Warming back massage. Back massage at home. The back is conditionally divided into zones

Back massage is an excellent remedy for getting rid of fatigue after work.

You can learn how to do a back massage on your own, after familiarizing yourself with.


  • in the event that there is an infectious disease or any other that causes an increase in body temperature;
  • if an oncological disease is diagnosed;
  • there are dermatological fungal and inflammatory diseases, with pronounced effects on the skin;
  • there is bleeding, thrombophlebitis, or aortic aneurysm.

Preliminary preparation

There are conditions that must be met before starting a session:

  • the room in which the massage session will be held should be ventilated and warm;
  • the person to whom you will be doing the massage should be laid on his stomach, the surface should be flat and firm. A small pillow can be placed under the chest and under the head. The ideal option is a special massage table, if there is none, a hard couch will do, or you will have to lay a “foam” mat on the floor for gymnastics;
  • your hands should be warm and clean, nails should be trimmed so as not to damage the skin while massaging and not cause pain;
  • before taking a massage session, you need to take a shower;
  • prepare massage cream or oil, paper towels or napkins. It is necessary to apply oil to the skin only in cases where there is hair in the massage area or the hands of the massage therapist may sweat during the session. The oil does not need to be poured directly on the skin in the massage area, it must first be warmed in the palm of your hand.

Basic Rules

There are a few rules that you need to know for those who will do the massage:

  • movements during the massage should be directed to the large lymph nodes, in the direction of the lymph flow;
  • during the massage, you can not put pressure on the spine and kidney area;
  • back muscles during the procedure should be relaxed;
  • the movements of the massage therapist should not cause significant pain, if the partner complains of pain, the intensity of exposure should be reduced;
  • you need to observe speed and rhythm - no more than 26-28 movements in one minute, fast massage movements cause excitement, while slow ones contribute;
  • massage movements should be alternated: after power movements, techniques with a mild effect should follow, and each should be repeated 5 times or more. There should be no pauses between the performance of different techniques.

Where to begin

The back is conditionally divided into zones:

  • lumbosacral - located from the coccyx to the lower rib;
  • chest - from the lower rib to the upper edge of the scapula;
  • cervical-collar - from the upper edge of the scapula to the base of the skull.

It is better to start a massage session from the lumbar region and gradually move up and finish it in the cervical-collar zone.

Classic back massage

This technique begins a back massage. The palms of both hands with a soft movement from the coccyx to the shoulder blades move along the spine, capturing the scapular region, and return down the sides. Such movements are done 3-4 times in order to warm up the skin and back muscles.

Rectilinear movement with the surface of the palms, along the spine and wrapping around the sides. These movements must be done at least three times, they contribute to a deeper heating of tissues, increased blood and lymph flow, and improve tissue nutrition.

That technique consists of three actions: grabbing the muscle with your fingers, squeezing and rolling, in fact, kneading. This movement has the same effect as rubbing, it completely relieves fatigue and muscle tension.

Hands spaced 3 cm apart make sawing movements with the edge of the palm in opposite directions and move along the entire back along the spine. After that, in the transverse direction, then on the sides, repeat these movements 2-3 times on each side. This movement also helps to warm up the muscle tissue.

Pressing movement with the base of the palm in the direction from the waist to the shoulder blades. On each side, three lines, repeat at least three times. And the same movement can be made along the lateral surfaces of the back in the direction from the pelvis to the armpit, you can do 2-3 times.

This movement is done in the area of ​​the sacrum next to the spine, work out 4-5 times, and additionally do squeezing with the base of the palm in the same area, also up to 5 times.

These movements are performed in the direction from the sacrum towards the shoulder blades, they are repeated 3-4 times on both sides:

This movement is done with the pads of the fingers spread apart. Promotes tissue stretching and muscle stimulation.

It is performed with both hands, movements with the edge of the palm. Hands should be 2 to 4 cm apart.

It is performed with the hands, the palmar part, the fingers are closed together, and an air cushion is formed that absorbs blows.

This movement with the hands, the fingers are brought into a fist, is performed by the elbow sides of the hands.

Performed with two hands, the movement is similar to sifting through a sieve, it helps to relax tense muscles.

The movement that gives the body vibration is done with the base of the palm, or with the fingertips.

The set of movements may vary, but the massage should begin and end with strokes.

Massage of the neck area can be done independently.

The following movements are suitable for this:

  • stroking, straight and embracing;
  • rubbing in a straight line and circular;
  • planing;
  • sawing;
  • tapping and patting;
  • kneading - this movement should be given great attention.

If you learn self-massage techniques, you can independently relieve fatigue of the neck muscles, which will serve as a prevention of such an unpleasant disease as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Thoracic spine

It is difficult to massage this zone on your own, you will have to ask someone close to you about it.

To massage the partner's chest area, you need to lay him on his stomach on a hard surface.

Lay your hands along the body, palms up.

All movements are carried out along the spinal column in the direction from the line of the lower rib to the upper edge of the scapula.

All the above methods are used, which can be repeated 5-8 times. Both sides of the back are massaged separately. On each side, the massage lasts up to 10-15 minutes.

How to massage the lower back

Of course, it is better that someone else do the lumbar massage, but if this is not possible, then you will have to do it yourself.

It must be remembered that you can not make any movements directly on the spine and try not to put pressure on the kidney area.

Self-massage can be done while sitting, on a stool or on a chair - “on top”, facing the back.

You need to start the massage with strokes along the spine, in the direction from the coccyx to the lower rib. These movements can be done simultaneously on 2 sides and repeated on both sides 3-4 times.

After that, work out the lateral parts of the back and begin to perform the following techniques:

  • rubbing and kneading;
  • “sawing”, “chopping” - is done with two hands, with the edge of the palm (from the side of the thumb);
  • squeezing with fingertips in the sacral region; pat;
  • tapping - this movement is performed by the inner sides of the hands (from the side of the index finger); shake;
  • vibration.

You need to finish the massage session with the same technique with which you started - stroking.

If you have to sit at the computer all day, drive a car or work in difficult conditions - these simple self-massage techniques can become a prevention of diseases of the lumbar spine.


In addition to classical and other types of manual massage, such an original type of so-called cupping massage is also practiced.

The principle on which this type of massage is based is a reflex reaction of the skin and deep tissues to the action of a vacuum (vacuum) that appears inside the can when air is removed from it.

The jar strongly sticks to the skin, while the skin turns red, blood circulation and lymph flow increase. It helps to cure inflammatory diseases and has a good effect on the muscles and skin.

You can use rubber cups - the air from which is removed by strong compression of the rubber shell, and the skin is drawn inward under the action of vacuum. And you can also use glass jars, the air from which is removed when the alcohol inside is burned (previously such jars were used to treat lung diseases).

Contraindications the same as for classical massage.


  • hypertension;
  • headaches with sleep disturbance;
  • rehabilitation after injuries of the spine and limbs;
  • skin restoration, resorption of scars and cicatricial formations;
  • elimination of pain in diseases of the spine.

It is also used for cosmetic purposes, to remove fat deposits and prevent the formation of cellulite.

Before the cupping massage procedure, the skin must first be warmed up. This can be done with a bath or a regular massage session.

For back massage, the jar is placed on either side of the spinal column at a distance of 2-3 cm from the spinous processes.

The jar is moved from the lumbar zone to the neck and collar. When the jar moves up, with a little pressure, a tubercle of skin should form in front of it, and the jar moves down effortlessly. Move the jar in a straight line and in a spiral. And in the cervical region, the jar is moved in a circle, in the center of which is the 7th cervical vertebra. Clockwise, you need to make 12-15 movements. The upper back is massaged by moving the jar from head to shoulders, on different sides of the spine, avoiding touching it.

This type of massage relieves lower back pain, the movement of the cup occurs parallel to the spine in a straight line and in a spiral.

With bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs, cupping massage facilitates the discharge of sputum, contributes to a quick cure.

Banks should not be placed on the spine itself, on the mammary glands, on the bends of the elbow and knee joints, on the area of ​​the kidneys and heart, on the inner side of the thighs and in the armpit.


The usefulness of ordinary massage is greatly enhanced if it is done with the use of honey.

Honey is useful for the body, as it contains bioactive substances and microelements, thanks to massage, all these beneficial substances nourish the skin and start the cleansing process, drawing excess moisture and toxins out of the skin.

Before a massage with honey, you need to take a shower, use a scrub to free the skin from the dead stratum corneum. It is good to go to the sauna before the massage.

First you need to make a test - put a small amount of honey on the skin of the forearm. If the skin turns red from contact with honey, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, the massage will have to be abandoned. Allergy to bee products is a direct contraindication to honey massage; contraindications to conventional massage are also taken into account.

Massage with honey, like regular massage, can be done at home. To do this, you need to know the basic movements that are done during a back massage.

The procedure begins, as always, with stroking. A thin layer of honey is applied to the heated skin and the massage continues, after kneading movements, it is necessary to collect the resulting white slurry with rubbing movements and sharply remove the hands from the back. It is necessary to wash off this mass from the hands, in which toxins and toxins removed from the skin are collected, after which the massage procedure can be continued. At the end of the massage, you need to take a shower and moisturize the skin with cream.

Honey massage will help get rid of pain in osteochondrosis, but in the first session, an exacerbation may begin, caused by increased blood circulation and blood flow to the sore spot.

For this reason, it is not worth giving up treatment, with each session the pain will weaken and as a result:

  • back pain may disappear;
  • the condition will improve if there are pulmonary diseases or chronic bronchitis;
  • fat folds will be significantly reduced;

The use of massage as a restorative and therapeutic procedure affects the entire body. Sleep will improve, mood will rise and energy will appear, which we, modern people, so lack for a normal life.

You should do a back massage using warming aromatic oils (for example, cloves). Before starting the procedure, you should consult with your doctor.

During a self-massage session, no pain should occur. After the treated areas of the body feel warm, the session can be completed. In no case should you massage, even the lightest, lymph nodes.

The duration of a session of general self-massage should be about 15 minutes, local - 3-5 minutes.

1. Stroking. The use of this technique allows you to increase the temperature of the skin, increase the flow of blood and lymph and relieve pain. To carry it out, you should make light movements with one or two hands in a circle, in one line, or in combination.

2. Trituration. This technique is designed to warm the skin, tone blood vessels, and reduce inflammation. For rubbing, it is recommended to combine sawing (carried out with the edge of the palm), crossing (carried out with the thumb, used to massage hard-to-reach areas) and spiral rubbing (carried out with fists, one or all fingers at the same time).

3. Kneading. This technique is used to improve tissue elasticity and blood circulation, as well as to relieve fatigue and increase the patient's performance. Kneading is carried out with semicircular and transverse rolling movements, as well as rolling (circular movements are made with the palm, a fold of skin is rolled onto the fist or fingers of the opposite hand), shifting (the muscles are stretched and pressed with the fist to the bone) and pressure (carried out with all fingers, palm or fist).

4. Vibration. This technique is used to stimulate blood circulation and increase muscle contractility. Vibration can be continuous (carried out by one or more fingers of one or both hands) and intermittent (movements are made by the edge of the palm, which must be set perpendicular to the massaged area).

5. Shake. It is performed with brushes or fingers in different directions.

6. Pat. When making movements, it is necessary to turn the hand so that the bent fingers are pointing down.

7. Chopping. In the process of execution, strikes with the little finger should be made, while the remaining fingers remain closed.

8. tapping. It is carried out with the edge of the palm.

Tapping can be done not only with your hands, but also with rattan sticks or an empty plastic bottle.

Self-massage of the cervical spine is performed in a standing or sitting position. At the beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to stroke with two or one hand in the direction from above, from the border of hair growth, down. After that, it is necessary to carry out squeezing movements, placing the edge of the palm on one side of the neck, and the thumb on the other.

Also, kneading is carried out with the fingertips, in which the muscles are pressed against the bone bed and shifted towards the little finger. Kneading should begin in the direction from the occipital bone down to the shoulder blades. In total, 5 kneadings should be carried out on one side and the same number on the other.

After that, you need to spend the same number of strokes and repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

Then, with four fingers of one hand, circular movements are made along the line of the occipital bone along the cervical vertebrae. At this time, it is recommended to carry out circular rubbing with the fingertips of both hands simultaneously and dotted rubbing along the spinal column. In this case, the skin should move in different directions.

Self-massage of the lumbosacral region of the spine should begin with 5-6 strokes from top to bottom and at the same time to the sides. Next, rubbing is carried out with palms, fists or fingertips in the direction from the spine to the sides. After that, it is useful to tilt the torso in different directions and circular rotations. As the end of the self-massage session, stroking should be performed.

In order to relieve pain in osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use an iodine grid. To carry out the procedure, draw lines with iodine on both sides of the spine: through the inner edges of the shoulder blades - vertical, along the intercostal spaces - horizontal.

If pain or backache occurs with osteochondrosis, mustard plasters should be used, placing them on the lower back and spine. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes. You can also stick a pepper patch on painful areas.

In order to remove the inflammatory process in the spine, it is recommended to take 1 glass of birch sap 3 times a day.

A beneficial effect in the treatment of osteochondrosis is achieved by taking celery juice (1 glass 3 times a day 1 hour after meals).

It is recommended to mix 3 tablespoons of bean stalks, 3 tablespoons of birch buds, 3 tablespoons of corn silk, 2 tablespoons of knotweed grass and 2 tablespoons of horsetail. Pour boiling water over the resulting collection at the rate of 4 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials per 1 liter of water, pour into an enamel bowl, cover and infuse for 12 hours, then put on a slow fire, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and insist again for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and take for 1 month 0.5 cup 4 times a day 1 hour after meals.

Make a medicinal collection of 1 tablespoon of white water lily roots, 1 tablespoon of yellow capsule roots and 1 tablespoon of elecampane roots. Pour 40 g of the resulting mixture with 500 ml of vodka, insist for 7 days and strain. Take 3 times a day 1 hour after meals, 1 tablespoon.

Rinse fresh cranberries, chop, pour cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3, add a small amount of honey and take 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

In a separate bowl, mix 1 cup of honey, 500 ml of vodka and 1.5 cups of freshly prepared radish juice, add 1 tablespoon of table salt. The resulting drug is taken at bedtime for 50 g.

Pour 10 g of dried lingonberry leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, insist for 2 hours, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Thoroughly chop the bark or root of the barberry, pour 0.5 teaspoon into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and take 1 cup a day.

Pour yarrow herb with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials per 1 glass of water, leave for 1 hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Pour 1 tablespoon of tansy flower baskets with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon.

4 teaspoons of parsley seeds pour 300 ml of water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, then strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Grind parsley seeds and roots, pour boiling water at the rate of 10 g of vegetable raw materials per 1 cup of water, insist for 1 hour, strain and take 0.5 cups 3 times a day for 6–8 months.

Pour oat grains with boiling water at the rate of 1 cup of raw materials per 1 liter of water, put on a slow fire and cook until the initial volume of liquid is reduced by 2 times, then strain. Take 3 times a day before meals for 0.5 cups.

Mix berries and leaves of cranberries, chop, pour 10 g of the resulting mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 4 hours and take 3 times a day for 1/2 cup.

To carry out the procedure, pour 300 g of vegetable raw materials into 5 liters of water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. After that, pour the infusion into a bath filled with warm water. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes.

You can also use tincture of lilac flowers for grinding. Pour 500 ml of vodka into 1 glass of vegetable raw materials, leave for 10 days and strain.

To prepare it, 50 g of plant flowers must be poured with 200 ml of vodka, insisted for 10 days and strained.

A positive effect in osteochondrosis is the use of an ointment from herbal ingredients. To prepare it, you need to grind 6 tablespoons of noble laurel leaves and 1 tablespoon of juniper needles, mix herbal ingredients, add 12 tablespoons of butter and rub the resulting product into painful areas.

From 1 tablespoon of baking soda, half a crushed piece of laundry soap and half a glass of sunflower oil, prepare an ointment, insist for 3 days and use it for osteochondrosis, rubbing it dry into the spine and lower back.

In order to get rid of attacks of pain, it is recommended to use compresses with juice and gruel of black radish, as well as from birch leaves and burdock.

With osteochondrosis, you can use the following folk remedy: lubricate the sore spot with honey, cover with thin paper, put 3 mustard plasters on top, cover with plastic wrap, wrap the compress with a warm cloth and leave for 15 minutes.

The duration of treatment is 10 sessions.

Mix 250 ml of medical bile with 160 ml of camphor alcohol and 6 crushed red pepper pods. Place the resulting product in a container with a tight-fitting lid and insist for 1 day.

To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to soak the canvas fabric with the agent and apply it to the diseased areas, covering it with polyethylene or oilcloth and a layer of cotton wool on top. It is recommended to strengthen the application with a bandage and leave it for 2 hours.

The resulting product should be stored in a dark place.

Breathing exercises

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to use breathing exercises in combination with the main treatment. To carry out the procedures, you should lie on your back, place your hands on the border of the abdomen and chest and take a deep breath, raising the chest. After that, you need to exhale without changing the position of the hands.

Then you should inhale, hold your breath for 3-4 seconds and exhale, while pressing on the chest with your palms.

Exercises for the cervical spine

For the cervical spine with osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use a set of therapeutic exercises. To do this, you need to take the starting position: stand up straight and lower your arms along the body.

During the procedure, it is necessary to tilt the head forward, touching the chest with the chin as far as possible.

After that, the head should be thrown back, again take the starting position and tilt the head to the left and right shoulder, turns in different directions and rotational movements clockwise and in the opposite direction.

Exercises for the thoracic spine

For the thoracic spine, a set of therapeutic exercises should be performed:

1. Take the starting position, placing your feet shoulder-width apart and lowering your arms along the body. Then put your hands on the back of your head, bend back and inhale. After that, lean forward and exhale, touching the floor with your hands.

2. Starting position - standing, hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Tilt the body to the left, return to the starting position, inhale, then bend to the right, return to the starting position and exhale.

3. Take a starting position, placing your feet shoulder-width apart and raising your arms above your head. Grasp the wrist of the right hand with the left, tilt the body to the right side, pull the arm a little. After that, change the position of the hands.

4. Take the starting position - put your feet shoulder-width apart, bring your hands to your shoulders, and connect your elbows in front of your chest. Inhale, spreading your elbows to the sides, and exhale, connecting them back.

Exercises for the lumbar spine

For the lumbar spine, a set of exercises aimed at treating osteochondrosis should be carried out.

1. Stand up, place your hands on your belt, slowly raise your right and left legs alternately, bending them at the knee joint.

2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, placing your feet near the pelvis. Focus on the feet and shoulders, raise the pelvis and take a breath. Lowering the pelvis, exhale.

3. Take a starting position: lying on your back, place your hands along the body and stretch your legs. Without lifting your heels from the floor, try to sit down, while taking a breath. Slowly returning to the starting position, exhale.

4. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Slowly raise the left leg without bending it at the knee joint. Lowering, take a breath. After that, carry out the same actions with the right foot. Lowering it, exhale.

5. Take a starting position: lie on your stomach, bend your elbows, placing your palms in front of you, and stretch your legs. Try to raise the upper body, leaning on the palms. Bending at the waist, take a breath. Returning to the starting position, exhale.

6. Kneel down, lean on your hands, raise your head. Bend at the waist and take a deep breath. Returning to the starting position, exhale.

In addition to taking medications that reduce swelling and pain, it is necessary to reduce the load on the spine: do not make sudden movements, when making movements with a large amplitude, you need to make sure that they are smooth, do not lift weights, perform daily stretches on the spine (sitting on the floor with outstretched legs to reach the tips of the toes, rolls on the back with crossed legs).

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use remedies based on medicinal plants that have sedative (motherwort and valerian tinctures), analgesic and blood circulation-improving properties, as well as preparations based on snake and bee venom.

With osteochondrosis, a visit to the bath gives a good therapeutic effect. It is useful to use a juniper or birch broom during water procedures, which must first be soaked in cold and then in hot water.

Before entering the steam room, you need to lower your legs into a basin of warm water and gradually add boiling water to it. You should also rinse, trying not to wet your head. Before entering the steam room, it is advisable to put on a woolen hat or a special cap on your head.

While in the steam room, you should make successive movements with a broom: first stroking, then whipping, lashing and rubbing. You should start from the feet, gradually rising along the lower extremities. The most intensive actions should fall on the diseased areas.

Duration of stay in the steam room - no more than 15 minutes. Before proceeding with this type of procedure, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

With osteochondrosis, patients must follow a certain diet. The daily diet should include 50 g of animal and 30 g of vegetable fat, 300 g of carbohydrates (including sugar not more than 30 g and table salt not more than 4 g). Avoid alcoholic beverages, tea and coffee. The energy value of dishes should be no more than 2600 kcal.

If there is a threat of hypothermia of the body or individual parts of the body, a warming massage is applied.

It is carried out immediately before training, competition or during the competition (between races, swims, bouts).

Warming preliminary massage has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process in those parts of the body that have undergone cooling during competitions, which often occurs in sports such as swimming, athletics, etc. Warming massage promotes rapid and deep heating of the muscles, increasing their contractility.

As a result of a warming massage, the body temperature rises, muscles and ligaments become more elastic and mobile, they are less susceptible to injury. Joints, ligamentous apparatus and muscles are more likely to be damaged if they are poorly warmed up.

A warming massage is necessary for athletes if training or competitions are held outdoors or in a cold room, and also in cases where the start is postponed for various reasons, the break between attempts is prolonged when the competition continues for a long time. When such situations arise, a warming massage session should be carried out for 5-10 minutes. Massage must be completed 2-3 minutes before the athlete leaves for the start.

Warming massage is performed at a fast pace, vigorously. During the session, stroking alternates with kneading and rubbing the entire body. These techniques cause a rush of blood to the surface of the skin and a feeling of warmth. Warming massage is best to start with stroking the back, gluteal muscles and the back of the thighs, then squeeze out all over the back and rub with the combs of the fists and the base of the palm. After that, the person being massaged assumes a supine position and the same techniques are performed on the front surface of the thighs and chest.

When the massage on any part of the body is finished, it is necessary to cover this part with a warm blanket. If it is not possible to perform a massage in the prone position, then it should be done directly next to the start, the ring, the carpet, etc. in the standing position being massaged. In the same way, you can perform massage in cases where there is little time. In this situation, you can massage the athlete in a training suit.

Before performing the massage, the athlete should lean forward, relax his back, hands should be lowered. The masseur, standing from the side of the back, should vigorously stroke and then knead in alternation with shaking the latissimus dorsi. Then you need to vigorously rub the back of the thighs and calf muscles with vigorous rubbing. After 5-8 rubbing, it is necessary to repeat the back massage. In the case of performing a massage on a naked body, the athlete must get dressed at the end of the session.

Warming massage through clothing is performed for motorcycle racers, skiers, skaters, i.e. those athletes who participate in competitions in special indoor sports uniforms.

When conducting a private warming massage on the joints or certain parts of the body, rubbing techniques are mainly used in combination with energetic concentric stroking and active-passive movements.

If it is necessary to quickly warm one or another part of the body, as well as to maintain heat in individual muscles for a longer time, special ointments can be used when performing a warming massage.

Almost all massage practices require the use of "lubricants". For example, lotions, gels, oils and more. Most specialists prefer to use massage cream. It is chosen depending on which area needs to be massaged and what effect they want to achieve. It can be warming, moisturizing, anti-cellulite and others.

Today, choosing the right cream is not at all a problem - modern cosmetic companies offer a choice of completely different massage products. In addition, they have many advantages over oils.


Any lubricant for massage is designed to ensure that the hands gently slide over the body and do not bring discomfort to the person. After all, without additional moisturizing, such a procedure can cause not only discomfort, but even pain. Massage cream is the best way to lubricate the hands.

Thanks to him, the specialist can perform massage movements without any additional effort. He also has the ability to calculate the depth of rubbing and their effect on the skin. Light stroking is used for the preparatory stage of massage or body relaxation. More enhanced movements are needed for deep.

The main advantages of the cream

Compared to liquid lotions and oils, massage cream has a thicker and greasy texture. This allows you to use it longer and more economically. In addition, the cream will cost much less than oil, since it can be used twice as long.

It is very important to keep moisture on the skin at any time, and this is especially necessary in the cold, when the covers are prone to drying out and chapping. That is why it is better to use a cream for a full body massage. When applied to the epidermis, it will create an invisible protective layer and prevent moisture from evaporating.

The cream does not leave stains at all. And this is very important for the client and the master. The client does not have to get rid of stains on clothes. And the specialist will not often need to buy new towels and sheets for the massage parlor.

How to choose the right cream?

First you need to decide what effect you want to achieve from the cream: just relax, moisturize the skin, get rid of cellulite or get an analgesic effect. And also decide what should not be in the cream: allergens, unloved smells, other components. If you approach the choice of cream correctly and make this simple list of requirements, you can minimize the search for the necessary product and find the perfect massage cream much faster.

It is important not to be afraid to experiment. For example, you have already found your best option, got used to it and use it regularly, buying several packs at once for future use. But! No matter how perfect this cream is, using only it for a long time can be harmful. From time to time, funds need to be changed.

The range of massage creams is constantly replenished with high-quality novelties. Why deprive yourself and your customers of the opportunity to enjoy something new?

season and cream

Switching to another massage cream is best from the new season. In hot weather, you need to use light non-greasy, and in winter - thick, with a greasy structure and with a warming effect. It is necessary to try to buy only high-quality creams from organic cosmetics, without harmful impurities, such as parabens. The Belarusian company Vitex has a very good reputation in the cosmetic market. Cosmetics of this company are quite high quality and biologically clean.

But even the safest cream in some people can cause a skin reaction, dizziness or allergies. That is why every massage parlor or individual specialist should have several different products in stock, including hypoallergenic and as neutral as possible.

Caution: allergen

Top tip: Try not to buy creams that contain nuts. Walnut is the most important allergen. If the client has a food intolerance to such a fruit, then creams with its extract will adversely affect his body. In addition, if a person is allergic, it is better to use a hypoallergenic drug for him, so as not to risk it. You also need to pay attention to whether there are fragrances in the cream (specific smell). Creamy aroma can also cause a negative reaction of the client: headache, nausea, vomiting, rash. Therefore, it is better if the massage cream is odorless or with a light neutral aroma.

Features of choice

Even when choosing a massage agent, it is important to pay attention to the content of alcohols, parabens and mineral oils in the cream. These are the main skin irritants. It is better if these components are not included in your cream. But vitamins are very welcome. The main thing is to know what skin needs. The most common is a cream with vitamin A. Most often, this remedy is used for the face.

Should be selected individually. It is necessary to take into account all the features of the body and skin. Some women use wrinkle cream instead. This is not always helpful. After all, for young skin, such a cream is completely unsuitable. Therefore, it is better to entrust your face to a professional.

for massage

  1. Cream "Soothing touch". A biologically pure product that does not contain parabens and harmful additives. It can be used to massage the most sensitive skin. The cream can also be applied simply for moisturizing. There are two versions of it: original and unscented.
  2. Cream-oil for massage Biotone. This tool is loved by many professionals. The consistency is very specific - it is something between a cream and a delicate oil, non-greasy and very soft. Contains ivy & arnica extracts to reduce inflammation & improve blood flow. Biotone is suitable for all areas of the body and face.
  3. Bon Vital is a vitamin A cream, a favorite of professional massage therapists. Created on the basis of only natural substances. The cream does not contain parabens and is fragrance-free. But it has a number of useful substances: purified water, natural oils, provitamins. Can be used to massage the entire body, including the face.
  4. Excellent cream for therapeutic massage with anti-inflammatory action "Esobel". This is a hypoallergenic product. It is well suited for the treatment of neuralgic diseases and injuries. Also used for general and excellent pain relief. The cream contains beneficial mud.
  5. Relaxing body massage cream "Amalgam Lux" has a tonic effect not only on the skin, but on the whole body. It is good to apply the cream after hard physical work or at the end of the day. It relieves pain from sports grasses, bruises and fatigue. The main components of the product are tea tree oil and menthol. Thanks to them, the cream has a cooling effect and soothes the muscles.
  6. Austrian massage body cream "Zhuvena" is designed for all skin types. It is used to nourish tissues, rejuvenate and restore elasticity. The product is well absorbed and has a light texture. The peculiarity is that the cream must be applied with very gentle light touches. Thanks to this, every cell of the epidermis is restored. The main components are vitamins - F and E. After massage with this remedy, the effect of rejuvenation remains for a long time.
  7. The Vitex company has proven itself well. Cosmetics of this brand has a lot. But the most popular are creams for body shaping. Vitex massage creams help to get rid of excess fat, tighten the skin after losing weight, reduce the visibility of stretch marks and cellulite all over the body. Cosmetics are hypoallergenic and contain only natural ingredients.

For the back

What kind of back support is right for you? Now we'll tell you. The “classic” back massage cream can be used not only for a professional procedure, but also individually. The cream has an antiseptic and moisturizing effect. While it is on the skin, it protects it from damage. It has a very pleasant unobtrusive smell and does not leave stains on clothes.

With pain syndromes in the back or joints, a massage cream with an alcohol-based ant extract helps a lot. It accelerates the blood and warms up the muscle fibers. It relieves swelling, eliminates pain, is indispensable for injuries and sprains.

For face

What products are suitable for the face? If the client has capricious hypersensitive skin, many massage therapists prefer to use a time-tested baby cream. It is practically harmless, besides it is quite oily and allows the hands to “walk” well on the skin, it is perfectly absorbed. And most importantly, it is always available - you can buy it at any pharmacy. Can be used for body and face.

French cream for facial massage "Lancaster" is developed on the basis of a unique formula with a high content of useful trace elements. Massage based on this remedy will help the face stay fresh and young for a long time. It contains coconut milk, honey extract and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and activate the skin's defenses.

Anti-cellulite creams

  • French body cream "Bioderm". Used for deep anti-cellulite massage to correct the figure in the shortest possible time. The first results from the massage can be seen in a few days. This is due to the intensive components that remove all excess from the skin and nourish it with the necessary substances.
  • Clarins anti-cellulite massage cream. An excellent modeling tool to improve the figure. Many French massage therapists use this cream in their work. They note that at the end of the course, cellulite completely disappears, and the skin is tightened and evened out. Hypoallergenic, suitable for all skin types.

  • Another anti-cellulite slimming gel-cream SHISEIDO. Developed in the USA specifically for women with problematic skin. Contains three main components: caffeine, European bug and hawthorn extract. Gel-cream completely eliminates the deepest cellulite in a few days. The components of the cream make it very airy and do not allow it to stick to the skin. It can only be applied to the skin of the buttocks, thighs and legs.


Only creams, thanks to their oily base, can ideally moisturize and impregnate the skin. And in combination with massage, the effect is multiplied several times.

Naturally, it is simply impossible to cover all worthy creams in one article. Cosmetic companies offer a wide variety of products for professional or self-massage. Therefore, by trial and error, you can find a cream that will meet all the necessary requirements.

If there is a threat of hypothermia of the body or individual parts of the body, a warming massage is applied.

It is carried out immediately before training, competition or during the competition (between races, swims, bouts).

Warming preliminary massage has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process in those parts of the body that have undergone cooling during competitions, which often occurs in sports such as swimming, athletics, etc. Warming massage promotes rapid and deep heating of the muscles, increasing their contractility.

As a result of a warming massage, the body temperature rises, muscles and ligaments become more elastic and mobile, they are less susceptible to injury. Joints, ligamentous apparatus and muscles are more likely to be damaged if they are poorly warmed up.

A warming massage is necessary for athletes if training or competitions are held outdoors or in a cold room, and also in cases where the start is postponed for various reasons, the break between attempts is prolonged when the competition continues for a long time. When such situations arise, a warming massage session should be carried out for 5-10 minutes. Massage must be completed 2-3 minutes before the athlete leaves for the start.

Warming massage is performed at a fast pace, vigorously. During the session, stroking alternates with kneading and rubbing the entire body. These techniques cause a rush of blood to the surface of the skin and a feeling of warmth. Warming massage is best to start with stroking the back, gluteal muscles and the back of the thighs, then squeeze out all over the back and rub with the combs of the fists and the base of the palm. After that, the person being massaged assumes a supine position and the same techniques are performed on the front surface of the thighs and chest.

When the massage on any part of the body is finished, it is necessary to cover this part with a warm blanket. If a massage is performed in the supine position, it does not appear

possible, then it should be done directly next to the start, the ring, the carpet, etc. in the position of the massaged standing. In the same way, you can perform massage in cases where there is little time. In this situation, you can massage the athlete in a training suit.

Before performing the massage, the athlete should lean forward, relax his back, hands should be lowered. The masseur, standing from the side of the back, should vigorously stroke and then knead in alternation with shaking the latissimus dorsi. Then you need to vigorously rub the back of the thighs and calf muscles with vigorous rubbing. After 5-8 rubbing, it is necessary to repeat the back massage. In the case of performing a massage on a naked body, the athlete must get dressed at the end of the session.

Warming massage through clothing is performed for motorcycle racers, skiers, skaters, i.e. those athletes who participate in competitions in special indoor sports uniforms.

When conducting a private warming massage on the joints or certain parts of the body, rubbing techniques are mainly used in combination with energetic concentric stroking and active-passive movements.

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