Dramatization script "Princess Nesmeyana" based on a Russian folk tale. New Year's party "Princess Nesmeyana" methodical development (middle group) on the topic Scenario New Year's fairy tale princess Nesmeyana and Koschey

The scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the middle group "New Year's transformation of the Princess - Nesmeyana into the Snow Maiden"

Nazarenko Irina Nikolaevna, music director of the MKDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 144" Skazkograd "Novosibirsk.
Description. This scenario will be useful for teachers educating children of middle preschool age, educators, music directors, teachers for additional education. education. The scenario corresponds to the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old.
Target: Create a festive atmosphere, as well as conditions for the development of creative potential in children.
to promote the comprehensive development of children, including artistic and aesthetic;
develop the performing and creative skills of children;
to give children the joy of singing songs, games, dances;
to teach children to expressively and freely hold on by participating in small dramatizations of songs;
to promote the formation of a culture of communication between children and parents at the holiday.
Characters: Leading, Princess - Nesmeyana, she is also the Snow Maiden, Fakir, Nanny - educators. Santa Claus is the parent of the group. Snow White, Gnomes, Snowflakes, Christmas trees, 2 bunnies, 2 bears, 2 wolves, Dog Druzhok - children.
Attributes: A large tulle, a luminous magic wand for the Fakir, an outfit for the Snow Maiden, serpentine, a bag for gifts, a handkerchief for the Queen.
Note: the music tracks for the release of the heroes are selected at the discretion of the music director.

Music, children run into the hall, form a circle around the Christmas tree, music sounds, children examine the design of the hall, the Christmas tree.
presenter. We are all doing very well! Have fun today!
Because the New Year's holiday has come to us.
1. Child. In the kindergarten in the morning - music and singing.
The kids dressed up like for a birthday.
2. Child. The best holiday is the New Year!
Everyone loves him, everyone is waiting for him.
Grandmothers and mothers, grandfathers and fathers,
Adults and children
All children in chorus: Everything in the world!
presenter. The Christmas tree of our songs is waiting, Let's stand together in a round dance!
Round dance "Herringbone - green needle" music and sl. O. Devochkina
presenter. Our Christmas tree is amazing to everyone: both slender and large.
Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar.
The children go to the chairs in a chain and sit down.
Leading. The holiday continues.
Near the green Christmas tree, the fairy tale begins.
Music, the Princess comes out - Nesmeyana, mothers - nannies follow her.

Princess(handkerchief in hand). U-u-u! I am the Princess - Nesmeyana, I will not stop roaring.
U-u-u! A-a-a!
They pass by the children, stop in front of the Christmas tree.
1st nanny. Every time for lunch
He gives you a kilogram of sweets.
Princess - Nesmeyana(cries). I have no joy from these sweets.
2nd nanny. An imbecile, maybe. What has happened with you? Or what hurts you?
Princess - Nesmeyana. Nothing hurts! U-u-u! A-a-a!
1st Nanny. Nesmeyanushka, look what a beautiful Christmas tree!
Babysitters (together). We, the nannies, dressed up the Christmas tree to the top. The best toys were taken out of the boxes.
2nd nanny. Your little white little hands were taken care of so that they could not prick themselves on the Christmas tree. Are you not happy with the Christmas tree?
Princess - Nesmeyana. Not! I'm not ra-a-a-da!
The nannies guard my every step. They give me peace and comfort.
And they don't let you move your hand. I didn't even decorate the Christmas tree.
2nd nanny. Wept the river, wept the sea.
So we'll drown soon! Who will cheer her up?
Who will make her laugh?
presenter. Let's try to cheer up the Princess - Nesmeyana!
Babysitters (together). Who are we?!
presenter. We are the children of the kindergarten "Skazkograd!"
Babysitters (together). Try it! We trust the Princess - Nesmeyan to you!
Music. They leave.
presenter. There is such a miracle in the world:
Snow White is somewhere - that is, that you can’t take your eyes off.
Gnomes are everywhere with her, they sing songs in unison.
Princess. Yes, this does not happen.
Music Out comes Snow White.
Snow White (child). The truth is such a marvel, interesting and beautiful!
Hey, you gnomes, run out to surprise Nesmeyana!
Dwarf dance

Princess. Surprised! But I - Princess - Nesmeyana, I will not stop roaring!
presenter. Listen, Nesmeyana!
There is still a miracle in the world: in the east the palace stands beautiful,
A magician lives in the palace - a master of tricks to create.
If someone asks him, he can perform a miracle!
The magician is that Fakir, he himself hurries to you.
Music, the Fakir enters.
Fakir. I hear .., everyone here is playing, having fun, not getting bored!
Here's my first focus! Turn, needles, into green Christmas trees!
The fakir throws needles on the Christmas tree, music, Christmas trees come out.
Christmas tree dance
The princess after the dance continues to roar.
presenter. Everyone plays, everyone sings. Nesmeyana only roars.
I heard that you are a magician, a master of magic tricks, can you perform a miracle?
Fakir. Can I perform a miracle……. And turn the Princess - Nesmeyana into a Snow Maiden!

Music. Lights off, backlights on.
The fakir performs various movements with a glow stick, walks around the children. The nannies come out and unfolds a large tulle, decorated with New Year's rain, snowflakes, in front of Nesmeyana. Behind the tulle, Nesmeyana takes off her royal crown, takes off her dress - a cape.
The fakir pronounces magic words and waves a magic luminous wand: “Magic wand, one - two - three! Princess - Nesmeyana turn into a Snow Maiden!
Music, magic sound. The nannies take away the tulle, the fakir leaves for the nannies.
Sounds like a Christmas song, the Snow Maiden comes out.
Snow Maiden(smiles). Hello my friends!
On New Year's Eve, it will happen that the Princess - Nesmeyana turns into a Snow Maiden!
presenter. One day and hour comes, everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival.
And a miracle happens again and this miracle is the New Year!
Snow Maiden. Listen, now the clock will strike 12 times!
Chiming clock(The presenter throws a serpentine on the Christmas tree).
Snow Maiden. The New Year is coming, Santa Claus is coming! We will call him together: "Santa Claus!"
Children:"Father Frost!"
Music, with song Santa Claus enters, bypasses the children and stops in front of the Christmas tree.
Father Frost. Hello children! Hello guests!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
I wish everyone to be healthy, have fun and frolic,
Mind - mind to learn!
And now, friends, go ahead! Start a round dance!
Round dance with Santa Claus

Snow Maiden. Here is our green Christmas tree, but why doesn’t the Christmas tree burn with lights?
Father Frost. Let's say together: "One - two - three! Shine Christmas tree!"
Children repeat: “One, two, three! Shine Christmas tree!"
The lights on the tree do not light up.
Father Frost. We shouted to no avail, our Christmas tree did not wake up.
Snow Maiden. So, someone didn’t shout, it’s clear someone didn’t say anything!
Father Frost. Let's shout louder, more fun! One two Three! Shine Christmas tree! (Help parents).
The lights on the tree are on.
Father Frost. The tree is glowing and sparkling! Let's have fun kids!
Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, play with us!
Father Frost. Girls and boys! Submit your hands - fingers!
Now I will freeze you!
Freeze game
presenter. Father Frost! And we are not afraid of frost!
The game "We are not afraid of frost" music and sl. G. Smirnova
Father Frost. Oh, how hot it became in the hall, how nicely we played!
And now, kids, it's time to read poetry!
Poetry 6 children
Father Frost. I came to entertain you near the Christmas tree to dance!
Dance of Santa Claus
Father Frost. Oh, it stung, oh, I was tired, it seems that I have become old for dancing.
presenter. Sit down, Santa Claus, relax, listen to poetry!
Poetry 5 children
presenter. Shaggy white snow is dancing outside the window, today we will sing a song about it.
Round dance "How good it is" music E. Gomonova
presenter. Santa Claus, children still know poetry.
Poetry 6 children
Snow Maiden. Hey snowflakes. Hey girlfriends! Gather on the edge!
Snowflake dance
5 children
presenter. We will continue the holiday, we will all go dancing!
Round dance "Let's dance a field"- round dance with forest animals.
1. We walk along the path into the forest. They walk in a circle in front of the tree.
We are welcomed by snowflakes.
The forest people are calling us.
In your merry round dance
Chorus: We are not sad at all. 3 steps in a circle
Let's dance our field. back
Come on, bunnies, come out. Bunnies run out to the middle of the circle.

Losing. Bunny dance.
2. Couplet.

Come on, bears, come out, the cubs come out.
Sleep on us quickly. Everyone else clap their hands.
Losing. Dance of the bears.
3. Couplet.
Chorus: We are not sad at all 3 steps in a circle
Let's dance our polka 3 steps from the circle
Come on, wolves, come out, the cubs come out.
Sleep on us quickly. Everyone else clap their hands.
After the dance, the children go to the chairs
presenter. Santa Claus, where are your gifts?
Father Frost. Oh, I'm old! Oh, I forgot! Oh! Where did you put them? Snow Maiden, you don't know.
Snow Maiden. No, grandfather!
presenter. Santa Claus, do not grieve!
Santa Claus, do not lose heart!
The faithful dog Druzhok will help us,
He will find a bag with gifts.
buddy (child). Woof woof woof! I am a smart dog
I have a sensitive nose.
I'm sniffing now
And I'll find a bag for you.
Music. My friend runs around the hall, looking for a bag of gifts. Druzhok looks under the chairs, runs behind the Christmas tree and finds gifts there, barks loudly.
Santa Claus pats Druzhka on the head and gives him the first gift.
Father Frost. Well, thank you, thank you, buddy!
You helped find my bag.
Get, guys, gifts!
There will be something for everyone to eat.
Distribution of gifts
The children and the Host thank for the gifts.
Father Frost. It's time! Friends! We need to say goodbye, congratulations to everyone from the bottom of our hearts!
Snow Maiden. Goodbye!

"Princess Nesmeyana on the New Year tree"

1. (Visiting a fairy tale) storyteller - The fairy tale invited us to her ball today.

So that no one is late, the fairy tale asked.

And here we are, the hall sparkles, faces are warmed with warmth,

It's time to open our ball and find yourself in a fairy tale.

2. (Visiting a fairy tale) storyteller - On New Year's Eve in the King's castle it was quiet and deserted. The sad King sat on the throne, and Princess Nesmeyana wept in the royal chambers.(Princess Nesmeyana enters with a loud cry) Tsar - Well, well, Nesmeyanushka, why are you crying again? Do you want ice cream?(pulls out a huge popsicle) Nesmeyana: I don't want-u-u! King: So what do you want? Nesmeyana: I don't want to talk, I don't want to eat. All day I will cry, do not listen to anyone!3. (Duet of King and Princess) The king sings the song "You are my poor daughter" Tsar - Jester, read the decree! 4. (Exit Jester) Jester - Listen, people, honest, the decree, the king issued the following order: I declare a ball today, a fun, New Year's ball. People of a fairy-tale country should be at the ball.
Urgently I command - I announce to the whole country,
Who will surprise the princess - Who will make the princess laugh,
Will be my son-in-law - I will give half the kingdom, and a cat! King: And who will make the princess laugh? Fool: Someone seems to be running!
5 . (The English Ambassador enters) Ambassador: I'm all so happy! What is ready to climb a Christmas tree!
There seven times to crow! And meet the dawn on the tree.
(Nesmeyana cries) Ambassador: How much will we cry like that? I can't bear it!
I can't listen! Can you show me a dance?
6 (Dance of Hafanana) Jester: What to do? Here's the trouble! Someone is coming here again!7 (Exit of Baba Yaga) (flies out on Baba Yaga's broomstick) Baba Yaga: Oh my god are you? What happened to you here?Jester : Our Nesmeyana is crying, bitterly toiling! There is no way to calm the girl down.Baba Yaga : I know how to calm her down, you need to take it and scare her a little.Tsar : I will scare you! I'll cut the heads off!
It is ordered to laugh - make laugh! If you can't, leave.
Nesmeyana : I don't want anything! But no ... I want, I want ... I want to get married.Baba Yaga: I have a groom. He is handsome - no matter where!
And his name is Koschey! He loves children very much!
8 (exit of Koshchei the Deathless)
Jester: You Koschey help us. Make the unsmiling laugh.
Koschey: Where is the unfortunate princess? Come on, get on stage. Dance with me this mischievous dance.
9 (Dance of evil spirits). (Nesmeyana from fear hides behind the throne and roars) Tsar: Your daughter will be sick soon. Only a miracle will help here!
(Shah enters with oriental beauties) Shah: Oh, great lord, I know that you are a connoisseur of dancing!
Let me dance for my daughter, Show oriental dance.
11 (Indian dance) (shah claps his hands three times)
(Nesmeyana cries - the Shah leaves) Jester - King, Dzhigit found out about your trouble, he will try to help you. Jigit: There is no braver guy in the mountains. I don't even see fear. Only one horseman is afraid to fall madly in love with a girl.12. (Lezginka) (Nesmeyana cries - Dzhigit leaves) Tsar: There is no escape from the roar. My ears will burst soon.
13 ( Alien) Who is crying here? Who is crying? Who sheds tears here?
Nesmeyana: Who are you?
Voice: We are aliens. They came to you with the task:
Make Nesmeyanu laugh, dry her tears.
14 (Alien dance) Jester: Oh, look, gentlemen, some handsome man is coming to us here!
15 (Exit Ivanushka) (Ivanushka enters with the girls) Tsar: Who are you, so mischievous? Ivanushka: I'm Ivan, well done, I'll make the palace laugh now!(A loud cry of Nesmeyana is heard.)
Tsar: She does not hear anyone And roars without respite.Ivanushka: How can I help her stop?
Can we dance?
16 (Dance "Four Courts")
17 (End of the tale)
Nesmeyana: Your dance was beautiful and made me laugh.
I'm tired of being sad. And it's not a royal thing.
Tsar: Well, Vanyusha, cheered up, returned laughter to my daughter.

Storyteller - Invited to the stage

Tsar and Nesmeyana

Bogatyr - Ivan and the Jester

English Ambassador

Baba Yaga and Koschei the Deathless

Eastern King


Nesmeyana: Well, thank you guys, That's it, the end of my whims.
I will make you a riddle not simple, but with a surprise.
- Near the Christmas tree in every house, children dance.
What is the name of this holiday? Guess!
Children: New Year! 18 (Song "New Year is rushing to us" - disco Crash)

Leading. In the New Year's radiant light We greet all the gathered friends today!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Let's sing about the Christmas tree and the holiday,

Let there be more fun in the hall!

Happy New Year to all children and guests!

    What kind of holiday is the New Year? Everyone starts a round dance,

Dancing adults and children:

Miracles all over the planet!

    Ah, what a tree in the hall!

We invited her over

To meet the New Year, To get up with her in a round dance!

    On cheerful children's trees Miracles shine in needles,

And under the Christmas tree in the New Year Everyone will find something, You just need to make a wish in advance!

    New Year's Days! The snow is frosty, prickly. lights lit up

On a fluffy tree.

The ball swayed, the beads jingled,

It smells of forest freshness From resinous spruce.

5. Happy New Year,

Happy New Year

Congratulations to everyone

And then

And we are like a round dance, And we will dance and sing.

6. Snow falls on houses

Winter has come to us again

Brought in a knapsack

Blizzards and snow,

Cold, snowdrifts, ice

And, of course, the New Year!

7) The tree pulled out branches,

Smells like forest and winter.

Candies hung from the tree

And crackers with fringes.

We clapped our hands

We got up together in a round dance ...

So good has come

And Happy New Year!

8) It happens in the world,

That only once a year

They light up the tree

A wonderful star.

The star burns, does not melt,

Shines beautiful ice.

And immediately comes

Happy New Year!

song ___ New Year's dance _______


Crying is heard. The Tsar and Nesmeyana enter.

Tsar. From a fairy tale we came, friends.

Please listen to me

The princess does not eat, does not drink,

And only tears pour and pour,

Oh, the Princess-Nesmeyana is constantly crying!

Tsar . Well, princess! Well girl!

Enough! This is no good!

Now at the New Year's hour I will issue the following decree:

Is reading

"Blow loud trumpets,

Call everyone here!

And let guests come to us from different countries for the holiday,

To conquer the princess And cheer her up!

Leading . - Princess, until the guests arrive, you sit and listen to the poems that the children have prepared for the holiday

1. The girls got up in a circle, They got up and fell silent.

Santa Claus lit the fires On a high Christmas tree.

Above the star

Beads in two rows - Let the Christmas tree not go out, Let it always burn.

2. The Christmas tree was combed - A needle to the needle Tomorrow is a holiday

New Year!

Christmas tree to visit Everyone is waiting.

3. Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree, Hiding a laugh in his beard.

Don't torment us too long, Untie the sack!

4. On the Christmas tree, we hang candles and balls with mom, Snowflakes, a rain of tinsel, And at the top of the most huge star is burning,

Playing and sparkling!

And my mother says softly:

Ah, what a beauty!

5. You have to stand near the Christmas tree And make a wish.

The day will come, the hour will come, Everything will fulfill the New Year.


presenter . Someone came to our ball, New Year's carnival Bogatyrs enter. You came to the ball

New Year's carnival - heroes Strength, prowess to show your mood to raise

    I am Matvey - strong as the wind, Mighty as a hurricane.

I protect our land From the evil infidels!

I am rich in good power,

I am glad to protect the princess

Save the poor and children And the elderly and mothers!

    I am Nikita the hero:

Stately, fine, shoulders - in breadth. The helmet on me is gilded, there is an iron shield ahead,

The sword, hardened in battles, Shines brighter than gold.

He came to amuse the Princess From bitter tears to save her

3) I am Pavel Ivanovich! I am a mighty hero

Most of all and up and in breadth!

Dance of the heroes to the song "Heroic strength"

Attraction games: “Who is more likely on a horse”, “Cut down a snowflake with a saber”

Song___White whites in December_______


Leading. Who else came to the ball-

New Year's carnival?

Petrushka enters.

    I'm cheerful Parsley Amuse you without a toy With the Princess we will run fast and squeal Songs to sing and somersaults to laugh and have fun No, we won't be bored at all And forget about tears. The best holiday is here - Our favorite - New Year!.

2. I am a cheerful boy, I came to you for a light. I have a colored hat

Like me, mischievous.

I am Petrushka, guest of honor, I have a sewn-on nose.

The nose is not just sewn on:

He will make the princess laugh!

3. Petrushka came to visit you!

Put your ears on top

I will drive away sadness with laughter. I will cheer everyone up quickly

4. I am a dancer, I am a singer,

I am a cheerful talker.

I am a funny toy

And my name is Petrushka!

Petrushka dance

Contests "Get in the basket"

"Who will spin the hoop more"

"Who will jump rope more


Fanfares sound.

Dolls enter.

Together. We are ballerina dolls From fairyland We will dance by the Christmas tree For the king's daughter weDance "We are little dolls, we love to dance" Lamentation of the Princess

Leading. Someone came to our ball and a fun carnival

Astrologer: Hello, friends! Do you know who I am?

I can predict what awaits you in the new year!

Who wants to know? (Guessing)

song__New Year's holiday _______


Leading.I know who will help us:

    Who is in an elegant warm coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy, and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Children Santa Claus on our Christmas tree The most important of the guests!

Children call Santa Claus

Father Frost: Hello everyone, friends!

What a beauty in the hall!

Here I am - Grandfather Frost, your New Year's guest!

Don't hide your nose from me - I'm kind today!

Ah yes, Christmas tree, just a miracle,

How beautifully decorated!

I've been to all the gardens

I couldn't have seen a better tree!

But who's crying all the time

And what does it all mean?

The Princess-Nesmeyana comes out Princess Nesmeyana I am a young princess

Beauty, mind shine,

But with only one flaw:

I am a princess... Nesmeyana.

Father Frost: We'll fix this right away.

Well, help the staff

Invite the daredevil to us! - (hit the staff three times)

Emelya enters on the stove - sings:

Hello good people!

As if by pike command As in my opinion The stove is heated to glory,

Have fun, honest people!

Walks left, walks right

The stove goes back and forth!

I will make the princess laugh

And I'll go to a merry dance

Nesmeyana, do not be sad, but dance with me.

And you guys dance with us.

Nesmeyana and Emelya start dancing, Dance "Snow and Christmas Trees"

Nesmeyana:I won't take it for granted

What happened I don't understand

Legs began to dance

And all sorrow was taken away

Father Frost: Well done boys! You amused the princess - Nesmeyana!

Where is my granddaughter Snegurochka? Let's invite her to the party!

What a holiday without the Snow Maiden! (Children call, the Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year,
Both big ones and kids.
Happiness to everyone, I wish you well
And frosty clear days!
Let it sound today in the hall
Your cheerful, sonorous laugh.
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
Everyone, everyone, everyone!!!
Get up in the round dance,

Sing a song together! (song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Snow Maiden: Can you solve riddles? (Making riddles)

Father Frost:My friends, thank you

For laughter, poetry and dancing!
I forgot to count my years

I did not get into the garden, but into a fairy tale!
I have gifts for you

She, Snow Maiden, do not yawn, help distribute gifts!
Snow Maiden:They had fun, they sang songs,

May your laughter always ring!
Together:Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

Scenario of an interactive puppet show based on the Russian folk tale "Princess Nesmeyana"

Joint creative project within the framework of extracurricular activities "Visiting a fairy tale"

Author of the work: Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, class teacher, teacher of the GPA of the 1st category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region.
Purpose of material: I bring to your attention the author's script for a puppet show based on the Russian folk tale "Princess Nesmeyana" for school productions.
Target: acquaintance with the Russian folk tale, education of moral qualities, development of students' creative abilities.
Tasks: to acquaint with the result of creativity of their classmates; to instill interest in creativity, to develop the desire to create, the ability to appreciate the result of the work done, to expand the horizons of children.
Project participants: students of the 4th "A" class of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", class teacher, head of the puppet theater of the CDC "Rodina" in Kashira Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna - author of words and theatrical production.

Preparation plan for the event and implementation timeline:
Stage 1- reading (independent, classroom), discussion, analysis of the tale, discussion of the character of the main character - 02.11.15
Stage 2- acquaintance with the screen version of the fairy tale "Princess Nesmeyana" (various versions) - 09.11.15
Stage 3- creative workshop (portrait of Nesmeyana) - 11/16/15
Stage 4– attending a puppet show (with the participation of class students) at the Rodina Cultural Center - 11/19/15
Stage 5- analysis of the work done, oral composition - reasoning "Is it possible to behave like Princess Nesmeyana" - 11/20/15
Products of project activity:
Actors - puppets and performers:
Storyteller - Tsystar Valeriya, 9 years old
Princess Nesmeyana - Babaitseva Anastasia, 10 years old
Parsley, Nanny, Tsarevich - Matyukhina Rinata, 10 years old
Tsar, Baba Yaga - Lisina Anastasia, 13 years old
Koschey - Olga Manakhova, 12 years old
Action 1

Hello boys and girls! Hello dear guests! I am a good fairy storyteller. I know a lot of interesting, unusual and unknown things.
And today, I invited you to visit for a reason, I want to tell you a very interesting tale! Do you want to listen?
Put your ears on top
Listen carefully.
I'll tell a story today
(music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds)
storyteller speaks in the background of music:
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We cannot do without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
A fairy tale is knocking at our door,
Let's say a fairy tale: "Come in!"
(music plays)
Action 2

Once upon a time there lived a princess in the world.
The princess is not simple, so capricious!
It was visible all over
I don't know why -
No one will please her
Everything roars and screams!
(Screaming, crying is heard from behind the scenes, Nesmeyana appears - crying)
I don't want to wash my hands!
I don't want to eat!
All day long I'll whine
Don't listen to anyone!
So cried all day
And she is not too lazy to roar!
Poor father is our king
The princess allowed everything.
At the same time comforting
Read her bedtime stories
He and so to her, he and that,
Everything is not like that.
What happened to our princess? She cries, screams, doesn't want to do anything! I'll try to talk to her, console her!
Baby, let's go for a walk! Look how good the weather is, listen how cheerfully the birds sing!
I don't want good weather, I want bad weather! Let it rain!

Well, what are you, daughter! After all, if it rains, you will get wet!
I want to get wet!
Or maybe you want to eat?
And I'll feed you delicious sweets! Hey, nanny, bring sweets for the princess: sweet, soft, fragrant!
(the sound of heels is heard, the nanny runs in, runs up to the princess)
Maybe you want candy?
Maybe you want meatballs?
Maybe tea or milk?
I will never eat!!!
I don't want anything: no sweets, no meatballs, no tea, no milk, no cocoa.

And you don't want ice cream?
No (crying).
And chocolate?
No (crying).
Well then strawberry...
I don't want ice cream or cake (crying)!
Or maybe you're cold? Hey babysitter. Bring a scarf for our princess: warm, downy.
(the sound of heels is heard, the nanny runs in, runs up to the princess)
Nesmeyana(turning away):
I'm not cold and I'm not hot! And I don't need anything (crying).
Nanny sighs heavily and leaves.
Action 3

You don't need anything, you give up everything! Why are you screaming and crying then?
Why am I screaming?
What do you care?
I do not want anything!
I'm tired of everything!
What to do?
What do i do?
How to make the princess laugh?
And, thinking, at the same time,
The king issued such a decree!
(fanfares sound, herald Petrushka appears behind the scenes)
Tsar listen to the decree
And hurry at the same time
Order to execute
Fill the kingdom with joy.
Who will make the princess laugh
He will live in the palace.
I will give him gold
I'll make him rich!
(Petrushka leaves)
And to all countries ends
Messengers have been sent!
How much time passes -
Koschey the Deathless is on the threshold.
Singing a song loudly
The princess is coming to laugh!
(Koschey comes out and sings a cheerful song)
I heard your order
Hastened to you at the same time.
I will entertain my daughter -
Play musical instruments.
Come on, have fun! Play your musical instruments!
Koschey:(takes out a rattle)
This is a rattle -
Ringing toy.
Sounds very fun
Everyone in the neighborhood is happy.
(music sounds, Koschey plays the rattle)
Get your rattle out! And nothing is fun, she rings, and she does not amuse anyone (crying).
And here's what I have!
(pulls out spoons)
I went to the fair
I bought cheap spoons.
Voiced, carved
Painted spoons.
From dawn to dawn
They amuse the people.
(music sounds, Koschei plays spoons)
I have a headache (cries).
Well, don't cry, I'll show you something else now (takes out a tambourine).
Cheerful sonorous tambourine,
We will not be bored with him.
Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing
Everyone is happy with the game!
(music sounds, Koschey plays the tambourine)
And I still don't have fun (crying).
Guys, let's help Koshchei cheer up Nesmeyan!
(children come out and play musical instruments to the music).
Yes, stop rattling and ringing! I don't want to listen to your music (cries)!
Koschey hung his head
I got sad and became unhappy.
He failed to make Nesmeyana laugh -
He will not receive half the kingdom, he will not live in the palace.
Action 4

How much time passes
A new guest comes to the kingdom.
To make the princess laugh
Grandma Ezhka is in a hurry to us.
(Baba Yaga appears to the music)
I heard the command
Hurry at the same time.
I will sing songs and dance. Unsmeyanu to entertain!
Well, let's have some fun!
(Yaga dances to the music of "Apple")
This is very fast music!
I don't like this dance (crying).
Or maybe you like this dance?
(Yaga dances "Gypsy Girl")
Stop spinning, you make me dizzy (crying)!
Not to please you, or maybe you will like this dance?
(Yaga dances the waltz)
And this is a very sad dance (crying).
Guys, let's try to help Baba Yaga! Maybe together we will be able to make the princess laugh!
(Russian folk song sounds, children present dance a dance)

Stop this mess! Don't make noise, don't stomp (cries)!
Baba Yaga is sad
She lowered her sad eyes.
Failed to make Nesmeyanu laugh
And get half the kingdom.
(music sounds, Yaga leaves)
Action 5

How much time passes
The Tsarevich himself is on the threshold.
Promises to surprise
To make me laugh.
(music sounds, the Tsarevich appears, he sings a song)
I heard that in this kingdom
The nemmeyanushka lives.
She roars all the time. roars
Yes, it won't let you live.
And I'll try to help you -
I'll make the king's daughter laugh!
Well, try, make me laugh (crying).
Listen, Nesmeyana, jokes are jokes,
Don't forget - you have to answer jokes.
The prince conducts a game with the guys: “Tell me a word”
1. Books are read about the war
Only the brave ... (boys).
2.Sew undershirts for dolls
Needlewomen - ... (girls).
3. If it suddenly became difficult,
Hurry to help ... (friend).
4. They cannot live without a friend
Inseparable ... (girlfriends).
5. Both for business and for beauty
Hanging on the wall ... (clock).
6. Leaving, my friend, check
Locked securely ... (door).
7. She is a friend to everyone
Soft with fluff ... (pillow).
8. They love bright clothes
Wooden ... (nesting dolls).
9. Only on them the guys sat down,
Spinning ... (carousels).
10. In the morning he looks at us through the window
And it tickles with a beam ... (sun).
Well, it's enough! I don't want to listen to your jokes anymore (crying).
The King appears.
What should I do, how should I be
How to make the princess laugh?
Oh, and you are harmful, Nesmeyana!
And this is not so for you, and that is not so for you.
He came, Tsarevich, to cheer, so cheer!
You need half the kingdom.
Why do I need your riches and your half-kingdom.
I wanted to take you as my wife, but I’m thinking why I need such a harmful, capricious roar. Sit and cry in your kingdom.
Stop, Tsarevich, wait,
Wait, don't go!
I'm tired of these screams.
Help and ask what you want. I'll give everything!
Okay, here's another idea!
(referring to the guys)
You guys. Help and make the princess laugh!
Let's think together, how can we make the princess laugh?
Maybe we'll tickle her?
(tries to tickle the Princess, she cries)
No, it doesn't work! Let's show her funny faces!
(the guys show funny faces, the princess starts to giggle)

Oh guys, thank you. You have performed a real miracle. My Nesmeyana is now not Nesmeyana at all. She smiles, laughs.
Now here's another thing.
Ah, what a beauty!
Dreamed of this all my life.
I won't part with you
You will be my wife!
I bless you
My dear daughter!
I wish young people love
I wish them happiness!
(all characters dance)
Soon the wedding was played
They feasted for a whole year.
And did not know a hundred years of sadness
The kingdoms of this people!
Here is the end of the fairy tale
And who listened - well done!
It's time for us to say goodbye
It's time for me to return to the fairy tale!
(author Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna)

I invite you to watch our show. Happy viewing!

Joint work of children and parents "Portrait of Princess Nesmeyana":
Daniel Shafeev's family

Family Semenov Egor

Family of Markina Victoria

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Princess Nesmeyana"

Age group:it doesn't matter, we showed these performances to 8-9th grades, 10-11th grades, and at the Christmas tree for the children of the lyceum employees (almost all kids). With equal success!

Preparation: 1) Classes that do not participate in the preparation of the presentation are given the task:

  1. Prepare a New Year's performance on behalf of the inhabitants of any country in the world, using the national features of the New Year's Eve in the selected country (for 2-3 minutes)
  2. Decorate the office in a "fabulous" style
  3. Draw a New Year's newspaper with congratulations from the symbol of the coming year

2) The class responsible for the holiday decorates the hall, prepares the scenery

Advice: In our preparation for the performance, in addition to me, as the class teacher responsible for the holiday, the head of the school theater studio was involved, which had a very positive effect on the theatrical part of the production, although the performance was played not by the studio participants, but by the guys from my class(see Attachment). If there is a theater studio in the school, be sure to involve them in the preparation.


two jesters


Princess Nesmeyana

Guests (students who prepared congratulations from countries of the world)

Father Frost

Snowflake (singing girl)

Working scenes

Scene. The curtain is closed. There is a throne in front of the curtain. Behind the curtain, shouts are heard: “I don’t want to, I won’t!!! Aaaaaaa!!!” There is a crash and a jester rolls onto the stage, followed by the second. They sigh, rub the bruised places. They look at each other, sigh again.

Behind the curtain there are more screams, the crown flies out, followed by the king - his hair is tousled, the collar is knocked to the side, the mantle is torn off. The jesters jump up, pick him up, shake him off, straighten his clothes, seat him on the throne, pull on the crown. They stand on both sides of the throne.

King: Oh!

Jesters: Oh-oh-oh!

King: Hey!

Jesters: Ai-ai-ai!!

King: Oh!

Jesters: Oh-oh-oh!!!

King (angrily): Oh, you fools! Ah, robbers! Poor bastards! What was required of you?! BUT? quite a simple thing - to make the princess laugh! Laugh!!! And not to bring hysteria! And the best jesters of the kingdom! Yes, I will send you ... goats to graze! Yards of revenge!

The jesters fall to their knees, begin to bow: Your Majesty, the Tsar - father, did not order to execute, they led the word to say!

They stand up and lean towards the king.

1 jester: Well, judge for yourself - how can you make her laugh? She is…

Together: Nesmeyana!

2 jester: It was necessary to choose the name of the daughter wisely!

1 jester: Yes! And then they called it too - Nesmeyana, here she is ...

The king stamps his feet: Do not dare! Do not dare to teach the king! Teasing my daughter!

The jesters fall to their knees again.

Tsar: If you don’t figure out how to make the princess laugh, your head will be off your shoulders!

The jesters sigh, sit down next to each other, whisper! Then they jump up and with a satisfied look approach the king.

King: Have you made up your mind?

Jesters: Got it!

King: Well?

1 jester: Ball.

King: Ball?

Jesters: New Year's!

1 jester: Tsar - father, the New Year is on the nose!

The king grabs his nose, the jesters show him a calendar (they say not on your nose, but very soon)

2 jester: New Year is a beauty! Laughter! Costumes, masks!

1 jester: Smiles and fairy tales! All the people are waiting for the New Year for a whole year!

2 jester: Let's arrange a New Year's ball in the palace, we will call guests from all volosts!

1 jester: From all over the earth! Let them try, smile!

2 jester: The problem will be solved - Nesmeyana will be laughed at!

King: What! This business! Ball is good! You look, and in truth, your daughter looks at the guests of overseas, smiles, cheers up! Yes, and gifts for the new year are supposed to be given, then she will definitely be delighted with gifts! Yes?

Jesters: Yes!

Loud Shout: No!!! (While the Tsar is talking with jesters, Nesmeyana comes out from behind the curtain, her dress is torn, her hair is on end, her crown is on her side, her face is weeping. Creeps up to the throne)

The king falls from his chair, wraps himself in a mantle. The jesters crawl behind the throne! Nesmeyana stamps her feet: I don't want to! I won't! I don't want a new year! I like the old one! Aaaaa!!!

The king, carefully leaning out from under the mantle: But what about without the New Year?

Jesters from behind the chair: It's the law of nature, one year goes by, another comes!

The princess stamps her feet, falls on the throne: So what! Well, let the law! Princess or not! Once I order, let them change the laws!

He gets up from his chair, pulls off the mantle from the king, wraps himself up, assumes a “majestic” pose: I command by royal power - to cancel the New Year! And then...

He stomps his feet: I will cry all day long! Ah-ah-ah-ah!

The king groans, rises from the floor, hugs his daughter, reassures: All right - all right Nesmeyanushka, be your way! For his New Year!

1 jester: how so!

2 jester: It doesn't happen

Princess (even louder): Ah-ah-ah-ah!

King (stomps his feet): Do not argue! Boobies! Heard the command, my order! To announce to everyone - there will be no New Year!

Hugs the princess, takes her behind the curtain!

The jesters sigh, take out a scroll from behind the throne, unfold it and begin to read in turn:

1 jester: Attention, attention!

To everyone's surprise

Listen please

Royal announcement!

2 jester: Innovation! New Year's Eve is cancelled!

The old one continues!

After 33 etc.

Jester 1: Attention! Attention!

To enforce this law

Let's eat and drink!

We announce a big ball!

2 jester: Yes, not a New Year's ball

Together: Old New Year's Carnival!

Bow down! They go behind the curtain. The light goes out. Lights up again. New look on stage! Flower-decorated throne! Everywhere serpentine, garlands, candles in candlesticks, dressed up courtiers.

Jesters come out and announce: We invite everyone to the ball!

To a wonderful carnival!

1 jester: There will be laughter and there will be dancing!

2 jester: Carnival is calling with it!

1 jester: Today we celebrate ...

They look at each other: the old year that has not gone away!

They bow, they run away. The courtiers line up to dance, dance.

The jesters come out and announce:

1 jester: His Majesty the King!

2 jester: Her Majesty Princess Nesmeyana!

The King and Princess come out. The princess flops down on the throne of the Tsar. She puts her feet on the arms of the chair. The king sighs. Nods to jokes!

1 jester: Today guests from different countries came to our ball.

2 the jester bows towards the throne: This hour they will tell us how they are celebrating .... not a new year in their country!

1 jester: Meet the guests from(guests in skits represent the New Year traditions of their country)

2 jester:


The princess jumps up, stomps her feet: Tired! I told you to cancel the new year! I do not want! I won't! Aaaaa!!!

Everyone runs around her. Fuss!

Everyone turns around, the princess falls silent. Santa Claus is at the door.

DM: What's going on with you? Aren't you going to celebrate the New Year?

Nesmeyana: Ah-ah-ah-ah! Seize, execute! I do not want and I will not! At my command, at the princess's will! Cancel Santa Claus!

DM (laughs): Wow, what an ambulance! Have you asked the people? They agree that the old year would continue, eh?

Turns to the audience: Do you agree that the whole year would be the Old Year?

So that no Christmas tree, no gifts,

No garlands, no lights

To winter all year round

Scattered lace?

Answer people honestly:

Are you with her (nods at Nesmeyana)

Are you with me?

DM: Well, answer me - do you want the old year to continue?

Spectators: No!

DM: Do you want to celebrate the New Year?

Audience: Yes!!!

DM Nesmeyane: Did you hear, girl?! And you don't want to, I won't!

Here is my decision for you - for the fact that because of the whims of your people you wanted to deprive your people of the holiday, you were going to cancel the New Year, now you yourself will give people a holiday! Will you help me! I'm taking you with me!

Santa Claus hits the floor with a staff, the light goes out, something rings, sparkles, the light comes on, everyone froze.

Nesmeyana disappears, a snowflake appears and sings the song "If the snowflake does not melt." Nesmeyana appears - the Snow Maiden.

DM: That's better! Now it's your turn guys! I know that despite the capricious princess ...

Snow Maiden: I won't do it again!

DM: I know, I know! So. I know the guys that you were preparing for the New Year, decorating the wards! Greetings were made for me! I saw everything, I noticed everything! All considered! Get award!

Rewarding for the best design of the class, territory, for the best New Year's newspaper!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, and grandfather! But the overseas guests tried the same, they told us how many interesting things about their countries, about the new year! They should be rewarded too!

DM: And that's right! Come on reward!

The Snow Maiden presents an award for the best representation of the New Year holidays in a foreign country!

DM: so we rewarded everyone! Now it's time to meet...

Jesters jump out: New Year!

All sing together!

FINAL SONG: ("Arrows" "Happy New Year")

It brings with it millions of miracles.
I see happy people

Hope the lights on the Christmas trees will light.
We live side by side in the world -
We need to be together, together...

New Year - he is the most recent hit.
We sing to him to bring us happiness.
It's good that you are with me today -
So smile at me at this meeting of friends!

As in childhood, the New Year is coming,
It brings with it millions of miracles.
I see happy people
Today we are together, we are together...

A fairy tale can come in the New Year,
Hope the lights on the Christmas trees will light.
We live side by side in the world -
We need to be together, be together...

The world is unusual
The world is full of magic.
And, like in a fairy tale, Santa Claus will come
And give us our dreams.

As in childhood, the New Year is coming,
It brings with it millions of miracles.
I see happy people
Today we are together, we are together...

A fairy tale can come in the New Year,
Hope the lights on the Christmas trees will light.
We live side by side in the world -
We need to be together


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