go on our way

And say goodbye to the fairy tale.

Let's get in a circle

1-2-3, turn around, find yourself in our group!

Did you like today in a fairy tale?

What story are we in today? What they were doing?

What did you like the most?

Technological map of the organization of joint direct educational activities with children

Educator: Taran Irina Andreevna

The date of the: 22.10.2015

Location: MDOU d / s "Fairy Tale" p. Spirovo

Group: Medium

NOD form: lesson using ICT

Form of organization: subgroup

Integration of educational areas:




Artistic and aesthetic;

Physical development;

Subject: Journey through the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Target: development of children's speech through theatrical activities and familiarization with oral creativity.


1. Educational:

To consolidate the children's knowledge of the content of the fairy tale "Three Bears"; answer questions on its content;

To consolidate the ability to recognize a fairy tale by the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters;

Teach children to perceive the image on the screen;

Teach children to transfer the plot of a fairy tale into a game.

2. Developing:

To develop the speech activity of children, encourage them to enter into a dialogue; expressiveness and tempo of speech, voice power;

Develop speech activity through the use of small folklore forms.

Expand and activate vocabulary (dishes, furniture.)

3. Educational:

To cultivate an emotional perception of the content of a fairy tale and an interest in oral folk art.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales; playing the fairy tale "Three Bears" with the help of a didactic game; folding puzzles according to fairy tales; laying out plot pictures in a certain sequence, solving riddles.

Equipment : a laptop, bear footprints cut out of paper, a puzzle with Mashenka, didactic pictures "Dishes and Furniture", plot pictures based on a fairy tale.

GCD plan

  1. Motivating children to meet with a fairy tale.
  2. Consolidation and generalization of children's knowledge about bears
  3. Repetition of the content of the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Stages of activity

  1. 1. Introductory organizational.

Target: create a positive environment, set up children to work together.

  1. 2. Preparatory

Target: Repeat and deepen children's knowledge about bears.

  1. 3. Motivational-incentive

Target: include children in action, involve in joint activities.

  1. 4. Knowledge update.

Target: verification, consolidation and generalization of children's knowledge about the fairy tale.

  1. 5. Reflective-evaluative.

Target: initiate a general discussion of knowledge.

MBOU "Janai school"

"Journey to a fairy tale"

Prepared and conducted by: Dzhumanova F.M.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group

"Journey to a fairy tale"

Goals: to consolidate the ability to retell a work of art using the modeling method, to teach children to answer in full sentences, to activate the dictionary, to develop coherent speech of children, the ability to reason, imagination, thinking, logic, to develop the creative abilities of children, to cultivate a love for Russian folk tales.

Equipment and materials: computer, masks, fox toy, magic bag.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time . Children stand in a circle.

Educator: You all hold hands and smile at each other.

Guys, today we will go on a fabulous journey.

If a fairy tale knocks on the door,

You quickly let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird

You scare a little and you won't find it.

2. Surprise moment. A magic bag appears, in which a fox toy is hidden.

Guys, look what is this?

That's right, someone forgot the magic bag, but there is something inside. Let's try with you to guess what is there, but not with the help of the eyes, but with the help of the hands. Now I will let a few guys feel it, and they should name what is inside the bag.

Children feel the bag and try to guess who is inside.

That's right, guys, this is a fox, she came running to us from a fairy tale. Guys, what is the name of the fox in fairy tales? (Fox-sister, fox, Lisa Patrikeevna)

And how did you guess that the fox was hiding in the bag? (she has a fluffy tail)

3. Conversation. - And now, guys, sit down on the chairs, and let's try to describe our guest.

Alina, what can you tell us about fox fur? (The fur of the fox is soft, fluffy, red.)

Okay, Sasha, what can you tell us about the fox's muzzle. (The muzzle of the fox is sharp, cunning, the ears are sharp, similar to triangles.)

Well done Sasha. And Roma will tell us about the tail of the fox. (The tail of the fox is long, soft, fluffy.)

Arina, why do you think the fox has such a fluffy tail? (The fox's tail is long and fluffy to cover its tracks.)

Well done Arina. And what can be said about the character of the fox, what is it like in fairy tales? (The fox in fairy tales is cunning, a deceiver.)

Well done boys. The fox came running to us from a fairy tale, but what do you think from which one? In what fairy tales did we meet the fox? (Fox with a rolling pin, Kolobok, Teremok, Mitten.)

Yes, indeed, in these fairy tales we meet a fox, but our guest came running from a fairy tale, where she offended a hare and drove him out of the house. (Zayushkina hut.)

4. Riddles game. - That's right, guys, and the fox brought us riddles with it. Let's listen to them carefully and guess. First we listen to the riddle and only then we say the answer.

Slides appear on the computer.

Our animal lives in anxiety

Takes away from misfortune.

Well, quickly guess

What is the name of the animal? (hare)

Who is big and clumsy

He took the honey out of the barrel with his paw.

I ate sweetness and roar.

What is his name? (bear)

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,

Wings flap loudly.

Hen faithful shepherd

What is his name? (rooster)

I have excellent hearing

A sharp look and a delicate scent,

I immediately get into a fight with a cat,

Because I (dog)

Jumping through the swamp

Green frog.

green legs

My name is (frog)

Guys, look what animals we guessed, but are they all heroes of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (No, a frog from another fairy tale)

5. Fizminutka.

That's right, guys, the fox sees that you are tired and wants to play with you. Do you want to play with the fox?

Then we stand in a circle.

Hey guys what are you sleeping

Show us the animals.

The fox has a sharp nose

She has a fluffy tail.

Fur coat red fox

Unspeakable beauty.

The fox walks through the forest

Strokes a red fur coat.

The hare jumped through the forest,

The hare was looking for food.

Suddenly at the hare on top

Ears rose like arrows.

Bunny jumped, turned

And crouched under a tree.

The bear got out of the den,

Misha stretches his legs,

On toes he went

And then on the heels.

6. fairy tale modeling. -Here we rested a little, and the fox invites us to the tables.

On the tables there are sheets with circles, pencils, on the board there is also a sheet with circles.

Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut." Arina, tell us how the fairy tale begins.

That's right, and Anya will go to the blackboard and draw us a hare and a fox. Anya, what makes a fox different from other animals?

Let's show on the first circle that this is a fox, draw sharp ears and a long muzzle.

And what does the hare have that other heroes of our fairy tale do not have?

That's right, let's draw long ears for our hare.

Vadim, what happened next?

And what distinguishes the dog in our fairy tale?

That's right, let's draw our dog's tail with a ring.

Zhenya will tell us a fairy tale further.

Anya, what will we draw to show that this is a bear?

That's right, let's draw small round ears.

Will continue the tale of Vika.

Anya, what is special about a cockerel?

That's right, let's draw a scallop to our cockerel, you can paint on the beak.

How, Natasha, does the fairy tale end?

Well done guys, you remember the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" well, and now let's stage it in verse, as we taught you.

7. Fairy tale dramatization. Children are given roles and masks.

And now, guys, you turn into animals.

There lived a fox and a bunny. They decided to build each for themselves

hut. The fox built an ice one, and the bunny built a bast one. But then spring came - red, and the fox's hut melted.

Fox: Oh, oh, oh, here, oblique!

How to be? Where is my house?

Hare: Your whole hut with a porch

She ran into the river.

Don't worry too much

You move to me.

Fox: (speaking to the side):

Lucky, I’ll say, oblique

I'll kick him out of the house.

I don't want to live with him

Divide the crust of bread: (refers to the hare):

Hey, listen, dear Zaya!

There is news!

Hare: Yes! Which?

Fox: There is a garden behind the forest,

Cabbage is there all year round!

Hare: Is it already ripe?

Come on, come on, let's run

And look for cabbage!

What's this? The door is closed.

Fox: (looks out of the house)

I live in a hut now.

The hare ran to look for cabbage, and the fox sniffed - and occupied his house.

A bunny came running, and the brother-in-law was locked.

Hare: Why, this is my house!

Fox: I won't let you in, oblique!

(the hare moves away, sits next to him crying)

The hare built himself a very strong house,

Yes, the evil fox settled in it.

Who is not afraid to help a hare?

cunning fox

Who will drive away?

A dog appears.

Dog: Woof, woof, woof!

I have a hot temper!

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where is your enemy?

Here are the ears sticking out the window.

Dog: Hey fox, do you hear the barking?

Woof, woof, woof, go away!

Fox: As I wave my tail,

I will burn with fire, beware!

Dog: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to get home soon!

Vedas: Sitting on a stump again

Poor hare, sad.

What to do, he does not know

He wipes tears away with his paw.

Bear appears

Bear: I'm a couch potato,

I slept long and deep.

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where your enemy is!

Hare: Here he sits in my hut,

Here are the ears sticking out the window.

Bear: Hey! Who is there in the hut?

Here you get it!

Fox: As I wave my tail,

I will burn with fire, beware!

Bear: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to get home soon!

(bear leaves)

Who is not afraid

Zainka help?

cunning fox

Who will drive away?

A cockerel appears

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku!

I will help, I will help!

Don't cry, don't cry, oblique,

Let's deal with the fox!

Fox: As I wave my tail,

I will burn with fire, beware!

Rooster: How to shake a comb -

And the whole house will fall apart!

I have a braid

Come on out, fox!

Fox: Oh, I'm afraid of a rooster!

(the fox runs out of the house and runs into the forest)

Hare: Well, thank you, Cockerel!

Helped with the fox!

Let's live in the house together

Live together and not grieve!

8. Summarizing.

Well done. Guys, did you like the story? What does she teach us?

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye

And part with the fairy tale.

Fairy tale again

Classes on the development of speech in the middle group

Lesson 1. Conversation with children on the topic “Should I learn to speak?”

Target. Help children understand what and why they will do in speech development classes.

Lesson progress

“All year long, every week in speech development classes, we will learn to speak our native Russian correctly and beautifully,” the teacher begins the lesson. – Why do you think it is necessary (and is it necessary!) to have a good command of the native language? The teacher listens to the children's answers and summarizes them: "A rich vocabulary, the ability to make statements understandable for others, the goodwill of speech are indicators of a person's culture."

Continuing the conversation, the teacher reminds that while not all the words are pronounced correctly, without errors, and sometimes they do not have enough words to tell about something. "Let's see if I'm right?" the teacher suggests. He shows a bright soft toy, such as a fox. Children describe it.

“Well done,” praises their teacher, “remembered the wonderful words. But I will supplement your description of the fox. Her fur is shiny, of different colors: light yellow, orange, bright red. The tail is shaggy, the ears are erect, snow-white cheeks, under the neck is a fluffy white cape.

The teacher brings to the attention of the children a drawing with tissue samples.

“Your attention is offered fabrics for pillowcases, duvet covers, sheets,” explains the teacher. “Who chooses which fabric?”

The teacher helps the children to correctly characterize the tissue. Suggests how you can start your answer in a different way: “I want a pillowcase made of fabric ...”, “I liked the fabric ...”, “I think that the most beautiful fabric ...” And so on.

The teacher explains what is customary to say sheet, not sheet . Asks for the meaning of a word duvet cover .

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children if they are convinced that they need to learn to speak Russian correctly.

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sounds from and from

Target. Explain to children the articulation of sound with , exercise in its correct, distinct pronunciation (in words, phrasal speech).

Lesson progress

“The tongue lives and lives in his house,” the teacher begins the lesson. - And the tongue's house is a mouth. The house opens and closes. (Slowly closes and opens her teeth. Lips in a smile position.) The tongue either looks out of the house, or hides.

The teacher invites the children to let the Tongue out for a walk, and then return it to the house.

“The tongue loves to sing different songs very much,” the teacher continues. - Once he sang: "Eee." How did he sing? Would you like to sing along with me? Then help me: "I-i-i-i." (Sing softly.)

“S-s-s-s,” water poured from the tap. - tongue, in

“S-s-s-s,” water poured from the tap. - Tongue, please learn my song too. “Good,” agreed Tongue and sang: “S-s-s-s.” (Pronounced abruptly.)

Let's sing the water song together. To make the song sound good, you need to press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth.

Close your mouth, take a rest. And now again press the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth and sing softly: "Ssss."

Let's listen to how Oleg (Sasha) turns out the song of water. (Calls 4-5 children, including those who have not mastered the pronunciation of the sound.)

Now let's sing the song together.

Water flows in a small stream - sings a soft song.

Now the water gurgled louder. Quiet. Quite quiet. Closed the faucet.

If you sing the song of water slowly and abruptly (like that!), then it seems that a breeze is dancing around the lips. Do you want to verify this? Then make the same fence as mine (brings a palm to his lips, but does not press it to them), and let the breeze dance.

Look: now I will sing the song of water, and the piece of paper that I hold in front of my mouth will begin to move. What did you saw? (The paper moved.)

Take the same strip of paper (narrow strips of tissue paper lie on the tables) and sing a water song. Let's look at Dima's strip when he sings a song (Katya, Olenki ...).

Put the papers aside and listen: The tongue began to compose other songs similar to the song of water. First he sang: "Sa-sa-sa." What did the Tongue sing? Then: "Xia-Xia, axis-axis."

Su-su-su - berries in the forest,

Us-us-us - there are a lot of beads on the tree.

The teacher reads the Russian folk song "Forty, forty ...":

magpie, magpie,


cooked porridge,

Jumped on the threshold

Called guests.

The guests heard

They promised to be.

Guests - in the yard,

Porridge - on the table.

The teacher repeats the song, encouraging the children to finish the words with sound with (highlighted in italics).

Then he offers the children a riddle:

The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world.(Snow)

Lesson 3. Teaching storytelling: "Our roly-poly"

Target. To teach children, following the plan for examining the toy, to talk about it with minimal help from the teacher.

Lesson progress

The teacher puts a tumbler on the table with his back to the children. They ask in chorus and one at a time (2–3 children): “Tumbler, turn around!” The teacher invites the kids to call the tumbler differently: “Tumbler with big blue eyes and long eyelashes, turn to us!” (Choral and individual requests.)

The roly-poly turns, the children look at her huge blue eyes and long black eyelashes, exchange impressions.

“Our tumbler is very beautiful,” says the teacher. She has big blue eyes...long eyelashes, rosy cheeks).

“Our tumbler is not only beautiful. She's pretty, isn't she?" the teacher asks, moving on to the second part of the description. (Yes, she is smart: she has a bright red coat with white buttons and a red cap with a white lapel.)

“Our tumbler is a fun toy,” the teacher continues. - You touch it a little, and it starts to ring and sway. Show me how." Children swing and "ring" like tumblers.

The teacher gives a sample description of the doll. Then he asks the children to tell about the tumbler, suggesting to them the plan of the story: “Our tumbler is pretty. She has ... Our tumbler is an elegant doll. On it ... Our tumbler is a fun toy ... "

The teacher calls 2-3 children. If the child needs help, he prompts the initial phrase, for example: “Our tumbler is an elegant doll. Continue…"

“Today we learned to tell,” the teacher reminds the children, “and they told us very well about the roly-poly. She decided to stay with our group until the end of the day. Suddenly, one of you will please her by telling her how beautiful, elegant and cheerful she is.

Note . Before getting ready for a walk, the teacher reminds the children that the roly-poly has blue-blue eyes. “The one who has blue eyes is often said to be blue-eyed. But Andryusha is black-eyed, Alyonushka is gray-eyed ... "

Children find out who has what eyes. This will avoid typical mistakes: "The eyes are a little white and a little black."

Lesson 4. Reading the poem by I. Bunin "Leaf fall". Making a story about a doll

Target. Continue to teach children to make up stories about the toy. Introduce a poem about early autumn, introducing poetry and developing a poetic ear.

Preliminary work.On the eve, during a walk, “look for” the signs of autumn: describe its colors, listen to the rustling of leaves and, if possible, note that “the fabrics of the air cobwebs glisten like a silver net.”

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children what time of year it is, what month autumn begins. “The beginning of autumn is early autumn, a very bright and beautiful season, about which many wonderful poems have been written. I'll read you one of them."

Reads a poem by I. Bunin "Leaf fall" (2 times).

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower.

“Agree,” the teacher addresses the children, “you can talk so beautifully about autumn nature only in a poetic (poetic) work. Even the doll that came to our lesson froze in mute delight!

The teacher explains that the tumbler told the toys about how the children pleased her, noting her beauty, describing her clothes and musicality. Now this beautiful doll wants to hear about all this. "Shall we make her happy? the teacher asks. - Then let's start. And this doll is very beautiful. She has ... The doll is elegant. She has ... The doll is not simple, but speaking ... "

The teacher asks one of the children to tell about the doll. Explains why the story turned out without repetition.

The teacher completes the lesson by reading I. Bunin's poem "Falling Leaves".


Lesson 1. Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Telephone"

Target. Encourage children to read funny stories. Exercise in staging excerpts from the work.

Preliminary work.In the morning, put an illustrated edition of K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Telephone" in the corner of the book (preferably with drawings by V. Suteev).

Lesson progress

The teacher is interested in whether the children noticed the new book, whether they remembered what it was called. Reminds me of the author's last name. He asks to remember other fairy tales of K. Chukovsky. Then he reads the fairy tale "Telephone".

The teacher asks the children which telephone conversation seems the funniest. “To me personally,” the teacher says, suggesting how to answer the question posed, “the pig’s request and the author’s answer seemed ridiculous:

- Could you send a nightingale?

We are together today

with the nightingale

wonderful song

Let's sing.

- No, no, nightingale

Don't sing for pigs!

You better call a crow!”

The teacher invites the children to play on the phone. He says that now the call will be made from Dimina (Olina, Sasha, etc.) phone. Before the child speaks, the children say: “Ding-dee-laziness, ding-dee-laziness.”

"Hello! They listen to you, says the teacher. “It’s me, a crocodile (bear, rhinoceros…).” Next, an excerpt is reproduced (if necessary, with the help of an adult).

Note. This game should be played in the following days (indoors, outdoors), helping children to remember and expressively read dialogues.

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sounds z and z

Target. Exercise children in the pronunciation of an isolated sound h (in syllables, words); learn to pronounce the sound h hard and soft; distinguish words with sounds s , s .

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children to remember the whistling song of water flowing from the tap. Children sing this song together and individually.

“Now listen especially carefully,” the teacher addresses the children and makes sounds s (s-s-s-s-s) and z (z-z-z-z-z) . – What did you hear? Well done. We managed to hear two similar songs, two sounds that are easy to confuse. When they are performed, the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth. Let's check? Sounds are pronounced similarly, only sound h turns out to be loud.

Z-z-z-z-z - this sonorous song is very good for mosquitoes. Summer in the evening z-z-z-z-z heard from the left, right, behind, above the head.

The teacher invites you to play. One group of preschoolers depicts mosquitoes that sing either softly or loudly, while the rest of the children wave away, drive away mosquitoes. Then the guys switch roles.

By individual performance of a mosquito song (3-4 answers), the best singer is selected - a mosquito soloist.

The teacher continues: “In the musical mosquito school, mosquito babies (they can also be called differently: you are guys, and they ... ( mosquitoes ), you are kids, and they ... ( mosquitoes )) perform difficult songs. For example:

For-for-for, za-za-zaI lost my queen.

a-a-a, o-o-o I lost my queen.

Who lost what? The queen is...(chess piece). This means that the chess player has lost his queen.

Zya-za-za, za-za-za- a dragonfly has arrived. (Children repeat the speech.)

zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu- don't tease the goat.

Why not tease this horned animal?”

The teacher twice reads to the children an excerpt from A. Prokofiev’s poem “On the Green on the Lawn”:

On the green on the lawn

The balalaikas played

The flute blew


The teacher asks to name words with sounds s, s . Explains that in the poem three words begin with this sound.

The teacher offers to play: “I will pronounce the words. When you hear a word that starts with a sound h clap your hands." The teacher pronounces the following words: hare, rabbit, blueberries, strawberries, green, blue, lilac, dawn-dawn - the sun's sister.

The teacher reports how many times this or that child made a mistake. “Next time, be more careful,” the teacher advises.

In conclusion, he reads a quatrain:


sun sister,

The day closes

The moon is on fire.

The teacher asks the children to observe whether there will be an evening dawn-dawn today.

Lesson 3. Learning the Russian folk song "Shadow-Shadow-Sweat"

Target. Help children memorize and expressively read the song.

Preliminary work.The day before, find out what poems the children remember. Remind them of A. Barto’s poems (from the “Toys” cycle: “Bear”, “Ball”, “Ship”), Russian folk songs “The cat went to the market ...”, “Cucumber, cucumber ...”, “Finger-boy ...”

Lesson progress

The teacher informs the children that he now knows what verses they remember.

“It was especially pleasant to listen to ... - he names the names of 3-4 children. “I think that you will also be pleased to listen to the verses performed by them.”

Children (2-3 children) read poetry (of their choice).

The teacher tells the children that he knows a Russian folk song that is worth remembering in order to later please one of his loved ones by “giving” them a wonderful poem:


There is wattle in the garden.

In the hut the stove is heated,

Grandma is in a hurry

She bakes turnips

Puts on plates.

Cat to the plate - lope!

I burned my nose.

“Shadow-shadow-sweat, is there a wattle fence in the garden?” - the teacher asks, inviting the children to repeat these lines with an affirmative intonation (choral and 3-4 individual answers).

“Is the stove heated in the hut? Grandma in a hurry? the teacher is interested.

Then he reads the first six lines and explains: “If the grandmother is in a hurry and puts the already baked turnips on plates, then someone is about to come to dinner. But he came running first ... ( cat ).

Cat to the plate - lope!

I burned my nose."

Children take turns repeating these lines.

The teacher reads the entire poem. Then he invites the child to his place, inviting him to choose a peer for the role of a cat.

All children say the first two lines. Further, the called child reads the text, showing how he lays out turnips on plates (an imaginary situation). Another child, pretending to be a cat, jumps to the plate, rubs his burned nose and meows (offended or indignantly).

Then the children switch roles.

If time permits, you can act out the scene again with other children.

Lesson 4. Reading poems about autumn. Compilation of stories - descriptions of toys

Target. Introduce children to the perception of poetic speech. Continue to teach to talk about the toy according to a certain plan (by imitating the teacher).

Lesson progress

The teacher recalls that early autumn has passed and the second autumn month is ending: “The weather is changing, big changes are taking place in nature. And sadness appeared in poems about autumn, Listen ... "

The teacher reads the poems of A. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn” (an excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin”), A. Pleshcheev “Autumn has come”. Interested in who liked what poem. He promises to read them again at the end of class or on a walk.

The teacher offers the attention of the children two different-looking soft toys, for example, two cheburashkas (cats, dogs, etc.).

“Today we will continue learning to talk about toys,” the teacher explains. I will talk about one, you about the other. Choose a toy. We start to work. My Cheburashka is a charming toy. He has big soft ears, beautiful black sad eyes. And what can you tell about Cheburashka?

Children, imitating the teacher, describe their toy.

“My Cheburashka is made of smooth dark brown fur, and his muzzle is made of beige fur. And your cheburashka?

My Cheburashka is so touching, sweet that you want to take him in your arms and press him to your chest. And what can you say about your Cheburashka?

“You did a great job,” says the teacher and invites the children to exchange toys. - I will talk about your Cheburashka, and you about mine. So…"

“That's lucky for our Cheburashkas. They learned so many interesting things about themselves and about each other,” the teacher concludes this part of the lesson.

Then he reads a poem that most of the children liked. If, when evaluating the poems, the opinions of the children are divided, both works should be read.


Lesson 1. Reading the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

Target. To introduce children to the English fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" (translated by S. Mikhalkov), to help understand its meaning and highlight the words that convey the fear of piglets and the suffering of a wolf scalded with boiling water.

Lesson progress

“Today I will read you the story of the three little pigs. This is an English fairy tale, and Sergei Mikhalkov translated it into Russian, - the teacher begins the lesson. - Listen. Gather your mind. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

The teacher reads a story.

“So, good fellows and red-haired girls, did this fairy tale teach you anything?” the teacher continues. He listens to the answers of the children and summarizes them: “Loafing around, hoping that something will work out without difficulty is a bad habit. Imagining and boasting is also not good. Remember how scared the pigs were when they ran away from the wolf: “From fear they ... ( legs were taken away ), each bristle ... ( trembled), noses ... (dry ). Moreover, they squealed throughout the forest.

The teacher asks to remember what the fairy tale says about the wolf. “With what roar did the scalded wolf fly out of the chimney? ( With wild.) From the roof he ... (rolled down ). How many times has the wolf rolled over its head? ( Four .)

If there is time left, you can sing the Naf-Naf song with the children:

No animal in the world

Cunning beast, terrible beast,

Will not open this door.


Note. With children who cannot distinguish sounds from and from , the teacher repeats the Naf-Naf song and asks to name the words first with one, then with another sound (highlighted in italics).

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sound c

Target. Exercise children in pronouncing the sound c (isolated, in syllables, in words). Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Learn to distinguish words that begin with a sound c focusing not on the meaning of the word, but on its sound.

Lesson progress The teacher reminds the children that they have learned to distinguish between similar sounds s, s - s, s . “Now I will check if you are confusing them. Be careful, says the teacher. – Kitty eats sour cream from a bowl. What sound do you hear? ( sound with .)

“And recently two gazelles called and sang” (Korney Chukovsky “Telephone”), the teacher repeats the last three words and asks: What sound is found in all these words? ( Sound h. )

The teacher praises the children for the ability to distinguish sounds by ear.

Then he asks if children like riddles, and offers to guess one of them.

Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle.(Scissors)

After the children guess the riddle, the teacher, slightly intoning the sound c , pronounces the words:rings, ends, scissors.

What sound did I make with my voice? the teacher asks. - It is also important to learn how to pronounce this sound correctly and clearly. First, let's click like squirrels:"Ts-ts-ts-ts" (choral and 3–4 individual responses). Now let's call the chickens:"Chick-chick-chick" . And we will fill them with grains. Let them peck. The cat Scratchy noticed the chickens. What is the cat's name? “Now I,” says Scratchy, “chickens tsap-tsap-tsap “. What did the cat say? Tell her: "Scratch, don't you dare touch or scare the chickens!" (Choral and individual responses.) Scratch ran away. The chickens are gone. But a mouse appeared. He sits, washes his muzzle, washes without water and without soap, like a mouse from a fairy tale you know:

And the mouse washed the stigma Without water and without soap.

What fairy tale is this mouse from? Who wrote this wonderful story?(Samuil Marshak. "The Tale of the Smart Mouse.")

The teacher asks to repeat the poetic lines so that in wordsstigma, water, soap sound c was heard.

Then the teacher offers to play. “I will speak the words. When you hear sound in a word c clap your hands.Heron… clattering… walking… flower… growing… blooming… circus… arrived… number… five". (The teacher pauses between words, counting to three to himself.)

The teacher names the children who were in a hurry with the answers and lost.

“In any game, you have to be more careful, make decisions on your own, not focus on your comrades. After all, we have a lesson, which means that we are learning something, and mistakes are possible, ”the teacher ends the lesson.

Note. In their free time, you can invite children to memorize the quatrain (from Czech poetry, translated by S. Marshak):

Do you know the letters A, Be, Tse? The cat is sitting on the porch, sewing panties for her husband,

So that he does not freeze in the cold.

When the children remember the poem, you can invite them to play. An adult (or child) pronounces the first line, referring to one of the children, and the child, in response, pronounces the remaining three lines of the poem.

For individual work with children, you can use:

A tongue twister: “From a nearby well, water flows all day long”;


The girl is in the dungeon, And the scythe is on the street.(Carrot)

Not a beast, not a bird

And a nose like a needle.


Lesson 3. Storytelling based on the painting "Dog with puppies". Reading poems about late autumn

Target. To teach children to describe a picture in a certain sequence, to name a picture. Introduce children to poetry.

Lesson progress

In the morning, before class, the teacher brings a picture to the group and leaves it to the children for independent examination.

When looking at the picture, the children exchange impressions, manage to notice many details.

At the request of the teacher, the children come up with a name for the picture.

“You have examined the picture and must have already decided what it should be called,” the teacher begins the lesson.

The teacher listens to the children, corrects their answers, explains that the title of the picture should not be very long, but it should also be clear from the short title what this picture is about.

The teacher approves of such names: “A dog and its puppies”, “Dog yard”, “About dogs”, etc.

Then he gives his name: "Dog with puppies." Explains what can be said with puppies, or with puppies.

“In order for the story based on the picture to turn out to be interesting, without repetition, you must first tell everything about the dog, then everything about the puppies and, finally, describe the yard itself,” the teacher explains. “So, attention to the dog.”

After listening to the children, the teacher summarizes what was said and gives a sample story. Then he offers to talk about the puppies, asks clarifying questions, corrects the children's answers, etc.

“And now we need to describe the yard in which the dog and puppies live,” the teacher prompts. He makes sure that the children correctly designate spatial landmarks and specify where it is - there, here ( near, near, in, at etc.).

Then the teacher makes up a story based on the picture, and asks the children to see if there are any repetitions in it: “I will try to avoid them. First I will talk about the dog, then about the puppies, and later about the yard.

Children listen to the teacher's story, then the child's story (optional).

The teacher informs the children that the last month of autumn is coming to an end - gloomy and rainy November, and that the verses about this time of the year are completely different from those about early autumn.

The teacher reads A. Maykov's poem "Autumn leaves are circling in the wind ..." (or A. Koltsov's poem "The winds are blowing ..."). If there is time left, you should read A. Blok's poem "Bunny".

Lesson 4. Drawing up a story about a toy. Didactic exercise "What from what?"

Target. Check how children have developed the ability to compose a consistent story about a toy. Exercise children in the ability to form words by analogy.

Lesson progress

“In previous classes, we learned to make up stories about a toy,” the teacher reminds. “Let’s see how you can do it without my prompting.”

The teacher puts several toys in front of the children: a doll, a bear cub, a cheburashka, etc.

“Remember how we told you? - the educator is interested. “Remember the story about the tumbler – a beautiful, elegant, cheerful toy.”

The teacher calls the children in turn, who choose toys and make up stories. If some toy turns out to be unclaimed, you can address the child something like this: “And Piggy so dreamed that Arina would tell about him! Will you refuse him?!”

“Autumn is coming to an end. Cold, rainy. But we do not grieve. Enjoy the gifts of summer and autumn. We drink juices, compotes. We eat jams. Who likes juices? the teacher asks.

After listening to the answers of the children, he clarifies: “Orange juice - from oranges, apple ...(from apples) , pear… peach… cherry… plum…”

Blueberry jam…(blueberry) , lingonberries ... blackberries ... raspberries ... apricots ... "

Note. Outside of class, it is useful to play the game "Ice Cream Cafe" with children. The teacher selects two children for the roles of waiters and informs them and future visitors to the cafe that the choice of ice cream, juices, jams is the most diverse.

The teacher teaches children polite forms of addressing visitors: “Do you want ice cream? Chocolate, creamy, fruity? With jam, with honey? What kind of jam? If you need juice, they sell it nearby”, etc.


Lesson 1. Reading to children the Russian folk tale "The Little Fox and the Wolf"

Target. To acquaint children with the Russian folk tale "The Chanterelle-sister and the Wolf" (arr. M. Bulatov), ​​to help evaluate the actions of the heroes, to dramatize an excerpt from the work.

Preliminary work.The day before, an illustrated edition of the fairy tale should be placed in a prominent place in the corner of the book. If the need arises, draw the attention of children to it, ask them to look at the drawings, guess who this fairy tale is about.

Lesson progress

The teacher shows the children a book and is interested in who wants to tell something about it. Listens to the children's answers, asks leading questions.

““The Little Fox and the Wolf” is a very famous Russian fairy tale. the teacher continues. “Your parents, grandparents know her.”

Reading a fairy tale.

Then he finds out from the children what they can say about the wolf, about the fox; why, after all, this cheat and deceiver is called so affectionately: little fox-sister.

The teacher invites the children to act out the final conversation between the fox and the wolf. The teacher calls the performers for these roles.

Educator. A fox rides on a wolf (one child holds on to another) and slowly and sentences ...

A fox . The beaten unbeaten is lucky, the beaten unbeaten is lucky!

Wolf . What are you talking about, fox?

A fox . And I, the top, say: the beaten beaten is lucky.

Wolf . Yes, fox, yes.

caregiver . The wolf drove the fox to her hole, she jumped off, hid in the hole, and she herself was above the wolf ...

Spectators . Laughs-laughs.

The passage is played again with the participation of other performers.

Lesson 2. Reading and memorizing poems about winter

Target. Introduce children to poetry. Help children memorize and expressively read poems.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children what time of year it is, what the first and two subsequent winter months are called.

The teacher reads 3-4 poems about winter, for example: A. Feta “Mom! Look out the window…”, I. Surikov “Winter” (abbreviated), S. Drozhzhina “Walks along the street…”, N. Nekrasova “It is not the wind that rages over the forest…”. Then he asks who liked which poem. (Children explain. They still cannot remember the names of the poems.)

“But I really like the poem by Nikolai Nekrasov,” says the teacher. “It’s as if I see how Frost-voivode (voivode is the main boss) walks and checks whether rivers, lakes are frozen, whether there is snow everywhere.”

The teacher reads a poem. Then he repeats the first quatrain and asks the children to think whether Frost the Governor is quietly walking through the forests and fields or not:

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

“Let's try to read these lines loudly enough, but without shouting and very measuredly,” the teacher suggests. (Choral and 3-4 individual answers.) The teacher reports which of the children managed to read the poem best of all.

“Remember what Frost the Governor checked?” the teacher asks. Each answer is accompanied by a reading of the corresponding line of the poem, which the children then pronounce.

The teacher reads the entire poem several times. Then he invites the children to read it all together, but practically without a voice (for memorization and training of the articulatory apparatus).

Note. In the following days, the teacher repeatedly reads the poem so that the children remember it and can read it on New Year's holidays in kindergarten and at home.

If there are many children under 4 years 6 months in the group, it is more expedient to invite them to memorize V. Orlov’s simpler poem “Why does the bear sleep in winter”.

- Misha, bear,

What happened to you?

Why are you sleeping

In winter?

- Because

snow and ice

Not raspberry

And not honey.

This poem can be staged. The teacher chooses a child to play the role of a bear. The rest of the children are interested in him why he sleeps in winter, and the “bear” (with grumbling, displeasure) explains the reason for hibernation.

With this poem, you can also successfully perform at the New Year and any other holiday.

Lesson 3. Teaching storytelling from the picture “This is a snowman!”

Target. To teach children to compose stories according to the picture without repetitions and omissions of essential information. Teach the ability to come up with a name for a picture.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they like winter, what kind of winter fun and entertainment they like. “And if a lot of snow fell, it’s a sin not to make a snowman, isn’t it? the teacher continues. “Here, for example, this one!”

Show the children a picture. Gives an opportunity to consider it, to exchange impressions. Then he asks to come up with a name for the picture.

The teacher calls the most successful names, explains that they are the most accurate and concise.

“And the artist called his painting“ This is a snowman! ”Is it true that a snowman is good? Then describe it…”

The teacher summarizes the children's statements and gives a sample description of the snowman.

“Now we need to talk about what is happening around the snowman,” the teacher helps the children. Listens to their answers, asks clarifying questions, summarizes what has been said.

“It was a beautiful winter day, it was very, very beautiful, wasn’t it?” - says the teacher, drawing the attention of the children to how nature is depicted in the picture.

“This is how nicely we studied and worked today. The title was given to the picture. It's time to rest, ”the teacher ends the lesson.

Lesson 4. Sound culture of speech: sound sh

Target. Show children the articulation of sound sh , teach to clearly pronounce the sound (in isolation, in syllables, in words); distinguish words with sound sh .

Lesson progress

“Listen,” the teacher says, “what I will tell you about today.

My Tongue loves to look out of the house. See how he does it (shows).

Once the Tongue decided to play: he imagined that he was a fox, spread his tail (made it wide) and put it outside so that the fox's tail basked in the sun. Like this (shows).

Suddenly Tongue noticed a large dog. He was frightened, ran into the house and hid the tail behind his upper teeth, and closed the house so that the dog would not run after him. And the ponytail was still held behind the upper teeth. Try to hide the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth.

Tongue waited a little and again decided to see where the dog was. He opened the house, but did not lower the tail. He was very much afraid that the dog was somewhere nearby. He kept his tail up all the time. Like this (shows). Several times the Tongue opened and closed the house, and the tail kept everything raised up. Like this (shows). But the dog was nowhere to be found. She ran away a long time ago.

Now let's play like this. I will say: “The tail is basking in the sun,” and you put your tongue on your lower lip - on the porch of the house. Like this. Then I will say: “Dog!”, And you lift the tip of the tongue up and hide it in the house. Like this. Then you will open and close the house, and the Tongue will sit in the house and keep the tail up. Close the house, but do not lower the tip of your tongue!

Then the teacher offers the children, raising the tip of the tongue up, rounding and stretching out the lips, say:"Shhh" (2-3 times). In this case, the exhalation should not be long - 2-3 seconds.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that when pronouncing the sound sh on the palm, brought close to the mouth, but not pressed against it (fence), a stream of air is felt.

Children who can't pronounce sh , bring their palm to the mouth of the educator, who says:"Sh-sh-sh".

Then the children watch how, when pronouncing a sound, the cotton wool bounces, and sometimes the fleece flies from the palm of the educator, they practice this themselves (the cotton wool prepared in advance lies on the tables).

“Now let’s play,” the teacher suggests. - You will depict leaves. Leaves rustle. The wind blew, and the leaves rustled: "Shhh." Now they rustled louder, then very loudly. The wind began to subside, the leaves rustle more quietly, even more quietly, quite quietly.

The hiss of an angry goose is similarly played up.

"Words that begin with a sound sh, a lot, - the teacher continues the conversation. - Hut, naughty, shampoo, hat, checkers, chess, barbecue.

Let's see if you can hear the sound sh when I say the words. When you hear a word that starts with a sound sh , clap your hands:fur coat… warm… silk… handsome… miner… overcoat… rosehip… pink… curtains. (When pronouncing a word, the teacher counts to himself to three, then pronounces the next word.)

Different words are found in the German riddle. You have to guess the riddle and hear the words with sound sh".

The teacher reads the poem "Snail" (from German folk poetry, translated by L. Yakhnin):

Fat crawler House is a whorl

Crawl along the path, crawl along the palm,

Crawl, don't rush, show your horns.


Lesson 1. Reading to children the Russian folk tale "Zimovye"

Target. Help children remember Russian folk tales they know. Introduce the fairy tale "Zimovye" (in the arr. I. Sokolov-Mikitov).

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children to name Russian folk tales.

Then he conducts a mini-quiz:

- shows the covers (or illustrations) of the fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Geese-Swans" and asks you to guess the names of the works;

- reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare” and suggests naming the work: “Everything was fine for the Fox in winter, but when spring came after winter, it began to drive snow, warm the earth, then Liskin’s palace melted and ran downhill with water”;

- sings the song of the fox from the fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox":

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

"How many words with sound sh in this song, - says the teacher. - Sing a song with me, and then name four words that have sound sh".

The teacher puts four clues on his table - pyramids, fungi, etc. The child (children) call the word, the teacher removes the object and repeats the song.

The teacher informs the children that today they will get acquainted with a new fairy tale - "Wintering". The teacher explains what a winter hut is. He listens to the answers of the children, but so far does not explain anything to them.

Then he reads a story.

The teacher asks the children to think about why seven very, very hungry wolves, who could easily have eaten the owners of the winter hut, left empty-handed and what kind of winter hut it is.

Note. Outside of class, helping children to remember a fairy tale, one should find out what the animals built the winter hut from, how they winged the roof, what the stove was made of, what was laid between the logs.

The teacher explains what a log, wood chips, brick and moss are.

This work is easier to do if you look at the drawings for the fairy tale with the children.

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sound

Target. Exercise children in the correct and clear pronunciation of sound well (isolated, in onomatopoeic words); in the ability to identify words with sound well.

Lesson progress

“The tongue was sitting in the house,” the teacher begins the lesson. - Hears: someone sings a song: “W-w-w-w.” “I can’t sing like that,” Tongue was upset. - I know the song of the leaves, the goose, the snake. But this new song is different. She is voiced: "Wh-wh-wh."

Zh-zh-zh is the song of a beetle, - the teacher explains. - It is sung in the same way as the song of a goose ( sh-sh-sh) , but only loudly, with a voice. Even the throat sings the song of the beetle. Put your hand to your throat and sing: “Whh.” What do you hear?(The neck sings this song.)Now put your hand to your throat and sing the song of the goose. Singing throat?

Let's learn to sing the beetle song. Open your mouth. Place the tongue on your lower lip. Now gently lift it up and hide it behind your upper teeth so that the tip does not peek out. Shut your mouth. Get some rest. Let's repeat. As soon as you hide the tongue far away, behind the upper teeth, immediately begin to sing: “W-w-w-w.”

Children sing the song of the little bug and the song of the big fat bug.

Next, the teacher conducts an outdoor game "Beetles". The children hold hands and form a circle. The teacher takes 6-7 children out of it. They represent beetles. (It is desirable that among them there are those children who do not clearly pronounce the sound g.)

“A circle is a big room with many windows,” the teacher explains. The people left, but the windows in the room were not closed. (Children lower, unhook their hands.) Beetles flew into the room and buzzed: “F-f-f.” They began to fly all over the room. The wind picked up and the windows slammed shut. The beetles flew to the windows, did not see the glass and fell. Got bugs! They lie on their backs, flounder. They mournfully buzz. Let's help the beetles - turn them on their belly and, opening the windows, let them out. Let them fly."

The game is repeated.

“And now,” the teacher says, “I will read you a poem called “Why does the bouquet sing?”

A beetle in a striped shirt flew in to play with the guys,

He sat on a purple flower - He sang a sonorous song,

I took a sip of sweet juice, I fell asleep in the bell,

Yes, I got into the bouquet to Marinka And Marina will not understand: Why does the bouquet sing? N. Golovina

“Why did the bouquet sing? the teacher asks. - Do you want to hear a story about how the beetle fell asleep in a bell and got scared when it got to the girl? I will tell, and you, when I ask, help me.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the story "The Singing Bouquet" by V. Biryukov:

The beetle flew about its business, buzzing: "Buzz as you want to drink." (What and how did the beetle buzz about? (Choral and individual answers.))

He saw a lilac flower in the meadow, he was delighted: “Here I will find something to quench my zhzhzhazhzhzhda.” He climbed into the bell, looked around: “Beautiful! You can live!” (What did the beetle buzz?) He tried the bottom of the flower with his antennae and said: “Juice! Tasty!"

He drank, and he became merry. "Live well!" sang the beetle. (What did he sing about?)

He sang and sang and did not notice how he fell asleep. A girl was walking through the meadow, picking flowers. I collected different colors, put them in a jar of water.

And suddenly there was a buzz: “Buzz! Where am I? People live here." (What was the beetle buzzing about this time?)“You worked well today, and I will delight you with new riddles,” the teacher concludes the lesson.

He lay, lay, and ran into the river.(Snow)

There are words with sound in the riddle well? Name them.

You walk - lies ahead,

Look around - running home.(Road)

Lesson 3. Teaching storytelling from the painting “Tanya is not afraid of frost”

Target. Teach children to look at the picture and talk about it in a certain sequence; learn to come up with the name of the picture.

Lesson progress

The teacher tells the children that he really wants to introduce them to Tanya, who went for a walk: “Do you want to see the girl I like?”

“You can talk about what the girl is doing, as well as how beautiful it is around. Where do we start? the teacher is interested. Let's start the story with a description of the clothes. It is cold in winter, and Tanya is warmly dressed. On her…(coat, felt boots, hat, scarf, mittens).Do you like Tanino's winter coat? It…(green, with a brown collar).Is the coat trimmed with fur?(Fur trim on pockets, coat sleeves.)And what is Tanya's hat made of?(It is also made of brown fur.)Who wants to tell what clothes Tanya went out for a walk? (1-2 answers).

Children, what is Tanya doing? (Listens out the answers, summarizes them.) Yes, Tanya pours snow into a green bucket with a blue spatula.

Look, guys, what beautiful trees in winter! On them…(snow) . On the birch, small branches are not even visible - they hid in snowflakes. And on the green Christmas tree, too, snow. See how the snow lies on this Christmas tree, as if white handkerchiefs are scattered over the branches. What is scattered across the branches?(Handkerchiefs. Here is a handkerchief and here. Here is another one.)

Who else wants to talk about how beautiful it is around? Maybe we missed something? (A crow sits on a birch, houses are behind the trees etc.)

Do you want me to tell you about this picture? Listen. Winter is on the street. Tanya took the sled and went for a walk. It is frosty in winter, but Tanyusha is not cold. She is wearing a winter coat and a fur hat. The coat is warm and beautiful. It is green with a brown fur collar. On the sleeves and pockets of the coat - fur trim. Tanyusha in black boots. She did not forget to wear a scarf and mittens.

Tanya is working. She pours snow into a green bucket with a blue spatula.

And around white-white. Snow everywhere: on the ground, on the bench, on the trees. At the birch and branches it is not visible - they covered themselves with snowflakes. Only the tree is green. But it also has snow on it. As if someone hung white handkerchiefs on green needles.

The teacher asks the child to describe the content of the picture. Evaluates the story (whether he told everything in a certain sequence).

Then the teacher asks the children to name the picture. Marks the most successful names. Reports the author's title: "Tanya is not afraid of frost."

Lesson 4. Reading your favorite poems. Memorizing A. Barto's poem "I know what to think of"

Target. Find out what program poems the children know. Help the children memorize the new poem.

Preliminary work.Prepare transparent green plastic plates. Give children the opportunity to see the world around them in green. Ask the children to read their favorite poems.

Lesson progress

The teacher recalls that the day before (clarifies the meaning of this word), the children read their favorite poems and made him very happy. “I didn’t have time to talk to everyone,” the teacher says, “so I’ll definitely listen to your favorite poems today.”

Children (3-4 people) read poems, including “Why the bear sleeps in winter” by V. Orlov, “It is not the wind that rages over the forest ...” by N. Nekrasov, “Shadow-shadow-sweat”.

The teacher reads the first lines of A. Barto's poems (2-3 poems from the "Toys" cycle), wonders if the children know the works and who wrote them.

The teacher tells that A. Barto has many wonderful poems for young children and older children. “And what kind of children do you consider yourself to be? the teacher is interested. If you are already big, you will have to read a serious poem by Agnia Barto. - But first, answer, did you miss the summer? Agniya Barto found a way to please herself, how to return summer in winter. I really liked her advice. Listen."

The teacher reads the poem several times. Then, together with the children, he quietly pronounces the first part of the poem, and the second part is read by the child, who looks at others through a green plate.

I know what to think

No more winter

So that instead of high snowdrifts

Green hills all around.

"Do you know? the teacher asks the child.(I know.)

I look into the glass

Green colour,

And immediately winter

Turns into summer.

Face reading is repeated.


Lesson 1. Mini-quiz based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky. Reading the work "Fedorino grief"

Target. Help children remember the names and content of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales. To acquaint with the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief".

Lesson progress

The teacher shows book covers or illustrations for the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky, reads excerpts from the works and helps to remember the name of this or that fairy tale and how it ends. For example:

Happy bunnies and squirrels,

Happy boys and girls

Hugs and kisses


"Well, thank you, grandfather,

for the sun."

(stolen sun)

The mice caught the cat

Put in a mousetrap...


The fireflies came running

Lights were lit -

Something became fun

That's good!

(Fly Tsokotukha)

The teacher reminds the children that all these wonderful tales were written by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. And the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief" was also written by grandfather Korney.

The teacher reads a story. Gives children the opportunity to share experiences. Then he asks who found what in this fairy tale especially funny. The teacher reads to the children the passages they like, including the episode that the teacher himself liked.

Note. Outside of class, it is advisable to listen to the tales of K. Chukovsky in the recording.

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sound h

Target. Explain to children how to pronounce the sound correctly h , exercise in pronouncing a sound (in isolation, in words, verses). Develop children's phonemic awareness.

Lesson progress

“Today,” the teacher says, “we will learn to sing a new song. What song is this, you have to guess for yourself. Listen.

Tongue went for a walk and came to the railway. There was a big steam locomotive. He sang loudly: "Ch-ch-ch." The tongue began to learn the song of the locomotive. He raised the tip of his tongue as if about to sing "Shhh" but took a step back in his cabin. Show how the Tongue took a step back. Close your mouth, let your tongues rest. Now let the tongues raise the tips again, take a step back and knock them on the ceiling: “T-t-t.”

Now tap the ceiling with the tip of your tongue, put a warm breeze on your palm (make a fence in front of your mouth) and sing: “Ch-ch-ch.” (Children repeat the exercise several times.) What song did we learn today? Whose song is this?

Tongue really liked to play the locomotive. The locomotive went fast: “Ch-ch-ch-ch”, then even faster ... When the locomotive went slower, its song faded. Now listen to how Olin the locomotive sings the song. (Ask 3-4 children who do not clearly pronounce the soundh.)

Tongue began to compose and sing, - the teacher continues the lesson, - different songs, similar to the song of a steam locomotive:

Choo-choo-choo- I don't want to stand

I don't want to standchoo-choo-choo;

Cha-cha-cha, chi-chi-chi, cho-cho-cho.

Ah-ah-ah - they baked a kalach.

Oh, oh, oh, the night has come.

Chok-chok - heel.

Children repeat syllables and tongue twisters after the teacher. The teacher reads to the children the poem "Three revelers" (from French folk poetry, translated by N. Gernet and S. Gippius):

Three revelers were walking in the field,

After the walk did this:




The teacher reads the first two lines, and the “three revelers”, who are chosen by the teacher, sneeze in turn.

Face reading is repeated.

Then the teacher offers to play: “I will pronounce the words. When you hear words with soundhclap your hands. Be careful. Work on your own.

Tea... sorcerer... magician... thicket... imp... mischievous... siskin... sparrow... cough... sneeze».

At the end of the game, the teacher notes who made mistakes.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives the children a new riddle:

white barrel,

There is not a bitch in it.


Note.Outside of classes, it is advisable to use a workbook for individual work with children.

Lesson 3. Compilation of stories based on the painting "In the clearing"

Target.Help children look at and describe the picture in a certain sequence. Continue to learn to come up with a name for the picture.

Lesson progress

“When it’s cold, gloomy or slushy outside, you really want summer to come soon,” the teacher begins the lesson. “I so want to be at the edge of the forest by the river, like this family.”

The teacher shows the children a picture, gives the opportunity to exchange impressions. Then he reminds: in order to compose a beautiful story based on a picture, you need to consider it ...(in a certain sequence).

“First, let's look at what is happening near the tent. A cute mother in a blue cap and her charming daughter, sitting on logs, peel potatoes.

The fire is burning. In a cauldron - this is what it looks like - water boils. Behind the mother's back are collected dry branches. Another bunch of branches is carried by a boy in a red cap. Only a cat named Kis does not work. He lies on the rug, like a man, with his legs crossed. However, cats are supposed to sleep during the day. And even more fabulous cats.

So, we examined this part of the picture called “Near the tent”. It remains for one of you to combine everything said into a story.

The teacher listens to the story of one or two children.

“Now let's look at what is happening near the tent,” the teacher continues the conversation. - There ... Dad digs tin cans into the pit so that there is no garbage left in the tourist camp. Is he doing the right thing?"

The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and talk about how beautiful it is around.(Nearby is a river and the edge of a forest with birch trees and small fir trees. Green grass. Small bright flowers bloom all around.)

“And now I will make up a story about the whole picture,” says the teacher. “It was a nice warm day. Mom and daughter are sitting on logs, peeling potatoes and talking about something.

A handsome cat named Kis lies nearby on a striped rug, resting. He will work at night, guard the tent and products from mice.

Dad digs a deep hole, burying cans and garbage.

And beauty all around! Underfoot there is a green carpet with bright flowers, next to it is a river and a forest with snow-white birch trees and tiny Christmas trees.

Note.In the following days, the teacher shows the picture again to listen to the children's stories.

Lesson 4. Lesson of politeness

Target.Tell the children about how it is customary to meet guests, how and what is better to show the guest so that he does not get bored.

Lesson progress

“Once, after breakfast, an unfamiliar woman entered the middle group,” the teacher begins the story. “Hello, children!” she said. The guys, although they were very, very busy - they were playing - affably answered: "Good afternoon." What did the children say? How did they respond?

Our guest's name is Lyudmila Ivanovna, - the teacher introduced her. She asked permission to attend our class.

During this conversation, Natasha (that's clever!) brought the guest a chair and asked: “Where is it more convenient for you to sit?” With what words did Natasha address the guest?

Lyudmila Ivanovna thanked Natasha.

“Do you want to see how our cyclamen bloomed?” Pavlik suggested to the guest. What did Pavlik suggest? How did he say it?

“Do you want me to show you our pig?” Alena asked. What and how did she ask?

“I can show you interesting books,” Igorek entered the conversation.

“And I’ll make you delicious coffee,” Mashenka smiled and hurried to the stove.

“And I ...”, “And I ...” - rushed from all sides, as all the children wanted to show something, tell the guest so that she would like to visit them, so that she would not get bored.

“What lovely, friendly kids,” thought Lyudmila Ivanovna. And when she returned home, she told her friends and acquaintances about her meeting with the children. Her story was heard by a red bear cub. He also decided to go to the middle group. The red bear wanted to look at the hospitable children with his own button eyes. What children?

It's time for the bear to get to our group. Run to the window, see if the bear is coming. (Physical pause.) Can't you see? Then I'll go and look in the hallway. And you quietly consult what you can show the teddy bear, what to tell him about.

The teacher introduces a bear cub into the group. After the children have responded to the greeting of the bear and invited him to sit down, the teacher offers to show the bear the most interesting thing in the group. The teacher draws the attention of the children to how the child offers the teddy bear to see (show) something. For example: “I want to show the bear our fish,” Sasha says.

“I think it will be interesting for our guest,” the teacher approves. “Go and invite the bear to see the fish.”

“Do you want to see the fish, little bear?” Sasha asks the bear cub.

Children show the teddy bear animals, plants, books, favorite toys, introduce them to the teacher's assistant. The teddy bear "thanks" the children for their hospitality.

In conclusion, the children read V. Orlov's poem "Why the bear sleeps in winter" to the bear cub.

Lesson 1. Getting ready to meet spring and International Women's Day

Target.Introduce children to A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring". Exercise in the ability to congratulate women on the holiday.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children that March is the first month of spring and no matter what the weather is outside, spring is coming.

The teacher reads the poem "Spring" by A. Pleshcheev (abridged):

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

In the window it blew in the spring ...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage.

clear blue sky,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

Again a long time passed.

“Well, can we find signs of spring in our hometown (village)?” the teacher asks.

The teacher completes the answer of the child (children) with the lines of the poem: “The snow is already melting, streams are running ... The sun has become warmer and brighter,” etc.

Then read the poem again.

The teacher reminds the children that in March - the first month of spring - International Women's Day is celebrated. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters, give them flowers, souvenirs, gifts.

“What words are customary to say when congratulating someone on the holiday? the teacher is interested. “How do you address moms when you give them flowers or handmade crafts?”

Children pronounce congratulations prompted by adults, for example: “Dear mother (grandmother, godmother). I congratulate you on the holiday of spring. I wish you health and happiness."

The teacher explains that you can wish your loved one “good health”, “good friends”, “every well-being”, “obedient son (daughter)”, etc.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher can read to the children I. Kosyakov’s poem “All of her”, which the children met in the second junior group.

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sounds u - h

Target.Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of soundschand differentiation of soundssh - h.

Lesson progress

“My Tongue has learned to sing a new song,” the teacher begins the lesson. - Listen to: "Shhhhhhh." What did you hear? Try to sing it, but do not forget to keep the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, and stretch the mouth (pull the tips of the lips to the ears, like this).

Children pronounce the sound all together, then only girls (only boys, only Sasha, Olya, etc., 4–5 children).

"Soundschsimilar to the sound we knowh. These sounds love when children confuse them. But you can't fool us, can you? Let's check? Then quietly but clearly repeat after me:

Ah-ah-ah - ah-ah-ah,

Cha-cha-cha - cha-cha-cha,

More-more-more - ech-ech-ech.

Now a very difficult task. You have to guess what sound is heard in the words of this sentence: "Girls and boys jump like balls."

And what sound is hidden in the words of these poetic lines (Samuil Marshak “About everything in the world”):

I'm brushing a puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides.

And now it's a very, very difficult task. You need to hear the sound in the wordschand clap your hands:I’ll put on a raincoat… I’ll catch a pike… I’m looking for a missing puppy… I’ll treat a hedgehog’s milk(the teacher pronounces the words with the same pause).

If cabbage soup is cooked for lunch, it is advisable to remind the children of the proverb: "Where cabbage soup is, look for us here."

If there is time left, preschoolers should be introduced to I. Selvinsky’s turnaround verses “What is right?”


In the oven

Felt boots

On the slope?(It is right?)


In felt boots


On the slope?(Right wrong?)

Felt boots

In the oven

On the mound

Buckwheat?(What's wrong?)

Felt boots

in buckwheat,


In the oven?(What's mixed up?)

Note.Outside of class, having reminded the children of the poem “What is right?”, You can invite them to compose their own turnarounds, focusing on the following initial lines: “There is porridge on the hill, Masha is in the crib.”

Lesson 3. Russian fairy tales (mini-quiz). Reading the tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"

Target.Help children remember the names and content of fairy tales they already know. Introduce the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk".

Lesson progress

“One very famous Russian folk tale is called The Cockerel and the Bean Seed,” the teacher begins the lesson. Have you ever seen beans? If you haven't seen it, check it out after class. The bean seed is not small at all. And why I tell you about this, you will understand after listening to the fairy tale.

The teacher reads the work.

“I think that this is a good fairy tale,” the teacher continues the lesson. - And what do you think?"

The teacher listens to the children's answers. He agrees that all the heroes helped the chicken to get butter: the blacksmith, the owner, the cow, the hostess.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to how many sweet-sounding words are in the fairy tale: not grain, but ...(seed), not the hostess, but ...(hostess), not a cow, but ...(cow), and also a dove, not a throat, but ...(neck)not oil but...(butter).

“We got acquainted with a new fairy tale. What other Russian folk tales can you name?” the teacher asks.

Then he shows the covers (drawings) of fairy tales that the children met this year. Resorting to different techniques, he asks the children to name the fairy tale and remember how it ends. The teacher offers to learn a fairy tale by:

- her initial phrase: “Once upon a time there was a cat, a rooster and a little man in a hut ... (“Zhikharka”);

- an excerpt: "Mushrooms, you guys are friendly, go fight with me, beat the puffy berry!" (“The war of mushrooms with berries”, arr. V. Dahl);

- a song (rhymed lines): “The stone is heavy to the bottom, the silk grass has confused the legs ...” (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”). Etc.

Lesson 4. Compilation of stories based on the picture

Target.Check if the children are able to follow a certain sequence, making up a story based on a picture; whether they understood what it means to title a picture.

Lesson progress

“In the classroom, we learned to compose stories based on the picture,” the teacher begins the lesson. “And today I want to test what you have learned.”

The teacher brings to the attention of the children the picture "Dandelions". (If this picture is not available, you can use the painting "Cat with Kittens", by S. Veretennikova.)

The teacher reminds the children that the story will turn out to be interesting, without repetition, if we consider the picture in a certain sequence: first, tell about the teacher, then about the children, and later about what surrounds the characters.

The teacher listens to the child's story (optional), asks him to name the picture. If necessary, it helps to start the story: “The teacher and the children are walking ...”

Then he listens to two more stories. Summarizes, explains what the children have already learned.

At the end of the lesson, he invites the children to run and blow on dandelions, practicing a long exhalation (an imaginary situation).

Lesson 1. Reading to children the fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and Shaggy Misha - Short Tail”

Target.To acquaint children with the author's literary fairy tale. Help them understand why the author names the mosquito so respectfully.

Preliminary work.The day before, children should read “The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak (from the repertoire for children 3–4 years old); repeat the unusual name of the tale - the characteristic of the hare.

Lesson progress

The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from “The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long Ears, Slanting Eyes, Short Tail” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak: “Young hares giggled, covering their faces with their front paws, good old hares laughed, even old hares who had been in their paws smiled at the fox and tasted the teeth of a wolf ... "

The teacher asks the children who made the hares laugh, in which fairy tale this happened. Reminds who wrote the fairy tale, and offers to listen to another work of the author.

The teacher reads "The Tale of Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and Shaggy Misha - Short Tail", gives children the opportunity to exchange impressions.

“That's how unlucky the bear Misha turned out to be - Short Tail,” the teacher notes. - I thought that he was great and strong, no one could master him. However, the clumsy and furry was mistaken. Mosquitoes outwitted him, kicked him out of the swamp. But Mamin-Sibiryak admires the mosquito. And the mosquito dared, and persistent! What does he respectfully call him? .. "(Komar Komarovich.)

If there is time left, the teacher reads 1-2 passages from the fairy tale at the request (choice) of the children.

The tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail

It happened at noon, when all the mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - long nose tucked under a wide sheet and fell asleep. Sleeps and hears a desperate cry:
- Oh, fathers! .. oh, carraul! ..
Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted:
- What happened? .. What are you yelling at?
And mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything.
- Oh, fathers! .. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes, as he died, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We barely got away from him, otherwise he would have crushed everyone ...
Komar Komarovich - the long nose immediately became angry; he got angry both at the bear and at the stupid mosquitoes, which squeaked to no avail.
- Hey, you, stop squeaking! he shouted. - Now I'll go and drive the bear away ... It's very simple! And you yell only in vain ...
Komar Komarovich became even more angry and flew off. Indeed, there was a bear in the swamp. He climbed into the thickest grass, where mosquitoes lived from time immemorial, fell apart and sniffs with his nose, only the whistle goes, just like someone is playing the trumpet. Here is a shameless creature! .. He climbed into a strange place, ruined so many mosquito souls in vain, and even sleeps so sweetly!
“Hey, uncle, where are you going?” shouted Komar Komarovich to the whole forest, so loudly that even he himself became frightened.
Shaggy Misha opened one eye - no one was visible, opened the other eye - he barely saw that a mosquito was flying over his very nose.
What do you need, buddy? Misha grumbled and also began to get angry. How, just settled down to rest, and then some villain squeaks.
- Hey, go away in a good way, uncle! ..
Misha opened both eyes, looked at the impudent fellow, blew his nose, and finally got angry.
"What do you want, you wretched creature?" he growled.
- Get out of our place, otherwise I don’t like joking ... I’ll eat you with a fur coat.
The bear was funny. He rolled over onto the other side, covered his muzzle with his paw, and immediately began to snore.

Komar Komarovich flew back to his mosquitoes and trumpeted the whole swamp:
- Deftly, I scared the shaggy Mishka ... Another time he won’t come.
Mosquitoes marveled and ask:
- Well, where is the bear now?
“But I don’t know, brothers ... He was very scared when I told him that I would eat if he didn’t leave.” After all, I don’t like joking, but I said directly: I’ll eat it. I'm afraid that he might die with fear while I'm flying to you ... Well, it's my own fault!
All the mosquitoes squealed, buzzed and argued for a long time how to deal with the ignorant bear. Never before had there been such a terrible noise in the swamp. They squeaked and squeaked and decided to drive the bear out of the swamp.
- Let him go to his house, into the forest, and sleep there. And our swamp ... Even our fathers and grandfathers lived in this very swamp.
One prudent old woman Komarikha advised to leave the bear alone: ​​let him lie down, and when he gets enough sleep, he will leave; but they all attacked her so much that the poor woman barely had time to hide.
Let's go, brothers! shouted Komar Komarovich the most. - We will show him ... yes! ..
Mosquitoes flew after Komar Komarovich. They fly and squeak, even they themselves are scared. They flew in, look, but the bear lies and does not move.
- Well, I said so: he died, poor fellow, with fear! boasted Komar Komarovich. - It’s even a little pity, what a healthy bear ...
- Yes, he sleeps, brothers! - squeaked a small mosquito, flying up to the very bear's nose and almost drawn in there, as if through a window.
- Oh, shameless! Ah, shameless! - squealed all the mosquitoes at once and raised a terrible hubbub. - Five hundred mosquitoes crushed, a hundred mosquitoes swallowed and he sleeps as if nothing had happened ...
And shaggy Misha sleeps to himself and whistles with his nose. He's pretending to be asleep! shouted Komar Komarovich and flew at the bear. - Here I will show him now ... Hey, uncle, he will pretend!
As soon as Komar Komarovich swoops in, as he digs his long nose right into the black bear's nose, Misha jumped up just like that - grab his nose with his paw, and Komar Komarovich was gone.
- What, uncle, did not like? squeaks Komar Komarovich. - Leave, otherwise it will be worse ... I am not alone now, Komar Komarovich is a long nose, but my grandfather flew in with me, Komarishche is a long nose, and my younger brother, Komarishko is a long nose! Go away uncle...
- I won't leave! - shouted the bear, sitting on its hind legs. "I'll take you all...
- Oh, uncle, you're boasting in vain ...
Again flew Komar Komarovich and dug into the bear right in the eye. The bear roared in pain, hit itself in the muzzle with its paw, and again there was nothing in the paw, only it nearly ripped out its eye with its claw. And Komar Komarovich hovered over the very bear's ear and squeaked:
- I'll eat you, uncle ...
Misha was completely angry. He uprooted a whole birch with its roots and began to beat mosquitoes with it. So it hurts from all over the shoulder. He beat, beat, even got tired, but not a single mosquito was killed - everyone hovered over him and squeaked. Then Misha grabbed a heavy stone and threw it at the mosquitoes - again there was no point.
- What did you take, uncle? squeaked Komar Komarovich. “But I will still eat you…”
How long, how short Misha fought with mosquitoes, but there was a lot of noise. A bear's roar was heard in the distance. And how many trees he uprooted, how many stones he uprooted! .. He wanted to catch the first Komar Komarovich, - after all, here, just above the ear, it curls, and the bear grabs with its paw, and again nothing, only scratched his whole face in the blood.
Exhausted at last Misha. He sat down on his hind legs, snorted and came up with a new thing - let's roll on the grass to crush the entire mosquito kingdom. Misha rode and rode, but nothing came of it, but he was only more tired. Then the bear hid his muzzle in the moss - it turned out even worse. Mosquitoes clung to the bear's tail. The bear finally got angry.
“Wait a minute, I’ll give you a question!” he roared so that it could be heard from five miles away. - I'll show you a thing ... I ... I ... I ...
The mosquitoes have receded and are waiting for what will happen. And Misha climbed a tree like an acrobat, sat down on the thickest bough and roared:
- Come on, come up to me now ... I’ll break all the noses! ..
The mosquitoes laughed in thin voices and rushed at the bear with the whole army. They squeak, whirl, climb... Misha fought back, accidentally swallowed a hundred mosquito troops, coughed, and how it fell off the bough, like a sack... However, he got up, scratched his bruised side and said:
- Well, did you take it? Have you seen how deftly I jump from a tree? ..
The mosquitoes laughed even thinner, and Komar Komarovich trumpeted:
- I will eat you ... I will eat you ... I will eat ... I will eat you! ..
The bear was completely exhausted, exhausted, and it is a shame to leave the swamp. He sits on his hind legs and only blinks his eyes.
A frog rescued him from trouble. She jumped out from under the bump, sat down on her hind legs and said:
- Hunting you, Mikhailo Ivanovich, bother yourself in vain? .. Do not pay attention to these wretched mosquitoes. Not worth it.
- And that's not worth it, - the bear was delighted. - I'm like that ... Let them come to my lair, but I ... I ...
How Misha turns, how he runs out of the swamp, and Komar Komarovich - his long nose flies after him, flies and shouts:
- Oh, brothers, hold on! The bear will run away... Hold on!..
All the mosquitoes gathered, consulted and decided: “It’s not worth it! Let him go - after all, the swamp is left behind us! That's

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sounds l, l

Target.Exercise children in clear pronunciation of soundl(in sound combinations, words, phrasal speech). Improve phonemic perception - learn to identify words with soundsl, l.

Lesson progress

“My Tongue has learned to sing a new song,” the teacher begins the lesson. He overheard this song from a turkey. The turkey ran around the yard, got angry and muttered: “Bl-bl-bl, bl-bl-bl”. What was the turkey muttering? In order for you to get a turkey song, you need to puff out your cheeks and make the tongue run fast, fast: “Bl-bl-bl”. Try...

Now release the tongue to bask in the spring sun, make it wide, lift it up and hide it behind your upper teeth.

Smile broadly and sing "L-L-L." Relax and try to sing again: "L-l-l."

Let's listen to how Katya does this song. (Names 3-4 children.)

The turkey, - continues the teacher, - has an angry song. When you sing it, your lips hit each other. Check if this is the case.

But at the bell, the song is sung easily, gently: “Li-li-li” (the soundandshould be as quiet as possible). Help me, bells. (The song is sung first by girls, then by boys, and then by several children individually.)

Now we will sing different songs. Some are like the song of a turkey, others are like the song of a bell:

La-la-la - la-la-la,

Ly-ly-ly - li-li-li,

Lu-lu-lu - lu-lu-lu,

Ol-ol-ol - yal-yal-yal.

The teacher shows the children a toy puppy and asks them to describe it.(Small, white, shaggy, with a ribbon and a medal around his neck...)

The teacher invites the children to carefully listen to the song ("Summer", from Macedonian poetry in the retelling of L. Yakhnin), in which there are many words with soundsl, l.

Read it twice:

Summeronthe field was walking,

Summer sewed - embroidered.

Meadow- flowers,

Forest - sheets.

Then the teacher reads the first two lines, and the children try to name words with soundsl, l.

The teacher asks what it means: "Summer sewed and embroidered."

Then he conducts the exercise "Do not make a mistake." Children clap their hands when they hear a word with soundsloreh: onion... garlic... lemon... fox... beauty... lily of the valley... white... forest... pilot... frog... frog.

If there is time left, you can please the children by giving them a cheerful poem by V. Orlov “From the Bazaar”:

“Where are you coming from, frog?”

- From the market home,

Dear friend!

– What did you buy?

- A little bit of everything:

Bought KVApustu,


And a quart.

Lesson 3. Teaching storytelling: working with the matrix picture and handouts

Target.To teach children to create a picture and talk about its content, to develop creative thinking.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children that they already know how to create their own stories on a given topic using a flannelograph and landscape matrix pictures.

“Let's check what we have already learned,” the teacher says. - We will make pictures on the theme of "Forest Clearing".

The teacher places 2–3 pictures on the flannelgraph (trees, bush, berries, etc.) and explains: “This is a forest clearing. While there are no animals, birds, berries, mushrooms on it. But they will appear with your help. A bear, an elk will meet in a clearing ... (lists animals); berries will ripen (lists), mushrooms will grow, mushroom pickers will appear ... "

The teacher shows how to make a picture. Having laid out pictures (no more than 5), he makes up a story: “At night, a fungus grew under a tree - a boletus. A squirrel saw him, wants to pick a mushroom. But something disturbed her. A girl with a basket appeared in the clearing. The girl saw a squirrel. The squirrel noticed the girl. What do you think happened next? The squirrel ran away, and the girl left. There was a fungus under the bush - boletus. Why did you stay?

Then the teacher calls two more children.

Concluding the lesson, the teacher says that the children have learned to create interesting paintings on the theme of "Forest Clearing" on their own.

Note.If the group has “Learning to Speak” albums, the work in the lesson can be organized differently. A child creates a picture on a flannelograph, and two children (or four, if two albums are available) on an album sheet. First, the child working at the flannelographer is listened to, then the children who make pictures on the ground (having agreed which of the two partners will tell).

Lesson 4. Memorizing poems

Target.Help the children memorize and expressively read one of the poems.

Memorizing the poem by Y. Kushak "Deer"

The deer fell down
Yeah, I didn't get up...
At the deer
Mom was gone.
I pet him
I feed from the palm
I love him very much
I love it very much.
And follow me everywhere
He jumps straight
Let him think
That I am his mother.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children that many of them liked the not at all cheerful, but very, very touching poem by Yu. Kushak “The Deer”.

The teacher reads the poem, asks the children if they would agree to learn it. Having received the consent of the children, he rejoices and reads the poem again.

The teacher invites the children to answer the question:

The deer fell down

Didn't you get up?(4–5 confirmations)

The answer-question form of communication allows children to quickly remember the beginning of the poem.

The teacher repeats these lines and attaches the following two to them:

At the deer

Mom was gone.

The teacher asks preschoolers to read the quatrain quietly and so that it sounds sympathy for the orphaned baby (4-5 answers).

“The child,” continues the teacher, “does his best to help the deer:

I pet him

I feed from the palm of my hand.

I love him very much

I love it very much."

Children practice expressive reading of these lines (4-5 individual answers).

The teacher reads the first two parts of the poem and adds the last one:

And everywhere behind me

He jumps straight.

Let him think

That I am his mother.

“So, the deer stubbornly follows his friend,” the teacher explains, “even when the child, apparently, does not allow the baby to gallop after him. Otherwise, where would the word come from?stubbornly».

The teacher reads the quatrain twice, but each time in a different way. In one case, intonation highlights wordsfollow me, in the second - the wordstubbornly. He is interested in which of the options for recitation the children liked more.

The teacher reads the entire poem. Then he repeats it, and the children quietly, almost without a voice, read the poem with him.

Lesson 1

Memorizing the Russian folk song "Grandfather wanted to cook the ear"

Lesson progress

The teacher says that he intends to please the children by introducing them to the Russian folk song "Grandfather wanted to cook an ear."

The teacher reads the poem twice. Asks the children if this is really a good song, and if they can prove it.

“It’s a sin not to learn this song. Any adult will be pleased if he hears it in your performance, ”the teacher continues.

The teacher repeats the first four lines, and after a pause, the children finish the names of the animals (2-3 repetitions), remembering the names of the cat and the rooster.

Grandfather wanted to cook an ear,

Grandfather went to catch ruffs,

And behind the grandfather cat Lavrenty,

Behind the cat is the rooster Terenty.

The teacher reads the quatrain again and adds the following two lines to it:

dragging fishing rods

Along the street.

“Is it easy for a cat and a rooster to drag grandfather’s fishing rods? the teacher asks. - It would be easy, then another word, not a worddragwould be used in a song. The cat and rooster are dragging fishing rods, sighing:

Grandpa can't stand alone.

We need to help the old one.

The teacher exercises the children in expressive reading of the last lines, offering to read them together: the child depicting a cat reads the entire line, and the child depicting a rooster, sighing, agrees with the cat: "I can't help it, I need help." The exercise is repeated 4-5 times. Every time the performers change.

The teacher asks if there are fishermen among the children and what they know about ruffs. Then he explains: “This is a funny folk song, there is a lot of slyness in it. Even the fish that grandfather is going to catch to cook the fish soup is bony and prickly. It is difficult to clean it, and the cat is tormented, having gathered to feast on the fish.

The teacher repeats the song. Children read it together with the teacher almost without a voice, but clearly articulating the words.

Note.In the following days, the teacher reads the song with the active help of the children. Listens to a child who has expressed a desire to read a song on his own.

Lesson 1. Victory Day

Target.Find out what the children know about this great holiday. Help memorize and expressively read the poem by T. Belozerov “Victory Holiday”.

Preliminary work.Ask the parents of children to tell preschoolers about relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Lesson progress

“Many years ago, when your grandparents were still children, a long and terrible war ended,” the teacher begins the lesson. Many cities and villages were destroyed. Many people died. Do you know anything about this?"

The teacher listens to the answers of the children, summarizes their stories.

“In the distant days of May, the fighting ended and peace was signed. And since then, every Ninth of May, our country, our people celebrate Victory Day, - the teacher continues the lesson. - On the streets you will meet elderly people with orders and medals. Smile at them, congratulate them on the holiday, wish them good health. Many songs and poems have been written about Victory Day. I'll read you one of them."

The teacher reads a poem by T. Belozerov "Victory Holiday". Ask if you liked the poem. Reads the work a second time and invites the children to memorize it.

“Grandparents will be grateful to you if you make them happy on Victory Day by reading this poem. And I will help you remember it.

Victory Day

The whole country is celebrating?

The teacher asks the children a question, offering to reproduce the text with an affirmative intonation (choral and 3-4 individual answers).

The teacher repeats the beginning of the poem, adding two more to the first three lines:

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

The teacher also reads these lines with an interrogative intonation. First, all children answer questions, then 2-3 children individually.

The teacher reads the first five lines of the poem. He asks why the former soldiers put on orders and where the road calls them in the morning.

The road calls them in the morning

To the parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

Following them

Grandmothers are watching.

The teacher reads the entire poem. Then he repeats it outside of class.

Lesson 2. Sound culture of speech: sounds p, p

Target.Exercise children in clear and correct pronunciation of soundR(in isolation, in pure phrases, in words).

Lesson progress

“I will introduce you to the most growling and roaring sound,” the teacher begins the lesson. - It's the soundR».

Ask the children to make this sound(r-r-r-r), repeat it, try to determine where the tip of the tongue is when pronouncing the sound(behind upper teeth)and what happens to the language(a jet of air makes the tongue tremble).

"Onomatopoeia and words that have soundR, a lot, ”says the teacher and offers to say some of them: car-r-r, crack-crack, crack-crack, gru-gru, whoa; cancer, river, camomile, mitten, rubber, pink.

The teacher asks the children to help him read S. Farhadi's tongue twister "Magpie", in which there are many words starting withcar-r-r. The teacher reads the tongue twister, agreeing with the children that they will clearly pronounce at his signcar-r-r, and he will name the word.

In the morning,

Sitting on a green hillock,

Magpies learn

Tongue Twisters:


- toshka









Next, the teacher conducts the exercise "Do not make a mistake." Children clap their hands when they hear a word that begins with the soundR: rainbow… radio… repair… airplane… rocket… early… late… baby… burly… child… drawing… appliqué.

The teacher asks the children to guess if there is a soundRin S. Marshak's poem "About everything in the world":

digsland withred mole-

Ruins the garden.

As soon as the children name 2-3 words, the teacher reads the poem again and names the words that the children did not name.

In conclusion, he asks the children to guess the riddle:

No arms, no legs

And the door opens.


Lesson 3. Saying goodbye to the preparatory

Target.Pay attention to children who leave kindergarten, wish them a good journey.

Preliminary work.Tell the children that the children of the preparatory group will have a graduation party. They leave for school.

Consider with the children the "diplomas" of graduates, admire their photographs. Make the children want to give older children souvenirs made by themselves (in kindergarten and at home).

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children to tell about who prepared what as a gift for children saying goodbye to kindergarten, and to whom exactly the gift will be intended.

“But I would like to say goodbye to the guys as well,” the teacher prompts. “What do you think should be said?”

After listening to the children, the teacher tells them a sample of congratulations: “Dear guys! You are already big (adults), and we envy you a little (slightly). Study for one five. Come to visit us…"

Note.At the graduation party, children should say congratulations, complementing each other's speeches.

Lesson 4. Literary kaleidoscope

Target.Find out if children have favorite poems, fairy tales, stories; Do they know riddles and rhymes?

Lesson progress

“Very soon, at the end of summer, we will move to the older group,” the teacher begins the conversation. - Just right to check who has what kind of literary baggage has accumulated - a stock of fairy tales, stories, poems.

Let's start with Russian folk tales. Remember them. (If the children have forgotten the fairy tale, the teacher prompts: shows a book, reads an excerpt, etc.)

And what stories can you name (for example, about animals).

Chapters from which thick books have we read?

Do you have any favorite counters?

What riddles do you remember?

Which poem do you like?

And I also want to please you and read a little poem about the willow, which we still admire.

Noisy warm winds

Spring has been brought to the fields.

Earrings are pushed on the willow

Furry, like bumblebees.

Ya Akim

The final lesson on the development of speech in the middle group "Journey to the Magic Forest"

Program content:
- To reveal the level of knowledge of children;
- Develop coherent speech of children;
- To form the grammatical structure of speech: to teach understanding of the spatial relations of two objects expressed by prepositions: above, below, about, behind and adverbs: above - below, right - left;
- To form the ability to form "affectionate words" (with a diminutive suffix);
- To form the ability to select words that are suitable in meaning;
- To form the ability to coordinate a noun with an adjective;
- Develop phonemic hearing of children;
- Develop the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: An envelope with a letter, tickets, a box, cards with the image of an airplane, a steam locomotive, a steamer, plot pictures based on the fairy tale Kolobok, a flower, a butterfly, cards with the image of objects (FISH, BOOK, BALL, BUCKET, BOW, DOLL, FOX, PLATE, WATER, FLOWER, T-SHIRT, SPOON), ball, cards with written phrases, cards with the image of objects (CUBE, BALL, BALL, DRESS, FLOWER, BUCKET, MUG), "Funny ball", soundtrack of various sounds (it's raining, leaves rustling, splashing water, snow crunches, wind blows), easel, whatman paper with the image of a tree, glue, leaves, flowers of red, blue and yellow colors, treats.

Nod move
Children, together with the teacher, enter the group and find an envelope.
Educator: - Guys, look, what is it? Didn't you leave it, it's not yours? Where did this envelope come from here? And here is something else! Let me read it now.
"Kindergarten "Firefly", children of the middle group No. 1"
-Guys, this is a letter for us! You need to read what is written in the letter. (the teacher opens the envelope and reads)
"Dear Guys! Forest Fairies are writing to you. Trouble has happened in our magical forest. An evil wizard has bewitched the fairy tree and now it has dried up and there is not a single leaf on it, and all the fairies are left without magic. To revive the tree, you need to go on a journey to our magical forest, but at each station there will be a task waiting for you. For its correct execution, you will receive magical leaves, with the help of which at the end of the journey you can revive the fairy tree and return magic to us. Tickets for the train can be found in the envelope.
Forest Fairies.
- Oh, indeed, here are the tickets! Well, let's help the fairies?
Children: - Yes!
Educator: -And on what we will go on a trip, a wonderful box will help determine. With the help of a counting rhyme, we will find out who will get such a responsible assignment.
The child pulls a card from the box by the ribbon.
Educator: - Guys, take your seats, let's hit the road!
To the tune of the journey begins.
1 station "Collect a fairy tale"
Educator: - Guys, some pictures, do they remind you of anything?
Children: - Fairy tale Kolobok.
Educator: - The pictures are all messed up and you need to arrange them in the right sequence. Remember the fairy tale Kolobok.
Children arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and tell the story of Kolobok.
Educator: - Well done, guys, you correctly composed a fairy tale and get leaflets for this.

2 station "Merry Butterfly"
Educator: - Guys, look what a beautiful flower! Who is flying there?
Children: - Butterfly!
Educator: - Look, where did the butterfly sit? Where is she flying now? Now where has it flown to? (children answer: - to a flower, above a flower, in front of a flower, behind a flower and near a flower)
Educator: - And here are the leaves, which means that they coped with the task correctly! Let's go further.
The melody plays, we go further.
3 station "Call it affectionately"
The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the noun, and the child returns the ball to the teacher and reproduces the diminutive form of this noun. For example: Table - table
Educator: - Well done, guys, did it! Get leaflets. Guys, are you tired? Let's do a physical exercise.
Fizminutka "If you like it, then do it ..."
Educator: - We rested, it's time to hit the road.
Let's move on to the tune.
4 station "Tell me a word"
There are cards on the table with unfinished phrases written on them. The child takes a card, gives it to the teacher, the teacher reads, and the rest of the children finish the phrase.
I've been catching bugs all day
I eat worms.
I'm not flying to a warm land,
I live under the roof here.
Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!
I'm experienced ... (sparrow)

Evening is coming, look
Lit up ... (lanterns)

And next to the hippos
Grabbed for ... (tummies)

Bunny did not listen to dad -
They crushed the bunny ... (paw)

And next to this tree
Wandered evil ... (wolves)

Long, long crocodile
The sea is blue ... (extinguished)

The sun is shining very bright
The hippo became ... (hot)

Often to the lake to get drunk
A redhead walks ... (fox)

Bi-bi-bi! The car is humming
- I won’t go without ... (gasoline)

Not an alarm, but a ringing.
Not the receiver - says.
Guess who is he?
Of course, ... (phone)
Teacher: You did a great job!

5 station "What color?"

Cards with the image of objects are laid out. The child chooses a card for himself, and chooses a color with the help of the "Funny Ball". Thus, he agrees a noun with an adjective. For example: - blue ball, red cube.

Educator: - Well done! Completed the task, get the papers.

The melody sounds, the journey continues.

6 station "Find out what sounds"

A phonogram of various sounds sounds (it is raining, leaves are rustling, water is splashing, snow is crunching, the wind is blowing), children listen and guess what these sounds are.

Educator: - Well done! Here are the leaves, we continue our journey.

End station "Magic Forest"
Educator: - So we arrived in the Magic Forest. Look guys, here is the tree! It is indeed enchanted, there is not a single leaf on it. Look how many leaves you have earned, maybe they are enough to revive the tree and return magic to the fairies? Let's glue the leaves to the tree and see.

The children glue the papers. It sounds like a magical tune.

Educator: - A miracle happened, a magic tree came to life! We managed to return magic to the fairies! Oh, look what the fairies sent you as a token of gratitude (the teacher shows a chest with treats).

Reflection: Guys, what do you remember most about today's trip? What tasks did you find difficult? What tasks did you enjoy doing?

Who was interested today, take a red flower and glue it to a magic tree. Who was not very interested, take a blue flower and glue it. And who was bored today, glue a yellow flower.

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