Constipation during pregnancy, what to do. Causes of constipation during early pregnancy and methods of dealing with them. What is the danger of constipation in pregnant women

Immediately after the conception of a child in the body of a woman, the restructuring of most organs and systems begins. This process is manifested by various symptoms, one of which is constipation during pregnancy on early dates.

Doctors of the antenatal clinic note the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in the first trimester of pregnancy in more than half of their patients. Constipation in expectant mothers cannot be considered a disease, since they have completely physiological causes and are due to changes in the mother's body. However, such digestive disorders can provoke serious disorders in women.

Indigestion in the expectant mother is often expressed by the absence of stool for more than three days. This symptom is a consequence of changes in physiology and biochemistry during pregnancy, as well as various errors in the diet and lifestyle of a young woman.

Physiological causes of constipation during this period include:

  • Hormonal changes in the blood of a pregnant woman. Immediately after the moment of fertilization of the egg, the endocrine glands begin to intensively produce the hormone progesterone, which is responsible in the female body for the successful course of pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. This substance has the ability to relax the smooth muscles of many organs, including the small and large intestines.
  • Such an effect of the hormone leads to a decrease in peristalsis and causes stool retention in the expectant mother.
  • To stabilize metabolic processes in a woman's body in the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend that she take a special complex of vitamins and microelements, the basis of which is iron and calcium. These substances indirectly affect the gastrointestinal tract of a woman, causing stagnation in the large intestine, reducing its muscle contractility, thereby causing constipation in a pregnant woman.
  • The process of bearing a child provokes a change in the hormonal balance in the expectant mother. Hormones not only reduce bowel function, they have a negative effect on the patient's nervous system. A woman in the first trimester of pregnancy is prone to stress, and any violation of the gastrointestinal tract can cause her severe irritation. Failure of the central nervous system often provokes stool retention in the patient.

The expectant mother herself often leads to disorders in the activity of the digestive system by her own actions.

If a woman has constipation during early pregnancy, the reasons often lie in the diet and lifestyle of the patient:

  • For a future mother, it is very important to have the right one in the first weeks after conception. A large amount of fiber-containing foods should be introduced into the daily diet, which is very important for restoring colon peristalsis. An example of such food can be beetroot dishes that can positively solve the problem of constipation.
  • Many future mothers, influenced by the advice of their friends or having read recommendations on popular pseudo-scientific sites, sharply limit themselves to fluids from the first days of pregnancy. So they are trying to deal with the possible, completely unaware of the mechanism of their occurrence.

The lack of fluid will not only cause constipation in a young woman. It is fraught with a violation of the liquid composition of the blood, its thickening and various pathological conditions as a result. There is evidence of an increased risk of blood clots in these patients and various CNS disorders with a lack of fluid.

Any woman, even in excellent health before pregnancy, can experience a similar problem in the first trimester of pregnancy. Constipation in expectant mothers is not considered a disease, however, they pose a certain threat to a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

What are the dangers of constipation in early pregnancy

Violation of the gastrointestinal tract in patients expecting a baby, most often expressed in a delay in stool for several days. If this condition lasts more than 3 days, it is necessary to take appropriate measures, since constipation can provoke various problems in the expectant mother:

  • A woman will most often be disturbed by severity and, there may be severe pain in abdominal cavity. Since in the first 2 - 3 months of fetal development, patients are not recommended to use many of the usual medications, it will not be easy to cope with such symptoms.
  • Permanent constipation can increase pressure in the abdominal cavity, which can provoke. This is already a direct threat of the possible.
  • In the first trimester, all the main organs of the unborn child are laid, and a violation in the digestive tract contributes to stagnation in the intestines. Similar situation often leads to the fact that the decay products of food enter the patient's blood. This is already a direct threat to the fetus.
  • The problem of constipation is best solved already in the early stages of pregnancy and not postponed until the onset of childbirth. The pathological microflora of the colon can provoke various inflammatory diseases of the birth canal, which can adversely affect childbirth.
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the intestine often causes the development of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother. A pregnant woman already has a high probability of problems with hemorrhoids, since the process of bearing a fetus is accompanied by stagnation in the veins of the small pelvis, and constipation only exacerbates this problem.

There are quite a few reasons why constipation occurs during early pregnancy. Even psychological problems can be an impetus for irregular stools. Doctors of the antenatal clinic can recommend a pregnant woman a whole range of measures to combat such an ailment. The basis of all these measures is the prevention of stagnation in the intestines and the stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Watch the video about the causes of constipation:

What can help the expectant mother

Since disruption of the intestines, in addition to discomfort, poses a direct threat to the health of the woman and the unborn baby, you need to act decisively. For the treatment of constipation, you can not limit yourself solely to drugs or diet. Only a combination of efforts will successfully cope with this problem.

The nutrition of the expectant mother is quite a serious problem. On the one hand, the patient must receive a sufficient amount useful substances, on the other hand, food should not provoke gastrointestinal disorders and contain ingredients harmful to the unborn child.

The key to preventing constipation in the expectant mother, experts consider the strict implementation of the following recommendations:

  • For a complete and timely bowel movement, a woman's food should contain a large amount of fiber. Doctors recommend including plenty of raw vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet. Preference should be given to those gifts of nature that are not capable of causing allergic reactions in the expectant mother. Beets, apples, pears, plums are well suited for the diet.
  • Meat should contain a lot of connective tissue. Fat varieties should be limited. Young veal, lamb, and poultry have proven themselves to be excellent for the nutrition of pregnant women.
  • The daily diet should include a large amount of vegetable or olive oil. This product is great for restoring bowel function.
  • It is desirable in the diet of such patients to give preference to oatmeal and buckwheat, wholemeal black bread, dried fruits, especially prunes.

Doctors of the antenatal clinic will definitely tell the expectant mother what she should refuse. It is not recommended in the presence of such problems to eat rice, cabbage, White bread and other foods that cause constipation.

Separately, it should be noted the importance of the water regime for solving the problem. A pregnant woman should consume at least 3 liters of fluid per day. Preference should be given to juices, decoctions of fruits and vegetables. Loved by many ladies and coffee will only exacerbate the difficulty in emptying the intestines.

Products for constipation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, constipation will help the following products that have a laxative effect:


fresh cucumbers, white cabbage, pumpkin. It is advisable to use them fresh, but even boiled / stewed, they, passing through the intestines, irritate its walls. This enhances peristalsis and ensures the release of stool." class="mtr-td-tag">

Carrots, onions, beets, fresh cucumbers, white cabbage, pumpkin. It is advisable to use them fresh, but even boiled / stewed, they, passing through the intestines, irritate its walls. This enhances peristalsis and ensures the release of feces.


Buckwheat, barley, oat or millet. They are boiled in water, they are not put into the finished dish. butter, but vegetable. Doctors recommend adding fresh fruits to the porridge to enhance the laxative effect.

Dairy products

All without exception, as well as koumiss and sour yoghurts. During pregnancy, you should pay attention to the fat content of such products and give preference to low rates.


Plums, bananas, pears and apples. They not only have a positive effect on intestinal motility, but also increase the amount of water in the feces - they just pass out more easily.

Vegetable oils also have a strong laxative effect; they can replace all fats in ready-made dishes. For severe / persistent constipation, you can use 30 ml of vegetable oil on an empty stomach in the morning.

What can you drink for constipation during pregnancy

For constipation for pregnant women, you can drink such drinks:

  • dried fruit compote - cooked without adding sugar;
  • mineral water with magnesium and sulfates in the composition - Essentuki No. 4 and 17, ½ cup 2-3 times a day;
  • a decoction of rose hips - prepared without sugar, drunk without adding honey;
  • fennel tea - sold in pharmacies, consumed in an amount of no more than 300 ml per day;
  • chicory drink - the optimal time for drinking is morning and lunch.

In general, with constipation, pregnant women are advised to drink more clean water- It helps to soften the feces in the intestines. But recommendations regarding the use of any liquid must be agreed upon, received from a doctor - for example, with diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, some drinks will be contraindicated.

If a pregnant woman has constipation, then she should not drink black tea, coffee, any carbonated sweet drinks.

Exercise as a remedy for constipation in pregnant women

Regular exercise can be an excellent remedy for constipation, an additional effect will be an increase in the overall tone of the body of a pregnant woman, strengthening muscle fibers. A total of 6 exercises are performed daily 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal:

  • Starting position - on all fours, knees and hands are shoulder-width apart. Need to tear off right hand from the floor and, bending slightly forward and transferring the weight to the resting arm, reach the left knee with the palm of your hand. After returning to the starting position, immediately perform the exercise for the other limb.
  • Sit straight on the floor with your legs extended forward and your hands on your hips. You need to turn your head and torso to the sides. Arms, legs remain in the same position, the back is straight.
  • Take a sitting position on the floor, pressing your back against the wall, bending your knees. Take deep breaths in and out with your stomach for no more than 3 minutes in a row.
  • Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, but not to full amplitude. The right leg should be raised and the heel should touch the knee of the left lower limb. Then the exercise is repeated for the other leg.
  • Without changing starting position, you need to bend your knees, spread them apart and connect your feet together. The task is to lower your knees as close to the floor as possible.
  • From the previous position, rest your feet on the floor and bend your knees. The task is to touch the knees to the floor, rotating the pelvis to the right / left.

Each exercise is repeated 10-15 times, gymnastics should not cause strong tension and discomfort. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then it is necessary to consult a doctor about the expediency of performing the proposed complex.

Folk methods

Specialists in folk medicine have at their disposal a sufficient number medicinal plants to solve problems of the gastrointestinal tract in expectant mothers. In the special literature, the positive effect of beets, prunes or grapes on the work of the intestines in the patient is noted. You can suggest for the prevention of constipation to use the following recipes of folk remedies:

  • 200 grams of ground fresh beets are mixed with 100 grams of dried fruits and 150 grams oatmeal. The resulting mass is poured into 3 liters cold water and boil over low heat for 60 - 90 minutes. The drink is cooled and stored in a dark and cool place. 200 grams of decoction before bedtime will help the expectant mother forget about constipation for a long time.
  • Not without interest for pregnant women and a medicinal mixture of equal parts of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and honey. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a mixer or blender and transferred to a special form. The mixture is infused for 12 hours, after which it is recommended that a woman eat 50 grams of this healing potion before going to bed.

But not all the usual folk laxatives can be used by expectant mothers. Experts are categorically against the patient's use of decoctions and infusions based on buckthorn, senna leaves and rhubarb. These herbs can cause a malfunction in the hormonal system, which is fraught with the threat of termination of pregnancy.

traditional medicine

If with the help of diet and folk recipes it is not possible to prevent constipation in a woman during early pregnancy, the treatment of this problem should be entrusted to doctors. The thing is that after conception, young ladies are contraindicated in most of the usual medications. What do doctors advise:

The solution to the problem of constipation in early pregnancy requires an individual approach, since the likelihood of pathological reactions to any drug in such patients is very high.

pills for constipation during pregnancy

If the correction of the diet and the use of various drinks does not give a positive result, then constipation during pregnancy can be cured with both tablets and powders, and the latter are especially effective:


Increases the volume of feces (not the amount!), Does not allow them to harden. Represents granules which are intended for solution preparation. It is taken 1 teaspoon (from this amount a solution is prepared in 150 ml of water) a maximum of 6 times a day.


Defecation is normalized by improving intestinal motility. Helps to solve the problem of nervous diarrhea.

Sold in single sachets - they contain a powder that should be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water. 1 sachet is allowed per day.


Natural remedy, contains plantain and plum. Helps on initial stages constipation, because it acts on the problem gently, sparingly.

No more than 1 package per day is accepted.

Even the most gentle means should be taken only in consultation with the doctor. Stronger tablets (Senade) are often prohibited during pregnancy, because they increase peristalsis too much and are absorbed by the intestinal walls.

Constipation in the first trimester: what to do

With constipation in the first trimester, you can use enemas, while the best solution would be the use of microclysters - for example, Microlax. Their volume is only 15 ml (this is the maximum), they are distinguished by a gentle effect, gentle cleansing of the intestines. A woman should consult a gynecologist about the treatment of constipation, he will give permission for enemas only under certain circumstances:

  • constipation lasts more than 5 days;
  • conservative methods do not give a positive result;
  • due to the accumulation of feces, symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) of the body appear.

In general, this method of solving the problem is considered extreme when other means do not help, and stagnation of feces takes on a chronic course. It is strictly forbidden to perform such procedures when:

  • miscarriages in a woman in history;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • diagnosed threat of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • previously detected isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Intestinal problems in early pregnancy: sometimes constipation, sometimes diarrhea, sometimes pain

In most cases, pregnant women notice problems with the intestines in the early stages - spasms / colic, constipation, diarrhea, doctors associate them with the restructuring of the body, new conditions for its functioning. Intestinal colic can occur against the background of hormonal failure, which leads to bloating of the large intestine and severe muscle tension. Constipation and diarrhea are the result of intestinal colic, unbalanced nutrition.

To solve problems, you just need to follow the general recommendations of doctors:

  • adjust the diet - the body in the early stages of pregnancy needs vegetables, fruits and any low-fat foods;
  • drink more water- clean and not carbonated;
  • give preference not to black tea and coffee, but to rosehip broth, dried fruit compote and other healthy drinks;
  • eat fractionally - in small portions and often, avoid overeating.

Watch this video about nutrition during pregnancy:

The best treatment for constipation in a pregnant woman is the prevention of their occurrence

To avoid disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and the associated need for treatment, a woman who is preparing to become a mother needs to follow a few simple rules:

  • You can't limit yourself to liquids. On the day you need to drink at least 2 - 3 liters of compotes, juices, mineral water or medicinal decoctions. If edema occurs, you should carefully monitor the ratio of the drunk and excreted fluid and be sure to seek the advice of a doctor.
  • Woman. Stress will definitely cause constipation in the expectant mother.
  • Such ladies should adhere to a diet that specialists in the antenatal clinic will help her develop. All gas-producing and constipating foods should be eliminated from your diet.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason to decrease physical activity future mother. It is a dosed load, walks on fresh air and an active lifestyle will help prevent gastrointestinal upset during pregnancy.

Constipation as a sign of pregnancy

Up to 2-3 weeks, the signs of pregnancy are almost imperceptible, and the woman simply does not suspect that the conception has taken place, but there are also pronounced changes in well-being - pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness of the intestines and constipation. In addition, severe heartburn may be present even after eating familiar foods. What can be done to alleviate the condition:

  • review your menu and exclude marinated, smoked and fried dishes from it;
  • drink plenty of fluids, but give up morning coffee and strong tea for several days;
  • add to diet fresh vegetables, weak meat broths, cereals on the water;
  • . From it you will learn about the reasons for the failure of the work gastrointestinal tract in a pregnant woman, providing relief and risk of diarrhea for mother and fetus.

    And more about what sensations arise in the early stages of pregnancy.

    These simple tips useful to all the fair sex. And if a lady is in the early stages of pregnancy, then she simply needs to carefully monitor her well-being and take care of her health.

Most expectant mothers are concerned about the problem of constipation in the third trimester of pregnancy. Many consider delicate problems in the last stages to be the norm, but this is not so. Constipation can be prevented, and if it develops, it must be treated, because neglected intestinal disorders can negatively affect the body of both the expectant mother and the child.

Constipation during late pregnancy is common. During pregnancy, constipation causes problems in 60% of women. Difficulty in the work of the intestine is caused by hormonal changes in the body of a woman, low physical activity and a change in diet.

The closer the date of birth, the more factors that affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the development of constipation. The hormone progesterone, which is designed to reduce the tone of the uterus, mainly affects the work of the intestines. Elevated progesterone affects nearby organs, in particular the large intestine, reduces peristalsis, leading to.

There are several other factors that can upset digestive system pregnant woman:

  • As it grows, the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines and even displaces it. The pressure of the uterus physically blocks the passage of feces.
  • The natural decrease in physical activity by 9 months has a strong effect on the tone of the intestinal muscles.
  • Stress, depression, fears, panic and excitement often accompany a woman as she approaches her due date. Disorders nervous system violate its connection with many organs, including the intestines.
  • The drooping head of the baby at 39-40 weeks presses on the large intestine, creating constipation.
  • Due to increased swelling, many moms reduce their fluid intake. Low level Fluid in the intestines causes hardening of the stool, making it difficult to pass.
  • Calcium and iron during pregnancy are consumed by the body in very large quantities. To replenish these elements, doctors prescribe special drugs. Some substances in the composition of these drugs and the remains of undissolved iron can cause constipation.

The position of the baby in the womb in late pregnancy

If problems with bowel movements were observed throughout the entire period of gestation, the risk of complications in the last stages increases significantly. In such a situation, one should Special attention delicate problem and prepare in advance for possible difficulties with the stool in the fortieth week.

How to identify constipation in a pregnant woman

The absence of stool for one or two days does not always mean the development of constipation, because the regularity of emptying depends on physiological features each person. The occurrence of constipation can be confirmed by the following signs:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Violent straining during stool.
  • Dry, hard stools passing in small portions.
  • No feeling of lightness after stool.

Why you can not start constipation

In late pregnancy, special attention should be paid to problems in the work of the intestines. Constipation during this period can cause unpleasant complications and even affect the health of the baby.

Chronic constipation in pregnant women often causes intoxication. Feces, being in the intestines for a long time, begin to decompose and release dangerous toxins. Absorbed into the blood, they are carried throughout the body, including the fetus.

Violation of the microflora causes inflammation of the vaginal mucosa - colpitis (vaginitis). This unpleasant disease can provoke a rupture of the fetal bladder. Doctors call vaginitis the cause of postpartum complications.

Strong attempts during bowel movements at 39-40 weeks of gestation can provoke premature birth. This is especially dangerous for women with increased tone uterus.

If a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract is detected in the later stages, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will determine the nature of the problem and prescribe appropriate medications to correct the problem. Constipation should not be left to chance because bowel obstruction adversely affects labor.

Prevention and treatment

Changing the diet and drinking is the safest and most effective method fight constipation.

Although constipation is considered a common problem during pregnancy, it must be dealt with. Preventive actions will help to avoid an embarrassing illness that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Change in diet

The fetus is already quite developed, and does not need such a large amount of vitamins and nutrients as at the beginning of pregnancy. Therefore, in the period approaching childbirth, you can prescribe a light diet. This will not affect the development of the baby, but will help improve digestion. At the deadlines, it is better not to use fermented milk products - kefirs, yogurts.

Drink more liquid

A low amount of water in the body primarily affects the work of the intestines. If there are no contraindications, drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. Start your morning with a glass of warm water, this will help activate the bowels.

Physical activity

Try to move more even in the later stages. The expectant mother will benefit from daily walks in the fresh air or yoga for pregnant women. Such exercises will not only have a positive effect on the work of the intestines, but also improve mood.

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the general condition.

Diet and an active lifestyle are the main means for the prevention and elimination of constipation. But if they did not bring the desired results, you can resort to medicinal or even folk remedies. Only this should be done with extreme caution, many laxatives can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus. Doctors around the world recognize the safest remedy for constipation, however, they should not be abused either.

What not to do with constipation in late pregnancy

In the last weeks, you need to be especially careful. Any medicines can be used only after consulting a doctor. Many laxatives can cause an increase in uterine tone.

Enemas in the later stages are highly undesirable. Water entering the intestines will expand it and increase pressure on the uterus. This will increase the tone and provoke uterine contractions. The only exception is microenemas approved for pregnant women.

Do not try to empty the intestines with strong straining. This can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

Prevention of constipation will relieve the unpleasant consequences of this disease at any stage of pregnancy. The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract affects the overall well-being and the process of childbirth. And the absence of constipation will free you from the need to take laxatives that affect the mother and fetus.

Reading 6 min. Views 2.7k. Published on 16.08.2018

Few of the expectant mothers can boast of excellent health throughout pregnancy. Various health problems occur periodically in every woman, one of these problems is constipation in pregnant women. This pathological condition is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous for the child, so you need to know how to deal with and how to avoid problems with bowel movements.

Causes of constipation in pregnant women

Constipation is not an independent disease, a violation of the process of bowel movement indicates functional disorders, pathologies in the body.

Most often, women face a problem in the II-III trimester, but sometimes the pathology occurs even earlier.

Immediately after conception, tremendous changes occur in the female body - against the background of a high concentration of hCG levels, the content of progesterone rapidly increases, this hormone helps to reduce smooth muscle contractions. Such hormonal restructuring allows you to save the fetus, but there are also side effect- the intestines become lazy, peristalsis slows down, the speed of movement of feces decreases.

Why constipation occurs:

  1. Low hemoglobin is another problem of pregnant women. In such cases, doctors always prescribe iron supplements, these drugs stain the feces in a dark color, cause constipation. Problems with defecation also occur with long-term use of drugs with calcium.
  2. Decreased physical activity - some women perceive pregnancy as a disease, prescribe bed rest for themselves. But you need to lie constantly only in one case, when there is a threat of miscarriage. In all other cases moderate physical exercise not only useful, but necessary.
  3. Change in taste preferences - often during pregnancy you constantly want sweets and buns, but you don’t want vegetables and fruits at all. Such a diet not only negatively affects the functioning of the digestive tract, but also rewards you with extra pounds, which will be difficult to get rid of after the birth of the baby.
  4. Reducing the amount of fluid consumed - due to the fear of edema, expectant mothers begin to limit themselves in water, the feces become hard, they move worse through the intestines, and mucous membranes can scratch it with sharp edges.
  5. An increase in the size of the uterus - the fetus grows, the uterus increases in size, begins to compress nearby organs, and peristalsis is disturbed.

Long-term stress, fear of straining, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system can provoke constipation.


With constipation, bowel movements occur less than 3 times a week, the volume of feces is 35 g or less. The main symptoms depend on the type of constipation.

Signs of constipation:

  • irritation in the anus;
  • burning sensation, discomfort in the rectum;
  • feces are hard, sometimes there are streaks of blood in it;
  • bitter taste in the mouth, frequent bouts of nausea, sour belching;
  • bloating, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen.

With spastic constipation, the intestinal walls begin to contract chaotically, spasms occur, attacks of cramping pain, feces look like sheep feces. The problem is characterized by a change of periods of calm and exacerbation.

With atonic constipation, intestinal tone decreases, feces move slowly, lose a lot of fluid. In the process of defecation, pain occurs, after which the feeling of incomplete emptying worries, the number of false urges to the toilet increases.

Constipation in pregnancy - how to deal with them

Most medicines are contraindicated during pregnancy, if you have problems with bowel movements, be sure to consult your gynecologist, only a doctor can choose safe drugs.

Safe remedies for constipation:

  1. Rectal glycerin suppositories Glycerol - contain purified glycerin, help soften feces, improve intestinal motility. Insert 1 suppository a quarter of an hour after breakfast, but you should not get carried away with this drug, with prolonged use, the natural process of defecation is disturbed.
  2. Microlax is a combined drug based on 3 active substances that liquefies feces. The medicine acts quickly, the laxative effect occurs within a quarter of an hour. Use 1 microclyster per day.
  3. Dufalac - lactulose-based syrup, increases osmotic pressure and volume of feces, helps to restore the balance of intestinal microflora. The daily dosage is 15-45 ml, it can be gradually reduced. Possible side effects are flatulence and bloating, but they pass quickly. This medicine will help you cope with constipation in a child.

Flax seeds, preparations based on cellulose, seaweed, agar-agar are also contraindicated - these drugs provoke the development of dehydration, which is extremely dangerous in the later stages.

Is it possible to do an enema during pregnancy?

It is contraindicated for future mothers to cleanse the intestines with enemas, especially if there have been miscarriages before, the uterus is in good shape, there are problems with the placenta. Only a doctor can perform the procedure in extreme cases, and only up to the 28th week of pregnancy.

How to eat right for constipation

All medications intended for emergency care, but they do not directly eliminate the problem of constipation. Only proper nutrition with constipation will help you avoid problems with the stool. Unfortunately, there are far fewer permitted products than prohibited ones.

Diet for constipation

Approved Products Prohibited Products
meat and fish of low-fat varieties;

fermented milk natural products- choose kefir and cottage cheese of medium fat content, since low-fat products contain little calcium;

nuts, except walnuts, vegetable fats, butter not more than 20 g per day;
vegetables and fruits in fresh, boiled, baked, steam form;
buckwheat, oatmeal, from semolina and rice - it is better to refrain;
dried apricots and prunes;

all fatty and harmful - canned food, sausages, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, fast food;

fat meat;

fried, spicy, smoked food;

hard cheese;

strong tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate;

sweets, pastries, fresh bread, pasta;

legumes, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, all types of cabbage - these products contribute to gas formation;

onion, garlic, radish;

grape, Apple juice- causes fermentation in the intestines.

Avoid overeating, eat often, but in small portions, have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, if your appetite has worked up in the evening, drink a glass of kefir or natural juice. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, provided that you have no problems with the kidneys, a tendency to edema.

What is better to drink during pregnancy?

Pure water without gas, natural juices with pulp, dried fruit compote. Fresh helps a lot potato juice, it must be diluted with water in equal proportions, drink 50 ml three times a day. Red rowan will also help improve the digestion process - squeeze the juice from 1 kg of berries, add 500 g of sugar, stir. Drink 50 ml in the morning and evening, store the drink in the refrigerator.

What is the danger of constipation in pregnant women

A single constipation will not bring much damage to health, but if the problem occurs regularly, then serious consequences develop.

Complications of constipation:

  • the balance of intestinal microflora is disturbed;
  • develops or worsens hemorrhoids;
  • due to microcracks, inflammatory processes occur in the colon;
  • against the background of putrefactive processes, the general state of health worsens - weakness, rashes on the skin.

With chronic constipation, the tone of the uterus increases, which can provoke a miscarriage, premature birth.


Almost every woman faces such a problem as constipation during pregnancy. This is not surprising, given the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. Solving the problem is not at all as difficult as it might seem, but for this you need to know the exact causes of its occurrence, as well as respond in a timely manner to the appearance of the first symptoms.

Where does constipation come from during pregnancy?

Timely identification of the causes will help to defeat constipation immediately after the problem appears. However, you should be aware that these very reasons can differ significantly at different times. For example, in the first trimester, difficulties when going to the toilet can cause:

  • a sharp decrease in physical activity associated with the need to comply with bed rest due to the high risk of abortion;
  • increased concentration of progesterone in the body, which causes atonic constipation during pregnancy. Progesterone relaxes the muscles of the intestine, which leads to difficulty in the removal of feces;
  • taking vitamin complexes and foods that contain large amounts of potassium and iron. These trace elements are very useful for a woman during pregnancy, but they complicate the process of defecation.

From the fourth month of pregnancy, new problems are added to the above-mentioned problems. They are mainly associated with the growth of the fetus. It leads to displacement internal organs and increasing pressure on them. At the same time, all existing problems with the digestive tract and intestines come to the surface. If in the normal state they may not manifest themselves in any way, then under pressure they create serious troubles.

Another reason why constipation occurs during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters is the lack of water. When severe edema occurs, its amount is severely limited, which leads to problems in the digestive system.

Toxicosis, provoking long breaks between meals, overeating, non-compliance with the diet also lead to negative consequences. But in this case, it is difficult to fight the pathology, it is necessary to wait until the body itself gets used to the changes taking place in it.

Constipation during pregnancy can also cause psychological stress. Its causes are the restructuring of the body, and the fear of the upcoming birth, and any problems in the family. Regardless of what such experiences arise, it is better to protect the expectant mother from them, since stress negatively affects the development of the fetus. Complete calmness and positive emotions are the main ways to protect against any diseases.

Problems that cause constipation during pregnancy

Recognizing constipation during pregnancy in the early stages or in the 2nd or 3rd trimester is not so difficult. The onset of the disease is indicated not only by problems with going to the toilet, but also by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • constant nausea;
  • decreased ability to work, deterioration in mood, lethargy, apathetic attitude to everything that happens around;
  • loss of appetite. With this symptom, the expectant mother needs to be dealt with first of all, since for the normal development of the fetus it is necessary to eat well;
  • the appearance of pain in the anus, the occurrence of rather painful cracks. Constipation during pregnancy can occur precisely because of such problems.

Also common symptoms include false urge to defecate and a feeling of fullness in the intestines. All this negatively affects the condition of a pregnant woman and is transmitted to the unborn baby, so you should not delay treatment.

Drug treatment of constipation: be extremely careful

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy? The main rule is not to self-medicate. Some medications for expectant mothers are generally banned, as they can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. For example, medications such as Senadexin or other Senna leaf tablets can cause a miscarriage.

It is best to see a doctor who can prescribe one of the following safe medications to help relieve constipation during pregnancy:

  • Dufalac syrup. It has a very delicate effect on the body, softens the feces and promotes their gentle removal from the body. The presence of a prebiotic in the composition makes it possible to simultaneously restore the normal microflora, to exclude the occurrence of problems in the future;
  • Microlax. Another delicate remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which is used for the so-called microclysters. Its main advantage is its high impact speed. The required laxative effect appears after 10-12 minutes;
  • Glycerin suppositories. A completely safe remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which gives an excellent effect. Its components do not penetrate into the blood and do not pose a risk to the health of the unborn baby.

Although these drugs are safe, treatment for constipation during pregnancy with their use should be performed only after consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to choose a medicine suitable for the characteristics of the body.

Folk remedies: use the gifts of nature

It is also necessary to consult a doctor before using any natural recipes. Many of them allow you to do without medicines and alleviate the condition of the future woman in labor. Let's take as an example:

  • a decoction of oatmeal, which are mixed with finely chopped beets and prunes;
  • raisins and dried apricots. 100 grams of each ingredient must be crushed and mixed with honey. Take two teaspoons at night;
  • herbal sedatives. They will help if constipation is accompanied by spasms.

Without fear, you can take a remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which is used by everyone, regardless of age and gender - warm water with honey. It softens the intestines, acts gently and delicately, but the effect should be expected only after a few hours.

Is it possible to avoid constipation during pregnancy: preventive methods

Constipation during pregnancy can be successfully prevented if preventive measures are taken. The most effective of them is dieting. Nutrition should fully meet the needs of the body, ensure its protection from a variety of diseases.

It is best to switch to fractional meals. That is, eat relatively small meals several times a day. With this approach, constipation during pregnancy occurs very rarely and without serious consequences. In addition, you must follow these recommendations:

    • it is advisable to completely remove coffee and strong black tea from the diet, pastries and white bread, bananas, and other foods that "fasten" the stomach, lead to the formation of gases and cause constipation during pregnancy;
    • no fatty and fried, too salty and spicy. However, this requirement helps to prevent not only constipation during pregnancy, but also many other diseases;
    • all meals containing a large amount of protein should be eaten in the morning so that they have time to digest properly;
    • for dinner, it is recommended to consume kefir or other fermented milk products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Everything else is heavy food, which is best left for the first half of the day;
    • It is very important to drink as much liquid as possible. At least one and a half liters per day. In the morning, you can drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice, which prevents constipation during pregnancy;

The menu can also include dried fruits, vegetable oils. Under a complete or partial ban for a pregnant woman, any pasta, fatty meat and any fats of animal origin, rice and semolina. In addition, it is very undesirable to use preserves and preserves that use spices, marinades, any chocolate products. It is difficult to follow such a diet, but it will help prevent or eliminate constipation during pregnancy, and will also have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

In order not to feel hungry while dieting, you can use fiber, which is sold in every pharmacy. We recommend mixing it with kefir or other fermented milk products - this allows you to make any snack more nutritious and healthy.

To avoid constipation during pregnancy, you need to move as much as possible. Walking, relaxing in nature or by the pool, light morning exercises and evening exercises will improve digestion. But before regular walks, it still does not hurt to consult a doctor so as not to risk the health of the unborn baby. You can do massage, but avoid strong pressure on the stomach and intestines. The following exercises are very helpful:

  • smooth squats. In the later stages, it is better to hold on to a chair to reduce the burden on the body;
  • exercises from a prone position - "bicycle" and "scissors";
  • tension and relaxation of the sphincter;
  • lifting the pelvis from a supine position.

Each exercise must be performed at least 10 times.

Summing up, we can list several main preventive measures to help prevent constipation during pregnancy:

  • diet, compiled with the participation of a qualified specialist;
  • physical activity within the limits established for pregnant women;
  • regular use of liquid - plain water, decoctions and compotes from dried fruits, fruit drinks, herbal tea;
  • only positive emotions. Constipation during pregnancy can cause nervous stress and depression for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is best to exclude these reasons in advance, if possible.

Negative effects of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy can and should be treated. It is impossible to simply ignore the problem in any case, since its consequences can be the most unpleasant:

  • deterioration of the general condition, nausea, migraine;
  • poisoning with feces, which are slowly excreted from the body;
  • problems with the gallbladder;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the rectum and other bowel diseases;
  • deterioration of the skin. Peeling of the skin, flabbiness are not very pleasant problems, which are caused by constipation during pregnancy;
  • negative impact on the growth and development of the fetus.

In addition, medicinal laxatives designed to treat constipation during pregnancy can create a serious risk of miscarriage, so it is very important not to bring the situation to their use. It is better to use preventive and alternative methods of treatment in advance, which will not cause any harm to the unborn baby.

Two-thirds of expectant mothers and every third of women who have given birth complain of constipation during pregnancy. At the same time, most of them prefer to cope with unpleasant symptoms themselves, finding them normal for their condition. However, such a frivolous attitude to the disease can be unsafe for both the mother and her unborn child. It is very important to improve a woman's well-being in a timely manner and properly conducted therapy. Let's find out what provoked constipation during pregnancy, what threats it poses to the mother and child, and how to solve the problem of eliminating it without negative consequences.

Constipation is a disorder of the functions of the intestinal tract, which is expressed by:

  1. in long intervals between defecation processes, if we compare these periods before pregnancy;
  2. in difficulties arising during emptying (even if the usual frequency of the stool is maintained);
  3. in periodically repeated sensations of incomplete bowel emptying.

During such a complication, the volume of feces secreted from the intestines decreases, and its density also changes (it hardens, its structure resembles a stone). Often, with constipation, you have to push, experience pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

What causes constipation in pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is associated with prolapse of the uterus, a change in the position (displacement) of the intestine. Among the circumstances that cause constipation during pregnancy, of a psychological nature, is the fear of harming the child with prolonged complicated defecation. In addition, non-compliance correct mode Diet and junk food also lead to this problem. Constipation in pregnant women is divided into two types: alimentary and mechanical.

Conditions for the occurrence of alimentary constipation can be:

  • sudden intra-intestinal decrease in the amount of water;
  • reducing the amount of food and fluid in the body;
  • The foods that prevail on the menu do not include enough fiber.

The reasons for the occurrence of mechanical constipation can be:

  1. Mechanical constipation occurs due to a violation or cessation of the passage of feces in the small or large intestine.
  2. Often, the structure of feces and its passage are affected by various diseases (renal failure, diabetes, hemorrhoids) and the intake of certain medications.

Causes of constipation at various stages of pregnancy

Constipation in pregnancy is caused by many factors. This is a restructuring of the general hormonal background, an increase in the size of the uterus and a functional shift of the intestine due to fetal pressure. Often the reason for the delay in stool is a purely psychological reason, when a woman who is in an interesting position is afraid of strong tension during defecation, so as not to harm her child. In addition, anxiety about the possible appearance of hemorrhoids interferes with normal emptying.

Constipation during early pregnancy is provoked by such reasons:

  • consequences of systemic diseases;
  • decrease in gastric secretion and reduction of its evacuation capacity;
  • increased production of progesterone by the body, which reduces the intensity of intestinal motility.

Constipation during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. Transformations that occur at the hormonal level and increased production of progesterone by the body, which helps to reduce the tone of the muscles of the intestinal tract, which causes its hypotension.
  2. Lack in the daily menu of hard fiber found in vegetables, fruits and grains. This also includes changes in taste preferences, in which, for example, greens or other necessary food products seem tasteless to a lady in a position, or generally unpleasant in taste.
  3. Insufficient water intake due to fear of possible swelling of the legs.
  4. Emotional overstrain, which almost all women experience during pregnancy, it helps to reduce the peristalsis of the intestinal tract. Fear of upcoming childbirth and changes at the psycho-emotional level serve as a prerequisite for the occurrence of constipation of neurogenic etiology.
  5. Lack of physical activity, especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and with the threat of miscarriage, sometimes a woman has to observe forced bed rest - this leads to intestinal atony.
  6. The intake of certain vitamins and microelements, which are sometimes recommended for pregnant women, is quite capable of provoking a decrease in colon peristalsis.
  7. A significant increase in the size of the uterus in the later stages and a change in the location of any intestinal loop can dull the sensation of the urge to defecate.
  8. Strengthening the manifestations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, if they were observed before pregnancy.

AT human body special compounds are formed that activate intestinal motility. And when pregnancy occurs, in the intestinal tract, the ability to produce such a substance is significantly reduced, which becomes one of the causes of constipation. Since the uterus and intestines have a single innervation, as a result of which almost every excessive stimulation of intestinal motility can give impetus to the contractile activity of the uterus, which can provoke the risk of abortion. But, unfortunately, this reflex can create a significant problem - such a violation in the activity of the intestines as constipation during pregnancy. The main thing is that there is no therapy for such constipation, since it is purely physiological in nature.

The main signs of constipation during pregnancy

  • inability to properly empty more than 3 days;
  • reduction in the number of bowel movements;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • irritation in the anus;
  • burning sensation in the rectum;
  • the feces are steep and almost stony;
  • blood impurities in the feces;
  • a very small proportion of feces excreted from the body;
  • the intestines are not completely emptied;
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth and nausea;
  • rumbling in the abdomen and flatulence.

How to treat constipation during pregnancy

Side effects of almost all medicines, their ability to penetrate the placental barrier, discomfort in well-being - these are the reasons that make it impossible to use most traditional methods of healing. Consider some of the most harmless options for curing constipation, both with the help of traditional medicine and home remedies.

What can pregnant women from constipation: medications

The effects on the body of almost all means that facilitate bowel movements are to improve intestinal motility. Treatment of constipation during pregnancy with laxatives is used if dietary and lifestyle adjustments have not produced the desired effect. Considering that most pharmaceuticals are characterized by serious side effects, only the doctor is obliged to prescribe them for the expectant mother and only after comparing the benefits of their use and the likely danger to the unborn child.

Constipation in pregnant women can be treated with such medications:

  1. Rectal suppositories with glycerin - stimulate the work of the rectum and do not affect the hypertonicity of the uterus.
  2. Duphalac, Prelax - contain substances based on lactulose, retain water in the intestinal tract, which helps soften the stool, activates motility and evacuation function of the intestine.
  3. Microclysters (Mikrolaks) - the drug is characterized by a quick onset of the result.
  4. Vaseline oil - assists in softening the contents of the intestine and its easy excretion.

Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy

Undoubtedly, before using any of the home remedies in the fight against the disease, you need to consult your doctor, since it is not known how the body of a pregnant woman will respond to any drug.

The most famous methods of dealing with constipation that will not harm the expectant mother:

  • Dilute freshly squeezed potato juice with water (1: 1), drink it three times a day, 1/4 cup before meals.
  • Squeeze juice from 1 kg of red rowan, add 600 g of sugar to it, stir. Drink twice a day for a quarter cup. Store juice in a cool place.
  • Brew 1 teaspoon of flax seed with boiling water (200 ml). Insist for several hours, drink at night, without first filtering the seeds.

Is it worth it to see a doctor

Constipation during pregnancy is not something to be taken lightly. Harmful substances, formed during constipation in the large intestine, can cause severe harm to the child and the well-being of a pregnant woman. The frequent consequences of constipation can, in turn, provoke uterine hypertonicity, which can lead to miscarriage.

Constipation in pregnant women can lead to abnormalities in the intestinal microflora, and contribute to the increased reproduction of bacteria. As a result of prolonged constipation, pathogenic bacteria freely enter the urinary system from the intestines. After some time, they will be able to infect the genitals, and also become the root cause of colpitis.

In addition, constipation during pregnancy in the first trimester exacerbates the risk of purulent-septic complications in the future. For example, the possibility of postnatal endometritis or hemorrhoids during pregnancy increases, the threat of premature birth increases.

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